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Old 05-22-2009, 11:26 AM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
The Blues - RL, 30+ Men's Baseball Dynasty

More or less inspired by Travis' thread about his slo-pitch team, I thought I'd do something similar to that by letting you all have a glimpse into the lives of a rag tag group of (mostly) hockey players who play some baseball in what we like to call "non-winter" here in Edmonton. It seems like the non-winter season is getting shorter and shorter every year (we've had our first two games canceled due to snow already) so those whining about global warming can SUCK IT because it ain't happening!!!

A little background on the league...we're currently an 8-team league that is situated in and around Edmonton, Alberta. We play an 18 game season, depending on weather, of course, and then have playoffs to wrap up the season. Every player in the league must be 30 years or older with the exception of one player per team...that player can be no younger than 29. Every player bats, so if you have twelve guys there, then twelve guys bat. There are unlimited substitutions so you can have a different guy(s) sitting every inning if you like. Next season we will be introducing a wood-bat only rule as most of the tournies around here are played that way. Otherwise, it's regular baseball, just with more old guys and more fat guys.

The team I play for is called The Blues, hence the title. If we were to field our best team we are probably the 2nd or 3rd best team in the league. If we're missing a couple of key guys, we could be just as bad as anybody. In this league, pitching is very important because there isn't much to go around and any good ones get burned out pretty quickly (myself included) because our bodies don't bounce back like they used to. We're probably one of the better hitting teams in the league, but again, it all depends on shows up. Defensively, we have our issues...but we aren't the only ones.

I'll post a little more about the guys in the next post...hopefully sometime this afternoon.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 05-22-2009 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 05-22-2009, 11:45 AM   #2
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Canada eh
Good stuff, looking forward to seeing more on this as the season goes on.

I do like the wood bat rule change for next year. That's just wicked.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:19 PM   #3
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
Our team has a pretty good mix of guys. We've got some young guys, some old guys, some really old guys, some skinny, speedy guys, some heavier, slower guys...the list could go on and on. But, overall, we're a pretty solid bunch and when we're on nobody will beat us.

Here's a little run-down on the guys that I know are playing this year. We may have a new guy or two but with the weather and my busy schedule I was unable to make one single practice...mind you, I think we only had two or three in total, so I didn't miss much. Anyway, I'll list the guys in our "usual" batting order and I'll use nicknames, if applicable, more often than not:

E - One of the younger guys and is built more like a bowling bowl and he just got married last summer so we'll see what married life has done to that physique. He likes to talk, some would say, a little too much but there is never any question that his head is in the game because he's got that game face on all time, even for old man baseball. Never has a clean uni at the end of the game, either. His bat came alive last season and is a threat for hitting for extra bases. His short-stalky build will get him his fair share of walks. Decent wheels and will steal his share of bags but it all depends on the opposing catchers...for the most part, they suck. In the field, he can usually be found behind the plate...not because he's all that good but because he's willing...or else in the outfield.

Dave - Defintely one of the better players on the team as he can do it all really well. He's one of the younger guys and is still in pretty good shape so he's definitely got an advantage on most guys right there. If he had one negative I would say it's his arm. He's usually at 2B and does just fine there but when we have to slide him over to SS he has a tough time making all the throws from there. But, he more than makes up for it at the dish as he can hit to all fields and will hit for extra bases more often than not. He's also an aggressive and smart baserunner who will usually find himself in scoring postion anytime he gets on base.

Fonzie - Easily the most athletic guy on the team, and again, one of the younger guys. He can hit it out at anytime and can also turn a single into a double if a fielder hestitates even a little bit. He's got speed to burn so is a pest on the base paths. He's our regular SS but the last couple of years he's tried his hand at pitching and he's done very well thus far. Last season his arm started to hurt later in the season but still managed to help us get to the finals. His only knock would be a knack for swinging for the fences a little too often. Sometimes it seems like he isn't happy with taking a free-pass or cutting down his swing with two strikes so he'll end an inning or two chasing balls in the dirt or way over his head.

Johnny (me) - One of the younger guys but definitely not in very good shape, especially compared to Fonzie and Dave. I started with the team I think 5 years ago and pitched and played SS. After two years of pitching my shoulder really started to bother me so much so that playing the infield wasn't really an option anymore. So, I've been relegated to the outfield, for the most part, but depending on how my wing feels, I'll still play some 3B, 2B and also at 1B. I'm not a threat to steal many bases but I will on occassion catch them napping. Regardless of what I can't do these days, my bat is why I get a call every spring to make sure I'm playing again. I used to be a dead-pull hitter that would park a few from time to time but I've consciously tried to spread it around a little more over the last several seasons and it's worked pretty well. I'll still hit a few out but I've also gotten away from those weak grounders to 2B while trying to turn on an outside fastball...instead I try to put that pitch into the gap in left-center. I also have no problem taking a walk...if I don't see something I want to hit, I'm not going to swing at it.

Darcy - He's probably one of the older guys...mid 40's I'd say. Probably one of the hardest throwers in the league and when he's got everything working he's just about untouchable. He's also a self-proclaimed asshole and has no problems plunking anybody if the situation calls for it. He's another guy with a bowling ball build but is nowhere near as athletic as E so he won't steal a base for ya nor will he try to get dirty. In the field, when he isn't pitching, he's usually in the outfield or maybe at 3B, depending on who's pitching. He can still hit and has the pop to still put it out but nowhere near as often as he used to when I first joined the team. He pulls absolutely everything and because of that will often whiff on any offspeed, especially late in the count.

Sarge - He's essentially the GM of the team though he's tried to relegate some of those duties to some of the younger guys over the last couple of years. He's in his 50's but, to be honest, is probably in the best shape he's been in for a long time. Still a very good hitter but doesn't have much for pop. He'll hit the ball where it's pitched and hope to find the gaps from time to time. He's also got a great eye up there and walks a fair bit. He used to be a fireballer lefty, by his accounts, but the arm is no longer there so now he plays a pretty solid 1B with decent range and good "scooping" ability. Not much for speed these days as he's had some issue with a hammy over the last couple of years but I could see him stealing a few now and then if that clears up. Best thing about Sarge is that his memory for sports stats is ridiculous...he could tell you what the score was in our 3rd game of the season was 5 years ago and who finished fifth in the Kentucky Derby 10 years ago. Crazy!!

Sal - We found this guy a few years ago after he immigrated from Mexico. He mentioned that he was in the Mexican National Baseball system at one time and he proved it at his first few practices. After coming here with litterally only his shirt on his back we managed to scrape together some gear for him and he's been a pretty solid addition. He's probably close to 40 and now that his wife and kids are here with him he is much more reliable. He can hit but tends to be WAY too aggressive and will chase a lot of crap which will lead to a lot of easy outs. Runs like the wind, even though he probably isn't in the best shape. In the field, he'll play some catcher, some 3B and a little outfield. Hopefully with his family close by he'll be out more regularly because he was tough to count on the last few years. He should be higher in the order but it's tough when you don't know if he's going to show up.

Scottie - Tall, lanky drink of water who is a gamer. He's pretty much taken over the reins of running the team over the last couple of years and has done a great job. He's closer to 40 than he is 30 but you probably couldn't tell that by looking at him. With a big dip in his lip from start to finish, this guy just loves to play. For one reason or another, he's been struggling at the plate the last couple of years so he's slowly slid his way down the order. Whether age and some of the tricks God plays on your body during the process are contributing to it or not, I really would like to see him turn it around. He's another guy who can't resist getting his uni dirty every night so he'll find a way to get on base even if it means laying down a bunt and trying to block the throw by, illegally, running inside the baseline...LOL. He's probably our best catcher but his arm has been declining over the years. He's also started pitching recently and actually has a pretty decent that he'll throw on any count. When he's on, he's good, but when it isn't dancing...YIKES!!

Reeko - Our redheaded lefty is pretty close to reaching 50...if he hasn't reached it yet. He's a quiet guy who pretty much keeps to himself until you get a beer or two into him...then he's your BFF. Tough as nails, he pitched a game last season with two missing fingernails...on his pitching hand...that he lost the day before at work after getting his hand stuck in some sort of manufacturing press...insane. Crafty lefty on the bump who won't overpower you but gets the job done. When he isn't pitching he's usually at 3B...yup, a lefty at 3B. He's had his troubles the last couple of years over there and I think he might find himself in the outfield a little more often going forward. He's a singles hitter who can still steal a base like the young kids as he's in very good shape for a guy his age. Also the kind of guy who feels like he's had a bad game if he isn't dirty or hasn't plunked at least one guy.

Pohl - Nice guy, not much of a ball player. Plain and simple. No wheels, can't hit, can't throw, and is an adventure in the outfield. But, he will surprise you from time to time with a couple of good at bats or a nice running catch.

Pedro - He's over 60 years old, one of the oldest guys in the league, IIRC. Up until last season he used to bat cross-handed. I'm not kidding. Hitting has never been his strong suit, by his own admission, and he isn't kidding. But, what he does do well is pitch. He doesn't throw overly hard but what he does do is make sure the ball isn't just coming in there on a's dinking and dunking all over the place. Depending on who we're playing, he can be really effective for at least 2 or 3 innings...sometimes more. But when he isn't pitching we like to have him keep score...his eyes aren't what they used to be.

We probably have another couple of guys who are either new and I don't know about or else a few guys who may show up a couple of times simply because we are really stuck for obviously guys who aren't difference makers. Also, we're always looking for more players...ahem, anybody in the area interested, let me know.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 05-22-2009 at 01:31 PM.
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:45 PM   #4
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
What is supposed to be our third game of the season is actually our first because of snow in May. So, we'll be taking the field tonight against the best team in the league, year after year, the Eagles. It'll be a rematch of last season's finals where they beat us two games to none in the best of three series to close out the season.

These guys can do it all really well. They have two of the leagues best pitchers...they are probably 1-2 on that list...both of those guys catch as well and are the best catchers in the league. With the exception of maybe 2 or 3 guys, they can all hit and hit well. Needless to say, this is going to be a tough test tonight because I know I'm not the only one from our team who hasn't even picked up a baseball yet.

Should be interesting but at the same time, I just hope I don't need my long underwear by the 5th inning. I'll post the results either later tonight or sometime this weekend.
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Old 05-22-2009, 02:45 PM   #5
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Old 05-23-2009, 12:30 AM   #6
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Game one went pretty much how I expected, especially after seeing who showed up...or, I guess, who didn't show up. We were mercied 17-1 after 5 innings. The mercy rule is 10 runs after 5 innings.

We had nine guys and three of those guys were new. Darren is a buddy of Reeko's from work and Preston and Todd had answered an ad in the paper by another team but they were unwilling to travel that much as that team's home diamond is a good hike outside the city. All in all, the new guys impressed me, somewhat. Darren caught the first 3 innings and did an OK job...he'll have to improve if he wants to get regular time there, though. Todd started at SS and demonstrated a rocket arm during infield warmup but struggled to field the ball cleanly during the game and threw the ball away several times, too. He'll be fine. And Preston started in CF but didn't have much to do out there but then started the 3rd inning on the mound and pitched pretty darn well. They all struggled at the plate, but so did everybody else, while Darren actually scored the only run for us.

Missing tonight were Fonzie (out of town for work), Darcy (coaching his son's Little League team), and Sal. Scottie also tweaked his back at work and probably shouldn't have been playing but did anyways but really didn't help much. We were missing a few other guys, but nobody of consequence. Those three guys would've definitely made a difference, but probably wouldn't have won us the game...not against the best team in the league.

Bottom line in this one was that we didn't hit...I think we might have had two in total with a couple of walks tossed in there. I mean we probably only had two or three hard hit balls all night. Add to that giving up too many walks, not making any plays on defense and not having enough arms to get Preston out of there when they started to hit him too hard.

Highlights from the night...on our side...hmmm, E hit a ball to the gap in the 3rd inning scoring Darren for our only run of the game. They scored 7 or 8 runs in the 2nd inning but four of those came on a grand slam...a no doubter that went over the fence in right. Ugh.

Myself, I played LF the whole game and didn't have much errors...woohoo!!! At the dish, I led off the 2nd with a 4-pitch walk and ended up stranded at 2B. I was the last out in the 3rd after hitting a weak grounder to first and only swing of the season to this point. Oh well.

Our next game is Wednesday against the Whiskey Jacks. They are a team who is getting younger and have been improving over the last two years. We'll be in tough but rumour has it Darcy will be there so at least we know that he'll be good for at least 4 or 5 decent innings.

Other big news is that because one of our regular diamonds is still not ready (something about the sod in the outfield not taking yet) we may get to play Thursday night's game at Telus Field...our local minor league team's home field. We used to have the Trappers here (PCL-AAA) but they left a few years ago and now we've got a team in the Golden independant league. I really hope this happens because it would be pretty cool as it would easily be the best diamond I will have ever played on. I mean, I've played hockey in several NHL arenas over the years but, really, ice is ice. There is something about a perfectly manicured baseball diamond that you will never get at a city diamond...especially up here, in hockey country. Also, one odd thing about this diamond, the infield is astroturf while the outfield is natrual grass. LOL.

So, 0-1 to start and I'm not surprised...I'm sure we'll lose a few more before everybody gets back into the swing of things.
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Old 05-28-2009, 01:01 AM   #7
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
We played our second game of the season on a weird night, weather-wise.

We were playing at a diamond that is about 45 minutes west of the the city limits...I live on the southeast side of the, that makes it about an hour and a quarter, depending on traffic, to get out to the park. I picked up a couple of guys on my way out of the city and managed to get my car washed at the same time...because it was raining like a sonofabitch until we left the city...then it was sunshine for miles.

We got to the diamond and the sky didn't look very friendly at fact it had cooled off quite a bit and the wind picked up as well. Awesome. Anyway, the night went on and the wind eventually died down...we didn't get wet...but it wasn't a very nice night for ball, in my books, at least.

We had the best turnout that I can remember...odd that it was at the diamond the furthest away from the city...we had 12 guys. Darcy and Fonzie, two of our better players, and Pedro made their first appearances of the season and all three made an impact in the a good way. Missing tonight was one of the new guys, Todd, as well as Pohl, who we still haven't seen so far this big loss at all.

We were playing a team who usually struggles in all facets...they don't have much for pitching as they usually rely on a couple of old guys who basically put the ball up there on a tee for you to hit...they are terrible defensively...and only have a couple of fearsome bats to worry about. But, anything can happen on any given night...we all know that all too well.

Being the visiting team we were up first and Ricko leads off with a single to left. Nice. But, he promptly gets picked off at first...LOL!! This pitcher has a pretty good move but also balks A LOT but with two behind the plate and the other who moves around the diamond as needed...just aren't in a position to call him on it. Ricko wasn't the only one to get nabbed in that fashion happened another two times...LOL!!! Anyways, we ended up going down in order in the first...again!

They didn't fare any better against Darcy, our best hurler, despite the rust as he hasn't thrown much at this point in the season. He had decent gas and his offspeed stuff was working well enough to keep them honest.

The 2nd inning started off with my second swing of the season and it ended up in the pitcher's glove in foul territory about halfway up the thirdbase line...something I would do again later in the game...ugh. After making the first out, their defense fell apart. We scored 4 runs, all unearned, after they booted the ball all over the field. When we got back into the field Darcy make quick work and had us back in the dugout before we knew it.

The next couple of innings were rather uneventful as we both had a few hits but nothing ever came of those opportunities. Finally, Darcy started to run into trouble in the 5th where he gave up a few hits and they eventually scored a few runs to cut the lead in half, 4-2.

Heading into the 6th we had the middle of the order coming up...again I led off with a solid foul out to the pitcher...$&#%@...but then we'd proceed to score 7 runs...again all unearned!! It was a little tough to watch some of the crap that went on...first baseman literally dropped a ball from the pitcher that was thrown right at his chest...just popped out. It was about a 25 minute half inning...yikes!!

Darcy sat down for the bottom half of the inning and up stepped Pedro, our 63 year old (who told me tonight that he got an exemption to play for a 65+ team down in Phoenix this winter and won the 65+ World Series!!) who pitched two solid innings in relief giving up only one hit.

The final was 11-2 and we are in the win column...a feat that took us until the end of June to accomplish last season!!! More on that another time.

Highlights of the night...well, I'd have to say a diving catch made by Fonzie in CF where he laid out to grab a sinking liner early in the game. Their CF made a couple of pretty solid running catches as well. Darcy had a very solid outing as he may have had one hard hit ball against him in 5 innings...he'd probably get the game ball.

I had my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th swings of the season tonight...two of which were foul outs and the other was a lazy fly to right...ugh.

We have our third game tomorrow night against a team that is similarly matched to us...they can hit and have a couple of good chuckers so depending on who shows up we could be in for a pretty good game. Fonzie is going to get the start and he's usually pretty solid but we're going to be without a few guys like Dave and Darcy, who are a couple of key players, so hopefully we'll be able to pick it up and put together a good effort.

It was rumored that we might get to play this game at Telus Field...our Pro facility...but that isn't going to be the case. BOO!!!! There is talk of getting at least one game there this season...fingers crossed.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 05-28-2009 at 01:07 AM.
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Old 05-29-2009, 01:10 AM   #8
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
It was a beautiful night for a ball game and we didn't disappoint the few fans that were there to enjoy a nice Alberta evening. With another good turnout, 11 guys, we played a pretty solid game while our opposition, The Heat, did as well.

We started the game on the right foot, for a change, when we scored our first run on an errant throw back to the pitcher while I was at the dish with runners on first and third. I followed that up with my first hit of the season with a liner over the second baseman and again we were sitting with runners at first and third...unfortunately that's the way things would stay.

The bottom half of the inning saw Fonzie take the mound for his first action of the season. He didn't have much for velocity tonight but he was able to keep the ball moving around enough to keep them off balance. They managed to get a couple of runners aboard before Fonzie notched his second strikeout of the inning to end any threat.

We scored again in the 2nd after a few walks got them in trouble. We managed to leave the bases loaded but we were now up by two. They started the 2nd inning with a leadoff double on a rope over my head out in left. Luckily for us he didn't even advance to 3rd, let alone score before the inning was done.

Our bats went cold for the next couple of innings but that didn't matter, we were being patient at the dish and managed to, again, load the bases but just couldn't get that "clutch" hit to bust it wide open...instead we had to settle for another two runs to make it a 4-0 lead after the top of the 4th.

As our sticks went cold, their's woke up. Fonzie was out of gas and they started hitting the ball pretty hard. After a few walks and a couple of hits they were back in the game only down by 2 runs. But, the 4th inning still wasn't over...they managed to load the bases and we finally got the 2nd out of the inning after a run tying double found it's way over the head of Preston who was playing CF. The out occurred at home when the would be go ahead run was cut down by a great relay with the final leg of it coming from the arm of Todd, one of the new guys. But they would eventually get that go ahead before Fonzie registered his final K and out of the night.

We promptly tied it up in the fifth after a few walks and a run scoring single. Pedro, the 63 year old ageless wonder, made his 2nd appearance in two nights and promptly sat them down, 1...2...3. Nice.

The sixth inning brought a new pitcher for The Heat and he was significantly slower than their starter and that really gave some of the guys fits because they were WAY out front, especially on any offspeed stuff. But, he suffered a similar fate as their first guy, he couldn't get it across the plate, either. Again, after a few walks we were able to push across the go ahead run but we also left the sacs juiced for the third time tonight. Again, Pedro went 1...2...3...but I did have to make a catch on a fly ball that backed me up to the warning track...about 340 ft....only 5 ft. short of the fence.

Heading into the last inning we had the top of the order coming up and with one out Todd ripped one to straight away CF that hit the fence about halfway was quite a poke. He scored the very next pitch as E hit a gapper and replaced Todd at 2B. I stepped up and managed to get my second single of the game on a looper behind third base. We didn't do much after that except leave the damn bases loaded for the fourth time!!! Yikes. Pedro ended the game 1...2...3...WOW!! Remember, he's 63 and pitched 2 shutout innings last night and then followed that up with another 3 tonight!!

So, we move to 2-1 on the season after a 7-5 win. Pedro gets the game ball and the highlight would have to be Todd's big double in the final frame...easily the best hit ball of the year from any of our guys.

Myself, 2-3 with a walk and strikeout. Got a lot of cuts in tonight which is what I really needed. I was feeling really good up there for the first time this season so hopefully things have turned around after a rough start. I was in LF for the whole game and I was busy all night. They only had one lefty in the lineup so I probably fielded a dozen balls or so...definitely one of the busier nights I've probably ever had out there.

Next game will be Tuesday against the Eagles, the team that mercied us in our first game of the season. Awesome. Hopefully we have a full squad there but right off the bat we know Darcy, our best pitcher, won't be!! We definitely should be better but ya never know.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 05-29-2009 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 05-29-2009, 10:39 AM   #9
Pro Rookie
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Location: Canada eh
Good stuff! Seems like a nice pair of bounce back games to get a bit of confidence back. One or two timely hits for you guys in that third game would have made it a pretty serious beat down.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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Old 05-29-2009, 11:05 AM   #10
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Yeah, we really could've put up some runs in this one but for whatever reason it just didn't happen. One thing with this game was our defense...we played a pretty solid game on that front save for a few catcher miscues and a grounder or two over at 3B. When we play good defense, we usually put ourselves in a good position to win.

So far, the new guys have been a Godsend. Both Todd (has been at SS and was much better last night with his throws) and Preston (who's played outfield and pitched a little) are terrors on the base paths and have showed that they can hit while Darren (who's caught some but will likely spend more time in the outfield) has managed to find himself on base more often than not...usually after 8-10 pitch at bats then seem to always end in a walk.

These guys were definitely what we were looking for...a shot of youth in the arm...I just hope they don't blow their load too early here...something that happens all too often with new guys.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:18 AM   #11
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Well, it was pretty much a repeat of the first game of the season and we got mercied again...14-3. Ugh. We only had 8 guys and they definitely took advantage of the extra space in the outfield. We didn't help things either as Fonzie, who was on the mound, was handing out free passes like they were going out of style and we had our share of errors and mental mistakes, too.

They started the game by scoring 5 runs with probably two hits...yikes!! Lots of walks and a few gaffes and we were behind the 8-ball from the start. We picked up a run in the bottom half as I doubled deep to the gap in right-center with Ricko on 2B.

The second inning started with more of the same non-sense, except worse. They tallied 9 runs in that inning...yep, 9 runs. This time around they were really finding the holes and we were really at their mercy because we didn't have any more arms available because we have another game tomorrow night. Poor Fonzie.

Oddly enough, the next three innings were pretty solid but you could tell they were already going through the motions. But, we definitely outplayed them in the last 3 innings essentially winning 2-0. Shame we had to count the first two innings.

Not much good to come out of this one...when Fonzie wasn't walking guys he was missing with 2 strikes and giving them pitches to hit and these guys don't miss those opportunities. Defense was terrible in the first two innings...balls dropping out of gloves...booted groundballs...really lame mental mistakes like two guys watching a pop up drop between them...just pitiful. And, apart from myself and Fonzie, the bats were...shhhh...very quiet. Definitely would've helped to have Dave and Darcy there.

Highlights...hmmm...well, my double in the first landed at the base of the fence and had the boys jumping out of the was a little glimmer after such a rough start. We also managed a couple of double plays in the last couple of innings...not something you see all that often.

My stick came alive today...3-3, 1 run, 1 RBI, including 2 doubles. The second double led off the 5th inning when I hit a 3-2 fastball to the gap in left-center but unfortunately I was stranded at 3B. I played the hot corner for the whole game and started one of the doubleplays late in the game but otherwise, it was pretty quiet over there. Ricko played in the outfield as he's struggled as of late at 3B and his problems continued out there dropping several balls and misjudging a few others. Fonzie also had 3 hits including a 2-run double in the 3rd that saw me score from 1st...not something I do often.

We're now even at 2-2 and play the Codgers tomorrow night out at their park. I would say they are probably our equal in the league and it's usually a pretty even game when we meet up. They've got two pretty good chuckers and a couple of decent bats but are also prone to a bad inning or two in the are we. Sounds like Darcy will be starting on the mound tomorrow night...which is a good thing...but with E tweaking his knee tonight we could once again find ourselves with 8, but hopefully 9 for tomorrow night's game. Fingers crossed.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 06-03-2009 at 09:14 AM.
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Old 06-04-2009, 02:26 AM   #12
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Best night of the spring up here in Edmonton...sunny, 25 degrees Celsius and no wind whatsoever. Great night to play a little a ball...and boy, did we ever pick the right night for a barn burner!

I rode out (I say "out" because we had to head to a town about 20 minutes west of the city and several of us live as far east in the city as you can get) with Ricko and Darcy and traffic was a bitch, to say the least. What usually takes us 35 minutes or so took us over an hour and because of that, our 6th, 7th, and 8th players didn't get to the game until about 10 minutes before the first pitch. Yup...we had 8 guys again. Brutal. I got two calls on our way out there from guys who "forgot" they had something else to hour's notice. There will be some discussion before the next game because that is unacceptable.

Anyways, the other team only had one spare and few guys who were banged up as most of them played in a tourney over the, we really didn't have that much to complain about.

They had a big lefty (we called him "Track Pants Lefty" 'cause he didn't have a uni) starting and despite being out of uniform he could bring the gas pretty good and had a curveball to go with it. We managed to get a few on but couldn't push one across in our half of the first. Darcy got the start and wasn't feeling all that good...and it showed. Before we knew it we were down 5 runs...deja vu...last night all over again. Great.

Again, we managed to get a few guys on but our first run of the game ended up getting cut down at home for the third out. Awesome. And, just like last night, they exploded for 6 or 7 in the 2nd...they didn't really hit the ball all that well...Darcy didn't walk many, if any...nor did we boot the ball around...they just hit it where we weren't...and with only two outfielders, that's a little easier to do.

We managed to score our first run when Sarge hit a gapper with Fonzie on second. But that was it. The bottom half started out rather promising with two quick outs. But they managed to get a few guys on and then "Track Pants Lefty" hit one out and proceeded to just about walk around the was pretty brutal...if I were up there I'd be plunking the next guy...for sure. Come on...that made it 13 or 14 nothing and he's crawling around the bags...awful.

We didn't do much in the top half of the 4th. Still down a lot to one or two, Darcy was done and one of the new guys, Preston, took the mound. First guy singles up the middle. He then proceeds to steal 2B. Huh? You don't do that shit and like good team player does, Preston whistles the very next pitch over the head of the batter. The other team was giving it to the moron on 2B for stealing...and so was the batter. Anyways, before the bottom half of the inning was done, the score was 16-1.

We were half an inning away from heading to the parking lot to drink beer but something must have fired us up because that wouldn't be the last inning tonight. Whether it was the slow trot after the dinger or the stealing when we were already so far down...who knows, but the boys were raring to go. Before we knew it we were within 1 run of not being mercied for the second night in a row. I was on third, and to be honest I was tasting the beer already so I wasn't in a hurry to cross the plate, but then the ball got away from the catcher and I bolted for home. I made it in there before "Track Pants Lefty" even got to the plate...16-6. Two batters later and Darcy hits his first bomb of the season...a 3-run shot. Hmmm...16-9. Preston followed up our big inning by tossing a perfect bottom half and all of a sudden there is a glimmer of hope.

The big lefty was out of gas and in came "The Preacher"...a 50'ish year old minister who grew up in Chicago...apparently played some rookie ball for the Dodgers way back when. Anyways, this guy is a lanky 6'6" who is probably one of the better pitchers in the league. He doesn't throw all that hard but can get his fastball to move any which way and takes off so much on his curveball that it is damn near impossible to wait for it. I get the honour of leading off the inning and sure enough I'm way out front on a curve and pound it into the ground towards their 2B. Only, The Preacher tries to make a play on it but it just gets by him but he slowed it down enough that I'm able to beat it out. Very next pitch, Fonzie hits that same curveball to the gap in left-center and I score from 1st...yikes!! Fonzie scores on Sarge's single to left and we're only down 5 runs. Darcy hits another ball pretty hard to CF that gets all the way to wall and scores Sarge. We're down 4 now. That's how the 6th inning ended after another uneventful bottom half of an inning.

So, it was down to of 7 and down 4 runs. Preston, still green behind the ears, saw a steady stream of curveballs and eventually whiffed on one for the first out. E, who was hobbling around like Kirk Gibson after tweaking his knee last night, beat out a groundball that was bobbled by the third baseman. I was up next and watched two curves called for strikes. He wasted a few fastballs up hoping I'd chase one of them...and I almost did. Then he tried to paint the outside corner with another heater and I stroked it to the gap in LF-CF for my second double of the night. Fonzie followed up with a single to left and both E and I scored to get us within 2 runs of tying this debacle. Fonzie stole 2B with Sarge at the plate but that was as far as he would advance he walked to make himself the tying run. Darcy was up next and hit a blooper behind 1st base that scored Fonzie and moved Sarge to 2B. Down only one. Scotty, who has been battling a pinched nerve in his neck, hit a chopper to short and then managed to get the force out at 2B but that was it. First and third with two out, Ricko at the dish, and we need one to tie...slow roller to SS and he makes a pretty good play to get the out at first. It's over...16-15.

Crazy game, to say the least...highlight of the night had to be Darcy's shot as that pretty much stated that we were there to play, not just rollover. Darcy didn't have it on the mound tonight but had 4 hits to try and make up for it.

Myself, I love playing at that park for some reason as I've had some very good games out there...the best being a 2 homer game where I also tossed a 2-hit shutout. Tonight would be another decent game going 4-5 with 2 doubles, 3 RBIs, 3 runs scored, and a walk. I started the game at SS and made one play and then spent the last 4 innings in LF-CF as one of the rovers shagging flyballs...AKA, running my ass off. I made a couple of easy catches and got to watch "Track Pants Lefty" hit a bomb over my was a no-doubter.

That drops us to 2-3 on the season. We're supposed to have 3 games next week...Monday, Thursday, and Friday. I think we're going to try and push the Thursday game back because that is just too much ball for a group of out of shape, old guys. So, Monday, we head to St. Albert...where Mark Messier and Jerome Iginla hail from to face another team that on most nights is our equal. Hopefully we can have a much better turnout than we did the last two games otherwise there are going to be some pretty pissed off old timers.

Last edited by johnnyshaka : 06-04-2009 at 02:31 AM.
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:41 AM   #13
Pro Rookie
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Location: Canada eh
Oh man, that'd have been a sweet come from behind win. Hopefully, if nothing else this'll springboard a nice push. One, maybe two more players and you take that game, hopefully you'll have those numbers at minimum next week.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:11 PM   #14
BYU 14
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Location: The scorched Desert
Helluva comeback, that would have really been great to steal it after their early showboating!
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:40 PM   #15
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Definitely would've been a beauty to steal that one but at least we made a game of it and "earned" the post-game beer.
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Old 06-09-2009, 10:28 AM   #16
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
So, I'm really starting to see a trend here and it is really getting annoying. The trend I'm talking about is how we seem to always give the other guys a good headstart before we start to play. It's getting ridiculous. Last night was more of the same, just not to the extent of the last couple of games.

We were on the road and couldn't get much going to start the game. We were facing an old teammate on the mound who doesn't much for stuff but who is always around the plate. Fonzie was standing on 2B when got to the plate with two down but I ended up hitting a lazy fly ball to center to end the inning. Darcy was on the bump for us and had a pretty rough first inning as they hit the ball pretty hard. We didn't make a single error, for a change, but that didn't stop them from hitting their way to a 3-run lead after the first highlighted by a bases clearing triple over Fonzie's head in center.

The second inning was much of the same...we did absolutely nothing and they extended their lead by two but this time Darcy handed out a few free passes. His arm was finally getting loose, though, and even from my vantage point in left, I could really see that his fastball was really hopping and his curve was starting to bite.

We were still struggling at the plate, though, and again we couldn't put anything together to start to eat away at their 5-run lead. But, Darcy had finally found "the zone" and retired the side in order to finish out the third inning.

We finally got something going in the fourth when E reached on an error, I walked, and Darcy loaded the bases with an infield single. Sacs were juiced for Sarge (funny bit...Sarge used to be a dead pull hitter but that was 5 years ago...he's nearing 60 and obviously slowing down a little so he's been more of a middle to opposite field guy...their 2nd baseman is yelling at everybody to play to pull...MORON!!!!) and he hits a little looper into a very empty LF and E and I score easily. The inning would end with us down by three after Darcy pitched another quick inning.

They've changed pitchers to start the fifth and he throws a little harder and has a pretty dirty 12-6 curve that really dives hard and apparently we couldn't lay off of it. We went down in order. Darcy was showing signs of tiring after plunking a guy (the guy who hit the triple earlier...oh well) and walking another. They managed to extend their lead to four before the inning was done.

Fonzie led of the 6th by ripping his 2nd double of the night to the gap in right-center. Ian beat out a slow roller to third. I pop straight up on a friggin' fastball RIGHT DOWN BROADWAY. F***! Darcy doubles down the third base line scores both runners. Our half of the inning ends with us down by two. Darcy says he wants to keep going, much to Pedro's chagrin, and tosses his third scoreless inning of the night.

The inning starts with another new pitcher, a slow sidewinder, who is a definite contrast to the last guy who was out there. With a lineup full of righthanded bats (myself and Sarge are the only lefties there tonight...Dave, the other one wasn't in attendance) he made quick work of the first three batters he faced, not letting any of even nick a ball. Darcy walked out to the mound for the 6th inning and pitched another scoreless inning to end the 6th.

So, down by two runs in the last inning and we had the last two batters in the order, Pohl (who is playing in his first game of the season) and Pedro, up to lead off the inning. Pohl hit a weak comebacker to the pitcher for out number one. Pedro blooped one into right. Nice. Reeko struck out. Fonzie hit his third double scoring Pedro to get us within one. E's up and we were all reminiscing about the miracle comeback that could've been the game before as E was the last out in that one but he wouldn't be tonight. Instead, Fonzie got greedy and got caught in no man's land when he bolted for third and the pitcher saw him with plenty of time to step off and make a play. Really bonehead play because he's got plenty of speed to score on a single. Second game in row I've been left on deck...argh!!!

So, that drops us to 2-4 but that is still two more wins than we had last year at this stage and we ended up in the finals when it was all said and, there is lots of ball left.

After Darcy loosened up he really pitched well. He also contributed with the bat. I'd say he gets the game ball over Fonzie, who was a hitting machine, but that mistake to end the game really hurts.

I didn't do much at the dish as I was 0-2 with a walk and a run scored. I played the whole game in left and fielded three balls all night...two in the first inning and one in the last, it felt like a really LONG night.

We have one more game this week but it's up in the air there as to who, when and where we play. Regardless of who it is, we really need to get our act together eariler on in the ball game because the holes we're digging ourselves are getting tougher and tougher to get out of.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:59 PM   #17
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Last night's Peguins - Red Wings game wasn't the only game 7 in was also our 7th game of the season. The story lines weren't all that comparable but, for us, it is definitely getting close to panic time.

Fonzie got the start against the Codgers, the team that we faced in that epic 16-15 near comeback game last week. Once again, we were only fielding a team of 8 after 3 guys bailed an hour two before game time...nice. The first pitch of the game was promptly dumped down the line in right and with two outfielders playing the alleys, for the most part, it was an easy triple. That runner would score but that's it...which was a nice surprise considering the trend of big first innings we've been giving up lately. They had their ace on the mound although he was a bit tired as he pitched a complete game earlier in the week. We answered the bell in our half of the inning when I doubled home Fonzie. We took the lead when I scored on a single by Scotty, who is still feeling the effects of a stiff neck. End of the first and we're up by bizarre.

Second inning saw Fonzie load the bases with a few walks but they only managed to score once. We couldn't add to our lead as we left a couple of guys on and couldn't get that big hit to keep the inning alive.

Fonzie didn't have his best stuff tonight but guys weren't making good contact at all so for whatever reason he was pretty effective to this point. They would tie it up after a couple of singles with a passed ball squeezed in there. But, we would have a BIG inning to blow this game open. I led off with my second double of the game. Sal walked. They weren't paying much attention to me so I took it upon myself to swipe third and did so successfully...Sal followed my lead. Todd hit a ball through the left side of the infield and both Sal and I scored. We're up 2 at this point. I eventually got up again in the same inning and walked before Sal made the third out of the inning. The tally after three was 7-2.

Both sides were kept quiet in the fourth but we would put an end to it, early, in the 5th when we batted around for the 2nd time in the game. I scored the 13th run on a single by Scotty and that made it a 10-run lead meaning that the game was over. Nice.

We made one error tonight and we hit the cover off the ball...both necessities for winning baseball, especially when you don't have the pitching to shut the other guys down. Mind you, for whatever reason, Fonzie's less than stellar stuff tonight kept their bats relatively quiet. Definitely what the doctor ordered after the last few games but we're still in the shit in terms of guys showing up...heck, we haven't even hit summer vacation time yet.

I hate doing this but, I think I'd probably get the game ball tonight as I was 4 for 4 with a walk, two doubles, 3 RBI, and 3 runs scored. I wasn't the only one hitting tonight but I think I had a pretty good night.

We are supposed to play Monday night against the Heat, the team we beat a few weeks ago in a close game but we are a little nervous about being able to field a team because the turnout for this one. If Monday isn't a go, we play on Wednesday...hopefully. At 3-4 we're in the middle of the pack right now so hopefully we can string a few wins together and start making some noise.
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Old 06-16-2009, 11:39 AM   #18
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Looking to get back to .500 we were up against the Heat, a team we beat earlier in the season in a closely contested 1-run game. We both had 9 players aside and we were both missing a couple of key guys so I'd say we had pretty even lineups. With that said, I figured this one would come down to who made the least number of mistakes.

Pedro was back after missing a few games and he got the start. We also had one of Sal's friends come out...we'll call him Sketchers...because that's what he was wearing out there in RF. Awesome. First couple guys up hit the ball pretty hard but right at us. The next couple of guys don't...they find a few holes and hit back to back doubles. They go up 1-0 to start the game. We counter by batting around while Scotty, batting leadoff, makes the first and last out of the inning. So, we're up 4-1 after one...very good start.

They didn't do much in their half of the 2nd and left a guy standing at 3B before Pedro punched out their next to last batter with some filthy junk. With two down in our half I hit a big, fat fastball over the fence in CF...a ball I knew I hit well but didn't think would go...but I'll take it. 5-1 after two.

Again, we kept them in check, for the most part, and only gave up one run as their 3 and 4 hitters again hit back to back doubles. We still had our bats going and with one out Fonzie came up with the bases loaded but was popped up...infield fly. Two down and I get my chance to knock in a few more runs but instead I sky one to deep CF...but this one was much too high to get out...sacs juiced and no runs...ouch. We're up by three after three.

This was Pedro's 3rd time around their order and they were really starting to get the timing down on him. They knocked him around pretty good but Scotty missed a couple of balls over on the hot corner that could've really pulled our fat out of the frier. All said and done and they tie it up. We've got two on with two out and I hit a double to left-center than scores both of them. I scored later on a single by Sarge and we end the inning with a 3-run lead, 8-5.

Pedro came out with the end of their lineup coming up and they hit him hard again and they managed to push two runs across to make it a one run game, again. Pedro's done for the day after we finally get out of the inning and yours truly gets to make his first appearance on the bump this season. Ugh. Anyway, we load the bases again when they intentionally walk Dave, a lefty who one to the fence last time up, with first base open. In steps Fonzie and he sends a lazy fly ball to CF to end the threat. That's twice we've ended the inning with the bases loaded and not scored a run. 8-7 going into the 6th.

So I get up there and tell Sal, the catcher, that I'm sticking with fastballs and the odd changeup as I haven't thrown a curve since last season. He looks at me funny but then I tell him it's for his own good...he laughs. The bottom of the order is up and after going 3-0 I finally induce a grounder to short and Dave makes the first out. Next guy hits the only changeup I threw hard down the leftfield line for an easy double...damnit!!! I struck out the next guy with a fastball on the corner...two down. The third out came on a grounder to short...phewf. We're still up one. We didn't do any damage in our half of the inning but I did grab Sal so I could see if could toss a curveball or two and they were biting pretty, I told him to mix in the curve once and a while to keep them on their toes.

Top of the 7th and we're up one and we are facing the meat of their order. First guy hits a grounder up the middle for a single. Next guy does the exact same thing...damnit...two on. Struck out the next guy with that curveball, he froze and it dropped right in there. I had two strikes on the next guy when he chased a high outside fastball and hit a lazy fly to RF...but that is where "Sketchers" was playing...ugh. He turned that into an adventure to say the least. E9. They score the tying run but we also cut down the potential go ahead run at home to make it two outs. I notched another K for the final out but not before giving up the tying run. Oh well. I led off the bottom of the inning with a single. Sarge tried twice to bunt me over...and both times I would've had 3B easily as they were napping...but they rolled foul, just barely. Then he hit a hard grounder to 2B and they managed to turn a nice DP even though I was all over the SS but he made a really good throw despite not having either foot on the ground because I took him out. Frig. End of seven and we're still tied.

It doesn't happen often but because we have so much daylight up here at this time of year we can afford to play an extra inning or two. First guy hit a slow roller to third but Scotty couldn't pick it up cleanly and the leadoff guy was aboard. Next guy hit a little blooper behind 3B but Dave ranged over from SS to make a great running catch right on the out. Next guy singles up the middle...ugh. I induce another grounder but to SS this time but Dave's throw is off the mark and pulls Sarge off the bag. Sacs out...two errors...awesome. Infield's in and they hit a ground to Dave and SS and he gets the out at home. Two down. Wild pitch...curveball in the dirt that scooted through Sal's legs...argh!! Run scores. Induced yet another grounder to the left side and Scotty can't get the ball to Sarge in time at 1B...another run scores. I struck out the next guy for the final out. We're down two. What have we've managed to do several times tonight? Load the bases with two outs and guess who's up? Fonzie...for the third time tonight. And, he hits a slow roller off the end of the bat right back to the over.


I'll take the game ball again despite taking the loss without giving up an earned run. I was 4 for 5 with a double, a homer, 4 RBI, and 3 runs scored. Yeah, I'm seeing the ball pretty well right now, hope that continues.

My wing is hanging today and I imagine it is going to hurt like hell when I have to make a throw on Wednesday night...our next game. Hopefully I'll be able to keep those to a minimum. We've got the Expos next, a team that was formed solely for the purpose of taking part in the World Masters Games which were held in Edmonton a few years ago. They put together a team to participate in the 45+ category and had a great time so they decided to try and keep the team going for a few years until the next event which will be held in Austrailia this upcoming October, I believe. To stay in "game shape" they decided to join our league after the games and I'm sure they'll fold, unless they entice some youngsters to carry on, after this season or next as the majority of their squad is close 50 or so. I coached Little League with several of their players, one is a very good friend who I wouldn't mind seeing on our team if his team were to fold but we'll see how it goes. Anyways, they are easily the worst team in the league and hopefully they will help us get back on the winning side of things because at 3-5 we are pretty close to the halfway mark and we have some tough games yet to play.
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Old 06-16-2009, 11:59 AM   #19
Pro Rookie
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Location: Canada eh
Oye, tough luck on that one man. Sorry to hear the D wasn't really helping you out too much there. Sounds like one of those, "if it can go wrong..." sort of nights.

On the (hopeful) bright side, looks like you're team has some good luck banking up for future games to even things out, just need a couple more guys seeing the ball the way you seem to be right now.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:17 AM   #20
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We're back in the win column and it was an ugly one, to say the least.

We were at home to the Expos and with Darcy on the mound they went down in order. Then the misery began. I'm not going to go into details on this one but let me just say we were up 13-0 after one and we only had one hit. I hit a 2-run scoring double after the leadoff and 2nd batter were walked. We walked 14 times in the first inning alone...FOURTEEN TIMES. They had no arms left and literally guys up there who had never pitched before. Yikes.

Needless to say we mercied them but as much as we needed this win it was not a fun ball game to be apart of. Luckily, I know a lot of the guys on the other team so at least I got to catch up with a few of them that I haven't seen in a long time.

I was 1-2 with a double, 2 RBI, 2 runs scored, and 3 walks. Game ball...meh, not after this game.

We're 4-5 now and play our next game next Monday.
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Old 06-23-2009, 12:31 AM   #21
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It started out as a pitcher's duel but would end up being an ugly finish...luckily we were on the right side of this one as it got out of hand in a hurry.

This was the 2nd time facing St. Albert and just like the first time, we were up against a former teammate, Dean. The last time around he kept our bats relatively quiet and today would be no different. I was the third out in the first stranding a guy at 2B. We had Fonzie on the rubber and he was mixing stuff really well early on as they went down in order to start the game.

The 2nd inning was much like the first for both teams...after two innings we were still knotted at twos.

The 3rd inning saw us put a few runs thanks to several errors by their SS...I think it was three. Two runs scored before I got up and I hit a bloop single just out of the reach of said SS for knock in the third and fourth runs of the game. Fonzie kept their bats at bay as finally got the end of their order (they had 11 guys to our 10 tonight) by the end of the third.

We scored 4 more in the 4th but this time it was highlighted by a few solid hits, especially Sal's 2-run triple. Again, Fonzie did a solid job and we were up 8-0 after four innings.

The fifth inning saw a new pitcher enter the game and was able to sit us down in order to start the 5th. Fonzie was starting to tire and they sent 8 guys to the plate and scored twice to get within six runs after the fifth was concluded.

We would end the game in the 6th inning when we put up eight runs, three of which came off of my absolute bomb straight down the right field line it was as high as it was far...probably the best ball I've hit in a long time. Darcy came in for the final half inning and retired the side in order to cap off the 16-3 victory and moving us back to .500 at 5-5.

Game ball goes to Fonzie for a very solid game on the mound and even contributing with a couple of hits, couple of runs, and a couple of RBI. Myself, 2-4, second homer of the season, one run scored, and five RBI.

I think that puts us into 2nd place but there are 4 or 5 other teams within a point or two so we aren't celebrating just yet. One of those teams, the Codgers, will be in town on Thursday. Should be a pretty good game as they usually are against them.
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Old 06-26-2009, 12:37 PM   #22
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On a very windy night we were facing the Codgers for the third and final time of the season and hoped to get above .500 on the season. We had the best turnout we've had in a long time, eleven guys, while they sported only nine.

We lost the coin flip (third game of a series is always a flip to decide home team) so we got the first crack and getting on the board and that is exactly what we did. E hit the first pitch he saw right down the line and led off the game with a double. After Dave struck out Fonzie was safe on an infield single and E scored on a heads up play as the pitcher bobbled the ball and it got away from him. I flied out to left but Fonzie scored on an error when the first baseman mysteriously dropped a ball that was right where it was supposed to be. We were up two...but not for long. Preston got the start but couldn't find the plate. After a couple of walks he started to lay them in there and that was a recipe for disaster. All said and done, and it was 5-2 after one...not for the good guys, either.

We went down in order to start the 2nd. Pedro relieved Preston to start the bottom half of the inning and he picked up where Preston left off...the bases were loaded before we knew it and just as quickly they were cleared on a double over Fonzie's head in CF. 8-2 after two.

Again, we couldn't get anything going at the dish but, for a change, we kept them off the board, too. That trend would continue for a few innings and after five the score was still 8-2.

We finally got on the sticks in the 6th after I doubled home Fonzie who was standing on 2B. But that was all we could muster but then turned around and gave them a few more runs. We were down by eight heading into the final frame.

We mounted a valiant effort in our last kick at the can but only managed to get within five runs before the final out was recorded.

Ugh. We had a pretty solid lineup there tonight and they were missing some key guys so we really should've been on the other side of this one. But, walks and errors never help and we just couldn't get the bats going until the last inning. That drops to 5-6.

Game ball...that's a tough one...we only had 4 hits on the night but E had two of them so I guess he gets it. Myself, I was 1 for 3 with a double and an RBI.

Next game goes Monday night against the Expos...the team we scored 13 runs against in the first inning in our last hopefully we can climb back up to .500 yet again.
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