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Old 10-18-2015, 04:52 PM   #401
Abe Sargent
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There is a Hall of Dark Lords back in the hallway. The long hallways has five statues at various places, and each in front of a doorway or exit. There are no other ways out. The walls on the hallway begin to cry out and sing in praise of chaos as Alzar passes by.

Each statue is around 8 feet tall and exquisitely made. Each of the five statues was carved by a Lord of Chaos in their honor. To the left is the first one, and it’s a single block of amber, and a skeleton body, barely human. It awakens as Alzar nears, tells Alzar that:

“I am the form of the Heart of Darkness, which is called Shiv, I am in the image of she who is lord of Pestilence, rotting, and corruption. I am the Giver of Lifelessness. I, whom am master of all of this, desire a sacrifice. Thou, who hast given the gift of death to so many, hast found favor in my eyes. Give willingly of a token of thy devotion, and that make thee strong for our cause.”

Alzar thinks, and then heads up and has the golem grab a corpse from upstairs of one of the chaos champions he slew. He gives it to the statue.

“As the sacrifice was given, so shall the prize. Step into the alcove and be rewarded, bloody-handed one.”

The statue pulls back, and the doorway to the room beyond can be moved through. In here is a large amber mace leaning on the wall with murals of diseased people praying to the mace. Alzar has the golem gather it, and as it does, the mace leaps into Alzar’s hand, and since Alzar is not a cleric, he loses 1 STR and CON immediately.

Typhus - INT 11, EGO 16, CN, can only be handled by clerics without bad stuff happening, +3 mace, immune to disease, every hit causes disease per the spell unless a save is made. Can cast cloudill and wither once/day, and gives +1 to level for turning or commanding undead. -1 STR and CON to any non cleric who tries to wield it. Each time uses a spell, moves more towards CN. When removed, truns to normal Align, or regains lost STR/CON after one week.

Alzar tosses Typhus into a Bag of Holding for later.

Alzar’s stats don’t change for this adventure - CON at 8 isn’t any different than at 9, and his STR is magically bumped anyways.

Returning to the hallway, the next alcove has a deep green stone statue in front, with a 6 foot tall humanoid male, peacefully looking calm. It animates as well…

“Greetings mortal. I am the image of the Night Lord. The Nameless, the Unseen, the Silent, lord of the bats, the insects and the cards. I am the master of all that lurks in darkness and Lord of all nightmares and the Weaver of Dreams. I feed on the thoughts of others. I, who am master of all of this, desire a sacrifice. Give willingly this time of thy love for me, and I shall give thee a token of power to make thee strong for our cause.”

Alzar doesn’t want to lose any of his thoughts. That’s way too precious for him. He skips this one for now.
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Old 10-18-2015, 05:14 PM   #402
Abe Sargent
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The third one is carved from a single great emerald and a handsome male. His hands rest on the hilt of a great sword, and he activates as well:

“Greeting children. I who am the image of Lord Eork the Beautiful, Lord of Seven Darks, Duke of Higher Hells, Chief Among the Lords of Chaos, do seek a sacrifice from thee, my loving followers. Give unto me what I ask and receive power most glorious. In return for a soul, and receive a most wondrous gift. “

Again, Alzar is not exactly sure that’s something he wants or is able to give.

The fourth statue is a single deep-blue sapphire and a very beautiful women, around 8 feet tall. She animates,

“Greeting beloved. I am the image of Kara the travels, Mistress of the Eternal Cycle, Lady of the Dark Magics, My power is that of life itself, All who live are my playthings and subjects to do with as I will, for without me, they would not exist. No life has meaning unless it is devoted to my service. I would bestow upon thee my favors, if thou shall prove thy devotion. In return for human life, I will give thee a key of great power.”

Alzar definitely doesn’t want to pay that price. As he moves to leave, the statue cries to him:

“By the very nature of my maker, Kara, I cannot be made to serve chaos. But am free to choose my actions. Should you be able to turn ,me to flesh without the gift, and allow me to accompany you here, I will give you my gift.”

After conversing with the statue for a while, Alzar is convinced of its sincerity for now, and casts Stone to Flesh on it.

Kara, the Traveler:

AC -3, MV18, fly, swim 15, HD 10, 70 HP, THAc0 - 11., deals 2d10 damage from punch. Can cast any commonly known enchantment/charm spell, but it affects her as well. Can cast Magic Missile for 5d4+5 5x daily.

She stays within 30 feet of Alzar and begins to show him around.

They head into the alcove she was protecting…

There is an Iron Golem in here, with a large amulet around his hand. She tells Alzar that he can take her gift as a mage. He takes it and is truly staggered at its value:

Amulet of Power - Detect Magic, Read Magic at will; Fireball (12 HD) 1/day; Teleport w/o Error 1/week; gives the wearer 50% Magic Resistance. Any non-wizard donning it is feebleminded.

That is not a typo. 50% magic resistance is just staggeringly good.

She tells him about the gifts of the other two status they passed - a Cloak of Shadows that can only be worn by clerics, and a powerful anti-law sword that can only be held by fighters .

They will remove some wisdom and intelligence for the Cloak and remove your ability to ever be resurrected for the sword. Hmmm…

So no chance of taking out a statue in melee an moving in? Sure, you could. They are all as powerful as her. But let’s move on for now.

The statue at the end of the hallway blocks it off.

It’s the most fearsome looking of the five.. Single black diamond used to carve it. Ten foot long scythe, non-gendered beast. This was does not speak, but simply moves to attack Alzar.

Arkady the Reaper:

AC 02, 90 hp, Thaco- 1, deals 2d6+6 with three attacks, immune to non-magical weapons. And lots of other stuff. 50% magic resistance.

With its triple attacks, and hugely powerful chance of hitting, it’s just going to care up it’s target.

Round 1:

Alzar’s side rolls a 4, and his a 7.

Kara uses one of her Missiles - 2 get through the MR for 6 damage. Alzar casts Bone Block. The Golem intervenes, and it attacks the golem. It hits three times for 9+10+7 damage.

Golem 61/97 hp

Arkady wins init and deals 38 damage to the golem. Alzar’s axe is out and attacks. He steps in front of the Golem to take some attacks. He hits twice for 18 and 17 damage - 35 total, and it takes 11 from missiles.

Golem 24/97

Arkady 38/90

Alzar grabs initiative back and kills Arkady.

10000 XP
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Old 10-18-2015, 05:46 PM   #403
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They can now pass down the corridor. But Alzar wants those items. He moves to Eork, Lord of the Seven Darks, who is hiding the great sword.

He casts Wild Swing on himself and attacks:

Eork - AC -4; 65 hp, THACo 9, 1d10+9, soul drain. Finger of Death if he hits.

With his bonuses, and Axe n hand:

Alzar is -4 from spell, -9 AC right now, so it needs an 18 to hit, and if it does, save to only save 1d10 to him, and then roll Finger of Death effect.

It’s not smart enough to attack Alzar’s bone limbs.

Four turns later Alzar has slain it:

9000 XP

Alzar heads to the Statue of the Night Lord which his spells are in effect:

Statue - THACo 12, -1 AC, 70 hp, 1d10 damage and INT/WIS Drain., Needs a 20 to hit him with one attack. Again, Alzar blows through it.

9000 XP

Alzar heads in and uses the Ring of TK again:

Cloak of Shadows - -3 AC, 2x move silently percentage, polymorph into cat or bat 1/day. Non-thief wearing it loses half their current hp every round until they take it off or die.

He also grows and grabs the sword from the final alcove:

Erok’s Sword - 20 INT and Ego, CN, +3, Wielder is CN whenever the sword is in hand. One extra attack/round when fighting lawful, Detect lawful creatures at will, Sword of Wounding against Law, and cannot be healed save by cleric magic from chaotic cleric. The sword always attempts to dominate a wielder when drawn, and still shifts their alignment. Curses any-non fighter who wields it. Can be sheathed as normal if not dominated.

Alzar is currently CN, but he cannot be dominated, even y this blade, and sheathes it. Into the Bag of Holding with you!
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Old 10-18-2015, 06:20 PM   #404
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The wall behind the Reaper disappeared and they begin to head down the pathway. Kara tells Alzar about a trapper in the floor of the corridor beyond a certain point. In order to get past it, Alzar slips on the Slippers of Spider Walking, returns Aleph to the Warp Marble, and Azzil can fly over it for around 30 feet until it ends.

There is a room at the end of the pathway that is quite disorienting. It’s a large black tone, and the room spins on its axis and eight tentacles are here writhing about. Kara tells him that the tentacles have to be slain in order to stop the spinning.

Alzar casts Evard’s Black Tentacles and his unmoving tentacles outnumber theirs considerably, and soon enough the room is cleared out.

9800 XP

There are two trap rooms off this one - and Alzar avoids them. He uses the chaos key to rotate the room to the right direction as per Kara’s instruction and they move up a set a stairs. A there are thirteen large stair, and each stair is trapped - there are 13 in total. Most have magical traps, which won’t detect in here, like one is coasted in Oil of Slipperiness. Again, Slippers of Spider Climbing gets Alzar over the traps easily enough, and Kara’s immune to most and aware of the others.

There are great murals and hanging curtains resplendent with scenes of the Lords of Chaos conquering realms and breaking the thrones and implements of law ,being cheered on by the masses.

They reach the throne room and main temple

The doors swing open and there is a room 90 by 170 with pillars of black marble along the wall, with a giant inlaid sword on the floor, a small dais, with an old, wizened man hunched over on it with a scepter, inhand, there is a great altar to chaos here with various symbols, and carven into the ceiling are runes that are a hymn to the glory of chaos. There is a scintillating fire on the inlaid sword about 30 feet long that is shifting hues constantly. Braziers to each side of the altar give off incense and aroma.

When Alzar enters, the ancient priest:

“Greetings brave ones. I am Tumbaric the Undying, Master of Doom, High Priest of this holy fane. Long have I served the Great Ones, awaiting those who would take up this mantle. I am pleased that you have come - I do get so few guests here these days. By reaching this chamber you have proven yourself fit to serve the Lords of Chaos. At least I can lay my long burden down, knowing the Scepter of Chaos has passed into worthy hands.”

Once again, Alzar declines the offer for taking up the mantle of Chaos. The High Priest looks at him oddly and tries to convince him of the value of Chaos. For a good 30 minutes the last Priest-King of Chaos tries to prostelyze Alzar. But it’s to no avail, and soon enough, he realizes that Alzar has the faith of his convictions. “As it has always been, thus it shall be”

He hoists the Scepter of Chaos and aims it at a nearby secrets door. It opens and outcome four Spirit Nagas. While he does, Alzar drops the Warp Marble and the Golem appears.

Tumbaric the Undying, Master of Doom, Priest-King of Chaos -

Four allies here too in the Spirit Nagas, which are a major threat:

Spirit Naga - HP 70, 69, 65, 62; AC 4, THAC0 - 11, deal 1d3 + poison to kill, can gaze to petrify, can cast Cure, Missile, Bless, and a few other spells.

These are not a simple quartet of thugs (I have doubled the Nagas, and increased the level of the final bad)

The cleric does not rise from his seat, instead using the Scepter of Chaos to animate the fires on the sword attack if he is not casting spells.

Alzar leads with Time Stop. He moves in and casts Power Word, Kill on a Naga, and then Power Word, Blind on another. Both work. And one is blind, and the other dead. Time resumes and Alzar is near the quartet.

Init -

Tumbaric casts Flame Strike on Alzar
One Naga casts Bless
One Naga casts Protection from Law
The blind Naga tries to attack Alzar

Alzar wants to cast Maze on Tumbaric.
Kara casts Magic Missile on Tumbaric
The golem and imp move to melee range

6 vs 2

Alzar takes 29 damage from the Flame Strike after making a save. He is missed. Badly. Both spells resolve. Alzar spins and Mazes Tumbaric, no save, he’s so smart and such a high level that he’ll return in 2 rounds. He takes 19 damage from Missiles as he leaves.

Next round.

1 vs 7

Alzar’s axe snaps out and he hits twice on the naga that cast Bless. He doles out 38 damage. The golem misses, and Azzil does as well. The blind Naga misses, Alzar is the target of a pair of Magic Missies from both Nagas. His Gem of MM Reflection gest 10 charges used up, Alzar chooses to direct 5 at the wounded Naga and it dies. He heals the other five for5d4+5 - 13 damage

Alzar 63/79

4 vs 9

Alzar and crew slay the remaining unwounded Naga. The blind one is ignored. Alzar orders his group to get near to where Tumeric will appear.

The next round init?

3 vs 4.

The priest returns and Alzar can strike before he casts any spells. Out fly more missiles for 16 damage, and Alzar hits once for 18 with axe and 11 with shield. The golem? Tosses a 7 and misses. Azzil? 8 and misses. Tumeric is still alive, although badly wounded. He casts Word of Recall and disappears.

They finish off the blinded Naga.

20000 XP for Naga

They head through the open door to check things out.
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Old 10-18-2015, 06:50 PM   #405
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
There’s a crypt for dead Priest-Kings and Queens. 4 sarcophagi are here. Alzar will skip them for now and return. The next room is a magic and inner sanctum that was used for enchanting chaotic weapons and imbuing chaotic servants with powers.

The last room they pass by is the bed chamber of the Priest-King, and there is a troll guardian back here that dies, and is flask of acid’d with alacrity. Alzar will return to the bedchamber, soon, there but here a room off the bedroom,

Alzar enters it and is stunned by what he sees. This is why Morena prepared him. Why he learned so much from her. It’s not just helping her dwarves, nope. The Amulet in his belt pouch turns back into an angel, and explains ot him what has been happening.

In this room are nine portals. Nine open gates to other worlds Tumeric fled out one of them to another world. These gates should not be here. They are in the Hollow World, they cannot be here with mortal magic. The only way these things exist is if an immortal, one of Entropy according to the angelic creature, opened them. And now that the Shrine has risen again, these gates are now open, and they need to be shut down. Got it.

The angel tells him that he has to break up the Chaos Key, and then toss a piece through each portal to close the gate, and banish one piece each of the Key to that realm. The shrine won’t be able to be used, and the gates are done until the key is reassembled, which will obviously take a really long time, if ever,

Alzar does so, and shuts down the various portals in here to the realms of various members of the Chaos Lords.

With the gates down, there is little left here to threaten anyone. The Priest-King is banished there as well, and the Chaos Key disassembled.

Alzar heads back and begins an investigation of what he skipped

The coffins are cursed, according to Kara, and one empty for Tumbaric when he passed.
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Old 10-18-2015, 07:02 PM   #406
Abe Sargent
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The chamber of the Priest-King?

Numerous traps,

Scroll - Protection from Law; Protection from Law, 10’ Radius;

These spells are slightly different takes on the old Pro Evil or Pro Good spells. They are identical, and reversible as well. Alzar memorizes the revers of both versions. Scrolls are gone.

1500 gp worth of clothing
Exotic Furs on bed - 2000 gp
Art Pictures on Wall - 800 gp
Figurines of Various Animals - 5000 gp

6000 Gp of various furniture (chair, sofa, tc)

Alzar’s golem grabs some of the stuff and they store it into OtherSpace or other places. Alzar casts Shrink, opposite of Enlarge, to drop the size of the couch to get it to fit.

Alzar returns and tells Draconus about the success, but he already knew. Alzar and Draconus spend a few hours moving his books over:

655 books on general history, culture, and nature of various Hollow World societies and organizations

Kara agrees to head back and out, and she leaves Alzar to begin to Travel. She has never seen the Hollow World before.

XP gained - 127200 x10% for his bonus and that’s around 140k. Welcome to level 26. He gains a new spell of levels 1-4

End of The Lost Shrine of Bundushatur

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Old 10-18-2015, 07:20 PM   #407
Abe Sargent
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After Alzar returns to the dwarf village, the dwarves are beginning to return themselves from where they fled. Alzar took out more than 75 undead in the shrine, and that included a lot of powerful ones, like Wights, Juju Zombies, Wraiths and Ghouls, not simple skeletons or zombies, so he gets why the dwarves were hit. Apparently the illusionist/cleric led them and was raining destruction down on the dwarves. And they still managed to kill some baddies before fleeing. Alzar brings them warm news.

However, after they fled from their town for a week or so, their defenses were attacked and badly damaged by nearby goblinoid creatures that struck at a time of weakness to take advantage and destroyed senses and buildings even more.

Fearing future attacks, and without their defenses to help them fend them off, they are likely to be taken down. There is discussion about the whole community moving wholesale to somewhere else as well.

The leader comes to Alzar and tells him of a Hammer, an old artifact that was lost a few decades ago into the depths of Thunderdelve Mountain. If Alzar could find it and return it to them they would not only have a fighting chance in defense, but they believe that the evil denizens would likely skip attacking altogether after news got out of its return.

Begin XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain

I was intending to skip this one, but it slides in nicely to where we are. Alzar is keeping Aleph in the Warp Marble until he can get home and get it healed, barring an emergency of some sort. This is one of the last truly solo adventures, and I have no idea what’ll happen. In the module, you are playing a dwarf, so I swapped Alzar in, and I’ll increase the difficulty of combats to match where he is. That’s it.

Alzar is questing for the Hammer of Vitroin
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Old 10-18-2015, 07:44 PM   #408
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Alzar begins at the edges of the village and arrives at a broken track. As Alzar makes his way down the track and hunts a bit here and there, there is a broken cave off the off the left. He chooses to explore it. Alzar finds a small waterfall of the left and there is a ledge under that goes to the cave. He slips inside and finds a small set of carved steps heading down. The steps ar slippery

Alzar heads down stairs and fails his rolls and takes 9 damage from the fall.

Alzar -71/80

(Im doubling damage from stuff like this)

There is a small and dusty room at the bottom of the stairs. There is no sign of life here, and the Star reveals a secret door to the left. Alzar opens the door and reveals a small bedchamber. The northern wall has a canopied bed, with silks, satins, and pillows, and Alzar investigates.

He quickly looks through some furs and stuff, and then nothing under the bed or side table. Alzar pulls aside the headboard and finds:

150 pp
Phial of Red Liquid labeled “Poison for Sword.”

Go to FF section if Alzar uses sword

Alzar chooses to taste it a bit, and it’s a potion of Super-Heroism.

There’s a door from the west that Alzar opens.

The northern half of this room is immaculate and has fine silks and such . The southern half is in total shambles and disarray. Suddenly one of the rugs rears up and it’s a giant black bear, much bigger than normal.

Fight -

Giant Black bear - AC2, HP55, THACO 13, 3 attacks

Alzar’s axe is out and he stabs the bear. The bear misses, cloak, and then wins init and misses again. Alzar finishes in

1000 XP

In the room is:

150 ep
3 golden goblets - 50 gp each

Alzar heads south from here.
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Old 10-18-2015, 08:14 PM   #409
Abe Sargent
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This is a corridor that is well used and pretty clean too boot, and there is a large number of doors in here. Five total exits off the hallway, including the one he just entered. Alzar peeks into the door on the left and there are 50 bandits or more in here, all goblins. Alzar heads back, and chooses a different,

Alzar heads into the room and a guard is here, a hobgoblin, and he cries for help. Alzar’s axe silences him, and suddenly 8 guard follows. Alzar casts Sleep and drops a few, and then slays the rest.

1000 XP

Alzar is told to roll 5 times for treasure in here and then check event GG from the list


Topaz Necklace - 1000 gp
10 Turquoise - 10 gp each
Onyx - 50 GP
Pearl - 500 gp
Bag of Holding

Well, finding a BoH is certainly something really nice and he’ll take that.

He heads through the door the guard ran through. Inside is a lavish bedchamber full of rich goods, and there is a large chest here as well. Alzar hears movement. A young page-boy arrive,s and Alzar orders him to stay where it arrives The chest is unlocked and untapped. Alzar serach for traps and……finds them with the chest opened, and

Assorted Gems - 2000 gp
Emerald Necklace - 2500 gp
2 Gold Armbands - 250 gp each
500 sp
750 gp

A small satin bag has a Ring sculptured in the shape of a wolf Head. The pageboy tells Alzar that the head guy., Redface will be really angry if it disappears because he uses them to train the wolves.

Alzar can choose to wear the armbands (event JJ) or the ring (I) or both. He choose the Ring only.
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Old 10-18-2015, 08:34 PM   #410
Abe Sargent
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He heads back out to the hallway

Alzar heads to the room here and there are voices, and Alzar has marked of GG so…

This is a empty barracks. Moth eaten blankets, and such. Alzar rolls 4 treasure:

Amber Ring - 600 gp
Pearl - 500 gp
Strength Potion
Ruby - 1000 gp

He returns and take the final door

There is a short and dusty passage behind the door and there is a vibration sound. Almost like thunder. Alzar investigates the corridor, and then rolls his Dexterity. The floor cracks open, and Alzar manages to grab the rusty chain underneath and then swing back over.. Cross off event H

They head down the hallway and try and few doors. A secret door opens into a corridors off this corridor, Alzar checks and there is a another secret door and some holes here. He peers and there is a large room beyond, with numerous goblinoid creatures of various types, as well as a dwarf slave and someone called the Master. Alzar slams open the secret door and moves to fight!!!

It smashes open! There is a dwarven women here kneeling and 32 goblins here, and three break off to hit Alzar. Alzar blows through them, and then cross off event D after rolling for 3 treasures:

Healing Potion
Pearl - 500 gp
Jade earrings - 800 gp

Alzar heads through an open door to the south. There is a large hall here that the master was just through. There is a lot of trash and refuse about. Alzar heads south into an large room with marble and granite where there were numerous items before. Gems were removed from precious murals recently. There is nothing here but a tapestry hanging from the south wall. Alzar pushes it aside and finds a chest on the other side, but its locked. There is a iron egg on a bed of velvet. It’s odd. Alzar makes off Event E and takes it.

Alzar finds a secret door behind the chest and takes it.

There are a variety of evil smelling fumbles in this small chamber, with stairs leading down. They have taken some recent damage as well. In fact, the entire area is damaged so badly it would take a while to cela this pout, but there’s another secret door to the left he opens.

There is a door here that opens onto a foul smelling room. A large group of wraiths melts from the walls. Alzar uses Negative Plane Protection to slay them.

10000 XP

Alzar kills them. In the room is:

3000 sp worth of silver ingots
250 pp
100 gp
Gold and Mithril Helm - 3500 gp

3 phials labeled in dwarvish. Inscription 5 (You have to decode dwarven runes in this game to read them)


Those are the words

If you wear the helm check II
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Old 10-18-2015, 09:18 PM   #411
Abe Sargent
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Return to the main hall

Alzar is at a large hallway and there are wooden door sot the left that he heads too, but they are barred on the other side. He would need a silent way to penetrate them. How about fire? He uses a charge from the Wand of Fire to light the doors.

There is a huge one-festive hall with now in ruins, with a large pillar in the middle, and then multiple exists. Alzar moves and there is a giant dwarven statue golem in the middle. Alzar moves to it.

They begin to attack each other:”

Dwarf Statue - AC-3, 75 hp, needs 11 to hit, 4d8 in one punch ( I really amped the power of this thing)

Alzar wins in four rounds and took one hit for 19 damage

7500 XP

The statue leaves behind:

The Golem’s Heart - a gem worth 6000 GP

Cross off event M

Alzar is cleansed from the pillar’s and gains 2d6 hp of healing after investing it. Then he heads south Alzar finds a corridor with a bunch of bats, and then he slays them quickly. Then there are some moldy scrolls, and a yellow mold at the end.

8 moldy and illegible scrolls

He can fix them up later

Alzar finds a locked door in a hallway off the main chamber and uses a vial of acid to open it. There’s nothing here though - totally empty. Eight red worms are in the next room though and they each have 2+2 HP. Alzar drops them with a Blastbones spell

1600 XP

There is a small metal box in the room, and a little melted from the hit blood of the red worms here. Alzar breaks it in with a document covered with rosh and fire marks, and some runes. It’s mostly illegible (check our Inscription 9 to make sure) Alzar store the box in his Bag of Holding, again something that can be repaired later.

1 ancient and locked dwarven tome

Alzar returns to the chamber with the dead golem and chooses a different door.
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Old 10-18-2015, 09:46 PM   #412
Abe Sargent
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Alzar tries a different direction, and find s a corridor, and t the end of a potion that he sips.

Potion of Mind Control

He kills a few shadows in this hallway and then a bedchamber with:

Golden Armband - 50 gp

Alzar falls asleep on the bed instinctively, knowing he is protected, and he awakens with full hp.

There are some ruined dwarf homes, with:

Crystal Dishes - 250 set

Alzar finds a hidden caches in the back room here and decodes thew the dwarven inscription correctly:

Black Bag - 100 gp
Gems 1400 gp
Ruby Ring - 1000 gp
Platinum Headband - 1500 gp3 gold ingots - 1200 gp total

The Ring Is magical, and of an unknown nature, the headband s not (Ring of Pro +1)

Alzar grabs a spinning top from a nursery in an adjunct door and marks off P

There is a pit in the far side of a chamber here off the corridor and explores it. He crosses an old dwarven bridge down here and finds an ancient armory all locked up months ago. Alzar’s Chime opens it, and there is a great hammer of mithril, studded with diamonds and emeralds in here. .

Alzar take the hammer down and the hammer wants to return to the dwarven hold, but the dwarven female here is one of the rightful master sand needs to be freed. There may be others here as well. It tries to control him but Alzar;’s will is too strong by far. Alzar slays some vapor ghouls down here, or controls them and has them jump off cliff. He then returns the big golem room and heads down some stairs.

Alzar finds a great door here and opens them and plunges in. There is a crystalline room down here blackened by fire. Numerous benches line the walls. Alzar finds a small armory and a barber closest here. A large pool is past the barber’s room and there is a triad of vapor ghouls in here he finishes. Alzar grabs some smelling salts and checks of W , Alzar passes through numerous hallways, with various aspects here and there. A few pools too and he finds…

Strange Helmet of Untarnished Silver - 1000 gp

Take it? U
Wear it?? X

Alzar wears the helmets and heads out. He arrives at a large pool of water, where a mighty head appears and asks to help Alzar, bald heads inside his brain. He tells Alzar how-to finish the quest - to cast the Heart fo Heir’s Arm down and spear his name. Cross off O and Y.
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Old 10-18-2015, 10:10 PM   #413
Abe Sargent
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Alzar continues to move through multiple watery tunnels.

The hammer tries ot dominate him again and fials. Alzar passes by another tunnel. And then Alzar finds a minor pool room as well.

Alzar disturbs the were-worm and out of it comes the great dragon that runs the area.

Alzar must face the creature -

Fyrsnaca -

AC-5, HD12, hp, 100, THACo- 6, bite is 4d8, breathe is 25% of current hpo ,and it attacks now!

Alzar slides into OtherSpace and grabs Wyrmcleaver and uses it to fight

6 rounds later the draconic creature si dead.

20000 XP

This whole section of the dungeon collapses, back past that door from the steps down.

Because Alzar has touched Heir’s Stone in the great cavern, and held the Heart of the Golem as well, he has the right to slay the Fyrsyca without getting people upset at him. He has also found and brought back he hammer, but bow he heads back to hit the locals and free the woman and other dwarves captured by the goblin raids. .

Alzar casts his mightiest spells, and raids the goblin caverns for all they are worth, and brings back 11 dwarves that were taken, many dwarven items stolen from their village and brings back their weaponds and such. A might blows struck, and he turns over the Hammer of of Vitoin, an intelligent Warhammer which is frankly, not htat good - it’s not an artifact at all, just an intelligent weapon -

Hammer of Vitroin -+1, _3 vs wyrms, INT 9, CHA 12, AL Chaotic, gets +2 vs saves on battles against wyrms, 2 CWLs on wielder daily, 1 Wall fo Stone/day)

That’s not’s not, bad, but not exactly the best hammer ever. Anyways, it is rumored to be a mighty artifact, and that’s what matters, Plus the tribe was dealt a death blow and their leading battering ram of a were worm that damaged many buildings and such is dead.

End of XS2. Thunderdelve Mountain
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Old 10-18-2015, 10:39 PM   #414
Abe Sargent
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Alzar spends the last day here helping the Isarite dwarves to rebuild a few key structures, and he finds out why the dwarves are different. Isar Dwarves are not the warriors that their kinsmen can be. They have a ruddier skin tone - almost swarthy, and they are a bit pudgier than normal dwarves. They have almost no inclination toward magic at all. Of that almost 2000 that exist, only 2 are clerics. None are mages, and none have any class or subclass that has magic - no dwarven paladins or bards or rangers or such. Nothing like that at all.

And the Dwarves of Isar aren’t exactly these amazing smiths or miners or anything like that either. They still think the Hammer of Vitroin is an artifact. They don’t have these extremely powerful smiths that make these exceptional items out of mithril and iron. That’s not who they are either. Sure, they can still craft a lovely battleaxe or something, Alzar almost missed what makes them special. They didn’t brag about it, and he just saw them in action…

Like all dwarves, the Isarite clan is also really strong and durable with better constitutions and strength than usual These dwarves have used that constitution to have a lot of experts in deep diving and staying underwater for a longer period of time. Now that he notices - there are a number of pearls and underwater decorations of various types. And Alzar grabs his underwater magical items and heads down to check it out and discovers two underwater crafting stations where they add an underwater crafting angle to the various accoutrements they make. It gives their things a unique spin normal protections and durability and such. They send expeditions to the nearby bay to grab pearls, crabs and lobster, shellfish of other sorts, and more.

As Alzar sees these interesting differences in Isar culture, one of the dwarves who is a cleric comes over to them and they begin to talk. Morena has a message for Alzar, and he heads back to the mountain into the old complex he was in.

After an hour or so, Alzar finds a quiet, secure place, and a manifestation of Morena arrives. She thanks Alzar for helping to save the Isarites both by taking out the Shrine of Chaos, and then heading into the mountain to both hit some of their local enemies back, but also to kill the dragon-ish creature and to return their hammer to help him them enough power to continue to survive here.

Morena has a powerful message for Alzar, and it’s one that he was not expecting certainly not today at least.
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Old 10-18-2015, 11:31 PM   #415
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A council of immortals has been discussing Alzar’s situation. Again, the mortals can’t have a thousand planar applicants for immortality turning up on a annual basis. That just throws off the math. But now that the curse is gone from the demon prince, Alzar could have left. There is nothing tying him here. He could have gone back to Thorasia and moved his things over, or slid back to Hamedh, but he continued to push him self and his home here on Pandius. That shows a level of dedication to the plane that is a good sign. Plus, Alzar has done a variety of tasks and quest that are the sorts of things one would expect of a seeker of immortality. Slaying the goblins here certainly isn’t, it’s pretty mundane, but again, there are lots of things he has done. He destroyed the Shrine of Chaos, by himself to a degree that the entire coalition of Law couldn’t do. It’s now over and done.

So the immortals have chosen to make an option available for Alzar to find immortality. But it’s not….normal. In fact they are making the path harder than it is for anyone to have ever gained immortality before.

Alzar must find an Immortal Sponsor in each of the five spheres, and then do all of the quests and obligations for each of the paths to immortality. After Alzar completes all five paths, then he will be officially accepted, and he can choose with the five spheres he wants to join.

Morena points out that she is being a lot more open than normal. She had expected to be Alzar’s sponsor to the Sphere of Matter, and she would have laid out the specifics of the path to him after he completed another quest for her. She still thinks that he is close to matter than the other four spheres, and would be a good asset. He’s a fighter, just like they tend to be, and no matter how much he may consider himself a “mage” today, he still fights from the front, and can carve out damage at a rate with his weapons that makes normal fighters seriously respect his game. Magic users on Pandius very rarely fight as he does, and leads as he does. He has always had more of an affinity for the element of earth, than those of the others, and from having his first home under ground (instead of towers, above ground structures) or preferring earth elementals to the other three to use in battle, or having more earthen golems as his own, instead of flesh, wood or bone golems. Alzar also has a similar world view to the Sphere of matte for some things, and is a huge ally of law. He also builds a lot. Shoot, he even has a church to Matter as the official religion of his holdings.

Law? Builder? Earth? Fighter? Viewpoint? These all synergize with the Sphere of Matter

So, now Alzar learns from Morena what he has to specifically do to win the Path of Matter:

The Sphere of Matter is closely relation to earth, and its purpose is to withstand destruction and decay. The sphere stands for stability, sturdiness, as matter is the building block of all things. Even in decay and dissolution, matter uses the various elements to create new forms. Matter is rich in variety and easily mutable to any form. Matter represents the laws of the universe and existence, and physical stuff. It is opposed to Time’s constant efforts to change and it grounds Thought in reality and existence. Matter is. Matter is also the only one of the five spheres that leans lawful, although all five spheres have members that are lawful, neutral, and chaotic.

The Path of the Polymath:

Of the five spheres, none have as many forms, as much variety and as many incarnations of itself as matter. Therefore, it values multiples skills, assets, and more.

1. Alzar must gain 10 new non-weapon proficiencies
2. Alzar must reset his XP at zero and begin a new career as a cleric and then another as a thief. (basically he dual-classes over). He must get to level 10 in each of those, and find an artifact. Since he already has two classes and has dual classed once before, he knows how, and may do so again. Each time his advancement ends when he finds the same artifact
3. After finding the artifact twice in each incarnation, he’ll turn it over to Morena, and she’ll give him the powers of all of his classes at once.
4. Alzar then continues to adventure for 2 more levels of all his classes, including fighter, until they are all at least level 12.
5. Alzar must be accompanied on his adventures by one member of each of the four core classes - fighter, mage, cleric, and thief. They may not be a higher level than Alzar in order to “walk” him through quickly
6. Alzar must have a giant monument erected in his honors and the honor of his adventures, and it must last at least 10 years.

After completing those 6 tasks, Alzar can continue as a Mage if he wants, and he has completed the various tasks laid out for him, and he will finish the Path of the Polymath, and can move to immortality. Morena essentially will reset his levels with dual-classing, since it goes outside of the boundaries of normal human classes.

Now Morena cannot give Alzar any advice or information on the other paths. And Alzar certainly has to find and secure a sponsor from the others. But for now, this is the information that he gets from Morena.

Alzar agrees to head back and will begin the transformation soon.

It takes two days to return up the North Pole entrance from the Hollow world due to him fighting the winds rather than riding them down. He arrives, gathers Megala and Ak’kabar, and then teleports back to his holdings and unloads the mimic Magic Door and ghost from the adventure just completed. Alzar’s only been gone for around 9 days total, so very little has happened while he has been gone.
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Old 10-18-2015, 11:35 PM   #416
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Anyways, so here is Alzar is his final-pre Polymath phase:

Alzar the Mighty, Marquis
8th level Fighter (Myrmidon), 26th level Path Mage (Fivefold Mage)

Lawful Evil

Str: 17
Dex: 13
Con: 10 (9 until Month 7, Year 6)
Wis: 16
Int: 21
Cha: 17

Hit Points: 80
AC: -2 (Bracers AC2, Helm, Cloak -2 AC, Ioun Stone -1 AC:-3 more for Bright Barrier or -2 when fighting with one-handed weapon)
Total XP: 6156490 (Level 27 at 6,250,000)
Age 62, Body - 28

Race Abilities:

None Taken

Class Abilities (Cannot use as Necromancer without losing XP gain):

Leadership (Alzar can command the tactics, strategy, logistics and more that a large force requires)
3 attacks every 2 rounds

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:

Myrmidon Bonus:

Tactical History 14
Fire-Building 16

Riding 11
Swimming 12
Reading/Writing 13
Survival 14
Blind Fighting
Etiquette 13
Heraldry 13
Hunting 10
Fishing 14
Weather Knowledge 10
Orienteering 15

As a Necromancer/Fivefold Mage

Necrology 17
Netherworld Knowledge 14
Herbalism 14
Alchemy 15
Poison Use 11
Ancient Languages 10
Spellcraft 12
Ancient History – 14
Bookbinding – 16
Papermaking - 16
Sage Knowledge: Outer Planes, Inner Planes – 13
Divining: 15
Genie Lore: 16
Riding, Specialization: 10
Research: 13
First Lore – Aleph I: 8
Riding, Air: 13

Languages – Thorasian - Typic, Sis’sharr, UnderTypic, Kuo-Toa; Hamedhi – Arjuni, Sand Mire Common – Pandius Prime,


Fast Healer
Precise Memory
Obscure Knowledge

Weapon Proficiencies:

Bonus Kit Specialization:

Battle Axe

Battle Axe
One Handed Weapon Style x2 (-2 AC when using one weapon in combat)
Battle Axe Weapon Mastery

Total with normal battle axe - +3 to hit, +3 to damage, -2 to AC. An additional +1 with the axe and +1 damage for strength

Staff – Can only use this as a Necromancer, +1

Class Ability:

1). Alzar can control undead as an evil Priest of the same level, and this ability extends to extra planar beings which are considered undead with the same hit dice for this purpose.
2). One Extra Spell/Level is Gained, must be Path.
3). Fivefold Mages reduce the spell level by one when researching spells in The Path.
4). Chance to Learn spell in The Path increased by +15%
5). Saving Throw of Targets when targeted by spells from The Path at -1.
6). No more than one spell per level can be from the group: Abjuration, Alteration, Alchemy and Geometry barring a highly unusual and temporary circumstance.
7). Fivefold Mage must invest a focus item as the method through which magic is cast. (Alzar’s Father’s Ring)
8). Must have a lab and library and workbench with 1,000 gp value per level, and an upkeep of 50 gp/level/month
9). They can store spells like an Artificer, but cannot begin to do so until level 6
10). Fivefold Mages have a chance to identify a magical item by spending a turn peering at it closely and examining it - chance is their level times 5.
11). Fivefold Mages never suffer from a negative reaction penalty due to controlling or animating undead.

Immune to starvation

Can cast ESP once/week

A Wish Resulted in - An interdimensional Pocket which only he can access by reaching out his hand, or concentrating to send himself there. It’s sort of like a giant Bag of Holding. It can hold up to 500,000 coins of items, and it’s the size of a large room. Due to the size and volume, it cannot be accessed as readily as his items in a Bag of Holding can be, and therefore, he cannot find items during combat from it. He also can’t step into it during combat, it takes a minute of meditation to translocate his form there.

Alzar may move and survive in the following planes at will: Tarterus, Acheron, The Abyss, Elysium, Arcadia, and the Astral Plane and Positive Energy.

+2 to all saves against fear/awe effects
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Old 10-18-2015, 11:36 PM   #417
Abe Sargent
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Alzar’s Stuff:

26,900 gp
20,000 sp
65,055 pp

Gems: 80250 gp worth of gems; 10 Pearls, 100 gp each; 33,000gp in uncut gemstones;
Gem - 1500 GP; 10 Turquoise - 10 gp each; Onyx - 50 GP; Pearl - 500 gpx3;Ruby - 1000 gp;

Jewelry: 703,200 gp worth of jewelry, all types; Platinum Chain with Emerald (900 gp); Dragon Tooth Necklace (1500 gp); Gold Crown set with rubies and diamonds - 12000 gp; Jeweled Belt and Armband – 10500 gp; Jeweled Circlet, 1500 gp; Topaz Necklace - 1000 gp; Emerald Necklace - 2500 gp; 2 Gold Armbands - 250 gp each; Jade Earrings - 800 gp; Amber Ring - 600 gp; Gold and Mithril Helm - 3500 gp; Platinum Headband - 1500 gp; Strange Helmet of Untarnished Silver - 1000 gp;

Objet d’arts: Huge gold door, 20000 gp; Pair of Heavy Crystal Statues of Elves (1500 gp pair); Mother-of-pearl and mahogany box (500 gp); Arabian Rug – 3000 gp; Jade Table – 8000 gp; 20 5 lb gold bars, 250 gp each; 1500 gp worth of clothing; Exotic Furs on bed - 2000 gp; Art Pictures on Wall - 800 gp; Figurines of Various Animals - 5000 gp; 6000 Gp of various furniture (chair, sofa, etc); 3 Golden Goblets - 50 gp each; 3000 sp worth of silver ingots; Crystal Dishes - 250 gp set; Black Bag - 100 gp; 3 gold ingots - 1200 gp total;


22000 GP Spell and Use Library
3 books on golems and repair – 500 gold.
Manual of Summoning Familiars – When read in its entirety just before casting Find Familiar or a similar spell, three possible familiars will arrive and spellcasters can choose which one they want.
The Anatomy of the Harginn (The Fire Elemental Grue) worth 500 gp and tell how to summon, and what they do, etc.
Four texts on Elemental Water, Evil – 250 gp each
Seven Tomes on Secret Rituals of Water Evil of various sorts.
Two Books of Magic
Three Books on Spell Research into Commanding Undead
5 books on summoning and binding of demons
Book on the Soul Gem
Lament for Lost Tharizdun – 33,000 gp
Book of the Gate – Firestorm Peak
The Fivefold Path to Power
One bookshelf of tomes on becoming a lich, controlling undead, diseases and curing
Diary of Helthrax
Treasures of Thorasia
3 Rows of Bigby’s Bookshelves: Magical Theory, Spellmaking, Enchanting, Science, Astrology.
Illustrated Hamedh Bestiary (250 gp)
Creation of the Shade
Surrisk’s notes on undead, necromancy, and a spell Undead Familiar
Book of the Coming
Neconilis’s Book of Horrors
Manual of Bodily Health; Manual of Gainful Exercise; Tome of Clear Thought; Grim Grimoire;
Diary - Alinor, Prince of Alphia
315 books from Alinor, Pandius, Restored - They are historical, contemporary historical, and magical treatises.
14k Library used for Return to Alzar spell research
History of the Badlands Tribes (20 gp)
Encyclopedia of Local Plants (50 gp)
Diary of the Wizard, Zelligar
Meteorological Phenomena of Hamedh (75 gp)
Tribal History of this Duergar Clan
Yaghoub’s Journal
Three books of magical history
Book on history of tower and residents
11 books on the nature of demi-humans – 250 gp
100 Books from Bone Hill Study
1000 gp library of 300 general purpose books from Dungeon in Desert
6 Books on Worship of Nabilah
1200 GP of works on spell research for Scrollmend
5000 gp research library from Nadir’s Tower
Complete Leather-Bound 10 Volume Set of writings of Japheth Arcane (5000 gp set)
Scrolls, Maps, Journals, War Plans from Tomb of Amhara
1000 gold worth of texts from Tower in Rahasia
2000 gold worth of Castanamir’s own personal journals.
3 books on golems and repair – 500 gold.
5000 gold in books on summoning and conjuring.
10 alchemy texts, 1000 gp value.
15,000 gp specialized summoning and conjuring texts
2500 gold Gingwatzim information, and the five books and two manuscripts that show it.
1000 gold, 12 books, info on making portals
3000 necromatic tomes for research
Ye Secret of Ye Philosopher’s Stone – 500 gold
Concerning Mesmerism and Lists of Effects – 50 gold; The Magical Properties of Gemstones – 150; The Magical Properties of Herbs and Flowers – 150; The Metaphysics of Mathematics – 150;
Principles of Navigation and Legal Distinction in Letters of Marque – 10 gold
Cenozoic Glacial Geology, - 50 gold;The Art of Coarse Angling – 75 gp;
History of The Gauntlet and The Sentinel – 250 gold
200 tomes, 12000 gp – value of books in generic mage research for spells and other mage stuff.
1500 gp worth of alchemical books
Tome – 500 gp Detailing sacrifice of humans to earth elementals for various effects.
Treatise on the nature of a flesh golem (not its construction)
5 books on anatomy of various monsters
8 books on Magical Lore
25 volumes on Battle tactics and strategies in various wars and sieges
100 magic research tomes
1786 texts - Shrine of Kuo-Toa, on religion, water, history, and various UnderDeep cultures. 150,000 gp
18 high quality religious texts on Sea Mother, 2500 gp total
358 Titles on Alien Theory, Gates, Teleporting, Magical and Normal Creatures, Various Theories
25000 gp on Books on herbalism, poisons, and magic item construction.
46 books on anatomies of various creatures.
320 books on history of Thorasia
2500 gold in making items such as Scarabs
301 Uncommon to rare books on general knowledge topics
4 books on summoning and controlled Spectators
220 Books on Beholders, Magic, and Research on Spells without requiring Somatic/Material Components
442 Books from Beholder Library – General Topics
Detailed Notebook on making a Dwarf Crusher Golem
4 Books that relate, in detail, how to make Spellcache Rings of various sorts
How to Make a Thunderpot in Four Easy Steps
Notes on Summoning Hordlings, and 4 Truenames given to Summon
6 Books on making various potions, Climbing, Giant Strength, Healing, Heroism, and Gaseous Form
467 Arcane Texts
33 Books on Dwarven Lore
Book on Axe of the Dwarvish Lords; Friar Hyckum’s shocking tale, Dragons of Depravity, worth 1000 gp
Theology Texts from Temple of the Frog – 6 shelves and 72 additional books

232 Light Reading Books, 1st Floor Temple of the Frog
4 lined shelves of Cult of the Frog secrets, including how to make items, spells, and frog people.
655 books on general history, culture, and nature of various Hollow World societies and organizations
Tome of Clear Thought; Tome of Understanding; Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms; Libram of Teleportation Arches; Libram of Gainful Conjuration;


27000 gp lab generally
Thunderpot Making Equipment
Alchemical Equipment – Makes Climbing, Giant Strength, Healing, Heroism, and Gaseous Form Potions.


Face of Xenous - Summon one of each elemental, 16 hd, no control, once/week; Cone of Cold, Telekinetic Gaze, 1000 coins, 2/day; Flesh to Stone, Web 1/day; Color Spray, Darkness, 15’, 3/day; Comprehend Languages at will - Fires in 60’ extinguished and temperature drops 20 degrees when power used. When non-evil touches it take 4d4 damage and ages 1d4 years. INT 25, EGO 25, turn to CE if dominated.

Bright Barrier of the God-King Dargeshaad

Alignment – Lawful

Large circular shield

Major Power: Purge – Drain 2 levels of HD from all non-lawful who can see it 3/day
Minor Power: +2 Shield, wielder can hold shield and cast spells simultaneously. Deliver Shield Punch attack for 1d8+2 damage.
Cast Command at will; Detect Lie 3/day
Dangers: Wielder ages 1d10 months any time activating major power is used. Major power also pushes user more and more towards and stricter and stricter alignment. Chance Dargeshaad will inhabit user if major power used.

Magic Items:

Potions - of Sweet Waterx2, Diminutionx7, Gaseous Formx9, Poisonx6, Telekinesis, Extra-Healingx8; Healingx18, Levitationx4, Spider Climbingsx6, ESPx3 Animal Control – Horses, Clairvoyancex3, Clairaudiencex4, Fire Resistancex2, Philter of Lovex2, Control Plantsx3, Neutralize Poison, Speedx11, Cure Disease, Water Breathingx4, Invisibilityx4; Invulnerabilityx5, Undead Controlx5 (Wight, Vampire, Ghoulx2), Heroismx8, Flyingx3, White, Silverx2, Greenx2, Blue Dragon Control; Oil of Etherealnessx2, Strengthx2, Treasure Findingx2, Human Controlx5, Growthx2, Animal Controlx4 Philter of Persuasivenessx2, Super-Heroismx4, Polymorph Selfx14, Titan Strengthx3, Agilityx4, Seeing, Fire Giant Controlx2, Freedomx3, Mammal Control, Fire Breathx4, Storm Giant Strengthx2, Oil of Slipperiness; Hill Giant Strengthx2; Plant Controlx2; Vitality; Tonguesx3; Pursuit, Nutritionx3, Fish Control, Levitation; Cold Resistancex2; Lycanthrope Control; Infravisionx2, Fire Giant Strengthx2, Devil Control, Shielding, Clear Thought, Oil of Acid Resist; Oil of Disenchantment; 2 Jars Keoghtom's Ointment – 6 applications left; Ointment of Blessing, of Poison; Potion of Sustenancex2, Bug Repellant, Elemental Formx3, Blending, Agility, Vitality, Sightx2; 5x Ethereality; Super-Healingx3; Dreamspeechx3; Fortitudex4; Mergingx3; Ventriloquism; Oil of Slipperiness; Mind Control;

Weapons and Armor -

+1 Pesh-kabzx2, Short Bowx2, Daggerx4, Gada, Club, Heavy Crossbow, Yataghan, Sling, Tulwar, Shamshir, Scimitar, Spear, Axex3, Footman’s Mace, Longswordx4; Staff, Short Sword, x4; +1 Changestaff (Takes the form of any weapon, always deals 1d6+1 damage);
+2 Flail; Khanda; Macex3; Yataghan; Bastard Swordx2, Short Sword, Net, Longswordx4;Warhammerx2; Scimitar; Broadswordx2; Axex2;
+3 Pesh-Kabz; Daggerx4; +3 Mace; Axe; 2 Handed Sword;
+4 Battle Axe; Broadsword; Short Sword; Bastard Sword.

+2 Mace, +4 vs undead; Mace, +1 vs Lawful, -1 vs Chaotic; Spear, +1, +2 vs Giants, +3 vs Orcs, Ogres ; Warhammer, +2, +4 vs Weapon-Using Opponents; Short Sword, +4, +6 vs giants; Sword of Chaos,+4, +6 vs Law, Levitate 3x day, Lawful characters that grab it to use it take 20 damage, neutral 10 damage;

+2 Dagger, Longtooth; Cold Sword; +3 Frostbrand Sword; Scimitar of Defending +4; Vorpal Yataghan; Pickaxe of Piercing; Hammer of Luck +2; Ptah’s Royal Flail - +3 Flail, acts as Mace of Disruption; Dagger of Venomx2; Sword of Deceiving +2; +2 Spear of Accuracy, +4 when thrown; Mattock of the Titans;

+2 Trombash of Returning; +4 Sling of Seeking; +2 Crossbow of Speed, +2 Heavy Crossbow of Speed; Hasp of Reloading; +4 Short Bow, x8;

Arrow of Giant Slaying; 4 Javelin of Lightning; Javelin of Piercing; 11 Darts of Wounding; 22 Bolts of Ice, +1 Bolt, deal 1d6 extra damage, 2x damage vs fire; 12 Stun Bolts; 2x Quarrels of Flying; +2 Javelin of Returning; +1 Arrowx20.; +4 arrowx4; Arrow of Disarming x4; Dart of the Hornet’s Nest; Dart of Death; +4 Arrows, +7 vs Weapon Using Foesx4; +4 Arrow of Dispellingx2; +4 Arrow of Climbing, x8;

+1 Shieldx5 ; +1 chainmail; +1 plate armorx3; +1 Splint Mail;
+2 Chainmailx2; +2 Leather Armorx2, Plate Mailx2; Shield x4;
+3 Shield; +3 Flying Shield; +3 banded mail x3; Chainmail (Goblin Sized);
+4 Leatherx3; +4 plate mail; +4 Shield;
+5 Shield

+3 Bronze Elven Scale Amor; +3 Shield of Haste (Once/day can cast a self-haste which does not age the user); Chainmail of Presence (+3 and CHA 18 when worn); Shield of Fear (Like Plate Mail of Fear); Elven Chainmail +1; Missile Deflector Shield (+1, +4 vs missiles, 20% chance Magic Missile negated);

Rings - Greater Ring of Sustenance; Ring of Water Walkingx2, Ring of Depetrification – 12 charges; Ring of Protection +1; +2x4, +3x5, +4,; Ring of Warmth; Ring of Windwarding; Ring of Quick Action; Ring of Invisibility; Ring of Human Control; Ring of Fire Resistancex2; Ring of Telekinesis, 50 lbs; Ring of Feather Falling; Ring of Mammal Control; Ring of Anti-Venom -20 charges; Ring of Mirror Images – 19 charges; Ring of Free Action; Ring of Sustenance; Anything; Regenerationx2; Spell Turningx2; Chameleon Nature; Cantrips; Shooting Stars (12 charges); Frog Controlx2;
Ring of Water Command; Ring of Three Wishes (3 charges); Ring of Frog Calling;
Ring of Djinni Summoning – Can only open a gate to a random Prime Material Plane once/month, and nothing else.
Ring of Wizardry (Double 1st and 2nd); Ring of Spell Storing – Haste, Lightning Bolt; Cleric Ring of Spell Storing – Word of Recall;
Ear Ring; Finger Nail
Spellcache Rings (Anti-Magic Shell, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Phantasmal Killerx2, Reduce, Stoneskinx4, Non-Detection, Haste, Mirror Image, Grease)

Wands, Staves, Rods -

Wand of Paralyzation 17 charges; Wand of Magic Missiles – 20 charges, 63 charges; Wand of Wonder – 45 charges, 63 charges, 19 charges; Wand of Force – 90 charges; Wand of Negation – 5 charges; Wand of Opening – 10 charges; Wand of Frost – 9 charges, 12 charges; Wand of Ice Storms – 42 charges; Wand of Lightning – 12 charges; Wand of Viscid Globs – 79 charges; Wand of Metal Command – 19 charges; Wand of Fire – 65 charges; Spider Wand – 64 charges; Wand of Fear – 22 charges; Wand of Rust – 27 charges; Wand of Secret Door and Trap Det – 7 charges; Wand of Salt – 21 charges;

Buckler Wand; Rod of Terror – 8 charges; Rod of Electrification – 17 charges; Rod of Smiting – 19 charges; Rod of Rulership; Rod of Cancellation; Rod of Victory; Rod of the Wyrm (Chaotic); Rod of Rulership (31 charges);

Staff of Striking – 48 charges; Staff of the Serpent, adder; Staff of Spell Focusing – 23 charges;
Amun-Re’s Staff of Rulership; Staff of Power – 16 charges; of Healing – 14 charges;

Scrolls –

Wizard Scrolls -, Tongues; Invisibility, 10’ Radius; Push; Haste; Fly; Gust of Wind; Minor Globe of Invulnerability; Invisibilityx2; Mass Invisibility, Illusionary Script, Shield, Light, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand, Continual Darkness, Shadow Door, Dig, Feign Death, Strength, Hold Person, Emotion, Dispel Magicx3, Monstesr Summoning III, Disintegrate, Death Spell, Maze, Death Spell, Symbol of Discord. Disintegrate, Remove Curse, Airy Water, Limited Wishx2, Mislead, Summon Swarm, Control Weather, Crystalbrittle, Energy Drain, Gate, Charm Plants, Knock, Pyrotechnics, Globe of Invulnerabilityx2, Stone to Fleshx4, Symbol, Write, Invisible Stalker, Passwall, Fire Trap, Push, ESP, Wizard Lock, Vocalize, Shape Change, Solid Fog, Guards and Wards, Water to Poison, Vampiric Touch, Ghoul Touch, Monster Summoning VI, Power Word Blind, Summon Shadow, Erase, Dispel Magicx3; Binding; Fire Shield, Dimension Door, Elonia’s Glamer, Dazzle, Transmute Mud to Rockx4; Time Stop; Teleport Without Error; Abjure; Gate, Astral Spell, Scroll of Disintegrate, Delayed Blast Fireball, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Dispel Magic, Polymorph Selfx3, Color Spray, Dispel Magicx3; Invisible Stalkerx5; Hold Portal; Tensor’s Floating Disc; Lower Water, Dissolve, Power Word, Stun, Legend Lore, Phase Door, Wall of Force, Prismatic Spray, Lightning Ring; Polymorph Other, Shapechange, Lower Water;

Scroll of Spell Catching 1-6; Scroll of Portals; 2 Scrolls of Communication linked together

Cleric scroll – Scroll of Creation, Truth;

Protection from Cold, Demonsx2, Undeadx3, Magicx2, Elementalsx4, Lycanthropesx3, Felines, Traps, Devils, Possessionx2, Nonmagical Weapons, Shapechangers; Dragons; Fire, Acid;

Items Worn

Gauntlets of Ogre Powerx2; Gauntlets of Dexterity; Gloves of Missile Snaring;
Rock Jellaba; Robe of Useful Items;
Necklace of Adaptation; Bracelet of Swimming; Necklace of Missiles –5; Necklace of Protection +1 AC;
Bracers of Defense, AC7, AC6, AC4, AC 2x2; Bracers of Protection vs Normal Missiles; Bracers of Cleaning
Periapt of Proof Against Poison +2; Periapt of Health
Amulet of Proof against Scrying and Detectionx2; Amulet of the Planes; Talisman of the Golem; Medallion of ESP 30’; Scarab of Death; Scarab of Protection – 12 charges; Talisman of Memorizationx2; Medallion of Defense; Amulet of Neconilis; Amulet vs Undead (5th Level); Amulet of Finding x4; Amulet of Inescapable Location; Medallion of Proof Against Detection; Scarab of Venom; Luck Charm (+1 Saves); Protection +2; Brooch of Shield Spell - 9 Charges;
Girdle of Ogre Strength; Zoster of Zeal; Girdle of Many Pouches;
Sandals of Speedx2; Elven Bootsx3, Boots of Striding and Springingx2; Slippers of Spider Climbing; Boots of Varied Tracks; Boots of Levitation; Boots of Traveling;
Cloak of Displacement; Cloak of the Manta Ray; Cloak of the Bat; Cloak of Protection +2,+3; Elven Cloakx3; White Dragon Skin Cloak - +3 save vs cold, 50% less damage from cold sources; Cassock of Precaution; Set – 1 Black Cloak, Black Boots -75% to move silently/be invisible in dungeons.
Crown of Leadership; Mask of Disguise; Helmet of Underwater Action; Helmet of Reading Languages and Magic; Hat of Disguisex2; Helm of Telepathy;
Ioun Stone - Incandescent Blue Sphere (+1 spell level), 2xDusty Rose - +1 AC; Deep Black Sphere (See in Non & Magic Dark); 2xPearly White Spindle – Regen 1 hp/turn; Clear Spindle (No eating or drinking needed); Pale Lavender Ellipsoid (Absorbs spells up to 4th level, 20 charges left);
Eyes of Humanoid and Monster Charming
Death Mask of Ptah

3x Bag of Holding, 10000 coins; 3x Weightless Chest; Flatbox; Zagyg’s Spell Component Case (12000 gp of components); Heward’s Handy Haversack; Bag of Tricks (C);

Crystal Ball with Clairaudiencex2; Crystal Ball; Crystal of Death Scrying;
Carpet of Flying (4 Passengers); Broom of Flyingx2; Folding Boat; Square Wheel;
Star of Mo-Pilar (Gem of Seeing),
Rope of Entanglement; Rope of Climbingx3;
Warp Marble; Iron Flask; Prison of Zazig; Iron Bands of Bilarro;
Chime of Opening; Grave Key - Magical item that opens any locked coffin, tomb, crypt, etc.
Dust of Appearance x5; Dust of Disappearancex20
Magic Jelly Beans – 1 Grey, 2 Green, 2 Orange, 2 Yellow (G Cube), 2 White (Crystal Ooze), 2 Black
5 Beads of Force; 9 Thunderpots; 6 Buttons of Blasting;
Stone of Diminution, when held acts as potion until dropped; Glowstones x6;
Lamp of Creation; Crucible of Melting ; Lens of Speed Reading ; Honing Stone 6 charges; Quill of Forgery; 4 Jars of Preserving; Chalice of Identification; Slate of Identification; Lamp of Long Burning;
Incense of Enlightenment; 6 Blocks of Incense of Meditation; Phylactery of Faithfulness
Whistle of Golem Control; 2x Collar of Animal Control;
Banner of Renown; Pillow of Regeneration;
Gem of Magic Missile Protection, 50 charges;
Pearl of Power 3rd Level; Pearl of Power 4th level; Pearl of Power, 2nd level;
Shovel of Digging
House of Zebulon ; Cube of Forcex2; Daern’s Instant Fortress;
Bag of Puchezma’s Powder of Edible Objects – 50 pinches
4 Kegs of Smoke Powder, 100 charges each

Horn of Collapsing; Kamencheh of Calming; Horn of Blasting; Horn of Fog; Bronze Horn of Valhalla, summons 2d4 Neutral Evil, level 2 fighters, AC4, 15 hp, spear or sword. Can only be blown by N, NE, LE, or CE Priest or Warrior.

Table of Plenty; Decanter of Endless Water; Metal Platter (Beef, Lamb, Turkey, Pheasant) for four people once/day; Mug (Beer, Ale, Mead) six/day; Pitcher (Water, Tea, Wine), three/day.;

Ebony Fly, Serpentine Owl Figurine, Onyx Dog, Obsidian Steed, Ferret Figurine;
Brazier of Controlling Fire Elementals; Stone of Controlling Earth Elementalsx2; Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
The Whistle, “Nightcaller” – Blow once/week at night to raise Zombie from grave to follow you
Multiform Graegzim Gingwatzim, amulet an turn into Fremlin.

Selinyr - +5 Axe, with two talents – Translating and Extinguishing.

Bladestar - +2 dagger, CN, I 15, E 11, Detect Invisible, Charm Person on contact 3/day, strength 1/day, 19 or 20 does max damage when used in backstab. Slay Lawful Creature, 1/month – save vs death or dies instantly.

Wyrmcleaver - +2 two handed sword, becomes +4 vorpal sword against dragons

Amulet of Power - Detect Magic, Read Magic at will; Fireball (12 HD) 1/day; Teleport w/o Error 1/week; gives the wearer 50% Magic Resistance. Any non-wizard donning it is feebleminded.

Helm of Selnor – Can only be worn by warrior with CHA of 15+, +1 AC and cast Charm once/day on group – save vs spells and cannot be broken normally, charmed become barbarians in culture and alignment, as well as friends.

Cloak of Shadows - -3 AC, 2x move silently percentage, polymorph into cat or bat 1/day. Non-thief wearing it loses half their current hp every round until they take it off or die.

Bloodfear - A +3 longsword that absorbs blood during combat = for every 20 points of damage vs a flesh entity with blood, the sword gets +1 in damage to a total of +7, after which is drops back to just +3 because it’s satiated and has to be built back up again.

Unifex - +2 Dagger made from unicorn horn, AC2 given and can teleport once/day

Erok’s Sword - 20 INT and Ego, CN, +3, Wielder is CN whenever the sword is in hand. One extra attack/round when fighting lawful, Detect lawful creatures at will, Sword of Wounding against Law, and cannot be healed save by cleric magic from chaotic cleric. The sword always attempts to dominate a wielder when drawn, and still shifts their alignment. Curses any-non fighter who wields it. Can be sheathed as normal if not dominated.

Typhus - INT 11, EGO 16, CN, can only be handled by clerics without bad stuff happening, +3 mace, immune to disease, every hit causes disease per the spell unless a save is made. Can cast cloudill and wither once/day, and gives +1 to level for turning or commanding undead. -1 STR and CON to any non cleric who tries to wield it. Each time uses a spell, moves more towards CN. When removed, truns to normal Align, or regains lost STR/CON after one week.

Deathstone Fragment - User will be cursed and lose 10 max HP; can control up to 50 HD of undead, with half level of ability. Curse is transferred is given away.

Gem of Delusion – Command word forces everyone other than user in 20’ radius to save vs spells as Gem flashes. If they make it, they are stunned for 1d4 rounds and then Feebleminded for 1d6 after. If they fail, then deluded.

The Earthshaker’s Mind Gem – Controls the Machine

Amulet of the Abomination – The Amulet used to summon the Abomination of Karazan, it no longer works.

The Eye of Myr Div - Unique other-planar gem - 25,000 gp.

Cursed – Periapt of Foul Rottingx2, Helm of Alignment Changing, Ring of Spell Snatching; Cloak of Poisonousness;

Body Parts:

Eyes, Scales, Teeth, Blood, Central Eye of a Beholder
Parts from a Bronze Golem; Drolemx2;
4x White Wolf Pelts
7x skins, tentacles, fangs, blood of Displacer Beasts;
Eyes, Teeth, Scales, Blood, etc, of an old Blue Dragon, old Black, 7 red dragons (5 young, 1 old, 1 very old), Dragon Turtle, venerable Black;

Unusual Items:

Spell Component Collection – 12500 gp value
19 Rings Ready for Spellcache
38 empty Thunderpot Flasks
Silver Dagger
6 Ichor-Green Potions – Turn drinker into frog-person if they fail a save
The Golem’s Heart - a gem worth 6000 GP

8 moldy and illegible scrolls
1 destroyed ancient dwarven text

Psionic - Lamp Without Reservation, 12 charges; 3 dampsuits; 5 flaregoggles; exoskeleton, 6 tentacle extensions
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Old 10-18-2015, 11:36 PM   #418
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Protective Amulets allow a save made if they fail one and are destroyed

Level 1 – Charm Person
Level 2 – Forget
Level 3 - Suggestion
Level 4 – Polymorph Other
Level 5 – Domination
Level 6 – Flesh to Stone
Level 7 – Finger of Death
Level 8 – Maze
Level 9 - Power Word, Kill

Stored Spells:

Level 1 - Spoil Holy Water
Level 2 – Vocalize
Level 3 – Vampiric Touch
Level 4 - Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Level 5 – Magic Jar
Level 6 – Døkkálfar Teleport
Level 7 – Teleport without Error
Level 8 – Maze
Level 9 - Lauthdryn’s Cleaving

Alzar can cast: 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5:


Castanamir’s Evil Books:

1st Level: Charm Person, Hypnotism, Friends, Magic Missile, Nystul’s Magical Aura, Protection from Good, Sleep, Spook, Corpselight, Dance Macabre, Reflected Image, Spoil Holy Water, Wandbane

2nd Level: Darkness, 15’ Radius, Deafness, ESP, Fools’ Gold, Irritation, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter, Choke, Dark Mirror, Empathic Control, Ghost Pipes,
Castanamir’s Magic Missile Reflection, Undead Mount, Wall of Gloom

3rd Level: Feign Death, Haste, Improved Magic Missile, Protection from Good, 10’ Radius, Suggestion, Vampiric Touch, Curse Tablet, Dire Charm, Minor Malison, Mummy Touch, Skulltrap, Watery Double,
Whip of Pain

4th Level: Contagion, Enervation, Fear, Phantasmal Killer, Bestow Curse, Delayed Magic Missile, Putrefaction, Ray of Oblivion, Rain of Terror, Greater Malison, Merald’s Murderous Mist, Disfigure

5th Level: Animate Dead, Avoidance, Cloudkill, Domination, Magic Jar, Deathmaster’s Vial, Eyefire, Fiendform, Nystul’s Enveloping Darkness, Persona of Death, Vile Venom, Xult’s Magical Doom

6th Level: Death Fog, Ensnarement, Geas, Mislead, Programmed Illusion, Flesh to Stone, Curse of Lycanthropy, Gauntlet of Teeth, Otiluke’s Excruciating Screen, Seizure, Spell Mirror

7th Level: Acid Storm, Amorphous Blob, Blood link, Consume Knowledge, Create Crypt Thing, Finger of Death, Otiluke’s Death Screen, Spell Turning, Torment, Vanish, Wandweird

8th Level: Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Bone Blade, Brain Spider, Demand, Heart of Stone, Mass Charm, Maze, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, Trap the Soul, X-Ray Vision

9th Level: Absorption, Blade in the Soul, Energy Drain, Estate Transference, Imprisonment, Mass Domination, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Programmed Amnesia, Weird

Castanamir’s Enchantment Books:

Book 1 – Basics – Permanency 8th, Enchant an Item 6th, Analyze Dweomer 8th, Enchanted Weapon 4th, Recharge 6th, Steal Enchantment 7th

Book 2 – Advanced Item Making – Obar’s Lesser Purification (4th), Merald’s Meld (4th), Eternal Flame, (5th), Veladar’s Vambrace (5th), Crown Meld (6th), Wondrous Web (6th), Awakening (7th)

College of Wizardry Levels 8 & 9

Demonomicon of Iggwilv:

Banishment 7th, Binding 8th, Dismissal 5th, Dolor 5th, Ensnarement 6th, Torment 7th, Gate 9th, Cacofiend, 7th; Power Word, Banishment 9th, Spiritwrack 6th

Xaene’s Spellbook

1st – Affect Normal Fires, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Find Familiar, Grease, Identify, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Write
2nd – Continual Light, Darkness 15’, ESP, Invisibility, Levitate, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Shatter, Vocalize, Web
3rd – Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Flame Arrow, Hold Person, Material, Melf’s Minute Meteors, Phantasmal Force, Wind Wall
4th – Dimension Door, Fear, Fire Shield, Ice Storm, Magic Mirror, Polymorph Other, Wall of Ice, Wizard Eye
5th – Animate Dead, Conjure Fire Elemental, Dismissal, Dolor, Hold Monster, Sending, Teleport, Wall of Force
6th – Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Control Weather, Enchant an Item, Glassee, Globe of Invulnerability, Guards and Wards, Legend Lore, Repulsion
7th – Banishment, Drawmij’s Instant Summons, Limited Wish, Mass Invisibility, Phase Door, Reverse Gravity, Torment, Vanish
8th – Bigby’s Clenched Fist, Binding, Glassteel, Incendiary Cloud, Mind Blank, Permanency, Polymorph Any Object, Symbol, Xaene’s Mighty Chilblains

The Tome of the Unusual:

Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Odeen’s Magic Cloud, Vipergout, Ray of Fatigue, Paralyzation, Dispel Illusion, Acid Bolt, Gullship, Andrui’s Baneful Backfire

Bigby’s Great Tome

Bigby’s Bookworm Bane, Bigby’s Feeling Fingers, Bigby’s Dextrous Digits, Bigby’s Silencing Hand, Bigby’s Pugnacious Pugilist, Bigby’s Battering Gauntlet, Bigby’s Construction Crew, Bigby’s Force Sculpture, Bigby’s Fantastic Forces, Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Bigby’s Strangling Grip, Bigby’s Superior Force Sculpture, Bigby’s Besieging Bolt, Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Bigby’s Grasping Hand, Bigby’s Clenched Fist, Bigby’s Most Excellent Force Structure, Bigby’s Crushing Hand

Evocation Tome of Beginners – All common 1st level evocation spells

Standard Spellbook – Feather Fall, Hypnosis, Sleep, Spook, Magic Mouth, Shatter, Dispel Magic

Sussick’s Spellbook: Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Spook, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Detect Undead, Cantrip, Wall of Fog, Find Familiar, Light, Tensor’s Floating Disc, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Death Armor, Hold Person, Levitate, Locate Object, Spectral Hand, Bind, Dispel Magic, Hold Undead, Item, Dig, Undead Familiar

Piyarz’s Book – Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Light, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Sleep, Baltar’s Lightening, Magic Mouth, Locate Object, Tongues, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer

Lurg’s Book – Detect Illusion, Detect Magic, Emrikol’s Question, Identify, Phantasmal Force, Read Magic, Wizard Mark, Non-Detection, Illusionary Script

Porro’s Book – Change Self, Color Spray, Dancing Lights, Find Familiar, Detect Magic, Identify, Light, Read Magic, Wizard Mark, Hypnotic Pattern, Misdirection, Knock

Cipolla’s Book – Detect Magic, Read Magic, Sand Jambiya, Tensor’s Floating Disk, Wall of Fog, Invisibility, Ventriloquism

Spellbook destroyed by rat, just one spell left – Levitate (remnants of book were procured and owned)

Neconolis Spellbook:

1st level – Alarm, Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Detect Undead, Friends, Jump, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Read Magic, Spook
2nd Level – Deafness, Detect Good, Ghoul Touch, Magic Mouth, Whispering Wind, Wizard Lock
3rd Level – Bewilder, Explosive Runes, Hold Undead, Non-Detection, Secret Page
4th Level – Curse, Emotion, Enchant Weapon
5th Level – Animate Dead, Summon Shadow
6th Level – Summon Least Yugoloth

Telvar’s Spellbook –

1st Level – Cloud Ladder, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Read Magic, Identify, Sleep, Shocking Grasp
2nd Level – Darkness, 15’ Radius; ESP, Flying Fist, Invisibility, Levitate, Detect Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Wizard Lock
3rd Level – Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Protection from Normal Missiles, Feign Death, Monster Summoning I, Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Scintillating Sphere
4th – Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer, Wizard Eye

Crescent Witch Spellbook:

1st – Run, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Identify, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp
2nd – Invisibility, Stinking Cloud, Darkness 15’ Radius, Baltar’s Lightening, Knock
3rd – Genie Contract, Protection from Good, 10’ Radius, Lightning Bolt, Dispel Magic
4th – Evard’s Black Tentacles, Unburn

Dervill’s Spellbook – Read Magic, Identify, Detect Magic, Wizard Mark, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Featherfall, Web, Detect Invisibility, Misdirection, Audible Glamer, Haste, Protection from Normal Missiles, Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Item, Suggestion, Polymorph other, Wizard Eye, Daltim’s Flaming Fist, Teleport, Desert Fist

Nadir’s Spellbook –

1st - Read Magic, Identify, Wizard Mark, Detect Magic, Change Self, Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile, Shield, Erase, Conjure Spell Component
2nd – Melf’s Acid Arrow, Summon Swarm, Ray of Enfeeblement, Invisibility, Wizard Lock, Knock, Vocalize
3rd – Teleport Object, Dispel Magic, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Sepia Snake Sigil, Hover
4th - Fire Trap, Dimension Door ,Ice Storm, Stoneskin, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Phantasmal Killer, Leomund;s Secure Shelter
5th – Cone of Cold, Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound, Shadow Door, Teleport, Transmute Rock to Mud, Waves of Sand
6th – Antimagic Shell, Chain Lightning, Death Spell, Disintegrate, Globe of Invulnerability, Stone to Flesh
7th – Finger of Death, Prismatic Spray, Teleport without Error, Negative Plane Protection

Transmuter’s Spellbook :

1st: Burning Hands, Fist of Stone, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Identify, Cantrip, Color Spray
2nd: Strength, Shatter, Wizard Lock, Knock, Bonewood, Melf’s Acid Arrow
3rd: Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Blink, Explosive Runes, Haste, Fly
4th: Wizard Eye, Stoneskin, Polymorph Self, Dimension Door
5th: Passwall, Teleport, Farscry, Feeblemind
6th: Teleport Other, Disintegrate, True Seeing
7th: Teleport Without Error, Phase Door, Power Word Stun

Anderia’s Spellbook:

1st - Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Identify, Enlarge, Nystul’s Magic Aura, Shield, Taunt, Pro. from Good, Melt,
2nd – Melf’s Acid Arrow, Invisibility, Detect Invisibility, Ray of Enfeeblement, Tasha’s…Laughter, Infravision, Mirror Image, Blindness
3rd – Explosive Runes, Dispel Magic, Fly, Slow, Vampiric Touch,
4th – Life Bolt, Enervation, Charm Monster, Confusion, Minor Globe of Invulnerability
5th – Wall of Force, Demishadow Monsters

Wazor’s Spellbook

1st Level – Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Identify, Burning Hands
2nd Level – Invisibility, Detect Invisible, Flaming Sphere, Tasha’s….Laughter, Forget
3rd – Fly, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Dispel Magic, Item
4th – Charm Monster, Fire Trap, Massmorph, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self
5th – Transmute Water to Dust, Hold Monster, Dolor, Improved Blink
6th – Anti-Magic Shell, Enchant and Item, Stone to Flesh, Globe of Invulnerability
7th – Phase Door, Statue, Teleport Without Error, Dragon Breath
8th – Major Globe of Invulnerability, Permanency, Incendiary Cloud
9th – Wish, Meteor Swarm, Gate, Wail of the Banshee

Neroth’s Spellbook

1st – Magic Missile, Sleep, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Wizard Mark, Ray of Fatigue
2nd – Pyrotechnics, Invisible, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Levitate, Web, Improved Phantasmal Force
3rd – Dispel Magic, Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius; Haste, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Dire Charm
4th – Ice Storm, Phantasmal Killer, Remove Curse, Confusion, Wizard Eye
5th – Conjure Fire Elemental, Telekinesis, Teleport, Passwall, Wall of Stone
6th – Disintegrate, Invisible Stalker, Legend Lore, Claws of the Umber Hulk
7th – Statue, Power Word Stun, Vision, Mass Invisibility

Serge’s Spellbook

1st – Magic Missile, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Light, Burning Hands, Charm Person
2nd – Detect Invisible, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Levitate, Web, Continual Light,
3rd – Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch, Haste, Hold Undead
4th – Confusion, Wall of Fire, Hold Monster, Acid Bolt, Shout
5th – Telekinesis, Teleport, Dissolve, Cloudkill, Summon Shadow, Cone of Cold
6th – Disintegrate, Projected Image, Death Spell, Dimensional Blade
7th – Planar Door, Spell Turning, Limited Wish
8th – Power Word Blind, Incendiary Cloud

Felmot the Invoker’s Spellbook

1st – Detect Magic, Read Magic, Identify, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Shield, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Wall of Fog
2nd – Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud, Web, Flying Fist, Know Alignment
3rd – Lightning Bolt, Melf’s Minute Meteors, Dispel Magic, Delude, Invisible Mail
4th – Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Delayed Magic Missile
5th – Cone of Cold, Cloudkill, Wall of Force,

Zerixith’s Spellbook

1st – Hold Portal, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Phantasmal Force,
2nd – Blindness, Knock
3rd – Hold Person, Hold Undead
4th – Polymorph Self, Instruct Spectator, Dimension Door

Khuxristul’s Spellbook

1st - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Hold Portal, Magic Missile,
2nd – Detect Invisibility, Darkness 15’ Radius, Knock
3rd – Protection from Normal Missiles
4th – Dimension Door, Extension I
5th – Wall of Blackstone, Contact other Plane, Wall of Force, Extension II
6th - Extension III, Geas

Naera’s Spellbook: Magic Missile, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Mirror Image, Web, Haste

Splecters’s Conjurations, Masteries, and Summonings:

Protection from Evil, Detect Invisible, Web, Infravision, Water Breathing, Charm Monster, Control Bats, Plant Growth, Polymorph Other, Conjure Air Elemental, Control Gargoyles, Hold Monster, Invisible Stalker, Monster Summoning IV.

Najirit’s Tome of Wonders:

Warning Trumpet, Wizard Eye, Teleport, Detect Magic, Ventriloquism, Hold Portal, Charm Portal, Detect Magic, Detect Invisible, ESP, Clairvoyance, Phantasmal Force, Improved Phantasmal Force, Haste, Dispel Magic

Phenalon’s Phantasmagorica

Symbol of Spell Loss, Entrap; Legend Lore, Phantasmal Force, Improved Phantasmal Force, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Creatures, Hallucinatory Terrain, Projected Image, Change Self, Invisibility, Audible Glamour, Dancing Lights, Unseen Servant

Asztellor’s Book of Deadly Spells

Animate Dead, Animate Dead Animals, Undead Mount, Summon Shadows, Ghoul Touch, Lich Touch, Vampiric Touch, Mummy Touch, Energy Drain, Spectral Hand

The Book of Dolzhabban “The Dread”

Magic Missile, Fire Ball, Stone Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Burning Hands, Cone of Cold, Melf’s Minute Meteor’s, Flaming Sphere, Flame Arrow, Melf’s Acid Arrow

Tairdo’s Spellbook:

1st Level – Magic Missile, Cantrip, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Identify, Burning Hands, Find Familiar, Feather Fall, Grease, Taunt, Nystul’s Magic Aura
2nd Level – Invisibility, Detect Invisible, Summon Swarm, Mirror Image, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Glitterdust, Knock,
3rd – Fly, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Dispel Magic, Non-Detection, Monster Summoning I
4th – Charm Monster, Fire Trap, Massmorph, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Stoneskin, Monster Summoning II
5th –Hold Monster, Demi-Shadow Monsters, Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound, Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment, Teleport, Monster Summoning III
6th – Anti-Magic Shell, Ensnarement, Enchant an Item, Stone to Flesh, Invisible Stalker, Project Image, Monster Summoning IV
7th – Phase Door, Simulacrum, Teleport Without Error, Spell Turning, Drawmij’s Instant Summons, Limited Wish,
8th – Power Word Blind, Permanency, Monster Summoning VI
9th – Astral Spell, Monster Summoning VII, Power Word, Kill, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction.

Eyes, Vision, and Arcane Sight: Infravision, Wizard Eye, Clairvoyance, Blindness, Deafness, Vision, Blur, Eyebite

Glandar’s Grimoire: Flesh to Stone, Finger of Death, Disintegrate, Fellblade, Melisander’s Harp, Disruption, Immunity to Undeath

Spayle’s Book of Spellbook Spells – Animate Drawing, Copy, Erase, Organize Spellbook, Protection from Bookworms, Protection from Liquids, Read Magic, Ink Transfer, Explosive Runes, Illusionary Script, Ink Luminance, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Fire Trap, Avoidance, Damage Link, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Spayle’s Pocket Spellbook, Temporal Corridor, Symbol

To be Decoded Later – NONE currently. YAY!

Alzar’s Combined Spellbook, 7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6/5:

First Level:

Alzar’s Undead Porter
Animate Dead Animals *
Charm Person *
Chill Touch *
Chromatic Orb *
Comprehend Languages
Conjure Spell Component
Create Divining Rod (D229)
Dance Macabre
Detect Magic
Detect Undead
Emrikol’s Question
Friends *
Innocent Bearing (D271) *
Hypnotism *
Light *
Locate Remains
Mount *
Organize Spellbook (D262)
Protection from Bookworms (D262)
Protection from Chaos *
Protection from Good
Protective Amulet
Read Magic
Sleep *
Spoil Holy Water
Talon’s Waterproof
Unseen Servant *
Wandbane *
Warning Trumpet
Wizard Mark

Second Level:

Alzar’s Axethrow
Alzar’s Bookcopy
Alzar’s Bookmend
Alzar’s Familiar
Attract Ghoul
Baltar’s Lightening
Blastbones *
Bone Block (D271) *
Continual Light *
Continual Wind
Death Armor
Empathic Control *
Ghoul Touch *
Hold Person (Hamedhi) *
Ink Transfer (D262)
Knock *
Leomund’s Trap
Locate Object
Melf’s Acid Arrow *
Ray of Enfeeblement *
Ray of Ondovir *
Scare *
Skeletal Hands
Spectral Hand
Speak with Dead
Summon Swarm *
Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter *
Tenser’s Hunting Hawk
Undead Mount
Unpickable Lock
Wall of Gloom
Wild Swing (D271)
Wizard Lock
Zala’s Lifeforce Guardian

Third Level:

Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown
Bands of Sirellyn
Bone Knit
Control Bats
Curse Tablet
Dire Charm *
Dispel Magic *
ESP Barricade (College)
Explosive Runes
Genie Contract
Hold Undead
Ink Luminance (D262)
Leomund’s Tiny Hut
Lesser Rhabdomancy (D229)
Lightning Rod (Volo)
Mummy Touch *
Proof Against Teleportation
Protection from Chaos, 10’ Radius
Protection from Good 10’ Radius
Searing Serpent *
Sepia Snake Sigil
Slumber *
Skulltrap *
Teleport Object (Volo)
Undead Summoning I
Vampiric Touch *
Watery Double

Fourth Level:

Alzar’s Quest
Alzar’s Scrollmend
Alzar’s Undead Expertise
Bestow Curse
Charm Monster *
Confusion *
Control Death Tyrant
Detect Ensorcellment (D229)
Detect Scrying
Dimension Door
Dweomerflow (Volo)
Enchanted Weapon
Evard’s Black Tentacles *
Fire Trap
Greater Malison *
Instruct Spectator
Magic Mirror
Merald’s Meld (Volo)
Merald’s Murderous Mist *
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens *
Obar’s Lesser Purification (Volo)
Otto’s Tin Soldiers
Polymorph Other *
Rain of Terror
Ray of Oblivion
Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer
Remove Curse
Ritual of Renewal
Special Effects
Summon Lycanthrope
Vorthala’s Undead Turning Immunity
Wall of Evil

Fifth Level:

Alzar’s Far Summons
Andrui’s Baneful Backfire
Animate Dead *
Conjure Earth, Air or Water Elemental *
Contact Other Plane
Control Gargoyles (CM8)
Damage Link (D262)
Deathmaster’s Vial
Domination *
Eternal Flame (Volo)
Focal Stone (Volo)
Greater Rhabdomancy (D229)
Hold Monster *
Magic Jar
Mnemonic Negation
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
Presper’s Moonbow
Prying Eyes
Spell Trigger (Magister)
Summon Shadow *
Temporary Youth (D260)
Transmute Rock to Mud *
Veladar’s Vambrace (Volo)
Vile Venom
Xult’s Magical Doom

Sixth Level:

Alzar’s Backtrace Teleport
Alzar’s Golem Heal
Alzar’s Spellbookmend
Anti-Magic Shell
Bind Tabi
Crown Meld (Volo)
Curse of Lycanthropy
Death Spell *
Dimensional Blade
Døkkálfar Teleport
Dwoemer Divest (D229)
Enchant an Item
Geas *
Globe of Invulnerability
Invisible Stalker *
Legend Lore
Lich Touch
Seizure *
Spell Mirror
Stone to Flesh *
Summon Soul Eater
Summon Least Yugoloth
Teleport Other *
Transmute Bone to Steel
True Seeing
Wizard Seal
Wondrous Web (Volo)

Seventh Level:

Amorphous Blob
Awakening (Volo)
Azundel’s Purification (Volo)
Banishment *
Blood Link (Volo)
Conjure Greater Earth Elemental *
Consume Knowledge
Create Crypt Thing
Descry (College)
Finger of Death *
Hold Golem
Mass Teleport (Volo) *
Negative Plane Protection
Planar Door
Power Word, Stun *
Prismatic Spray
Return to Alzar
Spectral Guard
Steal Enchantment (Volo)
Teleport without Error *
Wardmist (Volo)

Eighth Level:

Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting
Analyze Dweomer
Binding *
Create Death Tyrant
Create Spectral Wizard
Demand *
Hornung’s Random Dispatcher
Major Globe of Invulnerability *
Mass Charm *
Maze *
Monster Summoning VI
Otto’s Irresistible Dance
Power Word, Blind
Summon Fiend
Symbols Normally and Spell Loss, Entrap as well
Trap the Soul *

Ninth Level:

Astral Spell
Blade in the Soul
Energy Drain
Estate Transference
Immunity to Undeath
Lauthdryn’s Cleaving (Magister)
Mass Domination *
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction*
Power Word, Banishment
Power Word, Kill *
Programmed Amnesia
Strip Resistance (College)
Terminate Scrying (College)
Time Stop *
Virus Charm *
Wail of the Banshee *

Key to Spell Locations:

Volo – Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical
Magister – Secrets of the Magister
College – College of Wizardry
D followed by number - Dragon Magazine. So, for example, D229 is Dragon 299 and D262 is Dragon 262.
CM8 – Spell from module CM8

Special Books Already Used – Tome of Clear Thought; Tome of Leadership and Influence; Libram of Ineffable Damnation; Tome of Understanding; Tome of Quickness of Action; Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms;

Longevity Potions Drank – 2

Younger - 1

6 Death Tyrants
2 Vampires - AC2, HP 40 each, Deal 1d10 damage and energy drain, charm, over at Ilth K’hinax
9 Coffer Corpses; 6 Ghoulstirges; 4 Swordwraith; 2 Topi; Undead Head (AC7 in the bottle), HD 3+3, HP 30, DMG 1d6 from screech or 1d4 bite. Alerts everyone.; 24 Giant Skeletons, various lower level undead (Zombies, skeletons) in Ilth K’hinax
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Old 10-18-2015, 11:37 PM   #419
Abe Sargent
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Pets in Pandius

Ak’Kabar Tabi

HD – 5; HP 26
THAC0 – 15; 2 Attacks, 1d4 each;
Intelligence – 9
Speaks – Own Language, Common Tongues
AL – Chaotic Neutral

Each hit by a claw must save vs poison or be deluded for 2d6 turns. Tabis can pick pockets, hide silently, and move in shadows with a 40% chance of success, and they can backstab when doing do. A tabi looks like a cross between a monkey, a bat, and a cat. They are about 15 pounds, and roughly 2 feet tall. After being bound I is extremely loyal, will do anything commanded, will be loyal for life, can go far outside the boundary normally had, and most importantly, the tabi is not a familiar. He can have a familiar, and if it dies nothing bad happens

Azzil, Imp

AC 2, HP 14, Save As: Level 7
THAC0 – 19; 1d4 + poison or die
Lawful Evil, INT Average
Flight class A, 18
25% Magic Resistance
Can only be hit by silver or magical items

Can polymorph at will into a raven or giant rat. Can turn invisible, detect good, magic, at will. Has infravision. Regenerate one hp/rnd. If within 1 mile, master gains infravision, regeneration and 25% magic resistance. User’s caster level increased by one. If not in 1 mile, caster level decreased by one. Immune to cold, fire, electricity. Can communicate telepathically with Alzar. Once/day can cast Suggestion. Now, if Azzil dies, Alzar is drained of two levels like an Energy Drain.

Azzil wants to be the leader of this relationship, and views Alzar as the tool and him as the master, but in reality, Azzil knows that it’s not nearly as powerful as Alzar can be. The devils allowed Alzar to take one of their Imps as a recognition of the work he’s done against demons.

Imps are the Ferrari of familiars. There is virtually no familiar that is as useful as an imp. Auto kills no matter the level with poison, they grant MR 25%, regen, and infravison and +1 caster level. They can invisible, polymorph, detect at will. They are the best and most agile of flyers. Now sure, Azzil is a bit independent, and will collect its own treasure and hide it away from bad guys. But it’s good.

Megala, Homunculus

Lawful Evil

HP: 10
THAC0: 19
AC: 6
Damage: 1d3+ sleep

Megala is Alzar’s Homunculus from before Vorthala died, and he had given Alzar much of the ingredients. Megala has no personality, and is merely an extension of Alzar. When he fights, his fangs force a save vs poison or put a person to sleep for 5d6 rounds. If he dies, Alzar will take 2d10 damage

Aegis –

AC – 2
HP - 70 (HD 14)
THAC0 – 7
1 attack for 3d8damage
Needs a +2 to hit with a weapon
Immune to most spells

Made of Onyx Stone, gives it a better AC and HP than a normal Stone Golem. Heals fully when a Transmute Mud to Rock spell is cast on it.

Coils, Iron Cobra

AC: 0
HP: 8
THAC0: 20

Attacks: 1d3 + poison

The Cobra can be activated and deactivated by command words known by Alzar. When an Iron Cobra hits in combat, the target must make a save at -2 vs. poison or die. The Cobra only has three such charges, but can be refilled by Alzar using his Poison Use proficiency. It has all of the normal construct immunities (Cold, Poison, Disease, Sleep, Charm, Fear, etc).

Fangs, Necrophidus

AC: 2
HP: 12
THAC0: 19
Attacks: 1d8 + paralyzation

Fangs appears like a skeleton of a giant snake, with a human fanged head at the top, and jewels in the eye sockets. It shares all of the normal immunities that constructs have. In combat, it bites with its fangs and those bitten must save vs. magic or be paralyzed for 1d4 turns, which gives the Necrophidus plenty of time to finish off the target if they can kill, paralyze or drive off other invaders. Due to its slinking nature, it can surprise an opponent 50% of the time.

The Necrophidus can perform a maneuver called the Dance of Death. It is a hypnotic, semi-magical swaying that rivets the attention of onlookers. All must save versus Magic or be hypnotized, and unable to move. Creatures that are hypnotized can be safely attacked by the Necrophidus and Iron Cobra.

Bronze Golem, Named Aleph:

Bronze Golem – AC 0, HD 20, HP 97, THAC0 – 3, 1 attack fist 3d10 damage +1d10 heat damage;

Deals 1d10 heat damage from its scaling hot “blood” inside the being. That fiery liquid spurts out when it takes damage to whoever hit it, or when it punches because it makes contact. Immune to heat, and requires a +2 magical weapon to hit.

“Kitty”, Amber Golem –

AC 6, HD – 10, HP – 50, THACO – 11, 3 attacks for 2d6, 2d6 and 2d10. Movement 18.

Looks like great amber lion, Detects Invisible, +2 weapon to hit, can follow a trail 12 hours cold, for every 12 hours more its -5% at tracking. Half damage from fire magic.

“Lance”, Silver Golem –

AC 0, HD – 12, HP – 65, THACO -9, 4 attacks for 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8. Movement 30.

Fastest known golem, has mercury in it. Always wins initiative, even against magic that would take it. +2 weapon to hit. Magic fire heals it, and causes it grow for a time (full damage from magical cold and it will shrink temporarily). Not affected by spells.

Android Bodyguard –

AC -1, HD 7, HP 40, THAC0 – 8, 1d8+4/1d8+4 attacks.

Programmed to use any human weapon, from missiles and physical weapons to the energy weapons on the ship. Immune to cold, and all of the normal construct immunities. Half damage from acid or fire. If hit with electrical attack, 1% chance per damage point dealt that it shuts down. As a guard android, has full stats = 18 dexterity, 18/90 strength, 18 constitution, can see 150% vision, hearing, and has infravision. Intelligent. It can self repair minor damage, major damage cannot be repaired save by returning to the ship and finding a way to do so.

The bodyguard shows him how to use the various items he didn’t know. One of the benefits of having this mobile attack platform is that he can use the best weapon for a battle without any disadvantages. For example, if they are fighting fire creatures, give the android a Frostbrand sword. Give it the vorpal yataghan normally, and maybe Wyrmcleaver or the +3 Flail of Disruption against undead and so forth. It punches twice or can use a weapon in each hand or a shield and a weapon and so forth. Plus it can use a weapon that might normally try to control the user or dominate it without any issues.


Bevidoro, Mimic who insists he is a “Magic Door”

AC7, HD8, HP 51, MV3, ThACo 13, 3d4 damage, uses glue-ish attack to stick to target or anything else. Immune to acid. Neutral

Bevidoro was starving and picked up in the Lost Shrine of Bundushataur and promised lots of food and a nice place back home. Bevidoro guards places in Alzar’s castle, and is fed by the staff daily to prevent it from accidentally eating someone. Bevidoro can shrink down the size of a large box and stick to someone mobile to relocate quickly. Since mimics have a bad reputation, Bevidoro insists that he is, in fact, just a hungry magic door, and not a mimic at all. He will never admit otherwise. Unless maybe food was involved.

Draconus - Level 20 Ghost/Mage. Lawful Good, touch ages 1d4x10 years. Sight ages 10 years. Can use Magic Jar constantly, and can be turned. Knows lots of magic spells, from Wish to Magic Missile, and everything in between. (Magic Missile, Charm, Pro Evil, Read, Detect, ESP, Forget, Scare, Web, Hold, Light bolt, Slow, Suggestion, Confusion, Fumble PMprhOther, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, Feeblemind, Hold, TK, Wall of Force, Geas, Domination, Globe of Invul, Legend Lore, Limited Wish, Power Word - Stun, Vanish, Mass Charm, Maze, Symbol, Bigby’s Crush H, Foresight, Wish).

Draconus was one of the leaders against the Lords of Chaos and fought in the final battle at the Shrine of Chaos in Thunderdelve Mountain, and like many of his companions, fell there. He was trapped in a ghost’s body in the Shrine, and uses a Wish to stay LG and retain his magic casting ability as well. He can’t rise in ability or learn new spells. After Alzar arrived and removed the chaotic taint from the area, the ghost, who had been trapped for 1300+ years, agreed to come back and be the guardian, warden, and primary user of the extensive library that Alzar has collected. Draconus is good to Alzar’s evil, so there’s only so far he’ll go to help out, but this certainly counts. Plus, as he has told Alzar, there is a time in the near future where Alzar is going to be the Champion of Law in a major cross-planar battle that he is totally unaware of right now.

Figurines of Wondrous Power:

“Zadaxx” Ebony Fly Figurine, A Giant Fly, AC – 4; HP – 25; THAC0 – 16; 1d6 damage in combat from ramming; Alzar can ride it. Can be used three times per week for 12 hours at a time. Flies very fast, and can be turned back to statuette at a word, and is the size of a pony, and can be used as a steed. If killed, reverts to statue form and that uses up its magic for that 12 hour period.

“Zandran” Serpentine Owl; Two uses, and you can switch back and forth between them for eight hours a day. 1 –A small owl, very sneaky AC7, 3 hp, THACO – 20, 1d2x2 damage – 95% silence, infravision, keen hearing, telepathy with owner; 2 – Giant Owl, AC6, 19 hp, THACO – 17, 2d4, 2d4, 1d8.

“Kithog,” Onyx Dog - AC 3, HP 22, THACO 16; 1d6, 1d6; LN, Can summon any number of times but not more than one hour/day total, takes one week to come back after he dies.

“Angral” Obsidian Steed - like Heavy War Horse, but can use Fly, Go Ethereal, Astral; turns to 8 hours per day, 3x/week.

“Balo” Full Sized Ferret, AC5, Thaco 30, 3 hp, deals 1d2 damage, infravision of 60 feet, move silently 100%; hide in shadows 95%, pick pockets 75%, very fast,can be used for up to 6 hours at a time for up to 3 times a week.
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Old 10-19-2015, 07:10 PM   #420
Grizzled Veteran
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Pretty cool stuff. I remember having the master and immortal sets (and a couple of the immortal campaigns), never did actually play them, but the materials were quite interesting. I'm excited to see Alzar trying to head down this path.
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Old 10-19-2015, 10:01 PM   #421
Abe Sargent
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Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Pretty cool stuff. I remember having the master and immortal sets (and a couple of the immortal campaigns), never did actually play them, but the materials were quite interesting. I'm excited to see Alzar trying to head down this path.

Well hold on to your butts!
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Old 10-19-2015, 10:01 PM   #422
Abe Sargent
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A few things to note. Alzar will dominate this challenge for a few reasons:

1). Alzar has already done a duel class when he voluntarily gave up the axe for the staff and became a mage. So he understands what that process is like and how works and doesn’t work.
2). Alzar keeps his things. After all, it would be very un-matter like to require him to do the quest just from the power of his spirit or something. So Alzar can use the various things he’s found in order to empower him. For example, right now Alzar benefits from the fighter-only items that amp his combat. He has a lot of thief- and cleric- only stuff, he can swap over too. This will help him in ways that the other stuff never could.
3). He remains in charge of eh March of the Mighty

Alzar has the local Magist create Spellcache rings with Teleport on them. He’s grown accustomed to teleporting around, and he doesn’t want to spend too much time without it.

Alzar’s next move is to work with his Shadow Mage ally, Gwifa. They spend two months preparing himself, and running the March. She is fully trained now in dowsing, and she agrees to help him move over to his first task

For those two months, the March is quiet. Alzar does another quick course for the College of Wizardry, and Japheth Arcane loves the idea of going to all of the different classes and thinks it’ll be quite enlightening. The only major incident is a bandit raid that Alzar teleports to and ends as soon as he hears.

Alzar takes all of his things over that he cannot use. He grabs items and prepares
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Old 10-20-2015, 12:30 AM   #423
Abe Sargent
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Month 3,Year 6

Near the end of the month, Alzar has gathered a group of adventures around him:

Rogren, a level 1 fighter, from the local town guard, who recently distinguished himself in catching a criminal.

Racala, a level 1 cleric and servant of the Sphere of Matter.

Adentium, a level 1 apprentice and conjurer of a local leader

Forx, a level 1 bard who was recently entertaining the local population, and no looks to explore.

All four of these people have been vetted by Alzar’s spells and allies.

Alzar is moving to thief. He thinks it’ll be the hardest to do, but also the easiest to advance, since thieves don’t require a lot of XP to level up:

Morena arrives and swaps his class over. He spends around 6 weeks in training as a thief, and now that he has this class, these various abilities come very quickly to him. He selects the Investigator kit, as a way to track down criminals and lawless folk. It’s a natural fit for him
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 10-20-2015 at 12:30 AM.
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Old 10-20-2015, 12:12 PM   #424
Abe Sargent
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Alzar, Level 1 Thief

Alzar the Mighty, Marquis
Alzar, Level 1 Thief, Investigator; (8th level Fighter (Myrmidon), 26th level Path Mage (Fivefold Mage))

Lawful Evil

Str: 17
Dex: 13
Con: 10 (9 until Month 7, Year 6)
Wis: 16
Int: 21
Cha: 17

Hit Points: 80
AC: -1 (Cloak of Shadows, Boots, Ring of Pro +4, Iuon Stone drops him to -2.)
Total XP: 0
Age 62, Body - 28

Race Abilities:

None Taken

Fighter Class Abilities (Cannot use as Necromancer or Thief without losing XP gain):

Leadership (Alzar can command the tactics, strategy, logistics and more that a large force requires)
3 attacks every 2 rounds

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:

Myrmidon Bonus:

Tactical History 14
Fire-Building 18

Riding 14
Swimming 12
Reading/Writing 15
Survival 16
Blind Fighting
Etiquette 16
Heraldry 13
Hunting 12
Fishing 15
Weather Knowledge 12
Orienteering 17

As a Necromancer/Fivefold Mage

Necrology 17
Netherworld Knowledge 16
Herbalism 16
Alchemy 15
Poison Use 13
Ancient Languages 11
Spellcraft 13
Ancient History – 16
Bookbinding – 16
Papermaking - 16
Sage Knowledge: Outer Planes, Inner Planes – 13
Divining: 15
Genie Lore: 16
Riding, Specialization: 10
Research: 13
First Lore – Aleph I: 8
Riding, Air: 13

As a Thief:

Information Gathering: 15
Trailing: 16
Set Snares: 12

Languages – Thorasian - Typic, Sis’sharr, UnderTypic, Kuo-Toa; Hamedhi – Arjuni, Sand Mire Common – Pandius Prime,


Fast Healer
Precise Memory
Obscure Knowledge

Weapon Proficiencies:

Bonus Kit Specialization:

Battle Axe

Battle Axe
One Handed Weapon Style x2 (-2 AC when using one weapon in combat)
Battle Axe Weapon Mastery

Total with normal battle axe - +3 to hit, +3 to damage, -2 to AC. An additional +1 with the axe and +1 damage for strength

Staff – Can only use this as a Necromancer, +1

Thief Weapons Short Bow, Short Sword

Thief Class Ability:

Cannot use Armor
Without a Trace
Defensive Bonus- -3 AC when unarmored
Backstab - x2 damage from level 1-4: +4 to attack

Open Locks: 20
Find/Remove Traps: 35
Move Silently: 15
Hide in Shadows: 20
Climb Walls: 60
Read Languages:5
Evasion: 15
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Old 10-20-2015, 12:15 PM   #425
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Alzar now has the Information Gathering proficiency which gives him the ability to find information from the underworld. Trailing is sort of like city tracking. Or other community -villages, towns, underground in places like cities, and such. He can also set snares too.

Alzar created his Skills and Powers Thief Class:

80 character points spent for:

10 backstab
20 Traps and Locks
10 Move and Silent
5 Climb walls
5 Read Languages

He doesn’t spend anything on pick pockets or detect noise. 50 points spent thus far. (There is little in here, unfortunately, but Dragon magazine article from D256 has an extensive list of expansions and options for rogues.)

Now, ideally, he wants to take things like Rogue’s Luck which gives him one free reroll a day on an attack or a saving throw, or Charm resistance - +2 saves v charms. But it’s hard to explain how ot do it. So here are the final 30 points for Alzar:

10 Evasion
10 Without a Trace
+5 No Armor
15 Defensive Bonus

Alzar is specializing in not dying, since he came close multiple times when he was reset in Hamedh and dualed in Thorasia. He is used to fighting without armor, so he’s adjusted his thief style to match. He gets a -3 AC bonus when he’s not in armor, and he now can’t wear armor, a restriction that will cross over when he slides to multiple classes again later on. Evasion is another special skill, and the first time in a round that Alzar would be hit, roll his Evasion, and he hits it, he dodges the damage. He can’t put more than 5% per level into it, and never more than 60% full. Without a trace basically gives Alzar a chance to scurry away, even when there are no other options or has has been found. He makes three checks against Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hide. If he makes all three, then he finds some nook or crawlspace and squeeze in and is hidden. He disappears without a trace.
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Old 10-20-2015, 12:16 PM   #426
Abe Sargent
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Alzar is currently wearing:

Cloak of Shadows, -3 AC, which gives him 2x chance of Move Silently, and he can polymorph to bat and cat
Gauntlets of Dexterity - +10 to all thief skills
Necklace of Adaptation
Periapt of Proof Against Poison +2
Rock Jellaba
Zoster of Zeal
Boots of Striding and Springing (-1 AC)
Hat of Disguise
Greater Ring of Sustenance and Ring of Free Action, but when adventuring Ring of Pro +4 which gives him -4 AC and to saves.

With the Ring, Alzar gets -1 AC, and -2 if he uses the Iuon Stone.

+4 Short Bow he found, with the Hasp of Reloading which gives him double attacks in a round, and a ton of arrows he can fire.
Short Sword, +4, +6 vs giants

Alzar’s goal is to be a bit of a mobile scouting missile platform.

His familiar, Azzil is still here. But he gains no benefits from it, and its uncontrollable for the most part. He is still bound to the Tabi and Homunculus, and the golems still answer to his call. But many are locked off.

Alright, it’s time to head out and go on the first adventure, as a quick shake down.

Alzar has a 16 Thaco with his weapons, 80 hp, and an AC of -1, with +4 bonus to his saves. He’s not your normal fragile level 1 character. Now, he also doesn’t have the Helm, the axe, the artifact Bright Barrier (warriors only need apply) and such. But he’s not in a bad place, and he should level up pretty quickly.
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Old 10-20-2015, 04:15 PM   #427
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Here we go!

Begin Book of Lairs

This book has a bunch of unconnected lower level adventures and snippets. We are connecting a bunch together that could fit into the Ljallenfels mountain range next door.

The southern route through the mountain chains has apparently been blocked by a Fire Giant He’s demanding an exorbitant toll, and scaring those who won’t pay. This seems like a good time to load u p his party and to head out. Plus he nearby mountains are not the most dangerous ever - there are lots of lower level stuff, but not like thousands dragons or giants or such. He’s unlikely to run into anything too unforgiving.
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Old 10-20-2015, 05:06 PM   #428
Abe Sargent
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They head out, and Alzar has unfurled his Flying Carpet - which normally fits 8, so the 5 of them are no surprise. They fly over to the southern pass, and arrive after a few hours, and then unload and begin to head out.

As they begin to move up the southern pass, and exploring, there are a few side passages to the right and left. The right one heads to a small outcropping of rock that overlooks a stream and after a bit of weaving and wobbling, the left to a small cave, with a handful of animal prints here. Alzar really needs to get Tracking, he’s going to fast track that as his next proficiency. He got one of the non-weapons for free as an Investigator, so he has a lot of points open for non-weapons.

He scouts it a bit and checks it out, and fails a roll to stealth on over and check it out under the cover of the branches. Alzar sees a feline shape slip out, a snow panther. Alzar waves over the others and has his short bow up and guarding the area. He has the Hasp of Reloading and two quivers of arrows as well, ready to fire.

There’s a huge willow tree by the opening, and some bones by it. They must drag food there and eat it. A powerful sinewy female panther emerged from the cave and pauses, body erect. Then it turns and charges at Alzar’s party, and growls. A few answers come from the cave.

Out from the cave come three more adults, one male, and two females. They are in range and Alzar fires two arrows at the one charging them. He has a 16 thaco, and fires two arrows. AC 6, sohe needs a 10 and he tosses a 3 and a19. He hits for 1d6 damage - 2. Meanwhile Rogren moves out to block the team, and Racala follows him. Forx draws her sword and Adentium his daggers.

Female 24/26

Melee is joined with the female, and the others arrive next turn.

Alzar decides to use one of his items to help the team. He has added an array of magic items to his belt and such, replacing the normal places he had wands or spell components. One of those is a small iron sphere ,and he tosses it at a female closing, and he rolls to hit and……he rolls an 14 and this. The Iron Bands of Bilarro spring out and capture the kitty. Rogren grabs and quaffs a Pot of Heroism. the female, but a dagger stabs her for 2 damage. She misses a bite on Rogren - he has pretty good armor Alzar gave the crew light magical items like +1 armor and such as well as some potions.


Full melee is here. Alzar’s bow is back up and he fires and….hits for 5 damage. Rogren, now a level 5 fighter, smashes the kitty for 6 damage. The cleric adds a mace smash for 3 and then Forz decides to use a spell - Magic Missile, and finishes her off.

Two down. They bite back and the male hits Rogren for 7 damage. With his extra hp from the Pot, he;s fine though.

Alzar orders them to focus on the male. He’s a lot bigger and stronger. They win init and bite Rogren again for just 5. Rogren stabs for 7 and Alzar’s bow hits just once for 1 damage. No other hits

Male -32/40

Next turn Alzar’s team doles out 15 damage, and the female bites for 8 and the male misses. The next turn they finish the male, and the female snow kitty decides to flee with her mate dead, and retreats.

900 XP

Alzar orders them to stay clear of the captured Snow Panther. They clearly need more allies, so he heads into OtherSpace and rummages around a bit until he finds the 2 Collars of Animal Control. He brings one out and puts it on the captured panther, and she realizes, failed her save. It’s now permanently controlled, like a pet.

Female Snow Panther, “Babs” - AC6, THAC0 16, bite for 2d4+2 damage or two rakes for 1d4 and 1d4. 25 hp.
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Old 10-20-2015, 05:18 PM   #429
Abe Sargent
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Alzar needs some more allies. He pulls out the Ferret figurine and orders Balo to scout the cave. It slips in very easily. It’s a one room cave, very shallow, and nothing in there. They head in to check it and out, and even the Star verifies there is nothing here.

(First lair in the book done. Check. This is the sort of thing you can expect. Remember that now XP is divided among all five of them. If Alzar were soloing here, 800 XP would be more than half of the XP he needs to hit level 2. Alzar does not get an XP bonus, his DEX is just 13).

There is a small game trail on the far side of the cave that was used by the fleeing panther. They decide to head down it as well. As they wind along it for about an hour it moves in and around the hills, and then comes to an outlook, and down below it is a large stream or mountain brook, around 100 feet across at its widest, meandering through a gentle valley.

Alzar holds up and waits. Soon enough, he spies two major groups of animals. There is a large group of giant otters in the southern part of the valley at it’s widest, and around a half mile upstream are a family of four bears that are moving closely towards the otters.
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Old 10-20-2015, 05:36 PM   #430
Abe Sargent
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Alzar prepares an ambush against the bears. He summons Zadaxx, the giant fly, from his figurine to fly down and attack. The whole group mounts the carpet. As a reminder, it’s stable for firing, so Alzar’s goal is to fly down fire from above, let the giant fly attack them in melee, and have Babs leap down to engage them in melee as well. There are two younger bears, formerly cubs but now just younger bears, a normal female, and an unbelievably large male, that’s the one Alzar wants to target. He grabs a Rope of Entanglement to try that trick again, and to grab the male bear. He wants to use the other collar on it, if it’ll fit, he’s not sure it’ll fit around the neck.

They fly down and move to attack the family of bears:

Younglings - AC6, 32 hp, 13 thaco, 1d8/1d8/1d12 damage.
Female - AC6, 56 hp, thaco 13, same attacks
Male - AC6, 71 hp, thaco10, att as above

Alzar has Forz toss the Rope on the male and….it makes its save and avoids it. Alzar’s bow fires and an arrow thuds into a youngling for 3 damage. More missile fire follows and misses. Zadaxx has closed, and Babs leaps down.

Next round -

Alzar’s group fires and hits the bear for 11 damage. Zadaxx misses. They hit Zadaxx once and the mal moves to the panther and slashes her twice for 10 damage.

Babs - 14

The next turn, they finish the wounded youth, and then the bears kill Babs and the female bites Zadaxx for 6 damage.

Alzar orders them to take out the male. That’s the threat there. Alzar grabs the Horn of Blasting from his belt and ordered Zadaxx to rise, and then he blows the horn, and everything in front takes 2d10 sonic damage - They take 10 damage each. Without anybody to melee and keep their attention, they raor and begin to retreat. A sling stone hits the male for 3 damage.

Alzar needs to give them a melee target, to keep them on the battle, so he violates one of the rules and leaps down himself, grabbing his Gladius as he does. He has the hp and the lowered AC to survive a tussle at close range against these folks.

The bears come at him

Next round…

4 s 2. Alzar takes….21 damage. His Gladius snaps out and hits for 7 damage. (it increases damage on the hit as well, the bow does not). Their team hits the male for 8 damage.

6 vs 8

Alzar misses. He takes 16 back. They connect for 9 more on the male.

2 vs 3.

Alzar hits for…..9 damage - just under his max, (Alzar gets +1 to hit and damage from 17 STR in melee) He tossed a 4 on a d6. The arrows fire in and the bear is badly wounded and pulls up and begins to move off. Alzar is hit for 11 damage by a claw and a bite from the other six attacks.

Alzar stabs and misses the female. Arrow and missiles fire and….hit and the bear takes 3 from a sling and that’s it. Zadaxx flies over to smash it as it flees and the archers retrun. Alzar takes 9.

Alzar - 23/80

1 vs 5

Alzar stabs and hits for 10 damage on the female, and she takes 2 damage form arrow from the fighter. Alzar is Cure Light Wound’ed from Racala’s spell, and heals 10, and then he takes11.

Alzar 22/80

2 vs 1

Alzar would have takes one hit for 4 damage from the six attacks, but he dodges it with Evasion. The male dies from Zadaxx’s smashing hit. Alzar heals another 10 (the cleric has a high WIS and she gets bonus spells.). Alzar stabs for 7 damage on the female. With a dead male, dead youngling, just a bit over half damage on her and begin to flees. Alzar orders Forx off the carpet and to gather the rope and try it again.


Alzar orders the carpet to circle in front of the bears and Zadaxx covers another angle. She raors and attacks Zadaxx and hits for 10 damage and kills it. Alzar slashes at her and hits for 9. She takes an arrow from the fighter Rogren and dies.

Just a youngling left.

Forx flings the Rope and orders its capture, and….they gather it. Alzar uses he Collar from babs for it:

“Stabs”, Youngling Bears - AC6, 32 hp, 13 thaco, 1d8/1d8/1d12 damage. 22/32 current hp

3400 XP

They gather their things, fired weapons and more, and then Alzar can’t backtrace their steps to their lair, so they move on.
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Old 10-20-2015, 09:43 PM   #431
Abe Sargent
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Their party flies over to the otters, and there are 5 adult otters here, playing and working. As they near the Otters, they make out the sound of a battle ongoing on the far side of the stream, and up the hill.

A scouting party of 20 gnolls is here, with 5 hyenadon allies and steeds, and they have trapped a trio of hill giants into a large pit, with a pseudo-artificial-quicksand they made to keep the giants there.

The gnolls are fighting smart. They pinned the giants, they have missile weapons out of reach, and then a group of hyenadon cavalry lancing in and stabbing the giants and then leaving, with a handful of gnolls
constantly moving into and out of melee range to keep the giants confused. Smart.

Alzar grabs the Scarab of Vemon and uses it to coat two arrows of his with a deadly poison

Alzar grabs one of the globes from a Necklace of Missiles and they fly over and he tosses it at the fire and a small 5d6 fireball goes off. Everyone takes….16 damage, or save for 8. The gnolls have 7, so any of them are dead. He can only get 12 gnolls in the explosion, 8 are firing weapons on the far side and un harmed. Meanwhile the hyendadons have 31 hp normally, so all five are standing. The three giants are caught in the radius as well…

They fly down and begin battle.

Alzar launches two arrows at two wounded hyenadons. The first hits for….3 damage and….it makes it save and takes 10 poison damage. Alzar tosses a a 14 and hits for….2 damage on the arrow and…fails its save and dies.

Hyenadon #1 - 8 hp left
Hyenadon #2 - 23 left
Hyenadon #3 - 11 left
Hyenadon #4 - 15 left

The gnolls move around to add missile fire.


8 vs 2.

The hyenadons have arrived for melee next round. Missiles fire from the gnolls and Alzar is hit twice for 11 damage and…fails that evasion toss. He had used a Regeneration Iuon Stone from the battle about a half hour ago with the bear’s tussle, so he’s fully healed.


Next up, Alzar’s bow twangs and slays the first and poisoned opponent. And he misses. Stabs the bear leapt down to enter melee, and Rogren followed, using the bear as moving terrain. They attack the bear and….hit once for 3d4 on a bite for….11 dmage

11/32 Stabs

2 vs 9

Alzar’s bow chirps and hits twice (they have just an AC of 7) for a mighty 1 +3 damage - 4 on #4. Rogren follows his lead and adds 7 damage from his long sword (which is specialized in) and then a sling stone finishes it. They need a 15 THACo - 6 - 9 to bite stabs and toss 4 and 17 and hits for….2+2+3 - 7 damage. Stabs gently hits once for 4 damage on #2.

4/32 Stabs

Alzar is hit 3 times for….4+2+4, and he makes evade - 6 more damage


7 vs 2

They fire again and Alzar tasks one hit for 3. The hyenadon finishes Stabs. Another pet has fallen. Then Rogren and Alzar drops the best hyenadon down to high single digits. They break off when a giant bounder flies in and just misses the archers.


3 vs 5

Alzar orders the carpet group to chase the 7 gnoll archers. Rogren finishes the badly wounded hyena, and then one is left but fleeing along with the gnolls

They focus on the fleeing gnolls, and two drops quickly as the carpet flies past them. Alzar’s arrow snip out to finish them easily enough. Low ac and easy to kill.

In a few turns, the Gnolls are slain. The final hyenadon is hunted down aerially.
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Old 10-20-2015, 10:53 PM   #432
Abe Sargent
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Of the giants, two died. The last is badly wounded. He just wants to take the stuff his brothers had, two sacks, and go back home. Doesn’t even want to bury the,. Alzar lets him go.

They fly over and follow the gnoll tracks and there is a small encampment at the top of a hill around 4 miles away. About 10 females and children are here, and there’s 2 young hyenadons, in pens being raised. They flee as Alzar’s party arrives. There’s a slave pen with about 12 humans here, and Alzar frees them and will take them home momentarily,

A quick search of the area finds:

520 ep
111 gp
10 pieces of Jet, 100 gp each

5000 XP for everyone

Alzar grabs the stuff and stores in and heads into OtherSpace for a moment. He comes back with 2 Brooms of Flying. They can each carry two, and then the Carpet three more, and then hands a Stone of Diminution to shrink one to be carried for free. Alzar turns into a Bat and flies back freeing up a carpet, and Forx gets the Cloak of the Bat to do the same.

About three hours, they arrive back a Alzar’s castle.

They are all healed and they split the 9400 XP

Each party member gets:

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Old 10-20-2015, 11:21 PM   #433
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And that’s enough to level up:

Alzar (needed 1250, needs 2500 for level 3)
Rogren (needed 2000, got 10% bonus for having 16+Str, and got 2k - 4k for 3rd level)
Forx - (need 1250 too, needs 2500 for next level) Gains a spell of his choosing and selects Color Spray
Racala (needed 1500, needs 3k for next level, has a 17 WIS too)

Only the mage can’t level up (need 2500)

They spend a few days training and getting new stuff, and Alzar:

+5 in Evasion
+10 to Detect Traps
+5 Move/Hide
+5 Open

He also gets the Tracking Proficiency after spending some time with it. He still has 2 unspent points which he can spend for a 2 pointer, or a 3 pointer next level.

Alzar gives all of the money, gems, and such to the party and skips it. A few days later, they head back out after the fire giant in the hills.

(They took out three Lairs in the Book though, Bears, Snow Panthers, and Gnolls)
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Old 10-20-2015, 11:48 PM   #434
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They fly back out and try to alight on the gnoll camp again to check it out, and it’s been abandoned. Nothing else has moved in yet. They begin to explore the area some more, and a huge boulder flies form a nearby hill at them. The Hill Giant that Alzar’s group freed has returned, with two friends, and remembers that Alzar’s fireball slew one of his brothers.

Hill Giants:

HP - 55, 48, 42; 12 THACo - 2d8+4 with club or boulder.AC 3 with hides on.

Alzar hands a few items from the belt to his peers as they fly down.

Forx the bard uses Horn of Blasting. 2d10 damage sonic - 2+5 - 7 total damage. They are stunned this round and don’t do anything. The crossbow from Rogren fires and hits for 3 damage, and Alzar orders the magic users to stick with missiles only. Alzar uses the Scarab of Venom on two arrows and as they close, he fires at two Hill Giants

He misses the first with a 4 and then rolls a 9 and….that misses too. There AC is better and he need 13 to crack their armor. He’s going t drop down to melee, where he can use his gladius’s +6 vs giants ability to be more reliable hitting. As he does, he activates the Zoster of Zeal.

A boulder crashes into Alzar for 11 damage as he lands, Alzar’s two iuon stones, regen and AC are still spinning around his head.


6 vs 9

Alzar swings the +6 gladius at his wounded foe and….tosses a 14 and hits for 1d6+7 damage - 11. Meanwhile just one weapon, an arrow from Forz’s long bow, deals 2 more damage to it. Alzar is punished by a club (8 ,8, 13 rolled by them) for 14 damage


9 vs 2

They attack Alzar again and toss 14, 10 and 3. They hit Alzar once and he takes 8. Alzar follows with a hit (het gets + to hit with Zoster too) for 09 damage. Another 2 follows from a sling stone.


7 vs 8

Alzar slashes and hits the wounded giant for 10 and slays it. Two left. They toss 17 and 19 and Alzar rolls a 45 and misses his evade and he takes 3+7+4 - 14 and 2+6+4 - 12 - 26 total damage. Zarg! Two missiles scratch a giant for 4 damage total and Alzar is healed of 10 damage by Racala.


Alzar nods to her to stop healing, he’s fine right now. No sense wasting it.

4 vs 1

The giants attack Alzar 6 and 12 and miss. Alzar’s 9 hits (+6 for weapon, with bonuses to Zoster, he needs a 8 to tackle it). Alzar adds 10 damage. The others misses

7 vs 4

They retain init. Alzar is hit for 12 and 18 and….rolls a 22 and dodges the hit. He misses with a 2, and then they take just 4 damage on the wounded one.

2 vs 6

Alzar’s group wrest initialize back. They dela 14 damage total with a hit from Alzar leading the way. They miss him with a 7 and 11

2 vs 1

They grab init back and one hits Alzar for 10


Alzar hits for his max damage - 6+6+1 - 13 damage. RAR! A bolt from Rogren finish it. Dead giant

The next giant chooses to flee. Alzar drops his sword and grabs his bow and quiver. They fly over to chase it. It picks up a boulder and flings it at the carpet in desperation, without even aiming, just to force them away. The one left is the one that survived before

Alzar’s bow peppers it once for 3 damage. Four turns later, missile attacks finish it

9000 XP Gained
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Old 10-21-2015, 12:18 AM   #435
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They have some sacks, and among nasty smelling clothes and lumps of ruined and decaying meat, there’s a +1 hatchet that they are using to skin their kills and such. It’s balanced for throwing.

They gather themselves, do some resting, and regen has healed Alzar.

Alzar and company rise and head out. The area looks to be cleaned out, with giants, gnolls, bears, cats, all handled.

Alzar moves and takes the Carpet back to the southern pass, and they continue along the way/ After about an hour of ground travel…

The pass is getting narrower as they move out, and there is a 12 foot tall fire giant standing there who shouts that they must pay the toll of the mountains, with a pile of boulders collected and ready to toss.

Hmm….12 feet? Alzar has a lot of experience with Fire Giants, and that’s about half their real size. He slips the Star of Mi’Pilar off his belt and looks through it. It’s a polymorphed Ogre Mage.

There is a giant wall of thorns in front of the Ogre mage, it’s not easy to close to him. Good defenses. The giant is a chatty sort as Alzar begins to talk to it, and not altogether unpleasant. He mentions that he has to work and his chieftain makes him, and the toll is 10 gp per person or animal, and 25 gp for wagon or cart.

Alzar tells the giant to wait, and begins to reach out to is belt pouch and tosses it to Forz, and tells him to count out 50 gp for the giant. As he does, the not-giant but Ogre Mage looks at the cash to make sure the money is appropriate. Alzar then bends to his belt and the giant is too powerful for something like the Bands of Bilarro or the Rope, he’d likely break out and destroy them. But Alzar’s Warp Marble is on his belt too. He adds the Warp Marble to the coins, and a few gems as well to add some shining things to it and tells the giant that he wants to pay now to come back through in a few days. The giant agrees, and reaches down to take the money, gems, and marble. As he grabs them, Alzar calls out the activation password for the Marble ,but he makes his save, and looks oddly at Alzar’s weird word.

He checks and all of the gems and coins are real and as promised. He backs away and heads up the pass.
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Old 10-21-2015, 02:15 PM   #436
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Alzar grabs the Carpet and the group gets on. He tells them what he saw, and plans an attack against the Ogre Mage. Alzar’s Ring of Invisibility is used on himself, and the rest will follow on the Carpet. Alzar meanwhile will creep afterwards and get in position, and they each have a Scroll of Communication and can write back and forth to each other.

Alzar follows easily enough. The Ogre Mage heads to its lair, and from here there is a path to am ambush spot above the passage with boulders and javelins lined there. Alzar moves silently successful and moves into position invisibly. The Ogre Mage chuckles as he realizes the Marble is a magical item and what the word Alzar used was. He chuckles at the stupidity of humans.

Alzar positions for an ambush of his own, and writes a message to the others. He animates the Onyx Dog into Kithog to prepare to battle.

In a moment, he gets the message back, stores his things quietly, and then moves to backstab with his Gladius…

+4 to hit, +6 due to physical form of target matching giants, even if essence is not, Alzar gest +11 to hit with his strength and…tosses a 09 - that hits.

Alzar connects.

He deals -

1d6 (he rolled a 4) +6 for Gladius, +1 for Strength, and the n x 2 for backstab - 22 damage. Kithog is next to him and the giant roars. Suddenly as it spins around to face Alzar, the party breaks out from outside line of sight to fly over with the carpet silently to missile range:

“Hello giant! You took something of mine, and I want it back! I figured I’d come it to get from you, man to man!”

Alzar obviously implies that he is here by himself, but doesn’t come out and say it. The giant grins, and then grabs his great halberd and swings it at Alzar. He rolls a 14 and hits66 tossed for evasion, so Alzar takes 14 damage.


Alzar swings and misses intentionally. He wants to keep the giant from thinking he is a major threat Kithog bites for 2 damage. Ogre Magi can cast gaseous form when badly threatened, once/da. Alzar takes a hit of 9 and fails to evade


Alzar loses init. Ogre Magi regenerate as well. As Alzar “misses” he gains more and more confidence

Alzar misses and Kithog tries to hi and actually misses too.

3 vs 2.

The giant swings and hits Alzar for 11 Alzar dodges though.

It’s time. Alzar sees he message and swings for real and…tosses a 14 for 10 damage. It healed 4 from wounds, and took two from Kithog, so its -30 damage taken. Meanwhile, Magic Missile flash into his body, and Alzar loaned the Iuon Sphere that gives bonuses to caster level. It takes 6 damage from the missiles.

Since their cleric was without any magic that harms at first level, she has one of the Thunderpots Alzar made after capturing the equipment to do so. Alzar told he to toss it and she does. 15 damage to Alzar, Kithog, and the Giant. Normally, you wouldn’t expect to use fire here, but Alzar assured her hat it works. Alzar and Kithog survive, the “giant” doesn’t, and collapses under its own weight, without ever realizing its death.
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Old 10-21-2015, 02:35 PM   #437
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It converts to an Ogre Mage. They get all of their stuff back and:

222 pp
850 gp
1000 gp jeweled scroll tube (empty)
Potion - Non-Detection
Portable Hole
Set of Drums

Alzar takes the Hole and the Drums.

Drums of Blessing, when beat on by a proficient player, all allies in earshot get +2 ot attack and damage while played. Forx can’t use drums yet, but promises to learn!

3200 XP

Alzar and party see a cave back here, and then scout with the Ferret, but there are numerous winged bad guys down there. Harpies? Gargoyles? Maybe just Striges, but still, it’s time to head back for now.

12200 XP total

4320 XP for everyone total

Again, they spend a few days leveling up and such:

Rogren is now level 3. He needs 8000 for level 4

Racala the clerics got the needing 3k, and she is level 3 and gains new spells!

Adentium is level 2 and gets to level 3 at 5k.

Forx and Alzar are level 3, and get to level 4 at 5k.

Rogren, a level 3 fighter, from the local town guard, who recently distinguished himself in catching a criminal. Specialized in long sword. THACo - 17 STR, Expertise, +1 sword, +3/+4 damage. 18 THAC0 so 15 normally. He needs 8000 for level 4

Racala, a level 3 cleric and servant of the Sphere of Matter. With 17WIS. Gains level 4 at 6k.

Adentium, a level 2 apprentice and conjurer of a local leader, with Magic Missile and Armor.

Forx, a level 3 bard who was recently entertaining the local population, and no looks to explore. Has+10% XP and gained…..Color Spray.

Alzar gets:

+5 to evasion
+10 to Find,
+10 Move
+5 Hide

Forx spends a week learning how to use a drum.

Alzar gains…

Locksmithing - In addition to learning how ot make locks, he get s+10 Open Locks

Current Thieves Stuff:

Open Locks: 35
Find/Remove Traps: 55
Move Silently: 30
Hide in Shadows: 30
Climb Walls: 60
Read Languages:5
Evasion: 25

Remember he gets +10 to these with the Gauntlets of Dexterity.
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Old 10-21-2015, 02:59 PM   #438
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Alzar and company had back out and fly over to the spot where the Ogre Mage camped.

There is nothing else here, but again, a cave is off on a cliff. Balo investigates and the ferret returns with a similar scouting report

This time Alzar investigates and sneaks down to take a look and scout around.

He makes his move silently roll, fails the hide and can be made out if someone cares (they don’t)

A group of around 8 gargoyles are in a large chamber flying about. There is a small number of stalactites on the ceiling of a natural cavern, and several seem to be resting there, so the guess is not 100% confident, but 8-ish. Alzar waits and they are flitting about lazily, not much to fear. There is a hole open to the sky over on the east side of the chamber, so there are even two exits. Alzar slips back and they get a group with the carpet to run backup over there in case any try to flee. They’ll have the cleric and bard. The bard can use the Horn of Blasting to hit any wounded gargies that fly out. The others move to the cave.

Gargoyle - AC5, 32 hp each, 1d3, 1d3, 1d6, 1d4 damage, need +1 weapon o hit. Thanco 15

Alzar sends Balo back, I won’t be of any use here.

Alzar preps a few bigger one-hit stuff that he needs - Warp Marble, Iron Flask, and he hands a Thunderpot to Adentium in case he needs a mass damage dealing effect. Ideally he just relies on the Magic missiles he can cast with the Iuon Stone. They are immune to poison, no sense coating anything,

If he had his magic he’d leave for a day, memorize Control Gargoyle, and grab them. That ceased to be an option. Alzar grabs magic missiles. Alzar and party head in. Alzar uses the Zoster

Alzar leads with a bow that fires at the nearest Gargoyle. He has fired two +1 arrows and tosses 14 and 13. He hits twice for 3 and 5. 8 damage total. It cries out a warning and flies down to engage. Alzar drops his bow and gabs the Gladius as it flies really quickly. Magic Missiles stab out and light it up for 9 damage. 17 total taken.
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Old 10-21-2015, 04:00 PM   #439
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A short while later they head back out again

Unfortunately Alzar is no longer able to control undead, because rumors of undead attacks on people just outside of Saffir, in the northern pass. They are teleported there by the Magist and begin to meet with locals. There have been raids by skeletons, zombies, and shadows all separately.

Alzar heads out. He summons various figurines and drops Aleph, the golem in the trees from his Warp Marble. Aleph should be a strong anti-undead tool in case they need it.

It’s near night time. Alzar and company alight onto the flying carpet above, and look down and wait, watching the area. 4 hours later, at about 1 hours before midnight, there are a group of black bodies that are darker than the rest of the night moving out. Shadows likely, although perhaps Slow Shadows or another shadowy creatures. Alzar wishes he had his powers, he could reach out and sense their presence. It’s a bit….wonky feeling to be a rogue and not a wizard. Wizards are the epitome of power and rogues are the weakest of the four major classes. But the die is struck.

There are numerous creatures moving below them. After preparing some anti-undead stuff, they are ready.

Alzar orders Kithog, Zadaxx, and the Obsidian Steed hidden in the trees to move and get to the far side. They’ll help to fight anything that direction that gets turned.

For example, the mace +2, +4 was given to a certain cleric, Alzar prepared both the Potions of Undead Control and Scroll of Protection from Undead in case they are needed. But the most valuable item is the Amulet vs Undead Alzar found in Hamedh and is wearing. It gives him the ability to turn undead like a 5th level cleric.

After ensuring that Aleph is in their way as well, the Carpet is order to land. Both Alzar and Racal reach out to turn undead.

They are shadows. Alzar needs a 7 on a d2-0 and tosses a 19 - good job. He turns 5. Racal needs a 13 and tosses a 20 and turns 4. 9 turned. There are some large packs here. 20 shadows or so are below, and now they’v split them up.

Everyone but Alzar unloads here to take down the 11 or so left, and Alzar heads over to hit the fleeing shadows.

The party fights first. The shadows near, and they let them come in. Adentium uses Burning Hands to deal 10 damage to 5 of them., and they have 11 hp left in that group. A Horn of Blasting deals 2d10 to everyone as they near and they are not stunned though. 8 damage to everyone. Soon a Spiritual Hammer is out and smashing one, and Rogren is in the front line, carving with the sword.

There were actually not 11 but 12 shadows ,10 are slain, 2 flee.

Party survives
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Old 10-21-2015, 04:49 PM   #440
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What about Alzar and 9 shadow?

They are fleeing from turning. Alzar fires his bow as some as he flies over. But then Aleph and the animals move in from the other flank, and the turning has ended, so they move over to attack. Alzar’s group hits them hard, and one shadow is punched out of existence by Aleph. Alzar will stay out of melee range, and away from their Strength drain. They attack and kill kithog and the steed, and deal 25 damage or so to the Golem, but then there are just 3 left, and then they flee as well. Zadaxx smashes into one for some damage and slays it, but the other two get away

4 shadows from both groups are running to their lair, and Alzar’s carpet meets the party and they gather together and move in

There’s an ancient and dilapidated ruins of some long-forgotten building with an even longer-forgotten purpose. They use it as their lair, and there are some shadows here returning from other hunts.

The 9 shadows are slain

28 shadow s total killed

Anything in these ruins? Nope. They were cleaned out long ago, and shadows have no need for, or use for, treasure.

10200 XP

As they explore the area to make sure there is nothing here, one of the party members enters the woods, and a giant bear launches an attack on him.

Brown Bear - AC4, 60 hp, 1d6, 1d6, 1d8 attacks, thaco 12 hugs for 2d6 free if first two attacks hit in same round

The Bear hopes to defeat it’s target quickly, or to tear away some flesh and flee with food. Forx takes 10 damage, and then casts Color Spray at it, which also alerts everyone.

The bear is confused by the Spray and begins to move off but its slow, and the party arrives and slays it in a few rounds with missiles and other attacks. It’s frothing t the mouth and appears diseased of some sort, normally a bear wouldn’t attack a human like that.

2000 Xp for diseased bear
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Old 10-21-2015, 07:27 PM   #441
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After loaning his regen Ioun stone to heal, they head back out. There are a number of skeletons raiding some giant badgers in the nearby area. 40? 50? The skeletons are definitely winning. It’s about 2 miles away, and Alzar heads down and over with the party in tow. They drop down behind the battle, with Aleph running at them, and missiles behind. A few skeletons fall, and then Alzar and Racala each turn 5 skeletons and 10 are now running away. Soon enough, they are slain by local weapons and they chase down those that were turned.

While the area is trampled pretty badly, Alzar’s tracking can tell the undead came from up hill, and and they follow. Up on the hill is a large shelf in the mountain that was once natural, but then expanded by artifice of some sort. There are a handful of skeletons her keeping watch and slain. It was opened up recently, and again, nothing else is found here other than ruined and rusty armor and such, even when scanned by the Star.

60 skeletons slain

3000 XP

S they head back up into the sky, a group of 9 wights nearby is coming back from raiding. They head over and stay up in the air, out of range of the energy draining undead. They begin to flee in multiple directions, but Alzar can’t allow that, Wights are too powerful to leave in these numbers this close to Saffir - about 9 miles away.

Alzar drops down in front of one of the undead groups, and they can’t get away. Smelling fresh meat, they begin to coalesce and circle him. Soon enough Alzar is surrounded by the pack. Then he unfurls the scroll and reads it. Protection against Undead. Wights begin to come his way, and Alzar’s weapons bite. At first, they don’t realize anything is wrong. One Wight dies.

They just think that their attacks aren’t working, or they are missing or what not. Aleph is coming in from one flank, and the party from others. Missiles fly in and Alzar stabs and kills Wight number 2.

One finally begins to figure it out, and then Alzar stabs it in order to keep it off balance. But it still says something in a dark necromantic tongue. Then Magic Missiles fly into it and it dies.

The golem is on one route away from this area. The wights roll a morale check and…20 - they flee. One is slain as they go. Alzar orders the Flying Carpet and flies up above then. They flee towards the humans instead of the golem, but a successful turn attempt sends 4 back, and just one continues. Suddenly denuded of his allies, he begins to retreat and follow, and they are heading towards the golem.

Alzar jumps down behind them and chases them with his sword. Aleph punches and slays a 4th Wight. They run around it, and while slowed, Alzar connects. Forx’s Magic Missiles him the one Alzar hits and take it out too. 5 down, 4 left.

They continue to do this for a few more minutes and all 9 Wights are killed, Alzar’s scroll is used up.

12600 XP
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Old 10-21-2015, 09:16 PM   #442
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Dawn getting close - around an hour or so, and they are no closer to understanding what is going on, so they head back to Saffir and rest, heal, and memorize a new slate of spells.

Alzar asks locals and the town sheriff what might be going on and where they might be holed up. One of the local guardsman mentions that there is an ancient graveyard around 15 or 20 miles away, and centuries old. It hasn’t been used to bury anyone in decades and it’s deep in the valley and miles from the road Its hard to get too, and most here haven’t been there in a long time, if ever.

That might be it.

They try to get some information on it. It used to be owned by a local wizard family, but the last scion of that family died some time ago. That was decades ago, right around when people stopped using that graveyard

They head out to scout around in daytime, which makes sense.

As they move out, there is no reason to hit now, when their forces are likely to be together. So they instead wait until night. The graveyard gets nearer and nearer. They spy a pack of 6 ghouls moving from the graveyard, and fly over them and slay them with missiles

Another rack of 6 are killed about 30 minutes later.

Both are coming straight from the graveyard though, so that was a good guess.

There is a glowing white field coming from the graveyard and crackling with energy, and it guards the entire graveyard and what is inside, but tree recently fell down across it, and Alzar spies some undead moving from the graveyard across the tree about to raid and attack locals.

A pack of ghouls is climbing out, and they see Alzar’s group flying in and move to attack 3 are killed, the rest flee back to the graveyard

15 ghouls dead
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Old 10-21-2015, 09:57 PM   #443
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They move to the tree, as the crackling energy goes up into the air, and seals off - the place cannot be landed into - was someone trying to keep the undead safely contained? They land and unload, and as they do, there are a pack of ghouls warned by the 3 that escaped

Actually, nope, Alzar makes his Necrology check. There are 3 ghouls and 6 ghasts.

Ghasts are more powerful, and Alzar turns them and 4 head back, and the others are early targets, and magical missiles from Forx slay one - have to take them out early.

18 Ghouls
2 Ghasts

This cemetery has a number of crypts and graves, but there is a large gate in the center, and some energy is coming though it from somewhere. There are hundreds of undead in this cemetery (exact count is 876.)

Now that they are in the cemetery proper, all attempts to turn undead will fail. Alzar immediately identifies this as a gate to the Negative Energy Plain and one with Necromantic designs. They have to destroy the gate to end the portal.

The physical gate is a magical archway, they don’t have the spells or firepower to take it down physically. There are gems in a sort of control panel of different types, with many missing. The undead in here begin to push them and tighten. Alzar recognizes the panel as being similar in concept to the various spaceships he saw.

He orders the party out of the graveyard in case he’s wrong. He has another Scroll on my belt if needed. He speeds over (Boots) and gets to the panel with a few rounds before others arrive. Soon a group of undead beings to form in the gate behind him - 6 specters. Alzar plays with the panel, and quickly realizes that all he needs to do is remove every one of the gems (they aren’t proper jewels actually, just glass.)

After the last one is pulled out, the Gate collapse, and the various undead who came through it are pulled back. None are left. The party heads back in and the undead left behind nothing since they weren’t from here. Nor were they slain here either. There are no special items here either, and nothing that suggests itself as a fun place to deal with issues.

30000 XP
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Old 10-21-2015, 10:46 PM   #444
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They have finished the undead invasion. (In the actual story, this graveyard is a random lair, that the tree just collapsed that day, and I connected it with all of those various undead lairs in the book. In other words, I created the campaign from the various bones.) I am being nice with the XP - 800 undead would average at least 100 XP per, and clock in at 80000 XP. But instead I gave them quest XP, ghouls and ghast kills to bring them to a round 30k.

Total XP Gained - 57800/5 11600 total + current 5000

16600 for each adventurer and more for those that had 10% bonuses.

Rogren gains two levels turning level 5 at 16k. 32k for level 6

At 13k, Racala gained level 5. 27.5 for level 6 for her.

Adentium is now level 4, and gets to 5 at 20k

Alzar/Forz hit level 5 at 10k, and ge to 6 at 20.

Alzar now deals x3 backstab damage

+5 evasion; +15 find/remove traps, +5 move/hide

End of Book of Lairs for Now
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Old 10-21-2015, 11:31 PM   #445
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Rogren, a level 5 fighter, from the local town guard, who recently distinguished himself in catching a criminal. Specialized in long sword. THACo - 17 STR, Expertise, +1 sword, +3/+4 damage. 16 THAC0 so 15 normally. He needs 32k for level 6. 18k XP right now

Racala, a level 5 cleric and servant of the Sphere of Matter. With 17WIS. Gains level 4 at 6k. Gets +2 1sts, +2 2nds, +1 3rd level spells. 27.5 for level 6 for her.

Adentium, a level 4 apprentice and conjurer of a local leader, with Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Melf’s Acid Arrow, etcc and Armor.

Forx, a level 4 bard who was recently entertaining the local population, and no looks to explore. Has+10% XP and gained…..Color Spray, Magic Missile, Glitterdust, Audible Glamer

Now if you’ll recall, starting at level 5, Alzar can begin to quest for an artifact. He has to quest and find it.Then it’s sent somewhere else and he has to do the same with a different place.

Alzar takes a break for a couple of weeks running his March while his sages begin to check to see if there are any missing artifacts nearby. Do the dwarves, elves, halflings, or barbarians know of any?

Nothing is coming in yet, but he sends out feelers.

So Alzar needs to get to level 10 with the artifact, and then he resets at level 1 again as a cleric - solo as well. Once Alzar gets to level 10as a cleric with the artifact, the he complete this task, and he has to further get to level 12 in all classes. Once that happens, Alzar finishes those takes in this path.
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Old 10-22-2015, 12:08 AM   #446
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Alzar has been spending some time ruling again, and is getting XP for leading the dominion. He levels to level 6 right now. I dropped the amount of XP Alzar was getting from ruling to 10% of what it should have been - you are supposed to get XP on a 1:1 Basis with the GP you make. So he should be making roughly7k a month from ruling, but that really pushes this dynasty and challenge in an very easy and odd space. But he is learning - especially what it’s like to rule without being a mage. That’s a different stayle and way of doing things.

I’m ruling that Alzar gets 10k from reigning this year, and that’s it.

Thief Skills at level 6:

Open Locks: 40
Find/Remove Traps: 95
Move Silently: 45
Hide in Shadows: 45
Climb Walls: 60
Read Languages: 5
Evasion: 40

Now that I have maxed out Traps, the next thing I want to work on is stealth stuff.

Because Alzar doesn’t have as many magical items or options available to him, he has few ways to investigate the unknown,

So he spends some time trying to figure out that Pendant he found months ago. Yes, it’s magical, but is that all?
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Old 10-23-2015, 06:27 PM   #447
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Begin AC10. Bestiary of Dragons and Giants

We’re going to head back here for a quick adventure

Thyralax and the Amulet

This dragon shaped amulet was found on a dead Airdrake in the Spindle of Heaven. Alzar was unable to figure it out and a lot of other major things happened, but now he has some time to dedicate - without time needed each day to study spells or cast them, Alzar finds he has a lot of time on his hands, particularly with the Greater Ring of Sustenance.

He spends some time trying to figure out what the Sapphire Amulet is and is for. It’s magical of some sort - it detected as such.

After working on the Amulet in his lab for a while, trying various ways to make it crack its secrets, he adds a drop of Universal Solvent to the Amulet, hoping that he can clear it up or open it up or whatever. Some hard-to-make-out dust and gunk was in the eyes, nose, and mouth of the Amulet, and now it’s clean. As Alzar finishes wiping it down, he receives a mental communication:

“Hold me next to your heart!”

There is no compulsion, and it’s not trying to dominate Alzar, it’s just a request. Alzar tries to communicate back via speech or mentally, but nothing works. So he does it. And after 100 heartbeats…

“I beg of you to help me! I need your help to break free of the curse that binds me and I can prevent the spreading of a great evil!”

The Amulet calls itself Thyralax, a Sapphire Dragon that was battling with an evil Brown dragon over in the Wyrmsteeth range, and the brown, Mardius, got the aid of a sorcerer to make the Amulet and then captured Thyralax to it, and that was centuries ago. Mardius is sure to be around, and Thyralax wants to be freed. His home is in the north of here, in the plains and forests there. It sends Alzar five places that Alzar has to go to dip the Amulet, and thereby weaken the bond it has. The places are emotional ties that can help to break the hold on the dragon.

They are:

Bubbling Pool of Molten Lava
Still pool of crystal water
Winding muddy river with shores lined with high reeds
Dark opening in the side of a stone mountain
Herd of animals in a meadow, by a geyser giving off a grey gas

Alzar needs to head to the north and find these five places and expose the Amulet to the lava/water/water/earth/geyser. And then afterwards take the Amulet to the Wyrmsteeth Range and destroy it there physically. And that’s it,
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Old 10-23-2015, 08:20 PM   #448
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Of course, Alzar is very suspicious. How does he know there’s really a Sapphire Dragon in there, and not an evil blue one. That have similar colorations, and a blue dragon made in gemstone would be sapphire and look like this. And it might not even be a dragon - it could be something pretending to be a dragon.

Although, if you are going to pretend, why pretend to be a gemstone dragon and not a good dragon, ike a Gold one?

If you’ll recall, a year and a half ago, Alzar helped a mated pair of gold dragons in the nearby Ljallenfels mountains, and so he flies over and checks in on them.

After renewing acquaintances, Alzar introduces the Amulet to them. They recognize it as anti-dragon magic, particularly good against gemstone species, and there was a Sapphire in this region called Thyralax some time ago. Finally, they also point out that a gemstone dragon would be fighting to end the spell from within to aid Alzar and free themselves, and that requires energy - but with a limited amount of energy - no food or drink or magic arrives, the imprisoned dragon would have a limited supply. Communicating with Alzar likely took some of a finite measure. Thus it has clammed up.

Since Alzar verified virtually every claim that the Amulet made, he heads back, and begins to fly over the area, looking for places that fit the visions and scenes that passes into his mind.

Alzar lands in a promising place about a mile from the target, and then heads to bed in OtherSpace as it is nearly twilight He eats some food and is away from everyone. Alzar awaken in the morning and takes a ride over the plain and meadow. There is everything as expected. Alzar grabs the Carpet and moves to fly over looking for the geyser. Now there are about 15-20 gorgons here that are angry at Alzar for criss-crossing around, but no geyser.


Is the geyser no longer here? Was it underground now? Or is the picture an analogy, and the pendant need’s a Gorgon’;s breath as the “geyser”.

Alzar grabs his Ring of Antipetrifaction and then puts it on and lands, with the Amulet In his hand. The Gorgons breathe on it a few times. He doesn’t think they’ll work on him (Necklace makes him immune) but its better to be safe than sorry. After the 10th such breath, the Amulet shifts form and becomes a small handheld sapphire statuette.

The first of the tasks is complete
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Old 10-23-2015, 10:04 PM   #449
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The next he can make out from the sky out here is still pool of crystal water, that perfectly meets his expectations. There is a small shallow valley back here and about 200 feet across or so, and low hills around. There is a buzzing from the three circular pools at the bottom and Alzar makes out some dragonflies. The big monster kind .

Two of them are in a mating dance. They are red dragonflies, and that makes them work with fire. Alzar swaps on the Ring of Fire Resistance for Free Action for this encounter. He thinks he can solo these. Time to find out - he uses the Scarab of Venom to coat two arrows with poison and will go over by ground, because they are likely more maneuverable in air than he is, faster, and have a breath attack. So he is more familiar with ground.

After landing, he begins to sneak up to them with his skills. It’s very easy, there’s lots of cover, and they aren’t really looking around. He gets to range and launches an arrow at each.

He rolls a16 and a 7. They are very hard to hit -2 AC so the first hits, and the second misses. The Dragonfly takes 5 damage and…rolls a 3 and dies. One dead. The mate pauses, sees Alzar, and then breathes on him as he loads more arrows

Init - 1 vs 7

Alzar’s arrows fly out and he misses with both. The breath come out and the fire settles down, he takes 5d6 damage - 19 damage, brought down to -2 per die, so 14, and then fails his save.


He can’t regen fire damage either

1 vs 6

Alzar hits once for 1 damage. The dragonfly flies over to attack in melee, so Alzar drops the +4 short bow and grabs his Gladius from his leg-sheath

4 vs 3

The creature bites Alzar for 1d6+6 damage 9. Alzar’s THACO is 18, and he needs -5 forhis sword and STR, and then adds 2 back for AC, so 15 is needed, so his 11 misses. this

Alzar is hit three times, dodges, once, and then slays the creature. He’ll regen these bites though.

1300 XP total

Alzar takes the small statuette and dips it in each of the three crystal pools. After the third, it grows again, and is now fully handed sized.
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Old 10-23-2015, 10:33 PM   #450
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Alzar flies up and spies a stream and follows it. After about 2 miles, the place looks like his vision. Some high reeds are around the stream, and the bank is very muddy as it bends here almost 90 degrees.

The stream is surrounded by low hills as well, and there are three scaly humanoids here with heads like crocs or gators, and they are fishing, putting a net into the water, checking a nearby snare for food, and they have two giant lizards with them, great creatures of considerable size that Alzar is unfamiliar with. They are yoked together to a wagon, and there are supplies and that’s where the food is going.

As Alzar moves over, they call out to him in a halting Pandius Prime dialect, “Greetings friend! A fine day for fishing, is it not? Come, the river has plenty for all!” They turn back and continue to scavenge and look for food. Alzar has heard about Gator Men here on Pandius, but very rare, and has never seen one before now. He drops from his Carpet and then heads over to them. From what he’s read, they can be extremely unpredictable and chaotic, not evil, not good, sort of in between (CN tendencies)

Alzar hails them, and asks about them. One heads over to talk ,they have a village about a half day’s journey from here, and this is one of the best fishing holes around. As she explains it, one of the Gator Men reels in a red worm from the river. It’s exactly the sort of red worm that Alzar encountered in Thunderdelve Mountain, about 2-3 feet long, and took around two hits to kll each. They kill it and toss it into the wagon. They are the larval form of the Fyrsnaca, the great lizard-worm-dragon thing he killed, and there are likely others here.

He asks her about the nearby Fyrsnaca and she grins, a very toothy grin. “We don’t know. We saw this red worm, and another dipped under the water. The stream is very deep here because of the bed, and ,muddy, so there are lots of places for it to hide. Red worms are a delicacy to us, so any chance we can get to find some we’ll take.”

She tells him about their lizard steeds as he asks. They are called tuatara

Giant Tuatara:
An 8-foot-long lizard that looks like a cross between an iguana and a toad is the giant tuatara. White spikes along its back protrude from olive-colored, pebbly bide. Tuataras have a temperature-sensitive membrane over their eyes which, when lowered, allows the lizards to “see” in darkness (90-foot infravision).

Tuataras love to hunt small animals at night and sleep during the day. They aggressively attack people who wander too close to their lairs. Although these lizards can be trained to attack, the spines along their backs make them poor mounts.

They are used as draft animals for working a plow by the Gator Folk.
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