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Old 05-22-2010, 05:45 PM   #472
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
A search of the torture chamber finds a pair of tortured humans in the corner, who tell Alzar they came in from the south wall. There are no obvious doors out, but there are some cells in here. They find two secret doors south, one in a cell room and the other in the base of the room. The one on the cell appears to be wizard locked. Alzar uses the Wand to open it.

They enter a room lit by a ruddy glow with the air alive with the aroma of wild herbs and rotting flesh. There are crates ,bookshelves, and more in here, with a table and cabinet piled high with books, clay crocks, canisters and jars and such.

A search finds alchemical and lab equipment worth 2000 gp
Three flasks of potions (Giant Strength, Levitation, Healing)
Five Pellets in a small box (Flash Pellets)
1500 gp worth of alchemical books

There is a corridor on the other side, and they follow it to an end but a door here is easily opened. They emerge into a bedroom with an aged human sitting by a table and pouring a yellow flask into a glass cylinder. He looks up, and then continues. “I’m not going to stop you or get in your way.”

Alzar asks where they are, and the alchemist says the specialist quarters ,where the specialists of the stockade stay and sleep. Alzar offers money to the alchemist to switch to his side and help him. “I’m not going to help or hinder you, I’m staying out of everybody’s way.”

They exit and enter a hallway with many doors on the sides. This is the area marked on the map from the captain’s chest. Alzar recognizes it. They enter the next room and find this is locked. Alzar manages to pick it, and they open it to find a man with a crossbow aimed at his chest and demanding to know his business. Alzar sees no point in lying and says he intends to shut this place down. He offers the man money to help. He agrees. There are some werewolves down here that are used as the shock troops, and they will be used on anyone, even loyal staff like himself.

He is Carlstar Wiorfether, a 3rd level fighter, neutral, with a crossbow, military pick, and silver dagger, but just 15 hp. He is employed as the engineer of the area. Alzar offers him 1000 gold to escort them and show them the various areas, and he agrees, but he will only fight in self defense. The engineer grabs his things and has 500 gp and a potion of Curing lycanthropy. Alzar grabs his books on siegecraft and defenses and pockets them, as a token of thanks. His ESP spell proved Carlstar intends to keep his side of the bargain.

He points to a door and tells them it is a scribes quarters. He is totally loyal to Markeesa. Alzar grabs his throwing dagger, opens the door and flings it at the man sitting quietly at a table. It hits for 10 damage and the scribe dies. They find papers showing how profitable the operation is, and how widespread. Slave peddlers and purchasers are given code words. Outside of Valia, other nations have all banned slavery, so the outposts are outside their purview in these islands off the coast. A search turns up:

100 ivory pipe.
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