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Old 06-09-2008, 09:59 PM   #601
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Monday, Week 4, August 1984
Austin, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 2,504 Ticket prices: Default
Actual Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
Lance Russell conducts a lengthy interview with Fritz Von Erich, primarily focusing on the Cage Clash event this Saturday. Fritz is confident that the Von Erichs will score a victory, and he predicts a golden age for WCCW once this feud is finally in the past, and once the Freebirds are finally out of power. Fritz does not address the status of his son Kerry (C-)

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
Lance Russell then interviews Owen Hart, who hypes his upcoming match. (E)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Owen Hart defeats Villano IV by pinfall in 49 seconds. (C-). The two showed poor chemistry.

-As the show starts, Lance Russell comes to the ring and hypes the Cage Clash main event, as well as the 8-man #1 contender's tournament that will take place the same night. He says that the 8 participants will be chosen by the WCCW board of directors, and those names will be announced at the TV show this week. Russell then announces a twist to the tournament - the 1st round pairings will be randomly drawn, live on TV, by selected fans at the show. Those lucky fans will also win a WCCW prize pack of merchandise and event tickets. (D-)

-Lance Russell than interviews a new wrestler making in WCCW debut tonight, Curt Hennig. Hennig cuts a babyface promo, says he's proud to have signed up with WCCW, and like everyone else in the company, he's looking to make an impact and challenging for the World Title. (C-)

-Curt Hennig defeats Villano V in 6:37 by pinfall. (B-). The two showed good chemistry.

-Gary Hart comes to the ring with his client, Frank Dusek, and cuts a promo hyping Dusek and the rest of his stable. (C). Hart demands that all three of his clients be entered into the #1 contender's tournament at Cage Clash. He says that King Kong Bundy is a monster that can't be stopped, Arturo Mendoza is the best technical wrestler in WCCW, and Frank Dusek is a wily veteran who advanced all the way to the semi-finals at the King of Texas Wrestling tournament in April. (C)

-Frank Dusek (w/Gary Hart) defeats Al Perez in 6:42 by pinfall. (D). Perez was exhausted by the end of the match.

-The Sheepherders (w/Skandor Akbar) defeat Bruno Samartino & Jose Lothario 12:30 when Miller pinned Sammartino. (D+). Miller seemed off his game. Lothario was tiring towards the end of the match. After the match, Akbar cut a promo hyping his team, and demanded that both Sheepherders be entered into the 8-man #1 contender's tournament. (C)

-David Von Erich comes to the ring and cuts a lengthy promo hyping both the Cage Clash main event and his world title defense tonight against Terry Gordy. David says his family has come way too far to have things end for them in WCCW this Saturday. He doesn't want to wrestle for any other promotion in the world, in front of any other fans, and he's prepared to do ANYTHING it takes to make sure he stays right where he is. Tonight, he says he's going to take out his frustrations on Terry Gordy, who he guarantees won't be 100% for the Cage Clash main event. (B-)

-WCCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
David Von Erich and Terry Gordy wrestled to a double count-out in 36:06. (A+). David makes his 17th defense of the World Title.

Overall Show Rating: B-


-An amazing main event propels us to an excellent show after a very mediocre undercard. It's the second A+ match for Gordy in this dynasty, the first was when David defeated him in the finals of the King of Texas Wrestling tournament for the vacant World Title in April. This was David's 7th A+ match.

-There wasn't much to write home about elsewhere on the show. Curt Hennig did have a very good debut, with a B- effort against Villano V. That's Villano V's best single's match EVER in the dynasty. Hennig will move up the card quickly. The question is how long to keep him as a face.

-The Sheepherders v. The Miracle Geezer Connection was awful. Bruno will be retired soon, and Lothario will probably become a full-time jobber.

-Lance Russell was hyping a "random" drawing for the #1 contender tournament's first round pairings, and he wasn't joking around. At the live TV show, I'll pick the 8 names, but then I will legitimately pick the pairings at random with a random number generator. I'm pretty sure there's never been a non-rigged "random" tournament drawing in the history of professional wrestling.
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Old 06-09-2008, 10:09 PM   #602
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Location: The Mountains

-I've decided to stick with TEW07 and this dynasty for now. It will probably be months before the there's a "smooth" DOTT or real-world mod for TEW 08, and at that point I'll probably pick up the game and start a new dynasty. I'd probably go with the AWA if there's a stable DOTT, or maybe TNA if a decent real world dynasty surfaces.

-All of the international TV carriers I requested negotiations with have rejected me, not because already have 1 show, but because I'm not popular enough. So I'm guessing that will be an option for me when/if I reach "national" status.

-Ronnie Garvin has won Georgia Championship Wrestling's National Television Championship, defeating The Spoiler. It's Garvin's first title since he was the Southeastern Heavyweight Champion in 1979.

-GCW also held it's Cadillac Cup tournament, which was won by Manny Fernandez. He can put that trophy on his shelf next to the one he won at our Texas Rumble event last year.

Last edited by molson : 06-09-2008 at 11:01 PM.
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Old 06-09-2008, 10:51 PM   #603
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Woot, welcome back Molson!!

Once a stable DOTT comes out I am thinking about AWA as well. There are a couple of nice RL mods in the works, besides DOTT of course.
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Old 06-10-2008, 02:31 PM   #604
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Location: The Mountains
Company/Booking Outlook

-Just a note on my general plans after Cage Clash as I'm killing time.

-It's time for a big-time scaleback. I've increased popularity all over the country, but at a great expense. I still have a good amount of cash in the bank, but I'm burning through it at a pretty alarming rate. After Cage Clash, the #1 priority will be to get through a few months with a scaled down roster, and to turn a slight profit. That might involve running a lot of B- and C- level shows in the Southeast and whatever region I decide to try to break into next. Shows with little star power will still increase our popularity in those places, and I don't want to cut into popularity gains I've made in Texas and the midwest. So nobody's job is safe, and there will some cuts right after Saturday's show.

-With the roster a lot smaller, the angles will also be a lot simpler and more drawn out. Hopefully that helps me increase the pace of updates, as it won't take as much time to get through stuff.

-After a few months (at least) of building up the bank account, I'll go back into full-steam expansion mode, fattening up the roster again, and adding a third weekly show, perhaps as a seperate brand. At that point, the goal will be national status and passing the WWF as the world's most prestigious promotion. (Then hopefully a DOTT mod for TEW 08 is out).

Last edited by molson : 06-10-2008 at 02:32 PM.
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:50 PM   #605
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Wednesday, Week 4, August 1984
Dallas, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 5,009; Ticket Prices: default
Actual Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Adrian Adonis defeated Owen Hart in 4:08 by pinfall. (C-)

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
Lance Russell conducts a brief interview of Kerry Von Erich, whose loyalties remain unknown on the eve of Cage Clash. Kerry again refuses to reveal whose side he'll be on, but says that he will take part in that night's main event, and he does know who he'll be wrestling with. Kerry than thanks the fans for their support of him and his brothers over the years. (C+)

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
-Curt Hennig drew with Doug Somers in 10:00 when the time limit expired. (B-).

-The Road Warriors defeated Frank Dusek (w/Gary Hart) & Brian Adias in 6:57 when Animal pinned Adias. (C-). Animal looked off his game. After the match, Gary Hart grabbed a mic and started berating Brian Adias for his loss. Hart said that against his better judgment, he gave Adias yet another chance to impress him tonight, and yet another chance to possibly persuade him into letting him rejoin Hart Limited. Adias stares down Hart and says that he's tired being publicly berated. Adias points out that he ambushed Tiger Mask a few weeks ago, and that should alone have been enough for him to get back into Hart's stable. Adias says that Hart is on the verge of "blowing it" with a great talent like himself, and then gives Hart an ultimatum: let Adias back into Hart Limited right now, this second, or walk away forever. If Hart walks away again, Adias claims, he will never, ever consider wrestling for Hart again. After a moment or two of silence, Hart and Dusek burst out laughing, leaving Adias in the ring. (C)

-The announcers introduce and than play a lengthy tribute video to the Freebirds, recapping their WCCW Careers. (B-). The announcers then hype that tonight, in what might be their final WCCW TV match, The Freebirds will defend their Six-Man Tag Team Championship against the Von Erichs.

-Dick Murdoch defeats Al Perez in 4:51 by pinfal (B+). The two showed great chemistry. Murdoch looked good.

-Lance Russell comes to the ring with representatives from the WCCW board of directors, 8 fans, and a hat. Russell hypes the 8-man tournament that will be held on the undercard of WCCW Cage Clash. The winner of the tournament will be deemed the #1 Contender to the WCCW World Heavyweight Championship, and will thus be guaranteed a title shot in the 30 following the Cage Clash event. Tonight, Russell says, the participants and pairings for the event will be announced, live on television. The participants have been chosen by the board of directors, and the pairings will be chosen randomly, out of a hat, by 8 lucky fans who have also won WCCW prize packs. The representative from the board of directors then takes the mic, and notes that while many have speculated that the board may be biased in making their selections, he feels that the identity of the participants will prove that they were "as objective as always". The 8 participants then come down to ringside, as they are announced: Butch Miller, Luke Williams, Frank Dusek, King Kong Bundy, Arturo Mendoza, Bob Backlund, Iceman Parsons, and Tiger Mask. At ringside, Marc Lawerence immediately mocks the selections, noting that Freebird allies Gary Hart and Skandor Akbar saw ALL of their clients enter the tournament. Lawerence says that the board has proven nothing except for their continuing bias in favor of the Freebirds.

One by one, the fans in the ring draw names out of the hat, and the following first-round pairings are announced:

Luke Williams v. Butch Miller (The Sheepherders react with surprise in the ring)
King Kong Bundy v. Iceman Parsons
Arturo Mendoza v. Tiger Mask (Big ovation from the fans for the renewal of this big rivalry)
Bob Backlund v. Frank Dusek

Entire Segment: C+

-Best 2 out of 3 Series: Match 2
Bob Backlund defeats Iceman Parsons in 8:57 by pinfall while grabbing the ropes for leverage (B). Backlund again has trouble with Parsons but managed to even the 2-out-of-3 challenge at one match a piece. The announcers wonder if Parsons has Backlund's number, and notes that these two could potentially meet in the finals of the tournament at Cage Clash.

--The announcers introduce and than play a lengthy tribute video to the Von Erichs, recapping their WCCW Careers. (C). The announcers then again hype tonight's Six-Man Tag Team Championship match between the Von Erichs and the Freebirds, noting that it's the last time we'll see one of those teams on a WCCW TV show.

-Piper's Pit.
Roddy Piper is dressed all in black, as is his bodyguard Adrian Adonis, as is the set of Piper's Pit. The set is also decorated with flowers and a coffin, which is flanked by the masked Villanos, who are both also dressed in black. Roddy Piper announces that tonight, we are witnessing the funeral for the career of Bruno Sammartino. Piper says he spared no expense, with the exception of the Mexican pallbearers. Piper than says that he has prepared a video compiling the highlights of Sammartino's career. A video plays on the big screen on the set of the Pit, but it contains only highlights of Sammartino's recent losing streak. The video particularly highlights Bruno's recent decisive losses to Piper. Piper says that rather than giving a Eulogy, he will pay final tribute to Bruno's career with a funeral procession to ringside, where Piper will make quick work of his opponent. (B)

-Roddy Piper (w/Adrian Adonis & The Villanos) defeated Jose Lothario in 7:39 by submission. (B-). Lothario had started the match red hot after observing the insults directed towards his friend Sammartino, but he was quickly overmatched by the younger Piper. Just as the match ends, Bruno Sammartino hit the scene, and attacked both Villanos, and then Adrian Adonis, before confronting Piper in the ring. A terrified Piper tried to escape the ring, but Bruno caught up with him, delivered a quick beating until Adonis and the Villanos were able to drag Piper to safety. (C+). As Piper retreated Bruno grabbed a mic and challenged Piper to a steel cage match at Cage Clash. Piper nodded his agreement to the challenge.

-As ring attendants cleaned up after the "funeral", the Lance Russell announced that tonight's main event would have no DQ, and no Countouts.

-WCCW Six Man Tag Team Championship Match
-No DQ, No Countout
David, Kevin, and Mike Von Erich defeated The Freebirds in 22:17 when David pinned Roberts. (B-) The Von Erichs win the WCCW Six Man Tag Team Championship. The performances of David and Michael Hayes stood out. The match was the typical Von Erich/Freebird brawl. None of the participants seemed to be injured in the melee, leaving everyone in the vicinity of 100% for the Cage Clash main event.

Overall Show Rating: B-


-There was a lot to fit in in the final TV show before Cage Clash, and usually when your hand is forced in that way, the overall rating suffers a little. I'm quite happy with the B-, though it was an expensive show, using pretty much everyone on the roster.

-Hennig wasn't very happy about wrestling to a time limit draw with Doug Somers, but I wanted to mix things up a little, and give Hennig a chance to slowly move up the ladder - he'll surely get a rematch. Carrying Somers to a B- is an amazing performance, it's Somers' best match in 26 dynasty matches thus far.

-The Adias thing has taken on a life of it's own - it's just kind of fun to write for such a pathetic character, so I'm rolling with it. This wasn't a face turn at all, he'll play a hapless, full-of-himself heel (WCCW's version of Shea Hillenbrand).

-Dick Murdoch certainly opened my eyes with an amazing B+ performance with Al Perez of all people. That's a full grade higher than any Al Perez match ever, and he's been in the ring with some good talent. He previously wrestled to a C+ with Manny Fernandez and David Von Erich. I haven't done too much with Murdoch, but like a lot of guys on the roster, he has a chance for a new push once the Freebird/Von Erich stuff ends this weekend.

-The tournament segment was just bizarre. As I said, it was a truly random draw - I picked the names for the tournament, but used a random number generator to set the pairings. And we got Sheepherder v. Sheepherder and Tiger Mask v. Arturo Mendoza. It's sort of a weird group of 8 guys for a #1 contender tournament, but I wanted all 5 Akbar/Hart clients to show the board of director's bias, Backlund as the clear biggest star who wasn't yet on the Cage Clash Card, and then Parsons and Tiger Mask as the two biggest non-Von Erich faces to round things out. (not including Eaton and Ware, who already have guaranteed World Title matches coming up, per their deal with David)

-The Piper/Bruno stuff was very amusing in my mind - hopefully it translated well on paper. Bruno's been on a huge losing street, Piper has continuously mocked him for it, then defeated Bruno in the ring. Piper wouldn't let up the insults, and now Bruno wants him in a cage. I like the simplicity of the storyline.

-The main event featured one more wild Von Erich/Freebird brawl before they settle things once and for all at Cage Clash.
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Old 06-23-2008, 11:14 PM   #606
General Manager
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Location: The Mountains

-Adrian Adonis is exhausted after the last show, despite only wrestling a short squash with Owen Hart. He's working a heavy workload with New Japan and Maple Leaf wrestling, and has wrestled 11 matches so far in August, after wrestling 15 times in July.

-The TV show gets a 2.11 rating...That's quite a dip from recent weeks, and is probably the result of me forgetting to advance book any matches.

-Roddy Piper arrived late to the last show. That Piper is a trouble-maker. Which a big match coming up at Cage Clash, he only gets a fine.

-Paul Orndorff won the Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship in Portland Wrestling, ending the 4-month reign of Dutch Savage (He's also a current co-holder of the WWF Tag Team Championship with Bob Backlund). On the same card, Dr. Tom Pritchard won the Pacific Northwest Television championship for a second time, defeating Steve Strong.

WCCW Cage Clash breaks down like this:

War Games Match - 4 v. 4, single elimination, participants enter one at a time.
Losers Gone from WCCW, Winners Own all the Title Belts
-David, Kevin, Mike and ? v. Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts, Michael Hayes and ?.

Steel Cage Match
Classic Rules - Pinfall or Submission Only.
-Bruno Sammartino v. Roddy Piper

8-Man Tournament
Winner named #1 Contender to World Championship
First Round Pairings:
-Luke Williams v. Butch Miller
-King Kong Bundy v. Iceman Parsons
-Tiger Mask v. Arturo Mendoza
-Bob Backlund v. Frank Dusek

Last edited by molson : 06-24-2008 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 06-26-2008, 12:11 AM   #607
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Friday, Week 4, August 1984
Dallas, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 5,009; Ticket Prices: default
Actual Attendance: 3,867

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
As the fans file into the arena, a lengthy video is played, highlighting the years of the Freebird v. Von Erich feud, and tonight's main event War Games match. (B-)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Villano V defeats Al Perez 4:57 by pinfall. (C-)

-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Skandor Akbar about his quandary in tonight's opening bout - a 1st round match in the #1 Contender Tournament, where his clients, The Sheepherders, have randomly drawn to face off against each other. Akbar says he's talked about the situation with The Sheepherders, and everyone agrees that the better man will advance. (C)

-WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - First Round Match
Luke Williams drew with Butch Miller (w/Skandor Akbar in neutral corner) by Double Countout in 3:33. (C) Both men are eliminated from the tournament. After the match, the two Sheepherders continued to brawl with each other for several minutes around ringside, while Skandor Akbar desperately tried to break the fight up. (B-)

-Gary Hart came to the interview area with his three clients, all of whom are involved in the #1 Contender tournament tonight - Frank Dusek, King Kong Bundy, and Arturo Mendoza. He hypes his stable, and claims that there's no doubt that at some point tonight, his clients will have to face off against each other - he says they will compete with more class and restraint than what we just saw from The Sheepherders. (C+)

-Iceman Parsons comes to the ring and hypes his upcoming 1st-round match against King Kong Bundy, noting that with the Sheepherders wrestling to a draw, the winner of the next match goes straight to the finals. (B-)

-WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - First Round Match
Iceman Parsons defeats King Kong Bundy (w/Gary Hart) in 4:45 by DQ after Gary Hart was caught interfering (B). Parsons advances to the finals of the tournament.

-Lance Russell interviews Kevin Von Erich, who is quickly joined by Kerry Von Erich. Kevin says that last night, his brother told him that he would be by his side, wrestling on his team tonight, and that's all he needed to hear - his brother has never lied to him before. Russell asks Kevin if he has any kind of backup plan in case Kerry is wrestling with the Freebirds - Kevin says no, not after his brother gave him his word. (C)

-WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - First Round Match
Tiger Mask defeated Arturo Mendoza (w/Gary Hart) in 8:33 by pinfall. (B).

-Lance Russell interviews all 3 Freebirds, asking them to comment on Kevin's announcement that Kerry is wrestling with his brothers tonight. Michael Hayes says everything is going to plan - they promised all along that Kerry would be with the The Freebirds tonight, and Hayes says he still will be. Hayes says that The Von Erichs' stubbornness in in realizing that Kerry is lying to their face is what will cost them their WCCW careers tonight. All three Freebirds hype the main event and run down the Dallas crowd (C+)

-WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - First Round Match
Bob Backlund defeats Frank Dusek (w/Gary Hart) in 1:59 by pinfall. Backlund looked good. Gary Hart watched the 3rd of his clients fall in the first round.

-Lord Alfred Hayes interviewed Roddy Piper, with his bodyguard Adrian Adonis, about his steel cage match with Bruno Sammartino later tonight. (B). Piper can't believe that he's being put in a position, once again, to beat up an "elderly" man, but if Bruno wants more, he'll give it to him. As Piper continues to run down Bruno, Sammartino suddenly appears and attacks Adonis and Piper from behind. Bruno pays special attention to Piper's arm, smashing it against a guard rail. (B-). As Piper and Adonis flee, Bruno grabs a mic and tells Piper that if he can't beat him in the cage tonight, he'll retire. (B-). Piper continues yelling at Sammartino, but Adonis "holds him back" from any further combat - Piper is grabbing the arm that Bruno had targeted. (B-).

-15 Man Battle Royal
Dick Murdoch won the Battle Royal which featured the following order of elimination: Adrian Adonis, Jose Lothario, Villano V, Brian Adias, Doug Somers, The Great Kabuki, Bobby Eaton, Owen Hart, Koko B. Ware, Curt Hennig, Nikita Koloff, Villano IV, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk. (B). After the match, Lance Russell interviewed Murdoch, who hyped his victory. (C+).

--WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - Semi-Final Match
Bob Backlund defeated Tiger Mask in 16:54 by pinfall. (A+). As the cage starts to be setup for the next match, Lance Russell hypes the final match of the tournament - Bob Backlund v. Iceman Parsons, which he notes will also be the 3rd match of the best of 3 series the two have been involved with, which is currently tied 1-1. (C). Bob Backlund then catches his breath, approaches Russell, and hypes the main event match, saying that he doesn't know why people are saying that Parsons "has his number" - Backlund says Parson's win over him a few weeks ago was a fluke, and he'll prove it tonight. (B).

-As the cage continues to be setup, Lance Russell hypes the upcoming match between Roddy Piper and Bruno Sammartino, and noted the new stipulation - Bruno has promised to retire if he loses tonight. Russell also speculates about the condition of Piper's arm, which was apparently injured by Bruno in a match earlier tonight. (C-)

-Steel Cage Match - Classic Rules: Pinfall or Submission Only
Bruno Sammartino defeated Roddy Piper in 11:31 by pinfall. Piper was (kayfabe) limited by his arm injury, caused by Bruno earlier in the night.

-WCCW #1 Contender Tournament - Final Match
-Final Match of best-of-3 series (currently tied 1-1)
Bob Backlund defeats Iceman Parsons in 8:51 by submission to win the tournament, become the #1 Contender to the World Title, and win the best-of-3 series with Parsons. Backlund got his fair share of cheers from the crowd. (B-). After the match, Bob Backlund approaches Parsons and shakes his hand, in a sign of respect. (B).

-WCCW War Games Match.
-4 X 4. One Man Enters the Match at a Time. Teams Take Turns Sending Men Into Match, Turns Determined by Random Draw.
-Elimination Rules
-Losers are Gone From WCCW
-Winners Control All the Belts.

1. Kevin Von Erich enters the match
2. Buddy Jack Roberts enters the match

-Kevin eliminates Roberts by pinfall (and also wins the TV Title). 4-3, advantage Von Erichs

3. Michael Hayes enters the match
4. Mike Von Erich enters the match

-Hayes eliminates Mike by pinfall. Tied 3-3

5. Kerry Von Erich enters the match.

Kerry enters the match as the crowd erupts. He stands between Hayes and Kevin, making eye contact with both. Finally, he decks Hayes with a discuss punch, and pins him quickly.

-Kerry eliminates Hayes by pinfall. 3-2, advantage Von Erichs

6. Terry Gordy enters the match

As Gordy approaches the cage, he crosses paths with Hayes, who has just been eliminated. Gordy can be seen yelling at a groggy Hayes to "find someone else", presumably, to find another team member that can "replace" Kerry. Gordy enters the ring, facing a 2-1 defect, but he holds his own.

7. King Kong Bundy enters the match (on the side of the Freebirds)

Bundy is "pressured" to the ring by Buddy Roberts and Michael Hayes, and as the freshest man, quickly dominates.

-King Kong Bundy eliminates Kerry Von Erich by Pinfall. tied 2-2.

8. David Von Erich enters the match.

-David Von Erich eliminates Bundy by Pinfall. 2-1, advantage Von Erichs

In a desperate move, Hayes and Roberts return to the ringside area with a member of the Freebird-friendly board of directors, who apparently has a key to the cage. The board member tries to open the door, and Hayes and Roberts stand by with weapons. However, the three are interrupted by Mike Von Erich, Iceman Parsons, and Bruno Sammartino who fight the eliminated Freebirds off, preserving the integrity of the match.

-David Von Erich elminates Terry Gordy by pinfall, winning the match. David and Kevin are the survivors.

(Match Segment Ratings: B-, B-, C-).

-The Von Erichs celebrate in the ring, with their father Fritz, Iceman Parsons, and Bruno Sammartino. Bruno and Iceman help in retrieving all of the WCCW belts from ringside, handing them to the winners. (B-)

Overall Show Rating: C+


-I think part of the reason this dynasty has slowed down so much is I was putting off booking this event - I knew it would be a handful. I knew with the weird main event and lineup, I wouldn't have a huge rating, so I'll take the C+

-The Sheepherders double count-out and post-match fight wasn't any kind of split for them, I just needed to fit the show into 3 hours, and that saved me a semi-final match.

-Good match for Bundy/Parsons. Both guys would be borderline main eventers if they had higher stamina.

-The highlight of the tournament (and probably the night), was the Backlund/Tiger Mask A+ match.

-Bruno played dirty to steal a win (and save his career) against Roddy Piper. This officially ends that feud, though I don't think Bruno will stay an active wrestler for long.

-I knew the main event would be too disjointed to have a good rating, but I like how the whole thing went down.

-Every single guy on the roster took part in this event, and it will be the last time they'll all be together as a group, as we'll make some cuts and enter a new era. Even though Bundy was a part of the "losing" team, we'll call it a loophole, and he doesn't have to "leave" WCCW like the Freebirds do.

-I don't know how to explain the low attendance. Hopefully it's just a one-time thing.

Last edited by molson : 06-26-2008 at 12:31 AM.
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Old 06-26-2008, 12:29 AM   #608
General Manager
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Location: The Mountains

-Curt Hennig and Bruno Sammartino are unhappy with their pushes. Both guys should be "taken care" of soon.

-Kerry Von Erich, Buddy Roberts, Tiger Mask, and Bob Backlund are all understandably exhausted after the last show.

-Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling is apparently having some money troubles, as they dump Roddy Piper, Tiger Mask, and Dynamite Kid. That bodes well for me, reducing the workload of Piper and Tiger Mask.

-Vancouver-based All-Star Wrestling has officially gone out of business. Their last Canadian Heavyweight Champion was Moose Morowski. In the company's final match, Morowski and Buzz Tyler retained the Tag Team Titles against Moondog Morreti and Bob Brown.

-Stan "Uncle Elmer" Frasier retired.
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Old 06-26-2008, 12:33 AM   #609
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
Even though Bundy was a part of the "losing" team, we'll call it a loophole, and he doesn't have to "leave" WCCW like the Freebirds do.

Put him in a mask! No one will know.
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Old 06-26-2008, 08:39 AM   #610
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Location: Whitman, MA
PUt 'em all in masks. Haha.

FOOL - Ann Arbor Winged Lingerines
FOOLX - Portland Axemen

Hattrick - Fizzle United (222968)
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Old 06-26-2008, 10:00 AM   #611
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Originally Posted by Tellistto View Post
PUt 'em all in masks. Haha.


Not a bad idea at all - I would just need to come up with some obnoxiously-obvious ring names, in the 80s wrestling tradition. Or perhaps Gary Hart announces that he's found a mysterious new trio "in the Orient".

Of course, they would retain all the popularity and overness of the real guys. It would a neat feature to be able to put a mask on somebody and retain his skills, but start fresh on his popularity.

Last edited by molson : 06-26-2008 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 06-26-2008, 10:55 AM   #612
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Location: Whitman, MA
I just think it'd be awesome to make Hayes put those long blond locks in a mask so he can't show off his awesome hair. Hehe.

The other two wouldn't care all that much, hell, Buddy lost his hair completely once and was wearing a hair piece with a boxers head piece over it for a long time there.

FOOL - Ann Arbor Winged Lingerines
FOOLX - Portland Axemen

Hattrick - Fizzle United (222968)
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Old 06-26-2008, 01:50 PM   #613
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Originally Posted by sabotai View Post
Put him in a mask! No one will know.

Kind of like seeing Andre the Giant in Dread Pirate Roberts' mask...he's still the brute squad.

John "Wahoo" McDaniel
UF Gator FB Fan / UK Wildcat BB Fan
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Old 06-26-2008, 03:13 PM   #614
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Nice picture . Did you meet him at a indy show or something?
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Old 06-26-2008, 06:32 PM   #615
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
Nice picture . Did you meet him at a indy show or something?

He was at an annual Sci-Fi/Collectibles show in Orlando called FX Show. I was very surprised to see him there, usually they will have some celebs from movies and TV. When I saw him, I knew I had to get an autographed picture. I wanted one with him and Wahoo, but he didn't have any, so I got the second best: Bundy standing on top of Hulk Hogan
John "Wahoo" McDaniel
UF Gator FB Fan / UK Wildcat BB Fan
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Old 06-30-2008, 09:51 PM   #616
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-Frank Dusek, Marc Lowerence, Brian Adias, and Boris Malenko will see their contracts expire in the next few days, and I will not renew them. This will be their last week with the company.

-The contracts of Iceman Parsons and Gary Hart also end this week, and I will make an attempt to re-sign them.

-I haven't decided what to do with the contracts of the Freebirds. Originally, I was going to have them lay low for a while before having them be the featured attractions in a new WCCW brand. They'd dominate the small "promotion", and hold titles such as a "Freebird World Championship", before eventually waging war on WCCW somehow. But with all the money we're burning through, the brand extension is going to have to wait a few months at least. I've considered just cutting the Freebirds loose and then resigning them in 6 months. I haven't had much trouble signing anyone I want at my current level of popularity, but there's always a risk that their workload will be to big to deal with me when I want them back. Keeping them on the shelf for too long will make them upset. I could bide my time with a significant "gimmick change", which requires a wrestler to stay off screen for some period of time, without the unhappiness penalty. Of course in that scenario, I'd still be on the hook for the monthly downside guarantee. So - I haven't made my mind up what to do, I'll keep them on the payroll for a few weeks and see if the situation gets any clearer. I'll also use them on house shows, with the old-fashion explanation that "they're fulfilling their contractual agreements". Buddy Jack Roberts' contract is up in 12 days, so I'll have to make a decision on him in a hurry.
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Old 06-30-2008, 10:21 PM   #617
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-Texas/Midsouth: 65.8% (Down From 66.0% last month)
-Midwest: 61.3% (Up from 60.6% last month)
-Southeast: 48.6% (up from 47.0% last month)
-Great Lakes: 43.6% (up from 42.0% last month)
-Mid Atlantic: 43.6% (up from 42.0% last month)
-New England: 43.6% (up from 42.0% last month)
-North West: 43.6% (up from 42.0% last month)
-Tri-State: 43.6% (up from 42.0% last month)
-Southwest: 43.5% (up from 41.9% last month)
-Puerto Rico: 37.6% (Same as last month)
-Northern Mexico: 30.7% (same as last month)

-Our popularity in the midwest continues to gain on Texas. I'll continue to target to the Southeast to make it a strong #3 region for us. Otherwise, no particular strategy here, we just need to stay on national TV so we can continue to slowly but consistently increase the national popularity to get to national popularity level.


Income (Last month in parenthesis):

Ticket Sales: 503,340(551,128)
Sponsors: 78,233 (76,588)
Merchandise: 16,320 (16,400)


Worker Costs: 288,125 (325,650)
Show Costs: 113,500 (120,500)
Marketing: 25,000 (25,000)
Merchandise: 25,226 (25,232)
Production: 75,000 (75,000)
Misc: 150,668 (160,226)

Total Profit: $-79,626 ($-87,492)
Cash in Bank: $411,810 (491,436)

-That's the 4th straight month I've lost money, 7th of the last 8. The goal for September is to make a profit, which is going to mean a big reduction in star power for in the month's events.

-Obviously, I need to figure out a way to have star-studded shows and still make money. The misc. expenses were the lowest they've been since the start of 1984, hopefully they'll continue to go down (I've read that the longer you stay at a specific popularity level, the more those expenses go down, but there seems to be some unpredictability as well). I don't know how much room I have to grow in Texas to increase popularity and revenue.

-In a cost-cutting move, I've downgraded my event music from "minor licensed" to in-house. This will save me about $3k per house show, $5k per TV show. It will presumably have a negative impact on my show ratings, but I think I can coast by with what I have for a while.

-I've also canceled our Event Video department - we'll no longer sell event videos to the public. This will cut production costs, but (in theory) costs us sales $ - though I don't see in the financial breakdown where I'm making any money in this department anyway.

-I'm now at the "lowest" level of Video production, music licensing, and entertainment quality. I'm going to try to make money with a bare bones product and then slowly build up the quality.

-Merchandise is still a mystery. Every single wrestler still shows "awful" sales under his custom merchandise level. Though, I'm still losing less money on merchandise than I used too. I wonder if the "merchandise" losses actually reflect a loss of money in the video department. I'm going to slash production levels here too for individual wrestlers, in an effort to make a profit in this area. Merchandise levels for all wrestlers is canceled, with the exception of main eventers and upper midcard faces, who well have a reduced production line, but who all all have every type of available merchandise checked off.

Low Level:
-David Von Erich
-Kerry Von Erich
-Kevin Von Erich
-Fritz Von Erich

Very Low Level
-Buddy Jack Roberts
-Michael Hayes
-Terry Gordy
-Iceman Parsons
-Bob Backlund
-Bobby Eaton
-Koko B. Ware
-Roddy Piper
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Old 06-30-2008, 10:30 PM   #618
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WCCW CHAMPIONS - End Of August, 1984

-World Heavyweight Champion - 93.1% Prestige (Up from 91.6% Last Month)
Main Event Title
David Von Erich - 17 Title Defenses, 4-month reign.

-Television Champion - 69.6% Prestige (up from 67.8% last month)
Midcard Title
Kevin Von Erich - Newly Crowned

-World Tag Team Champions - 68.8% Prestige (Same as last month)
Midcard Title
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich - Newly Crowned.

-Six-Man Tag Team Champions - 70.0% Prestige (Same as last month)
Midcard Title
Kevin, Mike & David Von Erich - Newly Crowned

-Cruiserweight Championship - 32.4% Prestige (Same as last month)
Low Level Title
Mike Von Erich - 0 title defenses, 1 month reign.

-Kevin is the TV champion because he pinned Roberts in the War Games match. Kerry and Kevin are the Tag Team champions because Kerry and Kevin pinned Roberts and Hayes in the War Games match.

-Mike isn't don't much as the Cruiserweight Champion, and he doesn't have many guys to defend the belt against (the only challengers on the roster with the departure of Brian Adias are the Villanos and Owen Hart. It wouldn't take much cash to bring new low-level challengers in though. I'll let him hold onto the belt for now.

-I thought about making the Six-Man Tag Titles inactive now that the Freebirds are gone, but I'll keep it around in a limited role, though I don't expect that anyone will be able to defeat the Von Erichs in a 3-3 match for a long time. This is the 3rd time the Von Erichs have held the titles, though it's never been this particular combination of brothers.

Last edited by molson : 06-30-2008 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 06-30-2008, 10:57 PM   #619
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Storylines with participants and date of origin, in order of current heat:

1. Arturo Mendoza v. Tiger Mask (Mendoza, King Kong Bundy, Tiger Mask, Great Kabuki; April)

-A lot of storylines ended at Cage Clash: Von Erichs/Freebirds (this latest incarnation of the feud lasted exactly 1 year), Bruno/Piper (this mini-feud lasted 1 month), and Parsons/Backlund (their mini-feud also lasted 1 month).

-Lower midcarders and higher without a current storyline.

-All of those ending feuds had pretty good heat, which I can transfer to a new storyline that retains at least two of the participants of the old storylines. I'll look to do that before the next show. Bruno/Piper will probably continue feuding in some capacity so Piper can get his heat back, and The Von Erichs will move into separate storylines where they'll defend their titles. Parsons and Backlund will move on from each other and move into other storylines.

-Sheepherders v. Road Warriors has been setup, but they haven't officially completed step one of their storyline (though they've mouthed off to each other a little bit in August).


-The following wrestlers are unavailable on these days in September, as they consider these companies priorities over WCCW:

-Bob Backlund (4th Saturday)
-Michael Hayes (4th Saturday)

-Same two conflicts as last month, as WWF remains the only promotion in the world more prestigious than us. Neither guy will be available for our Fall Day Star Wars show (Formally "Labor Day Star Wars") the last Saturday of September.


-These are the on-screen workers who happen to work for no one else but me. I'll try to give them a heavier workload, as they're the least likely to have fatigue issues. These guys are also relatively safer when it comes to talent cuts:

-Al Perez
-Arturo Mendoza
-Bronco Lubich
-Curt Hennig
-David Manning
-The Sheepherders
-David Von Erich
-Doug Somers
-Fritz Von Erich
-Iceman Parsons
-Jose Lothario
-Kerry Von Erich
-Kevin Von Erich
-Lance Russell
-Mike Von Erich
-Owen Hart
-Terry Gordy
-The Great Kabuki
-Villano IV
-Villano V


-Boris Malenko is extremely unhappy about how often he hasn't been used on shows.
-Bruno Sammartino is furious about how he has been pushed.
-Curt Hennig is very unhappy about how he has been pushed
-Dick Murdoch is unhappy about how often he has not been used on shows.
-Koko B. Ware is unhappy about how often he has not been used on shows.
-Nikita Koloff is unhappy about how often he has not been used on shows

The number of complaining workers is cut almost in half this month. And Boris Malenko will be gone soon. I'm sure Koloff, Ware, and Murdoch will be happy with their bookings this month.


-These are guys who aren't necessarily at the level of complaining, but they have let me know they think they should be pushed better. (This list doesn't include Samartino and Hennig, who's issues with their pushes has risen to the level of complaints, and are listed above)

-Bobby Eaton thinks he should be a main eventer
-Buddy Roberts thinks he should be a main eventer
-Owen Hart thinks he should be an opener
-Road Warrior Animal thinks he should be a main eventer
-Tiger Mask thinks he should be an upper midcarder
-Villano V thinks he should be a lower midcarder

Last edited by molson : 07-01-2008 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 06-30-2008, 11:11 PM   #620
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US Economy: C (And Falling)
US Wrestling Industry: D (And Falling)
Canada Economy: D+ (And Rising)
Canada Wrestling Industry: E (And Rising)
Mexico Economy: F (And Falling)
Mexico Wrestling Industry: C+ (And Falling)
Europe Economy C+ (And Rising)
Europe Wrestling Industry C- (And Rising)
UK Economy D (And Falling)
UK Wrestling Industry E (And Falling)
Japan Economy D+ (And Falling)
Japan Wrestling Industry D+ (And Falling)

-First time I've tracked these numbers I think. The North American economy is in the crapper, though Canada is showing signs of recovery. This explains why so many promotions are having financial issues, and why there's so many good free agents out there.


United States:
WWF: 80.0%
WCCW: 72.1%
Mid-Atlantic: 71.0%

International Wrestling 38.5%
Maple Leaf Wrestling: 37.6%
Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling: 30.5%

Consejo Munidal de Lucha Libra: 62.9%
Universal Wrestling Association: 53.6%
(only 2 promotions)

All Japan: 68.3%
New Japan: 65.1%
All Japan Women: 35.4%

All Star Wrestling: 39.5%
(only promotion)

Catch Wrestling Association: 45.5%
(only promotion)

(Based on US Popularity)
1. Ric Flair
2. Billy Graham
3. Ken Patera
4. Jimmy Valiant
5. Ted Oates
6. Mark Lewin
7. Gino Hernandez
8. Tony Garea
9. Baron Von Raschke
10. Kamala
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Old 07-07-2008, 07:34 PM   #621
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-I decide to cut loose the Freebirds. I have a certain arrogance being the #2 promotion in the world that I'll be able to bring them back in 6-12 months if I decide to do some kind of return angle. I don't have enough cash at the moment to pull off a separate, regional brand for them to dominate, and they'll get pissed at me if I just leave them on the shelf. I'll let the contracts of Roberts (12 more days), and Hayes (28 days) expire, and job them out on house shows as they fulfill "contractual obligations". Gordy's still under contract for 58 days - I haven't decided whether to keep him around for that long. I think I read that it's beneficial for morale and future signings to just let contracts expire rather than outright fire guys. In any event, I'll keep all three off TV.

-I also decide to request negotiations with a handful of cheap lower-level guys that will allow the jobbers who have been with us for a while to move up a notch or two. I'm going to try to have more jobber squash matches to keep costs down. What I'm looking for here is "some" overness in Texas, possibly some lightweights that Mike can defend his Cruiserweight title against, and most importantly, guys who will work for cheap. So I request negotiations with: Perry Jackson, Steve O, Tommy Rodgers (who was with us just 2 months ago - I don't remember if there's a difference between firing/letting contracts expire for the purpose of the 6 month "limit", Skip Young (who wrestled for us last year as "Sweet Brown Sugar"), David Sammartino, Pez Whatley, Mark Youngblood, Joe Lightfoot, Jose Luis Rivera, Former WCCW TV Champion Scott Casey, and old friend Barry Orton.
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Old 07-07-2008, 09:16 PM   #622
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I'm holding off on the end-of-month roster/momentum recap until all of the recent roster changes take effect of the next few days.

Monday, Week 1, September 1984
Fort Worth, TX (Very Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 2,504 Ticket prices: +$1 Over Default
Actual Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Owen Hart defeats Frank Dusek (w/Gary Hart) in 8:47 by pinfall after botched interference from Gary Hart. (C)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Curt Hennig defeats Doug Somers in 6:58 by pinfall. (C)

-As the show starts, WCCW World Champion David Von Erich comes to the ring with a huge ovation from the crowd. He briefly recaps the events of Cage Clash, telling the fans that Kerry is back with the family, and The Freebirds are gone from WCCW. David says it's a new era in WCCW. He says people are scrambling behind the scenes to put together some organization for this "new" structure, and those efforts will be made clear in the weeks and months to come. In the meantime, David thanks the fans for their support, and promises to continue to be a fighting World Champion. He notes that he has a title defense against Bob Backlund in the next few weeks after Backlund won the #1 Contender's tournament at Cage Clash. He also says that by previous agreement with David and the old WCCW board of directors, Bobby Eaton will challenge for the championship in the main event of Labor Day Star Wars at the end of the month. David finally states that if there's any Freebirds fans left, tonight might be their last chance to see them, as all 3 Freebirds are in 1-on-1 action, to fulfill prior contractual obligations. (B)

-WCCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Mike Von Erich defeats Brian Adias (w/Gary Hart) in 6:49 by submission to make his 1st defense of the title. (D). Hart was in Adias' corner despite their recent fallouts, but Hart looked disgusted with Adias' performance throughout the match. Before the match, Hart actually requests that the ring announcer make special note of the fact that Adias is NOT Hart's client. Mike was visibly tiring towards the end of the match. After the match, Lance Russell interviews Mike, who says he's excited about the "new era" in WCCW, and that he's looking forward to facing new competition for his title. (D+)

-Dick Murdoch defeats Jose Lothario in 9:27 by pinfall. (B-). After the match, Lance Russell grabs a mic and comes to the ring, noting that Murdoch is scheduled to face Curt Hennig at the TV show this week. (C-). Dick Murdoch is very dismissive of Hennig's chances, stating that he's looking forward to "teaching the young punk a lesson". Murdoch also hypes his victory in the Battle Royal at Cage Clash, and claims that it puts him in line for a World Title shot. (B-)

-Al Perez defeats Terry Gordy in 7:54 by DQ after a very moody Gordy lost his temper and got himself DQ'd for ignoring the referee's instructions. Gordy had dominated the match up to that point. (C-). Perez was exhausted by the end of the match. Gordy looked good.

-Michael Hayes comes to the ring for his match. He grabs a mic and states that what happened at Cage Clash was the "most impossible and terrible tragedy in the history of human civilization". He says that somewhere, someday, the Freebirds will be back. (C+)

-Bobby Eaton defeated Michael Hayes in 11:55 by pinfall. (B-).

-Piper's Pit w/Lance Russell.
Roddy Piper says the only reason he's invited Lance Russell as a guest is because he wanted to talk to somebody with some kind of authority. With the WCCW management situation in chaos, Piper says he invited the nerdiest-looking guy on the payroll to the Pit, in the hopes that he can make something happen for him, namely, getting another match with Bruno Sammartino, who Piper says cheated to beat him at Cage Clash. (D+) Lance Russell says he knows absolutely nothing about the current management situation of WCCW in light of the recent dissolution of the Freebird-friendly board of directors, but he expects we'll have more answers soon. Unsatisfied with this, Piper simply insults Russell for a few more minutes. (C-)

-Koko B. Ware defeated Buddy Roberts in 19:09 by pinfall in a wild brawl. (B-). The other Freebirds, Hayes and Gordy, viewed this match as something of a "last stand", and they constantly interfered throughout. Bobby Eaton came down to ringside to try to even the odds, and negate the interference.

Overall Show Rating: C+


-C+ hurts our rating in Texas - we may continue to lose a little popularity at home as I rebuild back into profitability.

-This was probably the final WCCW show (at least for a while), for Frank Dusek, Brian Adias, and The Freebirds. I hate to see so many old-school WCCW guys go at once. All do the job, and only Gordy saves face by losing via DQ.

-Two new storylines kicked off tonight: Part 2 of Piper/Sammartino, and Murdoch v. Hennig. Both young v. old kind of deals. Murdoch has been terrific for me so far in a limited roll, I can't wait to see what he can do with Hennig.

-Eaton and Ware both get big wins as they kick off their WCCW singles careers, though they'll remain allies and occasional tag-team partners.

Last edited by molson : 07-07-2008 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 07-07-2008, 09:26 PM   #623
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Location: Whitman, MA
Will be interesting to watch what you do with this transformation. The Freebirds were such a huge part of what WCCW was that it'll be hard to really envision one without them. Still, lots of talent on the roster still, some young, some old, and best yet the Von Erichs are all alive and kicking still.

FOOL - Ann Arbor Winged Lingerines
FOOLX - Portland Axemen

Hattrick - Fizzle United (222968)
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Old 07-07-2008, 09:33 PM   #624
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-Buddy Roberts, Adrian Adonis, Koko B. Ware, and Roddy Piper are exhausted after the last show. Most of that exhaustion is due to their other commitments.

-Kerry Von Erich and Terry Gordy were late to the last show. I fine both guys. It's tempting to just fire Gordy for this, but I don't want to start a "dislike" relationship between us that might impact future attempts to sign him.

-Magnum TA signs with the AWA, where he'll wrestle in addition to Mid-South.

Last edited by molson : 07-07-2008 at 09:34 PM.
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Old 07-26-2008, 05:17 PM   #625
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Wednesday, Week 1, September 1984
Corpus Christi, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 5,009; Ticket Prices: default
Actual Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Owen Hart defeats Brian Adias (w/Gary Hart) in 6:42 by pinfall. (D+) Gary Hart was ringside dispite his differences with Adias over the last few weeks, though he immediately feels to the back without Adias when the match is over. After the match, Lance Russel interviews Owen Hart at ringside, and points out that Owen Hart has has scored a couple of victories in the ring as of late (D). Brian Adias interrupts the interview and begins arguing with Owen Hart. Hart loses his patient, strikes Adias, throws him into the ring, and then hits him with a missle dropkick from the top rope. (D).

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Doug Somers defeats Al Perez in 5:55 by pinfall. (C).

-As the show starts, a lengthy highlight video recaps the Cage Clash event, especially The Von Erichs' victory over the Freebirds, which caused the banishment of the Freebirds from WCCW. (B-)

-The Von Erichs come to the ring and cut a lengthy promo. They carry with them all the WCCW Championship belts (and the Six-Man-Tag Team Championship Trophy) They thank the fans for all their support through the bad times. The also cover the following topics:
1. Fritz has decided not to renew his old role as WCCW commissioner. He says that that now that he looks back, he understands that he made questionable decisions because of his own love and loyalty to his sons. So, WCCW is currently searching for new administrative leadership. In the meantime, things will be somewhat chaotic in WCCW, as all wrestlers (including the champions), are free to negotiate with each other and make their own matches. Fritz states that he will still remain in WCCW in some capacity.
2. David notes that all of the World Title defense contracts he had in place prior to Cage Clash are still in place. Next week, he will defend the World Title against Bob Backlund, who won the #1 Contender's tournament. The winner of that match will defend the World Title against Bobby Eaton at September Star Wars at the end of the month. And whoever is champion at the time of the Texas Rumble in October will defend the World Title against Koko B. Ware at that time. Those contracts are all still set in stone.
3. Fritz also does a "role call" of champions to clear up any confusion. David is still the World Champion, Mike is still the Cruiserweight Champion. Kevin is the new TV champion, since he pinned Buddy Roberts at Cage Clash. Kevin and Kerry are the new World Tag Team Champions, because Kevin pinned Buddy and Kerry pinned Hayes. And David, Kevin, and Mike are still the Six-Man Tag Team champions, after winning that title on last week's TV show.
4. Despite the lack of current requirements for Title Defenses with no WCCW leadership, all Von Erichs vow to be fighting champions

As the Von Erichs are wrapping up, Bruno Sammartino comes to the ring and congratulates the Von Erichs. Sammartino says he's thrilled that the Freebird scum are gone, and that every current WCCW champion is a class act. Bruno says he's been thinking a lot about retirement after his struggles in recent months, but one thing has stopped him - he wants to wear championship gold one more time. And while Bruno concedes he hasn't done enough to deserve a World Title Shot, he feels that his win at Cage Clash over Roddy Piper qualifies him for a TV Title Shot against Kevin. Kevin accepts the challenge, and the match is on for tonight. (B-).

-Bob Backlund defeats Mike Von Erich in 7:55 by submission (C+). Mike was visibly tiring towards the end of the match.

-Kerry Von Erich defeats Frank Dusek (w/Gary Hart) in 7:46 by pinfall. (C-)

-A highlight video recaps the lengthy feud between Gary Hart, King Kong Bundy, Arturo Mendoza, and the Great Kabuki and Tiger Mask. (B-)

-Arturo Mendoza & King Kong Bundy (w/Gary Hart) defeat Tiger Mask & The Great Kabuki
after interference from Hart. (B). The announcers note that even though King Kong Bundy took part in the Cage Clash main event on the side of the Freebirds, he is not banned from WCCW because his name wasn't on the original contract.

-WCCW Television Championship Match
Kevin Von Erich defeats Bruno Sammartino in 8:14 by submission to make his 1st Title Defense. The two showed poor chemistry.

-Curt Hennig defeats Dick Murdoch in 21:11 by pinfall. (B). Murdoch was obviously looking past the younger Hennig and was not taking the match seriously. After the match, and as the show closes, and angry Muroch attacks Hennig outside the ring, bodyslamming him onto the floor and throwing him over the ringside barricade. (C+)

Overall Show Rating: C+

-Not a great start to the "new era" of WCCW

-There was a lot of chatting in the beginning of the show (almost 25 minutes before the first match), but i thought that was necessary from a storyline perspective. The Von Erichs promo was LONG and delivered only a C rating, that's what did us in here.

-Disappointed that Backlund couldn't carry Mike past a C+. This was their first one-on-one match, in fact, it's the first time they've been in the ring together in any capacity.

-The Bundy/Mendoza v. Tiger Mask/Kabuki thing keeps rolling on, though they haven't had an actually story going for a while (except for a strong general dislike of each other). Tonight actually kicked off a new storyline for them though, evolved from the old one - it will eventually involve Kevin/Kerry and the tag team championship.

-Murdoch/Hennig also kicked off a feud tonight, and had a solid match. Hennig absolutely has main event talent right now, and he's hugely popular in the midwest - If I run a show up there he's definitely a guy that could deliver an A+ match with the right opponent.

-The plan for the new "WCCW administration" is to have a respected ex-wrestler as a commissioner, and then an off-screen "championship committee" that releases rankings and determines mandatory title defenses.

Last edited by molson : 07-26-2008 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 07-26-2008, 06:18 PM   #626
General Manager
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Location: The Mountains

-The last show is the final WCCW show (for now), for Marc Lowerence, Brian Adias, and Frank Dusek. Boris Malenko, who along with Nikita Koloff, hasn't been seen in a while, will also be let go this week after his contract is expired. Koloff (who will return at the next show), will either be on his own, or will allign with Hart or Akbar. Malenko was just too pricey.

-Bob Backlund is exhausted after the last show.

-The TV show delivered a 2.28 rating. That's up from 2.11 last week, but still lower than the 7 shows before that.

-I've resigned Gary Hart for 9 more months at $1,000/show with a $500/month downside guarantee, a very modest raise from his old $925/show deal. Hart's importance as a heel manager will be enhanced post-Freebirds.

-Iceman Parsons does a lot better - a new 9 month deal at $1,500/show, a big raise from his old $875/show deal. I'm a little reluctant to sign that, but I didn't want to lose another old-school WCCW guy.

-Terry Gordy won't be unemployed when his contract ends with us, and he's signed with Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling. That top talents in that company are currently Roddy Piper, The Spoiler, Bob Orton, Gama Singh, and a bunch of Canadians.

-Tommy Rodgers rejected my negotiation requests with us because he "just recently left" (I think 6 months is the magic number there).

-I do sign a bunch of new guys however, as I look to fill out the bottom of the roster with cheap guys who can do jobs.
1. Barry Orton. $325/show for 9 months. No real potential, but he's cheap. He had a stint with WCCW last year, and he hasn't wrestled anywhere since we cut him lose back in January.
2. David Sammartino. $925/show for 9 months. Not awful for a jobber, though that's a lot of money for him. I just can't resist using him in some kind of angle with his father though. He's currently working through a neck injury.
3. Perry Jackson. $475/show for 9 months. Pretty good athlete, but not much else.
4. Steve Olsonoski. $775/show for 9 months. Decent wrestler, and he is somewhat known in the midwest and Texas from his AWA days.
5. Mark Youngblood. $550/show for 9 months. Don't see much in him, but low price for a jobber type.

-I am unable to come to an agreement with these guys:
1. Jose Luis Rivera. Decent worker, but a little pricey at $825/show, when he's completely unknown in Texas and the midwest.
2. Skip Young (aka Sweet Brown Sugar). He really didn't do too well for us last year, so though I think he might be OK in a tag team, his asking price of $950/show is too high.
3. Scott Casey. The former WCCW TV Champion (who had only 1 successful title defense), though completely unemployed, wants $925/month. I hope you're enjoying your free time Scott.
4. Joe Lightfoot. Just nothing in the stats that justify even $750/month.
5. Pez Whatley. He's a good athlete, decent charisma and mic skills, but not near enough to justify his asking price of $1,750/show

-I also resign some guys whose contracts are up in the next month or so.

1. Mike Von Erich. I just couldn't possibly let Mike go, despite his limitations. Fortunately, he's cheap - $850/show for 9 months, a raise from $600/month.
2. Kerry Von Erich. I wonder if his "creative-based sabbatical" impacted his asking price any. In any event, I'm happy to resign him for $1,900/show, a small raise from his old deal of $1,800/show. He insists on a big downside though - $1,900/month.
3. King Kong Bundy. I had forgot he was wrestling me for so cheap - $500/show. That's all over now though, as he gets a big raise to $1,375/show and a $750/month downside.

Last edited by molson : 07-26-2008 at 06:28 PM.
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Old 07-27-2008, 11:57 PM   #627
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Location: The Mountains
Monday, Week 2, September 1984
Rochester, MN (Midwest - Very Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 1,985 Ticket prices: Default
Actual Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Owen Hart defeats Barry Orton in 7:24 by pinfall. (D). After the match Lance Russell interviews Owen Hart, again noting his recent winning streak. (E+).

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Steven Olsonoski defeats Perry Jackson in 6:45 by pinfall. (D)

-David Von Erich cuts a lengthy promo to start the show, thanking the midwest fans, and promising great things ahead for WCCW. (B)

-Non-Title Match
David Von Erich defeats Doug Somers in 7:45 by submission (C+). David looked good.

-Nikita Koloff comes to the ring - this is his first appearance is some time. He says he has been away training in the Soviet Union, and is now better than ever. He rants for several minutes about the superiority of the Soviets, and then he claims he can beat any American wrestler in less than 3 minutes - approximately the same amount of time that it would take the Soviet Union to defeat the United States in a war. He then introduces his opponent tonight, the debuting Native American wrestler Mark Youngblood. (D+)

-Nikita Koloff's 3 minute challenge.
Nikita Koloff defeats Mark Youngblood in 1:45 by pinfall. (C). After the match, Koloff continues the attack, and then he covers Youngblood with the Soviet flag. Koloff leaves to grab his Russian chain outside of the ring, but before he can do anything with it, David Von Erich returns to the ring to make the save - Koloff quickly retreats. (C)

-Piper's Pit: With Special Guests - The Freebirds.
Piper first hypes his rematch tonight with Bruno Sammartino, Piper promises revenge after what happened at Cage Clash, Then, a lengthy segment where the Freebirds blow off some steam to a sympathetic Roddy Piper. Michael Hayes says that tonight's main event between Terry Gordy and Bobby Eaton is the last contractual obligation the Freebirds must fulfill before leaving WCCW. Hayes rants against the Freebirds, and says that World Class is doomed. He calls Kerry a lying "steroid freak", who betrayed the Freebirds after making a deal with them. Hayes swears revenge - Kerry better watch his back because the Freebirds aren't done with him. (C)

-Roddy Piper (w/Adrian Adonis) defeats Bruno Samartino in 18:46 by submission, after interference from Adonis after the referee had become briefly incapacitated. (B-)

-Bobby Eaton defeats Terry Gordy in 27:07 by pinfall. (C+). The match featured interference from the other 2 Freebirds, and Koko B. Ware, who interfered on behalf of Eaton. After the match, Eaton cut a promo, stating that he's ready for his big shot at the World Title at the end of the month, no matter who his opponent is.

Overall Show Rating: C+

-Not a great show, but slightly lower expectations since we were in the midwest.

-Several WCCW debuts: Barry Orton (old school heel) and Perry Jackson (70's gimmick) are heels, Mark Youngblood (Native American) and Steve Olsonowski (blue collar) are faces. All of them will start out as "enhancement talent" except for Olsonowski, who starts one stage higher as a opener.

-I noticed that David technically has greater popularity in the Midwest (A), than in the Mid-South (B+). Not sure how I pulled that off. I'm pretty surprised that he only delivered a C+ with Somers. C+ is pretty much as bad as David gets - he has a handful of those over the dynasty, the last time he was lower was about a year ago when he defeated Waldo Von Erich. Somers had a much better match with Curt Hennig (rated B), just a few weeks ago.

-Koloff kicks off his 3-minute challenge - I wish I had a catchier name for it. Steel Curtain Challenge?

-I decide to terminate the contracts of all 3 Freebirds after this show rather than let them run out - terminating them now just means I can bring them back sooner, should I chose to do that.

-I was pretty disappointing in the main event - I certainly expected more from that pairing. Both have had much better matches with lesser opponents. Eaton isn't ready for the main event just yet.

Last edited by molson : 07-28-2008 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:12 AM   #628
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-Adrian Adonis, Koko B. Ware, and Bobby Eaton are exhausted after the last show (even though Adonis and Ware didn't wrestler). All have heavy schedules outside of WCCW. Ware and Eaton will definitely be hampered by those schedules in their current pseudo-main event push with us.

-Kerry and Gordy are late for the last show. I fine both (even though Gordy's about to be fired)
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:18 AM   #629
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Will firing them make it harder to bring them back later?
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:25 AM   #630
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Originally Posted by rjolley View Post
Will firing them make it harder to bring them back later?

Not 100% sure on that - I've been able to bring guys back that I've fired before, after 6 months.

I checked my own user character's "worker relationships" immediately after I cut them loose - and none of them showed up as disliking me (as a handful of other guys have after I fired them), so I don't think it's going to be a problem.

Last edited by molson : 07-28-2008 at 12:25 AM.
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Old 07-29-2008, 07:57 PM   #631
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Current Momentum Ratings:

Dick Murdoch

Kerry Von Erich
Kevin Von Erich
Curt Hennig
Koko B. Ware
David Von Erich
Roddy Piper
Bob Backlund

Iceman Parsons
Nikita Koloff
Tiger Mask
Adrian Adonis
Bobby Eaton

Road Warrior Hawk
Road Warrior Animal
Mark Youngblood
Bruno Sammartino
Butch Miller
Luke Williams
Doug Somers
King Kong Bundy

The Great Kabuki
Villano V

Jose Lothario

Mike Von Erich

Perry Jackson
Steve Olsonoski
Owen Hart
Al Perez
Barry Orton

Villano IV

David Sammartino (not yet debuted)

-Murdoch still on top of this list, even with his recent loss to Hennig (which must have helped Hennig propel all the way up to a B-)

-Eaton's been getting some big 1-on-1 wins lately, and my Booking Team thinks he should be a main eventer - so it's surprising to see him this low.
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Old 07-29-2008, 09:38 PM   #632
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Now that the dust has settled on all the roster changes. My new roster philosophy is to be as thin as possible at the top, with some guys above the recommended minimum down at the bottom (where the wrestlers are far cheaper)



Bob Backlund
David Von Erich
Roddy Piper
Dick Murdoch
Bobby Eaton

-Murdoch and Eaton replace Hayes and Gordy in this group. Murdoch is certainly ready for the push, where I have mixed feelings on Eaton. He hasn't lit the world on fire since his singles run started, but the booking team is very high on him. And of course, he's the main event of the September Star Wars show, so maybe this improves that match.


Koko B. Ware
Adrian Adonis
Kerry Von Erich
Iceman Parsons
Road Warriors

-The Road Warriors move up to the Upper Midcard. I haven't quite figured out how to make tag team wrestling work in TEW, but I'll give it a shot with the Road Warriors.


Arturo Mendoza
Tiger Mask
Nikita Koloff
The Sheepherders
King Kong Bundy
The Great Kabuki
Kevin Von Erich
Curt Hennig

-Curt Hennig moves up to the Midcard - he probably won't be here long before he moves up further.
-I considered swapping Tiger Mask up in the Upper Midcard in place of Iceman Parsons, but I'll keep both where they are until at least the end of September
-Kevin may also be a little low here, he'll be given every chance to bump back up the roster.


Mike Von Erich
Doug Somers
David Sammartino
Villano V

-With the departure of Dusek and Adias, I needed to move some guys into the Lower Midcard, so I settle on the yet-to-debut David Sammartino, and Villano V. I pretty much left that decision up to my booking team, they liked those two guys the best of the candidates.


Al Perez
Villano V
Steve Olsonoski

-Olsonoski debuts into this group as a face. Villano definitely seems to have the most potential of the 3.


Owen Hart
Barry Orton
Perry Jackson
Mark Youngblood

-3 new wrestlers join Owen Hart here. The 19-year old Hart has been jobbing for us for almost 9 months now. He's shown some modest improvement and has been rewarded with a few in-ring victories.


Jose Lothario
Bruno Sammartino


Skandor Akbar
Gary Hart
Lance Russell
Lord Alfred Hayes
David Manning
Bronco Lubich
Fritz Von Erich
JR Foley


-Lance Russell (23 days)
-Owen Hart (24 days)
-Nikita Koloff (24 days)
-Lord Alfred Hayes (31 days)
-Doug Somers (33 days)
-Villano IV (50 days)
-Villano V (51 days)

Last edited by molson : 08-01-2008 at 02:22 PM.
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Old 07-30-2008, 11:01 PM   #633
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molson, still reading regularly, and still impressed with your dedication to it. Great stuff, keep it up. Especially now that you have evolved WCCW into what it is.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Old 07-30-2008, 11:18 PM   #634
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Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
molson, still reading regularly, and still impressed with your dedication to it. Great stuff, keep it up. Especially now that you have evolved WCCW into what it is.

I appreciate it - my goal is at least 1,000 posts on this thing (or maybe 1,383 to be the longest FOFC dynasty ever), and I hope to pick up the pace a little bit over the next few weeks and months.

And there seems to be some issues over at GDS - the DOTT modmakers might be on the verge of shelving DOTT for TEW 08 - in which case I'd just stick with this dynasty forever.

Last edited by molson : 07-30-2008 at 11:20 PM.
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Old 08-01-2008, 12:41 AM   #635
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Feel free to stick to this dynasty as I enjoy the reading.
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Old 08-01-2008, 12:33 PM   #636
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Still reading as well. Keep up the great work!

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Old 08-02-2008, 10:22 PM   #637
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
And there seems to be some issues over at GDS - the DOTT modmakers might be on the verge of shelving DOTT for TEW 08 - in which case I'd just stick with this dynasty forever.

I gotta remember to check that deal out I guess.
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Old 08-03-2008, 10:42 PM   #638
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Someone PM'd me on my DOTT '08 comment, here was my response. I didn't mean to overstate it, but I just had a bad feeling about it last week:

"I'm hoping my fear is unjustified

The DOTT group announced two projects: DOTT, and a current-day mod. They've already released a beta for the real-life mod. I never tried it, but by all accounts at the Grey Dog Board, the mod was off to a great start and everyone was looking forward to the finished version.

Then it seems like mod-makers got a little sensitive - there were a few too many people criticizing certain aspects of the mod-in-progress, and all of the sudden, the project was completely shelved (and the assumption is that the criticism was responsible, though that was never stated).

I posted there, asked whether we can still expect DOTT, and nobody answered. And there's been no official word on the status of DOTT.

So maybe it's nothing, but I'm not expecting DOTT any time soon.

DOTT Group's Real-Life Mod Thread:

DOTT Mod Thread:"

Last edited by molson : 08-03-2008 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 08-03-2008, 11:19 PM   #639
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
Then it seems like mod-makers got a little sensitive

They come in another form?

Thanks for the linkage, I read several pages of the thread, saw the modder's hissy fit. I know it lands me in the minority but after reading through that I have a tough time believing that the comment that came right before the blow up is what led to the stoppage on the current day version.

I used to crank out quite a few obscure guys back in the TNM days & have carded workers for my son for two tabletop wrestling games so I have at least the faintest notion of how hard it can be to grind through something of the sort of depth that a DOTT modern would be. My money would have to be on the grind playing a big role, not some comment as mild as the one that appeared to be the culprit. Whatever the reason though, it's definitely a big loss to the game.
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 08-03-2008, 11:33 PM   #640
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Wednesday, Week 2, September 1984
Dallas, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 5,009; Ticket Prices: default
Actual Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Doug Somers defeats Steve Olsonoski in 6:09 by countout after Somers hit Olsonoski with a the ringbell bell outside the ring when the referee wasn't looking. The two showed poor chemistry (D).

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Curt Hennig defeats Perry Jackson in 7:51 by pinfall. (C+). After the match, Hennig cut a promo, hyping his win in the main event last week against Dick Murdock.

-As the show starts, Lance Russell interviews Jose Lothario about his upcoming match with Dick Murdoch. Lothario puts over Murdoch as a very tough guy who's going to be tough to beat. (C-)

-Dick Murdoch defeats Jose Lothario in 7:43 by pinfall. (C+). Murdoch is obviously in a sour mood after his upset loss last week. After the match, Murdoch grabs a mic and angrily calls out Curt Hennig to ringside. After Hennig doesn't immediately appear, Murdoch claims that it's obvious that Hennig wrestled on the pre-show so he could get out of the building early and avoid Murdoch. Just then, Hennig comes to the ring. Murdoch yells at Hennig, saying he cheated to win their match last week, citing numerous hair pulls during the match. Murdoch notes that without anyone in power at the moment in WCCW, he has nobody to ask for a rematch except for Hennig himself - so Murdoch makes the challenge. (C+). Hennig refuses the challenge, saying he's already gotten through Murdoch, and now he's looking ahead to "better competition". (C+). With that, Murdoch viciously attacks Hennig for the 2nd week in a row. (C+). Before long however, David Von Erich runs out to make the save for Hennig. David and Dick Murdoch state each other down as the later leaves the ringside area. (C+)

-Lord Alfred Hayes comes to the ring and interviews David Von Erich, noting that is was extremely risky for David to come out here the night of his World Title Defense against Bob Backlund. Russell than asks David if there's any possibility that David will suffer a letdown tonight, just a few weeks after the dramatic end of his family's long feud with the Freebirds. David promises the fans that he's 100% focused on Backlund, a man who has given David more trouble than anyone on the WCCW roster. (B)

-Kevin Von Erich than joins David in the ring, as the former prepares for his upcoming TV Title defense. Lance Russell interviews him about that match. Kevin notes that this is the second straight TV show he's defended the title, and he says that the fans can expect to see a TV Title defense almost every single week, as long as he's champion. (C)

-WCCW Television Championship Match
Kevin Von Erich drew with Adrian Adonis (w/Roddy Piper) in 10:00 when the time limit expired. Kevin makes his 2nd defense of the TV Title. (B). The two showed poor chemistry.

-Nikita Koloff comes to the ring, and gives a similar promo to the one he gave earlier in the week in Rochester, MN. He's spent the last month training in the USSR, and now he's back to prove Soviet superiority over the US. He aims to prove that he can defeat any American wrestler in less than 3 minutes (again noting that that's less time than it would take the Soviets to defeat the US in a war). He introduces his opponent for the challenge - Mark Youngblood, a Native American wrestler making his WCCW TV debut. (C-)

-Nikita Koloff's 3-minute Challenge
Nikita Koloff defeats Mark Youngblood in 1:54 by pinfall. (C)

-Piper's Pit w/ guests Gary Hart & Skandor Akbar
Piper first notes that earlier in the week, in Rochester, MN, he defeated Bruno Samartino. Piper does his standard "old man" taunt of Samartino, claiming he's sent Bruno back to the nursing home for good. (A). Piper then announces his guests - the two men he claim are the "greatest managers in professional wrestling" - Gary Hart and Skandor Akbar. Piper compliments both, but tries to stir up trouble noting that Hart and Akbar haven't always seen eye to eye. The two managers both claim that they are looking to expand on their stables over the next weeks and months with major client signings. Both claim that they will be able to recruit a better stable than the other, but they end the interview in good terms, with a handshake. (B-).

-A lengthy video plays hyping the long history of the Backlund/David Von Erich rivalry. (B+)

-Bob Backlund cuts a promo hyping the upcoming main event match. Backlund says he's been sitting in the shadows, waiting for this opportunity while the Von Erichs were occupied with the Freebirds. He claims that while David has been obsessed with his Freebird feud, Backlund has been studying David and training for this very moment. (B)

-WCCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
David Von Erich defeated Bob Backlund in 35:09 by pinfall to make his 18th defense of the World Title. (B+).

Overall Show Rating: B-

-Solid show, a B- is always good at our popularity level, especially on the TV show where we're broadcast nationally, across several regions where our popular will grow quickly with shows like this.

-The Hennig/Murdoch storyline got off to a solid in-ring start last week, but the angle segments this week didn't do quite as well. Murdoch has more momentum than anyone on the roster currently, so hopefully Hennig is up for this feud enough so that Murdoch's high momentum is at least maintained. Murdoch teased a possible future feud with David Von Erich, just as Nikita Koloff did earlier this week. Everyone's gunning for David's title.

-It's pretty amazing that Kevin and Adonis, even with bad chemistry, delivered a solid B rated match. There's going to be a lot of time limit draws over the TV title, to emphasize the belt as a very difficult one to win - you have to defeat the champion pretty quickly. This is Kevin's 2nd run with the TV Title this year, after a 2 1/2 month reign near the beginning of the year.

-I don't know if this Koloff storyline will help him out at all, but Nikita's got some serious skills in Charisma, Toughness, Power, Looks, and Star Quality. He's also a decent brawler, but not very sound as a wrestler. I will pair him up with a new manager soon and hope I find some good chemistry.

-A-rated angles are more rare than A-rated matches, and Piper pulled off an A promo when he taunted Bruno Sammartino again. That's one of the hottest storylines in the company right now, and it will continue for a while.

-The Hart/Akbar double interview was kind of random, just a chance to use Piper when I already needed him for this show to advance the Sammartino storyline. Hart and Akbar will indeed increase their stables in the upcoming weeks, and will compete over key free agents.

-I was really tempted to give the title to Backlund here on the whole "David is going to have a letdown post-Freebirds" premise. Instead, Backlund's loss will soon start a storyline for him. I was hoping the match would break an A rating, but it was still solid. Backlund and David have wrestled 1-on-1 14 times - David has won 7 times, Backlund has won 4 times, and there were 3 draws. Their best rated match was an A+, accomplished twice, from the main event of Parade of Champions this May, and from a TV show main event last December.

Last edited by molson : 08-04-2008 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 08-04-2008, 12:02 AM   #641
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-Carlos Colon ended David Schultz' 9-month reign with the WWC Universal Championship, that promotion's top title.

-Road Warrior Hawk arrives late for the last show. I give him a warning, since he wasn't booked, and I don't recall previous issues with him.

-The TV show gets a 2.39 rating. That's a jump from the last few weeks and just .01 from our highest rated show. Our TV contract ends in December, and negotiations open up next week - hopefully our solid ratings will lead to a better timeslot.

-By the way, in this mod, PPV becomes available at the start of 1985, and as a cult promotion, I have access to them. Hopefully that will be a big revenue stream.

-Road Warrior Hawk is being hyped in the dirt sheets as a future star.

-Buddy Roberts will be busy without WCCW - he's signed with WWC in Puerto Rico, where he will work in addition to the AWA and Portland. He's the current co-holder of the Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship with Dutch Mantell.

-Ron Garvin defeated Rip Rodgers for the vacant ICW Heavyweight Championship (ICW was formerly owned by Angelo Poffo, who has since passed ownership on to his son, Randy Savage). ICW was on the brink of death a few months ago, but it appears for now that they will survive. Savage still wrestles from the company, and also just signed a deal to work for WWC.

-A few wrestlers have made complaints: Curt Hennig, Mark Youngblood, and Bruno Sammartino think their push should be better.

Last edited by molson : 08-04-2008 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 08-04-2008, 09:54 PM   #642
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Monday, Week 3, September 1984
Warwick, RI (New England - Tiny Venue)
Expected Attendance: 950 Ticket prices: Default
Actual Attendance: 948

-This is our New England debut, as I try to take small steps to grow our popularity across the country. The show will feature the guys on our roster who have the most popularity in New England (especially in the main event). I have very low expectations for ratings, as we're not well known here.

-Pre-Show Dark Segment
Lance Russell interviews Perry Jackson (F+), and then Al Perez (F), about their match tonight.

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Al Perez defeated Perry Jackson in 7:33 by pinfal (D-). Perez was exhausted by the end of the match.

-Lance Russell interviews Mike Von Erich about his upcoming Cruiserweight Title defense against Villano IV. (E-)

-WCCW Cruiserweight Championship Match.
Mike Von Erich defeats Villano IV in 6:53 by submission to make his 2nd title defense. (C-). Mike was visibly tiring towards the end of the match. The two showed great chemistry.

-Nikita Koloff came to the ring and hyped his "3 minute challenge", throwing in the standard rhetoric about Soviet superiority over the US. (D+)

-Nikita Koloff's 3-minute Challenge
Nikita Koloff defeats Owen Hart in 1:34 by pinfall. (C-)

-Kerry and Kevin Von Erich, the World Tag Team Champions, came to the ring and cut a promo hyping their title defense tonight against Adrian Adonis and Roddy Piper. (C)

-WCCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Kevin and Kerry Von Erich defeat Adrian Adonis & Roddy Piper in 24:42 when Kerry pinned Adonis. The winners make their first title defense (C+). Adonis and Piper looked good.

-Bruno Sammartino came to the ring and cut a lengthy promo, hyping his main event match tonight with Bob Backlund, and telling the fans how great it is to be back in the northeast. He says he respects Bob Backlund as a former WWF World Champion, but says he's been going "a little wild" in WCCW. Sammartino repeats his goal to wear championship gold one more time before he retires, and he hopes a win over Backlund tonight will get him closer to that goal. (B).

-Bob Backlund defeats Bruno Sammartino in 24:11 by pinfall. (B+). The match suffered from a lack of selling. As Backlund was leaving the ring after the match, Adrian Adonis and Roddy Piper ran past him, and attacked Sammartino in the ring. Bruno was able to hold off his attackers briefly, but they soon took control. (C+). Before long, Bruno's son David, watching at ringside, jumped over the ringside barrier and came to his father's aid. (C). David and Bruno are able to fight Adonis and Piper off for a while, but again the heels gain an advantage and continue to the assault. Bob Backlund, who was watching all this from the entrance-way, than charged to the ring and fought off Adonis and Piper himself, saving the Sammartinos. (C+). Backlund then approached a weary Sammartino and offered him a handshake, which the latter accepted. (B-)

Overall Show Rating: B


-Hugely successful show in New England, built around former WWF Champions. Backlund's actually a current WWF Tag Team Champion, as a babyface, with Paul Orndorff.

-This was not an official "face turn" for Backlund, just a positive conclusion to a non-televised regional show. Backlund has shown slight hints of a face turn for a while, and he'll eventually make a full turn in WCCW. As good as he's been for us, he works far better as a babyface.

-This was the WCCW of David Sammartino coming to the ring to aid his father (which didn't work out to well for him). David is currently working through a neck injury, with no timetable on when he'll be back to 100%.

Last edited by molson : 08-05-2008 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 08-04-2008, 10:07 PM   #643
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-Adrian Adonis is exhausted after the last show.

-The dirt sheets are hyping former WCCW Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Landell as a future star. He currently works for Portland Wrestling.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:47 PM   #644
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Wednesday, Week 3, September 1984
Dallas, TX (Small Venue)
Expected Attendance: 5,009; Ticket Prices: default
Actual Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Luke Williams (w/Skandor Akbar) defeats Owen Hart in 8:08 by pinfall. (C+)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Butch Miller (w/Skandor Akbar) defeats Steve Olsonoski in 7:56 by pinfall. (C-) The two showed poor chemistry.

Iceman Parsons defeats Villano IV in 10:21 by pinfall. (B-). After his victory, Bruno Sammartino came to the ring to shake hands with Parsons. Bruno grabs a mic and says he just wanted to fill the fans in on what he and Parsons just agreed to in the back. Sammartino says that Roddy Piper and Adrian Adonis challenged him to a tag team match at Fall Star Wars next week. Bruno said that he was hoping that his son David could team with him, but that David's still working through an injury, and his WCCW debut has been held off. So Bruno said that he looked around the locker room for a guy that reminded him of his son, a guy that has courage and loyalty. Bruno says that while the Freebirds were in control of WCCW, only a couple of guys had the courage to stand up against them, and with the Von Erichs. Bruno points out that it was he and Parsons that got involved in the Cage Clash main event when the Freebirds tried to cheat. That's why, Bruno explains, that he's asked Parsons to be his tag team partner at Fall Star Wars, and he's thrilled that Parsons has accepted. Parsons says that it will be an honor to team with Sammartino, though he may have to teach him some style, as his wardrobe is right out of the 60s. (C+)

-Lance Russell announces that in addition to David Von Erich v. Bobby Eaton for the World Title, and Sammartino/Parsons v. Piper/Adonis, two other matches have been signed over the week for next week's Fall Star Wars Event. He reminds the fans that with no official commissioner or board of directors, these matches were agreed to be the participants themselves. First, Kevin and Kerry Von Erich will defend the World Tag Team Championship against King Kong Bundy & Arturo Mendoza. Also, Mike Von Erich will defend his Cruiserweight Championship against Villano V.

-The Road Warriors defeat Barry Orton & Perry Jackson in 4:14 in a dominating victory. (C-). Road Warrior Animal looked good.

-Curt Hennig defeats Villano V in 7:45 by pinfall. (B). Villano V seemed off his game, but the two showed very good chemistry. Immediately after the match, Dick Murdoch attacked Hennig for a third time. (C+). After a piledriver, Murdoch left Hennig lying in the ring, and grabbed a mic. Murdoch states that until Hennig gives him a rematch, he'll follow him around the country, and deliver a beating in every city. (C+).

-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Doug Somers about his upcoming TV Title shot against Kevin Von Erich. Somers says he's had a very successful few weeks in the ring, and he deserves this shot. He claims that he came close to defeating David Von Erich in Rochester last week. (C). Kevin Von Erich comes to the ring and cuts a promo hyping the match as well. Kevin agrees that Somers has had a good month or so, and he says that's the reason he's giving him a title shot tonight. (B-)

-WCCW Television Championship Match
Kevin Von Erich defeats Doug Somers in 7:37 by submission to make his 3rd title defense. (C+).

-Piper's Pit w/Guests Skandor Akbar and The Sheepherders.
Piper says that it's an honor to have Akbar on his show for the 2nd straight week. Akbar says that The Sheepherders are the most dangerous team in the world, and they're coming after the World Tag Team Titles. Piper brushes talk of the Tag Titles aside, and instead asks the question "everybody wants to know" - why haven't The Sheepherders faced off with The Road Warriors yet? Akbar claims that he's tried to set that match up for months, but the Road Warriors have been hiding. (C-). Soon later, The Road Warriors appear on the set of the Pit. They respond angrily to Akbar's claims, and challenge The Sheepherders to a match at Fall Star Wars. As the Road Warriors get angrier and angrier, WCCW road agents and staff start to fill up the set of the Piper's Pit, seemingly in respect (or fear), of what a brawl between these four men might entail. Akbar clumsily claims that his proposed contracts must have gotten lost in the mail, and then offers a counter-challenge: two 1-on-1 matches at Fall Star Wars, the teams would pair off into singles matches. The Road Warriors reluctantly accept, then begin destroying the set of Piper's Pit as Piper, Akbar, and The Sheepherders scurry away. The WCCW road agents put up little resistance as The Road Warriors bring the set to the ground. (C)

-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Bobby Eaton about his main event match tonight with Kerry Von Erich, the brother of the man he'll face for the World Title next week. Eaton says that he's getting irritated that nobody's giving him any chance at all to win the belt, and that all the fans seem to be siding with David. Eaton says he wants to remind the fans why this match was signed in the first place - David cost Eaton & Koko B. Ware the Tag Team Titles. Eaton says he knows that David had a "greater purpose" in mind, doing what he thought he needed to do to setup the Cage Clash main event and drive the Freebirds out of WCCW. Eaton says he appreciates the fact that the Freebirds are gone, but the bottom line is, David still screwed him over. And further, David only offered this title match out of guilt, and that he obviously doesn't perceive Eaton as a real threat. Eaton says he loves the WCCW fans, and they're just going to have to get used to him as their World Champion. (C+).

-Bobby Eaton defeated Kerry Von Erich in in 25:30 by pinfall. (D+). The match dragged in the middle and suffered from a lack of flow. After the match, Lance Russell interviewed Kerry in the ring, and asked him if he thinks Eaton has a chance against David. Kerry said that he thought David might be in some trouble next week. (B-).

Overall Show Rating: C-


-The awful main event brought the show rating down, but I liked the show, it advanced some storylines, and the show was still good enough to bring up our popularity everywhere except Texas and the midwest.

-That main event was really awful. I'm not sure I've ever seen that particular road agent note about the match having a bad flow. I guess it was just too long. The face v. face dynamic certainly didn't help.

-Eaton's promo wasn't quite a heel promo, but he clearly hasn't gotten over David's decision to help the Freebirds win the titles, as part of the "negotiated deal" that included the Cage Clash main event. Koko B. Ware's been quiet on the subject......I've been trying to build up Eaton's momentum, he's defeated Kerry, Michael Hayes, and Terry Gordy this month. After this main event match, he swapped momentum ratings with Kerry: Eaton moves up to B-, Kerry moved down to C+.

-Somehow I managed to keep The Sheepherders and Road Warriors apart for so long, but their storyline has now heated up. Akbar's strategy to ask for 1-on-1 matches makes sense to me, he feels that the Road Warriors are invincible together. I'm surprised the Piper's Pit segment was rated so low.

-Kevin had a nice match with Doug Somers, who's in the middle of a VERY mild push, he also cut a very strong promo before the match. He's the perfect TV title guy.

-Curt Hennig and Villano V had the match of the night. Hennig's been terrific. His stats are probably a little high for what he was in 1984, but maybe he just did a lot in-game with AWA before I signed him.
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:08 PM   #645
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-With all the announcements and angles from last week's show (plus Hennig's off-air acceptance of Murdoch's challenge), this is the lineup for Fall Star Wars:

WCCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
David Von Erich v. Bobby Eaton

WCCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich v. King Kong Bundy & Arturo Mendoza

WCCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Mike Von Erich v. Villano V

Bruno Sammartino & Iceman Parsons v. Roddy Piper & Adrian Adonis

Curt Hennig v. Dick Murdoch

Road Warrior Hawk v. Luke Williams

Road Warrior Animal v. Butch Miller

-Not surprisingly, the TV rating was down - 2.24 - still higher than what it was 3 out of the last 4 weeks.

-Kerry was late for the last show. He's a repeat offender, so I suspend him one week. He'll be on the shelf until next Saturday's Fall Star Wars.

-Portland Wrestling signed Greg Valentine - they have a pretty strong roster at this point: Valentine, Jerry Lawler, Ted Dibiase, Paul Orndorff, Road Warrior Hawk, Buddy Roberts, even a young Dean Malenko.

-Chris Adams, a guy who I definitely want to bring back to WCCW someday, has suffered a shattered knee that will keep him out more than year. The injury happened in a New Japan tag team match where he was partnered with Davey Boy Smith.

-Curt Hennig, Mark Youngblood, and Bruno Sammartino renew their complaints. I'll address them at the end of the month.

Last edited by molson : 08-07-2008 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 08-08-2008, 05:49 PM   #646
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I'm considering going into the editor and throwing a wacky spin or two into this game. Not right away, but definitely before I ever decide to shelf it for good.

Something like:

-The entire WWF roster is killed in a plane crash. How does the AI handle that?
-The entire WCCW roster is killed in a plane crash. How do I handle that?
-Planes carrying the WWF and WCCW rosters crash into each other, killing both rosters.
-The WWF is sued and has to pay a $10 million settlement
-Ted Turner buys WCCW and invests millions of dollars.


Last edited by molson : 08-08-2008 at 05:51 PM.
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Old 08-13-2008, 02:29 PM   #647
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
Someone PM'd me on my DOTT '08 comment, here was my response. I didn't mean to overstate it, but I just had a bad feeling about it last week:

"I'm hoping my fear is unjustified

The DOTT group announced two projects: DOTT, and a current-day mod. They've already released a beta for the real-life mod. I never tried it, but by all accounts at the Grey Dog Board, the mod was off to a great start and everyone was looking forward to the finished version.

Then it seems like mod-makers got a little sensitive - there were a few too many people criticizing certain aspects of the mod-in-progress, and all of the sudden, the project was completely shelved (and the assumption is that the criticism was responsible, though that was never stated).

I posted there, asked whether we can still expect DOTT, and nobody answered. And there's been no official word on the status of DOTT.

So maybe it's nothing, but I'm not expecting DOTT any time soon.

DOTT Group's Real-Life Mod Thread:
DOTT: Generations - Page 12 - Grey Dog Software

DOTT Mod Thread:"

it appears that the DOTT Mod is back on again according to the greydog forums.
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Old 08-13-2008, 04:57 PM   #648
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Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
it appears that the DOTT Mod is back on again according to the greydog forums.

Great news - it would have been awesome if they went with the rumored 1970s time frame, but still great.

Looking forward to trying it with the AWA.
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Old 08-20-2008, 11:48 PM   #649
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Monday, Week 4, September 1984
Jacksonville, FL (Southeast - Tiny Venue)
Expected Attendance: 1,195 Ticket prices: $1 over Default
Actual Attendance: 1,000 (SOLD OUT)

-Pre Show Dark Segment
Lance Russell conducted interviews with the 3 participants of the pre-show's triple threat match, Perry Jackson (E), Owen Hart (E), and Al Perez (E+)

-Pre-Show Dark Match
-Triple Threat Match - One Fall to a Finish
Owen Hart defeated Al Perez and Perry Jackson when Hart pinned Jackson. (D). Perez was exhausted by the end of the match.

-Lance Russell interviewed Barry Orton about his upcoming match with Curt Hennig. (D)

-Curt Hennig defeated Barry Orton in 8:29 by pinfall. (C). After the match, Hennig announced that he has accepted Dick Murdock's challenge for a rematch at Fall Star Wars later this week. Hennig says that he does this with some reluctance, as he feels that he's giving in to Murdoch's demands after the beatings he's received over the last few weeks. But Hennig ultimately decided that the best way to shut Murdoch up was to pin him again. (C+)

-Bobby Eaton came out to the ring and hyped his match tonight with Kevin Von Erich, and also his shot at the World Title against David at Fall Star Wars. He also puts over his win against Kerry at the TV show last week. Eaton continues to portray himself as the underdog David better not look past. (B-).

-Non-Title Match
Bobby Eaton defeated Kevin Von Erich in 24:42 by pinfall (C-)

-Nikita Koloff comes to the ring with his new manager, Skandor Akbar. Akbar puts over the Russian as a future world champion, and hypes tonight's installment of Koloff's 3-minute challenge. (C)

-3-Minute Challenge
Nikita Koloff (w/Skandor Akbar) defeats Steve Olsonoski in 2:50 by pinfall. (C+). After the match, Akbar orders his client to attack Olsonoski for another minute or so, before calling Akbar off (before anyone could make a save for Olsonoski and "show up" Koloff, like David and others have done in recent weeks) (D+)

-Koko B. Ware comes to the ring and hypes his upcoming main event match with David Von Erich. Ware says that he's surprised how well fans all over the country have treated David after he helped the Freebirds defeat Eaton & Ware for the tag team championship several months ago. Ware says that while David claims he did it for the good of WCCW, and to setup the final battle with the Freebirds, Ware believes that David's motivations were more selfish - he just wanted the Von Erichs to be the only thing that mattered in WCCW. As a result of David's actions, Ware reminds the fans, he's locked into a World Championship Match at next month's Texas Rumble show, against whoever the champion is at the time. Ware claims that both he and Eaton are faster, quicker, and more explosive than any of the Freebirds, and that David won't be able to handle them 1-on-1. (B+).

-Non-Title Match
David Von Erich drew with Koko B. Ware in 19:31 after a double-countout - David and Koko were brawling around ringside at the end of a surprisingly brutal match. (B-). After the bell rang, the brawl continued until Bobby Eaton and Kevin Von Erich came down to ringside to break it up. In the melee, Ware appeared to take a cheap shot at Kevin, who retaliated against Ware with punches and kicks, before all parties were separated. (B+)

Overall Show Rating: B-


-That's a great rating for the Southeast, and a pretty surprising one. The solid main event and the closing angle got us there.

-This show was all about Eaton/Ware and the Von Erichs. Eaton/Ware haven't turned heel, but they're clearly still pissed off about David's actions a few months ago (especially Ware). Ware v. David was a potential preview of the Texas Rumble main event, so it was good to see that they can put together a good match, even when both are faces. Kevin/Eaton on the other hand, didn't work out quite as well.
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Old 08-20-2008, 11:52 PM   #650
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-One of the dirt sheets ran a reader survey to determine "who's the best high flier in wrestling today" - and the winner was Bobby Eaton. He's going into the Fall Star Wars main event with a lot of momentum.
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