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Old 12-03-2008, 10:52 AM   #8
Lethargic Hooligan
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
In general, I am of the opinion that FA probably works well, but money is too available - more so as a league matures.

Some thoughts:

1. Multi-Year bonus minimum should increase as the salary cap increases.
2. Players mood should be more affected by their salary compared to counterparts in similar roles.
3. Players should have an attribute that defines how they see themsleves (Top Player, Top 5 player, Top 10 Player, Starter, Backup, Happy to Be Here) or whatever. Play and pay outside that role should affect their mood.
4. Mood should affect their play and potentialy team play.
5. I have long avdocated having the player coach relationship matter - much like player to player/leader. It should affect mood as well for players already on a team.

In general, find a way to have players consume more money. The growth of salary demands should not be tied to the cap increase, but to other contracts. The moment Ben offered a league high contract to the WR, the other players on his team and also in every team should be getting ansy for more money. Perhaps a hidden "Play for Contract" rating could create some variation.

Give us more reasons to cut or trade a guy. That will eat cap space.

Also, I am of the opinion that balloon money should count more. In the NFL, this serves 2 functions: 1.) Pride and posture - who has the largest total contract. 2.) This is forces renegotitation or cutting. A five year deal with two sill years is really a 3 year deal with a forcing action. Everyone expects another deal.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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