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Old 09-19-2020, 12:51 PM   #15
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
A few other notes from the first game:

Most Common York Activity: Bowling - 4 times (including last legal turn)
You generally want to be flipping tiles to the rose side, because that's worth more Victory Points generally (and increases your chances in courtships), but I found myself going repeatedly to the Bowling Green tile for that 200 pounds - 4 times bowling of 16 turns = 25% of the time, we were doing the bowls thing.

Victory Points Distribution (Adjusted Score)
Objective/Milestone VP - 39 points - 24.8% [Average: 11.1%] (+13.7%)
Gentry VP - 39 points - 24.8% (Average: 21.6%) (+3.2%)
Improvement Tile VP - 31 points - 19.8% (Average 26.7%) (-6.9%)
Reputation VP - 21 points - 13.4%(Average: 16.6%) (-3.2%)
Courtship/VP Cards VP - 14 points - 8.9% (Average 8.3%) (+0.6%)
Service VP - 12 points - 7.6% (Average 13.3%) (-5.7%)
Wealth VP - 1 point - 0.6% (Average 2.4%) (-1.8%)

The average is based on 48 playtest games. So as you can see, the Objectives from that game (and the Gentry) really powered that victory - combining for almost 50% of my point total by themselves.

Although the improvement tiles were much lower than the average, let's see what the final board state looked like:

Take out the Monument tile - that was on the illegal turn.

At first blush, it looks like the Estate tiles were the big focus. But in terms of Victory Points:

Prestige: 14 points - 43.8%
Estate: 12 points - 37.5%
Sporting: 4 points - 12.5%
Service: 2 points - 6.3%
(100.3 due to rounding up of Prestige and Service)

81.3% came from Prestige and Estate combined, and Prestige being #1 shows the value of those big value tiles (flipped State Room and Music Room).

Let's move on to the next game:

The Ponsonby family are the Wessex' mortal enemy due to their newfound wealth. You can see their 300 pounds bonus here. And yay, a bearded patriarch and blonde daughter! I also love the purple box. This might end up my favorite family.

Our opponents. I skipped the Intermediate level, because I feel like I have a good handle on the base game with Wessex expansion now. Of note: There is virtually zero chance of beating the Hanovers in Prestige in Round 1 courtship. They start with a super luxurious estate.

Starting casual guests and objectives draw.

Opening market.

Round 1, Season 1
I have a feeling Service is going to play a far heavier role in this game than the Yorks - one of our Objectives rewards it and the opening market points in that direction.

To that end, first turn is the standard Private Study. The Earl collects tenant rent and though the money tempts, the Viscount works on improving reputation instead.

500 pounds = me spending all of it to grab the Butlers' pantry, which immediately nets me an Underbutler.

The tall, black Meeple fills every single male role in the base game (Butler, Footman, Valet) and every role in the Upstairs/Downstairs expansion except the Useful Man. So that's a powerful addition to the staff.

The AI eats the Morning Room, which I'm a little sad about. I love the modular 1, 2, or 3 gentry. I drew both tiles, so no Morning Room for us this game.

Round 2, Season 1
Countess Mabel and the business-savvy Caroline West go bowling on the lawn. I spend 100 pounds on the Brushing Room, which allows me to use the Footman as a Valet if there are no other Valets available. That means if I have the whole staff available, I can provide service to 3 gentlemen who require a valet. Already I'm in great, versatile shape with the staff.

The AI eats the French Garden, which is a big Estate tile - even larger than the English Garden we saw last game. Unfortunate.

Round 3, Season 1
Story Mode
Having expanded their staff with an Underbutler and added a brushing room to educate the young footman in how to serve as a valet, the Ponsonbys turned their attention to expanding their social network. To that end, the extraordinarily connected Thomas Handle, Esquire was invited to afternoon tea.

Young Handle was a prattling poppinjay notorious for schmoozing. Lady Margaret absolutely and utterly refused to put up with his braggadocio despite Countess Mabel's entreaties. Fearful that Thomas would decline the invitation to tea, the Countess struck upon the idea of inviting Miss Agnes Dansby to be his partner. Surely he would be impressed by someone whose lineage went all the way back to Richard III!

Miss Dansby reluctantly agreed, remarking, "I'm only agreeing to this because of our long friendship. But so help me, do not ask me to entertain him again!"

Thomas eagerly agreed upon hearing that the impressive Miss Dansby would also be at tea. All afternoon, he spoke at length about knowing the sporty Viscountess Peele and the "simply hilarious James Hereford who I play cards with quite frequently". While the Viscountess was certainly a worthy guest, witty Squire Hereford also had a penchant for gambling and get-rich-quick schemes. Not the kind of guest one wanted to invite.

The afternoon was not a total loss, however. In the course of conversation about how impressive the Ponsonby staff was, the two discovered they both knew the Viscountess of Abernathy, a shrew who was notorious for excessive demands of staff and dismissive of young people.

"I can't stand the woman myself," said Thomas.

A point in her favor, Miss Dansby thought wryly, though she did not give voice to that - instead sardonically observing that perhaps a good tumble would serve the uptight Viscountess well.

The village fair took place around this time, as it always did. And with the money in reserve, the Ponsonbys delected to spend most of it to construct a Heritage Guest Suite - so impressive a place to stay that it would earn even more favor with most of their present guest list.

Game Mechanics
This ended up being an important early turn in terms of setting up the first courtship. With the Gazebo flip and the purchase of the Heritage Guest Suite, we're now ahead in every category but Prestige (which I'm not even going to challenge any time soon).

I kept the same three monuments, so I just have to hope one doesn't come up and spoil my plans. So far it hasn't *knocks on pressed fake wood*

Bye-bye to the Croquet Lawn, which I'm kinda mad about. It's one of the rare tiles I've seen so far where playing it a second time actually nets more than the base activity.

Round 4, Season 1
Story Mode
The Ponsonbys lost no time in making use of their new guest suite, inviting the exceptional horseman and baronet, Sir Richard Brannaugh to stay at the manor. Sir Richard was as particular about assistance as he was his horses, traveling with his hand-picked right-hand man and refusing the help of any other servants.

The baronet and his man both spoke glowingly of how refreshing their sleep was there after that day's riding and said they would tell everyone they knew that this was the best bed in Derbyshire.

Game Mechanics
My decision to have Viscount Edward take the Reputation point over the 100 pounds in Round 1 proved prescient, because in combination with the reputation boost provided by the Village Fair and Miss Dansby last round, it was just enough to put me at 2.1 Reputation - hosting eligible for the Baronet.

Courtship is a 75% chance to go my way.

It does. Score a VP card for me and Elizabeth Fairchild, because at 2.3 Reputation, I feel like the Prestige Guest is worth more than the extra rep Charles Fairchild provides.

Edit: Horrible news - the AI eats the Hillside Kennels, which might well kill any chance I had to fulfill the Gentleman's Group Objective.
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Last edited by Izulde : 09-19-2020 at 01:02 PM.
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