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Old 04-03-2007, 12:03 PM   #301
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut

August 1, 2006

As the camera comes on to start the show we head right to the ring where Erik Flamebeard is already in the ring along with his Followers, Darkiller, Atatange and Tucker. The crowd is booing them.

Flamebeard: "Let me get right to it. July Mayhem was a partial success for my Followers. While Darkiller lost the Hardcore Title to Smokin' Warlord, Tucker beat the pulp out of Marmel. But tonight is a new era for us. I'll explain that in a minute. First I'd like to welcome back from injury, Digamma."

The crowd boos as Digamma comes to the ring and shakes hands with everyone.

Digamma: "It's good to be back. I have a message for Smokin' Warlord. I haven't forgotten that you put me on the shelf for the last month and a half."

Flamebeard cuts him off. "Digamma, that will be handled in due time. Now I'd like to welcome the newest member of Flamebeard's Followers, Sachmo."

The crowd is really showing major heat as Sachmo comes out and shakes hands with the Followers.

"Sachmo, I'd like to officially welcome you as a member of Flamebeard's Followers."

Sachmo: "Thank you. Marmel, I want you to know that it was nothing personal on Saturday. It was business."

Flamebeard: "Now onto more important matters. We have been tolerant of others too long. Tonight marks a change. From this day forward you are either with us or against us. So, Illinifan, while you are a great Television Champion, you either join us or you will lose that title to one of us. Technically Superior, you have also helped us on more than one occassion. But again, either join us or suffer the consequences. That goes for anyone else in the back. Join us or pay the price. We will have all the titles around our waist eventually."

The music of Marmel plays and the crowd erupts as he comes running down the aisle and heads straight for Tucker and Sachmo. He gets a couple of shots in before the rest of the Followers step in and Marmel is soon laying out cold on the canvas.

Flamebeard: "Marmel, you are dumber than we thought. This is a message to anyone in the back who doesn't want to join us. This is in your future."

With that Flamebeard's Followers leave the ring.

Rating: 59%

We go to our announce team of Diamond Dallas Page and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Page: Welcome everyone to Tuesday Tough Love and what a start to the show.

Heenan: Looks like Flamebeard intends to take over.

Page: I don't think Marmel plans on joining.

Heenan: Look what happened to him.

Page: Let's get right to the ring for our first match. It is a return match from July Mayhem. Illinifan regained the Television Title by beating Sabotai. Tonight they go at it again in an Iron Man Match. 30 minutes and the one with the most falls win.

Illinifan vs Sabotai.

Match Background: This will be an iron man bout. This match is for the FOFC Television title. Illinifan has been FOFC Television champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: FIRST FALL: Standing leg lariat by Illinifan on Sabotai. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan drops an elbow...but Sabotai moves out of the way. Sabotai uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai misses a clothesline. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Illinifan! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Illinifan gets taken down out of nowhere! Sabotai reverses an irish whip...and Illinifan runs into the referee! Vicious kick to the teeth from Sabotai. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Illinifan walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Sabotai pins Illinifan. Sabotai is up 1-0 with 20 minutes to go. SECOND FALL: Sabotai strikes Illinifan. Super kick by Sabotai. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Sabotai just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Illinifan. Spin kick by Illinifan to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Reverse DDT on Sabotai. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying cross body off the top rope! Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. SUPER frankensteiner on Illinifan, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Sabotai crushes Illinifan with a huge legdrop. Illinifan kicks Sabotai in the gut to reverse the momentum. Springboard dropkick from Illinifan. Nicely done. ONE...TWO...THREE. Illinifan defeats Sabotai. Tied at 1 with 12 minutes to go. THIRD FALL: Illinifan just WAFFLES Sabotai with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Illinifan hits a rolling kick on Sabotai. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Illinifan takes a flying neckbreaker from Sabotai. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai crushes Illinifan with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Illinifan fights out of a grapple. Flying reverse elbow by Illinifan. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Illinifan charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Illinifan misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Illinifan walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Springboard dropkick from Sabotai. Nicely done. Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Illinifan drives Sabotai into the corner. Fall From Grace!!! 1....2....3!! Illinifan leads 2-1 with 2 minutes to go. Sabotai uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai misses a clothesline. Sabotai reverses an irish whip and Illinifan is thrown into the corner. Sabotai rushes in with a clothesline and Illinifan goes down. As Illinifan gets up Sabotai hits the Super kick. He goes for the pin. The referee gets into position to count. 1....The bell sounds and the referee gets up and looks around. He goes over to the timekeeper. The time limit has expired. Illinifan retains.

Winner: Illinifan retains the Television Title.

Overall Rating: 65%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 75%

Page:What a great match. Sabotai just ran out of time.

Heenan: That's Sabotai's last shot at Illinifan's TV Title.

Page: That's too bad as those two can really go. We understand that our cameras have caught something backstage.

The camera cuts to the back where Erik Flamebeard goes into The Afoci's locker room where he is getting ready for his tag team match later. The Afoci sees Flamebeard and stands up.

The Afoci: "What do you want?"

Flamebeard: "Can I have a word with you?"

The Afoci: "I'm kinda busy. I have a match in a little while, Flamebeard."

Flamebeard: "Call me Erik."

The Afoci: "I prefer Flamebeard."

Flamebeard: "Have it your way. I was talking to some of my Followers and they agree that you have some untapped potential. I am offering you a spot in our group."

The Afoci: "No thanks."

Flamebeard: "I urge you to reconsider."

The Afoci: "Are you deaf? I said no! When I win a title I want it to be by my own merits. Not by someone helping me."

Flamebeard: "That's too bad. Because you won't ever win a title if you are in a hospital. Guys!"

The rest of the Followers come in from the hall and ambush the Afoci and leave him in a pool of his own blood.

Rating: 67%

Page: If this is what we are in for, some of the guys are in trouble.

Heenan: The Afoci is stupid for not joining. It is a great honor to be in the Followers. Now he will be lucky to drag himself to the ring for his match later.

Page: The Afoci is a fighter. I'm sure he will find a way to make it. Up next is a Hardcore Title match. Smokin' Warlord won the Hardcore Title at July Mayhem by defeating Darkiller. But there is no rest for him as he faces one half of Technically Superior, Larrymcg.

Larrymcg vs Smokin' Warlord.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Legal Narcotics and Technically Superior have been feuding recently. This match is for the FOFC Hardcore title. Smokin' Warlord has been FOFC Hardcore champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Larry takes a thrown chair to the face! Larry takes a flying neckbreaker from Smokin' Warlord. SUPER frankensteiner on Larry, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Vicious kick to the teeth from Smokin' Warlord. Smokin' Warlord stuns Larrymcg. Here it comes - Whisper In The Wind, forget about it. 1....2...3! Smokin' Warlord is still in the ring celebrating a squash when Larrymcg gets up off the mat and pushes the referee away. Larrymcg spins Smokin' around. Larrymcg hits the Kryptonite Krunch! Smokin' is down on the canvas.

Winner: Smokin' Warlord is still the Hardcore Champion.

Overall Rating: 61%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 68%

Page: Total squash by Smokin'.

Heenan: But he is laying on the mat. Great Hardcore Champion.

Page: Cheap shot by Larrymcg. Let's go backstage as our cameras are with NevStar and The Afoci before their match with Triple K.

The camera goes backstage to NevStar and The Afoci where The Afoci is getting up slowly.

NevStar: You don't have to do this. I will find a replacement.

The Afoci: No way. We are a team. It's time to get back on the winning track and get in line for another title shot.

NevStar: But there is no way you are 100%. You know, if they would have asked me to join, I'm not sure what I would have said.

The Afoci looks at NevStar incredulously.

The Afoci: What! You see how they operate!

NevStar: Just kidding buddy. (NevStar slaps The Afoci on the back, which causes him to wince.)

The Afoci: Let's just go beat the heck out of Triple K. I will take it out on them.

NevStar heads to the ring followed by a confused Afoci.

Triple K vs NevStar and The Afoci.

Match Background: NevStar \ Afoci and Double K have been feuding recently. Double K hold the edge, as they have yet to be beaten in the ring by NevStar \ Afoci during the feud.

Kingfc and Kodos are in the ring with Katon sitting this one out. NevStar and then the Afoci come out to the delight of the crowd.

The Match: Spin kick by NevStar to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. VICIOUS lightning kick by NevStar on Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. NevStar looks over to The Afoci and decides not to tag. NevStar whips Kodos into the ropes and hits a clothesline. Kodos takes a flying neckbreaker from NevStar. Covers for a quick two count. NevStar kicks the leg, knocks Kodos down, and goes to work on it. Kodos fights out of a grapple. Tor-NADO DDT from Kodos, NevStar got planted! Tag to Kingfc. NevStar takes a hard, stinging chop from Kingfc. One word: Ow. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and NevStar hits hard. Kingfc misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. NevStar crawls to his corner and The Afoci is reaching for the tag. NevStar again decides not to tag. The Afoci is screaming at NevStar to tag him in. VICIOUS lightning kick by NevStar on Kingfc. DDT from the top rope by NevStar. That looked KILLER! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. NevStar connects with a back heel kick on Kingfc and gets back up quickly. Kingfc reverses a NevStar hammerlock. Vicious back suplex! NevStar got nailed big time! The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. NevStar floors Kingfc, then signals to The Afoci in the corner. He tags in The Afoci who comes in all fired up and signals for the Styles Clash. Meanwhile, Kingfc has something in his hands. Afoci comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over. Kingfc \ Kodos signal to each other...and they attack Afoci \ NevStar! After an swift brawl, Afoci and NevStar are left down in the ring.

Winners: Triple K.

Overall Rating: 75%
Crowd Reaction: 64%
Match Quality: 86%

Still in the ring NevStar and The Afoci get up off the mat. The Afoci goes over to NevStar.

The Afoci: What was up with that?

NevStar: What are you talking about?

The Afoci: Why did you wait so long to tag me in?

NevStar: It was clear you weren't 100%. Look at what happened. I should have finished the match.

The Afoci: We are a team.

NevStar: Maybe you should just take a week off to recuperate.

The Afoci: I'm fine. In fact on Friday, let's beat the pulp out of those guys. If they hadn't cheated, we would have won.

NevStar: Ok, I made a mistake. If you want to go with them again, then let's do it.

NevStar and The Afoci shake hands and head to the back.

Page: Looks like they patched things up.

Heenan: NevStar was right. The Afoci didn't belong in the ring tonight. He probably has a concussion.

Page: He is not a quitter Heenan. Let's go to the back where our cameras have caught Marmel with Co-Commissioner Gold.

Marmel: I don't care how you do it. I want both of them in the ring tonight.

Gold: Look what happened to The Afoci after he was beaten down. Are you sure you are ok to wrestle in a handicap match?

Marmel: I am fine. And who said anything about a handicap match? I will have a partner.

Gold: Fine. Tonight you and your partner will take on Sachmo and Tucker.

Marmel: Thanks.

Marmel walks away smiling. He takes out his cell phone and dials a number.

Marmel: Hey, are you ready to do this tonight?

There is a pause and we can't hear the other end of the conversation.

Marmel: I know this is sooner than expected. But I need you here tonight.

Another pause.

Marmel: Great. I'll see you in a few minutes. Sachmo and Tucker are in for a surprise.

Rating: 50%

Page: Looks like we have a mystery partner for Marmel versus Sachmo and Tucker.

Heenan: Doesn't matter. Sachmo and Tucker will destroy them.

Page: Up next is a Tag Team match for the Titles.

The Badasses vs Primelord and Shorty.

Match Background: The Badasses and Primelord \ Shorty have been feuding recently. This match is for the FOFC Tag Team titles. Primelord \ Shorty have been FOFC Tag Team champions since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Lightning kick by Primelord on Jeeber. Tag between JeeberD and Bertogarce. Bertogarce takes a flying neckbreaker from Primelord. Tag to Shorty. Shorty crushes Bertogarce with a running senton. Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. SUPER frankensteiner on Jeeber, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Vicious kick to the teeth from Shorty. referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Shorty slides out and grabs a chair, then gets back in the ring. Chair shot missed! JeeberD ducked it, and now grabs the chair. Shorty takes the shot instead! Wait - the referee is back up, and is calling for the bell. He's disqualifying JeeberD for using a chair! Shorty ends up with a cheap victory. The Badasses don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Shorty \ Primelord, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

Winners: Primelord/Shorty by DQ and are still the Tag Team Champions.

Overall Rating: 72%
Crowd Reaction: 59%
Match Quality: 85%

Heenan: What was up with JeeberD using a chair?

Page: Shorty brought it in the ring.

Heenan: Serves him right as he got his team disqualified.

Page: I'm sure those two teams will meet again.

The music of SkyDog plays and we are ready for another edition of The Truth.

Welcome everyone to another edition of The Truth. Tonight my guest is the FOFC Lightweight Champion, Coffee Warlord.

The music of Coffee Warlord plays and he comes down to the ring to the delight of the crowd. He shakes hands as he goes around the ring and finally enters.

SkyDog: Welcome Coffee.

Coffee: Thank you for having me.

SkyDog: No problem. You asked me to be on this show because you had something to say to the fans.

Coffee: Yes. First of all I wanted to apologize to the fans for my unprofessional behavior during my match at July Mayhem. As the Champion I should show more respect for my opponents regardless of who they are. I am the Franchise Player of FOFC Wrestling and I should start acting like it. I can beat anyone without resorting to such tactics. That's not to say I won't show aggression, but I went just a little overboard. Second, I would like to apologize to WVU FAN for my actions. I may not like him but I again should have showed some restraint.

The music of WVU FAN plays interrupting Coffee and the crowd boos. He comes in the ring and grabs the mic.

WVU FAN: You're sorry? You're sorry? No, you're pathetic. Just to let you know, I wouldn't be apologizing for beating the tar out of you. And that will happen later tonight as we have a return match for the title.

Coffee: Why wait until later. Let's do it right now.

Coffee attacks WVU FAN and they go at it fast and furious until a host of referees come down to break it up.

Rating: 57%

Page: A return match for the Lightweight Title right here tonight.

Heenan: Coffee is a wuss. He apologized.

Page: He is a man who admits to a mistake. Something you have never done. Up next is a tag team match that Marmel requested.

Sachmo and Tucker come out to their music and the crowd gives them a lot of heat. Then the music of Marmel plays and out he comes and the crowd cheers. He stops just short of the ring and grabs a mic.

Marmel: Sachmo and Tucker, as much as I want to jump in and beat your asses right now, I have a surprise for you. Here is my partner.

Out comes a guy through the apron and he joins Marmel at ringside.

Marmel: Don't recognize him. Well maybe this will jog your memory. Put up the picture on the screen.

A picture of a skinny-pimpled faced kid appears on the jumbotron. Suddenly the jaws of Sachmo and Tucker drop with recognition.

Marmel: Now you know who he is? Good. But let me fill the fans in on the details. This is PilotMan. Sachmo, Tucker and I all went to high school with him. We weren't too nice to him. If fact we were bullies. I felt bad after but I wanted to be in with the crowd. But now he is all grown up and him and I have patched things up. I have admitted to my wrongdoings to him and he has accepted my apology. Now he wants revenge. So, you two are in for a beating.

With that Marmel and PilotMan charge in the ring.

Marmel and PilotMan vs Sachmo and Tucker.

Match Background: PilotMan is making his debut at this show. Marmel and Tucker have been feuding recently. So far, Marmel hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Tucker since the feud started.

The Match: Sachmo hits a rolling kick on PilotMan. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Flying cross body off the top rope! There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Tucker. Tucker scoops up PilotMan. Sachmo bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Tucker hits a dropkick on PilotMan and gets right back up. There's a two count on the pin. Standing leg lariat by Tucker on PilotMan. PilotMan reverses a Tucker hammerlock. Power drive elbow by PilotMan. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Tag between PilotMan and Marmel. Flying elbow from Marmel connects. Super kick by Marmel. Tucker flips out of a Marmel bodyslam attempt. Tucker tags out to Sachmo. Super kick by Sachmo. Marmel walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pin, but Marmel is out just before the three count. Marmel walks into a high dropkick from Sachmo, almost losing several teeth in the process. Marmel powers out of a Sachmo headlock. Sachmo takes a NICE hurrancarana from Marmel. Marmel floors Sachmo...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, 460 Degree Splash! 1....2....3. Atatange just came out of nowhere with a chair! Marmel turns...and gets planted with a big shot to the head! PilotMan runs over...but also gets dropped with a vicious chair shot! Atatange has put Marmel \ PilotMan down by himself! Atatange, Sachmo and Tucker stand over Marmel and PilotMan.

Winners: Marmel and PilotMan

Overall Rating: 60%
Crowd Reaction: 48%
Match Quality: 73%

Page: Well, Marmel found a partner but still fell to the numbers game after the match. Up next is our main event for the Lightweight Title.

Coffee Warlord vs. WVU FAN for the FOFC Lightweight Title.

WVU FAN comes out first to his music and the crowd is giving him lots of heat. Next is Coffee Warlord as his music plays. As he gets into the ring, all five members of Flamebeard's Followers enter the ring and attack both Coffee Warlord and WVU FAN. Both Coffee and WVU FAN fight them off for a couple minutes, but the numbers soon get to them and they are both left laying out cold. Flamebeard grabs a mic.

Flamebeard: This is what's in store for the rest of you in the back who don't join us. We are running the show...

Suddenly the lights go out in the entire arena. After about a minute the lights come back on with the Followers still in the ring and Coffee and WVU FAN are gone. In the middle of the ring is a baseball bat. The Followers look down and see it and their jaws drop. Flamebeard instructs his Followers to leave quickly and they exit to the back.

Rating: 60%

Page: Was that what I think it was?

Heenan: I think so. But it couldn't be, could it?

Page: Unless it was Smokin' Warlord playing mind games. I certainly didn't here about any new signings. Maybe we'll have some answers on Friday as Friday Night Fury returns.

Overall Rating for the show was 61%.
The show got a .43 TV rating.
619 people attended.
$18,570 was made on ticket sales.

FOFC Lightweight Champion: Coffee Warlord.
FOFC Heavyweight Champion: Raven
FOFC Hardcore Champion: Smokin' Warlord
FOFC Television Champion: Illinifan
FOFC Tag Team Champions: Primelord/Shorty

Note to all my readers. The game is very limited in terms of angles. Basically I write 90% of it myself. That's why the shows take so long to run. I only have so much free time with a 3 year old at home and still working full time as is my wife.

I'd like everyone's opinion on what works and doesn't. Is it keeping you guessing? Or is it predictable? Anything that could be done to make it better without a lot more work? Just trying to make it as fun as possible. Thanks to all who read and respond.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-03-2007 at 12:07 PM.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:10 PM   #302
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
You do real well on the writeups. The one, the only, the Coffee Warlord approves.

Be interested in some stats during lull periods as far as like how each wrestler is, how the ZFL is doing financially, etc. Don't know how much the game has available, but some of that stuff would be interesting.
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Old 04-03-2007, 05:58 PM   #303
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Location: The Town of Flower Mound
I think you're doing a great job, keep it up!
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 04-03-2007, 09:25 PM   #304
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Location: Seven miles up
Fear Me! Nice to see a win in the debut. Out of curiosity which version of the game are you using? I assume that this is TEW or a variation of it.

I have a score to settle here. A lot like the Punisher.

Good, I always like the angles. I just struggle with the ability to make everything work. I figure, if I could just get started it would be fun.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Old 04-04-2007, 10:19 AM   #305
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
Fear Me! Nice to see a win in the debut. Out of curiosity which version of the game are you using? I assume that this is TEW or a variation of it.

I have a score to settle here. A lot like the Punisher.

Good, I always like the angles. I just struggle with the ability to make everything work. I figure, if I could just get started it would be fun.

I am using Adam Ryland's free game EWR version 2. I tried his new games with demo. I didn't have time to get into all the new stuff. Plus I would have to rewrite everything. This started over 3 years ago before TEW came out.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:04 AM   #306
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Still working on one of the angles for the new show. But here is a preview of Friday Night Fury:


Friday Night Fury returns on a new network this week, ESPN2. We understand that Co-Commissioner Gold will announce brackets for a #1 contenders tournament for the Tag Team Titles.

On Tuesday, Marmel had a mystery partner, PilotMan and they defeated Sachmo and Tucker in tag team action. However, after the match, fellow Follower, Atatange came in and blasted both Marmel and PilotMan with a chair. So this week we will have a 6 man tag match.

Illinifan survived, and that is the correct term, with a brutal battle with Sabotai to retain the TV Title. But as so goes with the prestige of the TV Title, it's defended on every show. This week he faces Swaggs.

With the return of Friday Night Fury, means we also have the return of Piper's Pit. This week he will have the newcomer, Sabotai who shocked the wrestling world a few weeks ago upsetting the TV Champion, Illinifan. What will Sabotai have to say?

Also on Tuesday, the Lightweight Championship match between Coffee Warlord and WVU FAN was interrupted when Flamebeard's Followers came down before the match and destroyed both competitors. Then the lights went out in the entire arena and when they came back on both WVU FAN and Coffee Warlord were gone. Flamebeard's Followers were standing in the ring with a baseball bat in the center of the ring. Who is responsible? Could it be the icon? Or was is Smokin' Warlord who some suggest? Or was it someone else? Tune in Friday and maybe we will find out the answers.

Scheduled Matches:

#1 Contender's Tag Team Tournament:

There will be 4 First Round Matches.

6 man tag team grudge match:

Marmel/PilotMan/Noop vs. Atatange/Tucker/Sachmo

Television Title Match:

Illinifan (c) vs. Swaggs

Piper's Pit: Sabotai

All this and more.

Card subject to change.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 04-08-2007, 12:19 AM   #307
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Location: Connecticut

August 4, 2006

The pyro goes off and we are set to start the show. We go to our announce team of Jerry Straus and Chris English.

Straus: Welcome everyone to the return of Friday Night Fury. Tonight...what is that?

English: Is that the music of who I think it is?

Straus: Yes it is.

The crowd erupts as the music of none other than the Icon, Bret Hart plays. He comes out through the apron and down to ringside shaking hands with the fans along the way. He heads over to the announcer's table and grabs a headset.

English: Ladies and Gentlemen, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Straus: What are you doing here?

Bret Hart: I am here to add some insight to the matches. The GM of FOFC Wrestling, DolphinFan1 called me. He said we need to get Friday Night Fury to the next level. I will be offering Color Commentary for the show. No offense to Chris English.

English: No problem. Straus is a jerk anyway.

Straus: Good riddance. But let's get one thing straight Hart, I am the play by play announcer for the matches.

Hart: And I am here to make sure the fans get the truth. We all know you can be a little biased.

Straus: I don't know what you are talking about. I call it like I see it.

Hart: Sure you do.

Bret Hart is interrupted by the music of Co-Commissioner Gold who comes to the ring.

Gold: Welcome everyone to the return of Friday Night Fury on a new network, ESPN2. Let me start by welcoming our new Color Commentator, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

The crowd goes nuts again.

Gold: To kick off the return of Friday Night Fury, I am announcing an 8 team tournament for the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles to be defended at our August Large Event, Mayhem. Tonight we will have the 4 first round matches of the tournament. Let's take a look at the bracket:

The Badasses
Triple K

Legal Narcotics
Technically Superior

NevStar/The Afoci

Sabotai/ ?
Tekneek/Chief Rum

Gold: Next week right here on Friday Night Fury we will have the semi-finals of the tournament. Then in two weeks we will have the finals for the tournament.

Gold is interrupted by the music of Tekneek. The crowd boos loudly as he comes to the ring.

Tekneek: Just a minute Gold. First of all, my partner you have assigned me isn't even here yet. Second, why do we have to face Sabotai and a mystery opponent?

Gold: I'm sure Chief Rum will be here. As for your opponents, that's just the way it is. I am Co-Commissioner and I make the matches. If you don't like it, you can just forfeit and your opponents will advance to the next round.

Tekneek: You will pay for this.

Gold: Be careful who you threaten. I would suggest you head to the back and get prepared for your match later. It's time to get the show started with our first match of the tournament.

With that Gold leaves and we go back to our announce team.

Straus: I agree with Tekneek. It's not fair that he and Chief Rum have to face Sabotai and a mystery opponent.

Hart: He must have offended Gold somehow. But up next is the first match of the tournament. Darkiller and Digamma, who returned from injury last week will be facing NevStar and The Afoci.

Darkiller and Digamma vs NevStar and The Afoci.

Match Background: First round match of the tag team #1 contenders tournament.

The Match: Afoci gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Darkiller! Running knee lift from Darkiller. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Darkiller and Digamma. Darkiller \ Digamma whip Afoci into the corner. Darkiller whips Digamma in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying elbow from Digamma, grazing the target slightly. Digamma misses a clothesline. Lightning kick by Afoci on Digamma. There's a two count on the pin. Afoci tags out to NevStar. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Digamma is down! Pin, but Digamma is out just before the three count. NevStar uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Digamma elbows NevStar in the face to break a hammerlock. Face crusher from Digamma on NevStar sets up for an elbowdrop. Tag to Darkiller. NevStar gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Tag between NevStar and The Afoci. BAAACK Body drop by Afoci gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Darkiller is up quickly and stuns The Afoci with a spinning heel kick. The Afoci can barely stand. Old School Expulsion! 1....2....3. Darkiller and Digamma advance to the semi-finals of the tournament and leave the ring. NevStar and Afoci remain in the ring. NevStar goes over to The Afoci and the two start to argue.

NevStar: I told you Tuesday that you should have taken a week off.

The Afoci: I'm fine. We are a team. Why didn't you come in and break up the pin?

NevStar: I shouldn't have to bail you out. You just said you were fine.

The Afoci: Maybe we should just go our separate ways.

NevStar: I wouldn't go that far. Let's just cool off a little and talk about it later.

The Afoci: Whatever.

The Afoci turns and leaves the ring. NevStar shakes his head and follows.

Winners: Darkiller and Digamma advance to the semi-finals of the tag team tournament.

Overall Rating: 73%
Crowd Reaction: 64%
Match Quality: 83%

Straus: Great win by members of Flamebeard's Followers.

Hart: It was the Followers who started the whole mess with The Afoci and NevStar. They had no intention of adding The Afoci to the Followers. They just like to disrupt things.

The bagpipes start to play and the crowd is mixed as Rowdy Roddy Piper comes out for Piper's Pit.

Piper: It's good to be back on Friday Night Fury. Tonight my guest is a man who burst on the scene a few short weeks ago and shocked the wrestling world when he defeated the best Television Champion of all time, Illinifan.

This prompts the crowd to boo.

Piper: What do you people know? He has beaten everyone put in front of him. Including my guest the following week to take back his title. And then last week, my guest lost an Iron Man Match in his last chance at the TV Title versus Illinifan. What's next for him? Let's find out. Please welcome, Sabotai.

The crowd cheers as Sabotai comes to the ring.

Piper: Now Sabertooth...

Sabotai interrupts Piper.

Sabotai: It's Sabotai, Hot Rod.

Piper: Right. Sorry. So you shocked the world when you beat the TV Champ in your debut. I must say I was even impressed. However, since then you lost both matches against Illinifan so I can only assume that your first win was a fluke.

Sabotai: It was no fluke Piper. I'm not making excuses, but everyone who saw the matches knows the referee was knocked out and missed a pinfall. But that is water under the bridge. I've already proven that I can beat one of the best. Now it's on to other things.

Piper: Yes, let's go into that. You have a match in the tag team tournament tonight. I think it's only fair to your opponents that they know who your partner is.

Sabotai: Yes that would be fair wouldn't it. But seeing how very few here in FOFC Wrestling play by the rules, why should I. You'll find out like everyone else, when our match starts.

Piper: You're a coward. You need to keep your partner a secret to have an advantage. You don't have enough faith in your ability.

Sabotai: Listen Piper, you can insult me all you want. It doesn't matter to me. I've see how the FOFC operates. I will do what I need to do to get any advantage I can. Now I have to go and prepare for my match.

As Sabotai turns to leave, Piper sneaks up from behind and hits Sabotai over the head with the microphone knocking him out cold.

Piper: Now this will even the score tonight for your opponents. They don't know who your partner is, but you won't be 100% either. Good luck, coward.

Rating: 76%

Hart: Piper is the coward.

Straus: Brilliant move by Piper. He just evened the odds for Tekneek and Chief Rum.

Hart: Up next is a Television Title match. Illinifan has continued to take on all challengers.

Illinifan vs Swaggs.

Match Background: This match is for the FOFC Television title. Illinifan has been FOFC Television champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Swaggs by Illinifan. Illinifan hits a rolling kick on Swaggs. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Covers for a quick two count. Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Hard back suplex on Illinifan. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Illinifan goes down. Spin kick by Swaggs to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Illinifan counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Swaggs takes a NICE hurrancarana from Illinifan. Swaggs gets whipped into the corner by Illinifan, and flips all the way over to the outside! Swaggs stays down on the outside, hurt. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over.

Winner: Illinifan is still the TV Champion.

Overall Rating: 79%
Crowd Reaction: 80%
Match Quality: 80%

Straus: Illinifan wins again.

Hart: Swaggs caught a tough break there on his fall over the top rope.

Straus: Swaggs didn't want any more of Illinifan. He could have gotten back in the ring before the ten count.

Hart: This is why I am here folks. Don't listen to him. Swaggs is being helped to the back. It's clear he couldn't continue. We understand that our cameras are backstage where something is going on.

The camera pans on NevStar leaving his locker room with his stuff to leave the arena. Suddenly, Erik Flamebeard, Digamma and Darkiller come around the corner. NevStar turns and is ready to defend himself.

Flamebeard: Easy NevStar. We are here to talk. Darkiller, Digamma and I were impressed with your match against us tonight. We want to offer you a spot in our group.

NevStar: And if I refuse you beat me up like my partner.

Flamebeard: That was a misunderstanding. He was insulting. So what do you say?

NevStar: Let me think about it.

Flamebeard: Fair enough. We'll talk Tuesday.

With that Flamebeard, Darkiller and Digamma leave with NevStar just staring down the hall smiling. Suddenly The Afoci comes out from the locker room and stands behind NevStar. NevStar turns around and he takes a step back.

NevStar: Jeez, you scared me.

The Afoci: What was that all about?

NevStar: What are you talking about?

The Afoci: "I'll think about it."

NevStar: I just told them that to get them off my back. If I would have outright refused, it was 3 on 1. Or 3 on 2 if you came to my rescue.

The Afoci: That's the difference between you and me. I told them no and was willing to take whatever came my way. You took the easy way out. Good luck when you tell them no on Tuesday.

The Afoci leaves and NevStar is still smiling.

Rating: 59%

Straus: Looks like NevStar is ready to join the Followers. They will be unstoppable.

Hart: He didn't accept their invitation, Straus.

Straus: Close enough.

Hart: Up next is another first round match in the tag team tournament. Chief Rum and Tekneek will square off against a less than 100% Sabotai and his mystery partner.

Chief Rum and Tekneek come to the ring and Sabotai's music plays and he comes out holding his head as the crowd cheers his arrival. He stops just short of the ring and grabs a mic.

Sabotai: Piper, your day will come. You are a coward. But tonight starts my new quest to become tag team champion. Please welcome my partner, Jelme. We are, "The Dogs Of War."

Out comes Jelme to a pop from the crowd and The Dogs Of War rush the ring.

The Dogs of War vs Chief Rum and Tekneek.

Match Background: Jelme is making his debut at this show. Another first round match in the tag team #1 contenders tournament.

The Match: Tekneek hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Flying elbow off the top rope by Tekneek, getting as close to zero air as possible. Covers for a quick two count. Tekneek tags out to Chief Rum. Chief Rum scoops up Jelme. Tekneek bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Covers for a quick two count. Chief Rum strikes Jelme. Jelme fights out of a grapple. Tiger suplex on Chief. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Jelme tags out to Sabotai. Flying elbow from Sabotai connects. Lightning kick by Sabotai on Chief. Chief Rum avoids a Sabotai avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Tag between Chief Rum and Tekneek. Tekneek tries to channel the power of Kawada, but ends up channeling the power of Trish Stratus instead by hitting a high kick on Sabotai. Sabotai is slow to get up, clearly still hurt from the attack by Piper earlier. Slingshot clothesline by Tekneek, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Tekneek hits a quick kick on Sabotai. Sabotai powers out of a headlock. Sabotai crushes Tekneek with a huge legdrop. Sabotai moves in for the kill. Hang Over out of nowhere!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! The Dogs Of War move on. While they are celebrating Tekneek \ Chief Rum rush forward to attack The Dogs of War, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

Winners: The Dogs Of War.

Overall Rating: 57%
Crowd Reaction: 46%
Match Quality: 68%

Hart: Great debut by a new team.

Straus: It would have been different if Chief Rum and Tekneek could have scouted their opponents.

Hart: Right. Piper gave them an advantage by attacking Sabotai earlier. The Dogs Of War still won. We understand that our broadcast partner, Chris English is backstage with the Tag Team Champions, Primelord and Shorty.

English: Thank you Bret. I am here with the FOFC Tag Team Champions.

Shorty: Listen up. We don't care who wins this stupid tournament. We will beat whomever wins to remain the Tag Team Champions.

Primelord: Badasses, if you somehow manage to get through this tournament and get to face us again, it will be your last time in the wrestling ring. We will put you on the shelf for good.

With that Primelord and Shorty leave.

Rating: 76%

Straus: Now that's a confident tag team. And they can back it up.

Hart: They have yet to show me they can win a match without cheating. Up next is another first round match up in the Tag Team Tournament. The former tag team champions, The Badasses face Triple K.

The Badasses vs Katon and Kingfc.

Match Background: Another first round in the tag team #1 contenders tournament.

The Match: JeeberD connects with a back heel kick on Kingfc and gets back up quickly. Kingfc takes a flying neckbreaker from JeeberD. Covers for a quick two count. Jeeber tags out to Bertogarce. The Badasses whip Kingfc into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Spin kick by Bertogarce to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Bertogarce drops an elbow...but Kingfc moves out of the way. Kingfc hits a stalling suplex on Bertogarce. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kingfc tags out to Katon. Bertogarce takes a NICE hurrancarana from Katon. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Katon hits a rolling kick on Bertogarce. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Bertogarce blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Second rope flying axe handle, Katon goes down. One day, Bertogarce might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Bertogarce tags out to JeeberD. Katon walks into a high dropkick from JeeberD, almost losing several teeth in the process. Tag to Kingfc. JeeberD hits a rolling kick on Kingfc. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. The Badasses have Kingfc to themselves. Bad Ass Bomb! 1....2....3! It's over. The Badasses move on in the tournament. Primelord \ Shorty come running down the aisle and into the ring. The Badasses are ready though, and attack them straight away! The Badasses set Shorty up, and nail the Bad Ass Bomb! Primelord is grabbed...and he gets hit with the Bad Ass Bomb as well! The Badasses have done a number on them!

Winner: The Badasses.

Overall Rating: 68%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 82%

JeeberD has a mic.

JeeberD: Primelord and Shorty, we will win this tournament and take back our Tag Team Titles.

With that the Badasses leave the ring.

Hart: That's the mark of Champions. Get to the point and do the job.

Straus: The Badasses got lucky. But they will either be facing Legal Narcotics or Technically Superior in the semi-finals. They have put themselves in the finals and have overlooked both those teams. Bad move.

Hart: I don't see that at all. They just have confidence in their abiltiy. We understand that Chris English is backstage once again with Quicksand.

English: Thank you Bret. I am here with Quicksand. I have a question for you. We haven't seen you on the show lately. What have you been up to and what is next?

Quicksand: Well Chris, I have been at home thinking about where I want to be in this company. I have decided that I have been setting my goals too low for too long. No offense to Coffee Warlord, but I want a shot at the Lightweight Title. I will do whatever it takes to get a shot. So Gold, if you are listening, I want a match.

English: Thank you Quicksand. That's all for now. Bret and Jerry back to you.

Rating: 61%

Straus: I don't like Coffee Warlord, but Quicksand is not in his league.

Hart: Anyone can beat anyone on any given night Straus. Up next is a 6 man tag match. Last Tuesday, Marmel and newcomer PilotMan defeated Sachmo and Tucker. But after the match, Atatange came down and laid out both with a chair. This prompted a 6 man tag match between Marmel, PilotMan and Noop vs. Sachmo, Atatange and Tucker.

Flamebeard's Followers vs Marmel, PilotMan, and Noop.

Match Background: Marmel and Tucker have been feuding recently. So far, Marmel hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Tucker since the feud started.

The Match: Marmel connects with a back heel kick on Tucker and gets back up quickly. Implant DDT by Marmel! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Tag between Marmel and Noop. Face crusher from Noop on Tucker sets up for an elbowdrop. Back heel kick from Noop on Tucker but it misses by miles. Covers for a quick two count. Noop tags out to PilotMan. Noop \ PilotMan whip Tucker into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Tucker takes a flying neckbreaker from PilotMan. Tucker pushes out of a PilotMan hold. Implant DDT by Tucker! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Tucker tags out to Atatange. Dropkick from Atatange results in the front row looking for PilotMan's teeth!Atatange face jams PilotMan. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. PilotMan gets hip tossed by Atatange, allowing Atatange to take a moment and play to the crowd. Atatange tags out to Sachmo. Sachmo hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Sachmo hits a rolling kick on PilotMan. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. PilotMan once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Tag between PilotMan and Marmel. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Tag to Tucker. Tucker just WAFFLES Marmel with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Marmel takes a NICE hurrancarana from Tucker. Tucker grapples with Marmel, and positions himself so that the referee can't see...and hits a low blow! He rolls up the stunned Marmel: 1....2....3!! What a cheap shot! Flamebeard Followers leave the ring quickly before their opponents can retailiate. Noop and PilotMan go over to a downed Marmel and help him up.

Winner: Flamebeard's Followers.

Overall Rating: 62%
Crowd Reaction: 52%
Match Quality: 72%

Hart: What a cheap shot by Tucker.

Straus: The referee didn't see it. The match is official. Another win by Tucker over Marmel.

Hart: Marmel will get his revenge sooner or later. Up next is the final first round match of the Tag Team Tournament. Legal Narcotics vs. Technically Superior.

Legal Narcotics vs Technically Superior.

Match Background: Legal Narcotics and Technically Superior have been feuding recently. Coffee Warlord is the reigning FOFC Lightweight champion, and has been since 20 May 2006. Smokin' Warlord is the reigning FOFC Hardcore champion, and has been since 29 July 2006.

The Match: WVU FAN hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Smokin' takes a flying neckbreaker from WVU FAN. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between WVU FAN and Larrymcg. WVU FAN scoops up Smokin'. Larry bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Smokin' walks into a spinning heel kick which almost causes a decapitation! Smokin' counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Larry takes a NICE hurrancarana from Smokin' Warlord. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Smokin' Warlord and Coffee Warlord. Coffee hits a piledriver on Larrymcg. That used to end matches, you know. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Larrymcg charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Coffee Warlord gets taken down out of nowhere! Flying elbow from Larrymcg, grazing the target slightly. Larry tags out to WVU FAN. Spinning back kick from WVU FAN. Tag to Smokin' Warlord. WVU FAN hits a rolling kick on Smokin'. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Smokin' scores with a forearm, sending WVU FAN down into the corner. The referee pulls Smokin' Warlord away to get the break. Wait! WVU FAN has pulled something out of his tights. Smokin' Warlord walks over...and gets floored by a punch! 1....2....3! The referee never saw the brass knuckles! Technically Superior move on in the tag team tournament.

Winners: Technically Superior.

Overall Rating: 59%
Crowd Reaction: 60%
Match Quality: 59%

Hart: This has got to be considered an upset, Straus.

Straus: What happened to anyone....

Straus is interrupted by Flamebeard's Followers who storm the ring and attack both Technically Superior and Legal Narcotics. They try to fight them off, but the numbers and the fact of just having a match is too much and soon both teams are down and covered in blood.

Flamebeard: We told you on Tuesday that we would be running the show.

All of a sudden the lights go out. It is pitch black in the arena. After a couple minutes the lights come back on. Legal Narcotics and Technically Superior are nowhere to be seen. All the members of Flamebeard's Followers are down on the mat out cold. A baseball bat is in the center of the ring. The crowd is going nuts as we end the show.

Rating: 66%

Straus: Who did this Hart?

Hart: Have you been living under a rock Straus? Everyone knows who this is. We gotta go. Tune in Tuesday.

Overall Rating for the show was 66%.
We got a 1.00 TV Rating for the show.
Attendence was 619 people.
Ticket sales: $18,570.

FOFC Lightweight Champion: Coffee Warlord.
FOFC Heavyweight Champion: Raven
FOFC Hardcore Champion: Smokin' Warlord
FOFC Television Champion: Illinifan
FOFC Tag Team Champions: Primelord/Shorty
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-08-2007 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:24 AM   #308
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
I warned you all.

Do NOT mess with The One, the Only, The Coffee Warlord. Bats today, Boards With Nails Through Them tomorrow.
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:27 AM   #309
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
By the way. QuikSand? Against The Champion?

Tell you what. Let's make it in a cage.
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Old 04-09-2007, 01:15 PM   #310
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
By request here are some stats from the game world as I work on the angles for the next show.

Here are the overall TV Rankings of the shows after Friday Night Fury:

(6.08) WWE Tuesday
(6.08) WWE Raw
(4.24) MLW Thursday
(1.00) Friday Night Fury
(0.81) Iron Wednesday
(0.43) Tuesday Tough Love
(0.19) Wildside TV
(0.15) MLW Underground

Tuesday Tough Love is going head to head with WWE Tuesday in the same time slot. We have only a local network contract and only a possible audience of .50. So it will be tough to compete with them on our current network.

Friday Night Fury has a possible audience of 1.00. So we are at the top there.

Here are the current rankings for the promotions in the game world:

1. WWE
2. NWA Total Nonstop Action.
3. Major League Wrestling
4. FOFC Wrestling
5. Federation De Lutte Internationale
6. NWA Wildside
7. Pro Wrestling Iron
8. Stampede Wrestling of Calgary
9. Heartland Wrestling Association
10. East Coast Wrestling Association
11. World League Wrestling
12. IWA Mid-South
13. Springfield Grappling Company
14. Jersey All Pro Wrestling
15. Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling
16. World Xtreme Wrestling
17. Phoenix Championship Wrestling
18. New Era Pro Wrestling

We are #4 and at the National level. WWE is of course at Global level and we have a ways to go to reach them.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-09-2007 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:36 PM   #311
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound

We're taking the title back, bitches...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 04-10-2007, 11:07 AM   #312
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Before you read this show, I wanted all of you to know I tried to make this show unpredictable. There are a few twists. Let me know what you think.


August 8, 2006

The pyro goes off and we head over to our announce team of Diamond Dallas Page and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Page: Welcome everyone to another Tuesday Tough Love. We are set for our first match so let's get right to the ring. Triple K lost to the Badasses in the first round of the tag team #1 contenders tournament on Friday Night Fury. Tonight they face a new team, "The Dogs Of War" who were victorious in their match against Tekneek and Chief Rum on Friday.

The Dogs of War vs Kodos and Kingfc.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Face crusher from Kingfc on Sabotai sets up for an elbowdrop. Kingfc walks into a drop toe hold. Implant DDT by Sabotai! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Sabotai tags out to Jelme. Second rope flying axe handle, Kingfc goes down. One day, Jelme might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Jelme hits a dropkick on Kingfc and gets right back up. Kingfc counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Jelme takes a butterfly suplex from Kingfc. Kingfc tags out to Kodos. Spinning back kick from Kodos. Flying elbow from Kodos connects. Kodos walks into a drop toe hold. Hard back suplex on Kodos. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Jelme tags out to Sabotai. DDT from the top rope by Sabotai. That looked KILLER. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying elbow from Sabotai connects. Sabotai moves in for the kill. Hang Over!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Katon comes in the ring and along with Kodos and Kingfc they attack the winners. After an exchange of blows, Sabotai and Jelme are laid out in the ring.

Winners: The Dogs of War.

Overall Rating: 64%
Crowd Reaction: 57%
Match Quality: 88%

Page: What a bunch of sore losers. A nice win be a good young team.

Heenan: Which is why Triple K. laid them out. They need to learn some respect for the guys who have been here awhile.

Page: Why, they won the match fair and...

Page is interrupted by the music of Chief Rum who comes out from the back to boos from the crowd. He doesn't look like he cares as he is walking with purpose. He gets in the ring and has a mic.

Chief Rum: Last Friday I get put in a tag team match in a #1 contenders tournament. With all due respect to Tekneek, we had no idea who we were facing. Also, I could care less about the Tag Team Titles. Then I hear Quicksand crying about how he wants a Lightweight Title shot. If anyone deserves a Lightweight Title shot it's me. I have been held down too long. This company needs a Champion it can...

Chief Rum is interrupted by the music of Quicksand who comes down to the ring.

Quicksand: Chief Rum, you want a title shot. What have you done to deserve one? You lost to Noop at the last Large Event. Then you lost on Friday in a tag team match against a couple of newcomers. If anyone deserves a match with Coffee it's me.

Chief Rum: You! That's funny. You haven't even had a match lately.

Quicksand: That's because I haven't been booked on any cards. If someone would give me a shot, I could certainly do better than you.

Chief Rum moves in nose to nose with Quicksand.

Chief Rum: Is that right?

Quicksand: Yes it is...

They are interrupted by the music of Gold who comes out to the delight of the crowd.

Gold: Now listen here you two. Neither one of you makes matches around here. However, both of you make valid points. It's time for some of the lesser used talent to get some shots at the top. So both of you will get an opportunity to earn a Lightweight Title shot right here tonight.

Both Quicksand and Chief Rum looked pleased with that announcement as Gold heads out of the ring.

Page: That's great Bobby. An impromptu match between Chief Rum and Quicksand for a Lightweight Title shot.

Heenan: That is great news for Chief Rum, Quicksand has no shot.

Gold stops his walk up the ramp and heads back to the ring.

Gold: Oh, one more thing. It won't be just you two in that match. Right here tonight in our main event, it will be a 10 Man over the top rope Battle Royal with the winner getting a Lightweight Title shot next Tuesday. Good luck.

Gold leaves the ring and a stunned Quicksand and Chief Rum just stare at him.

Rating: 68%

Page: That's even better. A 10 man Battle Royal for a Lightweight Title shot in our main event right here tonight.

Heenan: That's not good at all Page. Gold should have just made it between Quicksand and Chief Rum.

Page: We understand that Chris English is backstage with Illinifan before his Television Title defense tonight.

English: Thanks Page. I am here with the Television Champion. Illinifan, you have beaten just about everyone put in front of you. But tonight you face a very determined guy by the name of Noop. How do you think you will do against him?

Illinifan looks disgusted that he would even be asked that question.

Illinifan: How will I do? How will I do? Who do you think you are talking to? I have beaten everyone who steps in the ring with me. Revrew is at home still nursing his injuries. So he gets his friend Sabotai to sign a contract with FOFC Wrestling and fight his battles for him. If I hadn't had the flu, I would never have lost the title to Sabotai in the first place. But I won it right back as soon as I was feeling better and then beat him again the next week. So tonight I get Noop. Big deal. Another win for me. When are the top brass in FOFC Wrestling going to get me some real competition?

With that Illinifan leaves and heads to the ring.

Rating: 89%

Page: Sounds a little cocky to me.

Heenan: He's confident Page. He has beaten everyone.

Page: Yes, and he had the flu the night he lost to Sabotai. Right. Let's get to the ring for the Television Title match.

Illinifan vs Noop.

Match Background: This match is for the FOFC Television title. Illinifan has been FOFC Television champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Illinifan strikes Noop. Illinifan uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan misses a clothesline. Noop hits a soaring kick on Illinifan. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick from Noop on Illinifan. Covers for a quick two count. Noop walks into a drop toe hold. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Noop is down! Pin, but Noop is out just before the three count. Noop kicks Illinifan in the gut to reverse the momentum. Illinifan misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Noop with an enziguri. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Flying elbow off the top rope by Noop, getting as close to zero air as possible. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Noop walks into a drop toe hold. Noop grabs Illinifan from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but Illinifan rolls through with the move! He used a pull of the tights to get Noop over! 1....2...3! The referee was out of position and didn't see it! Illinifan slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Noop to get some payback.

Winner: Illinifan is still the Television Champion.

Overall Rating: 63%
Crowd Reaction: 73%
Match Quality: 65%

Heenan: Illinifan wins again Page.

Page: He pulled the tights Heenan. Is he ever going to win a match clean?

Heenan: Do whatever you have to do to win, that's my motto.

Page: We understand that Gold has released the names for the 10 man Battle Royal later tonight. They are: Chief Rum, Quicksand, NevStar, The Afoci, Darkiller, Digamma, Marmel, Tucker, PilotMan and Sachmo.

Heenan: Looks like Flamebeard's Followers are well represented.

Page: Let's go backstage where our cameras are picking up a disturbance.

The camera pans in on Primelord and Shorty leaving The Badasses' locker room. As we enter the locker room we see JeeberD and Bertogarce both trying to get up off the floor. There are a couple of chairs on the floor next to them.

Rating: 57%

Page: Both JeeberD and Bertogarce have singles matches in a few minutes. Then they have to face Technically Superior on Friday in the semi-finals of the tag team #1 contenders tournament. I don't see how either of them could be 100%.

Heenan: That's a great move by the Tag Team Champions. Weaken the opponents.

Page: That's the cowards way out. Let's head to the ring where WVU FAN is already in the ring waiting for his opponent.

JeeberD vs WVU FAN.

Match Background: None.

JeeberD comes down the aisle holding his head.

The Match: Spin kick by JeeberD to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Spinning bulldog in the corner and WVU FAN is down! Hooks the leg for a two count. WVU FAN blocks a kick from JeeberD. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Jeeber goes down. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Jeeber goes down. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. WVU FAN uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! JeeberD is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Flying reverse elbow by JeeberD. There's a two count on the pin. Tor-NADO DDT from JeeberD, WVU FAN got planted! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! JeeberD hits a rolling kick on WVU FAN. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Jeeber just WAFFLES WVU FAN with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! WVU FAN pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Hard back suplex on Jeeber. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Vicious kick to the teeth from WVU FAN. WVU FAN moves in for the kill. One Shot!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Shorty comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Shorty puts Jeeber in the corner. Shorty sets up, and hits a Super Frankensteiner! JeeberD has been left down on the canvas.

Winner: WVU FAN

Overall Rating: 55%
Crowd Reaction: 52%
Match Quality: 72%

Page: It was clear that JeeberD wasn't 100% in that match. And why did Shorty have to come down after? Hasn't he done enough?

Heenan: No! JeeberD was still walking.

Page: Let's get right back to the ring where JeeberD and WVU FAN's partners are set for their match.

Bertogarce vs Larrymcg.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Larry snapmares Bertogarce and goes for the DREADED chinlock. Bertogarce takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. A blind charge only gets an even HARDER kick. Flying elbow from Larrymcg, grazing the target slightly. Larry hits a dropkick on Bertogarce. Actually, it barely touched! Larry drops an elbow...but Bertogarce moves out of the way. Hard back suplex on Larry. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Bertogarce crushes Larry with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Larrymcg comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Badly executed second rope splash by Larry. Hooks the leg for a two count. Larrymcg with an enziguri. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Bertogarce counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Bertogarce strikes Larry. Larry reverses a waistlock. Bertogarce takes a knee lift from Larry. *sigh* Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Bertogarce can barely stand. Here it comes - Kryptonite Krunch. 1....2...3, it's finished. Primelord comes running down the aisle with a chair, and gets into the ring! Primelord hits Bertogarce with a chair to the back! Bertogarce goes down to the canvas, hurt.

Winner: Larrymcg.

Overall Rating: 53%
Crowd Reaction: 43%
Match Quality: 75%

Page: Another match where the backstage attack had an effect on the match. And again, Primelord comes down after the match and attacks.

Heenan: Great momentum for Technically Superior heading into their match on Friday.

Page: It's time now for SkyDog's The Truth.

The music of SkyDog plays and out he comes to a pop from the crowd.

SkyDog: Welcome everyone to another edition of The Truth. Tonight my special guests are the Lightweight Champion and the Hardcore Champion. Please welcome Legal Narcotics.

The crowd erupts as Legal Narcotics come out and shake hands with the fans.

SkyDog: Welcome Coffee and Smokin'. I wanted you to come out here to discuss your match on Friday. To be frank, you lost to Technically Superior. Even though they did cheat.

Coffee: SkyDog, you're right, we lost on Friday. Yes, they cheated. But it's our fault. We have been too nice.

Smokin': That's right. It seems that Flamebeard's Followers don't play by the rules and neither does Technically Superior. So, starting tonight we aren't playing by the rules anymore either.

Coffee: So we want to apologize to the fans ahead of time. We will do whatever we can to keep our titles.

As they are speaking, Technically Superior come out from the crowd and attack both Coffee and Smokin' and leave them down on the mat.

WVU FAN: Coffee and Smokin', we don't care what you do. We are in the semi-finals of the tag team #1 contenders tournament.

Larrymcg: And as for your singles titles, when we want them we will take them. So enjoy them now.

With that Technically Superior leave the ring.

Rating: 58%

Page: Technically Superior ambush Legal Narcotics again.

Heenan: Just softening them up for when they want to take their titles away from them.

Page: Up next is the main event. The 10 man battle royal with the winner getting a Lightweight Title shot on next Tuesday.

10 Man Battle Royal.

Match Background: Winner gets a Lightweight Title shot. Participants: Chief Rum, Quicksand, NevStar, The Afoci, Darkiller, Digamma, Marmel, Tucker, PilotMan and Sachmo.

The Match: Tucker takes a flying neckbreaker from The Afoci. The Afoci threw Tucker all the way over the top rope to the floor. No question about that one. (Elimination # 1) Standing leg lariat by NevStar on Chief. Tiger suplex on Chief. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Flying shoulder tackle by Darkiller sends Marmel CRASHING to the mat. Darkiller tried to eliminate Marmel, who hung onto the top rope for dear life! PilotMan takes a flying neckbreaker from Sachmo. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and PilotMan goes down. Spinning back kick from PilotMan. PilotMan hits a dropkick on Chief Rum and gets right back up. Marmel takes a flying neckbreaker from NevStar. NevStar threw Marmel all the way over the top rope to the floor. No question about that one. (Elimination # 2) Spinning back kick from The Afoci. Afoci went for the elimination, but Quicksand held on to the ropes at the last possible second! The Afoci strikes Chief Rum. Hard back suplex on Chief Rum. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Standing leg lariat by PilotMan on Quicksand. PilotMan went for the elimination, but Quicksand held on to the ropes at the last possible second! Quicksand walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Darkiller went for the elimination, but Quicksand held on to the ropes at the last possible second! Hard back suplex on Afoci. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Chief Rum strikes Afoci. Digamma hits a quick kick on NevStar. Digamma threw NevStar all the way over the top rope to the floor. No question about that one. (Elimination # 3) Implant DDT by The Afoci! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Darkiller got eliminated by Afoci. (Elimination # 4) Quicksand strikes Digamma. Digamma got bundled out by Quicksand. (Elimination # 5) Chief hits a dropkick on PilotMan and gets right back up. PilotMan got bundled out by Chief. (Elimination # 6) Second rope flying axe handle, Afoci goes down. One day, Sachmo might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Sachmo threw The Afoci all the way over the top rope to the floor. No question about that one. (Elimination # 7) Sachmo walks into a high dropkick from Quicksand, almost losing several teeth in the process. Sachmo got bundled out by Quicksand. (Elimination # 8) Chief Rum has Quicksand down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - Frog Splash hit hard. Quicksand got tossed over the top rope to the floor HARD by Chief.

Winner: Chief Rum gets a Lightweight Title shot on Tuesday.

Overall Rating: 55%
Crowd Reaction: 57%
Match Quality: 67%

Page: Great match and Chief Rum survives and gets the Title shot against Coffee Warlord next...

Page is interrupted by the music of Erik Flamebeard who comes to the ring with his Followers who proceed to beat the pulp out of Chief Rum and Quicksand who was still down on the outside of the ring.

Flamebeard: Congratulations Chief Rum. But remember, even if you win the title it would be a title reign on borrowed time. When we are ready to come for it we will take it. Now, onto business. Last Tuesday we asked NevStar to join us. He told us he wanted to think about it. So, NevStar, it's time for an answer. Come on...

As Flamebeard is talking the arena goes dark again. When the lights come back on Flamebeard's Followers are in the ring down on the canvas. In the center of the ring is none other than Sting with a baseball bat. The crowd is going nuts.

Heenan: Page, Sting is here!

As Heenan is talking, Sting reaches up and takes off a mask to reveal it isn't Sting but NevStar. The crowd shows their disappointment but are still excited that NevStar has laid out the Followers.

Page: That's not Sting, Heenan! It's NevStar and look how he's answered Flamebeard.

As Page is talking, Flamebeard and his Followers get up off the mat and NevStar is ready with the bat. Then Flamebeard goes over to NevStar and shakes his hand. Flamebeard grabs a mic laughing.

Flamebeard: Everyone, please welcome our newest member, NevStar.

The crowd is livid and starts throwing stuff in the ring

Flamebeard: We had all of you fooled. You thought Sting was here. I told you we were taking over. The Afoci turned us down, but NevStar made the smart career decision. We are...

Once again the lights in the arena go out. But only for a few seconds. This time when the come back on the crowd is going crazy. There is a disturbance in the upper deck. When the camera pans up, Flamebeard and his Followers are in the ring in shock.

Page: Heenan, it's Sting! The real Sting!

Sting is up with the crowd and he is pointing his baseball bat to the ring as we end the show.

Page: What is going to happen on Friday? Tune in to find out.

Rating: 68%

Overall rating for the show was 62%.
We got a .47 TV rating for the show.
618 people attended.
We made $18,540 in ticket sales.

FOFC Lightweight Champion: Coffee Warlord.
FOFC Heavyweight Champion: Raven
FOFC Hardcore Champion: Smokin' Warlord
FOFC Television Champion: Illinifan
FOFC Tag Team Champions: Primelord/Shorty
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-10-2007 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:45 PM   #313
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Location: The Town of Flower Mound
Cheatin' bastards!
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:16 AM   #314
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut

The semi-finals of the #1 contenders of the tag team tournament continue. The Badasses will face Technically Superior. On Tuesday Tough Love, the Tag Team Champions, Primelord and Shorty, attacked the Badasses backstage. Both JeeberD and Bertogarce faced WVU FAN and Larrymcg in singles matches and lost both matches. Can they rebound and move into the finals? Are they 100%?

In the other semi-final match of the tournament, the rookie team of Sabotai and Jelme, The Dogs Of War, shocked Tekneek and Chief Rum to move on last Friday. This week they face a more seasoned team in Darkiller and Digamma. Can they pull another upset?

Also there will be a triangle hardcore match between PilotMan, Quicksand and Tekneek with the winner getting a Hardcore Title match against Smokin' Warlord on Tuesday Tough Love.

In Piper's Pit he will have The Afoci who has some things to say to his former tag team partner NevStar, who joined Flamebeard's Followers last Tuesday.

Also Co-Commissioner Gold has announced he will have a new signing to face off against Illinifan for the Television Title. Who will it be?

Also on Tuesday, Sting showed up in the crowd and appeared to have a message for Flamebeard's Followers pointing his bat in their direction. Will we see the Icon this Friday?

Scheduled Matches:

Tag Team #1 Contenders Tournament Semi-Final Matches:

The Badasses vs. Technically Superior

The Dogs of War vs. Darkiller and Digamma

Triangle Hardcore Match for a Hardcore Title Match:

PilotMan vs. Quicksand vs. Tekneek

Television Title Match:

Illinifan (c) vs. ???

Other scheduled matches:

Primelord/Shorty vs. Noop/Swaggs (non-title)

Legal Narcotics vs. Triple K

Card subject to change.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-12-2007 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:59 PM   #315
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Location: Seven miles up
PM with the shot for a shot at the title! Time to find some rage.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Old 04-12-2007, 02:06 PM   #316
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Location: Seven miles up

I really like the way that the Nevstar turn worked. I thought that the last show did end surprisingly. It will be interesting to see how you work Sting into things.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Last edited by PilotMan : 04-12-2007 at 04:04 PM.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:52 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by JeeberD View Post
Cheatin' bastards!

(Jim Carrey voice)


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Old 04-12-2007, 11:03 PM   #318
Coffee Warlord
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Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
PM with the shot for a shot at the title! Time to find some rage.

Eat chair.
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Old 04-14-2007, 11:50 PM   #319
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Update guys. I have been working a lot of overtime and I have to work Sunday afternoon also. I have the Friday Night Fury show done, I just haven't had time to post it yet. Definitely Monday.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 04-16-2007, 01:54 PM   #320
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August 11, 2006

The pyro goes off and we are set to go to our announce team of Jerry Straus and Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Straus: Welcome everyone to another Friday Night Fury. What a night we have tonight. We will have the semi-finals of the #1 contenders tag team tournament. The Badasses face off against Technically Superior. And after what we saw on Tuesday Tough Love, Technically Superior should have no problem with the former Tag Team Champions.

Hart: Straus, you are just as dumb as you look. The Badasses lost to Technically Superior in singles matches on Tuesday after the Tag Team Champions ambushed them backstage. So neither JeeberD or Bertogarce were 100% for their match.

Straus: Hart, I just call it like I see it. Also in the other semi-final match, we will have the new team of The Dogs of War against Darkiller and Digamma. And as impressive as the rookie team was last week, Darkiller and Digamma are just too experienced for Sabotai and Jelme.

Hart: For once I agree with you. The cards are stacked against them. But anything can happen.

Straus: Let's head to the ring where we have a Hardcore Triangle match where the winner gets a Hardcore Title shot against Smokin' Warlord on Tuesday.

PilotMan vs Tekneek vs Quicksand.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. The winner gets a hardcore title shot on Tuesday.

The Match: Quicksand takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. A blind charge only gets an even HARDER kick. PilotMan sets up a chair, then bounces off it to hit a flying avalanche into the corner. VERY Sabu-like. Quicksand counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. PilotMan takes a NICE hurrancarana from Quicksand. SUPER frankensteiner on Tekneek, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Quicksand goes down. Pin, but Quicksand is out just before the three count. Quicksand comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Quicksand hits a face jam on PilotMan onto a chair! Tekneek face jams Quicksand. Chief Rum comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Quicksand turns around. Chief Rum slams Quicksand down. Chief Rum climbs to the top rope and hits the Frog Splash! Chief leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Tekneek, Quicksand got pinned.

Winner: Tekneek gets the Hardcore Title match on Tuesday.

Overall Rating: 57%
Crowd Reaction: 46%
Match Quality: 69%

Hart: What is Chief Rum doing here? He has no business interfering in that match. He cost Quicksand a Hardcore Title shot.

Straus: Tekneek would have won anyway.

They are interrupted by the playing of the bagpipes and Rowdy Roddy Piper comes to the ring for Piper's Pit.

Piper: Tonight's guest is upset with his former tag team partner. But the truth is he shouldn't be upset with him. He should be upset with himself. He had the same opportunity to join Flamebeard's Followers and he made the stupid mistake of turning them down. Now he is paying the price. Please welcome, The Afoci.

The Afoci makes his way down to the ring and the crowd cheers, but it's clear that The Afoci is distraught.

Piper: Now Afoci, truth be told, you have no reason to be upset with NevStar. He made a smart career decision. You had the same opportunity. You said no. So why blame NevStar?

The Afoci: Why! Why! I'll tell you why! NevStar is a liar! He is a fake! But his day will come! And right here tonight I am challenging him one on one in this very ring. If he has the guts...

The Afoci is interrupted by the music of NevStar who comes running down the aisle and into the ring. He goes right at The Afoci who brawl. Suddenly the music of Erik Flamebeard hits and his voice can be heard.

Flamebeard: That's enough you two.

Both The Afoci and NevStar stop and look at Flamebeard.

Flamebeard: Now Afoci, you want a match. You have a match. However, it will be a handicap match. It will be the Afoci vs. NevStar and Sachmo.

Before either can respond, the music of Gold hits and the crowd goes bananas.

Gold: Just a minute here. That match will not take place. No way am I allowing a handicap match with your Followers having the upper hand. However, if the Afoci can find a partner, then I will make it a tag team match.

The Afoci: Fine. I will find a partner. If fact, if anyone is listening, show up later as I kick NevStar's....

Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on the crowd is going nuts. Sting is in the crowd and he points his bat at the ring.

Hart: It's Sting! He's here!

Straus: And it seems the Afoci has a partner for tonight

Gold: I take that as an answer. So right here tonight we will have NevStar and Sachmo vs. The Afoci and the "Icon" Sting.

With that Gold leaves and NevStar looks on in shock as The Afoci leaves.

Rating: 59%

Hart: What a main event tonight.

Straus: That's not fair.

Hart: Oh and a handicp match would have been fair. Up next is the first of two semi-final matches in the Tag Team tournament.

The Badasses vs Technically Superior.

Match Background: A semi-final match in the tag team tournament for the #1 contenders.

The Match: Larry hits an arm drag on Bertogarce, follows it up with about 3 more and locks in an armbar for good measure. Back heel kick from Larry on Bertogarce. Hooks the leg for a two count. Larry tags out to WVU FAN. WVU FAN scoops up Bertogarce. Larry bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Flying elbow from WVU FAN connects. There's a two count on the pin. Standing leg lariat by WVU FAN on Bertogarce. Bertogarce pushes out of a WVU FAN hold. Power drive elbow by Bertogarce. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. WVU FAN takes a flying neckbreaker from JeeberD. Jeeber crushes WVU FAN with a running senton. WVU FAN blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Tag to Larrymcg. Flying elbow off the top rope by Larrymcg, getting as close to zero air as possible. Larry face jams JeeberD. Pin, but Jeeber is out just before the three count. Larry hits a quick kick on Jeeber. Jeeber blocks a kick from Larrymcg. Jeeber crushes Larry with a huge legdrop. Primelord \ Shorty come running down the aisle with chairs! Larry goes to irish whip JeeberD into the ropes. Shorty jumps onto the apron with the chair...but JeeberD reverses! Collision between Shorty, Larry, and the chair! Larrymcg falls to the canvas. JeeberD floors Larrymcg. Here it comes...Satellite Crossface! Larrymcg taps! Primelord and Shorty come back in the ring and attack the Badasses. But Technically Superior are not happy with the interference and they also go at Primelord and Shorty. A host of referees come down to break up the melee and all three teams are shouting at each other.

Winners: The Badasses move on to the finals of the tournament.

Overall Rating: 61%
Crowd Reaction: 48%
Match Quality: 75%

Hart: Looks like the Tag Team Champions plan backfired.

Straus: And they upset Technically Superior in the process. That's not smart.

The music of Co-Commissioner Gold plays and he comes back out to the ring.

Gold: I am back out here because last week the Television Champion, Illinifan said he has beaten everyone and wants a challenge. So I have a solution. Every Friday, Illinifan will face a newcomer to FOFC Wrestling. If Illinifan wins the newcomer is gone forever and he keeps his title for another day. However, if the newcomer wins, he gets a contract with FOFC Wrestling and also the TV Title. So, Illinifan, tonight your opponent is...

Some familiar music plays and out through the apron comes...

Hart: It's Marty Jannetty. Illinifan wanted a challenge. He has one in a great veteran.

Straus: This isn't fair to Illinifan. Of course, Jannetty is a has been.

Rating: 68%

Illinifan vs Marty Jannetty.

Match Background: Jannetty is making his debut at this show. He is a regular with MLW. This match is for the FOFC Television title. Illinifan has been FOFC Television champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Flying elbow from Marty Jannetty, grazing the target slightly. Flying elbow off the top rope by Marty Jannetty, getting as close to zero air as possible. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan fights out of a grapple. Jannetty walks into a high dropkick from Illinifan, almost losing several teeth in the process. Spin kick by Illinifan to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Covers for a quick two count. Illinifan hits a great swinging DDT on Marty Jannetty. Illinifan then hits a pair of HARD clotheslines and a BAAACK Bodydrop! ULTIMATE HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Marty Jannetty pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Badly executed second rope splash by Jannetty. Hooks the leg for a two count. Slingshot clothesline by Jannetty, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Marty Jannetty arm drags Illinifan over and locks on an armbar. Illinifan takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. A blind charge only gets an even HARDER kick. Illinifan fights out of a grapple. Illinifan uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Springboard dropkick from Illinifan. Nicely done. Marty Jannetty is in trouble. Last Rites!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Marty Jannetty looks dejected but he waves to the crowd on his way to the back.

Winner: Illinifan is still the Television Champion.

Overall Rating: 71%
Crowd Reaction: 72%
Match Quality: 72%

Straus: What did I tell you Hart?

Hart: Jannetty gave Illinifan a run for his money. He just came up a little short.

Straus: I guess no contract with FOFC Wrestling for Jannetty.

Hart: Up next is a non-title tag team match.

Primelord and Shorty vs Noop and Swaggs.

Match Background: Primelord \ Shorty are the reigning FOFC Tag Team champions, and have been since 29 July 2006.

The Match: THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. SUPER frankensteiner on Swaggs, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Primelord. Primelord \ Shorty whip Swaggs into the corner. Primelord whips Shorty in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Implant DDT by Primelord! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Hooks the leg for a two count. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Swaggs goes down. Primelord gets taken down out of nowhere! Tiger suplex on Primelord. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Swaggs tags out to Noop. Flying elbow from Noop, grazing the target slightly. Noop hits a shitty missile dropkick on Primelord. Primelord blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Tag between Primelord and Shorty. Noop takes a NICE hurrancarana from Shorty. Noop walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Shorty just WAFFLES Noop with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Noop flips out of a Shorty bodyslam attempt. Badly executed second rope splash by Noop. The Badasses come running down the aisle with chairs! Noop and Shorty continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Bertogarce slides in and blasts Shorty with a chair to the head! Bertogarce climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Noop climbs to the top turnbuckle as Shorty is stunned. Missile Dropkick!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. The Badasses don't look like they've finished! They continue to beat down on Primelord \ Shorty until a host of referees and officials run out to pull them off!

Winners: Noop and Swaggs. But since it was a non title match, Primelord and Shorty are still the tag team champions.

Overall Rating: 67%
Crowd Reaction: 68%
Match Quality: 68%

Hart: What do you think of that Straus? Noop and Swaggs upset the Tag Team Champions.

Straus: With help from the Badasses.

Hart: Primelord and Shorty have been interfering and attacking the Badasses for weeks now. So I guess it's all good. Does this mean Noop and Swaggs get a title shot down the road? They did just beat the champions.

Straus: Hitman, we understand we have a video of a new FOFC Wrestler coming soon.

On the Jumbotron a video is shown. On the screen is just a single short sentence:"Eaglesfan27 is coming."

Rating: 81%

Straus: Who is Eaglesfan?

Hart: I have no idea. Up next is a tag team match as two teams try to get back in the tag team title hunt after their loss in the tournament.

Legal Narcotics vs Kingfc and Kodos.

Match Background: Coffee Warlord is the reigning FOFC Lightweight champion, and has been since 20 May 2006. Smokin' Warlord is the reigning FOFC Hardcore champion, and has been since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Smokin' walks into a spinning heel kick which almost causes a decapitation! Tiger bomb by Kingfc, which is nowhere near as cool as a botched Pedigree but gets the job done. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kingfc tags out to Kodos. Kodos \ Kingfc hook up Smokin', then hit a double suplex. Implant DDT by Kodos! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Covers for a quick two count. Kodos connects with a back heel kick on Smokin' and gets back up quickly. Smokin' Warlord pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tiger suplex on Kodos. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Tag between Smokin' Warlord and Coffee Warlord. BIG clothesline on Kodos. Kodos walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Kodos kicks Coffee Warlord in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tag between Kodos and Kingfc. Coffee walks into a jaw breaker. Belly to belly off the top rope! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Coffee Warlord just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Kingfc. Coffee Warlord avoids a Kingfc avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Spear by Coffee Warlord. As Smokin' and Kingfc get into a brawl on the outside, WVU FAN comes running down into the ring! Coffee Warlord gets grabbed, and they start brawling. Kingfc takes some shots at Coffee as well. Larrymcg also gets involved attacking Smokin' on the outside. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls for a no contest ruling. Legal Narcotics and Kingfc \ Kodos don't look like they've finished! They continue to brawl in and around the ring, not stopping until a host of referees run down the aisle to break them up.

Winners: No contest through interference.

Overall Rating: 59%
Crowd Reaction: 53%
Match Quality: 65%

Hart: Technically Superior ruined a good match.

Straus: There definitely is some bad blood developing between those two teams.

WVU FAN has a mic.

WVU FAN: Coffee Warlord, we have some unfinished business. A few weeks ago I had a Lightweight Title Match and it was interrupted by Flamebeard's Followers. So, I am challenging you at August Mayhem for my match without interference. That is if you survive against Chief Rum on Tuesday. Have a nice day.

Rating: 62%

Straus: If Coffee accepts, it could be the end of his title reign.

Hart: Coffee won't back down from a challenge. Up next is the other semi-final match in the tag team tournament.

The Dogs of War vs Darkiller and Digamma.

Match Background: A semi-final match in the tag team tournament for the #1 contenders for the tag team titles.

The Match: Sabotai uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Sabotai crushes Digamma with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Jelme. The Dogs of War whip Digamma into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Jelme uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Jelme just WAFFLES Digamma with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Digamma once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Flying knee to the face from Digamma. For the record it was more of a Rusty Wizard than a Shining one. Digamma tags out to Darkiller. Bodyslam by Darkiller. Massive backbreaker on Jelme and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Jelme comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Jelme tags out to Sabotai. Flying reverse elbow by Sabotai. Springboard dropkick from Sabotai. Nicely done. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Spinning back kick from Sabotai. Darkiller counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Darkiller hits a stalling suplex on Sabotai. Darkiller gets whipped into the corner. Sabotai charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Darkiller uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! The Badasses come running down the aisle with chairs! They slide in behind Darkiller \ Digamma...and drop them with stereo chair shots! The Badasses leave the ring, the damage done.

Winners: Darkiller and Digamma move on to the finals.

Overall Rating: 69%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 84%

Straus: Now why did the Badasses attack Darkiller and Digamma?

Hart: Well, they will be facing them next week in the finals. So they clearly wanted to send a message.

Straus: And I told you that the Dogs of War didn't have a chance against a seasoned team like Darkiller and Digamma.

Hart: The still looked impressive and should be a good team in the future. Up next is our main event made earlier in the night. NevStar and Sachmo face off against The Afoci and the "Icon" Sting.

NevStar and Sachmo come to the ring first. Then the Afoci comes to the ring. Finally the music of Sting plays and the crowd erupts. Sting comes down through the crowd and into the ring.

NevStar and Sachmo vs The Afoci and Sting.

Match Background: Afoci and NevStar are currently feuding. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud.

The Match: THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Afoci. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Sting. The crowd goes crazy as Sting enters the match. Sting \ Afoci hook up Sachmo, then hit a double suplex. Sachmo gets splashed in the corner. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sting hits Sachmo. Sting walks into a drop toe hold. DDT from the top rope by Sachmo. That looked KILLER. Tag between Sachmo and NevStar. Sting takes a flying neckbreaker from NevStar. NevStar crushes Sting with a running senton. Sting once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Tag between Sting and The Afoci. The Afoci is pumped up to be in the ring and goes right at NevStar. Springboard reverse elbow by The Afoci. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. Slingshot senton by Afoci, crushing the chest cavity of NevStar. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Afoci hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. NevStar blocks a punch. Afoci takes a NICE hurrancarana from NevStar. Tucker \ Atatange come running down the aisle with chairs! NevStar and The Afoci continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. The referee is trying to keep Sting from going in the ring and doesn't see Tucker and Atatange. Tucker slides in and blasts The Afoci with a chair to the head! Tucker climbs out of the ring, the damage done! NevStar has The Afoci down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Infra-Red!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Now Tucker, Atatange, Sachmo and NevStar continue to pound away at The Afoci and Sting. The 4 on 2 is too much and they are soon down on the canvas. Tucker \ Atatange signal for the Double DDT! Suddenly Marmel comes down from the crowd.

I've had enough of this.

Straus: Where are you going?

Hart: I am going to help Sting.

The crowd goes nuts as the Hitman joins Marmel in the ring. As The Afoci and Sting get up it is now a 4 on 4 brawl. As soon as Flamebeard's Followers lose the upperhand they bail out of the ring. We end the show with The Afoci, Marmel, Sting and The Hitman standing tall.

Winners: NevStar and Sachmo.

Overall Rating: 65%
Crowd Reaction: 63%
Match Quality: 68%

Overall Rating for the show was 65%.
We got a .97 TV rating for the show.
604 people attended.
Ticket sales: $18,120.

FOFC Lightweight Champion: Coffee Warlord.
FOFC Heavyweight Champion: Raven
FOFC Hardcore Champion: Smokin' Warlord
FOFC Television Champion: Illinifan
FOFC Tag Team Champions: Primelord/Shorty
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 05-11-2007, 11:52 PM   #321
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Ok guys, here's an update. I have been really busy with work (overtime) and family life. I hope to get back into this sometime. But I am burnt out and if I can't put in 100% I won't post shows right now. So I am taking a break for now. Hopefully it won't be too long.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
DolphinFan1 is offline   Reply With Quote

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