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Old 03-30-2023, 10:46 AM   #2933
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Since I moved to Idaho I understand the non-crazies gun culture a little more.

I keep moving further and further left politically, and the saying that "once you go far enough left you get your guns back!" is very true. If not for mental health risks I would own one by now.

I do still believe in most sensible gun control measures though, and I believe that gun control centered around mass shootings, and our conversations around mass shootings are extremely flawed. We obviously have a severe problem that no one else in the world has and protecting children should be a priority in our country in every way, but an unbelievable number of gun deaths are related to suicides and domestic violence and there are huge driver's of reform and common sense laws that we should have a conversation around that would help to lower those numbers and that would hopefully cause even a small culture shift around guns in America that could have a positive impact on mass shootings in an indirect way.

That's not a knock on any of the discussion here, of course when something tragic like this happens we all look at how and why it happened and if anything could have prevented it. But a national discussion and reform around guns could IMO happen in a more measured way and not as a reaction to any one event, or event series of events.
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