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Old 04-12-2019, 09:49 PM   #3
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
To create a character for this, this is what I need to know.

A) Character Name
B) Appearance (Like, Ryu would be: Man in a white karate gi with the arms torn off, and wears a black headband
C) Fighting Style (This is fluff, but it'll help me in creating special maneuvers: Again, Ryu would be "One of the last practitioners of Shotokan-Anatsuken"
D) Why does your character fight (Ryu trains to become the ultimate Martial Artist, and unlock all the secrets of Shotokan-Anatsuken)

Character Creation Options:


There are three main attributes in this game


The stat range is from -1 (Weak), 0 (Fighting World Average), 1 (Good), 2 (Great)

Choose 1 of two options for your character:

Balanced: Two of the stats are 1 (Good), the third is 0 Average (arrange as you want)
Unbalanced: Choose one stat to be -1 (Weak), one stat to be 0 (Average), and one stat to be 2 (Great)

What kind of martial arts skills does he have (Just give me a couple descriptors, are they good at beating up packs of thugs, is he very good at defensive skills, etcetera.)

What kind of skills do they have OUTSIDE the ring? (Like for example are they a policeman, a gang boss, etcetera)

Name a couple things that seperate them from others (for example, Matt Clown above is Big and Intimidating)

And describe a couple special maneuvers they might have. (If you're really good at fighting games, you can suggest what kinda controller commands would be needed to do the fighting move. The game offers a modular move building system that can create anything from a tiny fireball to a giant meteor, just that the giant meteor will be harder to pull off)
Check out Foz's New Video Game Site, An 8-bit Mind in an 8GB world!
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