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Old 04-16-2010, 06:56 AM   #195
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: DeKalb, IL
Hoops, I was looking at this a little differently. I was thinking that the supplies thing probably means we are at another dealer table. We have some money, but not a ton (I think you guys have $100 each, I've got $60). There wasn't much there in the 100 range that seemed truly worthwhile but I guess we could pool resources.

I am tempted more tempted to do the question mark, the experience, OR continuing down the hall. Any thought on having J23 cast a discover magic spell here? Could lead us to or away from something. But I guess the problem is if he picks up on magic, do we rush towards it or avoid it.

I'm all about the fight in the experience room. I was thinking differently about it, that it could just be a mass of easy to kill/smaller xp horde of monsters that would let us rack up points.

The question mark is of course tempting to my evil soul.

But all in all, this is a race and if we can by pass and keep going, we might make up time, even if we miss out on some things.

That's just me, kill in the XP room, discover what the question mark is, or continue down the hall.

From Hoops' post and mine, looks like the only one that is similar is trying the unknown room. J23, thoughts?
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