Graphics Contest Voting
I need to keep making progress on the update, so I've made a decision on this (while the voting is tied between 1 and 2).
I like all three of these. I could get into #3 and the design changes that would require, but I think it's too much of a commitment. As it is, I'm hoping Julio will work with me on other elements of his entry which could play a significant role in the update.
With #2, I really like the use of color and texture. Cuervo's talent is clear. I think if he had more time to work on his entry (he indicated in his entry that he wanted to have a more encompassing set of graphics and time was a constraint) he could blow us away. Maybe sometime in the future.
I appreciate Nawlins Fan's entry on the calendar (not pictured). It would have required some theme switching and there wasn't (again, time, no doubt) a set of graphics that would have made that possible.
The simplicity of #1 won me over, and that's what I'll use in FOF7 moving forward. Sage said he was trying to stick close to the FOF theme, and the calendar is all he submitted. So Sage wins a portion of the final prize to be determined on how much other work is used. Congratulations, Sage.
Since the voting indicates the community is happy with either of these entries (and probably with Julio's as well had I not been so harsh in the description), I'm comfortable making that decision right now.
Again, thank you to all of the artists. As I work toward getting this redesign done, I'll be taking another long look at each entry. This is probably the only vote I'll do, but from comments in the graphics item, I know I'm on the right track with this.
Last edited by Solecismic : 01-04-2014 at 01:40 AM.