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Old 03-15-2024, 09:13 AM   #51
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Her Story Ascends from 50% to 60%

This game is a mess of an idea. It's a google game. You watch videos of women that are "twins" and use the words they say to type other words to search this database. There is this mystery going on about a murder but you aren't even trying to solve it. There is no purpose to this.

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Old 03-16-2024, 07:55 AM   #52
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Book of Demons Ascends from 15% to 20%
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Old 03-16-2024, 11:24 PM   #53
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Cookie Clicker Ascends from 5% to 10%

Yes that moldy oldy cookie clicker is on Steam and there are achs now. I got some classic easy ones.

A stroke of luck - Click 27 golden cookies.

Olden days - Find the forgotten madeleine.

Tiny cookie - Click the tiny cookie.

Tabloid addiction - Click on the news ticker 50 times.

Here you go - Click this achievement's slot.

Just wrong - Sell a grandma.

Stifling the press - Squish the news ticker flat, then click on it.
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Old 03-17-2024, 01:14 AM   #54
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Clicker Heroes comes off of the Shelf of Shame and Ascends to 0+%
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Old 03-18-2024, 05:37 AM   #55
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One of those hidden object / variety puzzle games. Great art. GOod puzzles altho hints a bit too much. Also has this bizarre thing having guns, bullets and dynamite in various places. Better than others I've pklayed altho the voice acting is really terrible.
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Old 03-18-2024, 05:37 AM   #56
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Worked on Portal challenges this week.


Got the ELDER ach from Cookie Clicker having 6 grandma types
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Old 03-18-2024, 06:24 AM   #57
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Faerie Solitaire Ascends from 90% to 95%

This was a surprise one. But I'll take it. I got the Millionaire ach. Just make a million dollars.


Just have one left now. Raise all the pets to adult form....that will take longer esp because I need the resources which aren't that frequent.
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Old 03-19-2024, 03:25 PM   #58
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Rusty Lake Roots Ascends from 85% to 90%

This game as well as all of the Rusty Lake games are escape room puzzle games with a story. So great. So eerie, so macabre. Fantastic in every way. Well for the puzzles they are great, devious and dark. Although sometimes you do run into trouble trying to figure out what you have to click or move and HOW to do that. This game tells the tale of the doomed cursed Vanderboom family whose ancestor discovered an elixir of eternal youth. Most of the family is killed by the Vandboom's youngest son.
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Old 03-21-2024, 11:48 PM   #59
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#49: Murdered: Soul Suspect - A quite original and innovative adventure game with action. Well we could even say pointless annoying action sequences tacked on to make it feel like a more gamey. Anyway you play an edgey cop, so edgey his tattoos have tattoos on them, that must solve his own murder in order to move on to the afterlife to see all your dead pets and exwife. And you do that by getting collectibles, I mean investigating various locations and making arbitrarily worded guesses at what the game wants you to think about like at a murder scene you must deducev that "There was a murder". And then collectibles. There are sidequests galore which entail collecting 17 groups of 2-25 clues/collectibles to 100% the game, including some partial objects floating around that you have to reveal as well as blank wall spaces you have to reveal colelctibles blindly.. THe ghost world is mesmerizing and fun to play around in (despite the horrible demon aciton sequences). It also let's you possess and be a cat! Oh yeah and an entire building full of missable collectibles that force you to restart the whole game if you miss even one. Fun stuff! Now go haunt something!
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Old 03-21-2024, 11:50 PM   #60
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RING OF PAIN Ascends from 50% to 55%

This is one of those card games that's roguelike and ever evolving like Slay the Spire. YOu sit in a nest with cards all around you in a circle. only 2 of them in front. SOme are monsters, some are treasure, you have stats. You attack you defend. YOu die over and over as you figure things out. THere is a weird Owl who owns the nest and tries to help you by giving you stuff. The achievments are hilarious.

One I just got.


It involves equipping the SP0ON weapon and then attacking the owl with it.

so funny
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Old 03-23-2024, 03:36 AM   #61
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Vampire the Masquerade: Cloteries in the arteries Ascends from 85% to 95%

This time I had to finish off Tamika the beast lady's questline as well as the 3rd main character who I called Jacob. Had to complete the game with him plus contact the person from his past.

Really annoyed that I have to do this one more time and have NOBODY save me when the Second Inquisition stake my heart. That group is like the FBI Swat team for hunting vampires. When they break in and stake you and do experiments on you and shut you in a coffin the friends you make along the way rescue you. But this time around you are suppoed to piss off EVERYBODY so that none of them join you and rescue you.

which is weird because I KNOW that ach triggered early on when I first played the game but I know it triggered accidently.

Do games have a way of RElocking achs on future updates?
I seriously did not know that.
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Old 03-31-2024, 09:22 PM   #62
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Book of Demons ascends from 25% to 30%

Hell's Kitchen
Defeat the Cook with any hero

Path to Hell
Leave 10000 footprints in the dungeon

Stomp Better
Destroy 50 Slimy Spores before they explode

Adept Goatherd
Defeat 10 Goatmen

Adept Ghostbuster
Defeat 10 Ghosts

Cleansing Flame
Burn 100 monsters to ashes

Deck Tactics
Equip a slot with a card 100 times in total

Clumsy as an Ox
Miss 500 times

Master Goatherd
Defeat 100 Goatmen

Master Ghostbuster
Defeat 100 Ghosts

Lucky 7
Unlock the 7th cards slot

Unlock very big flexiscope game size

Destroy 500 empty barrels in the dungeon

Cleansing Fire
Burn 300 monsters to ashes

Heart Hoarder
Pick 500 hearts from the ground

Destroy 100 enemy's shields

Dirty Hands
Pick up 100 crap

Organ Harvester
Pick 1000 hearts from the ground

Gossip Girl
Talk 25 times with villagers

Legendary Exterminator
Defeat 1000 Spiders

Poison Ivy
Defeat 30 monsters with poison

Throw bombs 10 times (Warrior only)

Interrupt 10 enemy's spells or skills

Money Isn't Everything
Spent 100000 gold

Adept Exorcist
Defeat 10 Demons

Master Exorcist
Defeat 100 Demons

Legendary Bone Collector
Defeat 1000 Skeletons

Breaking the Ritual
Defeat the Antipope with any hero

Legendary Survivor
Defeat 1000 Zombies

Destroy 10000 monster hearts in total

Shrouded in Mysteries
Identify 20 cards with Sage

Don't Boss Around
Defeat 50 boss monsters

Throw bombs 100 times (Warrior only)

Golden Pot
Have 1 golden award in cauldron

Delicious Stew
Buy content of the Magical Cauldron 10 times
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Old 04-03-2024, 06:53 PM   #63
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Gosh that was hard...took like two weeks of attempts.

and with that

Ring of Pain ASCENDS from 55% to 60%

Anyone who likes card game roguelikes like SLay the Spire might like this one. It's not deckbuilder...but does have that press your luck RPG feel
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Old 04-06-2024, 10:12 PM   #64
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Everything ASCENDS from 45% to 50%

This is a wonderful experience. You start as a creature and can move around changing and possessing all around you. YOu can ascend or descned into smaller or bigger creatures and in the meantime you can hear their thoughts about their existence. You can also hear a older gentleman giving a philosophy lecture on the nature of being. It's very freeform. Love it
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Old 08-28-2024, 05:39 AM   #65
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New Game: Wingspan

Based on the board game....VERY based on the board game. It's perfect.
Absolutely perfect. It handles the game beautifully and sprices it up so it doesn't look like a board. It adds soothing bird music. Pretty bird animation. A soothing voice to recite the facts about each bird you buy. I am totally addicted.

Plenty of achievments to get too....I love all the bird puns and idioms it uses.

Wingspan ascends from Shelf of Shame -> 30%

Favorite achs

Early Bird Gets The Worm - Be the first person to play a bird that eats worms
Birds of a fether - Play three birds worth 5 or more VP in the same habitat
Build Two birds with one stone - Play two birds in one turn
Toucan of my appreciation - Give other players food tokens on at least 5 turns in one game
A Bird in the Hand - Have one bird in your hand and two in the forest by the end of your turn
Fly LIke an Eagle - Play 5 raptors in one game
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Old 09-13-2024, 03:38 AM   #66
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We Were Here Too

The We Were Here series is a set of puzzle games that are first person. The need two people to play them as you always have to work together even tho you are always in different rooms. The other catch is that you have to communicate via wqalkie talkie....and yes you really have to speak to complete the puzzles. They are great and brain teasing and just hard enough. However they always find a way to ruin it by instead of just making something challenging, they make it bullshit. They make the controls wonky and the time too close, etc. Like in this one the stupid puzzle is a 3d maze that one person has to navigate you too under extreme time limits. It's BS in so many ways.

I did enjoy getting an achievmvent each time we completed a puzzle from both sides nonetheless and the names were great.

We Were Here ascends from 0% Shelf of Shame -> 80%

You and your friend can do the whole thing in one sitting and then do the opposite roles in another sitting.
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Old 09-13-2024, 04:09 AM   #67
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Little Misfortune

This is a poiont and click adventure...however it is a HUGE question mark just who this game is intended for. The gameplay is so rudimentary it's like for a preschooler. There are no real choices and very little game. Every now and then there's a minigame. The humor is adult. Oh so very adult. It tries so hard to be funny by being edgey. And it all falls flat. It's not subtle about this either. The main character is a 5-8 year old and every single thing you click on you hear her commenting about. And it's drugs, suicide, death, destruction, vulgarity, sex, more sex, extreme sex, violence, everything....and it's all played up for "humour". The only thing I like about the game is the B story of the Fox character you see occasionally who is trying to save her throughout the story. That's wonderful. Pity the game itself and the writing weren't as good as that plot.

Little Misfortune ascends from 0% Shelf of Shame -> 65%

The achievments aren't that clever almost all of them dealing with doing story things as well as picking up all the dolls you find and none really have clever names. There are a few achievments for just doing random things in the game...which are the most appealing achievments really.
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Old 09-13-2024, 06:05 AM   #68
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60 Parsecs

A Survival Choose Your Own Adventure type...much like FTL without the space combat. Instead of ship combat you have extreme resource management. You choose a captain and load up your escape pod with whatever crew members you want plus any supplies you manage to save. kind of like the opening day of Survivor. Then you drift in space and then crash land on a planet. Every day you have a choice to make and whether you have a good usefgul outcome depends on if you have a good stat or the correct item with you. YOu can craft items and recycle items to craft into other items. YOu have soup to eat and that is the main resource you need to be careful about especially with crew. YOu can also send crew out on expeditions to bring back things like supplies and soup. The writing is actually pretty funny. The survivor bit is a bit on the hard side because the encounters every day are random and it really just depends on luck at that point but eventually you will run out of everything or make the wrong choice. THe worst part is when you send a crew member out to a place and they don't come back....along withwhatever supplies you sent with them.
It actually kept me amused for a few games so far.

60 Parsecs! ascends from 0% -> 15%

There seem to be quite a few achievments too which is great. SOme exist for doing basic stuff while others for really specific things....also good
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Old 09-13-2024, 06:09 AM   #69
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An action Platformer with a mexican style. Juan is an ordinary man. And then he becomes a superhero. He must save the princess and the town from evil guys and beat them up. YOu get special moves, etc. It's fun but some sections get hard rather fast. Granted I'm playing with keyboard and it recommends controller like all smart people should in a platformer.

Guacamelee ascends from Shelf of Shame to 0+%
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