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Old 08-28-2016, 01:15 AM   #551
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The few remaining vines that survive your deadly blows rapidly disappear into the canopy of branches and, within seconds of your victory, the jungle becomes deathly silent once more. You wipe your weapon against the trunk of a tree to remove the worst of the foul-smelling ichor, and then you move back along the trail towards the beach. However, when you reach the edge of the trees you see a patrol of scaly-winged reptiles swooping and gliding along the rocky shoreline. They have discovered the remains of the canoe and are now searching the beach for signs of survivors.

Rather than risk being spotted by these vicious-looking creatures, you stay hidden beneath the jungle canopy and return once more along the trail. At the place where you had previously been halted by the curtain of bloodsucking vines, you now discover the way ahead is open and you press on until you come to the edge of a large clearing. This expanse of level ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you make your way around the fruits and across the clearing towards a statue which is crouching amongst the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with a pair of sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.

(I use telegnosis)

You crouch down among some mossy boulders directly opposite the stairwell to the open entrance. Then, using your Grand Mastery, you let yourself slip into the trance-state that will allow your conscious mind to leave your corporeal body. You continue to see your surroundings as they would appear to your physical eyes, but now you are able to transport yourself freely through the air like a bird.

You glide towards the statue and swoop down through the open portal, pausing momentarily to scan the surrounding arch for hidden traps.

Detecting none, you continue deeper into the darkness of this alien edifice. A wide stone ramp descends to a sealed portal which is engraved with runes. You cannot immediately decipher them but you sense that they are evil in design and possess some destructive power locked within their jagged forms. Then the sound of a growl, above and far away, makes you suddenly fearful for the safety of your physical body, and so you leave the portal and ascend rapidly to the surface where you rejoin your dormant form. (Unless you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, you lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to the haste with which you have returned to your corporeal body.)

Having already reconnoitred the entrance to your satisfaction, you are able to descend the steps and enter the base of the statue with confidence. You follow the stone ramp down to the sealed portal where you carefully examine the runes which cover every square inch of its surface. You are beginning to fathom some of their secrets when suddenly you hear a noise above and behind you. Instantly you spin on your heel and reach for your weapon, but the outline that you see silhouetted in the archway at the top of the ramp is so shocking that you are unable to close your trembling hand upon it.

Framed in the archway is a snarling, sabre-toothed beast with eyes that radiate darkness, like two dull satanic orbs. It is hyena-like, and its hunched shoulders and straggly mane lend it an uncanny resemblance to the statue which sits atop this subterranean vault. Vile saliva drips from its fangs and snout, and an evil sound—part snickering, part bubbling—issues from its massive jaw.

Slowly and deliberately it descends the ramp towards you. As it moves you notice that the ribs of its great frame are showing through its furry hide, giving it an emaciated appearance. Your senses detect that it is starving and that it sees you as the answer to its gnawing hunger.

(I give it honey)

he creature is halfway down the ramp when it pauses to sniff the cool air. With a snickering sound, it crinkles back its snout and allows a stream of saliva to trickle freely from its quavering jaw. In its present state of ravenous hunger it has detected the aroma of something it finds even more enticing than the scent of human flesh: Muntaag honey.

You sense the cause of its sudden delirium and hurriedly you retrieve from your Backpack the package of leaves which contains the honey. The beast lets out a desperate howl and quickly you hurl the package towards the entrance to prevent it from leaping wildly upon you. As the beast scrambles up the ramp, you turn your attention to the portal and attempt to find a way to open it. Using your advanced Kai skills you are able to decipher enough of the runic text to discover the secret code which keeps it secure. Confidently you press a section of the surface and it moves inwards with an audible clunk! Moments later, the portal creaks open and you hurry through it, slamming it shut behind you to prevent the ravenous beast following.
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Old 08-28-2016, 01:17 AM   #552
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The moment you pass through the portal you are assailed by an overwhelming odour of decay. The vile stench of putrefaction has been ever-present since you landed upon the shores of this unwholesome realm, but the reek that occupies the chamber you have now entered is immeasurably worse. Your innate Magnakai Discipline of Nexus protects you from the harmful effects of this diseased odour, yet even so you feel nauseous and heavy-headed: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

The walls drip with a yellow slime that radiates a dim fluorescence by which you can see an open archway in the far wall. Eager to escape from this stench-filled chamber, you enter and explore a tunnel which lies beyond the archway. Unfortunately the stench is no better here. In fact, the further you explore this twisting passageway the worse it becomes. Yet you press on regardless, allowing your instincts and your Kai senses to guide you to the source of the alien power that lies somewhere within this foul lair.

The tunnel continues for more than a mile, descending deeper by ramp and stair until it arrives at a vast circular chamber. Here you discover a huge door fashioned from a strange, shimmering green metal. Runes adorn its carved panels, mirroring those that are engraved in a large circle in the centre of the stone floor.

(I have visited Moguirith)

This circular hall is chillingly familiar, although you are sure that you have never been here before. Then a cold shiver runs down your spine when suddenly you recall where it was that you saw a chamber and runes uncannily similar to these. It was in Mogaruith, in the antechamber to Arch Druid Cadak’s Throne Hall.

You magnify your vision and focus on the runes that decorate the floor. They are similar to those you encountered on the portal to this subterranean labyrinth when first you entered, and you feel your pulse quicken when slowly you are able to decipher part of their meaning:
‘Ye who seek entry to the Hall of the Künae, renounce all falsehood and trickery for thou art transparent beneath our gaze. Pay homage to the Lords of Decay lest thy soul be devoured by the insatiable horde of Nemagog. Place gold within the circle for thy wish to be fulfilled, base metal without for thy fate to be sealed.’

With great caution, you cross the floor of the chamber and examine the engraved surface of the portal after a gentle push confirms that the door is locked. You were hoping that the runes which cover this great metal portal would reveal how it can be opened, but to your dismay they merely catalogue (in sickening detail) the evil accomplishments of the Künae. Then you discover three small slots: one circular, one square, and one triangular in shape.

( I am out of gold crowns)

moving as close to the door as you dare, you carefully examine the three small openings and see that there are narrow chutes at the rear of each slot which drop to the base of the door. Your Kai Sixth Sense warns you that a powerful magical energy is present in the base of this portal, an energy that could prove dangerous if the door is forced or tampered with.

(I do have KA)

aving determined that the force protecting this door is magical, you decide to cast the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell upon it to cancel its effect.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE points score is 20 or higher, add 1 to the number you have picked. If your present Kai rank is Sun Thane or higher, add a further 1

(I add 2 and I toss 6 total 8)

You sense a sorcerous resistance to your Counterspell, but the power of your Brotherhood magic proves strong enough to overcome this reaction. There is a sharp crackling noise and spiders of fiery blue electrical arcing appear all around the circular slot. Then they flicker and fade and you suddenly hear another sound, a grating squeal. Anxiously you watch as the great portal slowly swings open.
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Old 08-28-2016, 01:48 AM   #553
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The portal opens into a vaulted corridor lined with wall-paintings that exude a crude aura of evil. This procession of gaudy murals depict nightmarish scenes: diseased creatures, alien landscapes blighted with pestilence, hosts of larvae writhing in awful triumph over the goodly forces of Kai and Ishir. This macabre celebration of decay fills you with revulsion, yet it pales in comparison to the sight awaiting you at the corridor’s end.

Beyond the corridor lies a vast chamber, rough-hewn from the bedrock of this rotting land. The decomposing carcass of a gigantic reptile rests here upon a floor which shimmers in the eerie yellow half-light. Bile rises in your throat when suddenly you realize why the floor is shimmering: it is carpeted with a seething sea of maggots. Gagging with fear and nausea, you snatch your cloak to your mouth and steady yourself against a pillar as you survey this ghastly hall. Mounted upon the broken back of the great reptilian carcass are two throne-like chairs carved from black wood. Between and below them, lying deep within the creature’s exposed rib cage, is a dark semicircular shadow that resembles the entrance to a cave. Drawing upon your Magnakai Discipline of Divination, you scan the hall and quickly determine that all is not what it seems. You detect the presence of three powerful entities protected by spells of illusion and invisibility. You feel sure that two of them are the Künae, the rulers of this hellish domain, but the third eludes you. Its aura feels oddly familiar, yet you cannot readily determine its location or identity.

(I have been to Kaag, Helgor, and Mogaurith)

Suddenly you fathom the identity of the third spirit occupying this hall. It is Cadak, Arch Druid of the Cenerese, sworn enemy of the Kai and all who ally themselves to the cause of Good. His body was destroyed on Magnamund five years ago but his spirit survives here, in this reeking hall, bound in eternal servitude to the Lords of Decay.

Your heart pounds as you witness a swirling, ghostly, gossamer shape arise from the hollow rib cage of the carcass and snake towards you like a vampiric mist. As it draws closer, you hear the chilling voice of Cadak invade your mind: ‘From beyond death the powers of decay grant me revenge, Lone Wolf!’

(I have KS)

The swirling spirit of Cadak condenses and shapes itself into a column of flickering light. It now resembles a large candle flame, but one that radiates an icy coldness. Within this chill flame you see Cadak’s evil eyes glowing hypnotically. You draw on your psychic defences to shield yourself from an imminent attack, and moments later, you feel pulses of energy bombarding the wall that you have erected around your mind.

You sense that your speedy and successful defence has greatly weakened your old enemy. You are about to turn the tables by launching a counterattack when suddenly you hear something quite unexpected.
‘Spare me and forgive me, Lone Wolf,’ pleads Cadak’s plaintive voice in your mind. ‘I renounce my evil past. Forgive me so that death may free my soul from the slavery of Evil. Grant me this salvation and I shall help you to escape from the realm of the Künae.’

The host of maggots which carpet the floor of this foul hall suddenly recede like an ebb-tide. As they retreat, a glowing ring is revealed lying on the slime-smeared ground.

‘Take the ring, Lone Wolf. Take the ring and grant me your forgiveness. With the ring the way is clear for you to leave this hall through the Tunnel of the Wyrm.’

Beyond the flame-like spirit of Cadak you can see the rotting rib cage of the carcass. The semicircular shadow that occupies it is now pulsing with a warm, amber light.

(I choose to grant forgiveness and take the ring)

The very instant you touch the ring it transforms into the mouth of a huge scaly worm. Your whole hand and forearm disappear into its fang-filled maw and, before you can save yourself, it snaps shut its powerful jaws. Red-hot agony engulfs your arm and sears your senses.

Instinctively you pull away and, to your horror, you fall backwards with blood spilling freely from your severed limb. Cadak’s malicious laughter fills your ears as, in a swirl of pain and confusion, you feel the numbing chill of shock begin to fill you with a deadly lethargy.

Seated upon the two throne-like seats which adorn the great carcass appear the ghastly forms of the Künae, the Lords of Decay. Their braying laughter echoes Cadak’s vicious howl; they are clearly delighted by his use of base trickery to defeat you. Tragically, this awful sound is the last that you will ever hear. You have allowed yourself to be deceived by the spirit of the Arch Druid and you have paid the ultimate price. In a moment of sheer terror, the Künae focus their terrible powers of disease and decay and turn them upon you, consigning you swiftly to oblivion.

Sadly, your life and your quest end here in the dreaded Hall of the Künae.
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Old 08-28-2016, 01:52 AM   #554
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
(Okay now that’s just annoying. First time you lose for getting all kill-y on a bad guy. Now all forgivey on another? Dumb)

ou are wise not to trust Cadak’s repentant plea for forgiveness: it is a trick. Sensing that you have seen through the charade, his spirit-entity becomes enraged. It howls a curse and the ring instantly transforms into a huge scaly worm. This creature has no eyes, but it does possess a large mouth packed with razor-sharp fangs which it snaps repeatedly, like an angry dog. You draw and raise your weapon and, in the space of a heartbeat, you deal the worm a mighty blow which splits it open from mouth to tail. Cadak’s spirit emits a hideous scream, as if the destruction of the worm has wounded him deeply. Rapidly his spirit-form fades until all that is left is an echo of his plaintive cry of pain and frustration.

Invigorated by your victory, you turn your attention now to the huge carcass that dominates this hall. You are determined to find a way out of this stinking chamber and you feel sure the answer lies somewhere here. You are advancing towards these huge rotting remains when a new and sinister threat to your life suddenly materializes.

seated on the two throne-like chairs perched upon the back of the rotting carcass appear the ghastly forms of the Künae, the Lords of Decay. They are a hideous sight, and your stomach churns with revulsion as you struggle to comprehend their abominable manifestation. Their torsos resemble two mounds of glistening black jelly, studded with polyps and ulcers and sores that exude a noxious grey slime. They have flat heads that are oval-shaped and shell-like, with puckered mouths and indented eye-slits that radiate an evil yellow light. From their rubbery sides protrude two snaky limbs ending in three-fingered hands coloured a sickly, leprous green-grey. And fixed upon the first fingers of their right hands you see rings of gleaming gold that are exquisitely crafted and embellished with intricate patterns. These rings are exceptionally beautiful and seem glaringly out of place upon the fingers of these grotesque beings.

As you stare at the rings you recall the text of the Tome of Darkness and its instruction that if you are to leave this rotting domain, you must first obtain a ring from the Künae. Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that these are the rings, and the tunnel-like opening in the body of the carcass is the exit from this realm of putrefaction. Your senses also reveal that the Künae are communicating with each other telepathically. Their eyes glow with increasing intensity and you fear that they are getting ready to launch a magical assault against you.

(I have both Assilimance and the high rank)

You draw upon your improved Discipline to create an illusory double of yourself which appears standing a few yards away to your right. You sense that this unexpected apparition causes a wave of anxiety in the mental communication passing between the Künae. The creature seated upon the left throne becomes agitated and begins to flail the foul air with its snaky limbs. Then it utters a sinister command to its partner and you hear the words echo in your mind: Slay him, Jantoor!

The creature seated upon the right throne responds immediately. It raises its right limb and a gout of fire shoots from the palm of its leprous hand.

The column of fire speeds across the hall and roars through the body of your double before impacting harmlessly against the surface of the closed portal. Aware now that the Lord of Decay seated on the right-hand throne is Jantoor, you shout his secret name and immediately the creature becomes immobile. The sight of his frozen form—and the sudden cessation of mind contact—throws his brother-lord into a state of panic and confusion. In a blind rage he utters a curse and, to your horror, you see the maggot swarm emerge from the shadowy recesses of the hall. As the larvae writhe towards you they begin to swell grotesquely in size.

If you are to save yourself from this monstrous horde you must quickly use the secret name of the remaining Künae. But there is no time to consult the Tome of Darkness: you must try to recall the name from memory.


You shout the name ‘Rhunadan’ and the remaining Künae immediately ceases to move. All trace of its psychic energy vanishes and its flailing limbs become frozen in mid-air, lending it the semblance of a petrified tree. The advancing horde of maggots rapidly shrink to their former size and retreat before you, seeking the safety of the hall’s furthest corners.

The power which drove them and caused them to mutate has suddenly disappeared and they are thrown into chaos. You stride towards the carcass and swallow hard as you step through the ancient rotting remains that ooze from its rib cage. You raise your weapon and, with one swift blow, you sever the fingers of the Künae’s right hand and quickly retrieve the gold ring.

Suddenly, a squeal of hinges draws your attention to the great portal on the far side of the hall. It swings open to reveal an angry horde of corpse-creatures who stagger into the chamber and come surging towards the carcass. They are the Dregants, a decomposing army of humanoids enslaved to the Künae. They have sensed their rulers’ plight and have flooded here in their hundreds to protect them. Desperate to escape from this ghoulish host, you turn and leap feet-first into the cave-like hole that occupies the belly of the carcass.

Upon entering the tunnel, the ground disappears beneath your feet and you begin to fall through darkness towards a pale speck of greyish light far below. You are gripped instantly by the fear that you have unwittingly stepped into a deep pit, yet your descent is uncannily smooth and controlled. It is as if you are being lowered by an invisible cable down a dark, interminable mineshaft.

As you slowly descend, your fear subsides and you take the opportunity to look at the ring which you cut from the hand of the Künae. It radiates its own dim light by which you can see a runic inscription carved on the inside of the band. Record this Künae Ring on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you keep in your pocket. The runic number on its band is 20. Make a note of this number in the margin of your Action Chart for future reference.
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Old 08-28-2016, 09:35 AM   #555
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
After what seems like more than an hour, you eventually reach the base of this dark shaft. Your feet hit solid ground with more force than you are expecting after the long and gentle descent, and the violent jolt of impact leaves you sprawled in the dust, stunned and gasping for breath: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Dragging yourself wearily to your feet, you inspect your new surroundings with a feeling of curiosity and apprehension. You have emerged in a deep mine tunnel that passes through ore-rich rock. The reek of iron, sulphur, and rust assails your nostrils: a pungent aroma but one that smells as sweet as spring in Sommerlund after the indescribable stench of the Hall of the Künae. You scan the tunnel in both directions and use your Kai senses to gather information. The faint sounds of hammering and scraping can be heard coming from somewhere above, and the symmetrical grooves which scar the tunnel walls tell you that this passage was excavated by some sort of gigantic burrowing machine. Feeling certain that you have entered a new realm of the Plane of Darkness, you are about to consult the Tome of Darkness when suddenly you hear a noise along the tunnel away to your right. Something huge is approaching at great speed.

( I do have Grand Hunt)

Your improved mastery enables you to detect the outline of a large creature approaching through the tunnel. Viewed from the front it has the appearance of a gigantic beetle, but one with hundreds of stubby legs that are moving in rapid waves like those of a millipede. You sense that it is a living creature and not a mechanical device, and that it is approaching at a terrific pace. Its width almost completely fills the tunnel and, unless you take immediate steps to avoid it, you could be knocked down and crushed as it passes through this section.

(Hide or go? Hide)

You scour the tunnel walls but detect no cracks nor crevices large enough to accommodate your body. Then you notice the supporting beams which criss-cross the tunnel ceiling. They protrude no more than a foot or two from the roof of the tunnel, but they could provide you with a way of escaping out of the path of the approaching juggernaut

(UI have KA and the rink needed)

You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Teleport and the moment you complete the recitation you feel your feet losing contact with the ground. You will yourself along the tunnel, away from the approaching creature, and as you glide around a gentle bend you see a junction less than a hundred yards ahead where another tunnel meets this one from the right. Displaced air is now rushing past you, whipping at your hair and cloak, and the rumbling noise has grown to an almost deafening crescendo. Swiftly you glide along the passageway, enter the adjoining tunnel, and ease yourself back to the ground (lose 1 ENDURANCE point).

A few moments later the gigantic beetle-creature thunders past in a cloud of dust, hauling a long line of ore wagons in its wake. Some of these heavy wagons are empty but the majority are piled high with grey metallic rock. This ore load is heavily veined with a mineral which radiates a yellow luminescence.

(I leap on the ore wagon)

You make a brave leap for the last wagon in the line and land among its cargo of glowing ore with a stunning jolt: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. This wagon is only partially filled and you are able to stay hidden as it trundles on its way. You soon pass a junction where another tunnel joins with this main passageway, and from here onwards you feel the temperature steadily rising. Although your Platinum Amulet protects you from the increasing heat, your senses warn you that you are in grave and ever-increasing danger. The ore in this wagon is highly radioactive and your Kai skills and amulet can afford you only limited protection from its deadly gamma rays.

Fearful of this deadly cargo, you haul yourself over the rear of the wagon and get ready to abandon your ride. Your pulse races in anticipation of the jump for the wagon is moving at high speed and the rocky tunnel floor is no more than a speeding blur just inches below your feet.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 1 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add another 1.

(I get a 6 total)

As you are getting ready to leap from the rear of the wagon, you suddenly feel your stomach tighten and the skin on your face and hands becomes sore and inflamed. You sense that you are succumbing to the insidious effects of the radioactive ore and, rather than wait a moment longer, you make your jump before you are fully ready.

You hit the tunnel floor with bone-shuddering force, and even though you cover your head and roll expertly to lessen the shock of impact, you suffer painful injuries to your shoulders, knees, and elbows: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
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Old 08-28-2016, 10:06 AM   #556
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You pull yourself to your feet and listen to the ore train as it disappears into the distant gloom with a sound like dying thunder. When you can no longer hear its rumble, you walk back along the tunnel to the junction where a new passageway branches off to the left. Your gnawing desire to find the Moonstone prompts you to explore this tunnel and you follow it for several hundred yards until you reach a dank and empty cavern.

Streams of ore-rich water run down the walls of this chamber, staining them a rusty shade of brown. You are hungry and you decide to stop and rest here for a while. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

While you are resting, you decide to consult the Tome of Darkness to see if it has any useful information about this strange subterranean complex.

You retrieve the book from your Backpack and thumb through its shiny blank pages until you discover two pages that have changed both in colour and texture. A cluster of rust-red lettering is enclosed within the black runic borders that outline these two sheets of creamy parchment. Once again, using your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you study the complex text and are able to decipher much of its meaning.

The words tell of Zantaz, the Lord of the Pit, whose many accompanying titles include Reaper of Gloom, Armourer of the Fell Legions, and Guardian of the Gate of Dragonflame. It says that he presides over a ‘deep realm of rock, iron, steel, and flame’, and that among the many eternal duties he has been set by Naar, his primary task is to forge weapons of power for the Dark God’s champions. Zantaz has no secret name, but you are able to translate the text which details how one can leave his domain. It makes for uneasy reading. The Tome states that any who wish to depart must first ‘defeat Zantaz in mortal combat and cast his body into the Pit of Darkflame, from whence he shall be reborn’. Only by proving oneself worthy in combat against Zantaz can one cause ‘the Gate of Dragonflame to release the worthy victor’. The name ‘Zantaz’ is vaguely familiar; you are sure that you have heard it before. As you ponder the remaining text which lists his infamous deeds, you suddenly recall where it was that you heard his name spoken. It was many years ago, while you were still an initiate at the Kai Monastery, and your old tutor, Storm Hawk, was lecturing your class about the Drakkarim: the barbarian race of humanoids whose conquests in Northern Magnamund preceded the rise of the Darklords of Helgedad. Zantaz was the name of the warrior-god whom the Drakkarim worshipped.

Feeling a little unnerved by what you have discovered and remembered, you close the Tome and slip it back into your pack. You sense that the Moonstone is not to be found here in this domain of tunnels, and so you resolve to escape from here as soon as possible. But if you are to do so successfully, it seems you will first have to find and defeat Zantaz, the warrior-god of the Drakkarim.

You get to your feet and continue along the tunnel which leads out of the empty cavern. You follow this passageway for several hundred yards until you arrive at a junction where another tunnel crosses your path from right to left. Cautiously you scan the tunnel in both directions and notice that away to your right, little more than twenty yards distant, is an open archway. Although you can sense no living presence, the angle of view and the darkness of the interior prevent you from determining what lies beyond this archway. To your left, your tracking skills reveal that the tunnel leads eventually to a dead end

(Arch or main tunnel? Arch)

You approach the archway, and after checking that there are no hidden traps, you enter. Beyond lies a vast unlit hall which is filled with rows of weapons and armour. Racks of swords, spears, axes, and shields stretch into the distance as far as your keen eyes can see. Most are crudely forged and of alien design, yet the sheer number of weapons contained within this hall is enough to take your breath away.

Of the thousands of weapons contained in the racks nearest to the archway, you discover the following that are of adequate quality:

• Sword
• Spear
• Axe
• Broadsword
• Arrows
• Bow

If you wish to take and keep any of the above weapons, remember to make the appropriate changes to your Action Chart. The number of Arrows you can take is limited by the space currently available in your Quiver

For countless hours you follow this tunnel as it ascends and descends by ramps and stairways through a bewildering maze of chambers, vaults, and grand halls. On your travels through this vast underworld you witness many awe-inspiring sights: huge subterranean quarries, blazing furnaces, armouries, weapon forges, steel mills, and white-hot lava pits. Armies of grey-skinned humanoid workers labour without rest within this hellish domain to manufacture weapons of war and destruction.

At one vast hall you stop to observe a legion of these creatures tapping the volcanic power which lies at the core of this realm. By a system of chutes and tubes they divert a blazing lava flow to turn gigantic wheels and heat titanic vats of noxious fluids. The workers, although physically similar in size and demeanour to Drakkarim, seem to lack consciousness and remain oblivious to your presence. It is as if they have been turned into unthinking automatons, programmed simply to perform their labour with little regard to their immediate surroundings.

You leave the hall and ascend a staircase which spirals hundreds of feet through solid rock to a titanic concourse. Here your senses detect a living presence and you allow your Kai instincts to lead you in pursuit of it. You enter a tunnel which branches away from the concourse and follow this to a wider passage. The walls of this passage are decorated with spectacular scenes of war and destruction. Thousands of troops fight an endless parade of battles across the landscapes of a hundred different worlds. In each of the scenes the theme and the outcome is identical: the victory of the superior forces of Evil over the inferior armies of Good. This callous celebration of evil military might infuriates you, but you control your anger and use it to sharpen your senses. You detect that somewhere at the end of this passage is where the living presence can be found and, not knowing the nature of what it is that you will find there, you approach with the utmost caution.

The passage ends at a vast chasm where a narrow bridge of rock crosses a yawning void to a gate located on the far side, some 300 yards distant. The gate and its surroundings have been fashioned to resemble the mouth and head of a ferocious dragon, and the bridge of rock is likewise carved to resemble its extended tongue. A shimmering, twinkling, blue-white light gleams from the mouth of the dragon-gate, revealing it to be the exit from this dark domain. Excited by your discovery, you step onto the narrow rock-bridge and make your way across to the far side as swiftly as you dare. On either side of this stone beam the chasm falls away into a seemingly bottomless pit. You try not to look down for the sight makes your stomach churn uncontrollably.
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Old 08-28-2016, 10:43 AM   #557
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD

You are nearing the centre of the bridge when suddenly a dark and terrifying apparition manifests itself before the dragon-gate. This awesome sight brings you skidding to a halt

Before the dragon-gate stands an armoured colossus. Clad from horned helm to booted foot in glowing black plate armour, this mighty warrior stands a full arm’s length taller than yourself and radiates an evil so intense that you feel your skin crawling with fear and revulsion. In his right hand he wields a broadsword carved with runes of power, and in his left a dagger that bleeds scarlet venom. He raises the sword and spears of blue lightning arc from the surrounding chasm wall to earth themselves upon the hilt of his unholy blade. You launch a psychic probe to test the mental defences of this god-like warrior and you are shocked when you fail to locate his Mindforce. You sense that this being is a living entity, and that he is the source of the power that has drawn you to this chasm, yet it is as if his mind has been erased. He has the psyche of an automaton: cold, brutal, and utterly unhuman. His mental state presents a formidable defence against your powerful psychic abilities, rendering them near-useless. Yet where your psychic skills may fail, your agility and your mastery of conventional combat may prove especially effective against this hulking foe

(I use a bow)

In the blink of an eye you unshoulder your Bow and draw an Arrow ready to fire. The warrior does not flinch in the face of your swift threat and you soon understand why this is so. As you cast your eyes over his body in search of a target, you are unable to detect any chink in the thick plate armour that encases him. Cursing your mysterious foe, you release your Arrow and send it whistling towards his throat, at a point where the scales of his chest armour meet the lower edge of his great helm. The steel-tipped missile fails to penetrate; it shatters harmlessly on impact and the pieces tumble away into the chasm (erase this Arrow from your Action Chart).

Having now tested his armour, you are in no rush to close for combat with this enemy. If at all possible you would still prefer to use your skills to defeat him at a distance.

(I use KA)

You raise your right hand and utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand. Moments later a bolt of crackling energy leaps from your palm and hits the towering warrior squarely in the chest. He shudders momentarily, but the power and impact of the spell prove insufficient to topple him from this narrow beam of rock and he quickly recovers.

The warrior retaliates by raising his black sword and releasing a crackling surge of electrical energy from its tip. It passes over your head and earths itself to the end of the stone beam, at the place where it joins the chasm wall. You feel a jolt beneath your feet as the beam cracks and breaks away from the wall and, to your amazement, you watch as this solid spar of rock curls up and slowly rolls in towards you, like a snake’s tongue returning to its mouth.

The coiled beam retracts towards the mouth of the dragon-gate, forcing you nearer and nearer to the fearsome black warrior. As he watches your reluctant approach he swings his mighty sword above his head, slicing and stabbing at the air with it in eager anticipation of the coming fight. When you are pushed to within ten yards of the gate itself, you reach for your own weapon and brace yourself for a fight that seems unavoidable.

(I use the Sommerswerd)

You unsheathe your magical sword and a halo of light engulfs its razor-sharp blade, illuminating the surrounding gloom of the chasm. The towering warrior roars with anger as the light from your sword washes over him; it is as if its goodly glow is causing him great pain. He bellows a phrase in the Dark Tongue and suddenly his broadsword is sheathed with a black fire that crackles and spits venomously. Then the cruel dagger clenched in his left hand begins to glow red. When its poisoned tip becomes white hot it emits a trail of noxious steam.

With a maniacal yell the warrior raises both of his weapons and strides forward, stabbing and slicing wildly as he advances upon you. The first blow from his sword hits your blade with such power that you are thrown back as far as the coiling tongue of rock will allow. You recover quickly then launch yourself forward in a swift and desperate attempt to seize the combat advantage.


This warrior is immune to all forms of psychic attack. Remember to add the appropriate bonus to your COMBAT SKILL whilst using your magical sword for the duration of this combat

(I only get a +4 CS vs him. I toss 4, 6, 3, and then 8. Finally a 5 finishes him off. I took 15 damage)

Your killing blow sends the warrior tumbling from the stone beam to plummet headlong into the yawning black chasm. A ring of fire bursts around him as he falls, illuminating the distant base of this vast pit which is filled with a sea of black flame. You observe his fall with a sense of grim satisfaction until you suddenly become aware that you are still in mortal danger. The tongue of rock is continuing to roll steadily towards the dragon-gate, and unless you hurry to enter this glowing portal you risk being crushed to death in its stony coils.

( I have EP left)
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Old 08-28-2016, 11:18 AM   #558
Abe Sargent
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You rush towards the glowing portal and leap through it just as the retracting coil of rock reaches the mouth of the dragon-gate. You hear a crash of stone echoing in the far distance as you fall headlong through a corridor of swirling flame. Your Platinum Amulet protects you from this fierce conflagration, and it also feeds you with a steady warming stream of energy which radiates from the centre of your body outwards to soothe your aching limbs.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 = 10). Now double the number you have picked. This total equals the number of ENDURANCE points you may restore as a result of the healing effects of the Platinum Amulet. (Remember: your ENDURANCE score cannot exceed the total with which you began this adventure.)

After a short time the swirling corridor of flame gradually darkens and you feel the speed of your fall begin to decrease. Then, in a breathtaking instant, your feet slam into hot, cindery ground and you crash forwards to land in a tangled heap.

(I heal 8 EP after tossing a 4).

You pull yourself to your feet and look with mounting dread at a nightmarish landscape which stretches in every direction to a horizon dancing with fire. Streams of blazing lava cut fissures through the coal-black soil, and pools of molten mud, glowing cherry red, spout geysers of yellow flame that claw vengefully at the smoky orange sky.
You are aware that your Platinum Amulet is affording you protection from the searing heat and poisons of this realm. However, your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that a fire-storm is brewing in the skies above and you fear that the powers of the amulet will not be sufficient to save you when this storm breaks. Anxiously you scan the bleak horizon in search of anything that may provide shelter from the coming storm. The only feature which promises to provide cover is the cone of a seemingly dormant volcano several miles away on the distant horizon.

( I use KA and the appropriate rank)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Teleport and focus your eyes upon the distant volcano. At once you feel yourself rising up from the uncertain soil, and then you soar like an eagle through the acrid burning air towards the distant crater.

The use of this Brotherhood Spell costs you 2 ENDURANCE points, yet it saves you from a difficult and perilous trek across dangerous terrain.

Upon reaching the crater you are relieved to discover that its steep sides are covered with hardened lava, dusted with loose volcanic ash. You climb towards the rim, pausing halfway to take cover from the searing hot winds in the lee of a jagged boulder. While you are sheltering here, you take the opportunity to consult the Tome of Darkness given to you by Lord Rimoah. Its metallic pages appear as blank as when you first looked through them, but then you discover a page that is now very different. Bold black text stands out from a page that glimmers like mirrored steel. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you are able to decipher much of the arcane script which fills this page.

The text tells of a creature called Huan’zhor the Dragonlord and of his Throne of Power which is located within ‘a nest of fire atop the Tree of the Wyrm’. It lists the many acts of evil perpetrated by Huan’zhor during his long existence, for which he has been generously rewarded by Naar; the Dark God has granted him this fiery domain within the Plane of Darkness. It continues at length to describe the creatures that are enslaved to him, which include the Lavas, the Zarthyn, and the Chugotha. But most interestingly it reveals his secret name ‘Zheva’ which can be used to bind him and tells of a magical item, the Scarab of the Wingless Dragon, which can be found in the ‘nest of fire’ and which can be used to effect an escape from his realm.

You close the Tome and slip it back into your pack. From your makeshift shelter you command a view over the surrounding landscape in which there is nothing that remotely resembles a nest or a tree. All you are able to discern with any clarity is the blazing fire-storm which is now sweeping across this charred land. Fearful of what could befall you when the fire-storm reaches this exposed flank of the crater, you continue your climb and seek cover within the crater itself

(I have been to Tahou before)

Upon reaching the lip of the crater you discover that the lining of the cone is surprisingly smooth. You look down to the vent at its centre and your suspicions are further aroused when you note that it is perfectly symmetrical. No natural volcanic forces could have created this precisely circular hole and it prompts you to slide into the cone to take a closer look. When you reach the vent you discover it consists of a circular platform of carved stone blocks with a well-like opening at its middle. It immediately reminds you of the Tahou Cauldron, a well in the centre of the city of Tahou which gives access to the ancient subterranean city of Zaaryx located a mile below its streets. However, unlike the open vent of the Tahou Cauldron, this hole is filled with a shimmering blue light.

Your Sixth Sense detects that the force of gravity is greatly reduced within the confines of this shimmering pool. As you stare into its mesmerizing blue light, you suddenly realize that it is a means of transportation; it is the apex of a magical elevator that could enable you to descend into the vent at a steady, controlled speed.

Suddenly, a huge sheet of flame sweeps low across the sky. The crater offers you little protection and its searing furnace heat smothers you, forcing you to your knees. Gasping for breath, you glance up and see that the fire-storm is fast approaching—you now have no more than a few minutes left before it engulfs the crater. Your fears of what may lie at the bottom of the shimmering pool are now matched by your terror of being caught up in the approaching conflagration.

(I do not have a blue diamond)
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:30 PM   #559
Abe Sargent
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Hello! I hope your day is going well! I want to finish this! Over the last 3 days I have gone back and replayed this dynasty with a new character. I have never finished this book, I stopped it where I finished this dynasty, but now I want to finish the book and the dynasty tonight! Please note that the character to finish this is in a slightly different place with different items and such.
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:34 PM   #560
Abe Sargent
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(I do have a blue diamond, I found it in this run)

Fear of being consumed by the approaching fire-storm prompts you to take swift and decisive action. You step into the well and begin a long descent through a column of glimmering azure light. You feel the diamond in your pocket glowing warmly and you sense that, in addition to your Platinum Amulet, it is protecting you from the rigours of this journey into the unknown.

Looking down through the curtain of shimmering light, you can see the roofs of ziggurats and towers rising up to meet you. Gradually you slow to a halt and find yourself standing upon a circular dais of basalt rock atop a large, flat-roofed building. Several yards away to your left you see a squat tower, and to your right, standing at a parapet, you see a horny-skinned creature with wings that glimmer like folded sheets of gold leaf. Your pulse races when you recognize this creature to be a Lavas, one of Naar’s deadly minions. The Lavas is peering idly at the view beyond the parapet and is unaware of your arrival, yet you are reluctant to leave the shimmering beam for fear that it may see you and raise an alarm.

( I DO have Assimilance and a high enough level)

Using your Grand Mastery, you conjure a thick mist to surround the basalt dais on which you stand. The sudden appearance of the fog startles the Lavas and nervously it backs away along the parapet. It is armed with a barbed trident with which it stabs the air as it retreats, as if to warn off any would-be attacker. You watch the Lavas moving away and then, under cover of the mist, you sprint from the dais towards an open archway at the base of the tower. A spiral stone stairway leads down to a landing, one level below, and as you reach this floor you see something that brings you skidding to a halt.

Through a square hole in the wall of the tower, you catch your first clear view of this subterranean domain which lies deep beneath the crater. Nestling within a colossal cavern of crimson lava-rock, you look out across an alien city that is split in two by a steep-sided chasm. Lavas swoop back and forth across this divide while their wingless comrades traverse it by means of a narrow bridge constructed from blocks of blue-grey basalt. As you stare at the stubby towers and flat-roofed dwellings clustered on either side, your heart suddenly skips a beat. Perched upon a vast mound of shiny black cubes on the far side of the chasm you see a temple. Carvings of dragons embellish its angular surfaces, engraved in such a fashion that their scaly bodies lie recumbent around the base of the edifice whilst their tails writhe towards its highest level. Here they become entwined to form a twisted stem. Atop this stem, like branches fanning out above the trunk of a petrified tree, you see an inverted cupola of bright orange flames: a nest of fire. Your senses confirm that you have found the lair of Huan’zhor the Dragonlord, as revealed in the Tome of Darkness. This is the nest of fire which lies upon the Tree of the Wyrm, and it is here that you will find the scarab that will allow you to leave Huan’zhor’s hellish domain. Quietly you resolve to reach the distant temple and achieve this aim.

You magnify your vision and your hopes rise when you see that both the fiery nest and the temple appear to be uninhabited. However, your enthusiasm is soon tempered when you consider how you can reach the far side undetected. For several minutes you observe the Lavas flying over the chasm and the traffic of wingless reptilians who cross via the bridge. The construction of new dwellings is taking place on the far side and the Lavas are busy overseeing the transportation of building blocks from a quarry situated close to the tower in which you are standing. Under the direction of the Lavas, a steady convoy of winged dragons transports these quarried blocks across the chasm in great nets which are slung beneath their bellies. As you watch this activity, you formulate two ways of reaching the far side. You could attempt to cross the bridge during a lull in the traffic, or you could try to stow away in one of the nets being ferried across by the lumbering dragons.
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:41 PM   #561
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
(Cross the bridge. It lets me keep control of the situation)

You hurry down the spiral stairs to the base of the tower and make your way quickly through the narrow alleys of this subterranean settlement. Using your Kai camouflage skills to stay hidden from the Lavas and dragons that soar overhead, you are able to make your way undetected to a group of rock mounds that overlook the chasm. Here you take cover behind a mound of broken rocks and settle down to observe the bridge. You note that the traffic flowing across it is not constant; there are occasional periods when the bridge is empty. However, it is exposed to the air for its entire length, some five hundred yards, and it would be difficult for anyone on the bridge to avoid being seen by the creatures who fly back and forth across the chasm. At length you determine that if you are going to make a successful crossing here, you must first wait until the bridge is clear and then you must cause some kind of diversion that will draw away the unwanted attention of the Lavas and dragons.

(I have Animal Mastery and a high enough rank)

You notice a reptilian guard that is standing on the wide parapet of the bridge. It is leaning on its trident and seems to be staring idly at the river of bubbling lava which flows through the base of the chasm a mile below. Drawing upon your improved Discipline, you focus on this creature and implant the image of its most feared enemy into its mind. The beast begins to tremble uncontrollably. It drops its weapon and, with a howl of abject terror, it slips and falls headlong into the void.

A pair of passing Lavas dive into the chasm, screeching and cawing in alarm. The handful of creatures who are on the bridge at this time immediately rush to the parapet. They are eager to watch as the Lavas attempt to save the falling reptilian before it splashes into the molten river far below. From the sound of their cackling laughter, you get the distinct impression that they are hoping the rescue will be less than successful.

While this ghoulish group are enjoying the sight of their comrade’s plight, you seize the opportunity to make a dash across the bridge.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2. If your current ENDURANCE score is 10 or lower, deduct 1.

(I toss a 2 and finish with a 7)

Your bold gamble pays off. You race across the bridge and reach the far side without being seen. Once across, you dive for cover in the empty lower storey of a newly-constructed dwelling, one of several that encircle the main temple. Here you pause to catch your breath and formulate a way of avoiding the many teams of reptilians who are busy building the crude block dwellings on this side of the chasm.

Unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

The piles of building materials and the partially-finished dwellings which surround the base of the main temple make it easy for you to approach this edifice without being seen. Your Kai senses confirm that this grand construction is the lair of Huan’zhor, the master of this fiery domain, and they also confirm that the evil Dragonlord is not in residence. You skirt around the base of the temple until you locate an entrance which is guarded by two armoured reptilians. Using your Magnakai skills you lure these guards away from their posts just long enough for you to gain entry. Once inside, you discover that at ground level the temple comprises just one large chamber which is supported by a single central pillar that runs through the middle of the building. A circular stair winds around the outside of this pillar, giving access to the levels above. Cautiously you ascend the stairs and pass through four levels, all empty. The higher you climb, the hotter it becomes until, when you reach the uppermost tier of the temple, only your Platinum Amulet saves you from being roasted alive. In the roof of this narrow circular chamber you discover an open trapdoor through which you can see a mass of flickering orange flames. You sense that it is the base of the nest of fire, the location, as told in the Tome of Darkness, of the Scarab of the Wingless Dragon, the artefact that can secure your escape from this domain. With bated breath you climb the scorched steps which lead to the open trapdoor in the base of the nest of fire, but as you draw closer, your Sixth Sense warns you that the opening is not all it seems. It is protected by an invisible shield of magical energy.

(Yes I have a blue diamond)

Something strange is happening to the diamond in your pocket—it is radiating beams of light that pass through the material of your Kai tunic. Acting on instinct, you snatch the radiant gem from your pocket and hold it up to the trapdoor. At first there is no reaction. Then amber sparks encircle the opening like the trail of a slow-burning fuse, and you sense that the magical shield which protects this hatch is rapidly disappearing. When you can no longer detect any magical energy, you pull yourself through the trapdoor and climb into the nest of fire
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:49 PM   #562
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
With trepidation you cast your eyes around the walls of this fiery nest to see a great shaking panoply of gold, orange, and crimson flames. They shoot fifteen paces into the air and, despite your protections, they scorch you with their terrible heat. The floor of the nest is paved with glowing black metal and is heaped with scores of wondrous artefacts that comprise Huan’zhor’s secret treasure hoard. Gems, jewellery, statuettes, armour, and weapons of fiendish design and purpose are piled knee-high all around you. Close by the trapdoor you notice a pool of shimmering blue light that you immediately recognize to be the apex of a transporter beam, similar to that which brought you here from the crater. By its location you judge that it must pass through the central column which supports the nest and the temple below. At first you assume it gives access to the underground levels of the temple, but when you stare into its mesmerizing light your Sixth Sense reveals otherwise. This transporter beam leads to another realm within the Plane of Darkness.

Mindful of your purpose here, hurriedly you search the treasure hoard for the Scarab that will enable you to escape safely from this hellish domain. As you are sifting through the hundreds of artefacts, you suddenly hear a distant screech that is distinctively different from the coarse cawing of the passing Lavas. Through the flickering wall of flames you glimpse the outline of a gigantic dragon as it emerges from a vent in the roof on the far side of the chasm. Immediately, a deathly silence fills the great cavern as the Lavas and reptilians cease their activities and bow in deference to their master. Your pulse races when you see this monstrous creature come gliding across the chasm towards the temple for you know that he is Huan’zhor the Dragonlord, the ruler of this realm of fire, and he is fast returning to his nest.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Telegnosis, add 3 to the number you have picked.

(I toss a 7 for a 10)

The sight of Huan’zhor fast approaching galvanizes you into action. You abandon your physical search for the Scarab of the Wingless Dragon, and instead you close your eyes and focus your psychic Kai skills in an attempt to detect its presence. The tactic seems to work for the image of the scarab crystallizes in your mind’s eye, but when you open your eyes you are disappointed to discover that you are staring at a seemingly plain orb of gold. Through the wall of flames you can see Huan’zhor flaring his mighty wings; he is slowing his approach to the temple in preparation to land upon his nest of fire. In desperation, you stoop to retrieve the orb from among the other treasures and, as your fingers touch its golden surface, it breaks open to reveal the scarab within. Moments later the shadow of Huan’zhor darkens the nest—he is now seconds away from landing.

(I grab the Scarab and leap into the transporter beam as he lands)

The moment you enter the beam, you feel yourself descending through the centre of the temple in a cocoon of shimmering blue light. Gradually the heat of the nest of fire gives way to a pleasant coolness, but as you continue your descent deeper and deeper into the unknown, this equable temperature slowly transforms into an unbearable icy chill. Never before have you experienced the terrible coldness that engulfs you now. Fortunately, the magical properties of the Scarab of the Wingless Dragon protect and keep you from freezing to death. (Record this Scarab on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep in your pocket.)

As the temperature slowly begins to rise, you are able to examine the Scarab that you took from Huan’zhor’s nest, and at once you notice two runic numerals on the back of the wingless dragon, engraved on its surface. (The numerals comprise the number 31. Make a note of this number in the margin of your Action Chart for future reference.) Having satisfied your curiosity, you place the Scarab into the pocket of your tunic and wait patiently for the beam to complete its seemingly endless descent.

Eventually the shimmering light fades and you feel solid ground materialize beneath your feet once more. Stretching before you now lies a gigantic cavern. Its walls of cracked and stained obsidian rise to a high-arched roof where twelve stalactites of glowing lime-green stone form a circle. On the floor directly below this circle are the shattered remains of a crystal dais, its broken fragments glimmering in the cavern’s eerie, icy gloom.

( I have been to Helgor)

This gloomy cavern looks chillingly familiar, and when suddenly you recognize its derelict features a sense of fear and loathing pervades your mind. It was here you first encountered the Demoness Shamath with her army of attendants and dread automatons. You shudder when you recall how you seized the evil Deathstaff from this place, escaped from here by way of a Shadow Gate, and later thwarted Shamath’s attempt to resurrect Darklord Vashna from the depths of the Maakengorge. The chamber’s cracked and crumbling walls seem to reaffirm your past victory over the Demoness for you can detect no trace of the Shadow Gate nor of the supernatural creatures who previously dwelt in this once-splendid chamber. Cautiously you step out of the transporter beam and enter the cavern. The shattered remnants of the crystal dais crunch underfoot as you make your way across the floor towards a tunnel which gradually descends for more than a mile before reaching a circular cavern. The mouths of several smaller tunnels meet at this chamber, and all of these entrances are dark, save for one which radiates an icy blue luminescence. Before approaching any closer, you retrieve the Tome of Darkness from your Backpack and consult its pages.

The page that revealed to you information about the realm of Huan’zhor is now featureless, but the one which follows it has transformed; it has taken on the appearance of a thin sheet of ice. Sandwiched within its transparent layers are lines of blood-red writing interposed with intricate diagrams and astrological charts. Relying once more upon your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you are able to decipher much of this sorcerous text. The writings confirm some of what you already know, and they also provide you with fresh information that may aid your quest. You have entered the realm of the Demoness Shamath, the Mistress of the Gates of Darkness. The Tome does not tell of her defeat by your hand, but you assume that this is because it was written long before your recent victory over her and her minions. Speaking as if she were still in control here, it says that she rules this domain from her Throne of Power which stands beside the Pool of Sorrows. You pass over the long list of unspeakably cruel deeds which earned her the right to rule this icy realm, and the revelation of her secret name ‘Gnekasha’ until you discover that which interests you most: details of how to escape from this realm. You swallow hard when you read that all those who would seek to leave the realm of Shamath must first ‘spill their own blood in the Pool of Sorrows’.

You close the Tome and stow it away into your Backpack, and then stealthily you approach the tunnel entrance which is radiating a pale azure light. When you halt upon its threshold and peer through its embellished archway, you witness a scene which both shocks and confounds you.
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:57 PM   #563
Abe Sargent
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Beyond the archway you see a vaulted cavern ringed by pillars of ice. A huge marble throne and a table of carved marble stand before two massive black gates which gleam like polished jet. Located behind the throne, and within an arm’s length of the grand gates, you glimpse a well-like pool set flush into the frosted cavern floor. The surface of this well is seething and swirling, as if its black waters were about to bubble and boil over.

The sight of this wondrous cavern is a stunning spectacle, yet it pales in comparison to the visage of the creature which is occupying the massive marble throne.

(I have been to Lake Vorndarol)

Icy fingers of fear grip your heart when you see the huge, dread form of the Demoness Shamath seated upon the marble throne. She is slumped forward over the adjacent table, her face buried in her crossed arms as if she is asleep. The few remaining parts of her body which are visible appear to be sheathed in sections of shiny black armour. You note that it is the same armour she wore when you defeated her five years ago.

Suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps echoes from one of the nearby tunnels. Anxious to avoid the risk of a confrontation, you slip into Shamath’s chamber and take cover behind one of the icy pillars that encircle the walls. Moments later, you see two robed figures glide into the chamber. They are carrying between them a large phial of golden fluid which rests upon a pillow of purple silk. As they pass close by your hiding place, you hastily call upon your Kai skills to mask your physical and mental presence.

In unison, the robed figures levitate several paces from the floor so that they are able to rest the pillow and phial upon the surface of the great marble table. Then silently they lower themselves back to the ground where they wait patiently for the Demoness to stir from her slumber. After several minutes she raises her head and you are shocked to see that her womanly face is hideously scarred and disfigured.

‘Ah, my lieutenants,’ she says, yawning and stretching her arms wide, ‘I see your work is complete. By Naar, I hunger for revenge upon Avarvae! I trust your elixir will make her pay for the torment she has wrought me.’

‘All is ready, supreme mistress,’ reply the robed ones, sycophantically. Clearly their answer pleases the Demoness. Her ruined face twists into the semblance of a smile as she picks up the phial and examines it closely. The glass bottle looks especially fragile and tiny as she holds it between her gigantic index finger and thumb.

‘Excellent!’ she murmurs. ‘Soon she shall pay for what she did to me.’

The Demoness Shamath rises from her throne and turns towards the seething pool of black fluid which is set into the floor close by. The shimmering waters grow calm and you see her scarred reflection in the pool. Then the fluids seethe afresh and her image swirls and changes. When it reforms you see, to your horror, that the reflection is no longer that of the Demoness. The face staring back from the surface of the pool is yours!

‘Ayeeeeeee!’ howls Shamath. ‘It is Lone Wolf! The Kai Lord is here!’

The unexpected sight of your face in the pool fills Shamath with a blind rage. In her fury, she expels a mass of psychic energy from which, using your Magnakai Discipline of Divination, you are able to extract scores of vivid images. They are Shamath’s memories of what befell her after she failed to resurrect Darklord Vashna from the depths of the Maakengorge.

From the collage of images you deduce that your destruction of the Shadow Gate at Maakengorge forced Shamath to return to the Plane of Darkness. As punishment for her failure to complete her mission, Naar imprisoned her and commanded Shamath’s hated rival—Avarvae the Tormentress—to ruin her evil beauty. Satisfied that the Demoness had paid for her failure, Naar allowed her to return to her realm where, ever since, she has been goaded and tormented by her malicious rival.

The appearance of your face in the pool has brought back these haunting memories. It has also alerted Shamath to your presence in her Throne Room. As her rage subsides, you sense that she is communicating telepathically with her two lieutenants. Suddenly, all three turn to stare at the pillar behind which you are hiding, and your Sixth Sense tells you that they are preparing to launch a combined psychic attack.

(Yes i have Kai-Surge and enough rank)

Before the Demoness and her Lieutenants of Night can focus their attack, you use your improved Kai Discipline to launch a hasty psychic assault on all three beings simultaneously. Your rapid bolts of psychic power penetrate their defences and short-circuit their minds with devastating effect. The Lieutenants of Night fall screaming to the floor where they writhe in agony like wounded snakes. The Demoness reels and totters backwards, slumps down heavily upon her throne, and then grips her disfigured head with both hands as she struggles in vain to regain control of her mind.

Seizing your advantage, you unsheathe your weapon and rush forward. With two swift and deadly blows you dispatch the lieutenants in passing and then rush towards Shamath’s gigantic throne. Through the red haze of the agony that fills her head, the Demoness sees you approaching. Immediately she slams her right hand down upon the arm of her throne, to where a glowing opal is set into the stone.

‘Gnekasha!’ you scream, giving voice to her secret name, and she freezes as still as a stone statue. But not before her clenched fist has struck the glowing gem.

Suddenly you hear a terrible sound: it is the screams and cries of Shamath’s vengeful legions. With dread you glance over your shoulder and look to the source of the cacophony: the chamber of tunnels beyond the archway of the Throne Room. What you see there sends an icy cold shiver of fear coursing down your spine.
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:10 PM   #564
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Pouring from the mouth of every tunnel that converges upon the antechamber outside Shamath’s Throne Room is a howling host of robed and skeletal creatures. The skeletal beings are armed with short swords and they march slowly with stiff machine-like movements, whilst the robed creatures shriek, howl, and move like demons. They streak ahead of their lumbering skeletal comrades and, as they burst into the Throne Room, you see that they are armed with gleaming silver crossbows. Fearful of being struck by a bolt fired from one of these formidable weapons, you dash to take cover behind Shamath’s great marble table.

(I do have telegnosis)

As you draw level with the great table, your eye is caught by the phial of potion lying upon its pillow of purple silk. Your Discipline of Telegnosis reveals to you that this golden fluid, whilst deadly and corrosive to creatures of Evil, has many properties that are beneficial to creatures of Good. Such a potion could prove useful for healing wounds or restoring lost energy.

(I try to take it)

You take a running leap at the table and grab the phial from the pillow. Then, as your feet return to the ground, you stagger forwards and throw yourself behind Shamath’s great Throne of Power. Crouching here with fear running cold in your veins, you listen to the hiss of the first crossbow bolts and the screams of the approaching horde. Then you notice the waters of the strange pool which lies no more than a dozen yards away from the throne. Beyond this pool you see the pair of huge black gates which dominates the far wall of the chamber and suddenly you recall the text which appeared in the Tome of Darkness. This is the Pool of Sorrows, and beyond it lie the Gates of Darkness, an exit from this cruel domain. Your feelings of excitement at having discovered a way to escape the approaching horde are tempered when you further recall that you must spill your own blood into the pool if you are to leave this realm successfully.

With little hesitation, you stab a finger against the point of your belt buckle and draw a few droplets of blood. Then you spring to your feet and rush towards the pool. As you come to within a few yards, you flick your finger and a stunning transformation takes place the instant your blood hits the pool’s swirling surface.

(On your Action Chart you may record the phial you have taken as Shamath’s Potion. It is a Backpack Item.)

As your blood mingles with the fluids of the pool, the great shiny gates that fill the far wall of this chamber suddenly vanish to reveal an awesome vista. Beyond where these gates once stood now lies an expanse of deep space, an infinite darkness, a void speckled with distant stars and the wispy trails of passing comets. The thought of stepping into the vast perspective of this void fills you with fear, but you choke back your doubts and anxieties for you know that it is the only certain way that you can escape from Shamath’s domain.

With a prayer to Kai and Ishir on your lips you sprint towards the void, but you are forced to dodge and weave as you run in order to avoid being hit by the hail of missiles that come whistling towards your back.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-alchemy or Magi-magic, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 2. If you possess Grand Huntmastery or Grand Pathsmanship, add 1.

(I toss a 0 and add 6)

Successfully you dodge the flying bolts until you are within a few yards of the open Gates of Darkness. One of the silver missiles ricochets from the floor and gouges a deep groove of flesh from the back of your left thigh: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Clutching your injured leg, you stagger forwards and hurl yourself head-first into the darkness of the void.
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:23 PM   #565
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As you pass into the void, a sensation of unimaginable speed assaults your senses. You fly through the stellar darkness and a universe unfolds before you, like a million gems strewn upon an endless sea of black velvet. Your physical body is sheathed within a casing of pale white light, and you sense that it is a protective shell generated by your Platinum Amulet to protect you from the icy chill and airlessness of this astral starscape.

You surrender yourself to the invisible currents that ebb and flow through the void and, as you glide across this immeasurable no-space, once more you consult the Tome of Darkness. The transparent page that revealed information about Shamath’s realm is now blank, but the one which follows has changed in colour and texture. Lines of glowing text have appeared on a page that is as dark as deep space. Again, using your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you are able to decipher much of the text and you discover that it tells of ‘Avarvae the Tormentress’. It reveals that this void, which is her domain, is called ‘The Oblivion of the Tortured Souls’. You ignore the list of her cruel and evil deeds, and search out her secret name.

Unfortunately you discover that there is no name to bind her. However, you do learn that no special artefact is required to leave her realm and there are two exits: The Gates of Darkness, by which you entered, and the Bridge of the Damned. Having no desire to return to Shamath’s domain, you put away the Tome and resolve instead to find the Bridge of the Damned. Yet, as you stare across the infinite distances of this void, it is hard to dispel your fears that you may end your days lost here forever.

Your Kai Sixth Sense detects that Shamath’s Potion has properties that can heal your body and restore lost energy.

If you wish to drink all of this potion you can restore all of the ENDURANCE points you may have lost on your quest so far. However, if you drink the entire potion you must erase it from your Action Chart. Alternatively, you may drink half of the potion and restore 5 ENDURANCE points. If you drink only half of the potion you need not erase this item from your Action Chart.

After making your choice of action, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

From the depths of the void seven glowing shapes appear. At first they defy your direct gaze, as if these shadowy semblances can only be observed from a particular angle, but as steadily they draw closer, they solidify and their fearsome shape becomes plain to see. They appear as seven skeletal riders, each cloaked in a glowing robe and mounted upon a hellish, supernatural steed. They wield lances wreathed with white flames and their eyes are pinpoints of red fire.

(Yes I have visited Yanis)

You recognize these creatures for you have encountered them once before, when your Magnakai quest took you to the fringes of the Neverness in the Daziarn Plane. They are Shadow Reavers, wholly evil spirit-entities. They serve Naar’s champions of darkness as scouts and messengers upon the non-corporeal planes of existence.
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:35 PM   #566
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The seven riders keep their distance, yet they pass close enough to satisfy their curiosity before they turn and speed away into the void. As you watch them disappear, a deep sense of unease grips you. You are relieved to have avoided a confrontation yet you sense that their departure is but a temporary reprieve; they may yet return in greater numbers.

Shortly after, you witness several objects that appear like comets encircling a cluster of distant stars. As you glide towards these stars the comets break away from their orbit and come soaring to meet you, racing with each other to reach you first. A collision looks imminent, but your mounting fears are soon forgotten when the surfaces of these shooting stars undergo a stunning transformation. Their leading surfaces take on the semblance of human faces.

(Yes I've been to Torgar)

You are shocked to the core when suddenly you recognize the faces that have appeared upon the surfaces of the three leading comets. The first is Lord Paido, the Vakeros warrior who accompanied you through the uncharted swamps of the Danarg and later sacrificed his life to protect yours in the infamous Darklord fortress of Torgar. The second is the face of Adamas, the Lord Constable of Garthen, who led the armies of Talestria and Palmyrion in the assault upon Torgar and perished during that fearsome siege. And the third is the bearded face of Sebb Jarel, the brave Eruan partisan who guided you through the Hellswamp and, in so doing, forfeited his life

Your Kai senses detect that the souls of these three brave men are trapped upon this domain. Their spirits were captured by Evil at the moment of their deaths and Naar has since condemned them to an eternity in the service of Avarvae the Tormentress. You see them mouthing words: they are pleading for you to release them from their torment, and your heart is torn by their silent, plaintive cries.

( I do have Deliverance and Sun Thane rank)

Out of a sense of duty and respect for the memories of these three brave men, you recite the secret words of the ceremony of Kai Exorcism. As you intone the hallowed words, you feel an aura of peace and tranquillity descend upon their tormented souls. The twisted and pained faces which adorn the surface of the fiery comets gradually soften and fade until, with an overwhelming sense of release, you detect that they are no more. Through the power of your ceremony their souls have been allowed to escape from this hellish domain and have gone to seek eternal peace upon the Plane of Light.

The comets, now devoid of soul-energy, are drawn back into the orbit of the distant star cluster. You, too, are drawn towards these glowing stars, and as you pass through them at an incredible speed, you glimpse a wondrous sight in the void beyond. A vast rainbow bridge of colour arcs across the immeasurable darkness to a titanic plateau of fire. Your spirits soar when you detect that this is the Bridge of the Damned, the exit that you seek from this astral domain. Yet as you approach the magnificent bridge, you detect a less-welcoming presence. The shadowy riders are returning, and this time they are escorting a creature that sets your pulse racing with fear.

From the depths of the void there speeds forth a colossal chariot, drawn by four supernatural lionesses and driven by an astral being who bears the semblance of a stunningly beautiful woman. Pale green beams of light issue from her eyes and wisps of silvery mist trail from her ebony tresses. She wields a whip that sparkles with magical fire and her magnificent carriage is escorted by one hundred shadowy outriders, each armed with a lance of cold flame.

Your initial fears are compounded when your Kai senses detect that this being is Avarvae the Tormentress, the ruler of this vast domain. She brings her chariot to a halt and signals to her escorts, with a contemptuous flick of an elegant wrist, to rein in their steeds and wait for her return. Then she glides from her carriage upon a carpet of silvery mist and moves effortlessly towards you. As her gigantic face looms above, you see a sneer of disdain curl her cruel, voluptuous lips.

(Yes I have Shamath's Potion, but I choose not to use it)

Your fear of this supernatural creature is fast transforming into sheer terror. You sense the colossal power that she is capable of wielding and you have no doubts that her intention is to slay you, but not quickly. It is clearly her desire to enjoy your slow demise.

To engage the Tormentress and her huge escort of Shadow Reavers in combat would be a brave yet suicidal action, for you have no experience of the nature of combat upon this astral realm and you could be quickly overwhelmed by your enemy’s sheer weight of numbers. You sense that your only chance for survival is to evade the Tormentress and her minions by crossing the Bridge of the Damned.

(I have Grand Nexus and the right rank)

Using your improved Grand Mastery, you cause yourself to soar at great speed towards the distant bridge. Your sudden and unexpected acceleration takes Avarvae and her minions completely by surprise. By the time they react to your escape it is already too late: you have reached the Bridge of the Damned, the exit from Avarvae’s domain.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-14-2020 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:46 PM   #567
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You soar across the shimmering span of this colossal bridge towards a new and terrifying realm. Ahead, you see a sprawling plateau burning with magical flame. At its centre there is a vast crater of cinder and ash and, rising like a towering spike at the heart of this desolate bowl, you glimpse a titanic fortress.

As you traverse the great Bridge of the Damned, you consult the Tome of Darkness and it confirms your highest hopes and your deepest fears. Ahead lies the realm of Naar and his dread stronghold of Dazganon. The Tome warns those who would voluntarily seek to enter Naar’s fortress that they must possess three magical artefacts: the Nza’pok Amulet, a Künae Ring, and the Scarab of the Wingless Dragon. The final page of the Tome lists the names of Naar’s closest minions who dwell within Dazganon and one who dwells without whose name is ‘Tzor, The Guardian of the Plain of Despair, Keeper of Evil Souls’. The text of the final page states that there is no secret name to bind Naar and, most chillingly, that there is no exit from his dread fortress.

Beyond the Bridge of the Damned, you enter the vast forest of fire that encircles the perimeter of Naar’s realm. You sense that your Platinum Amulet is keeping you safe from the hellish heat of this region, and your Kai ability to spirit-walk is propelling you on a swift and steady course towards the central crater.

Upon reaching the lip of this crater, the forest of fire comes to an abrupt end and you get your first clear view of the desolation which surrounds the stronghold of Dazganon. Cosmic winds blow across this barren plain, moaning like tortured souls. Now and then you hear cries of pain, bursts of mocking laughter, and haunting alien howls that chill your blood. Then you see swirling gossamer shapes that grow and multiply as your psychic senses become attuned to their presence. Millions of evil souls are swirling around the crater which encompasses Naar’s stronghold, and as you watch their endless passage with a sense of awe and disbelief, you realize that this is the Plain of Despair detailed upon the last page of the Tome of Darkness. You stare at the ceaseless torment of these evil souls and you are deeply shocked by the visage of one spirit which rises out of the howling mass.

(I have visited the Isle of Khor)

You recognize the vengeful visage of Zahda, the evil renegade sorcerer, who was killed by your hand and whose body was incarcerated in the ruins of Kazan-Oud. As his tortured soul falls back into the howling mass, you begin to see others that you recognize immediately, for their evil countenances are etched indelibly upon your mind.

The spirits of Darklords Gnaag, Haakon, and Kraagenskûl are trapped upon this plain. So, too, are those of Warlord Magnaarn, many Cener Druids, Acolytes of Vashna, and Nadziranim and their Liganim minions. But there is one ghostly figure that is more terrifying than any other, and when you see him appear at the back of the encircling ranks of tortured souls, he strikes a new chord of terror deep in your heart.

Wielding whips of living flame in each of his eight massive hands, the demonic spectre of Tzor lashes the host of doomed souls without let or mercy. Relentlessly he pursues them around the Plain of Despair, revelling in his sport, allowing them neither rest nor respite from this unending chase. Few avoid his watchful eyes and fewer still escape the searing kiss of his terrible whips of fire.

As the towering shape of Tzor looms nearer, you detect a complex web of psychic probes emanating from his being. Clearly he utilizes his prodigious mental powers to monitor the souls of the damned who are trapped here forever upon the Plain of Despair. Then you realize that Tzor’s powerful psychic abilities may also alert him to your presence at the edge of the crater. Tzor is fast approaching now; you must act quickly if you are to minimize the risk of being discovered.

(Yes I have Kai-Screen and a high enough rank)

Using your improved Grand Mastery, you are able to successfully mask your mental and physical self from the unwanted attentions of Tzor. Patiently you wait for the demonic being to herd his vast pack of tortured souls around to the far side of Dazganon before you cross the Plain of Despair and make your approach to Naar’s stronghold.

The outer gate of Dazganon is open and unguarded and you are able to pass through unhindered. Clearly the Dark God considers the need for guards here unnecessary for the walls and bastions appear never to have been manned. It is not until you reach the archway to the inner keep that you meet with resistance. Filling the inner arch is a curtain of black flames which crackle and spit venomously. You recall the text of the Tome of Darkness and retrieve from your pockets the three items that are required to gain entry to Dazganon. Then, with trepidation, you close your eyes and step directly into the wall of blazing black flame.

Add together the three numbers which appear upon the three Special Items that will enable you to gain entry to Dazganon. If you have gathered all three items, you will have noted these numbers in the margin of your Action Chart. To continue your quest, turn now to the entry which is the same as your total.

(6, 20 and 31 are 57, I turn there)

Beyond the flaming curtain lies a hall of grey adamanite which is seemingly devoid of all life. You scour this eerie chamber and your senses detect Alyss’s life-force. Hers is the only goodly presence, save your own, in the whole of this evil stronghold, and although her aura is weak, it is sufficient enough for you to be able to track it.

Guided by your instincts and shielded by your Kai Disciplines, you follow Alyss’s trail as it wends its way deeper into the heart of this citadel of Evil. During your exploration you encounter many of Naar’s newest creations who populate the halls and dungeons of Dazganon. Their repugnant forms and depraved and brutal behaviour provide you with an unsavoury insight into Naar’s seemingly infinite capability to create evil and monstrous life forms. You shudder to imagine these foul beings running loose upon your home world of Magnamund, and the thought strengthens your resolve to fulfil your quest for the Moonstone.

For what seems like an hour, your camouflage and psychic skills make you invisible to the creatures that dwell within Dazganon. It is not until you reach a busy junction at the heart of a maze of tunnels that your skills are truly put to the test. Your senses detect the presence of Alyss at the end of an adjacent tunnel, yet the entrance to this wide passage is virtually blocked by creatures who are bickering with Naar’s armed guards.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, or Grand Pathsmanship, add 1. Also, for every level of Kai Mastery you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add a further 1.

(I toss a 4. I get a 9)
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:54 PM   #568
Abe Sargent
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You wait until the bickering dies down and the tunnel traffic thins out. When you see your chance to move you seize it swiftly and successfully. Shielded by your Kai skills, you avoid the guards and hurry along this tunnel. The deeper you explore, the stronger the sensation and concentration of Evil becomes, but still you can sense the presence of Alyss. Eventually you reach the tunnel’s end at an antechamber, where an open archway to an adjoining hall is dripping with blood. You peer through this gruesome entrance and recognize the hall beyond to be the inner sanctum of Naar’s stronghold—his personal chamber. The walls comprise swirling smoke in which alien shapes writhe and contort themselves into impossible shapes. A circular plinth occupies the central section of the floor, and your heart skips a beat when you glimpse something beyond the plinth, something encased within a glimmering field of energy.

You see Alyss sitting cross-legged within a globular force-field, her emaciated face and limbs clearly displaying the price she has paid for her continued resistance to the Dark God. Yet despite her wasted physical appearance, you detect that she is still strong in spirit and the Moonstone of the Shianti is still in her possession.

You focus on this force-field and deduce that Naar, having been unable to defeat Alyss in combat, has chosen instead to imprison her within this seamless cell of energy in order to prevent her from using the powers of the Moonstone to create a Shadow Gate through which she can escape. The Dark God has contented himself with waiting for her to weaken to the point where she can no longer resist his remorseless attacks. As you focus on Alyss you sense that she is dangerously close to reaching that breaking point. Prompted by an urge to help her, and by the sight of the Moonstone which she cradles in her lap, you move quickly towards the entrance to Naar’s inner sanctum.

(Yes I have Telegnosis at a high enough level)

You are approaching the entrance when Alyss suddenly raises her bowed head and screams a telepathic warning that you are about to enter a trap. Instantly you skid to a halt, but moments later you feel a massive weight hit you between the shoulder blades. You have been struck by a powerful shock wave that propels you head-first through the bloodstained entrance to Naar’s inner sanctum, which closes behind you like a rapidly healing wound.

You leap to your feet and unsheathe your weapon in readiness to defend both Alyss and yourself against any threat that Naar may launch at you.

You do not have long to wait for the threat to materialize. Bursting from out of the smoky wall of the chamber comes Naar’s fearsome champion, Kekataag the Avenger. He is attired in battle armour that glimmers like slime-dulled gold, and beneath his helmet there is a hollow skull-face from which emerges a sickly stench that permeates even the foul air of this hall. The skulls and bones of humans bedeck his armoured hide and in his mighty hands he carries a great two-handed axe, its blade stained black with the blood of his countless victims

This terrifying warrior mesmerizes you with his glowing eyes and you feel waves of powerful psychic energy buffet your mind.

(Yes I have the Sommerswerd)

You raise the Sommerswerd and a blinding halo of golden light engulfs the blade. You sense that Naar is present in this chamber, but he will not materialize and show himself so long as your divine blade is unsheathed, for he fears that your god-forged weapon could destroy him. He is content to allow his mighty champion Kekataag the pleasure of slaying you on his behalf.

Kekataag pounds the floor repeatedly with his armoured boot to demonstrate his eagerness to commence combat. In response, you give voice to your battle-cry—‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’—and launch yourself at your fell adversary in an attempt to land the first blow.

Kekataag the Avenger: COMBAT SKILL 60 ENDURANCE 58

This enemy is an undead warrior. You may double all ENDURANCE point losses which you inflict upon him during this combat.

(My base CS is 57, with 61 Mindblast and 65 Kaisurge. I use Kai Surge to give me a +5 CS. I have 53 EP to his 58. This is very winnable.

I open with a 4 and a 4. I lose 3 each time plus 1 for KS so 4. He took 8 twice, and doubled to 32. I toss an 8. He loses 28 to my 1. I toss a 1. He losses 10 and I took 5. I took 14 and he is dead)
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:57 PM   #569
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As you strike the fatal blow, Kekataag gives vent to a scream which rocks the foundations of Dazganon. His body falls to the floor and disintegrates into a mound of dust and rusty metal. From the core of this debris there arises a shadowy vapour which is sucked away through the porous chamber walls. You sense that it is the spirit of the defeated warrior and that as punishment for his failure, he has been consigned by Naar to eke out the rest of eternity with the other lost souls upon the Plain of Despair.

You are elated and exhausted after your hard-won victory, but this is not the time for you to rest nor celebrate your triumph. You sense that Naar is enraged that you have destroyed his latest champion, and you can feel his wrath building to a fever pitch.

(Yes I have Skarn-Ska and/or the Sommerswerd)

You run to where Alyss sits imprisoned within her sparkling force-field and, with one precise and powerful blow from your magical blade, you shatter her sorcerous prison. The anguished scream of Naar echoes through the corridors and dungeons of Dazganon. As its terrible timbre begins to rumble and fade, you are horrified to see a host of monstrous creatures burst forth from the smoky walls of the inner sanctum and close in upon you from all sides.

Freed from the constraints of her prison, Alyss is able to use the power of the Moonstone to bring into being a Shadow Gate which materializes in the floor of the chamber.

‘Come, Grand Master,’ she implores as she gets ready to step into the whirling black abyss. ‘Follow me!’

And with these words she is swallowed up by the inky abyss. Seconds later, you take a running leap and dive head-first into the Shadow Gate, escaping in her wake barely moments before a pack of screeching, gnawing, parasitic horrors engulf the place where you last were standing.

As you tumble into the dark vortex of this newly-created Shadow Gate, you see the glow of the Moonstone illuminating the silhouette of Alyss in the middle distance. Behind and above, the mouth of the gate by which you entered the abyss is rapidly shrinking. Alyss is using the power of the Moonstone once more, this time to seal the gate in Naar’s inner sanctum to prevent his fell minions from following you home to Toran.

The deeper you fall into the spiralling darkness so it seems the stronger Alyss becomes. Gripping the precious Moonstone with both hands, she extends her arms and glides easily through the whirling funnel towards you. As she draws level, you hear her speaking softly in your mind:

Thank you, Grand Master. I shall never forget what you have done for me. Had you not returned when you did I would have forfeited my freedom to the Dark God. And freedom, to me, is the most precious of things. For without freedom I would cease to be.

For a moment, the whirling frigid darkness of the Shadow Gate is illuminated brightly by the flaring rays of the Moonstone. Alyss passes the sacred artefact into your safekeeping, kisses you fondly on the cheek, and with the parting words—Farewell, Lone Wolf. Kai and Ishir should be proud. You are indeed their most worthy champion—she flashes you an impudent smile and in the blink of an eye she is gone.

Congratulations, Grand Master, for you have braved the many terrors of the Plane of Darkness and emerged triumphant, your quest fulfilled. By denying the Dark God the power of the Moonstone you have won a great and lasting victory which will help keep your world secure. Your achievement will live forever in the legends of Sommerlund, and the tales that will be told of your valiant deeds will inspire future generations of Sommlending to follow the ways of the Kai.

Your triumph over Naar paves the way for your accedence to the rank of Kai Supreme Master. It also heralds the dawning of a new age, when new challenges will arise to test the courage and bravery of your New Order Kai. Under your paternal stewardship, the first of the New Order adventures is about to begin with the return of the fabled Moonstone to the remote and mysterious Isle of Lorn. If you wish to accept the challenge of the new era, the first exciting quest awaits you in the next Lone Wolf adventure which is entitled:

Voyage of the Moonstone
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:58 PM   #570
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That is the end of this dynasty!
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Old 04-14-2020, 09:00 PM   #571
Abe Sargent
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Review of Book 20? I thought that it had a "best of" feel to it as many, many, many places, enemies, and allies appear. I have to admit,as lazy as that probably was, I certainly enjoyed it. I did like the book despite it's arrival at heading to the Plane of Darkness again for the (final?) time in a row.

Overall I enjoyed it!

The next series is the New Order series where you take on the role of Lone Wolf's apprentice. Will I play it?
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