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Old 08-04-2004, 06:51 PM   #332
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Placerville, CA
Originally Posted by Suicane75
Alright, I'm gonna get a little serious in this thread for a moment but still stay in the same vein.

About 3 years ago my best friend (who works at a gym) relayed to me a story about one of our old gradeschool classmates (we'll call him Bob) had just signed up at the gym. They got to talking about old times and Bob mentioned that he had hooked with our 6th grade teacher recently.

Now, Bob is in his mid 20's and the teacher would have to be at least 50-55 but that's not the important thing. This teacher was a foundation for me, she was the one who pushed me and really allowed me to flourish, she didn't call me crazy when i brought a pound puppy to school on a leash, she didn't give up on me when I fell asleep in class or when I went nuts and went after another kid with a wiffle ball bat in the middle of class. She gave up her lunch time 3 days a week to play trivial pursuit with me, she was just the best teacher i ever had.

Now when I heard about this tryst that occured it gave me a pit in my stomach even though I know they're both consenting adults and theres a 50-50 chance it isn't even true (I initialy called bullshit but I can't be positive so I still think about it as if it might have happened). Am I wrong to judge this lady? It just gives me the heebie jeebies to think that she may have actually screwed a former 6th grade student. And before anyone asks, no I don't have pics and no you really don't want them, she was a 6 packer in 6th grade and that was 15 years ago.

If she was a six-packer 15 years ago, maybe she just needed a little lovin'. Seriously, I wouldn't have a problem with it... there's nothing wrong with boinking a former 6th grader 15 years later. If anything, doing a younger guy probably made your teacher feel pretty good about herself.
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