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Old 08-25-2020, 11:55 AM   #51
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It's depressing to me that a person at random, who came across a wallet, would make a series of decisions, not whether to give the wallet back and seek out the owner or return it, but just what things to steal and and how to profit from those things.

I wonder what % of people walking on the street would do that, and how unlucky it is when that happens.

I found a very loaded wallet on a dog walk a few months ago. Even looking at it beyond morals, the joy I got to be able to be a hero, with minimal effort, and finding the owner, far surpassed whatever happiness I would have gotten from a limited Wal-Mart spree. And I'm so happy that's true. And I wonder why that's true for me and not someone else. Good parenting? I'll tell my parents it was good parenting. Another chance to be a hero with minimal effort.

Last edited by molson : 08-25-2020 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 08-25-2020, 12:04 PM   #52
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Never found a wallet but I was travelling internationally and went to a money changer at the airport. There were 2 women ahead of me and when they left, I realized they left a load of local currency bills (probably an inch thick).

It was angled where the money changer couldn't see it. Just for a split second (really) I thought ... and then I said nah. The women were long gone and I told the money changer.

He shut down his station to go find his manager or the women. I had to go find another one.
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Old 08-25-2020, 12:08 PM   #53
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Never found a wallet but I have found a cell phone at the the grocery store.
I tried, it worked!
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Old 08-25-2020, 03:33 PM   #54
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Makes me wonder if Ben was pick pocketed at the park then the thief ditched the wallet right after taking the cards.
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Old 08-25-2020, 03:35 PM   #55
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I lost my license on an airplane once. It was in my pocket and must have slipped out at some point. Funny thing is it fell right into the carry on bag of the person behind me. Neither of us knew and she found it when she got home. She mailed it back to me with a funny note. The envelope had a return address but no name. I bought $20 of scratch off tickets and sent them to her, with a note wishing her luck and that she should have good karma coming her way.
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Old 08-25-2020, 04:12 PM   #56
Ben E Lou
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Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Makes me wonder if Ben was pick pocketed at the park then the thief ditched the wallet right after taking the cards.
Unless Plastic Man was at the park, zero chance of that. Upon arrival, my daughter and I walked straight from the car to the dog park. During walk, no one ever was within a good 15-20 feet of us. (We have an extremely friendly and excitable lab puppy that I am still in the process of training not to jump on people, so in a busy park like that with many distractions, I simply stay far away from people.) When we got to the fenced area of the dog park and took her off leash, at no time were there more than 3 other people, and again, I never got near enough to anyone to make pickpocketing remotely possible. Time got away and we had to get home quickly, so we near-sprinted back to the car, again, not coming close to anyone. However, part of the way we took was quite bumpy, and I was running hard while controlling an excited 60-pound puppy on a leash, wearing gym shorts with not-so-deep pockets. I'm virtually certain it bounced out at some point during that run.
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:00 PM   #57
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Necromancy --- spooooky
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:20 PM   #58
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dammit. 2020 is bringing back Plastic Man too?
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Old 05-21-2021, 11:31 AM   #59
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I just got alerted that a credit card card under my wife's name was used to spend $99.47 in gas at a 7-Eleven. It is almost two years to the date of our last fraud alert on that card. The weird part is that it was under my wife's name. My wife rarely uses that card.
"The blind soldier fought for me in this war. The least I can do now is fight for him. I have eyes. He hasn’t. I have a voice on the radio, he hasn’t. I was born a white man. And until a colored man is a full citizen, like me, I haven’t the leisure to enjoy the freedom that colored man risked his life to maintain for me. I don’t own what I have until he owns an equal share of it. Until somebody beats me and blinds me, I am in his debt."- Orson Welles August 11, 1946
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Old 01-21-2025, 08:09 PM   #60
sovereignstar v2
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Got a text for a $900 charge on one of my cards. Google the company name and city in North Carolina and have no idea what it's about. *sigh*
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Old 01-21-2025, 08:20 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by sovereignstar v2 View Post
Got a text for a $900 charge on one of my cards. Google the company name and city in North Carolina and have no idea what it's about. *sigh*

I got screwed once in a small town in SC. We stopped at McDonald’s there on our way to vacation. They used it consistently for a couple of dollars here and there and it didn’t raise an alarm on my end due to the amount being spent. Then they went ham on spent over a grand(at Papa John’s.) I got the big money back, but a lot of the smaller ones were past 6 months and the bank wouldn’t refund them. This person used my card for damn near two years. I’m not really sure how they did it in store without having the physical card.

How do you spent 1k at Papa John’s? Anyway, I watch the bank account a lot close ever since.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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Old 01-21-2025, 08:25 PM   #62
sovereignstar v2
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Wow, yeah I think Chase allows you to customize notifications and what the dollar threshold is. Mine is set to >$49 I think, which wouldn't have helped me in your situation. I'm pretty bad about looking at my activity too. Oh I didn't know I still had satellite radio lol
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Old 01-21-2025, 08:25 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by dubb93 View Post

How do you spent 1k at Papa John’s?

Off hand, I'd wonder if that was a "oops ... {wink wink} here let me just refund that to you in cash" kinda scam
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 01-22-2025, 11:04 PM   #64
sovereignstar v2
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Okay, this just got more bizarre for me. I just got an email notice from UPS about a package coming my way. That's totally normal, I order a lot of shit online. I do decide to look its origin up and I'm 99.9% sure it's tied to the fraudulent charge that caused me to bump this thread.

There was a shipper name in the notice and it ties to the company on the credit charge, at least in that they deal in the same products. These companies are in the Mid-Atlantic and I'm damn near Winnipeg. I'm not entirely sure what steps I should take other than trying to intercept whatever this delivery is and rejecting it.
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Old 01-22-2025, 11:06 PM   #65
sovereignstar v2
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Shipper name on UPS -- ADI is a leading global distributor of security, AV and low-voltage products serving more than 110,000+ customers around the globe.

Fraudulent charge on visa -- Founded in 1993 in Cary, NC, the mission of CommGear is to assist telecom and IT managers in locating the system components they need to extend the life of their office communications systems.

Edit: I don't know, are they related l? I don't know what's going on lol. This package that's supposed to arrive is apparently 61 pounds and I can't divert it via the UPS website.

What weirds me out is I was pretty sure this was online fraud and didn't think it could be local as I didn't lose my card. But now I don't know. Those companies don't seem entirely related but I can't explain either of these two things. I order stuff on eBay a fair amount, but I can't account for either of these things. I've never heard of either of these companies before. Hopefully the charge disappears off my card soon.

Last edited by sovereignstar v2 : 01-23-2025 at 12:13 AM.
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Old 01-23-2025, 12:48 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by sovereignstar v2 View Post
Shipper name on UPS -- ADI is a leading global distributor of security, AV and low-voltage products serving more than 110,000+ customers around the globe.

Fraudulent charge on visa -- Founded in 1993 in Cary, NC, the mission of CommGear is to assist telecom and IT managers in locating the system components they need to extend the life of their office communications systems.

Edit: I don't know, are they related l? I don't know what's going on lol. This package that's supposed to arrive is apparently 61 pounds and I can't divert it via the UPS website.

What weirds me out is I was pretty sure this was online fraud and didn't think it could be local as I didn't lose my card. But now I don't know. Those companies don't seem entirely related but I can't explain either of these two things. I order stuff on eBay a fair amount, but I can't account for either of these things. I've never heard of either of these companies before. Hopefully the charge disappears off my card soon.

I wonder if the package might be related to this
Brushing Scam – United States Postal Inspection Service
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 01-23-2025, 09:23 AM   #67
sovereignstar v2
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Maybe, but I wouldn't think a $900 credit card charge would fit in with that narrative unless the two things aren't related. I'm really anxious to see how this plays out
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Old 01-23-2025, 10:26 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by sovereignstar v2 View Post
Maybe, but I wouldn't think a $900 credit card charge would fit in with that narrative unless the two things aren't related. I'm really anxious to see how this plays out

My line of thinking was that the only connection between the two is that your identity has been compromised and two (relatively) unrelated evildoers got the info they needed from the same nefarious source(s).
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 01-24-2025, 09:25 AM   #69
sovereignstar v2
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The fraudulent charge disappeared from my account today. The unknown 60 pound shipment from Virginia is supposed to be delivered by UPS today. I was going to leave a note for UPS to return it to sender, but does anyone think I should let them deliver and we can see what's in the box?
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Old 01-24-2025, 01:27 PM   #70
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It's probably just the remains of Man City's championships hopes. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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