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Old 02-09-2003, 10:47 PM   #51
Buddy Grant
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by BoneGavel
It is really a shame that the excuse, "they only make $6 per hour" is being accepted. Look, if you accept employment, no matter what the wage, you do your best.

I think there has been a lot of misunderstanding here about this. If you have a work ethic, are bright, & speak english chances are good that you won't even apply for the jobs we are talking about here, but if you do apply & get the job, you're going to get something better fast because you have a work ethic, are bright, & speak english. Assuming this is all due to poor training, mismanagement, the youth of today, damn foreigners, and/or hiring issues is short sighted. "They only make minimum wage" is a valid excuse, but not in the way you are meaning it here.

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Old 02-10-2003, 07:13 AM   #52
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My Own McDonald's Experience

Jets, I feel for you. I had my own incident at McDonalds a few years's the e-mail I wrote to McDonalds.

Dear McDonalds,

I would like to express my extreme displeasure with the above restaurant. Yesterday I pulled into the drive-thru at 10:35AM looking forward to Sunday breakfast. The line was long (maybe 8-10 cars) and I considered going in, but remembered from a past visit (a slow one where I went inside) that drive-thru was given priority, so I got in line. At 11:05 I finally got to the window to order. OK, the wait was long, but I would get my breakfast.

I ordered a Medium #1 and a med. #7.
Girl: "Which one".
Me: "Breakfast".
Girl: "You want an egg mcmuffin?"
Me: "Yes"
Girl: "Meal?"

So much for ordering by number. This went on for a while (she didn't know #7 either), I finally got my order in, paid, and waited for another 5 min. before getting to the next window.

There I was greeted by a kid wearing jeans half-way down his behind (I thought there were some sort of uniforms...) with the blank stare of a brain-dead carp. He got me my coffee and walked away (without saying a word). The woman ahead of me in line walks up. Apparently she didn't get any sausage in her sausage biscuit. Oops. After that was resolved, the kid comes back and tells me "Um, we're waiting on something". Ok, great. At this point its almost 11:15, and it dawns on me I could have made everything myself in 1/3 the time. Another teen inside declares no more breakfast orders. The first kid comes back, thrusts a bag towards me and walks away. I wait and look back inside.
Kid:"You need something?".
Me: "Um, hash browns?"
Kid:"We don't have any more"

Great. Of course the kid doesn't think to offer anything as an alternative. I guess because they're all out I just don't get any! A third guy suggests to the first that he drop some more hashbrowns. "I don't think there are anymore". None in the whole place? Doesn't the manager keep a reserve?

At this point I've had it and I become irate. A girl walks by and tells me that breakfast is over. Gee, that makes sense. I've been in line now for 45 minutes, I've placed an order no problem (as have many people after me), and I've gotten breakfast sandwiches- but I can't get hash browns because it's now lunch?

So now the first two guys are standing there dazed, one girl is standing there indignant and yet another one is standing there laughing (hmm, doesn't look to be an understaffing issue). The manager of course is NOWHERE to be found. I've had enough, so I drive off, sans the hash browns I've already paid for. A patron (a teen who was having a good time talking to one of the checkout girls) comes out of the restaurant to confront me, but I ignore him and drive off.

Do I even have to state I will never be visiting this McD's again? Or possibly any other for quite some time? It wasn't this visit either - service is always slow, sandwiches are thrown together or have been sitting there for ages or have brown lettuce. Even promotions aren't run right: I've ordered super-sized meals and gotten no game pieces (and have been told they'd run out) only to go back over a week later (after the game has ended) and gotten them! And there always seem to be teens in there distracting the staff and getting food handed to them. I think I'll start eating at Burger King.

Of course, I left out the part that right before I drove off I was out of my car, trying to "reason" with them through the window. I eventually got so mad because nobody was doing anything, I threw a few obsceneties at them, followed by the order of whomever was next in line

What was funny is that the manager at the time was actually one of my neighbors, the row of townhouses just across from us. She lived at the house with sheets for blinds, and a roof mount TV antenna INSIDE HER HOUSE!!! Keep in mind these were townhouses that were only 2 years old. (she worked at McDonalds, and I don't know if her husband had a job, he was at home an awful lot. I think they benefited from some gov't assistance). I didn't return to that McD's from that point until we moved, even though it was just a half mile from our house.

I should also state that I worked at BK while finishing up high school, and was a heck of an employee (I had an IQ and work ethic after all). I had a manager tell me I made some of the best looking sandwiches she'd seen To me, the job was like a game, a challenge to see just how many orders you could process (correctly) without getting too backed up. Kind of like the video game "Tapper". So to have a whole restaurant full of idiots just standing around, it really set me off.
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Old 02-10-2003, 07:21 AM   #53
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Some McDonald chains have the drive up window where you actually see the person taking your order, face to face. You guys seen those?

I don't go to McDonald's anymore, cuz of the fact they don't get anything right.

One day, I decided to give them another chance. I went through the drive thru and told the girl face to face that I wanted a Double Cheese Burger with Mustard and Ketchup only!! She repeats my order and I tell, 'just make sure it has cheese also'. She repeats my order correctly.

I drive down to pick up my order and guess what I get.

A double cheese without the cheese and it has tamatoes and onions on it. I am thinking, 'is this a joke or what'. Ans get this, it had one of those 'double checked for accuracy' stickers on the wrapper, yeah right! Hoooey!

Literally, I walked into the restaurant and threw the burger back on the counter and asked for my money back. The manage tries to apologize and asks if she can make me another sandwich. I told her, 'no!'

I got my money back and walked out. I have not been back since, and that was 6 months ago.
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Old 02-10-2003, 09:39 AM   #54
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I haven't gone to McDonald's "willingly" in a few years. They survive on name and the sheer number of locations alone, and are good at getting kids to think they want to go to MickeyDs. The company has no incentive to provide quality service and food.
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Old 02-10-2003, 09:43 AM   #55
Easy Mac
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THe only reason I go to McD's is b/c its the only place I can get dark meat chicken nuggets and their fries kick ass if salted correctly, by far the best chicken nuggets in fast food (htough their white meat ones suck). Otherwise I just go to Wendy's for their excellent nuggets and Frosty's, but their fries suck ass.
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Old 02-10-2003, 09:51 AM   #56
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Wendy's fries can be really good (better than McD's best effort), if cooked right. The problem is that they are almost always under/over cooked, or old and cold. Of course, I'm trying to completely cut out potatoes (or at least once a week at most) on my current attempt at a diet.
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:07 AM   #57
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Originally posted by BoneGavel
It is really a shame that the excuse, "they only make $6 per hour" is being accepted. Look, if you accept employment, no matter what the wage, you do your best.

The managers are to blame for this. The shouldn't settle for the lazy lackwit only giving 10%.

I agree with BoneGavel. The fact that many posters in this thread are willing to concede mediocre service simply because it's a minimum wage job is a sad commentary on our society. I am not busting on you guys, only lamenting this distressing situation.

I am always amazed at the difference in quality and service between a well-managed fast food restaurant and a poorly managed one. It is simply striking. The food is always prepared well, the service is almost always fast and correct, and I remember that place.

Certainly it is hard for places to attract "good help," particularly in well-populated areas with tons of retail and other restaurants. But good management can work wonders.
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:11 AM   #58
Lethargic Hooligan
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The thing Fritz hates about fast food:

1.) messed up orders. This does not happen to me much

2.) Coke running down the side of the overfull cup. Wipe that off would ya hon?

3.) No napkins.

4.) No plasticware. Like I can eat KFC Mac and Cheese with my fingers at work.

5.) Too much shit in one bag.

6.) Not-Melted cheese mexi-melts

7.) Poor Syrup/water/carbonation mix in the coke.

8.) Impolite staff. They should say please, thank you, and have a nice day.

9.) Inattentive staff. It seems like they either want to play with thier friends, or talk to other customers while throwing the food at you.

10.) Unclean/unhealthy staff. Please cut your nails, wear some gloves and a hairnet, and for gods sake, dont touch my food after touching your mouth or nose! Also - hand washing should be compulsive.

I blame all of this on poor management.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:21 AM   #59
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I blame all of this on poor management.

But management, by themselves, cannot teach a person manners, self-respect and personal courtesy. I see this in other places, more than fast foods, as well where kids bring their attitudes and lack of respect to a place of work.
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:24 AM   #60
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Originally posted by Anrhydeddu
But management, by themselves, cannot teach a person manners, self-respect and personal courtesy. I see this in other places, more than fast foods, as well where kids bring their attitudes and lack of respect to a place of work.

and it is the job of management to address such issues in the workplace.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:37 PM   #61
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Hmm, work ethic? Is that the same work ethic of surfing message boards while at work?
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:40 PM   #62
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Originally posted by Cards4ever
Hmm, work ethic? Is that the same work ethic of surfing message boards while at work?

Knew someone would bring that up. Fwiw, I am in the office about 50 hours each week. Given 10 hours for surfing/posting, that still leave 40 hours.
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:49 PM   #63
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I will say this about McDonalds, the way they mix they're Coca-Cola is tremendous. A very distinct flavor indeed. I love the stuff.. Anyone else notice this?

I haven't ate at McDonalds in ages, but if I was to go back it would probably be for a Coke only..

I just hope they don't put that "beef flavored vegetable oil" they supposedly do with the fries..

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Old 02-10-2003, 01:51 PM   #64
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Originally posted by MylesKnight
I will say this about McDonalds, the way they mix they're Coca-Cola is tremendous. A very distinct flavor indeed. I love the stuff.. Anyone else notice this?

I agree. McDonalds Coke is da shiznit!
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:53 PM   #65
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Originally posted by MylesKnight
I will say this about McDonalds, the way they mix they're Coca-Cola is tremendous. A very distinct flavor indeed. I love the stuff.. Anyone else notice this?

I agree (as I sip a Hardee's coke that tastes like flat diet coke - bleh).
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 02-10-2003, 08:09 PM   #66
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I agree with BoneGavel. The fact that many posters in this thread are willing to concede mediocre service simply because it's a minimum wage job is a sad commentary on our society. I am not busting on you guys, only lamenting this distressing situation.

I refer back to what Buddy Grant said. That's not what we are saying. I'm saying- you do kindof expect that from a food establishment which has the purpose of getting you food fast and cheap. If I get bad service at a place, I'm not going to go back to it for quite a long while and will patronage elsewhere, thus speaking with my wallet. It's a concept of "I understand you're pissed but do something constructive about it; there is a reason this is happening". It's a matter of an idealist vs a pragmatist. Sure, we'd like to see better service but we "know better": sometimes it's just not going to happen.

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Old 02-10-2003, 08:14 PM   #67
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Which is probably why McD is in trouble financially. Too many folks have complained about the bad menu and bad service.
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Old 02-10-2003, 08:46 PM   #68
Buddy Grant
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Originally posted by Anrhydeddu
Which is probably why McD is in trouble financially. Too many folks have complained about the bad menu and bad service.

Or the many years of recession that have hurt virtually every type of business.

One thing I don't fully understand and it's partially regional I'm sure: If the economy is so crappy (and it appears to still be so) I thought that helped companies that hired people for minimum wage people, since unemployment allowed companies to get better staff for the same minsal price. That's the way it works in the call center industry anyway, maybe McD's is several steps below that on the job scale though.
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Old 02-10-2003, 08:58 PM   #69
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I think a person who was making good money at a good job and got laid off would much rather just stay on unemployement then get a job at a fast food place. It's less embarising and they probably make more money.
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Old 02-11-2003, 12:16 AM   #70
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Before I begin, I should pre-face this by stating that I am an assistant manager at a local Arby's (Country Club & Southern for anyone who knows the Phoenix area).

With that said, I don't eat fast food but for three exceptions; McDonald's breakfast occasionally, Del Taco's chicken tacos maybe once a month, and Arby's. Most places I don't like the service, and the food quality sucks.

I have this job because it affords me schedule flexibility and a decent salary while I am going to college. A lot of my crew members have their jobs because they are going to high school and are just looking for spending money.

Personally, if I see one of my crew member under preforming or looking like they hate their job, I pull them aside and ask if anything is wrong. Most of them are teenagers and teenagers have very soap-opera lives. They have bad days more often, and for more stupid reasons then their adult counter-parts. So, I try to make them feel better about their lives, and be more courteous to the customer.

MISTAKES HAPPEN! I'll be the first to admit that we don't get every order right, but it certainly isn't a conscious effort to deprive you of something as a customer. When you are trying to get numerous orders out quickly at the same time things can go haywire.

Unfortunately, the people who fill out applications aren't the greatest pool of workers to choose from, but we try to choose the best out of that pile. Additionally, the turnover rate is huge, as kids change their minds, find different jobs, or move away quite often. I train at least five new people a month in a store that only has twenty employees.

I have a lot of fast food horror stories myself, and that is why I mainly don't go that route anymore. However, I could tell you more customer horror stories about the stupid things that people do or say.

My advice, if you are going through drive through check your order before you leave. I really don't mind as it gives me a little more time to bag the order of the person behind you. If the order isn't right, tell the crew member who gave you the food and they will, at least in my store, always get it for you.

And as a P.S. don't try to get things you didn't order or things that are in your bag. I have had far too many people tell me I forgot to give them things they either didn't order or I already gave them. If you really must be that much of an ass that you need to cheat a fast food place out of an extra medium fry, don't bother coming.
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Old 02-11-2003, 10:52 AM   #71
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Amen, brother.
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:01 AM   #72
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What was up with McDonalds serving Brats a while back anyway?

I like my Brats alright, but I can say I won't be picking mine up at Mickie D's anytime soon..

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Old 02-11-2003, 11:03 AM   #73
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Originally posted by Archer219
Before I begin, I should pre-face this by stating that I am an assistant manager at a local Arby's (Country Club & Southern for anyone who knows the Phoenix area).

If you can only do two things better please do these:

1.) have your folks be polite. Please, Thank You, Have a Nice Day go along way.

2.) Have your folks wipe off the fucking cups.

Thank You.
Have a Nice Day!
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:04 AM   #74
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Originally posted by Fritz
The thing Fritz hates about fast food:

1.) messed up orders. This does not happen to me much

2.) Coke running down the side of the overfull cup. Wipe that off would ya hon?

3.) No napkins.

4.) No plasticware. Like I can eat KFC Mac and Cheese with my fingers at work.

5.) Too much shit in one bag.

6.) Not-Melted cheese mexi-melts

7.) Poor Syrup/water/carbonation mix in the coke.

8.) Impolite staff. They should say please, thank you, and have a nice day.

9.) Inattentive staff. It seems like they either want to play with thier friends, or talk to other customers while throwing the food at you.

10.) Unclean/unhealthy staff. Please cut your nails, wear some gloves and a hairnet, and for gods sake, dont touch my food after touching your mouth or nose! Also - hand washing should be compulsive.

I blame all of this on poor management.

I hate when they don't give you a straw. That really pisses me off.
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:05 AM   #75
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Straws are for girls. Unless you're driving, then they're permissable.
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:06 AM   #76
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Mmmmm, Arby's Roast Beef Sandwiches!!!

Definitely not good for the Diet though.. DAMN!!

Hey Archer, how about some free coupons?? Can you hook a brotha' up?
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:28 AM   #77
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Originally posted by MylesKnight
What was up with McDonalds serving Brats a while back anyway?

I like my Brats alright, but I can say I won't be picking mine up at Mickie D's anytime soon..

I think Ronald McDonald picks up the waste off the floor at the Johnsonville plant and serves it in their restaurants. Johnsonville brats are usually the best.

Ahh, I can't wait until Memorial Day weekend. A grocery store near me has the World's Largest Bratfest for 4 days twice a year (Mem Day and Labor Day weekends). Diet, schmiet.

It's hard not to love brats growing up in SE Wisconsin (within 45 miles of Johnsonville, Klements, and Usingers).
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:48 AM   #78
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Originally posted by Archer219
I could tell you more customer horror stories about the stupid things that people do or say.

I would love to hear some of those stories. You must see some crazy shit.
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:50 AM   #79
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Yeah, me too. Fire away Archer.
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Old 02-11-2003, 11:55 AM   #80
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Here are some great examples from the folks who see them most often. I laughed my ass off reading these because I used to have a ton of the same complaints...
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:41 PM   #81
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Straws are for girls. Unless you're driving, then they're permissable.

Damn straight. If you can't drink out of a cup like a man, you don't deserve to drink.

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Old 02-11-2003, 05:00 PM   #82
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What is the inherent difference between men and women that demands that men drink from a cup and forego a straw?

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Old 02-11-2003, 05:03 PM   #83
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Women like to suck things...
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Old 02-11-2003, 05:04 PM   #84
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bernie kozar owns the local arbys
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 02-11-2003, 05:18 PM   #85
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Former NBA player Junior Bridgeman owns at least a couple of the local Wendy's, along with over 100 elsewhere.

Hank Aaron has a company (755 Restaurant Corp) that owns some chicken places and at least one Krispy Kreme. He used to own some Arbys in Milwaukee, but sold them.
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Old 02-11-2003, 05:22 PM   #86
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What is the inherent difference between men and women that demands that men drink from a cup and forego a straw?

Sidestepping JeeberD's comments, I guess it's some stereotype about straws being an exterraneous thing, solely for the purpose of "being civilized"

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Old 02-11-2003, 06:29 PM   #87
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Originally posted by NoMyths
What is the inherent difference between men and women that demands that men drink from a cup and forego a straw?

Strangely enough, I have never heard that before.
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