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Old 05-17-2010, 06:53 PM   #401
Abe Sargent
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Junglex3, hills, caves. 30/32

Hills, junglex4. During the day, they encounter a granger, a giant jungle giraffe. They leave it alone to eat jungle trees. 31/32

They move west into Mountainx2, River Valley, and see a small camp along the river. They head to it.

It is a camp of about 30 or so guzaks. Unlike some of their cousins, several can speak Typic. They invite Alzar and his group to spend the day and night with them in their camp. It is a temporary camp, and they will leave in a week or so.

The guzaks have 6 sabretooth tiger pets of adult size, and an equal number of cubs. They share a recent kill – a giant elk calf, with the group, and Alzar shares drink from the Mead Pitcher, which the guzaks love. They share several stories with Alzar about the island. They tell of a long ago race that once controlled this whole island chain, but they were destroyed, and went to hide behind the wall. They believe that the natives behind the Great Wall are the remnants of the species from long ago. There are several ruins on the Isle and surrounding islands, and there are still artifacts from long ago that are still causing problems.

They talk about a plateau, that is in the middle of this mountain chain, up this river, and on it is the ancient seat of the empire. Various temples and forts from that empire can be found in various places around the Isle.

They also tell of a magical artifact of great power from that era. It was called The Gauntlet. It was created by the old ones that were here, and then went missing, but recently has surfaced. A native was hunting and fell into a ravine, and at the bottom was The Gauntlet. Putting it on, he was controlled by it, and began gathering an army in the name of The Gauntlet. He is assembling it in an old fort of the old empire in the mountainous small island to the west. It’s only a couple of miles across, but it is between the main island and the larger island off the coast, and thus it makes for a great place to put a fort and control sea traffic in the area.

The native has been building his army for almost a year now. He has started sending raids on the western side of the island, and two guzaks lost their life to one recently.

The legends say there is another artifact glove from the empire, that was created as the opposite and equal to The Gauntlet, and could destroy it. They say The Sentinel should be somewhere here in the river valley, since The Gauntlet was found not far from here.
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Old 05-17-2010, 06:55 PM   #402
Abe Sargent
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UK2. The Sentinel

The uncommon series of UK modules appears here with the UK2. I will follow immediately with UK3, for obvious reasons. I was not sure I would get to run these two modules, but I realized that my party is not ready for C1 or I1 on the Isle, so I am running UK2 and UK3 now. This will be a nice change of pace in some sense, because they should be a bit easier, without a lot of problematic battles. (although I made U1 hard simply by raising the level of the two mages by 4 levels each)
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Old 05-17-2010, 07:17 PM   #403
Abe Sargent
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Guzaks have a reputation for being loremasters, and Alzar does not doubt their stories. They are said to revel in stories of old, and have great memories in order to tell and retell just stories without adding or subtracting from them, in order to have as exact a history as possible, since few read/write, and their own language has no alphabet.

Having mentioned a desire to try and find The Sentinel, the guzaks suggest that a local clan of Svartálfar. These are very rare humanoids who lair far from prying eyes, especially human ones. To find and talk with Svartálfar would be an honor. Some sages believe that there might be no more than 1000 Svartálfar left in Thorasia, in small little clans in out of the way places.

The guzaks will allow Alzar and his group to stay the night with them here in their camp for as long as they are here, so they can use the guzak camp as a base of operations. The Svartálfar lair is up the river two-four miles, and then take a branch into the mountain on the north bank and there will be a palisade at the end of a short valley, and nothing in the palisade at all, except for the entrance to a cave. That is where they will be found. Alzar sends a message to the captain by teleport jar to bring the ship around, in case they need it.

The following morning, an hour from the guzak camp, they arrive at the palisade, just as told them. It is in a general arc around a cave. The small branch on the river flows into the mountain, so it looks like it goes underground for a while. They are several helms that ca n be seen just peeking above the palisade, and Alzar addresses those inside, but no one answers. Dryshik provides the answer, flying over, and seeing spears propped up with a helmet balanced on top.

There is a watchtower here as well, behind the palisade.

There is a narrow gate inside, and they take it, and Megala and Dryshik flit about the watchtower. It’s about 20 feet off the ground. There does not look to be anything there, but Alzar climbs up the ladder and checks. The watchtower is a bit beaten from the weather, but very sturdy.
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Old 05-17-2010, 07:30 PM   #404
Abe Sargent
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They arrive at the entrance to the cave, and light a couple of torches before moving in. They enter the tunnel, and within five feet, it looks like they have entered another world. The Svartálfar craftsmanship is simply staggering, and different than anything they have ever experienced. Since Svartálfar only have three fingers and a thumb, everything is in base four, instead of five. Alzar had read about their places, but never seen one before.

The rocks is carved perfectly smooth, and there are no braces used to hold up the top, the strength of the tunnel itself does it. The same will be true throughout – no need of pillars or columns. The rock feels smooth, like glass, but it’s just a basic volcanic rock, nothing special. The tunnel itself has carvings in the floor and ceiling, with patterns for decoration on the bottom and scenes from Svartálfar culture and myth and history on the ceiling.

They arrive at a four way stop in the tunnel. They can go left and back a little, right and back a little, or forward. As the yare looking around, one person steps a bit too far and triggers a trap. Estaish falls into a pit trap, but unlike normal ones, meant to deal damage to a person on spikes or dangerous creatures or just a big fall, this one ensnares him in a metal net. The net snaps back on itself, so Estaish is caught, and it is pulled taut, so he cannot swing it back or forth, or try to squeeze out. The only way they can get him out is by using a flask of acid.

The go right, but now, Alzar is using the staff ahead to check for traps, pushing it hard into the ground. This corridor is winding its way back to the main tunnel, when Alzar triggers another similar trap, and is ensnared. Apparently, the staff was not enough to trigger the trap. He didn’t even feel the plate move when it triggered. That is a good trap. Another flask of acid is used, and Alzar only has one left. They are back to the main tunnel and beyond the first trap. They go deeper into the Svartálfar lair.

They arrive at a side room, and chained to the wall here is an owlbear!

It roars at them as it sees them. They cannot continue down the tunnel without dealing with the owlbear. The chain and belt and fixing are of much cruder work than the normal Svartálfar work they have seen before. Alzar orders missile weapons out. It takes 3 from a crossbow bolt, roars, and retreats into the side room, out of sight of the corridor, so Alzar and group will have to get in the chain’s range. Smart little creature.

They move forward and battle is joined. The fighters attack it for 8. It hits twice for 5 on Aleigha.


It wins init and crits Aleigha for 10 damage. Aleigha and Est both nail it for 15. Alzar’s dagger adds 3 and it dies.


The search the area and find an ivory and jade necklace worth 25gp total

XP – 100 each
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Old 05-17-2010, 07:45 PM   #405
Abe Sargent
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There is a room at the elbow of the tunnel, and inside is a small room with the same Svartálfar care to the details. There is a large amount of furniture in here, made with the same care and detail. The number four is seen everywhere, in the four legs for furniture, four drawers in a desk, four windows on one wall looking over the underground river, four lantern posts for lanterns, and so forth. A search finds nothing.

They continue along the tunnel and it band to the left back towards the rest of the lair. Arranged around the new room are items which one would normally associate with combat and training. There is a wooden ball with long spikes hanging by a chain, and a treadle-driven grind-stone. A batted straw target is at one end with several arrows sticking out. However, all of these are human sized, not Svartálfar sized. This is the final evidence that someone else is living here now.

They search and find five bottle of liquid on a bench. They first is glue. The second is glue. The third smells like medicine. The fourth has no odor. The fifth smells like oil. Alzar takes them for later identification, but the oil and glue are obviously such (Alchemy).

They continue down a passage and find a passage leading to the right completely blocked off by a jumble of rocks, casks, sacks and other items, and the stench of rotting flesh is here. They continue along the tunnel for now, and may come back later.
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Old 05-17-2010, 08:12 PM   #406
Abe Sargent
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It bends to the left and enters a a big common room perhaps 30 feet wide and with a variety of alcoves and curtains. Suddenly, out pops Detrak, and tries to backstab the human in the back. Estaish. It misses and clangs off his armor.

A whole force of people pop out of hidden alcoves, and two mountain lions are released by someone waiting in the tunnel out of this room.

There is the thief to their rear, two mountain lions, a a group of three fighters, and a older woman wearing long red robes. Battle ensues.

The woman casts magic missile and Alzar takes 7 damage. Two bolts are fired at the group. Both miss. A fighter-ish looking one with a dagger in each hand is approaching. The thief stabs and misses.


Alzar casts Sleep. No one falls asleep. Well, that sucked. Dryshik Mist Balls the spellcaster. Failure. That sucks too. Estaish swings at the thief and hit for 4 damage. Carum and Aleigha close.

Alzar casts Hypnotism and it affects no one. Est hits for 11 on Mr. Sneaks. Carum spears the double dagger dude for 5 damage. The others drops their bows and draw weapons and close. The spellcaster casts Blur. She will be at -2 to hit in melee and -4 in missile combat. She then orders Detrak to retreat. Double dagger dude stabs out. He scratches Carum for 1 damage and poisons him for 15 damage from the poison. The thief runs back and retreats. Estaish lets him. The mountain lions have arrive/


Double dagger dude crits Carum for 4 damage but with the same dagger as before – so no poison. Both fighters hit Aleigha for 13 damage. The mountain lions swing and one bits Carum for 6. Estaish closes. Aleigha retreats. Alzar realizes he needs to get involved and he summons a Searing Serpent right behind the fight in the middle of the room. Carum spears the dagger dude for 7 damage and kills him. A Mist Ball hits the wizardess for 3 damage and blindness for 2 rounds.


Suddenly, all of their foes shout out to each other and they get angry. +1 to hit and damage for their fallen family member.

They win init. One fighter drops a broadsword, the other hits Carum for 2. One mountain lion hits Estaish for 6. The searing serpent hits for 8 on a mountain lion and frightens it. Carum spears a fighter for 6. Alzar runs up to help out.


Alzar swings a staff and misses. Est does too. Carum pierces a fighter for 5 more. The serpent misses. One mountain lion attacks the serpent and misses. The other hits Alzar for 8. One fighter misses and the other nails Alzar for 2


They win init. One fighter hits Alzar for 8. The others all miss. A serpent misses, Alzar vampiric touches the unwounded one for 14 and he takes a major hit. The fighters miss. The sorceress gains her sight and orders everyone to retreat.


Alzar wins init. He stabs his staff into the one he just vamp touches for 4 damage and kills him. Carum misses. Est kills the fighter they were playing with after hitting got 8. The serpent kills the mountain lion it has been focusing on. The other mountain lion and the wizardess move to flee. Alzar orders a Mist Ball at the woman. She makes her save, and Megala follows.

She is reunited by the wounded thief inside the palisade and Alzar orders Megala to attack while everybody catches up. He claws the mage for 3 damage and she makes her save. The thief throws a dagger at Megala and hits for 2 damage. He flies up. The last mountain lion is ordered to guard the door.

They emerge from the lair and a crossbow bolt, thrown dagger and sling each fire missiles. The mountain lion attacks and misses. The bolt kills the theif for 5 damage. The sling hits the older woman for 4 damage. The dagger is wide. She turns and casts Phantasmal Force and hides herself behind a wall, and starts to flee. The other move to attack the lion, thinking she cast a typical Wall spell, but Alzar is immune to level 1 spells and chases her.

He pauses to throw a dagger at her and the +1 dagger hits her for 4 damage. She turns, knowing she will be unable to flee, and starts lobbing in darts. She crits Alzar for 4 damage. He runs in and gest the first attack, and cracks her for 6 damage killing her.

Estaish and Carum have both killed the mountain lion with a combined 13 damage.


XP – 300 each
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Old 05-17-2010, 08:31 PM   #407
Abe Sargent
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They search everywhere and all bodies. They find:

Necklace of Topaz Beads – 1800 gold
Gold Ring – 100 gpx2
Small Platinum Cloak Clasp – 160 gp
Gold and Hematite Chain – 250 gp
Weapons and armor of various types
Aquamarine, 80 gpx6

There is a chest that Alzar investigates. They found no key. Alzar tries to open it. Success! He has picked his first lock with the Dexterity Gloves. It opens, but a poison gas attacks, he failed to find and turn off the trap. They find in the chest:

50 gp fine robe
Rare perfume- 40 gp
Silk Belt with detailed gold dagger and embroidered scabbard for it. 80 gp as set
515 gp
Silver and Amber bracelet and necklace set, 800 gp
Map indicating location of a ruined villa along the river

Lavinia’s Spell Book.

Alzar casts Read Magic form the Ring of Spell Storing and finds these spells:

1st: Audible Glamer, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Change Self, Magic Missile, Phantasnamal Force, Detect Illusion, Wall of Fog. 2nd: Hypnotic Pattern, Blur, Magic Mouth

He also reads the scroll while using Read Magic and it has Magic Mouth, Dispel Illusion, Illusionary Script

It’s obvious she was an illusionist. She got her just results.

They have finished this section of lair, but there is the blocked section, and they go back, and try to move the tunnel. Luckily Estaish is wearing full armor, because rot grubs jumped out on him Blastbones clears them out.
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Old 05-17-2010, 08:55 PM   #408
Abe Sargent
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They find a few bedrooms and work room back here. One has a beautifully done Svartálfar gold statuette of one of his race. It is in an alcove, and Alzar procures it. It is easily worth 2200 gold.

They come across a few rats, but nothing major. They come across a room where there is tons of junk, and it looks like it might have been the quarters for a Svartálfar mage. They pull out the magic pile and cast Detetct Magic in here, and everything in the room glows except the items in the pile - save a magical dagger, armor and potion. Alzar doubts everything is magical in here, it’s obviously a spell trick – maybe Nystul’s Magic Aura cast on everything.

They search and see if anything obviously magic can be found, like sterling armor or gem encrusted weapons. They don’t find anything like that. They leave the Svartálfar lair behind, and return to the guzak camp for tonight.

The guzaks are saddened to hear that the Svartálfar lair was overtaken by a bunch of humans. However, the ruined villa they have a map too is just a short distance away, and perhaps something can be found there of value. Alzar animated 7 animal skeletons from the dead rats they found, and will have some cannon fodder for tomorrow.

The morning dawns and some companions have more damage than others:


They will head back, but Carum and Aleigha are ordered to stay in the back and let Alzar, Estaish, and the animal skeletons in front do the work.

Carum is to use his sling when possible. While traveling up the river, they are approached by an old man in robes, and wearing the medallion of Shafina, Goddess of Law, Justice and Trade. He approaches the group and asks for their help.

He explains that one of his fellow clerics, Quern, was writing about the nature of law, and had told the temple he had finally finished his writings. Urquant, the cleric they are talking to, was dispatched from the main land to collect them and visit the hermit-cleric. However, by the time his ship had arrived and dropped him off, Quern had been killed, and some gargoyles have taken over his cave. It’s just a half mile away, and Urquant asks for Alzar and his group’s help. Alzar agrees, and they make their way to the cave. Alzar hands Carum some more magic daggers so he can sit back and toss them in and damage a gargoyle – normally immune to weapons.

They arrive and as they neat the cave, a pair of gargoyles fly out. Urquant stays in the back with Aleigha and Carum.

Alzar throws a throwing dagger at one for nothing, and Carum misses as well. The gargoyles land and battle begins. They win init and slash Alzar for 16. Alzar Vamp Touches one for 8 damage. Estaish concentrates on the same one for 5 damage. A Mist Ball flies in but they appear immune. A dagger flies out and hits for 2 damage.


They win init and Alzar draws his staff and swings. He hits for 6. Est misses. The last dagger Carum has flies in and hits for 5 damage and the gargoyle dies. The other one attacks four times for three hits on Alzar for 10 damage


They win int and Alzar drops his staff but Est hits for 11 damage. The gargoyle misses Alzar four times (rolled a 5, 6, 4, and 7). The gargie wins init and hits once for 3 damage. Alzar adds 3 and Est adds 6.


They win init again and Est hits for 11 and kills it.

XP – 350 for Estaish, Carum and Alzar – not Aleigha.
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Old 05-17-2010, 09:42 PM   #409
Abe Sargent
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They move into the cave and find a plant – witherweed, blocking their way. Urquant warns them it is poisonous, but kept by his order because the leaves can be used for paper. He shows them how to get around it, and they move to the next level. There are less than 20 books in this room. Urquants finds the 12 volume set he was searching for, and then looks through the rest. All are on the worship of Shafina, except one, a local work that Urquant offers to Alzar. Alzar asks for some seeds from the Witherweed, and Urquants picks four and gives them to him as a thanks. He also heals Aleigha twice with Cure Light Wounds


He thanks Alzar and leaves. Alzar looks at the book. It is The History of The Sentinel and The Gauntlet, as written by a traveling sage long ago, who encountered stories and legends of both, and write them down.

It includes information on how each of these artifacts were made.

They search the bedroom but find nothing but a large holy symbol of Shafina, scales perfectly balanced, with a quill on one scale and a coin on the other.

The body was found outside, and buried by Urquant.

They move to continue on their path to the villa. Maybe here they will find what they are looking for.

Just an hour passes and they arrive. It is a ruined stone structure, centuries old. As they approach, two adult perytons swoop about, and then swoop down to attack.

One is Mist Balled while still flying and is damaged and flies off awkwardly. The other turns and follows.
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:05 PM   #410
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They move towards the villa. On the outskirts, they see some giant centipedes, another a foot long each, and they are simply passing by and ignore the party.

The gateway to the courtyard is still standing, and the masonry looks good in a few places. Unlike the ruined temple at the slavers’ place, this looks more like ruined over time, rather than ruined by a fire or other cataclysmic event.

Both of the original gatehouses are destroyed and the gate itself is rotted off and long since gone They investigate the old footprint of two adjacent rooms, but again, open to the outside and nothing here. They search these rooms and keep finding nothing.

The courtyard has an exit that still stands, an arched tunnel that has stood the test of time. The masonry has not crumbled in here, but it is cracked. There is a room with a collapses exterior door to the left and broken jars and pottery lay about. There is a room still intact to the right. They hit the old storeroom and find nothing, and then go to the right. This is an old cold store room that is virtually bare. A search of this room, however, reveals a loose stone. They lift it up and reveal a small wooden box, locked. Alzar cannot pick it, so he pockets it for later.

They find some steps leading down to the right, but continue on into the great hall of the building, now long since destroyed and opened up. There are broken statues and broken marble chairs. They move into the room on the right, still intact. There are shelves with old decayed books, but three were made of metal ,with metal sheets, not parchment. Alzar inspects them. One is completely destroyed.

Cenozoic Glacial Geology, with Cenozoic misspelled Cinozoic. Alzar chuckles. 50 gold
The Art of Coarse Angling – 75 gp

They search and find nothing, and move to the doorway on the left of the hall ,still intact. This was also a library and all of the books are rotted or destroyed or gone. They search and find a secret door.

The floor of this darkened room is tiled in green, and the walls and ceiling are intact. The only furniture here is a pair of brass lecterns. On each is a large book. Coiled around one with an iron cobra, moving back and forth and looking to attack.

Alzar orders no one to attack or move into the room yet. He racks his brain and makes a 50% INT check. Through his research into golems and other created creatures, he remembers that Iron Cobras have a word that deactivates them - a command word. What could it be? It’s probably long since gone.

I am allowing Alzar to make three INT checks in a row, each at -10. So he has to roll a 9 or lower three times. He only makes it once, and can’t figure out that it is the misspelled Cinozoic

He tries to figure if there is a way of taking it out without damaging it. He can’t of any, so he orders everybody to back up, and he will approach with his staff. A bludgeon weapon shouldn’t break it.

The cobra strikes and misses, but Alzar can see poison dripping from its fangs. He did not know it could poison. He hits it for 3 damage. Once again, it misses and he clangs it for 3 damage again, jarring his whole body each time. It hits and he takes 1 damage and makes a poison save. He slams it again and kills it. He makes his Poison Use check and notices that is lethal poison from…belladonna actually.

XP -100 for Alzar only
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:22 PM   #411
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He takes the corpse of the Iron Cobra and puts it in a Bag of Holding for later inspection.

The lecterns are not trapped and Alzar investigates the tomes. One is a spellbook, with not many spells in it. The other is a book called the:

Manual of Summoning Familiars – When read in its entirety just before casting Find Familiar or a similar spell, three possible familiars will arrive and spellcasters can choose which one they want.

That’s pretty valuable.

They take the stairs down and arrive in a large cellar. Before they can investigate the room five small luminous green clouds appear in the air, writhing like snakes and move purposely towards the group. A sling stone goes right through one – against can only be hit by magic.

A throwing dagger hits and kills one. Four left. Carum throws a dagger at one and it is hit for and dies too. A dark corner suddenly flashes and seven mores of the green shapes are made – 10 total.

They all arrive this turn, and Aleigha and Estaish draw weapons.

The whisps win init. Several attack various people. Aleigha takes 10, Estiash takes 6 and Alzar takes 1


The fighters all miss. Alzar casts Blastbones and throws one at the group. Everybody is hit for 6 damage.


And all of the whips dies at once. Alzar figures it was worth the trouble. They move to that patch of darkness at the end of the room in a far corner and it feels unhealthy. Alzar pushes into it with his staff and it hits something for 4 damage. He orders fighters to swing with their magic swords and they kill the Presence.

XP – 250 each

A Black Sapphire, 4000 gp, falls to the floor
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:23 PM   #412
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They head out. There is a tunnel across from the stairs, and it has a section of the cellar that looks like a newer tunneling job. They arrive at they first room, and a group of three Svartálfar are in the room. They are about 4 feet tall, very dark grey skin, bald heads, but lots of facial hair, they have big, upturned noses, and a pleasant, open face that makes you want to tell them everything.

Alzar greets them and sits at their table at their request. They send one away, who comes back in a minute with a Svartálfar wizard. The wizard casts a spell, and now they can each understand each others languages. They talk. Alzar mentions that he cleaned out their lair and they are very happy they can return. They haven’t been there in months. Alzar mentions that they are searching for The Sentinel, and some guzaks told him the Svartálfar might know where it is, and one nods. They beckon for Alzar and his group to follow. They pass through several rooms taken over by the Svartálfar.

They arrive at a back chamber, with a lot of debris in it. There is an aged creature Alzar does not even recognize, but the Svartálfar tells him it was once evil, put on The Sentinel, and now the conflict between the two has driven it mad. As the party enters, the creature reaches out the hand with The Sentinel and it speaks to Estaish and tells him to take the glove. Alzar is a little upset, but nods him on. You can’t choose an artifact, it chooses you. Estaish takes The Sentinel from the creatures hand and puts it on.

The Sentinel:

Can open wizard locked door
Protection from Evil 10’ radius
Immune to fear, those in party get +2 to fear saves
Knows where The Gauntlet is at all times.

If worn by a magic user, it would get some additional and more powerful

It has a personality, and it is telling Estaish where to go and how to get to the Gauntlet right now.

They search the cave and find a box with three phials of dust
55 gp
Silver Comb set with pearls 1100 gp
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:41 PM   #413
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Villa Spellbook: Tenser’s Floating Disc, Leomund’s Trap, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer

Box has: Potion of Diminution, Periapt of Health, six gems worth 800, 100, and 60x4.
Box Has – Three phials of Dust of Appearance

Used Charge from Belt of Flying

Magic Pile: Pot of Healing:; +1 dagger; +1 leather armor;

The Svartálfar escort out the group, and they head back to the guzak camp for a day, and then out to the ship.

They spend the night with the guzaks, then walk 5 miles down river and through some swamps to the shore, where a boat is waiting to take them to the Sea Ghost.
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:43 PM   #414
Abe Sargent
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UK3. The Gauntlet

Since this sequel takes place the very next day, I am not going to be tabulating XP, items, or anything else in between, and wait until UK3 is over for all of that.

Several days of rest and our characters are at:


Alzar brings out the guns as a result. 30 animal skeletons includes the 14 he made in the valley, plus 16 from the stores on the Sea Ghost.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 05-17-2010 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:09 PM   #415
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The Sea Ghost goes the fifteen miles or so to get to the rock island, where the old watchkeep is. It has been kept up over the years by humans, pilgrims, miners, and such, since it is a natural base in a dangerous place.

Their boat slips away under the blanket of night and deposits Alzar and company on the shore. The keep in on the north side of the island, about a mile away. It lays in the middle of the only source of fresh water on the island, a brook.

They wait until daybreak before trying to move in the mountains. The day is cloudy and overcast, like many days around here. It keeps the worst of the heat off their back.

Megala and Dryshik scout ahead, and find two paths to the keep. The first is a path to the upper gate and the second is a path to the lower gates. The upper gate path appears to be unconcealed for a long part of the trip, and would result in them being seen, and perhaps attacked. The other path appears to have more of a chance for hiding along the way, and Alzar chooses that path.

On the western side of the fortress, the wall which looms up from the track to the battlemented area has two large buttressed towers. There is an impressive gateway here at the base of the keep. It is locked, and The Sentinel unlocks it and they move in.

The room they enter is a large and impressive room, with walls and ceiling of a deep red stone, flecked with white and silver. The floor is smooth and grey, and there is a large coat of arms inlaid the floor in mother of pearl. There are doors to the right and left. In several alcoves around the room are stone chairs with strange, unmoving, figures with are no more than suits of human-sized armor. One of the chairs is empty.

They inspect the doors to the right and it opens. This is a small plain room with a long stone table and a large brass balance and various balance weights in there. There is a chest against the wall, and a few chairs scattered. The chest is unlocked, opened and nothing is inside. They search the room and find nothing. They leave back into the main gate room, and then left. This door opens easily.
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:28 PM   #416
Abe Sargent
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There are a number of giant ants back here. Nine worker ants, 5 solider ants and the queen. The room does back forty or fifty feet and its thirty-ish feet wide. They ants are all milling around the queen, but as they approach, they get more and more threatening. Alzar needs to move past the ants to get to the door behind them, and he knows they won’t let him. He casts Skulltrap and chucks the skull at the ants.

22 damage. The workers all die, two soldiers are wounded and alive the other three die. The queen takes it and is alive. The two soldiers are moving to Alzar and his group quickly. A bolt and sling stone fly out. Both miss and skitter off tough chitin.

Battle begins. 30 animal skeletons attack, led by Alzar swings his staff and misses. They go first One misses, and the other crits and kills a skeleton.

The Skeletons hit for a couple of damageon each. Another dies. The next round they are both pecked to death

28 skeletons of animals left.

They enter the immobile queen’s life as quickly as possible with their weapons and begin to search.

XP – 200 each

Gold and Jade Bracelet – 250 gold
Azurite – 800 - gold

The door beyond this room leads to a corridor, and a door at the end. It opens into an octagonal room with slender stone pillars around the chamber. The roof is painted and tiled to look like a volcano. A search of this room turns up a secret door, and they go through.

This is a circular room with a circular pattern on the floor. Everything is smooth and featureless. They search it twice and still find nothing. This appears to be the end of the level.
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:44 PM   #417
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Alzar has everyone back up and re-search the previous room. They will keep backing up and doing this. No need, as they find a secret door in another wall in the octagonal room. This leads to some circular stairs up two flights. It keeps going up, but there is a door here, slightly ajar. Alzar’s Ear Ring hear guttural voice behind it.

They open the door cautiously and six gnolls are asleep or drunk and passed out in beds. They are killed by Alzar’s fighters and then its off to the next room where another door lies. Alzar detects that this room has a lot of people in it. The battle plan is for Alzar to kick open the door, order in a flood of animal skeletons, and cast Sleep at the gnolls inside, while Carum and Estaish attack with ranged weapons.

The plan begins. Three of the 15 gnolls collapse and the hoard of animal skeletons breaks its way in.

12 gnolls left. Weapons fire takes two by surprise and one eats a damage from a crossbow bolt and another 4 from a sling. Battle ensues.

Alzar Hypnotizes 2 and they put down their weapons and sit down. 10 left. The skeletons kill three gnolls, four of them die. Missiles fire in and hit gnolls for 3 more damage

24 left.

The gnolls go first and smash 5 skeletons. Missiles fly in and kill a gnoll. The skeletons kill three more gnolls. 2 left, but 10 more come around a bend to bolster the numbers in the room. Alzar casts Sleep from his ring and 3 more fall asleep. 9 gnolls left.

19 left

The next round begins. The gnolls go first but miss a lot and just kill 2 skeletons. 17 animal skeletons remain. They kill two gnolls as well. 7 left. They make morale check and make it. Alzar thwings a dagger at a gnoll for 7 damage and kill sit. 6 left. Est hits another for 3 damage.

Alzar’s skeletons go first and they peck apart three more gnolls. 3 left. Alzar flings +1 dagger into another for 6 damage and kills him. 2 left. Est and Carum each hit. Est kills his after dealing 3, and Carum deals 3 and his is still alive.

It tries to run, Megala flies in, hits it for 1 damage, and it falls asleep.The sleepers are killed, those that are hypnotized are tied up.

XP gain – 225 each except for Aleigha.

On the gnolls and in the room are:

Seal of Jasper – 60 gp
620 gold
Gold Medallion - 200 gp
Silver and ebony napkin ring – 50 gold
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Old 05-18-2010, 12:03 AM   #418
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They go downstairs where the ten gnolls were and find a three room level now cleaned out, where a watchtower and they search it and find nothing but the gates in to the building from the upper road. In the upper room they were in is a device that drops a ton of boiling oil on those in the causeway, so they really dodged one there. It can be operated by one person, and the caldron with the oil is overtop a large fireplace, and already in the right temperature. There are jars of low grade oil that can be added to replace the oil poured. They room apparently serves as an armory now In addition to the large number of weapons and armor on the dead gnolls, there are hundreds of arrows, 10 longbows with strings and resin, and a few bottles in a medicinal cabinet with bandages and splints. Alzar takes these three bottles. They will come back later and check all of these weapons for magicness.

They only way out of this room, other than to the dorms or the stairs down, is a door, so they take it. Back here are some stores and more space converted to barracks. They search and find nothing back here.

They head up to the next level. Another door is opened. This is the keep kitchens. Meat is cooking as an old gnoll is here, cooking. There are five large hyena here eating scraps she is feeding them. She tells Alzar and his crew to come on in. They do and she greets them in a guttural Typic. She heard them fighting downstairs and assumes all of her gnoll clan are killed? A couple still live tied up.

She turns around, and tells Alzar that they were enslaved by The Gauntlet and forced to do its bidding. She knew then that they would lead down a path of destruction. Of course, she was immune to such enchantments. She points to the holy symbol of Aminon on her chest – God of Destruction, Anger and Vengeance.

She offers an agreement. Alzar lets her, her hyenas, the remaining gnolls, and the prisoners below leave in peace, and she will attack him now, and defeat or weaken him before the final showdown with the human and The Gauntlet. Alzar nods, and she leaves after gathering four females and six males from this level. They search the kitchen and find nothing. They head up and open a door on the right to reveal five men-at-arms from the guard of the place before it was taken over. They are bound and gagged. The room is a store for coal, firewood and torches. There are also some large earthenware jars of oil.

The men-at-arms are wounded, and stripped of their equipment. Alzar gives them their pick of the gnoll armor and weapons, and five long bows with arrows from the armory. Since they are wounded, he just wants them to stay in the back and fire arrows in, and they agree to be archers for him.

Four are level 1 fighters, but a sergeant also is here and she is a 2nd level one. Their current hp are 3, 2, 2, 1 and 4 for the sergeant. They each have AC6 with the piecemeal armor from the gnolls.
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Old 05-18-2010, 12:58 AM   #419
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They find a food store in the rear with a well going down to the brook below. They continue along the floor and arrive at a large dining hall. This was where the gnolls has set up another barracks and fun time area. A search finds nothing but ruined tapestries. The final room on this floor is the gatehouse, from where the gates on the upper gate is raised and lowered. There is more evidence of gnoll ownership of this room, and another search finds nothing. There are stairs going up, and they take them.

There are two doors going left and right at the top. They go right and enter a bedroom that was once nice, but now is in shambles. There is a smashed desk, a broken bed with furs everywhere, and a nasty funk. A search finds nothing.

The other door opens into the old armory of the keep, and inside is an ogre, and four worgs. They spring and attack. Animal skeletons move into the breach. Alzar casts Empathic Control on the ogre and…it fails. Success! Arrows, bolt and stone fly in at the wargs and one is dropped with many arrows.

Battle is enjoined. More arrows fly in. Three longbows, and a crossbow all hit a worg for 15 damage and it falls after getting pecked by skeletons too. 2 left. They kill three animal skeletons. 14 left.

Four arrows hit, and a crossbow and a sling also hit – 25 damage and another worg dies. The final one is pecked a bit, and it misses. It wins init the next round and kills an animal skeleton. 13 left. An arrow crits it for 6 and two more hit it for 6 more, 12 total. The animal skeletons attack and one crits it for 6 while three more hit for 7 damage. It dies.

XP – 100 each

They search and find:

44 gold
A gold and turquoise belt bucket – 200 gp
A bunch of armor and weapons in here ,plus the equipment needed to keep them in good repair.
The cover of a Spell Book the ogre tore off because it looked pretty, and has gems in it. 800 gold

There is a door out and they take it, plus ladder up into an empty turret room
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Old 05-18-2010, 01:12 AM   #420
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This is a room that was once the quarters of the man in charge of the keep, which is stupid construction to have it be through an armory. In the center of the opulent room I a human wearing a rich robe and a black leather gauntlet with grayish-green gems in the top. He looks at the group, and then shuts its hand really tightly, and says a word or two. He disappears and behind are shard floating in the air or two and then fall. Estaish is saying that The Sentinel is really upset right now. It is still close though.

The shards are the fragment of a shattered black gem. There is a nice desk, weapon rack, chest and more. (One round)

Alzar Moves to the chest and it is unlocked and smashes in. He opened it and sees a lot of things inside. (Two rounds)

He reaches in and pulls out:

2 pairs of boots
Cloak – 600 gold
Potion vial
Scroll Case

(Three rounds)

Alzar pops of the cap off of the bone scroll case and pulls a out a scroll and tries to see what it is. It is a Scroll of Protection from Demons

(Four rounds)

Alzar leaves the chest for now and moves to the desks and starts to…

(Five Rounds)

Suddenly, the keep shakes a little bit.
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Old 05-18-2010, 01:26 AM   #421
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Alzar orders Dryshik to fly into a turret and see.

There is an army marching towards the keep! Five platoons of hobgoblins are marching up the path to the upper gates. To the west in the mountain, a fire giant is pelting the keep with rocks and there are Mantcores and imp-ish looking creatures with him.

Alzar orders three archers in each turret – Estaish and two in the front and three in the back. Fire at anyone attacking the keep. They move out. Alzar orders Aleigha down to the room with the hidden oil trap and use it as needed. Carum go to gate room and make sure the gate is closed. Then use the sling to keep it closed.

Alzar takes the animal skeletons and goes down to the gate. They will attack anyone who breaches the gate.

The archers bring down just two hobgoblins in the first few rounds. The rear ones do much better against the Screaming Devlikin flying into the keep. The battering ram has arrived at the gates, while manticores with ropes help hobgoblins into the 3rd floor. The front tower can fire at those exiting.

Aleigha pours oil onto the hobies with the ram and she kills half of their platoon with a whole cauldron of oil. She puts in more oil, but it will take time to heat up. At least an hour. Alzar runs up to support Carum.

After five rounds, 5 more hobbies have fallen, and now they are into the gatehouse, but now they have to deal with animal skeletons. Carum slings a stone in and misses. Alzar casts Blastbones at them at them but they take the minimum – just 2.

A Mist Ball affects one for 4 damage and 2 rounds. Aleigha joins them, having completed her duties in the next room.

5 animal skeletons are dead, and they pick out two hobies. 9 left. Megala swings in and nips one for 3 damage and no sleep.

Alzar’s group wins init. He gets in front and sworps a hobbie dead. Carum kills one with his sling. Aleigha kills another with her sword. The animal skeletons nip two more dead, and then a retreat horn is sounded.
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Old 05-18-2010, 04:13 PM   #422
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The Fire Giant is yelling:

“Worthless man! Your flea-bitten gang may have
set back the first and least of my attacks, but do not
deceive yourself that you have won.

“Never will I leave so long as you hold my daughter
prisoner. Set her free from your sorcerous prison and
I will spare your worthless lives. Refuse and I will grind
your miserable bones into the dust, and cast down
your petty tower ‘til no stone remains standing.

“You have two hours. Think not of escape for I have
many eyes and I would take pleasure in hunting you
down like the dog that you are

That’s odd. Alzar goes up to the turret and asks for parley. A few minutes later, the Fire Giant has arrived. He is informed that the situation has changed and that the guy is no longer in charge and the gnolls are dead and gone.

The Fire Giant is suspicious, and tells him that the terms still stand. Produce his daughter in two hours, or they will attack again.

The men-at-arms tell Alzar about a magical prison instead of a normal one, for the keep. They head up to the desk there and search, finding a book entitled The Prison. Alzar starts reading. It tells who the prisoners are, and what the method is. A black gem is used to send a prisoner to the other plane, and then a white gem can release them back into the Release Chamber, which was that secret chamber on the ground floor.

There is a secret cache of gems in the room with the pillars. Alzar takes the book and they head down. Using the directions, they find a small replica of a chest in a pillar.

There is a record of a prisoner in Cell 4, Bloodfire’s Daughter in Cell 3, and then seven blank pages before four magic arcane words are written on the back cover.

Alzar does the obvious and says the four words out loud. The small replica disappears and a full chest of the same appearance appears. It is unlocked.

They open it up, and out comes a non-corporeal undead Alzar recognizes it when it says At Last and starts to move away. It is a revenant (successful Necrology check). Inside the chest are:

Four white gems for the prison
12 violet garnet buttons 6000 gp for the set

They grab the stuff and move to the release chamber.
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Old 05-18-2010, 05:57 PM   #423
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Alzar throws a gem down and says Cell 3. It breaks, and out comes the fire giant’s daughter. Alzar introduces himself and tells her that her father is just outside, and asks to escort her. They do, and the Fire Giant and her reunite, and then he orders his troops to leave and they move out.

XP – 500 each for the siege, and getting the daughter released

He returns and tries Cell 1, to see if that is where The Gauntleted man is hiding. The gem is broken, and the man emerges. He is wearing no Gauntlet though. He attacks with his claws wildly, and it put down in seconds by arrows.

They search his body just to make sure and find:

Very Nice Robe – 600 gold
Very nice tunic -600 gold
Black opal on gold chain – 2000 gp
Two black pearls 500 gp each

Well, according to the record, there is one other person in the cells – Cell 4.

Out comes a Giant Two-Headed Troll wearing The Gauntlet. It immediately attacks. Arrows from the men-at-arms are quite deadly, and hit three times for 9. A Mist Ball hits it and it makes the save. Alzar casts Searing Serpent and orders Aleigha, Est and Carum to stay back. Carum slings it for 3 but Est misses.

The Troll attacks four times. Alzar is missed by one attack due to his cloak, and two others miss, before he takes 10.


Alzar’s team wins Init. The Troll gains 3 hp back from regen. 9 hp damage. The troll takes 8 from missiles. 17. Alzar take two when a crossbow bolt hits him instead of the troll. He casts Vamp Touch and deals 9 and gains 9 back. 26. The serpent misses. The troll nails Alzar for 12.


It heals three and goes first and Alzar takes another 20 from three hits. 23 damage on the troll. The missiles only add 2 this round, most everybody misses. 25. A Mist Ball deals 2 damage but no blindness. 27. Alzar Ray of Ondovirs it. It fails the save. The serpent misses.


The troll goes first, regens 3, 24, and misses Alzar. Alzar’s archers hit for 6. 30. The serpent adds 7. Alzar Ray of Enfeeblement’s it, it fails its save. 37.

The troll wins init. It swings at Alzar and misses. It would have hit three times but those were all misses due to the Ray of Enfeeblement. It takes 14 from archers, and regens 3. Alzar takes 3 from an archer. With his spells gone, Alzar ducks out. 48


Alzar’s group wins init. It regens 3. The men at arms roll 1, 1, 2, 2, and 3. Alzar had better be glad he moved out! Est and Carumroll 4 and 5. Alzar gets a 7 with his throwing dagger. The serpent misses with a 10. The troll kills three skeletons and misses the serpent.

It wins init and regens 3. 42 damage taken. The troll hits the serpent an then sees it can’t damage it, and it moves towards the group. A Mist Ball flies it and it makes its save. An arrow crits it for2 and another adds 3. 47. Alzar grabs his +3 staff from the bag. The serpent misses.

It regens 3 – 44. Alzar swings and just misses by one. The archers add3 damage. 47. Only Aleigha manages to sword it for 3 damage. The serpent misses. Megala swing in and hits for 1 damage – no sleep though. 48. Dryshik tries to gate and…failure

Alzar takes 4, Estiash takes 8.


The troll wins init and regens. 45. He hits Estaish and Carum. Archers add 8. 53. Alzar adds a miss. Everybody else rolls like crap too. A bunch of 3, 4, and 7s. 15 from the serpent though. 6 damage from it. That’s its last round too, it disappears. 59. Megala flits in for a hit for 1 damage. 60.


If the troll wins init….

Troll – 6
Party – 2

The troll regens. 57. It’s reeling though. Archers – hit Alzar for 5 and the troll for 4. 61 for troll. With his +3 staff, Alzar can’t connect. Estaish rolls a 14 – he hits for 8 damage. 69. That kills it.


XP – 350 each

Alzar hacks a few limbs apart and tells Aleigha to get some of that oil from upstairs, he doesn’t have enough. He hacks it it keep the troll from regenerating. They pour a large jar of oil on all of its body parts, and then ignite it.
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Old 05-18-2010, 08:39 PM   #424
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All that is left is The Gauntlet.

It communicates telepathically to Alzar. Take me, you want to control me, to keep me safe, I will give you great power. Alzar tells it that it will take over his mind like it did to all the others, but the Gauntlet tells him that it won’t that it has such power to give.

Alzar is pretty confident he actually could control The Gauntlet. Alzar’s Personality is 42 It drops by one every 8 damage Alzar takes. If Alzar is reduced to 4 HP like right now though, his Personality would be 36.

The Gauntlet has a total Personality of 33. That means even at his weakest, it could never dominate Alzar. However, it could do annoying things. Alzar thanks the men-at-arms for their work and asks them to check and make sure there are no other hobgoblins around, or gnolls, or prisoners.

Alzar reaches down, and tells Estaish to touch it the moment Alzar is acting as something different. He puts on The Gauntlet.

The Gauntlet tries to control Alzar, and even in a weakened state, it cannot. It refuses to give Alzar any of its powers. Alzar asks for The Sentinel from Estaish. The Sentinel is screaming to Estaish to touch them together and destroy The Gauntlet. It tries to control Estaish and does so. Estaish,not of his will, reaches over and touches The Gauntlet. A flash causes both artifacts to disappear.

Left behind is a Ring on Estaish’s hand and four gems in Alzar’s.

The Ring gives Estaish a permanent Shield ability as the spell, but only him, since he was the wearer of The Sentinel. Alzar will have to investigate and research and the gems do.

They search other places they did not fully search before and find:

Ivory Ball – 30 gp
Rich tapestry – 1000 gp
350 pp
Sabretooth Pelt – 600 gold

They men-at-arms decide to stay here, man the keep, and try to bring in others to help them. Alzar gives the sailors the 6000 silver and 5000 copper they found earlier. That’s their pay plus a lot more. Alzar gives each of his companions 100 pp.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 05-18-2010 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 05-18-2010, 09:38 PM   #425
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Magic Pile: Bracelet of Swimming half of Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing; three pots of healing. Necklace of missiles with 5 and two threes left. Robe of Useful Items. +2 longsword. Pot of Invul – 2 doses.


Alzar – 71,056 (Level 7)
Estaish – 20,712 (Level 5) – Now with 38 HP
Aleigha – 23,695 (Level 5) – Now has 34 HP.
Carum – 15,475

Alzar’s Stuff:

Gold: 10,484

Jewelry and Gems

Crowns: 5000x2 and 50x4, Necklace 1500, 700, 50x3;Tiara 200; Wristbands 100x4; Bracelets 10,000 gp, 600x2, 500, 300; Pearl Necklaces, 400x2; Gold Medallion, 300, 200; Jeweled Dagger 1000, 850, 300;Gold Statues – 2000 gold eachx2; Gold Diamond Bracelet – 750 gold, Platinum and Ruby Pin – 2000, String of matched fire opals , 15000; Gold Medallion with Topaz – 1000 gold; Gold necklace – 60 gpx3; Earrings – 50 gp setx2; Gold bracelet – 700 gp, 75 gp; Gold ring – 500, 100x2, 75 gp, 50 gp, 30 gp; Pearl encrusted collar 3000 gold x2; Black-Opal Pendant on a gold chain – 1250 gold, Jeweled Hilt – 500; Gold and Turquoise Belt Buckle – 200 gp; Silver Amethyst Necklace – 1300 gp, Necklace of Topaz Beads – 1800 gp; Gold and Hematite Chain – 250 gp; Gold and Jade Bracelet – 250 gp; Silver and Amber Bracelet and Necklace Set, 800 gp; Platinum Cloak Clasp – 160 gp; Seal of Jasper – 60 gp; Black Opal on Gold Chain – 2000 gp

Gems: 5000, 2000, 1000x6, 500x17, 300, 250x2, 200x2, 100x75, 50 x32, 10x11; 4x25, 120x2, 150, 400, 800, 5, 60x4

Opal., 500 gp, x8; Aquamarine, 80 gpx6; A Black Sapphire, 4000; Azurite – 800; Black Pearls 500 gpx2

65,900 in jewelry
Silver Serving Set worth 4000 gp
Alabaster box worth 800
ivory box worth maybe 50 gold
2 bolts of fine cloth worth 60 each
a crystal flagon and 4 goblets with 80 total
an inlaid wooden box with ivory handle worth 45
China and Silverware – 600
2000 gold in a small case of gems
800 gold for a tiny human shaped figurine of onyx
5000 gold worth of Amber
12,000 crown jewels
Golden skull,750 gp; gold apple 150 gp; gold rose 150 gp; small set of five gold discs value 50 gp in total.
Silver bowl, carafe and goblet worth 400 gp as a set
Uncut stones currently worth 10x2, 15, 20, 25 and 40, and values increased by ten times if properly cut.
Sabretooth Pelt – 600 gold
Svartálfar gold statuette 2200
50 gp fine robe
Rare perfume- 40 gp
Silk Belt with detailed gold dagger and embroidered scabbard for it. 80 gp as set
Cloak – 100 gold
Very nice tunic -600 gold
Rich Tapestry – 1000 gp
Silver Comb set with pearls 1100 gp
Spell Book Cover with Gems - 800 gold
12 violet garnet buttons 6000 gp for the set
Silver and ebony napkin ring – 50 gold


Manual of Golems, Flesh
1000 gold worth of texts from Tower in Rahasia
2000 gold worth of Castanamir’s own personal journals.
3 books on golems and repair – 500 gold.
5000 gold in books on summoning and conjuring.
10 alchemy texts, 100 coins heavy, 1000 gold value to a library.
15,000 specialized summoning and conjuring texts
2500 gold Gingwatzim information, and the five books and two manuscripts that show it.
1000 gold, 12 books, info on making portals
3000 necromatic tomes for research
Ye Secret of Ye Philosopher’s Stone – 500 gold
Concerning Mesmerism and Lists of Effects – 50 gold
The Magical Properties of Gemstones - 150
The Magical Properties of Herbs and Flowers - 150
The Metaphysics of Mathematics – 150
Principles of Navigation and Legal Distinction in Letters of Marque – 10 gold each
Manual of Summoning Familiars – When read in its entirety just before casting Find Familiar or a similar spell, three possible familiars will arrive and spellcasters can choose which one they want.
Cenozoic Glacial Geology, - 50 gold
The Art of Coarse Angling – 75 gp
History of The Gauntlet and The Sentinel – 250 gold


Potion of Sweet Water, Diminutionx3, Gaseous Formx2, Poisonx2, Telekinesis, Healingx7, Levitationx2, Spider Climbing, ESP, Animal Control – Horses, Clairvoyance, Fire Resistancex3, Philter of Lovex2, Control Plants, Neutralize Poisonx2, Speedx2, Cure Disease, Extra Healing, Water Breathing, Invis: 7 doses; Invulnerability – 2 doses
Gauntlets of Ogre Power; Gauntlets of Dexterity
Bag of Holding, 10000 coins, Bag of Holding, 5000 coins
+1 Scimitar, Short Swordx2, Daggerx4, Macex2, Battle Axe, Longswordx2, Two-handed sword, +1 arrows x4, Broadsword, Short Composite Bow, Warhammer
-1 Dagger
+2 Longswordx2, Throwing Dagger, Bastard Sword, Dagger, Arrowsx6
+1 Plate Armorx2, Plate Mail, Chain Mailx3, Shieldx2, Leather Armor
+2 Chainmail
Ring of Protection +1x4
Ring of Free Action *
Ring of Sustenance *
Ring of Spell Storing – Read Magic, Sleep, Forget (1,1,2)
Robe of Useful Items
Necklace of Missiles – 2x3, 5
Bracelet of Swimming
Wand of Paralyzation 3 charges
Wand of Magic Missiles – 14 charges
Wand of Wonder – 45 charges
Rod of Terror – 8 charges
The Sword of the Rock
Longsword +1, +2 vs Undead, Short Sword +1, +2 vs Scaly Things, Dagger , +1, +2 vs Magic Users and Enchanted Creatures
Crystal Ball
Necklace of Adaptation
Periapt of Proof Against Poison +2; Periapt of Health
Rod of Cancellation
Rope of Climbing
Scrolls of: Read Languages, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Odeen’s Magic Cloud, Levitate, Ray of Fatigue, Tongues, Invisibility, 10’ Radius, Push, Stinking Cloudx2, Haste, Fly, Gust of Wind, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Fireball, Locate Object, Special Effects, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Dispel Illusion, Illusionary Script
Scrolls of Protection from Acid, Demonsx2, Undeadx3, Magic
Dust of Appearance x3
Bracers of Defense AC7
Amulet of the Planes (with command words)
Gloves of Fire Resistance (As the ring, but a pair of gloves)
Belt of Flying, 49 charges.
Cleric scroll – sanctuary, fire resistance, cure light x4;Heal, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic
Paperweight, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer – 2 charges
Left Boot, Elven
Pair of Boots, Elven
Cloak of Displacement
Staff of Striking 18 charges
Phylactery of Action, Pearl of Wisdom
Horn of Demon Dismissal – 2 charges
Ear Ring
Broom of Flying
Snake Staff
Stone of Diminution, when held acts as potion until dropped.


Records of Slaver Activities and where the ship currently anchored is heading to, on a chart, near the mainland, and far away
3 Daggers, coated with dried smears of Orcish poison
Took 2 Spiked Bars, with a spring action, trap, Deals 3d6 damage
Gold Dragon Skin and Scales
Iron Cobra Body
2x Double Speed when writing quills from Monk’s room

Sword, +1, Neutral Evil, Ego 2, Personality 16, Detect Good

“D’Antoigne” – Long Sword, +2, Int 9, Ego 11, Wil 22 AL N – Detects Magic, Finds Traps and Detects Sloping Passages

The Book of Years, Windscribe, 4 teleport jars, Mead Pitcher, Jeweled Gold Amulet can Predict Weather spell once a day

Chest – 2 spellbooks for enchantment, 5 for evil, and 3 others, all trapped

5000 gold on a workshop/laboratory

Temporary Magic Items - Ring of Monster Summoning 1, Wand of Repulsion and Sphere of Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere – just waiting on Permanency to make them a real magic item.

These gingwatzim: Amulet +1 save vs spells, a Tim Gingwatzim. +1 staff technically a Pakim Gingwatzam. Short sword +2, technically a Graegzim Gingwatzim, and a multiform one too, can turn into Fremlin. Staff (+3, one of the Gingwatzim in bound animate form, and it talks a lot to its owner and complains)

Estaish has: +2 Long Sword, +1 shield, +3 chainmail, +2 Ring pf Protection, Ring of Fire Resist, Pot of Healing: AC-2, Ring of The Sentinel – Shield in effect constantly. 4k gp, 100 pp

Aleigha has: Sword of Spartusia, +1 shield, +2 Ring of Protection, Ring of Fire Resist, Neck. Of Adaptation, Pot of Healing, 4k gp, 100 pp

Carum has: +1 dagger, +2 splint mail, +1 shield ,+1 Ring of Pro, AC - -1: Pot of Heal: 500 gp, 100 pp

The Sea Ghost and 15130 in goods like silk, brandy, soap, seeds, wine, and such. Does not include weapons.

Lavinia’s Spell Book.

1st: Audible Glamer, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Change Self, Magic Missile, Phantasnamal Force, Detect Illusion, Wall of Fog. 2nd: Hypnotic Pattern, Blur, Magic Mouth

Villa Spellbook: Tenser’s Floating Disc, Leomund’s Trap, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer
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Old 05-19-2010, 12:18 AM   #426
Abe Sargent
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Alzar learns Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer

The Periapt of Heath gives Alzar immunity to diseases. The Bracelet of Swimming – swim at 15’ underwater, 18’ on the surface. The Necklace of Missiles basically has three fireballs on it, one 5d6 one and 2 3d6 ones. You can pull one off and toss it, and then it’s used. The Robe of Useful Things is solid.

There are a large number of pouches and patches on the Robe. You can take a patch off, and im it will be an item, and then the patch is used up. These are the items still in the Robe. Bag with 100 gp; two silver coffers (value - 500gp each); three 24-foot wooden ladders; 10 gems (value – 100 gp each); two scrolls, one with Read Magic and one with Mending; 2 daggers, 2 10’ poles, and a 2-foot by 4-foot window. Except for the gems, there is just one patch for each item, so there are two dagger patches, and so forth.
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Old 05-19-2010, 05:37 PM   #427
Abe Sargent
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X1. The Isle of Dread

After spending a week in Tangaroa, the group is fully healed and they head out. Alzar has the Sea Ghost take them to the right peninsula to drop them off and explore.

On the way, they pass some broad coral reefs. Carum mentions there are lots of large oysters here underwater. Alzar orders the Sea Ghost to stop and Carum uses Deep Diving. He finds 9 large pearls, each worth 100 gp over the day. However, some sea snakes attacked and Alzar Blastbones and killed them.

XP – 50 for Alzar

That was fun. They continue on to the peninsula the next day. An investigation in this mountainous region results is finding this weird statue at the top of a peak. As they move towards it, it animates and shrieks loudly and flies down to attack. They hear other gargoyles answer it.

Alzar Ray of Enfeeblement’s it. It makes the save. Battle ensues. Alzar swings a staff for a miss. Both Est and Ale miss. Carum’s dagger bites into it for 2 damage. It crits Est for 6, and then Alzar takes a miss, despite a high die roll – cloak.


Alzar hits for 7. Est misses , Ale hits for 10 and Carum crits for 5. The gargoyle dies and two more have arrived.

Alzar misses, Est crits one for 19. RAR! Ale hits for 5. Carum just misses. One hits Ale for 3, Carum for 1, and the other hits Ale for 5.


The gargoyles hit first. Alzar takes 3, Est takes 7, Car takes 3


Alzar nails the wounded gargie for 3. It dies. The others all hit and deal 19 damage with two swords and a dagger. The next round, it moves to fly away. Alzar tosses a dagger at it and nails it in the wing for 7. It falls and dies.

XP - 315 each

He has Megala and Dryshik scout around. They were all close, so perhaps their nest is nearby. They find it, but it can’t be reached from the ground. In the nest is a giant ruby and scroll. They are brought back down:

Protection from Elementals Scroll
600 gp Ruby
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Old 05-19-2010, 06:34 PM   #428
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The ship takes them to the northern part of the peninsula. Junglex4. They spend the night on the ship. They hit the shores again in the early morning. Alzar is healed. 31/34,36/39, 26/38

Mountain, Mountain, Neanderthal raid that are all put to sleep and then killed, Mountain, and Mountain. They camp and its quiet.

Mountain, Hills, Caves, Caves with…Neanderthals. They raid in strength, much more than a normal amount, Alzar uses two Sleeps, including one from his Ring, 7 are down. There are 15 total, and 8 left. Missile weapons hit one for death. They other 7 run away and Megala and Dryshik follow. Alzar ties up the Neanderthals and leave them. The others run for their lair, just a mile away, and there are about 50 neanderthals here, so they push into twilight into the next hex. Caves.

Night is all quiet. Junglex3, and then they come across a Red Dragon. It is attacking and now eating a megatherium.

Alzar tells Carum to stay back here, since he is not resistant against fire. Alzar, Estaish and Aleigha sneak as much as possible.

The Red Dragon: 45 Hp, 9 HD, Breath Weapon – Fire, Knows Read Magic and Detect Illusion. AC 0.

Alzar hands Carum the Wand of Magic Missiles and tells him to pump it if it gets close, especially if it looks ready to die.

Alzar hands the Broom of Flying to Estaish in case they need to fly to chase the dragon if it gets wounded and flees.

They close and while the Red Dragon eats, Alzar casts Ray of Enfeeblement at it. The dragon makes its save, and then turns its head on the neck, sees three humans in front of it, and flies up. Aleigha moves to the right and Estaish dashes to the left. The dragon rears back and breathes fire. They take 15 damage after -2 to the die, and save vs half. Only Alzar fails the save:


A Ray of Ondovir lances in. It fails its save. It will try to breathe next round (and fail). It’s only about 20 feet above the ground, hovering, so a Skull with a skulltrap in the next round deals 29 or a save for half. It fails the save. Carum has run up against orders and fires two magic missiles into the dragon. 9 damage. Estaish rides the broom up with a sword in hand and rolls an 18 and hits for 6.

44 damage taken

The next round, They win init. The dragon starts to fly away very quickly due to its imminent death. Two magic missiles from the Wand fly up and hit it for 4 damage and it dies.

XP – 2000

Once again, Alzar starts tearing it up, taking the horns, teeth, bottling blood, and skinning it. Dragons are just too valuable not to do that too. He orders Megala and Dryshik to fly around and see if they can find the Red’s lair. As the DM, I'm only going to give them a 10% of success. Roll of 18, no dice. Alzar takes back the broom and wand.

Red Dragon: Horns, teeth, blood, skin and scales.

They end the day in the mountains.
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Old 05-19-2010, 07:17 PM   #429
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The next day, mountain, back to the river valley, Mountainx2. Quiet day. Quiet night. Mountainx2, Mountains, but attacked by younger roc.

Alzar Ray of Ondovir’s it and it swoops into the ground, takes 12. It cries out for help. Another answers. Carum spears it for 7 and Aleigha adds 10 and it dies. Another young roc appears and swoops down. It charges Est and hits for double damage – 12. Alzar orders Estaish to retreat.


A Ray of Enfeeblement and failed save will give it -2 to hit and damage. It takes 14 from three hits from the fighters. It deals 14 in two hits to Aleigha


They win init, bolt from Est digs in for 2. Alzar crits it for 8, Aleigha adds 4 and Carum spears it for 4. The other young roc dies.

XP – 400 each

Since both younger rocs were nearby, Alzar sends out his flyers to scout the place. They find the roc aerie. Alzar heads up there, led by Dryshik. He notices a parchment in the nest, and thinking it is a scroll, he grabs a dagger and cuts it out. It is a treasure map saying that some treasure in buried in a certain place on the Isle of Dread.

There is nothing else here and he casts Detect magic to be sure (nope)

Mou ntain. Quiet night.

Mountainx3, runs into a group of Neanderthals, and not interested in Alzar they let them go on. Mountain, Mountain. Quiet Night.

Mountainx2, Valleyx2, Mountainx2. Quiet day and night.

Mountain, Cavesx3. They hit a group of guzaks, and they pass by silently. That night, a cave bear enters and roars and attacks. Alzar is on watch duty. At night, Alzar is on duty for half the night due to his Ring, and the other splits the other half in thirds. A Ray of Enfeeblement hits and a Mist Ball flies in. It makes that save. Alzar yells at people to wake.

Battle ensues. Alzar Ray of Ondivirs it but it fails. The bear hits just once for 3 damage. The bear wins init and Hits twice for 8. Alzar Vamp Touches it for 11.

Carum throws a spear and it takes 5. The other two arrive.

It wins init and hits for 1 damage. Alzar misses. Carum hits with a thrown dagger for 4. Estaish adds 4 and it dies.

XP – 112 each
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Old 05-19-2010, 08:02 PM   #430
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The following day: Caves, hills, mountains, hillsx2. They run into a Wyvern, who is flying high above, and either doesn’t see them or ignores them.

The Night is quiet.

The next day, Alzar gets a note that there was a pirate raid on Panitube’s fishers, take fish and pearls and two captives, and they think the pirates have established a base in the south west isles. They head east to the coast and arrive around 3ish in the afternoon and board the boat, and then board the ship.

The ship sails off. After a day, they arrive at the first southwest island that has unexplored land, and Alzar and company land on the jungle at the south of the most southwesterly isle. They go north and jungle, and then coast with…

Well, they came across the pirate settlement on the beach here. The party sees them from the hills. Megala and Dryshik provide a great vantage point as well. Alzar is now using the Crystal Ball to get a good close in look. They appear to be from other islands, they don’t have the look of natives from this one. There are four outrigger canoes that they used to raid the fishermen. They are all beached and accounted for. Four canoes x8 people in a canoe means there may be at least 32 people In the camp. They have built 16 grass huts. There is a thorn wall around the camp, and a watchtower at the two corners of the camp by the beach. A third watchtower is in the back on a mound of raised earth to give it a better vantage point. This is an established place, built for a while. The pirate obviously intend to stay here for some time. After some additional scouting, there is also a cave in the back of the camp, right by the third watchtower.

The thorn bushes in the walls are 5 feet tall and 3 feet thick. A sword or axe can hack through it, and you are in.

Alright time for plan of attack. One way is to run in and yell and scream and get everyone to attack you at once, and then just kill them al. Once that has happened, you can explore at your leisure. The other is to use misdirection and such to push them where you want them, then kill. Alzar likes that plan. They wait until it’s about noon and many pirates are not out and about.

1). Using Boots of Elvenkind, Alzar will sneak into lair, and place Skulltrap on ground in one place, and a carefully built up Blastbones at another place near it.
2). Alzar will Charm a pirate
3). Dryshik will cast Wall fo Fog over the cave mouth and rear Watchtower, to confuse people and prevent any from fleeing that way.
4). Carum, Estaish and Aleigha will pound through the wall on the other side and attack, and then fade quickly.
5). The charmed pirate will tell everyone that there are more fighters attacking over here, and point to a place behind where the traps are. The pirates come in and boom. Dead pirates. Then Carum ,Aleigha, Alzar and Estaish clean up the rest.
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Old 05-19-2010, 08:26 PM   #431
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Okay, the first part is based on whether or not Alzar will be able to sneak in. His steps don’t make tracks or noise. He carefully and quietly uses his axe to slice into the thron wall. He will be cutting a 2x2 hole into it. He is not seen doing that.
He has Megala drop a few small stones on top of the one watchtower by the beach, and then when the guards try to see where it’s coming from, Alzar will sneak in with his Elven boots, and place the Skulltrap and Blastbones in the space between two huts. The Skulltrap is between Huts A and B, with a wider space, and Blastbones between Huts B and C.

The Skulltrap is set. He places debris by the Blastbones and that’s it. He is not seen. The watchtowers can’t see him from this angle anyway. Alzar grabs his Ear Ring and checks the noises in the adjacent huts. One has nothing, and the other has a group of pirates playing games out of the heat. He heads back to the first hut and listens again, and nothing. He sighs and explores the place again with his Crystal Ball and sees what he can see. There it is. Two huts down on the left is one with two people sleeping in the heat and the door is open. Alzar puts the Ball away and moves that way. He is not seen. Alzar Charms a sleeping pirate. He does not know if it worked or not, but gambles, and pokes the pirate with his staff from behind the hut. The pirate wakes up after a few pokes, sees, Alzar, and smiles at his friend. The pirate joins Alzar and he talks to the pirate about what he should do, and the pirate agrees readily.

A Wall of Fog appears, as per Alzar’s telepathic contact with Dryshik, and that’s the signal that all is a go. Alzar slips behind a hut as eyes aren’t anywhere on him at the moment. In a few seconds, a cry can be heard. On the other side of the camp, battle begins as someone has seen the fighters and called for help.

In a couple of rounds, Alzar sees that all of the pirates are on the fighters, or getting near, so he has Megala swoop down an around. Carum sees it and orders a retreat. They try to follow, but after a tree leg snare pulls one up into the air just outside of the hacked thorn wall, they stop and go back (thanks to a certain set snare by Carum).

Suddenly, Alzar’s friend yells to the pirates that another attack is coming, over by these four huts here. They start heading for the spot, and will have to either cone between huts A and B or B and C to get there, unless they take a circuitous route. Alzar moves back there so that they will see an enemy, and grabs the axe to make it look realistic and casts Mordenkainen’s Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens to protect him. He summons the +2 short sword’s true form to hover over to one side and come out if he needs its support.

In a few seconds, the group coming through the large gap runs into the skull and it explodes. It kills 13 pirates, and the rest of the group retreat. Alzar shouts out that they are cowards. Another group comes around and hits the blastbones and 5 more die. Alzar casts sleep and five more fall asleep. Carum, Estaish ,Aleigha are back in the camp and tearing into pirates retreating. Megala and Dryshik are flying after, an Mist Balling in one case, any of those that fled. A core group of 12-15 pirate sis still advancing on Alzar. They fire some bows and all miss (cloak). Alzar Sleeps again from his Ring. Just 3 more collapse. They fail a morale check and break.

A Searing Serpent appears to block one route of exit. The other is through Alzar, and the other two go through blasted pathways. The leader orders them to face Alzar, and they do. Battle is enjoined.

The Shield-Maidens – AC 4, HP 20, THAC0 – 17, Damage 1d6.

They use their shields to cover Alzar and his AC drops by 1 for each of them. The enemy moves in. Alzar grabs his +3 staff of annoying ness.

They go first. Several attack him, all miss. Two attack the maidens. One is hit for 8 damage. Alzar introduces a pirate to the butt end of a +3 staff that is actually the material form of an annoying gingwatzim. 7 damage and a dead pirate. One maiden hits for 5 damage and kills another. The gingwatzim in true form has floated over and attacks a pirate. It drains 3 strength and traps it. The Searing Serpent has moved close and can attack next round.

A flaming snake, a floating ball, two ghost fighters, the explosive death of over half of their group and several more dead to staff sword and spear of the people, the Wallof Fog in the back, and imps chasing people and putting them to sleep or blinding them to keep them there until Est, Ale or Car can kill them. That’s a lot of stuff the pirates have just had to deal with.

They all throw down their weapons and surrender.

They captured 6 pirates and Alzar’s friend shows them around. He knows all of the pirates, and between their bodies and the live ones- they are all accounted for.

They search the camp and bodies and prisoners and find:

A Ring of Water Walking
A large number of weapons and armor.
A large amount of ropes, sails, paddles, food, tools, tar, etc. They take replacements for the ship.
22 captives captured in a number of raids. Slaves? Labor? Torture? Ransom? Who knows.

They investigate the caves, and their charmed guide shows them the location of their treasure box. The key they took from the leader should….it does.

2000 copper
3000 silver
4000 electrum
17 gems, 100 each
Scroll – Shield spell
Sword, +1, Neutral, I8, E9: Detect Metal; Levitate for 30 minutes and 3x a day

XP – 200 each

The Sea Ghost is brought around. The captured pirates, released captives, and extra weapons, armor and supplies and food and such are all loaded on board to be dropped off at Tangaroa. A few captives will bring the outrigger canoes over a day later.
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Old 05-19-2010, 09:06 PM   #432
Abe Sargent
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Before they leave, Alzar wants to finish exploring this and the other nearby island tomorrow.

The next day: Beach. They finished this one.

The Island above it has: hills ,hills, and….hills. The while island has a lot of wild sheep, and they come across corpse of sheep with large talons in them, but nothing is seen to hunt on them. It could fly in from another island of course.

They return to the ship, and on the way back, in the straight between the volcano island and the southwest peninsula of the main isle, a giant water termite attacks the ship. Sailors are scrambling and repair the hull with planks. Alzar sees the termite swimming off lazily with a big belly of wood. He sends Dryshik to Mist Ball it, and nothing. It appears immune. With the Bracelet of Swimming, he can easily catch up, and leaps into the sea.

He chases after the water termite, and it dives to escape him, so he dives too. He can still go faster than it underwater with the Bracelet. It flees into its lair – an underwater cave. He emerges and moves to a small beach. Alzar follows. Cornered here, it turns to attack. Alzar summons the Maidens again and moves in to attack.

It attacks and misses. Alzar does not and it takes 5 and 1 from a Maiden. It misses. It takes 6. Alzar nails it for 4. It misses. One of the maidens hits for 4. It this Alzar for 5.


It goes first for 4 on Alzar. 42/51. He Vamp Touches it for 6. The maidens spear it for 6 and it dies.


150 XP for just Alzar. He casts Detect Magic to aid a search of a small area with a lot of miscellaneous bits of things here and there. He finds a potion.

Potion of Heroism

He swims back out and rejoins the vessel and they continue on to Tangaroa.

They arrive after dusk, and unload the captives. Only a few are from the 7 tribes. Most are from other isles.
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Old 05-19-2010, 09:45 PM   #433
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It will take a week for the Sea Ghost to be repaired by the crew, so Alzar and company are taken back into the island and dropped off by fisher boats. They only have time to get in a mountainous area and that’s it. Quiet night.

Mountainx5. Quiet. The next day, they hit jungle again, and run into an Aranea lair.

You might remember this spiderish villains with the wizard skills from Castle Amber, and they are back again for another run.

They have strung webs between trees throughout this hex in a variety of places. They have reached a place where there are 40’ webs in the air of significant size, and suddenly, three aranea spring out and attack.

Magic Missiles dart into Alzar from two of them and a Sleep spell comes from a third. Alzar takes 14. Carum is still technically level 4, so he falls asleep (the dragon put him over though).


A Mist Ball flies up at one for 3 poison damage (immune) and 2 rounds of blindness – not immune. Two non-blind Aranea have sprung down and this is considered a charge. One at Est and one at Ale. Est takes 16 damage and fails a save vs poison and is slept for an hour.


Aleigha hits one for 8 damage. Alzar tries to Hypnotize – they are immune. One casts Melf’s Acid Arrow at Alzar and he takes 7 acid damage.


The next round, Alzar takes 4 more. 26/51 He won init and Vamp touches the wounded aranea for 13. It dies. Aleigha swing and hits the other one. 5 damage. The aranea casts invisibility on itself and disappears. The blinded one can now see and jumps down and tries to hit…Aleigha for 8 damage and she makes her save.


Alzar swings at the one that just jumped down. He hits for 5. Aleigha misses. It casts shocking grasp and deals 9 damage to Aleigha. The invis one stabs out at Alzar from behind, but misses (cloak) and is now revealed and out of magic.


They win init and Alzar is critted for 6 damage. He FAILS the save with a +9. He rolled a 1. Alzar is sleeping. Aleigha, against two aranea by herself, turns into a Werebear! RAR! She swings twice and bites once. She hits the wounded aranea twice for 5 damage.


She wins init and the aranea takes 3. It has taken 11. The other is damage-less. They stab at her and completely miss (rolled 6s). They win init and one hits, but cannot penetrate the magic that protects her (immune to normal weapons). She roars and hits the wounded one three times for 9 and it dies.

Without a way to kill the werebear, the other aranea flees back to her lair above. Aleigha turns back into a human and slaps them awake and it takes a couple of rounds but they’re back. They can see the place where the aranea fled too – it’s home, about 40s in the air in a dense web-house.

They can’t climb it so Alzar has the flyers check it out. A Mist Ball flies in and the aranea fails her save. Alzar tosses the Broom to Estaish and both of them fly up. They arrive in the aranea lair and it attacks them. It misses. They reciprocate and deal 24 damage from a crit and a regular hit. The creature is dead.

XP – 150 each

There are three of these web huts up here. Alzar pulls out the rope of climbing and has it establish a nice little climbing rope along a tree trunk, with knots to use to climb up or down. They begin to search.

There is a large number of web furniture in these three places. In a few chests, they find:

Shield - -1 cursed
Scroll – Light, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand

There are a large number of books used tfor spell research in here, and Alzar collects them and fills a Bag of Holding with them.

200 tomes, 12000 gp – value of books in generic mage research for spells and other mage stuff.

Alzar casts Detect Magic to see if he misses anything, and a few objects glow in the ceiling of two huts.

Potion of Undead Control
Broom of Flying
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Old 05-19-2010, 10:10 PM   #434
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They climb back down, and finish the day. Mountain, jungle, mountain and mountain and…run into another Roc flying over head, and once again, it doesn’t seem interested in, or doesn’t see, their group.

They spend the night and the next day continue. 36/51, 24/38, 19/34 Mountain,x3, a pack of Neanderthals passes and doesn’t bother Alzar and company, Mountainx2. Quiet night

Mountainx5. They see the kill of a creature with talons, but not the creature. They came across the plateau today. It is to the north, and past a river valley between the mountains they are on now, and it Quiet night.

Mountain+++they find a bridge spanning the river valley below and over to the plateau. They skip it, but its nice to know they know how to get there now. Mountain x3. Valley. At night they are surprised to see some giant dragonflies fly by. They must have been attracted to the fire. They do not attack.

Valleyx3, Mountainx3.At night, attacked by two aranea. While Aleigha is on duty. She cries out for help and magic missiles fly into her for 8 damage. A flaming sphere appears and rolls towards her and she takes just 2 damage from it for her ring.


She charges them and swings . She misses. She is hit with the sphere again for 3 damage and suddenly one of the aranea has turned into four. Another tries to bite her and misses.

They win init and She takes a bit for 2 damage and a failed save vs poison and 2 from the sphere.


A spear flies into the ground just in front of one aranea as Carum misses. Estaish has his weapon, but no armor other than a shield. He slashes and hits for 7 damage.

Est swings and connects for another 10. Carum stabs with his other spear and misses. The aranea bite both for 10 and 6. While Carum makes the save, Est is sleeping.


A Mist ball flies in and the aranea makes its save. Carum stabs and the wounded one dies after taking 4. Alzar’s dagger misses. The other aranea misses Carum. They win init. Carum stabs out and kills an image. Alzar casts Ray of Ondovir. It misses, hitting an image instead and killing it. Carum is hit for 1 and fails his save and is sleeping. Alzar runs up and snaps out with his staff for 3 damage on the aranea. A Mist Ball flies in and it fails its save for 3 rounds of blindness. Alzar cracks it for 3. Alzar kills the illusion, and Alzar cracks it for 4. It misses every time.


It begins to run, and Alzar has the final Mist Ball fly in. it fails the save, and Alzar thwarps it for 8 and kills it.

XP – 100 each

Mountainx4, and then another mountainous region when they spy some ogres. They watch them and see them just outside a cave they made their lair. There appear to be 5. They charge in and Alzar casts sleep. One drops. They grab giant smashing clubs.

Battle ensues. They win init and a sleep from a Ring of Spell Storing drops another. 3 left awake. Two hits deal 17 with almost max damage from Est and Car. The ogres swing. One just nails Aleigha for 12 damage. Alzar orders her back immediately.


Alzar moves in and swings. He hits the injured ogre and kills it for 4 damage. Est and Car miss badly. The ogres miss too. The enemy wins init and one misses Alzar (cloak). Carum crits one for 12. Alzar adds 7 and it dies leaving one alive and awake.

It makes its morale check. It wins init and this time Alzar takes 11. Alzar Vamp Touches it for 13. Est adds 6 and Carum 3 and the last ogre drops. They kill the two sleepers. And then search the caves.

XP – 338 each

They find:

2000 silver
1000 gold
Three sabre-tooth skulls, and 6 teeth

They take it all.
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Old 05-19-2010, 10:46 PM   #435
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Mountain, Mountain, Mountain, and camp by the sea. Quiet night.

They are only a couple of miles from the sea, and meet up with the Sea Ghost, and unload items and then hole up for three days in Tangaroa before heading back for more exploring.

They are dropped off nearby where they were picked up, getting close to the northeastern jut of lands. They’ve been going around the plateau for a bit.

Hillsx3, Mountainx2. Quiet night.

Mountain, hillsx4. During the day, they run across a pair of pteranodons flying and searching for food. They sweep down to try and grab someone, a Mist Ball forces them off.

Quiet Night. Junglex4, and wait. What’s this? Jungle. They come across a major set of ruins, and lots of critters around, but they skip it for now. Quiet Night.

Hillsx3, Mountain, Caves. Quiet. Hillsx2, Jungle – they come across a few crocodiles in the jungle, while crossing a wide brook. A quick demonstration of their power forces them away after they kill two. Aleigha took 6 from a croc.

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Old 05-19-2010, 11:13 PM   #436
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The next space is a jungle/hill area. As they pass a low stony hill, they notice a broad opening in the hillside. As they come to the mouth of the cave, they heavy, labored breathing coming from inside. Whatever is in there is big. Could be a dinosaur or a giant or a dragon or a megatherium or something. Alzar uses the Ear Ring, but can only hear it louder.

He uses the Crystal Ball, and it is a green dragon on a giant pile of treasure.

Alzar tells Aleigha to loan the necklace to Estaish, and she does. Her and Carum are ordered far away, since they are damageable to the dragon. Each of Estaish and Alzar move in with a Broom of Flying at hand for each of them.

They move in. The dragon hears them, and prepares for their arrival by backing up and getting ready to breathe chlorine gas. They arrive at the main room and Chlorine Gas encircles them. Alzar casts skull trap and throws it at the dragon. 24 damage is dealt, but it makes the save and takes 12. It is surprised that someone could survive its main weapon. It rears back and casts a spell at Alzar – magic missile. Alzar casts Ray of Ondovir. Estaish is charging in. Dryshik is flying in, staying away from the breathe weapon, for a possible Mist Ball. What happens first? Alzar takes 21 damage from the missiles. The Ray hits and the dragon makes its save. Estaish swings and hits for 9 damage. 21 taken so far. Dryshik has arrived and cast Mist Ball next turn.


Alzar wants to cast Ray of Enfeeblement, it wants to attacks Estaish three times, and Estaish wants to slice it. And Mist Ball wants to fly in. Who wins? The dragon makes its save against the Mist Ball, fails it against the Ray, Estaish misses and it attacks three times. It rolls 10, 17, and 10. Each gets -2 for the Ray and -2 for Estaish’s AC. That’s a 6, 13, and 6. The THAC0 is 12, so it hits once for 5 damage.


Alzar wants to grab that wand and pepper this twice. Est wants to swing, Dryshik wants to flee. The Dragon wants to attack 3x. Who wins? 6 from Alzar, Est cuts into it for 10. 37 so far. It misses Est three times.

The dragon has taken a lot of damage, and it wants to Wing Buffet away Alzar and Estaish, preferably into a wall. Alzar wants to pump in more missiles. Est wants to swing. Alzar rolls a 3, but the dragon is quicker with juts a 1.

Estaish is blown back and falls. He will miss this turn getting up and charging again. Alzar is not affected. The dragon takes 6 more from the magic missiles. 43 so far.

This time, they win init. Est nails it for 8. 51. It dies.

XP – Alzar and Estaish split 3500

Alzar again hacks it up.

This place is full of treasure. Alzar sends Megala to bring in Carum and Aleigha. A message is sent to the Sea Ghost to come over. They are about 7 miles from the coast and he needs a group of sailors to land, bringing sacks and such for carrying loot. They spend the day counting coins and get bored.

Green dragon scales, teeth, horns, and vials of blood.
40400 silver
200 gold
30 assorted pieces of jewelry worth 18k total

There are no magical items in here at all. (Which is a rip off, because in D&D, Dragons would have a treasure type or three that gives tonsof great magic. However, because this encounter was set…)

They stay here for two days. Alzar’s Bag of Holding is full of coins, and the sailors are met by Estaish and Aleigha who show them the path to the cave.

Everything is loaded up and sent back, and put in numerous crates in Alzar, Estaish, and Aleigha’s rooms under key and lock. Alzar promises the ship some of the treasure and they are quite happy to help.
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Old 05-19-2010, 11:51 PM   #437
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Junglex6, quiet night. Junglex6. During the final jungle, they hear a roar, and suspect it might be another dragon, until they see the creature.

A Tyrannosaurus!

It is huge and towers over them. Alzar has to make a quick decision – fight or flight. He’s not much of a runner.

The Tyrannosaurus: HP 66, THAC0 – 5, XP – 12,000, 3 attacks for 1d6, 1d6 and 5d8. Swallows a man on a natural roll of 18, 19 or 20. AC 5, so easily to hit.

Alzar grabs the Brooms from his bag and tosses one each to Estaish and Carum. He tells Aleigha to hide, and werebear if she needs to protect herself from it.

He activates the Belt of Flying. All three fly up, and Carum and Estaish start pelting it with missile fire. They are at -2 to hit for flying on a broom while shooting. Alzar cast Greater Malison on it, and it is at -2 to saves.

The T Rex is roaring at them. Both miss with missiles. The next round, it tries to hop and snap at one, but misses. Alzar tells them to stay near it. If they fly too high, it will likely flee. Alzar casts Ray of Enfeeblement, and it’s save is at -2 from the Malison. It makes it easily. It takes 1 from a sling.

Alzar wants to distract it, and casts Searing Serpent at the ground by its feet. It takes 4 from a sling and misses the flyers. It jumps and it out of range again. The serpent burns it for 7 and it looks down and sees the fire snake. Estaish DROPS the crossbow accidentally as he tries to shoot it, and it falls down to the ground and breaks. Carum hits the T Rex for 1 damage. It has taken 12 so far. Alzar flings a Skulltrap at it. It’s easy to hit and takes 21, with a failed save for half. Carum hits again for 3. The serpent misses, and suddenly a werebear charges out and surprises the T Rx, hitting it three times for 8 damage. 44 damage so far. The T Rex tries to stomp the serpent and fails, and tries to eat Aleigha. He misses.

The T wins init and tries to attack Aleigha three times. It trolls a 20 and swallows her. Alzar just has to hope she will realize that she needs to stay a werebear while in the T Rex. A Blastbones deals 6 to it, and the serpent hits for 5. 55 damage so far.

They win init. Carum misses. The serpent hits for 2. 57. The T Rex is reeling. Alzar decides to try to coup de gras it by flying in and Vamp Touching it. 12 damage to it, and it dies.

They quickly move to cut out Aleigha, who is covered in T Rex digestive juices, and goes to a nearby stream to clean off.

3000 XP each

Alzar takes the teeth and blood of it too, in case it comes up. He may never get a chance to kill one of these again.
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Old 05-20-2010, 12:10 AM   #438
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Quiet Night Junglex5. Quiet Night. Swamp, Swamp, Swamp, Swamp, Catoblepas. They run across another of these, and again, Alzar uses a Mist Ball from Dryshik, but it fails, so he has Dryshik just drop a Wall of Fog down so no one can see each other, and then they charge in and kill it.

100 XP each

They have finished the northeastern peninsula. They have found ruins as yet unexplored. The Sea Ghost collects them and drops them off as the coast the next morning. Caves , Caves, they run into some trogs and kill and sleep all of them easily. Mountain, Swamp, Hills. Quiet night. Mountainx5, and they come across another triceratops. But it’s dead. Something big brought it down, ate the stomach, and left. Quiet Night.

Hills, and then they arrive at a swampy area. This is the area on their map. While they grab shovels Alzar procured from the Sea Ghost, they suddenly hear a crashing sound, and out of the bush comes a normally peaceful Ankylosaurus and it is charging them.

AC 0, 3d6 with its clubbed tail, 33 HP, 1400 XP. Carum sets a spear for a charge. Estiash and Aleigha draw weapons and ready themselves. Alzar Ray of Enfeeblements unsuccessfully. It arrives. It rolled an 11 to hit Carum. 11 -1 for his AC is 10. Its THAC0 is 11, so it just misses. That Ring of Pro +1 looks really nice now. Carum rolls a 5, and they miss each other. Est slashes its side for 6 damage.

It wins init and swings its tail at Aleigha. It hits for 11. She slashes it for 4 with the Sword of Spartusia. Est drops his sword. Alzar steps in and swings, he hits (rolled a 19) for 3 damage.


They win init. Alzar is the only one that hits this round, and 8 damage is added. It misses Aleigha It wins init and misses Alzar despite rolling a 17. Cloak. Alzar crits it for 10. Est rolled a 13 +0 for AC and +2 for the sword is 15. His THAC0 is 16. A miss. They win init easily and the dinosaur bites it after taking 7 from a spear from Carum.

XP – 350 each
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Old 05-20-2010, 12:37 AM   #439
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They continue digging, and as they do, the smell of the corpse attracts another dinosaur, an Allosaurus.

(Not kidding, this is a set encounter with both of those dinos in the hex, not rolled or anything)

AC 5, Hp 55, THAC0 8, 3 attacks, 1d4, 1d4, 6d4. 9000 XP. Alzar Grater Malisons it as it runs towards them. Aleigha turns into a werebear. Carum again sets the spear.

It arrives and rolls a 6. It misses Carum. Carum rolls a 5 and misses back. Est slashes for 7. Aleigha hits once for 3. Alzar casts Ray of Ondovir, and it fails its save.

It ducks its head and moves forward, but without the momentum from before, it hardly moves at all, just a few yards. It takes 21 from the spear and two claws and sword that hit it this turn. Alzar summons two Faithful Shield Maidens and moves forward into the Allosaurus’s line of line and space.

They win init and Alzar smashes it for 3, Est cuts it for 4, Carum misses, and Ale misses three times. 38 taken so far. The maidens misses. It reciprocates and attacks Carum for 3 from claws, and Critical this Alzar, who dodges because of the cloak.


They win init again. One maiden hits for 3, Alzar adds 5, and Carum adds 7, Aleigha slashes it one for 2. 55 damage exactly, and it dies.

2250 XP each

They finish digging for gold and find a treasure of:

2000 gp
Three diamonds worth 3000 gp each
Sapphire Necklace worth 6000
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Old 05-20-2010, 12:55 AM   #440
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They rest for the night, all quiet. They are on the shore of a lake. Swamp, Jungle, Swamp, Jungle, Swamp, Jungle. Quiet night. Swampx3, Junglex3. Quiet night. Swamp, Swamp, they see a massive water dinosaur, peaceful, in the large lake, Jungle, Jungle, Jungle with/…..more extensive ruins. They’ll come back later and explore/. Swamp. Quiet Night. Mountain, Swamp, they run into another ankylosaurus. This time its peaceful and they skip it. Swamp, Swamp, Mountain. Quiet. Mountain, Swampx3,hills. They have circuited the lake and are back to where the treasure and multiple dinosaurs were. Quiet Night.

Hills, Mountainx, Hillsx2, Quiet Night. Hillsx2, then they run into a Stone Giant. Luckily, they see her from far away, and don’t bother her. She skips by. Hills, Plains!?!?, Mountain. What was plains doing here. Never expected to see that. Mountainx3, Hillx2. Then they see a pair of mated brontosauruses eating quietly, and pass them by. Quiet Night.

Hills, Mountain, Hills, and then that’s it. Except for the Plateau, and both of those ruins, the Isle and its surroundings has been fully searched. They load into the Sea Ghost and head back to Tangaroa for refreshment before planning the next course.

XP: 9315 for Aleigha and Carum. 12815 for Estaish before the 10%. 13015 for Alzar pre 10%.

Alzar – 85,372 (Level 7)
Estaish – 34,808 (Level 6) – Now with 45 HP
Aleigha – 33,010 (Level 6) – Now has 41 HP.
Carum – 24,790 (Level 5) – Now has 48 HP.

Each of the fighters levels up, and Alzar gets a big chunk of the XP he needs to do the same, at 90k.
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Old 05-20-2010, 01:18 AM   #441
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The stuff:

Protection from Elementals Scroll
600 gp Ruby
A Ring of Water Walking
3200 gp
2000 copper
40000 silver
4000 electrum
17 gems, 100 each
Scroll – Shield spell
Sword, +1, Neutral, I8, E9: Detect Metal; Levitate for 30 minutes and 3x a day
Potion of Heroism
Scroll – Light, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand
200 tomes, 12000 gp – value of books in generic mage research for spells and other mage stuff.
Potion of Undead Control
Broom of Flying
Three sabre-tooth skulls, and 6 teeth
30 assorted pieces of jewelry worth 18k total
Three diamonds worth 3000 gp each
Sapphire Necklace worth 6000
9 pearls worth 100 gold each

Red & Green Dragon: Horns, teeth, blood, skin and scales.
Tyrannosaurus – teeth, claws, blood, some of the skin

Alzar gives 5400 silver to the crew, and that number is reflected above.

Used 2 charges on Belt of Flying. Used four charges on Wand of Magic Missiles.
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Old 05-20-2010, 11:31 AM   #442
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Time to make a decision. Ruins on the Northeast Peninsula in the swamp? Ruins in the Northwest peninsula in the jungle? The central plateau and whatever is there?

They choose to head to the Central Plateau.

After a week of study and research into the book they found, and over things available to him, plus identify spells, Alzar now knows what the four gems from The Gauntlet will do:

The first gem allows 1 hp regen every ten minutes, but will not reattach limbs or bring back from death
The second gives the user an 18 charisma when dealing with creatures of own alignment
The third gem grants immunity to charm and suggestion spells.
The fourth gem is very evil and non-evil people seeing it will be instantly upset with the gem and its owner. If displayed, it will act as a jewel of attacks. When displayed it will double the chance of a wandering monster hitting the party – good in some circumstances.

Alzar has the first three attached to his Belt of Flying.

Fully healed and rested, they have the Sea Ghost drop them off at top of the eastern peninsula, the closest to the central plateau it gets.

It takes one day and night to get to the plateau. All quiet. They cross the bridge the following morning and enter the plateau.

The plateau is roughly 14 or 15 miles across. There is a river in the south east, and some trees and woods in some places. There is a huge ridge in the middle of the plateau and nothing more can be seen right now.

They explore east and find woods and plains, but nothing else. No jungle,s just woods. It is colder up here. They head north of that and there is a riverish creekish brook here. They find nothing else and push further north. They pass some ravines, nothing else of much note. West is clear open prairie. West of that is a few woods and another stream. South is a thick woods and they are told by several Treants to treat the plants nicely. It is almost dusk, and they have walked around the plateau. They camp out under the trees, and protected by Treants.

The following morning they move in and look at the ridge and cliffs that encircle whatever is at or near the center of the plateau. The note they got from the captain long ago said that there was something very impressive in here. What is it?

It will take about 10 hours of climbing to hit the top, and Alzar’s magical rope will ensure that no one falls. They arrive at the top of the cliff and look down.

The rocks up here are covered with ice and snow and the temperature is almost freezing. This is obviously once a volcano. Inside is a caldera lake about 1-1.5 miles across. On the edge is a village, on their side, with some houses and huts. In the lake itself is a small island, and something else on it, but it’s hard to make out from here.

It will take 8 more hours to descend, and that takes them to darkness. The Rope ensures their safety though.

They falls asleep at the base of the cliff-face.
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Old 05-20-2010, 04:12 PM   #443
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In the morning, and hour gets them to the village of Mantru. Carum says that he never knew there was a village here before, he’s not sure any of the natives did. This area is never spoken of among his people.

This small village is on the shore of the lake. The west edge of the village is surrounded by crude stockade of palm trunks and branches. It runs into the water on both sides of the village to create fish pens. The village has just 6 thatched huts, raised off the ground on stilts. There are two huts on the lake and on stilts as well.

They are barricaded from entering, and Carum speaks to them. They allow us to pass and we are welcome in Mantru, and speak to the chief and cleric. There are no more than 50 people in the village, men, women and children. They have not had visitors in decades. They have a feast tonight with turtle soup and fermented yam beer. Carum tells them about Alzar and their escapes and news from the outside.

A black mark falls over the camp as the chief begins to tell their tale of woe. Recently, a schism has occurred in their village, and the daughter of the chief, along with many others, has fled for the ruined temple on the island in the lake. They call it Taboo Island. They will not go there, but they can give Alzar and Carum and such a canoe to go there themselves. If the splinter group could be taken care of, then their raids on the food supply would cease. Alzar agrees to help the following day.

They boat out onto the caldera lake and in a short period of time, they have arrived at Taboo Island. Taboo Island is a rocky spire adorned with small ruins, statues and broken terraces. The largest ruin on the island in a temple that is carved into the cliff wall of the island’s western shore. They enter it from the lake side, with broad steps that descend into the water of the lake. The entire temple is damp, foul smelling and hot and stale. Torches show small blind creatures moving here and there.

The temple entrance has been carved into the cliff, and two docks of narrow poles and weak planking extend from the steps. There are few boats here, which may signify the rebels are in here. There are decorations abounding in this old ruin. Feathered totems and hanging carving from bone signify someone lives here, and recently. The rock is red marble. They search and find nothing. They continue down a passage which has been carefully narrowed by rubble so that only one person can pass at a time – smart.
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Old 05-20-2010, 07:34 PM   #444
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As they move through it, four warriors confront them and start throwing javelins at them from behind cover. They miss. Alzar orders everyone forward and they move out. They fighters are ordered to withdraw in the face of four determined faces into a large chamber. Alzar sends in Megala and takes a quick look. There are the four fighters ordering a defense. A hole has been cut into the ceiling and a rope goes up it, there are more than 20 women and children in the room and someone is calling for more help.

Time to go now. Alzar orders everyone in. The children start scrambling up the rope, the women and men grab weapons. Battle begins. He orders the fighters to concentrate on attacking the warriors they just encountered, in spears and shields to the left.

They win init. The fighters try their spears. Carum and Aleigha are both hit for 5 and 1. Dryshik casts a Wall of Fog at the top of the room to the right where a door is, in order to keep the people that might be in there in there. Alzar casts Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens. Carum spears a fighter for 6 damage. Aleigha kills her for 4 damage. Three left. Megala causes a local woman to fall asleep. 21 randoms and 3 fighters left.

43/48 – Carum
40/41 – Aleigha

The Shield-Maidens – AC 4, HP 20, THAC0 – 17, Damage 1d6.

Alzar’s group wins init. Aleigha deals 5 damage to a fighter. Est kills him for 12 damage off a crit. Carum hits another for 8 and kills him, leaving just the 5th level fighter leader. She spears Est for 6 damage. Megala misses. The regular people have grabbed slings or javelins and are throwing them. They are concentrating on Alzar, and all miss (cloak). He summons a Searing Serpent in their midst.

39/45 – Estaish

The next round, 14 young men in leather armor and armed with spears and bows come out of a room to the left. Alzar’s group wins Init. Alzar sleeps 6 of the young men. He failed a poison use check and doesn’t notice that the tips of their arrow shafted are all smeared with a gummy vegetable poison. (They are 40’ feet away or so). Only Carum hits the fighter for 5 damage. She nails Carum back for 5. The serpent hits and kills a local for 5 damage. 20 left. Some locals are fleeing from the serpent and moving towards Alzar. Megala hits a local and she falls asleep. 19 left. Dryshik tries to gate in more mephits. Failure. The natives staying in one place swing at the serpent and a few note their weapons go right through it.

38/48 – Carum

8 arrows fly from the young men and pepper the fighters and three come close to hitting, but two ricochet off Estaish’s great armor. One nails Aleigha for 2 damage and she fails her poison save and takes an additional 2 poison damage and is rocked with tremendous pain. -1 to attacks. Several natives try to attack Alzar. All but one miss, and that one misses because of the cloak. The 5th level fighter nails Carum for 3 damage. Only Carum hits her, for 5 back. Alzar ensleeps 5 more young men, with the Sleep from his ring. 3 more young men left. The serpent misses. 1 fighter, 19 tribesmen, 2 young men. More natives get close to Alzar.

36/41 – Aleigha -1 to hit
35/48 – Carum

Alzars group wins init. Out of the Wall of Fog comes the chief and her three sons, and the witchdoctor. The shield maidens swing and kill a tribesman. 18 left. The serpent kills another. 17 left. Megala crits one for 6 damage and kills form that. 16 left. The fighters all miss the female level 5 one. Dryshik is Mist Balling the fighter. She makes her save. Alzar Hypnotizes 7 of the tribemen to drop weapons and fall to the ground. 9 tribesman, 2 young men, 1 l5 fighter, 1 chief, 1 witchdoctor, 3 sons. The fighter speras Estaish for 8 damage. Two arrows fly for misses. The tribesman are ordered to use water on the serpent and manage to put it out. The Witchdoctor gave that order, and then casts Hold Person on just Alzar in order to get that -4 save and it ails (Free Action). The tribesman not attacking the serpent swing at Alzar and He takes 6 from two hits. The chief, with bone armor and a sword and shield, moves forward, with her sons.

31/45 - Estaish
45/51 – Alzar

They win init. Arrows miss. The l5 fighter hits for 3 on Estaish. Tribesmen hit Alzar for 9. The chief and sons have arrived at Alzar and the witchdoctor is moving. The fighter takes 9 from Aleigha and Carum. Megala sleeps a tribesman – 8 left. Alzar casts Vamp Touch on the chief. 10 damage dealt.

28/45 – Estaish
46/51- Alzar

They win init again. Two arrows miss. The fighter misses. Alzar takes 3 from tribesmen. The sons and chief all attack Alzar. Only the sons hit, and thus miss. The chief does not hit. They rolled 9, 17, 18, 19 – normally great but not in that first round. The witchdoctor arrives. Dryshik Moist balls the fighter and success. She is blinded for five rounds and takes 5 damage. Only Carum hits her for 4 damage, and he orders Aleigha and Estaish to join him next round. Megala rakes a tribesman for 2 damage but she makes her save. Shield-Maidens hit one tribesmen for 3 damage and he is still rocking. Time to change the odds. He drops a skull with a skull trap on it, while still far away from hs allies. Everybody takes 26 or a save to 13. The tribesmen are dead. The conjured cannot take the damage, so the maidens are immune. Alzar takes 13from a save. Only the middle son makes the save and the others fail and die. The chief makes the save. The witchdoctor makes it too. 2 young men, blinded fighter, 13 damage to middle son and witchdoctor and 23 to chief.


Alzar’s group wins init. Carum kills the l5 fighter with a hit of 8 damage. Aleigha and Estaish arrive to back up Alzar. Megala is sent over to the young men and misses. The shield maidens miss. Alzar aims for ht witchdoctor with his staff. He hits for 4. The witchdoctor casts cause light wounds and he takes 8. Both the chief and her son miss. An arrow hits Carum for 1 damage and he nails his save. They make a morale save

34/48 – Carum

They win init and Alzar takes 13 from the son and another Cause Light wounds. An arrow hits Carum for three. He misses the save and takes 2 more and a -1 to hit. Carum runs to the archers. Megala misses one. Alzar misses. The shield-maidens miss twice. Est is aiming for the son and misses. Aleigha misses the chief. A big ol turn of misses. No one even rolled double digits.

29/48 – Carum – -1 to hit

They win init. The maidens kill the witchdoctor for 11 damage off a crit and another hit. Est kills the son after a hit of 9. Aleigha hits the chief for 5. Carum misses Megala misses. They fail their morale check and the two young men break. A Mist Ball hits one for a crit of 6 damage and the man dies. The other is escaping and Megala follows, leaving just the chief, who makes her save (her sons are dead, her tribe is dead, she knows nothing is left for her – at this point, why run?) Alzar slides back out of the way of her sword. She stabbed at Aleigha for 6.

30/41 – Aleigha

Megala rakes the final young man and puts him to sleep. Estaish nails the chief for 8 damage and she dies.

They kill th sleeping ones. The children were able to escape. They search this five room complex and find nine young girls who are covering in two rooms, and tie them up.

XP – 500 each

They find:

+1 spear given to Carum.
+2 bastard sword
Gems worth 1200, 1000, 800, 500 and 50
Potion (Flying)
Six furs worth 100 gold each
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Old 05-20-2010, 09:00 PM   #445
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They find two secret doors to a secret viewing chamber and the old priest’s quarters. There is a giant obsidian humanoid face on the wall, but is has been carved and aged over time. The priest’s quarters have a door that continues into the ret of the temple complex

Alzar orders them to take the women and boat back to Mantru. They are turned over to the tribe, where they will be reassimilated. Alzar and crew spend a few days here. He regens for healing, while the others benefit from a few Cure Light Wounds by the local cleric. On the fourth day, they return to the temple and move on

There is a passage behind the priest’s quarters and they continue. It heads down and ends at a crude wall of stones completely closing off the passage. It looks recently built. They don’t have shovels or anything with them, since those were returned to the Sea Ghost a while ago. Alzar doesn’t want to waste a couple of hours going back to mantra, borrowing digging tools which may not be that advanced, and then coming back. He grabs his axe, and Carum his spear and magic weapons are handed to Aleigha and Estaish – a Warhammer and a staff. They begin to hack, smash, and pry the stones and earthwork. It takes 90 minutes, but eventually, they have made a hole big enough for one person to crawl through.

They walk around the passage, and suddenly the floor drops out and everybody falls into a watery chamber below. It’s about 5 feet deep in here. There are harmless cave fish in here. There is an open door here and more water outside of the room. Alzar grabs the two brooms of flying and him and Carum fly up through the hole and down the passage above to a door and get of f the brooms and put them away. The door opens into a private altar room with a square stone pedestal, with intricate inlaid bejeweled bowls and a crumbling bamboo flute. A search turns up na intricate carved stone box with an unusual statuette of gold and coral. It looks like an amphibious humanoid that has a smooth head, large eyes and a tentacle mouth. The torso is humanlike, and has two arms that end in webbed, clawed hands. From the waist down, the body divides into three long tentacles.

Three intricate inlaid bejeweled bowls 500 gold each.
2000 gold kopru statuette

They search again to verify there are no secret doors and head back down.
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Old 05-20-2010, 09:22 PM   #446
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They leave behind the room they fell into, pass some waterlogged jails, and enter a passageway and can do right or left Right to a door, left to a bend in the corridor. Right.

The door opened and this is filled with 20 feet of water and there are stairs into the deep water. Alzar orders the armored ones to stay at the corridor and he moves in. He dives underwater and searches around. Two giant crabs are moving towards him and his group from underwater and have just hit the base of the stairs. He surfaces and tells everybody to move back ad fight them in the corridor, which is still 5 feet underwater.

They arrive and battle begins. Everybody but Alzar is at -4 to hit and -2 to damage underwater due to drag on weapons. Alzar’s staff misses. Aleigha cracks one for 1 damage. Alzar is hit twice, oh but the cloak saves him. The crabs win init and miss. One takes 7 from Aleigha. 8 total so far. They win and Alzar crits the damaged one for 12 and damages it badly. Carum pierces it with he spear for 4 and kills it. The other one miss. It goes first and misses. It takes 6 from Aleigha. It wins init again and Alzar takes 18 from a giant pincer. Alzar hits for 4. They win init and Alzar crits again for 6. Est hits for 6. It dies.

XP – 100 each
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Old 05-20-2010, 09:45 PM   #447
Abe Sargent
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Alzar dives back into the room while they search the crabs and find nothing. The room is big, and Alzar finds a dais in the room. At the top is a huge giant oyster with a bigger black pearl in it. This is the black pearl the captain talked about wanting to come and find. Alzar can try to pick the pearl like picking pockets, and puts on the gauntlets of dexterity to try. He rolls a 81, not good enough. The oyster clams down and misses Alzar’s hand by a bit. He waits for it to open and checks the back hallway. There are ten giant rats that move into this hallway and a blastbones clears them out. It’s still underwater. Alzar now has 7 animal skeletons.

He moves forward and uses them to go ahead of him, and arrives at a door. He opens it and it is another chamber under 5’ of water, with a door at the other end. He moves to it, and a trap fires, putting oil and grease on top of the water, and then igniting it. Alzar stays underwater breathing easily until the fire is out, then he decides to head back without opening the next door. A half hour or so has passed, and the giant oyster is open again. Another pick pockets is attempted for 16 and it succeed and Alzar has the pearl:

3000 gp black pearl

He heads back and joins the group and they go the other way, because Alzar doesn’t want them taking off their armor to swim the big flooded room unless its the final option. They go up a corridor and run into three crocodiles. They have been very hungry from feeding off lizards and such, and they attack the party.

Alzar wins init and misses. Aleigha hits for 2 damage on the third one. One hits Alzar, then misses. Alzar crits the wounded one for 4. The others add 19 and kill it. Two left. One hits Alzar for 7 and clamps down on him. Next turn it will try to spin around and take Alzar’s arm off. Alzar smashes it with a +2 dagger (close range, on hand, drops the staff) for 7 damage. The fighters all miss it 6, 6, 4 rolled The croc tries to barrel roll and deals another 8 damage to the arm and Alzar feels some tears opening up in it as he is spun with the croc. The other one misses. Alzar stabs and misses. The fighters hit just once for 5 damage. It spins and Alzar takes 10 more damage. The arm is about to come off. The other croc misses. Megala and Dryshik swing down ordered in desperation to try and claw the croc. Dryshik crits and deals double damage – 2. Alzar manages to stab it for 4. Est drops his sword, Ale does as well, and Carum pierces it with his magical spear for 6 and kill sit. The final croc hits Alzar and miss (cloak – first time attacking him).

Alzar vamps it for 12 and it dies.


XP – 250 each
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Old 05-20-2010, 10:03 PM   #448
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They move to a door and open it and enter a praying chamber with a small altar. Water sweeps in and floods the chamber. They search and find a hidden cache. Inside is:

+2 mace
Metal Potion (Healing, 2 doses)
500 gp
2 coral statuettes worth 1000 each

They head back, and Alzar and Aleigha go to the dais, and then send the necklaces back and the other two go along the bottom of the big room and join them. They move back down the corridor where the giant rats were, enter the formerly trapped room and open the door. Water rushes out through a portcullis and down stairs. It takes about 30 minutes but it has mostly washed down stairs. There is a switch by the portcullis, and Alzar flips it, and it raises. A door to their left is opened. It has a boiling well in it, fed by volcanic geysers likely. They head down the steps.

This is a single natural cavern of great size. The air is quite hot and steamy and fouled by the gases from the volcano. The floor of the cavern is a field of bubbling med pots, small geysers, hot springs and mineral crusts. They have to walk along terraces, and avoid the pits, geysers and springs.
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Old 05-20-2010, 10:27 PM   #449
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They hang a right along the wall for a bit, and then take a left. The terraces are very slippery and characters will attack at -3 while down here plus +3 AC as well. They go forward for the bit, and then left. They eventually arrive at the hot spring that feeds the boiling well above. As they return., there is a mud burst an Alzar is caught but takes no damage (Gloves of Fire Protect). As they take the left terrace, out of the mud comes a Kopru.

It is identical to that statue found before.

It tries to charm…Aleigha. She makes a save. It is floating above the mud 20 feet away. Alzar has Dryshik Mist Ball. It fails the save and…it takes 2 poison damage but is not blinded. Alzar Greater Malisons it. Carum slings but fails, and Est misses with a bolt. Aleigha cannot do anything. Megala flies by and tries to claw it. It crits the kopru for 4 damage and it is immune to sleep. It has taken 6.

The Kopru wins init and calls for aid. It tries to charm…Carum and…he makes the save. Alzar grabs brooms of flying for Aleigha and Carum. They can fly over next turn. Est misses.

The Kopru wins init again. Estaish fails his save and points the cross bow at Alzar and fires, missing him (cloak) Carum and Aleigha fly out and can attack next turn. Another Mist Ball flies in and it takes 5 more poison damage. Megala keeps missing. Alzar casts Ray of Ondovir at it and it fails the save. They hear another kopru behind them. One rose from the mud more than 70 feet away but it is closing.

The kopru wins init. The one in the back arrives. Est drops the crossbow in the mud and draws a sword and swings at Alzar. Alzar takes 10. Aleigha nails the kopru for 4. Carum adds 5. Megala misses. Dryshik Wall of Fogs into front of the kopru in the back, forcing it to waste a turn moving in. Alzar summons his shield-maidens.


The Kopru win again. The one in the back pushes out of the Wall of Fog. The one in the front tries to charm Alzar and fails. Est swings and hits for 10 more.


Aleigha and Carum hit for 11 and kill the kopru. Est is no longer charmed. The next round, the kopru goes first and charms Est unsuccessfully. He moves in. Alzar casts Ray of Enfeeblement on it and it fails. Carum and Aleigha fly over to it, as do Megala and Dryshik.

It wins init YET AGAIN and charms Aleigha…successfully. She turns, and dives for Alzar and misses him with her sword. Est misses the kopru. Alzar moves in. Carum hits for 5 damage. Dryshik deals 5 from his final Mist Ball and Megala misses. It wins init again and tries to charm…Alzar and fails. Aleigha deals 5 to Alzar. Carum hits, Est misses – 4 more dealt. Megala misses too. The shield maidens hit for 1 and Alzar misses.


The kopru wins init again and tries to charm Carum. Success. Carum spins and attacks Alzar and misses. Aleigha misses too. Est misses. Alzar misses. But, the maidens deal 8, they both hit. The Kopru levitates up and starts to leave. Both of the people with brooms are charmed. Megala follows and slashes it for 1 damage. Alzar grabs his wand and pumps two magic missiles into it for 9 damage and kills it.

XP – 1500 each
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Old 05-20-2010, 10:44 PM   #450
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
There is nothing more on the corpses. They search the rest of the area down here and find a old hidden throne with a grinning skeleton on it. They search the area and find :

+2 Longsword
Ring of Telekinesis – 50 lbs

They find nothing else here. They leave, go back up the stairs, use the brooms to get back up, and leave, having completed Taboo Island.

Used two charges, Wand of Magic Missiles.

They leave and arrive at Mantru, and spend a few days ther healing before climbing back over the ridge and heading off the plateau, and moving back to Tangaroa. Nothing attacks them. Two eeks late,r they are back at Tangaroa.

Taboo Island:

2350 XP:

Alzar – 88,107 (Level 7)
Estaish – 37,393 (Level 6) – Now with 45 HP
Aleigha – 35,360 (Level 6) – Now has 41 HP.
Carum – 27,140 (Level 5) – Now has 48 HP.


+1 spear given to Carum
+2 bastard sword
Gems worth 1200, 1000, 800, 500 and 50
Potion (Flying)
Six furs worth 100 gold each
3000 gp black pearl
Three intricate inlaid bejeweled bowls 500 gold each.
2000 gold kopru statuette
+2 mace
Metal Potion (Healing, 2 doses)
500 gp
2 coral statuettes worth 1000 each
Ring of Telekinesis
+2 longsword
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