Originally posted by Richards
I remember doing something very like this in a class where I suspected the teacher was not likely to read the papers. First two pages and last written, something cut and pasted from a random web page in the middle. B+. Risky, but it proved my point.
A high school buddy of mine determined that our Advanced Placement History teacher wasn't reading our papers, because no matter what effort you put into it, you always got the same grade. I was a B+, my friend, an A -. He turned in an essay once that started out..."I don't actually believe Mr SoandSo is reading this paper. I can pretty much write anything I want in this space, and get the same grade I got on my last essay." He turned out to be exactly right. I just never had the guts, that he did.
The difference guts can make, He is a multimillionaire married to a Dana Delaney look alike, who is possibly the single most intelligent person I have ever come into contact with. Both of them pull down steady mid six figure incomes. I, well, post here a lot.