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Old 06-13-2013, 02:51 PM   #343
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
First bike ride of the year was expected to be terrible. It was worse. How much worse? I ended up running.

Pulled my bike off of the stationary, realized it probably needed some air in both the tires. I pull my air pump out, take off the cover on the front tire and twist the pump onto the tire. In the process of pumping tire #1, the top of the airpump breaks off and I struggle mightily to no avail to re-connect it properly. It seems as if the top piece just couldn't hold to the latch and after probably 30 minutes of trying, no air in the tires. So I begrudingly take the bike upstairs and decide to run.

Running is much more of a pain in the ass to me for many reasons. 1) More physical. More importantly, 2) no where to keep all of my possessions. Had to abandon my ipod, as I can't have it bouncing around, plus, my earbuds kept falling out. Ended up taking my house key off of my keychain, but then it kept flying out of my pocket, so I had to tape it to my arm (that looked kewl). No place for my wallet, either, so I just took my ID/debit out and put that in my pocket. Not to mention my phone that's keeping track of all of this had to bounce around in my shorts. With a bike, all those things are easily contained in a case in the front.

As for the run. Well, I suck at running. I was winded very easily, ending up doing about 55/45 on the run-to-walk ratio. Took 29 minutes to do 2.4 miles. Right as I upload it I see digamma did 4.5 miles in a little over that time. Sweet!

It might be slightly skewed as I was getting hosed on the intersection crosswalks. How do you all account for those? Do you pull your phone out and pause the timer? EDIT: Ok, I see upon my results it says my moving time was 27:04... that's pretty cool that it adjusts like that.

Last edited by korme : 06-13-2013 at 02:55 PM.
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