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Old 02-18-2013, 10:52 PM   #1
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

It's 1990. The World Wrestling Federation (WWF) has captured the hearts and minds of wrestling fans everywhere, with its over the top razzle-dazzle and petty intrigues. Such stars as Hulk Hogan, Randy Macho Man Savage, Andre the Giant and Rowdy Roddy Piper are at the top of the wrestling world, and Vince McMahon is king over it all.

But rumors of the expansion of the rival World Championship Wrestling (WCW) circuit abound. The WCW wants a share of the pie, too, and its promoters are willing to offer more power to their stars than the megalomaniac McMahon ever will. Stars may have been approached, offers made, terms exchanged. Would wrestling's brightest jump from the powerful WWF to the fledgling WCW? Or had some already done so?

The attention of wrestling fans everywhere focus on Orlando, where the WWF is about to host its third annual Royal Rumble, a marquis pay-per-view event in which as many as 30 wrestlers all descend on one ring and only one will leave victorious. The word is that the turned wrestlers will make their stand here, by winning the spectacle that is the Royal Rumble and then taking that glory with them to the WCW. It would be a massive blow to the WWF's popularity.

Can the stars of the WWF ferret out the traitors before they can win the Royal Rumble title?

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-28-2013 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:53 PM   #2
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Basic Rules


There will be three deadlines in this game: the lynch, the night action and the fight.

Fight: 1 pm PDT (4 pm PDT)
Lynch: 7 pm PDT (10 pm EST)
Night: 8 am PDT (11 am EST)

The fight deadline is where the fight actions of all wrestlers will be announced. The lynch deadline is what it usually is, plus this will be when actual fights are resolved. The night deadline will be when all the night actions are due.

NOTE: There may be times when the lynch deadline is run late because of my second job. When this happens will be announced in advance. The lynch deadline will be run as soon as possible (usually by 11 pm PDT at the latest). There should be no other deadlines affected. All deadlines are strictly enforced at their set times, regardless of whether I am here to run the results.


There are two games within one here. One is your standard WW game, with WW roles. The other is the Royal Rumble, where you are all attempting to be the last wrestler standing. This other game will be fought through a series of head to head fights. Players can be removed from the game either through the WW game or through the fighting game.


There will be 30 wrestlers listed in the next post. You must select a wrestler from the list to play.

Each wrestler has four attributes. One of these attributes will be the wrestler's top skill, while another will be his weakest. These are selected for each wrestler and cannot be changed, so choose your wrestler wisely.

The four attributes are Power, Technique, Agility and Endurance. Every wrestler will have a total of 22 points, and the player is responsible for distributing these points. The rules for distributing are that the top skill must have at minimum 8 points, and the weak skill must have at maximum 4 points. No other attribute can be more than the top skill, nor less than the weak skill (they can be equal). The total must equal 22 points, and this distribution is due along with the choice of wrestler. The wrestler choice must be made publically here in thread, but please send the point distributions to me only by PM.

ADDED NOTE: There is a minimum of 1 on every attribute. So you cannot assign 0 points to an attribute.

Outside of the preset top and weak skill designations, you are under no obligation to match the attributes to those of your wrestler in real life.


Power-- This is purely an offensive attribute and rates a wrestler's ferocity, natural strength and power of attack. You can inflict more damage with higher Power.

Technique-- This attribute relates to the wrestler's skill in executing fight action moves. It aids in both offense and defense, but it contributes more to offense.

Agility-- This attribute measures a wrestler's quickness, speed and agility. It aids in both offense and defense, but it contributes more to defense.

Endurance-- This is purely a defensive attribute and measures a wrestler's ability to take damage, handle pain and overcome fatigue. You can take more damage with higher Endurance.


Every day, the remaining wrestlers will choose one wrestler to be lynched at the lynch deadline. This wrestler, outside of being saved by other game mechanics, will be removed from the game, regardless of his current ability and attributes as a fighter.

To vote for someone, bold, capitalize and enter your lynch choice VOTE CHIEF RUM on a separate line. You may unvote in the same manner. Unvotes must be completed before revotes are accepted from the same player.

Nightfall votes are allowed within reason, but I reserve the right to adapt this to each situation as it arises.

Self-voting is not allowed. Non-voting is not allowed. Both could result in damage or skill deterioration for your wrestler or removal from the game.

No Lynch votes ARE allowed. If the No Lynch votes hold a plurality of the vote, no wrestler will be lynched.

The wrestler with the most votes will be lynched, and the mechanic managing tie vote results is known only to me.

All votes will be accepted up to the turn of the hour (7:00 pm PDT/10:00 pm EST), and none will be accepted after (7:01 pm PDT/10:01 pm EST or later)


Fighting actions are due to me by PM by the fight deadline. The default action with no PM will be Cautious Defense (explained in a post below).

Although fight plans may be announced in thread, you may be better served to keep those plans to yourself. All actions will be announced after the fight deadline, and fight actions for that day cannot be changed after the fight deadline. Fights will be carried out at the lynch deadline, BEFORE the lynch or any daytime WW actions, if any.

Fight actions for the next fight deadline (whenever that is) may be sent in at any time.

Fighting involves a series of attack and defense actions. Through these, fighters will inflict damage on one another and get their hit point values low enough to allow them to be Finished. All fighters start with 10 HPs.

The specific fight actions to be taken and how Finishing is handled will be detailed in a post below.


Basic WW rules apply.

No editing of posts are allowed except for typo corrections within five minutes of the original post. No exact quoting of PMs is allowed. No game discussion by living players is allowed outside of this thread, although dead players are allowed to discuss it off forum.

WW roles and a more detailed explanation of fight actions will be detailed two posts below.

I am hoping to send out roles Wednesday afternoon, with Day One starting Thursday.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-20-2013 at 10:12 AM.
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:53 PM   #3
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

1. Akeem "The African Dream"
HT: 6’9” WT (lb): 457
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Elbow drop, Two-handed chokelift
Finishing Moves: Air Africa (Running splash), Diving bulldog
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

2. André the Giant-- TAKEN (Danny)
HT: 7'4” WT (lb): 475
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Body slam, Bearhug
Finishing Moves: Sit down splash, Elbow drop pin
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

3. Ax
HT: 6’3” WT (lb): 291
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Belly to back suplex, Headbutt
Finishing Moves: Cobra clutch, Swinging neckbreaker
Hero or Heel?: HERO

4. Bad News Brown
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 255
Top Skill: TECHNIQUE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Clothesline, Gorilla press slam
Finishing Moves: Ghetto Blaster
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

5. The Barbarian--TAKEN (bulletsponge)
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 300
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Front powerslam, Powerbomb
Finishing Moves: Diving headbutt, Kick of fear (Running big boot)
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

6. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart-- TAKEN (Simbo Klice)
HT: 6’1” WT (lb): 234
Signature Moves: Russian leg sweep, Pendulum backbreaker
Finishing Moves: Sharpshooter, Spike piledriver
Hero or Heel?: HERO

7. Dino Bravo
HT: 6’0” WT (lb): 248
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Inverted atomic drop, Gutwrench suplex
Finishing Moves: Airplane spin, Side suplex
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

8. "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes--TAKEN (murrayyyyy)
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 300
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Bulldog, Arm drag
Finishing Moves: Bionic elbow, Polka dot drop
Hero or Heel?: HERO

9. Earthquake
HT: 6’7” WT (lb): 468
Signature Moves: Standing drop kick, Big splash
Finishing Moves: Earthquake Splash (running seated senton)
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

10. Haku
HT: 6’0” WT (lb): 273
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: TECHNIQUE
Signature Moves: Backbreaker, Scoop Powerslam
Finishing Moves: Asian Spike (thumb chokehold), Tongan Death Grip
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

11. Hercules
HT: 6’1” WT (lb): 270
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Short arm clothesline, Elbow drop
Finishing Moves: Hercules Backbreaker, Full nelson
Hero or Heel?: HERO

12. The Honky Tonk Man--TAKEN (JAG)
HT: 6’1” WT (lb): 247
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Diving fist drop, Scoop slam
Finishing Moves: El Kabong (guitar shot), Shake, rattle and roll (swinging neckbreaker)
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

13. Hulk Hogan-- TAKEN (mauchow)
HT: 6’7” WT (lb): 302
Signature Moves: Multiple punches, Standing elbow drop
Finishing Moves: Axe bomber (crooked arm lariat), Running leg drop
Hero or Heel?: HERO

14. Jake "The Snake" Roberts-- TAKEN (Suicane75)
HT: 6’6” WT (lb): 249
Signature Moves: Arm wrench short arm clothesline, Gutbuster
Finishing Moves: DDT
Hero or Heel?: HERO

15. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 281
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Camel clutch, Forearm club
Finishing Moves: Anvil flattener (Front powerslam), Anvilizer (Cobra clutch)
Hero or Heel?: HERO

16. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka--TAKEN (Lathum)
HT: 5’11” WT (lb): 245
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Diving crossbody, Jumping headbutt
Finishing Moves: Superfly splash
Hero or Heel?: HERO

17. "Birdman" Koko B. Ware--TAKEN (Zinto)
HT: 5’8” WT (lb): 240
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Headbutt, Dropkick (from top rope)
Finishing Moves: Bird Buster
Hero or Heel?: HERO

18. Marty "The Rocker" Jannetty
HT: 5’11” WT (lb): 226
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Diving crossbody, Sunset flip
Finishing Moves: Diving fist drop, Showstopper (wrist-lock leg drop bulldog)
Hero or Heel?: HERO

19. Mr. Perfect-- TAKEN (ntndeacon)
HT: 6’3” WT (lb): 245
Top Skill: TECHNIQUE Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Indian deathlock, Standing headscissors into a swinging knee strike
Finishing Moves: Perfect-Plex
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

20. Randy "The Macho Man" Savage-- TAKEN (DaddyTorgo)
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 237
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: TECHNIQUE
Signature Moves: Vertical suplex, Piledriver
Finishing Moves: Diving elbow drop
Hero or Heel?: HERO

21. Rick "The Model" Martel-- TAKEN (britrock88)
HT: 6’0” WT (lb): 226
Top Skill: TECHNIQUE Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Spinning spinebuster, Belly to back suplex
Finishing Moves: Boston crab, Slingshot splash
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

22. "Ravishing" Rick Rude-- TAKEN (saldana)
HT: 6’3” WT (lb): 251
Top Skill: TECHNIQUE Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Pointed elbow drop, Pointed elbow drop
Finishing Moves: Rude Awakening (Delayed hangman's neckbreaker), Overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

23. The Red Rooster
HT: 6’1” WT (lb): 225
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: TECHNIQUE
Signature Moves: Jawbreaker, Neckbreaker
Finishing Moves: Cock of the walk (Sharpshooter), Rooster Wing (Lifting Hammerlock)
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

24. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper-- TAKEN (Chubby)
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 245
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Inverted atomic drop, Eye poke/rake
Finishing Moves: Sleeper hold
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

25. Shawn Michaels-- TAKEN (PackerFanatic)
HT: 6’1” WT (lb): 225
Top Skill: ENDURANCE Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Diving elbow drop, Flying forearm smash
Finishing Moves: Sweet Chin Music (superkick), Teardrop Suplex (Leg hook Saito suplex)
Hero or Heel?: HERO

26. Smash
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 292
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: AGILITY
Signature Moves: Knee drop, Backbreaker
Finishing Moves: Running clothesline, Grapevine leg lock
Hero or Heel?: HERO

27. Ted "The Million Dollar Man" DiBiase-- TAKEN (path12)
HT: 6’4” WT (lb): 260
Top Skill: TECHNIQUE Weak Skill: POWER
Signature Moves: Jumping stomp to face, Backbreaker
Finishing Moves: Million Dollar Dream (sleep hold), Figure four leglock
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

28. Tito Santana
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 234
Signature Moves: Headscissors takedown, Diving clothesline
Finishing Moves: El Paso de la Muerte (running leaping forearm club), Flying forearm smash
Hero or Heel?: HERO

29. The Ultimate Warrior--TAKEN (Julio Riddols)
HT: 6’2” WT (lb): 275
Top Skill: AGILITY Weak Skill: ENDURANCE
Signature Moves: Leaping shoulder block, Multiple running clotheslines
Finishing Moves: Running splash, Gorilla press drop
Hero or Heel?: HERO

30. The Warlord-- TAKEN (Autumn)
HT: 6’5” WT (lb): 323
Top Skill: POWER Weak Skill: TECHNIQUE
Signature Moves: Bearhug, Chokeslam
Finishing Moves: Running powerslam, Full Nelson
Hero or Heel?: HEEL

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-21-2013 at 03:46 AM.
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:54 PM   #4
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

A fight action is needed by PM to me every day at the fight action deadline. The default Fight Action is Cautious Defense. You must PM your choice to me, and you do not need to announce it in thread. All fight action choices will be announced after the Fight Action deadline, so these choices will not remain secret, or at least not who is attacking who. The matchups will be announced after the deadline, but the fights themselves will not occur until the lynch deadline.

You have four Fight Action options: Aggressive Attack, Cautious Attack, Cautious Defense and Aggressive Defense. All four options are available to all fighters as long as no one as close to being FINISHED. See the Finishing section below for more details about Finishing options.


There are four regular fight action options, and to choose your action, you must PM one of these to me by the fight deadline, along with any choices the option requires. When attacking, you do not need to name the type of wrestling move you will attempt, although if you want to do so, you can. The type of move has no bearing on the likelihood of success or the amount of damage you will deal out if successful.

Aggresive Attack: This is a reckless, full-on attack against another wrestler. YOU MUST INCLUDE WHAT WRESTLER YOU ARE ATTACKING. Aggressive Attack offers no defense, so if you are attacked, you are guaranteed to take damage. However, due to the ferocity of your attack, your attack will still carry through any attacks on you. There is the possibility in an Aggressive Attack that you will hit another wrestler instead, if one is near enough to you when you engage your chosen opponent. The Aggressive Attack is the most likely type of attack to succeed in causing damage.

Cautious Attack: This is a measured attack against another wrester. As with Aggressive Attack, YOU MUST INCLUDE WHAT WRESTLER YOU ARE ATTACKING. Unlike Aggressive Attack, when you Cautiously Attack a wrestler, you will also remain somewhat on the defensive, and any attacks on you will be defended by you as if you were on Cautious Defense. A successful attack on you will stop your attack on your intended target, but any attackers coming at you will be subject to a counter attack by you. If you reach your intended target, you will execute your move on him, although it is less likely to succeed than the Aggressive Attack (but more likely to succeed than a counter attack).

Cautious Defense: This is a measured defensive pose. You do NOT need to name any other wrestlers to take this defensive stance, as your sole purpose here is to defend yourself. This is the default action if you do not submit a Fight Action. A Cautious Defense will also result in you executing a counter attack against all comers. This counter attack is less likely to succeed than an Aggressive or Cautious Attack, but at least you have a way of potentially dealing damage on your attackers while in the Cautious Defense pose. The Cautious Defense action offers more defensive protection than the reflexive cautious defense you have when you are in Cautious Attack mode. A successful attack on you while you are in Cautious Defense will expose you to further attack, but you will always execute a counter attack if you are attacked.

Aggressive Defense: This is an all-out defensive stance, where you set yourself against any and all attackers. You do NOT need to name any other wrestlers to take this defensive stance, as your sole purpose here is to defend yourself. You are in such a defensive mode, that you will be unable to execute any counter attacks in this position. But you will offer up defense against all attackers, even if previous attacks succeeded against you. This is also the strongest defensive stance you can take as a fight action.


The order of attack is determined by the attackers, the wrestlers whom have chosen to either Aggressively or Cautiously Attack. Aggressive Attacks are presumed to come at high speed, maybe even running, so they would come first, with the quicker and more skilled wrestlers executing their moves first. Then the Cautious Attackers will execute their moves, similarly with the quicker, more skilled wrestlers going first.

Counter attacks from those in either Cautious mode will happen immediately after the attack causing them, regardless of the relative other choices and attributes of the counter-attacking wrestler.

When multiple attackers attack the same player, the results of the first attack can affect the likelihood of success and the amount of damage dealt from subsequent attacks. A successful attack on a Cautious Defender or Attacker will expose those wrestlers to automatic hits from subsequent attackers, but the damage dealt is more limited because the first attack will essentially get in the way of following attacks. A failed first attack on a Cautious Defender or Attacker will keep the defense in place, and any further attacks will face defense but also deal full damage if successful. Regardless of prior attack results, any Aggressive Defender will continue to offer defense to any subsequent attacks.

If you are targeting a wrestler that is also targeted by an Aggressive Attacker, or if you are defending against a wrestler under attack by an Aggressive Attacker, there is a small chance you will get hit instead by the Aggressive Attacker.


Every wrestler starts with 10 hit points, and will never go over this total. Although HPs will always be expressed as an integer value from 0 to 10, it is actually on a 1-100 skill, so not every "1" or "5" or "8" HP will be created equal. Only I will know your actual HP total. Only you and I will know your approximate HP level, as the actual number will only be imparted to you in PM. In thread, though, at some point, it will become clear from the fight writeups whether or not you are doing well or have taken on damage.

Damage comes from successful attacks, of course. The more powerful attackers will deal more damage when they are successful in their attacks.

Recovery happens from round to round (day to day). Every night action deadline, all wrestlers will recover some hit points. This base recovery will lessen as the days go by and wrestlers become more and more fatigued. The more durable wrestlers will recover more hit points.

Any wrestlers under 3 HPs will be declared as ABLE TO BE FINISHED. Finishable wrestlers will be announced at the night action deadline.


Wrestlers can only be removed via the wrestling portion of the game by being Finished. Only players identified as Able To Be Finished can be targeted to be Finished. No player who starts a day off of the Able To Be Finished list can be Finished that day through wrestling moves.

If a player is declared to be Able To Be Finished, the only Fight Action that player can take is Aggressive Defense. If he is not targeted for Finishing, but is attacked and takes on more damage than his remaining HPs, he will nevertheless remain alive in the ring, with the minimum HPs possible. Again, wrestlers must be Finished to be removed from the game by wrestling moves.

To Finish a wrestler, you must submit as your Fight Action your intent to Finish a Wrestler. This takes the place of your Fight Action that day. With respect to you as the attacker, you will be treated as an Aggressive Attacker, but your Finishing attempt will go on regardless. Only one Finishing attempt is allowed on an Able To Be Finished Wrestler per day. If multiple Finishing actions are received for the same fighter, the quickest and most skilled wrestlers will get first shot. Conditionals when submitting a Finishing Action are allowed. If no conditional is offered, the default will be a Cautious Attack against the Able To Be Finished player, or, if the player is Finished, a Cautious Defense. Able To Be Finished wrestlers can still be attacked normally, but Finishing Actions will take precedence over all other attacks.

If you succeed in Finishing a wrestler, you will receive a 1 point bonus to all of your attributes (for the duration of the game) and will recover HPs during the night action phase as if it were Day One (that round only).


Each wrestler will have a one time action to either recover more damage than normal or inflict more damage than normal, one time per game. This will be set out in each wrestler's PM.


Yes, there are wolves and villagers and roles.


The goal of the defectors is to get to whittle the remaining wrestlers down to the same number of wrestlers as them (by wrestling moves or nightkills), at which point they will take over the ring and Finish all other remaining wrestlers. The goal of the remaining wrestlers (the village) is to root out and Finish all of the defectors, either by wrestling them out or lynching them.


The Seer-- Can scan one wrestler per night to determine if he is a Defector.

The Bodyguard-- Can protect one wrestler per night from the Defectors. He can protect himself. He cannot protect the same wrestler two nights in a row. If the Defectors attempt to nightkill a protected wrestler, there will be no nightkill. The BG will not learn the identity of the Defectors or vice versa.

The Duke-- Can stop one lynch per game. The only option is to stop the lynch from happening. If the lynch is duked, there will beno lynch that day.

Training Partners-- Two wrestlers will be longtime training partners and best friends. They will be known to each other, but unable to PM each other. If one is targeted for nightkill, the other partner will save him, but the Defectors will learn the identity of both partners. The partners will not learn the identity of the Defectors. If one of the partners is targeted for lynch, the other partner will also be lynched. They will both voluntarily leave the ring, as symbolic gestures of their disgust for the remaining wrestlers.

All other WWF wrestlers are generic, vanilla wrestlers from the WW perspective.


The Defectors will be able to communicate with each other by PM during the game.

Cunning Defector-- This defector is particularly adept at evading discovery. He will come up as a regular wrestler if scanned by the seer.

Brutal Defector-- This defector will have the ability to take one other wrestler he names with him if he is lynched.

All other Defectors are generic wolves from the WW perspective.

Cultist-- There is one wrestler who has heard about the defectors and wants to also defect, but he has not been approached by the WCW yet. He is hopeful that by helping the defectors, he can garner a contract offer from the other circuit. He will be aware of the identities of the defectors (but not their roles). He will be unable to communicate with them. They willl not know his identity. If they nightkill him, he will be removed from the ring and not convert into a defector. He counts with the village for win condition purposes.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-21-2013 at 06:13 AM.
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:55 PM   #5
Chief Rum
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

2. Zinto-- "BIRDMAN" KOKO B. WARE-- LYNCHED DAY THREE (Generic Wrestler)
4. mauchow-- HULK HOGAN-- LYNCHED DAY ONE (Generic Wrestler)
5. Simbo Klice-- BRET "THE HIT MAN" HART-- LYNCHED DAY TWO (Generic Wrestler)

8. Autumn-- THE WARLORD
9. PackerFanatic-- SHAWN MICHAELS-- NIGHTKILLED NIGHT ONE (Generic Wrestler)
13. ntndeacon-- MR. PERFECT-- LYNCHED DAY FOUR (Generic Wrestler)
16. Julio Riddols-- THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR-- NIGHTKILLED NIGHT FOUR (Generic Wrestler)
18. bulletsponge-- THE BARBARIAN

As players choose wrestlers, their wrestler alter egos will be shown here as well.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-27-2013 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 02-18-2013, 11:25 PM   #6
Head Coach
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Ill play
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:43 AM   #7
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I am in!
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:54 AM   #8
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:30 AM   #9
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Welcome, guys!

Just a head's up. I will post the wrestlers and the fighting actions and WW roles in the morning.

Got called away by a phone call from my GF.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 02-19-2013, 07:05 AM   #10
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Old 02-19-2013, 07:24 AM   #11
Simbo Klice
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In for this.
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Old 02-19-2013, 07:38 AM   #12
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Last edited by DaddyTorgo : 02-19-2013 at 07:39 AM.
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Old 02-19-2013, 09:49 AM   #13
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Why not try?
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Old 02-19-2013, 09:49 AM   #14
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I see DT is testing the post-editing rule already.
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Old 02-19-2013, 09:54 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by britrock88 View Post
I see DT is testing the post-editing rule already.

Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:06 PM   #16
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Location: Bath, ME
This looks legendary. Great setup, and I'm not a big wrestling fan, but the one era that connects with me is probably '90 WWF, I used to play one of those arcade games all the time.

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:13 PM   #17
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No Flair?


So to get my fix I'd have to be the fucking blubbering hunk of lard known as the American Dream???
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:13 PM   #18
Chief Rum
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The wrestler pool has been added above. It's first come, first serve!

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:14 PM   #19
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Actually if I have to pick one of these wrestlers...I'll go with the Nacho errr...Macho Man.

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:14 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
No Flair?


So to get my fix I'd have to be the fucking blubbering hunk of lard known as the American Dream???

Haha sorry, this is WWF circa 1990.

Ric Flair, The Rock, Jon Cena, Brock Lesnar, etc. will have to wait until the next installment.

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:15 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
Actually if I have to pick one of these wrestlers...I'll go with the Nacho errr...Macho Man.


Haha done!

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
Haha done!

Still one of the top moments in wrestling history.

I almost picked Ultimate Warrior, but honestly not sure I'd have the energy to sustain the kind of insane ramblings that being in that character would require.
Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:22 PM   #23
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For the record, most of the wrestler info above is pure flavor. The only stats which matter are the Top and Weak skills.

All wrestlers start with the same number of total attribute points (22) and hit points (10).

A hero is just as likely to be a wolf as a heel is.

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:27 PM   #24
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Honky Tonk Man please.
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:31 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Honky Tonk Man please.

He always cracked me up, lol. Done.

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Old 02-19-2013, 02:52 PM   #26
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Absolutely coming back for this one. This is the hayday of wrestling and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus it has been a while since I have been in a game and this seems like a good one

I will take Shawn Michaels!
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:53 PM   #27
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Shawn Micheals please.
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:57 PM   #28
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Shoot, sorry Suicane. Packerfanatic just beat you to the punch. Do you have another fighter you would like to try?

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Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-19-2013 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:58 PM   #29
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no Brooklyn Brawler?

damn CR, I have to play this.

I'm in as.......

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Old 02-19-2013, 03:14 PM   #30
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I'll go with hulk hogan! My favorite.
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:23 PM   #31
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The Million Dollar Man is in.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:24 PM   #32
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:25 PM   #33
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As Mr. Perfect!!
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:25 PM   #34
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i cant decide between my two favorite guys of all time

Mr. Perfect


Ravishing Rick Rude
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:26 PM   #35
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oh...NTN took Kurt...i am in as Rick then
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:41 PM   #36
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Jake Roberts. Slither, Slither, Slither.
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:43 PM   #37
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Ill take Andre the Giant
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:55 PM   #38
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Okay, updated to here.

Welcome, everyone!

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Old 02-19-2013, 04:00 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
Still one of the top moments in wrestling history.

I almost picked Ultimate Warrior, but honestly not sure I'd have the energy to sustain the kind of insane ramblings that being in that character would require.

Mach Man was great, both as a bad guy and as a good guy. I was surprised to discover he actually was married to Miss Elizabeth (read up on him when he passed away last year, RIP Randy).

Love the Ultimate Warrior, too. He was absolutely crazy in the ring.

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Old 02-19-2013, 04:02 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by PackerFanatic View Post
Absolutely coming back for this one. This is the hayday of wrestling and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus it has been a while since I have been in a game and this seems like a good one

I will take Shawn Michaels!

Yup! I don't much follow wrestling anymore, but this is the time when I was totally into it. Loved it back then, even knowing it was all BS.

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Old 02-19-2013, 04:03 PM   #41
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Andre and Hitman were the only two left that I knew who they were.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:03 PM   #42
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Ive never been a wrestling fan, but I did play an royal rumble game for the genesis a lot.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:04 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Chubby View Post
no Brooklyn Brawler?

damn CR, I have to play this.

I'm in as.......


The Brawler was badass. It's a shame I had to do a cutoff somewhere. I decided to just go with the roster for the 1990 Royal Rumble. That captured most of the big names of the day.

But that did leave out a ton of other great wrestlers, like the Brawler, Jim Duggan, George The Animal Steel, King Kong Bundy (gawd, I hated that guy), Beefcake, Big John Studd, etc.

I hated Roddy and yet loved him all at the same time. Looking forward to seeing how you play him.

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Old 02-19-2013, 04:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
Andre and Hitman were the only two left that I knew who they were.

Yeah, you had to be into it around then to know it. Most of us are around that age where we would have been teenagers when these guys were big, so we know them.

Nothing wrong with Andre the Giant or the Hit Man.

Andre was actually really scary in wrestling. Just so damn big and dominating. It was really weird to see the gentle giant thing in The Princess Bride, and now that's my primary view of him. Go figure.

Another guy lost way too soon. Happening a lot in wrestling, unfortunately.

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Old 02-19-2013, 04:08 PM   #45
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Ahhh I didn't realize it was the roster of the 90 rumble, thought it was a mix of wrestlers. That makes more sense :
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:10 PM   #46
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Ahhhh danny can't RP andre's "stubbornness" in matches then
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:12 PM   #47
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I almost took hitman but wanted to be a heel... figured that's what id be if I was a wrestler
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:12 PM   #48
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I am a true performer, and off of work all week, so I will research him a bit.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:13 PM   #49
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I took Andre because he is over a foot taller and has 250 pounds on hitman. I know its fake, but I should be able to squish everyone.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:17 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
I am a true performer, and off of work all week, so I will research him a bit.

You may be a performer, but sooner or later it'll be time to pay the Piper!
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