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Old 03-18-2009, 01:15 PM   #1
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Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
DaddyTorgo's Face The Board Answers

Where did you grow up? Where have you lived and where do you live now? Do you have any opinions on the places you have lived in?

I spent the first 12.5 years of my life in Wellesley, MA. Moved out to Saratoga, CA for 6 months, moved to Los Gatos, CA for a year, and then moved back to Wellesley, MA. Went to college one town over at B.C.

As far as opinions -

I'm appreciative of Wellesley. It's certainly got it's negative aspects, but it's safe, beautiful, and I got a great public education here. When I lived in Saratoga it was FULL of Asians. In fact, in middle-school there I was probably one of literally five non-Asian kids in the whole high-school. Frankly it freaked me the fuck out. I loved Los Gatos. Broke my heart when we moved from there. My best-friend from when I was out there I still consider to be my best-friend to this day. He's my hetero-lifemate (thanks Kevin Smith for that term).

As many years as I spent here on the East Coast in the Boston area, I consider myself to be a California-boy. Those 6th and 7th grade years are really fundamental in developing who a person is, and that's where I was during those years.

What brought you to the FOFC?

Although my join date is October 2002, I lurked for about two years before I first started posting in 2004. Lurker by necessity, not by choice, as I had registered with this name and then lost my password and lost access to the email that I used to register it, and somebody (*cough* SkyDog) was a pain in my ass about finally giving me access or whatever.

As for how I originally found the place – I had picked up some pseudo text-sim at like a WalMart or Target (one of the early basketball ones) and I really enjoyed it and so I said “there must be one of these for American football” so I googled and voila!. I had also played several versions of CM before that (00/01 was probably the CM/FM I was most addicted to up until this version).

Have you ever played werewolf?

Absolutely. I'm all about the werewolf!

Do you have any superpowers?

Unfortunately not.

What do you do for fun?

Plenty of gaming. Plenty of reading, both fiction and nonfiction (although I haven't been able to do as much lately as I'd like). I'm the kind of person who when I used to have more disposable income would go into the bookstore and drop $100 at a time every month or so. Now I MAYBE spend that much on books in a year.

How long do you expect to live?

I've always said that it's not the length of my life, it's the quality that matters. I'd settle for average, so that's what...73? 74?. That sounds fine. I honestly don't really care. I just try to enjoy everyday so that I can die without regrets at any time.

What do you look like?

Really? Guess I should throw a pic up. Okay I can't find one that I'm happy with on my machine, I'll have to look for one on another machine and put it in the appropriate thread.

What do you prefer physically in a woman?

I don't know that I have a “type.” LCB was a blond, the girl I crushed on before her was an olive-skinned brunette Italian, before that I crushed on a pale-skinned and black-haired girl. Gotta have nice eyes...nice eyes and good bone-structure. There's all sorts of studies done about that isn't there – what the optimum bone structure for a woman's face to attract men are and stuff?

My problem with physical attraction to women has always been that I have champagne-taste but I'm on a Schlitz-budget. And I've tried to justify that by saying “well I may be Schlitz but inside I'm champagne, so I want a woman who's champagne on the outside.” And it doesn't really work that way most the time, unless one gets lucky.

Do you play any sports? Have you played any sports in the past? Are there sports you want to try out?

Far and away my most successful sport was soccer. I was a dominant central defender growing up, and transitioned in middle-school into being a goalkeeper. I played up through JV level in high-school as a goalkeeper.

I'd like to get into some adult league and play goalie again.

What are you hoping for in the future?

Nothing really. I'd be content with a decent stable income and a stable job. That's about it.

Lincoln Logs or Legos?

Legos. All the way. My best friend and I in 7th grade filled his entire living room floor with an entire world of Lego sci-fi creations (spaceships and bases and characters and back-stories).

Do you (still) play FOF? If so, how/where? If not, why not?

Sure I do. Since I had to reinstall Windows I've only got one active career, and it's with the Atlanta Falcons so I can have my Matty Ryan as the QB. Must be in about 2023 or so, as he's about ready to retire. I've only really played single-player, I toyed with MP one time but I don't have the dedication nor do I want to feel obligated to do stuff on any kind of schedule.

Who would you have preferred to have in their prime and why?:

Mike Greenwell or Trot Nixon
Mike Greenwell. Can he get the motherfucking MVP award that he was robbed of by Canseco the admitted roid-head? Greenie was a horribly underrated player for the Red Sox.
Troy Brown or Wes WelkerAs much as I love Troy Brown, I gotta go with Welker here. He's that much better of a player.

Larry Bird or Kevin Garnett

Ooooh. See now this is a toughie. Maybe tougher than it should be. Bird is Larry Legend, but Garnett is a great offensive force AND a great defensive force. Fuck.

Which seats are your least favorite to sit in at Fenway Park for a ball game?

I'm spoiled now. I used to be able to sit anywhere, but the year before last my sister had tickets up in the EMC club through her company and she gave them to me. I don't know if I can sit anywhere else. I didn't go to a game at all last year, and I'm not sure that I'll go this year. It's a same, but the availability of tickets and the prices charged by scalpers have largely priced out the average fans.

Did you ever go to any Patriot games at the old stadium with the metal bleachers?

I never went to any Patriots games there, but I went to plenty of soccer games there (New England Revolution and US National team). Been to a single Pats game at Gillette and again, plenty of soccer games, and I got to say it's a huge improvement.

Which are you more in favor of? The proposed additional 19 cents of tax per gallon of gasoline in Massachusetts (to bring it up to 61 cents per gallon worth of extra fees), or the alternative of further increasing mass pike tolls?

I don't really drive much these days, so neither would really bother me. That being said, there are ways to avoid the pike and get where you're going for the most part, so I think further increasing those tolls would be less of a financial hardship to me on a day-to-day basis.

Have an idea for a WW game?

I've had a few in the past, I don't really have any amazing ideas right now. Maybe some sort of pirate-ship idea, where if we could get enough players there'd be an elected-captain or something.

If YOU came with instructions, what would they say?

Fragile. Handle with care.

If love was a flavor, what would it taste like?

I don't know – what does shit taste like?

What is still a mystery to you?

Women? Why Grady Little didn't take Pedro Martinez out in 2003 in Game 7? Why Hitler thought he was smarter than Napoleon and could invade Russia and not suffer in the winter? Plenty of things.

If there was a burglar behind you right now, what would you hit him with?

Right now? Maybe the huge heavy lamp sitting behind me.

What would you buy right now if I gave you $20?

$20? Hmmm. A pizza and the new Orson Scott Card book I saw in the bookstore yesterday (“Empire”??)

Have you ever claimed sea monkeys as dependents?

Absolutely never.

When the frick is caillou gonna grow some god damn hair?

Absolutely never.

Alizee: hot or not?

I didn't even know who this was, but after looking her up and doing some research I'll have to go with “not”.

What are your thoughts on iCarly?

I can safely say I've never seen it.

Do you have any noteworthy stories involving a washroom?

Nope. No noteworthy stories involving a washroom.

What better, Scrabble or Monopoly?

Monopoly, for sure. Although our family never finishes a game because we all get so worked-up.

Dogs or cats?

Dogs. 100%.

Snow or summer breeze?

Summer breeze FTW.

What is one country you want to visit before you're too old to enjoy it? What would you do to enjoy it?

A very good question. I'd like to go on a safari in Africa, in the Great Rift Valley.

We need an addendum, DT, how does it feel to now be a woman?

Well it's always been said that I have a strong feminine side...

So DT, when you're in this role, whose voice do you imagine comes out of your mouth?

I wouldn't say I was really imagining any voice really.

Also, any special preparations for when you act the part? You know, maybe polish your pinky nail, or wear a little lipgloss, apply a bit of mascara, etc.

Let's say it's Halloween and you decided to dress up like a woman, which actress would you most closely resemble?

Oh god. Not an actress really, but maybe Lisa Lampanelli? She looks pretty mannish and stocky.

Who is/was your FOF Nemesis?

I don't think I have had or have a nemesis. Maybe SFL Cat in the Obama thread is as close as I've come.

If you could bring back one banned former FOFC member, who would it be?

Capsicum. Honorable mention to FN. Although I guess FN isn't strictly-speaking banned. But for sheer volume of craziness generated by minimal number of posts, I think Capsicum wins.

3 people live, dead or fictional that you would have a drink/meal with

You can't ask a history major this. I could debate this question for months and come up with a different answer everyday.

Off the top of my head though: Alexander the Great, Marc Antony, Socrates.

See, and just in thinking this I also knocked off: Cleopatra, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Caesar, Robert E. Lee, Hitler, Darius II, Akhenaton, Martin Luther King, George Washington.

Where is Oil Can Boyd?

Didn't I read in an article that he feels like he still has what it takes and he's crusading for some team to give him a shot? I'm all for it...what a colorful guy.

Is Marky Mark one of Massachusetts' greatest exports? Or, is it NKOTB that's one of Massachusetts' greatest exports?

Marky Mark has outlived NKOTB, to his credit. So he gets the nod here.

You can only go one way on the I-95, do you go south or north and why?

North. South is towards Rhode Island (a hole) and in the direction of New York (bigger hole). At least if I go North I'm heading up into the wilderness.

Who were you in a previous life?

I don't know, but through my dad's genealogical research we've discovered some cool relatives – namely William the Conqueror on his side. On my mom's side there's Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Henry David Thoreau.

Will the Celtics repeat this year?

I think they have a better chance than people give them credit for. They lost James Posey sure, but their young-guys are a year more experienced, and their role players are a year more experienced.

Did you ever play the game 1 on 1: Larry Bird vs Magic Johnson? If so, did you ever break the backboard?

Never played it.

Who has the worst accent...New Yorkers or Bostonians?

New Yorkers, specifically Long Island JAPS (Jewish American princesses).

What 3 things would you want if you were stranded on a deserted island?

Flippant answer: A satellite phone.

Giving it some thought (assuming necessities are taken care of): All my Tolkien books, Pen & Paper, a nice multitool.

Why do sandwiches taste better when they're cut in half? What better, cut vertically, horizontally, or diagonally?

I don't know why they taste better, but they definitely do. I'd definitely say they taste better when cut vertically I guess. But most of the time I'm having them on rolls and such and it doesn't strictly apply.

What are you, the daddy Mack or the Mack Daddy?

I might be the daddy Mack.

Do you still want to nuke Cleveland?

Sounds good. Or how about just a tactical nuclear weapon on Plain Township / Canton?

So why haven't we headed to a Revs game?

Not really any particular reason that I can think of. We absolutely should in this upcoming season.

So, why haven't Sports Interactive hired Jim Gindin to make a FOOTBALL manager game?

I have a theory, and that's that the U.S. Government has seen the studies commissioned by the British government about the loss of productivity caused by Football Manager, and they are actually paying Jim Gindin to sit at home and not make that game that SI want him to make because of the crippling effect it'd have on the U.S. economy.

So, when are you going to break down and get Setanta Sports?

It's not offered on Comcast, is it?

So - how do you like *them* apples?

Love apples. Love to go apple picking. Red delicious, Macintosh, Cortland's, I'll eat them all.

What happened to those pics you were going to send people and never did?

They're still sitting here on my laptop. I've just been real lazy about that. Guess I should do that.

You have been banished forever from Massachusetts. Where do you go and why?

Back to California, back to the Bay Area. I'd love to live in San Francisco, or down by my buddy in Los Gatos / San Jose. Actually I'm working on trying to make that happen.

Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite.

I don't drink much soda at all. But Sprite first, or Sierra Mist. Following that, orange soda. After that, if I must, Coke. Never Pepsi.

How many states have you been in?

California, Massachusetts, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Hawaii, NewJersey, North Carolina (okay just the airport for a couple hours). I might be missing a couple, but I think that's a fairly comprehensive list.

Yankees or Death?

Death. Without a doubt.

Wolf or villager?

Wolfy wolfy wolfy.

Which recent late night host is your favorite?

I don't watch late night shows.

When you go to Taco Bell, are you a mild, hot, or fire person?

I don't think I've ever actually been to a Taco Bell. When I go to the “fast-foodish” Mexican places around here I am defiantly a “fire” person though. But I don't know how that compares to Taco bell “fire.”

What is the worst pain you've ever felt physically? Emotionally?

Physically: Probably my appendicitis. Second place would be when I gashed my right calf open down to the bone and had to wait a couple hours to get stitches, but I was in so much shock there I didn't really feel it.

Emotionally: My tortured “teen angst years?” That or lying-cheating-bitch. Hmm...probably lying-cheating-bitch.

If you could play H-O-R-S-E with any basketball player living or dead, who would it be; and what shot would you use to win the game?

Hmm. Michael Jordan. And I guess I'd have to use my “throw it over the back of the backboard with my eyes closed” shot.

What's something you eat that people make fun of you for?

Hmmm – I don't think there really is anything I eat that's “weird.” I still eat a lot of candy though, and that's not really a good thing.

What do you think of the new Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Checkov, Sulu & Davey the ships Jester in the soon to be released movie?

Serious answer? I'm not sure I'm entirely sold on the new movie. I don't know that going “back to their childhood” was necessarily the way to go. But as a loyal Trekker, I will go to see it opening day (hopefully). Whether it's any good or not will determine if I go to see it 2-3 times.

It's 1:43 am and I can't sleep, what should I do?

Well if you were a single guy I know what my advice would be, but since you (Lorena) are a married lady – wake up your husband and tell him he has hmm...husbandly duties to perform?

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Old 03-18-2009, 02:25 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
Good read DT. Thanks for answering my questions.
I'm no longer a Chargers fan, they are dead to me

Coming this summer to a movie theater near you: The Adventures of Jedikooter: Part 4
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Old 03-18-2009, 02:39 PM   #3
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Absolutely Kooter. Be a better read if I wasn't so damn
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Old 03-18-2009, 03:56 PM   #4
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Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
Wasn't boring at all. the story about Saratoga was funny. I think it's nick name is Saratokyo from hearing some of the kids talk here.

The thing that blows me away about Saratoga is, they shut that town down at about 5PM. Went to go to dinner there one time and practically everything was closed.
I'm no longer a Chargers fan, they are dead to me

Coming this summer to a movie theater near you: The Adventures of Jedikooter: Part 4

Last edited by JediKooter : 03-18-2009 at 03:58 PM.
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Old 03-18-2009, 04:03 PM   #5
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DT - the correct answer is Bird. Don't think too hard next time
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Old 03-18-2009, 04:39 PM   #6
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Good luck getting back to Los Gatos, DT. That place is insanely expensive to live in from what I've heard.

Good read, btw.
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 03-18-2009, 06:07 PM   #7
Favored Bitch #1
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Interesting read Andy. I would have asked you some questions but I have met you twice in person and we really have nothing left to talk about.

i kid i kid
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Old 03-18-2009, 06:53 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Interesting read Andy. I would have asked you some questions but I have met you twice in person and we really have nothing left to talk about.

i kid i kid

lol...before I scrolled down to see the "I kid" I was about to cry.
Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:27 PM   #9
Head Coach
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Did you ever play the game 1 on 1: Larry Bird vs Magic Johnson? If so, did you ever break the backboard?

Never played it.

Oh man you totally missed out. That was an outstanding game for its time.

Good read
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:28 PM   #10
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Thought that was Larry Bird Versus Doctor J....
Check out Foz's New Video Game Site, An 8-bit Mind in an 8GB world!
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:39 AM   #11
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Good stuff, DT. If you ever make back out here, I will certainly buy you a beer.
Look into the mind of a crazy man (NSFW)
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Old 03-23-2009, 08:34 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Karlifornia View Post
Good stuff, DT. If you ever make back out here, I will certainly buy you a beer.

Yeah I gotta plan that out. I'm bout due for another visit to my people out there...
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Old 04-02-2009, 10:08 PM   #13
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Ply don't nuke Canton. I'd lose 2 clients I deliver to nightly.
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Old 04-05-2009, 01:43 PM   #14
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I agree DT, Pepsi sucks.
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Old 04-05-2009, 01:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Lorena View Post
I agree DT, Pepsi sucks.

Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 04-15-2009, 06:05 PM   #16
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Fun read. Doesn't give any indication of deeper psychological issues as to why you've had such women troubles, though.

When's the next one coming out?

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Old 04-15-2009, 10:01 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
Fun read. Doesn't give any indication of deeper psychological issues as to why you've had such women troubles, though.

When's the next one coming out?


hahah jerk!!

I dunno. I gave Anty a list of people - a first choice and a 2nd and a 3rd in case either of the first 2 declined.
Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:47 AM   #18
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Still no word from the person I am trying to contact. Going on to the next person on the list.
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:52 AM   #19
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Yeah, i was sort of hoping that a chance to do FTB would get his ass back here
Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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