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Old 06-22-2020, 02:56 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2016
Round 3 ideas

Nice video Squirrel and Q...

Interesting to know, that you don`t pay much attention to the league appointed scout. I do think you underestimate him a bit in the 0-minus and 100-plus debate. If both your own scout and the league scout rates 0 or 100, there might be surplus value and vice versa. If the league scout dosn`t agree on an fx 100 rating, I don`t really think there is worthwhile surplus value. If both scouts rates him 100 - then there might be some surplus value worth looking in to.

Getting more SP players over to the MP part of the game will strengthen FoF in the long run. Could it be an idea to go over the different FoF MP leagues and talk a bit about them? More inside into the other mp leagues could be fun.

Also -where i'm struggling is coverting exported CSV data to Excel files. I play in the CFL and that is not a Ben league, which make the affinity hunt rather tedious, so I turned to Excel. I got to the point, where managed to color-code players based of Zodiac. I kinda lost the motivation due to lack of skill when I needed to merge in information from CSV files to get player names and so on. I imagine the inability in converting data to functional update-able excel sheets is where the good FOF-players are separated from the great ones.

In regards of your video, if you need help spending time before starting at your new job (congrats by the way) I can strongly recommend double tapping that Transport Tycoon Deluxe icon on your desktop😏
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