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Old 06-17-2006, 01:26 PM   #13
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago, Ill
For any prospective pet owners out there, I have nothing but the highest regard for . It is a collection of many animals at all the shelters across the nation. From what I gather, the pet lists are very up to date and they also have the contact information of most all the shelters listed if you wanted to get into contact with them. It was recommended to me by a friend online and it certainly increased the amount of possible targets I had to adopt.

It was because of that I ran into a new batch of puppies, again all beagles. Apparently, a 1 year old beagle was brought into the Animal Rescue Fund(ARF) in Muncie, Indiana from another shelter. And in the very next day, Murphy Brown gave birth to a litter of 6 puppies. (You can see Murphy nursing her puppies in the link.) The puppies listed were all adorable, but one caught my eye right away. He was a lemon and white beagle named Casper. I read his profile and decided quickly that if he was available, that I would be very interested in getting him. I emailed ARF late that very night and wasn't sure if I was going to hear back from them. Obviously puppies don't tend to stay listed for very long and quite honestly, Muncie Indiana is about a 4 and a half hour drive from me so I wasn't sure if that was the best option for me either.

The next day, I recieved this email from ARF:

Do you live in a house or an apt.? Are pets allowed if you are renting? If you would like to email your number I can call you on thursday and we can further discuss adoption. These guys will go quickly, Chloe is already on hold and possibly Casper.



I sent a reply giving her the information she requested and also made a mention that if anything happened to the other inquiring owner, I would be more than interested in bringing home Casper. I figured at this point that I would probably not hear from them nor would I adopt a puppy from ARF. Not that there was anything wrong with the other puppies, they were all good looking puppies in their own way, but Casper was the only one giving me an inclination to want to drive the long drive just to pick him up.
Our Deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?
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