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Old 04-18-2020, 04:40 PM   #151
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You struggle to your feet and push yourself on towards the waiting rangers. Gildas and his men are ready to take off the moment you reach them, and, as you haul yourself onto your mount, you hear the anguished screams of the squad leader echoing across the plain. With a cry of triumph on your lips, you dig in your heels and gallop away from the copse as fast as your steed can carry you.

For three hours you ride across the rolling grasslands, guided on your way by your infallible Kai tracking skills and the light of a waxing moon. It is not until you see the outline of a broken stone watchtower silhouetted on the southern horizon that you slow your pace and point your tired mount towards it. Upon reaching the derelict tower you discover that it stands beside a pond of fresh water. You let the horses drink their fill and, as they recover their strength, you and your companions explore the lower levels of the ruin.

The tower is empty and overgrown with weeds. All that it contains are several blocks of stone engraved with ancient designs, which are illuminated by streams of moonlight filtering down through the holes in the shattered roof. You take the opportunity to examine the Claw, and as you unfold its covering blanket on one of the blocks, you find yourself both fascinated and repulsed by the intricacies of its evil design. The head of the Claw resembles a petrified vulture’s foot, cast in a black metal that is flecked with shimmering scarlet specks. Its shaft is twisted, like a length of gnarled root, and it is perforated along its length with pea-sized hollows.

A palpable evil radiates from this dread artefact and you feel an overwhelming compulsion to destroy it. You tell the rangers to stand clear, and then you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and deal the shaft of the Claw a mighty blow.

There is a blinding flash of scarlet light upon the instant that your blade strikes the shaft of the Claw, and a searing wave of energy sends you crashing backwards to the ground: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Dazed and gasping for breath, you drag yourself to your feet and approach the stone block which is now wreathed with trails of grey smoke. To your dismay, you discover that the Claw is still intact. Despite the huge burst of energy that your blow released, you discover no mark or blemish upon its gnarled shaft.

The blade of your Kai Weapon, however, is notched and discoloured at the point where it struck the shaft of the Claw. (The damage to your Kai Weapon has caused a permanent reduction of 2 points to its COMBAT SKILL bonus. You should now adjust the bonus on your list of Special Items.)


Alema is now just a +3 CS Kai Weapon. I'll slide over to the Anarin Warhammer I picked up last book to keep my CS the same)

You are dismayed that your attempt to destroy the Claw has failed, yet you refuse to abandon all hope of ridding your world of this evil artefact. You resolve to deliver it to the Elder Magi, for you know that it is within their power to obliterate this weapon of darkness.

Captain Gildas consoles you, and from a pocket of his tunic he produces a small crimson gemstone which he cups in his palm, inviting your inspection. Without saying a word, he fixes this gem into one of the hollows in the shaft of the Claw, and then he hands you a seemingly ordinary compass.

‘Look at the compass needle, Sir Kai,’ he says, and he picks up the Claw and begins to walk. As he circles around you, the point of the needle follows his every move.

‘It’s a Siyenese tracker-gem,’ he says. ‘The needle of the compass is tuned to its vibrations. It’s just a precaution, in case you should be parted from the Claw before you deliver it to the Elder Magi. So long as the gem remains embedded in its shaft, you’ll be able to track it using the compass.’ Gildas hands you the Claw and you compliment him for his prudence.

‘A very wise precaution, Captain,’ you say, as you slip the compass into your tunic pocket. ‘Somehow I feel sure that we have not yet seen the last of the Autarch’s squad.’

(You can record the Siyenese Compass on your Action Chart as a Special Item. You should also record the Claw of Naar as a Special Item. You must discard two items in their favour if you already have the maximum number of Special Items permissible.)

You sheathe your Kai Weapon and follow Gildas as he returns to the horses. As you walk towards them, Ranger Yalin beckons you over to look at a strange shrub that is growing near the ruins.

( I do not have Herbery)

You do not recognize the shrub and you are wary of any properties it may possess. Rather than risk testing it in case it should prove to be poisonous, you advise Yalin not to touch the strange-looking plant.

You mount your horse and lead the rangers away from the ruins, heading south. Soon you come upon a track and you steer your horse onto it so that he can travel at a faster pace. Your Kai Sixth Sense and your Pathsmanship skills warn you that the Autarch’s squad have recovered their stallions and are now in hot pursuit.

You follow the track into a shallow valley where a corridor of weather-worn pillars lines the trail. These man-sized pinnacles of rock are engraved with the likenesses of ancient Bhanarian rulers dating back to a time long before Autarch Sejanoz seized control of this land. As you pass between them, you notice that each one has been defaced by axe and hammer blows.

(I use Elementalism with a high rank)

You signal to the rangers to halt and dismount. Then you request them to help move one of the pillars into the middle of the track. They look at you quizzically, but they do not question your command. When you have completed this task, you call upon your improved Kai Mastery of Elementalism to surround the pillar with a powerful electrical charge. You sense that the Autarch’s squad are now little more than 5 miles distant, and it is your hope that this trap may delay them when they pass through the valley.

Gildas questions your actions and you explain them to him as you remount your horses and ride along the valley trail towards a distant ridge.

As you reach the crest of the ridge, you rein in your horse and halt to look back at the trap you have set. After several minutes, you see your enemy entering the valley and come galloping along the trail. You magnify your vision in order to observe them as they approach the pillars. Suddenly there is a vivid flash of blue-white light when one of the Imperial Guards brushes past the column of stone in the middle of the track. You let out a cheer when you see the leading riders tumble from their saddles, and your companions echo your cry when you tell them what you have witnessed.

Seizing the advantage, you urge your stallion to the gallop and speed away from the ridge with your ranger companions following closely on your heels.
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent

Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-18-2020 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 04-18-2020, 04:57 PM   #152
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As you gallop over the crest of the ridge, you see the first rays of dawn sunlight brightening the eastern horizon. You continue to ride at a swift pace for you are anxious to put as much distance as possible between yourselves and your pursuers, but as the sun illuminates the way ahead, you catch sight of a dense forest stretching across the southern horizon like a long dark wall.

‘That’s the Vanchou,’ calls out Gildas. ‘I’ve heard tell it’s haunted.’

The trail continues due south towards the centre of this forbidding timberland and, as you draw steadily closer, you feel an unnatural chill radiating from its tangle of sickly-coloured pines. You are inclined to disbelieve that it is haunted, yet you do not relish the thought of riding through it. Then a sudden sense of unease makes you glance over your shoulder, and your heart skips a beat when you see that the Imperial Guards are gaining fast; they are now less than 3 miles distant.

(We need to put some distance between us, I head into the Forest)

With a mounting feeling of dread, you follow the trail into the Vanchou Forest. Upon entering this chill timberland it becomes strangely silent, as if the beasts and birds that dwell here can sense the presence of intruders.

You have penetrated little more than a mile into this unwholesome forest when you come upon the wreckage of a wagon abandoned by the side of the trail. A large black crow is perched on its rot-infested tailgate, and it caws angrily as you approach.

(I use AM)

You halt beside the wrecked wagon and use your Animal Mastery to converse with the belligerent bird. To your surprise, you discover that the crow is not angry at all—he is trying to warn you. You learn that the forest is dominated by an evil shape-changer that feeds on human blood. The bird tells you that it has claimed many victims, including the poor souls who once ventured here long ago in this wagon. You are about to ask the crow where this shape-changer can be found, but something disturbs him. He takes fright and quickly flies away.

(I remain on this path and don;t turn around. We cannot afford that right now)

You continue along the trail until you see a distant figure standing in the middle of the rutted track. As you draw closer, your skin prickles with a sudden premonition of danger when you see that the figure is a beautiful young woman. She has milky white skin and a mane of glistening hair that cascades around her slender body. She is wrapped in a flowing gossamer robe and her dark eyes glimmer as she beckons you to come closer with a soft, hypnotic voice.

(I do have Kai Screen)

You detect that the woman is attempting to ensnare you with a powerful mind charm. You draw upon your psychic defences to block the effects of her spell, and you are able to resist her mesmeric command. Unfortunately, your companions do not possess your formidable mental defences and they continue to ride along the track, drawn by her hypnotic voice. You call out to them to halt but they are oblivious to your presence. You must act quickly if you wish to save them from her sinister spell.

(I use Elementalism)

You draw upon your elemental powers to whip up a whirling cloud of dust that engulfs the sinister woman. The dust obscures her from view, yet it does not break the hypnotic hold she has over your companions.

Fearing that you may be facing a powerful sorceress, you abandon your elemental attack and try to think of a more effective weapon to use against her.

(I use KA)

You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell and direct its power at the sinister young woman. You see her shudder and recoil as the power of your spell washes over her and, for a short while, the rangers are spared the effect of her hypnotic voice. But the use of this spell leaves you vulnerable to a sudden psychic attack. Sensing this, the woman quickly seizes her chance to retaliate.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-screen, add 3 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE score is 15 or lower, deduct 2.

(I toss a 6 for an 8)

The woman launches a bolt of psychic energy that strikes at the core of your mind (lose 1 ENDURANCE point), yet your mental defences are strong enough to save you from sustaining any lasting damage from this opportunistic assault.

When the woman senses that her psychic attack has failed, she collapses upon the track, bent over on all fours like a dying beast. She twitches and wriggles uncontrollably, and, before your disbelieving eyes, her body begins to change. Her marble-smooth skin becomes criss-crossed with a net of a thousand wrinkles and her abdomen swells like an over-inflated balloon. Then there is a terrible sound, like the rending of bone and flesh, and suddenly the illusion of her beauty is dispelled forever when this fell vampiric shape-changer reverts to its true form.

Confronting you now is a leprous horror with a huge, fang-filled maw. It roars with anger and a gust of its putrid breath wafts over you, turning your stomach with its vile stench. The rangers and their horses are snapped out of their hypnotic trance by the sound of its fearsome cry and, gripped by a sudden panic, they turn and flee into the trees. Hurriedly you follow them, forcing your mount to battle its way through a tangle of barb-toothed briar in your desperation to escape from the wrath of this demonic creature

You catch up with the fleeing rangers at a clearing in the forest. The swiftness of your flight has outpaced the fearsome shape-changer, yet no sooner have you recovered your composure and rallied your companions, than you find yourself confronted by a new threat.

At the far side of the clearing is a large mound of packed earth, with a cave-like entrance that is adorned with bones and skulls. From out of the mouth of this cave there emerges a hulking form. Its body resembles a great grey egg supported by a cluster of pale, spindly legs. Two bloodshot eyeballs wobble atop stalks that protrude from its swollen head, and a vile-smelling green bile drips unceasingly from its gap-toothed maw.

Gildas raises his bow and draws an arrow in readiness to fire at the advancing beast. You raise your Kai Weapon, but suddenly you sense that this abomination is surrounded by a benign, magical aura. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that, despite its fulsome appearance, this creature poses no real threat to you and your companions, and hurriedly you command Gildas to hold his fire.

Gildas obeys your command and reluctantly he returns the arrow to his quiver. Cautiously you dismount and approach the misshapen creature on foot, for you sense your horse is too frightened to venture any closer to its lair. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Divination, you attempt to communicate with the creature telepathically. Your patience and your effort are soon rewarded when you hear its true voice speaking to you in your mind.

You learn that this ‘creature’ is human. It is the victim of an evil spell cast by the vampiric shape-changer that you encountered on the forest track. You ask if there is anything you can do to alleviate its wretched condition, and you are shocked when you hear its plaintive reply.

Strike me with your blade, kind sir. Deal me a mortal wound so that my soul may be freed from this hellish torment.

( I do so)

You steel yourself for the act you are about to commit; then you draw back your Kai Weapon and deal the creature a stabbing blow to its chest. With a chilling cry, the beast crumples to the ground and begins to shrink and change. Within the space of a few fleeting seconds the transformation is complete, and you find yourself staring with disbelief at the wounded body of a frail old man.

Instinctively, you rush to his side and cradle his greying head in the crook of your arm. Then you attempt to relieve the pain of his chest wound by the use of your Kai healing skills. You lay your right hand upon his chest and transmit the power of your healing into the wound. You feel some of your energy draining from your body (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) as the mending process takes place, but when finally you remove your hand, you discover that no trace of the wound remains.

The old man thanks you for having lifted the curse that was placed upon him by the shape-changer. Your courageous act has not saved his life, but it has saved his soul from the clutches of Naar’s fell servant.

‘I am … Juanphor,’ he says, struggling to speak his name. ‘I am a Chai herbalist … from Zuda. I came to the Vanchou a year ago in search of rare herbs and I fell under the curse of the shape-changer.’

The old man draws from the pocket of his robe a small pouch containing some powdered yellow petals, and a rusty red key. He insists that you keep them, as a gift for your kindness. ‘The powder is Poghlam—it shall protect you from evil,’ he says in a whisper, ‘… and the key will open the door to my home in Zuda. It is called the Crimson Tower. Whatever you wish to take … it is yours.’

You offer to carry the old man away from the forest but he refuses to leave. ‘My days are numbered. I shall only be a burden to you. You must leave me and go. Do not delay … the shape-changer is approaching. I … can feel … her anger.’

Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that the old man is correct. The shape-changer is approaching the clearing, and you must leave immediately if you are to avoid another deadly confrontation with her.

Reluctantly you bid farewell to this brave old man, and then you cross the clearing hurriedly and remount your horse. Gildas beckons you to follow as he and his rangers make good a hasty escape into the trees.

(If you choose to keep the Poghlam and the Red Key, record them on your Action Chart as Backpack Items.)

( I keep both)
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:04 PM   #153
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You steer your horse through the trees that border the clearing, and follow an easterly bearing that soon brings you to the edge of the forest. Without daring to look back, you leave the Vanchou and set off across the vast, open plains.

The tall plains grass makes the going increasingly difficult. It binds around your horses’ hooves and frustrates your attempts to hasten their pace. For 5 miles you force your mounts to wade through this sea of verdant vegetation until you catch sight of some stone ruins on the slope of a distant hill. It is the remnants of an ancient village, and it is bisected by a dried-up watercourse. You scan the site and notice dark pools of liquid scattered throughout the area. The pungent aroma of crude oil can be smelt wafting on the breeze.

Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that the ruins are deserted. Captain Gildas is anxious to press on, but you command him to pause for a moment. Your instincts are warning you of a hidden danger.

(I head into the ruins. I think it's better to choose your battleground against mounted foes. Out here is too exposed)

The tall grass gives way to shorter vegetation as you draw closer to the ruins. You are riding along the dried-up river bed that divides this ancient site when suddenly you hear a sound like thundering hooves. The noise is coming from the north and you command your companions to rein their mounts to a halt. To get a better view, you stand upon your horse’s back and magnify your vision. A tingle of shock runs down the length of your spine when you catch sight of a group of strange creatures approaching the ruins at a terrific pace. They have black bull-like bodies, yet their heads are crocodilian in shape and a spiky mane of hair runs the length of their muscular backs. They possess four legs and two forelimbs, tipped with claws, in which they cradle cumbersome lances crudely pared from the trunks of Vanchou pines.

You inform Gildas of what is approaching the ruins and he gasps with fear. ‘Xanon!’ he exclaims. ‘Ishir save us!’

(Stand and fight)

Gildas leads his men off the trail and you follow as he enters the walled ruins of an ancient hall. Hurriedly you dismount and corral your horses in a corner of this site before drawing your weapons in readiness to confront the approaching Xanon. The rangers prepare their bows and take up positions along the north-facing wall. You choose a place close to Gildas and watch with mounting fear as the Xanon come charging out of the tall grassland. As you watch their approach, your Sixth Sense detects that these fearsome creatures have been spawned by evil sorcery.

(I use a bow)

You draw an Arrow to your Bow and take aim at one of the leading Xanon as it comes charging through a puddle of crude oil.

(I dont have MM)

As the fearsome Xanon charges towards the ruins, you suddenly realize that the sticky brown-black oil that coats its hide is highly inflammable.

(I use KA)

You shoulder your Bow, and then you speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lighting Hand and point your right hand at a pool of oil on the ground in front of the charging Xanon. An arc of crackling blue energy hits the black puddle and ignites the oil with a terrific Whoomph! sending a searing ball of flame and black smoke soaring into the air. The heat of the fireball forces the Xanon to retreat, but as they pull back, you suddenly become aware of a new threat.

Some Xanon have ridden in a wide arc around the ruins and have come up behind your position. You hear their leader snorting gruffly as he leaps into the ruined hall, and you spin around to face him. Hurriedly, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and leap forward to block his path before he can launch a surprise attack upon the backs of your three companions.

The Xanon leader roars with excitement as he comes galloping across the floor of the ancient hall. His amber eyes gleam with murderous intent, for he has set his mind on skewering you upon the tip of his crude wooden lance.


If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Valiance’ you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

(I have a +10 with Mindblast, nothing else needed. I toss a 6 and a 7. It took 34. I toss a 3 and it dies and i took 2 damage)
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:18 PM   #154
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As the Xanon bellows its death-cry and crumples to the ground, you see six of its kin come galloping along beside the west wall of the ruin. Fearful that these determined creatures could overwhelm your position if they chose to attack simultaneously, you command Gildas and the rangers to abandon their positions and escape to the east. Together you leap onto your horses and, as the captain leads his men away at the gallop, you stay and fight a brave rearguard action to delay the battling Xanon.

With ice-cool nerve and deadly grace, you wield your Kai Weapon to deadly effect. Your blows shatter Xanon skulls and smash their lances, forcing them to abandon any hope of following the rangers as they make good their escape across the plain. But when the time comes for you to follow your fleeing companions, a thrusting lance blow to the middle of your back nearly unhorses you. You hang on desperately to the mane of your frightened mount as he leaps over the wall and carries you away.

You rejoin the rangers at the top of a grassy rise that overlooks the ancient ruins. The triumphant cries of the Xanon are carried to you on the wind, and when you magnify your vision, you see they have gathered in a group in the ruins of the hall. One of their number appears to be holding aloft a short staff. You focus upon it and your heart sinks when you see that it is the Claw of Naar!

(Well, dang!)

Quickly you remove your pack and, to your dismay, you discover that it has been torn open by the blow you received just prior to your escape from the ruins.

(In addition to the Claw of Naar, you have also lost 3 Backpack Items. You must now erase from your Action Chart the Claw of Naar, plus any three Backpack Items of your choosing.)

Cursing your bad fortune, you see the Xanon leave the ruins and join with the Autarch’s Imperial Guards who have been observing your battle from the safety of a nearby ridge. You see a Xanon deliver the Claw to the squad leader, and it galls you to see him raising it defiantly. With a whooping cry, the Bhanarians and their Xanon allies leave the ridge and ride south across the open grasslands.

(I junk meals)

Come! We must pursue the enemy without delay,’ says Gildas, excitedly. ‘They must not be allowed to steal away the Claw.’

‘Hold, Captain,’ you retort. ‘The enemy is too strong. They outnumber us, and they possess a weapon that can slay us all but with one bolt. Do you not recall what happened at Sunderer Pass? You have lost one good man already. Surely you have no wish to risk our lives in a reckless pursuit.’

‘Are you abandoning your mission, Sir Kai?’ he asks, reproachfully.

‘No, Captain,’ you reply. ‘My vow to retrieve the Claw and oversee its destruction remains true. I merely propose we pursue the enemy at a safe distance. They may run with the Claw of Naar, but they cannot keep it from us forever. The tracker-gem that you placed in the haft will lead us to it, no matter where they may choose to carry it.’

‘You are right, Sir Kai,’ says Gildas, apologetically.

‘Firstly, we shall rest and recover our strength,’ you say. ‘Then we shall hunt down our enemies and reclaim that accursed artefact before it can be delivered to Autarch Sejanoz.’

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Dusk soon approaches and you resolve to return to the ancient ruins to set up a camp for the night. At first light you begin a long ride south, guided by your Siyenese Compass. Judging by the steady course that you follow, you hazard a guess that the enemy are heading towards the city of Yua Tzhan.

(I don't have Astrology)

Your journey south is favoured by a cooling breeze which sweeps down across the plain from the Hyunsei Mountains. Shortly before noon, you see a tented encampment in the far distance. Small crimson pennants flutter from its striped awnings, and groups of women and children can be seen walking along the banks of a nearby stream.

‘Plains-herder families,’ says Gildas. ‘Their menfolk are out on the grasslands rounding up groups of wild stallion. They train the horses and sell them at auction in Yua Tzhan.’

(Let's visit)

Upon entering the tented encampment, you are greeted by dozens of laughing children. They run alongside your horses and feed them with small handfuls of hay. As you approach the largest tent, an old man in a sweat-stained robe emerges and bids you good-day. He holds up a wizened hand to shield his pale eyes from the glare of the midday sun, and he asks if you and your companions wish to trade with him.

(Let's get our trade on!)

The old man invites you and your companions to enter his tent. You dismount, and the children look after your horses while you examine the wares and trinkets that are stored inside. Gildas nudges you and points to a rickety table that is heaped with simple straw-coloured robes, much favoured by Bhanarian plainsmen. ‘Maybe a wise purchase, Sir Kai?’ he mutters. ‘I fear our tunics may arouse suspicion the further south we venture.’ You nod in agreement and ask the old man how much he wants for four robes.

‘One hundred and twenty Ren, kind sir,’ he replies, cheerfully.

The old man’s price is the equivalent to 12 Gold Crowns. The rangers do not have any money, so if you wish to purchase these garments you must pay the full price

(I purchase them, I have 31 cash left)

You hand over the Gold Crowns and the old man slips the coins into his pocket with a contented grin. Then you and your companions each take one of the loose-fitting robes and slip them on over your tunics. The thin, hooded garments are large enough to conceal your backpacks and weapons, and you are pleased to discover that they do not hamper your movement.

Having concluded your business, you thank the old man and bid him farewell. Then you leave his tent and collect your horses.

(Is that the best? I gotta bunch of space and I want to fill up my now bis bottomed Backpack!)

The sun has nearly set by the time you reach Yua Tzhan. Even at this late hour, the roads that approach the city’s four gates are busy with the traffic of travelling merchants. Some have come from the gold-rush town of Bajo in the foothills of the Hyunsei Mountains, but most are arriving from Hotloi and Liyulin, their wagons laden with exotic wares.

As you approach the north gate you consult your Siyenese Compass, and its steady needle confirms that the Claw of Naar is here, somewhere, in this grand walled city. You and your companions pass through the arched gateway without challenge, and follow a broad lantern-lit avenue towards the city’s main square. Many open-fronted shops line this thoroughfare, their display tables laden with goods to entice its citizens to part with their hard-earned Ren.

Upon entering the main square, you notice that small crowds have gathered on each corner. They are reading proclamations which have been pasted upon the walls by the city’s officials. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you are able to translate the Bhanarian script for the benefit of your companions. The posters declare that tomorrow shall be a holiday. This is to celebrate a visit to the city by Autarch Sejanoz himself. He will arrive at noon tomorrow, and every citizen is expected to be present to honour their ruler when his entourage passes through the streets

Your Kai senses tell you that the Autarch is visiting the city for one simple reason: he is coming here to collect the Claw of Naar. The news of his imminent arrival re-ignites your resolve to find the artefact, and swiftly.

As you and your companions are riding across the main square, you scan the surrounding buildings in search of an inn where you may stable your horses for the night. The houses and hovels of Yua Tzhan are densely-packed, and your search for the Claw will best be conducted on foot. There are several inns bordering the square, but only two have stables: The Prairie Princess and the Golden Trough

(Prairie Princess has the better name)

You stable your horses and enter the taproom of the Prairie Princess. As the door creaks open, a gust of ale-soaked air and the jingle of bells interrupt the hubbub. The denizens of this tavern cast your party a suspicious glance or two, and then they return to their conversations. The innkeeper approaches, wending his way nimbly through the closely-packed tables. He is a lean man with dark skin and a shaven head. You ask the cost of stabling and add that you shall not be requiring rooms for the night.

‘Seven Ren each,’ he says, brusquely. ‘You can pay tomorrow when you collect your nags.’

You turn to leave the crowded taproom, but your way to the door is blocked by a stout, one-eyed man with a roughly-trimmed beard. ‘You plains-nomads have got some nerve t’come in here,’ he spits. ‘You swindled me, near on stole all my herd o’ stallions. Well, I vowed I’d make you pay and now I’m going to collect!’

With a flick of his hand he signals to his cohorts to bar the tavern door. You tell the man that he is mistaken, that he is confusing you for somebody else, but he pays no heed to your explanation.

(I use kA)

Silently you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm and direct its power at your angry accuser. Under the influence of your spell, he suddenly becomes calm and susceptible to your mental commands. You prompt him to tell his cohorts that he has made an error, that you are not the plainsman who swindled him after all, and meekly he complies with your psychic suggestion.

His accomplices are embarrassed by their friend’s mistake, and they offer to buy you and your companions some ale. Politely you decline their offer as you make your way towards the door.

With your mind set upon the task of finding and retrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch Sejanoz arrives, you hurry out of the inn and stride across the main square. In the light of a street lantern you consult your Siyenese Compass once more before setting off in the direction that it indicates. It leads you towards the Military Quarter located on the east side of the square. You follow a broad avenue lined with closed shop doorways and soon arrive at a busy barracks. The Siyenese Compass and your Kai Sixth Sense both tell you that the Claw of Naar is located somewhere inside this troop-infested building.

(Observe first)

You observe the main entrance to the barracks building and note a great deal of activity despite the lateness of the hour. Columns of Bhanarian spearmen, clad in black quilted uniforms with wide silk leggings, go marching through its main gate every few minutes with an almost clockwork regularity. You suspect that they are mustering in preparation for the arrival of the Autarch, although they appear too heavily armed to be gathering for ceremonial duties. You also catch sight of some Xanon, and you sense that these creatures were among those whom you fought at the ruins earlier today.

During the time you spend observing the barracks, several wagons arrive laden with weapons and supplies. When seven of these army transports converge upon the main gate at the same time, it creates chaos for the Gate Guards. As they try desperately to untangle the ensuing chaos, you see an opportunity to enter the barracks.

Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent

Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-18-2020 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:28 PM   #155
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
(We slip in)

You tell the rangers to raise their hoods; then you lead them across the crowded street towards the barracks entrance.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked.

( I auto succeed)

You thread your way through the crush of soldiers and enter the barracks unchallenged. The raised hoods of your robes keep your faces in shadow, and the guards fail to recognize that you are not native Bhanarians.

Beyond the entrance is a courtyard where several wagons, filled with provisions, are being unloaded. You and your companions each take a box from the rear of the nearest wagon and join a line of men who are delivering their goods to a kitchen store room located near the middle of the barracks complex. You leave your boxes here and then return to the courtyard to collect some more. As you are making your way back, you pass a door that your Kai senses tell you is unlocked. Quickly you slip inside and then signal to the rangers to follow. When all of you are safely inside, you shut the door and draw its bolt.

Beyond the door you discover a narrow passage that leads to a flight of stone steps. You check your Siyenese Compass and then you lead the rangers up the stairs to a wider corridor on the floor above.

You instruct Gildas and his men to wait at the top of the stairs while you make sure the way ahead is clear. Tall arched windows march past on either side as you approach a door at the end of the passageway. You detect the aroma of roasting meat and hear the sounds of feasting, and when you peep through the door’s keyhole, you see a soldiers’ mess hall beyond.

Carefully you twist its spherical handle and push open the heavy oak door just a few inches. Peering around the door, you see a dozen Bhanarian soldiers sitting at a large table set before a blazing log fire. A side of beef is roasting on a spit above this fire, and the soldier’s plates are heaped high with meat and vegetables. Stands of antique armour are positioned around the walls of the hall, and its panelled ceiling is decorated with the portraits of famous Bhanarian generals of old.

Some of the soldiers dining here are Imperial Guards from the squad that you encountered in Sunderer Pass. You scrutinise their faces, yet you cannot see their leader among them. Your Siyenese Compass indicates that the Claw of Naar is nearby; its needle is pointing to a door on the far side of the mess hall. You sense that the Claw is in the room beyond this door, and you resolve to find a way of reaching it without being seen.

(I use Grand Nexus)

You use the power of your Grand Mastery to dislodge the spit that supports the roasting side of beef. It collapses into the fire, scattering red hot coals across the floor. Some of the coals ignite a leg of the table and, gripped by a sudden panic, the soldiers leap from their seats and attempt to put out the flames with their cloaks and their mugs of ale.

In the confusion, none of them see you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of armour, and then you draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden before you attempt to reach the far door.

You reach the far door without being seen. Silently you twist its copper handle and enter a small antechamber that is hung with tapestries. Beyond this small room is an archway through which you catch sight of part of a sumptuous bedchamber. You detect the sound of splashing water and the sweet aroma of perfumed bath oils. You can also detect the powerful aura of evil which radiates from the Claw of Naar.

Cautiously you approach the archway and peer around its carved frame. Bathing in a large tub of soapy water set before a blazing log fire, you see the squad leader. You sense that the Claw is somewhere close to him, but you cannot see it. Suddenly you are startled by a loud knock on the door behind you.

(I allow the knocker to enter. Don;t want to give away me.)

You pull open the door and quickly stand aside. A Bhanarian guard strides into the antechamber, and when he looks at your face, his eyes go wide with shock. You lash out and fetch him an uppercut to the jaw, knocking him unconscious. Before he hits the floor, you move forward and grab him to prevent his body from making a sound. You are placing him down gently when the squad leader shouts out: ‘Who’s there?’

You push the door shut and bolt it. Then you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and enter the main chamber to confront the squad leader in his bath.

The squad leader gasps with shock when he sees you come walking into his chamber. He glances to a knotted rope that is hanging beside the blazing fireplace, but it is just beyond reach. You detect that the rope is connected to an alarm bell, and you shake your head as a warning to him not to try to make a grab for it.

‘Where is the Claw?’ you say, raising your Kai Weapon to reinforce your demand. The sallow-skinned man narrows his eyes until they become like slits in his face, and he shakes his head slowly from side to side. He refuses to answer your question.

Suddenly he reaches over the side of his bath tub and attempts to grab something that is lying on the floor, hidden from view.

( I toss my weapon at him)

You hurl your blade and it whirls through the air to strike the squad leader in the chest, dealing him a deep and mortal wound. The force of the impact tips him out of his tub and sends a torrent of water cascading into the fire. His dying cries mingle with a loud hiss of steam as the bath water extinguishes the fire and sizzles on the red-hot grate.

You rush forward and tug your Kai Weapon from the dead man’s chest. Then you turn aside the bath tub to see what he was reaching for. Lying among the soap suds you discover a Bor pistol, its flint and firing powder now waterlogged and useless.

Your Kai senses tell you that you are very close to the Claw of Naar. You look at your Siyenese Compass once again, and now you see that its needle is pointing to a painting which hangs above the fireplace.
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:32 PM   #156
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
behind the portrait you discover a safe embedded in a granite wall. There is a dial set near the middle of its iron door, and it is ringed with numerals ranging from 0 to 9. Your Sixth Sense reveals to you that by turning the dial consecutively to the correct three numbers, you will cause the lock to disengage and the door to the wall safe will open.

The first number in the sequence is equal to the levels of Kai rank a Sun Prince is superior to a Grand Thane.

The second number is equal to the original total of rangers in Gildas’ command, including the captain himself.

The third number is equal to twice the number of islands in the northern gulf of the Chai Sea.

When you think you know the three-digit answer, note down the figures in order and turn to the section of this book which is the same as your answer

(2 ranks, 4 scouts, 3 islands)

The third tumbler clicks into the correct position13 and the door of the wall safe swings open to reveal the Claw of Naar. You take the accursed artefact and place it in your pack; then you close the safe and re-hang its covering portrait.

You should restore the Claw of Naar as a Special Item on your Action Chart. You must discard one item in its favour if you have the maximum number of Special Items permissible.

(welcome back home baby! I search)

A swift search of his chamber uncovers the following items:

Laumspur (sufficient for 3 doses. Each dose is an individual Backpack Item. One dose will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.)
Food (enough for 3 Meals)
Bar of Soap
5 Arrows
100 Ren (equivalent to 10 Gold Crowns)

(I now have 41 crowns, and I take the Bar of Soap, sword and three pots of Laumspur.)

You return to the antechamber, but while you are unbolting the door to the mess hall, you hear an alarm bell and the sound of gruff Bhanarian voices. You listen to their cries and your heart sinks when you suddenly realize that your companions have been discovered.

You inch open the door to witness a fight taking place on the far side of the mess hall. The Bhanarians have abandoned their feasting and are now attempting to storm the archway. Four of their number lie dead or wounded on the ground, hit by ranger arrows. Your companions are putting up a brave fight, but they face the danger of being surrounded on both sides and trapped in the corridor.

Then a new threat to their survival arrives. Three Bhanarian guards enter the hall pushing a strange, cannon-like contraption towards the distant archway. Fixed above its barrel is a large iron cylinder. It is studded with heavy rivets and fitted with a springed valve that bubbles and hisses like an angry serpent. You surmise this device is a steam-powered cannon, and you fear that if it is fired along the corridor it could slay your companions with one blast. As the Bhanarian gunners begin loading their weapon with handfuls of rusty nails and lead shot, you know you must find some way to stop them from firing this devilish device.

(I use Elementalism)

You focus the power of your Discipline upon the iron cylinder and you cause a rapid rise in the temperature of the steam. Moments later, the valve fails and the cylinder explodes with devastating effect.

The cannon’s pressure cylinder erupts like a geyser, spraying the Bhanarians with deadly pieces of jagged shrapnel. Those who are not felled instantly by the force of the explosion are blinded and blistered by jets of scalding steam.

You pull open the door to the antechamber and sprint across the body-strewn hall towards the distant archway. Your Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery enables you to see through the dissipating clouds of steam, but your ranger allies are not so gifted. As you pass through the archway and rush into the corridor, they mistake you for a Bhanarian attacker and they let loose a volley of arrows at your fleeing form.

You shout at the rangers, commanding them to hold their fire, but it is already too late. Desperately you throw yourself to the ground as their feathered shafts come streaking towards you. Two of their arrows clip and gouge your flesh as you strike the stone floor and roll to a halt: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

The rangers are mortified that they came so near to slaying you. They help you to your feet and beg you to forgive their reckless bow-fire. ‘There’s no time for reproach,’ you reply, stoically. ‘I have retrieved the Claw of Naar, yet I fear our troubles may have only just begun. We must make a speedy escape. I sense the enemy are closing upon us from every side.’

Your instincts are correct. News of the fight in the mess hall is spreading like wildfire, and groups of armed Bhanarians are rushing towards this corridor from every quarter of the barracks. Your situation is beginning to look increasingly desperate until you suddenly spy a way to escape from the corridor that promises more than just a glimmer of hope.
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:43 PM   #157
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Through one of the tall windows that line this corridor, you see the flat tarred roof of the barracks kitchens and the upper boughs of a line of trees that encircle the parade ground beyond. Shielding your face with your free arm, you strike the leaded glass repeatedly with your Kai Weapon and then command the rangers to follow as you leap through the shattered pane and jump down onto the tarred roof, just a few feet below the window’s ledge.

You are running across the roof towards a tree that stands near to the kitchens, when you suddenly hear the loud pealing of an alarm bell echoing from a tower on the northern side of the barracks.

You reach the end of the roof and climb down the trunk of the tree. Gildas and his men follow your lead, and when all of you are safely on the ground, you pause for a few moments to assess the situation. From beneath the leafy boughs of the young oak, you look out across the parade ground and scan the buildings that border upon it. Bhanarian soldiers are running everywhere, seemingly in confusion. Then you realize that they all have a purpose: they are rushing to secure every entrance and exit from the barracks.

Gildas points to a building on the west side of the parade ground. Its doors are open and unguarded. You magnify your vision and see that it is part of the barracks stables. Its well-lit interior is busy with troopers who are preparing their mounts for tomorrow’s ceremonial parade through the city. Beyond its rows of stalls is an archway that opens on to one of the city’s streets. You inform the rangers of what you have seen and you decide that the stables offer you your best hope for an escape from the barracks. Using the perimeter trees for cover, you skirt around the parade ground and make your approach to the stables. You are less than 20 yards from its open doors when you are suddenly called upon to halt. Three Bhanarian guards come weaving through the line of trees towards you, their spears held at the ready. ‘Stay where you are,’ barks the tallest of these soldiers, ‘and all of you—raise your hands!’

( i have KS and enough of a rank)

You draw upon your improved mental skills to launch a powerful volley of psychic bolts at the three guards. Paralysed by your unexpected attack, they drop their spears and clutch their hands to their heads in agony. The rangers seize this chance to attack, and they quickly overpower them, leaving the men propped unconscious against the base of the nearest tree.

You hurry away from the trees and enter the busy stables. Dozens of troopers are grooming their mounts in stalls which are set facing each other. They form a long corridor that runs all the way to a pair of open green doors at the far end of the building. Through this open doorway you glimpse the enticing sight of a city street, and you and your companions have to struggle to overcome an almost overwhelming urge to run headlong towards it.

Most of the horses that are standing in the stalls are saddled-up in preparation for tomorrow’s ceremony. The troopers are part of the mounted guard detailed to escort the Autarch through the city. You whisper to the others to look for some unattended horses, but as you approach the stalls, you are challenged by a suspicious trooper. Roughly you barge him aside and leap into the saddle of a chestnut mare. The rangers are all close behind you when you dig in your heels and urge your mount to gallop along the central corridor that leads to the exit. The troopers wave their fists as you speed past them, and hurriedly two of them attempt to shut the green doors before you can make good your escape into the street.

(I use KA)

As you gallop through the stables, you quickly recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and raise your right arm. You point your outstretched fingers towards the closing doors and a crackling bolt of blue fire leaps from your fingertips. It strikes one of the troopers who is attempting to bar your escape, and it sends him cartwheeling across the straw-covered ground. His companion slams shut one door, blocking half of the doorway, but there is still space enough for you and your companions to make good your escape into the street beyond. As you gallop through the narrowed exit, you steer your horse to the right and race away along a cobblestoned street

The street is filled with parked wagons, anxious troops, and irate delivery drivers who have been barred entrance to the barracks. An alarm bell continues to toll as you wend your way through the crowds, and your Sixth Sense tells you that the Claw has now been discovered missing.

You turn a corner and ride along an unobstructed avenue that takes you to a far quieter quarter of the city. Guided by your Pathsmanship and tracking skills, you lead the rangers to the South Gate of Yua Tzhan. Here you are able to depart the city along a road that passes through outlying settlements before climbing gently into the Honah Hills.

Shortly before midnight, you approach a toll bridge that traverses a deep gorge. The entrance to this bridge is blocked by a single-pole barrier, and on either side of the obstruction are painted wooden shacks, adorned with flickering lanterns. The soldiers who guard this bridge are awoken by the sound of your horses’ hooves. Fearing you to be a surprise inspection by their commanding officer, they grab their spears and stumble out of the shacks. As they draw themselves up in an untidy line before the barrier, their corporal raises his hand, commanding you to halt.


You call out to the rangers to follow your lead, and then you urge your horse to the gallop and race him towards the barrier. The guards scatter as you bear down on them, but their corporal is made of sterner stuff and he refuses to move. He snatches up his spear and gets ready to lunge as you come thundering towards him.

( I do have AM)

As you make the jump, the corporal’s nerve breaks and he throws himself to the ground. Your horse sails across the barrier, and the rangers follow with consummate ease. The angry cries of the corporal quickly fade into the distance as you leave the bridge and follow the road into the hills beyond.
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:47 PM   #158
Abe Sargent
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You are a few leagues to the south of the toll bridge when you pass a signpost that says: Behnaz—70 miles. Beyond this point, the hill road begins to twist like a swimming serpent. You are passing around one of its seemingly endless bends when you hear a loud rumble of thunder echoing through the hills.

( I have G Path and enough rank)

Your improved Kai Mastery warns you that a heavy rainstorm is about to break over the Honah Hills.

(Seek shelter)

You warn the others that a storm is imminent, and that you will need to find shelter before it breaks. Less than a mile further on, you discover an abandoned cottage that overlooks the hill road. A dirt track ascends to its door, and when you reach it, you discover that there is sufficient room inside to shelter you and your horses. Barely minutes after arriving here, the storm breaks and the surrounding countryside is swept by torrential rain.

While you are sheltering from the storm, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

You take the opportunity to get some sleep while the storm continues unabated. Gildas wakes you shortly after dawn and you peer out of the cottage window to see that the rain is now no more than a fine drizzle. You mount up and return to the road, but soon you discover that the way south is impassable. The road has been blocked during the night by the debris of a torrential mudslide.

Reluctantly, you are forced to abandon your horses and set off across the hills on foot. During your trek, you discard your plains-herder robes for they offer no protection from the rain. At noon you halt to prepare a meal of roots and wild vegetables. While you are eating, you resolve to attempt to cross the River Heng and enter the friendly realm of Chai. Once you are across the border, you will make your way to the city of Pensei, and try to make contact with the Dessian envoy—Lord Ghadra.

Despite difficult terrain you make good progress. You leave the Honah Hills and enter the dark pines of the Angfeng Forest, covering 30 miles by sunset. As darkness casts its black shroud upon this untamed land, you stop to set up camp for the night on the fringe of a cold marsh. The night sky is clear, and before you settle down to sleep, you take time to observe the stars

(I put mine in my backpack. I do not have Astrology)

You sleep well and wake feeling refreshed and revitalized: restore 3 ENDURANCE points. Shortly after dawn, you break camp and set off across the marshlands, heading east. At first the spongy ground is a welcome relief from the jagged rocks and twisted roots that litter the Angfeng Forest. Then the marshy soil degenerates into a treacherous swamp, and you are forced to head south in search of firmer terrain.

For two days and nights you trek across wetlands, living as best you can off the flora and fauna of this inhospitable region. By noon of the third day you catch sight of a stone bridge across the River Heng, on the outskirts of a town called Zuda. The rangers are excited at the prospect of escaping at last from the mosquito-infested wetlands, but their enthusiasm is dampened when you magnify your vision and take a closer look at this Chai border town.

ou observe that the bridge at Zuda is occupied by Bhanarian soldiers. Their tented encampments are dotted around the approach road and river bank, and the line of their supply wagons stretches away to the west.

The tiger’s-head flag of Autarch Sejanoz now flies over Zuda. This border town has been overrun by his army within the last 24 hours. At first you suspect that this could be the start of a war between Bhanar and Chai, but your Kai senses tell you that this is no ordinary military operation. This army has come here for one purpose—to ensure the recovery of the Claw of Naar.

You hold sombre council with the rangers and try to determine how best to proceed from here. ‘I propose we try to reach the Chai Wall,’ says Gildas, and his men readily agree. Having never heard of this edifice, you ask Gildas to explain. ‘The Chai Wall is a line of forts and military defences that lies 60 miles to the east of Zuda,’ he says. ‘Invasion from Bhanar has long been a threat to Chai, but its ancient ruler—Khea-khan Xo—had remarkable foresight. He constructed a formidable wall to deter Autarch Sejanoz from invading his peaceful realm. It has served Chai well for many centuries.’

You thank Gildas for this history lesson, but you question its accuracy. ‘I was taught at the Kai Monastery that the reign of Khea-khan Xo was more than a thousand years ago. Surely his enemy then was not the same Autarch Sejanoz who rules Bhanar now?’

‘Ah, but he is!’ replies Gildas. ‘Sejanoz has ruled this land for 3,000 years. Legend says that he entered into a pact with Agarash the Damned. In return for his soul he received … immortality.’

As you look upon the flag of Autarch Sejanoz fluttering high above the buildings of Zuda, a growing sense of foreboding creeps upon you and it leaves a chill in your blood.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-18-2020 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:54 PM   #159
Abe Sargent
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You decide to wait until nightfall before making your attempt to cross the River Heng. During the day you scout the river bank and you determine that there are only two ways to cross. Both are hazardous.

You can swim across the river, but the current is fast and treacherous. Or you can attempt to cross at the bridge. The road is blocked by soldiers, making a crossing by that way impossible. But you can attempt a crossing below the bridge. Its supporting stone pillars are closely spaced and they slow the river’s flow. However, the enemy guarding this bridge is especially vigilant. They are expecting and watching for your approach.

(Swimming is uncertain, I cross below the bridge)

Shortly after dark, you make your way towards the stone bridge, keeping close to the river to avoid the enemy encampments on either side of the road which crosses into Zuda. You get to within 6 yards of the bridge itself before you are forced to stop when you see enemy soldiers at the river’s edge. They are filling their canteens and washing clothes. If you are to make a successful crossing below the bridge, you will first have to distract them, or lure them away.

(I use Elementalism and a high rank)

You call upon your improved Kai Mastery to conjure up a mist beneath the first arch of the bridge. Made eerie by the light of the torches that the soldiers are carrying, the sudden appearance of this mist startles the soldiers on the river bank. Fearing that a monster is set to rise up and consume the bridge with its fiery breath, they turn tail and flee in panic from the water’s edge.

You move quickly to seize this chance to cross the river before the soldiers return. You are the first to wade out into the water. You strike out against the current and reach the first stone pillar. Once you have a secure handhold, you signal to Gildas to follow. Soon you are all in the water, linked together by your hands and secured by the stone pillars, like a human chain. Gradually you work your way across to the far side, and together you approach Zuda under cover of darkness.

The road into the town is heavily patrolled by Bhanarian soldiers. When you nearly collide with one of these patrols, you are forced to seek cover in an empty woodcutter’s hut.

Your tracking skills tell you that this hut was abandoned by its owner earlier this morning. Its log stove is still warm, and a plate of food lies untouched on the table. You share out the food and dry your clothes by the stove. Sergeant Paviz keeps watch at the window in case a patrol should come by to search the hut.

As midnight approaches, the enemy activity in Zuda decreases. Gildas suggests you should leave during the night to minimize risk of discovery; the darkness provides invaluable cover. You agree, and after midnight you set out for the town.

Bhanarian soldiers are billeted in most of the shops and houses. You keep to the back streets to avoid the patrols, but every alley and avenue leads to the market square at the centre of the town, and you cannot avoid passing through this area. In the middle of the square a magnificent tent has been erected. High above flies a scarlet flag emblazoned with a gold tiger’s head. This is Sejanoz’s personal flag and it signifies that the Autarch is here in person. A dozen of his best soldiers guard his tent, and parked beside its entrance are two strange machines.

The first is an elaborate shrine. It is fashioned from gold and jewels and has been crafted into the likeness of a tiger’s head. Two huge ivory fangs protrude from its jaw and its jewelled eyes glow with a flickering scarlet fire.

The second is a golden chariot. This vehicle has no team of horses to pull it, for it needs no animals to cause it to move. It is a sky chariot, powered by the same magical forces that enable Cloud-dancer to soar through the air.

You are observing the shrine from the cover of a doorway when suddenly the head slowly rotates in your direction, and two pencil-thin beams of red light shoot from its eyes. You duck back, but it is too late—the shrine has detected your presence. The guards at the tent raise the alarm and a troop of Bhanarians come running from the doorway of a nearby hall.

‘Run!’ cries Gildas, as the soldiers come rushing towards you.
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:05 PM   #160
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The soldiers chase you through the back streets of Zuda until you are cornered in the courtyard of a tall crimson-coloured tower. Desperately you scan the walls of the courtyard but there is no way out, except by way of the narrow passageway that led you here.

Marching along this passage comes a squad of the Autarch’s Imperial Guard. They are carrying what appear to be hollow stubby spears, connected by metallic piping to cylindrical backpacks. One of the advancing soldiers raises his spear and a puff of bubbling steam gushes from the tip. In the next instant, a solid projectile smashes into the wall behind you, spraying you with slivers of stone.

(I do have a Red Key)

Suddenly you recall the dying words of the old herbalist you encountered in the Vanchou Forest: ‘… and the key will open the door to my home in Zuda. It is called the Crimson Tower.’

You retrieve the Red Key from your Backpack and insert it into the dial. It fits, and when you twist it, the heavy door swings inwards without a sound. Quickly you step inside, and then beckon the rangers to follow: ‘This way!’

When all three are inside, you push the heavy door closed and slide its bolt across, locking it securely.

You follow Gildas and the others as they climb a wide flight of spiral stairs to the top of the tower. As you ascend, lanterns set at intervals in the wall spontaneously ignite, bathing the stone steps with a warm, yellow light. A sumptuous chamber occupies the top floor of the tower. By the time you arrive there, its many lanterns are aglow, and its great log fire is blazing warmly in the grate. The light and heat make for a welcoming arrival, but they give a false impression. Dust lies thickly on the surfaces of every bookshelf, table, and chair. This chamber is well appointed, but it has lain neglected for more than a year.

One entire half of the great circular room is dominated by a huge latticed window, through which you can see every rooftop in Zuda. You hurry across the chamber and peer down through the glass at the courtyard below. It is teeming with Bhanarians and you fear that they now have you trapped like rats in a very comfortable cage. You raise your eyes and look towards the market square. The Autarch’s tent can clearly be seen, with the tiger’s-head shrine standing near. You see its head slowly rotating towards the tower. In the next instant, two pencil-thin beams of red light come shooting from its eyes. Before you can look away, they hit the window, and you are blinded by their terrific glare.

(I do not have Deliverance)

searing pain shoots from the front of your eyes to the rear of your head: lose 4 ENDURANCE points. You reel back in agony and quickly muster your Magnakai Curing skills to numb the terrible pain, and restore your damaged sight. But as your vision is returning, you hear a loud crash of breaking glass, and your companions cry out with shock and alarm. You fear a steam-gun projectile has smashed through the tower’s great glass window, but when your vision returns, you see that it is something far larger … and far worse!

You see the fearsome figure of Autarch Sejanoz come stepping through the chamber’s shattered window. He alights from the platform of his golden sky-chariot which hovers silently beside the tower. Sheathed from neck to toe in black and golden armour, this warrior stands an arm’s length taller than you and your companions. A great tiger helm conceals his face and behind him swirls a voluminous scarlet cloak. Only his hands are visible and they seem strangely at odds with the grand scale and design of his armour. They are withered and twisted like claws, the skin wrinkled and cracked like burnt parchment. Hanging over them are four long, curved, needle-like claws of steel that sprout from the back of the golden bracers which encase his wrists.

Gildas and his men reach for their bows and fire repeatedly at the Autarch, yet every arrow they send against him ends shattered. From the visor of his helm there issues a thin, chilling laugh: ‘You cannot kill me with your sharpened sticks, you fools!’ Upon hearing this, Paviz and Yalin drop their bows and unsheathe their blades. Paviz shouts a much practiced cue, and together they attack the Autarch, striking simultaneously from either side.

With stunning swiftness, Sejanoz retaliates. He reaches out and grabs each man by the throat with his cadaverous hands, and raises them several inches from the floor. With a series of metallic clicks, the needle-claws extend and turn inwards, puncturing their jugular veins. Their faces blanch as their blood is drained, and not a drop is spilt.

You are shocked by the spectacle of the Autarch’s vampiric attack, and your senses scream at you to act to save your brave companions before it is too late.

(I use KA)

Quickly you speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and raise your right arm. You point your outstretched fingers at the Autarch’s helm and a crackling bolt of blue fire leaps from your fingertips. It strikes his helm, and the force of the impact makes him shudder. He releases his grip and the rangers fall limply to the floor.

Then he turns to face you. ‘Give me the Claw!’ he demands, his voice booming around the chamber. ‘Give me the Claw and I shall spare all your worthless lives!’

(gotta save friends)

You tug the Claw from your pack and toss it onto the floor.

‘No! He’ll not have it!’ screams Gildas, and he leaps forward to kick the artefact away. It skitters across the floor, and its clawed tip embeds itself in the base of the log fire. The captain’s actions have angered the Autarch. He storms forward and deals him a crushing blow with his armoured forearm, sending him crashing against a bookcase on the far side of the chamber. His head drops limply to his chest and he slithers to the floor.

Sejanoz approaches the fire and stoops to retrieve the Claw, but then he hesitates. His skeletal hand trembles and he seems powerless to control it. You sense that he is afraid of the flames: it is his one vital weakness.

You rush towards him and land a kick to his side, toppling him over. Before he can rise again, you grab the haft of the Claw and tug it from the fire. A burning log is skewered upon its tip. It flares brightly when you thrust it at the Autarch’s helm and he rolls away, towards the shattered window. You follow up and jab it at his hands, and he shrieks with fear. Then he tries to stand, and as he is levering himself up from the floor, you leap into the air and land a two-footed kick to his chest that sends him somersaulting backwards. With a wailing cry, he tumbles out of the window and plummets into the courtyard below.

You smash the head of the Claw against the floor to remove the burning log, and then tuck the artefact in your belt. Below, you can hear the door to the tower being blown off its hinges and an old fear returns to chill your blood. The Autarch’s guards are storming up the stairs; it is only a matter of seconds before they will enter the chamber. Your instincts tell you to save your unconscious companions, but your rational mind tells you that this is now impossible; there is only time enough to save yourself. You bid them a sad farewell as you run towards the open window and leap out onto the platform of the Autarch’s sky-chariot. Below, you glimpse the Imperial Guards gathered around the body of the Autarch. To your amazement, you see that they are helping their leader to his feet. Sejanoz is still alive.

Quickly you look to the controls of the sky-chariot and they seem vaguely familiar. They are similar in design and purpose to those found at the helm of Cloud-dancer, albeit on a smaller, simpler scale. You place your right hand on a sparkling sphere, but as you are pushing it forwards to make the chariot advance, a handful of the Imperial Guards in the courtyard below fire a volley of projectiles at you.

The Autarch has given the order; he is determined not to let you get away.

One of the steam-gun projectiles grazes the back of your right calf: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

You grab the chariot’s guide rail as you thrust your right hand forwards on the glittering sphere. The sky-chariot surges forwards, and as you leave the courtyard and tower, you hear Autarch Sejanoz scream a vow that he will take vengeance upon you for the defeat you have dealt him this day.

You steer the sky-chariot away to the east and flee towards the friendlier skies of Chai. As the wind whips your face, you feel the sweet exhilaration of victory. Yet it is tempered by the memory of the brave men you had to leave behind.

As the sun rises over the eastern horizon, you catch your first glimpse of the formidable Chai Wall. You cast your eye along its entire length and observe the three great forts of Xian, Kinani, and Jhung. The tall crenellated walls of Fort Jhung lie directly ahead and, as you speed near to them, you observe something else, something unexpected and greatly welcome, which makes your spirits soar.

You see the unmistakable shape of Cloud-dancer silhouetted against the rising sun. It hovers above the central keep of Fort Jhung, and with the wind in your hair and a cry of victory on your lips, you bank your sky-chariot towards it.

Lord Rimoah and Lord Ghadra are among the many on deck who are anxiously watching and praying for you to appear, though no one is expecting your arrival will be by air. The crew can hardly believe their eyes when you bring the sky-chariot down to land upon the deck. Within seconds of touching down, you are surrounded by a mass of cheering countrymen.

Lord Rimoah appears among the excited throng. With tears of joy in his eyes, he embraces you and then offers up a prayer of thanksgiving to Goddess Ishir for your safe return. You deliver to him the Claw of Naar and he vows that this accursed artefact will be destroyed by the Elder Magi to prevent it from ever falling into the hands of Autarch Sejanoz.

Congratulations, Grand Master. You have met this difficult challenge and you have triumphed. Your brave and daring exploits will long be remembered in the legends of the New Order Kai. Yet the fight against Evil goes on. Soon your courage and Kai skills will be tested anew. The nature of the quest and the dangers that await you will be revealed in the next exciting Lone Wolf New Order adventure entitled:

The Hunger of Sejanoz
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:09 PM   #161
Abe Sargent
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Review - I liked that it was doing something different, and felt good. I enjoyed the back and forth with you losing at the beginning, then taking, then losing, then taking, and then losing ish at the end despite the win.

I didn't like the lack of battles. I would have preferred a mano-a-mano with the big boy. I did enjoy how Dever is finding new ways to punish you here. You had the reduction of +s from the main weapon as well as earlier books with the loss of a discipline. I enjoy that.

But where are my battles?
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:13 PM   #162
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Beginning of The Hunger of Sejanoz:

This was the last in the Lone Wolf series (it's book 28) until 2016 when he publishes the next adventure and that's the last thing in the series he wrote. This book was published in 1998. The 2016 book, the Storms of Chai, is also free online at Project Aon but is the last in the series to be available free.

Therefore we have two books left if I feel like finishing them both. Ready for Hunger?
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:14 PM   #163
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:14 PM   #164
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The Story So Far … 

It is early summer in the year MS 5085 and you are a Grand Master of the New Order of the Kai, the warrior élite of Sommerlund.

Thirty-five years ago, the First Order of the Kai was massacred by the Darklords of Helgedad, a host of powerful creatures sent by the evil God Naar to destroy the world of Magnamund. Lone Wolf, the supreme leader of your illustrious fighting order, was the only survivor of their attack upon the Kai. As a young initiate he stood amidst the burning wreckage of the old Kai Monastery and vowed to avenge the slaughter of his comrades. Twenty years later he kept his pledge when alone he infiltrated the foul domain of the Darklords and destroyed their infernal city of Helgedad, the base of their evil power.

With the destruction of Helgedad, chaos befell the Darkland armies who had, until then, been poised to conquer all Magnamund. Quickly their disorder escalated into a mutinous civil war, allowing the Freeland Alliance armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a successful counter-offensive. Against all odds, a swift and total victory was secured over the feuding armies of evil.

Following the demise of the Darklords, peace reigned in your homeland of Sommerlund. Under the direction of Lone Wolf, the ruined Monastery of the Kai was rebuilt and restored to its former glory and a New Order was established. You are one of this new generation of Kai recruits. You were born in Sommerlund in the year MS 5063, during the time of the war against the Darklords. When you were seven years old you were sent by your father to the Kai Monastery. There, under the tutelage of Lone Wolf, you developed your martial skills and honed the special Kai abilities which lay dormant within you. Your skills were nurtured and sharpened to perfection by years of study and rigorous training. Your exceptional talents helped you to master all of the Kai and Magnakai Disciplines, and you rose swiftly through the ranks of the New Order to become one of only five who now hold the high rank of Kai Grand Master. It is an achievement that has brought great honour upon you and your family.

In the year MS 5077, your skill and courage were put to the test when an attack was launched upon the Kai Monastery during Lone Wolf’s absence. By means of a Shadow Gate (an astral corridor between the physical world of Sommerlund and the many ethereal domains which lie beyond it), Naar sent forth a host of dragon-creatures to besiege the monastery and lay waste to all Sommerlund. He had chosen his time well, yet his evil plan was thwarted by the tenacious defence that you and your fellow warriors maintained until the siege was raised by Lone Wolf and the King’s Army of Sommerlund.1

During the seven years since the defeat of his minions, Naar has sought vengeance upon the Kai. He commands many agents of evil upon Magnamund, and they wait quietly in the shadows for the chance to serve their fell master.

Less than a month ago, Lord Rimoah of Dessi came to the Kai Monastery aboard the flying ship Cloud-dancer. This wise counsellor is one of the Elder Magi, an ancient race of goodly magicians who have remained steadfastly loyal to the Kai for many centuries. His visit was unexpected and you sensed at once that something was wrong. Lone Wolf summoned you to his chamber where, with mounting dread, you listened to Lord Rimoah’s account of events in Southern Magnamund which threatened to destroy the fragile peace of that distant continent.

The Elder Magi had received word that Autarch Sejanoz, the evil ruler of Bhanar, had secretly dispatched a squad of his personal guards into the Doomlands of Naaros. At first, the Elders could not fathom a reason why the Autarch had done this. The Doomlands are one of the most inhospitable regions in all of Magnamund, a barren wasteland of ash and cinder that was the domain of Agarash the Damned. At its centre his mighty fortress-city of Naaros once stood. Yet, following his defeat by the Elder Magi, all that remains of it now is a titanic chasm of molten lava and heat-fused rock. Loyal rangers were dispatched to the Doomlands to spy on the Autarch’s men and attempt to discover their true purpose. After many weeks spent tracking their prey, they observed them excavating an unmarked burial mound near to the ruins of Naaros. Within this mound the Autarch’s men discovered the Claw of Naar.

The Claw of Naar is an ancient wand of power crafted by the evil God himself. It was used by Agarash the Damned during his conquest of Magnamund. Legend held that it had been lost forever in the molten ruin of Naaros, but now it had resurfaced, and its return boded ill for the peaceable New Kingdoms bordering the Autocracy of Bhanar.

The rangers reported that the Autarch’s squad were returning to Bhanar with the Claw in their possession. Their chosen route would take them through the Southern Dammerdon Mountains, and so the rangers went ahead to hide themselves in a gorge called Sunderer Pass, where they awaited their arrival. Their plan was to ambush the squad in the narrow confines of the pass and steal the Claw. However, the ranger leader was wisely anxious that the power of the Claw might overwhelm his small group, and so he requested that help be sent urgently. Rimoah responded in turn by seeking the aid of the Kai.

‘I have come to ask for the help of the Kai,’ said Rimoah. ‘We of the Elder Magi have the power and the means to destroy the Claw of Naar, but only when we have that accursed object in our possession. To secure the Claw will require skills and courage that only the Kai possess. And, so, I come here seeking your aid, Supreme Master.’

‘It will not be an easy task,’ replied Lone Wolf, ‘but we have the advantage of both speed and surprise. Sunderer Pass is no more than a day’s journey away by skyship.’

‘Aye,’ replied Rimoah, ‘but we must depart this afternoon if we are to be certain of reaching the pass before the arrival of the Autarch’s squad.’

Lone Wolf had been tempted to accept the challenge himself, yet he was committed to urgent duties at the King’s court and so he requested that you journey to Bhanar in his stead and help Lord Rimoah to secure the Claw of Naar. You accepted the mission without hesitation and, within the hour, you found yourself standing beside Rimoah at the deck-rail of the sleek flying ship Cloud-dancer, watching the Kai Monastery shrink away into the distance as the craft soared into a clear blue sky.

By late afternoon of the following day, you reached Sunderer Pass and made contact with the rangers. Their leader informed you that a trap had been set to ensnare the enemy and their foul relic as they came through the pass. However, this ambush went badly wrong, and in the ensuing chaos you were separated from Lord Rimoah when Cloud-dancer was attacked by a horde of winged horrors that swarmed from out of the Doomlands. In the ensuing battle Lord Rimoah was forced to flee.

Despite this serious setback to your mission, you resolved to press on and attempt to deny Autarch Sejanoz the Claw of Naar. Aided by the rangers, you pursued the Autarch’s men and captured the Claw. Yet this success proved to be only temporary, for the Claw was soon snatched back and hurriedly conveyed to the Bhanarian city of Yua Tzhan. In a daring raid upon the military barracks of that formidable city, you and your brave comrades succeeded in stealing it back once more. A daring flight to the friendly land of Chai ensued where, in the border town of Zuda, you were confronted by the Autarch himself. A desperate fight took place here, during which your ranger companions were slain by the evil tyrant. Yet their sacrifice was not in vain, for you were able to maintain possession of the Claw and effect a successful escape to Fort Jhung, a nearby Chai stronghold, where you were unexpectedly reunited with Lord Rimoah. You delivered to him the Claw of Naar and he vowed that the accursed artefact would be destroyed by the Elder Magi to prevent it from ever falling into the hands of Autarch Sejanoz.

Soon after your reunion with Rimoah, you journeyed together to the Chai capital of Pensei aboard Cloud-dancer where you were greeted and fêted by the court of Khea-khan Xo-lin, Chai’s venerable ruler. However, it was during these festivities that calamitous news arrived at the Khea-khan’s palace: Autarch Sejanoz had begun a massive invasion of Chai.

The tyrant’s armies were swarming across the borders, sweeping all resistance before them. In the west the strongholds of Fort Jhung and Fort Xian had fallen. In the south, a vast seaborne invasion force had established a beachhead near to the port of Valus and swiftly overrun the ill-defended city of Dwala. Messengers were arriving at the palace with grim regularity to report the latest defeat. From these reports it quickly became clear that the Autarch’s main objective was the capture of Pensei itself.

Fearing that the Claw of Naar could yet fall into the Autarch’s hands, Lord Rimoah resolved to journey at once to Dessi aboard Cloud-dancer. Fearing for the safety of their aged Khea-khan, the courtiers of Pensei pleaded with their beloved ruler to flee to the safety of distant Dessi with Rimoah. But the Khea-khan steadfastly refused their requests, fearing that he would be thought a coward if he were to abandon his land and his subjects in this hour of approaching darkness.

Despite the pleas of his advisors and his family, the obstinate Xo-lin vowed to remain in Pensei. He put his faith in the skill and tenacity of his famous Imperial Guardsmen, believing that these warriors would halt the advancing Bhanarian armies. But when news arrived of their defeat and decimation in a battle at the town of Vabou, little more than a hundred miles south of Pensei, suddenly a terrible realization struck the aged ruler. There were now too few Chai warriors left to prevent the enemy legions from seizing the capital and enslaving its citizens. With heavy heart, the Khea-khan reluctantly agreed to leave Pensei. Yet, resolutely, he refused to go with Lord Rimoah. Instead, he ordered his courtiers to prepare a caravan of horse-drawn carriages for the speedy evacuation of himself, his family, and selected members of his court entourage. They would journey east, following the trade route to the Lissanian city of Tazhan. Here the Khea-khan could be sure of finding sanctuary in this New Kingdom stronghold. Upon his arrival he would rally the armies of his loyal allies and then return with them, across the vastness of the Great Lissan Plain, to free his land and its people from the Autarch’s ruthless occupation.

Fearing for the safety of the Khea-khan, and the disastrous consequences that will befall the New Kingdoms if he should be captured by the enemy, Lord Rimoah urged you to accompany Xo-lin’s entourage. Your experience and your Kai skills could be crucial to their survival during the seventeen days that it will take for them to reach the city of Tazhan. Once the Claw of Naar is safely in Dessi, Rimoah promised to return and journey directly to Tazhan by skyship. There he will inform its ruling council of the Bhanarian invasion, and try to elicit their martial support in readiness for Xo-lin’s arrival.

You agreed to Rimoah’s request to escort the aged ruler, and as the court of the Khea-khan began hasty preparation for the evacuation of the palace, you bade farewell to Lord Rimoah.

‘Until we meet again in Tazhan, Grand Master,’ he said, solemnly, ‘I shall pray to Ishir to watch over you on the road that you must travel. It is vital that Xo-lin arrives in Tazhan alive. He is the only one who can rally the New Kingdoms to rise up and repel the Bhanarians. Without him, I fear, the New Kingdoms will fall to the inexorable might of Sejanoz.’
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:22 PM   #165
Abe Sargent
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Sun Thane

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Thane, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are expert in the art of hypnotism. By the use of a hypnotic stare, they are able to cause susceptible creatures (up to three individuals at any one time) willingly to carry out their orders. The number of creatures so affected—and the duration of the effect—increases steadily as a Sun Thane advances in Kai rank.

Animal Mastery
Sun Thanes with this Discipline are able to command an animal to fall asleep at will. Some hostile animals may be able to resist this command; however most will be affected by it in some way. The duration of effect and the number of animals which can be affected at one time will increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Huntmastery
Kai Sun Thanes with this skill are able to protect themselves from the effects of being struck by natural electrical discharges, i.e. lightning.

Sun Thanes who possess this skill are able to conduct a Kai Exorcism. This ritual will banish any evil supernatural force that has taken possession of any goodly creature or object.

Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to accelerate greatly the oxidation (rusting) of ferrous metals simply by touch alone. The longer the metallic item is touched by a Sun Thane, the more damaging will be the effect.

Grand Pathsmanship
Sun Thanes who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to alter the temperature of water by touch. By using this skill they are able to transform water into ice and vice versa. The volume of water affected and the duration of effect both increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.


Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to erect a special psychic defence called Mindfort. A Mindfort defence greatly reduces the effects of any psychic shock that would normally paralyse or weaken a lesser mortal.

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Thane are able to use the following Brotherhood Spells:

Slow Fall—By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate of free-falling to three feet per second, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. The duration of the spell is limited at first, but it steadily increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Breathe Water—Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. The duration of effect increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:25 PM   #166
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Sir Fox Fire, Sun Thane, Knight of Siyen, War-Thane of Bor

CS - 55/59/63
EP - 46

Grand Kai Disciplines:

1. Kai-Surge
2. Grand Weaponmastery with Axe, Bow, Dagger, Broadsword, Mace, Warhammer, Quarterstaff, Sword,
3. G. Pathsmanship
4. G. Huntmastery
5. Elementalism
6. Kai-Alchemy
7. Animal Mastery
8. Telegnosis
9. Assimilance
10. Grand Nexus
11. Kai-Screen
12. Astrology

Special Items:

Kai Weapon Axe Alema, +3 normally and +5 vs undead
Temujan's Ring
Talisman of Defiance - +2 CS
Eye of Zhar - Allows control of snakes poisonous
Pouch of Seota Dust - +10 EP when eaten
Platinum Amulet
Andaran Warhammer - +5 CS
"Sunderer", Axe, +5 CS
Korlinium Chainmail, +2 CS
Ang'sei, Chai Armor Of Life, +2 CS


Bag of Holding (gives 5 bonus backpack slots)
Potion of Klorva (restores 6 ENDURANCE points)
Sabito Root (enables underwater breathing)
Andui Flask (purifies any liquid placed in it)
Laumspur (enough for 2 potions. Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)
Gallowbrush (enough for 1 potion. Induces sleep when swallowed)
Ashexa Concentrate (enough for 1 potion. A healing fungus. Will restore 6 ENDURANCE points)

Meals: 3


Chai Bow
Kirusami, Chai Spear, +1 CS





Safekeeping (Between game storage):

Scented Oil
Copper Cup
3 Candles
Siyen Crown
Iron Skull
Shipwreck Dagger
Potion of Mustow
Potion of Aletherx3
Potion of Sedares
Potion of Laumspurx6
Silver-Inland Warhammer
142 Gold Crowns
Korlinium Sack
Dessi Bow
Silver Clasp
Nhang Doll
Bottle of Rice Wine
Bottle of Scava Liquor
Crystal Prism
Silver Mirror
Scroll of Introduction
Silver Signet Ring
Jeweled Knife
Stone Dagger
Siyenese Broad Sword
Battle Map
Hulsta's Hammer, Spike, and Saw
Eledoran Scout Uniform
Skull-Tor Mace
Skull-Tor Wristband
Keys - Copperx2, Iron, Dungeon,
Black Amulet
Leather Tunic
Vial of Tortwig, +6 EP when eaten
Wolf Brooch
Bor Brewx3
Bor Pick
Bor Shovel
Bor Warhammer
Phosphor Bomb
Bronze Disc
Comb, Mirror, Soap
Siyenese Compass
Bhanarese Sword
Gold Talisman
Pogham Power
Herder Robes
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Old 04-18-2020, 06:31 PM   #167
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A few notes. As I am staying here I am ruling that I cannot swap Alema for another Kai Weapon at the Monastery. However I am also ruling that Rimoah and his vessel will take my things back in a pseudo safe-keeping.

I am not sure what I should take next. Deliverance? Herbery? Astrology? Magi-Magic? Bardery? Let's do Deliverance!

You know what? Forget that! For flavor, let's do Astrology instead! Chai is the Magamund version of China afterall. Might as well embrace the flavor.
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Old 04-19-2020, 01:45 PM   #168
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An electric hum fills the throne room of the Khea-khan’s palace as the chosen courtiers and guards make swift preparation for the evacuation to Tazhan. In the midst of all this frantic activity, the aged ruler of Chai sits upon his ebony throne and confers with his trusted advisor, Kau-Doshin, the head of the Imperial Palace household. The lines etched deeply upon their faces convey the gravity of the hushed words that pass between them.

In a far corner of the chamber you see Princess Mitzu consoling her tearful son, the five-year-old Prince Kamada. He is the Khea-khan’s great-great-grandson, and he is next in line to rule Chai upon the death of venerable Xo-lin. Having comforted him and dried his tears, Princess Mitzu places the young boy into the charge of his matronly tutor, Shavane. Then Mitzu leaves the throne room, passing by Guard Captain Chan who is entering through its grand arched doorway. Dutifully, he clicks his heels and salutes as the Princess glides past him with regal grace.

Chan scans the throne room and narrows his sharp almond eyes when he catches sight of you. The Guard Captain will be responsible for the personal safety of the Imperial Family during the overland journey to Tazhan, and as he strides across the throne room towards you, it is easy to see why this élite warrior has been entrusted with such an unenviable task.

‘Hail, Grand Master,’ he booms in greeting. ‘It pleases me greatly that you have chosen to accompany us to Tazhan. I welcome your valued assistance.’

You return Chan’s formal compliment and then ask him when the Imperial Caravan will be leaving.

‘Within the hour, my lord,’ he replies. He pauses to wipe away a trickle of sweat from the brow of his wide oval head, and then he says in a quieter tone: ‘I see you possess a fine Kai blade.’ His eyes glitter as he looks upon the Kai Weapon that is sheathed at your side. ‘As you can see, I am myself unarmed. Before we depart I must visit the Imperial Palace Armoury and equip myself. Would you care to accompany me? I trust you’ll be impressed by the quality of Chai weaponry, and you’ll be very welcome to take any item you find desirable.’

(I visit)

The Chai officer gives you a broad grin when you accept his offer. After bowing respectfully to the Khea-khan, he escorts you to the Imperial Palace Armoury located near to the main gate. Beyond a narrow foyer, you enter a wide, deep hall illuminated by hundreds of oil lamps. The smell of the burning oil mingles with the sweat of dozens of Chai armourers who are toiling at benches fixed along the ivory-white walls.

Captain Chan delights in showing you some of the exotic bladed weapons for which his homeland is famous. You are especially impressed by the Kirusami—the halberd-like polearms that are issued only to the Imperial Guardsmen like Chan. Its craftsmanship and balance are superb. (If you wish to keep one of these weapons, record it on your Weapons List as a Chai Spear. In combat it will add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL.)

Chan also shows you some Imperial Guard armour, and insists that you try on a waistcoat of golden mail. ‘It is called ang’sei, which means “Armour of Life”,’ he says, proudly. ‘It is as strong as steel yet as light and as supple as fine leather.’ (If you wish to keep this Ang’sei, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. When worn in combat, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL. You need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible.)

Chan also shows you the following Chai weapons and encourages you to take whatever you wish:

Short Sword
6 Arrows

If you decide to take any of the above weapons, make the necessary adjustments to your Weapons List before you leave the armour.

(I take a Chai Bow and replace mine. I take the armor and the spear. I am editing into my record sheet above.)
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Old 04-19-2020, 01:53 PM   #169
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Together you and Chan make your way outside to the palace courtyard where the Imperial Caravan waits in readiness for the long journey east. It consists of three large carriages, each drawn by a team of eight horses, plus an escort of twenty Imperial Cavalry troopers clad in plain crimson tunics. The golden ornamentation that once embellished these carriages has been stripped away, and their fine lacquered sides have been painted a dun brown to camouflage their true origins. Chan approves of their ordinary appearance for it will be far less likely to attract unwanted attention on the long road ahead

With a deft flick of his kirusami, Chan motions to a stable guard to bring him his horse—a proud stable stallion. The young man complies, and he also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare. He hands the reins of this horse to you.

‘We’ll ride together, my lord,’ says Chan, as he settles himself into his saddle. You mount your horse, and then together you watch in silence as the aged Khea-khan and his family arrive in the courtyard. Devoted attendants usher them into the middle carriage, and as soon as the doors are closed, Chan gives the signal for the column to move off. Slowly the carriages trundle through the gates of the palace and out into the city beyond, preceded by the Imperial Cavalry troopers. You and Chan follow behind the third carriage, and as you are passing through the gates, the last sound you hear is the collective sobbing of the Khea-khan’s loyal servants, those he has had to leave behind.

The dusty streets of Pensei are filled with the din of coarse shouting, the smells of sweat and spices, and the anxious murmurings of a populace living in fear of the Bhanarian invaders. Your heart goes out to the citizens of this proud city and you pray to Ishir to help them keep the enemy at bay. Upon arriving at the great north gate of Pensei, the column passes beneath its crenellated arch and out onto the plains road beyond. As the gate crashes shut behind you, you notice a stone marker by the wayside. It indicates the distance to the next town: Javai—100 miles.

Captain Chan calculates that it may take nearly three days to reach Javai. Fearful that the vanguard of the Autarch’s army may find the caravan on the open road and threaten its precious cargo, he orders his troopers to take up positions around the column in order to shield it. You are impressed by the speed and efficiency with which they carry out his orders, and you feel greatly reassured that you are in the company of highly-trained warriors. They will be useful allies if the need should ever arise to repel an enemy attack.

Once you are beyond the outskirts of Pensei, the villages pass by with less frequency the further you travel north along this broad trade road. At dusk, you stop to set up a night camp on a hill which overlooks a small hamlet called Xiostai. Captain Chan posts pickets to patrol the camp perimeter, and details some of the remaining men to guard the Khea-khan’s carriage. You are invited to share a meal of rice and fish with Chan and some of the carriage drivers, and you accept their hospitality gladly. While you are eating you listen to their jovial conversations and learn something about the Chai people that you never knew before. The majority of them have a keen interest in astrology.

(Yes I have Astrology)

When you tell Chan about your Kai Mastery of Astrology, he and his men plead with you to read their fortunes. However, it is a cloudy night and the stars are hidden from view. You try to explain that you are unable to see the sky and read the stellar configurations, but Chan and the others simply refuse to take no for an answer.

From the pocket of his tunic, Chan produces a pair of ornate ivory dice. ‘These are Xi-die,’ he says, and hands them to you. They feel weighty and their intricate gold designs invite your closer inspection

(I have a high enough rank)

You are familiar with the dice and their arcane origins. During your Astrology studies at the Kai Monastery, you made use of a pair very similar in design to these. You are still examining them when a sallow-skinned guard sergeant suddenly leans forward and tugs at your sleeve. Smiling at his impatience, you hand him the Xi-die and hurriedly he breathes on them before casting them to the ground.

His throw is not a good one. The faces and angle of the dice reveal that the sergeant will not survive the journey to Tazhan. Deciding it best to keep the truth from him, you inform him in grandiose tones that he can look forward to enjoying many fine sons and future prosperity. The greasy-faced trooper beams with joy when he tells you that he already has six sons, two of whom are also Imperial Chai Guardsmen.

He and his companions are very impressed by the apparent accuracy of your reading, and you sense that your standing among them has greatly improved.

Chan reminds his men that they are standing the second watch, and then he orders them to go and get some sleep. As they disperse, he offers the Xi-die to you as a present.

If you wish to accept Chan’s gift, record the Xi-die on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you keep in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another Special Item if you already hold the maximum number permissible.

(I keep the Xi-Die)
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:11 PM   #170
Abe Sargent
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As you settle down to sleep beneath one of the carriages, you are thankful that you will not have to stand watch during the night. You sleep well and wake at dawn to the delicious smell of freshly-brewed jala. After a hearty breakfast with Chan and his troopers, you mount up and ride with the captain at the head of the caravan column. Shortly before noon, you spot a village in the distance and a cloud of dust approaching on the road ahead. It is being kicked up by a horse, ridden by a man sent ahead by Chan over an hour ago to scout the village and its surrounding crop fields.

The trooper reports that the village ahead has been attacked by bandits during the night. ‘Kronar, I suppose?’ enquires Chan, and the scout confirms his captain’s assumption with a nod of his head. ‘I thought so. That cur. One day he’ll be made to pay with his life, mark my words.’

Chan informs you that this region is blighted by the presence of a bandit gang, led by a renegade Chai army captain called Kronar. He has a fearsome reputation for being an outstanding archer and a ruthless murderer.

His gang has a secret base located somewhere deep inside the Javai Forest. From there they launch attacks upon helpless travellers using the trade road, and undertake raids upon isolated farmsteads out on the Great Plain. Many attempts have been made to bring Kronar and his gang to justice, but all have so far failed.

Chan estimates that the caravan will reach the Javai Forest around sunset. He is fearful that Kronar’s bandits may attempt an ambush, believing that the caravan belongs to a Penseian merchant who is rich enough to afford a military escort. Chan summons his flankers and then he orders them to ride ahead to scout the highway where it borders upon the forest. If Kronar intends to launch a surprise attack on the caravan, this is where he is most likely to set up his ambush.

As the scouts prepare to leave, Chan offers you the chance to go with them or remain with the caravan column.

(I scout out. I'm here to do things)

Sergeant Yeng and his scouts are pleased that you have chosen to join them, and together you set off towards the distant plains settlement. It feels good to have a cooling breeze blowing through your hair after the plodding pace you have been forced to maintain while riding with the caravan train.

The inhabitants of the village give a cheerful wave as you ride through their humble hamlet. You keep your horses to a swift pace along the road beyond, and within the hour you catch sight of the Javai Forest on the horizon. Yeng gives the order to halt and you magnify your vision in order to get a better view of the distant tree-line. You can see the densely-packed pines, and the tall plains grasses swaying in the breeze. It is a pleasant but not a welcoming sight, for you know that both the trees and the tall grasses could provide ideal cover for ambushers.

You are unable to detect anything unusual in the distant forest, yet your Kai Sixth Sense is warning you of imminent danger.

(I use G Path)

You detect hidden enemies lurking in the tall grass to the left of the highway, and you suspect that they are bandits lying in ambush. Quietly, you warn Sergeant Yeng and he whispers an order to his men to unsheathe their swords. Suddenly a guttural cry shatters the stillness, and you twist in your saddle to face the expected enemy. But to your horror you discover that these enemies are not bandits at all—they are something different, something wholly inhuman.

From out of the tall grasses come loping three long-limbed monstrosities with scaly green hides and dripping fangs. The leading creature leaps through the air like a pouncing cheetah and tears the nearest trooper from his saddle. As he falls, you hear Sergeant Yeng scream an urgent call to arms.

(I use KA)

You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Net and point your hand at the attacking creature. You dare not launch any destructive magic at the beast for fear of injuring the trooper, and you can only pray that this spell will be effective.

A gout of sticky fibres gushes from your hand and engulfs the beast and its prey, instantly halting its ferocious attack. Hurriedly you dismount and unsheathe your Kai Weapon in time to counter an attack from the other two horrors.


You may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat as Sergeant Yeng is fighting the same enemy.

(I have a +13. I toss a 2 and a 5 then a 6. It takes 41 and dies. I took 4.)

The fight ends abruptly when you deal your enemy a mighty blow to the base of its deformed neck. As it crumples lifelessly to the ground, you join with Sergeant Yeng and rush to aid the trooper who is caught in the strands of your sticky net. One well-aimed blow puts paid to the creature that is ensnared in the net with him, and then you quickly recite the words to counter the spell and the thankful trooper is soon released.

Cautiously you inspect the bodies of the slain enemy and determine that they are of Agarashi descent. They have probably come down from the Hyunsei foothills in a desperate search for prey, for all three corpses show signs of starvation. Sergeant Yeng confirms your suspicions. He tells you that long ago, during the Age of Eternal Night, this land was stalked by the Agarashi—the hellish creations of Agarash the Damned. When Agarash was destroyed by the Elder Magi, his creations were scattered across the wilderness and plains of Chai. The descendants of those beasts are still alive today, hiding in hills, burrows, and caves. They rarely attack travellers on the trade road, unless driven by disease or extreme hunger.

Using your tracking skills, you quickly determine that there are no other creatures like these in this vicinity. Only then do you and the troopers remount your horses and continue along the highway towards the Javai Forest. A few miles short of the forest you discover a freshwater spring which is forded by the highway. It is an ideal site for a night camp, and so you send one of Yeng’s men back to the caravan to tell them that you shall await their arrival here.

During your wait for the caravan, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

The caravan arrives at the ford shortly before dusk. You greet Captain Chan and inform him of the fight that took place here earlier. He is relieved to see that you and his scouts survived the deadly encounter intact.

Chan orders that the carriages of the caravan be positioned so that they form the points of a large triangle, with the horse teams parked at their centre. You approve of his order, for it will make a good defensive formation, one that will be easy to maintain if the encampment is attacked during the night.

You tie your horse to the rear of Princess Mitzu’s carriage, and then you walk over to the spring and bathe your face and drink your fill of its crystal-clear waters. You are about to return to the encampment when Captain Chan and Sergeant Yeng approach you on horseback. Chan tells you that his scouts have reported sighting movement in the nearby woodland. He wishes to investigate it, but night is closing in and soon it will be dark. Aware that you possess the ability to see in the dark, he requests that you lead Sergeant Yeng and his party on this scouting mission.

(I agree)
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:18 PM   #171
Abe Sargent
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Having agreed to lead the scouting party, you decide to take Yeng and one other man only. Under cover of darkness, you leave the encampment and approach the woodland. Using your Kai tracking skills, you are able to lead the two Chai guardsmen through the tall grasses without giving away your presence to any enemy that may be lurking nearby.

You are within several yards of the tree-line when you detect the sound of hushed whispers. Then you catch the glint of moonlight on the lens of a telescope, and your senses reveal that two bandits are crouched in a nearby hide, observing the caravan encampment.

You whisper to Yeng and the other man to wait where they are. ‘Be ready to support me,’ you say, barely breathing the words. ‘I’m going to circle around them and attack from behind.’

Yeng gives you a thumbs-up signal and wishes you good luck as you crawl away through the dense foliage.

Silently you approach the bandits and circle around behind their position without being detected. You are drawing your Kai Weapon when a crow, sitting upon a branch directly above you, suddenly takes to the air. The sound of its cawing and the flapping of its wings startle the bandits, and they glimpse you as they turn around. Quickly you raise your weapon and leap into their hide. You land the first blow, striking one bandit a glancing hit upon his leather-capped head. It gashes his scalp and sends him crashing unconscious to the soft earth. His comrade snatches up his axe and retaliates by taking a clumsy swipe at your head. You dodge this blow easily, and then you press home your attack.

Javaian Bandit: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 28

(I have a big advantage. I toss a 9 and slay them)

As the bandit falls dead at your feet, Sergeant Yeng and his comrade come crashing through the foliage and leap into the hide. Yeng is amazed that you have put paid to the bandits so quickly, and when he turns them over with the toe of his boot, he quickly identifies them as members of the gang led by Captain Kronar—the renegade Chai army officer. Yeng raises his sword to finish off the unconscious bandit but you stay his hand.

‘We’ll take this one back with us,’ you say. ‘He may be of more use to us alive than dead.’

Your return to the encampment with a prisoner causes quite a stir. Captain Chan is anxious to question the man, and he orders Yeng to throw a pail of cold spring water over him, but this fails to revive the unconscious bandit. Then you approach the man and use your Kai healing skills in an attempt to restore him to consciousness. A small circle of curious courtiers gather to watch, and they gasp with amazement when he suddenly awakes with a start. With fear-filled eyes, the man returns the stares of his captors and begins to beg for mercy.

Sergeant Yeng slaps his face with the back of his calloused hand and demands that he identify himself. Immediately, the bandit clamps his jaw shut and refuses to utter another sound. You use your psychic skills to probe his mind and discover that he is unusually strong-willed and resilient. You sense that he would be unlikely to break under physical torture

(I use KA)

You intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm and command the prisoner to answer Sergeant Yeng’s questions. His eyelids flutter and half-close as your psychic suggestion begins to take effect, and then falteringly he begins to talk.

The bandit tells you that his name is Xango. He also reveals that he is the brother of the renegade bandit Captain Kronar. He has been observing the caravan encampment while his brother, and the rest of his gang, have been preparing an ambush on the forest road, five miles distant. Kronar plans to attack the caravan when it passes this place tomorrow morning.

‘Treacherous dog!’ spits Yeng. ‘Death would be too good for you!’

‘Hold, sergeant!’ commands Captain Chan. ‘We may have use for this outlaw yet. Let’s hope his brother values his worthless hide more than you do. Chain him up to a carriage wheel until morning.’

As the prisoner is led away, you ask Captain Chan what he intends to do with the man.

‘He’s our hostage now, our guarantee of a trouble-free journey past the forest tomorrow. I’d wager Captain Kronar will stay his hand when he sees that we have his little brother prisoner.’

You sleep well and rise shortly before dawn to help prepare the horses for the road ahead. A mount is assigned to the prisoner, and he rides with you and Captain Chan at the head of the caravan column. The highway skirts the perimeter of the Javai Forest, and within an hour of leaving the ford, you catch sight of something in the distance that makes your senses tingle. To your right you see a wooded rise that runs parallel to the highway. You question the prisoner and he confirms that this is where his brother Kronar has prepared the ambush.

Chan orders the caravan drivers to halt and await his further signal, and then together the three of you ride ahead. Xango’s hands are tied behind his back and a noose is slipped over his head. This is attached to a trailing rope which is fastened to the horn of the captain’s saddle. If Xango should attempt to escape, he will either strangle himself or break his neck when the rope is pulled taut.

Suddenly you see two riders appear on the crest of the rise. They dismount and then disappear among the folds of the woodland. Minutes later they reappear atop a hillock, now no more than 30 yards distant. Instantly Chan recognizes that one of them, a tall man dressed in a padded tunic of scarlet and black silk, is Captain Kronar. You watch with growing trepidation as Kronar unslings a bow from his shoulder, draws an arrow, and takes aim in your direction. Moments later his companion copies his leader’s actions.

‘Let my brother go free, Chan!’ commands Kronar. ‘Free him now, or you and your comrade are dead men.’ A cold shiver runs the length of your spine when your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that this is no idle threat. Kronar is an expert archer

(ignore the command)

Chan heeds your command and he issues a bold counter-threat to Kronar and his cohort.

‘Let our caravan pass … or your brother dies!’ Chan tugs on the trailing rope and Xango’s head jerks back. Trembling with fear, the prisoner pleads with his brother to do as Chan commands.

The renegade Kronar hesitates, and then he and his companion lower their bows. Chan signals to the caravan to come forward and you wait patiently until all of the carriages have passed by the wooded rise. Then Chan unwinds the end of his captive’s rope from his saddle and cracks it against the horse’s rump, making Xango’s mount lurch forward with a start. As the startled animal carries Xango away towards the wooded rise, you shout to Chan to follow the caravan. Together you dig in your heels and spur your horses to the gallop. As you race along the highway in pursuit of the caravan train, your stomach churns when you hear the unmistakable whistle of arrows in flight.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.

(I toss a 5 and net a 8)

The tip of a barbed arrow rips open the padded upper sleeve of your tunic and scrapes a furrow of flesh from your shoulder. The sudden pain makes you cry out, but you quickly recover your composure and use your Kai healing skills to staunch the flow of blood: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

Once you are a safe distance from the wooded rise, you glance back over your shoulder to check that Kronar and his bandit gang are not in pursuit of the caravan. Your senses detect that the road behind is clear and you tell Chan of this. He is greatly relieved that the Imperial Caravan has been spared Kronar’s attack. The bandit leader has a notorious reputation for murdering anyone who witnesses his acts of highway robbery.

After the drama of the confrontation with Captain Kronar, you are thankful that the rest of the day passes uneventfully. It is early evening when the caravan arrives at Javai, a fortified Chai trading town positioned on the rim of a fertile plateau. Chan negotiates with the guards at the town’s west gate and the caravan is allowed to enter. You pass along a bustling street, bordered by two-storey wooden dwellings, which leads to the walled chateau of Javai’s mayoress, Madame Omaki. Here the caravan draws to a halt in the middle of a flagstoned courtyard, ringed by plum trees. A plump woman with gleaming coiffured hair emerges from the chateau and greets Captain Chan. You can tell by their jovial exchange that they are old friends. Chan swears her to secrecy about the presence of the Khea-khan, and she dutifully instructs her servants to secure all the entrances and exits to her estate.

Chan posts his troopers to guard these portals, and as soon as it is dark, Xo-lin and his entourage are ushered inside Omaki’s chateau. She attends efficiently to the allocation of rooms and the provision of refreshments for her royal guests. You are allocated a small room above the stables, and you retire there as soon as you are able. It comes as a pleasant surprise to discover that this room contains a comfortable bed and a bath. After bathing, a hot meal and a bottle of rice wine is delivered by one of the mayoress’s servants. You are about to enjoy this meal when there is a knock at the door. It is Captain Chan, and he has some worrying news to convey.
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:22 PM   #172
Abe Sargent
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Bhanarian horse scouts have been sighted,’ he says, gravely. ‘A trader from Rakholi reported seeing a troop of enemy riders on the plain this afternoon, a few miles southeast of the Javai Forest. They were probably part of the Autarch’s vanguard, out foraging for food, but the fact that they’ve already come this far north bodes ill for us. We’ll leave here soon after daybreak tomorrow—and hopefully we’ll stay ahead of the enemy until we reach the River Tkukoma.’

You acknowledge the captain’s report and bid him goodnight but, as he is leaving, he suddenly remembers a second message he must convey.

‘Princess Mitzu wishes to consult with you. She has heard much about the astrological skills of the New Order Kai, and she wishes for you to conduct a reading for her. Will you indulge her highness, my lord?’

(I do a reading for her)

‘I would be honoured,’ you reply.

‘Very well,’ says Chan, ‘if you are ready, I shall escort you to her quarters at once.’

Chan takes you into the chateau and leads you through its myriad corridors to a room on the first floor. A trooper whom you recognize opens the door and steps aside to allow you both entry. The chamber beyond is lavishly furnished, and the sweet smell of a rare burning incense hangs in the air. In a far corner you see the young Prince Kamada. He is asleep on a silken divan and is being watched over by his tutor Shavane, who is reading a book. His mother, the Princess, is seated at a table near a balcony window that overlooks the torchlit courtyard. You exchange polite greetings and then Chan excuses himself.

‘I shall be outside your door if you should need me, your majesty,’ he says, and promptly departs. As soon as he has gone, Princess Mitzu invites you to sit with her. She is anxious to know what fate has in store for her young son, and she asks if you will use your astrological skills to help her.

(I have the Sun Knight rank)

‘Of course, your majesty,’ you reply, sympathetically. Then you ask if she would kindly show you the palm of her right hand. She complies with your request and places her hand palm up on the marbled tabletop.

Using your skills of palmistry, you inspect the configuration of the creases of her delicate palm. Paying careful attention to those parts of her hand which refer to her offspring, you swallow hard when you see that the lines reveal a disturbing prediction for her young son

You determine that Prince Kamada is in danger. Your interpretation of the signs indicates that he will be betrayed by someone close to the Imperial Family. You are unable to determine who this traitor will be, but you inform the Princess and advise her that she should be on her guard at all times.

Your reading disturbs Mitzu and she is unable to hold back her tears. She apologizes for her display of emotion, something that is frowned upon in imperial Chai society, and politely she asks you to leave.

(I leave)

You comply with the Princess’s wishes and bid her goodnight. When you rejoin Chan in the corridor outside her room, you tell him about the prediction and he is gravely concerned.

‘I pray this will not come to pass,’ he says. ‘We must do all we can to keep Prince Kamada safe. Upon his young shoulders rests the future of Chai.’

Chan says little as he escorts you back to the stables, and you sense that he is lost in his thoughts. But upon arriving at your room he says: ‘I trust you’ll sleep well, my lord. Remember that we shall depart from here no later than one hour after daybreak. We’ll ride at the head of the column tomorrow, so rest well. We must be extra vigilant.’

You are awoken shortly before dawn by a shrill cock’s crow. You rise swiftly, gather up your equipment, and then hurry to the courtyard where you meet with Captain Chan outside the stable door. Some of his troopers are busy replenishing the caravan’s stores of food and fresh water, and others are preparing the horse teams for the long road ahead. Madame Omaki’s servants are also in attendance, bearing wooden platters stacked with food. You and Chan help yourselves to this delicious breakfast fare as you discuss the journey that lies ahead. The sky is clear and Chan is confident that you shall make good progress, just so long as you do not run foul of Bhanarian scouts. (There is a surplus of food, enough for 2 Meals. Remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly if you decide to take any.)

As planned, within an hour of daybreak, the caravan is on the road once more. You depart from Javai by way of its east gate, and begin the four-day journey to your next destination—the tented city of Rakholi

To the east of Javai, the trade road passes through many small settlements where Chai farmers toil contentedly in the heat of the midsummer sun. By noon, these tiny hamlets have all but given way to a vast sea of grassland which extends all the way to the banks of the River Tkukoma, over a hundred miles distant.

It is late in the afternoon when you catch sight of a flock of plains ravens circling above a small copse of trees, south of the highway. Captain Chan becomes suspicious of these ugly black scavengers, and he orders the column to slow to a halt. He has decided to investigate the copse, and he invites you to join him.

(I join him)

Chan details two other men to accompany you, and then he places Sergeant Yeng in charge of the caravan’s escort while you are away scouting the copse. The captain gives the order to move out, and all three of you follow as he turns his stallion about and canters through the tall grasses towards the distant pines. As you approach them, he informs you that it is very unusual for plains ravens to gather in such numbers. Your Kai Sixth Sense tingles, confirming that his suspicions are well founded.

As you draw closer, he signals to his men to split up and circle around the copse in opposing directions. They carry out his command as you and the captain bring your horses to a halt and dismount. From here you cover the final 100 yards to the copse on foot, your stealthy approach concealed by the tall grasses. You have penetrated 20 yards into the parched woods when suddenly you happen upon a shocking scene.
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:29 PM   #173
Abe Sargent
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In a clearing in the middle of the copse you discover twenty mutilated carcasses. So badly are they damaged that it takes you several seconds to determine that they were once fanji—a breed of swift-footed ruminants that are native to the plains of Southern Magnamund. These creatures have their predators, but none that would make a mound of their remains the like of which confronts you now.

You are still trying to fathom what has destroyed these fanji when you suddenly hear a noise that makes your blood run cold.

It is the sound of a sharp hiss through clenched teeth, and it makes your Kai senses scream a warning that you are in deadly danger. Hurriedly you spin around on your heel and find yourself confronted by two hulking creatures that have emerged from the trees. Although hunched over, you can tell that they are both several yards tall. They have muscular truncated legs that end in fearsomely twisted claws, and their bony orange heads have slitted eyes that pulse unnervingly. From between their alien eyes protrudes a beak-like nose, jagged-edged and wickedly sharp.

With a hideous shriek the creatures are upon you, slashing and stabbing with their terrible claws and beaks. Desperately, you and Chan struggle to unsheathe your weapons as you are forced back in the face of their fearsome onslaught.

Suddenly you catch sight of Chan’s troopers rushing towards the creatures from behind. Bravely they strike out at them with their heavy cavalry sabres, and the surprise of their attack buys you and the captain a few precious seconds in which to free your weapons. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, your Kai Weapon slips from your grasp and tumbles into the undergrowth.


You are unable to retrieve your Kai Weapon until the combat is over, but you may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight for you are being supported by one of Chan’s troopers. He is attacking this creature from behind.

(I am not fighting with my Kai Weapon, but using the other instead. I have a 56 with the CS bonus and 60 with Mindblast, so a +10. I toss a 2 and then a 5. Then a 4 and a 8. They dies, and I took 6 damage total)

The Krakalla gives vent to an ear-shattering cry as your blade pierces its evil heart. It staggers back and falls across the body of its brother who has been slain by Captain Chan and his men. Your face and tunic are spattered with its sickly orange blood, and you quickly wipe your blade clean with a handful of grass before sheathing it in your scabbard.

Chan and his troopers have each sustained several wounds, but none of them are life-threatening. You draw upon your Kai healing skills to repair their battered bodies (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) before all four of you abandon the copse and go in search of your horses. Chan has never encountered the likes of these creatures before, and when you ask him about them, he is unable to say where they may have come from.

‘O … one thing I … I am sure of, though,’ he says, still shivering from the aftershock of the combat. ‘They … they are not from this part of Chai.’

Once you have rounded up your horses, you return to the caravan and report what has happened to the Khea-khan’s advisor, Kau-Doshin. The wise old counsellor tells Chan that the column must continue east along the highway without further delay. Going by the descriptions of the creatures that you encountered in the copse, he determines that they were Krakalla, a powerful breed of Agarashi he thought resided only in the Dammerdon Mountains, north of Bhanar. ‘I fear they may be part of the Autarch’s army,’ he says. ‘If my suspicions prove correct, then we are in far graver danger than I dared imagine.’

Galvanized by his encounter with the fearsome Krakalla, Chan wastes no time in getting the caravan rolling once more. Later, an overnight camp is pitched on the highway itself, near a sleepy hamlet called Sansei, and the following day you make swift progress on the sun-baked highway.

Shortly before noon of the third day of your journey to Rakholi, the caravan column crests the rim of a wide valley that lies 50 miles from the banks of the Tkukoma. Spread out before you now is the Vale of Nahba, a spectacularly strange region of the Chai Plain that is punctuated with hundreds of bore holes and geysers. Great columns of steam and scalding water are hurled skywards, driven by the pressure of gases escaping from deep below the surface. Some of the fissures descend for miles, passing close to the planet’s molten core.

The highway traverses this alien landscape and, as darkness approaches, you find yourself at a place near the eastern rim of the vale. A night camp is established here among the bubbling pools and hollows, and an evening meal of poached eggs and steamed fish is prepared. After supper, you settle down and try to get some sleep, despite the constant distraction of the eerie noises that echo across this strange valley.

You are awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of a fearful scream. You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and leap to your feet, and as your night vision adjusts to the darkness, you see movement out of the corner of your eye. One of the troopers standing guard duty at the edge of the camp is struggling with a large worm-like creature that has emerged from one of the bore holes. His desperate cries have alerted the other guards, and they are picking their way slowly across the treacherous ground to go to his aid. You also respond to his cries, but as you are skirting around the rim of one large fissure, suddenly another of the worm-like monstrosities rears up from this hole and spits at you. Your skin crawls when your Kai senses detect that this creature’s saliva is a highly corrosive alkaline.

(i use KA)

You shout out the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and direct the resulting bolt of electrical energy at the body of this vile worm. Your blue-white bolt rips through its corpse-like flesh, killing it instantly. But as its body disintegrates, you are caught by the spray of its corrosive blood: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

Captain Chan orders that lighted torches be dropped into the bore holes. His troopers comply, and soon you feel the tremors of explosions that occur when these burning brands ignite other Nahba Worms hidden deep in their underground burrows.

Chan details every trooper to stand watch for the remainder of this night in case any worms have escaped the destruction. Fortunately for them it is a short watch; the sun breaks the eastern horizon within the hour, and soon afterwards the caravan is ready to leave this treacherous valley.
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:41 PM   #174
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The mood among the troopers and entourage is subdued after the harrowing events that befell you in the Vale of Nahba. It is not until you reach the River Tkukoma, and see the famous Vulkin Bridge that spans this mighty waterway, that their spirits begin to rise. Chan informs you that the bridge was named after an ancient Khea-khan of Chai, one of Xo-lin’s illustrious ancestors. The caravan halts on the bridge and the Khea-khan makes a rare appearance. Briefly, he leaves the confines of his carriage to pay tribute at a shrine dedicated to his famous ancestor.

Beyond the bridge lies the realm of Lissan. You enter this friendly territory and late in the afternoon you see riders approaching on the highway ahead. They are mounted on sturdy black ponies and they bear the scarlet wolf’s head flag of Bazan—a famous Lissanian nomad chief. Their leader greets you warmly and he warns Captain Chan that Bhanarian scouts have been sighted in this region. He and his men volunteer to escort the caravan to Rakholi, and Captain Chan gratefully accepts their offer.

Night is drawing its veil across the sky when you enter the great tented city of Rakholi. This vast nomadic settlement nestles upon a rich flood plain which supplies excellent feed for the horses of this region. Horses are a way of life for the nomads, and Rakholi is where they come to conduct their business.

Your Lissanian escorts deliver you into the tented encampment of their leader, the illustrious Gavhan Bazan. The Khea-khan and his family remain aboard their carriages while you and Captain Chan make sure that a safe and friendly reception awaits them. Inside the main tent you discover a wondrous sight. The nomad chief sits atop a nest of cushions surrounded by jugglers, acrobats, capering dwarves, and a host of exotic dancing girls. Pots of incense smoke before him, and there are platters of food and fine wine in abundance.

The bearded Bazan greets you with a flamboyant gesture of his arms, and he enquires hurriedly as to the nature of your cargo. He is eager to trade. Chan’s reply is evasive, and you sense that he does not entirely trust the nomad chief. The captain looks to you and whispers under his breath: ‘Can you tell if this man is worthy of our trust, Grand Master?’

(I use Astrology)

You draw upon your advanced mastery of Astrology and cause Bazan to fall into a hypnotic trance. While under the influence of your powers, you ask him if trade is his only intention. Dumbly he replies that it is, and you sense that he speaks the truth. Convinced of his sincerity, you nod to Chan and then bring Bazan out of his trance.

aptain Chan informs Bazan that he has something confidential to impart. The nomad chief gives him a knowing look, and then he claps his hands three times. Instantly his troupe of entertainers cease their activities and file out of the tent. When you are alone, Chan tells the nomad that the Khea-khan and his family are sitting in the carriages outside. Bazan is both surprised and delighted to hear this revelation, and he assures you that Xo-lin’s safety will be of paramount concern while the ruler is here as his guest.

Bazan summons his bodyguard and commands them to prepare tents and a feast for his honoured guests. He spares no expense, and the entertainments he provides for the Khea-khan’s courtiers are as breathtaking as they are inventive. During these festivities, you are approached by Bazan’s younger brother, Kumal. Politely, he asks if you have anything you wish to trade.

(i get my trade on!)

From a haversack slung around his shoulder, Kumal produces three items that he feels may be of interest to you:

Potion of Klorva (restores 6 ENDURANCE points)
Sabito Root (enables underwater breathing)
Andui Flask (purifies any liquid placed in it)

Kumal will swap all three of these Backpack Items for one of your Special Items. He is also willing to accept 4 Gold Crowns for each of them, or 10 Gold Crowns for all three items.

If you wish to trade with Kumal on these terms, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

(I buy all three for 10 cash. I have 30 left)
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:48 PM   #175
Abe Sargent
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Kumal smiles and bids you good evening. After an hour, the dancing and music stop when the Khea-khan retires to his tent to sleep. Bazan posts his personal bodyguards at the entrance to ensure his imperial guest’s safety, and both you and Chan are invited to inspect them. Once you are satisfied that Xo-lin is in good hands, you retire to your own tent to rest.

Shortly before dawn, you are awoken by one of Bazan’s servant girls. She prepares for you a hot bath with scented oils, and while you are bathing she brings you a platter of cold meats and exotic fruits. When the time comes you feel a little sad to have to leave Rakholi, but you know that you must continue the journey to Tazhan without delay.

Bazan and all of his servants turn out to bid the caravan farewell. As parting gifts, he presents the Khea-khan with a pair of magnificent horses, both prime Lissanian stallions. He also pledges to do everything in his power to delay the enemy until the caravan reaches Tazhan, and he vows to join with the New Kingdom armies upon the Khea-khan’s return to Chai. Kau-Doshin conveys to him Xo-lin’s thanks, and then you set off on the three-day journey to the ruined city of Zanaza.Shortly before dawn, you are awoken by one of Bazan’s servant girls. She prepares for you a hot bath with scented oils, and while you are bathing she brings you a platter of cold meats and exotic fruits. When the time comes you feel a little sad to have to leave Rakholi, but you know that you must continue the journey to Tazhan without delay.

Bazan and all of his servants turn out to bid the caravan farewell. As parting gifts, he presents the Khea-khan with a pair of magnificent horses, both prime Lissanian stallions. He also pledges to do everything in his power to delay the enemy until the caravan reaches Tazhan, and he vows to join with the New Kingdom armies upon the Khea-khan’s return to Chai. Kau-Doshin conveys to him Xo-lin’s thanks, and then you set off on the three-day journey to the ruined city of Zanaza.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

( I pick a 2)

During the afternoon of the first day out from Rakholi, a thunderstorm breaks overhead and turns the rough trade road into a quagmire. For three hours the caravan is slowed to a walking pace before the torrential rain eases to a fine drizzle. The night camp is pitched on the open plain, and while you are rigging a simple shelter for yourself with rope and a canvas sheet, you hear something that causes you concern. It is the distraught sound of a woman crying. You detect that it is coming from Princess Mitzu’s carriage, and you hurry there to investigate what is wrong.

You tug open the door of the Princess’s carriage and see a tearful Mitzu cradling the young Prince Kamada in her arms. The boy is pale and limp, and beads of cold sweat glisten on his forehead.

‘Oh! Ishir! What has happened to my poor, poor boy!’ wails his distraught mother.

You place a hand upon his forehead and open one of his eyes, revealing a dilated pupil. You suspect that he has swallowed poison and quickly you look around the interior of the carriage. On the boy’s cot, tucked beside his pillow, you notice a wooden toy soldier. You retrieve this toy and examine it closely.

( i do not have Herbmastery)

You note teeth marks around the head and shoulders of the toy soldier, and you ask the Princess if Kamada is in the habit of chewing this wooden plaything.

‘I don’t know,’ she replies. ‘He’s only had it a day. He was given it as a present while we were in Rakholi.’

‘Who gave him this toy?’ you ask.

‘I did,’ says a voice from behind you.
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Old 04-19-2020, 02:52 PM   #176
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You turn around to see Shavane, the Prince’s nurse and tutor, standing framed in the carriage doorway. She appears upset and contrite, and in her distress she snatches the toy from your hand and hurls it away.

‘Oh! I’m so sorry, ma’am,’ she sobs. ‘I thought it was but a harmless toy. I would never have let the young Prince near it had I known the evil that it contained.’

‘Of course, Shavane,’ replies Mitzu, trying to console her, ‘of course you wouldn’t have. None of us would have entertained such a wicked thing.’

Princess Mitzu cradles the unconscious Prince lovingly in her arms and looks at you with pleading eyes.

‘What can we do to restore his health? Can you help my son, Grand Master?’

(I use my Pot of Laumpur, I'll take it off my sheet)

I shall summon Kau-Doshin,’ interjects Shavane. ‘He’ll know what to do.’

Quickly the nurse leaves the carriage. While she is gone you retrieve the Laumspur from your Backpack and administer a little to the boy, diluted with water. The Prince is beginning to revive when the court counsellor arrives and takes charge. He thanks you for making the boy comfortable and then he asks you to leave so that he may have room to prepare ‘a proper potion’ to counter the poison. As you descend the steps of the carriage, you hear the door slam shut behind you.

(Remember to erase the Laumspur from your Action Chart.)

(I investigate)

You search the grassland around the rear of the carriage but you are unable to find the toy soldier anywhere. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that someone has already found the discarded toy before you. Cursing this misfortune, you abandon the search and return to your night shelter.

You sleep uneasily this night. The thought that there could be a traitor in your midst plays heavily on your mind. At first light you rise and go to the Princess’s carriage to see how Prince Kamada is faring. Unlike you, the young boy has slept well and Mitzu says she is confident that he will make a swift recovery. In thanks for your kind help she gives you food for breakfast, and a bottle of rice wine. As you are leaving, you hear Captain Chan calling all drivers and troopers to make ready to leave.

The day gets off to a fine start with not a cloud to sully the cobalt-blue sky. The journey passes peaceably and you are able to make up the time lost due to yesterday’s bad weather. The following day is cooler and Chan is confident that the caravan can reach the ruins of Zanaza before nightfall. Shortly before noon, you espy the site of an ancient graveyard located just a few hundred yards north of the highway. A wagon is parked outside its dilapidated gate, and when you magnify your vision, you are shocked to see the faded tiger’s-head emblem of Bhanar emblazoned upon its sun-bleached timbers. You tell Chan of this and he supposes that it belongs either to a Bhanarian trader, or to the Autarch Sejanoz’s army. You volunteer to investigate this mysterious wagon, and Chan agrees to halt the caravan and wait on the highway for you to return.

After observing the walled graveyard for several minutes, you determine that there are only two ways by which you can enter.

(I use the main gate)

You dismount and make a stealthy approach to the graveyard on foot. You can see and sense that there are no lookouts, and this reassures you that the wagon may not be attached to the Autarch’s army after all. The Bhanarians are ruthlessly efficient in matters of military procedure; it is unlikely they would leave a supply wagon unattended in the field.

Upon reaching the wagon you discover that it is unmanned. It is also of civilian design, of a type commonly used by the merchants of Otavai.

(I search to see if anything suspicious is here)

You lift the canvas cover and peer into the back of the wagon. It contains an assortment of shovels, picks, and a few battered oil lanterns. They appear to belong to a gang of tomb robbers who have come here to loot this ancient burial site.

Beyond the gate you can see an open crypt door. As you approach it you hear the sound of distant voices. This sound makes you dive for cover among the gravestones. As you peer around one of these grey headstones, you see six saddled horses standing at the rear of the crypt. They are nibbling at the pale tufts of grass that grow on the graves.

( Ihead to the crypt)

As you reach the door you hear several sets of footsteps ascending. Your pulse races when you realize that the tomb robbers are returning to the surface.

(I confront them)

You draw your Kai Weapon and, as you raise it in readiness to strike the first blow, a heavy silver orb comes hurtling through the crypt door and cracks your forearm. Numbed by the unexpected force of its impact, you drop your Kai Weapon and cradle your aching limb to your chest. Seconds later, a group of swarthy-faced tomb robbers come running up the crypt steps and barge you aside. You grapple with one of them and wrest a dagger from his hand, but in the blink of an eye he draws another from his boot and attempts to stab you through the heart.


You must fight this combat without your Kai Weapon.

(I use my Warhammer. I have a massive advantage. I toss a 3 and then a 9. Dead. I took 2 damage)

You stagger to your feet in time to see the other tomb robbers escaping on horseback. They are heading east towards the distant ruins of Zanaza, and they have abandoned their wagon and their confederate in their hurry to escape. You look around for your Kai Weapon and suddenly the shock of realization hits you—the tomb robbers have stolen it! Cursing them at the top of your voice, you vow that you will hunt them down and get it back.

(You must now erase your Kai Weapon from your list of Special Items.)
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:03 PM   #177
Abe Sargent
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You return to the caravan and report the incident at the graveyard to Captain Chan. He sympathizes over the loss of your Kai Weapon, but he warns you that he cannot spare any of his men to help you search for the robbers who stole it.

The caravan resumes its journey and you reach the ruins of Zanaza just as the sun is setting. While you are helping to set up camp for the night, you learn from Sergeant Yeng that this city was destroyed over two hundred years ago by a devastating earthquake. You are preparing your own canvas shelter when you suddenly happen upon several sets of tracks, freshly made in the fine dust. Your pulse quickens when your tracking skills tell you that they were made by the tomb robbers. With the theft of your Kai Weapon still raw in your memory, you resolve to follow these tracks and hunt the robbers down.

Determinedly you follow the robbers’ trail deep into the heart of the ruined city. It leads you to the cellar of a derelict tavern where a hole in the wall gives access to an ancient tunnel. At the end of this tunnel you come to a T-junction where two smaller passageways head off to the left and right. Fresh tracks can be seen in the dusty ground leading away in both directions.

(I do have grand weapon and the right level of rank)

You use your Weaponmastery to detect the location of your missing blade. After several minutes of meditation you determine that it lies somewhere at the end of the passageway to your left.

You follow this passageway until you arrive at a chamber that was once an alchemist’s workshop. The walls and floor are covered with symbols and glyphs which indicate the many elements, gases, and metals of the universe. Benches and worktables line the walls and some show signs of recent use. On the far side of this chamber you can see a darkened archway and the beginnings of a corridor leading off towards the north.

( I search)

A cursory search among the beakers and flasks uncovers the following potions with which you are familiar:

Laumspur (enough for 2 potions. Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)
Gallowbrush (enough for 1 potion. Induces sleep when swallowed)
Ashexa Concentrate (enough for 1 potion. A healing fungus. Will restore 6 ENDURANCE points)

(I take all four and I edit my sheet above)

As you progress along the corridor, you hear the sound of voices getting steadily louder. You recognize them to be the voices of the tomb robbers who stole your Kai Weapon. They are gloating over your blade, and you hear one man say that it must be worth more than all the treasures of the graveyard put together. At the end of the corridor you see an arched wooden door, banded with strips of black iron. You peer carefully through its keyhole and see the robbers in the room beyond, silhouetted against the flames of a log fire. With grim determination you resolve to attack them and recapture your stolen blade.

(I use KS)

You launch a powerful psychic attack at three of the robbers. As soon as you see them fall screaming to the floor, clutching their heads in their hands, you kick open the door and attack their remaining three confederates. To your dismay you soon discover that one of your adversaries is armed with your Kai Weapon.9

Tomb Robbers (with Kai Weapon): COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 48

(My base 55 with the hammer and axe are enough for an 11. I toss a 3 and then a 3 and then a 9 as if the first two multiplied into the next. I took 4. )
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-19-2020 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:12 PM   #178
Abe Sargent
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You retrieve your Kai Weapon from the hand of a dead tomb robber, and wipe its blade clean before sheathing it in your scabbard. (You may now restore the details of your Kai Weapon to your list of Special Items.)

A brief search of this room reveals a large amount of stolen graveyard booty, but there is nothing here of any practical value to you. To one side of the room’s brick fireplace you discover a bolted door, and you sense that someone is being held captive in the room beyond. Cautiously you draw back the bolt and tug on the door handle. As it creaks open, you are assailed by a revolting smell that even your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus cannot counter. Burying your mouth and nose in the sleeve of your tunic, you take your first tentative step into the gloomy chamber beyond.

Cowering in the corner of this dingy candlelit cell, you see a ragged old man dressed in grimy grey robes. He is the source of the foul odour that threatens to suffocate you. When he sees you, his dirt-encrusted face cracks into the parody of a smile and he waves his hands excitedly in the air.

‘My, my, a Kai Lord! I’m truly honoured to have you visit, sir. But I see my odour offends you. Wait, I shall soon remedy that.’ And with these words he produces a pinch of grey powder from his pocket and casts it into the air. Instantly the vile smell is transformed into the wonderful bouquet of fresh roses. You ask the old man how he came to be trapped here, and he recounts the calamities that have befallen him. You learn that his name is Vannar and that he is a lowly magician. He was born in Bhanar but was forced to leave when he attempted to organize opposition to Autarch Sejanoz in his home city of Yua Tzhan. He became a hermit and eked out a solitary existence here in the ruins of Zanaza. His life was lonely but peaceful, until the tomb robbers arrived one day and took over his underground retreat. The vile smell that he exuded earlier was the only way he had of keeping those cut-throats at bay.

When you tell him that the Autarch has invaded Chai, he becomes agitated. He fears that he will be found and murdered by Sejanoz’s agents.

‘With respect, Vannar,’ you say, ‘I don’t think the Autarch will bother sending his men after you.’

‘Oh yes he will,’ replies the grimy old magician, in a deadly serious tone. ‘And you would believe what I say if you knew what I possess, Sir Kai.’

Vannar delves among the pile of rags that litter the floor and produces a gleaming arrow, crafted of pure korlinium. Even in the poor light of this cell, the missile shimmers and gleams, radiating all of the colours of the rainbow. Its halo of light reveals its sorcerous origins.

‘This was crafted by the Elder Magi millennia ago. It harbours the power to slay the vampire, Lord Sejanoz. This is the reason why he would send his agents to pursue me, if he knew where I was.’

You are impressed by the wondrous arrow, and you ask Vannar what he intends to do with it. He surprises you with his forthright reply

‘I intend to make a gift of it to you, my lord. It is fitting that a Kai should possess this weapon. I pray that one day you shall be able to put it to its proper purpose—to use this missile to slay the tyrant lord of Bhanar.’

Reverently he hands the arrow to you and you accept it gratefully.

Record this Arrow of Atonement as a Special Item. You must discard another item if you already carry the maximum number permissible.

(I take the Arrow of Atonement but I do not record it as it seems like a single adventure item that won't survive)

You thank Vannar and promise that you will use the weapon wisely. He smiles benignly, and then he offers to show you a swift way to reach the surface of Zanaza. You accept his offer and follow him into the adjoining chamber where he opens a concealed panel in the wall. Beyond, you see a narrow flight of steps which ascend to an oval door.

‘That door leads to the streets,’ he says. You ask him if he wishes to leave with you, but he shakes his head firmly in reply.

‘Now that you have put paid to the robbers, my home is my own once more. I shall stay here.’ You bid farewell to Vannar, and then you climb the steps and leave through the oval door.

On your return to the caravan encampment, you discover that everyone is asleep except the sentries. Before you settle down to rest, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points

You wake at first light and breakfast with Chan. He is surprised to see your Kai Weapon scabbarded at your side, and he asks how you came to retrieve it. You tell him that you happened upon the robbers by chance last night, and merely asked the good fellows to return it. Chan laughs when he hears this. ‘Well, we’ll not be seeing any more from those fine fellows again, I dare say,’ he says, and a wry smile spreads across his wide face.

The caravan leaves Zanaza within the hour, and as it follows the stony road east towards Fort Vlau, you note a battered signpost which states that the Lissanian stronghold lies 150 miles away. Chan estimates the journey will take four days.

The first day of the journey passes uneventfully, but around noon of the second you see the highway approaching a distant forest. Your Sixth Sense gives you a premonition of danger, and when you tell Chan of your concerns, he halts the caravan and insists that the two of you scout the forest to make sure it is safe to pass through.

(I ride the highway to the woods

The trees seem unnaturally quiet and chill as you follow the pebble-strewn highway into the heart of this unnamed forest. Steadily the temperature drops as you ride deeper into the pines, until frost dusts the branches and frozen puddles appear on the road ahead. You sense that evil magic is at work here and you tell Chan that it would be wise to go no further. He heeds your advice and you rein your horses to a halt. But as you are turning them about, you are shocked to see that something is now blocking the road behind you.

You shudder with dread when you look upon the ghastly hulking forms of the two creatures standing before you now. At first glance they seem to resemble the Baknars that roam the frozen wastes of Kalte, with their thick white fur and ridged horns. But you sense that these creatures are not of any natural origin, but are born of vile sorcery. Their eyes glow with a malevolent light and they exhale plumes of icy breath that freeze everything they touch.

You look east along the highway for a way to escape from these beasts, but when you magnify your vision, you see that the road is blocked by a great hill of snow and ice. The surrounding pines are too dense to attempt swift escape on horseback, and you slowly begin to realize that these creatures have you trapped.

Chan draws his kirusami and levels it at the ice-beasts. ‘Let’s run these cold-hearts down!’ he shouts, with great bravado. ‘One swift charge and we’ll be out of this frigid woodland before they know what’s hit them.’


You try to steady your nervous horse as you wait for Chan’s signal to charge. But before it comes, one of the creatures gives vent to a blood-curdling roar. The sound terrifies your horse and she refuses to move. You are gripped by the sudden fear that if the hulking horrors decide to charge at you, you will be unable to evade them. Quickly you try to think of some way you can prevent this calamity from befalling you and your petrified horse

(I use KA)

You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and direct the burst of electrical energy at the chest of the nearest creature. The force of its impact knocks the heavy beast to the ground, but the sight of its mate falling injured infuriates the other creature, and prompts it to launch a fearsome attack.

The ice-fiend holds you with its terrifying eyes and, in the next instant, it belches forth a cone of ice that hurtles towards you like a huge crossbow bolt. In mid-flight, the missile splits in two and strikes both of the horses squarely in their chests. Simultaneously they rear up in agony, and both you and Chan are sent tumbling backwards to crash down upon the frost-hardened earth.

(I toss a 7)

The fall leaves you with a deeply gashed scalp and a badly bruised shoulder: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

You stagger to your feet to discover that Chan has been knocked unconscious, and both of your horses have been killed outright by the creature’s deadly ice-bolts. Frantically, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon as both of the hulking horrors bear down on you. As they close in for the kill, long claws extend from their paws and they open their fearsome frost-rimmed jaws to reveal a cluster of serrated fangs.

Brumalghasts: COMBAT SKILL 57 ENDURANCE 50

If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Valiance’, you will benefit from its unique properties. If you possess Elementalism or Grand Nexus, you may increase your COMBAT SKILL by 3 for the duration of this fight

(Hello nasties! With my KS I have a ratio of 6. Alright let's go for it. I toss a 7, 2, and 4. I took 8 and they took 28. a 8 and 4 follow. Then a 0 kills them. I took 14 total and add in the 4 I lost earlier for 18 current damage)
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:25 PM   #179
Abe Sargent
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Upon the death of the last Brumalghast, you feel the temperature in this part of the forest begin to rise. The death of these creatures has broken the spell, and nature has already started to reclaim this cursed timberland. Using your healing skills, you revive Chan and then hurry westwards along the highway on foot, towards the caravan. Upon emerging from the forest, you are sighted by Sergeant Yeng. He is leading a party of scouts that have been scouring the tree-line in search of you.

It is nearly dark by the time you return to the caravan, and Kau-Doshin is gravely concerned to hear of your deadly encounter in the forest. He orders that night camp be made on the highway and, on Chan’s advice, he agrees that the caravan will have to travel across country tomorrow to avoid the perilous timberland.

Next day, the journey proves to be much harder than Kau-Doshin could have imagined. The caravan is forced to slow its speed for fear of breaking an axle as it crosses the uneven grasslands. You and Captain Chan now ride the horses that were given to Xo-lin by the nomad chief, Bazan. They are fine thoroughbreds, fleet of foot and highly disciplined.

During the afternoon, you come upon a narrow stream and Chan orders the caravan to halt so that the horses may be fed and watered. You are sharing a loaf of bread with one of the troopers when suddenly you hear a shrill scream of fright. It comes from Princess Mitzu’s carriage and you sense that the young Prince is in danger.

You hurry to the carriage and discover Princess Mitzu consoling her young son who is shivering with fright. Chan is nearby, holding a dead serpent by the tail. You swallow hard when you see that it is a scarlet viper, a notoriously poisonous snake. One of Chan’s troopers is being restrained by two of his comrades, and he is pleading his innocence.

‘What is going on?’ you ask.

Chan explains that the Prince disturbed the viper which was asleep under the covers of his cot.

‘He is lucky to be alive,’ says Mitzu, hugging him close. ‘His cries alerted Captain Chan and me, and when we arrived, we found Trooper Yankin inside the carriage. I suspect he is an enemy agent, one of the Autarch’s spies.’

‘I’m not, I swear it!’ retorts the accused man. ‘I was nearby when I heard the Prince scream. I rushed into the carriage to save him. I thought he was being attacked.’

You stare directly into the accused man’s eyes and your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that he may be speaking the truth.

(I use KA)

Using the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm, you question Trooper Yankin repeatedly about the incident. Under the influence of your spell he says exactly what he has already told Chan and the others. Your suspicions are soon confirmed—this man is speaking the truth. He did not put the viper in Prince Kamada’s cot.

You inform Chan that you believe the man is telling the truth. The captain frowns. He is now faced with a difficult dilemma. He considers Yankin to be one of his most loyal troopers and would like to believe his account, yet the evidence against him is compelling. Then Shavane steps forward and demands loudly that justice be done.

‘This man tried to kill our Prince,’ she cries, ‘and he must be made to pay for his treachery.’

Her emotional outburst elicits some support from a small crowd of courtiers who have gathered to watch.

(I use KA)

You are convinced that an innocent man is being accused of a crime he did not commit. To help find the true culprit, you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil, and then you look at each of the persons gathered here. Slowly your eyes are drawn to Shavane, and your stomach churns when you feel waves of evil radiating from an amulet that she wears on a chain around her neck. You cannot see the amulet for it is covered by her silk jerkin

(I snatch the amulet from her neck)

Shavane shrieks in protest as you tug the amulet from around her neck. Desperately she attempts to snatch it back, but you hold her at bay with your left hand as you raise her amulet aloft in your right.

The crowd gasps with astonishment when they see that the amulet bears the tiger’s-head emblem of Autarch Sejanoz.

Arrest her!’ commands Captain Chan. Immediately, two of his troopers move forward and seize the woman by her arms. She curses them vilely, and then she vents her spleen on Chai and the imperial house of Xo-lin. Chan orders Trooper Yankin to be released at once, and he apologizes to the man for ever having doubted his loyalty.

‘What will become of her now?’ asks Princess Mitzu, as Shavane is led away, kicking and screaming. ‘She shall be banished to the plains,’ replies Chan. ‘We will leave her behind tomorrow, without food or water. She can go seek succour from the enemy.’
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:36 PM   #180
Abe Sargent
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Early next morning, you and Captain Chan destroy Shavane’s amulet before the caravan sets off for Fort Vlau. Shavane herself is left tied to a post in the middle of the open grasslands. ‘By the time she slips her bonds, we shall be many miles from here,’ says Chan.

The journey to Fort Vlau passes swiftly, and at noon on the following day you catch your first glimpse of the Lissanian stronghold. Unfortunately, the scene that greets your eyes makes your hopes and your spirits sink.

Fort Vlau is under attack. A large force of Bhanarian cavalry has breached its outer wall and fierce fighting rages around its inner keep. You magnify your vision and quickly realize that the attacking force is being directed from a small hill to the south of the fort. Perched atop this hill you can see a command post, comprising an officer’s tent and a wooden flag-tower. By means of flags waved by a signalman, the Bhanarian officer is directing his troops to attack the weakest sections of the beleaguered stronghold.

Chan orders the caravan off the highway and into the tall plains grass. You consult with the captain and sense that he is anxious about this unforeseen situation. The caravan is especially vulnerable stranded out here on the plain, and there seems to be little chance of finding sanctuary in the fort at present. Chan appears despondent, but you tell him not to give up hope for you have a plan—an especially bold and daring plan.

The enemy command post is lightly manned. The Bhanarian officer has committed most of his troops to the attack, leaving his tent and flag-tower vulnerable to a raid. You volunteer to attempt such a raid, for if you are able to seize control of the flag-tower you could signal the enemy to withdraw from the fort. Your bold plan meets with Chan’s approval. If it succeeds, he will be ready with the caravan to make a run for Fort Vlau.

Chan calls for volunteers to join you on the raid, and Sergeant Yeng and three others, including Trooper Yankin, step forward. Chan commends them for their courage and he wishes the five of you good luck.

You decide to approach the Bhanarian command post on foot, under cover of the grassland. You reach the base of the hill undetected, and wait here several minutes to observe the post and its tower at the nest of the hill. To your relief, you discover that there are only six enemy soldiers occupying the hill—an officer, four bodyguards, and one signalman. You consider your plan of action carefully, and decide that you must attack the command tent and flag-tower at the same time if your plan is to have any chance of success.

(The flag tower is more important)

Sergeant Yeng volunteers to attack the command tent with the other troopers, while you deal with the flag-tower. Having resolved your battle objectives, you break cover and make a swift ascent of the hill. You are 20 yards from the base of the flag-tower when you see the Bhanarian signalman pacing back and forth. You can see his head clearly above the parapet of the tower, but most of his body is hidden by its stout wooden planks.

(I use a bow)

You draw an Arrow to your Bow and wait patiently for Sergeant Yeng and his men to attack the command tent. Soon you hear the unmistakable sounds of combat. The noise attracts the attention of the signalman and, as he peers over the parapet, you get ready to let loose the Arrow at his head.

(I do not have MM)

You release your bowstring and send your Arrow arcing towards the Bhanarian signalman, but he hears its approaching whistle and instinctively he ducks below the parapet. The Arrow passes within a hand’s breadth of his head before arcing harmlessly away in the distant grassland.

Quickly you shoulder your Bow and run to the ladder that leads to the flag-tower platform. The signalman peers over the edge of the parapet and, when he sees you climbing towards him, he raises his spear and attempts to impale you upon its gleaming steel tip.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and let loose a bolt of electrical energy at the enemy signalman. The searing charge strikes his chest and lifts him off his feet. For a few moments he disappears from sight, hidden by the platform; then you see him tumbling to the ground on the far side of the flag-tower.

You ascend to the top of the platform and peer over the parapet to see Sergeant Yeng and the others emerging from the command tent. Their attack has been successful. While he and his men gather up enemy horses so that you can make a speedy escape, you pick up the signalman’s flags and issue an urgent order to the attacking troops to withdraw immediately. As soon as you see that the enemy have obeyed your command signal, you look out across the plain towards the west. A smile spreads across your face when you see Captain Chan is leading the caravan at speed towards Fort Vlau.

Hurriedly you descend the flag-tower and join Yeng and his troopers. You leap into the saddle of a Bhanarian steed and dig in your heels, sending the mount lurching forwards. With the warm summer wind blowing in your faces, you and your brave comrades gallop across the plain to rendezvous with the caravan at Fort Vlau.

You ride in an arc towards the west to avoid running foul of the withdrawing enemy cavalry, and then you circle back towards Fort Vlau and rejoin the caravan as it enters the beleaguered stronghold. Your arrival is greeted by Captain Kasarian, the Lissanian garrison commander, a wide-shouldered man with a ruddy complexion and a large, red-veined nose. Chan informs him of who is travelling aboard the caravan and Kasarian blanches. He and his men are grateful that you have drawn the enemy off, but he is daunted by the presence of the Chai ruler and his imperial entourage.

‘The Khea-khan and his family will need a place which affords them secure protection until we are able to leave your fort,’ says Chan.

Kasarian nods enthusiastically. ‘We have such a place, Captain,’ he says. ‘Please, follow me.’

Kasarian escorts you into the fort’s inner keep. At its centre there is a staircase which leads down to a massive stone door.

‘Beyond this portal lies a maze of catacombs. They spread for miles in all directions. This fort was built upon this ancient burial site. This is the securest place I know for the Khea-khan to stay until you are able to continue your journey to Tazhan.’

(I help the garrison)

Kasarian is grateful for the assistance you can provide. The Bhanarian attack was unexpected and casualties were high. More than half of Kasarian’s garrison have either been killed or wounded.

Once you have finished attending to the Lissanian wounded, you assist the garrison commander with repairs to the fort’s breached wall. It is nearly nightfall by the time you finish your labours and are able to rest.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

A shock awaits you when you wake at dawn. An urgent bugle call summons the garrison to arms. You grab your equipment and hurry up the steps to the battlements and stare out across the southern plain. In the distance you see a large enemy force of cavalry and infantry, manoeuvring in readiness for an assault upon the fort. You are joined by Captain Chan. He casts his seasoned eyes across the grim spectacle and issues an order to Sergeant Yeng to make sure that the Khea-khan and his entourage are below ground. Once they are all safely in the catacombs, Yeng is to secure the portal and report back. Chan summons all of his troopers to the battlements to reinforce Kasarian’s depleted garrison. ‘We will be hard-pressed to repel this attack,’ he confides.

Then you hear a distant boom, and when you look to the enemy lines, you see a puff of white smoke near their centre.

You hear the whistle of a large projectile, and then a deafening explosion tears a hole in the battlements less than 20 yards away to your right. Splinters of stones ricochet off the walls, and one shard grazes your scalp: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

As the dust clears, you peer over the battlements and magnify your vision. You see that the enemy has a steam-cannon, and you shout a warning to Captain Kasarian who is standing near the main gate. He orders his men to retreat from the battlements to minimize the risk of casualties. The garrison troops obey his command and take up new positions at arrow slits along the base wall. There they await the enemy’s advance; they do not have to wait very long

(I am not staying on the battlements with a steam cannon out there)

Chan joins you at the main gate. Missiles are hitting the battlements with increasing frequency and accuracy; it would be suicidal to stay there a moment longer.

You are peering through an arrow slit in the main gate, when you suddenly see something that makes your blood run cold.

Among the serried ranks of enemy spearmen you catch sight of a scarlet flag emblazoned with a gold tiger’s head. This is Sejanoz’s personal flag and it signifies that the Autarch is on the battlefield in person. You are stunned by the sight of this pennant, and you fear that the tyrant is aware that the Imperial Family of Chai is hiding here.

The advancing Bhanarian soldiers halt 300 yards from the wall of Fort Vlau, just beyond the range of Kasarian’s archers. Their steam-cannon is brought up by teams of oxen to within 50 yards, and is shielded all the while from arrow fire by an armoured wagon. Kasarian fears that the enemy are getting ready to bombard the main gate and he orders everyone clear

(I obey)

You retreat from the gate with the other troops and take up a position behind a barricade in the central square, set before the inner keep. You hear the boom of the steam-cannon, but there is no explosion at the main gate or anywhere else inside the fort. Your Kai Sixth Sense tingles with the presentiment that something is very wrong, and this feeling prompts you to hurry back to the main gate as fast as you can.
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:41 PM   #181
Abe Sargent
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Upon returning to the gate, you press your eye to the observation slit and see the steam-cannon standing less than 50 yards distant. To your surprise, you see that the great barrel of the gun is pointing directly at the ground. The Bhanarian artillerymen are firing explosive projectiles deep into the earth. Repeatedly they reload and fire into the ground until a large crater is formed by their shells. With the firing of the tenth shell you see a large mass of timber and shattered rock ejected from the crater, and your throat tightens with dread when you suddenly fathom the reason why they are firing their siege gun in this manner.

The Bhanarians are attempting to blast their way into the catacombs. Fear runs ice cold in your veins, for this is where the Imperial Family has taken refuge. Hurriedly you abandon the main gate and run towards the inner keep. As you cross before the barricades, you shout a warning to Chan and he quickly orders Sergeant Yeng to go with you. Upon reaching the stone portal, the seconds seem to tick by like hours as you and the sergeant struggle to wrench open the ancient stone door.

(I toss a 9)

The door creaks open and a great cloud of dust billows out of the catacombs. The coughs and cries of the entourage can be heard echoing throughout the distant corridors of this labyrinth. Fearing that it may already be too late to save the Khea-khan and his family from the clutches of Sejanoz, you and Sergeant Yeng rush along an arched corridor in search of them until you come to a junction.

(I use Grand Path)

Aided by your mastery of Magnakai Pathsmanship, you are able to sense that the Imperial Family are in grave danger. You detect that they are trapped in a chamber at the end of the left-hand tunnel, and immediately you head off in this direction, with Sergeant Yeng following closely behind.

You thread your way through a maze of narrow tunnels until you reach a low-ceilinged burial chamber. Here you see Kau-Doshin lying crumpled on the floor. Blood is trickling from between his lips and you sense that he is close to death. You carefully cradle his head and he gasps with the pain of his many wounds. Barely able to speak, he points to an arched doorway at the far end of the hall and says: ‘… save … them!’

Sergeant Yeng draws his sword and rushes across the burial chamber towards the distant door. You gently rest Kau-Doshin’s head upon the stone floor and then clamber to your feet to join him. As Yeng pulls open the creaking wooden portal, a blast of electrical energy hits him in the chest and sends him cartwheeling backwards into the middle of the burial chamber. You rush to his side, but it is already too late to help him; he was killed instantaneously by the blast.

You are enraged by the sudden death of Sergeant Yeng, but you are also wary that the same fate could befall you if you are rash enough to attempt a headlong dash through the far door. You scoop up the slain Sergeant’s helm upon the tip of your Kai Weapon and approach the door from the side. At arm’s length, you hold out the iron helm so that it alone appears framed in the doorway. Seconds later, another bolt of energy hurtles from out of the chamber beyond and shatters the helm in two.

You quickly dive through the open doorway and roll across the floor to the cover of a stout stone pillar.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE score is 15 or lower, deduct 1.

(3 into 4)

A third bolt of energy rips into the nearby wall, showering you with shards of rock. One splinter gashes your neck: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

You chance a glance around the pillar and your stomach churns when you see the awe-inspiring figure of Autarch Sejanoz standing at the far end of this ancient crypt chamber.

Encased from neck to toe in black armour, inlaid with lavish gold filigree, he stands a sword’s length taller than you. His great tiger helm conceals his face, and swirling around him are the folds of a voluminous scarlet cloak. Only his hands are visible and they seem incongruous when compared to the grand scale and design of his armour. They are like twisted claws, the skin wrinkled and fragile like ancient parchment. Hanging over them are four long, curved, needle-like claws of steel which sprout from the back of the golden bracers that encase his wrists.

Cowering in a corner of the crypt are the Imperial Family, their eyes wide with naked terror. One of the Autarch’s Imperial Guard Captains stands over them with a glowing stave held firmly in his gauntleted hands. The tip of the stave trails wisps of blue-grey smoke, indicating that it is this weapon, and its wielder, who were responsible for the death of Sergeant Yeng.

The Autarch calls for you to surrender. ‘Resistance is futile, mortal. My troops are everywhere.’ You are about to give voice to a defiant reply when a sudden pain lances through your head.

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Old 04-19-2020, 03:46 PM   #182
Abe Sargent
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(I use Kai-Screen)

You draw upon your powerful mental defences to repel this sudden psychic attack, and swiftly the pain retreats from your skull: lose 1 ENDURANCE point

You have survived the Autarch’s psychic attack, yet it has served its purpose. Distracted by the pain that coursed through your head, you fail to see his Imperial Guard Captain rushing at you from the side until it is too late to counter his determined attack. With a fearful yell, this warrior lunges at you and attempts to drive the tip of his sorcerous stave deep into your chest.

(I use KA)

You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and extend your right fist towards the warrior. A tingle runs down your arm and a burst of blue-white light illuminates the crypt when a bolt of energy jumps from your hand to explode in the middle of the Guard Captain’s chest, killing him instantly.

You roll away from the dead Bhanarian officer and spring to your feet, eager to confront Autarch Sejanoz. To your horror, you see that he is holding young Prince Kamada. Bravely, Princess Mitzu attempts to wrest her son from the tyrant’s grasp, but she is sent crashing to the floor with one swipe of his cadaverous hand.

With a cruel laugh Autarch Sejanoz bids you farewell and turns to make his escape along an adjoining tunnel, the young Kamada held captive under his arm.

‘Save him!’ pleads Mitzu. ‘Please save my son!’

(I use the Bow and the Arrow of Atonement)

You unshoulder your Bow and retrieve the Arrow of Atonement from your Backpack. With a prayer to Goddess Ishir on your lips, you take aim at the Autarch’s retreating back and let fly your magical missile.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, remember to add 5 to the number you have picked.

( I toss a 3 into an 8)

The Autarch shrieks with agony as the Arrow of Atonement strikes him in the middle of the back and skewers his heart. Prince Kamada slips from his grasp as he collapses to his knees, and you rush forwards to drag the frightened young boy away from Sejanoz’s rapidly decomposing body. For centuries his unnatural powers have preserved his cadaverous frame and held time at bay, but within the matter of a few seconds, time wreaks its vengeance upon the demonic Autarch. His flesh and bones disintegrate to a fine dust that seeps through the cracks in the floor and disappears without trace.

You return Prince Kamada to his mother and help carry the Khea-khan from out of these perilous catacombs. You are met by Captain Chan at the portal entrance, and he is greatly relieved to see that the Imperial Family are still alive. But when you tell him that Sejanoz is dead he can hardly believe his ears. ‘Ishir be praised! At last, after 3,000 years, our continent is free of that accursed tyrant!’

The Bhanarian army outside Fort Vlau turns and flees in disarray upon discovering that their leader has been destroyed, for they believed him to be immortal and invincible. The way is now open for the caravan to reach Tazhan unhindered, and upon your arrival there, you discover that the news of Autarch Sejanoz’s demise has already spread the length and breadth of Southern Magnamund. The Khea-khan is able to rally the New Kingdom armies and sweep the shattered remnants of the Bhanarian armies back into their own lands and beyond.

Congratulations, Grand Master. Your victory is total. You have rid this continent and its people of a cruel tyrant who has threatened their peaceful existence for many centuries, and your triumph here is set to become legend. In future times the chronicle will tell of other quests that you undertook on the road to becoming a Kai Supreme Master. Until the time comes for their telling, may the Gods Ishir and Kai watch over you, always.

End of Hunger of Sejanoz
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:50 PM   #183
Abe Sargent
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Review -
I know that this was a another Move From Place A to Place B archetype, but I enjoyed how it was because of guarding a caravan. I enjoyed the story, their love of my Astrology, and loads more. I wish I hadn't gotten back the KW until the final Fort or something, make it an actual issue for you. But anyway, there was a lot of battles, world building (which Dever loves) and more. Hope you enjoyed it!

Ready for the last book in this series? Will I be leaving?
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:51 PM   #184
Abe Sargent
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Begin The Storms of Chai


Timeline of Notable Events in Magnamund

MS 5085 Bhanar and Chai
The vampiric Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar was destroyed. Khea-khan Xo-lin of Chai rallied the New Kingdom armies, defeated the invading Bhanarian army and pursued it deep into the Bhanarian homeland. Xo-lin’s son, General Zha-zhing, looted the city of Yua Tzhan and razed it to the ground. Very few of its citizens escaped alive. This has since become remembered as the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. Young Prince Kamada, Xo-lin’s great-great-grandson, died during the winter. He was next in line for the throne of Chai because General Zha-zhing was the illegitimate son of Xo-lin.
MS 5086 Bhanar and Chai
The Chai army occupied eastern Bhanar, and all of its steam-powered engines and weapons of war were systematically destroyed. The aged Khea-khan Xo-lin of Chai died, and his only remaining son, Zha-zhing, acceded to the throne. Zha-zhing’s political rivals accused him of plotting and orchestrating the young prince Kadama’s death in the preceding year for his personal gain. These accusations were never proven. Upon his inauguration he married Princess Myelsha of Mhytan. Chai forts along the border with Bhanar were attacked by Bhanarian irregulars in reprisal for the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. A treaty was signed between Chai and Mhytan (the Chai Sea Treaty). All Bhanarian shipping was denied access to the Chai Sea by Mhytanian and Chai men of war. The blockade soon suffocated Bhanarian resistance.
MS 5086 Shadaki and Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund
Zultan Zedoli seized the throne of Shadaki in a bloody uprising, and the state of Shadaki seceded from the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund—the confederation of states which had emerged from the collapse of the Shadakine Empire of Shasarak the Wytch-king in MS 5057. Grey Star, the previous ruler of Shadaki, fled but he remained the Wizard Regent of the Free Alliance and set up his new capital in the Port of Suhn.
MS 5087 Bhanar and Chai
Bhanarian resistance collapsed. Khea-khan Zha-zhing installed Overseer Klutan upon the throne of Bhanar. Klutan was a political puppet of Chai. The Chai army withdrew from eastern Bhanar. Khea-khan Zha-zhing had a son, Lao Tin.
MS 5088 Vaduzhan, Bhanar, and Chai
Vaduzhan invaded south-western Bhanar. The capital city of Otavai fell to Vaduzian forces with little resistance. King Kardisa of Vaduzhan claimed the territories of former south-western Bhanar for his imperial throne. Chai chose not to oppose his claims. Overseer Klutan transferred his seat of power to the coastal city of Yua Klio near to the Chai border. Gradually he lost control over most of Bhanar.
MS 5088 The Isle of Lorn
The Shianti left the Isle of Lorn to reside with Goddess Ishir on the Plane of Light. Their final act upon Magnamund was to bequeath their island to the Order of the Kai. The handover was facilitated by their emissary, Grey Star.
MS 5089 The Isle of Lorn, Shadaki, and the Free Alliance
Lone Wolf travelled to the Isle of Lorn. Assisted by Grey Star and Guildmaster Banedon, he made plans for the construction of a second Kai Monastery. Zultan Zedoli of Shadaki declared their presence upon the Isle of Lorn ‘an act of war’. Shadaki mustered its army and attacked its southern neighbours: Korli and Forlu, members of the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund. The Freelands sent troops to support the Free Alliance led by Grey Star, as did Lone Wolf. A cassel of Kai and three cassels of Sommlending marines fought in the War of the Sea of Winds. Shadaki was soundly defeated and forced to relinquish all of its territorial gains. Zultan Zedoli was assassinated before the year was out. Ulonga the Shaman, the evil necromancer who pulled the strings in Zedoli’s shadow, now overtly seized control of Shadaki with assistance from Sesketera, the notoriously cruel ruler of the city-state of Ghol-Tabras.
MS 5090 Lencia and Nyras
The Lencians were forced out of Nyras by Warmarshal Ranghor. King Sarnac III was killed. A civil war erupted in the Drakkarim nations as Ranghor and his former lieutenant, Ghangrim, wrestled for control.
MS 5090 The Isle of Lorn
Construction began on the new Kai Monastery on the Isle of Lorn. It would take ten years to complete. Most of the Grand Masters of the New Order helped in the building of this magnificent fortress.
MS 5090 Shadaki
Occasional border skirmishes between Shadaki and Korli persisted.
MS 5091 Siyen
A large number of Agarashi creatures (estimated at between 8,000–12,000) emerged from the Darkwall Mountains and invaded the Lucien Plain of Siyen. The city of Varedo was overrun and destroyed. The Siyenese army swiftly counter-attacked and forced the ravening horde back into its hidden mountain lairs.
MS 5091 The Isle of Lorn
The Freelands Alliance provided 1,000 workers to help with the construction of the Kai Monastery of Lorn.
MS 5091 Shadaki
All incursions by Shadaki into Korli ceased.
MS 5091 Sommerlund
King Ulnar V of Sommerlund and his two daughters, Crown Princess Imelda and Princess Madelon, died in unexplained circumstances in the King’s Keep of Holmgard. Kai Grand Master Firestone was killed attempting to protect them. The party responsible for these tragic murders was never found but the fact someone could strike in the heart of Sommerlund greatly worried Supreme Master Lone Wolf. King Tor IV, son of Crown Princess Imelda, acceded to the throne of Sommerlund.
MS 5092 Lunarlia
The town of Jaroc, in southern Lunarlia, was attacked and destroyed by a large force (estimated at between 7,000–10,000) of Agarashi from the Doomlands of Naaros.
MS 5092 Stornlands
The War of the Warrens erupted between Eldenora and Delden following the assassination of Lord Vandyan of Eldenora.
MS 5093 Starn
Mt. Vost was besieged by a large horde of unnamed creatures (estimated at between 12,000–15,000) from out of the Kraknalorg Chasm. The Giants of Starn received military aid from Boden which broke the siege and sent the horde fleeing back into the chasm. The southern borderlands of Starn (namely the Shadow Grails and the Tsuzeloi Hills) have since been heavily patrolled by the rangers of Boden and Starn.
MS 5093 Stornlands
End of the War of the Warrens between Eldenora and Delden. Eldenora won the war, gaining territory and tribute from defeated King Loarn of Delden.
MS 5094 Kasland and Cincoria
Several skirmishes occurred between Kasland border patrols and creatures encroaching upon Kasland territory from out of the Kraknalorg Chasm. In northern Cincoria, several of its timberland settlements were destroyed by similar creatures from the chasm.
MS 5095 Vassagonia
Zakhan Jaraza acceded to the throne of Vassagonia. Peace treaties were signed between Vassagonia and the Lastlands. The new Zakhan formally renounced all Vassagonian territorial claims to Cloeasia in perpetuity.
MS 5095 Magador
President Kadharian was assassinated and control of Magador was seized by Marshall Luthos Vorgada, a senior Magadorian army officer.
MS 5095 Sommerlund
A record harvest was reported.
MS 5096 Magador and Ogia
Magador allied to Ogia and their joint armies attacked Talestria. Palmyrion supported Talestria with military assistance and they won a decisive joint victory over Magador and Ogia at the Second Battle of Luukos.
MS 5097 The Danarg and Talestria
The Talestrian border with the Danarg Swamp was violated. Dozens of incursions were reported of swamp creatures hunting well beyond their usual confines of the Danarg. The Talestrian Army was deployed to contain the encroachments.
MS 5098 Lencia, Nyras, and Nyvoz
In the Drakkarim Homelands, Warlord Ghangrim and his Nadziranim allies were pushed back into Nyvoz. Drakkar Warmarshal Ranghor oversaw the construction of ironclad warships at Zeegazad. King Telnac of Lencia ordered the construction of a shipyard at Newton on the River Doun.
MS 5098 Kasland
Archduke Chalamis of Kasland died in mysterious circumstances. He was succeeded by Archduchess Larena.
MS 5098 Sommerlund
Rich new gold seams were discovered in the south-eastern reaches of the Maaken Mines. The Sommlending Crown reaped huge rewards from this new-found gold. King Tor IV doubled the size of the regular Sommlending Army of the South, and increased the size of all the Sommlending fleets.
MS 5099 The Isle of Lorn
A Shadakine plot to destroy the Kai Monastery of Lorn was foiled by Lone Wolf and the New Order Kai. Kai Grand Master Bright Star sacrificed himself to save the new Monastery.
MS 5099 Stornlands
Acolytes of Vashna were sighted numerous times throughout the year, mostly in Delden, Eldenora, and Salony.
MS 5100 The Isle of Lorn
The Kai Monastery of Lorn was completed on the fifth day of the New Year. At the inaugural ceremony, the God Kai appeared to Supreme Master Lone Wolf. He gave his praises, his blessings, and a sombre warning that Magnamund would soon suffer assault by the forces of Naar.
MS 5100 Sommerlund
Lone Wolf returned to Sommerlund to prepare the Kai Order for a new dawn of darkness. He also sent Kai Master Red Bear and three Kai Aspirants to Talestria.
MS 5100 Kalte
All Sommlending and Durenese trading links with Ljuk were severed without warning by the Ice Barbarians. Sommlending traders had their cargoes seized before they were run out of the Kalte trading post. Two Northlands Trading Company ships were commandeered at anchor off the Ljuk Ice Shelf by Ice Barbarian war parties. Their cargoes were seized and the crews were brutally murdered. The Kalte barbarian warlord, Tvor’tana, united all of the disparate tribes of the northern wastes for the first time. With their unanimous consent, he claimed for himself the title ‘Grand Brumalmarc of the Icelands’.
MS 5100 Salony
The seceding town of Amory was besieged and captured by an army of mercenary companies led by Prince Darthon of Rhem. Duke Lortha, the evil Highborn of Amory, was brutally slain.
MS 5100 Lencia
King Telnac was warned by the Telchoi of an impending Agarashi uprising and he called off his crusade against the Drakkarim. The Drakkarim perceived this as a sign of weakness and launched a swift invasion of Lencia. After Vadera and Westhaven were razed to the ground and King Telnac was killed on the battlefield, Warmarshal Ranghor claimed the throne of Lencia. Prince Sarnac, heir to crown of Lencia, was able to flee from Helmstorm and went into exile.
MS 5100 The Darklands
The Lake of Blood surrounding the ruins of Helgedad self-extinguished.
MS 5101 Dessi
Shortly after the Feast of Fehmarn, the Chasm of Gorgoron was rocked by violent earthquakes. When finally the quakes subsided, swarms of Agarashi arose from the chasm and infiltrated the jungle realm of Dessi.
MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund, and Durenor
The newly declared ‘Grand Brumalmarc of the Icelands’, Tvor’tana, with Nadziranim aid, unlocked the Vagadyn Gate, a Shadow Gate located beneath the Ice Fortress of Ikaya and released the Ice Demons that had not managed to pass through this ethereal corridor before it was sealed millennia ago. These powerful creatures of evil brought an early and unnatural winter to Sommerlund and Durenor. The Kaltersee froze over and the Ice Barbarians swept down and invaded northern Sommerlund and northern Durenor. Supreme Master Lone Wolf, King Tor IV of Sommerlund, and King Danan I of Durenor lead the armies that destroyed most of the Ice Demons, and then defeated the Ice Barbarians, sending them fleeing back to their frigid wilderness. The victory was won at the cost of the heroic self-sacrifice of King Tor IV. The unnatural winter ended as swiftly as it had begun. Sommerlund endured three months of flooding before all of the melt waters declined and the natural cycle of the seasons resumed once more. King Haigh V acceded to the throne of Sommerlund and married Princess Emyla of Talestria.
MS 5101 Lencia
Prince Sarnac, at the head of a united Freelands force, attacked Helmstorm and liberated it from the Drakkarim. Sarnac was crowned King Sarnac IV of Lencia before he led his forces from Helmstorm to face the Drakkarim who had rallied to the north of the capital. Lencian and Drakkarim armies fought at the Battle of Grimstone Valley. Ranghor was vanquished when troops from Kasland arrived to reinforce the Lencians late on the second day of the battle.
MS 5101 Eru
An Eruan Pathfinder reported that Ghangrim’s Nadziranim had constructed a machine that would ‘devastate the Freelands’.
MS 5101 Western Tentarias
The Invasion of Darke began. The city fell to the united forces of Eru, Lencia, Kasland, Boden, and Bor. King Sarnac IV renamed the city ‘Gamir’, its ancient Lencian title. Sarnac pressed on through Nyras and Nyvoz, intent on taking Kagorst and wiping out the remaining Drakkarim threat. Sarnac rode to victory and razed Kagorst.
MS 5101 Skaror
Frequent and violet earthquakes tore open the borderland between the Darklands and Skaror in the southern foothills of the Ogshezar Mountains. A deep chasm, two hundred miles long and of unknown depth, appeared and destroyed the ancient Darklord city of Cragmantle. It stretched from the ruins of Cragmantle on the Skaror border all the way to the abandoned Darklands city of Nadgazad.
MS 5101 Bhanar
The remote Bhanarian city of Bakhasa was seized by a Nadziranim sorcerer named Zashnor.
MS 5101 Maakengorge
The Maakengorge opened further, extending the vast chasm by twenty five miles to the east. The ruins of Maaken were completely levelled by the violent aftershocks, and very few buildings in the Free State of Casiorn were left standing.
MS 5101 Stornlands
Thousands of Acolytes of Vashna began to make pilgrimage to the Maakengorge.
MS 5102 Chai
Khea-khan Zha-zhing died (aged 58) on the Feast of Fehmarn. His son, Lao Tin (aged 16), became the new Khea-khan of Chai.
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Old 04-19-2020, 03:52 PM   #185
Abe Sargent
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The Story So Far … 

It is early spring in the year MS 5102, and you are a Grand Master of the New Order of the Kai, the warrior élite of Sommerlund.

It is a clear moonlit night and you are staring out across the crystal clear waters of the Sea of Dreams from the high window of your chambers in the Kai Monastery of Lorn. The crunching sound of footfalls on loose gravel draws your attention to the parade ground below. A pair of diligent young Kai Warmarns, clad in black and yellow chequered tabards, is patrolling the perimeter with spears on their shoulders. Your eyes wander towards the centre of the parade ground, to a low circular wall of white Kirlundin stone. It encompasses two sturdy Sommlending Oaks. You are reminded of when these trees were transplanted here during the inauguration of the monastery, on the Feast of Fehmarn, two years previously. They were transported all the way from your homeland by sea. The oaks represent the two Sommlending Kai Monasteries with their roots inextricably entwined. The moon is full tonight. Ishir’s Blessing casts its ashen light upon the battlements, towers, and gleaming porticos of the new monastery. You take great pride in what you see, for the sweat of your own labour contributed to the construction of this magnificent fortress.

Your pride is tinged with apprehension, for you have much on your mind. Sommerlund suffered greatly during the perpetual winter and heavy thaw of last year. Fortunately, before his untimely death in MS 5101, King Tor IV had wisely made provision for the storage of food and fuel throughout Sommerlund, and these caches saved the lives of countless thousands of citizens. You are confident that your homeland will surely recover from the Long Winter of MS 5101, but it will likely take two years or more before life there returns to normal. However, this is the lesser of your present concerns. The greater is something less tangible. For the past two weeks, you have been haunted by a feeling that the forces of darkness are poised to unleash an assault upon Magnamund. You are not alone in your feelings. Blazer, one of your fellow Grand Masters, confided to you this evening that he, too, has been having similar feelings of foreboding for no apparent reason, as have several of the more psychically gifted Kai Masters in the monastery.

The events of tomorrow should allay or confirm your fears. Supreme Master Lone Wolf is expected to arrive by skyship from Dessi at noon. You and Grand Master Blazer will formally greet him when he disembarks upon the monastery parade ground. You have personally overseen the arrangements for the docking of his skyship, and an honour guard of Kai Masters has been drilled to perfection in readiness for his inspection. Satisfied that everything is prepared for tomorrow’s duty, you close your window and retire to your bed.

You awake at dawn and breakfast with a dozen Kai Masters in the mess hall. Then you make your final preparations for Lone Wolf’s return. As noon approaches, there is a buzz of anticipation on the parade ground as eagerly you await the imminent arrival of Supreme Master Lone Wolf’s skyship. Together with Blazer, your fellow Kai Grand Master, you make one last inspection to check that everything is ready. The lookout in the Tower of the Moon spots two skyships approaching, and he informs you of this by a telepathic message. Hastily, you issue orders to the Kai docking crew to prepare to receive this second, unexpected skycraft. A further area of the parade ground is cleared, and mooring points for the second craft are quickly installed and made ready.

The skyships make a slow and simultaneous decent towards the parade ground from out of the blue cloudless sky. They come to hover, side by side, no more than a few feet above the ground and their sorcerous engines are powered-down to a soft hum. Mooring lines are attached fore and aft of each vessel, and wheeled stairs are positioned against the gunwales of their main decks. The larger of the two skyships is Skyfort, Supreme Master Lone Wolf’s personal vessel, which he received as a gift from Guildmaster Banedon two years previously. Lone Wolf appears at the head of the stairs, and behind him you can see four Kai Grand Masters: Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand, and Swift Sword, each dressed in their distinctive personal uniforms.

The smaller skyship is named Comet, one of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star’s new fleet of fast aerial vessels. Standing on its main deck, you recognise Lord Rimoah and Guildmaster Banedon. With them is a small humanoid creature with greenish skin and crimson eyes. It shuffles impatiently and tugs at the brim of its tall felt hat to shield its sensitive crimson eyes from the glare of the noon sun. Although you have never seen a creature like this before, you know enough about the myriad races of Magnamund to deduce that this is a Kloon Sage of Chaman.

Supreme Master Lone Wolf descends the stairs to the parade ground, and a fanfare of cornets is sounded when he first sets foot on the gravelled surface. He makes a swift inspection of the assembled ranks and commends the Kai Masters on their turnout. Then he dismisses them in order that they may return to their teaching duties. As they disperse and leave the parade ground, Lone Wolf calls you and Blazer forward and informs you both that a special conference will be held in his personal chambers in one hour’s time. You are both instructed to attend.

Supreme Master Lone Wolf’s chambers occupy the top two floors of the Tower of the Moon, the tallest of the monastery’s crenulated towers. The lower of these two floors contains the Grand Hall of the Supreme Master, and it is here that the special conference is convened. The hall is a magnificent exemplification of Sommlending architectural design. Its gold-veined pillars of marble support a buttressed ceiling embellished with a vibrant mural depicting famous events in Sommlending history. The walls are draped with the war banners of the Kai, and several glass-fronted display cabinets, set around the hall, contain trophies, medals, and mementoes collected by Lone Wolf during his many quests. You and Blazer pass through the hall’s great door which closes behind you and locks with a muffled click. Gathered in a circle around a large table set before the Supreme Master’s alabaster throne, you see the illustrious and dignified group who arrived at the monastery an hour ago. Lone Wolf beckons you and Blazer to join them. Spread upon the table’s polished surface is a detailed map of Magnamund.

‘Now that our company is complete, I call upon Lord Rimoah and Sage Chastan to give their report of the unprecedented events that have prompted me to convene this special meeting,’ says Lone Wolf.

‘Thank you, my Lord,’ responds Rimoah. He picks up a steel pointer from the table and uses it to aid his briefing. Tapping its tip upon his homeland of Dessi, he begins.

‘The High Council of the Elder Magi has become aware of several threats to the security of Magnamund that have demanded our urgent attention. Whereas, in the past, the agents of darkness have confined their attempts to corrupt sovereign nations in one or two specific regions, we are now convinced that an orchestrated effort is underway to overwhelm the goodly nations of Magnamund. Several sizeable and coordinated attacks have been launched simultaneously. We believe their express purpose is to overwhelm us before we are able to gather our allies and mount an effective counter-offensive. Here, in Dessi, from the depths of the chasm of Gorgoron, a vast horde of Agarashi has awoken. They have emerged from the chasm and spread throughout the central jungles of my homeland. Our magicians and our brave Vakeros are now locked in battle with this horde as I speak.’

Lord Rimoah moves the pointer across the map and taps several other places where sinister uprisings are taking place.

‘The Maakengorge, the Kraknalorg Chasm, the Dark Realm of Ruel, the ruins of Cragmantle, Ljuk, the Danarg, the city of Shadaki, and the Doomlands of Naaros: All of these places have now become mustering points for the forces of darkness.’

Lord Rimoah lifts his steely gaze from the map and looks to the slight figure of Sage Chastan.

‘Our learned allies in Chaman forewarned us late last year. I very much regret that the High Council did not heed their warnings sooner, and for that I owe our learned ally a sincere apology.’ The Kloon blinks his crimson eyes and accepts Rimoah’s apology with a gracious nod of his head.

‘Our fears have become real,’ he replies, in a softly rasping tone. ‘But there is still time enough to stem this tide of darkness, though precious little time it is.’

‘Precious little time, indeed,’ says Lone Wolf, solemnly. ‘If we are to prevent this resurgence of evil from overwhelming the Freelands of Magnamund, we must strike swiftly and effectively at the enemy’s main mustering points. By preventing the reinforcement of their hordes, we shall stem this flood before it converges and drowns us.’

Lone Wolf casts his eyes upon each Kai Grand Master in turn as he continues speaking.

‘With the aid of my wise and learned councillors, I have prepared missions for each and every one of you.’ From the pocket of his golden battle tunic, Lone Wolf produces six furled parchments, each tied with a silk cord of a different colour. One by one, he hands them out to you and the five other Kai Grand Masters assembled here.

‘Unfurl your scroll, my lords. Read and memorise the contents,’ instructs Lone Wolf.

With a tingle of anticipation, you untie the scarlet cord and open your furled parchment. It contains the details of your mission, handwritten by Supreme Master Lone Wolf personally.

An Agarashi horde, numbering several thousands, has emerged from the Doomlands of Naaros. Our agents in Chai inform us that it is being commanded by a powerful Nadziranim sorcerer called Zashnor. The Bhanarian city of Bakhasa has become their mustering point and it is now completely under Zashnor’s control. Bhanarian forces, hungry to avenge the Massacre of Yua Tzhan, have been mobilised and are currently marching south-east towards the Chai border with Zashnor’s Agarashi horde. Khea-khan Zha-zhing, Chai’s renowned warrior king, passed away peacefully in his sleep some weeks ago, on the Feast of Fehmarn. The new ruler of Chai is Zha-zhing’s son, Lao Tin. He is sixteen years old. Although he commands the loyalty and respect of Chai’s military High Command, he does not yet possess the wisdom and martial experience of his famous father. Without Zha-zhing’s outstanding generalship, Chai is especially vulnerable to invasion at this time.

Seventeen years ago, you defeated Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar and secured the cursed artefact called the Claw of Naar. This powerful weapon was delivered to the Elder Magi in order that they should destroy it, to prevent it from ever falling into the hands of our enemies. Alas, despite every attempt to annihilate this foul object by all means at their disposal, its destruction has not been achieved. The Elder Magi have constructed a secure prison for the weapon in a secret location in Dessi until the means to destroy it is found. After years of careful study, and with the invaluable assistance of the Sages of Chaman, we now know a great deal more about this cursed artefact than we did when you first captured it. The Claw is powerful, but it is not complete. It is but one half of a weapon that is capable of unleashing a far more intense blast of destructive energy, with power enough to obliterate an entire city at a single stroke. The missing component of this weapon is a gem-like object called the Eye of Agarash. Without the Claw, the Eye of Agarash has no innate destructive powers. However, when it is married with the Claw, it greatly intensifies and concentrates the power of that weapon several hundredfold.

The Sages of Chaman have located the Eye of Agarash. For centuries, and without the knowledge of a succession of royal owners, it has been a gem that embellishes the Grand Throne of the Khea-khans. This throne is located in the Imperial Palace of Pensei, in Chai. Your mission is to journey to Pensei and retrieve the Eye of Agarash. Once you have it in your possession, you must return with it as quickly as you are able to the Kai Monastery of Lorn. Years ago, you saved the life of the young Khea-khan’s grandfather. For that, he will forever be in your debt. Our agents in Chai are confident that Lao Tin will willingly give you the Eye of Agarash and assist your swift return here to the monastery. However, now that Zashnor’s hordes are moving quickly to invade Chai, there is a serious risk that the city of Pensei may fall within a matter of days.

We are in no doubt that Zashnor is aware of the Eye’s location and its significance. It must be retrieved before it falls into his foul hands. We know that he possesses a personal weapon that bears a chilling similarity to the Claw of Naar. If, indeed, it has the same properties as the Claw you retrieved, then the consequences of him capturing the Eye of Agarash will be devastating. This outcome must be prevented at all costs.

When you and the other Grand Masters have finished reading and digesting the contents of your mission scrolls, Lone Wolf instructs you to furl them and place them in the centre of the map table. Guildmaster Banedon steps forward and sweeps his hands across the pile of scrolls. Immediately, they are consumed by a cold magical fire that destroys them utterly, leaving no trace. Lone Wolf calls an end to the conference and dismisses you and the other Grand Masters. Before you leave the Grand Hall, he instructs you all to gather at dawn on the parade ground in readiness for your departure from the monastery. With a formal salute, you acknowledge his order and leave the hall in single file. In silent contemplation, you each return to your quarters to make preparations for your individual missions. The afternoon is spent selecting your clothing and equipment for the mission and, after supper, you retire early in order to get plenty of rest before you set off tomorrow morning. With some difficulty, you eventually fall asleep after several hours spent in listless contemplation of your quest and the unknown dangers that lie ahead.
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Old 04-19-2020, 06:59 PM   #186
Abe Sargent
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Grand Thane

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Grand Thane, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Grand Weaponmastery
Grand Thanes are able to draw a weapon very swiftly, or switch between a hand weapon and a bow in the blink of eye.

Animal Mastery
A Grand Thane can command an animal to halt and remain motionless. Few animals can resist this command. The effects of a Grand Thane’s command last approximately one minute and affect one animal.

Upon reaching the rank of Grand Thane, a Kai Grand Master who possesses Assimilance can cause himself, and/or a group of willing creatures in the nearby proximity, to take on the appearance of inanimate objects. Anyone affected in such a way must remain stationary for the illusion to work. Unwilling creatures are not affected by the use of this skill. A Grand Thane, or any group affected, can take on the convincing appearance of trees, rocks, bushes, boulders, etc. The effect will be negated immediately if the Grand Thane, or any of the affected creatures, should move or be attacked. The effect lasts for approximately 10 minutes and has a range radius of 30 feet.

Grand Thanes can use Kai-surge to attack up to 10 enemies in psychic combat simultaneously.

Grand Thanes are able to absorb and transform hostile psychic energy into a positive physical effect. Using this powerful ability, a Grand Thane can restore lost ENDURANCE points while being subjected to psychic attack. The number and rate of ENDURANCE points regained in this way varies greatly, and is dependent upon the nature of the attack and the physical condition of the Grand Thane when the attack occurs.

Grand Nexus
By uttering the Kai Word of Power (‘Kai!’), a Grand Thane can repel and cause damage to creatures who devoutly follow any of the lesser gods and champions of Naar—the King of the Darkness. The Kai Word of Power has no effect when used against non-sentient creatures or persons who have neither sworn fealty to Naar, nor acknowledged Naar as their master.

Grand Thanes are able to excavate earth by force of their will alone. The amount of earth, the depth of the excavation, and the speed at which the excavation occurs all increase as a Grand Thane advances in rank.


A Grand Thane is able to use the following Old Kingdom spells:

Speed—By casting this spell upon themselves, or on another creature within 10 feet, a Grand Thane can triple the speed of all normal physical movement. It lasts for approximately 5 minutes. The duration of the spell increases as a Grand Thane advances in rank.
Power Strike—Can be cast immediately before combat. It adds +1 COMBAT SKILL to the Grand Thane, and +1 to every ENDURANCE point lost by the enemy due to wounds caused by the Grand Thane. The spell ends immediately when combat is concluded. It costs a Grand Thane -3 ENDURANCE points to use this spell.

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Grand Thane are able to use the following Brotherhood spells:

Illumination—Creates a sphere of brilliant white light that will hover in mid-air within 10 feet of the Grand Thane. It can be directed at will and lasts for up to 1 hour. It can only be cast once per day.
Bridge—Creates a solid bridge over an obstacle, or from ground level to a higher or lower location. The bridge appears as an opaque, milky-white stone. The range of this spell is approximately 20 feet, and its duration is precisely 1 minute. The range and the duration of effect increase as a Grand Thane advances in Kai rank.
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Old 04-19-2020, 07:06 PM   #187
Abe Sargent
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Sir Fox Fire, Grand Thane, Knight of Siyen, War-Thane of Bor

CS - 56/60/64
EP - 48

Grand Kai Disciplines:

1. Kai-Surge
2. Grand Weaponmastery with Axe, Bow, Dagger, Broadsword, Mace, Warhammer, Quarterstaff, Sword, Spear
3. G. Pathsmanship
4. G. Huntmastery
5. Elementalism
6. Kai-Alchemy
7. Animal Mastery
8. Telegnosis
9. Assimilance
10. Grand Nexus
11. Kai-Screen
12. Astrology
13. Deliverance

Special Items:

Kai Weapon Axe "Spawnsmite," +5 normally and +6 vs reptiles
Temujan's Ring
Talisman of Defiance - +2 CS
Eye of Zhar - Allows control of snakes poisonous
Pouch of Seota Dust - +10 EP when eaten
Platinum Amulet
Andaran Warhammer - +5 CS
"Sunderer", Axe, +5 CS
Korlinium Chainmail, +2 CS
Ang'sei, Chai Armor Of Life, +2 CS
Wardstone, -3 CS of Undead
Kenga's Ring
Anseng's Kirusami, +1 CS, double damage vs undead, -3 EP in first round of battle.


Bag of Holding (gives 5 bonus backpack slots)
Tazheng (a powerful anti-venom)
Karmo When taken before combat, this potion doubles your ENDURANCE points score for the duration of the combat. It has heavy side effects that sometimes can result in death. After consuming Karmo, you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. The number you choose determines how many ENDURANCE points you lose as a consequence of the side effects (0 = zero).
Chai Small Blanket
Chai Lantern
2 Potion of Laumspur
Potion of Alether
Alether Berries
Chai Chisel
Chai Mortar & Pestle



Chai Bow (+1 Bow Roles)
Chai Dagger (+1 CS)



Chai Quiver can hold 12 Arrows:


Safekeeping (Between game storage):

Scented Oil
Copper Cup
3 Candles
Siyen Crown
Iron Skull
Shipwreck Dagger
Potion of Mustow
Potion of Aletherx3
Potion of Sedares
Potion of Laumspurx6
Silver-Inland Warhammer
169 Gold Crowns
Korlinium Sack
Dessi Bow
Silver Clasp
Nhang Doll
Bottle of Rice Wine
Bottle of Scava Liquor
Crystal Prism
Silver Mirror
Scroll of Introduction
Silver Signet Ring
Jeweled Knife
Stone Dagger
Siyenese Broad Sword
Battle Map
Hulsta's Hammer, Spike, and Saw
Eledoran Scout Uniform
Skull-Tor Mace
Skull-Tor Wristband
Keys - Copperx2, Iron, Dungeon,
Black Amulet
Leather Tunic
Vial of Tortwig, +6 EP when eaten
Wolf Brooch
Bor Brewx3
Bor Pick
Bor Shovel
Bor Warhammer
Phosphor Bomb
Bronze Disc
Comb, Mirror, Soap
Siyenese Compass
Bhanarese Sword
Gold Talisman
Pogham Power
Herder Robes
Potion of Klorva, 6 EP when quaffed
Sabito Root
Andui Flask
Potion of Gallowbrush
Ashexa Concentrate, 6 EP when eaten
Chai Bow
Kirusami, Chai Spear, +1 CS
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-20-2020 at 03:01 PM.
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Old 04-19-2020, 07:08 PM   #188
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Note that I took Deliverance as well as kai discipline and can now add spear to my weapon list.
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Old 04-19-2020, 08:41 PM   #189
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You rise an hour before dawn. You have chosen to wear the simple clothing of a Chai countryman—a padded jacket of cinnamon-coloured cotton, apple green breeches, tan leather boots, and a hooded grey woollen cloak. You don your equipment and make a final check before you leave your chambers and hurry to the parade ground.

In the early predawn light, the area is alive with activity. The hum of the skyship engines makes the gravel surface of the parade ground vibrate beneath your feet as you approach the magnificent vessels. Lord Rimoah beckons you over to the boarding stairs of the Comet. He and Grand Master Blazer are awaiting you on main deck, and they both salute when you step aboard. They invite you to join them at the rail and watch the preparations that are underway on the deck of Skyfort, moored alongside. You watch Lone Wolf leading Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand, and Swift Sword in single file up the boarding steps. When they are all on deck, they turn to wave you farewell. You and Blazer return their waves and bid them good luck and good hunting.

Comet is the first to leave the parade ground. The powerful hum of its engine rises steadily in pitch as the skycraft makes its ascent. As it gains altitude, so you are afforded a spectacular view of the morning sunrise. It bathes the Kai Monastery with a vividly golden light. Once the skyship is safely clear of the monastery’s towers, Lord Rimoah sets a north-westerly course before handing over the helm to bo’sun Durin. With a smile, Lord Rimoah invites you and Blazer to join him in the skycraft’s comfortable cabin where breakfast awaits.

You enjoy a hearty meal together and discuss the details of your missions. The first part of your aerial voyage will take you to the small Chai coastal town of H’lau. This is where you will disembark and begin your overland journey incognito to the Chai capital, Pensei.

Enemy agents are known to be operating in Pensei and so it has been decided not to land you at the capital directly, for to do so would alert Zashnor to your presence and reveal your intentions. After dropping you off in H’lau, located on the Chai Sea, Lord Rimoah and Blazer will proceed to the Kraknalorg chasm where his mission awaits. You will each be picked up by Comet after you have completed your quests. Lord Rimoah gives each of you a large amber gem, the size of an orange. These are tracker-gems, kindly provided by Sage Chastan. He also gives you each a small leather satchel in which to keep it. (Record this Tracker-Gem as a Special Item on your Action Chart. You keep it in its leather satchel which you wear slung over your right shoulder and around your body, so that the satchel rests on your left hip.) Rimoah tells you that the stones are beacons. They emit a power that he can detect at a great distance. By way of these beacons, he will be able to steer the Comet to your precise locations and retrieve you. Then he adds a few cautionary words:

‘Be sure you do not part company with your tracker-gem. Look after it and it will look after you.’

Rimoah tells you that the first part of the voyage, to your drop-off point at H’lau, will take six hours. You are expecting to arrive there at noon. A guide will be waiting for you at a clearing located a mile to the east of the coastal town. His name is Anseng. Lord Rimoah says that you could not wish for a better guide.

‘He was once an Imperial Chai Guard Captain, and now, in early retirement, he is one of a network of brave agents who provide us with reliable information about our enemies, most especially their troop strengths and dispositions. He will take you directly to Pensei for an audience with Khea-khan Lao Tin. You are to collect the Eye of Agarash and leave the city. Head south towards the coastal city of Dwala. I will return to Chai at dusk of the sixth day hence. So long as you still possess your tracker-gem, I will find you and bring you back to the monastery, safe and sure.’

You are reassured by Rimoah’s plan, yet you know that so much depends upon you retrieving the Eye of Agarash before Zashnor and his ravenous army reaches Pensei.

Three hours after leaving the Isle of Lorn, the Comet runs into heavy weather over the Mythenian Sea. Bo’sun Durin commands the crew to secure the decks for a rough passage. Once their duties are completed, they hurry below deck to the safety of their quarters. The bo’sun is expecting to be clear of the storm and back on course within the hour, yet the weather does not improve; it steadily worsens. The Comet is swallowed up in a seemingly endless expanse of roiling black thunder clouds. Tremendous winds buffet the hull and the skyship is shaken vigorously from bow to stern. Lord Rimoah draws upon his great powers to create a magical sphere of calmness that encapsulates the Comet. It keeps you safe from the lightning and the tremendous winds, but it cannot increase the speed of your passage and you are blown wildly off course.

It is close to midnight, twelve hours past your expected time of arrival, when finally the tiny lights of the coastal town of H’lau are first sighted in the sheeting rain. As Comet passes over the town, you see that it has been badly damaged by the storm. Many of the dwellings have lost their roofs and its colourful fleet of fishing boats lies smashed and scattered along the shoreline. On the outskirts of the battered town, Lord Rimoah orders bo’sun Durin to slow the skyship to a halt. Below its keel, you look down upon a clearing in the toa and Chai pine trees which is bisected by a muddy road. This area is illuminated sporadically by flashes of lightning. A solitary male figure stands in the middle of this grassy, storm-swept clearing. He is clad in a wide-brimmed peasant’s hat, a hooded rain cape, and he is holding aloft a Chai lantern which gives off a pale yellowy light.

‘There is Anseng,’ says Lord Rimoah, shouting to be heard above the noise of the fierce storm. ‘Reliable as always!’

A rope ladder is dropped over the side and you watch with trepidation as Anseng struggles to grab the end and hold it secure. When he has a firm grip on the foot of the rope ladder, Lord Rimoah motions you to begin your descent. As you clamber over the rail, he places his hand on your shoulder and says:

‘Good hunting, my lord. May Kai and Ishir be with you, always.’

You acknowledge Rimoah’s gracious words with a nod of your head and commence your difficult climb down to the clearing, one hundred feet below.

You are barely twenty feet from the ground when the Comet is hit simultaneously by two powerful bolts of lightning. The sphere of calmness that encapsulates the skyship is ripped open by the tremendous force of these dual lightning strikes, and the vessel is suddenly exposed to the full ferocity of the storm. As Lord Rimoah and bo’sun Durin attempt desperately to regain control of the skyship, you fight to hang on to the rope ladder as it bucks and twists wildly.

(I do have Elementalism with a high enough rank)

You draw upon your mastery of Elementalism to create a sphere of calm air around your body. It helps you to maintain your grip on the ladder and protects you from the crackling energy of the storm. To your dismay, you look down and see the ladder being torn from Anseng’s grasp by the shuddering rise and fall of the stricken skyship. Desperately, you cling to the saturated ropes, your stomach churning with every sudden swerve and violent jolt. A fearsome bolt of lightning hits the stern of the skyship and propels it away from the clearing, swinging you dangerously close to the tops of the surrounding trees. You glimpse the light of Anseng’s lantern moving across the clearing as he chases the end of the rope ladder. Moments later, the skyship is struck again by lightning and this time it lists heavily to starboard. The ropes are wrenched from your grasp as the ladder whips towards the canopy of the trees, sending you tumbling and crashing through the dense canopy of toa fronds.

(I do have KA with a high enough rank)

Hurriedly, you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell—Slow Fall—but the shock of the initial impact with the trees prevents you from completing it. The spell is only partially effective; you sustain a few cuts and bruises before you land, dazed and breathless, amidst a clump of thick foliage (lose 1 ENDURANCE points). Fortunately, the lush vegetation and the slowed rate of descent have cushioned your impact, and you are able to rise to your feet with no bones broken. Your eyes are drawn to a glimmer of lantern light amidst the dense undergrowth and swaying trees. You shout out, hoping to draw Anseng’s attention, but the sound of the teeming rain, the howling winds, and the rolling thunder makes it impossible for you to be heard.

You force a way through the heavy foliage and emerge from the trees at the edge of the clearing, close by the muddy road. A flash of lightning illuminates the area for a few fleeting moments, yet in that brief instant you are seen by Anseng. You are also spotted by Lord Rimoah who is clinging with all his strength to the prow rail of the Comet, high above. He tosses a small object over the skyship’s gunwale and it ignites into an intense ball of green flame as it falls. It drops into the tangled grass of the clearing where it continues to burn fiercely. It is a signal flare, acknowledging that you have been seen. It also tells you that your mission must proceed as planned. As you hurry towards the sputtering flare, you see the keel of the skyship turn about and ascend rapidly into the roiling black clouds.

Anseng and his lantern emerge from the trees. Your worried guide pauses for a few moments to get his bearings, then he comes running towards you as fast as his waterlogged clothing will allow. You rush to meet him at the edge of the road. The noise of the storm has grown much louder since the Comet departed, and now the ground shudders alarmingly with every step you take. The sodden soil has become dangerously unstable. Lightning bolts strike the ground, causing fissures that tear open the soft friable earth. You watch with growing dread as parts of the clearing break away and tumble into these treacherous crevasses. A wide fissure opens beneath your feet and you lose your balance. Instantly, a strong hand grabs your forearm and pulls you away from the yawning rift.

‘Steady, my Lord,’ says Anseng, his rain-lashed face lit by the eerie yellow light of his storm lantern. ‘I’ll not see you buried before your mission has begun. Follow close on my heel, sire. Tread only where I tread.’ You nod in agreement and stay close behind your guide as skillfully he makes his way across the treacherous ground towards the tree-line on the eastern side of the clearing. Here the earth is more stable; the tangled roots of the tall trees are preventing it from breaking apart and collapsing. Sheltered from the pouring rain by the thick canopy of toa fronds, you pause to rest and recover from your dramatic return to Chai.

Upon checking your equipment, you are dismayed to find that the leather satchel containing your tracker gem is missing. The strap is still slung around your shoulder, but the satchel bag has been torn away during your fall through the trees. Your backpack has also been damaged in the fall, and three items are now missing. (Erase the Tracker Gem from your Action Chart. You must also erase 2 Backpack Items—the third and the fifth items you have noted on your list.)

( I lose two Meals and I changed my chart above)

The raging storm and the seismic upheaval of the land hereabouts make it impossible for you to search for your lost beacon. It is too dangerous for you to stay here and so you decide to return to this place once your mission has been achieved. The tracker gem will bring Lord Rimoah back to this location at sunset in six days’ time. You resolve to be here when he arrives.

(I do have Grand PAth with a high enough rank)

Your Kai mastery enables you to accurately predict the weather in the next few hours. You sense that the storm will not abate until dawn. You inform Anseng of this and he gives you a wry smile. He is clearly impressed by your acuity and accepts without question that your prediction is correct.
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Old 04-19-2020, 09:35 PM   #190
Abe Sargent
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(My call now, Anseng will die. Joe Dever doesn't change even though 18 years are between these books)

Anseng insists that it is too dangerous to linger here any longer. The constant shuddering of the ground beneath your feet confirms this to be so. With his lantern held aloft, he begins the difficult trek through the toa and pine forest with you following close behind. Soon you emerge from the swaying trees and set off along a muddy forest road at a brisk pace, heading east. The sheeting rain and the constant thunder make it impossible for you to speak with your determined guide until you reach a small woodsman’s hut a few miles distant. Anseng points to the hut’s rickety door and you follow him inside, thankful to be out of the relentless downpour.

‘You did well to keep up with me, my Lord,’ he says, as he places his glowing lantern on the hut’s solitary table. ‘We’ll rest here for a few hours and leave at first light.’

From his leather backpack he produces some provisions: a loaf of bread, some strips of cured lamb meat, some dried fruits, and a small bottle of rice wine. Generously, he shares his meagre rations with you. While you are eating, you take the opportunity to observe your guide. He is a lean man in his early fifties, physically fit and impressively agile. He is dressed in simple peasant garb with a wide conical hat made from straw. Despite his mundane clothing, this man is clearly not a lowly peasant. He has the distinctive mien of a professional soldier, the legacy of years spent as a Captain in the Imperial Chai Guard: the warrior elite of the Chai army. A ‘kirusami’, an ornate bladed polearm is slung over his shoulder on a thin strip of leather.

When you have finished your meal, Anseng opens a wooden cupboard fixed to the interior wall and retrieves two bed rolls. He unties them and lays them out upon the floor of the hut.

‘We must get some sleep while we can. We’ve a long journey ahead. We leave at dawn.’

Despite the rumbling thunder, howling winds, and heavy rain beating on the shingle roof of the hut, you soon drift off into a deep and dreamless sleep. Four hours later you are awoken by Anseng’s strong hand shaking your shoulder.

‘Wake up, my Lord. It’s time to go.’

The noise of the night storm has disappeared. The only sound you can hear outside is a dawn chorus of chittering bird song. You rise from your mattress and gather your weapons and equipment. When you are ready, Anseng takes you to a stable at the rear of the hut where two horses are saddled ready to ride. He prepared them while you were sleeping. Leaving the stable, you and Anseng set off along the muddy highway at a brisk pace. The rain and thunder have ceased, but the slowly brightening sky is heavy with thick grey clouds.

As you ride along, you stare out across the lush green paddy fields bordering the road. On your way you pass by several isolated huts and houses. Their owners, all rice growers, are repairing roofs and walls that been damaged by the storm and they pay you scant regards as you ride past their humble abodes. Anseng says that you must reach the village of Zang before nightfall. You have a long day’s ride ahead and there will be no time to stop and rest along the way. Unless you have a Meal in your Backpack, you lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The need to stay in the saddle all day prevents you from foraging for food in the adjacent rice fields.

During your long journey, you converse with Anseng and find out more about your trusty guide. He hails from the city of Dwala, approximately 200 miles due east of your present location. He is one of a group of covert agents established by the Elder Magi for the purpose of gathering intelligence about vengeful Bhanarians, obsessed with avenging the Massacre of Yua Tzhan, who are operating in and around Pensei. They have also been tasked with finding out why Agarashi have recently been sighted far from their lairs in the Hyunsei Foothills, the Voxai Swamp and, the Huzang Forest. The last time they found the courage to do so was seventeen years ago, when they joined the army of Autarch Sejanoz for the invasion of Chai. Anseng tells you that his group of agents are headquartered at the Tower of Ishir in Dwala. Here they meet regularly with Lord Rimoah’s envoy and pass on all the information they have gathered about the enemy. Anseng is a proud member of this secret group of agents who call themselves ‘The Watchers’. While you are riding together, you notice an unusual polearm that is strapped to Anseng’s saddle

(I ask about it)

Anseng tells you that his ornate bladed polearm is called a kirusami. It resembles a short spear with a curved blade fixed at one end. The blade is beautifully engraved and razor sharp. This distinctive weapon says much about Anseng’s distinguished military career. Only the Chai Imperial Guard are permitted to own and use such weapons, and only the bravest of their cadre are allowed to keep them when they retire from service. A thin strip of supple leather is fixed to either end of the kirusami so that Anseng can carry it slung over his shoulder when he is not on horseback.

It starts to rain as you approach the village of Zang at dusk. This picturesque Chai settlement sits astride the highway amidst a range of rolling hills. To the south-east you can see the darkening peaks of the Huzang Mountains, and to the north-west, beyond the hills, you espy the perimeter of the Northern Huzang Forest. Its giant toa trees are swaying gently in the strengthening breeze. You note that Zang has been spared the ravages of last night’s storm; its shops and dwellings show no signs of damage. Its citizens have finished a hard day’s work and are hurrying back to their homes, anxious to take shelter from the rain and settle down to their evening meals.

Anseng leads you along the muddy main road towards a distant tavern. A brace of copper lanterns creak slowly in the breeze above its shiny red door.

‘We’ll stay here this night,’ says Anseng. ‘The owner’s an old friend and he owes me a favour or two.’

From the shelter of an awning, the owner’s son watches your approach. When he recognises Anseng, he runs forward and takes hold of your horses’ bridles. He bows respectfully to Anseng and bids him welcome.

‘And it’s good to see you again, Jeng,’ replies your guide, as he dismounts. He retrieves his polearm from his saddle and then turns to you and says, ‘Our horses are in good hands, my Lord. Jeng will take care of them. Come, let’s get in out of the rain. I’m so hungry, my stomach’s beginning to think my throat’s been cut!’

You enter the comfortable warmth of the tavern’s taproom. Several of its patrons nod and smile when they recognise Anseng and they do their best to make you both feel most welcome. Tzu, the owner, is not much older than Anseng. He greets him warmly as if he were a long lost brother. He calls out to his doting wife, Yeng Zhi, to go to the kitchen and fetch some hot food for you both.

‘My best rooms are at your disposal, my friends,’ says Tzu, enthusiastically. ‘It’s an honour and a pleasure to have to stay with us this night.’

The hard day’s ride has taken its toll. You are feeling tired and more than a little saddle sore. You may choose to stay in the taproom and eat with Anseng, or you can go to the room that is awaiting you upstairs and eat alone before you settle down for some much needed sleep.

(I join Anseng)

You and Anseng sit at a table near to the tavern’s crackling log fire. Yeng Zhi brings you each a bowl of steamed rice, mixed with chopped vegetables and diced lamb. While you are eating this delicious food, the main door opens and in comes an old man clad in a flamboyantly embroidered blue overcoat. The patrons greet him with applause and he acknowledges them with a jovial smile and a bow of respect.

‘Ah, it’s Shou Len,’ says Anseng. ‘It looks like we’re in for a treat this evening!’

Tzu warmly welcomes the old man. He helps him off with his rain-sodden coat and hat and hangs them on a hook behind the taproom counter.

‘Shou Len is a Riddler,’ says Anseng. ‘He’s well known in these parts. I wonder what riddles he has in store for us tonight.’

Tzu escorts Shou Len to a table next to yours and turns to his patrons and says: ‘Place your wagers, my friends. Let’s see who among us have the wit and wisdom to win tonight!’

The taproom patrons place varying amounts of Ren (the currency of Chai) into folds of paper and inscribe their names upon them. Then they come forward and place their sealed bets on Shou Len’s table. If you would like to wager on the first riddle that the old man is going to pose, you should now decide how many Gold Crowns you wish to bet and deduct them from your Action Chart.

Anseng passes you a piece of paper in which to wrap your wager, and he hands you a stick of charcoal with which you can inscribe your name. Sommlending Gold Crowns are readily accepted in Chai (1 Gold Crown = 10 Ren). Anseng decides to wager 20 Ren. You are obliged to make a minimum bet of 1 Gold Crown.

Once all the bets are in, Shou Len clears his throat and calls out his first riddle.

‘Xian Tzee is 54 years old. Yisu, her mother, is 80 years old. How many years ago was Yisu exactly three times the age of her daughter?’

Tzu has a large hourglass on the taproom counter. The moment Shou Len has finished posing the riddle, he turns the hourglass over and its sand begins to trickle from the upper part into the lower part of the glass. You have one minute precisely in which to answer Shou Len’s riddle (you should allow yourself only one minute to calculate your answer).

(I bet a crown and wasn;t able to figure it out in the time alloted)

Anseng passes you a scrap of paper on which to write down your answer and tells you to put your name on the reverse side. When the hourglass runs out, Tzu shouts: ‘Time’s up!’ The patrons hold up the scraps of paper on which they have written their answer and their name, and these are quickly gathered up by Yeng Zhi. She gives them to Shou Len and he removes the ones that have the correct answer. You are disappointed to see that your scrap of paper is not among them.

It was 41 years ago that the mother (who is now 80 years old) was exactly three times the age of her daughter. The daughter was 13 years old and the mother was 39 years old.

Only three patrons solved the puzzle. You are happy to see that one of them was Anseng. Yeng Zhi collects his winnings and places them on your table, together with his original bet in its paper wrap. He won 4 Ren, double the amount of his wager.

(I bet again)

‘And now, my dear friends, I have a very special riddle for you. A special riddle with a special prize.’

Shou Len removes something from his tunic pocket and holds it aloft for all to see. It is a playing piece from a samor set, an exquisitely carved queen made of ivory and inlaid with gold.

‘This is a valuable item, and therefore I must request that you wager a minimum of 100 Ren.’

(I bet 10 crowns)

The minimum bet that Shou Len has levied on his second riddle proves too rich for the other patrons, including Anseng. You are the only one to make a bet and all eyes turn to you when Shou Lin begins to speak.

‘One pitcher has five quarts of oil in it. Another contains five quarts of vinegar. I take a quart of oil from the first pitcher and mix it into the pitcher of vinegar. Now, I take a quart of oil from this mixture and stir it back into the pitcher full of oil. Tell me, is there now more oil or less oil in the first pitcher as there is vinegar in the second pitcher?

(the same amount)

Congratulations, your answer is correct! The amounts are the same. After mixing in a quart of oil, the mixture would by ⅚ vinegar and ⅙ oil. This would leave ⅚ of a quart of oil in the first pitcher. Since the other ⅚ of the removed mixture is vinegar, and this is now mixed into the other pitcher, in the end both pitchers end up with ⅚ of a quart of the other liquid in them. As they have equal amounts of the other liquid, and the total volumes are equal (back to 5 quarts each), they must have equal amounts of their original liquids.

The patrons cheer when Shou Lin confirms that you have given him the correct answer. With good grace, he hands you the Samor Queen and you place it inside the pocket of your jacket. (The Samor Queen is a Special Item. You should add this to your Special Items list on your Action Chart.)

‘Well done, my Lord,’ says Anseng, cheerfully. ‘I wish I had your gift for deduction.’

You are now feeling very tired and are finding it a little difficult to keep your eyes open. Rather than stay for Shou Lin’s next riddle, you bid Anseng good night and retire to your room.

(I add it to my list, I have 39 crowns left, I adjusted the sheet for it as well!)
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Old 04-19-2020, 10:25 PM   #191
Abe Sargent
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Your room is facing you when you reach the top of the stairs. The door is unlocked and you enter to find that it is a well-appointed room with a comfortable bed and fine furnishings. You can hear the rain beating against the window pane and the sounds of jollity in the taproom below. You begin to wish you had stayed below with Anseng, but another long ride on the highway awaits you tomorrow and you are in need of a good night’s sleep.

You wake at dawn to the sound of a cockerel crowing. It stopped raining during the night and sunlight is streaming through the room’s solitary window. You gather up your equipment and descend the stairs to the taproom. Anseng is waiting there and he greets you with a smile. Tzu approaches from the adjoining kitchen and Anseng offers to pay him for your rooms and food. Politely, the friendly owner refuses to accept his money and Anseng does not argue with his decision.

‘It’s the least I can do for you, my friend,’ says Tzu, ‘after all the help you have given me in the past. I wish you both a safe journey. I hope you’ll come visit us again before too long.’

You collect your horses from the tavern’s stable and you are pleased to see that Tzu’s son, Jeng, has done a fine job of looking after them. They have been fed, watered, groomed and are both well rested. Anseng tips the boy 20 Ren and he beams with joyful appreciation. He wishes you both a safe journey as you mount up and begin your long ride to the town of Vabou.

The weather is fine and sunny as you make a gradual decent through the hills beyond the village of Zang. But by the time you reach the Huzang Plain, heavy cloud has moved in from the west. It brings with it more rain. Anseng peers out from beneath the dripping rim of his straw hat and casts a sceptical eye across the great expanse of lush grassland to the east of the muddy highway.

‘We’ll be lucky to reach Vabou by nightfall,’ he says, pessimistically. ‘But try we must.’

You ride all morning in the heavy rain. The highway has been reduced to a muddy morass in places, but your horses are sure footed and you make good progress despite the foul weather. Several of the farmsteads that you pass along the way are busily preparing for the coming storms that hit H’lau overnight. Farmers are hurriedly securing loose roof shingles and boarding up their windows. A few have decided to abandon their farms until the storms have passed. They are loading their wagons and preparing to abandon their homes to seek shelter with relatives in Zang and Vabou until it is safe to return.

It is mid-afternoon when you come to a small spire of stone at side of the highway, close to a wooded copse. Its metallic tip gleams dully in the poor light. Anseng says you should stop here for a short while to allow the horses to rest. You may now eat a Meal from your Backpack, or you can use your basic Kai Hunting Discipline to forage enough food for one Meal in the rice fields hereabouts. You are getting ready to remount and continue when a lightning storm breaks directly overhead. A crackling bolt of lightning strikes the tip of the stone spire, followed almost immediately by a deafening crash of thunder. The muddy ground shudders, but it is not the storm that is causing the sodden earth to tremble. From out of the copse comes a stampeding herd of Wild Guanza! These large bipedal lizards are wide-eyed with terror as they come racing towards you. Anseng screams a warning but the crazed Guanza pack are upon you before you can turn your horses about and evade them.

Wild Guanza Herd: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 38

These creatures are pack hunters. They are in a frenzy of fear induced by the deafening thunder and close lightning strikes. They are also very hungry and the scent of your horses is enough to override their primeval panic.

If you possess the Kai Grand Master Discipline of Animal Mastery, add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

(My CS ration is maxed. I toss a 6 and a 0. They die.)
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Old 04-19-2020, 10:31 PM   #192
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Anseng fought the Wild Guanza with admirable skill and courage and survived their sudden attack, but sadly his horse has been badly mauled by the voracious reptilians. You try to revive his fallen steed but it is too late to save it. With heavy heart, Anseng retrieves his weapon and equipment from the saddle of his dead horse. Now with only one horse, you take turns riding while the other jogs alongside.

A few miles beyond the copse, you see a stationary wagon on the rain swept highway ahead. You magnify your vision and discern that the wagon has shed a wheel. Its driver is attempting to fix it.

(I stop and help)

As you approach the covered wagon, you see that it has shed one of its two rear wheels. The Chai wagoneer, clad in a hooded grey oilskin, is struggling to get the wheel back onto the axle but the thick mud and relentless rain confound his every attempt.

‘I know this man,’ says Anseng, and calls out to the luckless traveller. ‘Hail, Chengu!’

The wagoneer turns his head and peers at you both through the teeming rain.

‘Anseng? Is that you? Ishir be praised, it is you!’

‘Chengu, my dear friend, you picked a fine time to go to market!’

You bring your horse to a halt behind the wagon, dismount, and tether its reins to the tailboard. Anseng makes a cursory inspection of the damaged axle and then introduces you to his friend. You learn that Chengu is a rice farmer. He and Anseng have known each other since they were young boys. They were both born and raised in the same street in the city of Dwala. When they were young men they went their separate ways; Anseng enlisted in the Chai Army and Chengu became a farmer in this region. Anseng always made sure to visit Chengu at his farmstead when the army dispatched him to H’lau once a year.

The wagon is laden with sacks of rice and the weight of this cargo has made it impossible for Chengu to reattach the wheel. But with Anseng’s assistance, you are able to raise the rear of the wagon just enough for Chengu to push the wheel back into position. Its retaining pin has sheared off and so you improvise a replacement from an iron bracing scavenged from the tailgate. Within the hour, the wagon is good to continue its journey to Vabou. Anseng sits himself beside his friend, and you travel alongside the wagon on horseback. You have covered barely a mile when a cawing sound draws your gaze skyward. A trio of coal-black ravens are circling directly overhead

(I have AM)

You are shocked to discover that the ravens are not what they seem. Your Animal Mastery reveals they are sentient scouts, bird-like in form but created by a power that is wholly evil. Your initial attempt to communicate with them telepathically chills you to the bone. Unless you possess the Kai Grand Master Discipline of Kai-Screen, you lose 1 ENDURANCE due to the effects of this sudden psychic shock.

(I do have KS)

The ravens fly away towards the north-east and are soon lost from sight amidst the heavy cloud cover. The four sturdy draft horses that are hitched to the wagon make steady progress along the treacherously muddy highway. The sheeting rain makes it difficult to see further than the middle distance, but you are able to appreciate the beauty of the richly verdurous countryside of this fertile region of Chai. At length you come to a part of the highway that wends its way through a cluster of low hills bordered on either side by tall Toa trees. As the wagon rounds a bend in the road, the draft horses suddenly take fright and come to an abrupt halt. Something on the highway ahead is filling them with fear.

You spur your horse to the front of the wagon team and your stomach churns when you see what has frightened them. On the highway ahead, three ravenous long-limbed monstrosities with scaly green hides and dripping fangs are consuming the shredded remains of a luckless traveller and his horse. It is a horrific sight to behold.

(I have been to Javai)

You have encountered these creatures before when first you visited Chai. They are Chagarashi. Long ago, during the Age of Eternal Night, this land was stalked by Agarashi—the hellish creations of Agarash the Damned. When Agarash was destroyed by the Elder Magi, his creations were scattered across the wilderness and plains of Chai. The creatures you now face are descendants of those ancient horrors. It is rare for Chagarashi to be found in this region of Chai. You sense that there is a sinister force present that has driven them from their burrows and caves in search of prey

‘Chagarashi!’ screams Anseng, ‘Ishir save us!’

The ghastly creatures detect the scent of the frightened wagon horses and detach themselves from the tattered remains of their victims. With murderous intent, they come loping along the muddy highway with their bloodied mouths agape.

‘We must protect the horses!’ shouts Anseng, and hurriedly he dismounts from the wagon and unshoulders his kirusami. Your mount is overcome with sheer terror. He rears up and you are thrown out of the saddle onto the muddy ground. Before you can attempt to calm him, he bolts and gallops away along the highway you have just travelled. Chengu is shaking with fear. Desperately he fights to regain control of his panicking horse team as the Chagarashi increase their loping pace.

Drenched with rain and plastered with sticky mud, you scramble to your feet and rush to join Anseng who is standing defiantly on the highway between the onrushing monsters and the terrified wagon horses. Coolly, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and stand beside your guide. Two of the howling horrors launch themselves upon you while the third beast leaps through the air and slashes at Anseng with its razor-sharp talons.


You must fight these two creatures as one enemy

( I have a max ratio again for this battle. I toss a 1 and a 3 and a 3. Then a 6 and they die. I took 8)

The death shrieks of the slain Chagarashi echo through the rain swept hills. As if in answer to their dying cries, a chorus of shrill screeches issues from the surrounding trees.

‘There are more of them!’ gasps Anseng. ‘We must get away from here at once.’

There is no sign of your bolted horse and no time to search for him. Hurriedly, you and your guide climb onto the wagon and urge Chengu to move off. He is trembling with shock and does not respond. Anseng pulls him from the driver’s bench and lays him down among the sacks of rice in the rear of the wagon. As he tends to his petrified friend, you take up the reins and urge the horse team to advance. They are traumatised by the sight and smell of the dead Chagarashi and refuse to move, but by using your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control you calm them and get them to respond. They take off at a brisk pace, trampling the lifeless carcasses of the slain Chagarashi into the mud as they go.

You have travelled less than a mile along the winding highway when the horse team slows down. Their fear has returned. Despite your concentrated effort to soothe their troubled minds, you are rapidly losing control over them.

(I have Grand Hunt with a high enough skill)

Your Kai Sixth Sense alerts you to an unseen danger in the trees to the east of the highway. You focus your vision on the source of the danger and sense something moving. When you call upon your advanced Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you see a ghostly shape in the ultraviolet spectrum that is invisible to normal vision. Upon the instant that you detect it, the ghostly entity stops moving and rapidly disappears. It is cloaking itself from your penetrating sight. You cannot identify the spectral entity but you are left in no doubt that it is wholly evil.
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Old 04-20-2020, 11:25 AM   #193
Abe Sargent
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You urge the horses to increase speed but they are reluctant to respond. The screeching cries of Chagarashi have become increasingly louder and the wagon team are succumbing to their primeval fear of being eaten alive.

(I use AM)

You call upon your advanced Kai skill to regain control of the frightened wagon team. Inured against their primitive fears, they surge ahead and rapidly gather speed. You have covered less than a mile when you come to a sharp bend in the road and you are forced to rein in the horses to avoid tipping the wagon over on its side. Upon clearing the bend, your heart sinks when you see a strange phenomenon blocking the highway. Barely fifty yards ahead, a semi-circular dome of swirling dark energy crackles loudly as it brings the surface of the muddy road to the boil. Ghostly grey images swoop in and out of this dome, trailing wreathes of steam as they emerge from its unnatural blackness.

Anseng scrambles to the front of the wagon and can hardly believe what he sees. He opens his mouth to voice his shocked surprise but no sound emerges. His eyes widen with fear when he realises he can no longer speak.

(I have Kai-Screen and a certain rank)

You sense that Anseng is being subjected to a psychic attack by the ghostly entities plunging in and out of the dome of dark energy. You draw upon the power of your advanced Kai-screen Discipline and erect an invisible screen around your guide. Immediately, this serves to protect him from the destructive force of their mental attacks. It also enables you to siphon off some of the malicious energy and transform it into a positive force that revives and invigorates you. If your current ENDURANCE score is less than what you had at the start of your adventure, all lost points are now fully restored.

The swirling apparitions coalesce into a single malevolent entity that takes shape above the crackling dome of darkness, and your Sixth Sense tells you that it is preparing to unleash a massive bolt of psychic force upon you and your companions. Your mental Kai defences may be able to withstand this imminent attack, but Anseng and Chengu are vulnerable to such an assault and its effect upon them will be devastating. You must disrupt the entity before it launches its psychic attack.

(I use KS)

Hurriedly, you prepare to launch a pulse of mental energy at the sinister entity.

You launch a Kai Blast surge at the entity and it penetrates its ghostly form, disrupting its ability to leech psychic power from the dome of darkness. Your swift action saves your companions from a gruesome fate, but your hasty attack weakens you and leaves you shivering with psychic shock: lose 5 ENDURANCE.

The entity senses your weakness and it focuses all of its power upon you. You steel yourself for the psychic combat that is about to begin.

Spectral Entity: COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 34

This is a psychic combat without physical contact. You cannot add any bonuses to your COMBAT SKILL that you would normally gain by the use of your Kai Weapon and through the use of the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery. Your improved Grand Master Discipline of Kai-surge will grant you a +8 bonus to your COMBAT SKILL with no loss of ENDURANCE per round of combat.

(So that gives me a modified CS of 54, which is +9. I toss a 7 and then a 1 followed by a 4. It died. I took 5 so I have 10 damage right now)
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Old 04-20-2020, 11:37 AM   #194
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Upon the instant you defeat the Spectral Entity, its ghostly body and the dome of dark energy both vanish in the blink of an eye. Anseng regains his ability to speak, but the shock of the supernatural encounter leaves him agitated and wary. You sense that the presence of evil that has haunted you since entering this hilly and wooded area has now gone. Tranquillity has returned to this region. Anseng and the horse team are reassured by this welcome return to normality and you resume your journey to Vabou with all haste.

Night falls long before you reach the town. The way ahead is illuminated by bright moonlight that pours through a break in the leaden clouds and is reflected in the puddles that cover the waterlogged highway. You offer up a silent prayer of thanks to Goddess Ishir for this blessing she has bestowed upon you and your companions, for it enables the horse team to follow the highway across the Huzang Plain with little difficulty.

It is an hour before midnight when you see the lights of Vabou in the middle distance. This large town is surrounded by a wooden palisade, lending it a fort-like appearance. Upon reaching the town’s west gate, you are waved down by two town guardsmen with glowing lanterns. They recognise the kirusami that Anseng is armed with and respectfully they salute him. They are aware that only the Imperial Guard are permitted to own and use such weapons, and only the most distinguished former-members of the Guard are allowed to retain their coveted polearm when they retire from service. Beyond the west gate, you trundle along a wide shop-lined street that leads to a junction where it joins the main highway connecting the town of Klatii with the capital, Pensei. During your night journey to Vabou, Chengu has fully recovered from the shock of his ordeal and has resumed his role as wagoneer. Anseng directs him along the central highway to a large inn called The Golden Dragon. It is here that you bid farewell to Chengu and climb down from his wagon. He wishes you both good luck and farewell before he sets off for the house of his brother and family on the east side of the town.

Despite the late hour, the Golden Dragon is still open for business. The rains have returned and Anseng beckons you to follow as he climbs the wide stone steps from the street to the inn’s front door.

You enter the inn to find several patrons enjoying the libations and entertainments of this friendly establishment. The air is sweet with burning incense and the tap room is brightly lit and decorated with colourful flags and silk banners. Behind the lacquered counter there is a large portrait of Xo-lin, the late Khea-khan of Chai. The ornate frame is draped with two flags: the national flag of Chai and the town flag of Vabou. You follow Anseng to one end of the counter where the portly proprietor, Lun-chow, is polishing glasses with a piece of suede leather. He smiles broadly upon recognising your guide.

‘Later than I expected,’ he says, amiably, ‘but better late than never. Delayed by the weather no doubt.’

Anseng nods but says nothing about the deadly encounters you experienced during your difficult journey to Vabou. Lun-chow is an honest innkeeper and his association with Anseng goes back several decades, but he is also a notorious gossipmonger. If Anseng were to tell him of the Chagarashi attacks and your confrontation with the Spectral Entity, it would be all over town before dawn.

Your guide is sorely aware that you will need fresh horses to replace the mounts you lost on the way here. He advises you to avail yourself of the comforts of the inn while he negotiates the loan of horses with Lun-chow. He says it will likely take some time to strike a fair deal with the innkeeper.

Your rumbling stomach reminds you that you have not eaten since mid-afternoon. A barmaid is standing at the other end of the taproom counter, taking an order for food from one of the patrons. She scribbles his request on a parchment pad.

(I use G Hunt for meal.)

As you finish your food, a ripple of applause among the patrons draws your attention to a curtained archway in the far wall. The curtain is draw aside and a troupe of entertainers files into the taproom, smiling with gratitude at the warm reception. They have performed for the patrons earlier this evening and now they return for their final performance of the night. From snippets of conversation you overhear, you learn that the entertainers are a band of travelling troubadours who come from the city of Durwan in Lissan. They are on their way back to their native city after having performed in several taverns and inns of Pensei. The musicians begin to play a lively tune and a trio of pretty dancing girls whirl and twirl around the taproom to the delight of the patrons. One of the girls is wearing a tight-fitting red silk dress, and she glances repeatedly in your direction as she gyrates around the room. It appears that she has taken a special interest in you.

When the performance comes to a close, the patrons give a loud cheer and the girls pass among them collecting donations of Ren from the appreciative audience. After the money has been gathered up, the troubadours thank the Chai for their generosity and leave the taproom by way of the curtained archway. A few minutes later, the girl in the red silk dress reappears. With a charming smile, she comes and sits opposite you at your table. She tells you her name is Rakhi and says she has never seen anyone quite like you before. She asks if you are a Northlander. Your senses detect that she is genuinely friendly and does not intend to do you any harm. You reply that you are indeed a Northlander, but you refrain from telling her exactly which realm of the Northlands you hail from. ‘I thought so,’ she beams, joyfully. ‘I have something that may be of interest to you.’

She places a velvet satchel on the table and flips it open. It contains four ceramic phials, each one stoppered with a cork and carefully labelled and priced. She invites you to inspect them and gives an assurance that they are all genuine potions.

Laumspur (will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat): 50 Ren / 5 Gold Crowns
Tazheng (a powerful anti-venom): 60 Ren / 6 Gold Crowns
Tincture of Sabito root (rare in this part of Magnamund, Sabito enables the human body to extract oxygen from water through the skin, thus permitting anyone who swallows it to ‘breathe’ underwater): 80 Ren / 8 Gold Crowns
Karmo: 120 Ren (12 Gold Crowns). When taken before combat, this potion doubles your ENDURANCE points score for the duration of the combat. It has heavy side effects that sometimes can result in death. After consuming Karmo, you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. The number you choose determines how many ENDURANCE points you lose as a consequence of the side effects (0 = zero).

You may purchase any or all of these potions for the price indicated. If you wish to make a purchase, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly. These potions are all Backpack Items.

(I don't need Sabito as I have the water breathing spell with KA now. I buy Tazheng and Karmo. My crowns are at 23, I'll adjust my sheet above)
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Old 04-20-2020, 11:43 AM   #195
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Rakhi closes her velvet satchel and places it on the seat beside her.

‘Forgive me for saying this, but you look very tired. Have you had a hard journey to Vabou?’ You smile and nod your weary head. ‘Mmm, then I know just the thing that will make you feel much better.’

Rakhi raises her arm and beckons the young barmaid over to your table. She asks the girl to bring you a pot of boiling water and two teacups. The girl returns shortly with the pot and cups and Rakhi thanks her kindly. You watch with fascination as she removes a pouch of small white flowers from a pocket of her dress and tips them into the pot. As you wait for the flowers to infuse in the steaming water, she informs you that they are fresh Senara blooms that she gathered earlier today. Carefully she lifts the lid of the pot and smiles, then she fills the two teacups with this curious brew.

‘This is Senara Tea,’ she says, ‘it’s a wonderful restorative, very popular in my homeland. I recommend we wait a few minutes for it to cool as really it should be served cold for best effect.

(I use G Path, with a rank.)

You place your hands on the two cups and draw upon your improved Discipline to lower the temperature of the tea. It takes just a few seconds to achieve this. Then you offer one of the cups to Rakhi and she emits a soft squeal of surprise upon discovering the cup is cold to the touch. She is very impressed by what you have done.

(Again, that doesn't feel like super tracking, more like Grand NexusAs you sip the sweet tasting liquid, immediately you feel the soothing effects of the brew flowing throughout your body. Your muscles and your mind are relaxed by this efficacious tea. If your current ENDURANCE score is lower than it was when you began your adventure, you may now restore 3 points. If, by the use of an advance Grand Master Discipline, you cooled the tea prior to drinking it, you may restore 5 ENDURANCE. Remember that your ENDURANCE score cannot exceed the total with which you started.

With a melodically lilting voice, Rakhi tells you about her life with the troubadours and how much she is looking forward to returning home to Lissan.

(I have the Queen)

Rakhi gives a sudden squeal of delight and points at the pocket of your jacket.

‘You have the Queen!’ she says, excitedly. You draw the playing piece from your pocket and Rakhi begs you to let her look at it. With trembling fingers she examines it closely.

‘Yes, yes …  it’s the missing piece I’ve been looking for!’ she gasps.

‘What’s so special about this samor piece?’ you ask, somewhat bemused by her passionate reaction.

‘Wait here, I need to fetch something. I’ll not be long.’ She returns the Samor Queen to you and leaves the table. You watch her hurry across the taproom and disappear through the curtained archway. In less than a minute she returns clutching a mahogany box inlaid with intricate gold designs.

Proudly, she raises the lid revealing a set of beautifully carved samor pieces, each one resting in its own velvet-lined partition. One piece is missing from the set—the Samor Queen.

‘I lost the Queen over a year ago, and I’ve been searching for it ever since to restore my set. This was a present from my late grandmother. She taught me how to play samor when I was a child. I’m not wealthy and I cannot offer you much money for the Queen, but I have something of value that may interest you. Perhaps we can make a deal?’

She clutches a small scarlet gem that is strung around her throat on a fine gold chain. She unhooks its clasp and passes it to you.

‘It belonged to my mother,’ she says. ‘She gave it to me when I joined the troupe. It has magical properties that have kept me safe since I left Durwan, but I’d happily exchange it for the Samor Queen.’

You examine the gem closely and your Sixth Sense reveals that it does indeed have magical properties. It is a Wardstone, one of many such artefacts that were created by the Elder Magi millennia ago. It is imbued with the power to weaken undead creatures.

You agree to Rakhi’s proposal and exchange the Samor Queen for her Wardstone. You may record this Wardstone on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you wear around your neck, suspended by its gold chain. If you enter into combat against an undead adversary whilst in possession of this item, you may reduce your enemy’s COMBAT SKILL by 3 for the duration of the fight.

Rakhi is delighted. She places the missing Queen into the empty partition of the box and closes the lid.

‘Thank you so much. This means so much to me!’ she says. Then she leans across the table and kisses you fondly on the cheek. It is at this moment that Anseng arrives, having just completed his long conversation with the innkeeper.

‘I see you’ve found a new friend while I’ve been gone,’ he says, with a wry smile, ‘and I must admit, she’s a lot prettier than me.’

Rakhi giggles and bids you both goodnight. She leaves the table and Anseng sits himself opposite you. You ask him about his negotiations with the innkeeper and he nods his head wearily.

‘Lun-chow drives a hard bargain,’ he replies, ‘but we have ourselves two new horses. I had to pay him every Ren I possessed to get them. Don’t worry, my Lord. The Khea-khan is a generous man and he will recompense me once we reach Pensei.’

You pour the last of the Senara Tea into your cup and offer it to your guide. He accepts it gladly and swallows it down in one go. Revived by the tea, he tells you that two rooms for the night were part of the bargain he struck with Lun-chow. He hands you a key and tells you that your room is number 5.

‘We have another long ride ahead of us tomorrow. Let’s get some rest, for we must leave at dawn if we are to reach Pensei by nightfall.’

Together you leave the booth and pass through the curtained archway. Both of your rooms are located on the ground floor, next to each other. Anseng wishes you a good night’s sleep before retiring to his room, number 4.

(I adjust my chart)

You are pleasantly surprised to find a bath full of warm water and a bar of soap awaiting you in your room, and you take this welcome opportunity to bathe and wash the mud from your clothing before you climb into bed. You are disturbed by the events of the day, for it seems that your enemies are aware of your arrival in Chai and they are doing all they can to prevent you from completing your mission. You try to put your concerns to the back of your mind and get some sleep. It will be a long day’s ride to Pensei.

ou awake just before dawn to the sound of a cockerel crowing in the garden of the inn. You get dressed and check your backpack and weapons before leaving the room. Anseng is already in the taproom. The innkeeper is with him and a breakfast of cold pork and vegetables awaits you on the counter.

After the two of you have consumed the food, Lun-chow escorts you to the rear of the inn and ushers you into a small green-tiled stable. Two fine mares are saddled ready for you to collect. You mount up and Lun-chow bids you both a safe journey as you leave his stable.

It is a grey dawn and a light drizzle is falling. Vabou is slowly awaking to a new day as you follow the main street to the town’s north gate. The guards pay you no heed when you pass through the open gate and ride away from Vabou along the highway beyond. This is an ancient road which is paved with weather-worn flagstones. During your morning’s ride, gradually the drizzle becomes rain but you are able to make good progress along the smooth paved highway.

You reach the village of Uzam shortly after midday. Anseng signals to you to halt before you enter the settlement. He dismounts and inspects his horse’s forelegs.

‘As I thought,’ he says, disappointedly. ‘The shoe on her left hoof is loose. If we continue on with it like this, she’ll shed this shoe and go lame before the afternoon is out.’

Only two nails are holding the shoe in place. You will need to find a blacksmith who can put this right before you leave the village.
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Old 04-20-2020, 11:49 AM   #196
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The tell-tale sounds of a hammer beating upon an anvil leads you to a Blacksmithy on the north side of this attractive little village. The friendly blacksmith examines Anseng’s horse and says he can fix the loose horse shoe for 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns). Having spent all of his money on the hire of the horses from Lun-chow, it falls to you to pay the charge. You must deduct 2 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart. If you do not have enough money to pay the blacksmith’s fee, he will accept one item (of your choice) from your backpack as payment.

Anseng says he will wait here at the Blacksmithy while the work is carried out. He suggests that you spend the hour more profitably at one of the establishments located opposite the Blacksmith’s forge.

(I am at 22 crowns. I head to the general store)

You enter the store and discover it is stocked with hundreds of items, all neatly labelled and displayed with meticulous care. The proprietor of this establishment is an old widow called Shao. She is busy serving a customer, but she takes a few moments to smile and call out to you in a pleasant tone.

‘Please, you are most welcome to browse my wares. I will be with you shortly.’

You acknowledge her friendly directive with a respectful nod and begin to peruse her goods. Mostly they are household and farming implements, but you take note of a few items that may be of use during your mission:

Small Blanket: 10 Ren (1 Gold Crown)
Arrows: 10 Ren each (1 Gold Crown each)
Lantern: 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns)
Rope (50 ft. length): 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
Potion of Laumspur: 40 Ren (4 Gold Crowns) Restores 4 ENDURANCE when swallowed after combat.
Compass: 50 Ren (5 Gold Crowns)

Having served her customer, Shao comes and asks you if you have found anything that you would like to purchase. You may buy any of the items listed above for the price indicated. With the exception of the Arrows, they are all Backpack Items that will take up one space in your backpack. You are under no obligation to make a purchase.

(I buy the Chai Small Blanket, and Chai Lantern. I have 19 crowns. I visit the tavern)

The taproom is almost empty, save for a couple of aged villagers who are playing samor at a table near the tavern’s crackling wood fire. They smile cordially and bid you good day. One of them calls out ‘Kenga, you’ve got a customer,’ and a wiry old man in an apron appears from a doorway behind the counter.

‘How may I serve you, sir?’ he says, benignly.

You cast your eye along his shelves that are filled with bottles and small casks of wine, spirits, and exotic liqueurs. There are a myriad to choose from and they come from all over Magnamund. On one of the middle shelves you see a tall dark-green bottle that you recognise immediately; it is Moyturan Brandy from Sommerlund. A sudden wave of homesickness makes you swallow hard.

‘I’ll have a glass of that one please,’ you say, and the tavern keeper smiles.

‘Ah, I see you are a man of impeccable taste, good sir. A fine spirit from a fine land.’

Kenga takes the bottle down from the shelf and sets it on the counter. He produces a bulb-shaped glass and tugs the cork from the bottle. When he upends it, only a few drops of brandy emerge, barely enough to moisten the bottom of the glass.

‘Forgive me,’ he says, now embarrassed and a little flustered. ‘I have another on the top shelf. Please allow me to fetch it down for you. It’ll take but a moment or two.’

The old tavern keeper retrieves a short ladder from under the counter and sets it against the shelves. Hastily, he climbs up and stretches for the spare bottle. Unfortunately, in his haste he overreaches, loses his balance, and comes crashing down to land with a muffled thud behind the counter. His failed attempt to retrieve the spare bottle has moved a cask that was resting alongside. It falls off the shelf and comes hurtling down towards the old man’s skull. The brass-banded cask is too heavy for you to use your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus to deflect it in mid-fall.

pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, you may add 3 to this number.

(I toss a 3 into a 6)

Instinctively, you leap across the counter and, in mid-air, strike the falling cask with the edge of your clenched fist. Your swift blow deflects the cask away from Kenga’s head and sends it spinning to the hard stone floor. With a loud crack it splits wide open, drenching the lucky tavern keeper with sweet Lourdenian wine.

You help Kenga to his feet and he leans unsteadily against the counter. He is bruised and dazed from the fall, but no bones are broken and he counts himself lucky to have survived his mishap intact. He thanks you profusely for your assistance and apologises for his clumsiness.

‘I’d like to give you a gift,’ he says, meekly. ‘It’s the least I can do to repay your kindness.’

He reaches below the counter and retrieves a small wooden box with a hinged lid. He releases its brass catch and opens it. Inside are three stoppered glass vials, each with a label identifying its contents.

‘Please, dear sir, choose any one you wish.’

The box contains the following potions:

Laumspur (will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)
Tazheng (a powerful anti-venom)
Tincture of Sabito root (this potion enables the human body to extract oxygen from water through the skin, permitting anyone who swallows it to ‘breathe’ underwater)

You may choose one of the above potions or you can politely decline Kenga’s offer. If you accept one of these potions, remember to record it on your Action Chart. They are all Backpack Items.

ou are anxious to return to Anseng and so you bid Kenga farewell and leave the tavern.

(It says I can choose one, so I grab the Laumspur. I edit my sheet)
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Old 04-20-2020, 11:58 AM   #197
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The rain has become heavier while you have been in the tavern. You raise the hood of your woollen cloak and hurry towards the blacksmithy on the opposite side of the paved village road. As you approach the open doors, you sense that something is wrong. There is no sign of Anseng or the blacksmith, and Anseng’s horse is also missing. Only your horse remains in the workshop that houses the blacksmith’s forge and anvil. You detect fresh tracks in the rust-red dirt of the floor that lead out of the building. Some were made by a horse; others resemble bare human footprints that are significantly larger than normal sized feet. These tracks were made no more than 15 minutes ago. Then you detect a sound coming from somewhere above the workshop: it is the dull thud of a hammer striking a timber floor.

(I head upstairs)

At the top of the stairs is the Blacksmith’s living quarters. You are shocked to discover that this area has been ransacked. Furniture and furnishings lie broken and scattered all around the room and the walls are spattered with fresh blood. You hear an agonised groan coming from beneath a pile of broken furniture and quickly you pull the debris aside. Lying on the blood drenched floor is the blacksmith, a hammer clenched tightly in his right hand. His chest and throat have been torn open, as if he has been savaged by a pack of wild animals. He has lost a great deal of blood and he is near to death.

You cradle the dying man’s head in your hands and call upon your Kai healing powers to try and save his life.

(As of this book, I now have Deliverance!)

You place one hand around the blacksmith’s ruined throat and the other on his chest. You draw upon your powers and transfer the healing warmth of your Kai Discipline into the dying man. His eyes flicker open and he mouths a warning with blood-flecked lips: ‘Beware the ghouls!’ His eyes glaze over and his agony comes to an abrupt end. He is dead.

You lay his head upon the blood drenched floor and lower his eyelids. Now your mind is flooded with unanswered questions. Why was he savagely murdered? What kind of beast is capable of such cold-bloodied slaughter? Where is Anseng? Is he still alive or has he, too, met a grisly end?

Galvanised into action by what has happened here, you race down the stairs and mount your horse. Quickly you bring her around to face the open doors and ride out into the pouring rain. The fresh tracks from the Blacksmithy lead you along the paved road until you reach the northern perimeter of the village. Here they leave the highway and veer due east towards the Nagah Forest. A narrow woodsman’s trail snakes its way through the Chai pines and the tracks can clearly be seen in its muddy surface. Your Sixth Sense screams a warning that this dense forest harbours an evil presence. You rein in your horse and scan the surrounding trees. At once you detect an ambush has been prepared and several evil creatures are lying in wait for you on the trail ahead.

(I continue, to bait the trap)

With trepidation, you continue along the trail. You reach a section of the muddy forest path that is wider and straighter, and here you see that the tracks have changed. They indicate that several new barefooted creatures have joined with the ones you have been following, and the hoof-prints of the horse are deeper and more numerous. From these tracks you deduce that a struggle occurred here. The hoof-prints continue along the trail, but they are wider spaced than before. This tells you that Anseng was able to break free from the creatures and escape at speed along the path beyond.

A gurgling growl makes you reach to your Kai Weapon and scan the surrounding trees. Several hulking grey shapes are closing in from both sides and your pulse quickens when you first catch sight of them. They resemble tall muscular humans, but these cadaverous creatures are neither human nor alive. Their scabrous hairless grey skins reek of a charnel smell that makes your stomach churn. Foul black fluid drips from their fanged mouths and a baleful green glow radiates from their ragged eye sockets. From the tip of index fingers of their right hands extend curved razor-sharp talons that glint in the subdued light of the forest. Your horse rears up in fright and you struggle to keep control of her as the creatures come leaping out from the trees with unnerving speed. These creatures are undead and you must fight them all as one enemy.


(They get -3 with my Wardstone. Too bad Alema is no longer my weapon, but their 41 is easily a +11 ratio without any mental attacks. I toss a 0, the best number in combat, and auto kill them (as a reminder, the top ratio has a 30% chance of each number being an auto-kill))

As the last of the ghastly ghouls is decapitated by your final blow, you detect movement in the surrounding trees. Another gang of undead horrors are rapidly closing in, drawn by the stench of the spilled blood of their deathly comrades. You urge your horse to follow Anseng’s tracks, but the terrified mare shies away. Try as you may, you cannot override her primeval instincts to flee in the opposite direction, back along the trail that led you to this grisly encounter.

(Why can't I use AM this time like i did with the horses yesterday?)

You ride back along the old foresters’ trail, haunted with concern for Anseng’s safety. Your Sixth Sense tells you that he is still alive and that he is no longer in this vicinity, but you cannot discern for sure if he is unharmed or if he is being held captive somewhere deeper in the forest. You resolve to return to Uzam and continue your journey north to Pensei alone. You can but hope that your brave and resourceful guide will find a way to join you on the highway to the capital before the day is out.

(That's a weird hope. Feels a little out of character of the Kai not to continue on.)
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Old 04-20-2020, 12:05 PM   #198
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You return to the highway a mile from Uzam and turn north towards Pensei. The rumble of distant thunder heralds the start of another storm. Intermittent flashes of lightning illuminate the hills to the west, and the peaks of the Szuchow Mountains beyond are soon lost from view amidst of a roiling mass of ominous black rain clouds. You pass by a dozen covered wagons on the rain-swept highway, all travelling in the opposite direction. This traffic of wagons steadily increases until you are forced to abandon the highway and continue northwards by way of the soft grassland that borders the overcrowded road.

By mid-afternoon, the highway is clogged with dour-faced Chai pushing hand carts heaped high with household possessions. This sorry procession is a refugee column from Pensei. The fact that so many of its citizens have abandoned the shelter and comfort of their homes to travel south, in such appalling weather, fills you with a sense of dread. It means that the capital must be facing an imminent enemy attack.

Six Chai cavalry rangers come riding across the grassland that runs parallel with the crowded highway. They are all standing in their stirrups and seem to be searching for something or someone among the column of refugees

(I use Assimilance)

Using your Grand Master Discipline of Assimilance, you effect a striking change to your appearance. Your facial features change so that you now resemble a typical Chai peasant. The rangers approach and gallop past you without paying you any undue attention.

A few miles on, you see a large group of refugees assembled around a stone shrine dedicated to Goddess Ishir. They are kneeling in communal prayer, oblivious to the mud and the teeming rain. Your Sixth Sense detects an invisible aura of goodness surrounding the shrine. You bring your horse to a halt at the edge of the circle of devout worshippers and you feel a sensation of warmth and calmness flowing through you: restore 1 ENDURANCE. Your horse also benefits from the reviving power of the shrine, and when you push on along the margin of grassland bordering the highway, she is able to maintain a steady canter without tiring.

Pensei appears in view shortly before dusk. A night curfew has been imposed and you arrive at the south gate of the city just in time to enter before the heavy portal is chained shut until dawn tomorrow. You meet with no challenge from the guards at the gate; they are too busy dealing with a last rush of refugees who are desperate to leave Pensei before the gate is locked and the curfew begins.

Inside the south gate there is a large square ringed by shops and dwellings. You must make your way to the Imperial Palace, but it has been a long time since you last set foot in this ancient capital and you are not sure which avenue will lead you there. All you can remember is that the palace occupies the north-eastern precinct of the city.

(Maoshen Ave.)

At the entrance to Maoshen Avenue is an apothecary shop. Its bow window is empty, but there is a lantern hanging above the front door that illuminates a sign that says it is still open for business. You secure your horse to a hitching rail and enter. Inside you find the old apothecary overseeing his assistants, directing them to clear the shelves and pack his stock of pills and potions into straw-lined boxes. He, too, is preparing to leave Pensei. You are about to turn around and exit the shop when he bids you stay and peruse a shelf of potions that have yet to be cleared.

‘Finest potions in all Chai,’ he fawns, ‘best you buy now. Maybe your last chance.’

You inspect the remaining items and find the following tinctures and potions:

Laumwort: 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns). Restores 2 ENDURANCE when swallowed at any time.
Oxydine: 40 Ren (4 Gold Crowns). Restores 2 ENDURANCE when swallowed at any time. It also cures Korovax infections.
Laumspur: 50 Ren (5 Gold Crowns). Restores 4 ENDURANCE when swallowed after combat.
Alether: 60 Ren (6 Gold Crowns). Adds 2 COMBAT SKILL for the duration of one combat.
Malavan: 60 Ren (6 Gold Crowns). Increases the effect of Mindblast, Psi-surge, and Kai-surge, by adding 2 COMBAT SKILL for the duration of one combat.
Karmo: 100 Ren (10 Gold Crowns). When taken before combat, this potion doubles your ENDURANCE points score for the duration of the combat. It has heavy side effects that sometimes can result in death. After consuming Karmo, you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. The number you choose determines how many ENDURANCE points you lose as a consequence of the side effects (0 = zero).

You may buy any of the potions listed above for the price indicated. They are all Backpack Items that will each take up one space. You are under no obligation to make a purchase.

You ask the apothecary if he knows the quickest way to reach the Imperial Palace.

‘You can go along Maoshen or you can go along Tzushen. Both good. Both get you there equal soon.’

You thank the old man before you leave his apothecary shop and retrieve your horse.

(I buy Alether and have 12 crowns left. I stay on Maoshen)

Your eye is drawn to a large and impressive building on the right side of this wide lantern-lit avenue. Its tiled roof has a sweeping curvature that rises at the corners and its sea-green ridge tiles are highly decorated with ceramic figurines. This is the famous public library and records office of Pensei, a repository for tens of thousands of books and ancient parchments collected and preserved here over several centuries. The building and its contents are a worthy testament to the wisdom and enlightenment of the Khea-khans of Chai.

(I enter)

You dismount and tether the reins of your horse to a tubular stone rail near the Library’s entrance, then hurry inside to get out of the heavy rain. A young librarian, clad in long green robes and a yellow skull cap, approaches from behind a lacquered desk and bows respectfully.

‘Sir, the Library is about to close. Do you have items to return? If not, then I must request you leave.’

You have no library books or manuscripts to return and so you bid the polite Librarian good evening and turn to leave. Some Chai citizens are also leaving and one of them asks if he may speak with you under the awning of the front door. You nod your consent and accompany him from the building.

‘Forgive my impertinence, but I cannot help but notice you’re not a Penseian. My name is Hengdo. I’m a trader.’ He glances at your backpack and says: ‘I was wondering if you may have any items you’d like to sell?’

You can sell Hengdo any of the items you have noted on your Backpack List. He will pay 20 Ren for each item, regardless of how much it originally cost. If you wish to sell any of your items to this trader, erase them from your list and add 2 Gold Crowns (20 Ren) per item to your Belt Pouch.

(I sell two meals for 4 crowns. No reason not to the way I've been spending) I adjust my chart)
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-20-2020 at 12:09 PM.
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Old 04-20-2020, 12:16 PM   #199
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You ride along Maoshen Avenue until you come to a flagstoned square bordered on all sides by exclusive emporiums and luxurious dwellings. An ornate cherry-red sign in the middle of the square indicates the way to the Imperial Palace and you follow an adjoining street eastward until you come to a grand plaza. At its centre stands the Imperial Palace, ringed by a high curtain wall. The plaza is crowded with refugees, huddled together in small groups beneath umbrellas and makeshift tents. Carefully, you steer your horse through the frightened citizens and make your approach to the grand outer gate of the palace. The Imperial Guard sentries watch intently as you ascend the wide stone ramp that leads to the arched gate.

(I do not have a Duranse Consulate Pass)

You are stopped at the gate by three Imperial Guardsmen who challenge you to identify yourself and state your business here. You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility in an attempt to mask your distinctly Sommlending features, but this does not fool these watchful warriors. One of them calls for his sergeant to come forward. The hard-faced warrior scrutinises you for a few moments, then he commands a squad of his imperial soldiers to leave the courtyard beyond the gate and surround you. He steps closer and snatches the horse’s reins from your hands.

‘You’re under arrest. Come with me,’ he says, curtly. The squad unshoulder their kirusamis and point them at you menacingly. You are left in no doubt that they will use them if you attempt to escape.

The sergeant and his men escort you and your horse into the courtyard and take you to a blockhouse. You are pulled from the saddle and pushed unceremoniously through the open blockhouse door.

The sergeant enters the blockhouse with two of his men and slams the door shut behind them. He orders them to take your Kai Weapon and bring it to him. He walks to the middle of the bare brick room and inspects it in the light of a solitary ceiling lantern.

‘You, go fetch the Captain,’ he says, curtly, to one of the guardsmen. Obediently the man leaves the blockhouse chamber to carry out the sergeant’s command.

A few minutes later he returns with a tall officer who is clad resplendently in his palace uniform. The sergeant shows him your Kai Weapon and he relaxes his stern expression.

‘Where is Anseng?’ he asks.

‘We were separated from one another during the ride to Pensei,’ you reply. ‘I don’t know for sure where he is, or even if he’s still alive.’

To the sergeant’s surprise, the officer returns your Kai Weapon and gives you a formal salute.

‘Stand down, Sergeant Jeou. You have carried out your duties well. Now I’ll take charge of this man. You and your men may return to your posts.’

The sergeant salutes his senior officer and, without any murmur of dissent, he signals to his men to leave the blockhouse. He follows as they file out of the chamber and pauses only to close the stout door behind him.

‘I’ve been briefed to expect you, but I’m sorry to hear that Anseng is missing. He’s a fine man, an exemplary guardsman. I pray to Ishir he’ll find his way here before the siege begins.’

Captain Voushan formally introduces himself and tells you what has happened in Pensei over the past few days.

‘An attack was launched upon Fort Jhung, two days ago, by Bhanarian forces and a horde of Agarashi commanded by the dark wizard they call Zashnor. It was destroyed in a blizzard of lightning and crumbled to the ground. None of the fort’s garrison is known to have survived. The destruction of Fort Jhung created a breach in the Chai Wall through which Zashnor’s army has poured like water through a broken dam. Yesterday at dawn, the enemy vanguard was first sighted on the west road. By dusk, they’d reached the city wall. All throughout today their numbers have grown greater as the bulk of Zashnor’s invasion force has arrived from the ruins of Fort Jhung. Many of our citizens have abandoned their homes and are heading south to take refuge in the towns of Valus and Hi’joi. I have deployed the guard and garrison of Pensei along the west wall. Only a small bodyguard remains here in the palace under my command. Lao Tin received word of your coming from three Watchers who arrived here yesterday from Dwala. I am privy to the Prince’s plans and I can assure you that the item you seek will be given to you gladly. Lao Tin is young but he is wise beyond his years. He believes that Zashnor craves that which you are determined to deny him, and he hopes the sorcerer will withdraw his forces from the city when he discovers that it is no longer here.’

Captain Voushan bids you follow him to the keep of the Imperial Palace where Prince Lao Tin resides. You leave the blockhouse in his company and cross a parade ground on your way to the doors of the keep. On one side of the parade ground, illuminated by a circle of guttering torches, two men in torn clothing kneel in the pouring rain with their heads bowed and their hands tied behind their backs. Behind them stand two Imperial Guardsmen at attention with their kirusamis held diagonally across their chests.

(Who are the men?)

‘Bhanarian spies,’ he replies with disdain. ‘We’ve caught over a dozen in the past week alone. These two attempted to poison a well in the south-eastern precinct. They will suffer the same fate as all the others. They’ll be beheaded at dawn.’

Two Imperial Guardsmen clad in ang’sei (the famous Chai waistcoats of golden mail) who are posted at the gates of the Imperial Palace Keep come smartly to attention and salute Captain Voushan as you approach. He acknowledges their salute and you accompany the Captain into the courtyard beyond. The largest building in this exclusive area is the Pensei Pagoda. It is also the oldest and most impressive construction in all of Chai, dating back to the time when the country was first established following the collapse of the Vaduzhan Empire during the Great Civil War of MS 1620.

Upon entering the main concourse of the Pensei Pagoda, you are struck by the lavishness of the interior which recently has been renovated at Khea-khan Lao Tin’s behest. Its panelled walls and ornamented arched doors are exquisitely carved with symbols of historic and religious significance, delicately inlaid with fine gold leaf and myriad pearls. There is an impressive circular skywell positioned above an elegant indoor garden that harbours several dozen miniature trees, all meticulously cultivated and beautifully arranged around a narrow winding stream of shimmering azure water. A grand mahogany staircase dominates the north side of the concourse and ascends to the first storey. It is here that the Grand Throne Room of the Khea-khan is located.

The arched door opens as you reach the top of the staircase and Captain Voushan escorts you into the luxuriously appointed chamber beyond. Every inch of the walls and ceiling are embellished with intricate carvings clad with gold leaf. The effect is dazzling at first sight. Portraits of past Khea-khans and depictions of significant events in Chai’s proud history are displayed around the walls, and in the centre of the chamber there is a grand ebony throne set atop a large rectangular slab of crimson-veined marble. You inspect the throne and you are disappointed to discover that the Eye of Agarash is missing. There is a deep indentation where the gem was mounted. Tell-tale gouges around this indentation reveal that the gem has recently been prised out of its setting.

A robed courtier approaches Captain Voushan and informs him that the Khea-khan is inspecting the west wall defences. He is expected to return within the hour and she invites you to await him here.

The graceful courtier leaves the hall and returns a few minutes later bearing a golden tray laden with refreshments. She pours tea from a silver pot into two porcelain cups and offers them to you and the Captain. Gratefully you accept her hospitality and sip the delicious beverage while you peruse the many fine portraits and paintings displayed in the hall. One canvas in particular catches your eye for you are one of three subjects portrayed in it.

The painting depicts the fall of Autarch Sejanoz. The setting is a darkened chamber heaped with rubble and earth. Light pours down through a ragged hole in the ceiling, illuminating the evil tyrant who is shown on his knees at the left of the composition. The magical Arrow of Atonement is embedded deep in his chest and, through the grill of his tiger helm, his eyes blaze with anger and agony. A small boy, young Prince Kamada, is shown in the foreground running towards the sanctuary of your outstretched arms. You are positioned on the right of the painting and you are pleased to see that you have been depicted with some fair degree of accuracy. The artist has captured your hair and facial features well, but he has exercised a degree of license by showing you clad in overly ornate Kai battle dress and not the plain blue padded tunic and breeches that you were wearing at the time. The Bow with which you fired the fateful Arrow into the Autarch’s heart lies discarded on the ground at your feet.

‘My compliments, Grand Master,’ says Captain Voushan, with deep respect. ‘The likeness is uncanny. You have barely aged at all since this painting was commissioned. If memory serves, I believe it was first hung in the throne room 17 years ago.’

‘You’re too kind,’ you reply with a smile, and say no more than this. You refrain from telling the Captain that you owe your preservation to your diligent exercise and development of your innate Grand Master Disciplines. Since you became a Kai Grand Master, your body has aged at a much slower rate than men less gifted than you. For every five years that elapse you age but one year.

A fanfare of trumpets sounds in the concourse, announcing Lin Tao’s return to the Pensei Pagoda. You return to the middle of the throne room and place your empty tea cup on the golden tray. As you straighten up, the young Khea-khan comes striding into chamber with his personal bodyguard, Lieutenant Quang, following close behind. He is clad in golden armour and is wearing his Hoguan, his imperial crown.

‘Greetings, Grand Master,’ he says, with a youthful yet confident voice. ‘We are humbled to finally meet the Slayer of Sejanoz. We forever owe you a debt of gratitude for ridding us of the unholy Autarch.’ Lao Tin pauses to instruct his bodyguard to bring the Watchers to the throne room then he mounts his throne and motions to you and Captain Voushan to approach the marble plinth.

‘We have been informed of your reason for coming to Pensei. We are in accord with your desire to convey the Eye of Agarash to the Elder Magi, and we shall assist you as best we can.’ You are impressed by the candour of this young Khea-khan. He has the proud mien of his illustrious forbears and you sense that he will become an exceptional leader, given time and good fortune. Lao Tin removes a small leather satchel that hangs by a strap from his shoulder. He offers it to you and you lean forward with your hand outstretched to accept it.
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Old 04-20-2020, 01:20 PM   #200
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
( I have KS)

The moment you take the satchel from the Khea-khan’s hand, you feel a wave of nausea flow through your body that makes you shudder with revulsion. The bag contains the Eye of Agarash. For centuries this evil gem has lain dormant, its power inert. Now it has been awoken, triggered by the close proximity to you—a champion of God Kai. Hurriedly, you draw upon your Grand Master Discipline of Kai-screen to shield yourself from its malicious radiance. Your defences counter its insidious effect, but you suffer a minor shock to your nervous system that leaves you chilled to the bone: lose 1 ENDURANCE.

Whenever you are affected by the debilitating power of the Eye of Agarash, you may use Laumspur to help you recover. Normally, a healing potion of Laumspur restores 4 ENDURANCE points when taken after combat. When using it to restore ENDURANCE lost due to the power of the Eye of Agarash, you may only restore the actual number of points lost. For example, if you should lose 3 ENDURANCE points due to the effects of the Eye, and then you take a potion of Laumspur which normally restores 4 points, you will only regain the lost 3 points. The extra point of ENDURANCE is not gained and should not be added to your ENDURANCE score.

You sling the strap of the satchel over your head and right shoulder and position it across your body, so that the bag rests on your left hip. The Eye of Agarash is a Special Item. If you already possess the maximum number of Special Items allowed, you must now discard one in its favour. The Eye radiates an evil energy that will periodically drain you of ENDURANCE points. You will be told whenever this energy drain occurs. If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Kai-screen, the loss of ENDURANCE will be limited to only 1 point each time an energy drain occurs. Make a note of this when you record the Eye of Agarash in the Special Items section of your Action Chart.

The chilling effect of the Eye strengthens your determination to prevent this evil artefact from falling into enemy hands. You must transport it safely to the Kai Monastery of Lorn where Supreme Master Lone Wolf will ensure it is placed in a secure location, beyond reach of Zashnor and its foul cohort

The Khea-khan’s bodyguard, Lieutenant Quang, enters the throne room accompanied by three men. Like you, they are dressed in normal Chai peasant attire. They address Lao Tin with the formal acknowledgement ‘Your Highness’ and bow their heads in respect.

‘Please, gentlemen, introduce yourselves to our famous guest,’ says Lao Tin, motioning them towards you with a sweep of his hand.

In turn, the men step forward and identify themselves. The first to speak is the eldest of the three. His name is Bai and he comes from the town of Klatii. The second man is Chao, from the village of Jueng. And the third is Deng, from the port of Valus. Like Anseng, they are all native Chai and have been Watchers for the Elder Magi for more than a decade. Bai is also an agent for Lao Tin and has provided him with reliable information about Bhanar that has earned him the Khea-khan’s trust. You hear that he was in Dwala three days ago when the Elder Magi instructed him to go to Pensei ahead of your arrival here. He brought Chao and Deng with him. It is he who persuaded the Khea-khan to remove the Eye of Agarash from his throne and prepare it for your collection.

Lao Tin informs Lieutenant Quang that he is to accompany you when you leave Pensei. He is to ensure you are not delayed on your ride to Dwala. You tell the Khea-khan that your plans have changed since you lost the tracking stone upon arriving in Chai. Now you need to return to the place where you landed so that Lord Rimoah can pick you up from there when he returns aboard Comet.

‘So be it,’ replies Lao Tin. ‘Lieutenant Quang, see to it that they have everything they need for the journey. You shall leave at first light.’

You bid thanks and farewell to the Khea-khan and Captain Voushan, and then follow Lieutenant Quang out of the throne room to the concourse on the floor below. Quang informs you all that rooms have been put at your disposal where you can rest before you leave the Imperial Palace tomorrow morning. Before you retire, he invites you to accompany him to the Imperial Armoury where you will be free to choose any weapons and equipment you wish for the long ride ahead.

(I visit)

Lieutenant Quang escorts you and the Watchers out of the Pensei Pagoda and across the courtyard to the Imperial Palace Armoury which stands next to the grand double doors of the palace compound. At the heart of the building is a wide, deep hall illuminated by myriad oil lamps. They provide bright illumination for the palace armourers who are working at the forges and on the benches which are fixed the length the armoury’s ivory-white walls.

The lieutenant takes you to a part of the armoury where newly finished weapons are stored. Hung or stacked high upon the racks are all manner of weapons, and you are invited to take your pick. He recommends one rack in particular which contains superior quality weapons forged for Imperial Guard officers. These each provide a bonus to COMBAT SKILL (as indicated):

Bow (+1 Bow Roles)
Arrows (as many as you need to fill a Quiver; no CS bonus)
Quiver (contains a maximum of 12 Arrows. CS bonus does not apply to this item)
Dagger (+1 CS)
Short Sword (+1 CS)
Broadsword (+1 CS)
Axe (+2 CS)
Mace (+2 CS)
Warhammer (+2 CS)

You already possess your Kai Weapon which is a Special Item. You are permitted to carry two normal weapons in addition to this. If you already possess other weapons, you may exchange them for any of the superior weapons listed above. Be sure to note their COMBAT SKILL bonus when you record them on your Action Chart.

When you and the Watchers have each made your choice of weapons, Lieutenant Quang takes you back to the concourse of the Pensei Pagoda where a small group of courtiers await you.

‘Grand Master, respected gentlemen, we shall meet here one hour before dawn. Your rooms are ready so I’ll bid you all a good night’s rest.’

Quang salutes you and retires to his quarters, leaving you in the capable hands of the courtiers.

(I swap bows and grab the dagger, and their double size quiver)
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-20-2020 at 01:23 PM.
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