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Old 01-13-2025, 05:06 PM   #1
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AMPU - Starting from the beginning (1772), using CPU rules

I'm back with a new playthrough of A More Perfect Union (AMPU). I've did a couple of dynasties a couple of years back (1928 Moderate Democrats - A More Perfect Union [alpha version] dynasty thread. - Front Office Football Central and AMPU pre-alpha: Reconstruction Era - Front Office Football Central) to test some things out. I recent months, I have been helping out with improving the CPU/AI activities and finding any discrepancies which could affect coding.

I'm going to do an all CPU playtest to make sure there are no problems with the CPU rules. This is about the fourth time I've done this, and have found some issues, so this playtest may have some stops and starts as issues are discovered.

Feel free to ask any questions about gameplay, or even how the country is progressing if it isn't something I covered in my reports.

For this run we are starting at the absolute earliest date, 1772. For those that have seen the latest software update, the 1772-1774 term is now playable, although there are some major UI improvements needed, and some things are not implemented quite correctly with the latest CPU/AI rules.

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Old 01-13-2025, 05:09 PM   #2
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fwiw, this is one of the more intriguing game ideas I can recall in a while.

It reminds me of something like the "alt universe SportX" stuff that goes really well on here, Critch's boxing replay most recently I guess.

It's fun to watch unfold, and even with stops/starts, it's still interesting stuff IMO.
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Old 01-13-2025, 05:10 PM   #3
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Teams will be listed as their color and a number. B= Blue and R=Red. the numbers 1-5 determine where they are on the ideological scale, with 1 being far left and 5 being far right.

INITIAL DRAFT: Draft order by random draw was B1, B3, B4, B2, B5, and R2, R4, R1, R5, R3. Top two politicians per political value (PV), plus any other interesting pols.

B1 – Samuel Adams, Elias Boudinot, Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen
B2 – John Hancock, Thomas Chittenden
B3 – George Clinton, John Dickinson
B4 – Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee
B5 – Thomas Jefferson, William Preston, Daniel Boone
R1 – George Wythe, Thomas McKean
R2 – Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman
R3 – John Adams, Caesar Rodney
R4 – George Washington, John Rutledge
R5 – Henry Laurens, Benjamin Lincoln, Benedict Arnold

Since this is the very beginning of the game, we are still English colonies, and most of the politicians in the game are pretty weak. This will change as the game goes on.
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Old 01-13-2025, 05:12 PM   #4
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For those that have played the latest alpha software, one of the things that should be changing is the rules with drafting outside of your faction's ideology. As of now, the software does not allow this, while the latest rules do, with a chance at losing your pick. My drafts are using the most updated rules, so they may differ from the current software.
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Old 01-13-2025, 06:26 PM   #5
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1772 ROOKIE DRAFT – First picks in correct draft order:
B5 – John Tyler Sr.
B2 – Elbridge Gerry
B4 – John Sevier
B3 – Richard Bassett
B1 – James Sullivan
R3 – John Jay
R5 – William Paterson
R1 – Oliver Ellsworth
R4 – Caleb Strong
R2 – Benjamin Stoddert (2nd round)

Random Traits from draft: Jonathan Elmer (R4) gains Manipulative. John Lambert (B4) gains Domestic Warrior. John Hiester (B3) gains Overeager.

Random States from draft: David Bard (B5) gains MA, Alexander Scammell (R2) gains PA, John Jay (R3) gains CT.

You'll notice R2 didn't have a first round pick. The CPU made an attempt to draft outside of its ideology, and failed, so they lost the pick. The random states means that these politicians could potentially move to these other states at some point. We are now entering the first step where alt history is occuring.
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Old 01-13-2025, 06:53 PM   #6
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B1 – James Sullivan (Admin), Arthur Fenner (Gov), Daniel Hiester (Back), Jonathan Ingersoll (Jud), John Barry (Mil), Melancton Smith (Leg)
B2 – Elbridge Gerry (Mil), Paul Brigham (Gov), Peter Muhlenberg (Leg), Robert R Livingston (Back), Ebenezer Hazard (Adm), Aaron Kitchell (Priv), Cornelius Schoonmaker (Jud)
B3 – Anthony Wayne (Back), Richard Bassett (Gov), Gunning Bedford Jr (Jud), John Patten (Mil), Henry Southard (Leg), Robert Brown (Priv). John Hiester failed to go on Admin track.
B4 – John Sevier (Gov), Thomas Tudor Tucker (Admin), John Lambert (Priv), Thomas Heyward Jr (Mil), Michael Jenifer Stone (Leg), John Paul Jones (Back)
B5 – John Tyler Sr (Back), Squire Boone (Jud), John Mathews (Gov), Francis Willis (Mil), David Bard (Leg), Thomas Burke (Priv)
R1 – Oliver Ellsworth (Jud), Benjamin Rush (Adm), Egbert Benson (Back), Shearjashub Bourne (Leg), Casimir Pulaski (Mil), Jonathan Freeman (Priv)
R2 – Benjamin Stoddert (Adm), Samuel Osgood (Leg), Richard Peters (Back), James Lloyd (Priv), Alexander Scammell (Mil)
R3 – John Jay (Gov), Robert H Harrison (Jud), Timothy Pickering (Adm), Charles Biddle (Leg), Edward Hand (Priv), Richard Taylor (Mil)
R4 – Caleb Strong (Leg), Thomas Mifflin (Gov), Joshua Clayton (Mil), John Houstoun (Adm), Jonathan Elmer (Priv), Samuel Nicholas (Back)
R5 – William Paterson (Gov), Theodore Sedgwick (Leg), Charles Coatesworth Pinckney (Adm), Richard Butler (Priv), Pierce Butler (Mil), David Brearley (Jud)
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Old 01-13-2025, 07:08 PM   #7
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John Hiester (B3) fails to move from PA to NJ.
Thomas Fitzsimons (R4) moves from PA to DE.

Patrick Henry (B4) shifts from Trad to Cons.

Patrick Henry (B4) takes on Richard Henry Lee (B4) as protιgι. Lee gains +1 Gov (1), Army, RW Activist, Orator.
George Mason (B5) takes on Thomas Jefferson (B5) as protιgι. Jefferson gains RW Activist, Puritan.
Benjamin Franklin (R2) takes on Joseph Reed (R2) as protιgι. Reed gains +1 Leg (2), Technology, Civil Rights, Cosmopolitan.
Samuel Huntington (R3) takes on Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) as protιgι. Trumbull gains Agriculture, Provincial.
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Old 01-13-2025, 07:46 PM   #8
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This is listed as ideologies; special interests; lobbies

R1 – Prog/Lib/Mod; none; Public Education, Environmentalist, Globalists, Public Housing, Human Rights
R2 – Mod; Theocrats; Private Education, Globalists, Law & Order
R3 – Mod; Theocrats; Globalists, Labor Unions, Transportation
R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Big Pharma, Public Housing, Big Tech, Free Trade, Welfare
R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, Theocrats; Big Corporations, Isolationists, Protectionist
B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Science, Big Tech, Transportation, Welfare
B2 – Mod; none; Military-Industrial
B3 – Mod; Expansionists, Theocrats; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions, Military-Industrial
B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, Nationalists; Big Agriculture
B5 – Trad/RW Pop; Expansionists, RW Activists; Big Agriculture
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Old 01-13-2025, 08:12 PM   #9
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Also includes any gains received from the faction leaders.

B1 – George Taylor; loses Obscure. Known as Taylor Patriots.
B2 – Richard Caswell; gains +1 Leg (2). Known as Caswell Patriots.
B3 - George Clinton; gains +1 Cmd (4). Known as Clinton Patriots.
B4 – Richard Henry Lee; loses Obscure, gains Theocrat. Known as Lee Patriots.
B5 – Thomas Jefferson; gains Leadership. Known as Sons of Liberty (RW).
R1 – Thomas McKean; loses Obscure, gains Manipulative, Incoherent. Known as American Whigs (Lib).
R2 – Benjamin Franklin; gains Leadership, +1 Cmd (3). Known as Moderate Patriots.
R3 – John Adams; gains Leadership, +1 Cmd (5). Known as Adams Patriots.
R4 – Benjamin Chew; gains Leadership, Kingmaker. Known as Chew Patriots.
R5 – William Franklin; loses Obscure, gains Nationalists, +1 Gov (3). Known as Conservative Patriots.
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Old 01-14-2025, 10:03 AM   #10
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Gaspee Affair: A group of Rhode Islanders, led by Abraham Whipple and John Brown, burn down a grounded British customs ship that had been enforcing the Navigation Act. These acts and taxation are unjust but such violence will only inflame a response. I fear a military response. (-50 points to B1, B2, B3, B4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5)

Benjamin Franklin is Recognized as the Most Famous American: Benjamin Franklin has long been a leading intellectual and has spent almost as much time in London and Paris as he has in Philadelphia, making Franklin the most recognized name in America. His inventions, scientific experiments, and publications have made his name immortal. (Benjamin Franklin (R2) gains Celebrity)

Committees of Correspondence: Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, and Mercy Otis Warren of Massachusetts set up a Committee of Correspondence in response to the Gaspee Affair to coordinate colonial opposition to the British Parliament and advocate colonial rights. Similar committees are expected to spring up elsewhere. We can only hope that such committees will be constructive and harmonizing. (+50 points to B5)

Tea Act: In an effort to help the British East India Company, British Parliament has enacted a Tea Act, which is certainly going to hurt the port-city merchants in the American Colonies. Furthermore, those desiring representation in Parliament see this as yet another list of unjust taxation. This does not bode well. Parliament must be tone deaf! Taxation on Sugar, Stamps, and now tea? We don't even get a voice to object or accept this taxation! (-100 points to R4, R5)

Boston Tea Party: The Sons of Liberty of Massachusetts, led by Samuel Adams, board a merchant ship and dump the entire cargo of British East India tea into Boston harbor. Such marvelous boldness! It's difficult to know if this action by the Sons of Liberty will have been reckless or righteous. We can expect consequences by His Majesty King George III and his Parliament. (Samuel Adams (B1) gains Celebrity. +50 points to B5. -50 points to B1, B2, B3, B4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5)

Because of these actions, the first Continental Congress will be formed.
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Old 01-16-2025, 07:48 AM   #11
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I guess I'll be keeping an eye on developments for John Sevier.

I correctly recognized him as the namesake of Sevierville, TN, which is named (along with numerous other buildings, roads, school and such) for the multi-term Governor and a state founding father.
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Old 01-16-2025, 04:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I guess I'll be keeping an eye on developments for John Sevier.

I correctly recognized him as the namesake of Sevierville, TN, which is named (along with numerous other buildings, roads, school and such) for the multi-term Governor and a state founding father.

Sevier is a strong candidate. He's already B4's 5th strongest pol as a rookie. The CPU put him on the governing track, so he's looking to be a governor someday.


Congressmembers are selected by the faction(s) with the most pols in that state. I put that faction next to the state name.

CT (R3) –Samuel Huntington (R3), Benjamin Huntington (R3), Andrew Adams (R4).
DE (R4/B3) – Caesar Rodney (R3), Thomas McKean (R1).
GA (R1/B4) – Lyman Hall (R1), Edward Telfair (B4).
MA (B1) – John Adams (R3), Samuel Adams (B1), John Hancock (B2), Nathaniel Gorham (R4).
MD (R2) – Benjamin Stoddert (R2, comes off of Admin track after 0 years), Thomas Johnson (R2), Robert H Harrison (R3, comes off Judicial track after 0 years), Robert Goldsborough (R2).
NC (B2/B3) – Richard Caswell (B2), Timothy Bloodworth (B4), Samuel Ashe (B2).
NH (R2) – John Langdon (R2), John Sullivan (R2).
NJ (R4/R5) – Richard Stockton (R4), Philemon Dickinson (R4), William Franklin (R5).
NY (R5) – Lewis Morris (R5), Philip Schuyler (R5), James Duane (R5).
PA (R2) – Thomas Scott (R2), Benjamin Franklin (R2), James Wilson (R2), Joseph Reed (R2).
RI (R1/R3) – Abraham Whipple (R4), Thomas Tillinghast (R3).
SC (R5) – Thomas Bee (R5), Henry Middleton (R5), Henry Laurens (R5).
VA (B4/B5) – James Madison Sr (B5), Patrick Henry (B4), William Grayson (B4), Charles Scott (B4).
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Old 01-16-2025, 05:03 PM   #13
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1772-1774 END OF TERM

Blue "leads" red -300 to -700. Faction scores:
B1: -100
B2: -100
B3: -100
B4: -100
B5: 100
R1: -100
R2: -100
R3: -100
R4: -200
R5: -200

1. Benjamin Franklin (R2, Faction Leader, CC Member)
2. Thomas Jefferson (B5, Faction Leader)
3. George Washington (R4)
4. John Adams (R3, Faction Leader, CC Member)
5. George Clinton (B3, Faction Leader)
6. Richard Henry Lee (B4, Faction Leader)
T7. Samuel Adams (B1, CC Member)
T7. John Jay (R3, Governing track)
9. Roger Sherman (R2)
T10. John Hancock (B2, CC Member)
T10. James Wilson (R2, CC Member)
T10. Henry Laurens (R5, CC Member)

As we enter the next term, tensions are high between the colonies and the crown. How will Britain respond to the Boston Tea Party? What will the Continental Congress decide?
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Old 01-16-2025, 06:15 PM   #14
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Peter Muhlenberg (B2) fails to move from PA to SC.
John Heister (B3) moves from PA to CT.

George Taylor (B1) fails to convert John Hancock (B2).
Richard Henry Lee (B4) fails to convert John Hancock (B2).
George Clinton (B3) fails to convert John Hancock (B2). Hancock gains Integrity and loses Pliable.
John Adams (R3) fails to convert Charles Coatesworth Pinckney (R5). Pinckey gains Integrity.

Benjamin Franklin (R2) takes on Thomas Scott (R2) as protιgι. Scott gains +1 Adm (1), Technology, Civil Rights, Geostrategist.
Benjamin Chew (R4) takes on Thomas Mifflin (R4) as protιgι. Mifflin gains +1 Jud (1), Justice, Pacifist, Egghead.
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Old 01-16-2025, 06:30 PM   #15
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R1 – Prog/Lib/Mod; none; Public Education, Environmentalist, Globalists, Public Housing, Human Rights
R2 – Mod; none; Private Education, Globalists, Law & Order, Big Tech (lost Theocrats, gained Big Tech)
R3 – Mod; none; Globalists, Labor Unions, Transportation (lost Theocrats)
R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Big Pharma, Public Housing, Free Trade, Welfare (lost Big Tech)
R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists; Big Corporations, Isolationists, Protectionist (lost Theocrats)
B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Science, Transportation, Welfare (lost Big Tech)
B2 – Mod; none; Military-Industrial
B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions, Military-Industrial (lost Theocrats)
B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, Nationalists; Big Agriculture
B5 – Trad/RW Pop; Expansionists, RW Activists; Big Agriculture
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Old 01-16-2025, 07:39 PM   #16
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R2 chooses Benjamin Franklin (R2) as Continental Congress President. +50 points to R2.

Henry Middleton (R5) named Economic Chair. Gains Leadership, Economics. +50 points to R5.
Thomas McKean (R1) named Judicial Chair. + 50 points to R1.
Caesar Rodney (R3) named Domestic Chair. Gains Leadership, Energy. +50 points to R3.
John Langdon (R2) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Foreign Affairs. +50 points to R2.

Domestic committee members and gains: John Hancock (B2, Environment), Edward Telfair (B4, Technology), Timothy Bloodworth (B4, Energy), Benjamin Stoddard (R2, +1 Leg (1), Education), Thomas Scott (R2, Energy), Benjamin Huntington (R3, Media), Andrew Adams (R4,Agriculture), Abraham Whipple (R4, Healthcare), Thomas Bee (R5, Energy)

Economic committee members and gains: Patrick Henry (B4, Labor), William Grayson (B4, Business), Charles Scott (B4, Economics), James Madison Sr (B5, Labor), James Wilson (R2, Transportation), Samuel Huntington (R3, Welfare), Robert H Harrison (R3, Economics), James Duane (R5, Transportation)

Foreign/Military committee members and gains: Samuel Ashe (B2, Foreign Affairs), Thomas Johnson (R2, Army), Joseph Reed (R2), Thomas Tillinghast (R3, Army), Nathaniel Gorham (R4, Naval), Philemon Dickinson (R4, Naval), Lewis Morris (R5, Army), Henry Laurens (R5)

Judicial committee members and gains: Samuel Adams (B1, Justice), Richard Caswell (B2), Lyman Hall (R1, Justice), Robert Goldsborough (R2), John Sullivan (R2), John Adams (R3), Richard Stockton (R4), William Franklin (R5), Philip Schuyler (R5)
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Old 01-16-2025, 08:11 PM   #17
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B1 – Keeps George Taylor; gains Egghead.
B2 – Keeps Richard Caswell; loses Obscure, gains +1 Leg (3).
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; loses Obscure, gains +1 Gov (5), Harmonious.
B4 – Keeps Richard Henry Lee; gains Nationalist, Everyman.
B5 – Keeps Thomas Jefferson; loses Obscure, gains Unlikable.
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; gains Leadership
R2 – Keeps Benjamin Franklin; gains Pliable.
R3 – Keeps John Adams; gains +1 Gov (1).
R4 – Keeps Benjamin Chew; no gains.
R5 – Keeps William Franklin; gains +1 Gov (4), +1 Adm (1).
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Old 01-16-2025, 08:26 PM   #18
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It appears David Bard is developing into quite a rigid politician. Bard takes on every duty and is frequently looking over the shoulders of everyone. While this is helpful in the event of incompetent subordinates, this is certainly going to aggravate the more competent underlings. (David Bard (B5) gains Micromanager).

A national celebrity has received some attention for publicly discussing a hypothetical presidential platform to the public. (Benjamin Franklin (R2) gains +1 Cmd (4)).
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Old 01-17-2025, 12:05 PM   #19
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Declaration of Resolves: Members of the Continental Congress are increasingly supporting a Declaration of Resolves to object to the Intolerable Acts and to outline a Colonial Bill of Rights. Benjamin Franklin (R2) response: Let us state our grievances to the world and our intention to boycott British goods if the Intolerable Acts are not repealed. Delegates confirm the choice. +200 points to R5, +100 points to B1, B4. Relations with UK would drop, but already at lowest level.

Common Sense: An anonymous pamphlet titled Common Sense is advocating American Independence from Great Britain. We know the author to be Thomas Paine, currently of Philadelphia. Within days, the pamphlet has been read in taverns and meeting places throughout the colonies! (Thomas Paine (B1) loses Obscure and gains Celebrity). Benjamin Franklin (R2) response: This glorious pamphlet is catching on like wildfire! "Why does an island rule a continent" indeed! Encourage publication of Mr. Paine's Common Sense. Delegates confirm the choice. +50 points to B1, B4, R5.

Phillis Wheatley Dies: The first published poet of African descent has died. Wheatley was born in West Africa, sold into slavery, but she was eventually emancipated. Wheatley's writing was praised by several leading Americans. [Historically, George Washington was among many of her notable fans.] +50 points to R1, R2, R4.

Watt’s Steam Engine: Scottish-inventor James Watt's Steam Engine has become a central piece to the Industrial Revolution, which is likely to spread to our shores.

First Public Museum Opened in Philadelphia: Charles Willson Peale opened his public museum to showcase specimen of natural history, many of which involved taxidermy that he conducted himself. [Historically, the Founding Fathers were frequent visitors to his museum, which was later called the Peale Museum in his honor. Ultimately, it was closed and the exhibits sold to circus master PT Barnum.] +50 points to B1.

Arrival of Tadeusz Kosciuszko of Poland: A new European military officer arrives to help out the Revolutionary cause. Tadeusz Kosciuszko of Poland should enhance our military. (Tadeusz Kosciuszko joins the game on B3’s faction).
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Old 01-17-2025, 01:14 PM   #20
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Only 2 non-crisis spending bills. Rev/Budge, Econ Stab, Mil Prep, Dom Stab all in crisis.

Charles Scott (B4) proposes Lee’s Resolution (Formally construct a resolution to declare independence from Great Britain. Historically, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and Richard Henry Lee were the main movers behind this. Lee was tasked with the proposal of introducing the resolution, while John Adams wrote the preamble to the resolution. This resolution led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence.) (Dom) – F/M. This will now be known as Scott’s Resolution.

Henry Middleton (R5) proposes Boycott British Goods (This is a boycott of British goods. Historically, this was imposed during the Rev War period.) (Rev/Budg, Econ, Dom) – F/M.


Foreign/Military committee: Scott’s Resolution passes 9-0. Boycott British Goods fails 4-5.


Scott’s Resolution passes 13-0 (voting done by states). +100 points to B4, R1, R5. +1 to Domestic Stability (5, still in crisis). For having a crisis bill pass, Charles Scott (B4) gains +1 Cmd (1).

Benjamin Franklin (R2) picks John Adams (R3) to write the Declaration of Independence. Delegates approve unanimously. Adams gains Celebrity and loses Obscure. +250 points to B4, R5. (Note: All current members of CC are considered signers of Declaration of Independence). State Governors are now active. +1 to Domestic Stability (6, crisis over).

Enthusiasm shifts due to legislative voting above: Cons/Trad go +1 Red for most points gained by dominant party. Mod goes -3 Red for least points from dominant party. Cons/Trad go +1 Red for most points on opposition party. Mod goes +6 Blue and Trad/RW Pop goes +2 blue for least points on opposition party. Final tallies: Mod +9 Blue (Max Blue), Cons +2 Red (Decent Red), RW Pop +2 Blue (Decent Blue).

Interestingly, this is going a little bit ahistorical right now. Britain hasn't responded...yet. Also, boycotting British goods shockingly didn't make it out of committee. This is because the Foreign/Military committee is dominated by representatives from states where the boycotts would have hurt them. If it got out of committee, I think it would have passed the congress fairly easily. Moderates are super pissed off at the federalists (red) right now, which could have major implications on the upcoming governor elections. This could result in an earlier shift to the blue party than happened in real life. However, there could still be violence coming, which would change things all over the place.
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Old 01-17-2025, 04:23 PM   #21
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CT: R3 nominates Jonathan Trumbull Jr. (R3). B3 nominates Thomas Chittenden (B2). Trumbull wins election. +100 points to R3.

DE: R4 nominates Gunning Bedford Sr (R4). B3 nominates Richard Bassett (B3, removed from Governing track after 0 years). Bassett wins election. +100 points to B3.

GA: R1 nominates Lyman Hall (R1). B4 nominates Edward Telfair (B4). Telfair wins election. +100 points to B4. Telfair gains +1 Gov (4), +1 Cmd (2).

MA: R2 nominates William Heath (R2). B1 nominates Samuel Adams (B1). Adams wins election. +100 points to B1.

MD: R2 nominates Thomas Johnson (R2). No eligible blue candidates, so Johnson wins. +100 points to R2.

NC: R1 nominates Alexander Martin (R5). B2 nominates Richard Caswell (B2). Caswell wins. +100 points to B2.

NH: R2 nominates John Langdon (R2). B2 nominates Meshech Weare (B2). Weare wins. +100 points to B2. Langdon gets -1 in elections for 6 years.

NJ: R5 nominates William Franklin (R5). B4 nominates John Hart (B4). Hart wins. +100 points to B4. Franklin gains -1 in elections for 6 years.

NY: R5 nominates James Duane (R5). B2 nominates George Clinton (B3). Clinton wins. +100 points to B3. Duane gets -1 in elections for 6 years. Clinton gains +1 Cmd (5).

PA: R2 nominates Benjamin Franklin (R2). B2 nominates John Dickinson (B3). Dickinson wins. +100 points to B3.

RI: R1 nominates William Bradford (R1). B3 nominates John Collins (B3). Collins wins. +100 points to B3. Bradford receives -1 to elections for 6 years.

SC: R5 nominates Thomas Bee (R5). B3 nominates Christopher Gadsden (B3). Gadsden wins. +100 points to B3.

VA: R5 nominates Arthur St. Clair (R5). B4 nominates Patrick Henry (B4). St. Clair wins. +100 points to R5.

This was a blue wave. The moderates swung the elections to blue.
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Old 01-17-2025, 06:10 PM   #22
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The delegates are chosen by the governors.

CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects Samuel Huntington (R3), Benjamin Huntington (R3), and Andrew Adams (R4).
DE: Richard Bassett (B3) selects John Patten (B3, removed from Military track after 0 years) and Thomas Collins (R2).
GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects John A Treutlen (B1) and Lachlan McIntosh (B4)
MA: Samuel Adams (B1) selects Benjamin Lincoln (R5), Jonathan Grout (B1), Samuel Allyne Otis (B2), and John Hancock (B2).
MD: Thomas Johnston (R2) selects William Smallwood (R3), John Hanson (B2), Thomas Stone (B5), and William Smith (B3).
NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects Hugh Williamson (B1), Cornelius Harnett (B3), and John Penn (B2).
NH : Meshech Weare (B2) selects Josiah Bartlett (B4) and John Langdon (R2).
NJ: John Hart (B4) selects Aaron Kitchell (B2, removed from Private track after 0 years), Francis Hopkinson (R1), and Lambert Cadwalader (B5).
NY: George Clinton (B3) selects James Clinton (B2), Philip Livingston (B5), and William Montgomery (B1).
PA: John Dickinson (B3) selects Robert Morris (R5), Thomas Paine (B1), John Smilie (B1), and Robert Brown (B3, removed from Private track after 0 years).
RI: John Collins (B3) selects Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) and William Ellery (B3).
SC: Christopher Gadsden (B3) selects John Rutledge (R4), Thomas Sumter (B5), and Benjamin Guerard (B3).
VA: Arthur St. Clair (R5) selects Henry Lee II (R5), Charles Scott (B4), Edmund Pendleton (R2), and George Washington (R4).
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Old 01-17-2025, 06:36 PM   #23
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1774-1776 END OF TERM

Blue leads red 1400 to 650. Faction scores in order. This will determine the draft order for the upcoming rookie draft (ties will be broken by random draw):
B4: 600
R5: 550
B3: 400
B1: 200
B2: 100
B5: 100
R1: 100
R2: 100
R3: 50
R4: -150

1. Benjamin Franklin (R2, Faction Leader) - Was #1 previously
2. George Clinton (B3, Faction Leader, Governor of NY) - Was #5
3. Thomas Jefferson (B5, Faction Leader) - Was #2
4. George Washington (R4, CC Member) - Was #3
5. John Adams (R3, Faction Leader) - Was #4
6. Samuel Adams (B1, Governor of MA) - Was #T7
7. Edward Telfair (B4, Governor of GA) - Was unranked
8. Richard Henry Lee (B4, Faction Leader) - Was #6
9. Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3, Governor of CT) - Was unranked
10. John Dickinson (B3, Governor of PA) - Was unranked

Dropped out - John Jay, Roger Sherman, John Hancock, James Wilson, Henry Laurens

Newly elected governors have more political power, and therefore are moving up in political value.

Going into the next term, we see that the Anti-Federalists (blue) have taken over. They control 10 of the 13 governor positions, and 26 of the 39 Continental Congress seats. Britain still hasn't responded to the colonies declaring independence, and the rest of the world hasn't acknowledged this uprising as a valid entity. James Madison is the headliner of the upcoming draft as a blue candidate. The top red candidate is Thomas Pinckney in a pretty weak draft for the red team.
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Old 01-17-2025, 06:52 PM   #24
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Random fun fact: all of the GA figures mentioned thus far have counties named for them.

(We have 159 counties, so that's not exactly an enormous bar to clear lol)
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 01-20-2025, 01:43 PM   #25
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1776 DRAFT

Top picks and draft order:
R4 – Joseph Habersham; gains +1 Jud (1)
R3 – Thomas Pinckney; gains +1 Leg (2)
R1 – Luther Martin
B5 – William Blount
R2 – Frederick Muhlenberg
B2 – James Garrard (2nd round)
B1 – James Madison
B3 – Isaac Shelby
R5 – Jared Ingersoll
B4 – Christopher Greenup

Pierpoint Edwards (B4) gains Predictable, Matthew Lyon (B5) gains Numberfudger, William Cocke (B5) gains Jurisprudence.

James Iredell (R4) gains DE, Thomas Pinckney (R3) gains MA, Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2) gains VA as alternate states.

With only B3 and B4 able to draft James Madison without penalty due to ideology, I was wondering if any of the other factions would make the attempt. B2 tried unsuccessfully, but B1 was able to pull it off.
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Old 01-20-2025, 02:51 PM   #26
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B1 – James Midson to Legis, James Mitchell Varnum to Judicial, Peter Gansevoort to Admin, Jared Irwin to Governing, Walter Bowie to Private, John Smith to Backroom, Thomas Lynch Jr to Military.

B2 – James Garrard to Military, Joseph Bradley Varnum to Backroom, Henry Dearborn to Admin, Robert Bowie to Governing, John Hathorn to Private, John Edwards to Legis, John E Colhoun to Judicial.

B3 – Isaac Shelby to Governing, Peleg Arnold to Private, Levi Lincoln Sr to Admin, James Linn to Judicial, Daniel Smith to Legis, Gabriel Hiester to Backroom, Benjamin Taliaferro to Military.

B4 – Christopher Greenup to Legis, John Baptista Ashe to Governing, Cyrus Griffin to Private, Joseph Calhoun to Military, Thomas Claiborne to Backroom, Pierpont Edwards to Judicial.

B5 – William Blount to Governing, William Cocke to Legis, William Few to Judicial, Matthew Lyon to Private, Philip Van Cortlandt to Backroom, John Twiggs to Military, Philip Key failed to go on Admin.

R1 – Henry Knox to Admin, Theophilus Parsons to Judicial, Josiah Parker to Legis, Alexander C Hanson Sr to Private, Luther Martin to Backroom, John E Van Alen to Governing.

R2 – Frederick Muhlenberg to Legis, John Barclay to Judicial, Thomas Hartley to Private, Nicholas Biddle to Military.

R3 – Thomas Pinckney to Legis, Samuel Tenney to Judicial, John Hoskins Stone to Military, Benjamin Williams to Private, Amasa Learned to Backroom, Benjamin Ogle to Governing.

R4 – Joseph Habersham to Admin, Stephen Girard to Backroom, George Walton to Governing, James Iredell to Judicial, Peleg Wadsworth to Military, Leonard Gansevoort to Legis.

R5 – Jared Ingersoll to Legis, John Laurance to Judicial, Benjamin Goodhue to Private, Edward Rutledge to Backroom, John Henry to Governing.


John Jay (R3) moves from NY to CT.
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Old 01-20-2025, 03:49 PM   #27
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B1 – James Madison fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable. Hugh Williamson fails to shift from Lib to Mod, gains flipflopper. Jonathan Grout fails to shift from Lib to Mod.

B2 – James Garrard shifts from Lib to Mod, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. John Page shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable. Thomas Chittenden fails to shift from Lib to Mod, gains Flipflopper.

B3 – Benjamin Taliaferro shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. John Ashe shifts from Cons to Mod. Alexander Gillon shifts from Cons to Mod. Anthony Wayne fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper. William Floyd shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable.

B4 – William Grayson fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Thomas Claiborne shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper. Benjamin Harrison V fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B5 – William Cocke shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper. William Few fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable. Thomas Sumter fails to shift from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable. Francis Willis shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Philip Van Cortlandt shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable. John Twiggs shifts from Cons to Mod, gains Pliable.

R1 – Henry Marchant fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable. Upton Sheredine shifts from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. William Hooper fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper. Abraham Clark fails to shift from Mod to Cons.

R2 – William Smallwood shifts from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Robert Goldsborough shifts from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable. William Williams fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

R3 – Israel Putnam fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Esek Hopkins fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. John Jay fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable.

R4 – George Washington fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper. Caleb Strong shifts from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable. Nathaniel Gorham fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable.

R5 – Richard Butler shifts from Mod to Cons, gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Alexander Martin fails to shift from Trad to Cons, gains Pliable. Pierce Butler shifts from Trad to Cons. David Brearley fails to shift from Mod to Cons, gains Pliable.

This was a very interesting phase. The factions tried shifting quite a few powerful politicians, and many of them gained Pliable. This will open them up to be converted by the other factions in the next phase. The balance of power between the factions could be altered drastically if they can convert them.
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Old 01-20-2025, 05:12 PM   #28
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Moderate enthusiasm is maxed for Blue, so these politicians leave Red to join Blue:
Egbert Benson (R1) joins B1 faction.
Samuel Livermore (R2) joins B2 faction.
William Williams (R2) joins B1 faction.

Richard Caswell (B2) fails to convert Benjamin Harrison V (B4). Harrison gains Integrity.
George Taylor (B1) fails to convert Benjamin Harrison V (B4).
Richard Henry Lee (B4) fails to convert William Few (B5). Few gains Integrity.
John Adams (R3) fails to convert Charles Coatesworth Pinckney (R5).
Thomas McKean (R1) converts David Brearley (R5).
William Franklin (R5) fails to convert Frederick Muhlenberg (R2). Muhlenberg gains Disharmonious, loses Pliable.
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Old 01-20-2025, 05:14 PM   #29
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R1 – LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod; none; Environmentalist, Public Housing, Human Rights (gained LW Pop, loses Public Education, Globalists)

R2 – Mod; none; Private Education, Big Oil & Gas, Globalists, Law & Order, Big Tech, Transportation (gained Big Oil & Gas, Transportation)

R3 – Mod; none; Big Oil & Gas, Labor Unions, Transportation (gained Big Oil & Gas, loses Globalists)

R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Big Pharma, Public Housing, Free Trade, Welfare

R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, RW Activists; Big Corporations, Big Oil & Gas, Isolationists, Protectionist, Transportation (gained RW Activists, Big Oil & Gas, Transportation)

B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Science, Transportation, Welfare

B2 – Mod; none; Environmentalist (gained Environmentalist, lost Military-Industrial)

B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions, Military-Industrial

B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, Nationalists; Big Oil & Gas (loses Big Agriculture, gained Big Oil & Gas)

B5 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions (gained Mod, Labor Unions, lost Trad, RW Pop, RW Activists)

Some big shakeups in the faction personalities. I'm guessing this will invalidate some of the current faction leaders, as they may not have the expertise or interests to match the new personalities.
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Old 01-20-2025, 06:15 PM   #30
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B2 chooses John Hanson (B2) as CC President. Hanson loses Obscure, gains +1 Leg (2). +50 points to B2.

William Smith (B3) named Domestic Chair. Smith gains +1 Cmd (1). 50 points to B3.
Josiah Bartlett (B4) remains Judicial Chair. 50 points to B4.
Jonathan Grout (B1) named Economic Chair. Gains +1 Cmd (1), Business. 50 points to B1.
Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Naval. 50 points to B2.

Domestic Committee and gains: John A Treutlen (B1), John Smilie (B1, Science), Samuel Allyne Otis (B2, Media), Cornelius Harnett (B3, Housing), Philip Livingston (B5, Housing), Thomas Sumter (B5, Technology), Thomas Collins (R2, Technology), John Langdon (R2, Healthcare), Andrew Adams (R4, Housing)

Economic Committee and gains: Hugh Williamson (B1), William Montgomery (B1, Welfare), James Clinton (B2, Economics), Thomas Stone (B5, Economics), Francis Hopkinson (R1, Transportation), Edmund Pendleton (R2, Trade), Benjamin Huntington (R3, Transportation), Benjamin Lincoln (R5, Labor), Robert Morris (R5, Transportation)

Foreign/Military Committee and gains: Thomas Paine (B1, Army), John Patten (B3, Army), Benjamin Guerard (B3, Naval), Lachlan McIntosh (B4), Lambert Cadwalader (B5, Foreign Affairs), William Smallwood (R2, Foreign Affairs), Samuel Huntington (R3, Foreign Affairs), John Rutledge (R4, Naval)

Judicial Committee and gains: John Hancock (B2, Justice), John Penn (B2), Aaron Kitchell (B2, Justice), Robert Brown (B3, Justice), William Ellery (B3), Charles Scott (B4, Justice), George Washington (R4, Justice), Henry Lee II (R5, Justice)
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Old 01-20-2025, 06:56 PM   #31
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B1 – Keeps George Taylor; gains Orator.
B2 – Chooses John Hancock; gains Kingmaker. Known as Hancock Patriots.
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; gains Manipulative.
B4 – Keeps Richard Henry Lee; gains +1 Cmd (2).
B5 – Chooses William Cocke (removed from Legis track after 0 years); gains Leadership. Known as Cocke Patriots.
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; gains +1 Gov (4).
R2 – Keeps Benjamin Franklin; no gains.
R3 – Chooses Caesar Rodney; loses Obscure, gains +1 Cmd (1), Orator. Known as Rodney Patriots.
R4 – Keeps Benjamin Chew; loses Obscure.
R5 – Keeps William Franklin; no gains.
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Old 01-20-2025, 08:15 PM   #32
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B1 – Hugh Mercer dies in a deadly accident at age 50.
B2 – Meshech Weare (Governor of New Hampshire) announces he is disillusioned with politics and will retire after his term (age 63).
B3 – Alexander McDougall dies in a deadly accident at age 44.
B4 – Benjamin Harrison V dies of plague at age 50. (Note: son William Henry Harrison is only 3. He almost didn't make the game).
B5 – Thomas Burke (private track) dies of smallpox at age 29.
R1 – John Bartram retires at 77 to become a University president.
R2 – John Morton dies of smallpox at age 51.
R3 – Jared Ingersoll Sr dies in a deadly accident at age 54.
R4 – James Otis Jr dies of yellow fever at age 51.
R5 – Edmund Trowbridge pressured out of politics and retires at 67.
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Old 01-20-2025, 08:16 PM   #33
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We're forecasting some excitement for Richard Henry Lee (B4) and Nathaniel Niles (B4) among the more devoutly Christian voters. They've been making rounds to every church in their respective states. (Lee and Niles get +1 in their next election).

We've been informed by Jeremiah Van Rennselaer's staff that Van Rennselaer (B4) has been given a worrying diagnosis. The specifics weren't given, but we can expect that it might impact the longevity of Van Rennselaer's political career. (Van Rennselaer gains Frail).

One of the leading governors is being eyed as presidential material. (Jonathan Trumbull Jr (CT, R3) gains +1 Cmd (1)).
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Old 01-20-2025, 08:18 PM   #34
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Articles of Confederation - Following our Declaration of Independence, delegates were selected to draft an Articles of Confederation to secure an organized union of our newly independent states. John Hanson’s response: This confederacy shall be henceforth known as "The United States of America," and this union shall be perpetual. Delegates confirm decision. (Congress can request funds from the states. No consecutive reelection for Continental Congress persons. Congress needs 2/3 of the states to pass a bill and unanimous support for amendments.) +250 points to B1, B3, B4, R4, R5.

Massachusetts Constitution: The state of Massachusetts has concluded a convention for a written Constitution. This is certainly novel. John Hanson’s response: This Constitution could be the model for our nation. Delegates confirm decision. +100 points to B1, B2, R5, +50 points to R5.

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: Scottish economist Adam Smith has released a groundbreaking on national economic productivity, labor, and free markets. The book is praised by most of our intellectuals. +100 points to R4, +50 points to R5.

Still no response from the British. Could we actually have a bloodless revolution?
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:28 PM   #35
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Leading Industries: Agriculture (VA), Finance (PA), Manufacturing (MA, NH, PA, RI), Maritime (MA), Plantation (SC). +400 points to B3, +200 points to B1, +100 points to B2, R5.

CT – Mathew Griswold (R3) passes Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. +100 points to B3, B5, R5. Fails to Improve burgeoning industry.

DE – Richard Bassett (B3) fails to Improve burgeoning industry.

GA – Edward Telfair (B4) passes Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. +100 points to B3, B5, R5.

MA – Samuel Adams (B1) passes Abolish slavery. +350 points to B1. Quality of Life +1 (can’t go higher than 4 without suffrage). Adams gains +1 Cmd (1).

MD – Thomas Johnson (R2) passes Improve burgeoning industry. Maritime increases to 3, now tied as national leader.

NC – Richard Caswell (B2) passes Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. +100 points to B3, B5, R5.

NH – Meshech Weare (B2) fails to Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state.

NJ – John Hart (B2) fails to Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state.

NY – George Clinton (B3) passes Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. +100 points to B3, B5, R5.

PA – John Dickinson (B3) fails to Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state.

RI – John Collins (B3) passes Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. +100 points to B3, B5, R5.

SC – Christopher Gadsen (B5) fails to Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state.

VA – Arthur St. Clair (R5) ) fails to Encourage settlement on remaining Native American lands in state.
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:30 PM   #36
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Only 2 non crisis spending bills. Rev/Budge, Econ Stab, Mil Prep all in crisis.

Edmund Pendleton (R2) proposes Create Minister to Spain (spend, foundation) – F/M
Samuel Allyne Otis (B2) proposes Boycott British Goods (crisis) – F/M
Lambart Cadwalader (B5) doesn’t propose anything.
Robert Brown (B3) proposes Request Taxation from the States (crisis) – Econ
Hugh Williamson (B1) proposes Adopt a National Flag (foundation) – Dom
Aaron Kitchell (B2) doesn’t propose anything.


Foreign/Military committee: Create Minister to Spain passes 9-0. Boycott British Goods passes 8-1. Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) decides not to package the bills.

Economic committee: Request Taxation from the States dies in committee 5-5. -100 points to B1 for crisis bill failing in committee.

Domestic committee: Adopt a National Flag passes 10-0.


Create Minister to Spain passes 11-1-1 (voting done by states). +50 points to R2.

Boycott British Goods passes 13-0. +500 points to R5, +250 points to B4, +100 points to B1, B2, -250 points to R4. Honest Gov’t +1 (8). Samuel Allyne Otis (B2) loses Obscure.

Adopt a National Flag passes 13-0. +50 points to B4, R5.

Enthusiasm shifts due to legislative voting above: Cons/Trad go +1 Blue for most points gained by dominant party. Mod goes -2 Blue for least points from dominant party. Cons/Trad go +1 Blue for most points on opposition party. Mod goes +2 red for least points on opposition party. Final tallies: Mod +4 Red (discontent with both parties), Cons +2 Blue (discontent with both parties), Trad +2 Blue (Decent Blue).

Foreign/Military Chair Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) names Henry Laurens (R5) ambassador to Spain. +25 points to R5. +100 points to B2 for Lauren’s experience. Mod enthusiasm goes +1 red (Lean red).
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:32 PM   #37
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CT: R3 nominates Jonathan Trumbull Jr. (R3, incumbent). B3 nominates Thomas Chittenden (B2). Trumbull wins election. +100 points to R3. Trumbull gains Environment.

DE: R4 nominates Gunning Bedford Sr (R4). B3 nominates Richard Bassett (B3, incumbent). Bedford wins election. +100 points to R4, -500 points to B3. Bassett gets -1 in elections for 6 years.

GA: R4 nominates Archibald Bulloch (R4). B5 nominates Edward Telfair (B4, incumbent). Telfair wins election. +100 points to B4. Telfair gains +1 Adm (1).

MA: R3 nominates John Adams (R3). B1 nominates Samuel Adams (B1, incumbent). John Adams wins election. +100 points to R3, -500 points to B1.

MD: R3 nominates Thomas Johnson (R2, incumbent). No eligible blue candidates, so Johnson wins. +100 points to R2. Johnson gains Business.

NC: R3 nominates Samuel Johnston (R3). B3 nominates Richard Caswell (B2, incumbent). Caswell wins. +100 points to B2. Caswell gains Business.

NH: R1 nominates John Sullivan (R2). B2 nominates Josiah Bartlett (B4). Bartlett wins. +100 points to B4. Bartlett gains Leadership.

NJ: R1 nominates William Franklin (R5). B3 nominates John Hart (B4, incumbent). Hart wins. +100 points to B4. Hart gains Foreign Affairs.

NY: R5 nominates James Duane (R5). B2 nominates George Clinton (B3, incumbent). Clinton wins. +100 points to B3. Clinton gains Energy.

PA: R2 nominates Joseph Reed (R2). B2 nominates John Dickinson (B3, incumbent). Dickinson wins. +100 points to B3. Reed gains Transportation.

RI: R1 nominates Nicholas Cooke (R1). B3 nominates John Collins (B3, incumbent). Collins wins. +100 points to B3. Collins gains Transportation.

SC: R5 nominates Rawlins Lowndes (R5). B3 nominates Christopher Gadsden (B3 incumbent). Lowndes wins. +100 points to R5, -500 points to B3.

VA: R5 nominates Arthur St. Clair (R5, incumbent). B4 nominates Charles Scott (B4). St. Clair wins. +100 points to R5. St. Clair loses Obscure, gains Leadership, Naval

Red party picked up 3 states, but blue still leads 7-6.
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:35 PM   #38
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CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects Matthew Griswold (R4), William Samuel Johnson (R1), and Silas Deane (R3).

DE: Gunning Bedford Sr (R4) selects Thomas Fitzsimons (R4) and Nicholas Van Dyke (R1).

GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects James Armstrong (R2) and James Jones (R3).

MA: John Adams (R3) selects Francis Dana (R3), Richard Adams Jr (R3), Nathaniel Gorham (R4), and Tristram Dalton (R4).

MD: Thomas Johnston (R2) selects William Paca (R4), Benjamin Stoddert (R2), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (R1), and Robert Goldsborough (R2).

NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects Timothy Bloodworth (B4), Samuel Ashe (B2), and William Cocke (B5).

NH : Josiah Bartlett (B4) selects John Sullivan (R2) and Abiel Foster (R1).

NJ: John Hart (B4) selects Elias Boudinot (B1), Abraham Clark (R1), and John Witherspoon (R3).

NY: George Clinton (B3) selects William Floyd (B3), Jeremiah Van Rennselaer (B4), and Richard Morris (R2).

PA: John Dickinson (B3) selects Samuel Maclay (B5), George Taylor (B1), George Bryan (B1), and William Maclay (B5).

RI: John Collins (B3) selects William Bradford (R1) and Thomas Tillinghast (R3).

SC: Rawlins Lowndes (R5) selects William Moultrie (R4), Henry Middleton (R5), and Alexander Gillon (B3).

VA: Arthur St. Clair (R5) selects James Wood (R4), George Wythe (R1), Arthur Lee (R1), and Daniel Morgan (R3).

With the passage of the Articles of Confederation, we can no longer have congress members serve consecutive terms. This tied many of the governors hands when choosing the delegates, and so they had to go outside of their party more frequently than in the past. Until more politicians get off of the career paths, I think we'll continue to have this problem.
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:59 PM   #39
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1774-1776 END OF TERM

Blue leads red 4350 to 2875. Faction scores in order:
R5: 2325
B4: 1550
B3: 900
B5: 700
B2: 650
B1: 550
R3: 250
R2: 150
R1: 100
R4: 50

1. Benjamin Franklin (R2, Faction Leader) - No change
2. George Clinton (B3, Faction Leader, Governor of NY) - No change
3. John Adams (R3, Governor of MA) - Was #5
4. Thomas Jefferson (B5) - Was #3
5. George Washington (R4) - Was #4
6. Edward Telfair (B4, Governor of GA) - Was #7
7. Richard Henry Lee (B4, Faction Leader) - Was #8
8. Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3, Governor of CT) - Was #9
9. Samuel Adams (B1) - Was #6
10. Caesar Rodney (R3, Faction Leader) - Was unranked

Dropped out - John Dickinson (B3, Governor of PA)

Blue still leading comfortably, but red has control of the Congress. So far, independence has gone smoothly, but at some point I would expect the British to retaliate.
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Old 01-21-2025, 07:08 PM   #40
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Thomas Chittenden (B2), William Grayson (B4), William Cocke (B5), Francis Willis (B5), William Hooper (R1), Upton Sheredine (R1), and William Smallwood (R2) lose flip flopper.

Samuel Osgood (R2) moves from MA to NY, gains Carpetbagger. Richard Butler (R5) fails to move from PA to RI.
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Old 01-21-2025, 07:09 PM   #41
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B1 – James Madison fails to shift from Cons to Mod. James Warren fails to shift from LW Pop to RW Pop; gains Flipflopper, Two Faced, Pliable. Samuel Adams fails to shift from LW Pop to RW Pop, gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B2 – John E Colhoun shifts from Cons to Trad; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B3 – Isaac Shelby fails to shift from Cons to Trad. Andrew Pickens fails to shift from Cons to Trad; gains Flipflopper. Anthony Wayne fails to shift from Cons to Trad; gains Pliable.

B4 – Patrick Henry fails to shift from Cons to Trad. John Baptista Ashe fails to shift from Cons to Trad. Joseph Calhoun fails to shift from Cons to Trad.

B5 – William Few shifts from Cons to Trad; gains Flipflopper. Thomas Sumter fails to shift from Cons to Trad; gains Flipflopper.

R1 – George Wythe fails to shift from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Two Faced, Pliable. Lyman Hall fails to shift from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Arthur Lee fails to shift from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper.

R2 – William Smallwood shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Robert Goldsborough shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper.

R3 – John Witherspoon shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Two Faced. Francis Dana shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Daniel Carroll shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

R4 – Peleg Wadsworth shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Charles Lee fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. James Wood shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Pliable.

R5 – Ralph Izard fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. John McKinly shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. James Duane shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. John Pickering fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper.
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Old 01-21-2025, 07:11 PM   #42
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George Taylor (B1) converts William Grayson (B4).
John Hancock (B2) fails to convert Anthony Wayne (B3).
William Cocke (B5) fails to convert Anthony Wayne (B3)
Richard Henry Lee (B4) fails to convert Anthony Wayne (B3). Wayne loses Pliable.
Thomas McKean (R1) converts James Duane (R5).
Caesar Rodney (R3) fails to convert Charles Coatesworth Pinckney (R5). Fails to convert Pierce Butler (R5). Butler loses Pliable.
William Franklin (R5) converts John Jay (R3).

John Jay leaving R3 for R5 is huge. He immediately became their highest PV politician.
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Old 01-21-2025, 07:12 PM   #43
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John Hancock (B2) takes on Elgridge Gerry as protιgι. Gerry gains +1 Gov (3), Justice, Leadership.
Benjamin Chew (R4) takes on William Moore as protιgι. Moore gains Pacifist, Efficient.

R1 – LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod; none; Human Rights, Transportation (lost Environmentalist, Public Housing, gained Transportation)

R2 – Mod; none; Private Education, Big Oil & Gas, Globalists, Law & Order, Big Tech (lost Transportation)

R3 – Mod; none; Big Oil & Gas, Environmentalist, Labor Unions, Transportation (gained Environmentalist)

R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Big Pharma, Public Housing, Free Trade (lost Welfare)

R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, RW Activists; Big Corporations, Wall Street, Big Oil & Gas, Isolationists, Law & Order, Protectionist (gained Wall Street, Law & Order, lost Transportation)

B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Science, Welfare (lost Transportation)

B2 – Mod; none; Environmentalist

B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Big Oil & Gas, Labor Unions, Military-Industrial, Transportation (gained Big Oil & Gas, Transportation)

B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, Nationalists; Big Oil & Gas

B5 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions
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Old 01-23-2025, 01:13 PM   #44
College Prospect
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R1 chooses Nathaniel Gorham (R4) as CC President. Gorham loses Obscure, gains +1 Leg (2). +50 points to R4.

William Bradford (R1) named Domestic Chair. Gains Leaderhsip, +1 Cmd (1), Energy. 50 points to R1.
Thomas Fitzsimons (R4) named Judicial Chair. Gains +1 Cmd (1), Justice. 50 points to R4.
William Paca (R4) named Economic Chair. Gains +1 Cmd (1), Business. 50 points to R4.
Henry Middleton (R5) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Foreign Affairs. 50 points to R5.

Domestic Committee and gains: Elias Boudinot (B1, Housing), Timothy Bloodworth (B4, Science), Nicholas Van Dyke (R1, Media), Abiel Foster (R1, Agriculture), Benjamin Stoddert (R2, Healthcare), Richard Morris (R2, Housing), Matthew Griswold (R4), Tristram Dalton (R4, Environment), William Moultrie (R4, +1 Leg (2)).

Economic Committee and gains: George Taylor (B1, Labor), Samuel Ashe (B2, Trade), William Samuel Johnson (R1, Welfare), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (R1, Welfare), Abraham Clark (R1, Welfare), Robert Goldsborough (R2, Labor), Silas Deane (R3, Transportation), Francis Dana (R3, Business), Richard Adams Jr (R3, Labor).

Foreign/Military Committee and gains: George Bryan (B1, Army), William Floyd (B3, Naval), William Cocke (B5, Naval), William Maclay (B5, Foreign Affairs), Arthur Lee (R1), James Jones (R3), Thomas Tillinghast (R3, Naval), Daniel Morgan (R3, Naval).

Judicial Committee and gains: Alexander Gillon (B3, Justice), Jeremiah Van Rennselaer (B4, Justice), Samuel Maclay (B5), George Wythe (R1), James Armstrong (R2, Justice), John Sullivan (R2), John Witherspoon (R3, Justice), James Wood (R4, Justice).
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Old 01-23-2025, 05:24 PM   #45
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B1 – Keeps George Taylor; gains Leadership, Debater.
B2 – Keeps John Hancock; no gains.
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; gains Leadership, Expansionist.
B4 – Keeps Richard Henry Lee; gains Passive.
B5 – Keeps William Cocke; loses Obscure, gains +1 Leg (2).
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; gains Crisis Manager.
R2 – Keeps Benjamin Franklin; gains +1 Cmd (5).
R3 – Keeps Caesar Rodney; no gains.
R4 – Chooses Matthew Griswold; gains Leadership. Known as the Griswold Patriots.
R5 – Keeps William Franklin; gains RW Activists, +1 Cmd (1), +1 Adm (2).

Lee gaining Passive is a problem, since a passive faction leader won't last long. Expect him to be replaced next term.

Last edited by Umbrella : 01-23-2025 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 01-23-2025, 05:28 PM   #46
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The rules have been changed since the last time I did this section. We'll see how it plays out.

B1 – John A Treutlen (former CC Member from GA) dies of dysentery at age 44.
B2 – Robert R Livingston (Backroom track) dies of tuberculosis at age 32.
B3 – Johann de Kalb dies of malaria at age 57.
B4 – Arthur Middleton dies of plague at age 36.
B5 – Philip Van Cortlandt (Backroom track) dies of plague at age 29.
R1 – Mathew Thornton retires at age 64 to allow a new generation to enter national politics. Joseph Hewes dies of typhoid at age 48.
R2 – Thomas Wharton Jr dies in a deadly accident at age 43.
R3 – Richard Adams Jr (current CC Member from MA) dies from unknown causes at age 52.
R4 – Matthew Griswold (Faction leader, current CC member from CT) dies in a deadly accident at age 64.
R5 – Rawlins Lowndes (current Governor of SC) dies in a deadly accident at age 57.

R4 chooses William Moore as new faction leader. They are now known as Moore Patriots. Thomas Bee (R5) named new Governor of SC. John Adams (R3) names William Heath (R2) as new CC member from MA. Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) names Jonathan Trumbull Sr (R3) as new CC member from CT.

Griswold finally moves his way up to faction leader, then immediately dies. Three office holders died this time around, which seems like a lot to me. Also, we had two backroom track guys die, which makes me wonder what's going on behind closed doors.
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Old 01-23-2025, 05:47 PM   #47
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Trade tension has been gradually escalating and has now resulted in a diplomatic war of words between diplomats of both nations. (French relations -1, down to 5).

A national celebrity has received some attention for publicly discussing a hypothetical presidential platform to the public. (Benjamin Franklin (R2) would receive +1 Cmd, but he is already maxed at 5).

Political leaders are taking notice of the administrative skills of another politician. (Thomas Scott (R2) gains +1 Adm (2)).

One politician is being mentioned as having all the traits to make a great governor. (John Sullivan (R2) gains +1 Gov (4)).

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Another politician in a powerful faction is being noted as a corrupting force. (Richard Butler (R5) gains Controversial).

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Another politician in a powerful faction is being noted as a corrupting force. (Cyrus Griffin (B4) gains Controversial).

The corruption event actually fired twice, which only has a 1% chance of happening. Losing relations with the French is bad, especially if we need their help if the British decide to get aggressive.
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Old 01-23-2025, 06:31 PM   #48
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Lexington and Concord: British troops have been miraculously repulsed by volunteer American colonists known as "minutemen." If not for being alerted by the daring rides of Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott, our troops might have been caught off guard. There is no doubt the British Regulars will be tougher next time. We might need to consider sending troops from other colonies to aid our friends in Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham (R4) response: We must come to the aid of our sister colony Massachusetts. Delegates approved. (Continental Army proposal worth double pts). +500 points to R5. +250 points to B1, B3, B4, R2. The Revolutionary War begins!

Proprietor of Pennsylvania Sides with the British: Thomas Penn, proprietor of Pennsylvania, surprises no one as he declares his support for the Crown. He has lived in England for quite some time. -50 points to B4, R5.

Dunmore's Proclamation: The Earl of Dunmore, Royal Governor of Virginia has proclaimed martial law and announced freedom for any slave that joins the royal army. Other colonies led by royal governors in the slave states may follow suit. Nathaniel Gorham (R4) response: We are united in a common war against the British. we should unite with the slave states in encouraging free states to execute runaway slaves. Delegates approve (PA abstains). +150 points to R5, +100 points to B4, -50 points to B1.

Prohibitory Act: The British Parliament has cut off all trade between the British Isles and the American Colonies. So, this is economic warfare. Rev/Budg -1 (1). Nathaniel Gorham (R4) response: We have lost protection of the King. Very well, we shall protect ourselves. -100 points to R5, -50 points to R4.

Restraining Acts: Parliament has now passed several acts restraining trade first in Massachusetts, and then to five more colonies. Nathaniel Gorham (R4) response: We expected no less from Parliament. -150 points to R5, -50 points to B4, R4.

American Spy Nathan Hale Escapes British Captors: One of our spies, Nathan Hale, managed to elude his captors. (Nathan Hale will be eligible to be drafted in 1780 draft.)

Handel's Messiah Performed: A performance of Handel's Messiah reaches our shores. While we are at odds with Great Britain, it is hard to dislike their taste in music.

Goethe Becomes German Literature: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, with the publications of Faust and Sorrows of Young Werther, is becoming to the German language what Shakespeare was to the English language. Goethe also has a hand in science, politics, philosophy, natural history, etc. He masters everything!

Well, it took a while, but Britain finally responded, and they did with a vengeance. Militarily and Economically, we are on the ropes. We did get an ahistorical event with Nathan Hale surviving. Now it's time to see what our politicians can do in the face of real troubles.
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Old 01-23-2025, 07:36 PM   #49
College Prospect
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Leading Industries: Agriculture (VA), Finance (PA), Manufacturing (MA, NH, PA, RI), Maritime (MA, MD), Plantation (SC). 300 points to B3; 200 points to R3, R5; 100 points to B4.

CT – Jonathon Trumbull Jr (R3) Encourages Privateering and Blockade Running. No change. Passes Improve a Burgeoning Industry. Maritime goes to 3 (tied for lead).

DE – Gunning Bedford Sr (R4) passes Raise taxes. No change.

GA – Edward Telfair (B4) Encourages Privateering and Blockade Running. Rev/Budget +1 (2). Maritime increases to 1. Telfair gains +1 Cmd (3) and +1 Gov (5).

MA – John Adams (R3) fails to Encourage Privateering and Blockade Running.

MD – Thomas Johnson (R2) Encourages Privateering and Blockade Running. No change.

NC – Richard Caswell (B2) fails to Encourage Fight for Liberty.

NH – Josiah Bartlett (B4) Encourages settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. 100 points to B3, B5, R5. Increases Agriculture to 2 (ties for lead).

NJ – John Hart (B4) fails to Encourage Privateering and Blockade Running.

NY – George Clinton (B3) Encourages settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. 100 points to B3, B5, R5.

PA – John Dickinson (B3) fails to Encourages settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. Fails to Encourage Privateering and Blockade Running.

RI – John Collins (B3) Encourages Privateering and Blockade Running. No change.

SC – Thomas Bee (R5) fails to Punish Tories in the state by confiscating properties.

VA – Arthur St. Clair (R5) Encourages settlement on remaining Native American lands in state. 100 points to B3, B5, R5.

All in all, a pretty successful round. The Revenue/Budget meter improved from the worst level, and a few state industries were improved. Edward Telfair knocked it out of the park, getting the absolute maximum gains he could. The chances of him getting all those improvements were 0.05%!
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Old 01-24-2025, 08:02 AM   #50
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
This looks interesting, and I'm tempted to buy at the modest price of $25. Thanks for writing this up.
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