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Old 12-16-2024, 04:22 PM   #51
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
May 11, 3025 – New Wuhan City falls.

General Yoriyoshi from the Combine lost his job after the loses of three months of operations. We are facing five Combine regiments on planet. Reinforcements arrive to New Derry City from Sumner’s Battalion. The city is surrounded, and they lost their attacks and aren’t coming in, but we cannot break out either.

The Suns recaptured Marduk and reinforcements are able to hit here now.

May 18, 3025 - Davion reinforcements arrive. They try to bring supplies and materiel to New Derry City with 6 Leopards and Kurita fighters are waiting and kill two the rest break back. I don’t sent my Avengers to meet them since they are rentals.

May 22, 3025 - Since supplies are tight, we request from Sir Dobson a raid on the 5th supply convoy in the south flank. They are moving a number of trucks, and then we can capture and procure them and their stuff to help out. We are approved, and head out tomorrow. I cannot take my slower units since we need to hit them while moving. I cannot take any slower 4/6 units, although 4/6/4 with JJ works. Therefore, I cannot take:

Atlas, BattleMaster, Hunchback, Banshee, Behemoth, Patton, Von Luckner, Manticore, Brutus, Cataphract, tons more.

I am taking Hunter, Vindicator, Javelin, Hetzer, Maxims, Condor, Goblin, Pegasus, Vedette, Plainsman, Saladin, Saracen, Drillson, Galleon, Wolfhound, Enforcer, Grasshopper, Valkyrie, PXH, both VTOls

So, I am also taking reserve of the rest in case we are being chased back by guards or reinforcements. I can only take 7 mechs, I move folks to the captured and running Vulcan, Hatchetman and Trebuchet 7K, Panther with jump jets (4/6/4) and Phoenix Hawk 1K.

Here are my new assignments for tracking kills and levels up

Flavia Obed-Marsh, Vulcan 5T, elite
Mitch Raymond, Trebuchet – veteran
Palmiro Umbari, elite, Hatchetman
Kamaka Pukui, veteran, Panther
Meghan Morton, elite, Phoenix Hawk 1K.

I am taking four infantry and all jumps on Maxims and a 5th on a Goblin.

Then here are our foes:

12 J-27 Ordinance Transport – 1 MG, carries 1 ton armor, carries 8 tons of ammo, 5/8
1 Mobile HQ
4 CargoMechs – 3/5 216 armor, 17 tons of cargo each
8 Sherpa Armored Trucks - 7 tons of cargo each, 1 MG, 4/6 movement, 31 armor

Then these guards:


1 Demolisher – we know it
1 Rhino Support Tank – 3/5, 2 LRM20, 1 LRM10, 2 ML
1 Puma Assault Tank PAT-001, 1 flamer, 1 PPC, SL, 2 ML, 1 SRM4, 2 LRM20
1 Manticore
1 LRM Carrier – light armor, 3 LRM 20s,
1 Rommel – 4/6, 176 armor, 1 AC20, LRM 5 and LRM 5
1 Goblin
1 Vedette
1 Condor
1 Hunter
1 Harasser
1 Galleon

All vets


1 Victor – we’ve fought them before 4/6/4 Assault with AC 20 - but light armor
1 Goliath – Assault quad with 17 sinsk, 4/6 movement, PPC and 2 LRM 10s amd 2 MGs too
1 Dragon
1 Archer 2K
1 Quickdraw
1 Jenner 7F – variant with 4 Ml and better armor – but still 10 sinks
1 Blackjack
1 Centurion
1 Dervish – 5/8/5, 2 LRM 10s, 2 SRM 2s and MLs too, 120 armor, 10 sinks
1 Wolverine 6k
1 Phoenix Hawk 1k
1 Shadow Hawk

All vets!

They have 3k more BV than us.

We are on a 25x25 map with the east 30% lake, west city and roads in the middle. We start on the bottom, them on the top.
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Old 12-17-2024, 03:50 AM   #52
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – For deployment I’ll have my hover stuff on the left flank. It has dense woods in the city to hide in. We lose init 4-3. I move down all three flanks. I fire on an LRM Carrier on the right flank. And a Victor on the east side with +1 movement at long range. Then the Blackjack for things in the center too far from the Victor to hit him. Our PHX 1K Mehan Morgan destroys the front side of the LRM Carrier. Our Valkyrie hits the AC ammo on the Victor and it explodes!!! Two kills of two dangerous units in in one turn!

Turn 2 - We lose init 12-7. Rough. I keep charging on all flanks. A Harasser flanks us on the ocean. The only thing my left flank can see are the cargo mech, so I skip since I need to capture them. O focus much fire on that Archer. It’s +2 to hit. Backup fire into the Dervish on the ocean who didn’t move. Some at the Demolisher. Grasshopper’s LL hits their Demolisher and it’s movement dropped. Their Dervish connects with our Maxim and drops movement -1. Their Dervish fell and breached it’s LA. It’s useless. They pepper our PXH 1N.

Turn 3 – We win init! I rush up the right flank in the city, and some in the center. I leap back the PXH and turn to save it. Their Dervish goes Hull Down. Their Archer heads to the ocean next to our Galleon and Goblin. Wolfhound next to their Harasser which flanks and is rear of my Vulcan. Enforcer to it’s rear back. Jenner flanks our south and Shadow Hawk next to Panther and Hunter. I fire at a Vedette on the city flank. I focus much fire on the Demolisher and Archer to finish them off.

Their Demolisher destroys the RA of our Wolfhound
Our Wolfhound destroys the Front of their Harasser.
Our Saladin’s AC 20 destroys the LT of their Archer; Our Galleon hits it’s LL foot actuator
Our Pegasus hits their Demolisher and halves it’s moves.
Our Trebuchet hits the Demolisher and stuns the crew for two turns.
Our Hetzer #2 kills the Demolisher’s front side.
Their Dervish stuns the crew of our Saladin
Their Archer falls.

Turn 4 – We win init. I eject the Wolfhound, I am winning this battle. I also eject the savaged Galleon. They bring their Puma next to the Vedette on the east flank. Do I jump my Vindicator on it to shut them down from adding a Mech on top next? Next to it is the Uni, but nothing else, save the Vedette. I do it, now it cannot target me. PXH-1K unwounded on the Vedette next to their Puma. They stand the Dervish. Their Archer too. I move our Warriors to its rear. They’re +5 to be hit. I brings units to the right flank our Jav, Hatchetman Condor and Hetzer. Jenner next to Goblin. I try to finish off the Archer a bit here and there. I also focus on their Dervish on the west flank. I fire on the east flank at their Rommel with no +0s to hit. PXh on top of my Rommel.

Their Wolverine kills my Saladin stunned.
Our Maxim hits the engine twice and gyro once on their Archer; our other Maxim hits the gyro twice more. Dead mech!
Then our other Maxim hits the LRM ammo and it explodes. Not salvageable.
PXH1K hits on their Rommel a -1 movement and small laser
Our Javelin 10F stabs the engine and gyro once on their PXh on top of our Rommel
Our Vulcan 5T hits the Dervish ammo and it explodes. It’s engine has a cascade failure and their 2 adjacent CargoMech and Wolverine take a ton of damage. One CargeMech falls and breaches it’s RLL and cannot use them. The Wolverine fell and breached it’s LL it’s immobile.
Their Archer hits my Hetzer and halves its movement

Turn 5 – We win init again. I eject our Hetzer. Hetzer and Vulcan in Manticore’s rear! Rhino and Hunter in the east flank. Jav 10F leaps on top Rhino facing Hunter. Enforcer on the Hetzer facing the Manticore’s rear. Hatchetman bases their Quickdraw. They eject a breached CargoMech. Jenner to our rear. PXH to rear and behind our TBT.

Their Jenner hits our damaged Maxim for another -1 movement.
Our Maxim hits their PXH’s engine and gyro once each, dead PXH
Trebuchet on their Manticore – ½ movement
Our Vulcan kicks and destroys their Manticore’s rear armor.

They have lost 5 mechs and 4 tanks, but if they retreat they lose so I think they’ll try one more round before calling it, but they would be close.

Turn 6 – We win init 10-9. I eject the wounded maxim. Jav behind their Puma. Vulcan rear of their Centurion. Hopper and Panther next to their Rhino. Jenner bases my Pegasus. SHD next to my Valkyrie, Hatchetman to it’s rear adjacent. Quickdraw to our Enforcer’s rear.

Our Maxim hits 2 JJ on their Jenner – we destroy it’s LA
A Sherpa MG hits and drops the speed on our Maxim.
Our Goblin hits the Gyro twice on their Quickdraw – dead mech!
Our Condor hits their Rommel and halves it’s movement.
Their Rommel hits three leg actuators in our Vindicator

Our Grasshopper destroys the Rommel’s left side.
Their Goliath destroys the LA of our Trebuchet
Centurion – hit shoulder actuator on Vindicator
Shadow Hawk – blow off LL on Vindicator, we can reattach it.
Their Jenner fell and destroys it’s LT
Their Centurion fell
Our Vulcan kicks their CNT’s ammo and it explodes! It took 20 damage in the RT, transferred to the Ct after getting destroyed, and then the pilot blacks out from the explosion. That’s Flavia’s 4th kill with us!

Nothing else happens, after losing TWO fresh mechs and a damaged tank, they flee.

Our infantry captures the supplies and will pilot and bring back the stuff. We bring back four CargoMechs, 12 J-27s and 8 Sherpa trucks with ammo, armor and pieces. They are so badly hit they cannot really hit us fast and such. By the time they return, nothing is left.


Their Mechs:

Victor – H, LA, RA, LT
Archer 2k – H, LA, RA, LL
Dervish – RA, LL , H, LT

Centurion missing RT
Wolverine 6K, breached LL
PXH 1K – hit gyro 2x, engine once
Quickdraw with 2 gyro hits

We can fix up the PXH1K’s gyro and engine in 8 days. The Quickdraw‘s 2 gyro hits in 5 days. The Wolverine is ready now.

Their Tanks:

LRM Carrier – Not salvageable, tossed a 6.
Harasser – Yes, salvageable – tossed 10
Demolisher – yes salvageable, tossed 9
Manticore – nope tossed a 6
Rommel - yes salvageable 9

The recoverable tanks take around 3 days total to salvage.



Wolfhound – missing RA
Trebuchet - missing LA
Vindicator – 4 leg actuators hit. 1 shoulder, reattach LL,

We fix the Vindicator’s leg’s in 5 days, shoulder another 2. The Trebuchet LA salvaged will be used here, 5 days too. That missing Wolfhound RA is a 35 ton mech, we have none in our parts. It’s a Davion Suns only mech. And new, but we’ll see if we can find the new parts in the City.


Maxim - -1 movementx2
Saladin – Destroyed, yes salvageable (I tossed an 8)
Hetzer – hurt movement

Maxim’s fixed in a few hours, destroyed Saladin in 3 days, the Hezter in 12 hours.

A CargoMech goes for 2.655 mill cash.
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Old 12-17-2024, 01:14 PM   #53
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Flavia gains 1 edge from her levelling.

May 23, 3025 – They’ve got to be shocked they lost to us. They lost half of their mechs and 5 of their vees, and us just a repairable Saladin. Their defense and mechs and vees were great, they had a strong city to hide in, and only the Blackjack was weak, and we could only use our smaller faster units. They started with thousands more battle value than us. That has to be shocking. Sir Dobson is now in a captured Awesome.

I ask around in the garrison to see if I can find a Wolfhound RA, I need a 10. I toss a 6. Nope. Does anyone have a spare 35 ton one in storage we could buy or trade for? 8 here, they are a pretty common body part to find with limb blown off crits and RT destruction of ammo. I toss a 7. Sorry close! Nope to getting it up and running.

We split what we captured. Sure, by contract it’s ours, but I share nonetheless. We are all In one boat here.

By the by our 8 captured Sherpas cost 227,000 and 12 captured J-27s 23 I ask if they wanna trade or buy them or the CargoMechs, but nope. We can sell them post battle for 10 mill CargoMech, 1.5 mill Sherpas and 225k the J-27s. Or I could keep the Sherpas and J-27s and use them ourselves. We also captured that Mobile HQ.

June 6, 3025 – An attack on the flank of the world towards the complex that’s main storage for the Star League base in the Mountains which was suppose to be thousands of miles from the key area by their 17th, 5th and their fresh Amphigeans merc units was ambushed and driven back after a long battle that lasted a few days.

All of our repairs from battle are done.

After that huge loss, the Combine has a marginal loss and equal numbers of troop as us.

June 21, 3025 – The Federated Suns’ Robinson and Cloves Draconis March Militias arrive. General Andrew Cunningham takes over the defense. Wave three has begun.

June 24, 3025 - General Samsonov’s 7 Combine Regiments are weak everywhere to attack. They are retreating from New Wuhan City and east of the Mountain pass. He is coming for New Derry City to remove us from his rear.

June 29, 3025 – Spies in New Derry City have located a still working drainage tunnel after bombing and city fighting. It’s the perfect attack route.

June 30, 3025 - That next morning their DropShips and fighters drop thousands of incendiary bombs to ignite the city. They are killing indiscriminately. General Samsonov orders in his 8th Galedon Regulars and 2nd Amphigeans Light Assault Group to attack us. The Amphigeans come down the drainage tunnel to attack us head on. They are moving to us to oust us from the city or destroy us. They charge our HQ. We are separating our units on four flanks with our mech company split up and then you’ll see below a surprise…

They are:

CO Commander Brigadier General Karl Gramenov
Veteran, prefers Medium like the 5th
Mercs so more diverse.

Their command company lead by CO Gramenov is attacking Sir Dobson in his Thunderbolt.

We get their smash company against us, since we did so well and didn’t lose a unit in the city fighting and then smashed a convey good. They are moving in against our mech company and XO Flavia Obed-Marsh they want to cut off our Head just like Sir Dobson…they are facing our main core 12 mechs not the extra 6 mechs. Marcus Darko is in the amazing Vulcan 5T not his armless Wolfhound!

Here they are:

Catapult C1
Orion – ONI-1k – 75 ton, 4/6, 10 sinks, 2 Ml, AC10, LRM 15 and SRM4
Banshee 3E – Great armor at 240 points, AC5, PPC, Sl, 4/6 and 16 sinks
Shadow Hawk
Whitworth 1S
Commando 2COM-2d- 25 ton, ML, SRm6, SRm4, 6/9, 64 armor

Since our HQ is by a field, we are on the City Park map. We on the east, they on the west. For this game, I’m calling it foggy to represent our smoky ness. +1 to hit for everyone!
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Old 12-17-2024, 04:12 PM   #54
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We do have our infantry here too, by the by.

Turn 1 – We lose init. We can only move half movement. I move forward max, save for JJ. I fire at their Banshee. They target our Atlas and Hunchback that are standing, as is their Banshee.

Turn 2 – We win init 12-10! Vulcan behind their Cicada, Phoenix Hawk behind their Shadow Hawk. More fire on their Banshee. Our Archer hits the PPC on their Banshee. Our Banshee blows off the RA and it’s on the ground. Our Battlemaster’s La blown off too. It falls and hit’s the engine once. We destroyed it’s RT

Turn 3 – We win init!! Their Banshee goes Hull Down. Shadow Hawk by our Javelin, Grasshopper by it. PXH behind their Centurion. BattleMaster bases their Cicada, Vulcan retreats. Our Hopper hits two actuators in their Shadow Hawk’s LA. Our Jav hits a hip in their LL. Our Atlas hits the sensors in their Banshee’s head. Our BattleMaster hits the LL actuator on their Cicada. It falls. Our Hopper kicks the Shadow Hawk’s and destroy the LL. Our BM destroys the RL of their Cicada and RT.

Turn 4 - We win init!!! Their Shadow Hawk doesn’t rise. I hop the Vulcan, PXH over. They eject the Cicada! Their Banshee stands and shows their back to us. Our Vulcan destroy the Shadow Hawk’s RA; Our Jav his LA and one gyro, 2 engine hits. Our BattleMaster destroys the Banshee’s CT, Dead mech!!! We knock their Catapult down and hits its Foot actuator on the LL

Turn 5 - We win again! They eject the Shadow Hawk. Their Catapult rises. I focus fire on it. Our Bm hits it’s engine 2 times, gyro twice too, dead mech!! Another engine and gyro hit by our JagerMech. Our Atlas had a few actuators and they savaged our BattleMaster good! They destroyed it’s LA.

They flee. We won in five turns, but we’ll have to see if we hold and salvage or are needed as a reserve.


Banshee RA, LA, H, LL, LT,

Shadow Hawk missing LL, RA, LA, 2 engine, 1 gyro hit
Cicada missing RL and RT
Catapult with 3 engine, 3 gyro hits,


Atlas -hit ML, three arm actuators,
BattleMaster – Destroyed LA.

Our infantry grabs the salvage and loads it up.

The 2nd battle is against Vee Company #1. They send lighter units not expecting much.

Here are our foes:

Vulcan 5T
Stalker STK-3F – assault with 2 LRM10, 2 LL, 4 ML, 2 SRm6s, 20 sinks,
Phoenix Hawk

All vets, we also have our infantry here too. Same map

This is their Stalker:

It’s very common here!
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Old 12-18-2024, 12:54 AM   #55
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We lose init. I start my squad on the north side fully. Our target is that Blackjack after I walk with my big stuff and move much with my hover stuff. Backup targets their Valkyrie and Panther. Their Blackjack slows our Plainsman movement -1. Our Brutus smashes the LRm 10 on their Valkyrie. Our 2nd Hetzer destroys the LT of their Blackjack. Both it and the Panther fall.

Turn 2 – We owned that init 12-6. Double theirs! Their BJ Rises and turns it’s back to us. I run the Plainsman back. Their Valkyrie rises. Some long range fire on the Crusader. I fire at the Vulcan on the south and BJ on the center. Our Patton destroys it’s RT of the BJ. Their BJ and Vulcan drop our Patton -2 movement. Javelin nails our Pegasus engine too. -1 movement. Our Maxim hits the engine once on their BJ. Behemoth destroys the CT – dead mech! We destroy the Valkyrie’s LT. Their Crusader falls.

Turn 3 – We win init 5-4…sorry… their Crusader rises. Their Javelin hops next to our Von Lucker and Manticore. They hopped their Vulcan behind a building, I focus on the Wolverine on southern side. I want to finish the Valkyrie and drop the Crusader again this turn. Their Wolverine drops the movement on our Hetzer. They destroy it’s left side. Our 2nd Maxim destroys the CT on their Valkyrie, dead mech. Their Crusader fell.

Turn 4 – They keep pushing. They hop their Vulcan in the south back. I position. Their Crusader stays level. If I can take out the Crusader and Vulcan this turn they’d probably leave. They hop the Jav next to our Behemoth and Brutus. Wolverine hits Condor for -1 movement. Our other Hetzer destroys the RA of their Vulcan. Their Trebuchet hit our Behemoth’s engine lightly.

Turn 5 – We win init. They immobilize the Behemoth. They keep pushing. They stand the Crusader. They hop the Vulcan away near the Condor. Backup fire on the Trebuchet. Our Brutus blows off the CRD’s LL on the ground then destroys the CT, dead mech! Our Condor nails a JJ and Ml on their Vulcan. Their TBT and Vulcan don’t fall.

Turn 6 – They win init. I eject the Behemoth. I flee with the Condor at max speed. Their TBT tries to flee. I chase it down. Their Vulcan hops back. Their Jav hops next to my Hetzer. Only our Brutus can see their TBT. I fire my southern troops at the Jav. Our Brutus hits the ammo in their Trebuchet’s LRM 15 ammo, but just one shot, so they ejected since it was auto-eject, but the mech survived. The RT is gone and one engine and gyro hit too. Our Von Luckner hits their Jav’s gyro and engine once each and then destroys the CT, dead mech. We also destroy it’s RA. Can they claw back in the physical attack step? Nope!

We took out five mechs and their Vulcan is savaged and barely holding on. They flee.


Blackjack – RA ,LA, RL, LL, H
Valkyrie – LA, RT, H, RA, RL, LL
Crusader – LL, RT, RA, H, LT, LL, LA
Trebuchet – RA
Javelin – RT, RL, LL, LT, LA, H

Trebuchet missing RT, 1 hit of engine and gyro

Since the TBT ejected and can walk out, it just takes a few minutes to get it up. See below for later what happens…


Plainsman - -1 movement fix.
Patton - immobile
Pegasus - -1 engine
Hetzer – destroyed LS, we can recover (I tossed a 10)
Condor – -1 movement.
Von Luckner - -1 movement
Behemoth – immobile
Hetzer - -2 movement.

We were savaged in the heavy vees with vees, two immobile and lots of movement gone. We focused our techs on the Patton and Behemoth first since we need to leave and roll out. We can repair the Patton in a few hours and the Behemoth in 6 hours. We cannot do it on the battlefield unless we keep it. Our infantry and tank squads and techs stars grabbing salvage.
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Old 12-18-2024, 01:17 AM   #56
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The next flank is the 2nd Vee Company. We have here the three captured and salvaged Vees from the convoy like the extra Demolisher, Rommel and Harasser Missile Platform. We were able to find local dispossessed tank crews to pilot them. This squad already had a Demolisher, I am assigning whatever levels the game gives me from 4/4 to 2/4- it’s random, just like them.

Since this was a lighter vee squad without our CO in the Patton, it’s got even fewer respect.

Here is what we are facing:

JagerMech,JM6-A – this Is the variant with 2 LRM15s, 4/6, 128 armor, 10 sinks, 2 AC2s, 2 ML,
Merlin – This is a newly made mech like the Hatchetman, heavy, 168 armor, 1 PPC, LRm5, 2 ML, 1 Mg and Flamer, 18 sinks
Rifleman – 2 LL, AC5, and ML, 10 sinks, 120 armor,
Hermes II HER-2S,
Locust 1E


Here is their and our JagerMech! It emphases strong range but low armor with AC2 the longest ranged weapon in the era.

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Old 12-18-2024, 12:21 PM   #57
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Yes the infantry are here this time too! We also have the VTOLs and on the City Park map too.

Turn 1 – We lose init badly 11-5. Their Longbow at the top and +1 to movement is our target of opportunity in the north. It’s at medium range for long range weapons and long range for medium ones like ML and AC20. Their Commando hits our Von Luckner -1 move, our Hunter hits the Longbow’s LRM 20. It falls.

Turn 2 – We win 8-7 init! They are open on my Harasser, I eject it. They are flanking the Vindicator north, I move there with a Galleon and Saracen, their Griffin hops on top of the Saracen next to our Galleon in the woods. It looks like their Longbow tried to stand and broke it’s H cockpit the pilot died but it also destroyed the RA. I could move my tanks around to answer the Vindicator and Griffin north. Or push for that Commando which has yet to move. I move the Ontos north. I back up the Demolisher their Commando moves north too, the other Demolisher and Rommel by it. The Commando’s double SRM is rough vs tanks and it only moved +1. I will fire at it and the Demolisher and Rommel that can see it. Target of opportunity for that Centurion. Everything else north at the Vindicator.

Demolisher #2 destroyed the Commando’s RA, hit the ammo in the RT, boom, dead mech - FIRST SHOT!!!
It hit our movement on the 2nd Demolisher – 1 movement
Our Ontos hit two leg actuators in the LL of their Vindicator
Their JagerMech - 1 movement for Hunter.
Their Griffin and Vindicator fall – no kicks! The Griffin destroyed it’s RA falling.

Turn 3 – We win init. I back up our Hunter. They move the Centurion forward. Their VND stays on the ground. Rommel to it’s rear. Their Griffin rises and moves one. I move up. Ontos, Saladin and Demolisher to it’s rear! They charge our position in the north feeling this is about to end and needing to change things up. I target the damaged Centurion on folks in the center flank.

Our Behemoth blew off the CNT’s LL; hit the ammo in the LT and it blows up – dead mech!!!
Their JagerMech hurts the movement of our Shrek.
Their Merlin lightly damaged our 1st Demolisher engine again and +1 to PSR and -1move
Our Maxim destroys the LA of their Griffin this time.
Our 2nd Demolisher destroys the Griff’s LT and CT – dead mech!!!
Our Rommel destroys VND’s LA.

They eject the Vindicator and we took out five mechs in three rounds, that would shock them.


Longbow with destroyed RA, hit cockpit
Vindicator with destroyed LA, hit hip in each leg, rough to stand and move around.

Commando – LL, LA
Centurion LL, LA, H, RL, RT
Griffin -RT, RL, LL, H


Von Luckner - -2 move
Demolisher - -2 move
Hunter - -1 move
Schrek PPC Carrier - -1 move

We savaged them good and strong, with one more kill faster than the other two flanks. We load it up!
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Old 12-18-2024, 03:13 PM   #58
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They saw that we had a Command Company that didn’t fight and the two random extra BattleMechs Cataphract and Vindicator here guarding the southern entrance. They moved in a Mech company to oversmash us. Heavier like the one on the northern flank, better than the tanks, but worse than the Smash one. Then after they have fully committed out pop all captured Mechs that we had here from this planet, save for the Vulcan 5T it’s with our main company for our Wolfhound.

Here is what we have:

Trebuchet 7K
Phoenix Hawk 1kx2
Wolverine 6K

Plus, Cataphract, Enforcer, Vindicator, Marauder, Valkyrie and Zeus.

They also are in random stuff like the three vees from last flank.

Here is who we are facing:

Thunderbolt – Heavy punch face mech with 208 armor, 4/6, 16 sinks, 2 MG, 3 ML, SRM 2, LRM 15, LL - love it loads!!!
Warhammer – WHM-6R – 160 tons, 2 PPC, 1 SRM6, 2 MG, 2 ML, 2 SL, 18 sinks – 4/6
Clint – CLNT2-3T – 1 LL, 2 ML, 78 armor, 6/9/6
Phoenix Hawk
Stinger STG-3R -2 MG, 1 ML
Firestarter – FS9-H – 88 armor, 2 Ml, 2 MG, 4 Flamer one rear – 6/9/6 movement

Here is their Warhammer, an iconic battlefield mech!!!

No infantry – yes on the City Park Map. All vet. I’d love to capture that Thunderbolt and Whitworth! And Warhammer too, but it’s lightly armored you need to protect it or do a variant instead. Remember the Thunderbolt is what their CO uses, so I thought it made sense here. Love the Firestarter and they are pretty unique, that’s the lighter armored one too.
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Old 12-18-2024, 06:17 PM   #59
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Just as a heads up, we named this the Vee Squad, so you'll see that name popping up on sheets moving forward. Our symbol is a grey tank faced left on a black and red ribbon. Our colors are grey, black and red.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 12-18-2024 at 06:17 PM.
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Old 12-18-2024, 11:48 PM   #60
Abe Sargent
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We don’t have any infantry or VTOL/tanks to use as extra early initiative while I wait their stuff, just me and them all up and down, and make that choo choo sound, so we need that initiative here. This is an ad hoc company, not something designed to work together with traditional fire support, smash and scouts, since they are all from the 5th faster medium mechs. Many of these mechs are weaker in armor like the Quickdraw.

Turn 1 – We win init 7-6. We needed that!!! Their Whitworth is at +1 to hit on the northern flank, I target it. Some fire at the Thunderbolt +2 around 12 hexes away for those with no LOS to it. Our Cataphract’s AC10 destroys their Whitworth’s RA. It stands as does one of our PXH1K.

Turn 2 – We win 5-4. Their Whitworth jumps north on the left flank of our Quickdraw; Enforcer next to it. They are coming up the south flank. Stinger by the Enforcer. Hatchetman by their Stinger. Wolverine by their Whitworth north flank, I pullback my inner world. They set t heavy woods my Vindicator jumped too on fire. Our Zues hit’s the MG and arm actuator on their Stinger. Our Panther hit’s their Whitworth’s hip. It falls – no kicks there! Hatchet misses, no one falls from kicks.

Turn 3 – We win init 11-7. Not by one. They charge with the Thunderbolt. Their Whitworth fails to stand. Their Cicada bases my Quickdraw from the south flank. Our Hatchetman destroys the LL of the Whitworth. Limb blown off on it’s LA, on the ground. CT Destroyed by him. Dead mech! Enforcer on their Thunderbolt hits a hand actuator and a limb blown off crit for the RA weapon hand. Our MAD destroys it’s LA. Armless mech! Their Goliath gets a limb blown off crit on our PXH 1k holding the south flank. They destroy it’s CT, dead mech. We are each down a mech now. Their T Bolt falls and destroys it’s LT. They destroyed our mech keeping the south flank collapsing.

Turn 4 – Back to wining by one 10-9. I cannot find the TDR, did they eject it? I move forward and cannot find it. I back up my TBT. Their PXH bases it. Their Victor jumps north near the building. Wolverine the rear of their PXH. Quickdraw behind the Wolverine. Stinger and Scorpion next to Enforcer and PXH ours. Just sandblasts and our TBT fell.

Turn 5 – We win init, 11-9. We need to clear off some mechs soon like that Stinger. They hop their Victor to the north back rear turn to the side line so no back attacks next to Cataphract. That was savaged last round by the Victor’s AC20 and such so I back it up. Zeus and Goliath base. Their Cicada charges the north flank. PXH it’s rear next to it. Their Scorpion bases our Marauder and Wolverine. They hop the Stinger away, but my Quickdraw hops 5 to base it. Our TBT rises and rushes back.

Our QKD destroys the ML in their Stinger and destroys LT. Arm on the ground.
Our Cataphract hits the gyro once on their Victor
Our Wolverine destroys the Stinger’s CT.
Their Victor falls.
Our Trebuchet one level above their Firestarter kicks and destroys it’s LA. – it falls.
Our Marauder kicks and blows off the FRR of their Scorpion and it falls but it’s there.

With a legged Scorpion, gyro hit Victor, dead Thunderbolt, Whitty and Stinger, they eject the Scorpion and Victor and stand up the FS and flee. We let them go, we took out two big units in TBolt and Victor.


Whitworth – LA, H, RT, RL, LL
Stinger - LA, RA, RT, H, LL, RL

Thunderbolt missing LT, LA, RA reattached
Victor with – 1 hit gyro,
Scorpion with missing FRR, needs reattached.


PXH 1k – LA, RA, RT, LT, H, LL, RL

It’s destroyed.

Our techs reattach the leg in minutes and the quad mech is pilotable.
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Old 12-19-2024, 12:29 AM   #61
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
In that day of fighting, we spent 1.2 mil in armor and 750k in ammo.

June 30, 3025 – The Command Company that attacked Sir Dobson’s mech and troops was destroyed as a unit. He waited until the CO’s TDR was in range and then fired at it over and over again until it died. Their company was thrown and just attacked all out, no fleeing. They were destroyed to a mech. The various Lone Wolf units won and we did too. The retreating 2nd Amphigeans Light Assault Group give us a few moments to gather and get ready because we thumped them and they lost their CO. We already loaded up the CargoMechs and Sherpas with salvage and such, and then we load up battlefield stuff too.

Then they call down Air Strikes to force us off the battlefield since they cannot dislodge us with mechs. Sir Dobson doesn’t eject, his Awesome holds the line and orders us to our fallback spot. We have all of our mobile mechs even ones that are missing arms or torsos like the Wolfhound manned by dispossessed MWs already there, or that Scorpion with our PXH pilot and Trebuchet. All mechs with hand actuators grab and carry salvage. Some salvage and mechs will be hit, we’ll throw to see what later.

We coordinate leaving with the Lone Wolfs. We move into lines cannot be strafed or bombed easily. We both have DropShips at the port, and we’ll both combine and try to break through the fighter screen to get out together and pool our resources. We march slowly enough for our tanks and 3/5 CargoMechs, and then retreat for the DropPort.

We arrive at the DropPort, load our stuff, and blast our for the fallout position, which is the real Star League base.

We have heading out our two Avengers, all of our carry DropShips the Fortress, Overlord and Condor, 4 Fighters, and a surprise… They have just their three transport Drops. No fighters.

We head out and then they attack in a big wave, no additional Aerospace support like DropShips. Our Avengers kill two fighters and their fighters one of my fighters are killed. And then in their rear an attack happens, and another fighter of theirs dies. They see our captured and healed Leopard CV and fighter we fixed in space to their rear, and the Leopard CV is still painted in Draconis Combine colors and logo so it was slipping in. They are flanked. And another fighter will die to the CV and then more to our Avengers and us and the Wolf DropShips. They flee and we are able to escape.

We cannot salvage the lost fighter. We took around another 6 mill in damage to the Avengers and our Drops for armor lost.

We make it to the backup spot.

New Derry City fell.

The Combine captured the DropPort.

July 2, 3025 – After hearing of the fall and war crime at New Derry City, the Suns are galvanized.

July 9, 3025 – No battles or skirmishes it seems folks are grinding to a halt. Peace talks are held.

July16, 3025 – The ceasefire is agreed to and in 2 weeks, the forces will retreat off planet.

August 10, 3025 – Our contract ends, and since hostilities have ended, we are not extended with the Emergency Extension Clause.

Now let’s settle up!
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Old 12-19-2024, 01:51 AM   #62
Abe Sargent
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Savage April 21st Battle we didn’t fix up, and cash:

Jenner missing LA, RT,- current value – 2.5 mill – to fix – 618k
Jenner – missing RL, RA – current value 2.6 mill – to fix 518k
Shadow Hawk 2K missing RA – current – 4.15 mill – to fix – 375k
Panther, missing LL, LT, - current - 1.8 mill, to fix 626k
Trebuchet 7K – Missing RT, LA, - current – 3.2 mill – to fix 805k


Hunchback – Hx2,RL, RT, Rax2, LT, LLx2, LA
Trebuchet TBT-7K - LA, RL, H
Clint – LT, LL
Centurion – RA, LA, H, LL
Scorpion – H, RRL, LFL, LLL, LT

Salvage from May 22 Raid Not Fixed Up:

Victor – H, LA, RA, LT
Archer 2k – H, LA, RA, LL
Dervish – RA, LL , H, LT

Centurion missing RT – fixed. See below.

Salvage, June 30th Battle

Thunderbolt missing LT, LA, RA reattached – current - 4.5 mill, to fix 950k
Victor with 1 hit gyro,
Scorpion with missing FRR, needs reattached.
Longbow with destroyed RA, hit cockpit
Vindicator with destroyed LA, hit hip in each leg, rough to stand and move around. – current – 2.65 mill, to fix 618k
Trebuchet missing RT, 1 hit of engine and gyro – fixed, see below
Cicada missing RL, RT, RA – fixed see below
Catapult with 3 engine, 3 gyro hits,


Commando – LA
Centurion LL, LA, H, RL, RT
Griffin -RT, RL, LL, H
Whitworth – LA, H, RT, RL, LL
Stinger - LA, RA, RT, H, LL, RL
Blackjack – RA ,LA, RL, LL, H
Valkyrie – LA, RT, H, RA, RL, LL
Crusader – LL, RT, RA, H, LT, LL, LA
Trebuchet – RA
Javelin – RT, RL, LL, LT, LA, H
Banshee RA, LA, H, LL,
Shadow Hawk – H, RL, RT, LT

These things were damaged I am rolling that the badly damaged Shadow Hawk and Scorpion had their CT destroyed and are now just parts. Also a few loose parts were destroyed (Commando LL, Banshee LT, Clint LL and Centurion LL). Also a few salvaged mechs lost pieces. (2nd Jenner RA, Shadow Hawk 2k LL, Cicada RA). Also on the raids, I am assuming another 500k armor lost.

We fix the Victor in two days, the Catapult’s engine and gyro in 7, the hips in the Vindicator in 12 hours, the Trebuchet engine and gyro in 3 days, the Longbow’s cockpit hit in one day, what is the weight on a Longbow? 85 tons, can we use the Stalker arm? Both are 85 tons, yes, I toss an 8, we can get it in 8 days. I use the Centurion RT we salvaged to fix the one we have in 2 days. I attach the SHD RL to the one we salvaged. I use the Hunchback RT we salvaged for the Trebuchet normal, three days later it’ll be done. I use the Clint Ra and Whitworth RT and RL for that Cicada and in a few days.

Without spending cash I am leaving with Victor, Cicada, Trebuchet, Centurion, Catapult, Vindicator, Longbow, Scorpion, from the salvage or what we grabbed. Not bad!!


Relief Duty for Fed Suns on Galtor III
Payment – 1.3 for Suns, 3.4 for negotiation, 1.5 for style of contract
Salvage – Full
Length – 4 months
Command – House
Transport - 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss AND 50% Straight Support
Remuneration – None

Our Salary for one month is 183,138.


Salary for 4 months and upkeep – 732,552
Renting Avenger – 750k
Damage to Ships 6 mill
Armor on way out – 500k
To fix Leopard CV – 9 mill
To fix Sholagar – 1.5 mill
On the Fall of New Derry City - 1.2 mil in armor and 750k in ammo –
From Supply Raid – 750k armor, 500k ammo
To repair Corsair: 1 mill
From City Defense - 2.5 mill on armor and 1.75 mill on ammo

Total Spent
– 26,932,552 cash

We lost:

Corsair twice – 2.75 millx2
PXH 1k – 3.6 mill

Total lost
– 9.1 mill

They pay us:

50% Battle Loss - 4,550,000
50% Support – 6,975,000
Salary – 4,856,819

Total Paid – 16,381,819

Total lost
– -10,550,732

Current War Chest – 11399996

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Old 12-19-2024, 02:28 PM   #63
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Please note that in story, the Lone Wolves broke out of the New Derry City fighter screen with just their three JumpShips and nothing else with no losses, so adding us made sense. But I added in the lost Fighter.

I spend that 950k to fix up that Thunderbolt all up and good. Love it loads. We fixed in waiting for the end of our deal with our war chest. I also spent 750k to fix up a Jenner and turn it into a JR7-F that’s the variant one with 4 ML and removes the SRMs and then adds that to armor to increase survivability as well a s removing the ammo explosion possibility. I pull that 1.7 mill from that war chest.

Aug 27, 3025 – We arrive back at the Mercenary’s Star after 250k spent on recharges. I need to fill a bunch of stuff.

We have these transport assets:


Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles


Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, just 7 vees used no Infantry used here either
Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, two free.
Leopard CV – “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters, has none

We rechristened the Leopard CV the “Avenger’s Assistance” since it was captured by them. I have space for 32 vees and with my captured that’s 33 with the VTOLs. I sell the four CargoMechs for 10 mill. I keep the Sherpas and J-27s.

I have space for 15 infantry and I have 11, so four free.

I have space for 12 fighters but just 4.

I have space for 48 mechs and with the salvage and fixed ones, I have 36 including the open salvaged ones and the Griffin 2N Star League era thing we got paid on Galtor III. That’s basically an Overlord Battalion one shy. I could add some assault mechs to round out my TOE and make another two Mech companies and then have a nice fun Battalion of mechs. I also need more DropShips for vees since once I filled the open salvage, we’ll be one more. I also could just split up and do two contracts. We could send the Fortress, Leopard CV and JumpShip for one contract with our main company just 12 mechs and three infantry like normal and company of tanks too and then do another with the Overlord, and Condor. I could send CO Flavia with the Fortress and then 2nd tank company and then the CO Stephen Marsh with the first tank company and then all other mechs and 6 Fighter and infantry too.

So I need to bring in 8 fighters with them, a few MechWarriors with assaults, and smashing high armor stuff like our Atlas, BattleMaster and salvaged Thunderbolt mechs since most of our salvage faster and lighter, even the Victor and Quickdraw, and disposed for the Mechs we capture and vees too. Then a DropShip for more Vees would be great too, or maybe an escort or Assault like the Avenger.

I am heading out to recruit! As a reminder when I head out I can recruit once for each influence of my recruiter, and then all of my starters I spent two influence points on can also recruit for their influence too. Then my other starters one influence can make one attempt only, but only if it’s for their own unit. Stephen has 5 influence, Flavia 7 influence, Evan 5 influence, so that’s 17 recruiting attempts I can make now. Then I roll two D6 and my base is 7, + or -based on type, but tanks have none, then -4 for dispossessed, no changes for the same type (elite, veteran), +1 for Mechs, +2 for fighters, weight class pluses and such. I go for fighters first, since that’s our biggest need.


Elite, Andrew Tomito, Slayer, heavy
Veteran, Rachel Radcliffe, Riever, heavy
Elite, Midge Monroe, Shilone, medium
Veteran, Etienne Martineau, Stingray, medium,
Veteran, Helga Svensdottir, Lucifer, medium
Veteran, Martin McEnroe, Shilone, medium
Veteran, Thelma Mangiest, Sparrowhawk, light
Elite, Jeffrey Sinclair, Chippewa, heavy

Welcome to the team!!!

Dispossessed MechWarriors:

Elite, Wesley Weston, Thunderbolt
Elite, Donny Alvarez, Trebuchet
Elite, Min-Ji Cho, Vulcan 5T
Elite, Swee-Chun Tai, Catapult
Elite, Asitadhvaja Tarkhan, Griffin 2N
Elite, Rogelli Coloccia, Victor

New Ones:

Elite, Kenny Chase, Stalker
Elite, Michelle Guegan, Crusader, CRD-3D

Dispossessed Tank Crew:

Elite, Marsha Tawsonna, Demolisher

Here are my first 17 recruits. There is a recruiting rule called Settling for Less so If you are trying for elite assault but roll one fewer you can try for elite heavy or veteran assault. I got one number too bad for a dispossessed good MW, but crew instead! A Stalker ain’t exactly a powerhouse at closing, but it’s better than my other salvaged mechs. That Crusader’s the variant we already had with better sinks but worse SRMs and minus 2 MLs.
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Old 12-19-2024, 03:01 PM   #64
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Do I send out Flavia and Tank Company #2 and 6 fighters on a deal now, and then on the 1st recruit a new DropShip? Or wait until the 1st for another batch of 17 recruits with the extra 7 she brings? And then a DropShip on the Oct1st? Either make tons of sense…

Let’s look at contracts to see what we can uncover? Maybe that’ll keep us knowing.

With 90 points we are now rated B!!!

3 offers:

1. The Suns want us to Objective Raid a world that has a mixed battalion of tanks and infantry and mechs for the area they want us to hit.
2. Company in periphery wants us to pirate hunting for long enough to take them out months, they’ve been hit bad.
3. Lyran Commonwealth needs us to do security for 4 months,

Let’s talk Suns! Their world they want us to hit is 6 jumps away at the Draconis Combine border world of Cylene which exchanged hands a few times the last few years, and was reconquered by them in 3020. They want us to smash them hard, and then to punish them for their attacks on Galtor III two jumps away. It’s 11 days to the Jump point, doesn’t have a station. It’s defended by the 9th Dieron Regulars that are regular, not the vets we are used to from Galtor. It’s pretty quiet world with little here like minerals, vegetation or industry. Hence it being regular home. We just need to destroy a base and then head back out.

We have 90 point and +10% for Suns who are nice trying to get merc deals and +10% for elite negotiator. 108 total points, we put up salvage and spend 50 to get full 58. They grab length and offer 2 months we spend 5 points and make it one, 53. We want support next, 25 points for 50% Support and Battle Loss, 28. They grab salary, -25 x3.7. 3 points. We snag remuneration, no, 13 points. They choose Command - Liaison, no points. We want transport rights 50%, 3 points left 1% signing bonus.

Contract #4:

Federated Suns Objective Raid on Cylene

Salvage - Full
Salary - x3.7; x 1.6;1.3
Remuneration - Nope
Support – 50% Battle Loss AND Support
Command – Liaison
Transport- 50%
Length – One Month

We can be on world on Oct 15. We take the Fortress, and Leopard CV

Sept 1st, 3025 – We try to bring in a DropShip with some more tanks with our Condor and Overlord. Or I could just try for an escorting s ship like an Avenger. Here you cannot settle for less, if I roll less or better, nope. An Avenger is 4 on a d12. An Achilles is 5. It can carry 2 fighters, 2 small craft and is nasty. I try to bring it In and…8 tossed.


DropShip – Achilles, named “March of Glory”. Has 57.5 tons of armor, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles, 6 PPC, 3 AC20, 2 AC10, 4 AC5, 1 LRm10, 6 LRM 20, 4 LL, 12 ML. Nasty! 2 empty Fighters.

We look for deals!

We are offered 2.

1. CC wants us to Recon Raid. It’s the Lyran world of the Isle of Skye called
Summer one jump away. No battle is needed. We cannot be noticed.
2. Marik wants us to Security for an unpopular governor about to announce he is not stepping down for three months until things cool down. It’s on the world of New Hope, a world so boring nothing is written about it near the Lyran border 1 jump from Solaris VII, hence nothing really here defending them.

I like both! I negotiate for each:

Negotiation for CC: They also give us +10% because they love us. Then +10% for elite 108 points. I put up salvage, we want full, they agree, 58. They pull 25 for salary 3.7. 33. We pull for transport, 50: because I ‘ll have to rent a JumpShip. They offer Liaison. 15 points for 50% Support and Battle Loss, just in case things go wrong. 13. One month, remuneration yes, 1% signing bonus

Contract #5:

Capellan Confederation Recon Raid on Summer
Salvage - Full
Salary - x3.7; x 1.3;1.2
Remuneration - Yes
Support – 50% Support
Command – Liaison
Transport- 50%
Length – One Month

We’ll be there on Sept 10, Charging Station at Nadir point. It’s just 2 days and we are 6We are renting a JumpShip and taking all infantry and then a Leopard with a Lance, Alice Sanchez’s Command Lance from the Mech company for emergencies, and we are buying:

2 Boomerang Spotter Planes – 100k for 2 of them
2 Swift Wind Scout Car – 190k for both

For scouting.

I am paying for the JumpShip and Leopard for one jump 120k there and 120k back, I am renting a Mule for 30k too for storage in case we come across some good stuff.

Negotiation for FWL
: We have 99 points. We spend 50 on full salvage but they spend 25 and pull to Shared. 74. They spend 25 to rise salary to 3.7. 49. We spend 25 for 50% battle loss and support. 24, they want Command to be integrated +5 to us. 29. We want transport and we agree to just pay our, and then they grab remuneration. 3 months, no changes. 8% signing bonus

Contract #6:

Free Worlds League, Security on New Hope
Salvage - Shared
Salary - x3.7; x 1.4;1.3
Remuneration - Yes
Support – 50% Support and 50% Battle Loss
Command – Integrated
Transport- None
Length – 3 Month
8% signing bonus

We are sending everything else there, Condor, Overlord, Achilles - we’ll be there Oct 3rd.
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Old 12-19-2024, 04:10 PM   #65
Abe Sargent
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Let’s do these in order. I will hit up each contract and then just do it, and then rotate back for each one, make sense? Gotcha!!!

The Objective Raid on Cylene

Oct 3, 3025 - We arrive in the system of Cylene at the Nadir point. No massive traffic here, we unfurl the bad stuff and head to planet.

Oct 14, 3025 – We are on planet, it’s 11 days away. Our fighters are out and screen us down. We land our DropShips by a DropPort about an hour from the base we need to hit up.
We load up and head out!

They send in 12 normal fighters (not Aerospace) ones to protect our presence so they head out to fight.

Our intel looks to be mostly right at their HQ. They do have one company of mechs and tanks just like us, and a company infantry too which is three platoons like us too. But they have a quartet of VTOLS to scout around and face us.

Flavia and Sven unload their weapons and move in hot!

Here is what we are running into:

4 Warrior VTOLS
Three infantry –


Crusader 3K variant
Orion – ON1-K Nasty smash mech with 4/6, 231 armor, 10 sinks, 2 ML, 1 AC 10, 1 LRm 15, SRM4,
Trebuchet K variant
Shadow Hawk 2K

All regular. They are on the north and us on the south. The Orion is a vet.


Partisanx2 – 4 AC5s each
LRM Carrier
Vedette – AC10 variant
J. Edgar

All regular.

This is their Orion, which I’d love to bring in!!!

On the map are bigger buildings, concrete, roads and some light woods.
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Old 12-20-2024, 01:06 AM   #66
Abe Sargent
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I put most of my heavy units on the left flank.

Turn 1 – We win init 11-9. I charge down the left flank. Their Orion on the right flank. They flank a VOTL to my rear. I fire at the Condor short range and Crusader long range on the left flank. Our Archer immobilizes their Condor. Their Crusader falls.

Turn 2 – We win init 9-7. They eject the Condor. They bring the Crusader stand and on the right flank. Our PXH-1 in the rear next to their Orion, Wolfhound behind him. Their Dragon fell while turning and running on a street. Jav next to it in the rear. I fire at the Dragon on this flank. Our Anti-Mech Jump hit the J. Edgar and halved it’s movement, our Awesome hits the AC10 on their Orion, and then the head and smashes the cockpit, dead mech! Flavia’s Atlas hits the ammo in their Dragon and it blows up, dead mech! Our Atlas and PXh fall from damage, sad face no kick on the Orion. Our BM destroys the Rl on the Jenner and it falls.

Turn 3 – We killed two mechs and a tank, they keep pushing. We win init 9 -5. I move my Archer to the right flank to help there. Atlas rises and walks 3. Jav next to their LRM Carrier. Grasshopper behind and next to Crusader also two Maxims and Saracen. Pixie rises. I go overheat with the Jav to try and take out the LRM Carrier. Also I flanked over the Saladin. Wasp next to our Demolisher in the woods. Some firing at the Griffin and Atlas. Our Jav destroys the LRM Carriers left side. Our infantry hit the slower J. Edgar again and dropped movement another -2. Their Awesome fell with the onslaught of damage, Crusader sill standing. No one falls during the physical attack phase.

Turn 4 – We killed another tank, no losses, they keep coming. We lose init 6-8. Their Awesome stands. Atlas and our Awesome next to it! CRD too. Their CRD stands still. PXH moves and Grasshopper does too.

Our Saracen drops their Bulldog’s speed -2 and stuns the crew, our Behemoth 2 more turns of stunned crew.
Anti-Mech inf hit J. Edgar for another -1 speed.
Their Hetzer hits an arm actuator in our Atlas.
Our Ontos blows off the LA of their Awesome, it’s on the ground
Their Partisan hits 2 heat sinks on our Atlas
Their Jenner hit our Demolisher’s engine and dropped it’s speed 1
Our Maxim armor explosion on their Crusader dead mech.
Our Schrek smashes and destroys their Wasp 1k’s RL
Our BM destroys their Awesome’s LT and then hits the gyro once
Awesome’s hip on LL hit by Von Luckner.
The Awesome falls and hits it’s gyro once more, dead mech!!! They knock over the Atlas again
Our Crusader kicks their Hetzer, -1 movement.

I assign the Awesome kill to the BM since that started the gyro hit. With two more mechs dying and a legged Wasp, they eject the legged mechs and we capture the stunned crew Bulldog.



Orion ON1K with a hit cockpit
Awesome with missing LT, 2 gyro hits – current value – 5,900,000 and to fix 625k
Jenner missing RL – current value 2.75 mil, to fix 350k
Wasp 1K with missing RL, current value 1.25 mill, to fix 350k

Dragon – RA, LT, H, LA
Crusader – RA, H, RL, LT


Condor – immobile
LRM Carrier – not salvageable tossed a 6.
Bulldog – damaged engine -2 speed


Atlas - HSs sink

Demolisher -1 speed

We captured two tanks and four mechs, great deal!!! We can heal the Orion in two days, the Awesome gyro in 4. We fix the Atlas and Demolisher of ours in a few days, and the immobile Condor in 4, but the Bulldog fails a few times, so 7 days for it.

We destroy the HQ after raiding 2.5 mill worth of supplies as well.

We spent only 300,000 on armor and 150k on ammo, no battle losses. We blast out on the 16th and leave on the 27th.

Contract Stuff:

Federated Suns Objective Raid on Cylene
Salvage - Full
Salary - x3.7; x 1.6;1.3 -
Remuneration - Nope
Support – 50% Battle Loss AND Support
Command – Liaison
Transport- 50%
Length – One Month

Our salary for this month is 133,364.

We spent:

Salary - 2 months here and then this month: 266,728
Armor and Ammo – 450k

Total –

We were paid:

Salary – 833,925
Strait Support – 225k

– 1,058,925

We made 342,197

I spend 625k to get the Awesome up and running. We lost 282,803 after. War chest is 21,418,193 after selling 2.5 mill supplies.

End of Contract #4.
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Old 12-20-2024, 02:07 AM   #67
Abe Sargent
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Begin of Contract #5:

Sept 10, 3025 – Our infantry and Evan Marsh’s mech lance and scouting vees arrive at Summer and unload. We are tasked here with scouting the defenses of a few places on the mineral rich and germanium deposits of 8945mill. It’s a rocky hard world to raise planets on with a low ozone layer We are to infiltrate it’s defenses. We land on the captial of Curitiba on the Lestrade Continent.

They make JumpShip parts here locally and there is garrison here protecting it. We begin to scout out the local defenses here at the DropPort, and then the capital too here on this continent. We use infantry to find out more about it and then the Boomerang’s camera to do the same. We scout with the Swift Wind. They use the same patrol times and places at the DropPort, a local fort and garrison at the factory and more and then the capital proper, making an attack and ambush vary likely

Sept 19, 3025 – We arrive at the DropPort at another continent and then scout out, we notice the same here at a factory defense and fort and DropPorts too. Always taking the same time, and directions from one location to another.

Sept 28, 3025 – We arrive at another continent and then unfurl our scout stuff and continue to scout! Here we check a base by the mines, the DropPort and the local cites and such more, all with the same weaknesses, open to an ambush

Oct 10,3025 – We finish on Summer and report our findings with the Liaison. He has been taking note this time with us and agrees. He hands Evan Marsh an envelope. They want to sign us to an Objective Raid here at the Lestrade base by the mines and destroy it before they change up things. They will offer us 10 mill CBills for this as well as the same deal. We also agree to 50% Battle Loss. We contact the group on the Fortress and Leopard CV and they will head here, one jump away from home. They use charge stations, and spend 250k

Nov 15 – The group returns from Cylene and then unloads here with Fighter and Leopard CV cover and the Fortress by the mine base DropPort. No one challenges us. We sent out our unit to attack them when one company is out patrolling at its furthest away spot and an hour away later that day. Just two to garrison it. We can destroy the defenders, raid the base and then destroy it with bombs from my infantry long before they get back.

We have all infantry and then the 16 mechs and 12 vees against 24 good numbers:


Zeus ZEU-6S
Marauder – MAD-3R
Trebuchet TBT-5S – SRM one
Phoenix Hawk
Hermes II – HER-2S
Locust 1S

Our foes are regular mostly, the Zeus is a veteran.


Puma Assault Tank – veteran here
J. Edgar
2 Saracen

I’d love to salvage another Brutus and Puma. That Trebuchet is a tank nasty one with the SRMs and should be an early opportunity of killing them.

This is their and our Zeus:

It’s okay armor, okay weapons and okay sinks, nothing amazing, but it’s beloved by the Commonwealth and House Steiner. We have one too!

We are fighting in hills by a mine with roads. There are some sparse woods here, not much.
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Old 12-20-2024, 01:44 PM   #68
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – I lose init 6-5. We have one hex pass in the roughly middle of the south I set up m heavy stuff to smash into like Atlas and BattleMaster and Banshee with that big tank under us. I move Wolfhound next to their Maxim. A Spider bases our PXH on the west flank. It’s +6 tohi for my long range support due to Forests. I split west flank fire with the Spider, Brutus and Rifleman. Center flank their Zeus. +0 to hit. Saracen on the east flank target. Their Marauder hit our Demolisher and gave it +1 PSR. Our Von Luckner hits their Zeus’s gyro once. Our Zeus hit their Saracen and it’s immobile. Their Zeus falls the pilot blacks out after 3 hits.

Turn 2 – We lose init 6-5 again. They eject the Saracen. They back up their right flank. Center flank on their JagerMech. Scouts on the Brutus again if they can see it. A few randomly at the Pike. I try to decapitate the Zeus. Our JagerMech stuns their Pike crew for two turns. Our Crusader ignites the AC ammo on their JM, boom!!! Dead mech! Their Zeus still alive. We started a fire in it’s hex though.

Turn 3 – We lose init 10 to 12. They leap their PXH next to ours. Our Javelin behind their Brutus. Spider next to it, PXH next to the Spider. Our Enforcer bases their other Saracen. Drillson in our Grasshopper’s rear. Long range fire on the Spider, scout mechs on the Brutus, I fire at the Marauder on the east flank. It’s more durable than the JagerMech, and it’s behind a hill. And I still need to split fire with decapitating the Zeus.

Our Archer hits the engine 2 on their Spider
Our Valkyrie drops their Brutus speed -1, Our Jav another -1
Their MAD another -1 movement on our Demolisher
Our Banshee hits their Zeus gyro once more and then engine once. Dead Zeus!
Their Drillson -1 movement our Behemoth and jammed our turret
We stun their Pike for another round

Turn 4 – With their CO dead I am giving them one turn of revenge to turn this around. We win init 10-4. They turn the Brutus. I move out my Archer. Their MAD moves further behind the hill. Their Spider retreats. Our Awesome bases their Drillson. Valkyrie and Hopper near the Brutus. Our Zeus bases their MAD. Everything that sees their MAD targets it.

Our Atlas destroys the MAD’s LA, hits the AC5 ammo in the KLT, boom, dead mech!!!
Our Jav drops the movement on their Pike -2; stuns crew another 2 rounds
Our Anti-Mech infantry hit the LL in their Stinger and two leg actuators
Our Grasshopper immobilizes their Brutus!!!
Our Demolisher hits the Pike another -1 movement
Our Behemoth – destroys it.
Our Hunch -2 movements their Drillson
Our Ontos destroys the side of their other Saracen.
Their Stinger fell
Nothing else wounded from our Zeus and Awesome kicks on their Drillson and Goblin.

With none of our tanks even immobile and none of our mechs with a missing arm, they flee.


Zeus with 2 gyro hits; 1 engine, hit LRM15.

JagerMech - RA, H, LL
Marauder – H, RA, RT


Saracen - immobile
Brutus – Immobile
Pike - -3 movement, not salvageable.
Saracen – not salvageable


Demolisher – fix engine, -1 movement
Behemoth - -1 movement, unjam turret

They are going to reloads, rearmor and join the company. Remember this is the one with the rented Mule. We load up some goods with our infantry and carry with arms of mechs, have fighter support to keep them off our backs, and then load up and blow up the base with explosives planted by our infantry.
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Old 12-20-2024, 03:50 PM   #69
Abe Sargent
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We fix the Zeus gyro hit in 4 days and the engine another 2. But fixing the LRM15 is harder than we thought and that’s another 4 days. 10 days total. That Marauder death is common since it’s AC5 ammo in the LT is the only thing there. Many MWs will just eject the ammo as soon as the 1st turn.

Finances Stuff:

Capellan Confederation Recon/Obj Raid on Summer
Salvage - Full
Salary - x3.7; x 1.3;1.6
Remuneration - Yes
Support – 50% Support and Battle Loss Too
Command – Liaison
Transport- 50%
Length – Two Month

We spent:

2 months of Salary - 272,750
Transport: 240k - 80k Mule, 160K DropShip, JumpShip
Support - 550k - 250k armor and 300k ammo – light day little touched

Total Spent – 1,062,750


Salary – 1,049,542
Transport – 120k
Support – 275k
Sale of Goods – 575k
Bonus – 10 mill

Total Paid –

We made 10,956,792

Our warchest is 32418193

End of Contract #5!!
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Old 12-20-2024, 09:45 PM   #70
Abe Sargent
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Contract #6:

October 3, 3025 – We arrive at New Hope in the FWL! We unload and get ready and begin to tour around the elected Governor’s mansion. He is not popular, not because of graft or corruption, but because his planet is going through a financial crises, and the austerity measures he introduced to cut into them. They have asked him to resign for another party but he feels this is the best option for the planet’s economy.

October 4 – He announces that he is not stepping down after we have gotten unloaded and on patrol. Vandalism acts increase.

In order to see what happens, in month 1, if I roll a 7, yes, month 2 8, and then month 9 3. Then we head home, make sense?

October 9 – More police cars are begun to be overturned.

Quiet begins to unfold as people begin to take it in. (I tossed 6)

November 5 - A rival politician of a local party that would take over if the Governor resigns, has begun to call for the violent ouster of the current guy.

Signs of violence increase

November 12 – His troops move to take out the Governor and violently overthrow him. (I tossed a 11). We move out to interrupt him. They have a reinforced company of mechs and tanks mixed.

Remember we have 1st Tank Company without the infantry, with the Demolisher and Mechs we grabbed and filled in Galatea.

This is our foe:


Banshee BNC-3M - 2 PPC, 2 Ml, 1 Sl, 240 armor, 16 sinks, 4/6 movement
Marauder MAD-3M – 2 LL, 20 sinks, AC5, 2 ML, 4/6, 184 armor
Hermes II 2M
Locust 1M – With LRM5s

The Banshee has a veteran. The rest regular


Schrek PPC Carrier – veteran
Rhino Fire Support Vee
AC2 Carrier
Gladius Medium Hovertank – Ac10, 98 armor
J. Edger Light Hovertank
Scorpion Light Tank
Striker Light Tank

They are charging us from the south.

This is our Vulcan 5T a 40 ton variant we captured in Galtor III that’s pretty good at close range with 6/9/6 movement, 112 armor, 12 sinks, 4 ML, 1 Flamer and one MG

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Old 12-21-2024, 01:30 AM   #71
Abe Sargent
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We are on a Grasslands map, I charge down the center. I would love to get that Rhino, but this is shared salvage, remember.

Turn 1 – We lose init 3-9. Three times our roll!!! Their J. Edgar skidded and is +6 to hit, but his turret is jammed. Fire Support at the Goblin. I focus on the Rhino on the flank. Our Crusader hits it and drops movement 1. Our Bulldog halves it’s movement. Our Maxim stuns the crew for 2 turns and then destroys the LS. Dead tank! They halve our movement on a Hetzer

Turn 2 – We lose init 5-10 – ouch!!! I eject the Hetzer, Their MAD flanks our left. I split fire with the Rhino and Marauder.

Our Plainsman -2s the movement of their Rhino
Our Golbin destroys the engine on their Rhino
Our Bulldog hit the AC5 on their MAD
Their MAD fell and critted the AC5 ammo and it booms – dead mech!

Turn 3 – We win init 7-3. They eject the Rhino. Vulcan rear and behind their Banshee, also Condor and Plainsman. Our Griffin next to their Locust’s flank. I need that PPC Carrier and Banshee out if I want to win the field. If I can target both, I choose the easier one from that spot.

Our Plainsman hit the hip and leg actuator on the LL of the Banshee
Srms from our Griffin hit the Head twice on their Locust.
Our Maxim destroys the Locust’s RL; then the engine and gyro once each
Their Shrek halves our Patton’s movement
Our Bulldog kills the driver of their Shrek
Their Banshee and Locust fall, and the pilot of the Locust passes out from three damage.
I don’t kick the downed Locust I am liable to destroy it.
Our Vulcan kicks and get’s a limb blown off the Banshee’s LA, it’s on the ground

Are they going to push it? We killed three tanks and a Marauder and then blacked out the Locust. 5 of their starting 14 are out. Right now their leader, the Banshee is able to leave slowly with hip and leg actuator hit. We only lost a Hetzer and we had to eject it, it’s fine. They push it.

Turn 4 – We lose init 7-8. His Banshee doesn’t rise. I charge it’s position with everything. Their Hermes II bases my Hunter and Crusader and our Griffin it. I split fire with the Hunter on the flank. A little on the Bulldog for those with no LOS.

Our Hetzer destroys the Hunter’s side.
Their Bulldog hurst our Brutus engine, with worse PSRs
Our Manticore hits the movement twice on their Bulldog and then destroys side.
Their Hunter hit our Condor’s movement once
All kicks land, none fall.
Our Crusader savages their AC2 Carrier and destroys the front,

Their Locust didn’t wake up. They call it, but when they try to leave, we strafe them and keep them from moving so they surrender the wounded Banshee that cannot break from their cover since is just has the one movement. He ejects and Is picked up by his men and flees.


Goblin – ½ movement, destroyed side, reparable, value is 607k
Rhino – destroyed engine – current value 3.25 mil; to fix – 1 mill
Shrek – Dead crew; current value – 3,828,000
Hunter – destroyed side; salvageable – current value - 1,135,000
Bulldog - -2 movement, destroys side, I tossed a 7, unrecoverable.
AC/2 Carrier – destroyed front, yes, salvageable – current value 1,086,000

Locust 1M with a destroyed RL, value of – 1.375 mill, to fix 300k
Marauder 3M – RA, H, LL, LT – 820 mill
Banshee 3M – With a LA needing reattached, hit hip, leg actuator, hit PPC and ML – current value 9,824,000

Total value of salvage – 21,925,000

We get 10,962,500

We can salvage that much, which is the Banshee and Hunter or all four tanks and Locust and parts. I do the four tanks and Locust.


Hetzer – ½ movement
Patton – ½ movement
Brutus – engine
Condor - -1 movement

We repair the movement damaged Goblin, in 3 days and then our stuff in a few days each, the Brutus was 12 so that’s super fast. We will have to replace the Rhino engine which is a 240 engine. It’s got 272 armor, 2 LRM 20s, one LRM10, 2 Mls and 3/5 movement love it much. That engine is fusion. We fix the Banshee back to pristine condition in a few days.
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Old 12-21-2024, 01:49 AM   #72
Abe Sargent
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January 3, 3026 – Everything else was quiet on the world after we put them down hard and fast.

Contract Time:

Free Worlds League, Security on New Hope
Salvage - Shared
Salary - x3.7; x 1.4;1.3
Remuneration - Yes
Support – 50% Support and 50% Battle Loss
Command – Integrated
Transport- None
Length – 3 Month
8% signing bonus

Our monthly salary is 75,541

We spent:

Salary – 377,705 – 5 months one there, one back and 3 here
Support – 800k- We spent 350k on armor and 450k on ammo this was missile heavy.

Total Spent
– 1,177,705


Salary – 1,156,079
Bonus – 122,086
Support – 400k
Shared Salvage - 10,962,500

Total Paid – 12,640,665

Total Made after Costs – 11,462,960

Our war chest is 43,881,153

I spend 1 mil to fix that Rhino!

End of Contract #6!!!
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Old 12-21-2024, 12:55 PM   #73
Abe Sargent
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Nov 25, 3025 – We arrive back on Galatea! This is our first big rewind from one campaign or contract. Both Evan Marsh and Flavia Obed-Marsh are here, so they can do some recruiting together, with 12 total options. We have free our captured Orion, Awesome, Zeus, Brutus Assault Tank, Saracen tank, Condor and Bulldog Tanks and then the legged but not fixed Jenner and Wasp. We also need two fighters for the Achilles. We fix up the damaged Jenner and convert it to a Jenner JR7F for 500k.

Here are my recruits!


Elite, Megan Algave, Chippewa, heavy
Elite, Rachel Plamontine, Transgressor, heavy

Dispossessed Mechwarriors:

Elite, Orion 1K, Abdul Reis el Drogman
Elite, Awesome, Shirley Myers
Elite, Zeus ZEU-6T, Zedorik Kusmierz
Elite, Jenner JKR7-F, Vixen Victor,

Dispossessed Tanks:

Elite, Jumaana Latif, Brutus
Elite, Condor, Ammuc Juta
Elite, Bulldog, Gary Kerrison
Elite, Saracen Tank, Varuni Sethi

That’s 10, I could hire two more Dispossessed MWs or infantry or just possessed ones. I don’t have the dispossessed Mechs they are with the Overlord. I hire two more dispossessed MWs.

Elite, Jeff Ioannou, MW
Elite, Avantika Sekariapuram, MW

I make a new company for my MWs:

I rename the first company Alpha.

Mech Deux Company:

Leftenant Palmiro Umbari, Cataphract 1-X, elite,
Abdul Reis el Drogman, Orion-1K, elite
Kenny Chase, Stalker, elite
Wesley Weston, Thunderbolt, elite

Leftenant Shirley Myers, Awesome, elite
Kgosi Baard, Marauder MAD-3D, Veteran
Groeht de la Boer, Zeus ZEU-6S, veteran
Michelle Guegan, Crusader CRD-3D, elite

CO, Major Evan Marsh, Enforcer, veteran
Amy Mikkelborg , Vindicator, elite
Yamato Ason , Valkyrie, Veteran
Min-Ji Cho, Vulcan 5T, elite

Because we are elite and have jump/drop ships, we start at B rating.

I could send to New Hope the two elites, the people in the Zeus 6T, the JR7-F and rest to join up, and meet up with a newly rented Union with 2 fighters that are for the Achilles and then they should be there and back on Dec 27. Or should I just go ahead and have us all join together them with the Overlord and then head out in bigger numbers once their deal is done? That will cost 400k there and back. This does have Evan’s five influence each time. I’ll wait until Dec. 1st to try for a Drop/Jump ship.

Our BattleMaster leveled up and gains edge 1 since they are already elite.

1 Dec, 3025 – I spend the recruiting trying to bring in a new JumpShip, another Invader. This time I toss the number needed precisely, so they are joining as an Auxiliary. This means that if we don’t treat them well or pay them, they could leave at any time.

Meet the:

JumpShip – Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary

We take contracts. Is there something that Evan and Flavia could do, either together or separately, or then have Evan join New Hope with rented Union and come back on Jan 2nd, or just join folks all up and down the block.


We are offered 3:

#1. Periphery – Magistracy of Canopus wants us to do Pirate Hunting
#2. Company in the Combine needs us to do an Extraction Raid on Lyran world here in the Isle of Skye Menkat, one jump away.
#3. ComStar wants us for Objective Raid in the Free Worlds League Zion Province world of Ventabren on the border with the Suns and CC and about 6 jumps away. We could be there in Jan 15, 3026.

Alright company, talk to us. This world has 5 days to the jump point, pretty dry and arid with mining on the map, but lesser known stuff not the higher quality stuff. On planet there are more than 3.1 billion people, despite that. No charging station at all. They want us to hit a mining garrison warehouse that ‘s got a few mining companies together pooled their resources. It’s also garrisoned by a battalion of mechs and tanks and infantry with everything pooled together by mercs. This Combine mining company wants us to hit them hard, extract the mining stuff and ore and stuff and then turn it over to them back here at Galatea. We would arrive there on the 6th and then on the planet on the 11th.

Let’s do it!

Negotiation: We have 95 points with our completed mission and another 9.5 added, so 104. We put up Salvage and want it all. 54. They want salary and drop to 3.7 to get rid of some points, 29. We want support both 50% Battle Loss and Support – 4 point. They offer command of Liaison. We want points so we offer remuneration, no, 14. They want length, one month. We get no transport support and 7% signing bonus.

Contract #7:

Extraction Raid for Company in the Combine, target Menkat

Salvage: Full
Transport Support: None
Support: 50% Battle Loss AND 50% Strait Support
Salary: x3.7, x.1.2, x 1.6
Remuneration: Nope
Length: 1 Month
Command: Liaison
Signing Bonus – 7%

We are sending the Fortress, Invader we just recruited and then Leopard CV. We are also taking with us the 8 Sherpas we captured on Galtor III.
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Old 12-21-2024, 01:48 PM   #74
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #7:

December 6, 3025 – We arrive at the Zenith point here at the Menkat system and do scans. No one is attacking or coming our way. We are also sending a Mule transport DropShip for 80k each way.

December 11, 3025 - We unload at the continent of Terrasota, with the captial of Blackstone and petty well populated. We head to the mining site and begin scouting with our infantry to confirm everything. We are about one and a half hours from the warehouse

December 13, 3025 – It looks like the location was correct, but the guards are 16 Mechs, not 12, and then a company of vees. They don’t patrol so we cannot catch them with a lance out and away. We head in to smash them since they are supposed to be regular.

Here are our merc foes. Expect them to be from a variety of places in the Inner Sphere.


BattleMaster - veteran
Striker STC-2S – Assault mech designed for cheap garrison work with 216 armor, AC10, PPC, 3 ML, 4/6 movement and 15 heat sinks
Victor VTR-9A – We know them
Grasshopper - We know them, durable scout heavies with 4/6/4 movement
Hunchback – Nasty
Phoenix Hawk
Commando - COM2D
Javelin – uh oh…
Locust 1E

The COM and Javelin have multiple SRMs and those are rough against vees. And on fast stuff, not easy to hit is rough too. I need to take out and would love that BattleMaster and Grasshopper that we use well, but the COM and Jav have to be targets of opportunity.


Puma Assault Tank - veteran
Zhukov – nasty
Manticore – Uh oh, we have one, nasty
Whirlwind Scout Hovertank – 2 AC2, 2 ML, speed 8/12, 104 armor
Falcon Hovertank – 9/14 movement, 88 armor, 2 SRM6s and ML. Ouch.
Savannah Master

The Falcon was introduced in 3023, don’t know how it’s on garrison duty, but mercs will merc. We also gotta answer that with 2 SRMS 6s but…9/14 movement? Nasty!!! I’d love that Puma and Zhukov and another Manticore too. But again, targets of opportunity. All regular save the Puma

Here's their Striker:

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Old 12-21-2024, 05:10 PM   #75
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We are on a mine map with them on top, and a pool at the south end and then many woods and then roads here. There are a few ruins and rubble here and there. The Mines aren’t up levels but down in the ground.

I am on the water side, not as many places deploy. The water is down at level -5. I will set up power on each flank of the water down by the central mine.

Turn 1 – We win init 12 to 6. The right flank will fire at the Falcon and the left at the Striker with long range with it’s +0 movement and Manticore with long range weapons. We set the Manticore hex on fire. Our Atlas hit the Manticore’s movement twice and it’s -2. Our Crusader another -1 movement. Their Striker falls and the pilot blacks out.

Turn 2 -We lose init 5-4. On the west flank I keep at that Manticore and the east trying to hit the H of their Striker. Then my missile stuff targets the Striker too, and their BM a bit here and there. Our Atlas another -1 movement to the Manticore. Our Ontos destroys the front side. Our Behemoth hits their Striker’s engine once. Our JagerMech hits another engine there. Our Archer hits the engine once more, dead mech! Our Schrek also destroys the H later. Our PXH falls under damage and blacks out.

Turn 3 – We win init 12-11. Wowzer… the next key unit by the left mine is the Puma and the BattleMaster on the right one. Their PXH charges our left flank. Their Infantry destroys the LA of my PXH, our Atlas jams the turret and – 1 movement to the Puma. Their Wasp destroys the PXH’s LT. their Urbie hits the gyro twice and engine once. Our Hunter -1 movements their Falcon, their Hunchback destroys our PXH’s CT> dead mech. Our Demolisher hits their BattleMaster PPC and shoulder actuator. Our Von Lucker destroys it’s RA. Our Maxim destroys the Puma’s side armor. We kill the crew on their Falcon Yay! No one falls.

Turn 4 – We lose init 7-5. Our Grasshopper to the rear of their Victor and behind it. Wolfhound to the rear of their Striker Light Tank. On the right, fire on the Victor, left the BattleMaster still. Our Behemoth gets a limb blown off of their BM’s RL on the ground. It hits the head with an AC10. Our BattleMaster’s ML destroys theirs, dead mech! We also destroy its RT. Our Ontos is hit by their Grasshopper and lost movement. Our Awesome fell. Many kicks and misses, none fall.

We lost a PXh, they lost a BM and a Striker assault and a trio of tanks, one with their XO and two more assaults. Since we killed their CO and drove their XO from battle and have won this hard, they are shaken and flee.


Striker STC2S with hit engine x3 and destroyed H. Current value – 6,721,000 - to fix 1 mill.
BattleMaster with destroyed H, RA, RT, and RL needs reattached, current value - 4.5 mill – to fix 4 mill.


Manticore - can be salvaged, damaged engine,
Puma – -1 movement, can be salvaged.
Falcon Hover Tank – dead crew


Atlas – AC20 hit
Ontos – ½ movement.

We can repair our Atlas and Ontos in 4 days and 3. The Striker engine in 4. I spend the 5 mill to get assaults up and running!!! The tanks are fixed in 3-5 days each.
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Old 12-21-2024, 09:06 PM   #76
Abe Sargent
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We have our infantry load up the Sherpas and then convoy them back to the Mule dropship a few times with a garrison here and guards on the way, they don’t attack us. I also had my BattleMechs carry things in their arms too to help use out. We have our fighters ready and zooming in a flight of 2 in case on 8 hour shift in case they try something funny.

Dec 16, 3025 – We blast off of Menkat grabbing everything from the warehouse and our liaison was good to go.

Dec 21, 3025 – We arrive in the Galatea System at the Zenith JumpPoint with the charge station and where we agreed to meet them. Their JumpShip is here. Our rented Mule unfurls from our Invader to theirs, and they will pay the cost for it from here. Their liaison heads out too.

Dec 27, 3025 - We arrive and drop off and unload our stuff!

Contract stuff!!!

We lost a PXH-1 for our green pilot fully. I don’t want to give him a good mech like a Vulcan 5T or Javelin 10F. I could give him the Kurita version of the PXh but it’s got no jump jets and I like that for a green pilot. I could hand him the other Jenner 7F or repair a normal one. I hand him the Jr7F. I spend 500k to bring back the Jenner as an F too.

We spent:

Transport of Mule: 160k
Ammo and Armor: 660k – 310k armor and 350k ammo
One Month Salary: 117,513

Total Spent –

We Made:

Support: 330k
Battle Loss: 2,033,770
Salary: 678,285
Singing Bonus - 54,262

Total Paid – 3,096,317

Total - 2,158,804
War Chest – 38,539,957

End of Contract #7!!!
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Old 12-21-2024, 11:38 PM   #77
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Dec 27, 3025 – Since we already recruited this month on the first, we’ll wait until the 1st for it. Although since Evan gets back on the 2nd, we’ll wait until then for recruiting so we can combine our efforts.

- The 3rd Succession War has ended. The Capellan Confederation replaced Hanse Davion with a dupe in Operation Doppelganger and then replaced back by Hanse proper and with the mass bloodshed at Galtor, things are dying down.

This year in military technology, the Drillson tank was introduced, the Savannah Master we ran into later was introduced, and then then the Cataphract hit widespread acclaim we captured early.

Dec 30, 3025 – The next child of Stephen and Flavia is born. It’s another boy named Roger Marsh. He is born looking healthy! They bring in Sean from Mallory’s World to meet him.

Jan 2, 3026 – Evan returns! Him and Flavia wait a week to do some recruiting.

Jan 3, 3026 - Stephen Marsh leaves New Hope and we’ll use Jump Stations to get here on the 12th at a cost of 300k to visit Flavia, Roger, Stephen and Sean too. They wait for him.

January 12, 3026 – Everyone is here and Sean too, Roger’s older brother. They spend a week together celebrating and giving the unit some vacation time.

January 16, 3026 – Sean Marsh turns 5.

January 20, 3026 – Sean heads home to Mallory’s World. Recruiting time! After combining all of our stuff, we now have 17 recruiting rolls for dispossessed MWs and tank pilots. We assign to the:

Striker STC 2C, elite, Avantika Sekariapuram
BattleMaster, elite, Jeff Ioannou

We hire:

Longbow LGB-OW, elite, Lesley Karsumaatmaja
Centurion, CN9-A, elite, Suzette Floyd
Hatchetman HCT-3F, elite, Arwarh Seif al Din
Quickdraw QKD4H, elite, Cathasach Megino
Phoenix Hawk, PXh-1K, elite, Edemariam Kamoga

We have another Mech Company I am naming the Tres Company:

CO, Captain BattleMaster, elite, Jeff Ioannou
Elite, Rogelli Coloccia, Victor
Centurion, CN9-A, elite, Suzette Floyd
Hatchetman HCT-3F, elite, Arwarh Seif al Din

Leftenant Longbow LGB-OW, elite, Lesley Karsumaatmaja
Elite, Swee-Chun Tai, Catapult
Striker STC 2C, elite, Avantika Sekariapuram
Elite, Zeus ZEU-6T, Zedorik Kusmierz

Leftenant Elite, Asitadhvaja Tarkhan, Griffin 2N
Elite, Jenner JR7-F, Vixen Victor
Quickdraw QKD4H, elite, Cathasach Megino
Phoenix Hawk, PXh-1K, elite, Edemariam Kamoga


Elite, Rhino Support Tank, Roger Walters
Elite, Manticore, Roderick Wessex
Elite, Hunter, Victoria Magister
Elite, Puma, Max Sanchez
Elite, Shreck PPC Carrier, Mordecai Buscemi
Elite, AC2 Carrier, Maggie Oslin
Elite, Falcon, Nathan Lewis,
Elite, Goblin, Iovilla Madson
Elite, Rommel, Anne Tigranian
Elite, Harasser Missile Platform, Berta Villamarin

I add them to the 2nd Demolisher with Marsha Tawsonna the CO, for a 3rd Vee Squad Company. And purchase a Condor for 1.3 mill for elite Richard Nicholson.

And two infantry for the 2nd Mech Company:

Elite, SRM, Jump, Alexandr Sevski
Elite, Flamer, Jump, Tai Zhang
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Old 12-22-2024, 02:03 AM   #78
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
EVENT – The Fed Suns and Lyran Commonwealth announce they are starting exercises to build up their alliance.

We don’t take contracts, I want everyone here until the 1st to recruit a DropShip. We have space for 12 Tanks on the Fortress and in the Condor 12 infantry and 20 vees – total 32 vees and I now have 40 vees. I could grab a Triumph for 53 vees and 4 infantry and have them all save for the Fortress and then send them in one space.

For Mechs, I have 36 and 12 in the Fortress and 24 in the Overlord. If I wanted to split off the 2nd Mech Company with Evan I could grab a Union for him.

I have right now:


Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary


Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, just 7 vees used no Infantry used here either
Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters free
Leopard CV – “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters, full
Achilles - Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full

I could bring in a Union for 2nd Mech Company, or a another Condor, Triumph. Let’s look at the contracts first maybe they’ll let me know…

I am offered 2 deals:

1. The Combine wants us to Objective Raid the Lyran world of the Tamar Domains border world of Sevren which is about…10 jumps away. Pretty far away we could be there in April 27.
2. The Fed Suns want us to Objective Raid too, this time the CC border world of Pleione to raid and check their defenses. It’s four jumps from Mallory’s World and then 7 from us. We could be there on Mar 16.

Let’s do them both. I’ll send the Fortress and Leopard CV to Sevren and the Overlord, Condor and Achilles to Pleione. I’ll be taking Evan’s 2nd and 3rd Mech company in the Overlord, so we try for a Condor and…


DropShop – Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo

I will bring all vees with me, save for the 2nd company ditto mechs save the first

Contract Negotiation
: I have 100 points, 110 total, We do full savage 60, then they want 2 months, 5 points to 1. 55. We grab 50% Support and Battle Loss, 30 points, they 5 points for 3.7 salary, we choose not remuneration, 15 points, they grab liaison, then us transport, none, 7% signing bonus

Contract #8:

Objective Raid for Combine on Sevren
Salvage – Full
Length - 1 month
Salary – x3.7, x, 1.6, x, 1.3
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – none
7% Signing bonus

Contract Negotiation
: 120 points with the Suns! We do full (70), salary 3.7 (45), Command liaison, Transport – 50%, Support both Battle Loss and support 50%, remuneration yes, 10% signing bonus, length of 1 month.

Contract #9.:

Objective Raid for Suns on Pleione
Salvage – Full
Length - 1 month
Salary – x3.7, x, 1.6, x, 1.4
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport –50%
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – Yes
10% Signing bonus

Do I want to hire an Avenger and Leopard CV with stocked fighters? Since this is on the border, it might be hot, and I’d love to defend myself and then also capture DropShips for our navy. Doing both would be around 2.2 mill there and back again total. I do it, I’d love to grab some stuff.

Contract #8:

April 22, 3026 – We arrive at the Sevren Nadir Jump Point….any business here I can see? Nope! We head to the planet!

April 27, 3026 – We land at the Sevren DropPort by the HQ, the Lyrans pushed off Drac resistance two years ago, and they want us to come here and smash them all up and down to punish them for it.

April 29, 3026 – We head to the Fort to smash the defenders which are a company each of mechs and tanks. We are to smash them all up and down the block.

They are:

Charger 1A5 – 3/5, AC 20, 240 armor, 13 sinks, 2 SRM6, 1 Ml and Sl
Banshee BNC-3E
JagerMech – JM6A – the good variant with the LRms
Griffin 1S – with 152 armor, 5/8/5 movement, 1 LL,2 ML, 1 LRM5
Hermes II 2S

That Charger is a nasty veteran variant.


Devastator – 2 AC20s, 144 armor, 2 SRM6, 2 Sl, Flamer
LRM Carrier

We start. This is their Charger a variant I’d love to bring in:

Yay Chargers!!! They normally suck, but not this one!!!
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Old 12-23-2024, 12:50 AM   #79
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We have roads, rubble, buildings and pavement but few trees. Heavy stuff up the left flank, right the lighter stuff.

Turn 1 – We lose init 7-8. I fire on the right flank at the good JagerMech and the left one at the Banshee. Our Shrek hits their Maxim’s movement -1. Our Archer destroys the RS of their Maxim. That’s that pilot’s 4th kill! Their JagerMech falls, hits the ammo and explodes, dead mech! I would have preferred salvage. Dead mech and tank!

Turn 2 – We win init 10-9. I pull our Archer, Crusader and Hunter from snipe to the left flank where I can aid them. Their Firestarter next to my Grasshopper, our Jenner and Wolfhound to it’s rear. I fire at the Firestarter on the right flank, and their Schrek on the other side long range and Goliath shorter. Their Shrek hits our Wolfhound’s H with a PPC and hits nothing. Our Schrek destroys the LT of their Firestarter. Our Maxim immobilizes their Shrek and then destroys the LS. Our Von Luckner hits the engine once on their Goliath. No falls. Kicks time! Our Grasshopper kicks and destroys their Firestarter’s RL it falls, I missed a kick on the Wasp with our Awesome, not legged.

Turn 3 - We win init 12-7, bigger there. They eject the FS. I backup the Wolfhound to keep it from SRM hits. They have nothing left on the right flank, we destroyed them all. They walked back the Goliath. I charge from the right flank. Our BattleMaster bases their Goliath. Our Banshee their Charger, Jav next to their Packrat. I fire on the wounded Goliath, and then some short range stuff on the Charger. Their Banshee -1 movement’s our Von Luckner, Our Saracen -1 movements their Packrat. Our BattleMaster ignites the MG ammo on the Goliath, boom, dead mech. Our Ontos hits the RA Actuator on their Charger. Our Atlas destroys the RA all told of the Charger and hits the AC20 three times, it’s big gun is out! Their Charger falls and hits the RT and destroys it. We kick their Packrat with our Jav and BattleMaster, stunned crew for three turns. Our Banshee’s kick on the Charger hit the gyro and engine once each on the Charger.

Nasty turn for us to kill a Goliath and savage a Charger. They keep coming.

Turn 4 – We win init 8-6. They eject the savaged Charger. I eject our Von Luckner. Their Thunderbolt is south of a building and I cannot bring that into my oeuvre since I cannot focus on it so I don’t move to it. In the north is the Devastator and LRM Carrier maybe I could try them? Our BattleMaster bases the Devastator. Our Behemoth cannot get there in view, so it charges the TBolt. Griffin by my Behemoth. They move their Banshee up to my BattleMaster. I fire my Fire Support at the TBolt and the rest at their Devastator or LRM Carrier that are north of the building but don’t have LOS like our Atlas. Well I could try the Banshee, but I doubt I can kill it in one round splitting targets with the Devastator.

Their Cicada hits our BM’s gyro once
Our Archer -1 movement’s their Vedette.
Our Grasshopper -1s their Devastator’s engine; our BM another -1
Our Maxim hits the LRM Carrire and drops engine -1
Our Banshee destroys the Devastator’s front. Dead tank!!!
Our Atlas destroys the LS of their LRM Carrier – dead tank!!!
Our Demolisher destroys the LA of their Wasp.
Our BM and their TBolt fall.
Kicks! Nothing hurt, fell, or badly damage

They rise the Thunderbolt and flee. We claimed the field!


JagerMech JM6-A – RA, H, LL, LA
Goliath – FLL, BLL, H
Firestarter FS9A is missing LT, RL needs LA reattached – current value – 2.35 mill, needs 750k to fix it up.
Charger 1A5 – With destroyed RA, RT, and gyro and engine once hit each. – current value is 5.65 mill, to fix 1.4 mill.

Schrek PPC Carrier - Immobile, destroyed side, reparable, tossed 9
Maxim - -1 engine, destroyed side . Not reparable, tossed 6.
Devastator - -2 movement, destroyed front, yes salvageable – toss a 10.
LRM Carrier – damaged engine, destroyed side, not salvageable I tossed a 7.


Von Luckner - -1 movement
BattleMaster – 1 hit gyro

We fix our BM and Von Luckner in 3 and 1 day respectively. The Schrek PPC Carrier is fixed the engine in 4 days, the Devastator’s lesser damage in 3 days. We fix the engine and gyro in the salvaged Charger in 3 and 5 days respectively – 8 total.

I love that unique scouting 6/9/6 Firestarter with the quad flamers (one rear facing) and 104 armor, 10 sinks, and 2 ML and SL, no ammo to explode. I pay the 750k for it.

That variant Charger is amazing like our Banshee variant. I spend the 1.4 mil for it too!

Nice! 2 assault/heavy tanks, one assault and light mech added.
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Old 12-23-2024, 01:11 AM   #80
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
April 29, 3026 – We begin raiding the base and then will destroy it in a few days

May 3, 3026 - We destroy the HQ and then raid 3.5 mill of stuff to sell on the market. We launch! We should be back in Galatea on July 27.

Contract Stuff!

Objective Raid for Combine on Sevren
Salvage – Full
Length - 1 month
Salary – x3.7, x, 1.6, x, 1.3
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – none
7% Signing bonus

Salary is 120,613

We Spent:

Salary – 603,065 – 5 months
Support – 450k - 200k armor and 250k ammo they barely touched us

Total We Spent – 1,053,065

We Were Paid:

Support – 225k
Salary – 928,237
Bonus – 64,976

Total Paid – 1,218,213

Total Made – 165,148, plus 3.5 mill for stuff raided, 3,665,148 and the current War Chest is now 40,575,105.

Levels Up:

Archer pilot Mitch Raymond is now 2/4 and gained a gunnery skill.

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Old 12-23-2024, 02:05 AM   #81
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #9:

Feb 14, 3026 – On the way there to the planet of Pleione, founding member Alice Sanchez and her husband Roger Sanchez give birth to their first child, named Margaret Sanchez, who everyone calls “Margie”. This battle Alice will not be in the battle with her Manticore on maternity leave.

Mar 14, 3026 – We arrive in the Pleione jump point at the Nadir point and scan. This world is defended by the McCrimmon’s 3rd Battalion of their Light Cavalry a regular and faster unit. As you may recall I have an Achilles nasty escort and DropShip, 6 fighters on our Overlord, two on the Achilles, a rented Avenger and Leopard CV with 6 more fighter as well as my two Condors with tanks. They have on the border world a pair of JumpShips with military DropShips, one with the sigil of the Light Cavalry, the other the Warrior House of Liao. After seeing our huge flotilla, the Warrior House Merchant with a Union and a Leopard CV jumps. It might be passing on word of our arrival or jumping to save it.

That leaves here a Merchant JumpShip with a Leopard CV, and two drop rings against all of our flotilla. They head out with the 6 fighters, put up a token and promise to turn them back over after we hit their base and they surrender the Leopard CV after little damage and most of their fighters are gone. We lost one fighter, and can salvage theirs though.

We have secured the Nadir jump point and are two days from the planet proper.

Mar 16 – We land on the planet. Our goal is to hit the key HQ of the light cavalry and then leave. We are here to test their defenses and not to raid or destroy their stuff. Just to smash and leave.

Mar 17 – We arrive at their base, and all three companies are here, so we have our fighters protecting us from a flank or rear attack or them from fleeing or surprising us.

Here they are!

McCrimmon’s 3rd Battalion of their Light Cavalry:

3 Vindicators
3 Catapults
3 UrbanMechs
Cataphact 1X with a veteran
3 Wasp 1L
2 CRD-2L Crusader with 192 armor, 2 LRm 10, 2 SRM4, 4 ML, 12 sinks
3 MAD-3L Marauder – with AC5, PPC, LL, 2 ML, 184 armor and 18 sinks
2 Javelin
3 Locust
2 Victors – veteran
2 Warhammer 6L
2 Phoenix Hawk

They are regular! We are fighting with Tank Company #1, 3, and Mech Company Deux and Tres.

They are in the North us in the south.

We are on a map with stuff.

This is their Centurion, it’s a 50 ton mech with 10 sinks, 4/6 movement, AC10, LRM10 2 ML, and solid armor.

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Old 12-23-2024, 11:42 PM   #82
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I have no trees to deploy our infantry into, but we do have loads of rubble. I’ll deploy them there. No +1s to hit me but cover from fire for them. There is a building in the south central with level 4 size I can deploy behind. I’ll split my forces on each side. It’s about 1/3 of the way down the side from the left flank, so my lighter stuff will scout and guard that. We are on a larger 20x20 map by the by. There are bunches of 3 level high to block mech/vee LOS stuff here and there.

I deploy some snipe units on top of the building with good armor.

Turn 1 - We win init 12-8. I have central, right and left flanks. I fire at their +0 movement Vindicator, -1 Marauder and +1 Locust in a few places. Our Manticore hits their Vindicator’s 2 Heat Sinks. Sir Stephen Marsh’s Patton destroys their RA on the Locust. Our Von Luckner destroys it’s RT. Our CTF1X it’s CT, dead Locust!!! Our Hunter destroys the LT of their Marauder’s 3L, arm on the ground. Their Marauder and Wolverine on the left flank fall, the Vindicator doesn’t.

Turn 2 – We win init 8-4. Another thumping by us. Their MAD wounded rises. Their Wolverine does too. Their Spider bases the right arc of my Puma and Marauder. Vulcan and Bulldog to it’s rear. Their Spider is +4 so just the Vulcan /Bulldog will fire at it, since that’s pretty hard to hit. But back attacks? Nasty! Their Victor on the right side is -1 to be hit. That’s my target there. Those that can see the Vindicator fire at it. Left flank at the wounded Marauder, central at the +0 Warhammer.

Our Rhino hits the AC20 on their Victor
Our Zeus 6T hits the ammo on it and it explodes, dead mech!!!
Our Longbow with indirect fire destroys the LA of their UrbieMech
Our Plainsman hit their wounded Marauder engine twice
Our Falcon Hover Tank another engine, three engine hits shutdown mech! It’s engine explodes and the next door and wounded Wolverine took 30 and hit the AC5 ammo, explodes, another dead mech; their Catapult here took damage to a leg actuator and hip and fell.
Our Manticore hits their Warhammer’s engine once.
Their Centurion hits our Jenner’s RA and hits a ML and shoulder actuator there
Our Thunderbolt hit the Warhammer’s engine twice more and gyro once, shut down, dead mech!!!
Their Catapult and Vindicator fell. The Cat hit it’s hip three legs hit. Can they equalize with kicks by the Spider?
We each connect nothing happens.

We’ve taken out FIVE Mechs in just two salvos of fire! Are they going to keep coming my way or retreat and give us their HQ? They try to turn it around.

Turn 3 – We lose init 7-6. I eject the Jenner, their Vindicator rises. I cannot find the damaged Catapult did they eject? I’m trying to find it and cannot. Their PXH bases my Valkyrie’s side. On the left side they have a Crusader and Vindicator. By themselves, I send over my stuff to try and take one down. They hop their Spider by our Hunter, our Enforcer bases their Valkyrie on the flank. Quickdraw to the Spider’s rear. Jav by our Bulldog. Vulcan and Zeus by their Wasp. Get ready for a lot of melee! My right flank fires on the damaged Urbie, my middle at the damaged Vindicator and +0 Locust and +1Commando and left the undamaged Vindicator. I have two Hetzer AC20 and the Victor on that Vindicator. Wasp by our Manticore.

Our Victor’s AC20 glancing blow to their Vindicator’s H on the flank.
Our Enforcer destroys it’s LL; Our PXH1K hits the engine twice of it;
Their Jav hits our gyro once an engine twice on our Zeus 6T. it’s standing
Our Condor destroys the H of their Vindicator on the flank.
Our Hatchetman hits the ammo of an UrbanMech and it explodes -dead mech!!!
Our Quickdraw destroys the LT of their Spider, arm on the ground
Our Manticore hits three leg actuators on the wounded central flank Vindicator.
Our Striker hits and destroys it’s LL. Then ammo explosion, dead mech!
Our Harasser hits the LL actuator on their Spider.
Our BattleMaster destroys the Locust’s RA.
Our Rommel destroys the Commando’s LT arm on the ground.
Our Thunderbolt destroys the Commando’s CT, dead mech!!!
Our Cataphract destroys the Locust’s H. Dead mech!!!! He adds 2 engine hits too.
Their Spider falls.
They try kicks to bring this thing back…our Quickdraw’s kick destroys their Spiders CT dead mech. Sad I’d love it. Our Zeus missed the kick on a7, sad. No one else lost or fell.

They stand up everything and flee. They did eject the Catapult after it tried to stand and ell and broke it’s leg off with a limb blown off crit.



Locust 1V – H, LL, Rl, LT, LA
Marauder – LA, H
Victor – RA, H, LL
Wolverine – RA, H, LL, LT
UrbanMech – H, RA, RL
Spider LA, H, RT, RL, RA, LL
Vindicator – RA, LL, LA, H
Commando LA, H, LL, RL,


Warhammer 6L with 3 engine hits, one gyro
Vindicator with destroyed H, LL, 3 engine hits, RT, LT, current value – with repaired engine, H and LL – 2 mill, to fix 1.8 mill
Locust 1V missing H, RA, RT, 2 engine hits, - after fixing H, engine, 950k current value, 500k to fix.
Catapult – Missing RL on the ground, three actuators hit too


Damaged Jenner’s ML and shoulder
Zeus 6T - 2 engine; one gyro hit

We repair the Warhammer’s engine and gyro in 11 days for the engine after four rolls and 2 for the gyro – 13 total. The Vindicator’s three engines are on the 5th roll – 14 days, Locust’s are 5 days total, and then Catapult’s legs are done in a few hours, the leg is ready to go. We fix the wounded Vindicator with the H, LL from the parts and then I take the salvaged LA and replace the damaged one in stock and that’s up and running. I use the salvaged Locust H for that damaged one, and then the salvaged RL to fix the Locust 1M but I spend 250k to make it an LCT-1E the energy weapon version.

We fix our Zeus and Jenner in 9 and 2 days respectively
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Old 12-24-2024, 12:49 AM   #83
Abe Sargent
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Mar 19, 3026 - We spend two day getting rearmored, reammoed, and scouting. We blast.

Mar 20 – While we are on the way to the JumpPoint, the Warrior House has arrived at the Nadir to force us back out. But we are leaving…are they going to attack us and take damage.

They have:


Leopard CV



That’s 14 fighters against our 14, the Avenger against ours and an Achilles on their side. Since we are leaving, they don’t face us. That’d be close for fighters, but our Achilles pushes it to us. We call them and turn over the captured personnel.

Mar 21 - We load and jump back to Galatea!

We added the captured:

Merchant JumpShip – 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory” we keep

Leopard CV DropShip – 6 Fighters, rechristened the “War’s Art”

It was lightly damaged and put up token resistance. Just 2.5 mill to fix all damaged Aerospace stuff.

Contract Stuff:

Our salary for these four companies for a month is 282,239

Objective Raid for Suns on Pleione
Salvage – Full
Length - 1 month
Salary – x3.7, x, 1.6, x, 1.4
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport –50%
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – Yes
10% Signing bonus

We Spent:

Salary – 846,717 for 3 months
Support - 270k - Armor 100k and ammo just 170k. Light use
Aerospace Stuff – 2.5 mill repair. Half was the new stuff and the rest ours.
Transport: 2.2 mill for Leopard CV full and Avenger here.

Total Spent
– 5,816,717

We’re Paid:

Salary – 2,339,176
Remuneration – 116,959
Bonus – 233,919
Support – 135,000 and 625k
Transport – 1.1 mill

Total Paid – 4,550,054

Total Lost
– 1,266,663

War Chest – 38,958,442

We’ll get back on May 7, 3026.

End of Contract #9!!!
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Old 12-24-2024, 02:05 AM   #84
Abe Sargent
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May 7, 3026 – We arrive on Galatea. I grab new recruits, since everyone is here from Evan and Stephen save Flavia in Sevren campaign. We have 10 total recruits, and we’ll try 6 occupied fighters for the Leopard CV we captured.

Here are our 10 recruits!


Veteran, Corsair, medium, Marvin McAllister
Elite, Riever, heavy, Billy Walter
Veteran, Stingray, medium, Greg Steppe
Elite, Slayer, heavy, Maria Alvarez
Veteran, Chippewa, heavy, Steve Rogers
Elite, Chippewa, heavy, Rachel Rogers

Rachel and Steve are married and from the Lyran Commonwealth.

Dispossessed Mechs:

Elite, Warhammer 6L, Amalia Ricci
Elite, Catapult C1, Sammy MacOmish

Dispossessed Tanks:

Elite, Brutus, Rogier du Champ


Elite, Motorized, Laser, Marc Blatte

I take contracts!

We are offered 2!

#1. Fed Suns to another Objective Raid. They want us to hit the Marik world in the Duchy of Andurien way out there.
#2. Lyran offer us an Objective Raid too. They want us to raid another Marik world this time closer in the Silver Hawk’s Coalition border world of Rochelle. It’s one jump from LC worlds like Zaniah. It’s closer to us than New Hope. 3 jumps, we can be there on May 20. We don’t need our huge four companies their garrison we need to hit is just two companies in a mining, one each tanks and vees. I could send the Condor and a rented Union and then send Deux Mech and the 3rd Vee company to take them out and wait until June 1st to do more recruiting and then another deal then, but Flavia gets here July 27. But that would give me June to do so, but we’d probably be back around June 4th or 5th or so, so I send all of my stuff here to Rochelle!

95 point -10% for Lyran, +10% for Elite, 95 total, 50 for full salvage, 45 left. They do salary and pull 25 for 3.7, 20 left. We do no remuneration, 30. They want two months we drop to one for 5 point, we pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support, 0. They offer Liaison Command Rights, no transport, 0 points left,

Contract #10:

Objective Raid for Lyran Commonwealth for the Free Worlds League World of Rochelle
Salvage – Full
Salary – x3.7, x1.6, x1.5
Length – 1 Month
Command – Liaison
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport - None
Remuneration - None

We’ll be there soon!
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Old 12-24-2024, 03:04 AM   #85
Abe Sargent
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Begin of Contract #10:

May 16, 3026 – We arrive at the Zenith JumpPoint. There are no charge stations here, with everything including our new Leopard CV. We scout, and FWL tends to have more open borders. We see some military DropShips, and none move to smash us. We move to the planet.

May 20, 3026 – We land in Rochelle. This is a world that has strong mining interest, and industry too, but hit hard in wars like the Succession Wars. It’s twice been successfully defended against Lyran attacks recently in 2980 and 3007. We are here to raid them, test defenses, and then do some damage. I have brought out 8 Armored Sherpas to grab stuff.

Our target is the local mining base staffed by the local Marik Militia. They are supposed to have there one company each of tanks and mechs, and then three infantry so a mixed battalion.

We unload, set up, and then check with our Boomerang Spotter Planes, yes, the defense is as expected. Their fighters are buzzing us, both conventional and Aerospace. We send our 14 to face them

We arrive a few hours, I am facing them with three companies and then keeping one in reserve. We are using 1st Vee, 3rd Vee and Tres Mech Company. Then the big boys of Evan’s company are free in case needed.

Here is who we are facing:


Banshee BNC-3M
Cyclops – CP-10-Z – AC20, 1 LRM 10, 1 SRM4, 2 ML, 4/6, 12 sinks, 160 armor
BattleMaster 1G
Stalker STF3F
Archer 2R
MAD3M Marauder
Assassin ASN- 21

WOW!!! I rolled 5 assaults! We just get one with a 6 on a d6. Nasty!!! I am making them all veteran and then BM is elite.


Schrek PPC Carrier
Hetzer with an AC20
Harasser Missile Platform

Another 4 assaults. I assign vets to all four. I’d love to capture that nasty Ontos tank.

3 Infantry
4 Warrior VTOLs too

This is their and our Ontos an assault vee weighing 95 tons with 2 LRM 5s and then EIGHT Mls! With solid armor too.

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Old 12-25-2024, 01:51 AM   #86
Abe Sargent
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I gave them the same map rough for us on the bottom with the three mines that are underground and then the large depth -5 lake there. I felt I should push this as far as it can go with their size.

Turn 1 – We win init 4-3. Their BM is on the right left where ours is, plus their Banshee and Ontos. On the left side is their Thunderbolt, Awesome and Marauder. I fire at the Ontos and Thunderbolt. Most of my left side is far away like the Demolisher. Their BM short range fire on the edge since some cannot see or have range to the Ontos.

Our Harasser hits their Maxsim and drops the movement by 1.
Their Archer drops our Behemoth’s speed by 1
Our BM fell with just needing a 5 to stand, their BM and TBolt fall. Their Ontos barely scratched. Their Thunderbolt pilot passes out.

Turn 2 – We win 9-6. Our BM stands and moves into woods. Their BM rose. I continue to fire at the Thunderbolt and Ontos.

Their Bulldog destroys the left side of our Harasser’s LS. It’s got that 10!
They immobilize our Behemoth
Our Bulldog hits their movement on their Ontos - -1 movement
Our Brutus destroys it. – That’s her fourth kill!!!
Our Hunter destroys the LA of their Thunderbolt and gets limb blown off for RA and the RT destroyed.
Our Goblin hits the MG ammo on it and it explodes, dead mech!
Our BM falls again.
We swapped a Harasser for an Ontos and Thunderbolt!!!

Turn 3 – We win init 9-7. On the left flank I could try the Cyclops or the injured BattleMaster. Our PXH by their Maxim. Falcon under it, Plainsman next. I go for the BattleMaster. The Awesome on the right flank. Our BM rises, and then misses and goes unconscious. Uh uh…

Our Hatchetman gets a limb blown off the LA of their BM
Our Bulldog hits it’s gyro once, it falls and hits it’s engine once.
Our Falcon immobilizes their Maxim!
Their VTOL blows off our BM’s LL
Our Maxim destroys the LT of their BM.
They destroy our BM;’s RL
Our Plainsman reduces their PPC Carriers movement
Their SturmFeur destroys our BM’s RT and hits the engine three times, shut down
Their Awesome falls!
I don’t kick the Maxim since it’s immobile and I want that sweet sweet salvage.

Turn 4 – They steal init for the first time 11-8. They eject the Maxim, we salvaged it if we win! They stand their Awesome and pass with the BattleMaster. I’m shocked they didn’t eject the BM with one point in CT internal and a gyro hit. I move towards the Cyclops on the left flank. Also on that side are the Banshee and Stalker and Archer. Our PXH next to their Shrek. Assassin by a Manticore. Our Jenner on their Schrek in the rear arc of their Bulldog.

Our Griffin 2N destroyed their BM’s CT with SRMs. Dead mech!
Their Condor reduces our Patton’s speed by 1
Our Brutus hits the leg actuator in the LL of their Cyclops
Our Jenner halves their Bulldog’s movement
Our Plainsman destroys their Schrek’s engine Then our Schrek it’s front
Their Warrior VTOL slots our Puma’s movement one.
Our Rhino halves the movement of their Hetzer
Our Striker destroys their Awesome’s LT and hits the engine once. Then hits the gyro twice, down mech!!! Then our Demolisher takes out the CT, dead mech no salvage.
Their Archer halves our Rommel movement
They immobilize our Behemoth with their SturmFeur
Their Cyclops falls, gets a destroyed RL and it’s down.
We kick their Bulldog to -1

They eject the Cyclops pilot and then flee. That was a rough match and we lost a BM and Harasser and took tons of damage from them. But they lost an Awesome, BattleMaster Thunderbolt and legged a Cyclops and then a Shrek, Maxim and Ontos in just for turns. They pull out!


Ontos - -2 movement, destroyed side, we toss a 9 and can recover
Maxim – Immobile
Shrek PPC Carrier – destroyed engine and side. Can’t be recovered.

Cyclops – CP-10-Z missing RL. Current value – 8.6 mill, to fix 500k
Awesome – H, LA, RA, RL, LT
Thunderbolt – RA, RL, H
BattleMaster – LA, H, RT, RL, RA, LL

We fix their immobile Maxim for 2 days and then the Ontos movement in 4


Harasser – destroyed side. Tossed an 8, can be salvaged.
Patton - -1 move
Behemoth - immobile
BattleMaster - has engine x3, destroyed RT, RL LT, LA – See below – current value is 7 mill, 1.5 to fix.
Puma - -1 move
Rommel – ½ movement

They savaged our BattleMaster but it’s salvageable! We fix the engine in 3 days and the Patton in 2, the Behemoth in 7, and the Puma in 4 and the Rommel in 6. Then the BattleMaster is missing tons of parts. We salvaged the RT, RL and LA but it’s missing a LT. Do I have any LTs for 85 ton mechs in my storage? Nope! I spend the 1.5 mill to get it back.
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Old 12-25-2024, 02:35 AM   #87
Abe Sargent
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May 20, 3026 - The Cyclops is not considered a well designed mech! It’s got weapons to close, but just the 10 tons of amor. Not great for an assault mech.

We load up stuff on the Sherpas and steal less this time, just around 425k value since this was a pretty minor base.

May 22 – We blast off world and head back to the JumpPoint. Good stuff!! We destroy the base.

Contract Stuff!

Objective Raid for Lyran Commonwealth for the Free Worlds League World of Rochelle
Salvage – Full
Salary – x3.7, x1.6, x1.5
Length – 1 Month
Command – Liaison
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Transport - None
Remuneration - None

We Spent:

Salary – 285,429
Support – 760k - Ammo just 250k but armor massive at 510k
Battle Loss - 1.5 Mill to restore our BM

Total Spent – 2,545,429

What we were paid:

Salary – 2,534,609
Support – 380k
Battle Loss – 750,000

Total Paid – 3,664,609

Total Made –

War Chest - 40,594,285

We’ll arrive back on June 6.

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Old 12-25-2024, 03:40 AM   #88
Abe Sargent
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June, 6, 3026 – We are here again at Galatea. We don’t have a lot of new stuff, I am thinking about trying for another naval vessel DropShip. Flavia can recruit for 7 next month when she gets here. I leave behind some mechs to fill – a Firestarter, Charger, Locust 1E and such.

Here are our Jump/Drop Ships:


Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”
Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary


Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full.
Leopard CV – “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters, full
Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo
Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, just 7 vees used no Infantry used here either
Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters free
Achilles – “Winged Justice”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full

We have a few different methods of delivery of assets and then 7 total Droppies. We could use a Union to carry 12 mechs and 2 fighters for separately Deux Mech Company contracts like the Fortress and Leopard CV with Flavia under Evan Marsh to do himself. I also really like here another Achilles the most powerful assault DropShip out there!!!

Lets do contracts, and if we have two, I can try and recruit an Union otherwise that Achilles!!!

We have…2 offers:

1. Lyran want us again for a garrison deal
2. ComStar wants us to do an O Raid target FWL world in the Zion Province called Menkalinan on the border with the CC. It’s claimed by both FWl and CC. It’s two jumps from Procyon and another to LC world of Chara and then 2 more. Total 5 jumps. We could be here on July 13.

I try and recruit I needed a 5 for that Achilles! We have an 8. Meet the:

Achilles – DropShip, “Guns Amok”, ”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles. I grab the DropShuttles and then we’ll recruit fighters later!

Negotiation: We have 100 points, 110 after boosts. We spend 50 for full salvage. They spend 25 for Salary at 3.7, 35 left. We spend to get to 50% Transport in order to bring in more assets since that could be hot. 20 left, they grab Liaison, we grab remuneration no, 30, they want length of 2 we grab it to one with 5 points and then 25 for Support of 50% and Battle Loss too!

Contract #11:

Objective Raid by ComStar on Menkalinan
Salvage – Full
Salary – x3.7, x1.6, x 1.25
Support - 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support
Remuneration – none
Length – 1 month
Command – Liaison
Travel: 50%
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Old 12-25-2024, 12:04 PM   #89
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #11:

I hire an Avenger – 10 jumps there and back, for 2.5 mill total.

July 9, 3026 – We arrive at the Zenith JumpPoint! We unfurl the aerial assets. We check out, and here on the border in the not-very valuable shared world with tons of timber is. The world’s continents are divided each one under the control and our goal is to smash and try to upend the fragile alliance. We are changing up our colors and logo to help do that. We’ll divide our forces and then smash one continent under their control of 5 each and flee.

The Free Worlds League does have some military flotillas here in the system, but they don’t seem to be coming our way. The CC on the other hand are sending to the Zenith Jump Point en route some naval assets to an JumpShips with six Drop Rings called a Star Lord with a pair of Leopard CVs and an Achilles, and then coming up are a Union, Leopard CV and an Avenger. They are about 20 hours out.

We out class the ones here and the ones coming. They decide to jump out rather than facing us seeing us move towards them, That does leave us their tasty trio of stuff with 6 fighters on the Leopard CV and 2 in the Union. We offer them surrender and will turn them over, but they decline.

We unfurl everything but will keep the rented Avenger for a reserve since I’d hate to lose this. We lose two fighters, and destroy their Conder and Avenger, but do salvage the Union for a cost of 12.5 mill to fix it up and the stuff we lost.

Damage Loss - We lost two fighters – they cannot be salvaged, d but we do salvage their Transgressor and Transit. We spend 950k to fix them up – damage loss 5.15 mill from fighters

We captured the Union with the name “Green Together.” We rename it the “Jade Lion” to keep that idea.

July 14, 3026 – After spending a day waiting for the to arrive, we land proper at two DropPorts on Menkalinan proper. The first is in the Marik controlled space with a garrison of a reinforced company of mechs (16). Then the second is in the space controlled by House Liao with a garrison with one company of mechs and another of tanks. Our scouts of infantry and Boomerangs confirm those numbers. We’ll send out to the 16 mechs from FWL Tres Company Mechs and Vee Squad Company #1 since the former lack heavier units the latter has tons of. It’ll be led by the CO Stephen Johnson. Then the Deux Company and 3rd Tank Company are next with Evan Marsh leading against the Caps and then bringing us back together.

We are not to do a deep raid taking their stuff to remove their ability to recover and fight. Just blast them with the colors of the other side, and then head back out.

The Marik Flank:

This is the reinforced company vs Tank #1 and Mechs #3.

Here they are:

Banshee 3M – vet
Striker 2C - we’ve got that
MAD 3M Marauder
Hermes II 2M
Hunchback – uh oh
Locust 1M

They are regular.

This is their beloved Hermes II medium scout mech!

it’s got 10 sinks, 3 Ml, 2MG 1 SL. Strong movement too.
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Old 12-26-2024, 11:20 AM   #90
Abe Sargent
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I only added 14 mechs, so I tossed in a PXH and Wasp. The map has buildings, concrete, woods light and roads!

Turn 1 – We win init 7-6. I flank my heavy stuff on the left and the light on the right. I target the Goliath for long range and closer faster stuff for lesser range. Light dusting of mechs, their Goliath falls.

Turn 2 – We lose init 8-7. Their Goliath rose! I focus fire on it again. Our PXH destroys it’s LT, both legs on the ground. Our Catapult hits the ammo and it explodes!!! Their Merlin hits our engine on our Goblin and reduces it’s speed. They again knock down our BM like last time.

Turn 3 – We get init back 12-7. They back up the Striker to the right flank. PXH behind it. Jenner it’s flank. Our BM gets up and backs up two. Their Hunch, Banshee and Valkyrie are flanking our left side. Our Hatchetman bases their Valkyrie. Griffin next to it to. I back up some units. They run their Jav and Commando this side. Zeus bases their Commando. All of my right flank fire at the Striker to help, and then my left flank with goods shots on the Hunchback take that and then some with better shots on the Commando and Valkyrie take them.

Our Condor hits the enginex2, and gyro once on their Striker.
Our Plainsman hits the LL actuator and blows off the LA. On the ground.
Our Longbow hits the AC 20 ammo on their Hunchy and it explodes, dead mech!
They focus on our Hatchetman but nothing too big happens.
Their Valkyrie falls but the Commando doesn’t! The Striker does too, obviously.
Our Zeus kicks and destroys the Commando’s RL, destroyed the RT and then the ammo there, boom dead mech!!!
Our Hatchetman destroys the LA of their LA.

They eject the Striker and flee! We win the battlefield with a destroyed three and a savaged two more in just three rounds! We are not raiding or destroying, but salvaging, repairing and leaving.


Goliath - FLL, RLL, H, RFL
Hunchback H, LA, RA, LL
Commando – RA, H, LL

Striker STF-2C with a 2 engine and one gyro hit.


Goblin - -1 speed

Our techs reattach the LA, and then fix the engine in a day and the gyro in 5 days. We salvaged a largely undamaged mech!!!
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Old 12-26-2024, 11:58 AM   #91
Abe Sargent
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The Liao Flank:

We unload Evan’s Deux Company of Mechs and then the 3rd Company of vees to take them out.

Here they are, by the by:


Charger 1L – LL, 2 ML, 10 sinks, 88 armor
Stalker - veteran
Cataphract -
Warhammer 6L
Shadow Hawk – 2H – That’s the one with real armor at 152 points, AC5, LRm5, Srm2, ML, 12 sinks and the base 5/8/3 movement.
Wasp 1L

Most regular a few vets here and there like the Cataphract.


Devastator – Ouch! Veteran
Schrek PPC Carrier
Von Luckner
Kanga Medium Hovertank – AC10, MG, LRM10, 72 armor, 8/12 movement
Striker Light Tank
J. Edgar Hovertank

Three infantry.

They come out of their Fort to attack us away from it to protect the folks inside and to use their woods as cover we are on a wooded hills with a river at the bottom. They are on the west, us at the east.

This is the Kanga!

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Old 12-27-2024, 12:01 AM   #92
Abe Sargent
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We deploy our heavy stuff at the top no water there and scouts and jumpers at the bottom. They flank the south with their hover and hoppers.

Turn 1 - We win init, 9-7. Their Maxim skids and it’s engine is destroyed and the crew abandon it. We focus if rein the south on their Kanga with +2 and in the north beyond the woods and river on just what they can see, like the +2 Charger. Our Goblin destroys the front side! Dead tank! Our Manticore hits the LL on their Charger two actuators. Our TBolt destroys it’s RA and LL too. They target our Awesome. Their legged Charger falls!

Turn 2 – We lose 7=9 init. They eject their Charger! Their Wasp bases our Condor and Falcon. Their SDH next to our Goblin. Our Vindy and Valkyrie next to their Wasp. Our Enforcer and Vulcan next to their Shadow Hawk. Their Jav next to our Zeus. I fire at the Wolverine in the north and in the south at Wasp that can see it. The Shadow Hawk otherwise. I fire at the Jav too. They focus on our TDR. Our VND destroys the LA of their Wasp. Our Falcon it’s LT and the gyro and engine once each. Their Wasp falls and destroys the CT – dead mech! No one else falls. Kicks time! Everyone lands their kicks, them too, no falls or damage.

Turn 3 – We wrest init back 7-6. Their Wolvie next to my TDR. Their Shadow next to our Marauder. Vulcan and Enforcer follow back. South targets the Shadow Hawk, north their Scorpion and Striker. Their Scorpion stuns the crew in our Demolisher for 2 turn and -1 movement. Our MAD destroys the LA of their Shadow Hawk. Our Demolisher destroys the Front side of their Scorpion, dead tank. No one fell. Our Vulcan’s kick on their SHD causes it to break and destroy the Rl , damage transfer to the RT crit, boom ammo and dead mech! Kill Vulcan!!!

We have destroyed three mechs, and three tanks in three turns…will they press their luck or flee with losing 25% of their initial non-INF forces? I toss dice…they stay.

Turn 4 – We keep init 7-8. Their BJ next to my Puma and Rommel, our Stalker bases it. I unjam our Enforcer’s AC. Orion next to their BJ. Their Wolvie hops by my Hunter. Our Thunderbolt next to their Striker, no one on the south side jumps or hovered over the river to me, so we are firing on that PPC Carrier if we can see it. Their Urbie otherwise. Our Valkyrie 1/2s their Schrek’s speed. Our AC2 Carrier legs the Wolverine and destroys it’s LL. Our Puma destroys their BJ’s RT. Our Orion it’s LA. Our Crusader hits it’s engine 3 times and gyro twice, doubly dead!! We also destroy the LT. Only the Wolverine falls. Kicks happen, nothing else damaged or falls.

They lost a Blackjack and got a legged Wolverine, they flee. They eject the Wolverine.


Charger 1L lost LL and RA. – current value – 6.55 mill, to fix 1.05 mill
Wasp 1l - H, RT, LL, RL, RA
Shadow Hawk 2H -H, RA, LL, LT
Blackjack with 2 gyro, 3 engine, missing RT, LT and LA. Current value 1.65, to fix 1.5 mill
Wolverine missing a LL, - current value 4.5 mil to fix 450k.

Maxim – with a damaged engine
Kanga – cannot be salvaged
Scorpion – can’t be salvaged


Demolisher -1 movement

We fix the Demolisher in 2 days, the Blackjack’s savaged gyro in 5 days and engine in just 2. We fix the salvaged Maxim in 3 days. I spend the 450k for the Wolverine 6R and then I spend 1.55 mill to update the captured Charger to an CGR-1A5 the smasher one we’ve fought before and already have one of. 2 mill total spent.
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Old 12-27-2024, 01:03 AM   #93
Abe Sargent
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14 July, 3026 – We finish taking out both garrisons with each other’s colors. We cannot raid, so with fighter cover on each flank, we return and load up and head back out!

Contract Stuff!

One month salary is 285,429

We spent

Salary – 856,287 for three months
To Fix Fighters – 950k
To Repair Damage to DropShips – 5.15 in combat
To Repair the Battle Damaged salvaged Union – 12.5 mill
Support – 850k – 500k armor, 350k ammo
Transit of Avenger – 2.5 mill

Total Spent
– 22,806,287 cash

We were paid:

Salary – 2,112,174
Travel – 1.25 mill
Support – 425k
Support of Damage to Droppies – 2,575,000
50% Battle Loss of Fighters – 4.56 mill

Total Paid – 10,922,174

Total Lost
- 11,884,113

We raided around 650k worth of stuff from the space battle while fighting that defrays that to 11,234,113. I sell some salvaged body parts for a 10% hit like our salvaged Locust, Stalker and Dragon from the first mission for around 6 mill to drop that too 5,234,113

War Chest – 31,490,992

We’ll arrive on Galatea on Aug 22, 3026!

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Old 12-27-2024, 01:44 AM   #94
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July 27, 3026 – Flavia’s Fortress and Leopard CV come back from the Sevren battle! She has 7 influence needs 2 fighters for the Union we just captured and then the Achilles we recruited too and then three others. Let’s toss some dice!!


Regular, Lucifer, Maddy McNair, medium
Elite, Stingray, medium, Raven Marshall,
Veteran, Transit, medium, Nancy Stevens,
Elite, Transgressor, heavy, Lei Chen

Dispossessed MWs:

Elite, Javier Salazar; Charger 1A5,
Elite, Firestarter FS9-A, Toan Wattu
Elite, Brenda Harrington for the Striker 2C when it gets back.

We take deals!

We have 100 points!

Offers – we have 3 offer:

1 – This is from the CC and they want us to O Raid a target in the Marik of Procyon right by us around a few jump away.
2 – The FWL wants us to Diversion Raid. No thanks
3- This is also by the FWL who want us to garrison for a few months.

We’ll take the Cap raid!!!

Procyon is on the border with the Caps, Suns and Combine. It’s three jumps from Galatea and we’ll be there in on August 19 since it’s long to the planet.

Negotiation: We have 120 points! We spend 50 on full salvage, 70, they spend 25 for 3.7 salary, 45 points left. We spend 25 for battle and support at 50% each. 20 points, They offer liaison, us one month them no remuneration and us no transport. We have 12% Signing Bonus

Contract #12:

CC Objective Raid on FWL World of Procyon
Support – 50% Battle Loss AND Straight
Salvage – Full
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
Length – One month
Command – Liaison
Signing Bonus – 12%
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Old 12-27-2024, 11:16 AM   #95
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Beginning of Contract #12:

August, 4, 3026 – We arrive in the Procyon system at their Nadir JumpPoint, nothing near us or attacks us. We’ll arrive in 15 days. We took the Invader with our normal two Dropsies on this mission and an extra surprise in case we are attacked in space. We weren’t but I hold onto them incase we are! I also have our flotilla on notice to jump here in case we are attacked in space on the way here since they can come through here and get here days before an attack on planet would arrive.

We are also taking the Armored Sherpa’s ehre.

August 19, 3026 – We land in Procyon for our raid!! We are here to smash a reinforced mech company with Alpha Mech Regiment and 2nd Vee Company and our three infantry in our Fortress and fighters in the Leopard CV to give us cover. Procyon has loads of agricultural stuff like farmland and stuff, and then Earthwerks-Procyon Engineering Vehicles is here too. We are raiding and destroying a base on the continent of Greene with all of the farmlands and such. The CC wants us to smash hammer an outpost and then retreat after taking it’s stuff and destroying it. It’s in the farming city of Goodland on the Wantu River about 2.5 hours south of the capital on the same river.

We unload at the Goodland City DropPort, and get our bearings! Our infantry and fighters confirm their numbers, and they apparently are off. They have less mechs than told,12, but some tanks too. Around 8 more, so 20 total foes, but 12 mechs and 8 vees should be pretty simple for our 27 units assuming they aren’t assault heavy like the previous Marik garrison. We radio them and offer to meet them away from the base and city of Goodland in order to prevent civilian deaths. They agree. We’ll meet them in a Grasslands map.

Here they are:


Awesome - has a vet
Marauder 3M
Hermes II 2M
Stinger, STG-3G – The one with 2 ML and max armor
Locust 1M


Schrek PPC Carrier- has a vet
LRM Carrier
Galleon Light Tank
Harasser Laser Platform - With 2 ML

Six PPCs in two things and they are vets and then that LRM Carrier is nasty too, they have to be early targets of removal! Luckily not much buildings, rocks, or hills o hide behind here in the Grasslands.

There are some light and heavy woods here, but mostly flat and open.

Here Is their Dervish, a common Marik medium long range mech with 5/8/5 movement, 10 sinks, 2 LRM10s, 2 SRM2s, 2 ML , 7.5 tons of armor.

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Old 12-27-2024, 04:04 PM   #96
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We win init 6-4. I send my heavy stuff down the middle at 5 hexes speared by our Atlas. Spinder in woods next to our Archer. Our Jenner to it’s rear adjacent and Wolfhound two away. It’s in an infantry space too, so I can try to swarm it. My center flank their Awesome. Our Wolfhound hits a Spider’s JJ. Their Awesome drops our Behemoth’s movement by one. Their Awesome tumbles, physical attacks turn. We all make our punches and kicks, no one falls on the north flank.

Turn 2 – We keep init 10-6. Their Awesome rises. Grasshopper to the rear of the Locust. Their Spider bases our Battlemaster, good luck…their Schrek immobilizes our Behemoth. Our Saracen destroys their Schrek’s Turret, dead tank! Our Schrek destroys their Awesome’s RA. Our Maxim destroys the LRM Carrire’s front, dead tank! Our Atlas hits their Awesome engine once, Our Behemoth destroys the RT of it. Our Ontos destroys it’s LL and CT, dead mech! That’s Marsha Otone’s 4th kill she’ll level up. Instead of kicking their Locust 1M our Grasshopper fell. Our BattleMaster kicks and destroys the RL of their Spider, it’s on the ground!

With both their CO Awesome and XO in the Schrek out that turn, I give them a vengeance round to try and pull this out.

Turn 3 – They win init, that needs to be the only thing they’ll win! I eject the behemoth I don’t want to give them a chance to even the odds. They turn the Spider but leave it, I won’t take it out, since it’s just 2 MLs and they could leave it later. Our Hopper rises, I base their Goliath with my Awesome, Hunchback, Ontos, and such. Their Centurion bases our Awesome in the arc so no kicks by us. The Jav and Hermes II charge our shooters in the woods on the north flank, Jenner and Galleon, Saracen and our Jav10F to it’s rear arc. Their Dervish next to our BattleMaster’s flank, I cannot kick.

Our Hunchy hits the hip and leg actuator on the Goliath’s RRL and blows off the FRL on the ground
Our Maxim destroys the Goliath’s RT, immobile mech! Then hits the ammo, boom, dead mech!!! That’s Ryan Oliver’s 4th kill! He’ll level up too
Their Grasshopper destroys our Jav 10F H, dead mech and MW
Our Awesome falls.
Our Archer kicks the LL of f their Hermes II 2M its on the ground

They eject the legged Hermes II and Spider and flee, we claim the ground.


Schrek PPC Carrier - destroyed side - We cannot salvage
LRM Carrier – destroyed front, we cannot salvage

Awesome – H, LT, RL
Goliath – FRL; FRL, H
Hermes II HER-2M reattach LL
Spider SDR-5V – 2 ML, 8/12/8 movement, destroyed RL – current value 2.65 mill, to fix 350k – see below


Behemoth – immobile
Jav 10F destroyed LA, H, dead MW – current value 1.5 mill, to fix 836k

We fix the Behemoth in a day. The Hermes II 2M is done in a few moments. I love me a Spider it’s the fastest Mech in the era with just 56 armor though. Love it since the lasers aren’t; in the arms so you can punch or push or grab a tree to smash with. I have a RL in storage I use to get it up and running now.
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Old 12-27-2024, 09:47 PM   #97
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
August 21, 3026 – We spend a couple of days raiding and rearming, rearmoring and fixing our stuff and funneling supplies with our Sherpas. Then we head out! We destroy the HQ and then fly out. We’ll jump out at September 5 and then arrive at September 19.

Sepr 5 – We arrive, no surprises, I guess my hidden surprise won’t be needed. See you next drop!!! We leave the Procyon system!!! See you on the 19th!

Contract Stuff!

Our salary for this group is 120,613

We Spent:

Salary – 241,226 – 2 months!
To Fix Jav – 836k
Support – 475k - 200k armor and 275k ammo

– 1,552,226

We were paid:

Salary – 999,640
Jav – 418,000
Support – 237,500

Total – 1,655,140

We made
102, 914, so basically a wash!

Level’s Up!

Brutus – Sorenella Capecci +1 gunnery
Ontos – Marsha Otone - +1 gunnery
Maxim – Ryan Oliver - +1 gunnery

END OF CONTRACT 12!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-28-2024, 12:03 AM   #98
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
EVENT - August 1, 3026 - Operation Galahad begins with various movements of military from the middle to the border in the Federated Suns for exercises. The adjacent three realms go on full alert to prepare for defense! The Suns conscript many Aerospace assets to move them out to the border like Drop and JumpShips.

August 22, 3026 – Evan and Stephen Marsh arrive back at Galatea! They have10 recruits, or a Drop/Jump ship style. Do I want to bring in dispossessed or a Ship? We got our Union Droppies with the capture for Evan to do a different jorb. Here are our current Fleets:


Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”
Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary


Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full.
Leopard CV – “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters, full
Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo
Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, just 7 vees used no Infantry used here either
Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters free
Achilles – “Winged Justice”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full
Achilles “Guns Amok”, ”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles. Full!
Union, DropShip – “Jade Lion” Captured from the CC carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, full Fighters

The Union can carry Evan’s 2nd Mech Company called Deux Company. I have Flavia coming back from Procyon on Sept 19, so I’ll try to gab another Ship and she can with her 7 recruits grab stuff. I leave behind some unfilled Mechs and tanks for her. What do I need? Another Achilles they are the premier assault so we push that more? Another Fighter Carrier Leopard CV for Evan’s group so each could take 6 fighters? I like both, but let’s turn to the contracts so see if that’s needed?

Contract Time!
We have 105 points!

We have…3 offers!

1. The FWL wants us to Pirate Hunting, in the periphery
2. The LC wants us to O. Raid the FWl at the border world of Concord. It’s 2 jumps from Rochelle where we raided prior, and we could be on planet on Sept 30.
3. The Fed Suns want us for an O. Raid on the border CC world of Gan Singh which is near the FWL and 2 jumps from Menkalinan we raided too. We could be there on Oct 12.

I take both Raids!! The one for Concord only has a garrison of mechs to smash, so Evan’s Union can head there. The other has a mixed garrison to smash hammer!

Negotiation with LC
: I have 105 points, 105 to spend, 50 for Full Salvage! They want three months, 10 points to drop to one month 45. We pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and support. 20 points left. They pull them all for salary, x3.7. We grab remuneration, nope, 10 points back, they want Liasian, we want 50% transit to grab a support Ship if needed.

Contract #13:

Objective Raid for Lyran Commonwealth for the FWL of Concord
Salary – x3.7, x.1.6, x1.4,
Remuneration – Nope
Command – Liaison
Length - 1 Month
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Transport – 50%

It’s six jumps to Concord. I’ll take the Invader, Union, and a rented Achilles, and then a Leopard CV empty if we bring it in, since the FWL tends to have open borders, just in case.

Negotiation with the FS: I have 110 points. 50 for Full too, 60 left. They want salary, 3.7, 25 more gone, 35 left, we grab 50% Battle Loss and Support, 10 left they grab remuneration , yes, no points left. We get no transport, but everything is normal.

Contract #14:

Objective Raid for the Suns for the CC world of Gan Singh.
Salary – x3.7, x.1.6, x1.3,
Remuneration – Yes
Command – Liaison
Length - 1 Month
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Transport – None

I’ll send the full Leopard CV, and then the full flotilla of two Achilles, Overlord and Condors. That’s 16 Fighters and the surprise not needed before from our JumpShip is here…they and the Combine can be pretty nasty at the border, even the Marik one for them.

DropShip Recruit time!

Is there a bigger fighter Carrier than a Leopard CV but not the 40 Fighter Vengeance I could bring in? Nope, so I try for that Leopard CV. I toss an 8, easily ours!

Meet the:

Leopard CV – carries 6 fighters, empty, named the “Panthera Pardus Melas”.
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Old 12-28-2024, 01:13 AM   #99
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Begin Contract #13:

We hire the Achilles escort. 6 jumps away, it’ll be 1.8 mill there and back too.

Sept 27, 3026 – We arrive at the Zenith JumpPoint in Concord and begin to scout out and around. There are some traffic here at the Zenith Point mostly civilian and then there are military assets at the Nadir one, but none are coming our way.

Sept 30 – We arrive at the DropPort by an industrial complex with a combined group of folks here. We are going to destroy the HQ and thus increase the military presence here a boring world. We land, scout around, and then we see that the garrison is exactly 12 mechs. Let’s just hope they aren’t super size like the 12 ones with the 5 assaults before which was also in Marik space.

We unfurl, and our foes are:

Atlas –Uh oh, veteran
Longbow – LGB-7Q - better armor with 232 points, less ammo though – vet here too
Chameleon TRC-4C – This is a medium designed for learning BattleMechs in schools with 96 armor, 6/9/6, 10 sinks, 1 LL, 2 Ml, 4 SL, 2 MG
Clint CLNT 2-3T
Wolverine 6M
Firestarter FS9M – max armor, 11 sinks, 6/9/6, 2 Ml, 2 SL, 2 MG -swaps out the flamers

Wow that’s a nasty Atlas and Longbow there, I am ruling the Atlas their CO and Longbow XO. That Rifleman and Quickdraw are lightly armored so taking them out could turn the tide, but if I let the Atlas/Longbow dominate? Nasty. But if I spend three turns taking out the Atlas, problems would emerge. Not an easy foe.

This is their Chameleon:

a training mech someone has using in the garrison.

We are on a city map the Citytech one with building.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 12-28-2024 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 12-28-2024, 12:40 PM   #100
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We win init 11-5. Their Commando charges our flank. They didn’t charge the Atlas. I moved my heavy stuff down the center. It and the Longbow are in the left corner of the map. I fire long range weapons at the Atlas and then short at the Commando. The Atlas fell, and the pilot blacked out! We’ll have a chance next turn to advance and then head shot it to death.

Turn 2 – We win a closer one 10-9. Their Longbow moves forward now to cover for their fallen Atlas. Their Firestarter next to our Orion’s flank, I move over to help my Vulcan bases it. Their Assassin bases our Vulcan’s flank. I try to kill the Atlas’s head and short range on the Firestarter. Our Valkyrie’s LRM smashes and ignites the Atlas’s ammo, dead mech – boom! Kicks, none fall.

Turn 3 – We keep init 12-8 – all of our rolls are double digits!!! Their Rifleman flanks to my fire support’s spot. Should I advance my Stalker next to their Longbow and try to end this now or backup and be safe? Try to end it now. Orion next to their Commando flanking it, their Wolverine in the Orion’s flank next, Thunderbolt next to their Clint. Assassin next to it, Marauder next to that, Vulcan to the Assassin’s rear. Cataphract next to their Longbow. Our Stalker a limb blown off on their Longbow’s RA, on the ground. Our Thunderbolt hit the gyro once. Our Crusader hit it again, dead mech! It falls. Our Orion kicks the Commando’s RL and destroys it. Our Stalker it’s LL. It falls, legless. It fell and destroyed it’s ammo, boom, dead mech!

We just got three kills and their CO and XO in back to back turns. Are they frightened or coming back for more? I toss dice…they flee. They have no assault or heavy armor heavies left to rally around like an Orion or Thunderbolt. We have one of each.


Atlas H, LA, RL, RA
Longbow LGB-7Q with 2 gyro hits,
Commando - H, LA, RA

We fix the Longbow all up and down the block in 4 days!
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