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Old 02-07-2012, 03:45 AM   #13
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Today's auction ender's: The items of 2/6

2/6, Item 1: Leftover from PAX, a SWAG Tshirt for the game Prey2. I loved the original Prey but the sequel demo looked nothing like it the original and the tshirt was somewhat uninspired. But it netted me 9.99! (the opening bid)
Status: Packaged and postaged. WIll ship tomorrow.

2/6 Item #2: Long sweater - from some costume closet somewhere. Who knows how I end up with things. This one was in better condition than the other one so put it up for 9.99. Didn't get as many watchers as the other but boy did it finish with a bidwar! Went up to 19.50! women like to fight over clothes for sure. But they alwso like to wait for the last day it seems. And most seem to forget to bid as seen from the first sweater.
Status: Awaiting payment

Item #3: My favorite other full set of Core 3.5 D&D books. started them at 14.99. I also have been setting the shipping cost at 9.99 instead of the full 10.20 it will take to mail them. I can suck the 21 cents. I have found people do this. Go a higher price and say free shipping. Or some brave souls even start low AND say free shipping. I am not that brave... I guess there indeed HAS to be a market for the stuff to be sure. But I've also gotten stuck not getting a lot of profits cause half goes to shiping if it doesn't sell well. And I DON"T like that.
The final was a LITTLE disappointing...Started at 14.99 and it went up to....$65.10. Lotsa bidders and 11 total bids.
Was hoping the last few hours would have been the ultrabidwar happen.

I suspect the winner owns a gaming store with a name like Dragoncards and 2304 points worth of feedback (you get 1 feedback per sale/buy IF they give you he's probably sold even more than that).
Status: Awaiting payment

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 02-07-2012 at 04:55 AM.
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