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Old 04-16-2015, 07:01 PM   #1
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Going Dutch? The Incredible Tale of Gelre!

Because I can never finish ANYTHING I ever start...

(Please forgive me...)

Going Dutch? The Incredible Tale of Gelre!
About Gelre
Arnold I van Egmond (3/3/3)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Government: Feudal Monarchy (+10.00% National Manpower Modifier, +25.00% Income from Vassals
Culture: Dutch
Culture Group: Germanic
Technology Group: Western
Germanic Traditions: Mercenary Cost -15.00%, Infantry Combat Ability: +10.0%, when we have gained all the German Ideas we will also gain Technology Cost -5.0%
Military Force Limit: 7
Naval Force Limit: 9
Rivals: East Frisia, Münster, Utretcht

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Grain

It is a vastly confusing time in Central Europe in late 1444. The Hundred Years War continues to rage on between England and France. Austria rules the Holy Roman Empire (HRE). The Ottomans lurk in Anatolia, ready to continue their march north into eastern Europe.

The 34 year old Gelre King Arnold I sits upon his throne, surrounded by fellow HRE members that are also enemies and rivals. His land, his singular province also borders Burgundy a very powerful buffer between France and the HRE.

King Arnold I may be seen as being in a weak position, as outlined above, but the king is an ambitious man and has great plans for the future of his fledgling kingdom.


1.) To form the Netherlands.

2.) If the Netherlands becomes an impossibility, form Germany.

3.) Dominate trade, both locally and globally.

4.) Colonize in the Americas AND Pacific Islands

Europe as we currently know it.

A closeup of Central Europe, where many of the game's major players will be.

Oh! There we are! Hello!
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Old 04-16-2015, 08:31 PM   #2
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November 11, 1444
We will not be wasting time. A diplomat has been sent to fabricate a claim on Utrecht. Reinoud Saelckink will be done in about a year.

Current Mission
The Rival of a Threat
Austria is the rival of a country considered a threat to us, so they should be our friend.

Diplomat Michaël Gelkom has been sent to Austria.

November 12, 1444
Herald from Austria
We entered a Royal Marriage with Austria, led by King Friedrich III von Habsburg. Our relations have improved.

November 20, 1444
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to France.

November 21, 1444
Herald from France
We entered a Royal Marriage with France, led by King Charles VII de Valois.

November 25, 1444
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Bohemia.

November 26, 1444
Herald from Bohemia
Bohemia accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

December 12, 1444
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria

December 13, 1444
A Herald from Austria
Austria accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

December 21, 1444
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to France.

December 22, 1444
A Herald from France
France accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

December 26, 1444
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Bohemia.

December 27, 1444
A Herald from Bohemia
We entered a Royal Marriage with Bohemia, they are currently without a leader and heir. Which makes this all a bit odd.

December 28, 1444
A Herald from Austria
Austria broke their Alliance with us, because I allied their rival France.

January 13, 1445
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations. This is an ongoing mission that will take a couple of years to complete.

March 24, 1445
Herald from Burgundy
We have been WARNED to not go to war with any countries. We have naturally dismissed their upstart ambassadors for such a ridiculous slight on our majesty.

July 14, 1445
A Herald from Brunswick
An ambassador of Brunswick has approached our majesty in offering a Military Alliance. King Arnold I accepts Brunswick's offer graciously.

November 12, 1445
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Utrecht from the claims fabricated by Diplomat Saelckink.

December 1, 1445
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Cleves to fabricate a claim on the province of Berg.

March 26, 1445
Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Berg has been discovered by Cleves will fabricating a claim! Their efforts continue, but their reputation will suffer.

June 11, 1445
Wave of Obscurantism
As a typical response to different kinds of problems, obscurantism was a frequent behavior in most nations, at least until the Age of Enlightenment arose in the most advanced western nations of the European continent.

King Arnold believes that knowledge is power.
Gelre gets 'Obscurantism' for two years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

December 1, 1446
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Cleves for the province of Berg. Nice work, Diplomat Saelckink.

December 3, 1446
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Friesland to fabricate a claim.

December 11, 1446
Royal Marriage
Brunswick has approached us with the idea of a Royal Marriage. King Arnold accepts.

December 29, 1446
Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Friesland has been discovered fabricating a claim in Friesland. Their efforts continue, but their reputation will suffer.

Perhaps Diplomat Saelckink is not such a good spy.

February 13, 1447
Herald from Münster
Münster has declared war upon Friesland. They cite 'Conquest' as their Casus Belli.

March 24, 1447
Ask for Access
Bremen is requesting Military Access from us. King Arnold accepts the terms.

August 2, 1447
Herald from Austria
Diplomat Gelkom has stopped trying to improve relations with Austria, due to reaching a maximum value. He has been called back to Gelre for reassignment.

August 11, 1447
Diplomat Gelkom has been dispatched to France to improve relations.

December 5, 1447
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Friesland. If there will be a Friesland after Münster is done with them.

Herald from England
They tell us about the event of the War of the Roses, where among the possible options, they went with Support the House of York as their choice of action.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

March 16, 1448
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Münster! They have conquered Friesland!

June 18, 1448
Priests Preaching Heresy!
Rumors talk about several priests who have been preaching a heresy which is clearly against our one true faith. The local populace seem to follow their words, and this may become troublesome in the future.
King Arnold decides to crack down on it!
Lose 30 Diplomatic Power

November 2, 1448
Herald from England
They tell us of the End of the War of the Roses. The armed conflict over the succession to the English throne is finally over as the ruling dynasty defeats the rebels!

January 6, 1449
Herald from Bremen
We have discovered that Bremen has canceled the right to Military Access they have been generously given by us. Although we should really have beaten them to it.

January 12, 1449
A New Pope!
The Papal Conclave has elected Bonifacius IX. He is loyal to England which is now the new Papal Controller.

May 10, 1449
An Heir to the Throne!
Arnold (3/5/3) is the new Heir to the Throne. The succession is safe.

June 18, 1450
Nobles Demand Privileges
The privileges of the nobility have been under continuous assault as Arnold I has attempted to centralize more and more control. The nobles have finally lost their patience and are demanding that they are given back what they believe is rightfully theirs.
King Arnold ignores the claims of the over-privileged nobility.
Gelre gets 'Disorder' for one year, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00
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Old 04-17-2015, 06:11 PM   #3
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Location: Lisboa, ME
So the unexpected warning from Burgundy has thwarted any attempt I've had at going to war. I'm hoping I don't have to wait it out until 1465. France is occupying all English provinces in the low country. Once the Hundred Years War gets solved, I may be able to go after Burgundy with France's military behind me.

October 8, 1450
Administrative Technology Advance!
National Ideas (4)

Choosing the direction a country is going to take is perhaps the toughest choice a ruler will ever face. National ideas are concepts that will shape our country for years to come.

Bonus Effect:
Allows Another Group of Ideas

Military Technology Advance!
Pike Square (4)

Throughout the middle ages cavalry's dominance was being challenged by disciplined pikemen. In battles such as Bannockburn or the Golden Spurs, cavalry was defeated by pikes. A combination of improved training and discipline, and the addition of swordsmen to provide close combat support has raised this formation to the peak of its efficiency.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Land Moral Increased by +0.50
Can now build Armory.

Trade Ideas Advance!
We have unlocked the Trade Ideas idea group.

Trade Ideas Advance!
Shrewd Commerce Practice

Allows us to make use of more refined trading practices giving our merchants the upper hand over our competitors.

Bonus Effect:
Global Trade Power: +10.0%

July 3, 1451
Herald from France
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home from France since he is no longer able to improve our relations with France.

July 7, 1451
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

December 1, 1451
Herald from Bohemia
Diplomat Saelckink is returning from Bohemia after maxing out relations.

Herald from Austria
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way home after maxing relations with Austria.

December 2, 1451
Mission Complete!
The Rival of a Threat!

Gain 5 Prestige (9)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power.

December 3, 1451
Current Mission
Solidify Our Papal Relations

December 8, 1451
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Roma to improve relations with The Papal State.

December 10, 1451
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Bréda.

June 22, 1452
Non-Enforcement of Ordinances
Monarchs ruled by issuing ordinances, but they were almost powerless to enforce them. Enforcement depended upon the local powers (nobles/city governments) that would not always be as vigilant as the monarchs would have desired.
King Arnold I has decided to let them handle it.

December 13, 1452
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Burgundy. They hold provinces that we have claims on!

December 14, 1452
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Hollande.

June 10, 1453
Importing Iron
We strive to keep the Gelren military strong, modern and domestically supported, but sometimes our priorities end up in conflict with each other. Lacking the rich iron mines of our neighbors, some of our grander plans for future military development will not be possible as soon as we might wish. Increasing imports is a tempting option, but relying on foreign support might compromise our trade policies... although a knife in the back of our neighbor would be all the more brilliantly insidious if made from their own steel.
King Arnold knows that Gelre needs the imported iron for his fist.
Gain 40 Military Power
Burgundy's opinion of Gelre changed by +20.

September 7, 1453
Mission Complete!
Solidify our Papal Relations!

Gain 5 Prestige (14)

Current Mission
Improve Our Prestige!

December 19, 1453
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Münster to fabricate a claim on Osnabrück.

June 21, 1454
Unhappiness Among the Peasantry
Conflicts and protests over taxes, landlord cruelty, expropriation, serfdom and customs policies have become quite frequent. If we don't manage to solve the problems soon, the consequences could be dire.
King Arnold wishes to try and improve their situation.
Lose 7.81 ducats (118.38)

August 5, 1454
Herald from The Papal State
Diplomat Saelckink has stopped trying to improve relations with The Papal State due to reaching maximum value. He will return home.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to The Palatinate to improve relations.

December 6, 1454
Our Merchants are Doing Poorly
Although previously our adventuring merchants were doing good business, things have recently taking a turn for the worse.
King Arnold advises everyone tighten their belts.
Gelre gets 'Merchants Doing Poorly' for five years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Technology Cost: +2.5%

Trade Ideas Advance!
Free Trade

The current merchant families are seeking to ensure that trade privileges remain their exclusive preserve, but we are unwilling to do so and will allow the growth of the merchant class.

Bonus Effect:
Merchants: +1

Our newest merchant, Nikolaas Huethorst has been sent to the Rheinland node to transfer trade power to the Lübeck node.

February 9, 1455
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Zélande.

August 22,1455
Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Bourgogne has been discovered by Burgundy while fabricating a claim in Zélande.

November 20, 1455
Rumors say that sailors came back from a trip sick like hell, and the ones who didn't die on board infested the whole city with their disease. It is time to act before the whole country dies from coughing and cold sweat.
King Arnold orders the port quarantined. Let the sick die, that will not infect the entire country.
Gelre gets 'Quarantined Influenza' for one year, giving the following effects:
Local Trade Power: -100.0%
Goods Produced: -50.0%
Local Tax Modifier: -50.0%
Local Manpower Modifier: -50.0%
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:03 PM   #4
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We're finally ready to jump in on the action. The first real action of consequence for King Arnold and little old Gelre is about to begin, no longer in earnest, but with the backing of the French Army.

April 18, 1456

King Arnold eagerly accepts and the army marches for Bréda.

May 24, 1456
In an effort to advance their own interests, Austria have requested our help in exchange for Subsidies. We will receive 1.26 ducats each month until canceled.

June 1, 1456
In an effort to advance their own interests, France have requested our help in exchange for Subsidies. We will receive 0.90 ducats each month until canceled.

June 25, 1456
Foreign Military Expert
Our country is at war, but our leadership is not ready! Today a foreign military expert arrived in our court. His reputation precedes him and has a reasonable grasp of our language, but his prices are steep. What should we do with him?
King Arnold has asked him to train our officers.
Lose 9.64 ducats (43.32)
Gain general with 100 tradition

April 4, 1457
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Bréda! The army marches for Hollande.

May 5, 1457
Herald from The Palatinate
Diplomat Saelckink has stopped trying to improve relations with The Palatine due to reaching maximum value. He will return home.

Military Technology Advance!
Standardized Pikes (5)

A pike is a remarkably simple weapon to make, but to get the full benefit from the use of pikes, it's required for the whole formation to be wielding weapons of similar length and blade.

Bonus Effect:
Combat width increased by 2.
Infantry Shock: +0.15
Enables Men at Arms, Longbow and Galloglaigh Infantry.

October 17, 1457
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Brunswick to improve relations.

February 6, 1458
Siege Victory!
After 301 days we have won the siege of Hollande!

April 19, 1458
Herald from Burgundy
Castile entered a Military Alliance with our enemy Burgundy.

June 27, 1458
Unhappiness Among the Clergy
Conflict of opinion and interest over religious and secular matters between our government and our nation's religious authorities has upset the clergy.
King Arnold ignores their demands.
Lose 10 Papal Influence (-2)
Gain 10 Prestige (22)

February 21, 1459
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the Siege of Zélande!

Administrative Technology Advance!
Constables & Temples (5)

Housing the machinery of government is as important as the machinery itself and one should never forget the importance of religion when doing so.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Temple.
Can now build Constable.

A Temple is under construction in Gelre.

September 11, 1459
Herald from France
They wish to inform us that we are no longer relevant to their interests and therefore their Subisidies will be immediately canceled!

We're in a war with them but we are not relevant to their interests? Typical silly French logic.

December 11, 1459
Support for Mercantilist Policies
The mercantile interest has lobbied for an expansion of mercantilist policies. We are considering an expansion in these policies to see if they would be beneficial to our nation.
Gain 1.00 Mercantilism.

March 8, 1460
A Constable is under construction in Gelre.

June 26, 1460
Saint Proclaimed
The Pope has just announced that one of our ruler's most esteemed and revered ancestors was actually a saint. This is a cause for great celebration Te Deum!
Gain 1 Stability (+1)

Trade Ideas Advance!
Merchant Adventures

Allows us to make use of the numerous traders lusting for fame and fortune, eager to offer their services for a chance to search and explore new trade routes.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: +25.0%

German Ideas Advance!

Guilds specific to every sort of craft are founded to insure the quality of products and to train young artisans.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency: +10.0%

September 1460
Herald from Austria
Austria declared war upon their enemy Wurttemberg.

October 1, 1460
Herald from Burgundy
Burgundy accepted peace with their former enemies France on the following terms:
Burgundy will cede Picardie to France.

October 19, 1460
Herald from Austria!
They wish to inform us that we are no longer relevant to their interests and therefore their Subsidies will immediately be canceled!

October 27, 1460
Herald from Burgundy
We have been WARNED not to go to war with any countries. Pfft.
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:23 PM   #5
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November 2, 1460
The Gelren Conquest of Berg
King Arnold scoffs at Burgundy's warning not to go to war. His army is in the best position it has been to date. Excellent seasoning in the war supporting France. It is time to turn the aggression onto a smaller enemy. Gelre's rival, Cleves.

November 21, 1460
The Cleven Army has been beaten and scattered. Berg is under siege.

April 20, 1461
Switzerland has asked for Military Access. King Arnold has granted it.

November 5, 1461
Herald from Brunswick
Diplomat Saelckink has stopped trying to improve relations with Brunswick due to reaching the maximum value.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to France to improve relations.

November 17, 1461
Siege Victory!
After 361 days we have won the siege of Berg!

December 18, 1461
Battle of Gelre
General Luuk Sweerts leads the Gelren and Brunswick armies to victory of Lorraine in Gelre. Sweerts is lauded as a hero for protecting the capital.

June 2, 1462
An Armory is under construction in Gelre.

June 16, 1462
Sue for Peace
Oldenburg has reached out with their diplomat to discuss a treaty.
Oldenburg will annul all treaties with Cleves.
Oldenburg will pay 80 ducats.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (26)

June 28, 1462
Unhappiness Among the Merchants
Conflict and protests over taxes, corporations, port duties, navy requisitions, trade and customs policies were quite frequent and often had counterproductive effects.
King Arnold decides to get rid of the troublemakers.
Lose 2.50 Mercantilism

August 28, 1462
A New Pope!
The Papal Conclave has elected Gregorious XIII. He is loyal to Castile, which is now the Papal Controller.

January 2, 1463
Herald from France
Diplomat Gelkom has stopped trying to improve relations with France after maximizing them. He will return home.

Diplomat Saelckink will head to Austria to improve relations.

March 21, 1463
National Epic
Our subjects have taken to telling tales and legends about Reinoud IV van Jülich-Hengebach. The legend says that in Gelre's darkest hour, he will return to our nation, and deliver it from evil. Regardless of the truth in that statement, we could use this in our propaganda.
King Arnold loves a good story.
Gelre gets 'National Epic' for 20 years, giving the following effect:
Yearly Prestige: +1.00

Lose 10 Administrative Power
Lose 5.21 ducats (98.73)

April 22, 1463
Herald from Lorraine
Burgundy entered a Military Alliance with our enemy Lorraine.

June 18, 1463
Siege Loss!
After 301 days Frankfurt has won the siege of Berg!

September 15, 1463
Siege Victory!
After 361 days we have won the siege of Frankfurt!

September 16, 1463
Herald from Frankfurt
Frankfurt accepted our generous peace offer.
Frankfurt will annul all treaties with Münster.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (28)

May 4, 1464
Herald from Austria
Diplomat Saelckink has stopped trying to improve relations with Austria after maximizing their value.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Bavaria to improve relations.

June 7, 1464
Support the Florentine School
Because of our relative nobility, we are in a position to support the Italian artists in the Florentine School. Being perceived as patrons of international art will definitely help of propaganda efforts.
King Arnold has pledged his support.
Gelre gets 'Supporting the Florentine School' for 40 years, giving the following effect:
Yearly Prestige: +1.00

Lose 30 Administrative Power
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power
Lose 20.89 ducats (104.75)

July 1, 1464
The House of van Egmond is Shaken
There seems to have been a misunderstanding regarding the heritage of the great grandmother of Arnold I. It seems that she was the daughter of a lowly farmer from outside Arnheim.
King Arnold denies this rumor fervently.

December 4, 1464
Siege Victory!
We have won the Siege of Metz after 391 days!

December 5, 1464
Herald from Lorraine
Lorraine has accepted our generous peace offer.
Lorraine will annul all treaties with Burgundy.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (31)

December 10, 1464
End of the Gelren Conquest of Berg (November 2, 1460 – December 10, 1464)
Cleves has accepted our generous peace offer.
We demand their full annexation.
Gelre gains 2.5 Prestige (34)

Base Tax: 5.0
Production: Cloth

We have spent 50 Administrative Power to turn Berg into a core.

More land!
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Old 04-18-2015, 07:27 PM   #6
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December 16, 1464
Our Merchants are Adventuring
Current trading conditions are strongly favoring the merchants. Our merchants are ready to take advantage of these.
Gelre gets 'Adventuring Merchants' for five years, giving the following effects:
Trade Range: +25.0%
Envoy Travel Time: -20.0%

Herald from Switzerland
We have discovered that Switzerland has canceled the right to Military Access that had been given by us.

Cologne has requested Military Access. King Arnold has agreed.

January 17. 1465
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against England. They are threatening our trade!

February 16, 1465
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

March 21, 1465
In order to keep our relations with France strong. We have agreed to give them 35% of our trade power each month.

August 5, 1465
Herald from Switzerland
Austria declared war upon their enemy Switzerland! They cite 'Imperial Liberation' as their Casus Belli.

December 15, 1465
Core Gained
The province of Berg is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

A Temple is under construction in Berg.

Military Technology Advance!
Arquebus (6)

Although hand cannons had been developed in China in the 12th Century and had spread to Europe by the 14th, the weakness of these weapons reduced their battlefield utility. Light and reliable Arquebus was able to displace bow due to three main factors. It had better armor penetration, it was easier to train men to use it, and t did not rely on the strength of the user.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Combat width increased by 2
Infantry Shock: +0.30

January 2, 1466
A Culture Accepted!
Our subjects who embrace Rheinlaender have finally been able to prove their loyalty. So we are now accepting Rheinlaender as an integral part of our nation. Their language and culture are a part of our national heritage.

March 12, 1466
Trade Ideas Advance!
National Trade Policy

By adopting a national trade policy, we can strengthen our commercial presence and increase the effectiveness of our trade.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Efficiency: +10.0%

April 17, 1466
Diplomat Saelckink is returning home from Bohemia.

April 28, 1466
France is back at war with England.

May 3, 1466
Herald from Bavaria
Diplomat Gelkom has maxed relations with Bavaria and will return home.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Saxony to improve relations.

July 1, 1466
Bourgeoisie Request Privileges
The Bourgeoisie class has grown increasingly resentful of the power of the noble families and particularly their lack of opportunities in the higher ranks of government. Their only route into power is to marry into poor but well titled noble families or to pry open positions in government circles.
King Arnold decides to grant them privileges.
Lose 50 Diplomatic Power

September 9, 1466
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Anvers.

January 1, 1467
A Constable is under construction in Berg.

March 1, 1467
Family Secret?
The first time you brush it off, but when it happens a second and a third time, you do begin to wonder. Why are people laughing at you when they think you can't hear them? After you've asked around, for more than a bit, you finally manage to get an answer out of a chamber maid. It appears that the heir has been running about town in a most unchristian fashion, and that your family is now becoming the laughing stock of Europe.
King Arnolds scolds Arnold II publicly.
Lose 5 Prestige (+29)

April 17, 1467
Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Bourgogne has been discovered by Burgundy while fabricating a claim in Anvers. Their efforts continue, but their reputation will suffer.

October 3, 1467
Truces Expired.
Our truces have expired with Burgundy, Castile, Aachen, Hesse and Navarra.

Administrative Technology Advance!
Three Field Rotation (6)

Since the time of Charlemagne, people have been experimenting with switching from classic two field rotation systems to a three field system. It is time to promote this, as it will increase the amount of land devoted to growing food crops.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
Can now build Farm Estate.

National Decision
King Arnold has passed the De Heretico Comburendo Act, which is in effect until 1821 and gives the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: +2.0%
Missionary Strength: +0.5%
Catholocism Gain +0.1% Reform Desire

October 31, 1467
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Flandres.

May 13, 1468
Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Bourgogne has been discovered by Burgundy while fabricating a claim in Flandres. Their efforts continue, but their reputation will suffer.

July 5, 1468
Unhappiness Among the Merchants
Conflict and protests over taxes, corporations, port duties, navy requisitions, trade and customs policies were quite frequent and often had counterproductive effects.
King Arnold removes the troublemakers.
Lose 2.50 Mercantilism

Herald from Saxony
Diplomat Saelckink has maximized relations with Saxony and will return home.

August 15, 1468
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Brandenburg to improve relations.

May 4, 1468
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Scotland to improve relations.

August 13, 1469
Arnold I – June 29, 1423 – August 13, 1469
Arnold will be known for his conquest of Berg and passing the De Heretico Comburendo Act.
Lose 1 Stability (0)

A New King!
Arnold II van Egmond (3/5/3)

Arnold II's great cunning and silver tongue shall aid us in forming strong alliances with our friends. Our nation is mourning over the loss of our previous monarch, Arnold I van Egmond.

Gerard (6/3/5) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.
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Old 04-19-2015, 08:37 AM   #7
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The Reign of Arnold II (August 13, 1469 - )

September 23, 1469
Herald from France
We entered a Royal Marriage with France.

September 26, 1469
Herald from Bohemia
We entered a Royal Marriage with Bohemia.

October 2, 1469
Herald from Austria
We entered a Royal Marriage with Austria.

October 16, 1469
Boundary Dispute
The lack of good maps or tools to create accurate maps would occasionally lead to an overlapping claims of authority in border regions. These disputes were usually over very marginal areas, but could serve as a point of friction when monarchs decided to press the issue.
King Arnold II has decided to press the issue.
Gelre gains a claim on Koblenz.
Trier gain Diplomatic Insult Casus Belli on Gelre.
Trier's opinion of Gelre changed by -30.

November 2, 1469
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Trier. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

December 20, 1469
Income Bonanza
Our merchants have managed to gain an advantage over other merchants. Although this advantage won't last forever, for now our merchants are cashing in.
Gelre gains Income Bonanza (Power: +25.0) in Champagne for five years.

March 5, 1470
Diplomat Saelckink is heading home after maximizing relations with Austria.

July 3, 1470
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to Hesse to improve relations.

July 6, 1470
Foreign Trade Competition Rises
Trade was heavily regulated during this era, but despite this the markets were not fixed. At times merchants would try to enter new markets or sell new goods. Merchants facing these conditions would usually demand new or higher tariffs to stop their competitors.
King Arnold II denies the new tariff.
Gain 33 Diplomatic Power

December 4, 1470
We have lost our claim on Utrecht.

Diplomat Gelkom has been called home from Scotland.

December 17, 1470
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Utrecht to fabricate a claim on the province.

May 6, 1471
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Marketplace & Dock (4)

Creation of legal and regional infrastructure in order to promote trade will not only encourage commerce, but also allow us to better tax it.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 10
Can now build Dock
Can now build Marketplace

May 13, 1471
Herald from France
France broke their Alliance with us.

Diplomat Saelckink has been recalled from Hesse.

May 18, 1471
Herald from Austria
Austria accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

June 11, 1471
A Marketplace is under construction in Gelre.

December 17, 1471
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Conquest Belli against Utrecht.

December 23, 1471
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Brandenburg to improve relations.

July 11, 1472
Merchants Leaving
With the relaxation of restrictions on foreign merchants, some of our own traders feel that they are not getting enough state support, and have decided to switch careers.
Gelre gets 'No restrictions on foreign merchants' for two years, giving the following effects:
Domestic Trade Power: -33.0%

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to The Hansa to improve relations.

July 17, 1472
New Rivalry!
Trier has announced Gelre as their new rival.

January 2, 1473
Lost Claim
We have lost our claim on Friesland.

Diplomat Saelckink will return home.

January 8, 1473
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Münster to fabricate a claim on Friesland.

March 16, 1473
A Dock is under construction in Gelre.

June 6, 1473
Agent Discovered
We have been informed by the Commander of the Guard in Gelre, Münster has been discovered fabricating a claim on our province, Berg.

January 8, 1474
Herald from France
France declared war on their enemy Burgundy!

April 15, 1474
We will no longer be sending Trade Power to France.

July 8, 1474
Death of a Merchant
One of the greatest and richest men in Gelre has died without an heir. He was a well known patron of religion and the arts.
King Arnold II believes the state needs the money.
Gain 13.03 ducats (31.19)

September 21, 1474
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to England to improve relations.

December 2, 1474
Herald from The Hansa
Diplomat Gelkom has stopped trying to improve relations with The Hansa after reaching the maximum value. He will return home.
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Old 04-19-2015, 09:59 AM   #8
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December 26, 1474
Trade Collapse
It is hard to fathom, but for some reason the amount of income from trade has simply collapsed. The cargoes just don't seem to be landed. Is it smuggling? Is it merchants going elsewhere? We do not know, but things are grim...
King Arnold II believes nothing can be done.
Gelre gets 'Trade Collapse' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: -20.0%

October 10, 1475
Diplomatic Technology Advance
Basic Financial Instruments (5)

Overseas trade is very risky, but also highly profitable. The development of financial instruments like letters of credit will help reduce the risk, increasing our profits.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 20
Trade Efficiency Increased by +10%

January 1, 1476
Military Technology Advance!
The Limber (7)

Artillery had been documented in Europe since the thirteenth century, but due to its lack of mobility, it had very limited battlefield use. Thee development of the Limber in the 1470s allowed guns to become more mobile and thus more useful.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Infantry Fire: +0.10
Artillery Fire: +1.00
Enables Large Cast Bronze Mortar
Enables Houfnice.

May 29, 1476
Herald from Brunswick
The great statesman Heinrich IV von Welf of Brunswick has died. Our Royal Marriage with Brunswick has ended.

May 31, 1476
Herald from Brunswick
We entered a Royal Marriage with Brunswick and their regency council while they await young August von Welf to become old enough to ascend.

July 13, 1476
Influential Preacher
A young devout preacher has spoken out recently about how great our adherence to the teachings of the Holy Father in Rome is. This can only be good for our future.
King Arnold II believes he'll make a nice bishop.
Gain 5 Prestige (35)

November 5, 1476
Herald from England
Diplomat Saelckink has reached maximum value in relations with England. He will return home.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Milan to improve relations.

November 14, 1476
Byzantine Refugees
My Lord, Byzantine has fallen to the Saracens. The last bastion of the Roman Empire, the City of Constantine, is now in Turkish hands. As Christendom reels from the shock, Byzantine refugees flock to the cities and courts of Europe, bringing with them old manuscripts of classical knowledge, tracts by Aristotle, Plato and Galen, and a thorough knowledge of both Latin and Greek. Inviting these refugees to Gelre might provide and enormous boost to our own efforts in the fields of culture and science.
King Arnold II urges them to come to Gelre.
Gelre gets 'Byzantine Influx' for 30 years, giving the following effects:
Technology Cost: -10.0%
Lose 50 Diplomatic Power
Lose 30 Administrative Power
Gain 5 Prestige (40)

December 11, 1476
Herald from Münster
Münster has declared war upon their enemy Cologne.

January 21, 1477
Administrative Technology Advance!
Noble Republic (7)

The notion of a noble oligarchy has existed, since well, at least the Roman times, and remained popular in some parts of the world. Now this idea is once more gaining popularity among those who matter.

Bonus Effect:
Allows Another Group of Ideas
Allows Noble Reublic

Economic Ideas Advance!
We unlocked the Economic Ideas idea group.

April 28, 1477
Border Friction
'Our rightful provinces are held by other nations and our government seems to be making no effort to recover them! What use are they anyway?' proclaims the broadsheet. Widespread dissatisfaction with our failure to recover our claimed provinces is sweeping the nation.
King Arnold II believes a policy change is in order.
Utrecht's opinion of Gelre changed by -50.

June 18, 1477
The Gelren Conquest of Utrecht
King Arnold II has heard the complaints from the broadsheet. Murmurs going through the streets of Arnheim that the new King is weak and afraid of conflict. With the backing of Brunswick and Bohemia, King Arnold II will take Utrecht and inflict punishment on Münster in the process.

Münster is still involved in their war with Cologne, with Utrecht supporting. Utrecht has been left unguarded.

To war!

October 14, 1477
Herald from Aragon
Bronze Cannons
The bronze cannon has made its entrance on the battlefield and is here to stay. The materials needed to feed the growing cannon-making industries have lead to an explosion in demand for copper over the last few years and prices have risen as a result.

January 2, 1478
We have lost our claim on Bréda!

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Bréda.

July 14, 1478
Improvements in Government Technology
A few local workers in the administration have discovered what they claim is a more efficient way of handling documents. Obviously they do now know what they are talking about, but can it hurt to let them try their new ideas?
King Arnold II wishes to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Administrative Power

September 24, 1478
Siege Victory!
After 451 days we have won the siege of Utrecht!

October 30, 1478
A Military Leader has Died!
General Luuk Sweerts is dead! He served us faithfully and well. Only the finest funeral will do for such a colossus of combat.

January 2, 1479
Herald from Milan
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Milan.

January 3, 1479
We have lost our claim on Hollande.

January 7, 1479
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Hollande.

March 5, 1479

We decline.

June 22, 1479
Casus Belli
We have gained the Casus Belli against Cologne. They hold the province of Osnabrück, which we have a claim on.

September 23, 1479
Herald from Münster
Saxony entered a Military Alliance with our enemy Münster.

December 29, 1479
Corrupt Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy sometimes just doesn't work. The wrong men in the wrong places can lead to corrupt practices which hurt the country's income. Even worse, it will take a few years to get the proper paperwork to change it.
Gelre gets 'Corrupt Bureaucracy' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -2.5%

January 2, 1480
We have lost our claim on Osnabrück. We have also lost our Casus Belli against Cologne.

February 5, 1480
Siege Victory!
We have won the Siege of Ostfriesland after 481 days.

East Frisia Accepts Peace
East Frisia has accepted peace to end their part in the war.

East Frisia will annul all treaties with Utrecht.
East Frisia will release Oldenburg as a sovereign state.
East Frisia will pay 36 ducats.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (49)

February 6, 1480
Münster Accepts Peace
Münster have reached a peace accord to end their part in the war.

Münster will cede Friesland to Gelre.
Münster will become a vassal of Gelre.
Gelre gains 6.0 Prestige (55)

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 60 Administrative Power to turn Friesland into a core. It will take 12 months.

February 7, 1480
End of the Gelren Conquest of Utrecht (June 18, 1477 – February 7, 1480)
Utrecht has accepted King Arnold II's generous peace offer.

We demand their full annexation.
Gelre gains 3.5 Prestige. (58)

Base Tax: 7.0
Production: Cloth

We have spent 70 Administrative Power to turn Utrecht into a core. It will take 12 months.

Mission Complete!
Improve Our Prestige

Gain 1 Stability (+1)

Central Europe as a whole.

Gelre up close.
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Old 04-19-2015, 11:00 AM   #9
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February 7, 1480
We have named Hesse and Trier our new rivals.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Cologne to fabricate a claim on Köln.

Current Mission
Make Utrecht a Core

February 24, 1480
Rivalry Ended
East Frisia no longer considers Gelre a rival.

July 16, 1480
Peasants Getting Uppity
At times when peasants experienced harsh subjugation, some of them would turn against their landlords demanding better treatment and conditions.
King Arnold II enforces serfdom.
Lose 25 Administrative Points.

October 2, 1480
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Münster to improve relations.

November 5, 1480
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Embassies (6)

We can develop better relations with neighboring countries by establishing embassies in their capitals, allowing our ambassadors to maintain permanent presence in their courts.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Embassy

February 9, 1481
Cores Gained
The provinces of Friesland and Utrecht are now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend them to the last drop of peasant blood.

Mission Complete!
Make Utrecht a Core!

Gain 10 Administrative Power

Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Cologne. They hold provinces we have claims on.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Cologne to fabricate a claim on Westfalen.

Current Mission
Claim our rival's province, Nassau.

February 10, 1481
Diplomat Glekom has been sent to Hesse to fabricate a claim on Nassau.

March 1, 1481
We have lost our claim on Zélande.

February 14, 1482
Mission Complete!
Claim our rival's province, Nassau!
Gain 5 Prestige (60)
Gain 25 Military Power

Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Hesse. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

Current Mission
Take Westfalen!

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Münster to improve relations.

May 22, 1482
The Gelren Conquest of Westfalen
King Arnold II has received word that Cologne is at war with both Austria and Bohemia. This makes them ripe for conquering and exploitation of their own. Westfalen would give us a border with longtime ally Hannover.

July 18, 1482
Monopoly Company Formed
Crowns often granted trading companies the exclusive rights to traffic goods in a region. These monopolies were granted in exchange for a lump-sum payment and continuing revenues from the traders.
King Arnold II demands payment in full.
Gain 182.14 ducats (399.25)

August 7, 1482
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against England. They are threatening our trade!

March 31, 1483
A New Pope!
The Papal Conclove has elected Hadrianus VI, he is loyal to France which is the new Papal Controller

May 30, 1483
Herald from Lorraine
Burgundy has entered a Military Alliance with our enemy Lorraine.

November 11, 1483
Economic Ideas Advance

Allows us to increase our tax revenues by adopting a more bureaucratic administrative system governed by state officials.

Bonus Effect:
National Tax Modifier: +10%

December 26, 1483
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Lüneburg after 253 days.

December 28, 1483
Herald from Magdeburg
Magdeburg accepted our generous peace offer.

White Peace
Nobody will gain or lose anything.

January 2, 1484
Trade Complacency
Although as a nation we are famous for our shrewd commerce practices, at the moment our merchants are becoming a tad complacent.
King Arnold II believes that prices may be rising.
Gain 1.00 inflation.

March 16, 1484
End of the Gelren Conquest of Westfalen (May 22, 1482 – March 16, 1484)
Cologne has accepted our generous peace offer.

Cologne will cede Westfalen to Gelre.
Cologne will cede Osnabrück to Münster.
Gelre gains 4.5 Prestige (66)

Mission Complete!
Take Westfalen!!

Gain 10 Prestige
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Base Tax: 5.0
Production: Wool

We have spent 54 Administrative Power to turn Westfalen into a core. It will take 12 months.

Current Mission
Placate England

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to England to improve relations.

Westfalen extends our reach, hugging around our vassal of Münster
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Old 04-19-2015, 01:12 PM   #10
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July 20, 1484
Noble Families Feud
Violence among leading families within a state was never far from the surface. Often, this instability would boil over into open conflict. The result was less than a full-blown civil war, but could immensely disturb the stability of the state.
King Arnold II decides to let them fight it out.
Gain +25.00% Local Autonomy in Berg.

October 3, 1484
Herald From England
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with England.

October 9, 1484
Herald from England
We entered a Royal Marriage with England.

October 12, 1484
Mission Complete
Placate England!
Gain 5 Prestige (79)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

Current Mission
Our Manpower Reserves Need to Recover

November 11, 1484
Herald From England
We have accepted England's offer of a Military Alliance.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Zélande.

March 11, 1485
A Military Leader has Died!
General Rien Holst is dead! He served us faithfully and well.

March 24, 1485
Core Gained
The province of Westfalen is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

January 1, 1486
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Hesse to fabricate a claim on Kassel.

March 8, 1486
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Naval Ambitions (7)

With an extra boost to naval morale, our sailors will conquer the waves and rule the seas. While our colonists will be able to brave the dark corners of the world, founding new settlements farther from home than ever before.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range: 115
Naval Morale Increased by +0.30

July 8, 1486
New Rivalry!
The Hansa has announced Gelre as their new rival.

We have named Burgundy our new rival.

July 22, 1486
Improvements in Land Technology
Our generals are discussing the impact of some new weapons a local gunsmith has been making. They believe they can be used effectively in our armies, if we get a few more people to work on it.
King Arnold II wants to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Military Power

August 16, 1486
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against The Hansa! They are threatening our trade.

October 24, 1486
New Emperor Elected
The electors have elected Karl I of Austria as the new Emperor. The new lawful sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire has promised to protect the rights of the states as Emperor.

March 8, 1487
A Call to Arms
England has called us to war against Scotland and France. We have declined.
Lose 25 Prestige (47)

March 27, 1487
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to France to improve relations. They know have a friendly attitude toward us.

April 1, 1487
Herald from France
We have entered a Military Alliance with France.

July 28, 1488
Merchant Defects
Our use of mercantilist policies is proving frustrating for some of our merchants, causing some to defect to other countries.
King Arnold II believes a slight loosening of the policy might be the answer.
Gelre gets 'Increased Free Trade' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Spy Defense: -10.0%
National Trade Income Modifier: +10.0%
Lose 1.00 Mercantilism

January 13, 1489
Production Stifled
Our producers become complacent as our use of Smithian Economics led to our production techniques being so advanced.
King Arnold II thinks this will hurt production.
Gelre gets 'Production Stifled' for five years, giving the following effects:
Production Efficiency: -10.0%

May 3, 1489
Herald from Münster
Diplomat Saelckink is returning home after maximizing relations with Münster.

May 4, 1489
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

August 23, 1489
Economic Ideas Advance!
Organized Construction

The need to upgrade the infrastructure of our government is a costly business, if we structure the process correctly we can do this cheaper.

Bonus Effect:
Build Cost: -20.0%

German Ideas Advance!
Frühlings- und Herstmesse

Some cities are given special right to open fairs in every spring and autumn. These seasonal markets are quite attractive for foreign traders.
Bonus Effect:
Domestic Trade Power: +10.0%
National Trade Income Modifier: +5.0%

November 2, 1489
Military Technology Advance
Pike and Shot (8)

The Arquebus was easy to use as a weapon, but was also inaccurate and slow to fire, leaving its user vulnerable to cavalry charges. Blending with Pikemen allowed Arquebusiers to fire and then fall back to be shielded by Pikemen when enemy cavalry or infantry appeared.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Combat width increased by 1
Infantry Fire: +0.25
Cavalry Shock: +1.00
Can now build Training Fields
Can now build March

Training Fields are now under construction in Gelre, Friesland, Utretcht, Berg and Westfalen.

January 2, 1490
Diplomat Gelkom will return from France after maximizing relations.

March 17, 1490
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

July 15, 1490
Claims on Our Rivals!
We have managed to produce very legitimate documents which show that we have a historical claim on one of their provinces!
Gelre gains a claim on Limbourg (Burgundy)
Gain 10 Prestige (53)

July 27, 1590

We accept.

August 1, 1490
Current Mission
Placate Saxony

August 9, 1490
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Saxony to improve relations.

November 5, 1490
Constables are under construction in Utrecht, Friesland and Westfalen.

A Farm Estate is under construction in Gelre.

December 13, 1490
Trade Ideas Advance!
Overseas Merchants

To grow trade we need to extend the rights of citizenship to people who live abroad, support our trade and are of the right social class.

Bonus Effect:
Merchants: +1

We have sent our newest merchant to Genoa.
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Old 04-19-2015, 02:11 PM   #11
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June 8, 1491
Mission Complete
Placate Saxony

Gain 5 Prestige (57)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

June 20, 1491
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Denmark to improve relations.

September 15, 1491
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Brunswick to improve relations.

November 19, 1491
A Marketplace is under construction in Friesland.

July 31, 1492
Lack of Protection
Our determination to embrace free trade has led to domestic merchants losing out to the rivals from other countries.
King Arnold II believes they need to adapt.
Lose 15 Diplomatic Power.

October 2, 1492
We have lost our claim on Anvers.

December 2, 1492
A Dock is under construction in Friesland.

December 10, 1492
Herald from Burgundy
Burgundy declared war upon their enemy England.

December 18, 1492
New Rivalry!
Norway has announced Gelre as their new rival.

May 5, 1493
Current Mission
Take Hollande!

October 3, 1493
Herald from Denmark
Diplomat Saelckink is coming home after maximizing relations with Denmark.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Savoy to improve relations.

January 14, 1494
Corrupt Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy sometimes just doesn't work. The wrong men in the wrong places can lead to corrupt practices which hurt the country's income. Even worse, it will take a few years to get the proper paperwork to change it.
Gelre gets 'Corrupt Bureaucracy' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -2.5%

July 31, 1494
Land Technology Research Useless
Several prominent men in our country are pointing out that the path we are going when it comes to army research is utterly foolish and will amount to nothing. They demand that we stop the current approach and stick with what was good enough for our fathers.
King Arnold II believes they have a point!
Lose 50 Military Power.

November 1, 1494
We have lost our Casus Belli with Trier and claim on Koblenz.

November 20, 1494
Genoa and Crimea have reached a peace agreement.

January 12, 1495
Casus Belli
We have gained the Trade Dispute Casus Belli against England.

June 14, 1495
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Poland to improve relations.

September 11, 1495
Economic Ideas Advance!
National Bank

By establishing a central authority for financial matters, we will have better control over our nation's economy.

Bonus Effect:
Yearly Inflation Reduction: +0.10

October 2, 1495
Trade Ideas Advance!
Trade Manipulation

At those key choke points where trade could go one way or another, the ability to gain an edge there is key to the growth of our trade income.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Steering: +25.0%
Caravan Power: +20.0%

German Ideas Advance!

German territories are grouped into regional circles. Their functions are keeping local peace with common forces, collecting the imperial taxes and coordinating opinions for the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Chamber Court.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomatic Reputation: +1.00

April 5, 1496
Herald from Savoy
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Savoy.

A March is under construction in Gelre.
As a unique building it provides special bonuses.
Manpower Increase +500
Attrition for Enemies: +1.00
Local Defensiveness: +200.0%

May 19, 1496
The annexation of Münster has begun.

August 1, 1496
Cessation of Church Functions
Noble families were often granted control over church lands and appointments were made in many states in exchange for cash contributions to the crown's efforts. The crown, of course, lost control over some revenues this way in exchange for a short-term boost in revenue.
Gain 85.38 ducats (116.55)
Gelre gets 'Cessation of Church Functions' for 15 years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -15.0%
Yearly Papal Influence: +0.50.

June 5, 1497
Integrating Münster
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.
Gelre gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effect:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5.0 Prestige (53)

A Culture Accepted!
Our subjects who embrace Hannoverian have finally been able to prove their loyalty. So we are now accepting Hannoverian as an integral part of our nation. Their language and culture are a part of our national heritage.

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Salt

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Cloth

Temples are under construction in Osnbrück and Münster.

A look at our slowly expanding kingdom.

Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia
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Old 04-22-2015, 07:11 PM   #12
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October 25, 1497
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Oldenburg to fabricate a claim.

October 31, 1497
New Rivalry!
Cologne has announced Gelre as their new rival.

November 18, 1497
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against Burgundy. They are threatening our trade.

Agent Uncovered
We have been informed that our agent in Oldenburg has been discovered by Oldenburg while fabricating a claim in (you guessed it) Oldenburg.

December 6, 1497
Herald from Poland
Diplomat Saelckink has stopped trying to improve relations with Poland due to reaching the maximum value. He will return home.

December 18, 1497
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

June 13, 1498
Constables are under construction in Münster and Osnabrück.

August 15, 1498
Clergy Condemns Philosopher as Heretic!
A prominent natural philosopher is forwarding new claims that contradict religious truths. The clergy demands that he be stopped and turned over for punishment. Either way, this will cause great turmoil in the realm.
King Arnold II believes in supporting the Philosopher.
Lose 1 Stability (0)
Gelre gets 'Increased Innovative' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength: -1.0%
Technology Cost: -5.0%

October 30, 1498
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations. We cannot enter a Military Alliance with them for 10 years as part of the treaty they signed with Burgundy.

January 28, 1499
Corrupt Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy sometimes just doesn't work. The wrong men in the wrong places can lead to corrupt practices which hurt the country's income. Even worse, it will take a few years to get the proper paperwork to change it.
Gelre gets 'Corrupt Bureaucracy' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -2.5%

June 28, 1499
Marketplaces are under construction in Münster and Osnabrück.

March 19, 1500
Herald from Austria
We have maximized relations with Austria and Diplomat Gelkom will return home.

New Rivalry!
Burgundy has announced Gelre as their new rival.

April 12, 1500
Herald from Poland
Poland accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

I am slightly fearful of an attack from Burgundy. Austria is no longer my ally because of them. France is in a war with Savoy and other Italian area provinces. As always, Lithuania is under a Personal Union with Poland and goes where Poland does.

May 2, 1500
Herald from Poland
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Poland.

July 1, 1500
Training Fields are under construction in Münster.

August 1, 1500
Herald from Bohemia
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way home from Bohemia after maximizing relations.

Diplomat Gelkom is on his way to Venice to improve relations.

August 6, 1500
Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and the parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and merchants or religious leaders.
King Arnold II believes that reputation isn't everything.
Lose 25 Legitimacy (70)

September 23, 1500
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Aragon to improve relations.

We are into 1500 and the Iberian Wedding has not fired yet. I believe it is now past due for that to happen. Castile will not be able to automatically gain a Personal Union over Aragon.

November 17, 1500
A Training Field is under construction in Osnabrück.

July 20, 1501
Military Technology Advance!
Star Fort (9)

In 1509 a monk and engineer tore down the medieval walls of Padua and replaced them with a rampart and a ditch which could be swept by flanking fire from the walls, adding an additional level of protection.

Bonus Effect:
Enables Condotta Infantry
Enables Landsknechten Infantry
Enables Reformed Galloglaigh Infantry
Can now build Star Fort

All Long Bow have been converted to Landsknechten Infantry.

August 9, 1501
Trade Ideas Advance!
Fast Negotiations

Sometimes the key to closing a trade deal is to be quickest. We need to ensure that our merchants are able to have the deal done.

Bonus Effect:
National Trade Income Modifier: +10.0%

We have gained another Merchant for completing the Trade Ideas idea group.

We have sent the new merchant to the Wien node.

October 12, 1501
Economic Ideas Advance!
Debt and Loans

Debt is sometimes simply unavoidable, however an organized debt market will allow us to float loans at a lower interest rate.

Bonus Effect:
Interest per annum: -1.00
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Old 04-22-2015, 08:04 PM   #13
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October 12, 1501
A Star Fort is under construction in Gelre.

May 1502
A Call to Arms!
Bohemia has called us to war in the Bohemian Conquest of Bamberg against Wurzburg, The Palatinate, Baden, Bavaria and Wurttemberg.

We accept!

July 13, 1502
A Star Forst is under construction in Utrecht.

August 4, 1502
Herald from Muscovy!
They tell us of Civil War!

Ivan III's continuous scheming and plotting has infuriated the nobles and made Ivan III some powerful enemies among the aristocracy. It won't take long before the whispers and rumors of plots to end the misrule will turn into reality and our nation will be plunged into a drawn-out power struggle.

August 8, 1502
Production Research Flawed
The new techniques in our production are rumored to be flawed, and several leading nobles argue that we should discard them and go back to the old and tried methods instead.
King Arnold II ignores them.
Lose 10 Prestige (13)

February 8, 1503
Herald from Venice
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Venice.

June 7, 1503
Herald from Aragon
Diplomat Saelckink is returning home after maximizing relations with Aragon.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Tyrone to improve relations.

July 15, 1503
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Anvers.

November 8, 1503
Herald from The Palatinate
Trier has entered a Military Alliance with our enemy The Palatinate.

January 26, 1504
More Local Recruiting
Our decision to ensure that local privileges will be honored has meant that peasants are keen to defend their villages. This in turn has added the benefit of people being less resentful about serving in our military.
Gain 72 manpower in Westfalen.

February 5, 1504
We have lost our claim on Bréda.

August 12, 1504
Tensions Between Nobles and Clergy
In feudal kingdoms two castes within society held great power. The nobility and the clergy. Now it turns out a baron and the local monastery of his fief are bickering about who owns a rather large piece of land. These days the royal court is swamped with the people yammering about divine right. The nobles claiming their divine right to rule the land and the clergy asserting their position as the representatives of God on Earth. The whole situation is growing rather untenable, the baron in question is inciting the other nobles against the clergy and questioning their right to hold any sort of temporal property. The prior of the monastery has brought in the archbishop on his side, who in turn threatens to go straight to Rome should you decide to side with the nobles. Now, what shall we do, my liege?
King Arnold II asks Rome “Jesus lived among beggars and fisherman, why don't you?”
The Papal State's opinion of Gelre changed by -100.

August 16, 1504
A Star Fort is under construction in Westfalen.

National Decisions
King Arnold II has enacted a Statute in Restraint of Appeals
Gain 10 Prestige (24)
Catholicism Gain +1.0% Reform Desire
Brunswick, Oldenburg, East Frisia, Hesse, Cologne, Burgundy's opinions of Gelre changed by -60
The Papal State's opinion of Gelre changed by -100

Gelre gets 'The Statute in Restraint of Appeals', giving the following effects:
National Unrest: -1.00
Stability Cost Modifier: -10.0%
Yearly Prestige: +0.50
Yearly Papal Influence -10.0

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Bréda.

September 20, 1504
Herald from Brunswick
Brunswick broke their Alliance with us!

February 7, 1505
We have lost our claim on Hollande.

July 11, 1505
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Trade Depot & Drydock (8)

Trade depots will offer central locations for trade goods to be accumulated and distributed from higher trade efficiency. Dry docks will allow us to maintain a fleet able to protect our trade.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 10
Can now build Drydock
Can now build Trade Depot.

August 13, 1505
A Trade Depot is under construction in Gelre.

August 20, 1505
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Hollande.

October 15, 1505
A Herald from Poland
Sad news, the great statesman Zygmunt I Jagiellon of Poland has died. Our Royal Marriage with Poland has ended.

January 2, 1506
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Old 04-23-2015, 12:27 PM   #14
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I have been very tempted to begin cross-posting this series over at the Paradox Plaza forums, but I feel completely out of depth with what those guys are doing for AARs. Decisions...
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Old 04-23-2015, 03:53 PM   #15
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The liberation of Holland should be your next goal!
* 2005 Golden Scribe winner for best FOF Dynasty about IHOF's Maassluis Merchantmen
* Former GM of GEFL's Houston Oilers and WOOF's Curacao Cocktail
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Old 04-23-2015, 04:43 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by MIJB#19 View Post
The liberation of Holland should be your next goal!

It is the MAIN goal!

My problem is that Burgundy is allied with Castile. I need to get my alliance with Austria back so I can tag-team Burgundy and Castile with Austria and France. I just need to take Bréda, Anvers and Hollande. Then we can liberate!
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Old 04-23-2015, 07:50 PM   #17
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So here we are. Gelre is in a very interesting place as the Protestant Reformation begins south of us. We have a much larger, bigger rival in Burgundy directly to our left. We are desperately trying to gather back our rightful provinces so that we may become The Netherlands. We are so close to taking the low lands for ourselves, but the task is so very large.

February 8, 1506
Herald from Castile

They tell us about the event of The Iberian Wedding where among the possible options they have decided to bind their dynasty to Aragon's. Aragon is now in a Personal Union under Castile and will go where we go.

This does not bode well with Burgundy and Castille's alliance. Right now Castile and Burgundy combined have around 79,000 troops, while we have around 60,000 between ourselves and France. If we can get a Military Alliance with Austria in 1508 when their truce with Burgundy expires, that will drum up another 35,000 troops and hopefully some of the lesser HRE kingdoms.

March 3, 1506
We can no longer claim that Köln would be a rightful part of our realm.

April 5, 1506
Herald from Tyrone
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Tyrone.

May 24, 1506
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Milan to improve relations.

August 13, 1506
Priests are Preaching Heresy!
Rumors talk about several priests who have been preaching a heresy which is clearly against our one true faith. The local populace seem to follow their words, and this may become troublesome in the future.
King Arnold II ignores the heresy. He's not particularly inclined to the church these days.
Lose 5 Prestige (18)
Friestland gets 'Heresy' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Local Unrest: +2.00
Local Tax Modifier: -33.0%
Local Manpower Modifier: -40.0%
Monthly Autonomy Change: +0.05

August 27, 1506
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to Burugundy to fabricate a claim on Flandres.

October 13, 1506
A Star Fort is under construction in Osnabrück.

Military Alliance
We have re-entered a Military Alliance per Brunswick's request.

November 7, 1506
Administrative Technology Advance!
Workshop & Courthouse

The problem with a hereditary local nobility is that they tend to value their local interests over those of the rest of the nation. We need to steadily expand the reach of the government, which begins with two of the most important areas of administration, justice and taxation.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Courthouse
Can now build Workshop

National Decisions
King Arnold II has passed the Act of Uniformity, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength: +1.0%

March 4, 1507
We have lost our claim on Nassau.

April 2, 1507

July 16, 1507
A Courthouse is under construction in Gelre.

September 4, 1507
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Ottomans to improve relations.

October 30, 1507
Bible Translated
A priest in Utrecht has translated the Bible into our language, and has started to distribute copies of it to nearby villages throughout Utrecht.
King Arnold II believes that this is fantastic news! He wants the Bibles spread far and wide throughout all of Gelre.
The religion in Utrecht changes to Protestant
Catholicism Gain +3.0% Reform Desire
The Papal State's opinion of Gelre changed by -40.
Brunswick, Oldenburg, East Frisia, Hesse, Cologne and Burgundy's opinion of Gelre changed by -10.

November 16, 1507
We have converted to Protestantism.

A Missionary has been sent to Osnabrück.

Courthouses are under construction in Utrecht, Westfalen and Berg.

February 5, 1508
Herald from Brunswick
Brunswick broke their alliance with us!

April 5, 1508
Herald from Milan
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way home after we have maximized relations with Milan.

April 11, 1508
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way to Brunswick to fabricate a claim on Hanover.

May 11, 1508
Military Alliance
We have entered a Military Alliance with Austria.

August 16, 1508
Comet Sighted
Peasants are always superstitious, and the appearance of a comet in the sky has caused panic among our people. They are convinced that this is a sign that the end of times is near or that something bad is going to happen.
Lose 1 Stability (-1)

September 10, 1508
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Osnabrück to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary is on his way to Friesland.

January 13, 1509
A Trade Depot is under construction in Utrecht.

January 30, 1509
Our Merchants are Doing Poorly
Although previously our adventuring merchants were doing good business, things have recently taken a turn for the worse.
King Arnold II believes belts will need tightening in these trying times.
Gelre gets 'Merchants Doing Poorly' for five years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Technology Cost: +2.5%

April 19, 1509
Herald from Denmark
We entered a Royal Marriage with Denmark.

May 30, 1509
Military Alliance
We have entered a Military Alliance with Denmark.

June 20, 1509
A Call to Arms!
Denmark has called us to war against Sweden, Livonian Order and The Hansa.

We accept!
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Old 04-24-2015, 05:50 PM   #18
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June 29, 1509
Oldenburg has granted us Military Access.

July 9, 1509
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Friesland to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary has been sent to Berg.

August 27, 1509
The Hansa Opens for Trade
Despite their open hatred of us and everything we stand for, the Hanseatic have allowed their traders the opportunities to make deals with us. This has granted us a chance to wield some power where they would normally oust our merchants.
Gelre gains Enemy Allowed Trade (Power: +10.0) in Novogorod for three years.

October 13, 1509
The Holy Roman Empire
The electors have elected Anton I of Austria as the new Emperor.

January 2, 1510
Herald from Ottomans
Diplomat Saelckink has returned home after maximizing relations with Ottomans.

April 18, 1510
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Berg to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary has been sent to Westfalen.

June 7, 1510
Siege Victory!
After 249 days we have won the siege of Slesvig and returned the province into Danish control.

December 3, 1510
We have lost our claim on Zélande!

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Zélande.

January 30, 1511
We have spent 250 Administrative Power to bump our Stability to +1

Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Westfalen to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary heads for Münster.

May 14, 1511
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Carracks & Caravel (9)

Development of the lateen sail allowed Carracks to sail much closer to the wind than earlier vessels. Enhanced maneuverability made them superior to other ships.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range: 50
Navy Morale Increased by +0.20
Naval Maintenance Increased by +20%
Enables Carrack.
Enables Caravel.

October 16, 1511
Siege Victory!
After 435 days we have won the Siege of Hamburg!

November 14, 1511
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Münster to the one and only true faith!

May 17, 1512
Herald from The Hansa
The Hansa has accepted peace with Denmark.
The Hansa will must pay 10% of their income to Denmark each month for war reparations.

July 19, 1512
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to France to improve relations.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

August 19, 1512
Nobles Demand Old Rights
The nobility during this period still recalled the days when the King was just the first among many nobles. The nobility wanted to return to these days and would frequently pressure the King to regain certain lost rights of privileges.
King Arnold II rejects the demands.
Lose 1 Stability (0)

May 8, 1513
Economic Ideas Advance!

If we centralize the state then we will find it easier to advance the ideas and agenda of the center over the regions.

Bonus effect:
Monthly Autonomy Change: -0.05

German Ideas Advance!

German lords and cities enact laws concerning the daily life of their folks to secure the local peace and public morality.

Bonus Effect:
National Unrest: -1.00

August 22, 1513
Herald from Portugal
They tell us of The Triangle Trade

When European nations started to colonize North and South America, they created large plantations for the production of Cotton, Tobacco, & Sugar. First they tried to use the local population as slaves, bu they quickly died out where that was tried. Slaves were then imported from Africa, which created a triangular trade system. Europe sold textiles, rum & manufactured goods to Africa, Africa sold slaves to America, and America sold cotton, sugar and tobacco to Europe.

December 4, 1513
Herald from Austria
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way home after maximizing relations with Austria.

January 1, 1514
We have canceled our Military Access with Oldenburg.

February 1, 1514
Successful Bureaucracy
Our policy of supporting and expanding the bureaucracy of our nation is really paying off. Every day new officials are trained and set off to glorious new careers in our administration!
Gain 100 Administrative Power

August 9, 1514
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Poland to improve relations.

A good look at Europe. Can we all please admire what Tyrone has done in Great Britain?
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Old 04-24-2015, 07:42 PM   #19
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August 20, 1514
Nobles Demand Old Rights
The nobility during this period still recalled the days when the King was just the first among many nobles. The nobility wanted to return to these days and would frequently pressure the King to regain certain lost rights of privileges.
King Arnold II accepts the demands.
All provinces gain +15.00% Local Autonomy

November 2, 1514
Herald from Sweden
Sweden has accepted our generous peace offer.
We have conceded defeat.
Lose 10 Prestige (-64)

Note on Prestige: Converting to Protestantism destroyed our Prestige.

November 3, 1514
Military Technology Advance!
Reiter (10)

Pike and shot formations proved a major threat to medieval knights. The initial response was heavier armor to counter the power of gunpowder weapons, but this slowed down cavalry, reducing their shock power. Reiters were usually armed with two pistols and a sword, allowing them to either shoot or charge depending on the opposition they faced.

Bonus Effect:
The maneuver value on units is increased by 25%.
Enables Culverin
Enables Pedrero
Enables Schwarze Reiter.

November 8, 1514
A Call to Arms!
France has called us to war against Brittany, Castile, Aragon and Savoy. King Arnold II has accepted!

May 15, 1515
Herald from Austria
Austria declared war upon their enemy Bavaria!

July 1, 1515
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Gand.

August 6, 1515
We have lost our claim on Limbourg.

September 5, 1515
Herald from Poland
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Poland.

September 18, 1515
King Arnold II (Reigned from August 13, 1469 - September 18, 1515)
An excellent rise in growth, both domestically and internationally under the 46 year rule of Arnold II. He took Utrecht, Friesland, Berg, Westfalen, Osnabrück and Münster. He forged an excellent relationship with France and Austria. A King to be proud of. A King that will be sorely missed, but remembered for the ages.
Lose 1 Stability (-1)

A New King!
Gerard V van Egmond (6/3/5) will now rule our glorious nation!

Amalia (4/3/4) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.

September 21, 1515
National Decisions
In his first act as King, Gerard V has passed the Dissolution of the Monasteries act, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: +6.0%
Stability Cost Modifier: +5.0%

September 23, 1515
Herald from Bohemia
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Bohemia.

September 30, 1515
Herald from France
We have entered a Royal Marriage with France.

October 5, 1515
Herald from Austria
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Austria.

October 14, 1515
Herald from Denmark
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Denmark.

October 31, 1515
The Gelren Conquest of Hannover
King Gerard V is looking to make an immediate mark as an efficient military leader. He has set his sights on his late brother's rival-turned-traitor in Brunswick. They twice broke alliances with King Arnold II. King Gerard has vowed to exact revenge.

January 10, 1516
Economic Ideas Advance!
Nationalistic Enthusiasm

The supporting of our troops is vital to national defense. With our excellent administration we are able to secure generous discounts for our supplies.

Bonus Effect:
Land Maintenance Modifier: -10.0%

June 6, 1516
Preparing Our Defenses
Gelre is under attack, but the enemy has so far not succeeded in occupying any of our land. The forward-thinking among the military suggest we fortify our defenses where they are most needed, but are turning to Gerard V van Egmond for an opinion on exactly where that would be. The area around our capital may be one we cannot afford to let them take, but perhaps our borders should be secured first.
King Gerard V believes that fortifications must start at the borders.
Osnabrück, Westfalen and Friesland get 'Improved Fortifications' for 10 years, giving the following effects,
Local Defensiveness: +10.0%

August 21, 1516
Italian Engineer Available
During the period 1450-1600, Italian siege engineers were highly sought after to teach the trae of Italienne to the militaries of Europe. In most cases, these engineers had no national identity and simply worked for whoever could afford to pay them.
King Gerard V hires the engineer.
Gain 40 Military Power
Lose 30.37 ducats (86.28)

January 12, 1517
Siege Victory!
After 402 days we have won the siege of Braunschweig!

October 4, 1517
The Difficult Winter
A siege dragging on over winter (??) is always costly and best avoided completely. This winter has been particularly harsh and one of our sieges has seen both equipment and soldiers freezing. At this rate, we'll either have to recuperate and wait out the winter or send in more men, many of whom are likely to die from cold and starvation. How many are we willing to sacrifice to take this one city?
King Gerard V asserts that it will take as many men as it takes.
Lose 2,000 manpower

January 29, 1518
Siege Victory!
After 121 days we have won the siege of Anhalt!

January 31, 1518
End of the Gelren Conquest of Hannover (October 31, 1515 – January 31, 1518)
King Gerard V is satisfied with what his army has accomplished. A peace treaty has been reached.

Brunswick will cede Hannover to Gelre.
Gelre gains 3.5 prestige (-49)

Base Tax: 7.0
Production: Cloth

We have spent 81 Administrative Power to turn Hannover into a core. It will take 13 months.

Courthouses are under construction in Friesland, Osnabrück and Münster.

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Old 04-25-2015, 09:54 AM   #20
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Note to the reader: this is a long one.

Our navy has taken some hard hits. Our fleet protecting trade in Lübeck is fine, however our fleet protecting our interests in the English Channel has nothing left. That will be a priority to rebuild.

March 24, 1518
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to The Hansa to fabricate a claim on Bremen.

August 25, 1518
Promising Trader
Our free trade policies are forcing our merchants to become more innovative. One in particularly looks like he could become a great man.
Gain Trader.

September 19, 1518
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
The Flute (10)

A Flute is a specialized cargo vessel capable of carrying a large load with a very small crew. Flutes were designed to be built cheaply and in large numbers. A useful ship if you need to move things across the oceans.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 20
Trade Efficiency Increased by +10%
Settler Growth Increased by +10
Enables Flute
Enables War Galley

February 10, 1519
Our Merchants are Adventuring
Current trading conditions are strongly favoring our merchants. Our merchants are ready to take advantage of these.
Gelre gains “Adventuring Merchants' for five years, giving the following effects:
Trade Range: +25.0%
Envoy Travel Time: -20.0%

March 13, 1519
Core Gained
The province of Hannover is now considered part of our patrimony.

March 31, 1519
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against The Hansa. They hold provinces that we have claims on!

Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to The Hansa to fabricate a claim on Stade.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Thuringia to improve relations.

July 14, 1519
Herald from Austria
Austria has declared war upon their enemy Milan!

July 18, 1519
Tensions Along the Border
Borders are organic things, changing and mutating with the seasons, and with the fortunes of the latest conquerer passing by. Historians will, perhaps, say that the events that transpired in Utrecht in that year of our lord 1519, were inevitable. 'As Utrecht continued to flourish under the benevolent rule of Gelre, the yokels on the other side of the border were bound to get jealous.' Perhaps they will be less fair to us. Either way, tensions in Utrecht haven a rival neighbor a Casus Belli against us.
Burgundy has gained a claim on Utrecht.

November 29, 1519
France has accepted peace with their enemies Brittany on the following terms:
Aragon will cede Roussillon to France
Brittany will become a vassal of France.

March 3, 1520
Administrative Technology Advance!
The Scythe (9)

Although it has been in existence for a long time, the scythe somehow still isn't the most popular tool for harvesting crops. By encouraging peasants to use a scythe instead of a sickle, we will improve the efficiency of our harvests.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
Allows armies Forced March orders, allowing them to march faster for military power.

April 17, 1520
Conversion Successful!
The religion in Hannover has converted to Protestant. This is the result of a Center of Reformation in Württemberg.

August 27, 1520
Italian Engineer Available
During the period 1450-1600, Italian siege engineers were highly sought after to teach the trae of Italienne to the militaries of Europe. In most cases, these engineers had no national identity and simply worked for whoever could afford to pay them.
King Gerard V hires the engineer.
Gain 40 Military Power
Lose 23.69 ducats (4.27)

King Gerard V has been informed that Austria's truce with Burgundy has come to an end. Burgundy is currently embroiled in a war with half of the Holy Roman Empire and distracted. France and Austria are conflict free, as is Bohemia. The time has come to take back the lands that belong to the Dutch people. To free them from the oppressive Burgundian regime. To usher in a new era of greatness for Gelre and King Gerard V.

Let loose the hounds of hell.

November 23, 1520
Herald from France
In an effort to advance their own interests, France have requested our help in exchange for Subsidies. We will receive 7.18 ducats each month until canceled.

January 11, 1521
A Constable is under construction in Hannover.

We've begun this war by putting East Frisia under siege. We'll let France worry about Castile and Burgundy for now.

April 19, 1521

July 17, 1521
A Star Fort is under construction in Friesland.

December 11, 1521
A Workshop is under construction in Gelre.

February 2, 1522
Herald from Thuringia.
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Thuringia.

Siege Victory!
After 391 days we have won the siege of Ostfriesland!

February 22, 1522
East Frisia Proposes Peace
We have accepted a peace offer form East Frisia on the following terms:
East Frisia will annul all treaties with Burgundy.
East Frisia will pay 144 ducats.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (-37)

June 22, 1522
Star Forts are under construction in Hannover and Münster.

A Drydock is under construction in Utrecht.

July 1, 1522
Lorraine Proposes Peace
We have accepted a peace offer from Lorraine on the following terms:
Lorraine will annul all treaties with Burgundy.
Lorraine will pay 40 ducats.
Gelre gains 3 Prestige (-34)

Noble Families Feud
Violence among leading families within a state was never far from the surface. Often, this instability would boil over into open conflict. The result was less than a full-blown civil war, but could immensely disturb the stability of a state.
King Gerard V decides to let them fight it out.
Gain +25.00% Local Autonomy in Münster.

A Drydock is under construction in Friesland.

October 17, 1522
Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Hollande!

November 1, 1522
Rivalry Ended!
Cologne no longer considers Gelre as a rival!

November 14, 1522
Siege Victory!
After 222 days we have won the Siege of Zélande!

December 1, 1522
A Trade Depot is under construction in Westfalen and Berg.

April 18, 1523
Siege Victory!
After 151 days we have won the siege of Anvers!

April 27, 1523
A Drydock is under construction in Gelre.

July 12, 1523
Training Fields are under construction in Hannover.

August 4, 1523
A Call to Arms!
Denmark has requested our assistance against Great Britain and Sweden. We have to decline.
Lose 25 Prestige (-56)

August 21, 1523
Siege Victory!
After 121 days we have won the siege of Gand!

A Workshop is under construction in Utrecht.

November 11, 1523
A Trade Depot is under construction in Friesland.

December 10, 1523
Administrative Technology Advance!
Modern Theocracy (10)

The development of the social structure is not exclusive to the aristocracy. The clergy too have to improve their internal governance. This will assist in the development of modern thought in our country.

Bonus Effect:
Allows Another Group of Ideas
Allows Theocracy

Quality Ideas Advance!
We have unlocked the Quality Ideas idea group.

Quality Ideas Advance!
Private to Marshal

Every private has a marshal's baton in his back. Well, perhaps not exactly, but for those who distinguish themselves in battle, promotion and rewards will follow. The troops know this and are inspired by it.

Bonus Effect:
Infantry Combat Ability: +10.0%

Quality Ideas Advance!
Quality Education

The most vital moment of any army's existence is straight after a battle. Win or lose, exhausted troops are most vulnerable. We must ensure that our troops are ready for combat before the opposition is.

Bonus Effect:
Recover Army Morale Speed: +5.0%

German Ideas Advance!
Cuius Regio, Eius Religio

Both Catholic and Protestant German lords have an exclusive right to control religious matters in their demesnes according to the principle 'Whose ream, his religion.'

Bonus Effect:
Missionary Strength: +1.0%

National Decisions
King Gerard V passes the Conventicle Act, giving the following effects,
Missionary Strength: +1.0%
Tolerance of Heretics: -1.00

King Gerard V passes the Test Act, givng the following effects:
Missionary Strength: +0.5%
Tolerance of Heretics: +1.00

December 15, 1523
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Poland to improve relations.

January 8, 1524
Herald from Savoy
They tell us of New Draperies

A new technique for fabric production has begun to emerge among the clothworkers of Savor. The so called 'New Draperies' are much thinner, lighter and cheaper than the thick woolens that used to be in demand. While demand is on the rise for these new products, their productions make use of considerably less wool and asa result prices have been declining.

January 17, 1524
End of the Gelren Conquest of Hollande (August 27, 1520 – January 17, 1524)
King Gerard V has forged a peace with Burgundy which has been accepted.

Burgundy will cede Bréda and Hollande to Gelre.
Gelre gains 7.5 prestige (-47)

Base Tax: 7.0
Production: Cloth

Base Tax: 8.0
Production: Fish

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Old 04-25-2015, 12:34 PM   #21
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January 17, 1524
Rival Named!
We have named The Hansa as our new rival.

January 21, 1524
Mission Complete!
Take Holland!!

Gain 10 Prestige (-37)
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Current Mission
Reduce Overextension

A Trade Depot is under construction in Osnabrück.

February 12, 1524
The Quality of our troops is Impressive
Our decisions to invest in quality has made our army seem more impressive in the eyes of our neighbors.
Gain 10 Prestige (-27)

May 3, 1524
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way home after maximizing relations with Poland.

Diplomat Gelkom will head to Denmark to improve relations.

June 9, 1524
A Trade Depot is under construction in Münster.

We have spent 80 Administrative Power to turn Holland into a core. It will take 12 months.

August 4, 1524
We have lost our claim on Oldenburg

August 6, 1524
Herald from East Frisia
We have entered a Royal Marriage with East Frisia.

August 28, 1524
Renaissance Prince
The various and innovative ideas of the Renaissance are spreading through Italy. Already a number of wealthy families have decided to provide financial support for the promising artists. Are we to let history pass us by without leaving our mark on it?
King Gerard V will also support the blooming renaissance artists.
Lose 42.54 ducats (-13.22)
Gain 10 Prestige (-17)

November 2, 1524
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to East Frisia to improve relations.

We have spent 70 Administrative Power to turn Breda into a core. It will take 12 months.

December 4, 1524
A Workshop is under construction in Hannover.

January 12, 1524
A Workshop is under construction in Berg.

April 22, 1525
A Workshop is under construction in Friesland.

May 12, 1525
A Workshop is under construction in Westfalen.

June 12, 1525
Core Gained
The province of Holland is now considered a part of our patrimony.

July 4, 1525
An Accepted Culture Lost!
We no longer care for the people who embrace Rheinlaender and thus it is no longer accepted. Their foreign tongue is not fir for our high halls, send them to work in the fields.

A Constable is under construction in Holland.

October 14, 1525
Quality Ideas Advance!
Finest of Horses

“How steadily those troops take the ground! How beautifully those cavalry form! Look at those grey horses! Who are those fine horsemen? These are fine troops.”

Bonus Effect:
Cavalry Combat Ability: +10.0%

A Workshop is under construction in Münster.

November 6, 1525
Core Gained
The province of Breda is now considered part of our patrimony.

Mission Complete!
Reduce Overextension!!

Gain the skill 3 Diplotmat in Gelre

A Missionary has been sent to Breda. He will be there for 47 months.

Current Mission
We should rely on trade income
Objective: 60% of income is based on trade.

November 15, 1525

Our stability now sits at -2.

Arnold (2/2/2) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.

January 11, 1526
A Trade Depot is under construction in Osnabrück

March 28, 1526
Herald from France
They wish to inform us that we are no longer relevant to their interests and therefore their Subsidies will be immediately canceled!

March 29, 1526
Herald from Denmark
Diplomat Gelkom has maxed relations with Denmark and will return home.

April 4, 1526
Mission Complete!
We should rely more on trade income!

Gain 10 Prestige (-7)
Gain 1.00 Mercantilism

Current Mission
Improve relations with East Frisia

April 11, 1526
Herald from East Frisia
East Frisia has accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

May 23, 1526
Herald from Great Britain
They tell us of the Grand Banks Fisheries

Our explorers report that over the Grand Banks of Newfoundland they have found waters teaming with thousands upon thousands of fishes just waiting to be caught! Fishing expeditions are headed to these waters in greater and greater numbers and markets are awash with an unimaginable supply of fish.

June 10, 1526
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Brabant.

July 17, 1526
A Courthouse is under construction in Holland.

August 31, 1526
The House of van Egmond is Shaken
There seems to have been a misunderstanding regarding the heritage of the great grandmother of Gerard V. It seems that she was the daughter of a lowly farmer from outside Arnheim.
Gerard V denies it fervently.
Lose 5 Legitimacy (70)

We have spent 119 Administrative Power to raise our Stability to -1.

February 3, 1527
Mission Complete!
Improve relations with East Frisia

Gain 3 Prestige (-4)

Herald from East Frisia
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way home after maxing relations with East Frisia.

Current Mission
Insult Hesse, our Rival.

February 4, 1527
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Hesse to deliver a witty insult to their king. Something about being beneath us, even though we occupy the Lowlands.

February 5, 1527
Mission Complete
Insult Hesse, our Rival!

Gain 5 Prestige (0)
Gain 25 Military Power

February 6, 1527
Current Mission
Claim Kassel

February 23, 1527
Conversion Successful
The religion in Holland has converted to Reformed. This is the result of a Center of Reformation in Münster.

We'll need to try and get this changed to Protestant as soon as possible.

July 2, 1527
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to France to improve relations.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

August 1, 1527
A Training Field is under construction in Holland.

August 19, 1527
We have spent 119 Administrative Power to raise our Stability to 0.

October 13, 1527
National Decisions
King Gerard V has passed the Advancement of True Religion Act, giving the following effects:
National Unrest: +1.00
Missionary Strength: +1.0%

He has also passed the 'Church Tax', giving the following effects:
National Unrest: +1.00
National Tax Modifer: +8.0%

February 25, 1528
New Rivalry!
Sweden has announced Gelre as their new rival.

March 1, 1528
Military Alliance
We have entered a Military Alliance with Denmark.

August 15, 1528
A Drydock is under construction in Holland.

September 1, 1528
Sale of Titles
My lord, one of your advisors has suggested selling off titles of nobility to anyone who can afford to pay. It would bring lots of money if we do, but it would devalue the idea of nobility and perhaps upset the existing aristocratic families. Should we do this?
King Gerard V shakes his head. Nobility cannot be bought.
Gain 1 Stability (+1)

A closeup look at Gelre. We are one province from being able to form The Netherlands.
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Old 04-25-2015, 01:00 PM   #22
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Following along, Grover! Good stuff so far!
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Old 04-26-2015, 06:45 PM   #23
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October 25, 1528
Rivalry Ended!
Norway no longer considers Gelre as a rival!

January 29, 1529
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Breda to the one and only true faith!

A Constable is under construction in Breda.

February 17, 1529
Nobles Worried
With our army increasingly focused on quality, the nobles are concerned that the traditional army – loyal to them first and the country second – is gone forever. Fortunately, they are even more worried that this new model army will prove a most compelling argument against any overly loud complaints...
King Gerard V assures the nobles there is nothing to worry about.
Lose 1 Stability (0)

March 4, 1529
Herald from Austria
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way home after maximizing relations with Austria.

March 12, 1529
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Köln to fabricate a claim on Köln.

April 25, 1529
The Death of King Gerard V (Reigned from September 18, 1515 – April 25, 1529)
The young brother of King Arnold II, Gerard V has passed away tragically. Despite his abbreviated reign, he, like his brother will be known through the history of Gelre. He avenged his brother by taking Hannover from the traitorous Brunswick. He took back the Dutch provinces of Holland and Breda, putting Gelre one step closing to realizing its dream of uniting the Dutch provinces once and for all under one kingdom. King Gerard V will be missed.
Lose 1 Stability (-1)

A New King!
Arnold III von Egmond (2/2/2) will now rule the throne! Arnold is 29 and has no heir.

May 5, 1529
Royal Marriage
We have entered Royal Marriages with Bohemia, Denmark, East Frisia, France and Austria.

July 7, 1529
A Revolt!
Brabantian Nationalists have risen up in Holland. 23,000 troops led by Frédéric Leschwein.

August 20, 1529
The Brabantian Nationalists have been defeated.

August 31, 1529
Conversion Successful
The religion in Breda has converted to Reformed. This is a result of a Center of Reformation in München.


October 12, 1529
A Star Fort is under construction in Holland.

October 21, 1529
An Heir to the Throne!
Arnold (5/2/3) is the new heir! The succession is safe!

January 10, 1530
Quality Ideas Advance!

Corvettes were a class of small warships that were designed to escort friendly vessels and harass the enemy, relying on speed and maneuverability rather than massed firepower.

Bonus Effect:
Morale of Navies: +10.0%

February 11, 1530
A Marketplace is under construction in Breda.

March 10, 1530
Economic Ideas Advance!
Smithian Economics

By opposing mercantilism and restricting the state's influence in economic matters, we shall support a free market that will increase our overall production efficiency.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency: +10.0%

We have completed the Economic Ideas idea group, giving us the following bonus effect:
Reduce Inflation Cost: -33.0%

German Ideas Advance!
Thurn und Taxis

The House of Thurn und Taxis pioneered the German postal service, a complex network of the communication which covers various European regions and all of Germany.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomatic Relations: +1

March 15, 1530
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Canal & Shipyard (11)

Land transportation of a lot of cargo is simply too expensive, moving it by ship is more efficient. Building canals will allow ships to assist with our inland trade, while shipyards will provide enough ships to do so.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range: 100
Can now build Shipyard.
Can now build Canal.

Canals are under construction in Utrecht, Gelre and Friesland

March 22, 1530
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Ottomans to improve relations.

June 17, 1530
A Canal is under construction in Westfalen.

September 5, 1530
Improvements in Land Technology
Our generals are discussing the impact of some new weapons a local gunsmith has been making. They believe they can be used effectively in our armies, if we get a few more people to work on it.
King Arnold III wishes to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Military Power

October 19,1530
A Workshop is under construction in Holland.

March 12, 1531
A Courthouse is under construction in Breda.

May 4, 1531
Diplomat Gelkom is on his way home after maximizing relations with Ottomans.

June 14, 1531
A Canal is under construction in Hannover.

August 29, 1531
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Burgundy to fabricate a clam on Limbourg.

November 11, 1531
A Canal is under construction in Holland.

February 11, 1532
A Call to Arms!
Denmark has called us to war against Livonian Order and Poland. We accept.

March 22, 1532
A Trade Depot is under construction in Breda.

June 9, 1532
A Canal is under construction in Berg.

September 10, 1532
Renaissance Prince
The various and innovative ideas of the Renaissance are spreading through Italy. Already a number of wealthy families have decided to provide financial support for the promising artists. Are we to let history pass us by without leaving our mark on it?
King Arnold III will also support the blooming renaissance artists.
Lose 48.61 ducats (20.96)
Gain 10 Prestige (11)

Diplomat Gelkom is on his way to Hesse to fabricate a claim on Kassel.

December 1, 1532
A Canal is under construction in Osnabrück.
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Old 04-26-2015, 07:37 PM   #24
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King Arnold III wants to finish what his late father, Gerard V started against Burgundy. Zélande is the last remaining Dutch province in their vile hands. It is time to take it back.

May 29, 1533
A Training Fields is under construction in Breda.

August 18, 1533
A Canal is under construction in Münster.

February 24, 1534
Business is Booming
Thanks to our shrewd commerce practices, merchants are being attracted to our realm and our trade efficiency has increased as a result.
Gelre gets 'Business is Booming' for five years, giving the following effects:
Trade Efficiency: +5.0%

March 15, 1534
Mission Complete!
Claim our rival's province, Kassel!

Gain 5 prestige (16)
Gain 25 Military Power

Current Mission
Take Zélande!

April 8, 1534
A Shipyard is under construction in Gelre.

April 11, 1534
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Muscovy to improve relations.

May 13, 1534
Siege Victory!
After 331 days we have won the siege of Zélande!

September 10, 1534
The House of van Egmond is Shaken
There seems to have been a misunderstanding regarding the heritage of the great grandmother of Arnold III. It seems that she was the daughter of a lowly farmer from outside Arnheim.
Arnold III denies it fervently.
Lose 5 Legitimacy (78)

A Workshop is under construction in Breda.

December 10, 1534
Quality Ideas Advance!
Naval Drill

The confusion of combat can leave a warship unfit for action for a long time. A well drilled crew will recover much faster than an ordinary one.

Bonus Effect:
Recover Navy Morale Speed: 5.0%

February 9, 1535
A Shipyard is under construction in Holland.

March 24, 1535
Lorraine seeks peace.
We have accepted a peace offer from Lorraine on the following terms:
Lorraine will annul all treaties with Burgundy.
Lorraine will pay 52 ducats.
Gelre gains 3.0 Prestige (18)

April 13, 1535
A Shipyard is under construction in Utrecht.

April 22, 1535

May 4, 1535
Siege Victory!
After 211 days we have won the siege of Brabant!

Administrative Technology Advance!
Counting House & Spy Agency (11)

The expansion of government, particularly in the area of revenue collection is of vital importance. Gradual improvements in the administration have allowed us to take the next step in government expansion.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Spy Agency.
Can now build Counting House.

July 4, 1535
End of the Gelren Conquest for Zélande (December 1, 1533 – July 4, 1535)
King Arnold III has made peace with Burgundy.

Burgundy will cede Zélande to Gelre.
Gelre gains 4 Prestige (22)

Base Tax: 8.0
Production: Salt

July 8, 1535
Mission Complete!
Take Zeeland

Gain 10 Prestige (32)
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Current Mission
Improve Relations with Trier

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Trier.

January 1, 1536
A Star Fort is under construction in Breda.

January 6, 1536
We have spent 87 Administrative Power to turn Zeeland into a core. It will take 12 months.

July 8, 1536
Herald from Muscovy
Diplomat Saelckink has returned home after maximizing relations with Muscovy.

August 3, 1536
Herald from Trier
Trier accepted our offer to enter into a Military Alliance.

Mission Complete!
Improve Relations with Trier!

Gain3 Prestige (33)

A Spy Agency is under construction in Gelre.

Current Mission
Take Bremen!

August 16, 1536
Herald from Trier
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Trier.

August 24, 1536
The Gelren Conquest of Köln!
King Arnold III has become bold. Quickly after allying Trier, he has declared war on Köln for their lone provinces.

September 10, 1536
Wave of Obscurantism
As a typical response to different kinds of problems, obscurantism was a frequent behavior in most nations, at least until the Age of Enlightenment arose in the most advanced western nations of the European continent.
King Arnold III believes that knowledge is power.
Gelre gets 'Obscurantism' for two years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

December 1, 1536
A Spy Agency is under construction in Utrecht.

January 11, 1537
Core Gained
The province of Zeeland is now considered part of our patrimony.

February 15, 1537
A Constable is under construction in Zeeland.

March 25, 1537
Herald from Livonian Order
They have accepted peace with Denmark. This ends our war in which we supported the Danes.

June 10, 1537
Importing Naval Supplies
Ambitions to improve our nation's navy has recently come to a halt. The Gelren shipbuilders don't lack ideas or plans, but supplies. Some of the, cannot help but notice, they claim, that our neighbor has an abundance of materials that would be useful in equipping a modern navy. We try not to make our fleet dependent on foreign support, but if these policies stand in the way of progress, perhaps we could import just enough to test the new shipbuilding techniques.
King Arnold III believes we can compromise if it puts some plans in motion.
Lose 1.00 Mercantilism
Gain 40 Diplomatic Power
The Hansa's opinion of Gelre changed by +20

August 2, 1537
A Spy Agency is under construction in Hannover.

November 9, 1537
A Spy Agency is under construction in Friesland.

January 1, 1538!
Siege Victory!
After 473 days we have won the siege of Köln!

February 6, 1538
A Spy Agency is under construction in Holland.

May 10, 1538
Siege Victory!
After 565 days we have won the siege of Liège!

May 13, 1538
End of the Gelren Conquest of Köln (August 24, 1536 – May 13, 1538)
King Arnold III has secured peace terms with Cologne.

We demand their full annexation.
Gelre gains 4 Prestige (54)

Base Tax: 8.0
Production: Grain

We have spent 86 Administrative power to turn Köln into a core. It will take 12 months.

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Old 04-26-2015, 07:51 PM   #25
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National Decisions

King Arnold III van Egmond has decided to form the Dutch nation.
Country changes to Netherlands
Gain 25 Prestige (79)
Gain new traditions and ambitions

All German Ideas have been wiped out.

Dutch Ideas
Dutch Traditions:

Naval Force Limit Modifier: +50.0%
Shipbuilding Time: -10.0%
When we have gained all the Dutch Ideas (one remaining) we will also gain:
National Trade Income Modifier: +15.0%

Found the Amsterdam Wsselbank
The problem with metal coinage was that it was virtually impossible to make coins of equal weight at all mints. This makes moving wealth around, the life blood of trade, difficult. The Wisselbank traded metal money for Amsterdam paper money that had to be used in the city for bills over 600 guilders. This created a medium of exchange that everyone could be confident in the value of, facilitating exchange.
Yearly Inflation Reduction: +0.10

Dutch Trading Spirit
Seeking your fortune over the sea is as natural to a Dutchman as burning a witch is to a Spaniard. We have no shortage of hardy souls ready to seek their fortune in trade.
Merchants: +1
Trade Range: +10.0%

The low countries are highly susceptible to flooding and in the unsettled weather of the 11th - 14th centuries there were multiple floods leading to the creation of Zuiderzee and also salting the soil of coastal areas. We now have the technology to reclaim land allowing more productive agriculture.
Production Efficiency +10.0%

Instructie voor de Admiraliteiten
'This day begins a long list of naval victories, which will make our fatherland for ever illustrious.'
Naval Leader Fire: +2.00

Embrace Humanism
Ever since the great philosopher Erasmus, the Low Countries have been the cradle of humanistic philosophy it is time to make this part of the state.
Tolerance of Heretics: +3.00

Army Sappers
Back in the good old days siege works were dug by locals impressed into service, these people were not always keen to do this work. By making digging such trenches the job of the army, we get better trenches, quicker.
Siege Ability: +10.0%

Europe on the whole.

A closeup of the Netherlands
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Old 04-29-2015, 06:14 PM   #26
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And so Netherlands begins!

What's next for our intrepid Dutch?

Building the navy! One of our new Dutch tradition bonuses increased our fleet size by 50%. We need to build a lot of trade ships to fill that gap in. We'll also begin building our first real transport fleet. Our next idea group (after admin level 14) will be Exploration. We shall colonize. Hopefully Spain/France/Portugal/Great Brtain has not claimed ALL of the Caribbean. I'd like to have the Dutch West Indies in some shape or form.

I'd like to continue expanding into Burgundian territory, especially the remainder of the Lowlands, where we can get some Flemish provinces such as Anvers, Gand and Flandres. Also on the front of war, taking a big chunk out of The Hansa would be a bonus. We would love to eventually have ownership of the province of Lübeck and the ultra-productive trade node there.

May 13, 1538
A total of 12 trade ships are under construction through the coastal provinces. They will be split equally into the Channel, Lübeck and North Sea trade nodes.

Our new Merchant has been sent to the North Sea to transfer trade power into the English Channel node.

June 3, 1538
Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Liege. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

They are also allied with France. I think we'll leave them alone.

Rivals No More
Hesse is no longer a valid rival for Netherlands.

New Rival
We have named Sweden our new rival.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to The Hansa to fabricate a claim on Hamburg.

July 19, 1538
Conversion Successful!
The religion in Zeeland has converted to Protestant. This is the result of a Center of Reformation in Württemberg.

August 3, 1538
Herald from Trier
Diplomat Gelkom has returned from Trier after maximizing relations.

August 5, 1538
A Courthouse is under construction in Zeeland.

September 13, 1538
Trade Expansion
Our policy of free trade is allowing our merchants to expand our trade.
Netherlands gets 'Increased Free Trade' for 10 years, giving the following effect:
National Spy Defense: -10.0%
National Trade Income Modifier: +10.0%

September 19, 1538

King Arnold III will now be known as Stadtholder Arnold III.

September 20, 1538
Herald from France
They have accepted our offer of a Royal Marriage.

September 22, 1538
Election in the Republic
The strengthening of the Statists has forced Arnold III to accept the election of a new Stadtholder. Both the Statis and Orangists have put forward a new candidate.

A Statist has won the election.

Lodewijk I van Brabant (4/3/5) is the new Stadtholder.

National Decisions
Stadtholder Lodewijk has passed the Popery Act, giving the following effect:
Missionary Strength: +0.5%

October 1, 1538
Herald from France
We have entered into a Royal Marriage with France.

October 9, 1538
Herald from Bohemia
We have accepted Bohemia's offer for a Royal Marriage.

October 10, 1538
Herald from Austria
Austria has accepted our offer of a Royal Marriage.

October 15, 1538
Herald from East Frisia
We have accepted East Frisia's offer for a Royal Marriage.

October 18, 1538
We have broken our alliance with Denmark. They are doomed.

November 20, 1538
A New Emperor
The Holy Roman Empire electors have chosen Albrecht VI of Austria as the new Emperor.

January 5, 1539
Diplomat Gelkom is being sent to Burgundy to fabricate a claim on Aix-la-Chapelle (aka Aachen)

A Shipyard is under construction in Friesland.

February 5, 1539

March 6, 1539
Income Bonanza
Our merchants have managed to gain an advantage over other merchants. Although this advantage won't last forever, for now our merchants are cashing in.
Netherlands gains Income Bonanza (Power: +25.0) in Champagne for five years.

May 16, 1539
Core Gained
The province of Köln is now considered part of our patrimony.

July 5, 1539
A Workshop is under construction in Köln.

A Spy Agency is under construction in Breda.

August 19, 1539
Diplomat Saelckink is on his way to The Hansa to fabricate a claim on Lüneburg.

September 4, 1539
A Training Field is under construction in Zeeland.

December 14, 1539
A Spy Agency is being built in Westfalen.

February 17, 1540
A Spy Agency is under construction in Berg.

June 20, 1540
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to East Frisia to improve relations.

September 13, 1540
A Drydock is under construction in Zeeland.

September 19, 1540
Growth of Cities Attracts Serfs
It seems as if serfs are moving out of the provinces and aim to earn a living in the capital. This is creating turmoil in the country, but our capital may benefit in the long run.
Stadtholder Lodewijk believes that we have to accept this.
Lose 1 base tax in Osnabrück.
Gain +25.00% Local Autonomy in Osnabrück.
Gain 1 base tax in Gelre.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Oldenburg to fabricate a claim on Oldenburg.

October 14, 1540
The Council of Trent
The Pope has invited us to attend the Council of Trent, to debate the required reforms to remedy the corruption and other afflictions of the church. The Council will discuss what constitutes the Protestant heresy and to define Church teachings in the areas of Scripture and Tradition, Original Sin, Justification, Sacraments, the Eucharist in Holy Mass and the veneration of saints. It will try to answer Protestant disputes by discussing what specifies Catholic doctrine on salvation, the sacraments, and the Biblical canon.
Stadtholder Lodewijk has promised to attend.
The Papal State's opinion of Netherlands changed by +50.
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Old 05-01-2015, 06:06 PM   #27
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November 19, 1540

December 27, 1540
Herald from East Frisia
East Frisia has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassal. We now get half of their monthly income taxes.

February 4, 1541
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Brunswick to fabricate a claim on Braunschweig.

March 26, 1541
A Canal is under construction in Köln.

July 23, 1541
A Canal is under construction in Breda.

September 18, 1541
A Star Fort is under construction in Zeeland.

September 21, 1541
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Oldenburg. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

January 7, 1542
A Spy Agency is under construction in Münster.

January 14, 1542
The Dutch Conquest of Oldenburg
The Stadtholder Lodewiijk has declared war on Oldenburg in an attempt to expand the border with The Hansa, increasing the likelihood of them attacking Netherlands.

Nüremburg and Brunswick are supporting Oldenburg in this war.

July 27, 1542
Siege Victory!
After 183 days we have won the siege of Oldenburg!

September 4, 1542
Siege Victory!
After 223 days we have won the siege of Braunschweig!

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to France to improve relations.

A Spy Agency is under construction in Köln and Osnabrück.

A Counting House is under construction in Gelre.

September 19, 1542
Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quietened down a bit.
Stadtholder Lodewijk has taken the blame and moved on.
Lose 1 Stability (-2)

December 26, 1542
General Demands Control
Throughout the ages, war has often been the time when the rule of the many gave way to the rule of the few. Being aware of this, we are reluctant to make too many concessions in power to the military even now that our nation goes to battle.

A general who has been crucial in our successes so far, at least in his own version of events, is now in conflict with representatives of the republic on the future course of action. His military expertise is beyond question, but strong-arming Statists to go along with his plans would weaken their political position in Netherlands.

Stadtholder Lodewijk will hold on to the Republic's ideals, even in the face of terror!
Strengthen Statists by 10
Lose 2.50 war exhaustion
Gain 2 Republican Tradition

A Workshop is under construction in Zeeland.

January 23, 1543
Herald from Nuremburg
Nuremburg has accepted our generous peace offer on the following terms:
Nuremburg will pay 130 ducats.

January 28, 1543
Herald from Brunswick
Brunswick accepted our generous peace offer on the following terms:
We demand their full annexation.
Netherlands gains 3.0 Prestige (83)

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Iron

We have spent 60 Administrative Power to turn Braunschweig into a core.

February 1, 1543
End of the Dutch Conquest of Oldenburg (January 14, 1542 – February 1, 1543)
Oldenburg has accepted our peace offer on the following terms:
We demand their full annexation.
Netherlands gains 1.5 Prestige (84)

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Salt

We have spent 30 Administrative Power to turn Oldenburg into a core.

Quality Ideas Advance!
Copper Bottoms

Wood may be the ideal material for shipbuilding, but it has a tendency to deteriorate over time. By fitting our ships with copper sheathing below the waterline, we can reduce this deterioration, allowing them to better withstand long journeys.

Bonus Effect:
Naval Attrition: -25.0%

Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Wharf (12)

The great wharfs and jetties will act as entrepôts for the world's goods. Let us build them and prosperity will follow.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Naval Equipment Manufactory.
Can now build Trade Company.

Counting Houses are under construction in Utrecht and Holland.

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Old 05-02-2015, 09:22 AM   #28
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February 2, 1543
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

February 28, 1543
Herald from Trier
We have accepted Trier's offer of a Royal Marriage.

July 15, 1543
A Counting House is under construction in Friesland.

November 20, 1543
A Counting House is under construction in Breda.

December 8, 1543
The Fluitschip
The expensive Dutch economy has put large demands on our merchant marine. The very shallow dutch waters also mean that common merchant ships such as caravels are unable to approach many of the Dutch ports. So far this has been handled by the use of smaller boeiers but with financial backing from Pieter Jansz Liorne, a Dutch merchant from Hoorn, a new type of ship has been developed.

The fluitship or fluyt is longer and has a very characteristic pear-shaped stern and is built to be effectively manned by a small crew. As it is able to carry larger cargoes wile still handling the shallow Dutch waters and behaving very well in the open sea this ship is a godsend for our merchants.
Gain 5 Prestige (79)
Golland gets 'Dutch Shipbuilding Industry' giving the fllowing effects:
Transport Cost: -10.0%
Local Shipbuilding Time: -10.0%

January 2, 1544
Administrative Technology Advance!
Fine Arts Academy

As art patronage became more important for the prestige of the ruler, the need for a constant supply of talented artists has also grown. The first Fine Arts Academy was founded in Florence in1563.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Fine Arts Academy
Allows Administrative Monarchy
Allows Administrative Republic

February 1, 1544
Core Gained
The province of Braunschweig is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

A Star Fort is under construction in Braunschweig.

February 5, 1544
Core Gained
The province of Oldenburg is now considered part of our patrimony.

March 9, 1544
Competitive Advantage
The fight for trade in the world is competitive, but one of our merchants has managed to secure a preferential deal with local suppliers. Although we will not be able to keep this deal forever, for now we are able to bring forward more change.
Netherlands gets 'Competitive Advantage' for five years, giving the following effect:
Trade Steering: +10.0%

May 6, 1544
A Star Fort is under construction in Oldenburg.

June 12, 1544
Herald from France
Diplomat Saelckink is returning home after maximizing relations with France.

July 1, 1544
A Canal is under construction in Zeeland.

The Dutch Conquest of Bremen
The Hansa, being crushed in a war with Great Britain, Austria and Brandenburg is ripe for the picking. Stadtholder Lodewijk has decided it is time to strike on their trade rivals and take Bremen for themselves!

September 25, 1544
Foreign Trade Competition Rises
Trade was heavily regulated during this era, but despite this the markets were not fixed. At times merchants would try to enter new markets or sell new goods. Merchants facing these conditions would usually demand new or higher tariffs to stop their competition.
Stadtholder Lodewijk has imposed a new tariff.
Gain 2.50 Mercantilism.

October 4, 1544
Herald from Austria
Diplomat Gelkom is returning from Austria after he's maximized relations with them.

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to The Palatinate to improve relations.

February 7, 1545
A Workshop is under construction in Braunschweig.

April 1, 1545
Siege Victory!
After 244 days we have won the siege of Stade!

May 19, 1545
A Courthouse is under construction in Oldenburg.

June 27, 1545
Siege Victory!
After 325 days we have won the siege of Bremen!

July 12, 1545
A Spy Agency is under construction in Zeeland.

October 31, 1545
A Counting House is under construction in Berg.

December 27, 1545
Sermons for Princes
Popular support for the House of Orange is strengthened from the pulpit of the Protestant church, where the common folk are often reminded of the great importance of a strong ruler for the state church and the tradition of hereditary rule.

Netherlands, however, accommodates more than one faith. Those who adhere to other faiths don't always have kind words for the princes of Orange, with some using our republican ideals as an excuse to openly challenge the Stadtholder and the state church.
Stadtholder Lodewijk has decided to ease the situation by toning down propaganda.
Strengthen Statists by 25
Netherlands gets 'No Sermons for Princes' for 5 years, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength: -2.0%

Election in the Republic!
The Strengthening of the Statists has forced Lodewijk I to accept the election of a new Stadtholder. Both the Statists and Orangists have put forward a new candidate.

Lodewijk II van Glymes (3/1/6) has been elected Stadtholder in the election. He represents the Statists.

January 11, 1546
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Lübeck!

January 13, 1546
Herald from Sweden
We have accepted a White Peace with Sweden.

Herald from Austria
We have entered a new Royal Marriage with Austria.

January 22, 1546
New Rivalry!
Sweden has announced Netherlands as their new rival.

February 18, 1546
End of the Dutch Conquest of Bremen (July 1 1544 – February 18, 1546)
The Hansa have accepted our generous peace offer.

The Hansa will cede Hamburg, Stade and Bremen to Netherlands.
The Hansa will annul all treaties with Sweden.
The Hansa will pay 347 ducats.
Netherlands gains 15.0 Prestige (93)

Base Tax: 8.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 80 administrative power to turn Bremen into a core. It will take 12 months.

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Fish

We have sent 60 Administrative Power to turn Stade into a core. It will take 12 months.

Base Tax: 10.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 100 Administrative Power to turn Hamburg into a core. It will take 12 months.

A Trade Depot is under construction in Braunschweig.

A Counting House is under construction in Köln.

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Old 05-11-2015, 08:14 AM   #29
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Maassluis, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
You held your promise! Thank you, sir.
* 2005 Golden Scribe winner for best FOF Dynasty about IHOF's Maassluis Merchantmen
* Former GM of GEFL's Houston Oilers and WOOF's Curacao Cocktail
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Old 05-11-2015, 09:35 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by MIJB#19 View Post
You held your promise! Thank you, sir.

You are quite welcome!

Anything else you wish your countrymen to conquer when I had back into the game?
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