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Old 02-25-2009, 02:57 AM   #235
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Recruiting Preview

So I had about 7 juniors I'd been working on. One was a 4* guy, the rest 3*. I didn't realize that the * ratings could change from year to year. The 4* guy I was going after turned into the #5 recruit in the nation out of Chicago. Unfortunately, he kinda wants to play at a big program and has Tennessee and Cincinnati at the top of his list. We have no shot and I have too many holes to fill to waste my points on him.

A couple targets are obvious early:

PG Shavlik Willie - #147 OVr/#49 PG, he seems to want to stay in the northeast and favors Rhode Island and Boston College over us, but we've got my A+ Charisma going for us, and we're going to go hard after him early. After all, we don't have a whole lot of PG depth.

SF Kaylen Lufkin - #216 OVR/#48 SF - We're #5 on his list, competing with Dayton and Xavier and Townson State. If Dayton or Xavier hit him we may struggle, but he's from Columbus and we'll try hard to keep him close to home.

I go ahead and drop off the PF and C targets I was going after. I need to recruit 4 guards/SF's here, I can pretty much ignore the inside guys for now. And I'm not likely to have a lot of luck with these PF's that want playing time with all the inside depth I have.

After those two top targets a number of guards and a few SF's have pretty high interest in me. A couple SG's ranked in the low #300's seem like good shots, as does a PG out of Washington, DC that seems to like me only a little less than UVA and George Washington.

I have a couple weeks to recruit before games start and i end up offering all 5 scholarships early, all to 3* guys. There's only 1 that it looks likely that I can get to 100% before teh early signing period. The others all have some flaws, they're the best players that are interested in me, but either they want playing time and they see Cooper as a freshman 4* guard, or they want to stay near home and they live in Boston.

More on recruiting as we get closer to the early signing period. It looks like, with the preseason tournament, we'll have 7 games to play by then. I'll probably play 4 of them and sim 3.
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