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Old 06-01-2016, 02:53 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Chaos Reigns Supreme (WFRP)

So, my GF / Bro and Sis In Law decided it would be fun to get our kids together and run a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game. We set the point at the 10 year old and then we went up from there. Well, everyone wanted to play and we are at 8 PC's. It's been about 3 weeks since we started and I thought, what a cool way to document it would be to post a Dynasty on it. It will be slow as we play every Sunday for about 3 to 4 hours.

Our Characters are:

Harl the Foot - Male Human Rogue (Agitator) (Bro In Law)
Alyss - Female Human Academic (Druid Apprentice) (Sis in Law)
Elimi - Female Elven Warrior (Bodyguard) (GF)
Ivory - Female Elven Academic (Scribe) (10 yr old step daughter)
Jace - Male Human Warrior (Watchman) (18 yr old nephew)
Melistima - Female Elven Ranger (Outrider) (16 yr old niece)
Garvic - Male Dwarven Warrior (Outlaw) (10 yr old nephew)
Arlar - Male Dwarven Warrior (Militiaman) (11 yr old step daughter)
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"

Last edited by MacroGuru : 06-01-2016 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 06-01-2016, 03:33 PM   #2
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 1 -

Mel and Alyss are traveling together towards Brionne and ends up stopping at the Inn of the Blue Goat to rest for the night. This inn is commonly frequented by those who live in the area and have quite a few regulars about. Alyss has been tasked by her master to research the Chaos sightings in the area. Mel was heading to the city to find another caravan to work with.

Ivory works in the family business of translation and has been tasked with a job that has been seen with quite bad luck as anyone who has done it, ends up dead. Elimi is her bodyguard and has been asked to stick with her no matter what. They are at the inn to meet Pierre, someone who she is supposed to pick up some additional scrolls from.

Garvic, Arlar, Jace and Harl are all at the inn as regulars and have become somewhat drinking buddies. Harl always riles the 3 warriors up with whatever he has concocted for the week.

Pierre comes in, notices Ivory and heads over to her table, he introduces himself to Ivory and she rebuffs him, due to the way he makes her feel. She got a sense of danger from him. He stares at her dumbfounded and Elimi respects her Patrons wishes and sends him away. As he gets to the door, he spins and shouts while pointing at Ivory that "She is responsible for all the Chaos creatures that have been popping up around here" and storms out the door.

Harl starts to instigate and whip the crowd into a fervor trying to get rid of the heretic. A few of the citizens step up to grab Ivory but Elimi and her sword waving in their faces gets them to back down. Jace starts to head out to get his brothers that are on shift.

Meanwhile, Harl, having stepped back and leaning on a wall to watch his handiwork has heard some grunting and hooves scraping behind a door that leads to another section of an Inn.

As he turns towards the door, it explodes inward, knocking Harl back into the bar where he lays stunned.

A horned beastman enters the room, spots Ivory and charges at her. Elimi steps in the way and Alyss slides to grab Ivory and guide her away. Mel turns and is shocked by what she sees and literally faints.

Arlar get excited to crack heads, jump into the fray. While Garvic heads to the door to get help.

Jace spins and runs back to the beastman as he is damned he will let a creature of Chaos ruin his city.

As Garvic gets out the door he takes a blow to the legs collapsing and then is promptly knocked out with a spear butt to the head.

The beast rushes at Ivory and Elimi takes him in the chest. He charges at Elimi trying to ram into her with his horns and she promptly dodges, as he stops and turns around, Jace cleaves him in the chest, killing him instantly.

As the group gathers their wits, Pierre comes back in with the city watch and palace guard and orders them all under arrest for inciting a riot and crimes against the crown.

As the party starts talking in the cell, they are interrupted by Pierre and a stocky dwarf and they are all ordered to stand in single file (This includes the party and about 10 others that hadn't fled the Inn.) A woman walks in and looks at each of them, locking eyes with them all.

Alyss, Mel and Arlar realize that she was in their head, but they don't know what she was looking for.

They are brought up in front of the magistrate and prince of the crown, their crimes are read and they are found guilty of their crimes. They are then ordered to the death, everyone in the Inn.

The next day they are brought out to the gallows to be hung. The first group of patrons are hung, the bodies are removed and the party is drug up to the gallows. They have the noose put on their neck, and go through the process of being hung, just as the jerk of the rope hits, they stop and then continue falling.

They are all spared, and it is explained that the 10 that were captured were agents of Chaos and they had to do this charade, in order to hang them and not have it look like they were infiltrated.

However, they still aren't off the hook. To be pardoned for their crimes, they need to head to a town where the scrolls are coming from and start their detective work there
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-01-2016, 03:57 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 2 -

The easiest and fastest way to get to the town was to charter a ferry and the crown did that for the party.

As they are about 3/4's of the way to the city, they hit a spot on the river that was the perfect ambush site and it was, they were ambushed by 3 black orcs, 3 orc archers and 3 orcs with spears. One of the archers shoots the captain of the ferry forcing him to beach it on the right side with the 3 black orcs, an archer and a spear man.

Jace, Garvic and Arlar jump off the boat to charge into combat, while Elimi and Mel stay on to shoot back at the archers. Harl hides and uses his crossbow.

Alyss and Ivory hang back as reserves if needed.

Jace meets a Black orc and they exchange blows while Arlar goes after the archer. Garvic takes on another black orc and is injured for his attempt. Jace quickly dispatches his black orc.

Mel and El are peppering the archers on the left bank, but not doing a lot of damage. Mel ends up getting a rough shot in the left shoulder forcing her to drop her bow, she drops to the ground and takes cover. Harl is missing a mile wide of anything he attempts to shoot at.

The two spear men on the left bank decide to swim towards the ferry with hopes to climb aboard. El ends up dropping one of the archers and the other is peppered again by arrows and decides he better flee.

Jace spins and takes out the black orc that was fighting Garvic as Arlar drops the orc archer causing the 3rd black orc to flee. A somewhat beat up party gets back aboard and convinces the ferry captain to get to the town quickly.

They arrive into town and find the gentleman they are looking for. Harl recognizes him as a fence. He points them to the area in the mountains that he understands the scrolls are coming from.

The group rests up and then heads to the mountains. They find an area they think is it, as it has a black obelisk in front of it and two large iron doors built into the side of the mountain. There are bodies strewn about the ground, old sun bleached skeletons, fresh remains and such.

A ghost comes out of the obelisk as they near it and it points to it and states "Solve the problem properly or you will die" and fades away.

On the back side of the Dias are a flask of water, a bag of earth, a tinder box, an empty ceramic jar, a small wooden plate and a small oil lamp.

Above the items engraved in the obelisk, in cipher is the following riddle

"No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three"

Alyss solves the cipher and the riddle quickly, but then they have to figure out what to do on the dias. Harl grabs the lamp oil and tinder box and lights it, the doors open up.

(It was a cool cipher I created as Alyss has cryptography. She rolled successfully on it and I handed her the key and she had to figure it out, if the party would have failed, they would have had their hands full with some skeletons and zombies)
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-01-2016, 04:36 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 3 - (we have 2 more join us, so the party is at 10 now)

New PC's
Steve - Elven Rogue (Embezzler) (future son in law)
Elmer Underfoot - Halfling Academic (Physicians Assistant) (19 yr old step daughter)

The party enters "Into the mountain".

They come down into a hallway and come to a door, they open the door and are greeted by an Amoeba (WFRP version of a gelatinous cube)

The group is traveling 2 wide down the hallway and stop at the doorway, blocking everyone. Arlar charges the amoeba and misses, while the rest move and then tries and shoots. The Amoeba ends up swallowing Arlar (taking 1 wound a round). Jace finally gets to it, hitting it twice, he is then swallowed by the Amoeba, Mel ends up Swallowed as does Garvic.

Steve takes a risk and jams his hand inside the amoeba and grabs Mel and pulls her out. Ivory as reserve finally jumps into the room and swings her sword, eyes closed and strikes the amoeba, causing it to die and release the others.

The group finds some $ in the room and moves on.

They end up coming into another room, this time a giant spider is in it, they all make their coolness roles and Jace steps up and attacks, nearly taking off a leg. He is attacked and bitten, taking 1 wound point but failing his WP and is paralyzed for 3 hours. El fires her bow crushing the abdomen of the spider and killing it instantly.

We then have a moment of the group splitting up and checking out hallways. On one side, Steve falls in a spiked pit and barely misses the spikes. He is pulled out by Mel, they continue down the hall, still not checking for traps and Mel is pinned into the wall by a swinging blade and is dying. Elmer tries to help her and fails, it looks like she is going to die. (Mel then spends a fate point as she was dead) Finally, Elmer's assistance works and she comes back to life. Steve grabs her and takes her back to the group, they are pretty beat up now but press on to another room. Nothing in this room but a mural.

However, the mural shows the person staring at it, a betrayal in their future. Arlar, Mel, Steve and Garvic stare at it and have their "future" shown to them.

The group, beat up, backs out of the dungeon and heads back to town.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-02-2016, 08:05 AM   #5
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
So to give you a run down on what's happening outside of the game story:

In week 1, Ivory was supposed to meet with Pierre and he was going to arrest her for Forgery etc, beastman was going to come in and kill him and then the entire Inn was going to get arrested and move forward, however Ivory had a bad feeling about the guy and sent him on his way, so I had to change tactics.

Week 2 went pretty much flawless as far as action and controlling the large group, it was perfect.

Week 3 was tough. We decided to play at my bro / sis in laws place and the kids sat closer to me and the adults were farther away. The kids blasted out the adults and crushed me. had a few I'm bored by the 10 year olds. Then we had the party split to explore and Mel was dead, and had to spend the fate point to survive and live. The group learned to not split (I didn't teach them that, they found out by not checking for traps throughout the dungeon).

I used a dungeon creator to speed up the creation and then changed the creatures that were populated into it to WFRP creatures if need be and adjusted the numbers / strength to match the party.

They are all having a blast as am I. My bro is talking about it a lot with me and wants everyone to have fun.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-02-2016, 10:50 AM   #6
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
This is pretty cool, will be following
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Old 06-06-2016, 11:58 AM   #7
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 4 -

The party heals up and heads back into the dungeon, moving quickly as they had marked their pathway from before (If I really wanted to mess with them, I could have had someone switch their markings).

We also pick up a new PC (17 yr old Niece's BF) who is a Human Seer.

They get back to the room and start to explore again, looking for any sign of the scrolls or whatever they can find to point them in the right direction.

As they enter the first room of the night, their are 4 figures that are chained to the wall, with a Dais on the far wall with candles and fresh blood dripping from it.

The figures are gaunt, with large white eyes and greasy, matted hair. They are human in appearance and moaning loudly.

The group, slowly moves forward checking for traps and making sure the humanoids aren't going to hurt them.

As the groups get closer to the Dias, they let their guards down. It's when one the dwarves notice the runes carved above the dias and they step on it to read it, that it sets the humanoids into action. They were quick and surprised the group with the fact they weren't really chained into the wall.

out of the 4, 3 missed on their attack and 1 hit Garvic in the arm.

The group attacks, wound all 4, but not killing them. They attack the group again. Garvic takes another one, this one to the chest and it's a gaping wound. He swings and sticks his axe into the wall, and then tries punching and missing.

The group dispatches 3 of the 4, with Ivory taking a rough wound in the battle as well.

They finally down the 3rd one who was beating up on Garvic.

The group bandages the wounds, however the creatures called Grimlocks, have a chance of causing infection and Garvics wound in the chest is infected, he doesn't realize it, but in about an hour, he is going to get real sick.

The group trudges throughout the dungeon, not finding much but a couple of traps here and there, until they come to a Forge with Grimlocks working it. They door was closed and Harl the Foot, sneaks a peak and calls it out to the group, he then tells them he is going to try and sneak inside and hide, they are to wait for him after he gets in and he will let them know when to come in.

As he eases to the door to sneak in, he pushes the door a little too hard and it slams into the wall, bringing all 5 grimlocks attention to him, he backs out of the doorway to let the fighters move into the room.

They come into the room but stop just within the door and create a bottle neck. It's a rough battle as it is primarily a 5 on 4 fight as everyone else is stuck in the hallway.

Steve the elf, almost loses his leg and his life and is yanked out by Victor the Seer. Mel takes a blow across the head (again) and is bleeding badly.

Jace, Mel and El all take down Grimlocks and towards the end of the battle, Arlar finally gets into the room and he manages to shoot the last grimlock.

The party has no choice but to rush to the town as Steve will die if they don't get him to an actual surgeon.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-06-2016, 12:03 PM   #8
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Weekly Notes -

11 PCs is tough to control and keep a solid flow going and keeping everyone happy.

The 10 and 11 year olds had a sleepover the night before and were tired and onry. I like the fact they are playing but my 10 yr old step daughter is a sore loser and hates if anything happens to her character. Which she was wounded twice this week and forced to back of the pack so she wouldn't die.

I think, I may next week, split the group up and have my bro run a group separately and I run a group separately while Steve heals. It would keep everyone happy.

The dungeon is big, but a lot single file passageways, I think I might have to make something cavernous on the lower levels to allow larger group movement and it would help get everyone involved.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-13-2016, 11:27 AM   #9
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 5 -

Back at the city, the group is staying in a small in, they basically have taken every room up in the inn, and have been healing up nicely.

Their contact in town came to them and told them word through his informants are that someone is upset they have been wrecking havoc up in the mountains.

He informed them, that tomorrow they would be best served to move to a new inn, lie low or get back up into the mountains to finish what they were there for.

The group, taking the threat somewhat serious, but not serious enough, didn't secure the inn and went to bed that evening.

Cue the door of the inn getting knocked back and 6 Chaos Dwarves and their champion entering the fray.

Alyss, tried to parlay with them, Asking what they wanted and the Champion, said...You Dead!

The rebuttal to his statement were a few members of the group shooting arrows into his warriors and one of them going to the ground.

From then on, the little tanks moved towards the party, getting shot at until they engaged into hand to hand combat.

2 more fell and then the real serious stuff happened. Arlar didn't hear the commotion due to being a deep sleeper, hops up and peeks out the door when he hears the yell of a wounded dwarf. He see the evil dwarves, grabs his axe, yells a challenge and charges, the Champion meets his challenge and they clash in the center of the room. The Champion starts working Arlar over. driving him back and eventually knocking him down and out. Mel steps up to join the fight but is hit a couple of times severely wounded and gets a sliced and broken hand.

Eventually, the Champion is all that is left of his party and he heads outside, where his other bosses are, 3 Dark Elves and a Champion.

They are demanded to turn over Ivory and they will live. The parties response (mind you they are now down 3 as Ivory, Garvic and Arlar are incapacitated at this moment) is basically bugger off and shoot at the drow. Jace peppers one with arrows while Elimi breaks her bow string.

The Champion sends a fireball towards Elimi, hitting and burning her and setting the wall of the inn on fire. Again, they are given the choice to surrender over Ivory and again, they respond with arrows.

Harl, sneaks to the back where the inn keeper sleeps and asks if there is another way out, the innkeeper says yes, just as another fireball hits the front of his in and wound Elimi again. Harl yells out to the group there is another exit and they take off, fleeing the scene.

As they exit out of the inn keepers bolt hole, he is beside himself and Arlar in no mood, basically tries to tell the inn keeper it wasn't his fault, the damn creatures attacked the party because they wanted Ivory, and is just literally stomping his feet and acting as if he is the grieved party which earns him two slaps from Alyss and a shut up. The inn keeper storms off and Alyss chases after trying to apologize and then, kind of make sure he isn't going to rat them out to others.

Meanwhile, the lightbulb moment of, we left our gear back in the burning building hits Harl and he convinces Jace and Arlar to go in and grab the gear.

They manage, with Mel almost having the ceiling of her room crash on her.

Once out, they head to a church that the Innkeeper told Alyss about to heal up and rest.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"

Last edited by MacroGuru : 06-13-2016 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 06-13-2016, 11:52 AM   #10
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Week 5 Notes

I wanted to see how the group would react out in a larger open environment with everyone able to participate and thought a change of scenery would help.

I pegged Ivory as a Chaos magnet, and I am going to have fun with it.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-15-2016, 10:43 AM   #11
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Ok, with my future step son coming into town for a visit our weekly sessions will take a break until July 1st.

Also, we may end up switching from WFRP to Shadowrun.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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