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Old 12-05-2008, 01:31 PM   #469
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
The day has been quiet. Everyone begins to wonder, is this nightmare almost over? Are we all about to be free? Yet there is odd tension in the air. Everyone can feel it, it feels like grief, anger and hatred all rolled into one tightly knit package.

It is easily dismissed as something caused by this unexplainable week which has left everyone both physically and emotionally exhausted. Fingers point around the room more than ever. No-one wants to be the next target, of the evil which lurks inside or the angry mob. You ponder your next move.

A scream echoes through the club. "No one gets out alive!!!"

The lights dim. Evil laughter fills the air. Though you can see little it is apparant that everyone has the same expression as you look around the room, a soulless, emotionless expression.

"Fools, all of you!!!"

Everyone drops to the ground, exhausted, a hollow shell. You struggle back to your feet and then you see it. The body of the bouncer now sways in the air, suspended from a beam in the ceiling by a rope.

You are too drained to even move.

Sparks, a flash of light, puffs of smoke fill the air making it too dense to breath, let alone see. You sink slowly back to the ground, now wishing for it all to be over. Your will to go on is almost entirely gone. You close your eyes...

Soon there is the sound of movement. Everyone slowly staggers back to their feet. Your eyes focus where you saw the bouncer but there is nothing. He is nowhere to be seen.

How can you escape this. There is one way, but that is the cowardly way. You must push on...
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