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Old 04-15-2020, 09:24 PM   #51
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
When you and the captain return to the main deck of the Seasprite, Ghol-Tabras is little more than a tiny speck shimmering on the far horizon. Your daring leap from the harbour bridge is still the talk of the crew and they are eager to shake your hand when Radyard proudly shows you around his ship. The Siyenese are a friendly crew with a keen sense of humour that they readily share. You enjoy being in their company and the next three days at sea pass effortlessly. On the evening of the fourth day, Radyard drops anchor off the coast at a place called Kastrow’s Door. It is a narrow strait that runs between the jungle mainland and the Isle of Kobra. The night is calm and clear, and the stirrings of a warm southerly breeze promise fine sailing for the following day. Yet despite these good omens you awaken next morning feeling ill at ease. As you are leaving your cabin to go on deck, suddenly you hear the lookout in the crow’s nest shout a warning that chills your blood: ‘Man o’war off the starboard bow!’

You climb the stairs to the foredeck and scan the horizon for signs of a pirate raider. Less than a mile away you can see a huge vessel with a purple mainsail sailing towards the strait. Captain Radyard appears at your side and he views the approaching craft through his telescope.

‘Weigh anchor!’ he orders. ‘Unfurl all canvas. I want every ounce of speed she’ll give us, lads.’ The captain’s urgent orders stir the crew into a frenzy of activity. As they set about their duties, you ask Radyard what is wrong. Without taking his eye from his telescope he says:

‘That’s Sesketera’s flagship—The Triasus. I’d recognize her sails anywhere. That scoundrel must want you badly to have sent the pride of his battle fleet after the likes of us.’

With all canvas lowered, the Seasprite cuts a rapid course through the glassy blue waters of Kastrow’s Door. Yet The Triasus has the advantage and relentlessly she closes the gap until no more than 30 yards of water separate her from the Seasprite’s starboard beam. The Siyenese cajole and curse and wave their fists at their pursuers, but their bravado soon crumbles when they find themselves staring into the muzzles of a double row of wide-bored naval cannon. A warning shot from a swivel gun whistles through the Seasprite’s rigging, and then you hear the voice of Sesketera himself.

‘Surrender the Northlander to me, captain,’ he shouts, through a loudhailer, ‘or I’ll have my gunners blow your ship out of the water!’

Radyard glances at you with fear in his eyes. He knows that he cannot outrun The Triasus, and he also knows that Sesketera is not a man who is given to making idle threats.

Radyard is clearly impressed by your act of selflessness and he thanks you. He orders his crew to hoist the sails, and he tells his bo’sun to wave a white flag from the stern deck to signal to Sesketera that he is complying with his command. A longboat is launched from The Triasus to collect you. It is carrying an officer and six marines, each armed with a half-pike and a Bor pistol. You present yourself to the officer and he ties your hands with cord before placing you aboard the boat. Radyard and his crew watch grim-faced as the longboat pushes off and begins its return run. Four of the marines are rowing whilst the officer and the other two watch you closely, the tips of their shortened naval pikes never wandering far from the vicinity of your heart. You turn to look to the jungle shore, less than half a mile distant, and suddenly a bold plan springs into your mind.

(I use KS)

You muster your psychic power and launch a Mindblast at the officer. The man begins to shake. Then he drops his pistol and clutches his head with both hands. His sudden shriek of agony alarms the marines and, in the confusion, you are able to take a deep breath and throw yourself over the side.

Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus soon frees you from the cord that binds your wrists and you strike out for the distant shore. Only once you have passed beyond the shadow of Sesketera’s flagship do you dare come up for air. As you break the surface, you notice that the crew of The Triasus are scouring the sea, straining themselves to catch a glimpse of where you are. A marine on the prow deck spots you and, to your surprise, Sesketera’s crew begin to laugh and jeer.

You are trying to fathom the reason for their laughter when suddenly you are struck in the back by a heavy, powerful blow.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you have picked is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) reduce your ENDURANCE score by 3. If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0) reduce your ENDURANCE score by 5.

(Even, 5 damage)

The shock of the unexpected blow knocks the air from your lungs and somersaults you down into the water. You draw upon your Kai skills to numb your pain and gather your senses and, as your vision clears, you discover that you are still in one piece. However, the satchel containing the Moonstone is no longer slung around your shoulder. The strap has broken and you glimpse the bag sinking towards a coral reef, five fathoms below. Suddenly you sense movement in the water and you twist around. Speeding towards you comes a marine monster; it is returning after having rammed you in the back. It resembles a gigantic crocodile, but one with a blunt-muzzled head and scales of dull grey horn. As it closes for the kill its great jaw swings open revealing a ghastly red maw lined with dozens of dagger-like fangs.

(I fight here)

You steel yourself to attack the creature as it spreads its massive jaws and gets ready to devour you whole.


This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack. Unless you possess Grand Nexus, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 due to your desperate lack of oxygen. You are unable to consume any potions prior to the combat. If the Kai Weapon you wield is ‘Ulnarias’ or ‘Spawnsmite’, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

(My CS with KS is 51-4 for a +7. I toss a 1, another 1, and then a 7. I take 12 and he has 25 damage. Then i toss another 1. 32 and 17. I follow with a non-1 at 8. 44 and 19. I slay it after tossing a mighty barely not-a-one TWO. I finish a +7 battle with a massive 24 damage. I am down to 10/34. EDIT - I Think that's the worst I;ve ever rolled in battle! Three 1s and one 2! )
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent

Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-15-2020 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:34 PM   #52
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The monster writhes in its death throes, spreading its blood like a huge crimson cloud through the warm tropical sea. For a fleeting moment you surface to take a breath; then you dive through the cloud of blood and retrieve your lost satchel from the coral reef. Having regained your precious charge, you stay submerged and swim towards the shore.

Aching and close to exhaustion, you crawl from the sea and work your way slowly up the beach to the cover of a fallen toa tree. Here you lie upon the wet sand and look out at the two ships standing half a mile off the coast. The longboat from The Triasus is circling the bloodstained water and its crew appear to be searching for your remains.

While you are observing the longboat, you repair the broken satchel strap and check the condition of your Backpack and Weapons. Whilst doing this you discover that you lost one Backpack Item during your underwater battle.

Erase from your Action Chart the third item which you have recorded on your list of Backpack Items.

(I lost a meal).

Soon the longboat abandons its search and returns to The Triasus. You watch as both ships unfurl their sails and depart from the coast, The Triasus heading north and the Seasprite sailing south. Sesketera must be satisfied that you perished during your encounter with the terrible Nigumu-sa. Your only regret is that Captain Radyard and his crew probably believe this to be true as well.

When you can no longer see the two ships, you take out your map and unfold it on the sand. Aided by your Kai tracking skills, you determine that you have come ashore at the tip of a mainland peninsula, at a point close to the Isle of Kobra. The nearest city is Masama. It lies over 300 miles away to the southwest, beyond a wide expanse of dense jungle and hills. The thought of traversing this uncharted territory, alone and on foot, is one that fills you with dread. But you take comfort in the knowledge that you survived your battle in the sea and that you still possess the Moonstone

You are tired and hungry after your ordeal. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You set off along the shore, keeping the waters of the Gulf of Serpents in sight to help you gauge your progress. The jungle bordering this coast is teeming with wildlife yet you detect no sign of tribal inhabitants. After your encounter with the natives of Dlash-da Ralzuha, you decide that perhaps this is a blessing. You spend the first night encamped on the beach, and then you begin your trek early the following day.

Fine weather, wild game, and an abundance of freshwater streams make your trek far easier than expected. On the fourth day you happen upon an ancient track that climbs into the hills and joins a newer trail. Your tracking skills reveal human footprints but your excitement wanes when you determine that they are more than six months old. Steadily the trail climbs higher into the hills until you lose sight of the gulf waters. As darkness approaches it begins to rain. Within an hour it has become a torrential downpour that turns the trail into a fast-flowing stream. It becomes impossible to continue and so you search for somewhere dry to spend the night. Your tracking skills lead you to a cave, but when you enter you realize at once that you are not the only creature seeking shelter here tonight. You see the glint of amber eyes at the rear of the cave and you detect growling, loud enough to be heard above the noise of the pounding rain. Your instincts tell you that there are two creatures lurking here in the recesses of the cave, and that they are both hungry, scared, and potentially dangerous.

( I do not have Bard or AM, but I do use KS)

You summon a Mindblast and project it into the depths of the cave. The creatures lurking there are susceptible to your powerful psychic charge and it makes them howl in pain and frustration. In a state of blind panic, two wolf-like animals suddenly rush past you to disappear into the rain-swept jungle. Confident that they will not return, you settle yourself down upon a bed of soft mosses and drift off to sleep.

You wake the following morning to find that the torrential rain has ceased. Lying in the mud at the mouth of the cave are several orange-shaped fruits which have been dislodged from the surrounding trees by the deluge. You soon discover they are edible and you enjoy some for breakfast before continuing your trek. (There are sufficient fruits for another 3 Meals.)

The heavy overnight rains have transformed the hill track into a muddy ditch which makes the going difficult. Yet it is still the quickest way through this jungle territory and you stay with the track until it comes to the bank of the swollen River Ocka. There was once a bridge at this point, but your tracking skills tell you that it has been washed away during the night. You are about to set off along the bank in search of somewhere to cross when suddenly you hear a desperate cry for help. You turn and see a man being swept downstream by the river. His head is barely above the surface and you can see at once that he is near to drowning.

(I replace my lost meal, I like to keep spares for just the reason you saw above. I use Elementalism)

You direct your Kai powers at the river in an attempt to divert its current and send the drowning man towards the safety of the bank. However, the current proves too strong to be altered using your Discipline of Elementalism alone, and you are physically and mentally weakened by the exertion of your attempt: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Having discovered that you cannot help the drowning man using your Grand Mastery alone, you are forced to resort to more direct and conventional methods. As he goes under for the last time, you dive into the muddy water and swim across the surging current. Guided by your Sixth Sense, you locate his body and then pull him to the surface. You fight to maintain your grip as the powerful current sweeps you downstream, and you are propelled along for more than a mile before it finally deposits you on the opposite bank. As you drag the man from the water, you notice a group of huts in the distance. You are about to haul the unconscious man over your shoulder and set off towards them, when suddenly you detect that he has no pulse. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Curing you are able to restart his heart and empty the water from his lungs, yet you are unable to restore him to full consciousness. The sudden sound of voices makes you look towards the huts where you see a group of natives pointing excitedly in your direction. They are all wearing jerkins and loincloths made from animal hide, clothing that is identical to that worn by the man you have saved from the river. You call to them and wave your arms to attract their attention and they quickly respond. You are expecting them to be pleased that you have saved one of their kinfolk, but as they come closer you are shocked by their unexpected response
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:48 PM   #53
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The natives are angry. They come running towards the river bank, screaming and slashing the air with their primitive weapons. Their leader shouts at you and, although his dialect is unfamiliar, you are able to understand enough to hear that the man you have saved from the river is a thief and a murderer. He escaped from the settlement last night during the rainstorm, and the leader is accusing you of being his accomplice and of helping him to escape. He says that the river gods have brought you back to their village to pay for your crimes. You attempt to protest your innocence but the leader refuses to listen. He confiscates all of your equipment, including your Kai Weapon, your Belt Pouch, your Backpack, and the satchel containing the Moonstone, and then he has his men march you away to their village where you are locked in a hut. Shouting through the closed door, he tells you that the village elders will meet tomorrow at noon to decide your fate.

A few hours later you overhear two guards outside the hut and you are shocked to learn that the man you saved from the river has since been executed. They say that the elders of the village decreed that he should be weighted with rocks and thrown back into the water. You have no wish to suffer a similar fate and so you quickly set about finding a way to escape from this hut.

(I use KA)

You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and point at the wall of the hut, at a place directly opposite the guarded door. A tingle runs down your arm and a bolt of blue-white fire arcs from your outstretched hand to blow a ragged hole through the bamboo timbers. You run at this hole and charge the weakened wall with your shoulder. It splinters and splits open, enabling you to force yourself through the gap and escape

( I am getting captured too often in this series.)

Night has fallen since you were first imprisoned in the hut and you are able to use the cover of darkness to avoid being seen. You are anxious to escape from this place but you are not prepared to leave without first retrieving the Moonstone, your Weapons, and your confiscated equipment.

You allow your Kai Sixth Sense to guide you to where your Kai Weapon is being stored. It is a large wooden shack at the centre of the settlement, and it is occupied by the village elders. Soon the news of your disappearance prompts the leader to order a search. You stay hidden until the shack is empty and the coast is clear, and then you enter it by means of an open window. Inside you discover all of your confiscated equipment, as well as several other items which could prove useful during your quest:

6 Arrows
3 Fish Hooks
Bottle of Rice Wine
Short Sword
Crystal Prism (Special Item)

Having restored your equipment, you leave the shack and make your way into the jungle. Your Kai skills enable you to avoid the villagers and make a swift escape westwards into the hills

(I take the Prism, and swap a meal for the Rice Wine)

Three miles from the village you discover a jungle trail. You keep to this trail and stay on the move all night, foregoing rest in order to distance yourself from the hostile natives. Shortly before dawn, you crest a wooded ridge and see the port of Masama in the distance. It lies astride a wide river that is dotted with many trading ships and fishing boats.

As you approach the port, your muddy and dishevelled appearance attracts jibes from the children of Masama. Stung by their rude remarks, you decide that you are in desperate need of a bath and so you go down to the river bank to wash away the worst of the grime. While you are here you notice that the two halves of the town are connected by a series of wooden bridges. The opposite side of the river is home to the business district. Here are wharves and warehouses and a quay that is filled to overflowing with trading ships and barges. The Seasprite was bound for this port, and although you cannot see her moored among the scores of ships at the quay, you decide to go there and check if Radyard and his crew are still in port.

You cross the river by bridge and enter a market square bordered by warehouses, taverns, and busy trade emporia that are crowded with foreign crews. As your keen eye wanders around this bustling scene, you try to decide where first to look for Radyard and his men.

(I head to the Emporium)

You enter the crowded emporium and marvel at the sheer variety of goods that are for sale—Lencian silverware, spices from Mhytan, animal hides from southern Karnali, to name but a few. There is even pottery and ironware from your homeland, all stacked side by side upon the shelves and counters that fill this busy store.

You make your way to a counter and ask a moon-faced youth in a leather apron if he knows the whereabouts of Radyard, the master of the Seasprite. He has never heard of the captain, but he is eager to help and he does not want to lose your custom. He invites you to look around the emporium while he goes and asks his employer.

You browse along the shelves and, although you find many of the items fascinating, there are only six that you would consider purchasing: a hammer, a coil of rope, a silver-backed mirror, a blanket, a steel flask, and a pewter goblet.

The youth returns shortly and you see him shaking his head. He is unable to help you find Radyard and his crew.

The youth takes a list from his apron pocket and reels off the prices of the items as you point to them on the shelves:
Hammer 1 Noble
Rope 2 Nobles
Silver Mirror 2 Nobles
Blanket 1 Noble
Steel Flask 1 Noble
Pewter Goblet 1 Noble

All items must be paid for in Nobles (Gold Crowns are not accepted here). If you wish to purchase any of the above, do so and adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

The youth thanks you for your custom and as you turn to leave he suggests that you ask after Captain Radyard at the Warehouse. You thank him and you take his advice.

(I swap a meal for the Mirror, I head to the Warehouse)

‘Sir, before you go, maybe you have something you’d like to sell?’ pipes the youth. ‘We’re always interested in exotic items of special value.’

The young trader will pay the prices that are indicated for the following items:
Nhang Doll 12 Nobles
Crystal Prism 8 Nobles
Scava Liqueur 4 Nobles

(I could sell, but I have 33 crowns right now, I'm good!)

Inside you discover that the building is filled with vast quantities of raw and basic commodities such as metals, grain, cloth, timber, and leather. As you inspect these basic materials you come across several crates of linen that are branded with a crown and star, the mark of Siyen. Your Kai senses tell you that it could be part of Radyard’s cargo.

The owner of the warehouse approaches and asks the nature of your business. He has an oily smile that you could find easy to dislike. You ask if he knows Captain Radyard and his slippery smile turns into a scowl:

‘I charge for information,’ he snaps. ‘Hand over 3 Nobles or be on your way.’

(I give him 3 crowns, I have 30 left)

The owner pockets the coins and then he gives you a sly smile.

‘Radyard upped anchor and sailed two days ago. He’s gone back north to Siyen. It looks like you got here too late, friend.’

‘Thanks … for nothing,’ you say, as you walk out of the warehouse and return to the square. As you are looking around and wondering where next to go, you suddenly notice that there is something happening at the end of a street that leads away from the quayside. You decide to investigate and you soon discover that the street leads to a large courtyard. Here the women of Masama are selling their wares, spread out upon gaily-decorated market stalls. Unlike at the warehouses and emporia at the quayside, the people who attend this market all appear to be natives of the city. As you pass by one stall you overhear two women talking about a place called Kitaezi. One of them is insisting that the whole city has been placed under a curse. You are about to turn back and ask her more about this city when suddenly you are approached by a tall woman who is swathed from head to toe in a fine blue robe. Anxiously she asks if you are a healer, and her piercing grey eyes continually dart to the satchel slung over your shoulder. It is as if she knows that you are carrying the Moonstone

Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that she means you no harm. You sense that she is greatly troubled, and when you ask what is wrong, she says that her daughter, Harni, is gravely ill. She pleads with you to come and help her, and although you deny that you are a healer, you feel compelled to answer her desperate plea for help.

The woman leads you through the shabby streets of Masama to her house on the boundary of the town’s wealthy quarter. It is a two-storey dwelling, modest in comparison to others nearby yet richly appointed, with servants, a stable, and a fragrant orchard of guyan trees. You are ushered upstairs to where a young girl lies in a darkened room. She has a fever and a sickly grey pallor that makes her look more than twice her age. You recognize at once that she is suffering from Mysua. It is a disease that is spread by swamp flies and is not uncommon among the jungle-dwellers of Shadaki.

Using your Magnakai Curing skills, and aided by the presence of the Moonstone, you are able to neutralise the infection that has ravaged this young girl’s body. Within a few hours her fever has disappeared and a healthy colour returns to her face. She shows every sign they she will make a complete recovery. Her mother is overjoyed and she thanks you repeatedly. She insists that you stay here as her guest and she provides you with your own room overlooking the river.

Over a delicious evening meal prepared by her servants, you learn that her name is Tiosanna. She is the widow of a wealthy trader who was killed at sea when his ship was attacked and plundered by buccaneers. When her only daughter recently fell ill with fever, she feared she was going to lose her as well. She rarely goes to the market, yet a strange compulsion made her go today. She cannot explain, but the moment she saw you she knew that it was within your power to save her daughter’s life.

You retire early to bed and sleep soundly (you may restore 6 ENDURANCE points). When you rise at dawn, you are feeling fresh and eager to continue your journey to the Isle of Lorn. In appreciation for saving her daughter’s life, Tiosanna gives you a horse. Gladly you accept her generous gift and you bid them both a fond farewell before you set off along ‘The Dragon’s Tail’—the name given by the natives of this region to the overland route from Masama to the city of Kitaezi.

After consulting your map you estimate that it should take you no more than two days to reach Kitaezi. The weather has settled and the overland trail proves far smoother than its given name implies. By mid-afternoon you have covered more than 50 miles and you are pleased with your progress

You are passing through a range of forested hills and gullies when you come to an unexpected fork in the trail. A signpost says that both branches of this fork lead to Kitaezi, yet it does not give any indication which is the shorter or the safer route to take.
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent

Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-15-2020 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:11 PM   #54
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
( I head left. Always go left and up!)

A little way past the fork, the trail passes around a rocky escarpment and ascends through dense jungle to a forested ridge. Beyond the ridge lies a deep gorge, spanned by a sturdy rope bridge. The floor of the bridge is laid with shorn timbers that are wide enough to allow a wagon to pass. You ride onto the bridge and you are halfway across when its timber floor begins to sway violently. Quickly you dismount and use your Kai Discipline of Animal Control to calm your startled horse. There seems to be no reason for the bridge to be pitching back and forth, but when you look over the side you catch sight of a rope that is attached to its underside. This line descends to a crevice in the wall of the gorge and it is being repeatedly pulled taut and then released. From out of the crevice there issues a commanding voice: ‘Throw your money and possessions into the gorge!’ When you hesitate to obey, the voice says: ‘Do it now, or you’ll never get off the bridge alive!’

(I use Elementalism)

You focus your powers at some loose rocks that overhang the crevice, and you see them shudder under the force of your will. Suddenly they collapse and come crashing down, severing the rope as they tumble past the crevice to disappear into the gorge below. As the floor of the bridge ceases to sway, you quickly remount your horse and coax him across to the far side. You can hear angry voices echoing from the gorge as you spur him to the gallop and escape along the jungle trail that continues beyond the bridge

You ride the trail for more than an hour before you come to a shallow ford across a fast-flowing stream. After resting here to let your horse drink his fill, you press on and enter a region of jungle highlands. Night draws in and you halt to make camp among a cluster of wind-worn boulders, close to the trail. The area is carpeted with thick grasses that make ideal fodder for your horse. After making sure that his reins are securely fixed to a rock, you settle yourself down to rest.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, before you go to sleep you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You are awoken in the middle of the night by a hideous cry. Your horse is startled and terrified by this gruesome sound and he tugs frantically against his reins. Seconds later you are up on your feet, your keen eyes scouring your surroundings for some sign of the threat. Your Kai skills are alerting you to an imminent and deadly danger, a hidden enemy who possesses a strong magical aura.

You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and crouch behind a boulder. Suddenly the air before you shimmers and takes form, causing you to gasp in disbelief. Something is growing out of the very darkness itself! You glimpse its misshapen head and hunched body; then its outline seems to waver. It flickers and sparkles, as if it is caught between two planes of existence. Suddenly there is a brilliant flash and a sparkling arc of energy leaps from the shimmering mirage to come speeding towards your face.

(I do not have Grand Nexus)

The bolt hits you and a brilliant flash of white light obliterates your senses: lose 8 ENDURANCE points. For a few moments you lose consciousness; then your senses return and you struggle to your feet. Stunned and disoriented, you shake your head in an effort to clear your blurred vision. Images swirl before your eyes, weaving and coalescing to create a fearful sight. The flickering night-creature has fixed itself to the neck of your horse like some nightmarish vampire. Tethered by his reins, your mount is unable to escape from the leech-like maw of this supernatural creature.

(I use KA)

Quickly you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and extend your arm towards the head of the creature. A bolt of blue-white fire leaps from your fingers and explodes when it strikes the being, drawing out a shriek of agony. You sense that your attack has weakened this magical beast, and you rush forward to strike it with your Kai Weapon while you have the advantage.


This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge). If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Valiance’, add +8 to your COMBAT SKILL (instead of +5).

(My CS is 51 with KS. I use it. I have lost 14 EP from the blast just now and i had 6 left from earlier, i toss a 0 and a 2. I take 5 and he 25. a 4 finishes and I finish with 22 total damage.)

As you deal the creature the killing blow, its body crackles and disintegrates into a million motes of light that dissolve into the darkness like a swarm of fleeing fireflies. You rush to aid your horse who is lying motionless among the boulders, but sadly you discover that it is already too late to save him.

Fear and uncertainty haunt you as patiently you await the dawn. The being that attacked and slew your mount was not of this world; it was a creature born wholly of evil magic. With a gnawing sense of dread, you leave at first light and follow the jungle trail to the west. The forest and vegetation are teeming with life, yet as you go deeper into the jungle so the sounds become fewer and more distant. By midday you have covered 20 miles and arrived at a place where there are no sounds at all. The eerie silence surrounds you for several miles further until your Kai hunting skills detect a faint noise. It drifts towards you from among the towering trees to the right of the jungle path. Cautiously you leave the trail and make your way towards the source of this solitary sound.

(I do not have Assimilance)

Using your camouflage skills and the natural cover afforded by the jungle ferns, you stalk ever closer to the source of the strange sound. You sense that the source is evil, yet still you feel compelled to discover what it is that lurks at the heart of this eerie forest.

(I do have Grand Path)

You have cause to be thankful for your Grand Mastery when you detect the outline of a man’s body high in the boughs of a nearby tree. His limbs and torso are painted with forest colours that help keep him hidden, and you hazard a guess that he is a lookout for a remote jungle tribe.

You sense that he has failed to detect your presence. Rather than run the risk of being seen, you make a wide detour around his tree before continuing deeper into the jungle.
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent

Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-15-2020 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:18 PM   #55
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As you draw closer to the sound, you detect that it is a strange vocal chant, a low ululation that sends shivers coursing down your back. You feel that you are very close to the source when suddenly, through the trees ahead, you see a clearing where a large crowd of tribal natives are gathered.

From the cover of the bordering undergrowth you watch a crow-faced man in tattered black robes standing at the centre of this crowd. He is uttering the chilling chant. Before him, on a stone altar, there lies the decaying remains of a body encased in rotting swathings. Your Kai senses reveal to you that the robed man is a Kitaezi Shaman, an evil necromancer who has enslaved these natives with his power. You sense also that it is the same power that was used to create the creature that attacked and slew your horse last night.

Suddenly the terrible sound of the chant ceases and the Shaman shrieks with rage. He points to where you are hiding and your heart sinks. He has detected your presence. He pounds the altar with his fist and to your horror, you see the decaying remains begin to shift and stir into life. The Shaman intones a dark spell and the grisly corpse leaves the altar and comes stalking towards you, its fleshless arms outstretched. Waves of psychic energy buffet your mind. They paralyse you and keep you from escaping. You summon your psychic Kai defences and break this powerful spell, yet it is now too late to turn and run from the Shaman’s horror—it is almost upon you. Instinctively you reach to your satchel for you sense that the Moonstone is all that can save you from this creature’s ghastly embrace. You pull open the flap to reveal the magical stone and the effect is devastating.

he corpse-creature implodes the very instant that it is struck by the radiant light of the Moonstone. Air and loose earth rush past you to be sucked into the vacuum formed by its sudden destruction, and you are forced to cling to the ground for fear of being dragged into this crushing vortex. Then, with stunning abruptness, the swirling vacuum shoots skywards and vanishes among the clouds.

The Shaman howls with mortal terror and flees into the jungle, his power destroyed. The natives stagger drunkenly, as if suddenly they have awoken from a trance. They fall to their knees and begin to worship you, for they recognize that you have broken the Shaman’s spell and they are in awe of your power.

You allow the natives to escort you to Kitaezi, their coastal city, where you are treated like a hero by the impoverished populace. You learn that Kitaezi was once a thriving port before the arrival of Ulonga the Shaman. He used his power to overthrow the tribal chieftain, enslave the people, and drive away the traders. For a year he has been the bane of this port and its poor citizens, but now he is gone and the people are eager to celebrate his demise. They smash the many statues and likenesses of Ulonga that stand in every public square and they sing and dance through the streets.

At a ceremony held in the city’s main square, you are bedecked with garlands of flowers and presented with three special items:

Pouch of Seota Dust (Restores 10 ENDURANCE points. One use only.)
Talisman of Defiance (Adds +2 to COMBAT SKILL.)
Eye of Lhaz (Enables user to exert control over poisonous snakes.)

All of the above are Special Items which you keep in the pockets of your tunic. Record them on your Action Chart and note their special properties.

(I take all three!)
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:32 PM   #56
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The celebrations go on throughout the night, but you are able to find a quiet place to sleep for a few hours before dawn breaks over this happy city. When you tell the people that you must leave and continue your journey south, they are saddened by the news. They want you to stay as their new chieftain, but you persuade them that they must choose a new leader from among their own tribe. Before you leave they provide you with a mule and some food (enough for up to 3 Meals).

By mule you expect the overland journey from Kitaezi to Caeno to take no more than three days. It is a rough, potholed trail and yet your mule never once misses his footing or causes you to fall. During the afternoon of the second day you enter the foothills of the Hulhuk Mountains and see a plume of black smoke rising into the sky. It comes from behind a treeless ridge, less than half a mile from the trail. The sound of anguished voices can be heard on the wind and these cries prompt you to leave the trail and investigate. As you crest the ridge you see a small native village. Several of the huts are on fire and its people are trying desperately to save their livestock and quell the raging flames.

(I use Elementalism)

You dismount from your mule and hurry into the village. The fiercest fire is raging through the roof of the largest hut which dominates the centre of the settlement, and it is here that you use your Kai skill to best effect. You suppress the flames, shrinking them and containing them so that the villagers are able to approach with buckets of water and put out the blaze.

When all of the smaller fires in the surrounding huts have also been extinguished, the elder of the village thanks you for your timely help. He tells you that the fire was started deliberately by a dragon that dwells in the Hulhuk Mountains.

‘It is the bane of our humble village,’ he says, shaking his head sadly. ‘We fear that it will return this night to finish us.’ Seeing the Kai Weapon sheathed at your side, the elder looks at you with hope in his eyes. He begs you to stay here tonight and help rid the village of its bane.

(I help!)

The elder spreads the news to his people that you have agreed to help them and they cheer you loudly. The women of the village bring you food and wine (restore 3 ENDURANCE points), and the children make it their duty to see that your mule is watered and fed.

At sunset, you follow the elder and a dozen of the village men to a rocky outcrop which overlooks the settlement. They have prepared several hiding places among the rocks where they can lie in wait for the dragon. They are armed with spears and bows, and you note that they have a plentiful supply of arrows. You take cover with the elder and wait patiently for the dragon to arrive. You do not have to wait very long. In the fading light of dusk you see the creature come gliding down from the mountains. The elder tells his men to ready their bows and, as they carry out his order, you see him smile. He seems to be relishing the thought of avenging the damage this creature has caused. The dragon circles above the village and then comes swooping over the outcrop. It is now within arrow range

(I use KA)

The villagers fire their bows and every arrow strikes the dragon, yet none of them penetrate the creature’s scaly hide. You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and direct your bolt of energy at the creature’s belly as it soars directly overhead. It hits the creature and makes it shudder, but it does not deflect it from its chosen course.

The dragon circles the village once more and then hovers above the burnt-out remains of the central hut. You observe the creature and your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that it has not come here bent on destruction. It is seeking something in the charred ruins

You magnify your vision and focus on the tangle of burnt timber and ash that lies heaped inside the ruined hut. You are unable to see anything clearly, but you sense that there is something lying buried there. You tell the elder of your discovery and you see a flicker of fear in his old eyes. He says that there is nothing in the hut that could be of interest to the dragon, but your senses tell you otherwise. They also tell you that he is lying.

A group of villagers armed with long spears rush to the hut and attempt to stab the dragon. The creature roars at them and then flaps its leathery wings and begins to circle around the settlement once more. You slip away from your hiding place and hurry down to the ruins for you are determined to discover what it is that the dragon is seeking. Guided by your Sixth Sense, you uncover a bronze statuette from beneath the ashes. Then the dragon returns. It lashes out at the villagers with its clawed forelimbs and smashes their spears to matchwood. The men retreat in confusion and the dragon lands and settles itself beside the hut. You move to unsheathe your weapon but you freeze when suddenly the dragon speaks to you. The creature has the voice of a man.

The dragon pleads with you for the return of the statuette, for he says that it will remove the curse that has changed his shape. Your Kai senses detect that the creature speaks the truth, and that he is not the evil bane that the elder and the villagers have led you to believe. You notice that the elder and his men have left their hiding places and are now running towards the hut. You focus on the elder and see that a strange transformation has taken place. He is no longer the frail old man that he was; his face has become younger and it is contorted with a savage rage. Your Kai senses detect an aura of evil that is chillingly familiar. It is identical to that which surrounded Ulonga the Shaman and you sense that he, too, is a necromancer. He orders his men to take aim at you with their bows and blindly they obey his command. The dragon urges you to escape with him while you are able, and hurriedly you rush forward to climb upon his back as the first volley of arrows comes whistling through the hut.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.

(I toss a 3)

Your speed and Kai reflexes keep you safe from the deadly hail of arrows that follow in your wake as you escape from the village astride the back of the winged dragon.

The dragon lands at his lair in the mountains and folds his wings to allow you to climb down easily from his scaly back. Carefully you place the bronze statuette into his clawed hand and witness a wondrous transformation take place. Slowly the dragon shrinks and its body changes into that of a tall man with a proud and noble countenance. He introduces himself to you as Cresosa, the leader of the Rivorzha tribe who dwell on the eastern slopes of the Hulhuk Mountains. Unlike the villagers, Cresosa’s people have resisted Ulonga’s evil rule, even though their resistance has forced them out of their coastal villages to seek refuge in the mountains. The statuette has broken a curse placed upon Cresosa by Ulonga the Shaman, and now he is able to return to his people and lead them back to their abandoned homes.

Before you say farewell, Cresosa offers you two Potions of Laumspur (each of these Backpack Items will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat). He then gives you directions which take you back to the trail, to a place where a bridge crosses a steep-banked river. Your map tells you that this is a tributary of the River Ito, and you decide to stop here to rest until dawn before continuing your trek to Caeno on foot.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

(I quaff the pots immediately and drop my current damage to 4)
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:43 PM   #57
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You reach Caeno in the early evening. For all its great size and former splendour, this city has the appearance of a half-deserted ruin. The famous grand mansions of its northern quarter are now little more than dilapidated shells, and its paved avenues are broken and overgrown with weeds. Yet despite its state of neglect and decay, Caeno is a crowded city, especially at this time of the year.

You discover why as you make your way through its twisting, soot-blackened streets. On every other wall there hangs a gaudy yellow poster announcing the Caeno Derby, an annual race that attracts visitors from all over Magnamund. The race is to be run tomorrow and the inns and boarding houses are overflowing with customers. After a long search, you finally discover a shabby inn called The Song of the Silver Star that has a vacant room. The fat innkeeper informs you with glee that bed and board will cost you 6 Nobles, an exorbitant sum for such a run-down establishment.

‘It’s the derby,’ he says, without a hint of an apology. ‘Beds is at a premium with so many visitors around.’

(I pay and am at 24)

Begrudgingly you pay the innkeeper 6 Nobles and then you ask that he bring you some of the food you have paid for. He points to a table and tells you to go and wait. The food will be brought to you shortly.

As you take your seat, you are approached by a smiling, fair-haired young man who is attired in a cloak of darkly-patterned wool. He has strong Sommlending features and the cut of his clothes tells you that he is a member of a guild from your homeland. He is holding a plate of steaming vegetables.

‘Well met, Master Kai,’ he says, wiping and offering his hand in friendship. ‘I am Melchar, journeyman to the Silversmiths’ Guild of Toran. I’m honoured to make with your acquaintance. May I join you? The food here is indescribable … but it fills an empty belly.’ You welcome the young man to sit down and the innkeeper appears with your food. As you share your meal, you learn more about him and this region of Shadaki.

Melchar is on his way home to Toran. He has spent the past six months studying in Tiklu at the workshops of a famous silversmith of that city. During his stay he also studied the history of this region. On hearing of your encounters at sea he tells you that the buccaneers of Shadaki are renegades from the remnants of a great fleet that was created by the Wytch-king Shasarak. Following the overthrow of their master, these renegades were banished to the wastes of the Sadi Desert by Grey Star—the Wizard Regent of the Free Peoples. However, the buccaneers have recently returned to prey upon the rich sea lanes, and their piracy has grown unchecked ever since Grey Star disappeared three months ago from his palace in the city of Shadaki. His court officials maintain that he is abroad on a quest to western Magnamund, but rumour is rife that he has been abducted by necromancers who wish for a return to the dark days of Shasarak’s rule.

Melchar asks what has brought you to this part of the world and you tell him simply that you are on your way to the Port of Suhn to meet with Lord Zinair of Dessi. On hearing this, Melchar says that he may be able to help you reach your destination.

Melchar excuses himself and then goes to another table where he talks with a bearded man wearing a three-cornered hat. When he returns he is smiling.

‘Old Captain Leonghi owes me a favour or two,’ he says, cocking his thumb towards the man. ‘He can’t take you to Suhn but he’ll take you as far as Nhang, and he’s agreed to free passage. It’s a good offer. You’d be mad to try to go south from here on foot—the Koltains are full of bandits. You’d never make it there alive, or at least not completely in one piece.’

You thank Melchar for his help and accept the captain’s offer. He tells you that Leonghi will sail for Nhang in two days’ time. As you have a day free in the city, Melchar invites you to go with him to the Caeno Derby tomorrow. He won two tickets in a dice game last night and he would be pleased to give one of them to you. You accept and agree to meet him here in the taproom for breakfast before leaving for the racetrack.

You meet with Melchar as planned, and after a meagre breakfast at the inn, you follow the crowds who are making their way through the streets to the Caeno racetrack. This magnificent establishment dominates the city’s eastern quarter and it has provided the venue for this spectacular derby for more than a century. Unlike the famous horse races held in Slovia and Lourden, the Caeno Derby is run by guanza—large bipedal lizards that are bred and trained throughout the Southlands. Huge sums are bet on the big race and the owner of the winning guanza stands to collect a purse of 100,000 Nobles

On entering the racetrack you and your companion make your way through the crowds to the parade enclosures. Melchar is keen to bet on the favourite—Forlu-zhan—but he wants to view the other runners before placing his wager with Wrok the Bookmaker. Having satisfied himself that the favourite will win, he goes off to the betting ring while you stay at the enclosure and watch the guanza lope past. As Forlu-zhan passes by, your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control tells you that something is wrong. You sense that the favourite has been drugged with a mild tincture of graveweed and that he will be incapable of winning the race. Quickly you hurry to the betting ring to stop Melchar placing his wager. He is about to hand over his money when you catch up with him and tell him what you know. Melchar cancels his bet and Wrok the Bookmaker glares at you with undisguised hatred. He signals to a group of his henchmen and swiftly they surround you both. The moment the race begins you and Melchar are grabbed from behind and manhandled out of the betting ring. Wrok’s henchmen bundle you into a tack room below the public stands, but before they can lock the door, you draw your weapon and attack them

Wrok’s Henchmen (6): COMBAT SKILL 38 ENDURANCE 36

(I have a 49 with Mindbblast, so +11. I toss a 3 and then 8 and out kill them. I took 2 damage)

You make a quick search of the dead henchmen and discover the following items:

3 Swords
3 Daggers
8 Nobles

Melchar helps you to hide their bodies before you leave the tackroom. Outside, you discover that the race has ended and that the favourite, Forlu-zhan, came in last. The crowds are bitterly disappointed with the result, but Wrok the Bookmaker is beaming with joy, for he and his conspirators have made a fortune by sabotaging the favourite guanza. He begins to wonder why his henchmen have not returned and, when he looks to the tackroom door, he catches sight of you and Melchar leaving. Frantically he signals to his conspirators to stop you getting away. You see them closing in and you grab Melchar by the arm for fear of losing him among the crowds that are heading for the exit gates.

(I take the cash and have 31 crowns)

(We run out the main gate)

The crowd gets denser as you approach the main exit and the increased numbers slow down the speed of your escape. Wrok communicates by means of hand signals with two of his henchmen who occupy a platform beside the main gate. As you pass below this platform they leap into the crowd and attempt to block your escape.

(I use Elementalism)

You use the power of your Grand Mastery to whip up a cloud of dust from the ground. The sudden whirlwind causes the crowd to panic and a clear space forms around you and your elemental summation as they fight to get away. You direct the whirling dust cloud at Wrok’s henchmen, and as they are engulfed and blinded by it, you and Melchar seize the chance to make good your escape from the racetrack.

Melchar leads you back through the streets of Caeno to The Song of the Silver Star tavern, and the young journeyman laughs with sheer relief at having escaped from Wrok’s henchmen when finally you enter the sanctuary of its crowded taproom. The innkeeper asks Melchar if his happy mood is due to a win at the derby. He says that, thanks to your advice, he did not bet and therefore he did not lose. He also adds the real reason why he is feeling elated, and the innkeeper frowns.

‘Wrok’s not a man to cross,’ he warns. ‘He’s ruthless when it comes to getting even. I think you two had better stay in the attic tonight. Wrok’s sure to send his lackeys out a-huntin’ for you.’

You heed the innkeeper’s warning and spend the night hidden in his attic room. Before dawn breaks you slip out of the tavern by a back door and say farewell to Melchar in the street outside.

‘Captain Leonghi’s ship is moored down at the docks,’ he says. ‘It’s called Embassage. I wish you a swift and safe journey to Nhang, Grand Master. I’ll always remember our little adventure at the Caeno Derby and I hope we’ll meet again one day when you return to Sommerlund.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-15-2020 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:07 PM   #58
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You find your way to the docks and discover Captain Leonghi’s ship moored at the end of the quay. It is a battered old trader that is in desperate need of a lick of paint, but it looks seaworthy enough. The crewman on watch is expecting you and he invites you aboard. The captain greets you with a wry smile. He has heard stories about the incident at the Caeno Derby yesterday and he insists that you remain in your cabin until the Embassage is safely out at sea. You agree to his request and descend the prow-deck ladder to your cabin below.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

The two-day voyage to Nhang passes swiftly and without incident and you arrive at the port early on the morning of the third day. The entrance to Nhang harbour is noted for its eighty fearsome stone statues, known as ‘The Warriors of Nhang’, which stand in two lines and form a double colonnade out into the sea. Their ferocious granite faces glare down at you unmercifully as the Embassage sails between them and docks at the quay.

Before you disembark, Captain Leonghi warns you to be on your guard while you are in the city. The natives still harbour loyalties to the memory of Shasarak, and recent uprisings have led to the imposition of a dusk-to-dawn curfew. He advises you to go directly to the city of Tiklu and seek out his cousin Gemulkin. He, too, is a merchant captain and he regularly plies a trader between Tiklu and the Port of Suhn. Leonghi gives you a scroll (record this Special Item on your Action Chart as Leonghi’s Scroll; you keep it in a pocket of your tunic). It is a letter of introduction which bears his seal, and in it he asks his cousin to take you to Suhn.

You thank the captain for all his help and then disembark onto Nhang quay. You leave the port area and follow The Street of the Full Moon—the main thoroughfare which bisects the city and ends at its West Gate. Your first impressions of Nhang are mixed. The striking design and construction of its buildings amaze you, but the dismal mood of its natives and the large number of street beggars leave you with the feeling that the city could erupt at any time.

You pass many hundreds of shops and they all appear dingy and uninteresting until you happen upon a triangular building, created by a fork in the road. It has no sign stating its business, but by the nature of the various goods displayed in its window you judge it to be an emporium.

(I shop)

As you enter you are greeted by the shop’s owner. He is a bony man, with a streaked grey beard and moustache which he habitually tugs as he speaks. His skin is pale and wrinkled, and he appears to be older than his years.

Among the items that he has on display are the following which catch your eye:

Sword—2 Nobles
Whip—2 Nobles
Axe—2 Nobles
Bow—3 Nobles
6 Arrows—2 Nobles
Spyglass—3 Nobles
Quill Pen—1 Noble
Pot of Ink—2 Nobles

The owner asks if you have anything you wish to sell. He says that he is particularly interested in Kitaezi artefacts and he will pay the following prices for these items:
Pouch of Seota Dust 10 Nobles
Talisman of Defiance 15 Nobles
Eye of Lhaz 20 Nobles

(If you wish to purchase or sell any of the above items, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.)

(I don't buy anything. I have a full backpack. I don;t have Deliverance)

You leave the shop and depart from the city of Nhang through its West Gate, following the main trade road that leads to the city of Jazer, 40 miles to the west. There are many fellow travellers on this road. Some, like you, travel alone and on foot. Others journey in convoys of ox-drawn wagons heavily laden with wares. You try to hitch a ride aboard these convoys but without success, and so you resign yourself to the fact that you have a long day’s walk ahead.

At noon you come to a village where the road enters some hilly timberland. A sprawling taverna dominates the village, providing meals for travellers. There are more than a dozen wagons parked outside its doors and many sullen-faced natives are sitting on nearby benches eating their midday meals.

(Tavern yes)

The inside of the taverna is crowded with travellers eating their meals, and serving girls rushing to and fro clutching trays piled high with food and ale. All of the tables are occupied and there are no spare places.

‘We’re full up—can’t you see that!’ bellows a surly waitress. She slams her tray down on a nearby table, startling the meek-faced group of pilgrims who are seated there.

‘If you want food it’ll cost you 4 Nobles … and you’ll have to eat it outside!’

The meals here are very expensive, but your rumbling stomach reminds you that you are very hungry and the city of Jazer is still half a day’s walk away.

(I head back out)

You leave the taverna and follow the road into dense timberland. It is an uncomfortably hot and humid region, and you are made to feel even more uncomfortable by swarms of tiny insects that bite any exposed areas of your flesh (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). Judging by the number of bites you sustain, you suspect that these insects consider Sommlending flesh to be something of a delicacy. During your trek to Jazer, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose a further 3 ENDURANCE points.

As the sun approaches the horizon, the road passes across a high plateau before descending towards the shimmering green waters of the Jazer Strait. The city of Jazer nestles in a wooded bay and you arrive at its east gate shortly after sunset. A notice board fixed to the gatehouse wall informs you that you have missed the last ferry, a service which carries road travellers across the strait to connect with the trade road to Tiklu and beyond. The next ferry leaves tomorrow morning at an hour after dawn.

It is a warm night, and as you wander through the streets of this city, you contemplate where you should best spend it.

(I choose lodging)

Following the city’s signposts, you make your way to the ferry station. Nearby you find an inexpensive tavern which overlooks the waterfront. A rusting sign bolted to its door states that a room and meal here cost 2 Nobles a night.

(I pay and have 27 cash)

You push open the tavern’s creaky door and step into a low-ceilinged room that is poorly lit and furnished. The air is thick with the smell of burning tallow, and customers sit hunched and unspeaking over their glasses of warm rice wine. The one-armed tavern keeper flashes a toothless grin. ‘Wanna room?’ he mutters. You nod and place two coins on the counter and he tosses you a key engraved with the numeral ‘1’.

Your room is located at the rear of the tavern, next to the communal lavatory. You draw upon your Kai skills to suppress your sense of smell and prop a solitary chair beneath the door handle to keep it shut. Apart from the chair, a bare mattress of straw is the only other item of furniture. It is a warm night and you have no need of a blanket and so you lie on the mattress and use your satchel and Backpack for pillows. Soon you have fallen into a deep sleep.

You wake within the hour and from then on you spend an uncomfortable night during which you are bitten constantly by the fleas which infest your mattress. Your Kai Curing skills protect you from contracting any illness or infection from the bites, but you lose 3 ENDURANCE points due to your lack of rest.

When the sun rises you decide to abandon your attempts at sleeping. You check your equipment and then you leave the tavern and walk to the nearby ferry station. You can see the ferry approaching across the strait. It is loaded with carts and horses and more than 100 people. A queue has formed at the station gate where a ferryman is waiting to collect the crossing fare. A board slung around his chest informs you that the price of the crossing is 2 Nobles.

( I pay, 25 crowns)

You hand over your money to the ferryman and take a place at the bow. As you wait for the vessel to cast off, you look around at your fellow travellers and notice that most are merchants with wagons and handcarts loaded with goods destined for the markets of Tiklu. It is a short voyage of 20 miles across the strait. When the ferry approaches the landing jetty, your fellow passengers get ready to leave. As they disembark, one merchant’s small cart is overturned and his cargo is spilled onto the shore. The other merchants push past him, but you feel sorry for his plight and you help to calm his carthorse and retrieve his goods. He is very grateful for your assistance and he offers you a ride to Tiklu aboard his cart which you willingly accept.

During the journey to Tiklu you learn much from Tzai—your talkative companion. He tells you tales about the local history of this region, its ancient legends and heroes, and about the dark days not so long ago when it was ruled by Shasarak, the infamous Wytch-king of Shadaki.

The journey passes swiftly in his good company and you arrive at Tiklu during the afternoon. It is a bustling port which stands at the edge of the Sea of Winds, and is second only in size and importance to the City of Shadaki itself. Tzai is welcomed by the guards on watch at the gate who wave as you pass beneath its mighty arch. It is clear from their reaction that your companion is a popular man. As you travel along a paved avenue towards the heart of Tiklu, Tzai asks where you are going to stay during your visit. When you cannot readily answer his question, he invites you to stay at his house tonight. Gratefully you accept his generous invitation.

Tzai’s house is located in the centre of the city, opposite the main market square and its municipal buildings. It is a large dwelling and much of it is a warehouse given over to the storage of his goods. You are greeted by his family and he takes great delight in introducing them to you. You meet his brother Chinn, his wife Tuvei, his two teenage daughters Leadu and Leiga, and his young son Undai. His wife and children seem very pleased to have you staying as a guest, but his brother Chinn views you with suspicion. You can tell from his cold reaction that he does not think very highly of foreigners.

Later you share supper with the family and you tell Tzai that tomorrow you will look for Captain Leonghi’s cousin, Gemulkin. You hand him the scroll that the captain gave you and he passes it to his brother. He says that Chinn has many friends at the dock and he asks his brother if he recognizes the name. Chinn shakes his head tersely and barely glances at the scroll before handing it back. He then leaves the table and goes to his room. As you watch him leave, your Sixth Sense tells you that he knows Gemulkin very well.

After supper, Tzai invites you on a tour of his warehouse. While you are looking at the hundreds of fascinating items that he sells, you suddenly hear shouting coming from outside in the main market square. A noisy mob has gathered to denounce Dhanchai, the city’s mayor. They are demanding that Koogha, a former Shadakine warlord, be returned to power. The city militia arrive to disperse this unruly crowd, but a struggle breaks out and soon the two sides are fighting openly in the square. Suddenly the warehouse door bursts open and a dozen men armed with knives and clubs begin to loot the shelves. Then Chinn comes running through from the house, alerted by the noise. He is armed with a stave with which he attacks the looters. One of them knocks it from his hand and another grabs him from behind and pins his arms to his side. Tzai screams as a third looter advances towards his helpless brother with a knife in his hand.

(I use a bow)

You aim and fire your Arrow at the looter as he raises his knife, and your shaft buries itself in his chest. As he spins to the ground, the other men push Chinn aside and come rushing at you to avenge their fallen comrade. You shoulder your Bow and draw your Kai Weapon in readiness to meet their attack.


(I toss a 4, 6 and 5. They take 39 and I took 4)

The remaining looters flee from Tzai’s warehouse, pausing only to pick up and carry with them the bodies of their confederates who fell to your deadly blows. You help Tzai and his brother to secure the warehouse doors by barricading them with crates and barrels. Once this has been achieved, the three of you return to the house to check that Tuvei and the children are safe.

Soon the militia gain control of the main square and the mob disperses. Chinn thanks you for saving his life, and he apologizes for the way he has behaved since your arrival. He tells you that Gemulkin is an old friend of his and he offers to take you to see him first thing in the morning.

Next morning you bid farewell to Tzai and his family before accompanying Chinn to the docks. Moored at a jetty by the old harbour wall is a sleek-prowed merchant trader called the Vargas that flies a Suhnese flag. Chinn takes you aboard this vessel and you meet with Gemulkin in his cabin at the stern. He is a wiry man with a hooked nose and close-set eyes that gives him an expression of sly cunning. Yet his voice is deep and resonant and you can tell that he is someone who is used to commanding respect. By way of introduction you present him with the scroll that his cousin gave you, and he smiles as he reads it.

‘If I had a Noble for every favour I’ve done him over the years, I’d be a rich man,’ he says, jokingly.

‘Welcome aboard, Journeyman. Pay no attention to my jest. I owe my cousin more favours than I care to remember. You’re welcome to sail with us to Suhn on the noon tide. All I ask is that you work your passage.’

You agree to Gemulkin’s terms and shake his hand to seal the deal. He calls for one of his crew to come and show you to your bunk, but before you go with him you bid farewell to Chinn. He thanks you again, not only for saving his life but also for curing him of his distrust of foreigners.

The Vargas sets sail on the noon tide. It is carrying a valuable cargo of silk, and Gemulkin is anxious that it should arrive safely in Suhn. He expects the voyage to last four days. During your first day aboard you help the crew with their duties and listen to their tales about the Sea of Winds. Gemulkin has ordered the crew to be especially vigilant on this voyage, for pirate raiders from northern waters have become more daring of late. The ships of the Freedom Guild patrol the Sea of Winds to deter buccaneers, yet they cannot guarantee safe passage to any ship once it passes beyond Shuri Point.

On the morning of the third day the lookout sights Shuri Point in the distance. As the Vargas swings around this rocky cape, you see a storm brewing on the horizon. A cluster of black clouds hovers menacingly over the sea, discharging bolts of lightning that arc back and forth between the shore and the surface of the ocean.

( I use Elementalism)
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:15 PM   #59
Abe Sargent
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Your Grand Mastery of Elementalism tells you that this is no ordinary storm—it is the result of powerful elemental sorcery. You urge Gemulkin to turn his ship about for the fury of this unnatural storm is churning the sea, making it boil and seethe. Fearing for the safety of his cargo and crew the captain readily agrees and he orders his helmsman to bring the ship around. But as the Vargas returns towards Shuri Point, Gemulkin suddenly sees something on the horizon that makes him change his mind

Sailing towards you across the Sea of Winds come three pirate ships. They are long and low and rakish, with sleek black hulls and armoured decking. Their scarlet sails are filled by a gusting wind and they move through the water with a silent, ominous speed.

Trapped between storm and buccaneers, Gemulkin faces a difficult decision. He can either confront the approaching raiders or brave the dangers of the storm. He chooses the latter, and as the Vargas swings back once more towards Shuri Point, the buccaneers hold off and wait expectantly for the storm to lay claim to your vulnerable ship.

Gemulkin orders the crew to hoist the sails and secure the decks before the Vargas plunges into the heart of the raging storm. You brace yourself for the rough passage, yet you are stunned by the sheer, breathtaking violence of the storm. It pounds the decks and lifts the hull clear from the water. As the ship lurches wildly, you are thrown across the aft deck and slammed against the wheelhouse: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Through the blinding spray, you see the helmsman lose his footing and fall overboard. His cry alerts Gemulkin who battles his way bravely to the ship’s wheel. To prevent himself from being swept overboard, he fixes his belt to the hub of the wheel and then he fights to turn his ship into a towering wave, to save her from capsizing. A mighty wave crashes against the prow and Gemulkin’s courageous action saves the Vargas from being split it two. It rides the wave and emerges from the storm into calmer waters beyond. You thank Ishir that you have survived this ordeal, yet it soon becomes apparent that the storm is merely the prelude to an even greater threat to the ship’s survival.

From out of the dark clouds there descends a winged horror that freezes the blood of all who gaze upon it. Heavily muscled and sheathed in a glistening green skin, this nightmarish creature lands upon the main deck and glares at the terrified crewmen through slitted eyes. Its wings shrink and melt into its shoulders and from its fang-filled mouth there issues a chilling hiss. In the next instant, it springs among the stunned crew to wreak carnage with its razor-tipped claws. In their terror, many men throw themselves into the sea to avoid the beast’s deadly talons. Relentlessly it forges its way towards the stern and climbs the steps to the rear deck where it stares at Gemulkin hungrily. The captain fumbles to release himself from the wheel as the creature looms closer. Clearly it intends to slay him and you know you must act quickly if you are to save Gemulkin from a terrible fate.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Net and point your right hand at the creature’s head. A sticky gout of liquid emerges from your fingertips and shoots towards the creature, yet it reacts with incredible swiftness and leaps aside in time to avoid being caught up in the gluey fluid.

Having evaded your attack it now continues to stalk its chosen target. Gemulkin frees himself from the wheel, but before he can get away, the beast is upon him like a hungry lion. It grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the deck. You race across the slippery decking and unsheathe your Kai Weapon to strike the creature in the side. Callously the beast hurls Gemulkin into the sea and then spins around to face you. Your first blow opens a wound across its chest, making it shriek loudly. But it recovers in an instant and it lashes out at you to connect with your shoulder. The force of the blow knocks you sideways and sends you sliding across the slick deck to fall headlong through an open cargo hatch.

You land on your back with a severe jolt that leaves you gasping for breath: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You have crashed down upon the floor of a cargo hold that is stacked with bales of silk. Above, framed in the open hatchway, you can see the creature getting ready to leap. Quickly you roll away as it drops into the hold, and your speedy action saves you from its deadly talons as maniacally the creature slashes at the floor where, only moments before, you were lying.

Hissing like an angry snake, it leaps after you and lashes out again. This time it rakes its talons along the wooden wall of the hull, barely inches above your head. The tips of these razor-sharp claws become embedded deeply in the timbers and for a few moments the creature is held fast.

( I attack it)

You raise your Kai Weapon and launch a swipe at the creature’s neck. With stunning speed, the beast grabs your forearm with its free claw and stops you landing your blow. Its talons bite into your flesh and its crushing strength makes it hard for you to keep hold of your weapon: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

The deck lurches as the ship is hit by a wave and the sudden movement throws the creature off-balance. As its grip slackens momentarily, you are able to twist yourself free from its claws and escape into an adjacent cargo hold.

ou run through an open bulkhead door into an adjacent cargo area that is stacked with crates of food and barrels of water. On the far side of this hold you see a wooden ladder that ascends to a hatch in the foredeck. Your Kai senses detect that there is also a concealed trapdoor in the floor of the hold, close to the base of the ladder.

Suddenly you hear the cracking of timbers and you sense that the creature has freed its claws from the wall of the cargo hold behind you. You hear the snake-like hiss of its breath and you know that you have but a few seconds before it will come rushing through open bulkhead door.


You prise open the trapdoor and discover a secret compartment, built for the smuggling of contraband. The compartment is empty but it is of no use—it is too small a space in which to hide. You glance at the doorway and see the creature rushing towards the hold. You cannot hope to hide from it now. Your Sixth Sense tells you that it wants the Moonstone and that it will stop at nothing to take it from you

(stand and fight)

The creature stalks towards you like a hungry cat with a cornered mouse. Slowly it flexes its talons and bares its ghastly teeth—playful preliminaries to be indulged in before it moves in for the kill. It emits a deafening hiss and comes lunging towards you with shocking swiftness.


If the Kai Weapon you wield is ‘Valiance’, you may apply the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

(My bonus is +1 with KS. Alright let's do it to it. I toss a 3 and a 5. he took 14 to my 7. 9 and 5. He takes 34 to my 12 total damage. i toss a 4 and kill him. I finish with 16 damage)
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:22 PM   #60
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The moment you strike the killing blow, the creature’s body transforms into a hissing mass of fiery green sparks. Rapidly these sparks dissolve leaving no trace, except for a lingering odour of decay. Your Kai senses detect that the creature was a magical creation, an evil summonation sent here to find the Moonstone. You are pondering who could be responsible for the creature’s creation and presence here when suddenly your thoughts are forced to turn to more immediate matters. The hull of the Vargas is starting to crack under the relentless pounding of the waves. The hold is rapidly filling with water and you must act swiftly to escape from here before it becomes your watery tomb.

(I use KA)

You go to the foot of the hatch ladder and recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation. As you rise, you guide yourself through the hatch and emerge on the foredeck. Quickly you cancel the spell for fear of becoming entangled in the rigging and ruined sails that lie strewn across the decks of this doomed trader. Every mast has fallen and the stern is slowly submerging beneath the relentless waves. You scour the shattered main deck but you can see no sign of survivors. Then you glimpse a hand protruding from beneath a mass of debris, and you stagger across the shifting deck towards it. Suddenly the prow is struck by a cresting wave and you are catapulted off the deck and into the angry sea.

You fight your way to the surface of the churning sea and gulp a lungful of air. All about you are flailing lumps of debris, foaming bubbles, and treacherous strands of rope and canvas that threaten to entangle your limbs and drag you to your doom. Breathing hard, you fill your lungs and feed oxygen to your blood before diving deep below the flotsam of the dying ship. You surface beyond the debris and swim for the shore, now less than a mile distant.

The waves bring you ashore upon a rocky beach where you crawl for shelter among boulders at the base of a chalk cliff. From here you see the wreck of the Vargas come drifting towards the shoreline to be smashed to pieces on the rocks. Gangs of men are pacing the beach, salvaging cargo and slaying any crewman who is washed ashore alive. They are wreckers, and your Kai senses tell you that they are led by an evil magician who possesses great power. You can feel the aura of his presence nearby, high upon the cliffs, and you know that he has been responsible for the wicked destruction of the Vargas and its crew.

Using your Kai camouflage skills to keep yourself hidden from the wreckers, you hurry away along the rocky coast. During your escape, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

For two days you follow this shoreline which borders upon the Sea of Dreams. You feed upon the plentiful supply of marine life that you find at low tide in rockpools and caves, and you avoid the natives of the coastal villages through which you take care to pass only at night.

During the morning of the third day you catch your first sighting of the Port of Suhn and your spirits rise. It sits upon an islet at the mouth of the River Azan, and it is a most welcoming sight. There have been many times during your long voyage south that you feared you might not live to ever see this city.

You continue your trek and enter Suhn by means of a grand wooden bridge. It spans the Azan and leads directly to the harbour. You stop to admire the great harbour gate of Suhn. It is a magnificent arch that is decorated with likenesses of the heads of every ruler this city has known. You count 120 heads in all, the last in the line being that of the city’s present ruler—Grey Star. The harbour is filled with low, wide boats, many with makeshift shelters, that rock gently on the tide. Native families crowd these vessels, their menfolk working long hours at the busy quayside and trading wharves nearby. Passing through the harbour you see several patrols of City Guardsmen who are heavily armed and quick to stop anyone they consider to be suspicious. There is an underlying sense of unease about the place, a tension that reminds you of Nhang. You decide it would be wise to avoid the City Guards and so you leave the harbour and go in search of Lord Zinair, the Dessian ambassador. Beyond the harbour gate you see that there are only two thoroughfares. One leads directly to Suhn’s Market Square and the other, the Avenue of the Southern Seas, wends its way into the city’s trade quarter.

(Trade Quarter)

As soon as you walk into the busy market square you are assailed from all sides by merchants eager to sell their wares. All manner of goods are offered but most are of little or no use to you. As you push your way through the merchants, you notice a market stall that sells healing concoctions. One of these is Laumspur for which the vendor is asking 2 Nobles per potion. (Each Potion of Laumspur restores 4 ENDURANCE points when consumed after combat.)

(Do you know?)

The vendor has never heard of Lord Zinair, but he suggests that you visit the Soothsayer’s Shop near the exit from the square. You thank the man and as you leave you decide to follow his advice.

On entering the shop you are greeted by a tall woman with pale skin and long black hair. She wears plain robes of brown cloth and a miniature crystal ball that dangles from a chain around her neck.

‘Welcome, stranger,’ she says, ‘I am Giolaer the Soothsayer. How may I help you?’

You ask if she can tell you where you will find Lord Zinair, the Dessian ambassador.

She looks into the miniature crystal ball for a few moments and then she replies: ‘I have that knowledge, and all it will cost you is 5 Nobles.’

(I pay)

You count out five coins into her hand and in return she tells you that Lord Zinair resides in the city’s North Quarter, at the Dessian Consulate. She writes the directions to the consulate on a scrap of parchment and gives this to you. Upon leaving her shop, you follow her written directions and arrive there within the hour. With mounting anticipation, you climb the front steps of the consulate building and knock on its stout oak door.

Slowly the door opens to reveal a grey-haired man clad in the robes of a High Council Elder of Dessi. At first his sea-blue eyes and lordly countenance are fixed in seriousness, but then he recognizes the insignia of your Kai tunic and his stern face breaks into a warm and welcoming smile.

‘Praise the gods! You have arrived, Grand Master. I feared that you and your precious cargo had been lost at Ghol-Tabras. I am Zinair. Please, please, come inside.’

Lord Zinair ushers you into the consulate and asks you to wait in his private chambers. After he has taken the precaution of dismissing his staff, he joins you there. He had expected your arrival weeks ago and had almost abandoned hope that he would ever see you alive, fearing that you had fallen foul of Sesketera. When you recount all the perils of your journey from Elzian, Zinair is doubly amazed that you are with him now. You reassure him that you still have the Moonstone and you offer to show him the precious artefact, but he declines your offer saying that it would be safer for you both if it were to remain within its korlinium satchel.

Zinair suggests that you bathe and eat and avail yourself of the many luxuries that the consulate has to offer. He suggests that after you are rested you meet again later so that you may discuss the final and most vital part of your mission.
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:31 PM   #61
Abe Sargent
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Zinair has made preparations for your journey by boat to the Isle of Lorn. This fabled home of the Shianti lies 120 miles from the Port of Suhn, and has been protected for thousands of years from the attentions of man by enchantments, magical mists, and mage winds.

‘Only by virtue of your possession of the Moonstone can this voyage be undertaken with any hope of success,’ he says. ‘I have been in mind-contact with the Shianti, and they are ready to receive you.’

You sense that Zinair is proud of your successes and achievements during the quest so far, but you also sense that he is ill at ease and you ask him what is wrong.

‘The Moonstone will facilitate your passage through the Sea of Dreams to the Isle of Lorn, Grand Master. But you should know that this journey could still prove perilous. The Shianti no longer have control over the forces that exist within this enchanted region. Until you reach the shores of Lorn, your fate will be entirely in your own hands.’

It is a daunting message but you do not allow it to weaken your resolve. You stare Lord Zinair confidently in the eye as you reply: ‘It need be no other way, my lord. I am ready.’

Zinair smiles. ‘So be it, Grand Master. But now you must sleep, for you sail at dawn.

You are awoken shortly before dawn by Lord Zinair who helps you prepare your Weapons and equipment before leaving the consulate. He accompanies you on horseback to the harbour where you go aboard a fishing boat crewed by consulate staff. On setting off from Suhn you head south, as if you are bound for the rich fishing grounds off the Azanam Peninsula. But shortly after Suhn disappears over the horizon, Zinair brings the boat to a stop and you are lowered over the side in a single-sailed wooden dinghy.

Lord Zinair tells you to take the Moonstone from your satchel and you obey his command. You cup the precious stone in both hands and a wind arises to fill your sail and propel you swiftly towards the mists of the Sea of Dreams.

When first you enter the mists, it seems as if you are no longer sailing upon a sea of water. It becomes a blended sea and sky of deep blue light, without horizon or boundary—a limitless space. Gradually you detect vague shadows passing quickly by, and then distant sounds, like muffled whispers, surging then pulsing away before you can catch the words. Then you see globes of darkness hovering to and fro, and your Kai senses scream a warning that these are invaders, evil intruders in this realm of ghostly mist. They grow in numbers and begin to spiral around your boat, whispering and laughing and babbling all the while. You can feel your boat gradually slowing until it ceases to move at all. Fear grips you when you realise that these mischievous black spheres have the power to hold you prisoner, to keep you from ever reaching the shores of Lorn. Suddenly the vague sounds and voices in your mind begin to crystallize into words that you can understand.

You have proved your physical courage, foolish follower of Kai. But now you must put your mental strength to the test if you wish to find the Isle of Lorn.

The eerie voice laughs and you steel yourself to meet its mental challenge.

How great in number are the Warriors of Nhang?


The moment you voice the answer to the challenge,3 the black globes disappear and the mist fades to reveal a lush, green, volcanic island that is crowned by a halo of silvery cloud. Your pulse races with anticipation as you feel the sea return beneath the keel of your craft, and a wind to propel you towards this wondrous isle. You have met the challenge and you have triumphed. Now you shall reap your reward by landing upon the shores of Lorn—the mystical realm of the exiled Shianti.

The boat scrapes aground on the stony shore and you take your first few tentative steps upon the soil of this legendary isle. As you ascend the beach, instinct prompts you to unbuckle your satchel and remove the Moonstone which is now aglow and throbbing rhythmically, like the beat of a giant’s heart. As you raise it before you, cupped reverently in both hands, the clouds part and you are bathed in a cone of brilliant sunlight.

Through the blinding glare of the sun’s rays you see a procession of robed figures moving down the beach towards you. Tall and proud and enigmatically graceful, they each shine with a unique radiance that reveals the goodly power of their ancient arcane wizardry. Silently these Shianti encircle you and your senses become charged with a new vitality that instantly obliterates the fatigue of your long passage across the Sea of Dreams. (You may restore your ENDURANCE points total to its original score.) Then one of the divine beings moves nearer and, when you look into his eyes, you see your own image reflected there in his mirrored pupils.

Welcome, Grand Master, he says without speaking, his lyrical voice forming the words in your mind. We have prayed for your safe arrival. We praise you for the skill and courage you have shown during your long and difficult voyage to our realm. Come with us, for now you may rest awhile. Your quest is done.

The Shianti escort you from the beach to a wondrous edifice—the sacred Temple of Amida—which stands upon a high spur of rock commanding a spectacular view of the four corners of their magical isle. Here in a formal ceremony you receive the thanks and praise of Acarya—the leader of the Shianti exiles. Solemnly he vows to deliver the Moonstone into the hands of Goddess Ishir herself, thereby ensuring that never again will its powers disrupt Magnamund’s delicate balance of nature, nor be misused by the forces of Evil.

After the ceremony, the Shianti show you some of the magical wonders of their island that have never before been seen by Man. You marvel at flowing rivers of jewels, fabulous flora, and species of exotic fauna that defy description. After your tour of this paradise isle you are allowed to rest awhile before you are escorted to your boat to begin your journey back to the Port of Suhn.

Your return voyage across the Sea of Dreams is swift and eerily smooth. You sense that your direction and speed are being controlled by the Shianti, for within minutes of casting off from the shores of Lorn, the bustling harbour entrance to the Port of Suhn suddenly appears from out of the swirling sea mist. A stiff breeze catches your sail and propels you towards the quayside where, to your astonishment, Lord Zinair is waiting to greet your valiant return.

Congratulations, Grand Master. Once more you have proved your courage and resourcefulness. You have completed the quest entrusted to you by Lone Wolf and you have triumphed magnificently. The safe return of the Moonstone to the Shianti is a major victory in the war against Evil, but it is a war that is still yet to be won. Upon your return to the Port of Suhn you learn from Lord Zinair of a new and sinister threat to the fragile peace of your world. If you wish to confront this deadly threat and prove that you are truly a champion of the New Order Kai, then the nature of the challenge can be found in the next exciting Lone Wolf New Order adventure, entitled:

Mydnight’s Hero
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:31 PM   #62
Abe Sargent
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Review - That was looooooooooong. Like Darke Crusade four hours long. I did enjoy it but is a big giant reader, with a smaller number of fights than the first novel. Both took a while to read/play through. I enjoyed it, although there were a few plot points that didn't work with the first book (the characterization of the female from book 1 to 2 changes, as at the end you believe you'll see her again but then when you do you think it was crazy). It shared the same story telling as the previous long form with a smaller story in each city lasting only a few minutes.

Overall, it was fine! Book 3?
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:16 AM   #63
Abe Sargent
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Mydnight's Hero

The Story So Far … 

You are a Grand Master of the New Order of the Kai—the warrior élite of Sommerlund.

It is the year MS 5083 and thirty-three years have passed since the First Order of the Kai was almost wiped out by the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent by the Dark God Naar to destroy your fertile world of Magnamund, have since been destroyed. The leader of your illustrious fighting order—Lone Wolf—was the sole survivor of the massacre. As a young Kai initiate he stood amidst the burning wreckage of the old Kai Monastery and vowed to avenge the slaughter of his comrades. In the year MS 5070 he kept his pledge when alone he infiltrated the foul domain of the Darklords and destroyed the infernal city of Helgedad, the base of their evil power.

With the fall of Helgedad, chaos befell the Darkland armies who had, until then, been poised to conquer all Magnamund. Quickly their disorder escalated into a mutinous civil war which allowed the Freeland armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a successful counter-offensive. Against all odds, a swift and total victory was secured over the feuding armies of evil.

Following the demise of the Darklords, peace reigned in your homeland of Sommerlund. Under the direction of Lone Wolf the ruined Monastery of the Kai was rebuilt and restored to its former glory, and the raising of a New Order of Kai warriors was swiftly established. You are one of the new generation of Kai recruits. You were born in Sommerlund in the year MS 5063, during the time of the war against the Darklords. When you were seven years old you were sent by your father to the Kai Monastery. There, under the tutelage of Lone Wolf, you developed your martial skills and honed the special Kai abilities which lay dormant within you. During the years that followed, your skills were nurtured and sharpened to perfection by long hours of study and rigorous training. Your exceptional talent helped you to master all of the Kai and Magnakai Disciplines and you rose swiftly through the ranks of the New Order to become one of only five who now hold the high rank of Kai Grand Master. It is an achievement which has brought great honour upon you and your family.

In the year MS 5077 your skill and courage were put to the test when an attack was launched upon the Kai Monastery during Lone Wolf’s absence. By means of a Shadow Gate (an astral corridor between the physical world of Magnamund and the many ethereal domains which lie beyond it) the Dark God Naar sent forth a host of dragon-creatures to besiege the monastery and lay waste to all Sommerlund. He had chosen his time well, yet his evil plan was thwarted by the tenacious defence that you and your brethren maintained until the siege was raised by Lone Wolf and the King’s Army of Sommerlund.

The defeat of his minions enraged Naar and inflamed his lust for vengeance. Three years later he created and sent to Sommerlund an evil champion called ‘Wolf’s Bane’ who was the very image of Lone Wolf. While your leader was engaged upon a quest overseas, this impostor terrorized your homeland in his guise and sought to destroy the reputation and the honour of the Kai. He would have succeeded had not Lone Wolf returned home and pursued this enemy to an ancient necropolis in the Sommlending city of Tyso. There, deep within a subterranean crypt, he and his evil alter-ego were drawn through a Shadow Gate to the Plane of Darkness—Naar’s stronghold—where a deadly duel ensued. Lone Wolf vanquished the foe and discovered that Naar had in his possession the fabled Moonstone of the Shianti. This wondrous artefact was created many thousands of years ago by the god-like Shianti, whose presence upon Magnamund heralded the dawn of humanity. This stone of power contains the combined might of all their magic and wisdom, the sum of all their knowledge. So significant was the creation of this stone that all time on Magnamund has since been measured from the date of its creation. It had long been held that the Moonstone’s location was a secret known only to the remnants of the Shianti, who dwell upon the mysterious Isle of Lorn in Southern Magnamund, yet the evidence of Lone Wolf’s eyes had told him that this mystical artefact had somehow fallen into the hands of Naar.

Lone Wolf realized that the Dark God had been using its legendary powers to generate Shadow Gates within the world of Magnamund, at locations and times of his own choosing. Such power had enabled him to send his loathsome champions to your home world while the force of the Gods of Good—Kai and Ishir—had been held at bay. Lone Wolf and the New Order Kai were all that stood against the onslaught of Naar’s agents following the demise of the Darklords.

Lone Wolf successfully escaped from the Plane of Darkness and returned to Sommerlund, yet he knew that the fight against Evil had not been won outright. He realized that he would have to return to the Plane of Darkness to retrieve the fabled Moonstone. Only by doing so would Magnamund truly be safe from an invasion by Naar’s legions of darkness. Two years ago, with the aid of his most trusted ally, Lord Rimoah of Dessi, Lone Wolf fulfilled his vow by journeying to the Dark God’s domain and retrieving the Moonstone of the Shianti. Upon his triumphant return, Lone Wolf placed the Moonstone in the Vault of the Sun—his personal chamber located deep below the fortified citadel of the Kai Monastery. He had hoped that the fabled artefact could remain there indefinitely, to be guarded by generations of Kai who would keep it secure from Naar’s minions. Retrieval of the Moonstone had denied the Dark God’s champions ready access to Magnamund, yet Lone Wolf knew that there were many lesser agents of Naar upon Magnamund waiting quietly in the shadows for the chance to do his evil bidding. Undoubtedly they would stop at nothing to retrieve the Moonstone for their foul master.

Within a year of his return home it became clear to Lone Wolf that his wish could not be fulfilled. At first the presence of the Moonstone seemed greatly beneficial to Sommerlund. Crops grew abundantly, incidence of disease and illness became increasingly rare, and the newly-born were uniformly healthy. Even the offspring of the impoverished who, in normal times, could expect only one in three of their infants to survive longer than a month beyond birth, were all in good health and exceptional in their physical and mental development. The Sommlending called this extraordinary period of providence the ‘Blessing of the Moonstone’, yet this time of good fortune could not last. The power of the Moonstone is a great force for Good, but it is also greatly disruptive of the natural order of Magnamund. Soon death itself became a rarity in Sommerlund, and the four seasons of the year were slowly transformed into one unending spring. Lone Wolf was deeply troubled by the changes wrought by the Moonstone and sought the counsel of his closest friend—Guildmaster Banedon—leader of Sommerlund’s Brotherhood of Magicians. Banedon entreated him to relinquish the Moonstone before the effects of its power became irreversible. To right the imbalance of nature the Moonstone would have to be taken to the Isle of Lorn, in the southernmost reaches of Magnamund, and delivered back into the hands of the Shianti. Only they, its creators, could prevent its powers from disrupting the natural order of your world.

Lone Wolf agreed with Banedon—the Moonstone would have to be returned to the Shianti. The physical effects of its presence were beginning to attract the unwelcome attentions of those who secretly desire to enact Naar’s revenge upon the Kai. When one of Naar’s agents was captured by a Kai patrol within a few miles of the monastery, Lone Wolf felt he could wait no longer. He resolved to act immediately. Preparations were made for a long journey and, especially among the lower ranks of the Kai, rumours were rife that your leader would personally take responsibility for returning the Moonstone to the Shianti. Indeed, this speculation seemed to be confirmed as fact when it was discovered that Lone Wolf had secured the use of Guildmaster Banedon’s famous flying ship—Cloud-dancer.

It therefore came as a shock when, early one morning, you were summoned unexpectedly to the Vault of the Sun. In strictest confidence, Supreme Master Lone Wolf informed you that he had decided to entrust you with the task of returning the Moonstone. His elaborate preparations were simply a diversion, a bluff designed to draw attention away from the vital mission that he wished you—the most talented and courageous of his five Kai Grand Masters—to undertake. It was with great pride and apprehension that you accepted the quest.

Lone Wolf gave you the precious Moonstone in a seemingly ordinary satchel, yet the lining of this plain leather bag was woven from korlinium, a special mineral that would hide the Moonstone’s powerful energies from the agents of Naar. In the guise of a Kai journeyman, you set sail from the Sommlending capital of Holmgard aboard a sailing ship that was to carry you south on the first leg of your journey, a voyage of 2,000 miles to Elzian, the capital of Dessi. This legendary city is home to Lord Rimoah and the Elder Magi. They are the last surviving members of Magnamund’s oldest race of magicians and they had promised Lone Wolf that they would help you reach your final destination. You had hoped and expected the voyage to be swift and uneventful; however fate and ill fortune decreed otherwise. Your voyage was fraught with danger, yet you overcame the many perils ranged against you and eventually arrived at the Dessian capital, to the relief of Lord Rimoah and his anxious brother magicians who had feared the worst.

For three days you were treated to the hospitality of the Elder Magi and the freedom of the wondrous city of Elzian. Then, on the morning of the fourth day, having fully recovered from the rigours of your journey to Dessi, you set out upon the final stage of your quest—the voyage to the Isle of Lorn. Passage had been arranged for you aboard a Suhnese trading ship called The Azan. The ship’s master, Captain Jenkshi, had been paid handsomely to carry you to his home port of Suhn and you had been promised a swift and comfortable voyage. However, this was not to be. In the Shadakine city-port of Ghol-Tabras you fell foul of Sesketera, the city’s ruthless ruler, and you were forced to abandon The Azan during your daring escape from his murderous bodyguards. After a perilous journey south by way of land and sea, you finally reached the Port of Suhn. There you made contact with Lord Zinair, the Dessian ambassador. He provided you with a small sailboat for your passage to the Isle of Lorn. This tiny island home of the Shianti lies no more than 200 miles east of the busy Port of Suhn, across the Sea of Dreams, yet no sailor has ever set eyes upon it for the Shianti have encircled their refuge with a web of enchantments, magical mists, and winds. Aided by the power of the Moonstone, you were able to navigate these mysterious waters and land upon the shores of Lorn.

The Shianti had sensed the approach of the Moonstone and were waiting to greet your arrival. In a formal ceremony in the sacred Temple of Amida you received the thanks and praise of Acarya, the leader of the Shianti exiles. Solemnly, he vowed to deliver the Moonstone into the hands of Goddess Ishir herself, thereby ensuring that never again would its power disrupt Magnamund’s delicate balance of nature, nor be misused by the forces of Evil.

After the ceremony, the Shianti revealed to you some of the magical wonders of their island that have never before been seen by Man. You marvelled at flowing rivers of jewels, fabulous flora, and species of exotic fauna. After your tour of this paradise isle you were allowed to rest before being escorted to your sailboat to begin your journey back to the Port of Suhn.

Your return voyage across the Sea of Dreams was swift and eerily smooth. You sensed that your direction and speed were being controlled by the Shianti, for within minutes of casting off from the shores of Lorn, the bustling harbour entrance to the Port of Suhn suddenly appeared from out of the swirling sea mist. A stiff breeze caught your sail and propelled you towards the quayside where Lord Zinair was waiting to greet your valiant return.

Your journey from Suhn to the Isle of Lorn and back again seemed to have lasted no more than a few days. Yet, to your surprise, you discovered that two whole months had elapsed since the day you first sailed upon the Sea of Dreams. Lord Zinair praised you for the success of your quest. He also informed you that during the time you spent on Lorn a new and sinister threat to the fragile peace of Magnamund had arisen. The precise nature of this threat was revealed when you returned with Lord Zinair to his consulate.

In a secret chamber of the Dessian consulate, you were able to communicate the success of your mission to Supreme Master Lone Wolf by means of a magical seeing stone. Warmly he praised the skill and courage you had displayed, and he commended you for upholding the highest traditions of the Kai. He told you that he and the New Order were justly proud of your accomplishment and they welcomed the day when you would return to the monastery. Lone Wolf also had some grave news to impart, news that would delay a swift return home.

‘King Oridon of Siyen has been assassinated,’ he said, sadly. ‘His only son, Prince Karvas, is the sole heir to the throne of Siyen, but he has lived in exile on the Isle of Sheasu for the past decade. The Kingdom of Siyen is one of our oldest allies. Lord Xavial, the Siyenese High Chancellor, has journeyed here to the monastery to warn that, in the Prince’s absence, the throne is to be claimed by Baron Sadanzo. The Baron is an evil man and he possesses a sorcerous power that has turned the minds of the Siyenese Court. He has won the favour of those who, until the King’s murder, openly denounced him as a heartless warmonger. Lord Xavial fears that the Baron draws his newfound power from the Dark God himself, for never before has Sadanzo possessed such sinister influence. If Sadanzo becomes King, the consequence of his rule will be disastrous for us all. Siyen is one of the richest and most powerful realms in all the southern reaches of Magnamund. If it should fall into the hands of Naar, then war and widespread destruction will surely follow. This is grim news, but all is not yet lost … not if we act swiftly. The Constitution of Siyen decrees that Prince Karvas has, upon the death of his father, 60 days in which to lay claim to his rightful heritage. If he should fail to return in time then Sadanzo will be elected as the new ruler. I have vowed to Lord Xavial that the Kai will not stand idly by and let Siyen become enslaved by an agent of Naar. But time is against us—we must act immediately if we are to thwart Sadanzo’s scheme. Ten days have already passed since King Oridon was murdered. Now only 50 days remain before Harvestmas Day—the day of royal ascendance.’

You asked Lone Wolf how you could assist in keeping his pledge to Lord Xavial. His reply sent a shiver tingling down your spine.

‘Prince Karvas must be found. He must also be persuaded to return to Seroa, his homeland capital, to claim his throne before time runs out. You, Grand Master, are closer to the Isle of Sheasu than any other Kai. I must command you to go there and seek him out. Lord Zinair has already made provision for your journey by ship. He will accompany you and assist your mission. The Magicians’ Guild of Toran has also pledged its help. The Guildmaster has dispatched one of his brotherhood—Wizard Acraban—to Sheasu. He travels by skyship and should arrive there in twenty days’ time. You are to rendezvous with Wizard Acraban at the city of Mydnight—the island’s only port. Acraban will help you find the Prince and transport him aboard his flying craft directly to Seroa.’

With mixed feelings of pride and trepidation, you accepted the mission and vowed to Lone Wolf that you would do everything in your power to ensure its success. Your resolute promise met with his approval.

‘I have faith in you, Grand Master,’ he replied. ‘The quest you are to undertake upholds the noblest traditions of the Kai. I am confident you will prevail. May Kai and Ishir guide you swiftly to victory over Sadanzo—an agent of Naar.’
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:21 AM   #64
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:25 AM   #65
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Improved Grand Master Disciplines

As you rise through the higher levels of Grand Mastery you will find that your Disciplines will steadily improve.

Kai Grand Master Superior

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Master Superior, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Animal Mastery
Kai Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are able to deter predatory animals in the wild by exuding a scent which is repellent to them. In order for this improved Discipline to work effectively, a Kai Grand Master Superior must be aware of the species of predatory animal he/she wishes to deter. The scent can only be detected by the targeted animal.

Kai Grand Master Superiors who possess this skill are able to create a noise and project it up to 15 yards away from their location. The noise is akin to the rumbling sound of thunder and it can be used to distract or divert an enemy’s attention. This improved Discipline requires a degree of preparation and therefore it cannot be used during combat.

Kai Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are skilled in the use of all mechanical devices designed to measure and/or observe the cosmology of Magnamund. Such devices include sextants, astrolabes, and orreries.

Kai Grand Master Superiors who have this Discipline are able to purify water, thereby making contaminated or briny water suitable for consumption. Roughly two pints of water per day can be purified using this skill alone. This daily total steadily increases as a Grand Master advances in rank.

Kai Grand Master Superiors who possess this skill are able to condense pure water out of the surrounding air. This water can be made to fall as a fine spray or as a sudden deluge. It can also be made to fill any suitable container or receptacle. Using this skill, Grand Master Superiors can create the equivalent of one large bucketful of fresh water.

Kai Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are able to utilize their musical skills to pacify an excited or hostile animal.

Kai Grand Sentinel

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Grand Weaponmastery
Kai Grand Master Sentinels who possess this Discipline are, when physically parted from their Kai Weapon, able to detect its location. This power of detection will pass through solid objects, with the notable exception of lead. Accuracy and range of detection steadily increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Pathsmanship
Kai Grand Sentinels who possess this skill are able to predict the weather accurately for the forthcoming 3 hours. The range of this ability is an area ten square miles around the Kai Grand Sentinel. Duration and range steadily increase as a Kai Grand Master rises in rank.

Kai Grand Sentinels who possess this Discipline are able to detect psychic residues left on an object by its owner. The more valuable the object is to its owner, the stronger will be the lingering psychic attachment. The majority of everyday or shared objects do not retain such residues.

Through their knowledge and use of common plants, Kai Grand Sentinels who have this Discipline are able to make contaminated or rotten food fit for human consumption.

Kai Grand Master Sentinels who possess this skill are able to charge particles of air electrically around any man-sized or smaller object. The particles will automatically discharge and cause damage should the affected object be touched or opened. Kai Grand Master Sentinels are able to handle a charged object without discharging it.

Kai Grand Master Sentinels who possess this Discipline are able to use their singing or playing to counter a hostile sonic attack. The effective use and range of this sonic defence steadily increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:26 AM   #66
Abe Sargent
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I get 28 crowns, and can load up on stuff.

Which new discipline am I taking? AM? Telegnosis? Hmm...

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Old 04-16-2020, 08:33 AM   #67
Abe Sargent
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Fox Fire, Kai Grand Sentinel

CS - 46/50/54
EP - 36

Grand Kai Disciplines:

1. Kai-Surge
2. Grand Weaponmastery with Axe, Bow, Dagger
3. G. Pathsmanship
4. G. Huntmastery
5. Elementalism
6. Kai-Alchemy
7. Animal Mastery

Special Items:

Kai Weapon Axe Alema, +5 normally and +7 vs undead
Temujan's Ring
Talisman of Defiance - +2 CS
Eye of Zhar - Allows control of snakes poisonous
Pouch of Seota Dust - +10 EP when eaten



Meals: 2







Safekeeping (Between game storage):

Scented Oil
Copper Cup
3 Candles
Siyen Crown
Iron Skull
Shipwreck Dagger
Potion of Mustow
Potion of Aletherx2
Potion of Sedares
Silver-Inland Warhammer
29 Gold Crowns
Korlinium Sack
Dessi Bow
Silver Clasp
Nhang Doll
Bottle of Rice Wine
Bottle of Scava Liquor
Crystal Prism
Silver Mirror
Scroll of Introduction
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Old 04-16-2020, 02:38 PM   #68
Abe Sargent
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After a restless night spent contemplating the mission you have vowed to complete, you rise shortly before dawn and meet with Lord Zinair in the courtyard of the stables that adjoin the Dessian consulate. A horse-drawn carriage is waiting to take you both to the harbour where a sleek Suhnese clipper called The Azaktana is ready to set sail. This magnificent ship is one of the fastest vessels ever to have plied the southern seas, and Lord Zinair has commissioned it for your voyage to Sheasu. He and you will be the only passengers aboard.

The Azaktana is stocked with sufficient fresh water and provisions to enable her to complete the voyage without unnecessary delays. The weather is Zinair’s main concern for the southern seas are notorious for the occurrence of sudden storms and squalls. Yet, despite his fears, the weather proves to be uncommonly mild. Aided by a strong easterly trade wind, the long voyage across the Mythenian and Vaduz seas is completed in record time.

Shortly after sunset on the twentieth day of your voyage, the twinkling harbour lights of Mydnight are sighted by the lookout. The captain shouts an order and hurriedly his crew lower the sails to allow The Azaktana to glide silently into the harbour of Sheasu’s solitary port. As the crewmen secure the ship to the quayside, the scudding clouds part and the decks are bathed by the ashen light of a full moon.

‘In thirty days’ time the moon will be full once more,’ says Lord Zinair, thoughtfully. ‘It will then be the moon of Harvestmas. I pray that you and Prince Karvas shall be in Seroa to see that.’

The parting clouds have also revealed a smaller globe of light in the night sky, above the port’s eastern quarter. At first you assume it to be just a star, but when you magnify your vision you see it is the stern lantern of a flying ship which is hovering 100 feet above the rooftops.

‘See, there, my lord,’ you say, and point to the orb of light.

‘Ah, yes,’ replies Zinair, smiling. ‘It would appear that Wizard Acraban has arrived before us.’

Lord Zinair’s pronouncement is proved to be correct when a young man, attired in the blue and silver robes of a Brotherhood magician, comes striding along the quayside towards your ship. He has a neatly trimmed beard and long, flowing ginger hair, and his chiselled features are distinctly Sommlending.

( I have visited Caeno)

‘Well met, my lords,’ calls the ginger-haired magician as he waits on the quayside for you and Lord Zinair to disembark. As you descend the gangplank, you are struck by the young man’s resemblance to Melchar, the journeyman whom you met in Caeno during your long voyage south to the Isle of Lorn. As you step ashore, the magician greets you with a broad smile and a firm handshake.

‘I am Acraban, of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. I had not expected we would rendezvous so soon. I arrived here myself only this morning aboard my skyship Starstrider,’ he says, earnestly. His facial similarity to Melchar is so striking that you feel compelled to ask if he knows of the journeyman. ‘Why, yes, Grand Master. Melchar is my brother. On his return from Caeno he told me all about your escapades at the races there. I have looked forward to meeting you in person.’

Then the young magician excuses himself before turning away to face his flying ship. He raises his right hand and a shimmering blue flame suddenly engulfs his open palm. From the rear deck of the hovering skyship you see a flashing pinpoint of light. It is an acknowledgement of Acraban’s signal to his watching crew that you have arrived.

‘Come, my lords, let us return to the Starstrider. We have much to discuss and time is precious."

Lord Zinair tells the captain of The Azaktana to await his return. Then he accompanies you and Acraban along an avenue that leads away from the quayside and climbs steeply into the heart of the eastern quarter. Your first impressions of the port of Mydnight are less than favourable. In the stark glare of the full moon it seems to be little more than a brooding shamble of slate-roofed houses and reeking tenements built around a haphazard maze of narrow, rat-infested alleyways. At this late hour, few of the port’s inhabitants are abroad. The only people you see are the few who dare to peek at your passing through the mullioned glass of their wretched hovels.

The avenue leads eventually to a deserted market square which commands a view over the harbour below. Here you see a large iron cage with a thick cable attached to a ring at the centre of its roof. The cable is held taut by a winch fixed to the stern of the Starstrider which hovers 100 feet overhead. The faint hum of its magical engine can be heard wavering on the warm sea breeze. Acraban ushers you into the cage and clicks shut its iron door. He tugs a cord and immediately the cage is lifted off the ground and hoisted up to the rear deck of the skyship. Here you are welcomed aboard by the skyship’s crew, all of whom are young acolytes of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran. Acraban takes you to his quarters located below the forward deck where he offers you and Lord Zinair some food and wine. After many months away from home it is good to taste Sommlending fare once more

Since his arrival in Mydnight earlier in the day, Acraban has learned that Prince Karvas does not reside here in the city. To search for him now would be futile and so you resolve to get some sleep and commence your hunt for the Prince at first light. Shortly after dawn, the three of you meet again on the main deck. Acraban suggests that you each spend the day scouting the city for information that may lead you to Karvas. He tells of three places where this information is most likely to be found. The first is a large trading post, known as Grosta’s Warehouse, located on the south side of the harbour. The second is the Hall of the Judicars, a base for the officers who are elected by the citizens of Mydnight to maintain law and order in their city. And the third is The Smitheries, the artisans’ and tradesmen’s district of Mydnight that is situated west of the quayside.

(I take the Warehouse. Maybe I can buy stiff there)

Having decided the places where each of you will search for the whereabouts of Price Karvas, you follow Acraban to the rear deck and enter the skyship’s boarding cage. Swiftly it is winched down to the market square where you are met unexpectedly by a pressing crowd of grimy-faced street urchins. They have been gathering here since dawn to stare in wonderment at the Starstrider hovering motionless in the cloudless sky above. Acraban scatters a handful of copper coins across the cobblestones and the children scramble to retrieve them. This creates enough space to allow Zinair to open the cage door and the three of you to step out. After agreeing to return to the skyship no later than sunset, you split up and go in search of your chosen destinations.

Unlike the urchins, the adult population of Mydnight appears less than fascinated by the imposing sight of the Starstrider hovering above their city. Few give it a second glance. This seeming lack of interest does not surprise you. For centuries this port has been a refuge for exiles from the many nations of Magnamund who, for their own individual reasons, have chosen to forsake their native lands. They are, by nature, a secretive community. Any overt interest in the affairs of another is often viewed with suspicion and distrust. You retrace the route you took last night and soon find yourself at the harbour. The Azaktana is still moored at the quayside and you give the crew a friendly wave as you stride along the harbour wall towards the city’s south quarter.

You have no difficulty finding Grosta’s Warehouse; this weather-beaten emporium occupies most of the waterfront. Its main entrance is guarded by two muscular, sallow-faced Mythenians who wear long, silky black moustaches. Reluctantly they move aside to allow you into the warehouse. Inside you are greeted by a bald, pot-bellied man with a thin smile. He wipes his hands on his striped apron and enquires how he may be of service. When you ask if he knows where you can find Prince Karvas of Siyen his smile quickly transforms into a scowl of suspicion and he takes a few shuffling steps backwards. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that he suspects you to be an assassin who has come here to Mydnight to find and murder the Prince. Nervously he glances at the two Mythenians guarding the door. You realize you must act quickly if you wish to allay his fears and avoid a confrontation with his men.

(I have KA)

You fix the trader with a piercing stare and quietly breathe the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm. As the spell takes hold, you command him mentally to signal to his men that all is well between you. Your magical charm instils a sense of calm well-being into the man and he begins to relax and smile. He complies with your command and the two Mythenians turn away. When you are sure that they are out of earshot, you ask the trader if he knows the whereabouts of Prince Karvas of Siyen. He tells you that the Prince does not reside in the city. There is a rumour that he lives somewhere on the remote northern coast of Sheasu. He also tells you that Karvas is not alone. Shortly after he came here, almost a decade ago, he was joined by a young woman. They were married by a sea captain in Mydnight harbour, on board the deck of his trading ship, and ever since their wedding day they have rarely been seen again.

You thank the trader for his help and leave the warehouse before the effects of the spell wear off. On returning to the quayside you set out to explore the tangle of alleyways that make up the city’s eastern quarter in the hope of discovering more about the Prince and his wife. Unfortunately, your efforts garner no new information. As the sun begins to settle on the horizon, you abandon your search and hurry back through the darkening passageways towards the market square

Wizard Acraban and Lord Zinair are already waiting aboard the Starstrider by the time you reach the market square. The magician orders the boarding cage to be lowered and you are winched up to the skyship. Both are anxious to hear your news of Prince Karvas’ whereabouts for their own enquiries have yielded little useful information. You inform them of what you have learned—that the Prince has a wife and they are living somewhere on the island’s northern coastline. Lord Zinair has discovered that Amarelda is the name of Karvas’ wife, and Acraban has learned that they last visited Mydnight a year ago.

‘You have done well, Grand Master,’ says Lord Zinair. ‘The citizens of this city are a secretive breed, yet you may have prised enough from them to help us find our reclusive Siyenese Prince.’ Turning to Acraban, he says: ‘I propose we travel north at first light and commence a search of the northern shoreline. It will be easier to espy his retreat from the air than to attempt a search by land.’

Acraban nods in agreement and passes word to his young crew to prepare the Starstrider for a voyage north at first light.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-16-2020 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 04-16-2020, 02:54 PM   #69
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You spend the evening aboard the Starstrider in the company of your two companions. In the comfort of Acraban’s quarters, you study charts and maps of the Isle of Sheasu in preparation for tomorrow’s voyage. The northern coastline stretches for more than 200 miles and it is indented with hundreds of bays and tiny inlets. Searching this territory for Prince Karvas’ home will be a difficult task, yet, thanks to the Starstrider, not an impossible one.

Lord Zinair gives Acraban a small seeing-stone, one of a pair that he possesses. It will enable him to stay in contact with the elder magician and inform him when the Prince has been found. Lord Zinair has decided it is best that he go back to Suhn aboard The Azaktana. He has fulfilled his promise to Lone Wolf that he would escort you swiftly and safely here to Mydnight, and the time has now come for him to return to his ambassadorial duties. Before he leaves for his ship moored in the harbour, he wishes you both a swift, sure, and successful voyage.

‘I look forward to the day we shall meet again, my lords,’ he says. ‘Though I shall not be with you in body, my spirit will travel with you all the way to Seroa. Good luck and godspeed.’

You rise before daybreak and as the first rays of the morning sun creep over the horizon, you hear Acraban giving the order to commence the voyage north. From the forward deck rail you watch in fascination as the hovels and harbour of Mydnight slide gently away beneath the keel. The hum of the skyship’s engine increases in pitch as it steadily gains speed and altitude, until soon all you can see are the hills and valleys of Sheasu whirling past far below.

The flight to the north coast takes a day to complete. Upon arriving in this remote region you soon realize that the shoreline will prove more challenging to explore than had been expected. Much of the coast is forested, and there are countless miles of undercut cliffs and steep ravines that could keep entire villages hidden from the air. For two days the Starstrider follows the coastline with all hands on lookout duty, yet no human habitation is sighted. It is not until the afternoon of the fourth day of your voyage that your luck changes for the better. An eagle-eyed crewman on the forward deck spots a tiny clearing on a wooded peak overlooking a crescent-shaped bay. You magnify your vision and see, in the centre of this clearing, a single-storey house with a split log roof, surrounded by animal pens and shelters. You feel sure that you have found the Prince’s retreat and you ask Acraban to bring the skyship down within a mile of the settlement so as to avoid the risk of frightening him away. He complies, and within a matter of minutes the Starstrider is hovering above the tree-line less than a mile from the clearing. Acraban hands over command of the skyship to Gora, his bo’sun, and then you and he are lowered to the ground in the boarding cage.

After landing, you quickly discover a narrow trail that wends its way through this thickly-wooded headland. You volunteer to take the lead and you follow this track as it meanders towards the clearing. Wind whistles through the surrounding pines but the timberland itself is strangely silent; you can hear no sound from the beasts and birds that dwell herein.

(I do have Grand Path)

Your advanced tracking skills alert you to the presence of a concealed pit which bisects the trail ahead. It has been covered with pine branches and camouflaged with a thin layer of earth and stones, so as to make it indistinguishable from the rest of the trail. Cautiously you approach this trap and, using your Kai Weapon, you lift away some of the branches. Beneath you discover a deep pit lined with sharpened stakes.

Carefully you and Acraban skirt around the edge of this trap and then continue along the track towards the clearing.

As you near the clearing, you leave the trail and take cover among some bushes that fringe the tree-line. For a few minutes you wait here and observe the settlement for signs of life. You can see a log cabin with a veranda, three small sheds, and a picket-fenced enclosure containing goats and chickens. When your senses detect no human presence, you enter the clearing and signal to Acraban to follow as you make your approach towards the cabin.

From the veranda you can see a second track which descends steeply towards a sandy cove. You intensify your vision and catch sight of a man on the beach who is kneeling beside a stone-covered mound. He has blond shoulder-length hair and he is dressed in breeches and a jerkin made from tanned goat hides. From the descriptions given to you by Lord Zinair, you feel sure that he must be Prince Karvas.

Elated by your discovery, you motion Acraban to follow as you leave the cabin and hurry down the steep path towards the beach. You are within 100 feet of the kneeling man when he hears you approaching. He turns to face you and, in an instant, he grabs a loaded crossbow that is lying beside him on the sand and he aims it at your chest.

(I throw up my hands)

‘Hail, Prince Karvas,’ you call, trying hard to make your voice sound as unthreatening as you can. ‘You have no need to fear us—we come as friends. We have journeyed far to find you and we bring important news from Siyen. Please, sire, put down your bow and let us talk.’

The blond-haired man hesitates, and then he lowers his crossbow just enough for you to be able to see his face clearly. Now you are sure that he is the man you seek.

‘Who are you?’ he shouts. ‘And what do you want from me?’

Slowly you step away from the boulder and motion Acraban to follow as you descend the steep trail to the beach. Prince Karvas walks towards you, his right hand resting purposefully on the hilt of a short sword sheathed by his side. Despite his dishevelled appearance, he moves with a proud aristocratic gait that reveals his noble ancestry.

With a polite formality usually reserved for the King’s court and council chambers, Acraban bows to the Prince and makes his introductions. In sober tones he informs him of the unhappy events which have transpired in Siyen, events which have brought you both to Sheasu in search of him. Prince Karvas is saddened to hear of the death of his father. He glances at the mound of sand close to the base of the trail and you notice a tear in his eye. Lying alongside this mound is a plank of driftwood carved with the name Amarelda. It marks the last resting place of the Prince’s young wife.

‘This is bitter news you bring, my lords,’ says Karvas, his sonorous voice wavering with emotion, ‘for my grief is doubled. I have now lost my wife and my father—the only two people I have ever truly loved.’

You and your companion offer the Prince your deepest condolences, and Acraban suggests that perhaps it would be best if you all left the beach. Karvas nods his consent and together you climb the trail back to his house atop the cliffs.

Over a cup of berry wine, Prince Karvas tells you the story of how he came to Sheasu to live the life of an outcast. A decade earlier, during a chance encounter in a foreign court, he had met and fallen helplessly in love with Princess Amarelda—the daughter of the King of Lunarlia. She, too, had fallen for him, and had accepted his offer of marriage. For centuries the neighbouring lands of Lunarlia and Siyen have been enemies, yet the sudden prospect of a marriage between Prince Karvas and Princess Amarelda promised to put an end to many years of rivalry and bloodshed. At first his father, the King of Siyen, approved of their union. But later he changed his mind and forbade his son to marry her on pain of exile. Karvas defied his father and was forced to leave his homeland. He travelled to Sheasu where he was later joined by his beloved Amarelda. She, too, had disobeyed her father’s command and had been cast out for her act of defiance. Karvas talks fondly of the years they spent here alone together. Then, with sadness, he tells you that she recently fell ill with a fever from which she never recovered. For more than a month she fought the illness until, only three days ago, she passed away quietly in her sleep.

The news that Baron Sadanzo plans to steal his birthright enrages the Prince. For years he has blamed the Baron for his exile, for he alone openly opposed the marriage that would have healed the rift between Lunarlia and Siyen. Karvas is convinced that the Baron turned his father’s mind with sorcery, and he agrees readily to leave Sheasu and journey with you aboard the Starstrider to Seroa to thwart Sadanzo’s plan. The Prince’s willing acceptance to return to his homeland raises your spirits. Acraban proposes a toast to the future King of Siyen and Karvas accepts the gesture in good humour. Then Acraban imparts the glad news to Lord Zinair by means of the seeing stone given to him by the elder magician. Zinair, who is sailing back to Suhn, congratulates you both for successfully finding the exiled Prince and he wishes you all a safe and speedy air voyage to Siyen.

(Something bad is going to happen. My guess? He'll be assassinated on the way over or something similar.)

The voyage to Siyen begins early the next day, an hour after first light. After saying a final farewell at Amarelda’s graveside, Karvas gathers together a few of his meagre belongings, frees his livestock, and then allows himself to be winched aboard the deck of the waiting Starstrider. There are now twenty-five days remaining before Harvestmas Day and the crowning ceremony in Seroa. Acraban calculates that the voyage by air should take no longer than twelve days to complete. This news fosters a cheerful mood of optimism for it means that the Prince should arrive in good time to be able to thwart Baron Sadanzo’s plan.

As the waters of the Sheasu Channel speed past the hull, and the crew of ten young Brotherhood initiates go about their airborne duties, you accompany Karvas to Acraban’s quarters where the Prince is given new clothing to replace his goatskin hides. Acraban offers him the pick of several fine costumes that befit his highborn status, but the Prince chooses instead to dress in the simple, functional grey tunic, cloak, and breeches of a Sommlending journeyman.

‘I vowed to Amarelda that I would one day return to Siyen,’ says Karvas, fixing the clasp of his cloak. ‘Yet never would I have expected to arrive thus—dressed as a Northlander aboard a flying ship!’

For three days and nights the Starstrider sails eastwards across the vast uncharted forests of the Kelderwastes, a region where few men have ever set foot. Your natural curiosity fills you with a desire to learn more about this strange unexplored territory, yet you are prevented from observing its passing by an unending blanket of raincloud which keeps the timberland hidden from view. It is not until the afternoon of the fourth day that you observe gaps in the cloud cover through which you see swathes of dense forest and tracts of dark, volcanic rock. In the far distance you can hear a sound like thunder, and your keen Kai senses detect that the pressure of the surrounding air is beginning to rise and fall erratically.

(I do have GP and the right rank)

At first your senses lead you to believe that a tempest is brewing, that the fluctuating air pressure is merely the prelude to a violent electrical storm. You magnify your vision and scan the horizon in sure expectation, but, to your surprise, you see neither lightning bolts nor storm clouds in the far distance. Then your Kai senses detect the source of the shifting pressure: it is coming up from the ground.

Rapidly the blanket of cloud below the keel dissipates to reveal a stark landscape of black volcanic rock. It is scarred by deep chasms and fissures, some of which emit jets of steam that roar skywards to buffet the hub of the Starstrider as it passes by. These colossal jets condense to form strange green-grey clouds which slowly drift and tumble back to the ground. One such cloud forms in the air and begins to fall on a collision course with the ship. Acraban sees the threat and he orders Kuo, his helmsman, to descend 300 feet in order to evade the falling cloud mass. As he obeys the wizard’s command, you sense suddenly that this manoeuvre could place the ship in greater danger, from the roaring jets of steam.

(I tell him to go up instead of down)

With respect, Grand Master, I’ve more experience of sky-sailing than you,’ retorts Acraban, ‘and my experience tells me that it is better to avoid rogue storm clouds, such as this one, by cutting below them rather than—’

Acraban’s words are suddenly drowned out by a crackling explosion that stuns you with its raw ferocity. From his nest atop the mainmast, the lookout shouts out a warning and frantically he points towards the ground. You rush to the rail and peer over the side, your stomach churning with fearful anticipation of what you will see. Deep within the fathomless reaches of the fissures and chasms passing below, you glimpse flashes of blue-white energy. These bolts are growing brighter and louder as they streak towards the surface. One bolt escapes from a vent in the middle distance and rips open the sky. It skewers a cluster of steam clouds and blows them apart in a spectacular explosion of gas and flame. Once again you urge Acraban to order his helmsman to ascend, this time to avoid the new and deadly danger that is striking from below.

(I toss a 9)

This time Acraban does not argue. He bellows the order to Kuo the helmsman to reverse the descent and change course, thirty degrees to port. The bow of the Starstrider rises up and the deck banks gently over to the left. But then a deafening Crack! explodes from somewhere below the stern, and you are thrown onto your hands and knees when a violent shock wave ripples along the decking. Acraban calls for a damage report and each crewman shouts his response in turn. The Starstrider has sustained a glancing blow from an energy bolt. It has torn away part of the hull plating and damaged one of the ship’s two internal stabilizers, upon which it relies for level flight. The craft ceases to gain height and begins drifting to starboard. This change of course is accompanied by a jarring vibration that runs through the deck and superstructure.

The surrounding sky is now a seething mass of billowing black clouds lit up by lethal blue-white bolts of lightning. The ship passes through a dark cloud and the metallic stench of ozone fills your nostrils. This harsh-smelling gas does you no harm, protected as you are by your innate Magnakai skill of Nexus. Likewise, Acraban suffers no ill effects from the gas for his magic is sufficient to counter it. But for Prince Karvas and the crew its effects are immediate and devastating. Clutching at their throats they lose their balance and fall to the deck, choking and spluttering as they fight for breath. Acraban instructs you to take the helm while he goes below to work on the damaged stabilizer. You follow his command and take control of the wheel from a barely-conscious Kuo. As the cloud passes the crew slowly recover, but you glimpse a fresh danger ahead. The Starstrider is drifting towards two large active fissures running parallel to each other, and a little over 100 feet apart. Sweat streaks your face as you struggle to steer a straight course between these fissures and so avoid the crackling bolts of energy that are hurtling out of their fiery depths.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery or Elementalism, add 2 to the number you have picked.

(I toss a 2 and net a 4)

It is a struggle to keep the skyship on a straight and level course for she is veering continually towards starboard. To counter this persistent drift you pull the wheel hard over to port, but the effects of her damaged stabilizer are unpredictable, making it almost impossible for you to maintain sure control of the helm. You over-compensate for the drift and quickly find yourself directly above the left-hand fissure, gliding helplessly into the path of a cluster of soaring energy bolts. Desperately you pull the wheel hard over to the right to avoid a collision but it is already too late. One of the powerful bolts strikes the hull and a stunning flash of white light obliterates your senses.

The searing flash of the lightning strike burns the skin on your face and hands (lose 4 ENDURANCE points), and leaves you blinded for a few fearful minutes. When your vision returns, you muster all of your Kai senses and focus them on the narrow strip of land which separates the fissures. Bolts of searing energy leap out of these chasms and soar past the skyship on either side to explode with thunderous cacophony among the roiling clouds. The crew cower with terror, but you maintain your nerve and let your Kai skills take full control of the wheel. After several nerve-racking miles the fissures eventually taper off and then disappear completely.

As the Starstrider emerges from the gauntlet of deadly white fire, the crew gives a loud cheer in appreciation of your skillful helmsmanship. Gladly you acknowledge their praise, but you keep a grip on the helm for your Kai senses are screaming a warning that the danger is not yet over.
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Old 04-16-2020, 03:13 PM   #70
Abe Sargent
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You are three miles clear of the fissures when the steering becomes dangerously erratic. The Starstrider is losing altitude and her deck is beginning to tilt alarmingly to starboard. Soon it becomes almost impossible to stand upright. Acraban appears from below and struggles valiantly across the sloping deck to join you at the helm. The young sorcerer is gaunt and exhausted, and his ginger hair is matted with grime and sweat. Clearly his efforts to repair the ailing skyship have severely drained his magical energies.

‘We have lost one stabilizer and the other is badly damaged,’ he says, grimly. ‘I have done all I can to repair it but I fear it may fail at any moment. Without stabilizers we will not stay airborne.’

Acraban takes the helm and orders his crew to prepare for a crash landing. Some of the men tie themselves to the ship’s superstructure, whilst others stand free of the rails and pray for the protection of Goddess Ishir. Prince Karvas has found refuge in a rope locker bolted to the main deck. He lifts the lid and urges you to join him. There is sufficient room for two

(N o thanks)

You brace yourself against the ship’s rail and watch with trepidation as Acraban fights to maintain control over his ailing skyship. Your stomach churns as the deck heaves from side to side, and your heart misses a beat when there is a sudden jolt and a fearful sound of screeching metal.

‘We’ve lost the second stabilizer!’ shouts Acraban in alarm. The wheel is suddenly wrenched from his grasp and it begins to spin out of control. The Starstrider has been losing height for several minutes, but now its angle of descent becomes far steeper. The skyship dives through a bank of low cloud and a great sea of trees comes rushing up to meet the bow. You grip the rail as tightly as you can and await the dreadful moment of impact. There is a splintering crack of timber when the hull collides with the treetops, and then, moments later, there is a terrific jolt as the craft’s bow slams into the rocky soil and comes to an abrupt halt.

The impact of the crash wrenches your hands from the rail and sends you tumbling across the stern deck.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

(I was hoping i could help out. Nevermind. I toss a 3)

As you tumble across the decking, you rely on your advanced Kai agility and Sixth Sense to avoid hitting the many obstacles that are strewn in your path. Unfortunately, you are unable to avoid them all and you come to a sudden halt when you collide with a crewman on the middle deck: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You stagger painfully to your feet and try to focus on your surroundings. Through a pall of smoke you hear the groans of wounded crewmen and the crackling buzz of electrical arcing. Steam rises from a gaping hole in the stern deck and a fire rages around the base of the mainmast. Prince Karvas emerges unscathed from the rope locker and quickly he helps you to smother this fire. Then he gives first aid to a crewman who is lying nearby, nursing a broken knee. Acraban comes staggering out of the smoke. His robes are torn and a trickle of blood runs from a cut above his right ear. You use your Magnakai Curing skills to heal the wizard’s wound and then together you help evacuate the injured crewmen from the crippled skyship. Acraban orders Bo’sun Gora to go and assess the state of the crew. He returns shortly and reports that from the ship’s original complement of ten men, three are now missing, three are wounded, and one is dead. The remaining three crewmen, himself included, have survived the crash with only minor injuries.

Using your Magnakai Curing skills, you ease the pain of the badly-injured crewmen before helping Karvas and Gora to bury the dead man—Kuo the helmsman. The area surrounding the crashed skyship is thickly wooded and, with night fast approaching and a sky heavy with clouds, it is impossible for you to determine your exact location. Acraban proposes to contact Lord Zinair to inform him of the disaster by means of his seeing stone. But, to his dismay, he soon discovers that the magical artefact has been lost in the crash.

As the darkness of night envelops the smouldering wreck of the Starstrider, you find it hard to suppress a growing sense of despair. It is a mood shared by the other survivors, and few words are exchanged as you work together to erect a makeshift shelter for the wounded beside the ship’s battered keel. When the shelter is finished, you each look for a place nearby where you can lie down and attempt to recover from the fatigue of your terrible ordeal.

Before you try to get some sleep, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You pass the hours before daybreak in a restless, semi-conscious state. You cannot sleep properly for your mind is tormented by the gnawing fear that your mission has come to an early and tragic end. You rise before dawn and try to overcome your melancholic mood by tending to the three wounded crew members. Through the use of your Magnakai Curing skills you are able to accelerate their own natural healing processes so that, when daybreak finally arrives, they are no longer incapacitated by the injuries they received in the crash.

As the grey morning light filters down through the canopy of the forest, it reveals a corridor of smashed and flattened trees lying in the wake of the crippled Starstrider. Acraban and his bo’sun make a lengthy inspection of the craft and then report their findings.

‘The glad news is that she’s repairable,’ pipes Bo’sun Gora, confidently. ‘She looks bad but her engine’s as sound as a bell. We’ve the materials and tools aboard to fix ’er stabilizers, and there’s mor’n enough timber ’round here to patch up the decks and hull.’ Acraban nods his agreement yet, unlike his bo’sun, his face remains dour.

‘Aye, she’ll fly again,’ confirms Acraban, ‘but it’ll take us close to a month to craft the parts we need to repair the stabilizers.’ He turns to Prince Karvas and says: ‘Alas, my lord, by then it will be too late to reach Seroa in time for your crowning.’

‘What if we were to seek aid from the craftsmen of Bakhasa?’ you say, knowing by instinct and a brief study of your map that this city can be no further than 100 miles away to the east. ‘Could the repairs be made any sooner with their help?’

‘Expect no help from that quarter,’ replies Karvas, coolly. ‘During my time in Mydnight I heard many stories about Bakhasa and its ruler—the Imperial Autarch Sejanoz. They were all chilling tales. They say it’s a cruel and evil place—a city without a soul where human life counts for little. If you wish to live to see your homeland again, Master Acraban, you should not seek the help of the Bakhasians. Better by far to keep your work hidden from their eyes.’

‘But, my lord,’ replies Acraban, ‘what of your kingdom? Are you prepared to surrender your birthright to Baron Sadanzo?’

‘No, never!’ retorts Karvas, suddenly angered by the wizard’s suggestion. ‘There are twenty-one days yet before the feast of Harvestmas. With the blessing of the gods, I vow I shall be in Seroa on that day to claim my ascendance.’

The Prince proposes to set off for Seroa on foot. He says that he will go alone and that you should stay here to help Acraban restore the Starstrider, returning with him to Sommerlund once the repairs are complete. Politely you refuse his proposal. You have vowed to Lone Wolf that you will carry out your mission and, despite adversity, you will not abandon your duty. It is a matter of Kai honour that you should escort him to Seroa

The Prince smiles when you refuse to let him attempt the long journey to Seroa alone.

‘Very well, Grand Master,’ he says. ‘So be it. In truth, I could not hope for a more worthy companion on the road ahead. Come, let us plan our way as best we can.’

Acraban has one of his men fetch his compass and charts from the skyship to help you to determine the swiftest route overland to Seroa. You quickly establish your present location and suddenly you realize how difficult the journey ahead will be. Seroa lies over 1,200 miles to the east, beyond mountains, plains, and uncharted wilderness. You calculate that in order to reach the city in time you must cover no less than 60 miles every day.

‘On foot, across such harsh terrain … it is impossible,’ says Acraban, shaking his head.

‘Perhaps so,’ replies Karvas, ‘but if we had horses then it could be done.’

You scan the surrounding forest and let your Kai senses wander afar. ‘There are no horses in this timberland, my lord,’ you say, certain in the knowledge that your judgement is correct. Karvas acknowledges your skill with a wry smile.

‘I take great pride in my magical powers,’ interjects Acraban, jovially, ‘but even I, my lord, cannot summon horses from out of the air. Where, pray tell, do you hope to find mounts with strength enough to carry you all the way home?’

Karvas turns his eyes to the east and says: ‘Why, in Bakhasa, of course. Mark you, the citizens of that foul city will not help us out of the goodness of their hearts, of that we can be sure. But they have horses—strong Bhanarian stallions. Perhaps, Grand Master, we shall be able to borrow a pair?’

You laugh with Prince Karvas at the audacity of his plan and you feel your spirits rise. A long and dangerous journey lies ahead, yet you are impressed by the Prince’s courage and determination, and you feel confident once more that your mission can succeed. Acraban also approves. He and his men will stay and restore the Starstrider and then fly back to Toran as soon as they are able.

Mindful that time is not your ally, you gather your Weapons and equipment together in readiness to leave. After bidding farewell to Acraban and his crewmen, you set off with Prince Karvas into the Great Forest, heading east. The vast timberland is rich with game, roots, and berries, and you are able to hunt and gather food on the move (you gather enough for 2 Meals). By noon you have made good progress and have reached the eastern fringe of the forest. Beyond lies an undulating plain that gradually descends towards a wide river. To the northeast, sitting astride this river, you glimpse the dark outline of a city.

‘That’s Bakhasa,’ says Karvas, confidently. You magnify your vision and estimate it to be no more than 30 miles distant. ‘With luck, we should make it there by midnight
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Old 04-16-2020, 06:24 PM   #71
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
(Great another Mover...)

The rolling plain to the west of Bakhasa is a bleak and barren steppe that is studded with countless thousands of sawn-off tree stumps. Once this region was part of the Great Forest of Kelderwood, yet in recent times the ruler of Bhanar, Autarch Sejanoz, has commanded the Bakhasians to harvest the forest’s valuable hardwood and dispatch it downstream to feed the insatiable imperial shipyards of Otavai. Travelling on foot, the stumps are no obstruction to your progress and you are able to press on without stopping until late in the afternoon. As you crest a ridge of high ground, you spot a troop of horsemen escorting a line of wagons laden with timber. They are less than a mile distant and they appear to be heading towards a settlement on the banks of the River Tehda. You wait and watch them until they are dots on the horizon before continuing your trek towards the city of Bakhasa.

You are within 20 miles of Bakhasa when dusk begins to darken the gloomy sky. Karvas requests that you stop and rest awhile before making a final push for the city. You are feeling hungry after your long day’s march and you readily agree. (Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.)

Night falls within an hour of you resuming your trek, yet the distant lights of Bakhasa and its surrounding settlements enable you to stay on course and maintain an impressive pace. The city is lit by hundreds of fiery beacons which mark the outline of its ancient perimeter wall and angular watchtowers. These fires also illuminate the surface of the River Tehda which passes through the centre of Bakhasa. To the south of the city, lines of tethered barges stacked high with logs lie moored along both of its paved banks. Under cover of the night, you are able to move through the outlying settlements without being seen. When at last you hear a bell in the city tolling the midnight hour, you find yourself upon a knoll overlooking a rutted road which approaches Bakhasa’s west gate. Using your night vision, you scan the high perimeter wall and note the positions of guards posted around its tiled parapet. They are greatest in number above a wide stone archway where the glimmering river flows out of the city. Prince Karvas is eager to enter the city before dawn and he asks you to choose the way. Aware that it may prove easier to find and take some horses while most of Bakhasa’s inhabitants are still asleep, you scan the perimeter wall once more and consider how best you can pass beyond it.

(I choose the west gate, more control than the river)

You approach to within 100 feet of the west gate by means of a drainage ditch that runs parallel to the rutted road. The heavy iron gate is open but the way through to the city beyond is blocked by four soldiers, each clad in a suit of shiny armour made from lacquered steel scales and hardened leather. They are armed with spears and maces, and their shields display the head of a tiger-like creature with ferocious fangs. It is the emblem of Autarch Sejanoz—the ruler of Bhanar.

Two of the soldiers stand rigidly to attention in the middle of the road with the hafts of their spears crossed to bar entry. Their comrades are seated beside them on benches set into alcoves on either side of the open gateway. A ragged white line appears to have been drawn along the threshold of the gate, but when you magnify your vision you realize that this line is nothing more than a trail of bird droppings. On a tiled ledge above the arch of the gateway you can see a long line of roosting crows. They appear almost invisible against the jet-black stonework of the parapet.

After watching the guards for several minutes you are sure that they are all alert and observant. It would be difficult to get past these men without their knowledge. If you are to gain entry to the city by this route, first you will have to create a diversion to draw away these vigilant guards.

(I use Elementalism)

While observing the soldier who is seated in the alcove to the right of the city gate, your keen eyes notice that beneath his bench there rests a small pot of ink, a feathered quill pen, and a large leather-bound book for the recording of tolls and charges. Using your power of Elementalism, you focus on the quill pen and cause its feathers to ignite spontaneously. Within a matter of seconds the flames spread to the vellum pages of the book and the hem of the soldier’s woollen cloak. With a scream of shocked surprise, the guard leaps to his feet and fumbles to unfasten the clasp of his burning cloak. As the other guards desert their posts and rush to his aid, you motion to Prince Karvas to follow your lead. Swiftly you climb out of the ditch and hurry towards the now unguarded entrance.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

(I auto succeed)

You hurry past the gate guards and through the open archway into a flagstoned concourse. By keeping low and hiding in the shadows, you and Karvas are able to cross this open plaza undetected and make your way along an empty avenue which bisects the city’s west quarter. Grimy two-storey houses of carved hardwood pass by on either side, silent behind their bolts and shutters.

The avenue leads to a stone bridge that traverses the River Tehda and then continues into the heart of the east quarter. Here you almost collide with a patrol of armed guards which is marching towards the river, and hurriedly you are forced to take cover in a timber yard to avoid being seen. You study the ten-strong patrol as it marches past. These men are clad in black quilted tunics and wide silk leggings, and they are armed with curved swords and hand-axes. They are almond-eyed and they all have shiny black hair tied in a knot at the nape of their necks. Their leader, a stocky bull-necked sergeant, wears the emblem of Sejanoz emblazoned upon a scarlet armband. Patiently you wait for them to reach the bridge but, as they do so, another patrol comes marching along the avenue from the opposite direction. The east quarter of Bakhasa is a busy place, even at this late hour. Rather than risk being seen and captured, you decide to remain hidden here in the timber yard and attempt to get a few hours sleep before dawn.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You are woken at daybreak by the rattling sound of heavy chains and the mechanical thumping and buzzing of a steam-driven sawmill. The fearful noise is almost deafening, yet it fails to awaken Karvas who is sleeping deeply after yesterday’s tiring trek. You let him sleep on for another hour before you are forced to awaken him. A trio of rugged timber workers have arrived in an ox-drawn wagon to collect logs for transportation to the river barges. Unfortunately, they have decided to take the logs behind which you are hiding. As they busy themselves fixing hooks and chains, you and Karvas slip aboard their wagon and cover yourselves with a tarpaulin. Once the loading is complete, the men take their seats at the front of the wagon and set off for the river.

Through a rent in the oily canvas sheet you watch the drab houses and streets of Bakhasa filing past. The wagon slows as it approaches the city’s main bridge, and then it comes to an unexpected halt. A black-clad guardsman appears and you hear him say to the driver that he wants to inspect his cargo. The driver argues with the guard, insisting that he be allowed to continue on his way. Fearing that you may be detected if the guard prevails, you and Karvas slip away from the wagon and hurry into the ruins of a warehouse close by.

From the cover of this derelict warehouse you watch the soldiers and citizens of Bakhasa going about their daily business. Only twenty days remain before Harvestmas, and as the hours tick by, you become uncomfortably aware that time is running out. With 1,200 miles yet to cover, you know that the success or failure of your mission now hinges on your being able to find some sturdy horses. Throughout the long day you observe the traffic of people who are using the surrounding streets, yet rarely do you see any on horseback.

On the north side of the warehouse there stands a domed building with an adjoining bell-tower. As dusk approaches, you propose to Karvas that you should try to reach the top of this tower. Using your keen sight you will get a better view of the city from there and, with luck, you may be able to locate the nearest stables. The Prince agrees to your plan. He will remain here in the warehouse while you attempt to gain access to the bell-tower. Night is closing and, as you wait for the streets to empty, you study the building opposite and determine two ways by which you may enter its tower: by a side door at street level, or by an open window in the second storey of the tower.

You are getting ready to cross the street to the building’s side door when suddenly the tower bell starts to toll. A few minutes later you see a long line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, come walking in single file towards the building. Two great doors swing open to receive this procession and you catch sight of the building’s cavernous interior. It is richly appointed with tapestries and golden ornaments, yet, despite its beautifully crafted opulence, you feel nothing but revulsion. Your Kai senses inform you that this place is a temple wholly devoted to the worship of an evil deity.

As soon as the procession has entered, the doors are slammed shut and the bell ceases to toll. Shaken but undeterred by what you have witnessed, you leave the warehouse and hurry across the street. The side door is unlocked and you open it and slip inside the small circular antechamber which lies beyond. Here you discover two further doors. You sense that one of them leads directly to the hall of the temple, for you can hear a dull chant arising from the congregation that has gathered there. The other door leads to the stairs of the bell-tower, but you quickly discover that this portal is securely locked.

(I do not have G. Nexus)

You rely upon your Magnakai skill of Nexus to assist you to open the door. But it quickly proves to be a more difficult task than you expected, for this door is secured by an elaborate and complex locking mechanism.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess a Dagger, you may add 2 to the number you have picked.

( I toss a 7)

Your skill and persistence finally pay off when the lock clicks open. You twist the iron door handle and push it open to reveal a circular stone staircase which leads all the way to the bell chamber at the top of the tower. On reaching the top you are treated to a spectacular view of the city. As you scan the rooftops and towers using your night vision, you are able to locate stables less than a mile away, to the north of the tower. You commit their location to memory and then hurriedly you descend the stairs to the antechamber below.

As you close the tower door, your Kai senses alert you to a concealed panel in the wall opposite. You press this panel and it slides aside to reveal a secret cache of valuable items:

100 Ren (equivalent to 10 Gold Crowns)
Jewelled Knife
Silver Signet Ring

If you wish to keep any of the above, record them on your Action Chart as Backpack Items. (Ren is local currency which you may carry in your Belt Pouch.)

On your return to the warehouse, Prince Karvas is delighted to hear that there are stables in Bakhasa and he insists that you set off for them at once. He is leading the way out of the ruins when suddenly the tower bell begins to toll once more. Moments later, the temple doors swing open and the procession of black-clad figures file out into the street. Instinctively you take hold of Karvas by the arm and pull him back into the ruins to avoid being seen by the emerging soldiers. As they pass by, you peer around the edge of the crumbling warehouse doorway to watch them. A strange feeling of unease makes the skin on the back of your neck prickle, and immediately you sense that all is not what it seems. When you magnify your vision to take a closer look at the passing figures, you gasp with shock at what you see.

( I take all three - I now have 45 crowns)
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Old 04-16-2020, 06:35 PM   #72
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The Bakhasian soldiers have undergone a dramatic transformation. Before they entered the temple their skin had the yellowy hue of tallow and their hair was silky black. Now their faces and hands are ghostly white, their hair has turned steely grey, and the pupils of their red-rimmed eyes have changed to a pale translucent amber. The sight of their gaunt faces chills your heart; they look more like animated corpses than living men.

The procession leaves the temple at a funereal pace. At the rear of the column you can see four Bakhasians carrying a platform on their shoulders on which rests an elaborate shrine. It is fashioned from gold and jewels and has been crafted into the likeness of a tiger’s head. Two huge ivory fangs protrude from its jaw and its jewelled eyes glow with a flickering scarlet fire. You notice that the tiger-like shrine resembles the emblem of Sejanoz which is embroidered upon the sleeves of the soldiers’ padded black tunics. As the platform-bearers draw level with the warehouse doorway, the head of the tiger shrine slowly rotates in your direction and two pencil-thin beams of red light shoot from its eyes. You duck back behind the doorway but you know that it is too late—the shrine has detected your presence and it is alerting the cadaverous soldiers to your hiding place. Your Sixth Sense informs you that it is the goodly aura of your Kai Weapon that has activated the shrine and betrayed your position.

When you hear one of the platform-bearers shouting an order, you tell Karvas to get ready to run. You chance a glance around the doorway and your worst fears are confirmed when you see three Bakhasians advancing swiftly towards the warehouse. They are carrying what appear to be hollow, stubby spears that are connected by metallic piping to cylindrical backpacks. One of the advancing soldiers sees you and a puff of bubbling steam gushes from the tip of his spear. In the next instant, a solid projectile smashes through the warehouse wall, leaving a ragged hole in the brickwork less than a hand’s breadth from your head.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 2. If your current ENDURANCE score is 20 or higher, add 1.

( I toss a 2 and get a 6)

You are leaving through the portal when the missile strikes Karvas a glancing blow on his left shoulder and sends him tumbling past you into an alleyway outside the warehouse. You rush to his side and hurriedly you staunch the flow of blood from his injured shoulder by the use of your Magnakai Discipline of Curing. (Use of this skill to aid the Prince costs you 2 ENDURANCE points.)

With the Bakhasians close on your heels, you help the Prince to his feet and support him as you make a hurried escape along the dark alleyway towards an adjoining torchlit street.

When you reach the end of the passageway, you stop for a few moments to recover and take stock of your perilous situation. Your pursuers have entered the alleyway behind you and you can hear them running towards the street. You see another alley, sandwiched between two tall buildings on the opposite side, and you tell Karvas to follow as you hurry towards it. You are halfway across the street when suddenly a second group of Bakhasians appears. They have circled around the warehouse in an attempt to cut off your escape. Moments later, the four shrine-bearers arrive with their tiger-head idol still hoisted upon their shoulders. Your Sixth Sense tells you that this idol is helping them to follow your trail. If you are to make a successful escape from these ghoulish soldiers, you must do something to disrupt the idol’s power.

( I use Elementalism)

Using your mastery of Elementalism, you stir up the dirt around the feet of the nearest shrine-bearer and project this cloud of grit at his face. Instinctively he releases his hold of the platform and cups his hands to his stinging eyes. Without his support the platform tilts over and the tiger-head idol tumbles from its wooden base. It hits the cobblestones with a mighty crash, shatters in two, and releases a whirling cone of red flame from its hollow core that engulfs the bearers. In the blink of an eye the four men are transformed into smouldering heaps of ash.

Cries of fear and outrage echo along the street as the Bakhasian soldiers witness the deaths of their comrades and the destruction of their unholy symbol. Before they can gather themselves and give chase, you and Karvas rush across the street and make a hasty escape along the dark alleyway beyond

Word of the shrine’s destruction spreads quickly. Within minutes of your escape, the sleeping city is rudely awakened by a cacophony of alarm bells and discordant horns. Search parties are mustered and soon the major avenues of the city echo to a new sound—the tramp of vengeful patrols dispatched to track you down. By using your advanced Kai tracking skills and taking care to avoid the main thoroughfares, at length you are able to reach the stables that you saw from the top of the temple bell-tower. From the cover of a cart parked across a square from its double-gated entrance, you observe the building and the passing patrols and wait patiently for the commotion to die down.

The stables are surrounded by a high brick wall topped by a row of foot-long spikes embedded in mortar. A sign hangs above the main entrance that reads ‘Tehda Stables’. The tolling bells have roused the stable guards and this entrance is now heavily guarded, as are three smaller entrances set at intervals along its perimeter wall. Only one door has no armed guard posted before it, but when you magnify your vision you quickly see why this is so. It is secured by three steel bolts and a heavy iron lock.

(I do not have a Tehda Key)

The number of guards and the frequency of the patrols make it too dangerous to attempt to gain entry to the stables from the square, and so you decide to search around the perimeter wall to see if there is an easier way. Karvas gets ready to move from behind the cart, but you tell him to stay here and wait for your signal.

‘Better I should go alone, my lord,’ you say. ‘It will halve the risk of being seen. Wait here for my signal and be prepared to act quickly when you see it.’ The Prince nods his agreement and he wishes you good luck before you depart.

Using your Kai camouflage skills to keep yourself hidden from the watchful guards, you scurry away from the cart and skirt around the high perimeter wall. On the west side of the compound you discover that the wall is lower and the number of passing soldiers is fewer and less frequent. You run to the base of the wall and, as you look up at its spiked top, you ponder the best way you can reach the other side

(I use KA)

Using the Brotherhood Spell Levitation you rise effortlessly to the top of the wall. You then counter the effects of the spell and step between the spikes. You are getting ready to leap down into the training field that lies beyond the wall when suddenly you see a guard standing directly below you. Instinctively you leap onto his back and force him to the ground. He tries to shout out but a swift blow to the base of his skull renders him unconscious before his cry has left his lips. Immediately you scan the perimeter of the field and the buildings beyond in case you have been seen, but there appears to be no other guards on duty.

Your search of the guard’s pockets uncovers the following items:

20 Ren (equivalent to 2 Gold Crowns)
Potion of Laumspur (restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)

If you wish to keep any of these items, remember to make the necessary adjustments to you

(47 crowns)

You gag and tie the unconscious guard with his belt and tunic, and then you hide him in some long grass at the base of the perimeter wall. Hurrying across the field, you soon reach a courtyard located near to the main entrance. This flagstoned yard abuts the entrance gates and is bounded on the other three sides by paddocks, tack rooms, and the training fields. There are only two guards on duty here, the others having been called upon to assist the patrols that are out searching the city. They are both asleep at their posts and you have no difficulty tiptoeing past them and entering the paddocks where the horses are stabled.

You search the stalls and soon discover two black Bhanarian stallions of magnificent quality and breeding. They will make ideal mounts for you and Prince Karvas. These intelligent animals respond readily to your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and they remain calm and composed as you hurriedly fix their saddles and bridles. As you are leading them out into the courtyard, you stop to unbuckle a sword belt from the belly of a sleeping guard. Prince Karvas is unarmed and you are sure he will appreciate this weapon more than its present owner.

You lead the horses across the courtyard and as you approach the stables’ main doors, you mount one of them and fix the reins of the other to your stirrup. Then you kick open one of the double doors and urge your horse forward at the gallop.

The guards outside are taken completely by surprise. As they fumble to unsheathe their swords, you race across the square and wave to Karvas who is waiting patiently for your signal. The Prince leaps up from behind the cart and comes running towards the spare horse. He is getting ready to leap into its saddle when a gruff cry alerts you to danger. A patrol has entered the square and their officer is commanding his sergeant to fire at you with his bow.

(I use KS)

You launch a pulse of mental energy at the archer and it sears his mind (use of this Grand Master Discipline costs you 1 ENDURANCE point). The man screams and recoils from the sudden pain that has invaded his head. As he falls backwards, he releases his arrow and it arcs through the air to shatter uselessly against the wall of the stables.

Karvas leaps into the saddle and you toss him the reins. With a cry of elation, you wheel your horse about and spur him towards an avenue on the east side of the square. You and the Prince gallop side by side along this broad thoroughfare as fast as your mounts will carry you, trampling any Bakhasian who is foolish enough to stand in your way. The road leads directly to the city’s east gate where a bell is tolling loudly. A crowd of militiamen have gathered at the gate, summoned from their beds by the alarm, but they are without their officer and in the chaos and confusion they have forgotten to close the gate. They scatter in all directions as you thunder along the avenue towards them and you are able to escape through the open archway without challenge.

Whooping with excitement, you race away from Bakhasa along a dusty trail that heads towards the foothills of the Dammerdon Mountains. You glance to your side and see Prince Karvas punch the air victoriously. Clearly he is as excited by this daring escape as you are; he has a grin fixed to his sweat-streaked face that stretches from ear to ear.

The strong Bhanarian stallions carry you swiftly into the foothills and never once do they falter in their stride nor slacken their impressive pace. Only when you can no longer see the lights of Bakhasa do you let them slow to a canter. For more than an hour you travel the trail as it meanders through pine-covered hills and shallow valleys. The night sky is clear and the way ahead is illuminated by bright starlight. When you come to a shallow ford that crosses a fast-flowing stream, you stop here awhile to let your horses drink their fill.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
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Old 04-16-2020, 07:02 PM   #73
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You launch a pulse of mental energy at the archer and it sears his mind (use of this Grand Master Discipline costs you 1 ENDURANCE point). The man screams and recoils from the sudden pain that has invaded his head. As he falls backwards, he releases his arrow and it arcs through the air to shatter uselessly against the wall of the stables.

Karvas leaps into the saddle and you toss him the reins. With a cry of elation, you wheel your horse about and spur him towards an avenue on the east side of the square. You and the Prince gallop side by side along this broad thoroughfare as fast as your mounts will carry you, trampling any Bakhasian who is foolish enough to stand in your way. The road leads directly to the city’s east gate where a bell is tolling loudly. A crowd of militiamen have gathered at the gate, summoned from their beds by the alarm, but they are without their officer and in the chaos and confusion they have forgotten to close the gate. They scatter in all directions as you thunder along the avenue towards them and you are able to escape through the open archway without challenge.

Whooping with excitement, you race away from Bakhasa along a dusty trail that heads towards the foothills of the Dammerdon Mountains. You glance to your side and see Prince Karvas punch the air victoriously. Clearly he is as excited by this daring escape as you are; he has a grin fixed to his sweat-streaked face that stretches from ear to ear.

The strong Bhanarian stallions carry you swiftly into the foothills and never once do they falter in their stride nor slacken their impressive pace. Only when you can no longer see the lights of Bakhasa do you let them slow to a canter. For more than an hour you travel the trail as it meanders through pine-covered hills and shallow valleys. The night sky is clear and the way ahead is illuminated by bright starlight. When you come to a shallow ford that crosses a fast-flowing stream, you stop here awhile to let your horses drink their fill.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

(Jump. Please note Dever is used the word Inflammable correctly, it actually means able to catch fire quickly)

You dig your heels into your horse’s flanks and urge him along the trail towards the blazing trunk. You sense that he is terrified of the fire, but you use your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to calm his fears as he gets ready to jump through the crackling flames.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Nexus, add 1.

( I toss a 4 which is a 6)

Bravely your horse obeys your command and he leaps through the fire to land surefootedly on the trail beyond. The flames scorch your skin, yet your protective Magnakai skill of Nexus prevents you from sustaining any lasting injury. However, your horse is less fortunate. His flanks and belly are badly blistered by the fire. Mercifully, you ease his pain and heal his singed flesh through the swift use of your Magnakai Curing skills. (The speedy use of your innate skills to heal your mount costs you 2 ENDURANCE points.

Your leap across the burning tree has created a temporary gap in the flames. Karvas is able to exploit this by jumping his stallion at exactly the same place. As they emerge from the flames, you cheer his masterful display of horsemanship and beckon him to follow as you gallop along the trail. Your pursuers are not so daring. When they reach the burning tree they halt and give up the chase, allowing you and Karvas to make good your escape into the foothills of the Dammerdon Mountains.

You follow this ancient trail for more than an hour as it ascends, by tortuous twist and turn, towards the forbidding granite peaks of the Dammerdon Mountains. The air is now much cooler than when you first entered the foothills, and the starlight that has illuminated your way so far is fading fast. Your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills warn you that the time has come to seek shelter for you sense a storm approaching.

You reach a plateau strewn with boulders where a smaller track branches away from the main trail. It leads to a large stone hut that stands perched upon a spur of granite. Further along the trail you can see a ledge of rock that overhangs a narrow gully.

(Stone Hut)

You are pleased to discover that the stone hut is both empty and large enough to accommodate you and your horses with ease. Its ancient granite blocks keep out the chill mountain wind and its slate-tiled roof is in remarkably good condition. Once you have tended to your horses and settled them for the night, you and Karvas try to make yourselves comfortable on the flagstoned floor so that you can get a few hours’ sleep before daybreak. You are laying your cloak down on the ground when you discover an iron ring set into one of the flagstones. Closer inspection reveals the stone to be a hinged trapdoor and, when you pull it open, you discover a flight of steps leading down to a subterranean chamber. Positioned in the centre of this sunken chamber is a solid block of marble. A symbol has been carved in its surface, one that you recognize immediately: it is the tiger’s-head emblem of Sejanoz—the Autarch of Bhanar

Cautiously you descend the steps and approach the block. Your Magnakai Discipline of Divination makes you sensitive to an aura of evil that lingers in this chamber, and your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills alert you to a concealed panel which is located at the centre of the carved symbol.

(I choose to open the door)

You draw your Kai Weapon and touch the surface of the emblem with its gleaming blade. Instantly the concealed panel slides away to reveal a recess which contains a dagger crudely carved from a strange, scarlet-veined stone. Its rough-hewn blade is stained with dried blood and your stomach churns when your Sixth Sense detects that it has been used for human sacrifices.

(If you wish to keep this Stone Dagger, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.)

You climb out of the chamber and slam the trapdoor shut. Then, using your Kai Weapon, you cleave the iron ring from the stone so that the trapdoor cannot easily be opened. Karvas is having difficulty staying awake and you volunteer to sit the first watch so that he can rest. You spend your watch listening to the rain beating on the slate roof and the desolate sound of the wind whistling through the mountains. When Karvas takes over, you pull your warm cloak close around your shoulders and settle down on the floor to sleep. Karvas wakes you shortly after daybreak. You have slept for only three hours yet you open your eyes feeling refreshed and alert (you may restore 3 ENDURANCE points).

Before you leave the hut and resume your journey along the trail, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points (unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery).
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Old 04-16-2020, 07:14 PM   #74
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The morning sky is filled with brooding clouds and the surrounding granite peaks appear hostile and unforgiving, but you draw some comfort from the fact that the rain has ceased and you are able to ride this ancient mountain trail with little difficulty. It is nearing midday when you catch your first glimpse of the wastelands that lie to the east, far beyond the Dammerdon Range. These are the Doomlands of Naaros and your heart fills with dread when you recall something of what you learned about this region during your teachings at the Kai Monastery.

This vast wasteland of dust and ash was formerly the seat of power of the greatest, most evil being who ever ruled Magnamund—Agarash the Damned. At its centre there once stood his mighty fortress-city of Naaros; now all that remains is a titanic chasm of molten lava and heat-fused rock. Ten millennia ago, the gods Ishir and Kai sent forth the magical Elder Magi to challenge the rule of Agarash, and they undertook a daring assault upon Naaros and its fell inhabitants, the Agarashi—the Creatures of Darkness. This attack precipitated a war which lasted a thousand years and culminated in the destruction of Agarash and his accursed empire. Once there were many cities and fortresses in the Doomlands; now there are none.

As you continue along the trail you pass several waystones that are set into the ground at regular intervals. They are not ancient stones for they each bear the symbol of Sejanoz, and your Kai senses detect that these carvings are no more than a decade old. Karvas suspects that Sejanoz has had them placed here as a form of homage to the memory of Agarash. Throughout Southern Magnamund it is rumoured that the spirit of Agarash lives on, imprisoned within the molten ruins of Naaros.

(I do have GP and a high enough rank)

Your advanced Pathsmanship skills reveal to you that the weather is going to deteriorate over the coming few hours. The rain will return, and it will be far heavier than you experienced last night.

(Why that's tracking and not, say, Elementalism, Telegnosis, etc is odd to me. I find that the usage of skills can often feel off, like another skill would better show something off)

It is early in the afternoon when you see the ruins of an ancient fortress. They lie less than a mile from the trail, on a plateau of rock at the base of a shallow ravine. As you descend the trail and draw closer to the ruins, you hear a distant rumble of thunder. Within minutes it has begun to rain and soon you find yourself caught in a torrential downpour. Your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills warn you that heavy rain in these barren mountains brings with it the danger of a sudden flash flood.

The sheeting rain is making it impossible to see the trail ahead. Rather than continue and risk flood or fall, you leave the trail to seek shelter in the ruined fortress.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

(I toss a 1)

Your worst fears are realized when suddenly you hear a mighty roar. You look up to your right and gasp when you see a solid wall of water and loose rock comes rushing down the mountainside towards the trail. Terrified by the thought of being washed away in this avalanche of water and shale, you and Karvas hurriedly leave the trail and gallop your horses towards the sanctuary of the ruined fortress.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Animal Mastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

(I auto pass with AM)

The speed and surefootedness of your Bhanarian stallions carry you and Karvas swiftly out of harm’s reach. You soon reach the rubble-strewn gate of the fortress and dismount to lead your horses inside. Within its crumbling walls there stands a keep, a cylindrical structure of time-worn masonry. The upper parts have collapsed leaving huge chunks of broken stone heaped around its base. Where once stood a gate of gleaming bronze, now only a blackened hole remains. It provides access to the inner hall and you enter to take shelter from the torrential rain.

Engravings in the ceiling and walls of this derelict hall tell you that this fortress was once occupied by the Elder Magi. Both you and Karvas are fascinated by the intricate carvings and you decide to split up and explore this hall further. In an alcove at its north side you discover a shrine dedicated to the God Kai. Clumps of wild laumspur are growing around its base and you discover enough here for 3 potions. (Each Potion of Laumspur is a Backpack Item. It will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.)

You are examining the shrine more closely when suddenly you hear Karvas scream out in alarm.

(I add two Laumspur to the empty slots of my pack. The Knife and Dagger are weapons and special items, and my Ring I found is ditto)

The Prince’s scream came from the south side of the hall. As you run towards it, your heart misses a beat when you see that a large section of the stone flooring has collapsed. With trepidation, you reach the edge and look down into a yawning hole. Prince Karvas is hanging by one hand to an outcrop of jagged rock some 15 feet below. Over 100 feet below his dangling legs there rages an underground river, swollen by the flash flood.

Hold on, sire!’ you shout in desperation, as helplessly you watch his bruised fingers slowly losing their grip.

(I use my rope)

You pull your rope out of your pack and cast one end down to the helpless Prince. The instant he grabs this trailing end securely with his free hand, you pull with all your strength and haul him out of the cavity. As you are helping him to his feet, you happen by chance to notice that he has a crescent-shaped birthmark on his right wrist.

Between gasps of breath, Karvas thanks you earnestly for your timely help. Had you not acted when you did he feels certain that he would have slipped and fallen into the raging river.

For two frustrating days and nights the ferocious storm continues unabated. Floods and mudslides render the mountain trail impassable, and you are unable to leave the shelter of the ancient keep until early on the morning of the third day. Anxious to make up for lost time, you depart as soon as the rains cease.

A further two days are spent riding the treacherous trail. It takes you across the northern foothills of the Dammerdons to the Lunarlian settlement of Jaroc. It is mid-morning, fifteen days before Harvestmas, when finally you enter the palisade wall of this sprawling border town. Few of the people you find here are natives. Most are nomadic horsemen from the Great Lunarlian Plain who have come to barter and trade their wares at its famous tented market. As you ride through the bustling marketplace, you pause for a few moments to observe a quarrel between a trader and a nomad. The nomad is accusing the trader of selling him some rotten food, and he demands the return of his money. The trader refuses. In desperation, the nomad turns to you and holds out his purchase at arm’s length.

‘Stranger, would y’say this meat is fit to eat?’ he pleads, inviting you to inspect an unappetizing haunch of maggoty meat.

( I do not have Herbmastery)

Plainly the nomad’s meat is rotten to the bone. So, too, is most of the other food that is displayed on the trader’s stall. You agree with the nomad that the meat is unfit to eat, and immediately the trader denounces you. Loudly he accuses you of being tricksters, conspiring together to cheat him out of his wares. He shouts for the Holtors—the market guardsmen—demanding they come and arrest you all.

Karvas suggests that now may be a good time to leave Jaroc. You nod in agreement. Together you turn your horses away from the trader’s stall and canter back through the crowds towards the palisade. As you approach it, you see two portly armed guards hurrying to shut the gate.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and release a bolt of energy at the palisade gate. It rips through its timbers and leaves a jagged hole smouldering in its wake. Your display of Brotherhood magic clearly terrifies the guards for they drop their spears and scatter. Without looking back, the two of you gallop out of Jaroc and escape across the open plain that lies beyond.

(I would have used the friend spell to keep them from closing the gate. That was a violent choice there Dever.)
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Old 04-16-2020, 07:24 PM   #75
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Over the next two days you ride away from Jaroc in a northeasterly direction, crossing a rich expanse of rolling prairie. The riding is easy and the fine weather helps you make good progress. By noon of the third day out of Jaroc you have covered nearly 200 miles and you are feeling in good spirits. The prairie gradually gives way to a region of hilly uplands that lie sandwiched between two mountain ranges. Here you happen upon a rutted track that leaves the prairie and winds through the hills towards a high pass. There are no signposts on this road, but Karvas is familiar with this region and he tells you that it leads to an outpost town called Battle Pass. You are in the land of Lunarlia and for centuries this realm has been the enemy of Siyen—Prince Karvas’ homeland. Many wars have been waged between the two kingdoms and this region has seen countless battles. Karvas pledges to end these wars. When he is crowned King of Siyen he vows that he will seek a lasting peace with the kingdom of Lunarlia.

It is noon and a warm sun is beating down on the fortified town of Battle Pass as you approach its west gate. Karvas is grateful that he is wearing the clothes of a Sommlending journeyman, for the inhabitants of this tough frontier post are notoriously hostile to the Siyenese. To your surprise, the guards at the gate pay you scant attention and you are allowed to enter the town with little more than a cursory glance. You ask Karvas why this is so and he tells you that riders approaching from the west, the Lunarlian side, are allowed to pass freely. Riders from the east, the Siyenese side, are subjected to far greater scrutiny.

Beyond the west gate a broad avenue opens out into a main square that is bordered by a trading post, a barracks, and a tavern. Both you and Karvas are especially thirsty after your ride through the dry, dusty hills, and you are eager to seek out some refreshment.

(TRADING POST - It's about time I found a place to use my crowns!)

You push open the limed-oak door of the trading post and step into its cool interior. The owner of the store is fletching an arrow, but he stops the moment he sees you enter. This oily-skinned trader is keen to do business and he is especially interested in purchasing items for his poorly-stocked shelves. He is prepared to offer you the following prices for these particular items:
Tinderbox 6 Lune
Bottle of Rice Wine 8 Lune
Ivory Comb 10 Lune
Jewelled Knife 20 Lune
Silver Signet Ring 24 Lune

If you possess any of these items and you wish to sell them to the trader, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

You run your eye over the items stored on the dusty shelves, and note that their prices are displayed on small scraps of parchment attached to them by twine. Only the following items are worthy of your interest:

Meals—4 Lune (each)
Arrows—4 Lune (each)
Rope—8 Lune
Lantern—8 Lune
1 Potion of Alether—12 Lune (increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 for the duration of one combat only)
Quarterstaff—20 Lune
Bow—32 Lune

The trader will accept Gold Crowns in payment for any of the above items, at the rate of 1 Gold Crown for 4 Lune. He will not accept Ren.

If you wish to purchase any of the above items, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

(I swap a meal for a Alether potion, and I drop to 46 crowns)

Having finished your transactions, you and Karvas bid the trader farewell and return to your horses. Mindful that you still have far to travel, you mount your steeds and ride along Pikestaff Way, the town’s main street, which leads to its fortified east gate

Beyond the east gate of Battle Pass, the trail winds down through craggy borderland towards the lush river valley of the River Ioma, where an ocean of sun-yellowed grasses sways languidly in the warm afternoon breeze. This rolling vista has a graceful tranquillity that reminds you of the Southlund Marches of southern Sommerlund. It stirs fond memories of childhood days in that distant province and prompts an unexpected bout of homesickness that dampens your spirits. Karvas, too, is feeling a little melancholy. Yet his mood is not born out of a longing for his homeland, but from a sense of loss. You ask what ails him and, with some reluctance, he tells you:

‘The beauty of this valley belies its bloody past,’ he says, and he sweeps his arm across the distant horizon. ‘Many of my ancestors and countrymen have fought and died here in battle. For the Siyenese it is a land filled with proud and bitter memories.’ He points to a distant spire of rock and, when you magnify your vision, you see that its grey granite surface is too smooth and symmetrical for it to be a natural feature of this rolling plain.

‘There stands the Oridon Stone,’ he says. ‘It marks the graves of ten thousand men who fell at the battle of Inkil Reach.’

Prince Karvas regards the monolith with a mixture of sadness and pride, and you sense that quietly he yearns to visit this battlefield marker.

(Let's head to it)

As you approach the Oridon Stone you see a dozen men standing in a circle around its base, and a horse-drawn wagon parked close by. They salute you in a friendly manner as you rein in your horses and come to a halt beside their wagon. One of them, a bearded man with ruddy cheeks, leaves the circle and walks over to introduce himself and his companions. You learn that they, like Prince Karvas, are from Siyen. They are the great-great-grandchildren of warriors who fell here in battle exactly one hundred years ago to the day. They have come here all the way from Seroa on a pilgrimage to honour the memory of their fallen ancestors.

After a few minutes, Prince Karvas dismounts and joins the circle of men at the Oridon Stone. He bows his head in reverence and offers up a silent prayer to Ishir to watch over the souls of the brave Siyenese who sacrificed their lives on this field of battle. While Karvas is praying, you talk quietly with the bearded man and learn that his name is Daventi. When you tell him that you and your companion are bound for Siyen, he offers you some words of advice. He tells you to be wary should you wish to cross the River Ioma at Voshno, the next town on the trail. The bridge has been seized by robber knights from Cavalia and they are demanding a heavy toll from anyone seeking to use the bridge. Rather than cross the river at Voshno, the man suggests that you should continue north along the trail. Three miles north of Voshno is a small farmstead at the river’s edge. For a moderate charge the farmer will ferry you and your horses across the river by raft.

Having paid his respects, Karvas walks away from the monolith and remounts his horse. As you turn your horses to leave, the friendly Siyenese salute you and bid you both good luck and godspeed on the road ahead. You return their kind gesture with a Kai salute before you and Karvas gallop off across the plain to resume your ride along the dusty trail.

(I wonder what the Kai salute is?)

You follow the trail until the sun is no more than an orange glow across the western horizon; then you halt to make camp for the night beneath a solitary oak tree. A dull-witted rabbit provides you with an evening meal, after which you and Karvas take it in turns to sit watch as darkness enshrouds the plain.

The warm night passes peacefully and you strike camp shortly after dawn. With only twelve days remaining to Harvestmas, you keep your horses to a swift pace as you ride the trail northwards. During the afternoon you are treated to the majestic sight of a herd of migrating fanji. These wild, fleet-footed beasts are native to this region and are much prized for their horns and supple hide

(I do have AM)

Your advanced Discipline reveals to you that the fanji are not migrating at all: they are fleeing for their lives. You magnify your vision and glimpse a number of horsemen who are galloping with the herd. They are picking off the best specimens at close quarters with their bows and spears. The leading fanji are constantly changing direction in an effort to lead the rest of the herd away from these merciless hunters. To your dismay, as the herd are passing within a mile of the trail, you see the leaders suddenly switch direction and come thundering towards you and Karvas.

With a frantic waving of your arm you signal to Karvas to follow your lead. Then you veer away from the trail, ahead of the onrushing herd, and gallop through the waist-high grassland towards the banks of the River Ioma.
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Old 04-16-2020, 07:35 PM   #76
Abe Sargent
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You are desperate to keep ahead of the herd for fear of being trampled under their pounding hooves. Yet, as you approach the fast-flowing river, you are forced to tug hard on your horse’s reins to slow him to a walk. The bank ahead is steeply undercut. If you were to rush headlong over the edge, you and your horse would plummet more than 20 feet into the rushing river.

Fortunately, Karvas reacts swiftly when he sees you slowing your horse and he is able to rein in his mount behind you. Following your lead, he coaxes his horse over the edge of the steep bank and he is able to control his descent down the bank towards a narrow strip of muddy clay at the water’s edge. Above you, the leading fanji come thundering over the edge to tumble into the river with a mighty splash. They barely break the surface before they are swept downstream by the strong current. More than a hundred fanji crash into the river and are washed away before the remainder of the herd comes to a halt. You coax your horse forward and for two miles you keep him to the narrow strip of sticky soil which borders the river, until you reach a place where the steep bank tapers away to a gentle incline. Here, you are able to leave the river and climb the bank to the grassy plain. As you crest the top of the bank, you see the remaining herd scattering in all directions as, relentlessly, the hunters pursue them.

As dusk approaches you find a secluded hollow beside the trail, close to a bend in the river, where you set up camp for the night. Your Magnakai Huntmastery skills are put to good use at the river’s edge and you are able to enjoy a pair of fat fish for your supper this evening. The night passes peacefully and you leave the camp at dawn to continue northwards along the trail, following the flow of the river.

It is nearing the end of the day when you see a hamlet on the road ahead. Its half-timbered buildings are clustered on either side of the river and connected by a sturdy stone bridge. A signpost at the side of the road tells you that you are approaching the hamlet of Voshno.

( I visited the Stone)

You enter the sleepy hamlet of Voshno and ride along its main street, past rows of dusty shops and gabled houses. You come to a market square. The villagers here are a sullen, silent crowd. Few pay you more than the scantest attention as they go about their evening chores. To the east of the square you can see a paved avenue called Shaney Street that leads down to the river. An arch of pale pink stone stands at the entrance to the Voshno Bridge, its surface pitted and scarred with lasting reminders of desperate battles fought here during wars past.

You recall the advice given you freely by the man called Daventi when you visited the Oridon Stone. He said that the bridge at Voshno has been seized by robber knights from Cavalia and they are demanding a heavy toll from anyone seeking to use it. You tell Karvas this and he says that you should avoid the bridge and continue north along the trail.

Three miles out of Voshno you see a small farmstead at the river’s edge. It has a water-mill and its wheel is turning slowly, grinding the farmer’s corn. Beside the mill you notice a raft moored to a wooden jetty. The farmer is in an adjoining field and he waves as you ride nearer. You stop to ask if he would kindly ferry you and your horses across to the other side of the river.

‘I’d be glad to, my lords,’ he replies, with a broad smile. ‘If’n you’d be willing to pay me 8 Lune.’

(I pay)

You pay the farmer (erase the appropriate sum from your Action Chart) and he ferries you and your horse across the river. Then he goes back to collect Karvas and his mount. Once the Prince is safely across, you bid the cheerful farmer farewell and ride away from the river, heading east. You notice that Prince Karvas is smiling as he rides across this lush river valley and you ask him why this is so. He explains that the Ioma is the political boundary between the realms of Lunarlia and Siyen, and that you are now on Siyenese soil. After ten years in exile he has, at last, returned to his homeland.

Dusk is turning to darkness when you come to a road that crosses the valley to the east of Voshno. Your horses are tired and so you decide to camp for the night in a small wood that borders this road. Before you rest, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points (unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery)

You strike camp at dawn and set off along the plains road to the east. The morning sky is clear and sunny, and the air is filled with butterflies and the sound of bird song. Having now entered Siyen, and with ten days remaining to Harvestmas, you are feeling quietly confident that you will reach Seroa in time for Karvas to be crowned King. But the Prince is a little less optimistic. He tells you that you are now in the western province of Cavalia, a region which shares its name with its principal city. The province and city are ruled by Sadanzo, the evil Baron who seeks to usurp the throne of Siyen. Karvas advocates that you both remain vigilant until you are safely beyond the borders of his enemy’s province.

It is nearing noon when you first glimpse the towers and spires of Cavalia glinting on the horizon. The plains road leads directly to its fortified gatehouse, but Karvas is anxious to avoid entering the city. He proposes that you leave the road and use a smaller trail which threads through several small villages and settlements that ring the city. You are approaching the first of these villages when you see a troop of thirty horsemen riding towards you on the trail ahead. They wear chainmail armour and they each have the emblem of a black eagle’s head emblazoned upon their white surcoats and shields. A golden crown surmounts these eagles’ heads and Karvas gasps when he sees them. He signals to you to rein in your horse and, as you come to a halt, he tells you that the approaching horsemen are wearing the livery of Baron Sadanzo. The black eagle’s head is his mark, but it is the addition of a golden crown that has shocked Karvas. It is the sign of royal ascendance. Karvas is fearful that Baron Sadanzo has already been crowned King of Siyen.

As they ride nearer, the leader of the troop—a Knight Bachelor—motions his horsemen to leave the trail and encircle you and the Prince. As they obey his command, the Knight Bachelor brings his snorting steed to a halt alongside your horse.

‘Hail, fellow riders,’ he says, with forced politeness. He raises the visor of his helmet and his dark, suspicious eyes scrutinise you from head to toe.

‘You are Northlanders, are you not? What business do you pursue here in the province of Cavalia?’

( I tell them we are on our way to Seroa for the upcoming holiday)

So you’re on your way to Seroa, eh?’ says the Knight Bachelor. ‘If you are there in time for Harvestmas then you’ll see the crowning of Baron Sadanzo. I only wish I could be there myself to celebrate that happy day. Alas, someone must remain to protect Cavalia while our master, our future king, is away.’

Karvas asks the young knight why he and his men are wearing the crown of Siyen upon their shields and surcoats. ‘I thought,’ he says, taking care to mask his native Siyenese accent, ‘that it is customary here in Siyen for only soldiers of the King’s Guard to wear the royal crown? Is it not so?’

The Knight Bachelor glares at Karvas and you sense that the Prince’s comments have stung him. ‘Our master is … will be … the King of Siyen,’ he blusters. ‘There is no other who claims the throne of our realm. We wear the crown in honour of his right to ascendance. Perhaps you foreigners oppose our Baron’s right?’

The Knight Bachelor stares accusingly into your eyes. When he gets no reaction, he jerks his head back to Karvas and fixes the Prince with the same cold, unblinking gaze. Your Kai Sixth Sense informs you that this Knight Bachelor is a greedy and ambitious young man who is hungry for promotion. Unwittingly, Karvas has insulted his honour and, to save face in front of his men, he is thinking of arresting you both on the suspicion that you are spies. You know that you must act swiftly if you are to avoid this.

(I offer a bribe)

You smile at the knight and pull open the flap of your Belt Pouch to reveal some of the coins inside.

‘Perhaps I may offer a donation, my lord?’ you say. ‘Call it a gesture of our gratitude for the fine work you and your men are doing to ensure that the highways of Cavalia are kept clear of cut-throats and robbers.’

You scoop some coins from your pouch and cup them in your hand.

The Knight Bachelor regards your handful of coins with ill-disguised contempt. He averts his eyes from your hand and begins to take a closer interest in your horse. Your Sixth Sense warns you that he secretly wants your fine Bhanarian steed for himself.

‘Well, my lord, will you accept my donation?’ you ask

The Knight Bachelor glares at you. He attempts to say something but he cannot seem to muster his words. Red-faced, he unsheathes his sword and levels it at you in his trembling hand. ‘You … you are spies!’ he exclaims. ‘Throw down your weapons. By the power of my rank and … and for the security of Cavalia, I am arresting you both.’

The surrounding troopers draw their sabres and begin to edge their horses towards you, closing the circle. You see Karvas inching his hand towards his sword but you dissuade him from drawing it with a terse shake of your head. Better to surrender and live to fight another day than be slaughtered by such an overwhelming number of trained and disciplined soldiers.
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Old 04-16-2020, 07:53 PM   #77
Abe Sargent
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(I get captured wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaayyyy too much in this series!)

The knight’s men confiscate your Weapons, your Kai Weapon, your Backpack, and all of your Special Items. (They leave only your Belt Pouch and its contents. On your Action Chart mark each of the confiscated items with an asterisk[*] to indicate that they are no longer in your possession, but do not erase them at this time.)

They are searching Karvas when one of the men discovers the crescent-shaped birthmark on his wrist and he gasps with shock. ‘By the gods!’ he exclaims. ‘He bears the mark of Crown Prince Karvas!’

Instantly the Knight Bachelor leaps down from his saddle. Roughly he grabs the Prince’s arm and pulls back the sleeve of his tunic to inspect the birthmark for himself.

‘So, our exiled Prince has returned from Sheasu,’ he says, with a haughty, mocking tone. ‘Perhaps you’ve grown tired of the city of Mydnight, eh? A little homesick? Or have you come back to try to claim the crown that you forfeited a decade ago?’

The knight utters a mocking laugh and then he steps away from Karvas to strut like a peacock before his men.

‘Mydnight’s hero has come home to us at last!’ he bellows. ‘Well, let us take our hero Prince back to Cavalia and provide him with a royal chamber. We have many … in the dungeons of the citadel! When King Sadanzo returns, he will be greatly pleased with us. And he will be generous too. Most generous.’

The troopers tie your hands with cord before they take you and Karvas to Cavalia under close escort. As you ride through the city’s grand west gate, the guards on duty here come stiffly to attention. The Gate Sergeant salutes the Knight Bachelor with great exaggeration, and some of the older guards bow and doff their helmets as he passes, but their actions are not born of a respect for him or rank. You sense that they despise the haughty knight, and this is their way of mocking his insufferable arrogance.

Beyond the gate, you enter a wide avenue flanked by a well-ordered collection of houses and richly-appointed public buildings. Cavalia is a wealthy city, yet many of the citizens that you glimpse in passing have a strained and uneasy look about them. At length you arrive at a fortified citadel—a huge, square, moated edifice built on four levels around a central courtyard. Its upper floors contain the Baron’s luxurious personal chambers, as well as other apartments used by those who have his favour. The middle level is occupied by provincial officials and the ground floor by the Citadel Guard. There is also an underground level, which is used for the imprisonment and torture of Sadanzo’s enemies. Vaingloriously the Knight Bachelor leads his horsemen across the citadel drawbridge and through a torchlit tunnel that gives access to the central courtyard. Here, you and Prince Karvas are pulled from your saddles by Citadel Guardsmen and dragged away to the dungeons where you are thrown into a dark, windowless cell.

(I do have GW and a certain rank)

The instant the cell door crashes shut, you use your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus to loosen the cords that bind your wrists and then you untie the Prince. The air in this dark prison cell is dank and stifling. What little ventilation there is comes from the narrow crack that runs around the iron cell door. Your advanced Weaponmastery tells you that your Kai Weapon is close by, and when you close your eyes and concentrate, you detect it lying in an empty cell located directly opposite the door of the one you now occupy.

You vow to Karvas that this foul dungeon will not hold him for long, and you set about examining its walls and floor in the hope of finding a way to escape. However, you quickly discover that you have been locked in the securest cell of the citadel, deep below the ground. Beyond its slimy walls there lies nothing but solid earth. Only the cell door offers a glimmer of hope, yet it has no handle, hinges, or keyhole visible on the inside. It is not secured by a key but by a tumbler lock, similar to the lock of a safe, and it is opened by means of a dial on the outside of the door. Placing your ear to its surface, you use your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus to will the lock tumblers to move. After a few moments you hear them begin to click over.

You discover the lock has three tumblers. To open the door, each tumbler has to be turned to the correct position in a sequence. Using your Sixth Sense, you determine that the first number in the sequence is equal to the number of horses you took from the Tehda Stables. The second is equivalent to the number of seeing stones that Lord Zinair gave to Wizard Acraban. The third in the sequence is equivalent to the number of additional Grand Master Disciplines acquired upon reaching the rank of Kai Grand Master Superior.

(2 horses, 1 skills, 1 crystal - 211)

The final tumbler clicks into place and the door creaks open a few inches.7 The corridor outside the cell is unguarded, and you beckon Karvas to follow as you push the door wide and leave. As you step out, you see the door to the cell that contains your Weapons and equipment and you pause for a few moments to work on its tumbler lock. Your efforts are quickly rewarded and you discover all of your confiscated equipment lying here on the floor. (You may erase the asterisks[*] from your Action Chart to indicate that your arms and equipment have been restored.)

In addition to your equipment you also discover Prince Karvas’ sword and belt, together with the following:

6 Arrows
Enough food for 1 Meal

Karvas buckles on his sword belt and, before you leave, he takes a coil of rope from a hook on the wall and slings it over his shoulder. On returning to the corridor, you hurry to the end to where a circular stone staircase ascends to the levels above. With your Kai Weapon in hand you begin to climb the steps, retracing the route that you committed to your memory when you were brought to the cell less than an hour ago.

( I take nothing)

You climb the steps to a landing on the level above where you hear loud voices and raucous laughter echoing from an archway. A glance through the arch reveals the chamber beyond to be a guards’ dormitory and mess hall. Over a dozen citadel guards and gaolers are gathered here, celebrating the capture of Prince Karvas with a cask of strong mead provided by the Knight Bachelor.

You continue up the circular stairs to the next level where you discover a hall that is lined with stands of armour and hung with tapestries. You remember being brought along this hall on the way to the dungeons, and you hurry through it to a pair of stout oak doors at its far end. To your disappointment you discover the doors are locked and bolted from the other side. At first there appears to be no other way out of the hall. Then your keen eyesight detects that one of the tapestries is moving slightly and, when you pull it aside, you discover a narrow archway and a flight of stairs leading up to a burnished iron door. As you climb towards the door, you see a small lever set into the centre of its shiny, smooth surface.

( I don;t have telegnosis but I do have KA)

Your Kai Sixth Sense detects that a strong concentration of evil lies beyond the door. Forewarned, you approach the iron portal with caution to inspect its lever more closely. Your Magnakai Discipline of Divination detects an aura of magic around this lever yet you are unable to fathom its true purpose. You suspect that it could be some kind of locking or holding spell.

Calling upon your mastery of Brotherhood magic, you utter the words of the spell Counterspell and direct its energies against the door. You sense that your spell is working, but you are surprised when you detect that it has cancelled only one layer of magic. There remains in place a second layer of sorcery which contains powerful explosive energies. Your senses warn you that to touch the lever with your bare hands could prove fatal.

(I use a weapon)

You strike the lever with the blade of your Kai Weapon and there is a tremendous flash of yellow light. A searing pain runs through your hand and along your arm, making you drop your weapon and cradle your aching arm close to your chest: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

With a trembling hand you pick up your weapon and look at the blade. It is red hot and glowing, yet its keen edge is still intact. Your senses detect that you have now discharged the spell that was protecting this door; the portal is now open and unguarded.

Gingerly you push the door with the toe of your boot and it swings open to reveal a sumptuous chamber. Tapestries adorn the walls and golden ornaments gleam on lacquered shelves and sculptured wooden cabinets. You cross the carpeted floor and look out of a tall window to see a panoramic view of Cavalia, its roofs and spires gleaming in the afternoon sun. Below you can see a troop of citadel cavalry, their white pennants trailing from their lances as they ride across the drawbridge and canter away from the citadel along a broad, shop-lined avenue.

The evil that you detected from outside the iron door is stronger now, but it does not originate from this chamber. You sense that it comes from an adjoining room which is separated from this chamber by velvet draperies.

( I check it out)

Beyond the draperies you find a circular chamber with a polished wooden floor. The dark oak surface is inlaid with lighter woods which form intricate pentagrams and other mystical patterns. The walls are lined with shelves which store a vast number of books, scrolls, and parchments. Your Kai senses warn you that these are works of great evil; it is a library of sorcerous manuals and tomes of worship dedicated to Naar. Prince Karvas is repulsed by the sight of this evil repository. It confirms the suspicion he has held for many years, that Baron Sadanzo is a secret disciple of the Dark God.

You scan the walls and your Kai senses reel in the face of the evil that festers here. Your instincts tell you to destroy these vile works, to put them to the torch, yet to do so could jeopardise your chances of making a successful escape from the citadel. Rather than take that risk you decide to leave this evil library at once, but as you are retreating towards the archway you notice a square plate of steel sandwiched among the books on a middle shelf. A closer look reveals it to be the door of a wall safe. There is a dial at its centre, similar to the cylinder lock which secured the door to your prison cell. Your Sixth Sense reveals that only two digits are required to open this safe.

The first number in the sequence is equal to the number of bonus points added to COMBAT SKILL when the Kai Weapon ‘Alema’ is used against undead enemies. The second is equivalent to half of the Starstrider’s full complement of crewmen (not including Acraban).


The second tumbler clicks into position and the door of the safe swings open4 to reveal a single scroll of vellum, embossed with a ribbon and a wax imprint of Sadanzo’s seal. You unfurl the scroll and you are shocked to the core when you read its contents.

The scroll is a contract between Baron Sadanzo and the Assassins’ Guild of Avalar. It states that the Guild will undertake the murder of King Oridon in return for 20,000 Orla. Half of this sum is to be paid in advance, with the balance due for payment upon successful completion of the assassination. The seal of the Assassins’ Guild is attached beside Sadanzo’s mark to show that the full sum has since been received.

You show the scroll to Karvas and he is outraged; here is proof beyond doubt that Sadanzo was responsible for the murder of his father, and clearly his act of foul treachery was part of his plan to seize the throne of Siyen. This shocking revelation fills Karvas with a renewed loathing for the Baron. He reaffirms his pledge to thwart Sadanzo’s scheme and he vows, in memory of his father, that he will bring the traitor to justice.

You take Sadanzo’s Scroll and place it inside your tunic. Record this on your Action Chart as a Special Item—you need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible

( i take the scroll)
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:46 PM   #78
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Karvas suggests that perhaps you should destroy the safe in order to hide the fact that you have taken Sadanzo’s scroll. You ponder his suggestion and agree that this could be advantageous to you.

( I use Elementalism at a certain rank)

You close the safe and call upon your advanced Kai Mastery to electrically charge the surface layer of air that is in contact with its steel door. Karvas watches you preparing this booby trap with a mix of curiosity and fascination. You tell him that in future, if any person or object should touch the door, then the power will discharge itself with an explosive force sufficient to destroy the safe and ignite the surrounding books. Your explanation makes Karvas smile. Clearly he relishes the thought of Sadanzo falling foul of this trap at some later date.

Your work done, you turn away from the safe and hurry to leave this evil library. But, as you approach the arch which leads to the adjoining chamber, you suddenly hear a noise which makes you stop dead in your tracks.

You can hear the sound of metal scraping on stone above your head. When you look up at the ceiling, you see a pair of crossed swords cocooned by pale amber tongues of flame. These flames give off no heat and you recognize at once that they are magical. The swords are slowly rotating, their shiny steel blades skimming the ceiling stones as they gather speed. Sparks fly, and then the blades separate and come whirling towards you with frightening speed. Swiftly you raise your Kai Weapon and fend off a stunning blow as one of the magical blades flashes past your head in a scything arc. Karvas unsheathes his sword and parries the other blade as it sweeps around the room and strikes at him from behind. Having failed to draw blood with their initial attack, the blades return to the ceiling where they hover menacingly above your heads. But you sense the threat has not passed. Their magical power is recharging itself, increasing its intensity in readiness for a second, swifter attack.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell and direct its power at the whirling swords. The blades are slowed by the effects of your spell, but the magic that animates them is far stronger than your own. You have slowed them but this will not prevent them from attacking again.

Once more the deadly blades draw sparks from the stone ceiling, and then they come whirling down towards your head.

Sadanzo’s sorcerous blades: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 20

These blades are immune to all forms of psychic attack. If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Valiance’, you may add the additional COMBAT SKILL bonus (versus magicians) to your score when calculating your Combat Ratio.

(I have a base 46 against them without mental stuff, so that's a +6. Let;s toss some dice. 3 and 8. They have taken 22 to my 4. They are down.)

As your final blow shatters the second blade and breaks the spell that brought it to life, you hear the sound of a bell tolling in a lower level of the citadel. Your Sixth Sense warns you that it is an alarm bell; your escape from the dungeons has been detected.

You leave the library and hurry across the sumptuous chamber to the shiny steel door by which you first entered this apartment. Soldiers are ascending the stairs towards it. You catch a glimpse of them and quickly you retreat into the chamber, slamming the door shut behind you. An attempt to secure the door is unsuccessful for the lock is jammed and the dial refuses to turn. Hastily you and Karvas barricade the door with furniture and then you look about for another way to escape. You see only one—through the window. The soldiers are pounding on the door and the barricade is shifting and collapsing as you and Karvas climb out onto a stone ledge. The barricade gives way and you hear the soldiers shouting as they force their way into the chamber. Then an arrow shatters against the surface of the ledge, only a few inches from your left boot. You look up and see Citadel Guardsmen with loaded bows leaning over the battlements above. Alerted by the tolling bell, they have spotted you on the ledge outside Sadanzo’s chamber. When a second arrow pierces Karvas’ cloak, you take hold of the Prince’s forearm and pull him with you as you step off the ledge and plummet towards the moat, 30 feet below.

You hit the stagnant water with a mighty splash and immediately strike out for the surface. You break through the scummy film that floats on top of the water and, seconds later, you see Karvas emerge from the depths to gasp a lungful of clean air. Arrows are falling all about you. They drop from the battlements above, and they streak past your head, fired by archers who are running across the drawbridge.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

(I toss a 1)

An arrow, fired from the drawbridge, glances your shoulder and gouges a furrow of skin from your back: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You swim to the edge of the moat and drag yourself out of the stinking water. As you take hold of the Prince’s hand and haul him out onto the bank, you see a group of horsemen riding across the drawbridge. Most are armed with lances bearing Sadanzo’s eagle’s-head pennant, and their red-faced leader is shouting and pointing at you with his sword

Arrows continue to fall. They thud into the muddy rim of the moat and splinter on the paved road that encircles the citadel. You grab Karvas by his cloak and pull him to his feet. It is too dangerous to stay here a moment longer. On the far side of the paved road you can see a row of boarded-up houses, an alleyway, and a baker’s shop.

( I choose alleyway)

You rush across the road and run headlong into this crowded alleyway. It is packed with citizens who are hurrying towards the citadel to find out why the alarm bell is tolling. You push your way through them until you come to a junction where a wider passage crosses from left to right. A scream from the right draws your attention and you turn to see two lancers on horseback at the far end of the passage. They see you and they come riding along the narrow thoroughfare at an ever-increasing pace. Terrified Cavalians press themselves to the walls or scramble over gates to get out of their way as they charge along the passage with their lances levelled.

Karvas draws his sword and braces himself to meet their attack head-on. ‘I’ll take the one on the left!’ he shouts, defiantly. You look around you for a way to evade the charging lancers but every exit is now blocked by crowds of frightened citizens.

(I Use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Net and level your right hand at the onrushing lancer. Waves of energy ripple down your arm and then a mass of sticky fibres gushes from your open palm. The lancer’s eyes are wide with terror as the sticky strands engulf his head and shoulders. With a muffled scream, he drops his lance and tumbles backwards out of the saddle to crash down heavily upon the cobblestoned passageway.

As the remaining rider presses home his attack, you draw your Kai Weapon and get ready to strike as he passes. Karvas sidesteps the tip of his weapon and simultaneously you stab at the lancer as he gallops his horse between you. His lance spins through the air and you hear his plaintive death-cry as he tumbles out of the saddle. As you glance over your shoulder, you see him crash to the ground and roll limply across the cobblestones. The citizens who crowd this passageway cheer the lancer’s demise and some rush forward to pick his pockets and loot his armour.

You focus your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control upon the two horses and you summon them to approach yourself and Prince Karvas. Obediently they obey your mental commands, and quickly you are able to mount them and make good your escape from this passageway into a wider street at its eastern end.

It has been a long time since Prince Karvas last visited Cavalia, but he is still able to remember the swiftest route from the citadel to the east gate. You ride fast and you are able to avoid the patrols of Citadel Guards that have been dispatched to hunt you down. You are anxious that your escape will be short-lived if the east gate is closed, yet fortune swings in your favour, for upon your arrival you discover a wagon has shed a wheel. Its broken axle is jammed in the threshold of the gate and a dozen guards are struggling to move it so that the portcullis can be lowered fully.

With an exuberant shout to the incredulous guards, Prince Karvas presses his head to his horse’s neck and gallops under the spikes of the portcullis. You copy the Prince’s actions and follow closely in his wake as he rides out of Cavalia along the straight road that heads due east to Varedo.

For more than an hour you ride without stopping until your horses refuse to take another step. They are young and lack the muscle and stamina of your Bhanarian steeds, yet they are healthy colts and will serve you better than most. After they have recovered, you press on across the plain until dusk. With darkness closing, you leave the road and take shelter for the night in a small wood. During your overnight stop, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points (unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery).
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Old 04-16-2020, 09:18 PM   #79
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You take it in turns to keep watch throughout the night in case a pursuit party is sent from Cavalia to track you down. Fortunately, the night passes peacefully and you leave the wood shortly before dawn. As the sun crests the eastern horizon, you see a signpost at the roadside which says: ‘Varedo—150 miles’.

‘Normally one could expect to reach Varedo in three days by horse,’ says Karvas, ‘but if we use every hour of daylight and rest our mounts briefly, every hour, we may be able to cover the distance in half the time.’ Mindful that you now have only nine days in which to reach Seroa to be in time for the crowning, and wary that a pursuit party could still be sent from Cavalia to hunt you down, you spend this day in the saddle riding as far and as fast as your horses are able. By nightfall, you have made excellent progress and you are confident that the threat from Cavalia is no more. You camp for the night beside a stream and, before you sleep, you use your Magnakai skills to assist the horses to recover fully from their hard day’s ride.

The following day is spent crossing the seemingly endless Lucien Plain, the monotony of the grasslands broken only occasionally by an isolated hamlet or farmstead. You have no need to approach these settlements for the rich prairie yields enough game to keep you well fed while you are on the move. It also provides surplus food equivalent to 2 Meals (adjust your Action Chart accordingly if you wish to keep one or both of these Meals).

During the afternoon, you see a group of riders approaching from the north, from out of the wooded foothills of the Ioma Range. You magnify your vision and your stomach churns when you see that they are carrying spears which display the black eagle’s-head pennant of Baron Sadanzo. You focus your Kai senses upon this distant group of riders and detect that they are not soldiers. They are a hunting party seeking wild deer. The open plain offers no place to hide from these approaching horsemen and the lack of cover makes you feel especially vulnerable. You remain stationary for a few minutes while you watch them draw closer. You are hoping that they are too preoccupied with their hunt to pay you any attention. However, you soon realize that they have lost the trail of their wild deer and have decided to track new quarry—you and Karvas.


You urge your horse to the gallop and steer him across the grassy plain towards a distant farmstead. But soon your young mount begins to tire and lose speed. Karvas, too, is having difficulty with his horse and he cannot keep up the pace. Steadily the hunters close the gap between you. When they are less than 100 yards distant, you see their leader place a horn to his mouth and you hear a shrill and piercing tone echoing across the plain. Pressure builds in your head and sharp stabbing pains burn at your temples. You glance over your shoulder and see that Prince Karvas and his horse are both suffering badly from the insidious sound of the hunter’s horn.

( I don;t have a Golden Hunting Horn)

You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to protect your mind from this psychic attack. The pain in your head lessens, yet your protection does not extend to Prince Karvas who is now on the verge of unconsciousness. You bring your horse around and ride to his aid. As you draw alongside, you pull him upright in the saddle and then, using your Magnakai Curing skills, you are able to revive him to full consciousness (use of this skill costs you 2 ENDURANCE points).

The terrible sound of the hunter’s horn ceases abruptly and you hear them galloping towards you. Their leader is a broad-shouldered man with a ginger beard and long wavy hair. His hair fans out from around the edges of a conical helm that is topped by a pair of polished antlers. He brings his horse to a halt before you and Prince Karvas and he regards your mounts with an appraising eye.

‘I see you ride Cavalian colts,’ he says, and he points to the eagle brands that mark your horses’ hindquarters. You nod in acknowledgement but you do not offer any explanation. The man narrows his blue eyes and strokes his beard thoughtfully.

‘You do not know who I am, do you?’ You shake your head dumbly, hoping that he will take you for a simpleton and return to his deer hunting.

‘I am Halx—the Inquisitor-major of Cavalia. Among my many duties is the regulation and taxation of horses, mules, and oxen. You both ride Cavalian steeds, yet I do not recall seeing either of you in the city before. I trust your saddle taxes have been paid? Perhaps you would be kind enough to furnish your names and places of lodging so that, upon my return to Cavalia, I am able to confirm that this is so?’

You sense that your continued silence is beginning to irritate the Inquisitor-major. His followers are also growing impatient.

( We are on the way to watch the Baron's coronation)

The Inquisitor-major regards you with a sneering look that conveys his disbelief of your explanation.

‘Special emissaries, eh?’ he spits. ‘Pah! Deserters or horse-thieves, more like! What proof do you carry to show that you speak the truth?’

( I show the letter with the seal)

You retrieve the seal from your Backpack and offer it to the Inquisitor-major. The man blanches when he recognizes the object.

‘Please, accept my apology,’ he says, in a quiet and humble tone. ‘I did not know that you were travelling with the Baron’s Seal. Your mission must be of great importance. I … I trust I have not caused you too great a delay.’

You return the sealed letter to your Backpack and watch as the Inquisitor-major and his hunting party make a hasty departure. As they gallop away across the plain towards the distant foothills, you and Karvas breathe a sigh of relief before you continue your ride east towards Varedo.

It has been dark for more than two hours and your horses are close to exhaustion when finally you glimpse the city of Varedo, standing like a beacon of hope upon the northern edge of the Lucien Plain. Its towers and turrets and strong perimeter wall are constructed of a bleached white stone that glimmers eerily in the moonlight. Prince Karvas is glad to have left the province of Cavalia behind and he is hopeful that your reception in Varedo will be a more cordial one. The city, and its surrounding region, have always been loyal to the House of Oridon. Its ruler, Baron Lodamos, was a friend and martial advisor to his father, King Oridon. Karvas cannot imagine that Lodamos would ever join forces with Sadanzo whom he has always openly despised.

As you approach the city gate, you see that the blue flags of Varedo are flying at half-mast. This sight reassures Karvas, for it tells him that the city is still mourning the passing of his father. If Lodamos had joined with Sadanzo there would be no such display of respect for the memory of the king. At first the guards refuse you entry for the gates of Varedo are kept secure during the hours of nightfall. But when Karvas demands to see Guard Captain Dunwayne, the matter is quickly resolved. Karvas and Dunwayne both attended the military academy of Seroa, where they spent seven years together learning the art of soldiering. During this time they became the best of friends. Only when Karvas was forced into exile in distant Sheasu did their friendship lapse. The Prince is delighted to hear that Dunwayne still commands the city guard of Varedo and he awaits his arrival with keen anticipation. When eventually Dunwayne arrives at the gatehouse, theirs is a heart-warming reunion. Karvas quickly tells the guard captain of your need to reach Seroa as swiftly as you are able, and Dunwayne pledges to do all he can to help you. He provides you with fresh horses and escorts you personally through the lamplit streets of the city to the citadel where Baron Lodamos resides. Using his rank and influence, Dunwayne is able to rouse Chamberlain Gant, the Baron’s aide. Gant can scarcely believe his eyes when he comes to meet Karvas. He has his guards escort you to the main hall of the citadel while he goes to wake the Baron and tell him the news. Karvas bids Dunwayne goodnight, for the guard captain must now return to his duties at the perimeter wall, but they agree to meet again soon, once Karvas has been crowned King.

The Chamberlain’s guards leave you to wait for Baron Lodamos in the main hall. You spend the passing minutes admiring the many regal portraits which hang around its marble walls. They depict the kings of Siyen, and Karvas muses aloud that one day his own portrait will hang there. Then you hear the tramp of marching feet approaching the closed doors of the hall, and you and Karvas stand to attention in readiness to meet Baron Lodamos. But when the great doors swing open, it is not Lodamos who stands before you. It is a unit of armoured soldiers led by a grim-faced Marshal of the Guard.

‘Drop your weapons!’ he commands, as he and his men rush into the hall and quickly surround you. Shocked by this unexpectedly hostile reception, you comply with the Marshal’s order and lay your Weapons on the floor.

( I do have a stone dagger)

The Marshal of the Guard orders his men to confiscate all of your Weapons and equipment. Then he marches you and Karvas under close escort to the cells below the main hall, where you are shackled to the wall in irons. Karvas is shocked by this brutal treatment and he cannot fathom a reason why Lodamos would treat you both this way.

An hour passes before the door to the cell is thrown open and in strides Baron Lodamos, escorted by a bodyguard of his toughest men-at-arms. Prince Karvas pleads for your immediate release, but his pleas fall on deaf ears.

‘Do you not recognize me, my lord?’ he asks. ‘Do you not remember the days we spent hunting wild boar in the Ioma Forest?’

‘The resemblance is uncanny, I grant you that,’ replies Lodamos, ‘but you are another impostor, another of Sadanzo’s sorcerous creations sent here to assassinate me.’

The Baron holds up the Stone Dagger that was found in your Backpack. ‘You have a persuasive tongue,’ he says, ‘but here I hold proof that you are assassins. This evil blade is the instrument with which you intended to slay me. See, it is already stained with the blood of those you have slain before. No goodly men would carry such a weapon for their own defence.’

Desperately you try to explain how the Stone Dagger came into your possession, how you discovered it in the hut in the Dammerdon Mountains. Unfortunately your hurried explanation does little to help. Baron Lodamos has already made up his mind that you are assassins in the pay of Baron Sadanzo, sent here to murder him, and he will not be convinced otherwise.

The Baron turns to the sergeant of his bodyguard and orders him to have his men prepare their weapons. A cold shiver runs down your spine when you see that these men-at-arms are equipped with crossbows that are cocked and loaded, ready to fire. The sergeant gives the order. The guards raise their bows and take aim. Prince Karvas begs the Baron to reconsider but it is now too late. Lodamos hurls the Stone Dagger to the floor, smashing it to pieces, and then he spins on his heel and strides out of the cell without looking back. With a grunt, his sergeant gives the order to fire and his men release their volley of deadly missiles. Death is mercifully swift.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here in the dungeons of the Varedo Citadel.

(I die because I took something away from where it was being used to secure it against evil? I back up)

The Marshal of the Guard has his men confiscate your Weapons, your Kai Weapon, your Backpack, and all of your Special Items. (They leave only your Belt Pouch and its contents. On your Action Chart mark each of the confiscated items with an asterisk[*] to indicate that they are no longer in your possession, but do not erase them at this time.) Then he marches you and Karvas under close escort to the cells below the main hall, where you are shackled to the wall in irons. Karvas is shocked by this brutal treatment and he cannot reason why Lodamos would treat you both this way.

An hour passes before the door to the cell is thrown open and in strides Baron Lodamos, escorted by a bodyguard of his toughest fighting men. Prince Karvas pleads for your immediate release, but his pleas fall on deaf ears.

‘Do you not recognize me, my lord?’ he asks. ‘Do you not remember the days we spent hunting wild boar in the Ioma Forest?’

Cautiously the Baron approaches the Prince. He has one of his bodyguards come forward with a torch so that he may look at his face. The elderly Baron scrutinizes the Prince’s every feature, including the birthmark on his wrist.

‘The resemblance is uncanny, I grant you that,’ he says, ‘but you are most likely another impostor, another of Sadanzo’s sorcerous creations sent here to assassinate me. No, I refuse to believe that you are Prince Karvas.’

The Baron turns to leave the cell and signals to his bodyguard to follow, but Karvas begs him to stay. Hurriedly he recalls some of the visits he made to Varedo when he was a young boy, and he recounts the summer Lodamos spent teaching him to hunt and ride. Some of the details he recalls would only be known by the real Prince Karvas, and this is enough to make Baron Lodamos stop and hesitate.

‘You have a persuasive tongue,’ he says, ‘but I am not convinced. Sadanzo is a cunning foe. Yet there is one way I can be sure.’

Baron Lodamos turns to the sergeant of his bodyguard and says: ‘Very well, Guntor. Take them both to the chapel. Only there will their true identities be revealed.’

The sergeant has his men unchain you from the wall and march you at spear-point along the lower corridors and passages of the citadel, to a small chapel of worship that is dedicated to the Goddess Ishir. You and Karvas are pushed into this chapel and its heavy door is slammed shut and bolted behind you. Moonlight filters into this place of worship through leaded stained glass set into star-shaped alcoves near its vaulted ceiling. It casts a pale rainbow of colour upon a marble tomb which occupies the centre of the chapel floor. Its heavy stone lid is carved in the likeness of a recumbent knight whose hands are folded around the hilt of a broadsword.

Karvas is about to beat his fist on the bolted door and demand that he be allowed to speak to Dunwayne, but you stay his hand. Your Magnakai Discipline of Divination warns you that you and Karvas are not alone in this chapel. You detect a strong psychic presence that is centred upon the tomb. A sudden gust of wind sweeps through the chapel and you feel the air temperature plummet to near-freezing. Ice crystallises on the sides of the tomb and a ghostly plume of vapour seeps from cracks in the stone. This translucent mist swirls and condenses, and gradually it adopts the recognisable form of a knight in armour clutching the hilt of a broadsword. It is the ghost of the warrior whose remains are entombed here. He is a paladin knight, and his ghost has arisen to test your true purpose. The ghostly warrior raises his mighty sword and rays of eerie blue light flood out from the slits in the visor of his spectral helm. As this light washes over you and Karvas, you feel pulses of psychic energy assaulting your mind. The Prince lets out a scream and then he falls unconscious to the floor as the waves of energy increase in intensity.

(I don't have Kai Screen)

You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to protect your mind from these powerful pulses of psychic energy. The physical pain of this attack builds rapidly and you fear that your mental defences will not prove strong enough to withstand this terrific onslaught: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

The pain fades as you feel your mental defences strengthening and locking together to form an impenetrable wall. The attacking pulses break like waves smashing themselves against a rocky shore, and then abruptly their energy dissipates and the attack ceases.

The air temperature begins to rise and you sense a benign aura of tranquillity radiating from this spirit. The ghostly knight lowers his broadsword and bows at the waist; you have passed a great test and clearly you have won its respect. Your Sixth Sense tells you that it has looked into the depths of your soul and it approves of what it has discovered there

As the temperature approaches normal, the apparition shrinks and its vapours are drawn back into the tomb. You hear the bolts being pulled on the chapel door, and then it bursts open and in rushes Baron Lodamos with his Marshal and a dozen of his armed guards. He sees Karvas lying on the floor and he pulls to a halt. ‘Aha! Just as I thought. Another of Sadanzo’s assassins.’ Then he notices you standing before the tomb and a look of puzzlement creases his noble brow. The Marshal of the Guard kneels beside Karvas and touches his fingers to the side of his neck, seeking a pulse. ‘He’s alive, my liege,’ he says, incredulously.

‘Then it’s true,’ retorts the Baron. ‘He really is our Prince returned from exile. Quickly, Guntor, take him to my chambers at once.’
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Old 04-16-2020, 09:28 PM   #80
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
With care, Baron Lodamos’ men lift and carry Prince Karvas out of the chapel. You follow in the company of the Baron and his Marshal as they bear him along the corridors of the citadel and up a grand staircase to Lodamos’ personal chamber. Here they rest the Prince upon a divan and the Baron’s physician comes to examine him.

Lodamos offers you his sincere apologies for the harsh treatment you have endured since your arrival at his citadel. He explains that Sadanzo has made several attempts to murder him during the past year and he dare not lower his guard. The Baron is impressed that you survived your encounter in the chapel with the ghost of his ancestor—the paladin knight Ranald. ‘No mortal creature born of evil has ever survived the judgement of Ranald,’ he says, ‘and no goodly mortals have ever maintained their consciousness in his presence. I judge you to be no ordinary man. Pray tell, sir, who are you?’ You confide in the Baron that you are a Kai Grand Master and you tell him of your purpose here in Siyen. When you recount the events that have led you to his citadel, the Baron praises your courage and determination. You learn that he is a great admirer of the Kai and it is his ambition, one day, to journey to the monastery and meet with your illustrious leader, Lone Wolf.

Lodamos orders his Marshal to return your confiscated Weapons and equipment (you may erase the asterisks from your Action Chart). He also sends to the kitchens for food and wine. While the physician is attending to the Prince, you enjoy a reviving meal (you may restore 3 ENDURANCE points).

When the Prince recovers consciousness he can hardly believe his eyes. The chill, spartan surroundings of the chapel have somehow transformed into the warm, rich opulence of Lodamos’ personal chamber. The fearsome ghost of Knight Ranald has disappeared, yet he is now confronted by a sight he finds equally difficult to reconcile: Baron Lodamos happily conversing with you over a plate of roasted pheasant and sweet potatoes! The Baron, upon seeing that the Prince has regained consciousness, goes and kneels at the side of his divan. Carefully he explains all that has occurred since Karvas lost consciousness, and he begs the Prince to forgive him for the ordeal he has been made to suffer. To redress his conduct, the Baron pledges that he will do all he can to help you both reach Seroa in time for the crowning ceremony on Harvestmas Day.

(I show the scroll)

You show Lodamos the scroll that you found in Sadanzo’s library, and his face turns red with rage when he reads its damning contents. ‘The murdering traitor!’ he exclaims. ‘By Ishir, he’ll be made to pay for this treachery with his life, mark my words.’

Struggling hard to suppress his anger and sense of outrage, Lodamos hands back the scroll and then asks that you and Karvas accompany him to the citadel’s main hall. ‘If you are to reach Seroa in time to foil Sadanzo, you must set off without delay. The ascendance ceremony will take place one week from today, and you still have far to travel. Time is against you, my lords, but I will do all I can to help your vital mission.’

Lodamos sends an urgent order to the commander of the cavalry, Guard Captain Sneida, to muster a troop of his best men and horses and have them ready to ride within the hour.

‘Sneida is a most accomplished horseman, and he knows the road to Seroa better than any man in this city or province,’ says Lodamos. ‘He and his troop will act as your escort to ensure that nothing delays your journey to the capital.’

The sleeping citadel of Varedo comes alive as preparations are made for your speedy departure. Lodamos takes you and Karvas to the stables where you are given the pick of his personal steeds. Karvas chooses a young black stallion and you settle for a dark bay mare. Lodamos approves of your choice: these horses possess speed and stamina, qualities that may prove essential if you are to reach Seroa in time. As your mounts are being saddled, you meet with Guard Captain Sneida and the men of your escort. You are impressed by their eager readiness to carry out this unexpected duty, and by the quiet professionalism with which they go about their preparations.

Baron Lodamos wishes you godspeed and bids you farewell as you climb into the saddle and get ready to set off from the citadel. It is still dark when you and your escort ride out of Varedo and head east across the plain, along a wagon-worn road that leads to Oberra. When darkness gives way to the golden light of the rising sun, the troop unfurls Lodamos’ personal banner which they carry proudly at the head of their column. It is a pale blue flag, trimmed with gold braids, and it depicts an owl clutching the blade of a sword. Karvas tell you that these symbols represent Lodamos’ motto—Wisdom and Strength. His flag serves you well, for as the day unfolds, all the fellow travellers you encounter on the road hurriedly move aside to allow you to pass unhindered when they see Lodamos’ banner approaching.

You ride all day and put more than a hundred miles behind you. It is dusk when Sneida brings the troop to the fortified chateau of Lord Jopas, Baron Lodamos’ younger brother. You stay there overnight, and in the morning the troop are furnished with fresh mounts for the coming day’s ride across the Lucien Hills. This region of Siyen is one of great natural beauty and you enjoy the panoply of castles, chateaux, and richly wooded valleys which unfolds as you traverse the hill trail to Oberra. When night falls you find yourselves still within the boundaries of this hilly timberland. Captain Sneida is loath to make camp in the forest for it harbours packs of wild wolves that may be tempted to attack by the scent of the horses. He urges the troop to continue for several moonlit miles further until you reach the chateau of Baron Jayde. He is commander of the Lucien Province and a trusted friend of Baron Lodamos.

The troop ride through a pair of open, torchlit gates and come to a halt inside a walled courtyard at the front of Baron Jayde’s grand estate. Adjacent to the gates are a stables block and a paddock. Captain Sneida orders his men to put the horses in the paddock while he goes to inform Baron Jayde of your arrival. You are leading your horses into the paddock by the reins when your Kai Sixth Sense warns you of hidden danger. You look around the courtyard and suddenly you realize that something is amiss. Ever since you arrived at the chateau you have seen no sign of Baron Jayde’s staff or guards. The estate is seemingly deserted. Then you hear Captain Sneida call out a welcome, and when you look to the chateau, you see the figure of a stout man standing in a doorway at the head of a grand flight of stone steps. ‘Well met, Baron Jayde,’ calls Sneida, but his friendly greeting elicits no response. The man in the doorway is utterly immobile; not a flicker of emotion stirs his pale round face. Sneida approaches and quickens his pace. He is halfway up the steps when suddenly the rotund figure of Baron Jayde topples stiffly forwards and falls, face down, upon the flagstones. Fear chills your blood when you see the polished handle of a stiletto dagger protruding from between his shoulder blades.

In that instant the trap is sprung. Suddenly the top of the courtyard is ringed by grim-faced soldiers armed with crossbows. ‘Ambush!’ shouts Captain Sneida. It is the last word he will ever utter. In response to his shout of warning, the soldiers let loose a deadly volley of bolts that claim his life, and the lives of four of his men. As the dead and wounded scream and fall, you drag Prince Karvas to the ground in a desperate effort to save him from being hit.

Your swift action saves the Prince from being struck by a crossbow bolt. It also saves you from being hit when one of these deadly iron missiles ricochets off the paddock gate and whistles by your head.

The pitiful shrieks and groans of fallen men echo in your ears as you struggle to get back on your feet. ‘Stay with me, sire,’ you say to Karvas, as you scurry across the paddock and take cover behind a fence post. There is a lull in the carnage when your cowardly attackers pause to reload their crossbows, and you take full advantage of this momentary respite. You signal to Karvas to follow as you leap up and sprint from the paddock to the open doorway of the stables close by.

As you rush through the doorway you are brought skidding to a halt when you are confronted by seven armoured knights. Your stomach churns when you see that they wear the eagle’s-head emblem of Sadanzo upon their surcoats. Their presence here makes you realize that they have been following your trail ever since your daring escape from Cavalia. The delay that you experienced at Varedo bought them the few hours they needed in order to get ahead of you and set up their deadly ambush.

Farewell, Prince Karvas!’ growls a knight, his guttural voice partially muffled by the iron strips that criss-cross the visor of his iron helm. He raises his gleaming axe and all seven warriors rush forward and attack you simultaneously.

Sadanzo’s knights: COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 38

You cannot evade this combat, but you may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight as Prince Karvas is fighting at your side. If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Kaistar’ you may add the appropriate COMBAT SKILL bonus for fighting at night

(I have a +11. I toss a 2, and then an 8. Game over. I took 2.)

As the last of Sadanzo’s knights crashes dead at your feet, you leap over his crumpled body and rush towards the rear of the stables where the slain knights’ horses are tethered to a rail. You and Karvas cut free the two sturdiest mounts and pull yourselves into their saddles. Prince Karvas wheels his horse about and rides him out into the courtyard. When you emerge from the stables, you are following close behind the Prince and struggling hard to keep your jittery horse from losing its footing on the smooth flagstones. Strewn around the walled yard and paddock are the bodies of slain and wounded troopers. Your heart goes out to these brave men, but you dare not stop to help them. To do so would be suicidal. Karvas gallops his horse towards the open gates and you hear shouts of alarm from the Cavalians positioned around the courtyard wall. They have recognized you and they are bringing their loaded crossbows to bear on your fleeing backs.

(I Use KA)

Hastily you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Invisible Shield and sweep your hand in a circle behind your head. The spell materializes barely moments before a speeding crossbow bolt hits it and is deflected away from your neck. Its buckled point trails a line of sparks as it gouges a furrow in the flagstones

You gallop out of the courtyard amid a hail of bolts, and race east along the forested hill trail. The Cavalian crossbowmen have hidden their horses in the woods surrounding Baron Jayde’s chateau, and when they see you escaping, they quickly abandon their positions around the courtyard wall and mount up to give chase. Your daring escape puts you more than a mile ahead of your ruthless pursuers, but this trail is difficult to ride at night for you are guided only by the light of the moon. You have little difficulty keeping your horse to the twisting trail for you are aided by your Kai night vision, but Karvas is not so fortunate. Some parts of the trail are covered by a thick canopy of branches which shut out the ashen moonlight. Whenever you pass through these sections, Prince Karvas is plunged into darkness and he is forced to slow his pace dramatically. Rather than risk having him lose the trail completely and crash headlong into the trees, you call to him to leave the trail at a place where it passes over a wooden bridge. You hide with your horses beneath this bridge and wait for the Cavalians to pass. You hear their horses’ hooves thunder across, but you do not emerge when they have gone. Patiently you wait, and within the hour you hear them returning. They have lost your trail and they are going back to Baron Jayde’s chateau in the belief that you have slipped past them and doubled-back to rescue the few wounded troopers who survived the ambush.

The Cavalians return across the bridge, and when you can no longer hear their horses, you emerge from your hiding place and continue east along the trail. During your night ride to Oberra, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Shortly after daybreak, you emerge from the dense timberland and pass through a region where the hills are given over to the cultivation of grapes and vines. During the day, you and Karvas take it in turns to sleep in the saddle. While one is asleep, the other leads his companion’s horse by the reins. By this method you are able to overcome the fatigue of your recent ordeals and still make good progress along the trail to Oberra.

It is early in the morning, four days before Harvestmas, when you crest a ridge of high ground and see Oberra in the distance. This populous city nestles in a bowl-shaped valley at the eastern edge of the Lucien Hills, where the uplands meet the softly undulating flood plains of the River Seroa. Prince Karvas tells you that his old tutor, Florin Sainus, resides in Oberra. He proposes that you ride to the city and visit his house in the northern quarter. Karvas is confident that Sainus will help you reach Seroa in time for the crowning. Your spirits are lifted by this welcome news, and you ride with renewed vigour until you reach the gates of Oberra late in the afternoon.
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Old 04-16-2020, 09:59 PM   #81
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The city of Oberra is still mourning the death of King Oridon. Its scarlet-and-yellow flags hang at half-mast, and many of its citizens wear black armbands and shawls as visible marks of their respect for the memory of Prince Karvas’ father. As you ride along its paved streets, you see that many of its shops and public buildings bear proclamations announcing the forthcoming crowning of Baron Sadanzo on Harvestmas Day. Most of these notices have either been torn or defaced with black paint, and this cheers Karvas, for it shows that the citizens of this wealthy city do not welcome the prospect of having Baron Sadanzo as their future king.

It is nearing darkness when you find the residence of Florin Sainus. It is a well-appointed townhouse built on three levels with its own walled garden and stables. You dismount and pull a bell rope that hangs beside its arched door. The Prince’s aged tutor is overwhelmed with surprise and delight when he opens the door and sees his former pupil standing on the steps before him. The old man ushers you both inside and orders his servants to attend to your horses. Over a reviving meal of steamed fish and oatmeal bread, Karvas recounts the perilous events of the past few weeks which have brought you here to seek his help. Gladly he pledges his assistance, but he cautions you that your time has nearly run out. Carefully he considers the ways by which you could still reach Seroa in time for the crowning, and at length he tells you of two routes. Both offer an equal chance of success.

The first is the most direct route: the King’s Highway from Oberra to Seroa. Normally this road would take four days to travel, but there are now only three full days left before Harvestmas, and so you would have to ride hard to make up for the missing day. The second route is partly by road and partly by river. Seventy-five miles due east of Oberra is the hamlet of Xaia. It lies on a bend of the River Seroa and is a boarding point for the boats that carry cargo and travellers along this major waterway. By this route the journey to Seroa can be completed in three days, ‘assuming that the riverboats are running to schedule,’ warns Sainus. ‘They are the swiftest means of reaching the capital, yet they can be unreliable during spells of bad weather.’

Karvas proposes that you decide which route to take and then leave Oberra at once. ‘If we commence our journey this night, we may gain a few precious hours that could ensure our success.’ You agree with the Prince that you should go at once, but Sainus informs you that it will not be possible for you to leave Oberra until dawn. He tells you that the city council have imposed a curfew during the hours of darkness, following an outbreak of thefts and murders among its prominent citizens. Sainus believes that Baron Sadanzo’s robber knights are responsible for the crimes, for many have become residents of the city since King Oridon passed away. He fears that they are plotting to overthrow the council and will act as soon as Sadanzo is crowned king.

In light of the situation, you decide to stay here and rest, and then leave the city at first light. Before you retire, Karvas asks you to decide which route you should use to travel to Seroa

(I choose the highway. I can speed up a highway, I cannot yield for weather on the river)

Early next morning, before dawn, you meet with Karvas and Sainus and go to collect your horses from the stable. As you mount them, the old man bids you good luck and he gives the Prince a pouch containing 50 Orla, a sum that could prove useful during the ride to Seroa.

Dawn breaks as you leave Sainus’ house, and you hear a bell which signifies that the night curfew has now come to an end. You ride along the streets of the north quarter and enter a broad avenue that leads directly to the east gatehouse. The guards posted here are opening the great east gate as you approach, and you gallop through the widening gap.

The sun shines brightly all day and you make good progress along the King’s Highway. By nightfall you have covered more than 80 miles and have reached a small village called Landsdorf. You decide to stop and rest at the village’s solitary tavern—the Golden Plough Inn—and as you ride into its courtyard a young stable boy runs to greet you and take care of your horses. Two rooms here cost 10 Orla, a sum which Prince Karvas pays in full using part of the money given to him by Sainus. The jovial tavern-keeper hands you each a key and he offers you a tankard of his best ale, on the house.

You accept his generous offer and enter the taproom of this hospitable tavern. As your frothing beer is being drawn from the cask, you overhear a conversation at a nearby table. Three farmers are discussing the crowning ceremony and one of them says that it is to take place at noon. This news unsettles Karvas, for traditionally the ceremony of ascendance begins at dusk, as soon as the sun disappears below the horizon. If what the farmer says is true, you now have only one and a half days left in which to reach Seroa in time for the crowning. You resolve to get as much sleep as you can this night, and then ride for Seroa at dawn. If you forgo sleep tomorrow and journey through the night, you can still arrive at the capital before noon on Harvestmas Day. Karvas prays that your horses are fit enough for the gruelling ride, and you are both glad that you have decided to rest them here tonight. They will need all their strength come the morning.

As you sip your ale, your rumbling stomach reminds you that you have not eaten for several hours.

(I eat here)

You take a seat at a taproom table and enjoy your ale and Karvas’ company while you wait for your food. After a short while, the tavern-keeper’s daughter arrives from the kitchens carrying two plates that are stacked with slices of roasted beef and green vegetables.

‘Are you two gentlemen bound for the crowning in Seroa?’ she enquires, as she places your food on the table. Karvas nods his head in answer to her question. ‘Then you be jus’ like those other gentlemen over there,’ she replies, pointing to a group of men seated in an alcove on the far side of the room. You had not noticed them before, and when you magnify your vision to get a better look at their faces, your appetite rapidly dies. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that these six men are part of the band of Cavalian crossbowmen who ambushed you at Baron Jayde’s chateau.

(I leave)
You tell Karvas the bad news and quietly you both slip away from the taproom by a rear door. Beyond this door is a corridor which passes through the tavern’s kitchen and out into the courtyard. Once you are outside, you hurry across to the stables to fetch your horses. You are about to enter when suddenly you notice the body of a young boy lying partially buried beneath a heap of straw. By the colour and cut of his clothing, you recognize the body to be that of the stable boy who took charge of your horses when you first arrived here. Swiftly you unsheathe your Kai Weapon as you enter the stables. Your caution is justified, for as soon as you pass through the stable door, you are attacked by six Cavalian bandits who are lying in wait for you and Karvas.

Cavalian Bandits: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 36

You may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat, for Prince Karvas is helping you to fight these murdering bandits.

(My CS is +11 without KS. I toss a 2, 3, and 7. They have taken 39 and die. I took 5)

The sound of fighting has been heard in the tavern and a group of anxious locals, led by the tavern-keeper and armed with pitchforks and staves, are gathering outside in the courtyard. Rather than attempt to reason with them, you and Karvas saddle two fresh horses and gallop out of the stables as fast as you can. The tavern-keeper and his patrons scatter in all directions to avoid being trampled as you race across the courtyard and escape onto the highway beyond.

Despite your fatigue, you force yourselves to ride all night. Early next morning, you stop to rest in a small coppice that borders the highway. Before you sleep, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points (unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery).

You awaken shortly before noon and, with some difficulty, you stir Karvas from a deep sleep. You are both feeling refreshed after your rest, but there are still more than 100 miles to cover and time is fast running out. You now have little more than twenty-four hours to reach Seroa before the crowning ceremony is set to take place.

Fortunately, the weather is fair and you do not encounter any unforeseen delays during your long ride to the capital. During your journey, you recall Lone Wolf’s famous ride from Varetta to Casiorn that he made six years earlier. He rode the magically-gifted horse Wildwind during his return home to Sommerlund in time to break the siege of the Kai Monastery. Your memory of his courageous feat inspires you to press on. Your only regret is that you and Karvas do not have Wildwinds of your own.

As night falls, your way ahead is guided by the light of a waxing moon which glimmers brightly in a cloudless sky. You forgo rest and push your horses hard, travelling all night to come within sight of Seroa’s southern wall and gatehouse by mid-morning. As you approach the South Gate, you see that the highway ahead is blocked by a long queue of travellers who are waiting patiently to enter the city. Prince Karvas is anxious to reach the gate as quickly as possible, but he is also wary of going to the front of this long queue. The Siyenese, and the city’s gate guards, do not take kindly to queue-jumpers.

(We wait and rest)

During your wait to enter the city, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. (You are unable to use Grand Huntmastery in this instance, for you are unable to leave the queue in order to forage for food.)

It takes you more than an hour to reach the South Gate, even though you give up your horses in exchange for better positions in the queue. As soon as the gate guards nod their approval, you hurry through the gatehouse arch and into the city beyond.
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:04 PM   #82
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You follow Karvas through the teeming streets of the capital towards Palace Square, the grand plaza where the crowning ceremony is set to take place in less than an hour. A wide avenue of marbled stone leads towards the square, and as you hurry along it, you marvel at the aristocratic mansions and embassies that march past on either side. The sound of a fanfare echoes in the distance and you increase your pace when Karvas tells you that it signifies the arrival of Baron Sadanzo. The approach to the square itself is blocked by the crowd, but the Prince knows of another way by which you may reach it. You leave the avenue and he takes you along a narrow lane that winds through a maze of buildings in the Merchants’ Quarter. This area has been closed for the Ascendance and Harvestmas ceremonies, but you are able to climb over the barricades that have been erected to prevent entry by the crowd, and you reach the square unchallenged.

On a raised platform in the centre of Palace Square, Baron Sadanzo is preparing to kneel before Phedros, the Marshal of the Realm, the highest ranking officer in the kingdom of Siyen. He is flanked by the High Chancellor, the High Chamberlain, the Mayor of Seroa, and other Siyenese noblemen. Under the Constitution of Siyen, following the death of Oridon and the absence of Karvas, the Marshal of the Realm is empowered to bestow kingship upon the Baron.

Frantically, you and the Prince struggle through the crowd that encircles the platform. Phedros is about to place the State Crown of Siyen upon Sadanzo’s head when you leap onto the platform and bring the ceremony to an abrupt halt.

‘I am Karvas, Crown Prince of Siyen, and I demand my birthright!’ shouts the Prince to the assembled nobles. The crowd gives a gasp of astonishment which is followed by a deathly hush.

‘You are an impostor,’ screams Sadanzo. ‘The real Prince Karvas is exiled in Sheasu. I demand this man be executed for his insolence!’

Marshal Phedros approaches Karvas and takes hold of his right arm. He pulls back the sleeve of his tunic and examines the birthmark on his wrist. Phedros has known Karvas since he was a baby, and you sense that he is convinced that the mark is genuine. He raises the Prince’s arm so that the other Siyenese nobles gathered on the platform can see the crescent-shaped mark. Murmurs of dissent can be heard among the crowd, and whispers that Karvas has returned filter back to Sadanzo’s ears. The evil Baron narrows his coal-black eyes and slips a glowing green gem from the pocket of his ermine robes. Your Sixth Sense warns you that this stone is radiating strong psychic energies. Through its use, Sadanzo is able to exert a powerful control over the noblemen of Siyen who are gathered here on the platform. If you are to break the Baron’s mental hold over them, you must destroy the evil gem that is clenched in his bony fist.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and point your right arm towards the gem that Sadanzo is holding. You feel a tingling sensation run the length of your outstretched arm, and then a crackling burst of energy leaps from your index finger to connect with the evil gem. Sadanzo screams with fear as this gem crumbles and disintegrates to dust.

Sadanzo clutches his injured hand to his chest and falls to his knees exhausted. You sense that the destruction of his gem has greatly weakened him. It has also freed the Siyenese nobles from his evil influence, an influence that robbed them of their free will.

(I have the scroll)

Prince Karvas denounces Sadanzo as a murderer and a traitor, and you show the scroll that you discovered in the Baron’s safe to Phedros as proof of his treachery. The Marshal gasps when he reads the damning contract and he orders the Royal Guard to arrest Sadanzo immediately. ‘Take the traitor to the palace dungeons,’ he commands. Upon hearing this, a vast section of the stunned crowd roar their approval, and sporadic fighting breaks out as followers of Sadanzo attempt to battle their way out of the square. Marshal Phedros orders that the city gates be sealed, and then he commands the Royal Court Cavalry to hunt down Sadanzo’s robber knights in every quarter of Seroa, and bring them to justice. As these noble troopers eagerly set about their task, Phedros turns to Prince Karvas and hugs him to his chest. ‘Welcome home at last,’ he says, his voice wavering with emotion. ‘Welcome home … King Karvas.’

News of Karvas’ return spreads like wildfire through the capital. Hundreds of cheering citizens enter the square and surround the platform on all sides, weeping and shouting with joy that they are to be spared the tyranny of Sadanzo’s rule. With the blessing of the gathered nobles, Marshal Phedros proclaims Karvas the King of Siyen and he places the State Crown upon his head. Gladly Karvas accepts his birthright and he rises to receive the adulation of the excited crowd. As the cheering gradually subsides, he turns to you and bids you kneel before him. You obey his command and Karvas unsheathes his sword. He dabs its blade lightly upon your head and smiles:

Arise, Sir Kai, for I proclaim that you are now a Knight of Siyen.’ The crowd cheer loudly, though not for their king. This time their cheers are for the Kai Grand Master of Sommerlund without whom their beloved Prince would never have claimed his throne.

You accompany King Karvas and his noble entourage to the Royal Palace where the celebration of his ascendance to the throne begins with a banquet, and concludes with a procession of royal coaches that visits every quarter of the city. The citizens of Seroa shower their new king with flowers. They also call for the swift execution of the traitor Sadanzo. The following day you learn that Karvas has granted his citizens their request for justice. Baron Sadanzo is sentenced to death, the execution to be carried out at noon in the Palace Square. Upon the platform on which he sought to be crowned king, the Baron loses his head to the executioner’s axe.

Congratulations, Grand Master. Your mission is complete. In the face of great adversity you have met the challenge and you have triumphed. You have upheld the highest traditions of the Kai with honour and dignity, and you have displayed exceptional strength and bravery throughout your ordeal. The succession of Karvas is an important victory in the war against Evil, for it has prevented the throne of Siyen, Sommerlund’s richest ally, from falling into the hands of an agent of Naar. You have earned the respect of the Siyenese people and they will never forget the debt of gratitude they owe you.

Following the celebration of his succession, King Karvas arranges for you to return home to Sommerlund by sea aboard his royal caravel. The voyage is swift and uneventful, yet upon reaching Holmgard you learn of a new and deadly threat that has arisen to challenge the Kai. If you wish to confront this threat, the nature of the challenge will be revealed in the next exciting Lone Wolf New Order adventure, entitled:

Rune War
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:18 PM   #83
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This was my favorite of the three Odyssey ones thus far, as I felt it did a better job with it. The escape from the two towns that capture you are both feel like Fire on the Water too me.

Hopefully the next one will feel more like Castle Death, Captives of Kaag, and Plague Lords of Ruel. It seems to have a similar plot point to them. Now, Castle Death is my least favorite in the Magna Kai and Captives my 2nd least favorite in the third series, so that may not be high praise. Ready?
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:20 PM   #84
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Enter Rune War

The Story So Far … 

You are a Grand Master of the New Order of the Kai—the warrior élite of Sommerlund.

It is the year MS 5083, thirty-three years after the First Order of the Kai was almost wiped out by the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent by the Dark God Naar to destroy your fertile world of Magnamund, have since been destroyed. Lone Wolf, the leader of your illustrious fighting order, was the sole survivor of the massacre. As a young Kai initiate he stood amidst the burning wreckage of the old Kai Monastery and vowed to avenge the slaughter of his comrades. In the year MS 5070 he kept his pledge when alone he infiltrated the foul domain of the Darklords and destroyed the infernal city of Helgedad, the base of their evil power.

With the fall of Helgedad, chaos befell the Darkland armies who had, until then, been poised to conquer all Magnamund. Quickly their disorder escalated into a mutinous civil war which allowed the Freeland Alliance armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a successful counter-offensive. Against all odds, a swift and total victory was secured over the feuding armies of evil.

Following the demise of the Darklords, peace reigned in your homeland of Sommerlund. Under the direction of Lone Wolf the ruined Monastery of the Kai was rebuilt and restored to its former glory, and the raising of a New Order of Kai warriors was swiftly established. You are one of this new generation of Kai recruits. You were born in Sommerlund in the year MS 5063, during the time of the war against the Darklords. When you were seven years old you were sent by your father to the Kai Monastery. There, under the tutelage of Lone Wolf, you developed your martial skills and honed the special Kai abilities which lay dormant within you. During the years that followed, your skills were nurtured and sharpened to perfection by long hours of study and rigorous training. Your exceptional talent helped you master all of the Kai and Magnakai Disciplines, and you rose swiftly through the ranks of the New Order to become one of only five who now hold the high rank of Kai Grand Master. It is an achievement which has brought great honour upon you and your family.

In the year MS 5077 your skill and courage were put to the test when an attack was launched upon the Kai Monastery during Lone Wolf’s absence. By means of a Shadow Gate (an astral corridor between the physical world of Magnamund and the many ethereal domains which lie beyond it), Naar sent forth a host of dragon-creatures to besiege the monastery and lay waste to all Sommerlund. He had chosen his time well, yet his evil plan was thwarted by the tenacious defence that you and your brethren maintained until the siege was raised by Lone Wolf and the King’s Army of Sommerlund.

During the six years that have elapsed since the defeat of his minions, Naar has endeavoured to enact his vengeance upon the Kai. He commands many agents of evil upon Magnamund, and quietly they wait in the shadows for the day when they can serve their fell master. One such agent was Baron Sadanzo of Siyen. The Kingdom of Siyen is one of the richest countries in the continent of Southern Magnamund, and it is also one of Sommerlund’s oldest allies. Sadanzo had its ruler, King Oridon, brutally assassinated so that he could lay claim to the throne in the absence of Prince Karvas, Oridon’s only son, who lived in exile upon the remote Isle of Sheasu. The Baron was a disciple of Naar and he possessed a sorcerous power that had turned the minds of the Siyenese Court to his will. By use of sorcery he made them support his ascendance to the throne. It was a dangerous threat to Siyen, yet all was not lost. The constitution of Siyen decreed that Prince Karvas had, upon the death of his father, 60 days in which to lay claim to his rightful heritage. Only if he failed to return in time would Sadanzo be elected the new King.

Lone Wolf promised to prevent Baron Sadanzo from usurping the throne, but it was a pledge that only you could fulfil. At the time of King Oridon’s assassination, you were engaged upon a mission in Southern Magnamund and were closer to the Isle of Sheasu than any other Kai. Upon successful completion of your mission, Lone Wolf ordered you to forgo your return to the Kai Monastery and journey instead to Sheasu to seek out the exiled Prince. Your new mission was to find Karvas and escort him safely home in time to claim his throne and thwart Sadanzo’s plan. Despite great adversity you succeeded; Prince Karvas was duly elected King and the evil Baron Sadanzo and his followers were put to the sword. In recognition of your courage and your invaluable help in saving his realm from Sadanzo’s tyranny, the newly-crowned King Karvas made you an honourable Knight of Siyen. He also placed Golden Star, his royal sailing ship, at your disposal to help speed your return home to Holmgard—the Sommlending capital.

Shortly after dawn on a cool mid-autumn morning, the sleek royal Siyenese clipper glided into Holmgard harbour. Despite the early hour, an escort of the King’s Guard were standing by in readiness to convey you by carriage directly to the Kai Monastery where you were greeted and warmly congratulated by your fellow Grand Masters. You also received glowing praise from Supreme Master Lone Wolf for successfully completing your missions and for upholding the finest traditions of the Kai. It felt good to be home after so many months abroad and you were looking forward to settling back into the routine of the monastery. But your hopes were soon dashed when, later that day, you were summoned by Lone Wolf to a private audience with him in his chambers. The news he had to impart came as an unexpected shock.

‘We must prepare for a crusade, Grand Master,’ he said, as he unfurled a large vellum map of central Magnamund and spread it upon the granite floor of his vaulted chamber. ‘War rages anew in the Stornlands, and its ravenous flames threaten to devour our allies within the Freeland Alliance.’

Lone Wolf unsheathed his mighty sword—Sommerswerd—and, using the tip of its golden blade, he pointed to a landlocked realm west of the great River Storn. ‘This is Eldenora, the source of the problems we must face. Since the fall of its former ruler, Prince Lutha, a new lordling has arisen to snatch the reins of this lawless realm. He is not of noble birth, yet he has crushed all royal opposition and taken upon himself the title Lord Vandyan of Eldenora. Earlier this year he swelled the ranks of his army with regiments of Magadorian and Ogian mercenaries. After having falsely accused his peaceful neighbour—Delden—of violating Eldenoran territory, he stationed these mercenaries along his northern border. When Delden mustered its army to counter the threat, Vandyan accused them of aggression and promptly declared war. The campaign was swift and brutal; Delden’s army was broken in battle and its people are now enslaved by this tyrant. Emboldened by his martial success, Vandyan carried the war further afield. Magador, its defences already weakened by the defection to Eldenora of its best mercenary regiments, was the next to crumble. By mid-summer Vandyan’s army had crossed the River Storn and captured Salony. Word reached us from neighbouring Lyris that a steady stream of fresh troops were arriving from Eldenora to bolster the ranks of its occupying armies. Clearly Lyris, with its ancient city of Varetta, was the next jewel to be added to Vandyan’s shameful crown of conquest.’

Lone Wolf interrupted the briefing to open a door to an adjoining antechamber, and through this doorway shuffled an old man clad in a hooded robe of dyed brown linen. ‘May I introduce you to Gwynian the Sage,’ said Lone Wolf, reverently. ‘He has travelled from Varetta to seek our aid.’

The name Gwynian was well known to you, for this wise sage had helped Lone Wolf on many occasions in the past and his name was revered by the Kai. But this was the first time you had met him in person and you felt greatly honoured. In turn, Gwynian praised you for the victories you had achieved since becoming a Kai Grand Master. Upon Lone Wolf’s invitation, he approached the map and took over the briefing.

‘Since my arrival here, sadly I have learned that my beloved city of Varetta is besieged by Vandyan’s horde,’ he said, with quiet solemnity. ‘Lone Wolf has already told you that the Eldenorans are receiving a constant supply of reinforcements. This fact alone would be of grave concern, but it is the nature of these troops that disturbs us more. They are neither human nor mercenaries. They are Vorka, a fighting breed of Agarashi that became extinct following the destruction of their master—Agarash the Damned—several millennia ago … or so we had believed. Now the Vorka have reappeared in great numbers. They are armed, trained, and utterly subservient to the commands of Lord Vandyan.’

As Gwynian continued the briefing, you learned that the war had escalated greatly since the arrival of the Vorka. To the south, Eldenoran armies had seized the city of Tekaro and were marching across the Slovarian Plain, driving the battle-weary Slovians before them. To the west, Vandyan’s armies had invaded Palmyrion and were within reach of Vanamor, the capital. Lone Wolf informed you that Guildmaster Banedon had travelled to Palmyrion by skyship to assist its ruler, Elector Manatine, muster his country’s defences. With his help the Palmyrions were holding the enemy at bay, but with hundreds of Vorka reinforcements arriving unchecked, it was simply a matter of time before Vanamor would be overrun.

‘The Vorka are the key to Vandyan’s military successes,’ said Lone Wolf. ‘If we are to defeat him and save our allies, then we must cut off his reinforcements at the source.’

‘This is so,’ replied Gwynian, ‘and we do know from where the Vorka have sprung.’ The sage stooped and pointed with a gnarled finger at the middle of the vellum map. ‘Our agents have reported they come from here … Duadon. It is the Eldenoran capital. Thousands of Vorka have been observed marching out from this walled city to bolster Vandyan’s armies in the field, yet no Vorka have ever been seen entering the city from elsewhere. This can mean but one thing: the Vorka horde is being created somewhere within Duadon itself.’

‘But how?’ you asked, incredulously. ‘Is Vandyan a great sorcerer?’

‘No, he is not a sorcerer, great or otherwise,’ replied Gwynian, knowingly. ‘But he has discovered an ancient force that was thought to be lost forever. There is only one power in Magnamund capable of creating the Vorka: the power of the runes. Vandyan has discovered the lost Runes of Agarash the Damned.’

Gwynian told of how, millennia ago, Agarash the Damned had battled with the Elder Magi in a war that had lasted for more than a thousand years. Nearing the end of this epic confrontation, as his vitality waned against the goodly magic of the Elder Magi, the evil Agarash encapsulated the essence of his remaining powers into tablets of obsidian and crystals of jet. Agarash knew that he was doomed, but if he were able to preserve some of his powers in this way, so that they could be used by future disciples of Naar upon Magnamund, then the legacy of his terrible rule would survive beyond him. Three obsidian tablets were engraved with marks, or runes, to distinguish their fell origin, while a further seven crystals were fashioned into likenesses of the Kai Lorestones and called Doomstones in mockery of those goodly gems of power.

‘Since the demise of Agarash, some of the Doomstones have surfaced to ensnare and empower Naar’s lowly agents,’ said Gwynian. ‘But the Doomstones cannot create Vorka. Only the runes hold this power. It has long been believed that they perished with Agarash himself in the destruction of Naaros, his legendary stronghold. Now, it seems, they have finally surfaced once more … and have fallen into the hands of Lord Vandyan.’

Lone Wolf vowed that he would help Gwynian raise the siege of Varetta and secure for him the freedom of Lyris. The New Order Kai were told to prepare for a crusade against Eldenora, and valuable help was provided by High-Mayor Kordas of Casiorn. At his own expense, this rich merchant ruler raised an army of mercenaries in Anari, Firalond, and Kakush, and he sent them to the town of Quarlen to prevent the enemy from crossing the River Quarl. These mercenaries are skilled soldiers and have been paid handsomely, but they lack gifted leaders. It was agreed that the Kai would provide this leadership, with Kai Grand Masters and lesser ranks assuming command of mercenary regiments upon their arrival in Quarlen.

‘Three days hence, we begin the ride to Quarlen,’ said Lone Wolf. ‘Armed with our knowledge, our courage, and our Disciplines, I vow we Kai shall turn back the tide of evil that now threatens to consume our allies.’
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:34 PM   #85
Abe Sargent
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Like I said, Rune War seems to get back to basics, hopefully at least.

Here are my favorite books in each series:

Book 5 - Shadow on the Sand - epic, longer, you have a lot of agency, and you finish things nicely.
Book 10 - The Dungeons of Torgar - The battles, the fights, the war against Darklords that you will help win.
Book 15 - The Darke Crusade - Back to basics, big wars, and you taking out a big bad that has a Doomstone and the will to use it to recreate a major push for Naar.

Two of those share big, giant, fun battles that you can be a part of. If Rune War can get us away from the Odyssey from Place A to Place B, I'll be really happy.

Now the back of the book says that you (the reader) are infiltrating key fortress while Lone Wolf's crusade marches. That it what suggested to me Castle Death, Captives of Kaag, and such where you are going to assail the unassailable. Where armies fail.

Given that on the back of the book, I was surprised not to see it in the Story Thus Far, because it would change my choice.

1) If this was a combat heavy book with a big military with the big battles like Dungeons I'd go Deliverence so I have the emergency heal in case of fire.
2). If this is a big infiltration book, I'd go Assimilance so I can hide well
3). If this is another book, I;d do Telegnosis.
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:36 PM   #86
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Kai Grand Defender

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Defender, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Kai Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline have the ability to repair the effects of natural decay in materials such as wood, stone, cloth, metal, etc. By touching the decaying object, a Kai Grand Defender is able to reverse damage caused by rot, rust, or mould.

By use of this Discipline, a Kai Grand Defender is able to locate a known or familiar material object. Initially the range of this ability is limited to a 15-foot radius, however this distance steadily increases as a Kai Grand Master advances in rank.

Kai Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are skilled in the use of all common astrological devices used to predict future events. Such devices include cards, dice, and crystal spheres.

Kai Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are able to neutralize any poisonous toxins that may be present in organic materials such as plants, berries, and fruits. Through the use of this skill, the transformation of toxins can sometimes result in an increase in ENDURANCE and/or COMBAT SKILL when the previously poisonous matter is swallowed.

By using this Discipline, Kai Grand Defenders are able to summon up a dense, misty vapour to obscure themselves from both normal vision and infravision (night sight). This mist will occur within 5 feet of the Kai Grand Defender and will last for three to five minutes. Range and duration increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Kai Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are able to use their musical skills to pacify (and/or implant a suggestion into the mind of) an intelligent creature within audible range. This improved Discipline is similar in effect to the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm (Kai-alchemy).
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:40 PM   #87
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My choice of my new thing:

I don't have these:


Of them, I have gone a while book (last one) without being asked Astrology. The only time for MM it's also been when I can use KA. (Although there are many times you use KA that you cannot use MM). Kai-Screen hasn't been used as much as it was in the previous series, but this could be where it is.

Let's skip Deliverence. Telegnosis or Assimiliance? Hmmmm
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:43 PM   #88
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Rune War is one of three in teh 2nd Gen series I own. (I havven't read it)

I have this back:

"In RUNE WAR your task is to infiltrate Skull-Tor, Lord Vandyan's stronghold, and destroy the ancient runes from which he draws his evil power,"

Frankly, Telegnosis could be just as useful, seeing through doors and such. I'll take it.
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Old 04-16-2020, 10:48 PM   #89
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Sir Fox Fire, Kai Grand Defender, Knight of Siyen

CS - 47/51/55
EP - 38

Grand Kai Disciplines:

1. Kai-Surge
2. Grand Weaponmastery with Axe, Bow, Dagger, Broadsword,
3. G. Pathsmanship
4. G. Huntmastery
5. Elementalism
6. Kai-Alchemy
7. Animal Mastery
8. Telegnosis

Special Items:

Kai Weapon Axe Alema, +5 normally and +7 vs undead
Temujan's Ring
Talisman of Defiance - +2 CS
Eye of Zhar - Allows control of snakes poisonous
Pouch of Seota Dust - +10 EP when eaten



Meals: 2







Safekeeping (Between game storage):

Scented Oil
Copper Cup
3 Candles
Siyen Crown
Iron Skull
Shipwreck Dagger
Potion of Mustow
Potion of Aletherx3
Potion of Sedares
Potion of Laumspurx2
Silver-Inland Warhammer
57 Gold Crowns
Korlinium Sack
Dessi Bow
Silver Clasp
Nhang Doll
Bottle of Rice Wine
Bottle of Scava Liquor
Crystal Prism
Silver Mirror
Scroll of Introduction
Silver Signet Ring
Jeweled Knife
Stone Dagger
Siyenese Broad Sword
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Old 04-16-2020, 11:31 PM   #90
Abe Sargent
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If Lone Wolf had gotten involved in Dawn of the Dragons when he was passing through the area like I thought he should have and helped out in the early days, this would Crusade not be needed. Just as an FYI.
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Old 04-16-2020, 11:38 PM   #91
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Lone Wolf’s announcement that the Kai must prepare for a crusade in the Stornlands galvanizes the monastery into a frenzy of activity. Eagerly the members of the New Order set about their duties, and the preparations for the march to Quarlen are completed within two days as planned. On the morning of the third day, the Kai assemble in the training park in full battle-dress. A deathly hush descends upon the gathering as every Kai Lord, from lowly initiate to Grand Master, listens with trepidation as Lone Wolf reads aloud a list of names. One in five of all those present must stay to defend the monastery, and Lone Wolf’s list contains the names of the one hundred Kai he has chosen to remain behind. As each of these warriors is called, so they leave the assembled ranks to take up guard positions on the battlements and towers. Graciously they accept their lot, though none are glad to have been chosen.

The march begins shortly before noon. Lone Wolf rides at the head of the column, in the company of nine who comprise yourself, your four fellow Grand Masters, Gwynian the Sage, and a trio of Kai Mentoras who proudly hold aloft the battle-banners of the Kai, the Royal Arms of Sommerlund, and (in Gwynian’s honour) a scarlet standard bearing the crossed swords of Varetta. The long ride south offers many Sommlending a rare opportunity to see the Kai travelling together in battle-order. Word of your coming spreads quickly through towns and villages that lie on your route, and hundreds turn out to wave and cheer as you pass.

Favoured by cool dry weather, the column makes swift progress as it crosses the Southlund Marches and enters the remote province of Ruanon. Within a week you have reached Casiorn, the City of Merchants, where fresh provisions and a comfortable billet are provided by High-Mayor Kordas. Lone Wolf learns from Kordas that Vandyan’s armies have now seized control of Lyris and are grouping along the River Quarl in preparation to push east towards Casiorn itself. Kordas’ mercenaries are holding a defensive line along the river’s east bank, having destroyed all the bridges at Quarlen to hinder the enemy’s advance. Their commander, Lord Nathuro of Anari, is keenly awaiting the arrival of the Kai. Less encouraging is the news from Varetta. The city has endured a cruel and relentless bombardment from Vandyan’s hordes and has suffered many casualties, yet its ancient walls still stand and stoically its citizens are keeping the besieging enemy at bay. The news that Varetta has not fallen raises Gwynian’s spirits, but few, including the sage himself, expect the city to survive unaided for much longer.

The column departs from Casiorn early the following day and rides due west towards Quarlen. For four days you follow the highway towards your destination and, with each passing day, so the number of refugees that you encounter steadily increases. Most are Lyrisian, but there are also Deldenian and Salonese among their numbers. Forced out of their homes by the war, they have salvaged what few possessions they can carry and have crossed the River Quarl. Now they are settled in tented encampments all along the fertile valley which separates the Slovarian and Quarlen mountains.

‘Regard these people well,’ commands Lone Wolf, as the column rides past their makeshift settlements, ‘and remember that their survival, and the survival of thousands like them, depends upon the swift success of our crusade.’

You are four days out of Casiorn when, shortly after noon, the column reaches the outskirts of Quarlen. Many of the mercenary regiments of Anari, Firalond, and Kakush are encamped around its fortified wall and they give a rousing cheer when your banner is first sighted by their lookouts. Proudly Lone Wolf acknowledges their salutes as he leads the Kai through the town’s East Gate and along a wide street which descends towards the River Quarl. The column is signalled to halt when it comes to a large square, and quietly you await Lone Wolf’s order to dismount. This square is located close to the eastern approach to a wide stone bridge that no longer crosses the river, its central span having been destroyed to prevent the enemy from using it. Three Anarian officers arrive on foot and request that Lone Wolf and Gwynian accompany them to a nearby tavern where the mercenary commander, Lord Nathuro, has set up his headquarters. Lone Wolf agrees to their request, but before he goes he orders that you and your fellow Grand Masters secure good stabling and billets for the Kai in the buildings which border upon this square.

Within the hour, you have carried out Lone Wolf’s orders in full. Your own billet consists of a room above a tailor’s shop that you share with Bright Star, a friend and fellow Grand Master. You are preparing a meal when a messenger arrives with an order from Lone Wolf for all Grand Masters to join him at once at the Barrel Bridge Tavern—Lord Nathuro’s headquarters.

Upon entering the tavern’s spacious taproom, Lone Wolf immediately introduces you and your comrades to Lord Nathuro and his captains. A Council of War has already taken place and Lone Wolf has settled with Nathuro which of his regiments the Kai are to command. He hands lists of these units to Bright Star and the other Grand Masters, and then he orders them to go and inform the Kai of their command postings. You are wondering why you have not been handed one of these lists as you get ready to leave the tavern, but as you turn to go, Lone Wolf orders you to remain. Soon you discover why it is that you have not been allocated a regimental command.

When the other Grand Masters have left the taproom, Lone Wolf tells you of an important mission that he and Gwynian want you to undertake. Agents in the Eldenoran capital of Duadon have confirmed that the Runes of Agarash are being kept in the city’s stronghold, a daunting fortress called Skull-Tor. Lone Wolf wants you to travel alone to Duadon and make contact with Gwynian’s agents. They know a secret route into the fortress and they will help you to gain entry. Once inside, you must find and destroy the runes as quickly as you are able. Upon completion of this task, the agents will assist you to escape from Duadon and will take you to a place of safety.

‘This is a very dangerous mission, Grand Master,’ says Lone Wolf gravely, ‘yet it must be undertaken and it must be completed successfully if we are to rid the Stornlands of Vandyan and his foul Vorka hordes. It is the only key we have to a lasting victory. You have proved yourself to be brave and resourceful these past few months and I would not think ill of you if you were to decline this mission. But of all the Kai, I know that only you possess the inner strength and resolve to fulfil this vital task. Grand Master, will you accept the mission?’

The thought of venturing hundreds of miles behind enemy lines to undertake such a dangerous quest fills you with a sense of dread. Yet you feel greatly honoured to have been chosen for this mission and you do not flinch from your duty. ‘I accept, my lord,’ you reply firmly.

Gwynian, Nathuro, and the assembled mercenary captains all breathe a collective sigh of relief upon hearing your response. Lone Wolf smiles and nods his head. ‘So be it, Grand Master. The road ahead is sure to be a difficult one, but I am confident you shall prevail.’

Lord Nathuro and his officers salute you and bid you good luck, and then they leave the tavern and assist with the transfer of their regiments to Kai command. Lone Wolf and Gwynian bid you accompany them to an adjoining chamber where you are given further information about the mission. With the help of a map of the Stornlands, Gwynian shows you that the quickest route to Duadon is by way of the River Quarl. You are to travel downriver by boat to a place beyond the city of Tekaro where the Quarl flows into the great River Storn. Here, preferably at night, you must cross to the west bank of the Storn, abandon your boat, and then enter the Grochod Forest on foot. This is Eldenoran territory and Lone Wolf warns you that any persons or creatures that you encounter in Grochod Forest will most likely be hostile. Under cover of the trees, you are to trek north through the timberlands until you reach the southern approaches to Duadon itself. The city gate is likely to be guarded well, but you must enter without being seen.

‘Once inside Duadon,’ says Gwynian, ‘make your way to Flank Street. It is in the Northern Quarter. There you will find a cooperage, a barrel-maker’s shop, which is run by a man called Hulsta and his wife, Delissa. They are my agents and they are loyal to our cause. They are awaiting the arrival of a Kai and you may make yourself known to them by using the words: “A barrel made from Sommlending oak”. Be sure to use these exact words for they will respond to no others. Hulsta will show you how to enter Skull-Tor where you must locate and destroy the runes and escape as quickly as you are able. If you are successful, we shall know of it immediately. By breaking the runes you will extinguish the source of the power by which the Vorka are permitted to exist. When Vandyan’s fell army dissolves, we shall be able to raise the siege of Varetta and defeat any Eldenoran who dares remain upon Lyrisian soil.’

Having finished your briefing, Gwynian and Lone Wolf show you to a room at the rear of the tavern where some items of clothing have been laid out for your inspection. Lone Wolf tells you to take off your helmet and Kai battle-armour and exchange them for the plain green tunic, breeches, and cloak of a Kai journeyman that lie draped across a table.

‘These clothes will serve you well,’ he says, as he buckles the clasp of your cloak. ‘They are far less likely to attract unwelcome attentions during your journey to Duadon.’

Having exchanged your clothes, you are provided with a meal and told to stay here in this room until midnight—the time when your mission is set to begin. Lone Wolf and Gwynian bid you good luck and leave the room to allow you to rest. You manage to get a few hours’ uneasy sleep before Gwynian returns shortly before midnight. The sage escorts you from the tavern and leads you down to the waterfront, to a wharf where a battered little sailboat lies tethered alongside a river barge. At first glance this sailboat looks completely unseaworthy, but upon closer inspection you see that it has been carefully camouflaged with broken timbers and ripped canvas to give the impression that it is a wreck. Stowed on board are a pair of oars and enough food and water for the voyage downstream to Tekaro. You board the boat and Gwynian casts off the mooring rope, bidding you good luck and godspeed as gently the current carries you away.

The waters of the Quarl are fast-flowing and you have no need of sail nor oar to propel you. By means of the rudder, you are able to steer the boat and let the current carry you swiftly downstream towards your destination. When dawn breaks you are able to take stock of your surroundings. You are making good progress and you calculate that it should take you no more than three days to reach Tekaro. The first day passes uneventfully and you are able to relax and enjoy the views of the fertile countryside that fringes the Quarl. But as darkness begins to fall at the end of the second day, you catch sight of something in the distance that sets your pulse racing. As you round a bend, you see a stone bridge spanning the river little more than a mile downstream. A line of burning torches is fixed along its parapeted walls, and armed guards are positioned on either side of its span. A look at your map tells you that this bridge carries the road that connects the towns of Woeld and Tido, and when you magnify your vision, you see that the guards are enemy soldiers. They wear studded leather jerkins and have the circle-and-star emblem of Eldenora engraved upon their conical steel helmets. To your dismay, an eagle-eyed lookout posted at the centre of the bridge sees your boat approaching. He alerts his fellow guards and quickly they line up along the parapet of the bridge and unshoulder their bows. One of their number blows a shrill whistle which attracts the attention of a second group who are moving through the trees which border the right bank. Your stomach churns when you catch your first sight of these troops for they are not human—they are Vorka. These lizard-like creatures move with a sinister grace which betrays their ancient origins. A cold fire glows in the depths of their sharp, blinking eyes, and their scaly bodies are bedecked with fragments of armour, mostly rotting leather and chainmail looted from the bodies of their slain foes.

As your boat drifts inexorably towards the bridge, you see the Eldenorans are getting ready to fire their first volley. The tips of some of their arrows are wound round with strips of oily cloth and they have been set alight. Hurriedly you look for some means of avoiding these archers and their Vorka cohorts, but only the river’s wooded left bank seems devoid of the enemy.

You crouch down at the rear of the boat and cover yourself with a ragged sheet of canvas. Through a rent in the fabric you can see the bridge getting closer and carefully you trim the rudder to steer your craft towards its central stone arch. Once again there is a shrill whistle and the Vorka begin to screech with excitement. You hear them running along the muddy bank, and then there is a loud splash when one of them dives headlong into the river.

As you come to within 20 yards of the bridge, the Eldenoran archers let loose their first volley of arrows.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

(I toss a 8)

Only two of the arrows strike the boat. One rips through your canvas cover and thuds into the gunwale within a hand’s breadth of your head, and the other, a fire arrow, buries itself in the planking near the prow. Fortunately, using your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you are able to quickly extinguish the flames without betraying your hiding place. The boat glides nearer to the bridge and you can hear the Eldenorans laughing and cursing. Through the torn canvas you look up to see a ruddy-faced soldier leaning over the parapet. He is holding a large chunk of rock which he is preparing to drop into your boat as it passes below.

(I use KA)

Mentally you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm and command the grinning soldier to hurl his rock away from the boat. Obediently he complies with your psychic command and his missile splashes harmlessly into the river, several yards behind. As you glide beneath the bridge, you hear his comrades laughing and cajoling him for missing such an easy target.

You emerge from beneath the bridge and your boat is carried swiftly away in the grip of the river’s powerful current. Within the hour you arrive at a point where the river meanders into a hilly, timbered region. It is difficult to navigate this section of the river in the dark and so you decide to stop and rest until daybreak. You beach your boat on the left bank and settle down to sleep under the bough of an oak tree.

Before you go to sleep, you sate your hunger from the provisions provided for your voyage.
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Old 04-16-2020, 11:51 PM   #92
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The night passes without incident and you wake at dawn to the shrill sound of bird song. As you are preparing to breakfast on some of the provisions that Gwynian has supplied for your voyage, you suddenly hear the sound of hoofbeats away to the south. The trees of this area are densely packed and so you climb an oak in the hope of getting a better view of your surroundings.

Through a thinning canopy of autumn leaves you catch sight of a forest track which runs parallel to the river. A distant flicker of movement catches your eye and, when you magnify your vision, you see three riders approaching from the south. Two are armed and they wear the uniforms of Eldenoran cavalry scouts, but the third is clad in a tunic of scarlet and black: the colours of the Slovian army. His hands are tied and you suspect he is a prisoner of war.

Less than a hundred yards away to the south, the track emerges from the trees and runs along the river bank for a short distance before turning again into the forest. When the riders reach this part of the track, they see your boat and they bring their horses to a halt. One of the Eldenorans stays with the Slovian prisoner while the other descends to the bank to investigate. Patiently you wait for them to go, but your patience breaks when you see the Eldenoran callously setting fire to your craft. Silently you unsheathe your Kai Weapon. As soon as the arsonist returns to his horse, you leap from your hiding place and take both of the Eldenorans by surprise.

Eldenoran Horse-scouts: COMBAT SKILL 34 ENDURANCE 34

Due to the surprise of your attack, you may ignore any ENDURANCE losses that you sustain in the first two rounds of this combat.

(Yay for actual battles early and such! This is a game book, not a read book. Ummm... +11 let's toss dice! 3 followed by 1. They have taken 20 to my 5. Then I toss a 6. They die and I took another 6 total.)

‘Ishir be praised! My prayers have been heard!’ yells the Slovian prisoner gleefully when his captors are felled by your deadly blows. As you step over their bodies and approach him, he leans forward in his saddle and holds out his hands, inviting you to cut through the rope that is wound tightly around his wrists.

‘My eternal thanks, sire,’ he says, as you sever his bonds. He then jumps down from his horse and offers his hand in friendship. ‘My name’s Rouf,’ he says, and a wide smile cracks his dark, travel-grimy features. ‘Those Eldenoran curs captured me on the plain east o’ Tekaro two days past. I was left behind to spy on their movements when my regiment pulled back to Suentina. Seems we may have somethin’ in common, you and I. We’re both operatin’ behind enemy lines, eh?’

The jovial Slovian helps you to hide the dead Eldenorans in the dense undergrowth. During this task he asks if you are a mercenary from Casiorn. When you tell him that you are a Kai, his jaw drops open with amazement. ‘A Kai Lord … here in Slovia! Ishir be praised. Perhaps we shall win this war after all.’

You confide in Rouf that you are on a secret mission and that you must reach the River Storn near Tekaro as soon as you can. Now that your sailboat has been destroyed by fire, you have little option but to continue by horse. Rouf offers to help but he warns you that the city of Tekaro has fallen to the Eldenorans. They occupy the city and have thousands of their Vorka encamped outside its walls. From Tekaro they have been sending reinforcements to their armies fighting across the Slovarian Plain and along the River Suen. This whole region is alive with enemy patrols and it will be difficult for you to avoid them on your way to the Storn. Rouf suggests that you wear one of the dead Eldenorans’ uniform, and that he accompany you upon the road to Tekaro, posing as your prisoner. His uncle lives in the forest near the River Quarl, a day’s ride from here, and that is where he wants to go now that he is free.

You agree to his plan and swap your Kai journeyman clothes for the uniform of a dead Eldenoran scout. (You stow your own kit in your Backpack, which requires space equal to two normal items. If your Backpack is full, you must discard two items to create sufficient space for your Kai Clothes.) Having changed uniform, you mount one of the Eldenoran horses and ride with Rouf back along the forest track heading south towards Tekaro.

(I have the space)

(Oh and Rouf is going to die to show how dangerous it is out here. It's the Joe Dever Way of Writing (tm).)

Within the hour you arrive at a junction where the track leaves the forest and joins the beaten road that runs from Tido to Tekaro. This highway borders upon the seemingly endless expanse of the Slovarian Plain, a verdant grassland that stretches away into the far distance. You scan the rolling horizon, wary of the enemy, yet you see little there save for a few wild stallions.

You turn your horses towards Tekaro and ride on at a comfortable pace. As the morning unfolds, Rouf tells you something of the battles fought across the plains during the past weeks. ‘This is cavalry country,’ he says. ‘Fighting here is like warring upon the high sea. Swift movement and striking power are the keys to victory. We Slovians are great horsemen and great soldiers and long have we been masters of this land. Our generals boasted that we would destroy the plodding Eldenoran infantry on the open plain, but we had never before encountered the Vorka. Those demons have been our undoing. They can run like ravening wolves and fight as hard as any knight in armour. Alas, if only we knew how to destroy them … ’

Rouf asks you about your mission but wisely you decline to give him any details. ‘It is not that I do not trust you,’ you say, sincerely, ‘but it is best you do not know. The Eldenorans are not above torturing their captives. If by chance you should be captured again, they will not make you tell what you do not know.’

During the afternoon you pass several Eldenoran riders bound for Tido. Some jeer at Rouf in passing, but none delay nor prevent you from continuing on your way. As night approaches, you reach a junction where a dirt track joins the road from the west. Rouf informs you that this trail leads to his uncle’s cabin in the woods. You follow the track for three miles until you reach a mound of stones topped by a wooden flagpole fixed with a ragged Slovian flag. When Rouf sees the flag he immediately signals you to halt.

‘Something’s wrong,’ he whispers. ‘That flag … it’s upside down. It’s a warning sign.’

Quietly you dismount and tether your horses among the trees before approaching the cabin on foot. It rests at the bottom of a shallow ravine and is surrounded by a number of smaller wooden outbuildings. Three saddled horses are tied to a rail beside the main cabin and, when you magnify your vision, you see that their saddles are identical to your own. They are Eldenoran army mounts. Cautiously you approach the cabin and peer in through a side window. Rouf gasps when he sees his Uncle Prizo and Aunt Fie, for they have been tied to chairs and placed back-to-back in the middle of the cabin. Three burly Eldenorans are looting their home and you can hear them threatening to kill them if they do not reveal where they have hidden their gold. The threats make Rouf’s blood boil. He urges you to help him attack the Eldenorans and save his kinfolk, but you are wary of rushing headlong into the cabin. Clearly the Eldenorans are worthless thieves and to attack them may endanger Prizo and Fie’s lives.

(I agree with him, this is an immediate need)

‘Very well,’ you reply, in a hushed tone, ‘let’s get them. But follow my lead, understand?’

Rouf nods his head and draws his weapon, a cavalry sabre taken from one of his Eldenoran captors. Then he follows you around to the front of the cabin where you take up positions on either side of the main door. Using your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills, you mimic a rough Eldenoran accent and bellow: ‘Come out o’ there, you good-for-nothing saddle-crabs!’

Fearing that one of their officers has caught them looting, the Eldenorans drop their plunder and scramble for the door. Two come running through the doorway and they are cut down by your waiting blades, but the third looter leaves by a side door. He is attempting to reach his horse and make a speedy escape. You are anxious to prevent the surviving Eldenoran from escaping. If he gets away he could alert others to your presence here.

(I use KA)

You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and you feel a surge of tingling power flow from your right shoulder to your wrist. You stretch out your arm and aim your index finger at the Eldenoran thief as he is mounting his horse. There is a loud Crack! and a bolt of blue fire leaps from your finger and arcs towards his back. It strikes him in the neck and spins him from his saddle with the searing force of its impact. Limply, the looter crashes to the ground, his thieving days over for good

Rouf praises your deadly skill. You acknowledge him with a nod of your head and then you turn and enter the cabin. Prizo and his wife scream when you appear, for you are wearing an Eldenoran uniform and they think you have come to finish them off. But their terror soon turns to joy when they see Rouf following behind you. ‘Don’t fear!’ says Rouf. ‘Your ordeal’s over. My companion’s an ally, not an enemy.’

Quickly you untie them and tearfully they hug Rouf. His uncle and aunt are overcome with emotion to see their favourite nephew once more. Quickly he explains that, despite your uniform, you are not an Eldenoran. When he then reveals that you are a Kai Lord on a secret mission, their eyes widen with awe. Prizo warns you that there are many Eldenorans in this area and that it is no longer a safe place. He invites you both to stay here this night but he says you must remain watchful. Reluctantly Prizo and his wife have decided to leave their home. They plan to cross the Quarl and seek shelter in Salony. Many Slovian refugees, including other members of Rouf’s family, have found sanctuary there in the Great Forest and they plan to join them.

You and Rouf take turns to keep watch during the night, and shortly before dawn you awaken his uncle and aunt. Fie prepares a delicious breakfast and while you are eating they discuss their plans. Rouf has decided to join his aunt and uncle and go with them to Salony. You tell them that you must continue with your mission and try to cross the River Storn near Tekaro. Prizo repeats Rouf’s warning that the city is occupied by the Eldenorans and encircled by Vorka regiments, but he also has some extra information that might be useful. He says that the Eldenorans have set up a military ferry on the Storn, five miles south of the confluence where the two rivers, the Quarl and the Storn, meet. In your disguise as an Eldenoran scout, you may find it is the easiest way to cross the river.

After breakfast, you thank Rouf and his kin for their help and you wish them luck on their journey to Salony. In return they thank you for freeing them and Fie offers you some food for the road ahead (enough for 2 Meals). Then they bid you farewell and wave goodbye from the doorway as you leave the cabin and go to retrieve your horse.

(Huh, look at that. Rouf isn't dead (yet)...)
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Old 04-17-2020, 12:03 AM   #93
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You return to the main highway and ride south towards Tekaro. It is a dry, windy day and you spend most of it in the saddle. As you draw closer to the city, so the number of Eldenorans you encounter steadily increases. Fortunately, they are too preoccupied with their marching and other duties to spare a lowly horse-scout more than a second glance.

The sun has set and dusk is surrendering to darkness by the time you reach Tekaro. The rolling fields around this old walled city are swarming with Vorka regiments, and the fetid smell of their scaly hides gusts towards you on the chill night breeze.

You can see the cathedral spire of the city silhouetted against the starry sky, and a yellowy glow of torchlight radiates from a tower above its fortified North Gate. You magnify your vision and see that the gate itself is open and unguarded.

(Head into Tekaro or skip it... I head in)

Warily you ride through the north gate of Tekaro, taking care to avoid the watchful gaze of the grim-faced Eldenorans who are manning its fortified tower. Beyond the gate you enter a broad street lit by hanging lanterns. Drunken soldiers reel and sprawl along the alleyways that feed into this main avenue, and patrols of military reeves attempt in vain to maintain some semblance of order. Houses stand barred and barricaded, and the frightened eyes of native Tekaroans squint through their shuttered windows at the raucous enemy soldiers.

The street curves in a gentle arc towards the east and ends at a flagstoned square which is dominated by a large bronze fountain. You are about to enter the square when suddenly a patrol of military reeves comes marching around a corner, forcing you to halt to avoid colliding with them. At first their sharp-eyed sergeant simply glowers at you, but then he proceeds to scrutinize your uniform and your horse. Gruffly he demands to know what you are doing in this part of the city. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that he has noticed that the regimental number on the sleeve of your tunic does not tally with any of the regiments billeted in Tekaro, and you suspect he is thinking that you are deserter.

(I use Elementalism)

Hurriedly you draw upon your advanced Kai Discipline to conjure up a mist that engulfs both you and your mount. The Eldenorans are startled by the billowing vapours and they back away in confusion, giving you space in which to turn your horse about and gallop away into a nearby alley. As you race along this deserted passageway, you glance over your shoulder and see that the mist has now dissipated and the reeves are pursuing you. The alley turns to the right and comes to a dead end. Facing you is a three-storey townhouse with a balcony which overhangs a pair of stable doors. The lock is broken and so you pull open a door and urge your horse to enter the gloomy interior. Quickly you dismount in the darkness and wedge the doors shut with the shaft of a hammer you find discarded upon the straw-covered ground. Moments later you hear the echoing footfalls of the reeves as they come running around the corner. Their sergeant orders them to check the entrance of every house bordering the cul-de-sac. Two soldiers approach and the stable doors rattle when they push against them with the butts of their spears. You wait with bated breath, fearing they will try to force them open, but they are satisfied that the doors must be bolted from the inside and they move on to check the next house. After a few minutes you hear the soldiers leaving the square. Then a yellowy light flares up behind you, and you spin around to see an old woman standing in a doorway at the top of a short flight of stone steps. She is holding a lantern in one hand and a carving knife in the other.

‘You’ve no right to be here,’ she says, her voice wavering with fear. ‘Please leave … leave my home at once.’

Calm yourself, ma’am,’ you reply, soothingly. ‘I mean you no harm. I’d be most grateful if you’d let me sleep here in your stable this night.’

‘No … you can’t stay here,’ she stammers. ‘You’re not welcome. Go back to your regiment where you belong.’

‘Please, ma’am,’ you reply, ‘I’d be willing to pay for my lodging with Gold Crowns.’

Her tense face softens a little when she hears you mention the word ‘gold’. You sense that she may agree to let you and your horse use her stable if you were to offer her sufficient payment.

(I lose 3 gold and have 32)

The old woman descends to the bottom step and snatches the coins from your palm (remember to erase the relevant number of Gold Crowns from the Belt Pouch section of your Action Chart).

‘Very well, you can stay here,’ she grumbles, ‘but be sure you’re gone before daybreak, y’hear?’ Without waiting for you to reply, she scurries up the stairs with an impressive bout of speed and slams the door shut behind her.

It is a frosty night, but you sleep warm and well and leave the stable before dawn, just as the old woman requested. The alleyways and streets of this quarter are empty at this early hour, and you do not see any Eldenorans until you reach a tree-lined avenue that leads to the plaza of Tekaro Cathedral. Vandyan has turned this magnificent building into a dormitory for his troops and, as you pass by its open doors, you glimpse hundreds of soldiers asleep on the floor of its central nave. Guards posted on the steps regard you with suspicion as your horse plods his way slowly across the frosty plaza. Gently you urge him to increase his pace for fear that they may stop and challenge you.

At the end of a street flanked by warehouses and guildhalls you come to the city’s south gatehouse. A guard casts a cursory glance at your horse and uniform and, upon seeing that you are a scout, he pulls a chain which operates the heavy oak portal. The gate creaks open and quickly you ride through it and out onto a highway beyond. This broad road runs parallel to the River Storn and you follow it for five miles before you come to a wide cinder track, newly-laid by Eldenoran engineers to service their military ferry across the great river. You recall Rouf’s uncle telling you about the ferry and you decide to take a closer look. You steer your horse onto the cinder track and descend towards a large raft which is moored at the river. There are six Eldenoran guards on duty here, but none pay you too much attention. They all appear to be nursing hangovers this morning and none feel inclined to talk. You ride onto the raft and remain in the saddle as the flat-bottomed ferry is winched by rope and pulley across the Storn. As soon as it comes to a halt, you ride your horse up a wooden ramp and onto a road that has been cleared and levelled by the Eldenoran army through this part of the Grochod Forest. Once clear and beyond sight of the ferry, you leave this military road and enter the trees. The forest is too dense for you to traverse it on horseback and so you abandon your mount and continue on foot.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

(I grab a 2)

The densely-packed pines of the Grochod Forest compete for sunlight and fresh air, and beneath the canopy of their thick foliage exists a separate world of shadows and cool gloom. Little undergrowth flourishes here and the soil is loose and rocky, hampering your progress further. You pick your way through this difficult timberland, keeping instinctively to a northerly bearing by the use of your innate Kai tracking skills. At noon you stop to rest and consult your map. You calculate your position and determine that it could take four days to traverse the forest before you reach the Demera Quilt, a cultivated region of vineyards and farmlands that stretches from the city walls of Duadon to the banks of the River Storn.

It is nearing dusk when you come to a shallow ravine and discover the remnants of a forest track. It passes beside the entrance to an old mine shaft that is partially overgrown with brambles. A rotten wooden sign is nailed to a beam but its painted words are no longer legible.

(I do not have Deliverance)

A strong wind arises and the ominous sound of thunder rolls across the forest, causing the ground to tremble beneath your feet. You look to the darkening sky and see distant flashes of lightning illuminating a bank of thick cloud that is sweeping in from the west. A violent storm is approaching and droplets of rain are already beginning to spatter your head and shoulders.

You hurry along the ravine in search of shelter from the coming storm. Lightning is striking closer, forking down into the forest with spectacular effect. You have barely covered a mile of the shallow ravine when it ends abruptly at the edge of a deep gorge. Less than a hundred yards away to the west, you can see a rocky knoll with a slate base that juts out over the rim of this steep valley. To the east, the gorge cuts a deep furrow through the timberland for several miles. There is no easy way to avoid the gorge, but equally you have no wish to descend it during a storm. The rain is getting heavier and the lightning strikes are increasing, and so you decide to seek safe shelter at the rocky knoll.

The rain has become torrential during the short while it takes you to reach the knoll. It hammers at the rocky ground and transforms the dust into rivulets of mud. The knoll is devoid of trees and undergrowth and offers no protection from the storm, but beneath its jutting slate base you discover a dry hollow that shelters you from the lashing wind.

You settle yourself in the hollow and attempt to sleep while the storm rages. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
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Old 04-17-2020, 11:32 AM   #94
Abe Sargent
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booms of thunder that roll and reverberate along the gorge. For a while you sit up and watch the wild and terrible beauty of this ferocious storm, but the fatigue of your long day’s march cannot be suppressed for too long and you find yourself drifting off into fits of restless sleep.

It is an hour after dawn when you finally decide to leave the dry hollow and press on with your long trek north. The worst of the storm has passed but the rains persist to hamper swift progress. During the morning of the third day you catch sight of a trail that bisects the forest, running north to south. The heavy rain has transformed this dirt trail into a quagmire and several Eldenoran army wagons, laden with weapons and supplies, have become bogged down in the gluey mud. The troops attached to these wagons have sought shelter among the trees and, to avoid running into them, you make a short detour to the east before continuing northwards once more.

During the afternoon of the fourth day you stumble upon a clearing close to the northern perimeter of the forest. The ground is studded with sawn stumps and the soft soil is freshly turned, indicating that this area has only recently been cleared of trees. As you look across the clearing you feel a prickling sensation at the nape of your neck. It is your Kai Sixth Sense and it is warning you that this place harbours a sinister secret.

(I use KA)

You intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil and at once your mind is flooded with terrible images. Beneath the soil of this clearing lie the bodies of a thousand Slovian prisoners of war. Captured when Tekaro fell, they were brought here by Eldenoran guards and murdered by the merciless Vorka. This clearing is the site of their mass grave and you can detect a strong psychic presence. Mostly it comprises a lingering residue formed by the souls of the innocent men who were murdered here, but there is also something else—something invisible yet wholly evil. Your heart pounds when you suddenly realize that an evil entity has come here to feed upon the psychic remains of the slain Slovian prisoners. You sense it poses a grave and immediate threat to your life, and hurriedly you turn and run through the trees in your haste to escape its clutches.

You run headlong through the pines, desperate to put distance between yourself and the nameless horror that feasts upon the souls of the slain. Yet your swift escape is greatly hampered by thorny undergrowth and muddy ground, and by the exposed roots of trees that are wound round with claw-toothed briar. You are forcing your way through a tangle of dense foliage when you catch your foot on an exposed root. Suddenly the ground seems to disappear beneath your feet, and you lurch forwards to tumble head-over-heels to the bottom of a steep gully.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2. If you possess Grand Nexus, add 1.

( I toss a 3 net a 8)

Your tumbling descent comes to an abrupt end when you splash feet-first into a muddy, rock-filled pool which runs along the base of this wooded gully (lose 3 ENDURANCE points).

You stagger to your feet and use the sleeve of your tunic to wipe away the mud from your stinging eyes. Then, cursing your misfortune, you claw your way out of this gully and escape into the timberlands beyond.

You are nearing the northern perimeter of the forest when you stop for a few minutes to catch your breath. You look back towards the clearing, now more than a mile distant, and for a few fleeting moments your head is filled with screams of pain and the plaintive cries of innocent men begging for their lives to be spared. These terrible sounds drive cold spikes of despair deep into your heart, but your Kai senses swiftly override these feelings of hopelessness and suddenly you realize that the sounds are not real. They are a cruel illusion, an aural hallucination planted in your mind by the evil shadow-creature.

Fearful of its sinister powers, you hurry away through the trees. Soon you emerge from the Grochod Forest upon a grassy ridge and see before you a patchwork of ploughed and fallow fields stretching to the far horizon. You recognize this land to be the Demera Quilt, the cultivated farmlands and vineries south of Duadon. The cloudy sky is darkening as night approaches yet, when you magnify your vision, you are still able to catch a glimpse of Duadon itself. This grim city lies 30 miles away, towards the northwest.

As night draws closer, a cold wind arises and the heavy rains of the past few days return once more. Chilled by the weather and by your encounter at the clearing, you scan the landscape in search of somewhere dry to spend this night. You note two places within a mile of the ridge which offer the possibility of shelter. They are a farmhouse and the overgrown ruins of an ancient castle.

(I choose the farmhouse)

You leave the ridge and trek across a ploughed field to get to a large barn, the closest of three outbuildings surrounding the remote farmhouse. You enter this barn through a rear door and discover that it shelters twelve milk cows, housed in stalls, and a few dozen chickens which are penned into a corner. You climb a ladder to a hay-loft where you discover a small store of milk, cheese, and eggs (enough for 2 Meals). You feel tired after your earlier ordeal in the Grochod Forest, and so you make a comfortable nest in the hay and settle yourself down for some much needed sleep.

You are awoken shortly before dawn by the sound of whistling. It is the farmer’s eldest son and he has risen early to milk the cows. Carefully you crawl to the ladder and look down to see the young man standing directly below. He is holding a pitchfork in his right hand and he is about to climb up the ladder. You pull away to avoid being seen and hurriedly you look around for another way out. The only other exit is a small loading door through which bales of hay are hoisted by line and pulley into the loft.

(Loading Door)

You crawl to the open door and look down to see a wide, stone-paved pathway which leads from the main farmhouse to the barn. There is no ladder, and a rope pulley that is fixed to a wooden gantry above the door is missing its rope. You hear the farmer’s son climbing the ladder to the loft and you steel yourself in readiness to jump through the doorway to the ground, some 30 feet below.

(I use KA)

You whisper the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and feel yourself rising from the ledge of the loft door. As soon as you are clear of the doorway, you negate the effects of the spell to bring about a smooth descent to the ground. The instant your feet touch down on the pathway, you take off at a run towards the farm’s main gate.
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Old 04-17-2020, 11:44 AM   #95
Abe Sargent
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You hurry away from the farm and head due north, a course that takes you across open fields and through an old abandoned vineyard. The rain has ceased during the night and the land is now bathed with rays of warm autumn sunlight that filter down through gaps in the clouds. A mile beyond the vineyard you catch sight of a sunken highway, partially hidden by hedgerows. Columns of Eldenoran army wagons are moving along this paved highway in both directions. You magnify your vision and you see that the wagons heading southeast, towards the River Storn, are heavily laden with supplies. The wagons that travel in the opposite direction, towards Duadon, are mostly empty.

(I hitch a ride)

You stand by the side of the highway and call out to the driver of the first empty wagon that appears. You beg him to give you a ride and he acknowledges your plea with a wide, gap-toothed smile. Pulling hard on his reins, he slows his team of eight horses to a halt and then he beckons you over to his side.

‘Ho, scout, where’s your horse?’ he asks.

‘He shed a shoe and went lame,’ you say. ‘I’ve left him at yonder farm. I must get back to Duadon and report it to my captain.’

‘Wouldn’t want t’be in your boots, friend,’ says the driver’s mate, a skinny man with closely cropped grey hair. ‘If you lose that horse o’ yours, lame or no, the army’ll dock you a year’s pay. You jus’ see if they don’t.’

The two men enjoy a hearty laugh at your expense, but neither seems to doubt your story. ‘Aye, scout. We’ll give you a ride. Go hop in the back o’ the wagon and we’ll be away.’

For three hours you relax in the back of the empty wagon, watching the farms and vineyards of the Demera Quilt rolling past as you trundle along the highway to Duadon. But when you finally reach the city itself, you sit up and pay close attention to its traffic of enemy troops and supplies. Your wagon joins a queue of other horse-drawn vehicles that are waiting to enter the city by its South Gate. To your left, you note a distant column of supply wagons that is approaching the city’s West Gate laden with ore and timber: raw materials for Duadon’s armouries. To the right, a seemingly endless file of Vorka are marching out from the East Gate towards the River Storn. Your Sixth Sense tells you that they are on their way to bolster the Eldenoran army that is besieging Varetta.

As your wagon inches closer to the gate, you cast your eye across the city’s bleak perimeter walls and fortified watchtowers. Through the portcullised arch of the gatehouse, you catch fleeting glimpses of buildings swathed in clouds of soot-laden smoke. It is not a welcoming sight. Inside the perimeter defences, the city echoes to the perpetual clang of hammers and the roar of mighty furnaces. Under Vandyan’s command, Duadon has now become little more than a vast machine, a grand and terrible factory of war dedicated to the efficient manufacture of his conquering Vorka army.

At length your turn comes to enter the South Gate. Two armoured guardsmen step forward and speak briefly with the driver, and then they come around to the rear of the wagon and ask to see your regimental orders. When you say that you have lost them, they become suspicious and order you to climb down from the wagon.

‘Losing your horse and your orders is very careless of you, trooper,’ says the taller of the two guards, his rasping voice full of sarcasm.

‘Now, if you were to make it worth our while,’ says the other, slyly, ‘well, we might jus’ overlook your slipshod ways. What do you say?’

Clearly these two guardsmen are inviting you to bribe them. You stare into their greedy faces and sense that they are expecting something of high value from you in exchange for turning a blind eye to your missing horse and papers.

Would you overlook my mistakes if I were to donate a few Gold Crowns to the gatehouse?’ you say, picking your words with care.

‘That would depend on just how many Gold Crowns you’d want to donate,’ replies the shorter of the two guards. His taller comrade is more direct in his manner and he comes straight to the point.

‘Look, trooper,’ he growls, ‘we want 10 Gold Crowns or we’ll throw you in the cells. Pay up or be locked up!’

(I pay, 36 crowns left)

Very well, I’ll pay what you ask,’ you reply. Quickly the guards wave the wagon through into the city and then they lower the portcullis and order the following traffic to wait while they escort you to the gatehouse. You are beginning to think that they are going to renege on their deal and throw you in a cell regardless, but the taller guard soon eases your fears. Quietly he says to you: ‘Don’t worry, friend. We’ll jus’ go somewhere private. We don’t want all o’ Duadon to know our business.’

You accompany the guards into the gatehouse and along a corridor to an empty chamber where a small door is set into the wall. You hand over the 10 Gold Crowns (erase these from your Action Chart) and the guards unlock the door. It opens on to a quiet alleyway overshadowed by the city’s south wall. ‘Off y’go, trooper,’ says the tall guard, as he pushes you through the arched doorway.

The door shuts behind you with a dull thud and you hear a key turning in the lock. You leave the door and walk along the alleyway towards the gatehouse arch. From the shadows, you observe the large flagstoned square at the approach to the South Gate and note that the traffic of wagons has resumed. They trundle across the square and enter a wide avenue called Bannerway, which leads to Vandyan’s stronghold of Skull-Tor at the centre of the city.

You recall Gwynian’s briefing that the agents you must contact can be found in Flank Street, in the city’s Northern Quarter. You are presently in the Southern Quarter of Duadon and so you enter the square and follow the line of wagons that is heading towards Skull-Tor. You are hoping that this avenue will be the quickest way to reach the Northern Quarter, but unfortunately your plan comes to a premature end when you discover that Bannerway has been reserved for the use of supply wagons only. Armed guardsmen control access to the avenue and they turn you away as you are about to enter on foot. Undeterred, you resolve to find another route across Duadon to the Northern Quarter. Looking around the soot-blackened buildings, you see two other roads that lead off from the South Gate square to the east and west. The west road is called Knucklebone Lane and the east road is called Kettle Street.

( i randomly choose Knucklebone)

This litter-strewn street leads to a circular watchtower located at the place where Duadon’s south and west city walls meet. On your way towards the tower you pass several spice and condiment shops, an art gallery, and a boot-makers’ warehouse. Outside the entrances to each of these establishments there stands a hawker who tries to entice you inside with the promise of incredible bargains. You resist their inducements until you come to a gaudily-painted emporium selling rugs and tapestries. A smooth-tongued girl begs you to enter and view the shop’s wares, promising that you are under no obligation to buy. She says the owner will be willing to answer any questions that you may wish to ask of him.

( I enter)

The emporium is filled with exotic rugs and unusually fine wall coverings. It strikes you that the quality of these goods is uncommonly high, far better than one would normally expect to find in a back-street shop such as this. It is not until you take a closer look at the tapestries that you realize that these goods have all been looted from rich estates and churches in Salony, Lyris, and Delden.

The owner approaches and asks what you have to sell. Clearly he assumes that you have come here to dispose of some war booty. ‘I’ve nothing to sell,’ you reply, ‘but I would be grateful for some information. Can you tell me the way to Flank Street? I understand that it is somewhere in the Northern Quarter.’

The owner is plainly disappointed that you have not entered his shop on business. Impatiently he replies: ‘I don’t know. You’re looking for a street that’s way over on the other side of Duadon. The only “Flank” I know is Flank Wall. That’s at the end of the lane. You go right when you get to the watchtower and you’re in Flank Wall. Maybe, if you follow it far enough, it’ll lead to Flank Street. I can’t say for sure.’

You thank the owner for his time, and then you hurry out of the emporium and continue on your way. When you reach the end of Knucklebone Lane, you turn right into Flank Wall. The signpost bearing its name is topped by a brass badge shaped in the likeness of a setting sun, indicating that you are now entering Duadon’s West Quarter. You walk along Flank Wall, past the workshops of hatters, lamp-makers, and potters, until you come to a flagstoned square in the shadow of the city’s West Gate. An unending stream of wagons, each piled high with timber and iron ore, is pouring into the city through this gateway. They trundle across the square and along a wide thoroughfare called Corvayl Avenue which leads directly to Skull-Tor. You stop to look along this busy street and, through a hazy curtain of acrid smoke, you catch your first glimpse of the imposing arched entrance to Vandyan’s stronghold. It resembles the toothed and fleshless jaw of a huge shark.

Mindful of the emporium owner’s words, you resolve to avoid Skull-Tor and continue along Flank Wall. Yet in order to do so you must negotiate the heavy traffic that is trundling across the West Gate square.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.


You wait until a gap appears and then you rush forward and dash between the trundling supply wagons. The driver of an oncoming wagon lashes his horses with his whip in a deliberate attempt to run you down. But the swiftness of your reactions saves you from being trampled and you reach the far side unscathed.

The driver brandishes his whip and yells that he will report you to the reeves at Skull-Tor. Rather than run the risk of being arrested, you melt away quickly into the crowded street that lies beyond the West Gate square.

You follow the street until you come to a watchtower located at the northwest corner of the city wall. Here it curves sharply to the east and passes beneath a stone arch which denotes the boundary of the city’s Northern Quarter. Beyond the arch, the street is lined with all manner of shops and premises, but not one of them is a cooperage.

At length, the street ends at a tree-lined plaza located near to the northern gatehouse. An iron post stands at its centre, affixed with arrowed signs which show the names of the surrounding streets. They all lead away from the plaza like spokes from the hub of a wheel. Your hopes rise when you see the name ‘Flank Street’ among them, and hurriedly you set off towards it.

Immediately upon entering Flank Street you notice a large green sign hanging above a nearby shop. It is shaped in the likeness of a barrel and reads: The Duadon Cooperage. At last you have found the place you have been searching for, and confidently you push open its double doors and enter.
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Old 04-17-2020, 11:55 AM   #96
Abe Sargent
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The cooperage is stacked to the ceiling with barrels, kegs, vats, and casks. They form a wall around a broad-shouldered man with thinning grey hair who is busily fitting a hoop of metal to a new water butt. You approach him and ask if his name is Hulsta.

‘Aye, I’m Hulsta,’ he replies, wearily, ‘and you can go back to Captain Zharm and tell him that his barrels will be ready tomorrow at noon, like we agreed.’

‘But I’m not from Captain Zharm,’ you reply.

Hulsta laughs and then apologizes for his mistake. ‘Well, trooper,’ he says, ‘how can I help you?’

‘I’m looking for a barrel of a special kind. A very special kind. It must be a barrel made from Sommlending oak.’

Upon hearing the password, Hulsta smiles and nods his head. ‘Well I’m sure I can help you there,’ he says, and he turns to summon one of his apprentices from the rear of the shop.

‘Here, Jyke,’ he calls, ‘you can finish this one. I’m taking this customer through to the workshop. You be sure to look after things while I’m gone. We may be gone a while.’

You follow Hulsta to the rear of his shop and out through an open door that gives access to a walled yard. At the end of this yard stands a large, timber-framed, two-storey building. The lower floor is a workshop and the upper level is where Hulsta and his wife live. You climb a flight of iron steps to the door of their living quarters, and Delissa greets her husband with a broad smile the moment he appears. Her smile quickly fades, however, when she sees you following behind.

‘Why’d you bring him up to the parlour? Can’t y’keep shop business downstairs where it belongs?’ complains Delissa.

‘Now, don’t go taking offence, my dear,’ replies Hulsta, soothingly. ‘He’s not what he seems. He’s the one we’ve been waiting for. He’s Gwynian’s man—a Kai—all the way from Sommerlund.’

‘My lord, please forgive me,’ says Delissa. ‘Pay no heed to what I said. I’m greatly honoured to meet you.

‘And so too am I,’ echoes Hulsta, enthusiastically, ‘for you have arrived not a moment too soon.’ He asks why it is that you are dressed as an Eldenoran scout, and you take time to recount the events of your difficult journey to Duadon. When you have finished your account, Hulsta informs you of recent developments.

‘The numbers of Vorka leaving Skull-Tor have greatly increased during the last seven days. Vandyan’s power grows stronger by the hour,’ he warns. ‘My lord, you must enter Skull-Tor and destroy the runes tonight … else Varetta is doomed. The time is ripe for action. Vandyan and the Runes of Agarash are all together in one place. They are vulnerable now. We cannot be sure of a chance like this again.’

‘Very well, I shall do what must be done. But how can I gain entry to Skull-Tor?’ you ask. ‘I have seen Vandyan’s stronghold and it is truly formidable.’

‘Have no fear, my lord,’ replies Hulsta with confidence. ‘There is a secret way by which you can enter Skull-Tor unseen. It is an ancient way. Let me show you.’

Hulsta walks over to a bookcase and, from a secret compartment in its base, he takes out an ancient scroll. Delissa clears some space on a dining table and her husband carefully unfurls the yellowed parchment upon it.

‘One of my ancestors was an engineer who worked on the construction of Skull-Tor,’ says Hulsta. ‘These are his original plans—the only ones that remain in existence today.’

The parchment has faded with the passing of centuries, yet it still contains a wealth of information. Hulsta indicates the perimeter of the fortress’s inner keep, its great arch, and the location of several subterranean chambers. Of particular interest is the course of an underground river, which passes directly below the fortress, and a series of tunnels which connect Skull-Tor to remote parts of the city.

‘These passageways were constructed as escape routes for Prince Jiokara, the ruler who commissioned the building of Skull-Tor. Many have since been sealed off or have collapsed into the river, but there is one that still exists.’ Hulsta indicates its location on the map and you notice that it passes beneath the city’s Northern Quarter.

‘We can gain entry to this tunnel from the cellar of a building located on the corner of Cillan Square. I propose we go there tonight. I shall act as your guide and I will take you into Skull-Tor by this route. Once we have gained entry, you must complete your mission alone. I will stay in the tunnel and await your return. Then I shall bring you out of the tunnel and escort you to a safe place where we can await the arrival of the victorious Freeland armies.’

You voice your approval of Hulsta’s plan and he smiles. He is glad to have been given the chance to contribute to the downfall of the tyrant Lord Vandyan whom he despises. Before you set off, he excuses himself for a few minutes so that he may change out of his working clothes. While he is getting dressed, Delissa suggests that you may wish to visit their workshop.

‘We have many tools,’ she says. ‘There may be some that would be useful during your mission. You’re welcome to take whatever you wish.’

Delissa takes you down to the workshop below the parlour, and she invites you to take your choice of the following tools that are hanging from hooks on the wall:

Axe (Weapon)

All of the above, with the exception of the Axe, are Backpack Items. If you wish to take and keep any of them, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

(I swap my meals for a spike and saw, as well as the hammer as a weapon)

While you are waiting for Hulsta to return, Delissa offers you some food and a cup of freshly brewed jala. Gladly you accept the delicious beverage and sample some of her homemade pastries. There is sufficient food for 2 Meals, and Delissa encourages you to take some with you for the journey ahead.

After a few minutes, Hulsta reappears. He is now attired in clothing more suited for the exploration of underground tunnels, and he is also equipped with a rope and a lantern.

Hulsta bids his wife a fond farewell and she, in turn, wishes you good luck and godspeed. During your absence she will make arrangements for your escape from Duadon to a place of safety. ‘May Ishir protect you both,’ she says, as she watches you descend the steps and walk across the yard to the rear gate.

Running along the back wall of Hulsta’s yard is an alleyway, one of a thousand such passages that weave around the main streets of Duadon like capillaries around veins. It is dark now, and the alleys are unlit, yet Hulsta leads you expertly through the maze of narrow passageways. Soon you arrive at the rear of a three-storey shop where Hulsta stops to peer over the rear wall.

‘This is the place I showed you on the plans,’ he whispers. ‘I came here three months ago to make sure that it’s still possible to get into the old tunnel from here. It is, although since then a problem has arisen. The shop has a new owner, a saddle-maker, and he is fiercely loyal to Vandyan. We must get into the cellar without his knowledge.’

Hulsta checks that the coast is clear, and then he climbs over the wall and unbolts the rear door to let you into the yard. You discover that the shop is closed; there are no lights and its solitary rear door is locked. Hulsta suspects that the owner has retired early to bed. You examine the door and detect that it is not bolted. It is secured by a simple mortise lock.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess a Dagger or a Spike, add 1 to the number you have picked. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Nexus, add 2.

(I toss a 3 and net a 4.)

It takes you nearly a minute to open this simple lock. When you hear it click, you are so relieved that it has finally surrendered to your lock-picking skills that you immediately pull open the door. Suddenly your Sixth Sense detects the presence of a big dog, and when you peer into the gloom, you catch a glint of its fangs as it comes bounding towards you.

(I close the door quickly)

You push shut the door and hear the dog crash heavily against it. It yelps with pained frustration and then begins scratching frantically at the wood. Quickly you call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and command the dog to calm down. There is an abrupt silence, as if the dog has suddenly fallen unconscious, but you do not feel sure that this is the case.

Cautiously you pull the door ajar and peer in through the gap.

The sight of the dog lying unconscious beside the back door soon confirms the effectiveness of your Magnakai skill. Hulsta is shocked that the shop should be guarded by a dog and he apologizes to you for not having scouted it beforehand. ‘Forget it,’ you say, ‘I just hope there’re no more nasty surprises in store for us when we get to the tunnel.’

Cautiously you step over the guard dog and find yourself in a kitchen. You make sure that it is empty before you beckon Hulsta to enter and close the rear door behind him. Once inside, your guide moves quickly to another door and pulls it open to reveal a flight of steps leading down to the cellar below. Before he descends, he pauses to light his lantern and then he leads the way.
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Old 04-17-2020, 01:47 PM   #97
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The cellar is filled with the overpowering stench of tannic acid, a fluid used by the saddle-maker to convert his raw animal hides into leather. Hundreds of gallons are stored here in stout wooden casks that line the walls. Hulsta hurries past them to the southeast corner of the cellar where he drops to his knees. Carefully he places the lantern down on the floor and then he runs his hands lightly across the surface.

‘Ah, here it is!’ he says, locating something hidden beneath the dirt. He unsheathes a dagger and scrapes at the encrusted grime to reveal the outline of an old trapdoor. With your help, he prises open this hinged iron cover to reveal a dark shaft. You can hear the distant sound of water, and when Hulsta lowers his lantern into the opening, you see the floor of a passage less than eight feet below. ‘This is the tunnel,’ he says, excitedly. ‘It’s exactly as shown on the plans.’

Hulsta drops through the opening and you pass him the lantern. Then you enter the shaft and pull the trapdoor down behind you. It slams shut with a resounding clang.

This gloomy tunnel echoes to the far-off sound of rushing water and the occasional squeak of rats. Hulsta leads the way and you follow in his footsteps, taking care not to scrape your head against the low, mould-encrusted ceiling.

(I do not have Herbmastery)

Soon the tunnel arrives at a junction where a wider passageway crosses it, running east to west. The sound of rushing water is louder here and you detect that it comes from a series of rusty iron gratings that are set into the floor at regular intervals, 50 feet apart. You peer through one of these gratings and see the surface of an underground river rushing away towards the east.

A smiling Hulsta beckons you to follow as he sets off along the passage. He is confident that you are on the right course and he says that you will reach the lower level of Skull-Tor in a matter of minutes. But you have taken barely a hundred paces when suddenly his hopes are dashed by the unwelcome sight of what lies ahead.

Hulsta groans when he sees that the passage ahead is blocked by a solid brick wall. He holds up his lantern and its yellow light washes over the uneven surface, illuminating mouldering mortar which is several centuries old. He taps the stonework with the hilt of his dagger and listens expertly to its dull note. ‘More than 3 feet thick,’ he mutters. ‘It’ll take time to dig through this.’

Delayed but undeterred by the wall, you and Hulsta try hard to think of a way to reach the tunnel beyond and you determine two possibilities. The first is to dig a hole in the wall just large enough through which to crawl. The second is to retrace your steps to the last floor grating that you passed. If you are able to remove this grating and drop down into the underground river, the current would carry you along. You could pass under the brick wall and then return to the tunnel through the first grating that you find.

(Grating sounds faster)

Quickly you locate the grating and Hulsta uses his dagger to dig out the grime that cements it in place. Once it is cleared, together you lift the grating away and peer down at the river flowing below. Hulsta is anxious about the depth of the water and so he ties a chunk of brick to the end of his rope and lowers it into the flow. When he withdraws it you are both relieved to see that the water here is little more than waist-deep. You are the first to enter the river, and then you take hold of the lantern to allow Hulsta to drop down behind you. Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus protects you from the water’s icy chill, but Hulsta is not so fortunate. He gasps with shock when he enters the water and you realize that he will not be able to tolerate its freezing temperature for more than a few minutes at most.

Mindful of your companion’s discomfort, you hand him back the lantern and then lead the way along this circular channel. You are peering at the rough-hewn ceiling, seeking out the next grating, when suddenly you feel something brush against your thigh. You glimpse a trail of bubbles and instinctively you pull away, tugging your weapon from its scabbard as you recoil. Moments later, the scaly head of a large black serpent breaks through the surface and rears up before your face. Its venomous fangs glint in the lantern-light and its forked crimson tongue flickers wildly, sensing prey. Hulsta cries out in alarm as the great black snake jerks back its head and narrows its ghoulish green eyes. It is getting ready to strike.

(I use the Eye)

You command the angry serpent to ignore you and your companion and swim off along the waterway. The creature withdraws its head and slowly it blinks its green eyes. It hesitates, and you sense that its rudimentary mind is confused by your command. Although it does not obey your mental suggestion, you detect that it has momentarily lost its desire to attack.

‘Quick, Hulsta, follow me,’ you whisper. ‘Let us get away before it recovers its senses!’ You press your back against the rough wall of this underground conduit and edge your way around the menacing creature.

You beckon Hulsta to follow as you wade through the icy waters towards a grill that is fixed into the ceiling. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you are able to loosen the dirt which holds this grill in place. Then you force it out of its seating and help your companion to climb through the opening.

You are about to take hold of Hulsta’s outstretched hand and climb up after him when suddenly you notice a trail of bubbles rising to the surface of the subterranean river. Your Kai senses scream a warning that a second serpent is fast approaching your legs.

(I leap up)

Hulsta urges you to hurry as the trail of bubbles speeds closer and closer to your vulnerable legs.

(I use KA)

Quickly you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and, to Hulsta’s amazement, you leave the river and rise effortlessly through the opening. The head of the giant snake breaks through the surface and it lunges after your feet, but its great jaws snap shut on empty air and it bloodies its nose when it scrapes the rough stone ceiling. Hulsta pushes the heavy iron grill back into position to seal off the opening, and you counter your spell in order to avoid hitting the roof of the tunnel into which you have emerged. As your feet return to dry and solid ground, you are pleased to see that you have now reached a part of the tunnel that lies beyond the blocking wall.

You continue along the tunnel for several hundred yards until Hulsta calls you to a halt. He holds his lantern up to the wall and you notice that the stonework is changing. A ragged seam encircles the tunnel where brown brickwork meets rough grey rock.

‘This is good,’ says Hulsta, approvingly. ‘We’re passing through the granite foundations of Skull-Tor. According to the plans, this tunnel runs to a dungeon store room, three levels below the surface. We have not far to go now—perhaps two hundred paces at most.’

You are about to lead the way when suddenly you hear a rumbling sound and feel a tremor run through the floor.

‘What was that?’ you ask, anxiously.

‘Ore wagons, most likely,’ replies Hulsta. ‘We must be directly below the West Gate of Skull-Tor.’

Hulsta stops to replace the candle in his lantern, and as he does so, you ask him what you can expect to find when you reach the tunnel’s end.

‘The plans indicate a secret panel which can be opened from both sides,’ he replies. ‘When we reach the panel, I shall stay in the tunnel and await your return. I’ll only be a burden if I accompany you, and I have no wish to endanger your vital mission. You must enter Skull-Tor alone and make your way up to the surface. Vandyan’s chambers are located in the inner keep, and from what I’ve been able to gather, the runes are there also. They are being kept in a hall on the—’

Hulsta’s words are suddenly drowned by a deafening noise. The floor shifts violently and you are hurled onto your back as the passageway heaves and shakes. A wide crack appears in the ceiling and you hear Hulsta scream in terror as tons of stone and earth cascade into the tunnel. Helplessly you watch as your companion is buried beneath this deluge of dirt and broken rock

(I toss a 3)

In less than a minute the tunnel is sealed off by a solid wall of earth and broken rock. The air is thick with dust and you have difficulty seeing and breathing. Your legs have been pinned to the floor by the rockfall and, as you drag yourself free, you suddenly feel a sharp pain below your left knee where it has been gashed by a chunk of granite: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Carefully you extricate yourself from the debris and, using your infravision, you attempt to locate Hulsta. It is difficult to see through the dirt-choked air and so you rely on your heat-vision in order to detect your guide. Quickly you discover his left hand protruding from beneath the mound of fallen debris, but when you touch it you sense at once that your brave companion has not survived this disastrous avalanche.

(Another strike by the Joe Dever School of Writing)
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Old 04-17-2020, 02:04 PM   #98
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The bitter shock of Hulsta’s sudden demise hits you like a warhammer in the chest. For several minutes you kneel and stare at his lifeless hand as you struggle to overcome your feelings of grief and remorse. When at last you feel able to continue, you stand up and salute your fallen companion. Then you say a short prayer to the Goddess Ishir to watch over his soul, and you vow to complete your mission in his honour. The swift and successful destruction of the runes will be the best way to ensure that his ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.

With grim resolve you leave the rockfall and follow the tunnel away to the east, but you have covered little more than 100 yards when you come to a dead end. You recall what Hulsta had said earlier, and when you examine the wall closely you discover a secret panel. At waist level a raised lever protrudes from the left wall, but when you attempt to pull it down you find that its ancient mechanism has jammed.

(I use Elementalism)

You draw upon your powers of Elementalism to loosen the dust and grime which clogs the panel’s locking mechanism. Clouds of grit billow from its slot and, when you pull the lever a second time, you discover that your efforts have been successful.

The panel creaks open to reveal a darkened vault. Cautiously you enter this gloomy chamber and your keen hearing detects a myriad distant sounds. You can discern the tramp of booted feet, the exchange of terse commands, the jangle of keys, and the squeak and clang of iron doors. They are the unmistakable sounds of a prison.

As you delve deeper into the vault you discover that it is littered with pieces of old furniture and ancient artefacts which are strewn in great heaps upon the damp floor. When you look around for an exit from this unwholesome chamber, you see that there is only one door. It is set into the far wall, beyond a twin colonnade of granite pillars.

(I take a closer look)

There is little that is stored here that has escaped the ravages of time, vermin, or damp. After a lengthy search you discover only four items that are intact and serviceable:


All of the above are Backpack Items. (If you decide to keep any of these items, alter your Action Chart accordingly.)

Satisfied that you have not overlooked anything of great value, you abandon your search and turn your attention instead to the door of this vault.

( I swap a meal for the Flute)

You discover that the door to the vault is unlocked, and so you pull it open and enter a dark corridor which ends at a stone staircase. Torchlight pours down the steps from the level above and, as you move closer, you hear the echoing sound of footsteps. Carefully you ascend the stairs until you are able to peer over the top step. Ahead you can see another corridor, but this one is illuminated by a line of burning torches set into brackets on either side of a dozen prison cell doors. At the far end there is another flight of ascending steps, and at its base there stands an Eldenoran gaoler armed with a sword. You watch this gaoler and consider the best way you can lure him away from the stairs, for he is blocking your only known route to the surface.

(I use KA)

You intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm and implant the suggestion into the gaoler’s mind that he is feeling very tired. He yawns and then he sits down on the steps and cradles his head in his folded arms. You wait for a few minutes and then you move silently along the corridor towards him. Your mental suggestion has proved very effective for when you reach the gaoler you discover that he is soundly asleep. As you start up the stairs towards the next level, you notice a bunch of keys that are hanging from a hook on his leather belt. (If you wish to take these Dungeon Keys, record them on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep in the pocket of your tunic.)

(I take them)

Upon reaching the top of the steps, you see another torchlit corridor stretching away towards a flight of stone stairs. The corridor appears to be empty and unguarded, but you can hear several noises that tell you that this level of Skull-Tor is occupied. Among the noises you detect are the anguished screams of men, the rattling of chains, the clang of iron striking iron, and a curious bubbling sound.

Cautiously you advance along the corridor until you come to an iron door recessed into a section of the left wall. A similar door stands opposite; it is set into the right wall and is flanked by guttering torches.

(left door)

You place your ear against the cold iron door and hear a bubbling sound. You can detect no other noises and your Kai senses inform you that there are no persons present in the chamber beyond, so you carefully push open the door and slip inside.

The room beyond appears to be an alchemist’s workshop. Its many benches are crowded with flasks, and strange glass containers which are interconnected by a tangled mass of glass piping. Beakers of coloured fluids bubble over naked flames and the air is soured by a harsh, chemical stench.

Your eye is drawn to a rack of shelves that stretch along one wall. They are filled with hundreds of bottles and stoppered flasks, each one labelled and filled with powders, granules, fluids, or crystals. A cursory inspection of these containers reveals four potions with which you are familiar:

Potion of Gallowbrush (induces sleep for 1–2 hours per dose)
Graveweed Concentrate (fatal when swallowed)
Potion of Mokradon (causes irreversible blindness in humans)
Potion of Volzoc (causes violent hallucinations)

If you wish to take and keep any of these potions, record them on your Action Chart as Backpack Items.

(Right door now)

You cross the corridor and approach the door. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that the chamber beyond it is empty, and so you twist the handle and push against the heavy portal. Silently it swings open on well-oiled hinges to reveal an empty circular room. A large iron-rimmed chute is set into its stone wall, and when you examine this opening, your stomach churns. Its surfaces are smeared with traces of human blood. You can hear the distant sound of rushing water and suddenly you realize that this chute leads directly to the river which flows beneath Duadon. From its condition and location you conclude that this chute has a single, sinister purpose: it is used by the gaolers of Skull-Tor for the swift disposal of prisoners who die in their charge.

As you turn to leave this grim chamber, you notice a Mace and a Small Shovel standing propped against the wall, close to the door. If you wish to take either of these items, record them on your Action Chart. Upon leaving, you close the door behind you before continuing along the corridor.

(I take the Mace and the Potion of Gallowbrush)

Further along the corridor you come to an open door recessed into the left wall. The pitiful screams of a dying man make you freeze in your tracks, and when you peer through the opening, your worst fears are confirmed. Beyond the door lies a torture chamber. Two gaolers are interrogating a prisoner who hangs from the wall in chains. His emaciated body is lit by the lurid glow of a brazier filled with burning coals. The gaolers apply their cruel skills to the helpless prisoner and he screams for the last time. Cursing his unexpected demise, they unchain his body from the wall and carry it towards the door. Quickly you run along the corridor and take cover in a doorway at the bottom of the staircase. From here you observe the gaolers leaving the chamber with their dead charge. As they go about the task of disposing of the prisoner’s body, you leave the doorway and hurry up the deserted staircase towards the next level of this grim fortress.
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Old 04-17-2020, 02:14 PM   #99
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
At the top of the stairs you arrive at a narrow torchlit landing where you are faced by a solid iron door. A twist of its skull-shaped handle reveals that this portal is firmly locked.

(I use my keys)

You retrieve the keys from your tunic pocket and immediately your Sixth Sense identifies the one that will open this door. You twist the key in the lock and pull open the heavy portal to discover an unguarded antechamber which leads to an echoing hall. Along the left wall of this windswept hallway are tall arched windows that command a view of the parade ground surrounding the inner keep of Skull-Tor.

You recall Hulsta speaking about this keep shortly before his untimely death and, when you focus your Kai senses upon its imposing walls, you detect that it harbours the evil power that you have come to destroy. From the cover of the antechamber, you observe the keep and determine that entry to it can only be gained via a drawbridge which gives access to an archway located some 20 feet above the ground. To reach this bridge, you will have to ascend to the next level of Skull-Tor. This will not be an easy task, for the hallway and the parade ground are swarming with Eldenoran officers and Vorka slaves.

You wait until you can count no more than a dozen Eldenorans. Then you leave the antechamber and march boldly along the hallway towards a grand staircase which ascends to the next level of the fortress. Keeping your head bowed to avoid eye contact with passing enemy officers, you reach the stairs and hurry up them to a landing on the floor above. As you approach this landing you see the entrance to the drawbridge away to your right. It is lit by lanterns and is guarded by two Eldenoran warriors who are sheathed from head to toe in shiny black plate armour. They stand on either side of the approach to the drawbridge with the shafts of their spears crossed to prevent anyone passing without their approval. An Eldenoran captain approaches the guards. He raises his right hand to reveal a leather wristband and they nod their assent. Briskly they withdraw their spears to allow the officer to cross over the drawbridge and enter the inner keep.

Upon reaching the top of the staircase, you turn to the left and walk away from the guarded drawbridge. You are looking back over your shoulder, your mind racing to think of a way to get across the drawbridge, when something hits you forcibly in the chest and brings you to an abrupt halt.

You spin around and reach instinctively to your Weapon, but you stay your hand when you realize that you have collided accidentally with a young Eldenoran herald. The bumbling messenger stutters an apology. Then he drops down onto his hands and knees and attempts to retrieve the maps and scrolls that he was carrying, which are now scattered across the floor. As he gathers up his papers, you notice that he has a leather band attached to his right wrist.

‘Oh dear,’ he whines, ‘I’ll be late, and Captain Dvedka hates to be kept waiting. He’ll throw me in the d-d-dungeons. He promised he w-would the last time I was l-late.’

You help the herald gather his documents and, by the use of your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you remove his wristband and pocket one of his maps without his knowledge. (Record the Skull-Tor Wristband and Battle-map on your Action Chart as Special Items. You need not discard any other items in their favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible.)

The hapless young herald thanks you for your assistance and then he hurries away towards the drawbridge. You watch him approach the guards and, after a brief altercation, you see one of them reach to a bell that is fixed to the parapet of the drawbridge. He rings it once and, within a matter of seconds, a troop of six guardsmen comes running out of a doorway that stands across from the entrance to the bridge. You hear the herald protesting his innocence as they escort him away to the guardroom. As soon as they have disappeared from view, you fix the leather band to your wrist and take the map from your pocket. Then you approach the drawbridge with a purposeful stride, and raise your right hand to show your Wristband as you come to within a few feet of the armoured guards.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 1 to the number you have picked.


Halt!’ bellows a guard, and a knot of fear tightens in the pit of your stomach. You do as he commands and watch with trepidation as he levels his spear menacingly at your chest. ‘We don’t often see field scouts up here. Your kind normally report to the duty sergeant at the west gate, so state your business and be quick about it.’

You raise the map that you took from the unwitting herald and say: ‘I’ve been ordered to deliver this map to an officer in the inner keep. It’s urgent. I must deliver it at once, and in person.’

‘Is that so?’ replies the guard, sceptically. ‘And what, pray tell, is the name of this officer?’


Very well,’ grunts the guard, ‘you can pass.’

Reluctantly, they uncross their spears and allow you to march out across the drawbridge, towards the open archway of the inner keep. As you reach the middle of the bridge, you look to your right and see plumes of black smoke rising up into the night sky. They originate from the chimneys of armouries located on the east side of Skull-Tor. Even at this late hour they are in full production, manufacturing an unending supply of weapons and armour for Vandyan’s Vorka hordes.

Upon entering the archway of the inner keep, you find yourself standing in a circular hall that is hung with tapestries and framed portraits. At a desk positioned in the middle of this hall sits an Eldenoran scribe who is busily writing in a ledger with a quill pen. He is so engrossed with his work that he does not acknowledge your presence in any way. Behind him you see a flight of stairs spiralling up to the floor above, and on either side of the entrance arch there are open portals which lead off to the left and right.

(Where can I find Dvedka)

Without raising his eyes from his work, the scribe curtly answers your query: ‘Council of War Chamber!’ he snaps. Then, with the feather of his quill pen, he points towards the portal to your left. You thank the discourteous scribe for his directions, and then you turn on your heel and stride across the hall towards this open archway.
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Old 04-17-2020, 02:19 PM   #100
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Beyond the open portal you descend by ramp and stair to the floor of a large hall. It is ringed with marble pillars and its walls are draped with Eldenoran battle-flags. The centre of the hall is dominated by a large refectory table around which are huddled groups of Eldenoran officers. They are poring over charts and battle-maps which show the positions of their Vorka hordes and the defensive lines of the Freeland armies. Messengers come and go, delivering and collecting orders, and nobody seems to pay you special attention as you quietly pass among these high-ranking officers.

You are eavesdropping upon a conversation between two cavalry captains when suddenly there is a fanfare of trumpets. Immediately the officers and their aides cease all discussion and the hall comes stiffly to attention in anticipation of Lord Vandyan’s arrival.

A great door in the north wall of the hall swings open and through it strides a lean and elegant man, clad in a flamboyant tunic of emerald and gold. He moves with the confident grace of an athlete, yet his true age is revealed by his sagging jowls and the loose folds of skin that hang down below his dark, malevolent eyes. The gathering of officers salute their leader, Lord Vandyan, and they applaud when he climbs the steps of a marble dais in readiness to deliver his address.

‘Varetta will be ours by midnight tomorrow!’ he announces, to a roar of approval. ‘The legions of Vorka that I have dispatched to Lyris will ensure this victory. The Kai have been sighted at Quarlen but we will entrap them. Our victorious armies will march north from Suentina and cross the Slovarian Range through the North Pass. We shall cut off their supply route to Casiorn and attack their defences at Quarlen from the rear. The Kai will have but two choices: to die in Quarlen or be forced north into the abyss of the Maakengorge.’ Upon hearing this, the Eldenorans cheer their arrogant leader and praise his martial skill. However, his ambitious strategy to defeat the Kai fails to impress you for you know that Lone Wolf will be prepared for such an eventuality. You think it more likely that Vandyan’s army will perish when it attempts to traverse the treacherous North Pass.

Vandyan raises his hand and motions for silence. As the cheering dies away, he continues his address. His plans for the defeat of the Kai have failed to impress you, but when he reveals his strategy for the conquest of all Magnamund, it is then that you feel an icy chill of fear run down your spine

My loyal commanders,’ says Vandyan, spreading his arms wide as if to embrace the entire hall, ‘we stand upon the threshold of total power. Already I have harnessed the might of the first rune and used it to create and control the Vorka horde. With the power of the second stone I summoned Zorkaan the Soultaker and bound him to our cause. And this night, we shall witness the release of the force contained within the third Rune of Agarash. The approaching storms from the north herald the rebirth of the Vaag, the flying spawn of Agarash the Damned!

Vandyan’s announcement draws a loud gasp of astonishment from his officers. Legend has it that the Vaag were the most ruthless and deadly of all the Agarashi—the creatures of darkness created by Agarash the Damned. He used the Vaag to spearhead assaults upon ancient Magnamund that led to his domination of the entire planet during the Age of Eternal Night. Unhindered by mountains, rivers, and city walls, a flying horde of Vaag could indeed be a force capable of conquering Magnamund anew.

‘Go now!’ says Vandyan, to his stunned officers. ‘Return to your armies in the field and be ready to march. You have your orders—do not fail me. I must now return to my laboratory and attend to the final preparations. Be assured, my loyal countrymen. Soon all Magnamund shall cower at our feet!’

Vandyan’s final words are met with a thunderous roar of approval. The door in the north wall opens and he leaves the dais and hurries through it. As the door closes behind him with a dull boom, the Eldenoran officers gather up their maps and papers and file out of the hall, through a pair of double doors which have opened in the south wall.
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