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Old 03-09-2006, 11:15 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Paranoia Mission 1 (A game in the vein of WSU)

BACKGROUNDThis was originally posted on a werewolf board I frequent. However, it’s really nothing like a werewolf game at all (no voting, no wolves, etc) and so I thought I would post it here in honor of some of the great games WSU has run. All credit should really go to Ze Weeg who came up with 98% of the rules. The goal for this game is to require far less of a time commitment then does a werewolf game and to have most of the game go on behind the scenes through PMs and other means of communications.

Cliff Notes Version of the Rules
You are a member of a team and have a role. Some roles allow for special abilities. Normally for each turn decide on someone to shoot. If three people shoot that person they die. You win if only members of your team or people with a similar role are left.

SIGN-UPS:I am looking for at least 16 people, but can take as many as wish to play. Signup will last 1 week; when signing up please choose a name to be known by. Such names should follow this format:


First names and last names must be 3 or 4 letters long. All players start this game with a rank of red (see The spoils of Victory Below)

THE GAME: Paranoia -- Mission 1

SUMMARY: [Deleted for security reasons.]

THE OBJECT: Kill the hell out of the other players until only you and members of your own Secret Society remain. (You can then return from this, the latest suicide mission assigned by the Computer, and claim victory -- knowing you and your fellow Society members will cover for each other.)


Basic Game Play:

-- The game is divided into 48-hour Rounds.
-- Players may post on the game thread at any time.
-- Players may also PM (or otherwise communicate with each other) freely.
-- Before the end of each Round, each player secretly PMs an Action order to The Computer (i.e., the Moderator).
-- Each player may perform only ONE Action per Round.
-- The Actions a player may take are determined by his Role (see below).
-- If any player fails to submit an Action order by the end of the round, he forfeits his Action.
-- At the end of the Round, The Computer determines the results of all Actions, PMs the results of secret Actions as necessary, and then posts the publicly-known results of the Round on the game thread (which will probably include the grisly deaths of several unfortunate Troubleshooters).
-- The next Round then begins.
-- The game ends when (a) only members of one Secret Society remain alive, (b) all players are dead, or (c) only two players are left, and they cannot kill or otherwise eliminate each other.
-- Generally, when the game ends, the surviving player(s) win. There are a couple of rare exceptions to this rule, however ...

Victory Conditions: The primary way to win is to survive until the only clones left alive are members a Secret Society that you belong to. See Ending the Game, below, for details on how the game ends and how victors are determined.

Communications: At all times, players may post freely on the main game thread. Players may also freely PM or otherwise communicate with each other at any time. (Players are not limited to using the FOFC pms to communicate about the game -- players may use regular email, telephone, face-to-face contact, carrier pigeon, or any other method of communication if they feel doing so would be advantageous. Players are advised to apply common sense and basic Internet safety guidelines, however -- The Computer is not responsible for the consequences if the total stranger that you choose to meet in person turns out to be a sociopathic nutball toting his favorite machete, "Alice.")

-- Communications From The Computer directly copying, forwarding or quoting PMs from The Computer is forbidden. Such acts are highly treasonous and subject to correction by means of immediate summary execution of the offending party by The Computer.

Secret Societies: All players belong to one Secret Society. Your Secret Society membership is very important: You win the game if you survive AND the only other players left standing are members of your Secret Society (you can think of your Secret Society as your "team" if you wish -- though this is not entirely accurate, as the word "team" carries connotations of genuine mutual concern for the well-being of "teammates"). Each Secret Society has a name that sounds nift-a-riffic, but has no actual effect on game play (examples: Corpore Metal, Death Leopard, Frankenstein Destroyers, Mystics, Pro-Tech, PURGE, etc.)

NOTE: Some players belong to a secondary Secret Society because of their Role (see Roles, below). In that case, they can win by surviving along with members of either their primary or secondary Secret Society. Example: GroundCat is a member of the PURGE secret society. However, he is a Telepath, so he is also a member of the Psion Secret Society. If, at some point in the game, he feels that the Psion society has a better chance of winning than the PURGE society, he can secretly focus his support on Psion (at the expense of the PURGE team), since he can win with either Society.

Roles: In addition to a Secret Society, each player also has a secret Role. That is, each player is a Vanilla Troubleshooter, Telepath, Mutant, Soldier, Commie Traitor, or Internal Security Plant. A player's Role affects the Actions he can take during the game (Actions are discussed in detail further on). Each Secret Society represented in the game will usually have at least one Telepath, Mutant, Soldier, and Vanilla Troubleshooter among its members. Commie Traitors and Internal Security Plants appear less frequently. Details on each role follow:

-- Vanilla Troubleshooter: You are just another carbon-copy clone, with no special abilities. Take heart, though, Citizen -- all Troubleshooters, even the boring vanilla ones, have the potential to perform great mayhem in service to The Computer. This is because The Computer, in its infinite wisdom, equips each of its noble Troubleshooters with a finely-crafted Laser. Vanilla Troubleshooters are also sometimes given wildly dangerous and highly experimental equipment to field-test for the Research & Development service section. Doesn't that sound like fun? (Details on R&D devices below.) Vanilla Troubleshooters are also members of an additional secret society called The Humanists. Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, DUCK, and USE EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE (if issued such a device).

-- Telepath: You are a psychically-gifted mutant, capable of scanning the minds of your fellow troubleshooters. You can SCAN another player's thoughts in order to determine his Society or his Role (you can't discover both in a single Scan). Telepaths also belong to a separate, additional Secret Society called Psion. Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, DUCK, and SCAN.

-- Mutant: You are a clone with an odd genetic quirk that gives you a unique superhuman ability (see Example Mutant Powers, below). Mutants all belong to a separate, additional Secret Society called Up With Mutants. (Note: Telepaths are a very stuck-up bunch, so non-Telepath Mutants are not welcome in the Psion society.) Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, DUCK, and USE MUTANT POWER.

-- Soldier: You are a gung-ho, crew-cut-sporting Troubleshooter who was formerly a member of the Armed Forces service section. You are particularly skilled with your issue Laser. Once per game, you can give the order to SNIPE, rather than simply SHOOT. If you Snipe, the target is drilled between the eyes and killed instantly, even if you are the only clone shooting that particular target. You are also a trained combat medic. Once per game, you can perform a HEAL Action on a Wounded player, which will restore the target to full health (you cannot Heal yourself.) Soldiers belong to a separate, additional Secret Society called The GROGnads (who secretly communicate with each other in a bizarre, multicolored and symbol-ridden code decipherable only among themselves). Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, DUCK, SNIPE, and HEAL.

-- Commie Traitor: You are a member of an additional Secret Society -- the Commies. During the game, you can PROPAGANDIZE other players -- that is, approach a fellow Troubleshooter and speak to them in imploring tones about wise Comrade Lenin, benevolent Comrade Trotsky, and the ongoing struggle of the working class against the bourgeois Computer and its minions. If your target is a Vanilla Troubleshooter (i.e., a member of the working class), he is immediately swayed by your brilliant, Slavically-accented rhetoric and becomes a Commie Traitor too (forsaking all other previous Secret Society ties). If your target is a fellow Commie Traitor, you now know each other's identity. If your target is any other kind of Troubleshooter, he stares at you like you are insane (and you have just revealed your Commie Traitor status to that player). NOTE: You can only Propagandize successfully once per game -- that is, once you have succesfully converted someone, you cannot do it again. (New converts cannot Propagandize -- they are not yet sufficiently versed in Commie lore). NOTE: Because they are the only Society that can expand their ranks, there will generally be fewer Commie Traitors than other roles at the beginning of the game. Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, DUCK, and PROPAGANDIZE.

-- Internal Security Plant: You are a deep-cover Internal Security (IntSec) operative whose mission is to infiltrate, observe, compromise and destroy Secret Society cells. You are highly-trained, and very good at your job -- so good, in fact, that if a Telepath Scans you, you will always appear to him to be a Vanilla Troubleshooter of his own Secret Society(!). You carry a tiny, hidden multicorder that video-and audio-records the entire mission. Your victory conditions are unique: you can win the game with any Secret Society -- however, once the game ends and you and your "fellow Society members" return to Mission Central, you reveal your true status and play your multicording of the mission, resulting in a commendation and promotion for you, and the immediate execution of all of your treasonous fellow survivors. NOTE: Because IntSec Plants are quite dangerous, there will usually only be one in the game, if there are any at all (or possibly two, at most, in larger games). Available Actions: SHOOT, RELOAD, and DUCK.

Role Revelation: A player's Secret Society (or Societies) and Role are both revealed upon death.

Actions: As noted above, each Troubleshooter may perform ONE Action each Round. The possible Actions available to a player depend on his or her Role. Players must secretly PM the Action they wish to perform (along with any other required information, like a target for a SHOOT Action, etc.) to The Computer before the end of the 48-hour Round. Any player who fails to submit an Action order before the end of the Round forfeits his Action (and stands, slack-jawed with sensory overload, as laser fire, mutant powers, and Commie rhetoric flare around him). NOTE: Players who frequently fail to submit Action orders should remember that being boring is potentially treasonous activity, which may result in summary execution.

When the 48-hour Round ends, all Orders received are executed in the following sequence:

3. USE MUTANT POWER / EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE (Unless the Power / Device description says its effects occur in a different Step)

Each step is resolved as follows:

1. SCAN: The Scanning Telepath is PM'd the target player's Role or Secret Society (whichever the Telepath specified). NOTE: A Telepath who Scans someone's Secret Society learns only that person's basic Secret Society, and is not told of any additional Societies the target belongs to by virtue of his Role. Example: A player who is a Mutant belongs to not only his basic Secret Society, but also the special Mutant Secret Society called Up With Mutants. If a Telepath scanned this Mutant to learn his Society, he would learn the Mutant's basic Secret Society only -- he would not also learn that the player was a member of Up With Mutants.

2. HEAL: The target player for each HEAL action is restored from Wounded status to full health.

3. USE MUTANT POWER / EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE: The specified Mutant Power or Experimental Device takes effect as specified in the description for that Power / Device.

4. SHOOT / DUCK: All players who gave SHOOT orders fire their lasers simultaneously, potentially causing grievous injury to their targets as follows:

If 1 player Shoots another, there is no effect (the target's Reflec armor protects him).
If 2 players Shoot another, the target is Wounded. Wounded players have a 33% chance of dying at the end of each Round, and are killed if Wounded again. Everyone knows when a player is Wounded.
If 3-4 players Shoot another, the target is Killed.
If 5+ players Shoot another, the target is Vaporized, BUT has a chance of being inducted into the Sacred Order of the Smoking Boot -- an honor worth dying for! (See Badges of Honor, below.)

Since all Shoot orders are executed simultaneously, it is entirely possible for a player to both kill and be killed during this step.

-- Effect of DUCK Action: On the flat, featureless expanse of the RAD Sector landing deck, effective cover is rarely available when you need it most. However, clones will occasionally be lucky enough to be standing near a support pylon, confession booth, or other substantial item when laser shots start flying their way. A player who gives a DUCK order is taking advantage of just such a stroke of good fortune. That player is immune to all SHOOT orders for the duration of the turn (SNIPE orders have their usual effect). However, that player cannot DUCK again for the rest of the game (even if, as it turns out, no one decided to Shoot at him!).

5. SNIPE: All players who gave SNIPE orders fire simultaneously, killing their targets. (Note: A player who Snipes is, himself, immune to being Sniped in the same round -- he is tucked away in his hidden firing position when the Snipe shots occur. He can still be Shot, however, since Shoot actions occur before he can manage to sneak away.)

6. RELOAD: Each Round, after SNIPE and SHOOT Orders are resolved, some Troubleshooters' lasers may run out of ammo. Specifically, for every 6 Troubleshooters that fired, one of them (randomly selected) will automatically run out of ammo. If there is a leftover "fraction" of less than 6 firing Troubleshooters, there is a chance that one more Troubleshooter's ammo runs out. (Example: If 7 Troubleshooters fire in a particular round, 1 of them definitely runs out of ammo, and there is a 1/6 chance that one more does.) Everyone knows when your laser is out of juice (there is an extremely helpful, extremely loud warning klaxon built into the laser that starts screeching when it becomes de-charged.) Players with de-charged lasers cannot Shoot or Snipe until they RELOAD. (Note: Once a player has run out of ammo, he will not run out again until every other surviving player has run out of ammo at least once. This prevents the annoying and rather unrealistic effect of having one player run out of ammo repeatedly, while others blaze away indefinitely.)

7. PROPAGANDIZE: When the smoke clears, the Commie Traitors in the group approach other Troubleshooters and begin their treasonous whisperings. If the target of the Propagandize order is a Vanilla Troubleshooter, he immediately becomes a Commie Traitor too (and loses his previous Secret Society affiliation). If the target is another Commie Traitor, the propagandizer learns this fact. If the target is any other sort of Troubleshooter, there is no effect. In any case, the target now knows the Propagandizer is a Commie Traitor.

End of Round: Once all Actions are resolved, the Round is over. The Computer PMs players the results of any hidden Actions that they took and announces the results of any public Actions on the main game thread (see below for info regarding Public versus Hidden Actions). The next Round then begins.

Public Versus Hidden Actions: SHOOT and RELOAD Actions are public -- that is, these Actions (and their perpetrators and targets) are freely observable by all players. The results of SNIPE orders are public knowledge, but the shooters (who use concealed firing positions) are not revealed. Some -- but not all -- USE MUTANT POWER / EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE orders are also public (this depends on the specific Power / Device, and should be fairly common-sense -- ask if unsure). The execution and/or results of SCAN, HEAL, PROPAGANDIZE, and certain other USE POWER / DEVICE Actions are hidden -- that is, completely unknown to uninvolved players.

Putting the Rad in RAD Sector: If -- perish the thought -- any Round should end with NO ONE dying or being Wounded, a random player is immediately Wounded by the gamma rays that give RAD Sector its cheery green glow (this will kill an already-Wounded player). This Wound is inflicted after all Action orders are processed.

Ending the Game:The game ends as soon as any of the following are true:

-- The only players left alive all share a common Secret Society. When this occurs, the game is over and the surviving players win.* (Note that the slain members of the Society do not win -- their steaming remains receive no gratification from the survival of their fellow Society members.)

-- Only one player is left alive. In that case, that player wins.

-- ALL players are dead. In that case, no one wins.

-- There are only 2 players left, they are not part of a common Secret Society, and neither can kill or successfully Propagandize the other. In that case, the mission is over. The two survivors automatically blame each other for the mission's failure, and both are executed for treason. In this case, again, no one wins.

* Unless there is an Internal Security Plant among the surviving players -- in which case, as soon as they return to Mission Central, the IntSec Plant betrays all his fellow survivors to their deaths, leaving him as the sole survivor and winner.


Your Research & Development Branch At Work: As mentioned above, Vanilla Troubleshooters will sometimes be issued experimental devices from R&D for field testing. These devices are always well-thought out, completely reliable, and unquestionably useful. These prototype devices, while not fully tested, are designed by R&D with the utmost care and concern for the well-being of the individual Troubleshooter. They will most certainly NOT produce any unexpected results or tragic side effects, or malfunction during ordinary use. The Computer says so -- would It lie to you?

Players who are issued such devices will be informed by The Computer at the beginning of the game, and will be briefed on the capabilities of the device (at least, to the extent that their security clearance will allow).

Details on Experimental Devices from R&D:

-- Improved Fragmentation Grenade: You may chuck this nasty device at another Troubleshooter. It is thrown during the USE DEVICE step, and detonates during the RELOAD step. It will kill the target, Wound a second Troubleshooter of your choice, and has a 50% chance of Wounding a third randomly-selected Troubleshooter. One use per game, obviously. (Rumors that experimental thermonuclear hand grenades have occasionally found their way into batches of these improved frag grenades are most likely false and should be ignored. Rumors are treason. Report all rumors.)
-- Multi-Power Laser: Physically indistinguishable from other lasers, this little number contains a highly experimental micro-fusion power core and hyper-calibrated collaminating lenses. It has two power settings, "Standard" and "High." When set to "High," this baby hits with a punch equal to two standard lasers.
-- Psionic Defense Mesh Head Covering: A skullcap made of exceedingly fine wire mesh, worn in the hair and undetectable to the casual observer. Protects the wearer from hostile psionic influences. Prevents you from being successfully targeted with SCAN Actions, or mental-based Mutant Powers (e.g., Psychic Blast, Mind Infuence). Curiously enough, this widget also protects the wearer against Commie Propaganda.
-- Regenerex-V Auto-Injector: This device looks like an ordinary wristcomp. However, it is actually an auto-injector that maintains a high level of an experimental drug in the Troubleshooter's system. The drug, Regenerex-V, is based on certain enzymes found in reptiles.* This drug makes the Troubleshooter more resistant to damage and makes his wounds heal more quickly. The effect is that, if the Troubleshooter is Shot with lasers, he is considered to be hit with one less laser than is actually hitting him (though a Snipe shot will still kill him outright). If Wounded, the Troubleshooter automatically heals during the next Round. These effects can occur a total of 5 times, after which the drugs in the auto-injector are depleted.
-- HyperSpaz-III Tablets: A nondescript bottle of little blue pills (three doses' worth). These tablets are the latest experimental battle stimulant. Three times per game, the owner of this little bottle of chemical dynamite can take two Actions (instead of just one) in a Round.
-- Mutant Detector: A small, palm-sized device that, when held near a person, indicates whether he is a Mutant (it will also indicate when used to scan a Telepath, since they are a type of Mutant).
-- Hi-Res Targeting Visor: This looks like a pair of standard Troubleshooter shadeglasses. However, it is, in fact, a cutting-edge combat heads-up display with an impressive sensor suite and multi-object tracking capability. While wearing it, an ordinary Troubleshooter can Shoot twice each Round, or fire a Snipe shot. Because of its small size, unfortunately, this device has limited power (maximum three uses).
--The Strange Little Box: This is a palm-sized metal box covered with buttons, switches, levers, dials, and guages. It is critical that you give it a thorough field test. Its exact purpose, and the operator's manual, are classified.
--Personal Energy Field Generator: This looks like a standard-issue Troubleshooter utility belt. Rather, it is a powerful personal shield generator. It absorbs laser energy and re-directs it at a random Troubleshooter (reflected beams only hit 50% of the time, and are at half-strength). It must be manually Activated each time it is to be used. Its power cells are only good for three uses. If you activate the field and no one Shoots or Snipes you, the power cells remain charged and the field can be used again. The field is invisible, so no one will notice it as long as you do not get Shot or Sniped while it is on.
--Inviso-Ray Generator: This wrist-mounted device turns the wearer temporarily invisible, causing all Actions against him that round to fail. Three uses.

* Please Note: Further information concerning the meaning of the word "reptile" is not available at your present security clearance. Thank you for your cooperation, Citizen!

Mutant Powers: Below are examples of Mutant Powers that may be used in the game. Each Mutant will have one Power. Generally (except in large games), each Mutant will have a unique power.

-- Regeneration: Twice per game, you may Heal yourself. If Shot with lasers, you are considered to be hit with one less laser than is actually hitting you (though a Snipe shot will still kill you outright).
-- Mind Influence: Twice per game, you may secretly issue Action orders for another player, replacing whatever orders that player intended. (The target will not know who controlled him.)
-- Psychic Blast: Three times per game, you can cause another player to keel over dead for no apparent reason. The second time you use this power, there is a 17% chance that you die instead; the third time, the chance increases to 50%.
-- Force Field: Twice per game, you can create an invisible field of energy around your body that absorbs and redirects all Laser fire. You may also declare which Troubleshooter(s) will be the lucky recipient(s) of the redirected laser shots (each of which has a 50% chance of hitting, and is half normal strength). NOTE: If you activate this power and you do not get Shot or Sniped in that Round, the power is not considered to have been used.
-- Superhuman Reflexes: Twice per game, you can either (a) fire two shots instead of one (at the same or different targets), (b) fire a SNIPE shot, or (c) dodge all laser fire directed at you.
-- Empathy: Determines whether the target player shares any Secret Societies in common with you (you don't learn the specific faction(s) that you share, however). Usable five times per game.
-- Precognition: Twice per game, you secretly learn everyone else's SHOOT, SNIPE, HEAL and RELOAD orders (and the publicly-known results of any other orders) before you submit your own orders.
-- Mutant Sense: Allows you to either (a) sense whether a particular player is a Mutant/Telepath, or (b) sense how many Mutants (other than yourself) are left alive (including Telepaths). Unlimited uses.
-- Mechanical Influence: Three times per game, you can cause another Troubleshooter's laser to spontaneously lose its charge. You can use these opportunities separately, or all together (i.e., you can cause one laser to malfunction in three different rounds, or you can cause three lasers to malfunction all in the same round, etc). The de-charged laser must be RELOADED before it can be fired again. In the alternative, you can expend all three uses of this power at once to cause another Troubleshooter's laser to explode, killing that Troubleshooter instantly.
-- Mimic: Twice per game, you can briefly take on the exact physical appearance of another Troubleshooter. Any orders directed at you that Round fail, BUT any order directed at the player you are Mimicking has a 50% chance of affecting you instead. (Hint: try to Mimic someone who is relatively well-liked.)
-- Paralyze: Twice per game, you can cause another player to suddenly freeze in his or her tracks, losing his Action for that round. They retain the ability to speak (i.e., post). The effect also interferes with the use of mutant powers, so paralyzed Telepaths and Mutants cannot use their powers.
-- Telekinesis: Twice per game, you may cause one of the following effects: (1) Trip another player, causing him to lose his Action; (2) cause another player's Laser barrel to detach from his Laser, requiring him to Reload before firing again; (3) throw a chunk of random debris at another player, Wounding him; or (4) bounce a grenade thrown at you back at the thrower (happens automatically). The Psionic Defense Mesh (see above) does not protect against these effects.
--Invisibility: Twice per game, you can ... well, become invisible. All Actions directed at you that Round fail.


The effects of a player's victory or defeat carry over into future games.

Long-Term Effects of Victory: Surviving players return to Troubleshooter Mission Central and file an epic, fabricated, and (most importantly) entirely uncontradicted mission report describing their titanic struggle: How they encountered hordes of gigantic two-headed mutants; how their fellow Troubleshooters all proved to be cunning Commie Traitors; and how they, the noble surviving few, triumphed against nearly impossible odds, messily terminated all of these threats in the name of Alpha Complex and The Computer, and barely escaped with their lives. The Computer, suitably impressed by this amazing performance, promotes the surviving Troubleshooters to the next-higher security clearance (i.e., from RED-level clearance to ORANGE).

The effects of promotion are as follows. The security clearance designator in the promoted players' names changes from R to O (for example, if Mikey-R-ALV-1 survives to the end of a game, he becomes Mikey-O-ALV-1). In the next game, these promoted players are issued Orange-level Lasers and Reflec armor, giving them certain advantages over their lowly Red counterparts.

Players who continue to survive through subsequent games continue to be promoted to higher-level clearances (Alpha Complex security clearances follow the rainbow spectrum: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Ultraviolet). At higher clearance levels, players may be issued additional special weapons and/or armor beyond the basic Laser / Reflec combination issued to rank-and-file Troubleshooters.

Any player who manages to get promoted to Blue clearance gets reassigned to Taskings Branch and no longer participates in field missions. In this case, the Blue-level name is "retired" to the Hall of Fame: that player must start over again with a brand new Red-level Troubleshooter name (and no decorations).

Long-Term Effects of Elimination: In subsequent games, players who are killed are replaced by the next clone in their series. This is indicated by the number at the end of the Troubleshooter's name. For example, if Toast-R-FFC-1 gets killed, in the next game he will be Toast-R-FFC-2. Players have a total of 6 clones. The 6th time a player is eliminated, he loses all accumulated promotions and decorations, and must make a up a new Red-clearance Troubleshooter name ending in "1."

Badges of Honor: Players who meet the conditions for the following decorations will be given them at game's end. These awards have no effect on game play, but are the stuff of legend among Troubleshooters -- get enough such awards, and the Computer may make a vid series of your life, just like Teela-O-MLY-5 !!!

-- Sacred Order of the Smoking Boot (SOSB): This decoration goes to that Troubleshooter who was Vaporized by the largest number of laser shots in the game. See above. If there is a tie, no one gets the much-coveted SOSB.
-- Sacred Order of the Smoking Boot, with Bull's-Eye Device (SOSBwBED) : Awarded to that Troubleshooter who would otherwise be eligible to receive the plain old SOSB, IF that Troubleshooter was Vaporized by at least 8 simultaneous laser shots.
-- The Purple Spleen (TPS) : This decoration goes to all those Troubleshooters killed at the end of the first Round. (If this seems suspiciously like a consolation prize, that's because it is one.)
-- Honorable Order of the Mutant Hunter (HOMH): Be that player who kills, or contributes to the killing of, the highest number of Telepaths and/or Mutants during the game. If there is a tie, no one receives this award. (Not available to Telepaths or Mutants.)
-- Honorable Order of the Commie Killer (HOCK): Be that player who kills, or contributes to the killing of, the highest number of Commie Traitors (including converts) during the game. If there is a tie, no one receives this award. (Not available to Commie Traitors.)
-- Not-So-Honorable Order of the Conspicuously Protruding Dagger (NSHOCPD): Kill, or contribute to the killing of, at least 3 players belonging to a Secret Society that you are a member of. (Not available to IntSec Plants.)
-- Highly Suspicious Order of the Lone Survivor (HSOLS): Be the only surviving player at the end of the game. (Not available to IntSec Plants.)
-- Completely Arbitrary Order of the Little Smiley Face (CAOLSF): This cute little badge is given out solely at the whim of The Computer, usually for exceptionally amusing banter and/or actions, elimination of particularly boring Troubleshooters, and so forth.

A Note on Meta-Gaming: It has come to the attention of The Computer that certain Troubleshooters have a tendency to engage in behavior called "Meta-Gaming" -- that is, making decisions in the current mission based on acts committed in previous, unrelated missions. Troubleshooters are cautioned that The Computer's emotion-simulator module feels very strongly about the whole issue of Meta-Gaming. Meta-Gaming inevitably leads to needless casualties, plotting, backstabbing, and irrational elimination of unsuspecting Troubleshooters for no good reason. In short, Meta-Gaming is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED by The Computer. Eliminating potentially-dangerous Troubleshooters due to a proven track record of prior treasonous behavior is a perfectly acceptable and often-effective tactic.

A FINAL NOTE -- IF ALL ELSE FAILS: The Computer has been known to intervene and save the lives of citizens who would otherwise be killed, if said citizens will only confess and sincerely repent of their treasonous ways, and make sufficiently fulsome declarations of future loyalty to The Computer. Keep this in mind when half a dozen of your fellow Troubleshooters have their lasers aimed at your sternum ...

That is all. Have a nice day, Citizens! And remember ... Happiness is Mandatory!

In the Name of The Computer,

Internal Security Operations
Troubleshooter Taskings Branch

"A day without the Computer's wisdom is like a day without Bouncy Bubble Beverage!"


Troubleshooter List
1. Elit-R-ist (Ardent Enthusiast)
2. Tang-R-Wood (tanglewood)
3. Java - R - King (coffee warlord)
4. Aye-R-Dumd (Katon)
5. Dead-R-Sexy (Blade6119)
6. Path - R - Htap (Path12)
7. Git-R-Done (Vince)
8. Big - R - Gun (kingfc22)
9. stc-r-nin (st.cronin
10. Home-R-Run (arctus)
11. Taz-R-FTW (TazFTW)
12. The-R-Dead (AirHog)

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 03-12-2006 at 06:49 PM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 11:29 AM   #2
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
I must be out of my mind.


Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 03-09-2006 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 11:37 AM   #3
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bethlehem, Pa
omg, this is way too confusing for me...thanks but no thanks BK.
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Old 03-09-2006, 12:00 PM   #4
College Benchwarmer
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Tang - Red - Wood

This looks ridiculous!
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Old 03-09-2006, 12:21 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
I have no idea what i just read....but im still stoked...sign me up for whatever the hell that long posts says
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 03-09-2006, 02:31 PM   #6
Coffee Warlord
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My. My. My.

Java - R - King

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 03-09-2006 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 02:40 PM   #7
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Old 03-09-2006, 03:02 PM   #8
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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:44 PM   #9
FOFC Survivor
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Location: Wentzville, MO
Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord
My. My. My.

Java - Red - King
Best name ever.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:52 PM   #10
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Location: Willow Glen, CA
I'm in

EDIT -- Name is a work in progress.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.

Last edited by Vince : 03-09-2006 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:54 PM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Path - Red - Htap
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:04 PM   #12
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Location: Morgan Hill, CA
Big - R - Gun

Now I have to read the rules for the next couple of hours.
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal

Last edited by kingfc22 : 03-09-2006 at 05:05 PM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:04 PM   #13
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I didn't make this clear.

Just the middle initial is used for the Middle name.

So it would be, to use the most recent sign-up

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Old 03-09-2006, 05:10 PM   #14
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Location: Wentzville, MO
I thoguht you said First name Rank Last name.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:13 PM   #15
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Saint -R- Cronin

knives out
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:22 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
I thoguht you said First name Rank Last name.
That IS what I said. Hence how I said I wasn't clear. After all I am the computer and the computer does not make mistakes.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:37 PM   #17
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Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:55 PM   #18
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Old 03-09-2006, 06:29 PM   #19
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Taz - R - FTW
"Teams don't want to make the trip anymore," says Hawaii coach June Jones. "They come here, we kick their ass, they go home."

Fire Ron Lee.
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Old 03-09-2006, 06:32 PM   #20
College Prospect
Join Date: May 2005
Don't have the time to participate, but will probably end up following this thread. Here are some Paranoia songs to get you in the mood, and give you a hint of what may happen to you.

(from the Paranoia module _Send in the Clones_)
Isn't it great
Isn't it keen
Living in complexes ruled by machine.
Where are the clones?
There ought to be clones.
Send in the clones...

Isn't it rich
Do we have six?
Well then let's go Troubleshooters-
C'mon, lets mix...
Where are the clones?
There ought to be clones.
Send in the clones...

Just when I start
Opening doors,
Looking for mutants and traitors
on ceilings and floors.
Shooting my laser again with no malfunction roll...
Enemy bots...
Taking a toll...

Don't you love farce?
Traitors abound.
Won't you just go to the corner,
And look around?
Where are the clones?
There ought to be clones.
Send in the clones.

I'm just so mad,
It makes me red
This is my very first mission-
Already I'm dead.
Where is my clone?
I must have a clone.
Send in my clone.
(to the tune of "Who'll Stop the Rain")

Long as I remember
The complex is underground.
Miles of twisty tunnels;
no exit to be found.
Would-be nature lovers
Tryin' to find the sun,
But I wonder; still I wonder:
What the hell is rain?

I went up six levels
Seekin' old man Yasgur's farm.
But Guardbots wearing kevlar
Grabbed me by the arms.
"The Computer plans a new you."
"You must have gone insane..."
What a blunder, but I wondered:
What the hell is rain?

Now working in the foodvats,
My mind's not on escape-
While a Plasma Generator
Guards against mistakes.
Machines are barkin' orders:
"The Computer is your friend!"
But I wonder, still I wonder:
What the hell is rain?

I'm just wild about mutie.
And mutie's wild about me.
Computerly blisses--boos and kisses.
Commie's the way to be.
Life's sweet just like processed algae.
And just like Teela on TeeVee.
Oh I'm just wild about muties.
And they're just wild about-
Cannot live without-
They're just wild about ME!

I'm an Alpha Complex Dandy.
Alpha Complex do or die.
A new clone version of my last five clones.
Like them I know I'll soon die.
I've got an Alpha Complex sweetheart.
Teela is my Alpha Joy.
Troubleshooters find the Commies.
Beat the mutants senseless.
I am an Alpha Complex boy!

I'm an Alpha Complex dandy.
Troubleshooter do or die.
A clone replacement of my former self.
Soon I will probably fry.
I've got to serve my friend Computer.
If I don't, I know I'll die.
Kill the Commie infiltrators,
Also Troubleshooters.
I am an Alpha Complex guy!
(Subversive version of the above)

I'm an Alpha Complex Commie.
Alpha Complex do or die.
A new clone version of my last five clones.
Like them, I know I'll soon die.
I'm not an Alpha Complex sweetheart.
Girls are just the same as boys.
Commie mutants beat computers.
Troubleshooters, phooie!
I'm not an Alpha Complex toy!
(to the tune of "It's All Over Now Baby Blue")

"You must leave now," the guardbot says.
"An' I don't think you'll last...
So keep your lasers handy,
You better draw 'em fast."
We understand your orders aren't much fun,
Running from a glowing Plasma Gun.
Look out now there's mutants coming through,
And it's all over now LEVEL BLUE.

RED LEVEL is for gamblers,
Better use your Mutant sense.
Take notes on all e-vents that are trea-son-ous.
The empty-headed Funbot's about to speak,
Emitting awful jokes you heard last week.
The complex is falling in on you,
And it's all over now LEVEL BLUE.

Leave your secret society behind,
The Computer calls for you.
Forget the friends you had
They have re-ported you...
The warbot that's breaking down your door,
Is programmed in a way you can't ignore...
Hope your next clone will try and start anew,
'Cause it's all over now LEVEL BLUE.

After working in the foodvats,
You're back at home,
And the smell from down there won't leave you alone...
Your next clone has just walked in the door,
He says, "report for termination number four."
The floor is now moving under you,
Oops, its all over now LEVEL BLUE...

Kelp! to feed my body.
Kelp! not just algae, buddy!
Kelp! don't even need a bun.

When I was stronger so much stronger than today.
I used to eat french fries with ketchup everyday.
But now those days are gone and I'm just not really sure.
To be quite frank, ya know; did our lunch really once have fur?

Kelp! it taste so good now don't you know?
And it makes me want to crawl to bed and snore.
Help me keep my lunch up off the floor.
Won't you please, please ban kelp.
(From 2nd Edition Paranioa GM's Screen)

Mine eyes have seen the coming of another Commie horde,
If I can hold them off alone Hot Fun is my reward,
"Please engage the menace, Citizen" I hear on my comcord,
When will the Vultures arrive?

Glory, Glory, Hail Computer
Glory, Glory, Hail Computer
Glory, Glory, Hail Computer
My clone keeps marching on.

They're advancing on all sides now and I'll soon be overrun,
I try to open fire but there's a malfunction with my gun,
So I toss a nuke grenade and then turn tail and run,
When will the Vultures arrive?


The Commies are all vapor now and for that I'm real glad,
My geiger-counter indicates I took a thousand rad,
I check with the Computer and find out that's not too bad,
When will the docbot arrive?

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Old 03-09-2006, 06:36 PM   #21
Coffee Warlord
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
Originally Posted by Barkeep49
That IS what I said. Hence how I said I wasn't clear. After all I am the computer and the computer does not make mistakes.

Java R King does not approve of this computer.
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Old 03-10-2006, 03:40 AM   #22
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Location: Willow Glen, CA
Originally Posted by Barkeep49
First names and last names must be 3 or 4 letters long.

How strict is this rule? I'm feeling very uncreative right now, and the 4 letter cap is killing me.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 03-12-2006, 01:32 PM   #23
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Originally Posted by Vince
How strict is this rule? I'm feeling very uncreative right now, and the 4 letter cap is killing me.
Sorry missed this question. Really am serious about the 3 or 4 letters.
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Old 03-12-2006, 01:43 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by st.cronin
Saint -R- Cronin

well then

stc - r - nin

knives out
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Old 03-12-2006, 02:43 PM   #25
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Willow Glen, CA
Git - R - DONE
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 03-12-2006, 04:35 PM   #26
Captain Obvious
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Location: Norman, Oklahoma
I would like to play, however I will not be back until sunday of next week. If this will be a problem, please let me know

Name: The-R-Dead

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!
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