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Old 05-14-2010, 12:15 AM   #60
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Hmm, as the resident Clippers fan on the board (to my knowledge, the only one), I figured I might as well chip in here on several points:

1. Rainmaker, I would love to agree with you. But no way this happens. LeBron is aware of the seeming bad luck and bad ownership of the Clips, and he can get his money from several places, so why would he do this, go to LA where there is another, more dominant team and a very notable superstar already dominating the town.

2. The Clippers do have a good young core. They will add another lottery pick this offseason and they have a ton of cap space. They could max out LeBron and still sign another decent player. That said, there is much bad mojo around this team, I find it hard to believe an image conscious guy like LeBron would even consider it. The Clips have some money to spend--but I suspect the only way they get a splashy free agent is by being the only team to offer a max contract to a player that doesn't deserve it (Boozer and Joe Johnson come to mind) or by waiting out all of the free agents, so that the only choice left to the last of the big free agents is to take the Clips' money if they want a big contract.

3. The Lakers are so far ahead of the Clippers in LA, it's ridiculous. LeBron to the Clips would indeed raise the team's profile, and they would do well with ticket sales and there probably would be more of a budding rivalry there. But even with all of that, this will always be a Laker town, and the Clips will never have the profile of the Lakers, no matter who they sign.

4. Sterling is a piece of shit. He treats people like shit. He is a racist m'effer who really needs to sell the team or have the good grace to leave this mortal coil. He's a cheap bastard but gives lip service to spending big. Bullshit. You see how the guy does business, how he fires people, how he hires people. This guy doesn't deserve a star like LeBron. He's lucky--he got me hooked with a good, young team in the late 80s, early 90s that looked like it could do something (Benoit Benjamin, Danny Manning, Charles Smith, Reggie Williams, Gary Grant, etc.). Because he doesn't deserve my fandom either.

Until Sterling is gone, this team will not only be run too poorly and cheaply to succeed, it will rightly be on the business end of the karma stick.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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