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Old 09-05-2020, 05:10 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2020
Originally Posted by Landshark44 View Post
great stuff.... thx again for sharing some stuff, that i didn't know....


when working on a gameplan... if i have 15/5 set on first and 10....does the order of the plays matter at all? are they just randomly picked from the 15? do they go in the order they are listed?

when Ben says- "if i have 65 plays, i only call each 1 time, for a total of 65 entries" I'm wondering what the number of "entries" represents?

is it the total of the 15/5 15/5 9/3 plays you have set in each category? what is "entry" in regards to number of plays called..

The order is the order the plays will be called in that situation, so in a sense the order does matter. It’s debatable on if the sequence of plays improves efficiency but the order they are in the game plan is the order they will be called in game. When Ben says he has 65 entries he means there aren’t plays listed for multiple scenarios. Instead of having duplicates and 100ish plays in the game plan he only uses each play once.
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