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Old 09-29-2014, 03:37 AM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
Wonder Warren: President Forever 2016

I started the weekend thinking I would maybe buy M:TW 2 and Shogun 2 via Steam Sale. Then I saw President Forever 2016 was out and tried the demo. The improvements over PF2K8 were so immense, that I bought it after the demo concluded.

Really Big Improvements From My Viewpoint
*Foot Soldiers appear to no longer expire
*You can build up the organization in each state separate from the foot soldiers
*You control where surrogates go and what they do
*Each state has a Platform Distance, which shows how far you are from the middle platform position of that state
*Overall a cleaner, easier to navigate interface

And that's just from playing the demo.

Now, as you might imagine from the title, I'm taking one of my favorite politicians, Elizabeth Warren, in the pre-loaded 2016 campaign. And because this is what I do, errrybody up in this joint.

Republican Candidates
Chris Christie
Rand Paul
Marco Rubio
Paul Ryan (Fuck you, asshole)
Ted Cruz
Bobby Jindal
John Thune
Peter King (not the SI writer, sadly, though that'd be hilarious)
Ben Carson
Scott Walker (Fuck you up the ass with plague-infested mosquito dicks.)
Jeb Bush
Rick Perry
Bob McDonnell
Brian Sandoval (Fuck you, too)
Jon Huntsman
Rick Santorum (Hehe. Santorum.)
Sarah Palin
Mike Huckabee
Susana Martinez

Democratic Candidates
Hillary Clinton (I was a big supporter in 2008. Not anymore.)
Joe Biden
Elizabeth Warren (Still breaks my heart she's not running IRL)
Andrew Cuomo
Martin O'Malley
Mark Warner
Brian Schweitzer
Amy Klobuchar
Julian Castro
Tim Kaine
Cory Booker
John Hickenlooper
Deval Patrick
Alan Grayson

Libertarian Candidates
Gary Johnson
Jesse Ventura (I'll run a campaign at some point with The Body, just to see how I do)

Green Party
Jill Stein (See Ventura)

Michael Bloomberg (I don't like this guy, personally)

So yeah, as you can imagine, turns will be slow processing in the early going.

Spies are Turned Off, since I never used them.

As you can see, that's all Hillary Clinton yellow, so we've got work to do. Republicans have an interesting map thus far where most people are winning their home states, including Susana Martinez in New Mexico and John Thune in South Dakota.

What's interesting is that though Chris Christie (the yellow in New England) and Bob McDonnell (the non-Arkansas blue of the Mid-Atlantic and South) have clear strongholds, it's a national dogfight. In fact, McDonnell is currently mid-pack with 4.9% despite the bloc he has built for himself.

As for our heroine?

Not the worst starting point in the world, but not the best either from a candidate standpoint. Seems like Issue Knowledge and Debate Prep are really going to be the way to go in the first set of characteristics.

The second set is completely new to me, and I think it's new to 2K16. I don't know why Warren has such low charisma in this database, but it's a definite strike when trying to Barnstorm.

Given that Charisma liability, I think the best way to go about this campaign is to do it via grassroots and winning endorsements. We've got 80 days until the Iowa caucuses, so the 60 days and 1 Command Point per turn it takes to build up the Command Strength seems like the best bet - because increasing the Command Strength increases CPs per turn, ability to increase regional Organizational Strength, and though it doesn't say so in the text, I discovered in the demo that it also serves as a multiplier for CPs spent on Endorsements.

The opening polls. A lot of work to do. Another change from 2008 that I actually love - instead of just toggling target states, you now have to spend CP and turns to make states targets. But there's benefits to that.

Benefits For Making A State Target
-Organizational Strength increases by 1
-Creating Organizational Strength, Footsoldiers, Ads, and Polling takes less time.

It costs 2 CP/turn and 5 turns to make a state a Target. Since the Platform Distance is only 0.3 in Iowa and New Hampshire, we're going to make those our first two target states and try to get some early momentum going.

There's a debate very soon, so let's make sure Debate Prep doesn't fall below 3. We'll spend our last CP there. Oh, and you can now choose who to focus on in your Debate Prep. Since we need to take down Clinton, we'll attack her as a dirty conservative opportunist.

Turn 1 Notes
A couple of 1 profile negative things for a couple Republicans. Not really worth noting.

I forgot to set my Theme in the first turn. The closest issue Warren comes to matching the overall national Public is Government Spending, where she's Center and the US is Center-Right. So we'll pump up Warren on that and her Integrity, and we'll Attack Clinton on Tax Rates (Nevermind that Warren is in the same ballpark).

Debate is this turn, so we'll fluff up Issue Knowledge to be sure that stays at 4. We don't have the CPs to spend elsewhere, as we're working on our infrastructure.

Turn 2 Notes
*4 Power - Martin O'Malley wins the debate. We finish a very respectable 4th, just ahead of Hillary
*Endorsers Available Nationally and in Iowa.

National Endorsers To Consider
Al Gore - $50,00; 0.1 Ground Ops, Can Be Surrogate
Jimmy Carter - +2 Momentum, 0.1 Ground Ops, Can Be Surrogate
Left-wing Talk Radio: +2 Momentum, 0.3 Ground Ops
Bill Maher: $100,000, +2 Momentum, Can Be Surrogate
George Soros: $1 million

Iowa Endorsers To Consider
Sen. Tom Harkin - +2 Momentum, Can Be Surrogate

To be honest, I'm not sure how much the national endorsements matter right now, and it's really about building a head of steam in Iowa and New Hampshire, so over the next several turns, we'll work on swaying Harkin's endorsement - particularly since we're already 3rd with 27 points, tied with Biden for 2nd, and 4 points behind Hillary at 31 (First to 100 gets endorsement). You can spend CP or PIP to influence the endorsement, so we'll cash in a CP to start moving the line.

Turn 3 Notes
O'Malley's Debate Win still getting play, and I won't repeat the reappearances because that'd get tedious
2 Power Peter King O'Reilly Factor shining appearance

Clinton's up to 33 points in Harkin's endorsement, but we're in second with 30 points, so we're just going to keep pushing that angle.

Turn 4 Notes
-3 Profile Hillary Clinton Scandal
-Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio debate to a draw.

A small Clinton scandal, but it might be the first in a campaign derailment. I'm guessing it's the pack of opponents beneath her all targeting, which is cool by me. 35 Clinton, 33 Warren in the Harkin endorsement race, but we'll drop another CP in.

Turn 5 Notes
Iowa and New Hampshire now target states.

Now we can start putting the plan into action in earnest. A foot soldier each for Iowa and New Hampshire under construction. Normally it takes 10 turns, but because we have them as targeted states, a turn gets shaved off each (Org. Strength at 1 in both).

That leaves us with 3 CPs. And much like the previous version, there's a gradual drift on the part of endorsers to their preferred candidates, so it's 37 Clinton, 36 Warren in the Harkin sweepstakes. We're getting closer and drop another CP in.

2 CPs left. We could build up the Organizational Strength of a Target state some more, which gives us a multiplier for our Foot Soldiers, or we could work on Issue Knowledge/Debate Prep, or Fundraise, or Work on an Ad. Hmm. Or add another Target State.

On the other hand...

New Hampshire Endorsers
Gov. Maggie Hassan - +2 Momentum, Ground Ops 1.0, can be Surrogate
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen - +2 Momentum, can be Surrogate

This might be a better use of our time. Our 30 for each is behind Clinton's 37, but it's a gap we can overcome.

Turn 6 Notes
-3 Profile Clinton Scandal
-Patrick, Sandoval Do Well On TV
-Lot of ads produced this turn

We're just going to keep working on swaying endorsements for now. Another small profile scandal for Hillary, though she still has all the map to herself for now.

Turn 7 Notes
Wow! Cory Booker must have dropped a Political Influence Point or two, because he's suddenly in the Tom Harkin lead at 46, and we're at 42. No worries. Let's keep endorsing.

Turn 8 Notes
-Warren USA Super Pac releases Attack Ad on Clinton on War on Terror in New Hampshire (Power 2)

Turn 10 Notes
Hillary had a 41% polling in Iowa last they ran them, but she's -19.9 Momentum and is -6.9 Momentum in New Hampshire, so she's about to start crashing hard. 3 way tie at 48 for the Tom Harkin endorsement now.

Turn 12 Notes
2 Power Kaine Campaign Too Negative?
2 Power Cruz Shines On Show

I now have a 3 point cushion over Clinton on the two New Hampshire endorsements, so I work on Issue Knowledge and Debate Prep, preparing for the debate in 2 weeks.

Turn 13 Notes
2 Profile Clinton Scandal
2 Power Warner Does Well On O'Reilly Factor
Warren USA Super Pac runs Highly Successful Ad attacking Clinton on Abortion on Iowa

Turn 14 Notes
2 Profile Clinton Scandal
2 Profile Hit To O'Malley, Warren For Not Campaigning

...Yeah. I kind of haven't left Massachusetts yet, and when you don't campaign, you're slammed in the media for it after a while. We'll hold a rally in Iowa and try to counteract the -2.9 Momentum we were just hit with there. Also work on upping our Strength Organization now that we have a Foot Soldier in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

Turn 15 Notes
As expected, the Iowa barnstorming failed, so we'll add another Foot Soldier in the list for Iowa and up Org. Str. in New Hampshire.

Turn 16 Notes
Tim Kaine endorsed by Jimmy Carter

Let's see what type of effect that has for him.

Turn 17 Notes
3 Power Clinton Scandal
2 Power Huntsman Gaffe
2 Power Patrick Great Media Appearance

Turn 18 Notes
The first crack in the Hillary Clinton monopoly comes when Joe Biden takes a slight lead in Iowa, making it a white state, and Virginia is also blank - a three-way tossup between Hillary, Kaine, and Warner. Also, Martin O'Malley has polevaulted to a huge lead in New Hampshire with 23.3% to Clinton and Warner's 14%.

As for us? We haven't been able to make any traction anywhere, so it might be time to start holding rallys soon to get something going.

Turn 19 Notes
Walker Defense Spending Speech Backfires (Ha-ha!)
Castro Shines TV
Warren USA Super Pac runs ad against O'Malley on Immigration in New Hampshire

Turn 20 Notes
Warren USA Super Pac runs ad against Biden on Immigration in Iowa
Iowa Rally Success! +5 To Warren's momentum in total and -3 to Clinton's momentum

Now we can start finally making headway, I think.
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Old 09-29-2014, 05:58 AM   #2
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Turn 21 Notes
Patrick talks to packed audience re: Integrity
Power 4 Attack Ad on Clinton in Iowa on Energy (Warren Super PAC)
+2 Warren, -3 Clinton Momentum after New Hampshire rally
Insight gained into Issue Familiarity issue during rally

Turn 22
Booker shines in media appearance, speech
Jeb Bush good on Daily Show

I've conceded the New Hampshire governor's endorsement to Hillary, I think. She's getting crushed in Iowa with negative momentum now, so she's being forced to shift gears, and she's pouring a lot of resources into securing that endorsement.

Turn 23
Cuomo good on Meet the Press

Turn 24
3 Power Clinton Scandal
McDonnell good on media
+5 to Warren, -3 to Clinton in New Hampshire after rally

Forgot to move to Iowa first before doing that rally. Oops.

Turn 25
Ryan great on press appearance
+5 to Warren, -3 to Clinton in Iowa after rally

We've jumped up to 5.6% in Iowa and have more momentum than anyone else in the state. South Carolina has shifted to Mark Warner, and Tim Kaine currently has Virginia. We're at 6.9% in New Hampshire, which still sees Martin O'Malley with a commanding 24.5% to Cuomo's 12.9%.

The only endorsement I'm now fighting for is Tom Harkin's, and we're also maxing out our Organizational Strength and adding another foot soldier in Iowa.

Turn 26
6 Power Mike Huckabee Debate Meltdown
Christie and Cruz Debate To Draw

Turn 27
4 Power Clinton Wins Debate
6 Power Clinton Scandal

We pretty much bomb in the debate but that's okay. We're also at a point where we can now add another target state, and Nevada seems like a great one to do for some reason

Turn 28
Super Pac against Kaine on Abortion in Iowa

Turn 29
3 Power O'Malley Scandal
Christie Campaign Too Negative?
Warren Slammed for attacking other candidates in Theme

I declined an appearance on the O'Reilly Factor, because that just spells trouble.

Harkin is over 95 influence now, and another cool change of the game is that once you hit 95, you have to spend CP or PIP to bring the endorsement home.

I change my theme to run on Corruption, pro-Warren. Makes sense.

Turn 32
Tom Harkin endorses Elizabeth Warren!

We're up to 10.5% in Iowa, which puts us third behind Kaine (12.9%) and Clinton (10.5%), and we've major momentum.

Utah is now deadlocked between Clinton and Patrick, and O'Malley, Cuomo, and Clinton are running a 3 way tie in Georgia.

New Hampshire actually saw us drop to 5.9%, as O'Malley consolidates his huge lead there. As it turns out, it costs a PIP to make Tom Harkin a Surrogate, and I'm not so sure about that, given he only has 5 Surrogate Points when he's made, and I only have 10.

Fuck it. I need to win Iowa. Let's work on making him.

Turn 33
+12 Momentum to Warren after Iowa Rally.
Warren Super Pac attacks Clinton on Same Sex Marriage in Nevada

Turn 34
3 Power Christie Speech Backfires
2 Power Kaine Gaffe on Healthcare
2 Power Rand Paul Media Good
+8 Momentum to Warren in New Hampshire after rally
Warren Super Pac attacks Kaine on Energy in Iowa

Turn 35
4 Power Attack ad on Clinton in Iowa on Gov't Spending

Man do I love that Warren Super PAC. It's really helping me out.

Turn 37
Hillary Clinton endorsed by NH Governor Maggie Hassan
Booker Campaign Too Negative?
+3 Warren Momentum after Nevada rally
Tom Harkin created

Note: I'm not posting every single headline - only the ones that I feel like typing out, so like Jill Stein got positive press a while back for example.

We're going to park Tom Harkin and not use him until the week before the primary since he only has 5 points to use.

South Carolina appears like we might have a shot there, so we'll add it to our Target States and further build up our Nevada infrastructure.

Turn 38 Notes
Sandoval Speech Backfires
Booker Not Campaigning
Bill Maher Endorses Jay Cuomo

Turn 39 Notes
3 Power Martinez Scandal
Clinton Good on Daily Show
Barnstorming Flops in Nevada

We may have to give up the Battle-Born State as a lost cause. Good news in Iowa: Our 13.5% gives us a narrow lead in the state. Jay Cuomo has New Jersey now, O'Malley leads in Georgia, and Clinton wrestled Virginia back.

Turn 40 Notes
+12 Warren momentum in New Hampshire after rally.

Turn 41 Notes
McDonnell gives stirring speech
Perry flubs it on Meet the Press
+4 Warren momentum in Iowa after Rally

Turn 42 Notes
+4 Warren momentum in Nevada
Clinton creates ad on Warren/Immigration

Nice! Evidently she's starting to take me seriously. South Carolina is now a target state, so we'll work on a foot soldier and hold a rally there. Also still working on Issue Knowledge. At this point, I'm just going to accept we'll suck in debates.

Turn 43
Clinton releases controversial attack ad on Warren
Jeb Bush endorsed by his dad
Walker campaign too negative?
Clinton makes attack ad on Warren/Military Intervention
+3 Warren momentum in South Carolina

Fuck you, Hillary, and gee, no shock H.W. endorses Jeb. Let's strengthen our organization in Nevada and build another foot soldier in New Hampshire.

Got an intuition bonus to Gov't Spending. Yay.

Turn 44
Warren's home state of Massachusetts is queued up as a target state. Got to start thinking about Super Tuesday a little bit.

Turn 45
6 Power Clinton Scandal
Al Gore endorses Deval Patrick
Cuomo Campaign Too Negative?

YES! That's what we need.

Turn 46
3 Power Clinton Scandal
Alan Grayson endorsed by George Soros

We gain back the point we lost last time in New Hampshire, and expand our Iowa lead to 15.5%. Patrick goes up in Utah, and West Virginia and Virginia both turn white.

Turn 47
4 Power Clinton Scandal
+6 Warren Momentum in Iowa

Our momentum in Nevada keeps bleeding out, now at -8.9, but if we keep up the good things in Iowa and turn New Hampshire around, then maybe we can start building something here.

Turn 48
+6 Warren Momentum in New Hampshire

Turn 49
Alan Grayson talks to packed crowds about Immigration
Massachusetts now target state

Turn 50
+2 Momentum in South Carolina

Turn 51
+7 Momentum in Nevada
South Carolina foot soldier

Note: I may have missed when the upgrades are complete, but I think you get the sense of when as we do different stuff.

Turn 52
+4 Momentum in New Hampshire
+8 Momentum in South Carolina

Turn 53
3 Power Scandals for Clinton, Biden, Christie
+5 Momentum in Nevada

So I figured out the polls update on Monday

Nevada: 4.3 (+2.1)
South Carolina: 6.8 (+4.3)
New Hampshire: 8.5 (+1.6 and within striking distance of 3rd)
Iowa: 14.9 (-0.5 but still with a 3 percentage point lead)

With a little under a month to go before we hit Iowa:

Cracks are appearing in the Clinton juggernaut foundation, and the Republican race is just as tight as ever right now. Amusing note from the Libertarian race: Jesse "The Body" Ventura now leads in Texas, Oregon, and New Hampshire in addition to his home state of Minnesota, and has forced Tennessee to a tie. In other words, he's building just enough momentum not to concede to Gary Johnson.

Our national polling hasn't moved at all from our initial 2.7%, but with an Iowa win and continued pressure in the other early states, we can maybe get something going that will give us momentum before Super Tuesday hits, where we currently project to get crushed.
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Old 09-29-2014, 06:39 AM   #3
Head Coach
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Turn 54
+6 Momentum in New Hampshire
4 Power attack ad on O'Malley in New Hampshire on Defense Spending

Turn 55
+14 momentum in South Carolina.


I literally have NEVER SEEN A 28 POWER DIVEBOMB IN MY LIFE! It gets worse - her CP crashes to 4 so there is literally nothing I can do but watch the collapse of a once promising, budding campaign.

They play the clips over and over and over again, and the sick fuck media vultures wonder aloud what made Warren snap so spectacularly. I want to drink, smoke, cry, do all kinds of things I shouldn't because this can't be real.

It doesn't make sense. Sure, the Debate Prep had slipped to 2, but Issue Knowledge I kept until 4. Maybe it was that damned 2 Charisma that did it. All I know is, I'm waiting for Monday's polls.

We're barely hanging on to an Iowa lead, but with the power still 23, it's done. Command Strength improves to 3 and I'm at 5/5, but it's already over.

Wow. I spent way too much time building it all up... and then to have it go up in a single act beyond my control.
2006 Golden Scribe Nominee
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Best Non-Sport Dynasty: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

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Old 09-29-2014, 09:11 AM   #4
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I've saved WareenBomb as a separate file in case I decide to go back to it again, but for now, we'll start over again with full candidates.

Opening Positions
Rick Santorum - 7.9%
Chris Christie - 7.7%
Mike Huckabee - 7.7%
Sarah Palin - 7.6%

Pretty sure Christie and Santorum were flip-flopped last start

Hillary Clinton - 32%
Joe Biden - 9.9%
Andrew Cuomo - 8.9%
Mark Warner - 8.6%

Same basic Top Four as last time.

Our opening strategy is the same as last time - Iowa and New Hampshire in Target State queue, work on upgrading Command Strength, and work on Debate Prep.

Different strategy this time, though re: Endorsements. Forget about them and concentrate on other things like building up infrastructure, Issue Knowledge, and Debate Prep.

Turn 2
Cory Booker Wins Debate (4 Power)
3 Power Clinton Scandal

We finish 8th in the debate, which is what we did in the demo game. Disappointing not getting another 4th, but at least it wasn't a 28 point slam.

Since Issue Knowledge is at 4, the emphasis will be on maintaining that level, and bumping up Debate Prep to 4.

Turn 4
Marco Rubio wins debate (4 Power)
Super Pac 4 Power Attack Ad on Clinton in New Hampshire (Government Spending)

Oh crap. Forgot to update my theme. Hmm Government Spending, Integrity, and Tax Rates. Why not make it wholly economics for now?

Turn 5 Notes
Once New Hampshire and Iowa are targeted states, I not only order a foot soldier each, but amp up the Organization Strength in Iowa - really trying to build that quick momentum when I'm ready to start barnstorming. I do the same to New Hampshire when I have spare CPs in Turn 6.

Turn 11
9 Profile Clinton Scandal

Note: I'm only jotting down 3 or higher power things for now. in today's polls, Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo are knotted up in Iowa after Clinton's freefall and Tim Kaine takes advantage of the huge scandal to move into a lender leader in Virginia over her and Mark Warner.

We haven't moved yet because we've done no rallying, waiting for the right moment. We are, however, working on maxing out our organizational strength in Iowa and New Hampshire at 3 each while still hitting the debate prep books.

Turn 12
3 Profile Clinton Scandal

Turn 13
+6 Momentum in New Hampshire

Turn 14
3 Power Huckabee Scandal

Foot soldiers complete. More foot soldiers!

Turn 15
6 Power Clinton Scandal
Clinton releases controversial attack ad on Warner

Turn 16
6 Power Biden Scandal

Turn 17
4 Power Clinton Scandal

Turn 18
Andrew Cuomo is now in the lead in Iowa, and New Hampshire is a blank slate battle between Martin O'Malley and John Hickenlooper?! Wow, first time I've seen Hickenlooper do anything at all.
Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are whiteboarding South Carolina, while Kaine is making Virginia solidly his.

We'll continue to hang back, waiting to make our move until after the debate in a weekish.

Turn 24
3 Profile Palin Scandal
+8 Momentum in Iowa

Couldn't pass up the chance to start something when we had some CP to do so after the second foot soldiers were done.

Turn 25
+10 Momentum in New Hampshire

Iowa: 3.7 (+1.6)
New Hampshire: 12.7 (+4.9)

We're now in the thick of the race in New Hampshire, polling third behind Andrew Cuomo and JohnHickenlooper. Cumo has also seized control of New York and Nebraska from Clinton and is in a two way tie with Joe Biden in Nevada. Amy Kluobacher and Clinton are neck and neck in Ohio, and Martin O'Malley is the new sexy Iowa favorite.

Turn 26
Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal debate to a draw and Marc Rubio scored a -6 to Chris Christie. I think that's what caused the epic meltdown of last game. Warren was the leader in Iowa, so everyone ganged up on her and caused a flipout.

Turn 27
Elizabeth Warren wins Debate - +4 Power
+3 Momentum in New Hampshire

Just barely beat out Martin O'Malley to do it, too. I also had a positive interview on Hardball.

Nevada goes in the target state queue and a foot soldier for Iowa.

Turn 28
+8 Momentum in Iowa

I noticed our background fundraising spiked considerably after that debate win. Good to know.

Turn 29
3 Profile Clinton Scandal

For the first time, I see positive momentum in non-target states, with +2 in Missouri and somewhere else I forgot. Missouri had us in the best position right now, so off to a rally there.

Turn 30
+8 Momentum in Missouri

Colorado was the other state apparently, because we're headed there next for a rally. Not saying they'll become target states, but might as well put in appearances.

Turn 31
+6 Momentum in Colorado
4 Power Warren USA attack ad on Schweitzer in Nevada on War on Terror

Turn 32
+8 Momentum in Nevada
3 Power Warren Scandal

A small concern, but it's a small scandal, so...

Iowa: 9.9 (+6.2) - 4th
New Hampshire: 16.1 (+3.4) - 1st
Nevada: 4.7 (+2.4)
Missouri: 7.3 (+5)
Colorado: 4.3 (+2.6)

Andrew Cuomo Territories
New York - We're 9.7 here, a 6.1 jump that has us in distant third behind Cuomo and Clinton

Tim Kaine Territories

Whiteout Territories
Texas - tied between Clinton and Warner
Nevada - Schweitzer slightly ahead of Biden
Wyoming - Clinton and Kaine even

Nationally we've jumped to 4.9, so if that little scandal doesn't derail us, we could be looking at the start of the Warren train.
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Old 09-29-2014, 07:41 PM   #5
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So after discussing it briefly with the game's developer, what most likely happened was because I'm playing with such a large number of candidates, in the game of Warren's debate meltdown, she got slammed with multiple highly successful attacks, leading to a -28 debate score.

Getting back to the current campaign...

As you can see, we've got a lot of avenues we can go here. The biggest one that catches my attention - Momentum in Texas and a double-digit deficit. We work into that big fish on Super Tuesday and we're gold, Ponyboy.

Foot soldier in Nevada, Rally in Texas.

Turn 33
+8 Momentum in Texas

Turn 34
Palin gives stirring speech on Military Intervention (3 Power)
+8 Momentum in Nevada

Turn 35
+7 Momentum in Puerto Rico

Turn 36
+2 Momentum in New Hampshire
Foot soldier in Iowa

Going to add Texas to my target states after all.

Turn 37
3 Power Biden scandal

Turn 38
3 Power Clinton scandal
Clinton endorsed by Jimmy Carter
+5 Momentum in Texas

We're leaking momentum in Nevada and South Carolina for some reason, but we'll just have to ride it out.

Turn 39
+11 Momentum in Iowa

Warren States
[b]New Hampshire - 18.5% to Hickenlooper's 15.2%. Dude is really staking his campaign here.

Cuomo States
New York - 27.6% to Clinton's 20.4%. We're still far back in third, but have increased to 11%
Nebraska - 25% to Clinton's 21.3%, but she's got momentum here.

Klobuchar States
Ohio - 17.6% to Clinton's 15.2%, but Hillary is dropping fast

Kaine States
Virginia - 27.5% to Warner's 16% Biggest lead we've seen yet in a non-Clinton state

Schweitzer States
Nevada - 14.5% to Biden's 12.3%, and both Joe and Hillary are sliding.

Whiteboard States
Wyoming - Clinton 17%, Kaine 16.2% with Hillary neg mo
Arizona - Clinton 22.2%, Cuomo 21.8%, but Hilly's plus mo
Texas - Clinton and Warner both 17.5%, but she's negative (1.9) and he's positive (6). We've increased our share to 10% and are now in 4th, with +5 momentum ourselves.

Have to run the 2nd round of a sim league draft now and then do other stuff, so I'll force myself away for now.
2006 Golden Scribe Nominee
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Best Non-Sport Dynasty: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

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Old 09-29-2014, 08:40 PM   #6
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Very quick note as I'm on my way out the door:

I forgot to mention that Iowa is also a whiteboard state, where we're virtually tied with Martin O'Malley, who has 12.9% to our 12.6%, and we're riding a +12 Momentum, so if we keep doing what we do, we should be able to seize leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, which will hopefully set off good things down the stretch.
2006 Golden Scribe Nominee
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Best Non-Sport Dynasty: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

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Old 09-30-2014, 04:48 AM   #7
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Turn 40
3 Power Ted Cruz Scandal
Jeb Bush endorsed by dad
+14 Momentum in Texas

Turn 41
3 Power Clinton Scandal
3 Power Cruz Scandal
+5 Iowa Momentum

Footsoldier in Nevada complete and Texas now officially a Target state.

Ramping up organization strength in Texas and ordering a foot soldier there, because if we can capture a big fish like that on Super Tuesday, we'll be in great shape.

Turn 42
+4 Momentum in Texas

Yeah I know. Back in Texas. But that's where the big momentum is for Warren right now. Massachusetts is getting added to the target state tally, because we can't lose the home state, damn it.

With no real momentum to capitalize on in states we haven't visited so much lately, we'll start work on producing ads for Iowa and New Hampshire.

Turn 44
Clinton completes ad on Warren/Government

I'm getting an eerie feeling...

Turn 45
3 Profile Clinton Attack Ad on Warren
+4 Iowa Momentum

That attack ad is really killing our momentum in a lot of states, but we'll just hunker down, work on our Issue Knowledge and Debate Prep, and weather the storm.

Turn 46
3 Profile Republicans ahead of Democrats in Polls

Previously it'd been tied. No doubt due to the attack on Hillary.

Martin O'Malley States
Iowa - 14.4%. We're second with 13.4% and slender momentum

Mark Warner States
Texas - 18.8%. We're up to 2nd with 13.2%, but our momentum is at -8.9. Ouch.

Brian Schweitzer States
Nevada - 14.8%, Biden second with 13.6%. We just can not get anything going here.

Andrew Cuomo States
New York - 25.9%. Hillary with 17.8% and falling momentum. We increase slightly, to just over 11%.

Tim Kaine States
Virginia - 21.4%, Warner second with 16.7%

Elizabeth Warren States
New Hampshire - 18.6% with Cuomo second at 15.7%

Whiteboard States
Wyoming - Hillary at 16.4% and negative momentum, Kaine at 16.1%

Turn 47
Tom Harkin endorses Alan Grayson
Clinton completes National Ads on Warren

WTF? Get off my ass, bitch!

Iowa ad is okay - Power 7. We'll keep it in reserve, I guess.

Turn 48
Cory Booker endorsed by Al Gore
+3 Missouri momentum

Mass is now a target state.

Turn 49
Clinton completes attack ad on Warren

I supremely hate that bitch right now.

Turn 50
3 Power Clinton Scandal
Jeb Bush gives Stirring Speech

Turn 51
3 Power Cuomo Scandal
+3 Momentum in Texas
Clinton completes ad on Warren

Turn 52
+5 Momentum in Virginia
Cuomo completes ad on Warren

Missouri's getting added as a target state. But I hate that everyone's now coming after me even if they haven't released the ads.

Turn 53
3 Power Clinton Scandal
4 Power Attack ad on Cuomo in New Hampshire via Super PAC

State Flips
Ohio - Amy Klobuchar with 13.9% to Clinton's 10.9% but they're both with huge negative momentums, so it's anybody's game
New Jersey - Whiteboard - O'Malley 12.1%, Hickenlooper 12%
North Carolina - Whiteboard - Warner 14.8%, Clinton 14%
Iowa - Whiteboard - Us and O'Malley at 14.1%, but we've momentum
Colorado - Andrew Cuomo 15.8%, Clinton 13.3% and crashing hard
Wyoming - Tim Kaine - 16.2%, Cuomo 13%
Nevada - Whiteboard - Schweitzer 13.4%, Biden 12.6%
Arizona - Whiteboard - Clinton 23.2%, Cuomo 22.5%

Turn 55
5 Power Warren Triumphs in Debate!
O'Malley releases Attack Ad On Clinton

Couldn't have gone any better!

Biden and Klobuchar, you guys are on my shit list. Although this only shows the Top 8 finishers in the debate (the game designer is aware of this), you can see how Warren magically imploded last game - low Issue Familiarity (IF) and Debate Prep combined with what were likely TONS of attacks, doomed her.

This game, I amped up my Issue Knowledge and Debate Prep and kept it high. Hopefully that can have the same reversal effects winning the last debate did.

To put it in perspective, that is a MASSIVE debate win. Worst performance? Hillary, who netted a score of 1, very close to the negative score that gives the Debate Meltdown headline (see last game).

Sure enough, a bunch of +2 Momentums have cropped up when I look at the Strategy screen. Can't take advantage right now though because of CP being spent on Infrastructure, unless I'm willing to take endurance hits, which, let's be honest... I am!

But before then - the New Hampshire ad is a Power 6. It got delayed initially, which is why it didn't show up with the Iowa ad. I probably won't even need to run it, the way things are going there right now, but we'll see.

Lot of thinking to do about my next move. Next debate's in 27 days, by the way, but the Iowa caucuses are in 25.
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Old 09-30-2014, 08:18 AM   #8
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Turn 56
Ryan 3 Power Government Spending Speech
Martinez 3 Power Role of Government Speech
+8 Momentum in Colorado

Turn 57
4 Power Christie Wins Debate
3 Power Hickenlooper Scandal
+8 Georgia Momentum

Missouri's now an official target state.

Turn 58
+8 Momentum in Tennessee
Warner completes ad on Warren

Keep in mind also that I'm strengthening organizations and adding foot soldiers to target states along the way.

Turn 59
6 Power Clinton Scandal
3 Power McDonnell Speech
+8 Momentum in Massachusetts

Turn 60
+5 Momentum in Minnesota
4 Power Super PAC attack ad on Schweitzer in Nevada

Oh P.S. - our fundraising is in the low $20ks now, so the debate win keeps boosting that.

Whiteboard States
Nevada - Cuomo 13.2%, Biden 13%, Schweitzer 12.9% with Cuomo surging
Colorado - Cuomo 15.2%, Hickenlooper 14.5%, Warren 11.4%!
Minnesota - Clinton 15.4%, Cuomo 14.5% and Hill's neg. No one else with 10% of the vote
Ohio - Klobucher 12.4%, Biden 11.5% and he's got momentum
New Jersey - Warren 11.9%, O'Malley 11.5%, Hickenlooper 11.3%, Clinton 10.9%. We have slight momentum and Hillary's crashing
Rhode Island - Cuomo 19.8%, Clinton 18.9%

Mark Warner States
Texas - 17.5%, Warren 11.5%, Cuomo 11.4% with some big momentum
North Carolina - 14.2%, Clinton 13.2%, Warren 10.8%

Tim Kaine States
Virginia - 22.3%, Cuomo 13.7%, Warner 13.4% and he's carrying momentum
Wyoming - 14.6%, Cuomo 13.3%

Andrew Cuomo States
New York - 27.8%, Clinton 17.5%, Warren 11.7%, and Hillary's got negative momentum to boot
Missouri - 16.8%, Clinton 14.1%, and she's sliding
Arizona - 25.7%, Clinton 18.9% - he's got momentum and she's dropping

Elizabeth Warren States
New Hampshire - 18.4%, Hickenlooper 13.7%, Cuomo 13.4% - We and Andrew have momentum, Hickenlooper dropping
Iowa - 16.4%, Biden 12.1%, and we've additionally got momentum going

National Polls
Hillary Clinton - 18%
Andrew Cuomo - 12.5%
Mark Warner - 8.7%
Joe Biden - 8.2%
Martin O'Malley - 7.8%
Elizabeth Warren - 7.4%
Tim Kaine - 5.5%
Cory Booker - 4.6%
Deval Patrick - 3.7%
Brian Schweitzer - 2.6%
John Hickenlooper - 2.3%
Alan Grayson - 1.5%
Amy Klobucher - 1.4%
Julian Castro - 1.2%

Putting together the map and the national polls, it's still Hillary's game to lose, but Cuomo, Warner, and us are charging hard up the ranks. I think Kaine is just hoping to put himself in position to be a kingmaker, but you never know.

Despite the fact that we continue to make no headway in the polling data, our guys are insistent Nevada is still in play. We'll see.

Turn 61
4 Power Clinton Scandal
+8 Momentum in US Virgin Islands
Command Strength now 3, raising max CP/turn to 7

Now time to start building up Ground Strength, which will reduce the time it takes to create Foot Soldiers, a key part of our strategy.

Turn 62
Our barnstorming failed for the first time, but we'll still make Tennessee a target start since we're quite close to capturing it. We'll also start making ads, focusing on Nevada and our Super Tuesday states.

Turn 64
+5 Momentum in Missouri

Turn 65
3 Power Cory Booker Scandal
Rick Santorum Endorsed by The Family Leader

Turn 68
+8 Momentum in Ohio

I forgot to look at the Monday map flip, but I'm now at 95 with so many endorsers I can't list them all here.

Belated Monday recap

Whiteboard States
Tennessee - Warren 16.9%, Clinton 16.1% as the only two in double-digit polling
Puerto Rico - Cuomo 13.3%, Clinton 12.5%
Minnesota - Clinton 13.6%, Cuomo 13.3%
Massachusetts - Warren 17.5%, Clinton 17.3%, and we've got momentum

Andrew Cuomo States
Nevada - 14.6%, Schweitzer 12.1%, Biden with 11.9% and momentum
Arizona - 25.5%, Clinton 18.9%
Colorado - 17.2%, Hickenlooper 13.9%
Missouri - 18.4%, Clinton 13.9%, Warren 13.2%
New York - 26.7%, Clinton 18.3%, Warren 13.2%
Rhode Island - 19.9%, Clinton 16.9% as only ones in double-digits

Tim Kaine States
Wyoming - 16.4%, Cuomo 11.6%, Clinton 11.5%
Virginia - 20.3%, Cuomo 16.1%, Warner 15.1%

Mark Warner States
North Carolina - 16.4%, Warren 14.6%, but he's got momentum
Georgia - 21.1%, Clinton 16.7%, Warren 13.2% as only DDs, but they've momentum and we're sliding
Texas - 16.2%, Cuomo 13.2%, Warren 11.5% as only DDs and we have momentum

Martin O'Malley States
New Jersey - 12.6%, Warren 11.3%
Maryland - 22%, Clinton 17%, Warren 13.8%

Joe Biden States
Ohio - 14.3%, Klobucher 12.5%

Elizabeth Warren States
Iowa - 18.5%, Biden 12.1% and we have momentum
New Hampshire - 24.3%, Cuomo 13.5% and we have momentum
Connecticut - 13.6%, Clinton 12%

What we're starting to see is that a power base is beginning to develop for Warren in New England and Warner in the South, which makes sense, given their home states. Cuomo keeps building a wide national base, though Clinton is still the frontrunner.

Elizabeth's looking great in Iowa and New Hampshire obviously, and hopefully that'll give us some Super Tuesday momentum, as I'm skeptical we have a shot at Nevada, and we're getting absolutely hammered in South Carolina and Arizona, carrying around 2% of the vote in each state.
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Old 09-30-2014, 10:08 AM   #9
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12 days to Iowa and my hopes of getting some sleep before my usual long Tuesday are dashed, so let's just keep going,eh?

Another soldier ordered for Texas and they'll be the first state to reach the max organization level of 4. I really, really want to win the Lone Star.

Warren does well on the Rachel Maddow show, but it only makes low-level news and not a power headline.

Puerto Rico is added to our strategy, since we have a fair shot at winning it.

Turn 70 Notes
3 Power Warren Scandal
Sen. Sherrod Brown endorses Andrew Cuomo which reminds me I need to start handing out stuff. Unfortunately I have no CPs available because I'm spending it on infrastructure. Oops.

Turn 74 Notes
Republicans ahead of Democrats in polls
Chris Christie endorsed by Americans for Tax Reform
Deval Patrick endorsed by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen

Whiteboard States
Minnesota - Cuomo - 13.7%, Clinton 13.4%
South Dakota - Clinton 13%, Warner 12.3%
Kansas - Clinton 17.6%, Cuomo 17.5%, Warren 12.5%
Texas - Warner 15.2%, Cuomo 14.3%, Warren 13%
Nevada - Cuomo - 12.8%, Biden 12.3% with Cuomo losing ground
New Jersey - O'Malley 12.1%, Hickenlooper 12%
Rhode Island - Cuomo 17.6%, Clinton 17.5%

Andrew Cuomo States
Arizona - 24.1%, Clinton 17.5%
Colorado - 17.8%, Hickenlooper 15.2%
Missouri - 16.4%, Clinton 14.8%
New York - 23.9%, Clinton 16.4%, Warren 14.9%
Puerto Rico - 17.6%, Clinton 12.7%, and Cuomo has mo

Mark Warner States
North Carolina - 19%, Warren 16%
Georgia - 21.8%, Clinton 18.6%, Warren 13.7%

Tim Kaine States
Virginia - 21.5%, Cuomo 16.7%
Wyoming - 14.3%, Cuomo 12%

Martin O'Malley States
Maryland - 23.1%, Clinton 18.2%, Warren 10.7%

Elizabeth Warren States
Iowa - 18.9%, Biden 12.1%, and we have momentum
New Hampshire - 24.5%, Cuomo 15.4%, and we have huge momentum
Tennessee - 16.9%, Clinton 15.3%
Massachusetts - 18.6%, Clinton 17.3% and we have momentum

We actually took a fairly significant hit in a lot of states this go round, even as we made great gains in the home state and Tennessee.

Time to spread a couple CP around to see if I can snag some endorsements in key states.

Turn 76
Elizabeth Warren Endorsed by Sen. Harry Reid and Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon

I also decide to add Minnesota to my strategy, pursue another couple endorsements, and start running the Iowa ad.

Turn 78
Minnesota Sen. Al Franken Endorses Elizabeth Warren
6 Power Rick Perry scandal
North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan also endorses Warren

I briefly consider making Missouri Governor Jay Nixon a Surrogate for his +5 Missouri barnstorming, but I'll hold off for now.

Turn 79
Sarah Palin endorsed by Ann Coulter
A bunch of other endorsements happen, but I've become convinced they're largely useless unless immediately followed up by a visit to the state
+8 Momentum to North Carolina

Why am I putting effort into North Carolina when it's a late state? Because I like the idea of cutting into Warner's Southern base, and I want to paint the map Wareen green as soon as possible.

Turn 80
Mike Huckabee is endorsed by Sen. Chuck Grassley
+8 Momentum in Minnesota

We're bleeding out in New Hampshire right now as people are frantically trying to make sure we don't emerge a dual winner and seize early challenger to Clinton status.

Turn 81
8 Power Warren Takes Iowa
7 Power Rubio Takes Iowa
Republicans Ahead of Democrats in Polls
+11 Momentum in Massachusetts

Tight race. The bottom-finisher? Bobby Jindal with 1.6%, and even he got a delegate. Evidently Iowa's split for Republicans.

No proportion here. Just pure, sugary winner take all and by a massive margin. Guess who wasn't in the Top 8? Mark Warner, who finished 9th with 4.9%. Last and least - Alan Grayson with 1.7%.

And just for the fun of it.

Tough blow to the Body (see what I did there? )

Shockingly, we didn't get the huge boost I expected so far on these Monday results, but I'm not sure if the snapshot came before or after Iowa. I'll examine it more closely whenever it is I have more time.
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Old 10-01-2014, 09:04 PM   #10
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Whiteboard States
Nebraska - Cuomo 21.6%, Clinton 21.5%, both with negative momentum
Kansas - Cuomo 17.2%, Clinton 16.5%, Warren 11.8%, with Clinton negative mo
New Jersey - Hickenlooper 11%, O'Malley 10.9%, Warren 9.8%
Maine - Clinton 13%, Kaine 12.3%

Andrew Cuomo States
Arizona - 21.7%, Clinton 19.1%
Colorado - 17.3%, Hickenlooper 13.2%
Minnesota - 15.2%, Clinton 12.5%
Missouri - 17.4%, Clinton 14.6%, Warren 14.3% with Cuomo neg, Clinton pos.
New York - 24.4%, Clinton 17.7%, Warren 13%
Puerto Rico - 19.5%, Clinton 13.7%

Mark Warner States
Georgia - 20.7%, Clinton 17.5%, Warren 13.7% and we have momentum
Texas - 16.4%, Cuomo 13%, Warren 11.9%, and both we and Cuomo are falling

Tim Kaine States
Virginia - 22.9%, Cuomo 14.9%
Wyoming - 14.9%, Cuomo 11.3% with negative momentum

Martin O'Malley States
Maryland - 23.3%, Clinton 17.4%, Warren 11.4%

Joe Biden States
Nevada - 12.1%, Schweitzer 10.8%
Ohio - 14.6%, Klobuchar 13%

Elizabeth Warren States
New Hampshire - 27%, Cuomo 15.1%, but we have negative mo
Massachusetts - 22.1%, Clinton 17.3%, and we have huge momentum
North Carolina - 20.8%, Warner 19.5% and we have momentum
Oregon - 15.7%, Clinton 14.2%

So yeah, the Oregon pickup is a little weird, but we'll take it.

I order ad production for Ohio, Georgia, and Minnesota, as I think we can make late pushes in those states. New Hampshire seems safe even with the momentum drop, so no ads there.

Turn 82
+8 Momentum in Georgia

We're starting to see the positive effects of Iowa now with some nice momentum being built up in a lot of states. For now, we'll keep working on building our infrastructure, including formally adding Georgia to our target states.

Turn 83
5 Power Warren Triumphs In Debate

Our biggest debate win yet, as we absolutely obliterate EVERYONE. Warner does terribly at -3, but that wasn't high enough to trigger the Debate Meltdown headline. Evidently we're really starting to cruise now, because we've jumped from 7 CP max per turn to 9! Excellent! Things are starting to really pick up steam now, and we're becoming a real Super Tuesday threat. Still no shot at Arizona and South Carolina, and I still believe we'll be skunked in Nevada, but we'll see how far this hype train can go.

Turn 84
+10 Momentum in Hawaii

As a sign of how well we're doing, we hit a new record for background fundraising with $48,820. We started the campaign with $6.5 million and are now at $5.93 million, so we've had to dip significantly into the chest to get the ball rolling, but here's to hoping we keep on flying.

Turn 85
16 Power Sarah Palin Debate Meltdown
4 Power Chris Christie Wins Debate
+10 Momentum in US Virgin Islands

You can see where Palin just got absolutely wrecked. This is a HUGE gamechanger, because...

See all that orange? While a few of those states are Paul Ryan, most of them are Palin, and even in the Ryan states she's been a close second. She's also been the one in front nationally as you can see in the lower right hand corner. In short, Palin was drawing upon her running as VP experience and her conservative darling status to make this race her own... until the debate collapse. Now the race is back to anybody's game. Admittedly, Palin didn't do well in Iowa with 4.9% of the vote, but she was in play for a Top 5 finish in New Hampshire and had concentrated on building up her national power base, with the plan to start making her move on Super Tuesday. That's completely vanished now, I think, barring some sort of miraculous comeback.

Too bad - I would have loved to have seen a Warren/Palin general election fight, the love of the progressives against the love of the hardcore conservatives in an all-female race.

So who steps into the power vacuum? Most obvious candidate is Christie - he was the initial favorite, IIRC, he finished a respectable 4th in Iowa, and seems poised to capture a hotly contested New Hampshire race. But I also wouldn't count out Rubio - he seems to be building a lot of momentum off his Iowa win, and Jeb Bush appears to be on the rise as well.

Turn 86
+8 Momentum in Vermont
We also had a good interview on Piers Morgan, and it got a news story, but it was buried under all the talk about Palin's flameout. We're now down to 8 max CP, by the way.

Turn 87
3 Power Clinton Scandal
+9 Momentum in South Carolina
4 Power attack ad on Cuomo and Energy in Colorado

Why South Carolina? Because my strategists were telling me had +5 Momentum there last turn, so I wanted to add to it. While we won't win IMO, if we can have a respectable showing, we can prevent our momentum from getting reversed.

Turn 88
7 Power Christie Takes New Hampshire
5 Power Warren Takes New Hampshire
+13 Momentum in Colorado

Wow. Just 0.2% is all that separated Christie from the next Bush. Talk about a close race! Palin managed to eke out 4.1% of the vote. Bottom finisher was Peter King, who tabulated a mere 0.7% of the vote.

Cuomo came somewhat close to getting some seats, but so far ALL YOUR DELEGATES ARE BELONG TO ME! Talk about a blowout win. Cory Booker finished on the bottom with 1.8%

Oh how the maps for the two main parties have changed! More on that... next update.

Nice! The Body bangs out a win
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:06 PM   #11
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As you can see, we've now been established as Hillary's top challenger, and she's drifting back towards mid-pack status at this point in terms of momentum, looking very vulnerable. So it's not her I'm worried about. The ones I want to knock out are Cuomo and Warner - *they're* the biggest threats to me.

Warner I think will be much easier to knock out, because here's the latest polling data from the two states he's consistently held.

Warner - 16.5%
Warren - 14.5% (+7 Momentum)
Clinton - 10.3% (-1.9 Momentum)
Cuomo: 10.1%

Warner: 21.7%
Warren: 18.6% (+6 Momentum)
Clinton: 17.4% (-3.9 Momentum)
O'Malley: 9.2%

So if I can capture both those states on Super Tuesday, it will be a devastating blow to his candidacy.

Cuomo will be much more difficult. He's losing steam compared to what he was a couple weeks ago, but if he can take Arizona, he'll have a strong foundation, and let's not forget, he just finished second in New Hampshire.

Hillary needs to start reversing her freefall - she's been a consistent 5th and 6th candidate the first two primaries, but she has to beat Cuomo in Arizona and keep South Carolina to prevent from dropping to open dogfight with us.

Republican map:

Rubio continues doing a fantastic job of making the most out of his Iowa win. While his 5.1% in New Hampshire only had him mid-pack, he's stepping into the vacuum. Going to be interesting to see how Christie handles his NH win, especially since it was so narrow - not like Rubio's more convincing opening victory.

Going to add Colorado to our list, which means once that's complete we have the following Super Tuesday states as targets:

Puerto Rico

For now, we're not planning on competing in Ohio and Virginia of the big states, and we should be able to get small delegate wins in Hawaii and US Virgin Islands without really trying. Vermont remains a candidate as well.

Turn 90
Ted Cruz is endorsed by right wing talk radio
We do well on the Jay Leno Show and get a minor news story out of it
4 Power attack ad by Super Pac against Hillary in South Carolina on Experience

Hillary had another small scandal the turn before, but Palin's meltdown and the New Hampshire wins are still the top stories.

Turn 91
4 Power Attack ad by Super Pac against Warner in Georgia on Immigration

Turn 93
+11 Momentum in Oklahoma

Turn 94
3 Power Kaine Gives Stirring Speech On Role of Gov't
+16 Momentum in Georgia

I'm still not concerned with Tim Kaine as a threat at all. 5 days to Nevada, so time to start airing the ad and see if we can make a push to having a decent showing. We'll queue up production for a South Carolina ad, too, which I forgot to do earlier.

Turn 95
Democrats and Republicans are even in polls
+8 Momentum in Kentucky
Endorsements, the only Democrat one of which is Tim Kaine endorsed by Sen. Michael Bennett

Rather than report all the map changes this go round or post a new map, I'll make note of the upcoming states.

O'Malley - 11.1%
Biden - 10.8%
Schweitzer - 9.9%

It's literally anyone's game in Nevada. The Top 7 candidates right now range from 11.1% to us at 8% with +7 Momentum. We're the only ones in the first 7 with momentum, but Booker and Kaine have smaller momentum.

South Carolina
Clinton - 17.2% (-6.9)
Warner - 14.3%
Kaine - 10.4% (-8.9)

Lot of crashing and burning here, including us, who have dropped to 4.9% of the vote and still have -6.9 momentum. The big risers? Klobuchar with +4, and Hickenlooper with +6. I feel like this state will be what makes or breaks the campaigns of some of the mid-tier class.

Cuomo - 20.9%
Clinton - 19.4%
Booker - 12.8%

We're crashing here, too, with -5.9 and only 2.1% of the vote to begin with. O'Malley has slight momentum going here, but to date, this is very much a two way fight between Cuomo and Clinton.

Turn 96
3 Power Clinton Scandal
3 Power Clinton Scandal

Every little bit helps. Time to start thinking beyond Super Tuesday a bit, so I add Wisconsin to the target state queue.

Turn 97
3 Power Booker Scandal
A couple Republican endorsements, the biggest being Romney picking Christie
+8 Momentum in Wisconsin

[b]Turn 98[/b\
+9 Momentum in Nevada

Turn 99
6 Power Kaine Scandal
4 Power Rubio takes South Carolina
3 Power Biden takes Nevada

Another narrow win, but because of the threshold, Rubio gets all the delegates, which shoots him to the head of the class in terms of delegate count and gives him 2 out of 3 primary wins. Christie finished 10th with 4.5% of the vote, and the worst was Ben Carson with 1.2% of the vote. I'm pleased to see Brian Sandoval got just 2% of the vote in his home state

To finish 6th was pretty good, I guess, but I'm a little disappointed. Felt like we had a real shot there at 3 for 3. Big win for Biden to get seats and start to make himself a relevant factor again. Another humdrum finish for Hillary. Alan Grayson logs another last place with 2.1%

Major, major win for Jesse, to completely shut out Johnson from any delegates whatsoever in this landslide rout.

My worry is that we're now in a position where we're going to fall from sexy early pick to nothing after a mid-place showing in Nevada, and expected blastings in South Carolina and Arizona before Super Tuesday.
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Old 10-02-2014, 12:55 AM   #12
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Even though we have no shot at South Carolina, when the last week hits, I decide to run the television ad anyway. If we can force a decent showing, it'll have been worth the money.

Turn 101
3 Power Clinton Scandal
Clinton endorsed by John Kerry
+8 Momentum in Missouri

Turn 102
Elizabeth Warren endorsed by Sen. Claire McCaskill
Ground Strength is at Level 2.

South Carolina Update
Amy Klobuchar: 19.4% (+4)
Hillary Clinton: 18% (+1)
Mark Warner: 13.4% (+4)

We're at 4.7% with +4 Momentum, so there's no hope of breaking through that force field. If Hillary does lose South Carolina to Klobuchar, as her only current projected Super Tuesday wins are Oklahoma, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Vermont, and even those are tight races.

Arizona Update
Andrew Cuomo - 20.5%
Hillary Clinton - 18.2% (+1)
Cory Booker - 14%

We're at 1.3%, which is only ahead of Alan Grayson and Julian Castro, guys I expect to see dropping out of the race as soon as South Carolina. (I'm honestly shocked they're both hanging in there, to be honest). We're just going to accept we have no shot here and move on.

Turn 104
3 Power Bloomberg Speech on Military Intervention
Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee get gubernatorial endorsements
Mark Warner and Cory Booker get senatorial endorsements
+9 Momentum in South Carolina

Keep in mind that I'm not listing all endorsements, nor am I relaying all my non-rally moves, which have been about building organizational strength and adding footsoldiers in areas that aren't guaranteed to us on Super Tuesday.

Turn 105
3 Power Christie Scandal
Palin endorsed by the Heritage Foundation

Turn 106
3 Power Amy Klobuchar takes South Carolina
2 Power Warren Tackles Questions on Fox News

It's the first time seats are split, and also the first time we don't finish in the Top 8. Instead we finish 9th, with 5.4% of the vote. Alan Grayson is at the bottom, with 0.4%.

Turn 106
+10 Momentum in Georgia

Turn 107
Brian Schweitzer endorses Clinton, withdraws

Not a surprise, to be honest. His 2.8% national polling was third worst, and he failed to get any seats in Nevada, which is where he hoped to start momentum for his campaign. Also finished with just 1% of the vote in South Carolina. Did have a mid-pack showing in Iowa, but was towards the bottom in New Hampshire.

Turn 109
5 Power Christie takes Florida
Republicans ahead of Democrats

Big pickup, and I think the Republicans might be starting to coalesce around Christie. Rubio is 10th with 4.6% of the vote. Carson and Huntsman are tied for last with 1.9%.

Another win for Ventura

Still Johnson's lead, but Ventura isn't going to make things easy for him, for sure.
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Old 10-02-2014, 05:16 AM   #13
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Note: Colorado yellow is actually Hickenlooper

We're getting torn apart in a few of our Super Tuesday targets - namely Minnesota, Colorado, and Tennessee, so I think it's time we started trying to come back from the bottom of the pack in Ohio as we're the only Dem candidate not to put any effort into it, and if we win the nomination, we'll need to have presence there anyway.

Turn 109
Ben Carson endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Brian Sandoval endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws

Yep. They're starting to rally around Christie, it appears.

Turn 110
Rick Perry endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws

Turn 111
Deval Patrick endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws
+8 Momentum in Tennessee

Frankly worrying that people are closing ranks around Hillary. We need a Super Tuesday breakthrough.

Susan Martinez endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
John Hickenlooper endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws
2 Power Paul Ryan takes Nevada
+5 Momentum in Michigan

Poor Jeb. So close to getting those delegates and putting himself in a stronger position, but it just wasn't meant to be. Peter King was the worst in-race candidate at 1.7%

DAYYYYYUM! Okay, that was predicted in the last map, but it's just more and more grist for Ventura.

Hickenlooper's withdrawing and endorsing will probably kill any chance we had at getting of Colorado, as he was polling 14.9% there, which was second only to Cuomo's 16% and with Hillary at 11.2% and already carrying momentum, well...

We're surprisingly in play in Oklahoma, so we'll add it to target state.

Turn 114
5 Power Warren Triumphs in Debate
Ted Cruz endorsed by Gov. Jan Brewer

I am disappoint we didn't get a Clinton meltdown, but she had -1 is all. Boo. We had a negative interview on Hardball which was a minor news story. Double boo.

Turn 115
3 Power Cuomo Scandal
+5 Momentum in Puerto Rico

Turn 116
Ted Cruz endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
John Thune endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Peter King endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
John Huntsman endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Julian Castro endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws
+8 Momentum in Minnesota

Forgot to note the power of the win, but it's Sarah Palin at the bottom of those still in with 4.2%.

Nice steal by Ryan here to slow Christie down a bit. McDonnell is on the bottom of those in with 4.5%.

The Libertarian candidates trade blowout wins.

We had a bad interview on the Jay Leno and that's twice now we've had 70+ % chance of success and blown it.

Want to see the effect of all those endorsements for Christie?

1144 delegates is what's needed for a majority, and right now it's shaping that Christie's going to run away with it. On the Democratic side, Hillary needs 2761 delegates for the majority and she's projected to get 2704 at the moment, or *just* enough to force a convention fight.

The grim news - after initially looking like she was going to get finished off on Super Tuesday, Hillary now projects to have an even better showing than we do.

Turn 117
6 Power Ryan Scandal
+8 Momentum in Colorado

Time to start researching a scandal on Hillary and hope we can find something in time for Super Tuesday.

Turn 120
Chris Christie takes Maine's 24 seats with 17% of the vote to Walker's 11.6%
Gary Johnson gets a blowout Maine win to get 24 seats, too.
+3 Momentum in Colorado

Turn 121
Jeb Bush endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Alan Grayson endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws
+6 Momentum in Tennessee

Turn 122
Sarah Palin endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws

Turn 123
2 weeks from Arizona and 3 from Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday Strong Likelihood of Winning - 5% or higher

Super Tuesday Leading - 1 to 4%
Puerto Rico

Super Tuesday Chasing - -1 to -9%
US Virgin Islands

No STC (-10% or more)

And of course, we'll get waxed in Arizona.

Turn 124
Rand Paul endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Scott Walker endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
3 Power Republicans ahead of Democrats in Polls

Our scandal research refuses to budge past 1%, and I'm not sure how to raise it. We do now have a 6 power attack ad on Clinton for the US that we'll put in the arsenal for Super Tuesday week.

IMO it's just a matter of form until Christie is made the nominee for the Republicans. He's got double the lead of Rubio nationally with 26.4% and has momentum to boot.
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Old 10-02-2014, 06:48 AM   #14
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Turn 126
3 Power Clinton Scandal
+5 Momentum in Tennessee

Won't be enough, and our research is at nowhere, but so it goes. I've been working on fundraising and am up to $7.4 million in cash to prepare for our national splash attack ad on Clinton and targeted Super Tuesday ads.

Turn 127
Mike Huckabee endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Warren makes mistake on Jay Leno Show

...Damn it. 80% chance suckered me in. That's the third straight time we've been hit by that. And of course we have negative momentum now in a ton of places.

Time to increase Research Strength. Given it'll be 40 turns, it may all be over by then, but we'll try our damnedest, so help me, God.

Turn 129
Bob McDonnell endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws
Rick Santorum endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws

Turn 130
9 Power Warren Scandal
Rubio and Ryan debate to Draw

I give no fucks about the debate. This is me on seeing that scandal and not having the CPs to fight it.

And then this happens:

I don't know what it is with these errors in games for me lately. Hopefully this is redeemable.
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Old 10-02-2014, 08:49 AM   #15
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It let me click through, so on we go. I cancel improvements in Missouri to try and get CP to fight this scandal.

Turn 131
Bobby Jindal endorses Chris Christie, Withdraws

We fail to spin the scandal

Chris Christie now has over 50% of the national vote, and only he, Rubio, and Ryan are still in the race. FIGHT ON, DOUBLE R!

Turn 132
9 Power Clinton Scandal



And thank you for that huge Clinton scandal!

We keep spinning because evidently one spin isn't enough to make this scandal go away.

I'm totally not looking at the polls because they'd make me drink and I actually have to do stuff today.

Turn 135
Hmm. Scandal is down to 4 Profile but 0 Power. Wonder if that means anything? Fuck it. Let's spin the Clinton scandal and take her down. There's only one room for one blonde woman in here, Hil!

We'd dropped to 6 CP, but thanks to our spinning we go back up to 7 CP.

Turn 137
*Chris Christie takes Arizona with 62.1% of the vote, earning all 29 seats, wins 52.3% of the vote in Michigan for another 19 seats, but Paul Ryan grabs 11 seats from Michigan by getting 30.7% of the vote.
*Gary Johnson smashes Jesse Venture in Arizona for all seats, but splits the Michigan delegates 20 to 10 with him thanks to the Body getting 31.7% of the vote.

Hard to say how many delegates Clinton lost thanks to the scandal and our furious spinning of it, but Booker's rise shocked me. We got 1% of the vote. Whatever.

Good thing we got out in front of that scandal - While we've now dropped to third, with Warner jumping ahead of us nationally, we've staunched the bleeding enough that we should still win at least a few Super Tuesday states. Meanwhile, Hillary just keeps getting hit again and again by that scandal as we pour all our CPs every turn into it.

Turn 137
Marco Rubio endorses Chris Christie, withdraws
3 Power Republicans ahead of Democrats in polls

I'm frankly disappointed everyone bowed out of the Republican race and made Christie the de facto candidate so quickly. Means hard slogging for whoever wins this brutal Democrat fight.

Turn 138
3 Power Warren not on campaign trail

Shit. That's an easy fix, though.

Time to drop the Clinton attack ad all over the United States. Unfortunately the only ad I've got in a state that's a war zone is Georgia, but every little bit helps.

Turn 140
+6 Momentum in Tennessee
6 Power Clinton Scandal

Yeah we'll just keep hammering away at her.

Turn 141
Christie owns Washington
Johnson does the same and it's the first time since Iowa he's moved past Venture in delegate count

Michigan gets a target and we're putting a foot soldier there.

Turn 142
+10 Momentum in Ohio

Turn 143
+3 Momentum in Georgia

Turn 144
In a very uncomfortable thing, Chris Christie has 666 delegates to Paul Ryan's 91 after the day's events, which is an all-Christie sweep

Gary Johnson mops the floor with Jesse Ventura in every state, too.

And then the Democrats. I'm not going to post the screenshots because they have total seat spoilers, so I'll go line by line for people who got delegates in each state or Top 3, whichever is deeper

Andrew Cuomo - 17.6% - 47 seats
Elizabeth Warren - 15.4% - 38 seats
Cory Booker - 14.2%

We bounced back and forth on this one all throughout the primary season, so to recover from the scandal to force a split is nicely done, I think. Amy Klobuchar is last with 1.7%

Elizabeth Warren - 26.2% - 68 seats
Mark Warner - 25.1% - 56 seats
Andrew Cuomo - 13.9%

The scandal really cost us a bigger victory here. Georgia was in our back pocket all throughout until the scandal hit, and then we had to fight to stay intact. Klobuchar again last with 1.6%

Elizabeth Warren - 30.8% - 64 seats
Hillary Clinton - 15.6% - 36 seats
Martin O'Malley - 15.5% - 36 seats

Once we were assured of the state, we did no campaigning. Maybe we should have to try and get all the delegates. Lesson learned for next time, I suppose. Klobucher again with 1.3%, and I have to think she's done after this.

Andrew Cuomo - 19.8% - 39 seats
Martin O'Malley - 17.8% - 39 seats
Hillary Clinton - 15.5% - 29 seats

This is where you see the scandal really hurting Hillary. Up until the back to back slams, she was leading the state pretty comfortably, and now she finished what has to be a very disappointing third. We were last with 4%, but whatever.

Elizabeth Warren - 24.6% - 66 seats
Cory Booker - 15.5% - 36 seats
Andrew Cuomo - 14.7%

Another state Hillary looked poised to take but she had bad luck at just the wrong time. I'm stunned to see Booker surge as much as he did here. Klobuchar goes back to 1.8%, as she got a hometown boost in Minnesota to keep her out of the cellar.

Hillary Clinton - 15.7% - 221 seats
Elizabeth Warren - 13.5%
Andrew Cuomo - 12.7%
Amy Klobuchar - 12.7%

WOW! I was not expecting a 2nd place finish in Ohio, given how far back we were when we started paying attention to it. Didn't stop Hil from getting arguably a campaign saving all the seats here. Booker finished last with 4.1%

Martin O'Malley - 23.4% - 27 seats
Hillary Clinton - 22.7% - 23 seats
Mark Warner - 12.2%

Honestly disappointed with how we did here, finishing 6th with 7%. Booker last again with 2%

Puerto Rico
Andrew Cuomo - 21.5% - 16 seats
Mark Warner - 16% - 10 seats
Martin O'Malley - 12.6% - 9 seats
Elizabeth Warren - 12.2% - 9 seats
Hillary Clinton - 12.1% - 9 seats
Joe Biden - 8.8% - 4 seats
Tim Kaine - 8.4% - 4 seats
Cory Booker - 5.8% - 3 seats
Amy Klobuchar - 2.7% - 3 seats

The scandals did *not* play well in Puerto Rico at all. We were fighting it out with Hillary for the island pretty much all primary season, and then we tanked hard in the weeks leading up to it. Even then, I'm shocked - I thought we would finish 2nd at worst.

Elizabeth Warren - 22.6% - 50 seats
Joe Biden - 18.1% - 41 seats
Mark Warner - 14.9%

Super Tuesday continues to be a Clinton disaster. Another state she had gained control of and then lost late. I'm thrilled we charge back to take the victory - I didn't think we were going to. Booker's 2% brought up the rear.

Elizabeth Warren - 27% - 173 seats
Mark Warner - 16.7% - 94 seats
Hillary Clinton - 12.3%

We poured the most resource into Texas of any state, and it paid off massively for us. When the campaign began, we were a minor footnote, and now we just won convincingly in one of the biggest states in the country. YEE HAW! Klobuchar - 2.5%

US Virgin Islands
Hillary Clinton - 20.8% - 5 seats
Andrew Cuomo - 17.2% - 4 seats
Elizabeth Warren - 15.4% - 4 seats

To be honest, I stopped caring about this territory once I realized it only had 12 delegates. 2.1% for Klobuchar

Hillary Clinton - 18.9% - 27 seats
Andrew Cuomo - 14.8%
Amy Klobuchar - 13.2%

Very divided state, evidenced by Joe Biden's 5.4% as the lowest percentage.

Tim Kaine - 27.9% - 80 seats
Mark Warner - 18.5% - 43 seats
Andrew Cuomo - 13.5%

Klobuchar with 2.2%. This one was never in danger of going to anyone but Kaine, and they represent almost all of his 84 seats.

Here's the picture after Super Tuesday

Current Delegate Count
Elizabeth Warren - 573
Hillary Clinton - 399
Mark Warner - 203
Andrew Cuomo - 143
Martin O'Malley - 111
Joe Biden - 89
Tim Kaine - 84
Cory Booker - 60
Amy Klobuchar - 38

Projected Delegate Counts
Hillary Clinton - 1949
Mark Warner - 1045
Elizabeth Warren - 995
Martin O'Malley - 472
One of the orange people - 469
The other orange person - 319
Joe Biden - 92
Tim Kaine - 86
Cory Booker - 62

Still a lot of work to do if we want to get that nomination.
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Old 10-02-2014, 12:52 PM   #16
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What a kick to the nuts that debate meltdown was. But flaming out like that really does happen. She had an Admiral Stockdale moment.

I find the ease with which Hillary gets reeled back to the pack to be interesting. But I suppose it wouldn't be much fun going up against a candidate that has more money and organization than all the other candidates combined plus all the endorsements she will surely have put together by the time she declares her candidacy this time.
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Old 10-03-2014, 02:25 AM   #17
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True, and although the player part of me was pissed, the observer side of me though that was really cool.

Re: Hillary, it's worth noting that it took a lot of high profile scandals to push her down to within striking distance, and even then, if it wasn't for the scandals happening at just the right time prior to Super Tuesday, we'd probably be talking about her having the momentum again.

That said, on the game forums, a few people have said they think it's a little too easy to dethrone her.
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Old 10-03-2014, 04:19 AM   #18
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Turn 144

+2 Momentum in Maine

Evidently there's rounding involved in Warner's number that has him *just* missing the threshold to be able to get seats. That's all good. Another state where Hillary was going back and forth with us until the scandals. 2.7% for Booker.

Turn 145
Cory Booker endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws

Which pushes Hillary to 459 delegates to our 592. Not cool, Cory. Not cool at all.

Turn 147
+3 Momentum in Mississippi

Turn 148
-More Chris Christie sweeps
-Andrew Cuomo wins Mariana Islands but no delegates, so who cares
-Ventura splits Guam 5 seats to 4 with Johnson, but Johnson takes every other thing by huge margins and all but has the nomination locked up at this point IMO
+3 Momentum in Utah

Turn 149
Joe Biden endorses Hillary Clinton, withdraws
+8 Momentum in Maryland

Not good. Not good at all.

I need a game changer. So it's time for a huge dice roll.

Turn 150

+8 Momentum in Utah

YES!!! It took everything I had, but it will drastically change the game, I think.

Turn 151
Democrats and Republicans even polls
Warren shines on Meet the Press
More Christie sweeps

Alabama Results
Clinton - 46.5% - 52 seats
Warren - 17.1% - 17 seats
Warner - 12.3%

I think O'Malley's endorsement may have been *just* enough to get me over the mark needed to get some delegates out of here, as we were far behind even as recently as a few days ago.

American Samoa Results
Clinton - 32% - 3 seats
Warren - 26.7% - 3 seats
Warner - 15% - 2 seats
Cuomo - 13.3% - 2 seats
Klobucher - 7.3% - 1 seat
Kaine - 5.7% - 1 seat


Mississippi Results
Clinton - 50.8% - 33 seats
Warren - 20.4% - 12 seats
Warner - 10.1%

See Alabama results.

Utah results
Warren - 32.9% - 15 seats
Clinton - 27.8% - 13 seats
Cuomo - 15.1% - 6 seats

Maybe O'Malley had an effect here, too, considering Hillary was leading most of the way and we got the steal.

Turn 152
Tim Kaine endorses Hillary Clinton, Withdraws
Barnstorming fail in Illinois

Turn 154
+8 Momentum in New York

I somehow missed clicking Rally on Maryland the turn before, which sucks because we lost chance to build on momentum there.

Turn 155
+8 Momentum in D.C.
Usual suspects win Missouri

Turn 156
9 Power Warren Scandal
+8 Momentum in Maryland


Turn 157
Amy Klobuchar endorses Clinton, Withdraws

Turn 159

All I may have succeeded in doing in getting O'Malley to endorse me is to outright give the nomination to Hillary, as this was his state before then.

Turn 160
Andrew Cuomo endorses Clinton, Withdraws
Mark Warner endorses Clinton, Withdraws

It's over.

Fuck everybody for endorsing Clinton and giving up so soon.
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:32 AM   #19
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Entertaining read, sorry the result didn't work out for you.
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:46 AM   #20
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Thanks. I think it was a pretty darn good result, all in all, considering Warren starts with a little under 3% of the national vote with everyone enabled. So to get her to second place, and despite two huge scandals, wasn't bad at all.

I probably *could* keep going until Hillary wins the nomination, then force her to take me on as her VP and continue that way, but I just don't want to.

I'll start up another dynasty in a couple weeks, probably (will only have Mac laptop access)
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:33 AM   #21
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You know, you'd think I'd learn to stay away from your dynasties. Got me hooked and bought the game last night, and of course I had to start. Was up to 3 a.m, now I'm at work and groggy and trying to remember what state I was thinking about barnstorming next. All that to say, great dynasty.
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:46 AM   #22
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Couple of questions:

1. Does state organizations and foot soldiers carry over to the general election?

2. Is there a point where you're too far from the center that you won't be able to make progress in a state? Like .5, .7?

3. Is it better to rally or barnstorm? Or both?
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:46 AM   #23
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I can't quite tell what you did with O'Malley. The "VP Slot" was highlighted but not checked. Did you just ask him to get out and endorse you or did you offer him the VP slot? Was there anything you could have offered the other candidates for their endorsements before they jumped out?

I suppose I'll just have to get the game, too, and figure it out for myself.
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Old 10-03-2014, 09:06 AM   #24
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Tempting, but 20 bucks seems kinda high IMO for this one.

Still, love reading these. See if you can get The Body to be our next Prez.
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Old 10-04-2014, 07:19 AM   #25
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How do you control your vice president?
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Old 10-04-2014, 10:26 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Cap Ologist View Post
Couple of questions:

1. Does state organizations and foot soldiers carry over to the general election?

You would think so, but I'm not sure - these were literally the first two games I played in the full version.

2. Is there a point where you're too far from the center that you won't be able to make progress in a state? Like .5, .7?

Nope. We won Georgia, for example, despite being 1.2 average position from the center.

3. Is it better to rally or barnstorm? Or both?

Barnstorm has less of an effect, but also costs less CP. Otherwise I *think* they're identical.

4. How do you control your vice president?

Haven't gotten that far, but I imagine you click on the Vice President's flag and go from there?

And glad to hear I hooked you in.
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Old 10-04-2014, 10:44 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by chesapeake View Post
I can't quite tell what you did with O'Malley. The "VP Slot" was highlighted but not checked. Did you just ask him to get out and endorse you or did you offer him the VP slot? Was there anything you could have offered the other candidates for their endorsements before they jumped out?

I suppose I'll just have to get the game, too, and figure it out for myself.

I asked him to get out and endorse me, and spent 10 PIPs, or Political Influence Points, to try and convince him. I don't think this was the case in previous versions, but in 2016, you can't offer the VP slot until you already have the nomination secured.
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Old 10-04-2014, 10:45 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
Tempting, but 20 bucks seems kinda high IMO for this one.

Still, love reading these. See if you can get The Body to be our next Prez.

For me it's a decent price, considering the amount of play I'm likely to get out of it. Making The Body Pres will be one of my campaign objectives, though I think my first third party crack will probably be Teddy Roosevelt as the Bull Moose Party.
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Old 10-04-2014, 04:23 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Izulde View Post

Haven't gotten that far, but I imagine you click on the Vice President's flag and go from there?

And glad to hear I hooked you in.

You actually click the crown to get to the pres screen, then click it again to get to the veep.
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Old 10-05-2014, 03:16 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Cap Ologist View Post
You actually click the crown to get to the pres screen, then click it again to get to the veep.

Good to know, thanks. Hopefully one of these campaigns, I'll get out of the primary and into the general election. Have to go back and see if I can figure out how I did it with Howard Baker 2 versions ago.
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Old 10-05-2014, 08:27 AM   #31
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Also, it looks like foot soldiers and organization carry over to the general election.
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Old 08-05-2015, 11:33 AM   #32
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So, I own this game but after playing it for about 15 minutes felt it was unappealing. Should I give it another whirl, time permitting?
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Old 08-08-2015, 12:54 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by QuikSand View Post
So, I own this game but after playing it for about 15 minutes felt it was unappealing. Should I give it another whirl, time permitting?

It's worth a shot, I think. For me, it's become one of those games where I'll play it hardcore for a couple days, then get bored with it and move on to something else. Then I get the itch again at some point, and repeat the cycle.
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Last edited by Izulde : 08-08-2015 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 08-08-2015, 11:56 AM   #34
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Are there any instructions for this game? I'm trying to figure out the significance of foot soldiers, whether to barnstorm or rally, etc. Also, do you know how it is determined who the candidates support when they drop out of the primaries? I was doing OK until everyone started dropping out and supporting someone else, which buried me.
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Old 08-08-2015, 12:12 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
It's worth a shot, I think. For me, it's become one of those games where I'll play it hardcore for a couple days, then get bored with it and move on to something else. Then I get the itch again at some point, and repeat the cycle.

You sucked me in and I bought. Developers really should start to use you for this stuff.
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Old 08-08-2015, 08:04 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Umbrella View Post
Are there any instructions for this game? I'm trying to figure out the significance of foot soldiers, whether to barnstorm or rally, etc. Also, do you know how it is determined who the candidates support when they drop out of the primaries? I was doing OK until everyone started dropping out and supporting someone else, which buried me.

I believe foot soldiers and higher organizational strength increases the power of your rallies and barnstorming. Barnstorming costs fewer CP, but has less momentum effect.

Click on Player Info, go to Offers. Any time you get a positive percentage on drop/endorse, go for it. Otherwise yeah, you'll get hit with the penguin rush on somebody other than you, which will lose you the game.
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Old 08-08-2015, 09:00 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by muns View Post
You sucked me in and I bought. Developers really should start to use you for this stuff.

Thanks. I think the same thing happened with Crusader Kings 1, and DDS:PB 1
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