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Old 12-08-2024, 11:10 PM   #1
Abe Sargent
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Tanks a Lot 3025 BattleTech Merc Dynasty - The 4th Succession War Begins

Tanks a Lot BattleTech Dynasty

Hello happy folks! I hope that your day is going super mega well! I have wanted to do this BattleTech dynasty follow up to my main group Kilts and Commandoes that formed in 3030 after the 4th Succession war as a mixed company of BattleMechs, Vees, and infantry to a huge regiments big BattleMech heavy units that dominated and forged a world from ever since that ended, but with more of an emphasis on the week vehicles. I also thought it would be fun to start in 3025 as a merc unit, and then fight in the fast and furious 4th.

However, I wanted to be big enough to get in the fray. Suppose I built in 3.5 years a regiment sized tank company with a great rating and ranking…would I be on the front lines as a tank against these folks out there? I doubt it…so…I think this might still need to be mixed too.

Let’s get this thing started!!!

We are at Galatea, the Mercenary’s Star where all of the best and worst of us are gathered . Here new and current merc units are created and hire new staff, either dispossessed without their key stuff or with it. I am using the “Mercenaries: Field Manual” to create my unit. Al rolls in BattleTech are with either 1 or 2 d6. I will be using them for making my unit, rolling up contracts, and then using the newest version of freeware MegaMek to solo with an AI the battle.

What should be my Merc Units name? Since we are heavy, but not exclusively, armor, and vees, I liked “Vee Squad” for the JV Squad as the backups sent in, or “V Team” for similar thoughts like the B Team, or “Mech Killers” if I have some great nasty in close range tanks like the 2x AC 20 Demolisher or triple PPC Schrek. But we will have Mechs on my team for sure, and the name “Mech Killer” might be weird. You can vote or choose your own here:

What should my new Merc Armor and Vehicle Heavy Company be - Front Office Football Central

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Old 12-08-2024, 11:29 PM   #2
Abe Sargent
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Now let’s turn to the world around us, either for the new BattleTech fan or reminder to those familiar with the world.

We reached out into the stars and have settled thousands of worlds. We have found tons of aliens plants, animals and such, but not intelligence. Therefore we have brought the worst and best of ourselves with us. The universe is divided into the Inner Sphere of the Five great Houses and then the Periphery with heavy pirates and such. The Inner Sphere is roughly 1000 light years across. We stretched out into many early space empires, which were eventually brought into the Star League for centuries and were at peace exploring, investing in infrastructure,

The Star League ruler passes after 2750, and his young son takes over and there is a Regent named Alexandr Kerensky who is the General of the Star League. After early 5 great houses and empires pushed for more solidarity early and weaponization when young, after he turns 18 he begins to repeal those laws. Civil War happens, Kerensky heads out bringing the 5 Houses back in their holds. And then the Periphery leader Stefan Amaris who supported the Star League against the 5 houses in the Inner Sphere launches a Coup while Kerensky is away. Kerensky comes back and answers the Amaris Coup which destroyed some infrastructure here and there. Then he has to liberate the Terra system and Earth. That’s long and also damaged infrastructure.

Then seeing the madness, Kerensky flees the Inner Sphere for the deep periphery with 80% of his troops. They are never heard from again. Into this power vacuum the five great houses and their nations step. They begin what are called the Succession Wars for centuries, which destroyed infrastructure and people and their stuff with weapons of mass destruction in the first two. This era lost the advanced technology of the Star League from weapons (like pulse lasers and gauss rifles) to medicine and such. We are referring to that as LostTech.

The Third Succession War was one of raids and the end of attacks on infrastructure as few were left. This War ended just this year in 3025 from 2866 until now.
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Old 12-09-2024, 12:01 AM   #3
Abe Sargent
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The Politics:

The Inner Sphere’s Five Great Houses:

Federated Suns (House Davion) - This has the best military out there. They are built around something called Regimental Combat Teams of one regiment of Mechs, two of armor, and then bunches of infantry. They are trained and designed to work together. They are English in basis. They are east and above the Capellan Confederation and below the Draconis Combine. Ruled by Hanse Davion

Draconis Combine (House Kurita) – They are above the Suns and right of the Commonwealth. They are a Japanese themed House with Samurai and Bushido culture heavy. They do sometimes put personal honor over that of the Dragon. They are very strong militarily, 2nd best after the Suns. Ruled by Takashi Kurita.

The Lyran Commonwealth (House Steiner)
– This is above the Free Worlds League and left of the Combine. Based on Germany. They have great merchants, and the best economy. They do have social generals that are there based on who they know and a big byzantine bureaucracy. They tend to use Assault Mechs for everything, rather than a more well rounded mechs. Ruled by Katrina Steiner.

The Free Worlds League (House Marik)
– Below the Lyrans and left of the Capellan Confederation. They are a league of independent smaller units that have some autonomy and can pull units back if they don’t like the military engagement or targets. It’s a rough political mix. It’s got the best industry and can churn out mechs and such nicely. It’s ruler is Janos Marik.

The Capellan Confederation (House Liao
) – The smallest realm based on size, it’s citizens are heavily pro-Liao, more so than other states. They give them free health care, jobs for everyone, free religion and much more. They are based on Chinese Culture and their ruler, Maximilian Liao isn’t very strong or such.

The Main Periphery States:

Outwards Alliance –
They are between the Combine and Suns, to their right. They care loads about aerospace fighters to keep them safe from the big foes on their doors. They are better than most Houses. They are led by Neil Avellar II.

The Taurian Concordat –
Below the Suns, it massively fears invasion by them. It will often do unethical things to keep them off their backs. It’s led by Thomas Calderon.

The Magistracy of Canopus – Ruled by Kyalla Centralla, often run as a place for IS folks to get away and do bad things for a vacation, kind of like a Stellar Las Vegas. Below and left of the Free Worlds League.

The rest are Bandit Kingdoms like the Circinus Federation or Marian Hegemony.

– Running the hyperpulse generators called HPG for short for one planet to get sent to another, they formed just shortly after the exodus of the Kerensky fleet. You can go to one on your planet to send messages or record video with family, friends, or coworkers. They are led by Primus Myndo Waterly.
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Old 12-09-2024, 12:25 AM   #4
Abe Sargent
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Recent News:

In 3020, getting tired of the endless 3rd Succession War, the older Katrina Steiner sent out peace messages, three rulers didn’t even respond. But Hanse Davion did. At first he felt that peace couldn’t be accomplished until his kids, but he offered an alliance with House Steiner. They worked out a few details and signed an alliance on 3052 in Terra.

After seeing their enemy sign an accord, the other three houses signed a quick alliance called the Kapteyn Accords. Although not as strong as the Davion/Steiner one, or as deep. The two eyars of negotiations began to change the best economy but bad military. Katrina bought faster lighter units from the Suns like Enforcers and Wolfhounds and gave them the best grads from their academies. She wrote a book on tactics, and then reformed the academies. She called these Lightning Companies and hten assigned them to various units. She had her people retire older bureaucrats and reform the service.

There were people in both realms who didn’t like the alliance. The key one in the Suns was the ruler of the Capella March Duke Michael Hasek-Davion since he felt that they would take out and care the Draconis Combine on their mutual border, but not the CC. There were three groups of folks in the Commonwealth, one the old guard that new their time was up, and then the Isle of Skye people that are pretty independent minded and then Ryan Steiner.
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:04 AM   #5
Abe Sargent
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The Military of the Universe:

– Mechs for short. These durable thumpers in the face or long range are piloted and a cross between a robot and suit of armor. Mosty humanoid, they can fire weapons, punch, or kick too anything a person can do. Battlefields are turned by mechs and they own things. They use fusion engines. They only destroyed by taking out their CT, engine, gyro, two legs destroyed, or lost head or hit cockpit and then a dead or kod pilot too. Any other body part keeps them the game.

Aerospace Fighters
– These durable fighters can fight in the planets and in space too. They can load up bombs to destroy emplaced stuff or strafe with energy and ballistic weapons in one line on a map, everything, from enemies to friends and then launch weapons at various angles. Unlike BattleMechs that take damage and then will often be in different places like Center torso or left leg, they only take damage to one side that points and can only fire weapons into that arc. They also use fusion engines.

Armor – Ah yes, the tanks, hovercraft and more. Cheap, often using Internal Combustible Engine (ICE for short), some might be fusion. They also only take damage on the side facing the unit that hits them and have weapons in arcs. They can have a turret they twist too. They can take loads of crits too. One destroyed side ends them, as well an exploded engine or ammo explosion or dead crew crit hit, some can carry infantry. There are places they cannot easily go, but Mechs can. Two can be in the same hex or one and a Mech.

– These can wield things like SRMs or machine guns, and can be one of three types divided by movement – foot, jump and motorized. They take massive damage from MGs if in the open, and can hide in buildings.

VTOLS – These are copters. They have massively hard to hit speed, but are super fragile, and one hit can often hit. They need to be piloted well, because they can easily crash into buildings, hills or the ground from piloting skills. They are the best scouting though

Conventional Fighters
- These are the vulnerable craft that can only fight in atmospheres, they are massively vulnerable like Armor to mechs and Aerospace Fighters to these. But they can strafe and bomb too, and are super cheap.

Small Craft
– Between 100 and 200 tons, these are fighters or shuttles to drop ships and jump ship in the system or can head to space stations.

JumpShips – These poorly armed and armored craft jump from one system to another, arrive at a Jumppoint that’s save at the Nadir or Zenith point, unfurl the sail, and then spend a few days charring. The max jumpable distance is 30 light years.

DropShips – These are attached to rings on JumpShips and head to the planet. They can be for Cargo, like Mules, or military transport like Leopards or Unions, or assault craft meant to mix it up like the Avenger. They can be Aerodyne which means they can strafe and bomb, but can only land at DropPorts and AirPorts, but fire all weapons on the ground, or spheroid and land in most places o other than like Swamps on the rear, but their rear weapons cannot fire and Nose ones just up. They are more versatile in landing, but worse on the ground and cannot strafe or bomb.

Blue Water
– There are blue water assets out there like Hydrofoils and Subs, but they are pretty rare, since many planets don’t have big oceans and then they are harder to transport from one planet to another and many would just prefer hovercraft and fighters scouting and defending and attacking those vectors.
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:02 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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Classes of Military Assets:

Most military assets are divided into four weight classes with different roles as stated below:

Light – 20 – 35 tons for Mechs, Vees ca be lighter, these tend to be fast, hard to hit, but lightly armed and armored. They often have jump jets for Mechs. You get +1 o hit for walking, +2 for running and +3 for jumping, but are +1 to be hit for moving 3-4, +2 for 5-6, +3 for 7-9 and +4 for 10+, and then if your targeted jumped or is a VTOL +1. These tend to be the fast and harder to hit scout units. There are slower higher armored stuff that have a big gun like the Panther or UrbanMech.

Medium – Medium units are sort of the workhorse of the industry from 40-55 tons. They tend to be faster than heavier units, better armed and armored than lights. There are slower tankier units like the AC20 wielding Hunchback or faster scouts like the 8/12 Cicada. Lots of versatility here.

Heavy – 60 to 75 tons here. They are the keys at winning battlefield engagements with great armor, weapons but slower mechs. They have the face-smashing Thunderbolt or Orion that want to close, or longer range mechs like the Catapult and Archer.

– 80 – 100 tons, these own the battlefield! Slower still, they have tons of weapons at various ranges and uses and great armor too. From the Awesome to the Atlas to the BattleMaster!!! They are face smashing good times!!!

Fighters of the Aerospace Variety don’t have Assaults, just lights (20-45 tons), medium (50-70 tons) and heavies (75 – 100 tons)

Weapons Styles:

There are three weapons types in the game. Some weight little, do great damage for their weight but make a load of heat. Some do spread damage to find criticals after a hole was open in exterior armor. Then some weigh tons but do little heat.

Ballistic Weapons
– These are the group that tend to be heavy in mass, but lighter in heat. Only one weapon deals 20 damage, the medium range AC20 (AC Stands for Autocannon). Then there is a long range solid AC10, and then 5 and 2 damage at great ranges. The Machine Gun is here. Has a small range of just 1/2/3, and then makes no heat, but just deals 2 damage.

Energy Weapons- This is the first category. They weight little, have no ammo to explode or run out of but make heat which needs to be dissipated by heat sinks, and right now, mechs start with ten HS in their engine. There are four of these right now at level one tech, PPC which deals10 damage at range, or the Large, Medium and Small lasers. The Large and PPC are long range weapons.

Missile Weapons – These are the spread damage weapon. Long Range Missile packs have a minimum range of 6, and for each hex inside they’ll be a +1 to hit. They are in packs of 5 up to 20. When you hit, you roll to see how many, and then roll for each grouping of 5. So if you hit with 16 o a LRM20 you’d roll for 5 damage three times and one damage once. Then there are Short Range Missiles that deal two damage per, in SRM2, 4 and 6 racks, you also roll to see how many hit, but this time for each one that hits, you spread out, so if 4 missiles hit that’s four hits
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Old 12-09-2024, 02:25 PM   #7
Abe Sargent
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Here is my Merc Rolling Chart for 3025:

2, 3 - Periphery
4 – Company
5 – Draconis Combine
6 – Lyran Commonwealth
7 – Fed Suns
8 – Free Worlds League
9 – Capellan Confederation
10 – Company
11, 12 – Comstar

For Periphery, I will roll 1d6 and:

1-2 – Outworlds Alliance
3-4 – Taurian Concordant
5-6 – Magistracy of Canopus

Since this book is in 3058, here are my numbers!

Here are the possible contracts I can be offered:

Objective Raid
– Here we are to destroy a building, person, unit or supplies. This is known as a Smash contract, they tend to be short.

Extraction Raid
– This is a “smash and grab” where you need to bring back a spy or materials. It also tends to be shorter.

Recon Raid
– This is a recon of various forces and defenses on a planet. Sometimes you’ll fight, but not always…

Pirate Hunting
– Pirates have attacked someone, and you are being hired to take them down. This tends to be lucrative salvage since they aren’t often good at the helm, or with strong equipment. You have to track them down and smash hem, which can be a bit time consuming at times. They also tend to be out in the Periphery. Long to get there

– This will garrison a place for a longer time. You are not guaranteed combat there and won’t be sent on raids either, loads of units are great for this and love it.

Cadre This is a shorter length contract where you are training the defense. This can be combined with Garrison work to defend from attacks too.

– For longer deals, you will do everything your boss tells you from raids to garrison to assaults.

Planetary Assaults – You are contracted to attack another planet en masse. Often with support.

Defensive Campaigns – Here you are contracted to help relieve a longer attack on someone. This is often for a while.

Riot Duty – This is a contract to help bring rioters under control or to prevent it from happening by being there.

Security – You are a shorter term contract to help keep something safe, often until better units arrive or from a major announcement for a few months.

Diversion Raid – You are to raid, look obvious, and then keep away attention from the real business.

– You are behind enemy lines and have to fight without support at all.

Salvage Terms:

This is how Mercs live and die, by salvage rights!!!

Here they are:

– Their boss keeps all salvage. It’s not a great way of mercing.

Exchange – Your boss will pay the Mercs the full C-Bill value of the salvage, but they don’t get it.

Shared – Your boss will pay your half of the C-Bills from your salvage, and you can salvage the other 50%.

Full – The mercs get to keep all salvage, but they don’t get any cash for it. It’s great for units with money since they can use their cash to fix up stuff on their own, but not great early.
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Old 12-09-2024, 04:16 PM   #8
Abe Sargent
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Here are my founding people:

So, I wanted to bring in a DropShip and maybe a JumpShip too to bring in naval assets. The rolls for them are very high, and you need loads. In the game making your unit you recruit them last. You get one free roll at the beginning to see if you can unearth them and them on future recruiting sections you have to spend all of your recruiting attempts for that month on them They have high numbers, but some abilities will drop them down a bit, so I wanted my starters founding folks to have those abilities (no more than one each will drop it) to make it the most possible, and then if I do get that DropShip, I can try to recruit to fill it out.

When you make the founder and other people key in the nit after choosing background and education, you can give the three skills or raises to gunnery or piloting skills. With my old founder with the Kilts and Commandoes, I gave him tactical genius and 2 edge.

Leader and CO:

Captain Sir Steven Marsh, Age 26, Tank

Training: State University – 2 years, 4/5 skill, -1 family, +1 friends, -1 unit -+1 influence
Level of Service: Three Terms – 2/3 skill elite, +3 influence, -2 family, +2 friends, +3 unit

Tactical Genius (+1 unit), Edge: 1 (+1 unit) , Reputation - +1 influence, +1 family; +2 friends and unit

Total -
+5 influence, +2 family, +5 friends, +8 unit

I will roll 1d6 three times for family, friends and unit and add the number given to see how many I have. I have one more influence than Essex. Influence can be used for recruiting starters and then each month here. Reputation gives me a bonus to rolls for Drop and Jump ships. Edge lets me reroll one thing like an ammo explosion or pilot death. Tactical Genius will let me reroll initiative at the start of each combat.

Born on the Federated Suns world of Mallory’s World that is in the Terra Corridor near the Capellan Confederation and Combine to a knighted ruler of an RCT that was given a land grant and Knight title after he really helped out here on Mallory’s World. This is one of the key breadbaskets in the Suns, and then it’s often used as a staging ground or waystation for invasion forces.

He was very smart for his age and the tactical genius could be seen. He got early admission into college at the age of 14. (it’s normally 16.) He just finished his 3rd term on Dec 31st, 3024, and submitted his resignation to create his own unit.

He spent two tours of duty as the Lieutenant of the 17th Avalon Hussars here on Mallory’s World. He once got an award for clever thinking on the battlefield that saved his unit. He was running an Armor Company as the Captain. He will be bringing some of his folks with him from the 17th as well as the others he met. We will be using Fed Suns ranks, by the by. He was a graduate of the private Sakhara Academy with smaller numbers but stronger connections. It’s in the Draconis March and about midway down the border and roughly 30 light years, but two jumps, near the Combine proper.

Here are our ranks for the upcoming unit:[/u]

Lance controller – Leftenant (this was Sergeant in K&C)
Company Controller – Captain (this was Lieutenant in K&C)
Battalion Controller – Major (This was Captain in K&C)
Regiment XO - Leftenant Colonel
Regiment Mechs Controller – Colonel (We had that in K&C too)
Multi-Mechs or Other Regiments – Leftenant General
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Old 12-09-2024, 06:18 PM   #9
Abe Sargent
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I roll 1d6 for seeing how many and I add the bonuses for family, friends and unit. Here’s what I get!!!

3 family, 4 friends, 23 unit. 30 total recruited in the starters, I can choose five of those for my key abilities for reducing JumpShip and DropShip acquisition numbers and then recruiting too.

Sir Evan Marsh, Leftenant – Age 25, Mech Pilot, -1 Family

Training: State University – 2 years, 4/5 skill, -1 family, +1 friends, -1 unit -+1 influence
Level of Service: Two terms – 8 years, 3/4 skill, -1 family, +1 friends, +3 unit - +2 influence

Well-Connected – 3. +2 influence; +3 each.

– 5 influence, +1 family, +5 friends, +5 unit too

He has 5 influence to recruit 5 times when they are in the Mercenary’s Star and will drop the cost of Drop Ships and Jump Ships by -3 each time for Well-Connected. He is the talker and the communicator of the Marsh brothers.

He was born one year earlier, and had a strong gift for gab. His connections got him into class one year earlier, and he follows his mother’s love for BattleMechs, not his father’s tank ness. He also just finished his 2nd term with the 17th Avalon Hussars as a Leftenant. He also followed his brother to the Sakhara Academy too.

Captain XO Baroness Flavia Obed-Marsh, Age 28, Mech Pilot,
She could be friend, family or unit. I am counting her as Unit because I need to knock those down.

Training: State University – 2 years, 4/5 skill, -1 family, +1 friends, -1 unit -+1 influence
Level of Service: Three Terms – 2/3 skill elite, +3 influence, -2 family, +2 friends, +3 unit

Baroness ability – 3 cost, -3 reduction for DropShips and JumpShips. +2 flu; +2 unit, friends, +3 family

Total – 7 influence. -0 family, +3 friends, +5 unit

That gives me the max reduction in DropShips and JumpShips recruitment by 7! I thought about making her an Aerospace Fighter since then all three would be starting members.

She also went to Sakhara, which is her home world too. She met Steven as first year folks and he was two years younger but more mature. They dated, graduated and were married in school right a few years after graduation. She returned to his homeworld to start their new life together. She was brought into the 17th Avalon Hussars too, and they are now both elite, him as an armor driver and her with a mech. She was a Captain for a full company and will be our XO. Since she enrolled at the same time as her husband she turns in her End of Service contract.

Last is our last influence. Note that we need to spend 2 influence with these details and three traits or one just for the good stuff. Those two are detailed, one flu left, this is another hire.

Alice Sanchez – Age 28, -1 Friend. Tank Driver.

Training: Family Trained - 2 years, 6/7 skill, +3 family
Level of Service: Three terms – 10 years, 3/4 skill, -1 family, +1 friends, +3 unit - +2 influence

Stephen Marsh’s best friend growing up was Alice. They were here on the planet of Mallory’s World together. She loved his father loads and was an unofficial daughter of him. She loves Armor like him too. She was trained by him, and was in their garrison fighting defensively in a raid. She wasn’t in the 17th and there was no contract to finish up.

She has 2 influence, but won’t roll to see who or what troops or recruit either, since she’s not special.
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Old 12-09-2024, 08:48 PM   #10
Abe Sargent
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I will roll to see who comes with Evan and Flavia, these are random rolls so I don’t know who or what is coming.

2 family; 6 friends; 7 unit

Flavia: 1 family, 5 friends, 7 unit

Combined with Stephen, that’s his 27 after Evan, Flavia and Alice and their 28. 55 total units.

Then after grabbing those I can grab DropShip and JumpShip and then try to recruit normally or a 2nd DropShip, with for one month or 12 total recruits by my founders.

With a high rep Knight land grant, well connected and Baroness, this level of starting stuff does make sense.

So now we are rolling three 1d6. The first is to determine what the unit is, the 2nd is their piloting ability, and then the 3rd their weight class. For an elite pilot, Stephen and Flavia will add +2 to skill and then Evan +1 for veteran.

For the first unit by the reputation tactical genius of Stephen,

here are the numbers and possibilities:

1 – It says distant for tanks but doesn’t give any examples. I like VTOL Here, or maybe just more infantry.
2-3 - Infantry
4-6 – Vee

Skills for Elite Recruiter:

1-2 – Regular
3-5 – Veteran
6 - Elite


1-2 – Light, foot for inf
3-4 – Medium, motorized inf
5 – Heavy, jump
6 – Assault, jump, anti-mech

Let’s start with the 27 of Evan:

Vee, Vet, Medium
Vee, Elite, Medium
Inf, Regular, Foot
Vee, Vet, Heavy
Vee, regular, Assault
Vee, Elite, Medium
VTOL, Elite, Medium
Vee, Regular, Light
Vee, Vet, Heavy
Inf, Reg, Jump Anti-mech
VTOL, Veteran, Light
Inf, Elite, Jump
Inf, Regular, Foot
Inf, Veteran, Foot
Vee, Regular, Medium
Vee, Veteran, Heavy
Vee, Elite, Medium
Inf, Veteran, Motorized
Vee, Veteran, Medium
Inf, Veteran, Motorized
Vee, Elite, Heavy
Vee, Regular, Light
Inf, Regular, Motorized
Vee, Veteran, Assault
Inf, Veteran, Motorized
Vee, Veteran, Assault
Inf, Regular, Anti-Mech Jump

27! I rolled four VTOls, but after two I felt that just going with more infantry was the idea. We have 15 Vees, right around half. Yay!

Here are the tables for Mechs and then the Vet ability table:


1 – Aerospace Fighter
2-3 – Vee
4-6 -Mech

In reality, the 2-3 is Fighter and the 1 is Vee, but I felt that that was a way too high of a chance for a huge Fighter section. Plus, you know…tanks….

Evan’s 15:

Fighter, Veteran, Medium
Mech, Veteran, Medium
Vee, Veteran, Light
Mech, Veteran, heavy
Vee, Green, Light
Mech, Veteran, Heavy
Vee, Veteran, Assault
Mech, Regular, Assault
Mech, Veteran, Heavy
Vee, Elite, Medium
Vee, Veteran, Heavy
Mech, Veteran, Light
Mech, Green, Medium
Fighter, Regular, Light
Mech, Veteran, Light

15! We got two Aerospace Fighters, and then 8 Mechs. Right at 50%!

Flavia’s 13:

Vee, Elite, Light
Fighter, Regular, Heavy
Vee, Elite, Medium
Mech, Veteran, Assault
Mech, Regular, Heavy
Vee, Elite, Light
Mech, Regular, Assault
Vee, Veteran, Heavy
Mech, Veteran, Assault
Fighter, Veteran, Medium
Mech, Veteran, Heavy
Mech, Veteran, Light
Vee, Veteran, Medium

Another 13! This has two more Fighters, and then 6 outta 13 so one fewer Mech than half.

We got a total of:

4 Fighters
14 Mechs
25 Vees
10 Infantry squads
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Old 12-09-2024, 09:40 PM   #11
Abe Sargent
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Is there a DropShip I can do for all of these? Union is 12 mechs, and 2 Fighters, an Overlord is 36 mechs, and 6 Fighters,. A Seeker is 40 vees and 4 platoons of infantry. A Gazelle is 15 tanks. Condor is 20 vees and 12 infantry, enough for all infantry, but below by 5 vees. An Excalibur is a huge DropShip with 90 vees, 12 mechs and12 infantry platoons. I could do that and then a Mech and Fighter carrier too.

A Fortress was what I was hoping for since it’s an assault dropship and carrier with tons of armor, weapons and Long Tom artillery in the nose. It has 12 Mechs, and Vees too 3 Inf platoons. I could do a Condor and Fortress, but then rough load 2 Mechs in storage. And a Leopard CV for 6 Fighters too. What makes sense for me to try and get?

Let’s start with JumpShip. Each has drop rings. If I grab a Merchant, that’s a base of 12, -7 so 5, and then it has two drop rings. The Invader has three drop rings, but it’s 14. That’s a 7, likely, and I could try to grab the Leopard, Condor and Fortress. Or a regular Leopard with a 4 Mech and 2 Fighters and then the Invader has 2 Small Craft space, not Fighters though, so I could just do a Union with 2 Fighters and 12 Mechs, and then Leopard and Seeker.

Let’s start with my 7 for an Invader! I toss a 8, it’s mine! Now if you toss exactly what you needed, it will join you as an auxiliary, not yours and can leave you anytime. It’s named the “Triad of Stars.” This means we either salvaged or bought it.

Now I can get a free DropShip. A Fortress’s dozen Mechs and Tanks seems nice, plus infantry and assaulting and can secure the zone and with artillery too! It’s base is 13, so 6. I toss an 8 again. It’s named “Mason’s Bulwark” since the Captain is named Isis Mason and it’s her family DropShip from her dad.

I can skip recruiting in the first month instead of a ton to try and bring in the Condor! Let’s do it, it’s base is 9. That means I need a 2 to grab it. I toss a 10, each die was enough to get it. I have a Condor, named the “Flying Eagle”. I could wait until next month to try and bring in a Leopard CV, that requires a 10 base, so 3, dropped. Or I could just rent the Leopard CV like normal, and then try
and bring it in when we get back. We’ll take the first contract.

Now let’s figure out what my units are!!!

I update our rank for Stephen to Major.
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Old 12-09-2024, 10:12 PM   #12
Abe Sargent
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Sizes of Units for Vees and Mechs:

– The smallest unit of the grounded troops is a Lance of four units. This is four armor, and mechs.

Company – Three lances are 12. Ideally you will either have one lance each of scouting, fire support and smashing things, or just one focus here, but in the bigger unit below. With a Command Lance, those are called a Reinforced Company.

Battalion – Three companies of vees or mechs are 36 units, or a Battalion. Some might have Command Lances or Companies. You might have the specializations above for lances here in companies.

Regiment – Three battalions are enough for a regiment. Often with Command Company. They will often have the three specializations we discussed in battalion form.

Sizes of Units for Infantry:

Company – Weird different size but same name, three platoons. Controlled by Captain.

– Three companies, 9 total, led by Major.

Regiment - 3 battalions, or 28 total platoons, led by Leftenant General (normally Colonial or General)

I make a Battalion of my infantry with a command platoon, led by a Major.

Sizes of Units for Fighters:

– This duo of two is the smallest unit in Fighters.

Squadron – Three Flights or six fighters, their CO is called a Captain.

Wing – This is three Squadrons together plus a Command Flight so 20 fighters total. This is basically a Battalion, so they are a Major too.

This is what the Leopard CV carries. We have two Flights of Fighters.

Get ready for a bunch of Davion units, but on the Cap and Draconis borders and then with the alliance and trade with House Steiner, there could be other things out there.

Remember that Davion is home to the Regimental Combat Team (RCT) of 1 regiment of meches, 3 of vehicles, 5 of infantry (which is just 140 platoons). 2 Fighter Wings and a battalion of artillery. That’s what the 17th Avalon Hussars are on world.
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Old 12-09-2024, 10:38 PM   #13
Abe Sargent
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My four founding members, I roll:

Major Sir CO Stephen Marsh – Patton
– I wanted a back and commandy style tank with long range weapons and great armor. The Sturmfuer Assault Tank first caught my eye with 2 LRM20s, but just 6 shots. We are instead doing the heavy 14 tons of armor AC10 with 2 shots, LRM5 and sl and flamer.

Evan, Enforcer, Enf-4r v
eteran – This has a 4/6/4 movement with an AC10, large laser for range, sl, 9 tons of armor, beloved Davion mech

XO Flavia, elite, Atlas, AS7-D, the nastiest and biggest 100 ton mech in the IS, with an AC20, 2 tons of ammo, LR,m 20 with 2 more tons, 20 heat sinks, 4 Mls, SRM6 15 shots, 19 tons of armor, nasty.

Alice – Veteran, vee, Manticore Heavy Tan
k – 176 armor, PPC, Srm6 with 15 shots, LRM10 with 24 shots, ML

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Old 12-10-2024, 02:40 AM   #14
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The rest of my unit!

Let’s start with the 27 of Stephen:

Vee, Vet, Medium, Alonzo Typer, Goblin Medium Tank - LL, Mg, 1 infantry squad , foot, 8 tons of armor
Vee, Elite, Medium, Meghan Reynolds Condor Hover Tank, 7/11,6 tons armor, Ac5, 3 ML, MG
Inf, Regular, Foot, MG, Akshay Kumar,
Vee, Vet, Heavy, Lan Dang, Von Lucker – AC20, 2 SRm6m 1 SRm4, 1 Lrm 10, 11 tons armor,
Vee, regular, Assault, Starling O’Brian, Behemoth, 2 AC10s, 20 shot, 13 tons armor, 4 Lrm5s, 2 SRm6s, 4 SRm2s, 4 MGs
Vee, Elite, Medium, Roger Sanchez – Alice’s husband, Maxim Heavy Hover Transport – 8/12, 5.5 light armor, inf carrier 3 tons, Sm6, 4=3 Lrm5, 2 SRm2, 3 MG
VTOL, Elite, Medium, Mvundia Embergen, Warrior Attack Helicopter, H7 – AC2, SRM4, 1.5 tons armor, 10/15 move ,
Vee, Regular, Light, Amir Rashad, Pegasus Scout Hover Tank, 8/12, 6.5 tons, 2 SRM 6, ML, Sensors,
Vee, Vet, Heavy, Sorenella Capecci, Brutus Assault Tank, 2 LL, LRM20, 2 SRM6, 1 SRM2, 8.5 tons armor
Inf, Reg, Jump Anti-mech, Bonny Charbonneau, SRMs
VTOL, Veteran, Light, Margeret Naile, , Warrior Attack Helicopter, H7 too
Inf, Elite, Jump, Roger Snyder, SRMs
Inf, Regular, Foot, MG, Marcelo Rodriguez
Inf, Veteran, Foot, Inferno, Maria de Sousa
Vee, Regular, Medium, Nan Liang, Vedette Medium Tank, AC5, MG, 96 armor,
Vee, Veteran, Heavy, Latasha Jenkins, Bulldog Medium Tank, LL, 2 SRm4, mg, 6.5 tons of armor,
Vee, Elite, Medium, Luca Dang, Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun – 1 AC20, 4 tons ammo, 4/6, 6 tons armor
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Rachel Sanders, SRM
Vee, Veteran, Medium, Mary Okere, sister of Charlie Okere, a 2nd Maxim Hover Tank
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Glen Namundja, MG
Vee, Elite, Heavy, Sven Jorgensson, Shrek PPC Carrier, 3 PPCs, 7.5 tons armor,
Vee, Regular, Light, Ujjal Singh, Hunter Light Support Tank, 1 LRM 20, 6 tons armor, Flamer, 2 tons ammo
Inf, Regular, Motorized, Robin Justice, Flamer
Vee, Veteran, Assault, Charlie Okere, broker of Mary Okere, Demolisher, 2 AC20, 4 tons ammo,10 tons armor
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Steve Wrobleski, MG
Vee, Veteran, Assault, Marsha Otone, Ontos Heavy Tank, 8 ML, 2 Lrm5, 8.5 tons armor
Inf, Regular, Julio Jaramillo, Anti-Mech Jump, SRM,

Next are the 15 of Evan’s 15:

Fighter, Veteran, Medium, Luke Caffincelli, Corsair, 2 ML, 2 LL, 4 sl, 13.5 tons armor
Mech, Veteran, Medium, Gustave Montano, Hunchback, HBk-46 ,AC20, 2 ml, 1 sl, 10 tons armor, 13 heat, 10 shots
Vee, Veteran, Thibault Courtois, Light, Hunter Light Support Tank #2
Mech, Veteran, Mitch Raymond, heavy, Archer ARC2R, 2 LRm 20, 4 ml, 13 tons armor, 24 shots,
Vee, Green, Light, Galleon Light Tank, Miles Montano, 6/9 movement, 2 Sl, ml, 3.5 tons armor
Mech, Veteran, Heavy, Kgosi Baard, Marauder MAD-3D – This Davion variant has 2 PPc, 4/6, 2 ML, LL, and 15 heat and 11.5 tons armor
Vee, Veteran, Assault, another Behemoth Tank, Robin Ling
Mech, Regular, Assault, Thebe Medupe, Banshee 3S, worked on by Davion and Steiner, 2 PPcs, AC10, 4 ML, 2 sl, SRm6, 21 heat, 15 tons armor
Mech, Veteran, Heavy, Kamaka Pukui, Crusader, CRD-3D, Davion variant with 2 Lrm 15, 8 shots each, 2 SRm4s, 2 ML, 12 tons of armor, more sinks
Vee, Elite, Medium, Margaret Dyson, Drillson Heavy Hover Tank, 6/9, 7 tons armor, LL, 2 SRm2, 2 mg, Lrm10. Roger’s Wife
Vee, Veteran, Heavy, Roger Dyson, Another Von Luckner
Mech, Veteran, Light, Marcus Darko, Wolfhound WLF1, new Davion Scout mech with just energy weapons – 1 LL, 4M L 6/9 speed, 10 HS,
Mech, Green, Medium, Mohammed Kunya, Phoenix Hawk, PXH-1, 6/9/6, 8 tons armor, 10 heat sinks, LL, 2 ML, 2 MG,
Fighter, Regular, Light, Sparrowhawk – 10/15 speed, 2 ML, 2 Sl, 7.5 tons armor
Mech, Veteran, Light, Yamato Ason, Valkyrie, VLK-QA – 5/8/5, LRM 10, 6 tons armor, ML, 11 heat, 12 shots

Archer great fire support, Hunchback closer, MAD3D doesn’t have the Ammo explosion of the MAD3R but not real heat sinks. Banshee variant is nasty long range and closer. Crusader another long range missile boat like the Archer, but can be great closing too. Wolfhound amazing scout mech, PXH too, although I’d prefer a non-Green pilot, Valkyrie is okay at range and scouting with good armor and such.

Let’s Finish with Flavia’s 13:

Vee, Elite, Light, Rachel Alvarez, Saracen Medium Hover Tank, 8/12 movement, 7 tons armor, Lrm 10, 3 SRm2s,
Fighter, Regular, Heavy, Andriy Shevchenko, Stuka, 4 LL, 3 ML, Lrm 20, Srm4, 15 tons armor
Vee, Elite, Medium, Jasmine Acharya, Another Hetzer
Mech, Veteran, Assault, Lola Karimov, BattleMaster, BLR-1G, 18 heat, 14.5 armor tons, 1 ppc, 6 ML, 2 mg, SRm6, 4/6 movement, nasty strong…
Mech, Regular, Katherine Gashler, Heavy, JagerMech, JM6-S – 2 AC2 and AC5, 2 ML, 4/6, 6 tons armor, 1 heat
Vee, Elite, Light, Morgan Tall, Saladin Assault Hover Tank, Ac20, 3 tons ammo, 8/12 movement, 2 tons armor
Mech, Regular, Assault, Olivia Chaudhury, Awesome, Aws-8Q, 3 PPCs like the Shrek, SL, 28 heat, 3/5, 15 tons armor
Vee, Veteran, Heavy, Max French, Another Brutus Assault Tank #2.
Mech, Veteran, Assault, Groeht de la Boer, Zeus, ZEu-6s – beloved Steiner Mech, LL, Lrm15 with 8 shots, AC5, 4/6, 17 heat, 11.5 tons o’ armor.
Fighter, Veteran, Medium, Hammed abd Allah, Corsair
Mech, Veteran, Heavy, Rakesh Venkatachala, Grasshopper, GHR-5H, 4/6/4, 22 heat, LL,Lrm5, 4 ML
Mech, Veteran, Light, Ford Middleborough, Javelin, JVN-10N – 6/9/6 move, 2 SRm6, 15 shots each, 4 tons of armor
Vee, Veteran, Medium, Ryan Oliver, a 3rd Maxim.

BattleMaster nasty. I was fearing I’d roll the bad JagerMech with four ACs,and then 2 backup Mls and then bad armor, which is a beloved design here. The Zeus is all long range, but not great Armor to close. The ‘Hopper is designed as a scout mech killer. The Awesome is strong, and you can fire loads of long range weapons. The Javelin SRm6 version is great at finding criticals on open mechs and then also on Vees too, I prefer the 10F Variant that gives it max armor and 4 Mls, but that’s not bad.

For a scouting lance, in Mechs we have Wolfhound, Javelin, Pixie and then maybe the Valkyrie or Enforcer or Grasshopper could be the last one. For a Fire Support Lance we have Archer, Marauder, Crusader, Awesome and JagerMech or Zeus, then in my close lance Hunchback, Atlas, BattleMaster and Banshee. Then a Command Lance of the Zeus, MAD or JagerMech, Enforcer, Valkyrie.

We have 16 Mechs because I forgot to count my starters and two more tanks. That’s a Leopard normally, not CV, and we’ll add two Fighters to our storage.
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Old 12-10-2024, 12:47 PM   #15
Abe Sargent
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I forgot Flamers, they are an energy weapon with the weight of a small laser, it’s range (and MGs too), make Medium Laser heat and then can either raise the target heat by 2 or deal 2 damage. Raising heat is very powerful right now with just single heat sinks.

War Chest
– We get in cash 700,000

I split off the 16 mechs that’s a reinforced company into their own unit. Mechs a Lot.

I hire 1 regular medic, 9 Astech, 6 green techs, 5 regular, 4 vets, 1 elite, 2 DropShip crew, 2 green admins, one vet admin, we have 100% support costs paid.

Here’s my assignments for the company:

Atlas AS7D, Capt. Flavia Obed-Marsh, Elite
Hunchback HBK-4G, Gustave Montano, Veteran
Banshee 3S, Thebe Medupe, Regular
BattleMaster, BLR-1G, Lola Karimov, Veteran

Archer ARC-2R, Leftenant Mitch Raymond, Veteran
Crusader, CRD-3D, Kamaka Pukui, Veteran
JagerMech, JM6-S, Katherine Gashler, Regular
Awesome, Aws-8Q, Olivia Chaudhury, Regular

Wolfhound WLF1, Leftenant Marcus Darko, Veteran
Phoenix Hawk, PXH-1, Mohammed Kunya, Green,
Grasshopper, GHR-5H, Rakesh Venkatachala, Veteran
Javelin, JVN-10N, Ford Middleborough, Veteran

Enforcer, Enf-4r, Leftenant Evan Marsh, Veteran
Marauder MAD 3D, Veteran, Kgosi Baard
Valkyrie, VLK-QA, Yamato Ason, Veteran
Zeus, ZEu-6S, Groeht de la Boer, Veteran

This is our Atlas:

It’s the nasty machine of death mentioned above. It’s our only elite MechWarrior.

We have 75 points in full support, medics, and then 20 for veteran average and then Jump/Drop ships too. C Rating by ComStar.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 12-10-2024 at 01:34 PM.
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Old 12-10-2024, 03:12 PM   #16
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Tanks a Lot, Company #1:

Patton, Major CO Stephen Marsh, Elite,
Goblin Medium Tank, Alonzo Typer, Veteran
Condor Hover Tank, Meghan Reynolds, Elite,
Von Lucker #1, Lan Dang, Veteran

Manticore Heavy Tank, Leftenant Alice Sanchez, Veteran
Behemoth, Starling O’Brian, Regular
Brutus Assault Tank, Sorenella Capecci, Veteran
Bulldog Medium Tank, Latasha Jenkins, Veteran

Maxim Heavy Hover Transport #1, Leftenant Roger Sanchez, Elite
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank, Amir Rashad, Regular,
Vedette Medium Tank, Nan Liang, Regular
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun, Luca Dang, Veteran

Hunter Light Support Tank, Ujjal Singh, Regular
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun #2, Jasmine Acharya, Elite

I hire enough staff for Admin, Ranking – 70 - C

Company #2:

Schrek PPC Carrier, Capt. Sven Jorgensson, Elite,
Hunter Light Support Tank #2, Thibault Courtois, Veteran
Saladin Assault Hover Tank, Morgan Tall, Elite
Maxim #3 – Ryan Oliver, Veteran

Demolisher, Leftenant Charlie Okere, Veteran
Ontos Heavy Tank, Marsha Otone, Veteran
Behemoth Tank #2, Ronin Ling, Veteran
Von Luckner #2, Roger Dyson, Veteran

Saracen Medium Hover Tank, Leftenant Rachel Alvarez, Elite,
Maxim #2, Mary Okere, Veteran,
Galleon Light Tank, Miles Montano, Green
Drillson Heavy Hover Tank, Margaret Dyson, Elite

I hire enough staff for full support, 70 C
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Old 12-10-2024, 03:52 PM   #17
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also split up three infantry into my folks, and three into the Mechs:

Mech Company

Inf, Reg, Jump Anti-mech, Bonny Charbonneau, SRMs
Inf, Regular, Julio Jaramillo, Anti-Mech Jump, SRM,
Inf, Regular, Foot, Laser, Marcelo Rodriguez

Tanks Company #1:

Inf, Regular, Foot, MG, Akshay Kumar,
Inf, Elite, Jump, Roger Snyder, SRMs, Leftenant
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Rachel Sanders, SRM
Inf, Regular, Motorized, Robin Justice, Flamer

Tanks Company #2

Inf, Veteran, Foot, Rifle, Maria de Sousa
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Steve Wrobleski, MG
Inf, Veteran, Motorized, Glen Namundja, Laser, Leftenant
Inf, Veteran, Foot, SRMs, Bill Roberts,

I also assign both VTOLS here too
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Old 12-11-2024, 12:18 AM   #18
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Alright, let’s negotiate some deals!!!

Here are my offers:

#1. Fed Suns, Objective Raid
, target CC in New Hessen to raid , destroy their base in the Josburg Flats, and they are defended by the 1st and 2nd New Hessen Irregulars with just lighter units. They have a battalion of mixed mechs and armor defending their HQ in the flats. They are just three jumps away, and on the border with the Suns. All light stuff. We get a 1.5 mill bonus for taking out the nearby military prison if we want to attack it, defended by one company of light mechs. It’s clear that Hanse Davion is pushing to use his new alliance to shake down folks.

I take it since it’s so close. It’s a good shake down mission!

Now it’s time to negotiate it.

We have an elite negotiator. We are C rating from ComStar. We get 77 points to negotiate. We start with Salvage rights. They offer Exchange and give us 5, we spend 25 for Shared, 57 left. They want Command next and want Liaison, no change, we accept. We want length next and offer 1 month and pull out 10 points. 47 left. They want Payment and pull out 25 points for 3.4 base salary, 22 left. We want Support Next and Battle Loss Compensation of 50%, 10 points, 12 left, they give us +5% remuneration for 10 points to drop our remaining points 2. Last is Transport Rights, and they will pay us nothing, we can use our own vessels, we get a 1% signing bonus with the last two points. The contract is also times 1.3 for Suns.

Contract #1:

Objective Raid on CC world of New Hessen, 3 jumps away
Command: Liaison
Salary: 3.4, 1.3, with 5% Remuneration and 1% bonus
Support: 50% Battle Loss Compensation
Salvage: Shared
Length: One Month
Transport Rights: Nothing

We will rent the Leopard for getting us there, it costs120k to rent for the three jumps there and back again.

We can pay for recharge stations. Normally, you’d be on a three jump planet in around 4-6 weeks or so, but with recharges, we can do it faster. Just a day or so in each system. We could pay the recharge rate of 50k for our JumpShip 6 times for 300k plus 240k rental of DropShip. But New Hessen doesn’t have a charge station and such. I choose do to this since New Hessen is the 7th planet and a massive 21 days from the system’s jumppoints, or we could do a Pirate Point around 4 days close, and increase by 2 weeks. No thanks, I do the stations only.

We’ll be on New Hessen on February 2nd. Please note that if we have time to…raid…the HQ first prior to blowing it up, we could get some nice cash assets.
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Old 12-11-2024, 12:50 AM   #19
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Quick thoughts on my unit prior to running our first battle with it? Mechs? I feel like we got a nice mixture of fire support, power and scouting units with the PXH, Javelin, Wolfhound and Grasshopper great scouts, Archer, Awesome and Crusader as ranges stuff and then power stuff like BattleMaster, Atlas and Hunchback. But we had some not great stuff like JagerMech and the Zeus has light armor. That MAD D isn’t great either since the AC5 going removes the ammo explosion issue but adding a LL isn’t that best ever with the loss of a heat sink, it should have added more Heat sinks and close in weapons.

For Vees, most don’t have good armor in this era. They often prefer overloading weapons and Heat Sinks. There are Mechs with bad armor for their classes better armored than some tanks. The Brutuses aren’t bad from the CC’s Epsilon Eridani, in terms of armor and weapons load out, we don’t have any LRM/SRM Carriers that are murder on mechs with massive numbers of missile racks, but low armor and ammo. They are pretty cheap though

The ability to kill tanks is pretty easy to do, destroy a side, turrets count, or blow up the fuel tank hit an ammo explosion and kill the crew. It’s also possible to destroy the movement fully or partially and then it cannot move, just like destroyed a mech’s legs or gyro. How can you salvage it? According to the rules, only a killed crew or immobilized tank can be salvaged. First of all, that’s not very realistic. Obviously, destroying an engine or ammo explosion cannot be salvaged, but many tanks and vees have been salvaged in real life after destruction just like blue water craft with a side destroyed, and that should be harder with the water getting in. In my previous dynasty I only had to roll a 5 or greater on 2d6 to salvage a tank with a destroyed side. That feels a little too easy. This time I am only salvaging a tank side on an 8 or more on 2d6. Otherwise, nope.

Also, tank crew rarely die, just like MechWarriors, save when there is a critical to kill them. But their tanks are pretty fragile, so there can be loads of dispossessed crew out there. We can salvage any mech with a surviving CT. But not so with armor. But we can buy cheap stuff easily enough.
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Old 12-11-2024, 01:50 PM   #20
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MegaMek Notes – This is for BTech fans. I just downloaded the last stable version

I have changed these options from the default:

Paranoid Autosave On
Flamers do both heat and damage, since the latest version does this
Smoke Drift on
Year it’s in 3025
TacOps Double Blind - We can only see LOS Stuff
Sensors on
Infantry can spend a turn digging in, to avoid clear space open kills
Vee Crews their size in GTpOps
Quirks on
Paratroopers on, infantry can hot drop like Mechs
Woods have a chance to burn down
Clear hexes cannot be set on fire
Bots are double blind with each other too
TACs float – Normally a 2 for to hit location hits the CT crit, but now it floats
Engine Explosions on
Fires may be set accidentally or intentionally
PPC Field Inhibitors can be turned off to fire inside minimum range, but might damage it
Glancing Blows on – If you roll what’s needed, half damage
Direct Blows on – For every 3 more needed to hit rolled, more damage is dealt
Burst Fire MGs - You can spend 1d6 heat and damage, and use 3x what’s rolled lost in ammo
Expanded Heatscale is on
Rapidfire Acs on – We can fire an AC like an ULtra AC to maybe hit twice, increased risk of jamming and explosion
Grappling Attack on
Trip attack on
Vee Firing Arcs on
VTOLS can Strafe and Bomb
Tanks cannot be targeted by Infernos since it’s auto kill
You can unjam Acs
Ultra Acs attack twice instead of once and then you see how many hit
Club, Hatchet Sword attacks use the punch table
The primary target doesn’t have to be in the front arc
Standing Still makes it easier to be hit
Physical Attacks – Lights -2 to attack, medium -1, assault +1
The PSR for standing after taking 20 damage is made harder for each 20 damage
Backward movement by mechs, tanks over terrain changes allowed with PSR
Infantry movement on pavement increased like vees
Hull Down – Mechs and Vees can hull down
Attempting to stand is harder with a missing arm
Vees can be abandoned
Ejected pilots flee
Pilot Special abilities and Edge on

In TacOps there is a more durable vee/armor optional rule that reduces crit chances…do I turn it on? It’s an official optional one…I will try it and see, and maybe turn it of it feels unfair. This is in the Advanced Combat rule.
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Old 12-11-2024, 03:46 PM   #21
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January 1, 3025 – Some Rumors of a LostTech Star League era depot on Fed Suns border world Galtor III are hitting us. We choose not to head out since we need that cash.

January 12, 3025 – We arrive in the New Hessen system. No major traffic or issues here. We are not contested in space.

February 2, 3025 – We land at the New Hessen DropPort by the Plains. The Fortress has spare cargo of 415 tons for supplies like ammo and such, and then the Leopard we rented 34 tons and our Condor has 1651 tons, plus we have storage for 32 Vees but just 26 so we can use those for things we grab on the way back, as well as space for 5 infantry platoons free on the Condor/Fortress for space too. Our fighters unload and face Air cover and are fighting

We arrive and our foes are:

CC Light Mechs:

3 UrbanMech – AC10, light, low movement and stuff
1 Urbie RML – Swaps AC10 for AC20
4 Stingers – 6/9/6 – 2 ML
4 Wasps – WSP-1L – 1 SRm4, 6/9/6 movement
3 Javelins – We have these
2 Locusts – LCT1E, 8/12. 2 ML, 2 Sl
1 Raven 1x – Strong anti-ECM suite - vet

18 mechs and 18 tanks

Our BV is 54,976 theirs is 18,242

They are regular save the Raven vet
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Old 12-12-2024, 01:53 AM   #22
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We are on a 25x25 hex map with concrete, roads, light woods, and they are on the east and us the west, with a river and small lake in the north. We are attacking their fort, it’s in the northern east corner. The river is on our side and the concrete on theirs. There are some houses to the south.

I deploy some heavy power units north on the bridge and south, scouts and hover on the middle to get past the river with jump jets or hovers, and then missile boats and some smash units in the south’s trees and then infantry there too.

Turn 1 – I move around. We couldn’t cross the bridge on the north. I want to aim my northern army at a Saladin, in the center at 2 J Edgars and a Savannah Master and Saladin center and a Locust at the bottom. Our Archer destroys the Savanah Master’s front. It is recoverable, but it’s also immobile we’ll need to fix. We locked the turret of a J. Edgar

Turn 2 – I fire in the North at a Saladin, they pulled back there and it’s just long range. A Harrasser in the mid flank and a Locust south. Some fire at a Scimitar too

Our Ontos Immobilizes a Scimitar and hit it’s Sensors
Our Grasshopper hits a SL in their Locust
Our Goblin hurts the speed on their Scimitar
Our Brutus destroys the Front of their Harasser, kill! We can salvage it

Turn 3 – We need to start pushing forward in the north and center. Our Wolfhound falls trying to cross a river and only moved one. Their Locust bases my tanks in the south, our Jav their Plainsmen and Valkyrie their wounded Scimitar, and Grasshopper behind the Saladin. They pull back in the north and few are in range, all long. I fire at a J Edgar, long range, a Plainsman, the Locust that charged and the wounded Scimitar.

Our Demolisher destroys the FR of their Scimitar. It cannot be salvaged
Starling O’Brian’s Behemoth destroys the RS of their J. Edgar. It cannot be salvaged, tossed a 7
Our Jav hits the SRM6 on their Plainsman – it’s immobile
A J. Edgar immobilizes our Brutus
Our Manticore hits the engine 3 times on a Locust and destroys the CT then, dead mech. That’s our founder Alice Sanchez’s tank
We kick and hit the 2nd Plainsman’s movement by one

They have lost one mech, and four tanks with an immobile one too, do they pull out? I feel they probably will try to turn it around this turn

Turn 4 - I eject the Brutus. They eject the Plainsman. I charge in the north with fast mechs and tanks, where they are charging out with light mechs all mostly here by their base. I am firing on a Stinger and Saladin on the north flank and a Striker Light Tank on the south one. Plus the wounded Locust in the middle and a J. Edgar that rushed me.

Our Saladin Hover Tank with the AC20 destroys their Stinger’s LT, LA on the ground, I moved it to 3 away.
Mary Okere’s Maxim destroys the FR of their Saladin. It’s recoverable
They hit our Saladin’s move system
Our Pegasus destroys the Stinger’s CT – dead mech!
Our Awesome immobilizes a Scimitar

We have taken out 2 mechs and 7 tanks, just one immobile one with us, we ejected. They flee and we capture the HQ! We do get the Scimitar and Plainsman they ejected.
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Old 12-12-2024, 02:18 AM   #23
Abe Sargent
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Savannah Master = to repair, immobile – Fixed immobile with techs, 4 days for both
Harasser Laser Platform front side
Plainsman – Immobile – three techs couldn’t one could will take 10 days to fix
Saladin – Front side destroyed
Scimitar immobilized – fixed! 3 days

Parts Salvaged:

Scimitar tank – 2 SRM2, 1 AC5
J. Edgar – 2 SRM2, 1 ML

Stinger - LA, RT, RL, RA, LL, H

Our Stuff:

Brutus – Immobile – fixed, 3 days

We spent around 165k on ammo and were barely touched the Brutus wasn’t critical or hit anywhere else.

I spend three days for base repairs of my stuff and salvage, to increase it’s value for Shared, and then move tons of supplies to the DropShip.

February 5, 3025 - Then we hit the nearby military prison. Our scouts did confirm the 12 mech light presence. I will be sending just my mechs and then one tank company each flanking and then in the rear of their prison as a backup in case they want to flee to make sure that they’ll stay right now.

Here they are:

1 UrbanMech
1 UrbanMech 60L with the AC20
2 Stinger 3Gs with the 2 ML
1 Javelin
2 Wasp 2L with SRM4
1 Valkyrie – they must’ve salvaged from Davion
1 Firestarter – FS9A With 4 Flamers, 2 ML, 2 SL, 6/9/9 movement and 104 points of armor, and 10 heat sinks
2 Locust 1E
1 Spider 5V – 2 ML, 8/12/8 movement, 56 armor, 10 HS

I would love that Spider, it’s the fastest mech in the era.

All of these are regular, save the 60l Urbie, it’s veteran, we CANNOT allow that for long and need to take him out.

This is their Urbie, common in the IS, but beloved in the CC. Just 2/3/2 movement, but great armor and a big fat gun.

We are on a smaller map, since the previous one was great for defense and bigger too. 16 x 17, we are on the Prison Camp map, and they are on the top and us the bottom,
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Old 12-12-2024, 03:23 AM   #24
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Just as a heads up, this idea of the defenders just having light mechs comes from the 1st book in the 4th Succession War, but a battle scenario on New Hessen in the 4th later says they have faster mechs like Quickdraw, Victor, Shadow Hawk and Phoenix Hawk, with a Command slow mech like a BattleMaster. So they would have a normal BMech company, not a light one, based on later sources, I am going to reroll the units with speed, and then change things around.

I am keeping UrbanMech 60L, Wasp 2L, Stinger and Javelin.


Vindicator VND1R – 4/6/4 movement, PPC, LRM 5, ML and Sl, max armor, 16 heat sink
Phoenix Hawk
Shadow Hawk 2d – 5/8/3, AC5, LRM5, 2 SRM2, 2 ML, 14 Sinks, 72 armor
Wolverine WVR6R – 5/8/5, 152 armor, AC5, SRM6, ML, 12 heat sinks
Quickdraw – QKD-4G, 5/8/5, LRM10, 4 ML, 1 SRM 4, 2 lasers face rear
Catapult – CLPT – C1 - 4/6/4, 2 LRM15, 4 ML, 15 heat sinks, 10 tons
Cataphract – CTF-1X – Veteran, this is their CO, 16 heat, 4/6, 176 armor, AC10, PPC, 4 ML, 2 face rear, this is recently made like our Wolfhound and the previous Raven.
Victor – VTR-9A – 4/6/4, AC20, 2 flamers, 2 ML, SRM4, MG, 136 armor and 15 heat sinks.

The Victor is an assault and lightly armored but wields the powerful AC20. It’s a nasty machine of death and destruction. The Vindicator, 2 Hawks and Wolverine are faster Mediums, the Quickdraw and Catapult and Cataphract are heavies. The Catapult is the CC preferred Archer or Crusader missile boat with jump jets. The Cataphract is the only slower one save for the Urbie. That Shadow Hawk is a joke.

This is their Cataphract:

All Regular save for that Cataphract, It’s a closer of a mech like our BattleMaster and Atlas. The BV this time is pretty closer with them 11525 and us 25,851 but we have infantry and 4 more units and better pilots, we are veteran.

I am deploying them in the center where the prison is and us on the south.
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Old 12-12-2024, 02:27 PM   #25
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Their base is surrounded by a two level tall hill to protect them from our range, save for their roads in and out on the north and south flank. I have a bunch of trees in the south for my infantry and range mechs to deploy in.

Turn 1 – We win init! They are moving to the back right and left corner. I flank with light and fast and hoppers in the flanks. I charge up the south road with my smash unit. I concentrate fire on that Vindicator on the left flank and Cataphract by my right one. Our Awesome hits two arm actuators in the Vindicator’s LA and our Zeus hits it’s RL foot actuator. It falls under damage.

Turn 2 – They Hull Down the Vindicator. I move over our Grasshopper to base it. They back up their Cataphract to the wall. Their Shadow Hawk bases our BM and Hunchy. Our BM falls needing a 4 o base their Cataphract wounded and the 4 needed too stand to. I turn it one since I am out of movement. I focus tons on their Cataphract in the center, Vindicator west flank and PXH east. Our BM unloads on their Shadow Hawk since it’s the only one he can see

BM destroys their Shadow Hawk’s RA and hits two foot actuators.
Their Cataphract hits our BattleMaster’s Head and goes crit and hits the cockpit, dead mech and pilot.
Our Atlas destroys the LA of their Cataphract
Our Anti-Mech Lasers hits the gyro, and hits tons of actuators on their Vindicator
Our Wolfhound destroys the Vind’s LA, our Archer it’s RA
Their Shadow Hawk falls and breaks off the LL it’s on the ground
Their Cataphract falls
Our Grasshopper kicks and destroys the RL on their Vindicator

Turn 3 – They will keep pushing since they killed an assault mech. We win init! They eject their Vindicator. Grasshopper hops next to their Urbie. Their Cataphract rises and bases us. I concentrate fire on the Cataphract. Urbie left flank and Wasp east.

Our Hunch smashes the engine 2 and gyro once on their Cataphract
Our Marauder hits the Ac20 ammo on their Urbie and it’s done.
Our Atlas hits their Cataphract’s engine once more, shut down
Our Jump Anti-Mech Bonny Charbonneau hit their Shadow Hawk’s engine once
Our Hunchy kicks and destroys the RT of their Shadow Hawk

Turn 4 – They keep pressing. We lose init. They eject the Shadow Hawk. I move behind their Quickdraw with our Grasshopper and Wolfhound. My central flank attacks their Javelin. Quiet round, no falls or crits. I take a kick from their Stinger by my PXh.

Turn 5 – They will obviously push with nothing happening. Our Hunchy bases their Wasp. MAD bases their Catapult. Javelin rear of their Wasp. Grasshopper bases their Catapult too.

Atlas destroys LL of their Wasp
It and their Catapult fall
Our Hunchy kicks and destroys their Wasp’s LT, the LA is on the ground, it hit the Ammo…BOOOM, dead mech!
Our Enforcer kicks and destroys the RL of their Stinger, it’s on the ground
Our MAD Kicks and destroys the RT of their Catapult

They got mech destroyed, another legged and another badly gone, they pull out. They eject from the Stinger and we let them go. We free the military prison and then load up stuff for our Dropships and then destroy it.


Vindicator – destroyed LA, RA gyro hit once, RL gone
Cataphract – 3 engines, one gyro hit, 2 AC10 hit
Shadow Hawk – missing RT, one engine hit, two foot actuators, destroyed RA
Stinger Missing RL

Urbanmech, LA, H, LL, RL,
Wasp – LA, H
Catapult - RA


BattleMaster – Hit cockpit, dead pilot
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Old 12-12-2024, 03:47 PM   #26
Abe Sargent
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We fix the BM’s cockpit.
We can fix the Vindicator’s gyro – just 2 days
The Cataphract’s gyro too and then yes on the engine, and AC10 too, around 11 days for all three
We fix the Shadow Hawk can get it - 3 days
We attached the salvaged Stinger’s RL and fix it.

Total Salvage and Cost:

Savannah Master – ready – 91,667
Harasser Laser Platform front side – 250,000 current value – needs 149k to get ready
Plainsman – ready – 871,000
Saladin – Front side destroyed – 711,000 current value, needs 200k to fix
Scimitar – ready, 727,000

Total Here - 2.65 mill – tanks are cheap!

Parts of Tanks salvaged:

Scimitar tank – 2 SRM2, 1 AC5
J. Edgar – 2 SRM2, 1 ML

Mech Stuff:

Vindicator – destroyed LA, RA, RL – 2.25 mill current value, 900k needed to fix.
Cataphract – Fixed – 5,998,000
Shadow Hawk, SHD-2D – missing RT, destroyed RA - 3.900 mill current, needs 648k to fix
Stinger – STG3G - Fixed – 1,662,000

Mechs - 13,810,000 – mechs are not

Pieces of Mechs:

Urbanmech, LA, H, LL, RL, - 250,000
Wasp – LA, H - 110,000
Catapult – RA – 100,000
LCT1E – RT, RA, RL, LL, LT, LA, H – 800,000
Stinger - LA, RT, RL, RA, H – 450,000

Total of Parts – 1,710,000

Total Salvaged – 18.17 mill. We get 9.085 mill from our employer, we can salvage that amount too.

If I grabbed the Cataphract, then I could also take the all of the tanks and have enough for the Stinger parts. Then I would spend 349k to fix them up. Or I could grab the Vindicator and then also grab the Plainsman. I am taking the Cataphract and Plainsman for sure. A Vindicator or 4 tanks but not another mech…I take the Vindicator, it’s an okay design

Contract Stuff:

Objective Raid on CC world of New Hessen, 3 jumps away
Command: Liaison
Salary: 3.4, 1.3, with 5% Remuneration and 1% bonus
Support: 50% Battle Loss Compensation –
Salvage: Shared
Length: One Month
Transport Rights: Nothing


We spent around 510k on ammo and armor
We spent 900k fixing the Vindicator
We spend 240k moving us back and to our location on the rented DropShip
We spent 200k on charges
We spent on salaries and upkeep for three months 180k for Mech company, 142,500 for Tank company #1 and 105k for #2. Total - 427,500

Spent - 2,277,500

Contract – 581,400 made plus 5% remuneration – 610,470
We sold what we stole for 10 mill after taking a 15% hit.
We made from Salvage 9.085 mill

Total Made – 19,696,470

Net – 18,177,970 added to 700k war chest

We lost a BattleMaster pilot but the mech is fine – we will need to recruit another as well as Cataphract, Vindicator and Plainsman pilots too. The Plainsman is a light hover tank with 9/14 movement and 80 armor and 2 SRMm6s in turrets and one SRM2 in the front.

Feb 7, 3025 – We finish loading up our salvage and stolen stuff, and then destroy the HQ so they cannot take it back.
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Old 12-12-2024, 05:25 PM   #27
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Since the cost for DropShop/JumpShip rented is per jump, we need to get a 3rd Droppy for my Invader. I do have extra space on my Ships for the Plainsman I captured. But I need a DropShip for my current stuff and then also space to grow too. Right now I have 26 vees, plus the Plainsman, with 32 spaces. Ideally, I’d add something for Fighters and Mechs. The Union Is just 2 fighters but 12 mechs. The Overlord is 36 mechs but also 6 fighters. I could grab it, but right now I have 18 mechs for 12 spaces, so that’s a need of 6, but do I need that much mech space at 48 mechs?

To recruit it is a 5. That’s doable. But I’d like more space for something like tanks too, since we are close to max.

Remember I have a Condor with 20 vees, 12 infantry platoon tanks and Fortress for 12 each of vees. I could try and upgrade that Condor to a Seeker for 40 vees and 4 platoons.

I try to bring in the Overlord. It’s ours! Meet the “Daimyo Master” a former Draconis Combine ship and crew.

Our stuff:

JumpShip – Invader – “Triad of Stars” 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
DropShip – Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
DropShip – Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, just 7 vees used no Infantry used here either
DropShip – Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, just 6 used, 6 fighters, two free,

With my two free fighter spots I want to target there with my next recruitment.

I take contracts!

#1. FedSuns – Objective Raid on CC World of Pleione – border world around two jumps from New Hessen we already took out. It’s guarded by McCrimmon’s Armored Cavalry (MAC) a big time merc unit. We need to take out a mining complex.

#2. Draconis Combine – Planetary Assault on Galtor III – They’d like our help in taking out them, they are just two jumps away.

#3. Capellan Confederation for Extraction Raid on Lyran world of New Earth, one jump away. They want us to grab a bunch of material for one of their companies for the Steiner/Davion alliance, to give them a leg up, and New Earth has tons of great military-industrial complexes and we need to hit Bergon Industries that makes a Locust here, and is getting updated by the Davion alliance. We need to destroy the garrison a company of mechs and another of tanks and infantry and VOTLS mixed, and then grab all of the prototypes and info. Let’s do one for CC just we just hit them

We negotiate. We finished a deal and have 80 Comstar points with our new DropShip. We have 88 to start with, and then we choose shared salvage and lose 25 points, 63 left. They grab control and send with us a patrol a liaison. They’ll also be sending someone to hack the data once we take the company,. Next we want length of service and 10 points for 1 month, 53 left. They spend 25 and give us a x3.4 salary 28 left. We put up support and want both 50% and battle loss 50%, 25 points, 3 left. They pay us no money for transport. Also no remuneration.

Contract #2:

New Earth has no Recharge Station: 6 days to JumpPoint,

Type – Extraction Raid
Salvage – Shared
Command – Liaison
Length – 1 Month
Salary – 3.4; 1.1
Support – Battle Loss – 50% and Straight Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None

Here we go!!!
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Old 12-12-2024, 07:52 PM   #28
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Mar 12, 3025 - We land on New Earth! There is a DropPort around 2 hours away from the complex we are hitting. We unload and our fighters head out to scout. It seems like the intel was correct, this does have 24 defenders, 12 mechs and the rest 12 mixes of tanks, VTOLS and infantry. They are not locals but fellow mercs like us! A flight of two fighters heads up to meet ours and they won’t be able to help us out We rent some trucks (50k) and head to the company. We’ll be there in a few hours.

We arrive! They have:

Locust 1S made here – 1 ML, 2SRM2,
Panther 9R PNT – PPC, SRM4, better armor and 4/6/4 speed than the Urbie.
Whitworth WTH-1S -4/6/4, 3 ML, 2 SRM6s, 128 armor; 14 sinks
Wolverine WVR - 6D; AC10, 2 tons of ammo, 1 ML,5/8/5, 152 armor, 11 sinks
Scorpion 1N – Quad mech with 1 PPC, SRM6, 6/9 movement, 10 sinks
Vulcan 5T – 6/9/6, 112 armor, 4 Ml, 1 MG< 1 Flamer, 12 sinks
Dragon – DRG-1N, AC5, 2 ML, LRM 10, 6/9 movement, 160 armor, 10 sinks
Warhammer – WHM6L – 18 sinks, 160 armor, 2 PPC, 2 ML, 1 SRNm 2 SL ad Flamers
Longbow – LGB-OW - 2 LRM20, 2 LRM5, 1 SL, 144 armor, 13 sinks
Stalker – STK3F – 2 LRM10s 2 SRM6, 2 LL, 4 ML, 216 armor, 20 heat sinks
4 Infantry
One tank of each class – Hunter, Maxim, Pike and Schrek AC Carrier

This is their nasty Longbow:

It’s the best missile boat right now. If you protect it you can win all day long, but it’s got light armor. I’d love to grab it or Stalker.

They are all regular save for the VTOLS are green and the rest are regular save vets in the Dragon, Warhammer, Longbow and elite in Stalker. They have two short range variants of long range Vulcan and Whitworth. The Dragon and Panther are big Combine mechs – durable.

We are on a 16 x 17 hex map for a factory. They are the center and us the north.

Remember this is without our BattleMaster, sad.
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Old 12-13-2024, 01:09 AM   #29
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They have a level 1 building to drop on top of. Not that many trees to hide in here unlike the prison one. There is a chasm around the fortifications like the river in the first map.

Turn 1 – We might not be able to use my hovers to give me high to hit numbers with this chasm here. We’ll see. I focus on the Locust on the east and on the west an infantry or Stalker.

Our Demolisher destroys the RL on their Locust; Our Von Luckner #1 destroys it’s RA – it hits the ammo in the RT – dead mech
Their Locust Immobilizes our Hunter
Our Valkyrie kills an infantry squad
Their Stalker falls

Turn 2 – Two kills for us and one for them will keep them in. I eject the Hunter. Their Stalker rises. They flank my west flank with two VTOls and jump the Vulcan in the rear back next to my moved Demolisher I base it with Grasshopper and Enforcer. I fire some at the Vulcan, some at infantry and some at that Stalker too. And some backup close at their closing Dragon on the west flank.

Their Vulcan reduces movement on our Demolisher after they missed two 7s.
Our Crusader kills an infantry squad
Von Lucker hits LL on Stalker,
Their Infantry hit the movement on our Pegasus Scout Tank
Our Archer gets a limb blown off crit on their Stalker’s Rl, it’s on the ground and hit’s it’s ammo it explodes
Our Atlas needs an 8 to stay standing after mass damage and does so! It’s savaged and our Demolisher and Pegasus are wounded with down engines,

Turn 3 – They keep on. We lose init. I eject the Pegasus and Atlas and Demolisher. PXH to the rear of their Longbow but it’s green and jumped. Our Javelin is behind their Dragon. I am near their Longbow with many fast things on the sides and have outflanked them.

Our JagerMech hit their Maxim for a bad speed

Their Vulcan modesty hit our Brutus by increasing his piloting SR.
Our Crusader hit their Rotor on their east Warrior VTOL; Our Jump INF SRM on the west Warrior Rotor too.
Their Schrek hit the RA Actuator on our Valkyrie and two hits on it’s Medium laser
Our Zeus hits the leg actuator on their Longbow and destroys the RA
Our Ontos hits the Maxim’s and destroys it’s mobility and then stuns the crew for three turns
Our Drillson destroys their Longbow’s RL
Our Condor Heavy Hover Tank destroys their Grand Dragon’s ammo in a back shoot, dead mech! The engine goes up and they destroy our Javelin’s RA
Their Longbow hits our Javelin and hits the ammo it explodes
Their Longbow falls from the RL loss and destroys it’s LL. Down mech!

They lost both assaults, one heavy, and a tank, light mech and that’s in just three. They killed our undamaged Javelin, a light, and then made us eject stuff, but nothing major, so they retreat.


Locust 1S – LL, H
Stalker RL, H, LA
Grand Dragon – H, RL, RA
Longbow – missing RL, LL, RA

Maxim – Immobile


Hunter – Immobile
Demolisher – Wounded movement
Pegasus – Wounded movement
Valkyrie – hit RA Actuator, damaged laser

Javelin – H,
We lost our Javelin fully
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Old 12-13-2024, 01:44 AM   #30
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Their hacker and liaison capture the line of Locusts made here molds, hack out info and leave a spike for them, and then three ones just off the line. We will load them up in my trucks we grabbed. We’ll load up the Condor in it’s cargo line. We’ll leave once everything is loaded up in two days.

Cash Stuff:

We fix the Hunter, our Demolisher, Pegasus, and damaged RA in our Valkyrie. We repair their Maxim and fix it’s broken it should take around four days to fix them all.



Locust 1S – LL, H - 250,000
Stalker RL, H, LA – 550,000
Grand Dragon – H, RL, RA - 650,000

Parts Total – 1,450,000

Longbow – missing RL, LL, RA - Current value 5,250,000 – to repair 3,150,000

Maxim – Fixed – 1,322,000

Total Salvage – 8,022,000

We get 4,010,000 shared and then we are 1.24 mill below the Longbow’s value. We ask the liaison if we can pay the 1.24 to get it, but nope. We get another Maxim, and those parts

50% Battle Loss Compensation: We lost 2.4 mill, and that’s 1.2 made

We spent for ammo and armor around 680k, they are paying 50%, so we are out 340k, as well as the 50k for renting those trucks and another for the recharge station at the Zenith point here.

Salary – One month – 602,750 – no remuneration. We made 5,812,750 and spent 1,040,000 – we made 4,772,759 and lost a great Javelin.

We have a warchest of 24,450,729
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Old 12-13-2024, 11:25 PM   #31
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Mar 22, 3025 – Our wife the Atlas pilot is pregnant. It should be born around the 1st of the 3026.

This will be our 2nd child.:

Sir Sean Marsh
, 4 years old, at home at Mallory’s World. Born Jan 16, 3021 is our first.

Mar 25, 3025 – We arrive back at Galatea. We do some recruiting for that Plainsman, Maxim, Cataphract 1X, BattleMaster, and Vindicator. Now my Javelin pilot could be moved to that Vindicator, but we need that scout mech, like that is Ford Middleborough a veteran. Can I find a Javelin 10-F variant? I toss a 9, and yes I do. It replaces the SRMs with 4 ML and then adds armor. No ammo to explode like this one but you’ll need to watch that heat. It still has just 10 sinks. I spend for that 2.5 mill. It’s 2.26 but I pay a tax to get what I want.

21,950,729 left

Now recruit for the dead BM and Cataphract and Vindicator. Meet:

Meghan Morton, BattleMaster, Elite
Palmiro Umbari, Cataphract, Elite
Amy Mikkelborg, Vindicator VND-1R, Elite

For our Tanks

Ursula Kolehmainen, Plainsman, Elite
Ghaaliya bin Nadhir, Maxim #4, Elite

Now I need to recruit two more Fighters to give me a Squadron:

Marcus McIntyre, Elite, Riever (100 tons), 224 armor, AC20, 2 SRM6s
Cameron Steele, Elite, Transit (50 tons) AC20, 4 Ml, 170 armor

Nice and done!

We move to April 1st to try bring in another JumpShip. To get an Invader we need a 7. I toss an 8, yay!

Meet the:

Invader JumpShip – “Prophecy’s Doom”

We grab contracts!

#1: Fed Suns – they want us to help them out in Galtor III for 4 months for Relief Duty to help out in the mass Draconis Combine attacks. They had found and created an old Star League outpost and some remnants of LostTech, and they felt that preparing this recently taken world by Davion in 3022 at big cost to locals and the Suns could be ameliorated by trapping the Combine in a trick, they revealed what they found to spies and the Dracs found out.

Meanwhile on the planet, they prepared mines, artillery and hidden units. They had one battalion defending the base , another nearby to help out and a third in hidden DropShips to help ambush them, but Takashi didn’t trust the report, so he sent out three regiments of his best, 2 under the control of a brilliant mind and the other under the control of a lesser mind and made them co-Cos, so they share what is happening. He also struck out the Spy Base next door in Davion and attacked Marduk, home of reinforcement

Meanwhile, the planet survey found a real Star League base with actual mechs, and stuff. We are close by and are approached to go and help Relief Duty for a few months until better bigger help can be brought in.

We start to negotiate. We’d love a nice longer battle.

We have 85 Rating points with the finished mission and JumpShip. With our elite negotiator, we get +20% points, so 102. We put up first Salvage Rights and with our bigger cash we want to really bring in that salvage, so we go Full and drop 50 points to 52. They move to length, and offer 4 months, we drop 10 points to move to 2, 42. That’s the most we can go for. We want Support next, and then we want 50% Combat loss and Support, 25 points, 17 left. They offer command and want liaison. We offer remuneration because I need the points, nope +10, 27 left. They offer payment and pull 25 points for 3.4. 2 left. We offer transport rights but nothing left. 1% signing bonus.

Since they found tons of LosTech Star League era stuff, we inquire about a Star League era mech all fixed and ready to go for payment instead. At first, obviously, they aren’t going for it. They don’t go for it first, obviously, but we did a bunch of things that they don’t like in the negotiations, and with an elite negotiator, a knighted by Fed Suns CO who’s famous, a Baroness and great talker in Well-Connected, we are able to talk her into it, if we reopen some stuff. And we must take a Retainer Contract for a year with them when they are about to start the planned invasion. Done!

We are getting a Griffin GRF-2N – 55 tons, Star League era of common mech today, 5/8/5 movement, ER PPC, 2 SRM6 Launchers, Guardian ECM Suite, double heat sinks, 179 points of armor with ferro fib, 11/22 heat sinks. The Guardian is a strong anti-electronic thing, ER PPC makes 15 heat and still 10 damage of PPC. Nasty. They’ll grab it out of storage and will pull it out and we can take it when finished.

Contract #3:

Relief Duty for Fed Suns on Galtor III
Payment – 1.3 for Suns, 3.4 for negotiation, 1.5 for style of contract
Salvage – Full
Length – 4 months
Command – House
Transport - 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss AND 50% Straight Support
Remuneration – None

Note this is not liaison command we’ll take orders straight from them. With my new Invader JumpShip I want to rent some assault DropShips. But even Avenger would be 750,00k there and back again. Ugh. Sure, we’d only pay 50% with the transport payment, but that’s 750k total we outlay. Can they cover it fully and we’ll go in hot and heavy? Yes, we have rented an Avenger, but not two, unless we foot the bill halfsies like normal. I pay it, we can go hard for AeroSpace assets with two Avengers.

Avenger -DropShip – Aerodyne, 2 PPC, 1 AC20, 6 AC5, 1 AC2, 4 LRM 20, 2 LL, 8 ML, 48 tons of armor

Compared to, say, a Union: 3 PPC, 6 Ac5, 6 LRm 20, 12 ML, 5 LL, 37.5 tons of armor – roughly the same weapons but better armor.

Or Leopard CV – 29.5 tons of armor with 2 PPc, 3 lRM 20, 5 LL and 7 ML, or regular one with 29.5tons too, and then same weapons too. Hopefully we can take out some great stuff in air or ground.

We launch out!
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Old 12-14-2024, 01:20 AM   #32
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April 10, 3025 - We arrive in the Galtor System at the Zenith Jump point. It’s 8 days to the planet. Our contract begins, since we may have to fight to get there. It will end on Aug 10 barring an emergency extension. They used Command Circuit to get us here fast. We scout the Zenith point for Draconis Stuff. Here are a few JumpShips, no major threat, and one of which with a Leopard CV and 6 fighters. We launch our six fighters and then our Avengers.

We want to take it out and then if possible, capture it. They have six fighters too, 2 each of the Combine Light, Medium and Heavy. Sholagar, Shilone and Slayer. I order our fighters to take on their fighters and leave the Leopard CV to the Avengers we don’t want them overly damaged since we don’t own them. We lose two fighters, one is recoverable, and then we capture the Leopard CV but it has around 8 mill of damage. We destroyed two of theirs, and then fled to a JumpShip with a Small Craft bay and head out. We can recover their Sholgar, it’ll take 1.5 mill for parts and our techs can fix the rest. Our Sparrowhawk was lost, and we’ll replace it with the Sholagar, and we can salvage the Corsair for 1 mill. It’ll take 7 days for their Sholager and 5 for the Corsair after we bring in parts for the Sholagar.

We captured a Leopard CV. While our Avengers, and DropShips head to the surface, we’ll fix our Corsair, since we have the parts and leave behind crew to get the Leopard CV ready for Jumping out and we attach it to our JumpShips.

Corsair – 1 mill battle loss
Sparrowhawk gone

Apr 18, 3025 – We arrive at the orbit of Galtor III and have 5 fighters. We are ordered to help with the defense of New Derry City. They buzz us with 18 fighters with no additional support. They are really trying to keep us clean. We destroy three with our Avengers, two with the Fortress, one with fighters, but lost our Corsair for good. They head out. Having lost a third of their fighters.

We land and arrive and get a sit-rep from the local leader here Sir Dobson in his Warhammer. This city has a bunch for blocks and such, and there is a local mercenary force called the “Lone Wolves” with green, renegades and ex-prisoners that fight in older mechs and show up at every battle and offer themselves to the defender. Attacking the city from the north are the 5th Galedon Regulars. They prefer medium units led by General Grieg Samsonov, and are veteran. We take up positions.

Battle Loss – Corsair – Luke ejected.

Apr 21, 3025 – After consolidating their position, the 5th moves in to take us all out. They have 30 fighters after losing 6 to us, buzzing around. Sir Dobson has all defenders break out into smaller units like lances and such, and then hit them hard punishing them and then either hit and fade or just smash and win hard.

We agree to meet up somewhere else in the city for all surviving elements if we hold and a backup outside if we lose.

Our mech squad lance scout runs into their lance. This is the one with the Javelin, Grasshopper, PXH with the green guy and then Wolfhound.

Here is who we run into:

Wolverine 6K – This is the one with LL, 2 ML, 1 S and SRM 6, max armor and 5/8/5 movement, 14 sinks
Shadow Hawk 2K – PPC, 5/8/3 152 armor, 17 sinks, LRM5
Trebuchet TBT-7K - AC, PPC, SRM2, 120 armor, 11 sinks
Hatchetman HCT-3F – 45 tons, 4/6/4, Hatchet for physical attacks, 11 heat sinks, 104 armor, AC 10, 2 ML,

They have a better BV with 5603 to our 5107. We can either retreat at any time but the winner keeps salvage.

We are fighting on a city map, 16x17

This is our Wolfhound, a new Davion light mech 35 tons with max armor, 6/9 movement and all energy weapons to keep it from explosions and in a fighter until the foe is dead or you are too wounded.

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Old 12-14-2024, 10:39 AM   #33
Abe Sargent
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We are in a city park map on the right and they on the left

Turn 1 – We deploy on the east they on the west. We lose Init. Their TBT bases our Wolfhound. They focus fire on our Grasshopper us their TBT. Neither falls. Our Wolf and their TBT kick, no one falls

Turn 2 – We lose init again, they hop the TBT away, I focus on the Wolverine. They keep focusing on our Hopper, it doesn’t fall

Turn 3 – We keep losing that init. Their Hatchetman charges and bases our Wolfhound, I jump our PXH behind it. They expose their TBt, and I move my Jav and Hopper next to it. Their SHD and Wolverine base my Wolfhound, I base their wounded TBT. I go over heat with the Jav. Our Grasshopper hits the ammo on their TBT and it explodes. Our Wolfhound is standing, and now they’ll try and kick it three times from damage. And Axe the head with the Hatchetman. They don’t they flee. It doesn’t even fall after 40+ damage and two kicks connecting


Trebuchet TBT-7K - LA, RL, H

We collect the salvage, staple on some armor and move out!
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Old 12-14-2024, 10:54 AM   #34
Abe Sargent
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The next lance to get hit is…Vee company #2’s Smash lance! We have here our Von Lucker,
Demolisher, Behemoth and Ontos. Nasty stuff! This is Roger Dyson’s Von Luckner. They have:

Phoenix Hawk – 1K – max armor, 6/9/, no jump jets, 3 more heat sinks, Sl, LL, 2 ML
Clint CLNT – 1-3R – 1 AC10, ML, 72 armor, 6/9 movement,
Another Wolverine 6K

The Clint has light armor for it’s role

We are on the CityTech map

This is our Ontos with 8 ML and 2 LRm5s:

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Old 12-14-2024, 11:26 AM   #35
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We win init. Their Wolverine bases my Von Luckner, and Scorpion my Ontos. I focus fire on their Scorpion. They focus on our Demolisher. They hit our front armor a few times and it’s movement is reduced by one. We destroy the Scorpion’s Right Front Leg and it falls and cannot kick the Ontos. We hit it’s SRM6 once

Turn 2 – We win init. Do I eject the Demolisher or take one for the team? Their Scorpion stands and bases the Behemoth after it moves. Their Clint bases the Behemoth too. I need to keep the Demolisher as a target to keep the Behemoth from dying to their based mechs. I turn it to face the right side. Their Wolverine immobilizes our Demolisher, which hits the FRR and hits two foo t actuators there on the Scorpion. It destroys the RT, and it’s immobile. It’s gyro hit twice by our Behemoth. Our Ontos hit it’s engine 2x, our Von Luckner hits the Clint’s AC10 ammo and it explodes, two dead mechs!!! They pull out and our techs fix the Demolisher in a couple of hours and we bring the salvage with us.


Scorpion – Missing RT, RFL, 2 Gyro hits;2 Engine hits.
Clint – H, RA, LT, LL


Demolisher – Immobile - fixed
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Old 12-14-2024, 11:46 AM   #36
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Our next unit to get hit is…2nd Tank Company again, scout company with Vindicator. This is: Maxim, Saracen, Drillson and Galleon. I sent the Vindicator and Cataphract with my two scout tank lands in case of heavy opposition. This is Mary Okere’s Maxim

We are running into:

Trebuchet TBT-7K
Hermes II – HER-4K – 2 LL, 11 heat sinks, 120 armor, 6/9
Shadow Hawk 2K
Whitworth – WTH-1 4/6/4, 2 LRM10, 3 ML, 128 armor, 10 sinks

Love that Whitworth and would love to capture it.

This is our recently captured Vindicator:

It’s got a PPC, 4/6/4 movement, LRM5, 1 Ml, 1 Sl and 16 sinks, so it can fire them all as well as max armor! Love it loads!

We are on a city map
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Old 12-14-2024, 12:34 PM   #37
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We deploy on the northern corner. We can only see the Hermes II.

Turn 1 – We lose init. We see their Whitworth, on the north behind a building. Their Hermes II bases our Saracen. Drillson to the rear of their Hermes II. Our Vindicator bases their Hermes II. Their TBT bases my Saracen too. I focus fire of the Hermies II but it’s +3 to hit. Our Drillson hit’s the Large Laser twice on it. Their TBT kicks the Motor system on the Saracen, reduced movement

Turn 2 – We win init. Maxim and Drillson to the rear of their Trebuchet. Hermes II bases Saracen retreating I put the Vindicator on top to protect it. Their TBT hits the motor system in the Galleon, =1 PSR – our Drillson hits the hip and foot actuator on their TBT, and it falls. When it does, it blows off the RL, it’s free and can be added back on.

With a badly wounded Hermes II and a legged TBT, but us a damaged Galleon and Saracen, they push into Turn 3.

Turn 3 – We lose init. Their TBT cannot rise. I don’t have it in our LOS this turn because I needed max move with the Drillson and Maxim. Our Maxim’s MG hits their Hermes II head’s sensors. Oru Saracen hit’s the other LL. Both hit hard. Our Drillson gets a Limb Blown off on the LA, it’s on the ground. Our Vindicator hit’s their Whitworth’s Foot actuator, Their Hermes II falls and this the engine once. No physical attacks from it this turn!

They stand up the Hermes II and flee it’s savaged but has it’s movement , they ejected the legged TBT.


Trebuchet TBT-7K – Missing RL, on the ground. Fix two actuators


Saracen - damaged motor system
Galleon – Fix motor system

We fix the Saracen and Galleon they head out, as well as the Trebuchets’ actuator sand put it back on, it’ll be ready in 3 days.
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Old 12-14-2024, 12:50 PM   #38
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Next lance to get hit is…Vee squad #1, smash lance. This is the Manticore, Behemoth, Brutus and Bulldog. This is Alice Sanchez’s unit. They have:

Shadow Hawk – SHD2K
Hunchback 4G – That’s the nasty 4/6 AC20 2 tons of ammo and 2 ML, 1 SL, max armor and 13 sinks we have
Blackjack – BJ1 - 2 AC2, 4 ML, 4/6/4 movement, 136 armor and 11 sinks
Griffin – 1N – 5/8/5, PPC, LRM10, 152 armor, 12 sinks,

They must have captured a Blackjack. All vets, we need to keep away from that AC20 with my tanks, but this is a close smash lance, so that may not work like we hoped.

This is Alice’s Manticore:

It’s got 1 PPC, 1 SRM6, 1 LRM 10, 1 ML. Ready for the smashing strength into strength here?

Let’s do it to it!!!
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Old 12-14-2024, 01:28 PM   #39
Abe Sargent
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We are on the City Park map again, but this time I rotated it so we are in different part of it.

Turn 1 – We win init. They have two mechs in the north where we are it’s their Griffin and Hunchback. They are at long range though. I need to take out that Hunchy and focus fire on it. They don’t focus their fire. They hit our Manticore +1 to PSRs, their Hunch didn’t even take 20 damage

Turn 2 – We win init. We back up our tanks, their Shadow Hawk arrives, we can only see their Hunchback and Griffin after moving back, I fire at the Hunchy again. Our Brutus eats an Ac20, their Hunchy falls from damage.

Turn 3 – We roll an 11 and lose init to 12. It rises and charges us. Their BL jumps to our North. They hop the Shadow Hawk to our south and front. Manticore destroys the Hunchback’s LA. Our Brutus hits the AC ammo and it explodes! Dead Huch!

They flee and we took out their nasty Hunch! We grab the limbs and head on.


Hunchback H, LL, RA


Manticore - +1 PSR fix

We fixed the Manticore
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Old 12-14-2024, 01:39 PM   #40
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The next lance to face a problem is…Vee Company #2 Command Lance with the Schrek, Hunter, Saladin and Maxim. This is the Maxim of Ryan Oliver

We are facing:

Assassin – ASN-21 – 7/11/7 movement, 72 armor, 1 MR< 1 SRM2 and 1 LRM 5.
Shadow Hawk 2k
Wolverine 6k

CityTech map again.

This is our Schrek PPC Carrier with three PPCs!!!

[img]The next lance to face a problem is…Vee Company #2 Command Lance with the Schrek, Hunter, Saladin and Maxim. This is the Maxim of Ryan Oliver

We are facing:

Assassin – ASN-21 – 7/11/7 movement, 72 armor, 1 MR< 1 SRM2 and 1 LRM 5.
Shadow Hawk 2k
Wolverine 6k

CityTech map again.

This is our Schrek PPC Carrier with three PPCs!!!

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Old 12-14-2024, 02:10 PM   #41
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Turn 1 - We lose init. Their Assassin in the north and south edge is the rest. I focus fire on that Wolverine. Just a light dusting of armor.

Turn 2 – We win init. Saladin to the rear of their Wolvie. Maxim too, but it skids I focus fire on their Wolverine. Assassin behind Saladin. They set the hex with our Schrek and Hunter on fire with accidental misses. Their Wolvie eats damage but is standing. They miss the kick on our Saladin. The Schrek is internal on the front

We retreat.

No salvage

Next up is Mech Company Command lance:


We are facing:

Whitworth 1S – Swaps LRMs for SRM6s

This is our Valkyrie: It's got an LRM10 and ML.

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Old 12-14-2024, 08:51 PM   #42
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Turn 1 – We lose init. I focus fire on the Whitworth. Well, my Zeus cannot see, him, so the Panther for him. No, everyone else can see the Panther, so on it. They don’t focus, light peppering, no one took 20 or fell.

Turn 2 – We lose init badly. 3 to 11. They charge with the Quickdraw and Panther. I focus fire on their Panther. Our Marauder destroys the Panther’s LL. It falls. None of ours do.

Turn 3 – We lose 4 to 5. Their Panther doesn’t rise. My MAD Bases it, their Griffin bases my MAD, Evan Marsh’s Enforcer o the rear of the Griffin, Their Quickdraw next to my MAD. Valkyrie and Enforcer fire at the rear arc of the Griffin. Our MAD destroys the LT of their Panther, the LA is on the ground. He hits the engine once. Our Zeus smashes it’s gyro twice, immobile mech. They try to make up by kicking my Valkyrie and Marauder. Nope. Neiter fall. They head out and we secure the space


Panther, missing LL, LT, hit engine x1, gyro x2

We can fix the engine, but our 2nd try, and the gyro on the first,, so 11 days for all fixes, if we spend the money to fix it.

The next lance to hit up an enemy is 1st Vee Company recon lance. This is the one escorted by the Cataphract. Its got:

Maxim, Pegasus, Hetzer, Vedette, Cataphract that Maxim is Roger Sanchez’s.

We are facing:

Dragon 1N
Centurion CN9 – AC10, 4/6, 10 sinks, 136 armor, LRM 10 , 2 ML, one read facing
Cicada – 8/12, 2 ML, 2 SL, 4 tons armor, 10 sinks
Wolverine 6 K

This is our Maxim, a 50 ton hover tank that can carry 3 tons of infantry, has 1 SRM 6, 3 MG< 3 LRM 5, and 2 SRM 2 with 8/12 movement:

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Old 12-14-2024, 09:19 PM   #43
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Another city map!!

Turn 1 – We lose init bad. 3 to 11. We move forward and cannot see their Wolverine. I fire at the Centurion. They pepper us their Centurion remains standing

Turn 2 – We lose init. We push back. We focus on their Centurion, but longer range this time. Our Cataphract hit’s their Centurion’ s ammo and it explodes! Dead mech!


Centurion – RA, LA, H, LL

They head out. That’s a kill by Palmiro Umbari in their first action for us!

Next lance of battle is…also Vee Squad 1st Company, but this time the fourth lance of Plainsman, Maxim, Hunter and Hetzer. That Maxim is Ghaaliya bin Nadhir’s.

Here is who we are fighting:

Phoenix Hawk 1K
Hermes II 4K

City Park again

This is our Hunter Light Support Vee with LRM 20 and 2 tons.

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Old 12-14-2024, 10:21 PM   #44
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Turn 1 – We lose init. They base us with the PXH and Hermes II. I focus on them and backup fire on the Hatchetman. Our Hetzer AC20 goes internal in their Hatchetman’s LL and hits the Hip and foot it falls. Just peppering by their units on ours. Our Plainsman hits 2 engines and a heat sink their Pixie. Their Hatchetman destroys the LL falling. They immobile our Maxim with a kick by their Hermes. So we each have taken out a unit.

Turn 2 – We lose init again. Do i eject the Maxim? Or leave it as a target of opportunity? They don’t; stand the legged Hatchetman. I charge over the Plainsman. I’ll leave the Maxim there. I cannot get my Hetzer with LOS to the Hatchetman, it fires at the Panther, the only one it can hit. Our Hunter hits the LL actuator on their Phoenix Hawk, Our Plainsman hits the AC10 and sink on the Hatchetman. Their PXH falls on top of our Maxim. They kick us twice no major injuries.

Turn 3 – We win init! That’s nasty good. They twist the direction of their Hatchetman. They rise the PXH and move it north and one above the Maxim. I still don’t eject the Maxim. Come at me! They exposed the PXH back to the Maxim, so if I moved the Plainsman back we can back shot it. I do it, and am in the Maxim space. They rush the Panther at me. I move the Hetzer to shoot their Hatchetman. Our Plainsman Destry’s the PXh’s Ct again, dead mech! We also hit the gyro three times too.

They eject the legged Hatchetman and flee, and we capture two mechs.


PXH 1K damaged 3 engine hits, 2 leg actuator hits,3 gyro hits
Hatchetman HCT-3F, needs to reattach the leg


Maxim – Immobile

We grab salvage and fail to fix the Maxim once, but nail it the 2nd time. It'll take two days. We can fix the PXH Engine, leg actuators and…gyro 9 days it’ll be ready. The Hatchetman is ready now.

The next lance to get hit is this company, but this time CO Command Lance Stephen Marsh’s. This is the Patton, Von Luckner, Condor and Goblin.

We are facing:

Dragon 1N
Vulcan 5T
Jenner – JR7D – A beloved light mech for the Combine like their Panther, It has 7/11/5 movement, 64 armor, 4 Ml and an SRM4 with 10 sinks

I love that Vulcan and would love to snag it.

This is our Patton, heavy tank with an AC10, LRm5, Flamer, SL, and 4/6 movement

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Old 12-14-2024, 11:34 PM   #45
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Turn 1 - We lose init. Their Jenner bases my Patton, Goblin and Condor. It moved +3 to hit but is close. It’s next I have to target it over the Vulcan just three hexes away since I need to drop it so it cannot kick us. They focus fire on our Von Luckner. We hit a ML on their Jenner. They didn’t take 20 to try and tumble them. It missed a kick and stood standing.

Turn 2 – We win init! Vulcan bases our Goblin and Patton, but I can get the Condor and Von Lucker in it’s rear. I do it and he flees with the Jenner. The Vulcan hits the Patton for -1 movement, our Von Lucker’s AC10 hits the Vulcan’s H and then hits the Sensors once, their Vulcan stands through the hits. They miss the kick and remain standing

Turn 3 – We win init again. Condor to the rear of their Jenner. They flee the Vulcan. I turn my Patton around to face the strong armor side. Everyone else their Vulcan. Their Quickdraw reduces my Patton’s speed by another -1. They hit the AC5 on out Patton.

Turn 4 – We win init. Their Vulcan bases our Goblin. Condor behind it. I turn my Patton so the fresh front is facing them. Our Condor destroys the H on their Vulcan and it’s down. Our Patton’s engine hit once more to -3 movement.

With a headed mech they flee. We capture it!


Vulcan 5T missing H


Patton: Needs engine fixed, AC5

We can fix the AC5 and engine after a few hours.

Another lance battle heads out, it’s mech company and their fire support lance which is their Awesome, JagerMech, Archer and Crusader. Not great for the JagerMech though this in tight quarters.

They are:

Wolverine 6k
Hunchback 4G
Crusader 3K – This has 4/6 movement, 192 armor, 2 LRM 10s, 2 SRM6ss, 2 MLs,16 heat sinks

This is both of our Crusader’s ours the Davion variant. Each are long rang missile boats with SRMs too!

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Old 12-15-2024, 12:52 AM   #46
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Turn 1 – They deploy the Wolverine mid, the rest in the south. We lose init. Their Wolverine bases my Awesome. I target it with everything. We pepper each other, no one took 20 or more. We each kick and stay standing.

Turn 2 – We win init. They back away the Wolverine. I focus on it again. Our Crusader hits the LL actuator on it, it falls.

Turn 3 – We win init 4-3. Wow. I’ll take it though. Their Wolvie doesn’t rise. I kept my JagerMech still, and I can move my Archer, Awesome next to their CRD that just moved forward. Do it? I move forward my CRD north of it. They move up the Hunchy to where I’d base with Archer, so nope. Awesome bases though to the north. Their Jenner to it’s rear, my ARC to its and right behind it. Our Archer hits the Jenners LL and nails a leg actuator but it stands. They focused fire on my Archer it took a ton and they hit the LRM 20 once and a leg actuator and needs 8 twice and got it. We all kick lots. My Archer kick and legged the Jenner by destroying it’s RL. We kick their Crusader to their ground but they do it with their Jenner too.

Turn 4 – We win init, because of their savaging our Archer they keep coming. I stand up our CRD ad back him up. Their Jenner remains on the ground. I move my Awesome by the Crusader. Their Crusader rises and bases our Awesome. I back up the Archer and try to move into the woods. Their Wolverine on the ground still. I turn my left side to everyone, with little armor gone. They split targets our Crusader and their Hunch make PSrs, we succeeded, they didn’t. Our Awesome punches their Crusader in the Head. Funny.

Turn 5 – We win init. They keep pushing. No mechs are down yet. Their Jenner and Hunch don’t rise. Their Wolvie too. Their CRD bases our Awesome again. The Jenner hits our Archer’s LL hip. Their Crusader gets a limb blown off on our Archer’s LL and it falls. Our Awesome destroys their Hunchy’s CT dead mech! Their CRD tries to match and kick our Awesome to the ground. They miss, we miss the punch

They flee and we get the legged Jenner


Hunchback – H, RL, RT, RA, LT, LL, LA
Jenner – missing RL, hit ML


Archer – hit LRM20 and leg actuator, hip too reattach LL

Our Archer was savaged badly. I cannot repair the LRM 20 first try, but 2nd, 4 days, actuators and hip are fine. Then we can reattached the leg easily. 5 days total. We grab the salvage and head out.

Another lance is hit! It’s Company 2’s Smash lance again, which is the Ontos, Demolisher, Behemoth and Von Luckner – these are our foes:

Shadow Hawk 2K
Trebuchet 7K

This is our Behemoth an 100 ton 2/3 assault machine with 4 LRMs 5, 2 AC10, 2 SRM6, 4 SRM2, 4 MG. Note that slow movement.

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Old 12-15-2024, 01:32 AM   #47
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We are on another City map!

Turn 1 – We lose init. I started in the middle and move walking 3 hexes all. I fire on their Trebuchet the closest one. Our Von Luckner hits its’ RA two actuators. Our Ontos nails it’s AC5 its down. It falls under damage, they just peppered our tanks,

Turn 2 – We win init. They tried to stand the TBT, fail, then rise. I retreat a few hexes. I keep focusing on that TBT. It hits our Demolisher for -1 movement. Our Demolisher’s AC20 smashes it back and destroys’ the RT, RA free. Dragon hit our Demolisher for -1 movement too. Shadow Hawk hits the Demolisher’s engine for -1 too. The Von Luckner hits the Trebuchet’s engine x3 and gyro x2. It’s double shut down. Kill by Roger Dyson!

They flee and we take the salvage and head out!!


Trebuchet 7K – Missing RT, LA, Ra needed reattached, 3 engine, 2 gyro,


Demolisher - Fix Movement.

We fix the movement in a few hours, and head back to camp. We can fix the Trebuchet’s engine and gyro in 6 days but we need the RT.

The next lance to be hit is…this company’s Command Lance which we treated from before and is our only loss. This is the Shrek, Hunter, Saladin and Maxim.

Our foes are:


This is our Saladin it’s a light hovercraft with an AC20 and it’s nasty

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Old 12-15-2024, 02:41 PM   #48
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We are back at the City Park!

Turn 1 – We lose init. They have their Panther in the south and everyone else in the north. I want to target Cicada, but only two can draw LOS. Our Schrek PPC’s PPc smashes the head of their Panther, hits the Cockpit and it’s dead!

Wow, that’s fast. They pull out. We grab the salvage and head home.


Panther – hit cockpit. We restore it in a few hours.

Next….it’s mech company smash lance. This is our Atlas, BattleMaster, Hunchback and Banshee.

We are facing a:

Archer 2k - this is a mech with 176 armor, 2 LL, 2 LRm15, and then 12 heat sinks
Shadow Hawk 2K

We are on a city map!

This is our Banshee, it’s an 3S variant with a 3/5 movement, 2 PPCs, AC10, 4 ML, SRm6 and a SL

Let’s get this started!!!
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Old 12-16-2024, 12:12 AM   #49
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We both set up in the middle, we win init. I fire at the Archer! It just moved +2 to hit. Our BattleMaster hits the LA for an actuator hit on it, it took a massive ton of damage but is still standing after needing an 8.

Turn 2 – We lose init bad. I back up our team. They back up the Archer and charge with the Dragon, but I still focus on it. It’s at long range for ML, Ac20 stuff Our Hunchy destroys the LA of their Archer. Our BattleMaster hit’s it engine once. They knock our Banshee down with damage.

Turn 3 – We win init. I move back up. Their Shadow Hawk bases our Banshee. My BattleMaster bases it. Time to rise the Banshee and run. Can we get it? Yup! I fire missiles at the Archer trying for an engine shut down and everything else at the SHD. Our BM hits the PPC on their SHD twice. It tumbles.

Turn 4 - We win init 11-10. Their ARC runs. Our Hunchy bases their SHD in woods. Their Jenner runs behind the building near our Banshee and our BM bases it. Their SHD rises, and I back up my Banshee. We have a chance for a double kill on their SHD and Archer. Or even a leg on the Jenner from the BM. My Hunchy can only hit their Janner they ran the Archer out of range. Our Banshee destroys the SHD RL limb blown off crit, LA. It’s down. Our Hunchback’s AC20 destroys their Jenner’s RT. Arm on the ground. Our Atlas hits two leg actuators on their Archer and destroys the RA. Our BM destroys the Jenner’s LA and then hits the gyrox2 and engine once, shut down.

They rise the Archer and Dragon and retreat.

We salvaged:

Jenner missing LA, RT, two hits on gyro, 1 on engine – we can fix the gyro on the first try and engine on the 1st too – 4 days total

Shadow Hawk 2K missing RL and PPC hit twice. We can it the weapon in a few hours.

We grabbed two and were that close for the Archer too!!!

With our leader/smash slooow lance hitting HQ, that it the last one, we smash hammered them and they are retreating!

We have successfully defended Derry City!
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Old 12-16-2024, 01:42 PM   #50
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
April 22, 3025 - We have finished relocating to our new HQ here in the city. We sent the 5th Galdeon Regulars packing! The Lone Wolves mercs won a bunch as did the locals and Sir Dobson survived in his badly damaged one-armed Warhammer. We spend some time unpacking and reammoing, armoring and more. We fix tanks and mechs alike, and get salvage that’s lightly damaged up and running!

Just as a heads up, here is the salvage from the day long of lance fights in the city:



Jenner missing LA, RT, two hits on gyro, 1 on engine – we can fix the gyro on the first try and engine on the 1st too – 4 days total
Jenner – missing RL, hit ML
Shadow Hawk 2K missing RL and PPC hit twice. We can it the weapon in a few hours.
Panther – hit cockpit. We restore it in a few hours.
Panther, missing LL, LT, hit engine x1, gyro x2
Trebuchet 7K – Missing RT, LA, Ra needed reattached, 3 engine, 2 gyro,
Trebuchet TBT-7K – Missing RL, on the ground. Fix two actuators
Vulcan 5T missing H - 40 ton mech
Scorpion – Missing RT, RFL, 2 Gyro hits;2 Engine hits.
PXH 1K damaged 3 engine hits, 2 leg actuator hits,3 gyro hits
Hatchetman HCT-3F, needs to reattach the leg


Hunchback – Hx2,RL, RT, Rax2, LT, LLx2, LA
Trebuchet TBT-7K - LA, RL, H
Clint – H, RA, LT, LL
Centurion – RA, LA, H, LL

There we are! I want the Vulcan 5T as fast as possible, and the Clint is also a 40 ton mech so …13 hours later it’s attached. We fix up the hit cockpit Panther, 2nd , Trebuchet TBT-7K with the missing leg on the ground and actuator damage and the PSH-1K with engine, gyro and actuator hits and Hatchetman too first. We get those five mechs up and running after fixing our stuff. I check our extra parts, any more I can fix? Nope, they are Locusts or Assaults and Dragon. I could try and move the first heavily damaged Jenner’s RL to the 2nd and free it. I don’t take that risk though.

We spent 2.5 mill on armor and 1.75k on ammo. That 50% support will help that ammo out. We lost nothing in the first day of battling.

They move to attack other places in Galtor III. We have time to fix and get everything ready, we shocked them by how thoroughly we owned them, us, the Wolfes and the locals. All won!

May 1, 3025 - The next month arrives! I thought about heading back to Galatea with Evan March to recruit dispossesseds for the dead mechs we captured. But they helped us get here fast with Command Circuits, that would take too long elsewise.

May 9, 3025 – The first wave of assaults on Galtor III are done! More reinforcements have arrived and the 2nd wave has begun.
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