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Old 05-10-2013, 03:27 PM   #1
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Werewolf CLXI - GAME OF THRONES: GAME OVER!! (See Post #2356--Page 48)


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 06-25-2013 at 12:23 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:27 PM   #2
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives

Winter Is Coming

Once a rebel, once a great warrior, and once a king, Robert Baratheon is dead.

Robert's best friend and the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark, is declared a traitor and beheaded.

And with their deaths go all sense of order in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Kings from all corners rise to lay claim to the Iron Throne, the fearsome seat and symbol of power in Kings Landing. Lords and soldiers everywhere declare their allegiances and flock to the banners of their chosen king. Swords sharpened, crossbows loaded, armor donned, great armies rise and gather, prepared to fight for their homes and their honor and their fortunes.

There are rumors of dragons and a lost Targaryean heir far off to the east, of old tales come alive in White Walkers from beyond the Wall, of a new fire god come to cast aside the Seven and enrapture the souls of men. A streak of red fire brightens the night's sky. And the Citadel has made it known, even as the days grow shorter and colder to prove the point...


But these are worries of tomorrow, not today. Today, there sits upon the Iron Throne the sadistic and little-loved eldest son of Robert, Joffrey Baratheon. His cold, evil eyes look out upon the hungry hordes of poor in Westeros and calls for all to serve him, as it is his birthright. But are the rumors true? Is he perhaps the result of an incestuous union between the Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime Lannister? Is the implacable Stannis Baratheon actually the true King? Or his younger brother, Renly, in full belief that he would make the better king? Or is it the Young Wolf, Robb Stark, hungry for vengeance for his father's death and only wanting to reign undisturbed in the far north?

This is the Game of Thrones. When you play, you play to win... or you die.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-10-2013 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:27 PM   #3
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Welcome to the Game of Thrones WW game.

This is not going to be a typical werewolf game. There are no wolves. You're all in it for yourselves. This will be spelled out in the rules below, along with the win conditions, but I want to make that clear.

The goal of this game will be to determine the one king who will take the Iron Throne (for now). The War of the Five Kings is on the brink of erupting.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, this is roughly the beginning of Season Two. Unfortunately, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will not be in this game. I hope to do future Game of Thrones games that involve them, or would certainly welcome others to run games centered around them. The focus here will be on the War of Five Kings and the intrigue happening directly in Westeros south of the Wall.

This will be a single deadline, 24 hour game. The deadline will be set in the evening Pacific time. There might be other silent deadlines for some players, with respect to certain decisions which may need to be made, but the primary game will focus around the one deadline.


I need up to five volunteers, but I will take up to ten names, as I may need to go further down the volunteer list to fill certain key roles as well. These volunteers need to be at least moderately available. When I say moderately, I am not saying more than any normal WW game, but if you are a volunteer, I want to be sure you aren't in the position where real life has you checking in just once per day for five minutes.

So if you're about as available for this one as usual, you qualify. Does that make sense? Please post when you join the game whether you think you will be able to volunteer.

The volunteers will likely be the Kings in the game, and the leaders of their factions.

Volunteers: JAG, DaddyTorgo, path12, fontisian, Coffee Warlord, Autumn, Zinto, claphamsa, saldana


At least 20 players would be ideal for this game. I can also do more, up to 25, but of course, I can't expect that. So hoping for 20.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-13-2013 at 11:00 AM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:28 PM   #4
Chief Rum
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Here is the player list, with roles


Robb Stark-- Coffee Warlord—TOOK THE BLACK, DAY ELEVEN



King Joffrey Baratheon-- Zinto



Stannis Baratheon-- Autumn—TOOK THE BLACK, DAY SEVENTEEN

Ser Davos Seaworth-- InBlue-- TOOK THE BLACK, DAY SEVENTEEN

Melisandre-- bulletsponge-- MURDERED BY AN UNKNOWN ASSASSIN, DAY SIX


King Renly Baratheon-- path12

Balon Greyjoy-- The Jackal
Tyrion Lannister-- Danny

Ser Loras Tyrell-- murrayyyyy-- MURDERED BY MELISANDRE, DAY FIVE




Petyr Littlefinger Baelish-- saldana

Ser Gregor Clegane-- Julio Riddols-- EXECUTED BY STANNIS BARATHEON, DAY TWO


Lord Varys-- DaddyTorgo
Cersei Lannister-- Narcizo

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 06-24-2013 at 04:06 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:29 PM   #5
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives

The goal of the game is to be the King of Westeros. Or to be serving the King of Westeros. Because if you’re not, you’re probably going to be dead. And no one wants to be dead.

At the start of the game, there will be four kings, each with three bannermen. The four factions are:
  • House Stark (led by Robb Stark, the Young Wolf)
  • House Lannister (led by King Joffrey Baratheon, who currently sits the Iron Throne)
  • House Baratheon of Dragonstone (led by Stannis Baratheon)
  • House Baratheon of Storm’s End (led by Renly Baratheon)

The four factions will vie with each other daily to get the upperhand on the others and to place themselves permanently on the Iron Throne in King’s Landing. For the most part, this means killing everyone else. While they’re trying to kill you.

Every king will have specific abilities to his role, which will be spelled out below in the King section. Similarly, the bannermen will also have some abilities of their own. These will also be spelled out in the Bannermen section.

And then on top of that, everyone will have their own money, lands, men and maybe even ships. Because power is only power if you have something to back it up.

Every day, the kingdom will vote for a bannermen to be declared an Enemy of the Realm. At the end of the day, the bannerman with the most votes will be declared an Enemy of the Realm, and given a choice: Throw himself at the mercy of his liege king or Flee. Similarly, his King will have a chance—he can have his bannerman killed (or given the option to “Take the Black” and go to the Wall), he can disavow him and remove him from the faction, or, of course, he can simply do nothing.

All options have consequences of course.

If the King has the bannerman killed, all of the bannerman’s men, lands, gold, titles and what not revert to crown property and come under the control of his king, to be used or passed around to other bannermen as that king sees fit. The bannerman is removed from the game.

If the King disavows the bannerman, he will take half of the bannerman’s gold, men and ships; all lands for the bannerman will be removed except if he has a core family keep, and of course any titles the bannerman may have under the king will then be vacant. The bannerman is now free to make his own way in the world (NOTE: he’s still in the game!), but he may also be captured by others in the game and done with whatever they will.

If the King does nothing and allows the bannerman to remain in his retinue, he will lose face and honor in the eyes of the kingdom. The actual effect is unclear, but what is clear is that kings who retain enemies of the realm in their retinue could be found lacking in comparison to the other kings when it comes time to judge who will be the King of Westeros.


The game will continue until there is just one remaining king and three bannermen in the game. The bannermen must be vassals to the remaining king. If you’re a king, your goal is to be that king. If you’re a bannerman, your goal is to be one of those three bannermen—EVEN IF THAT’S NOT YOUR KING AT THE START.

I’m sure we all want to be honorable and serve our king forever. But this is the Game of Thrones, and the name of the game is survival. If you can serve your king to the end and win, kudos to you. But keep your options open. And you will have options. If you’re on the losing side, you’re not winning.

And on that note, Kings… keep an eye on your bannermen…

There are many ways for players to leave the game. Being killed by your king is just one of them. You could be assassinated. You could die in battle. Or you could be hunted down and killed for whatever little reason. There may be days when no one dies. And there may be days when many people die.

Death is an end for some, but remember it will likely be an opportunity for others.

There will be neutral characters in this game, who are not kings or bannermen. They have their own win conditions, which are private to them and unknown to you. They don’t need to be killed for the game to end (although they may be trying to kill you, so don’t ignore them!).


Everyone must vote for an Enemy of the Realm every day. Kings may not be voted, nor can neutral characters. Only bannermen can receive votes. The votes will happen in the main thread.

If a bannerman does not vote himself, his King will have the option of voting for him, but the King cannot go against a bannerman’s posted vote or change it.

No Lynch votes are allowed, but keep in mind, one active vote for a player defeats 20 No Lynch votes. A No Lynch vote isn’t a decision to do something (not lynch), but a decision to not participate. The King cannot gainsay a No Lynch vote.

Ties will be resolved in a manner unknown even to the Kings. Please vote for ties. That will be the most fun for me as a GM.

King votes count twice. Bannermen count once. And neutral characters only count for half a vote.

Self voting will not be allowed.


The deadline for voting every day will be 10 p.m. EST (7 p.m. PDT). Votes will count at 7:00 p.m. They will not count at 7:01 p.m.

This is technically a one deadline per day game, so any daily actions will be due at this time as well.

That said, there will occasionally be decisions to be made off of the actions at the deadline, and there will be a “soft” deadline” of 1 p.m. EST (10 a.m. PDT) every day for any “consequence” decisions resulting from the previous nightly deadline. If a decision needs to be made, but the player does not, there will be a previously determined default decision which will take place.

The reality is that most non-voting actions take place in real time, and will take place in the order in which I receive them (either by PM or in the game thread).


Each King will name a Hand to be his righthand man during the starting Night Zero period. The King and his Hand will have PM rights which will be unreadable to all spies. The King may change his Hand at the daily deadline, but there are harsh consequences for changing your Hand, so don’t make that decision lightly. The Hand chosen must be a sworn bannerman of the King.

Each faction will have its own thread. This is akin to being “in the war camp” of the faction. This will mostly be a private area for each faction to plan, but keep in mind, it is possible for spies to sneak into camp. However, unless allowed to through a game mechanic, no one is allowed in a faction thread if they are not a member of that faction and in good standing with their king (disavowed former bannermen are not allowed in the faction thread).

These faction threads will be clearly labeled and be set up when the game starts.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-16-2013 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:29 PM   #6
Chief Rum
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Roles and Factions



Although young and still proving his worth, Robb Stark is quickly establishing himself as both a war strategist and as a leader of men. The first son of Eddard Stark has been named King in the North by his bannerman, harkening to days of yore, when the kings in the Northlands of Westeros were true sovereigns. Unlike the other kings, Robb does not actually have a desire to sit upon the Iron Throne, but merely to not have whoever does rule over the North. So he has gone to war to force the issue. Robb is considered to be smart, honorable, and a good warrior. He has a massive direwolf named Grey Wind who goes into battle with him. His family home is Winterfell.

ROOSE BOLTON (Stark Bannerman)

Roose Bolton is the head of House Bolton and the Lord of the Dreadfort, his family home. He is a mirthless and quiet man, who makes careful and measured decisions. He is very smart and calculating. He is sworn to Robb Stark, but he plays the game well, and will certainly make decisions to his own advantage. It is rumored that he is privately a very cruel and heartless individual. He has a significant contingent of men and is a lord of significant means.

RICKARD KARSTARK (Stark Bannerman)

Rickard Karstark is the head of House Karstark and his family home is the Karhold. The Karstarks were born from an offshoot of the Stark family many generations prior and are very close to the Starks. Rickard Karstark is fiercely defensive of his family, but beyond that is a loyal and strong bannerman. He has a significant contingent of men and is a lord of decent means.

THEON GREYJOY (Stark Bannerman)

Theon Greyjoy is just a little older than Robb, and is very good friends with the King. Greyjoy was raised alongside Robb and Robb’s bastard half-brother Jon Snow at Winterfell, when Theon was given to Eddark Stark as a ward against possible rebellion by Theon’s father, Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Theon has not seen his family for several years and has essentially grown up as a Stark. He is a young man who is impulsive and given to more base appetites. While all Starks are wealthy, he wears it more obviously. In actuality, he has little money of his own. He is technically still a ward of the House Stark, so he only has a handful of Ironborn warriors he may call to battle.



Joffrey is the impetuous and sadistic young leader of the Lannister faction, and is in fact currently the acknowledged King of Westeros. He is just 15 years old and ascended to the throne when his father Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident. His mother, Cersei Lannister, is the Queen Regent, but young Joffrey has quickly established his own power in the throne room and rarely listens to his mother, whether on matters of state or personal issues. It is rumored that Joffrey is actually the result of an incestuous union between Cersei and her twin brother, Ser Jaime Lannister. Joffrey can draw on both significant Lannister holdings and the royal treasury for wealth, and also has a very sizable force of men at his command. He resides in the Red Keep within the capital city of King’s Landing.

TYWIN LANNISTER (Lannister Bannerman)

It is funny to refer to Tywin Lannister as a bannerman, because, really, he is THE Lannister. Tywin is the head of the House Lannister and the Lord of Casterly Rock. He has engineered his family’s rise in fortunes through decades of war and strife and multiple kings. He and his family are the richest in Westeros, and that’s a fact that is quite well known. Tywin is a brilliant political strategist and also a very strong field commander. He is cold and impersonal, and he is ruthless in pretty much all aspects of his life and in his dealings. He will literally do anything to advance the fortunes and glory of House Lannister. He is King Joffrey’s grandfather and the father of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister. He controls a sizable army as well.


Although still fairly young in his early 30s, Ser Jaime Lannister is one of the famous—or infamous—warriors in Westeros. The eldest son of Tywin Lannister, Jaime is reknowned and also reviled as the Kingslayer, an assignation given him for stabbing the Mad King Aerys in the back while serving on Aerys’s Kingsguard during Robert’s Rebellion many years ago. To this day, despite this past, Jaime continues to wear the White Cloak and is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, sworn to protect the king from all dangers. Jaime is known to be a fierce and tested warrior and great swordsman. He is handsome and charismatic. As with all Lannisters, Jaime is quite wealthy, but as a member of the Kingsguard, he is actually forsworn from holding title or lands and has no men of his own. It is rumored that he fathered King Joffrey with his twin sister, Cersei.


The infamous and ruthless Ser Gregor Clegane is known as the Mountain That Rides, or simply, the Mountain, for his great size and ferocity. He is actually barely more than a landed knight, and as the head of the House Clegane, he has little personal wealth or men. That said, he is reknowned for the fear the very sight of him can bring on a battlefield. He is brutal and cunning, and there is nothing he won’t do to defeat his enemies. He is a murderer, pillager and rapist. He does Tywin Lannister’s bidding as a Lannister bannerman, because the Lord of Casterly Rock allows him to do what he wants so long as he advances Lannister interests. His family home is Clegane’s Keep.



Stannis Baratheon is the oldest living brother of the late King Robert Baratheon. If it is true that Joffrey Baratheon is actually the son of Jaime Lannister, and not Robert, then Stannis would be the next true King in line for the Iron Throne, a claim he is pushing to its utmost. Stannis is a joyless man who never smiles. He is a skilled war tactician and field commander, and he values discipline and detail above all else. He is a strict and harsh judge of men. In his quest for the Iron Throne, Stannis has turned from the Seven Gods of his youth to the fire god of R’hllor, a mysterious new deity that has given rise to a certain new following in Westeros. He is aided in his worship of this by the Red Lady Melisandre of Asshai. Although he takes his marriage vows very seriously and feels tremendous guilt for his discretions, Stannis has taken up with Melisandre over his own wife. Melisandre believes that Stannis is Azor Ahai, a messianic figure of the R’hllor faith who will return to save the world from the White Walkers north of the Wall. Stannis has less wealthy lands and gold than the other kings, but is still very well off and also has the largest contingent of ships at his command. His given home keep is Dragonstone, the ancient fortress of the exiled House Targaryean. Dragonstone was once the keep held by the heir to the Iron Throne, but it grates on Stannis that after Robert’s Rebellion, Robert gave their younger brother Renly the richer traditional Baratheon castle of Storm’s End instead of Stannis.

SER DAVOS SEAWORTH, THE ONION KNIGHT (Baratheon of Dragonstone Bannerman)

Whereas Stannis inspires no love from those who follow him, his long righthand man Davos Seaworth is well liked, if not entirely respected. The one time smuggler and experienced sailor was punished years before by Stannis for his piratical ways, who removed the fingers from his left hand. Davos always acknowledged it as a punishment overdue and well deserved, and to this day, he wears his removed knuckle bones in a pouch around his neck. Davos is utterly devoted and loyal to Stannis, whom has rewarded Davos’s service, honesty and considered counsel with lands of his own. The more nobly raised bannermen of Stannis, jealous of Davos’s closeness to Stannis, dubbed him the Onion Knight for smuggling onionsand other foods to Stannis’s men during a siege. Davos turned the mockery around on them and made the onion his sigil. Davos has a family home on Cape Wrath, which is poor in wealth and men, but he has a sizable fleet of ships at his disposal. Davos continues to follow the Seven Gods, not the Lord of Light of his liege.

SER AXELL FLORENT (Baratheon of Dragonstone Bannerman)

Ser Axell Florent is a member of one of the higher end noble houses of the Reach in the House Florent. His house remains in the vassalage of the powerful House Tyrell, under Renly Baratheon, but he himself is sworn to Stannis. He is Stannis’s long time castellan of Dragonstone, keeping his eye on the keep in the absence of Stannis in King’s Landing for many years. Axell is a fervent believer in the Lord of Light. As a Florent, his family home is Brightwater Keep and he does have a small contingent of men and wealth from House Florent.

THE LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI (Baratheon of Dragonstone Bannerman)

Melisandre is a red priestess of R’hllor and the mistress to Stannis. She is not actually in vassalage to Stannis, but she is devoted to her faith, which she believes prophesies Stannis as being the coming of Azor Ahai. As such, she is completely loyal to Stannis, so long as he remains a man of the Lord of Light. Known by many as the Red Woman, Melisandre is a mysterious figure who is much feared for her prophecies and rumored powers. She is capable of anything she believes her faith demands of her. While she has little money of her own and no lands or men, Melisandre may have powers beyond the normal scope of the ways of simple warriors.



Renly Baratheon is the younger brother of the late king Robert and of Stannis, which would put him behind his older brother in the normal succession to the Iron Throne. This matters little to Renly, who truly believes he would make a better, kinder king than Stannis. The Baratheon bannermen tend to agree, as they flocked to Renly's call to arms much more strongly than to Stannis's. Renly is a charismatic and handsome man, and most tend to like him. He has been sheltered most of his young life by recent peaceful history in the kingdom and the efforts of his brothers to keep him out of danger on the field of battle, but he is classically trained as a warrior, battle tactician and political strategist. He is married to Margaery Tyrell of the House Tyrell, one of the richest and most powerful houses in Westeros. It is rumored, however, that Renly prefers the company of Margaery's brother Loras when the curtains are drawn at night. Renly's home and base is Storm's End, the wealthy ancestral keep of House Baratheon. He is well off and also has a large army backing him.

LORAS TYRELL, THE KNIGHT OF FLOWERS (Baratheon of Storm's End Bannerman)

Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, is quite literally a beautiful man who makes hearts flutter throughout the kingdom. He is the epitome of chivalry, a knight who is reknowned for his abiliy with sword, shield and horse as well as his genuine and open nature and likeable charm. Although an extraordinary tourney fighter, he is little tested on the field of battle as of yet. He is the heir to the House Tyrell and his keep and home is the opulent Highgarden keep in the Reach. His sister Margaery is married to Renly. He is at Renly's side constantly, and the rumor is that he is with the King even after dark, much to the disappointment of young noble women everywhere, were it common knowledge. Loras has a significant treasure and a good sized contingent of men as well. While Loras is close with Renly, he is still very much a Tyrell and is always prepared to do what needs to be done to support the family fortunes.

SER CORTNAY PENROSE (Baratheon of Storm's End Bannerman)

Ser Cortnay Penrose is head of one of the more staunchly loyal Baratheon vassal houses in the Stormlands, and has long been a key advisor to House Baratheon. When Renly was attending to royal duties in King's Landing, Cortnay served as his castellan at Storm's End. Penrose is a stolid and determined man. He is skilled battle commander as well. His family home is Parchments, which is not as rich as his house is loyal. As such, he has little personal wealth and only a small contingent of men.

BRIENNE OF TARTH (Baratheon of Storm's End Bannerman)

Brienne of Tarth, also known as the Maid of Tarth and, mockingly, Brienne the Beauty, is a member of Renly's Kingsguard. She is unique in many ways, as a woman of unusual size and a freakish strength that is more than even most men can handle. Not surprisingly, she is also quite unattractive (hence the nickname). She is the heir of House Tarth, but she long ago shirked the ways of the noble woman to become trained as a warrior knight. She is one of the best fighters in Westeros. As a woman of little beauty and in a role traditionally held by men, she struggles to earn respect from most and has seen much from the ugly side of humanity, giving her a more grounded perspective. Despite that, she still holds to an almost naive view of chivalry and the role of the knight. She is in love with Renly and utterly dedicated to him, not that he would notice. She has little gold and no men follow her.



The mysterious Master of Whisperers, Lord Varys is an intriguing and ambiguous presence in the kingdom of Westeros. Varys, known as the Spider and also as The Eunuch (for he is one), is an unassuming and quiet man from the Free Cities across the Narrow Sea who has served the kings of the Iron Throne as spymaster for decades. His web of spies seem without end and he has access to all sorts of secrets and information. The question has always been to what master does he give his services? His ways are hidden, his motives unknown. He professes only to be serving for the good of the realm, but what he defines as "for the good of the realm" is unknown. He is often underestimated because he does not raise his voice when he chooses to speak, he dresses and lives simply, he has no known friends, and he is always careful and deliberate. But those who underestimate him will often times come to regret it. There seems to be no secret he cannot uncover. He has an adversarial and yet respectful relationship with Littlefinger.


Littlefinger is the Master of Coin. He a lowborn noble from the smallest of the Three Fingers region of the Vale region, thus the name he has been belittlingly given. Petyr Baelish has built up his influence and wealth through years of careful political manipulation and wise investments and, yes, underhanded backroom dealings as well. He is a magician at coming up with money for the royal treasury, some of which ends up in his pocket. Not that he lacks for his own coin, as he is the premier owner of brothels, inns and gambling houses in King's Landing, on top of his role as the Master of Coin. Littlefinger has an easy smile ready to use to put his marks at ease, but you can never trust one thing coming from his mouth. He is a wizard of deception and manipulation. Although he is already enormously successul, he desires more. He wants to be a highborn noble and hold land and title and the power that comes with it. He puts forth a facade of at times altruistic behavior, but in reality, he is completely and utterly devoted to himself.


Tyrion Lannister, also known as The Imp, The Dwarf, The Halfman and various other monikers, none flattering, both shames and yet personifies the family from which he comes. As an unrepentant drinker and whoremonger, on top of his physical deformities, Tyrion is an embarrassment to his father Tywin. But only in a noble house like the Lannisters would a child like Tyrion be allowed to continue living. The reality is that, while Tyrion has complicated relationships with his fellow Lannisters, he is proud of his heritage and generally wants what is best for the Lannister name. If only his conscience didn't keep getting in the way...


Ser Barristan the Bold is perhaps the most famous knight of the realm, a living legend among all people, big and small. He stood as Kingsguard to four different Kings, before Joffrey recently dismissed him for "old age". Although Barristan is indeed some sixty years of age, he remains a deftly skilled fighter, and he was removed for political reasons, not because of any loss in his legendary abilities. Ser Barristan has a tremendous sense of honor and chivalry, and takes his oaths very seriously. He is probably still the best swordsman in Westeros to this day.


Cersei Lannister is the Queen Regent and King Joffrey Baratheon's mother. While she is certainly suppportive of the Lannister cause, she is far more interested in her own survivial and that of her children and her brother and lover, Jaime. Cersei is sometimes victim to both delusions of grandeur and to bouts of paranoia, brought on in one part by the enormous wealth and power of her family and father Tywin, and on the other by the machinations of many around her playing at the game of thrones. She knows the game and she plays it, sometimes well, sometimes not. The one thing you can know for sure about her is... she can't be trusted.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-20-2013 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:29 PM   #7
Chief Rum
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives


There are three ways to take part in the game, through some choice or action you may have available to you.

You can:

1. Post your action IN BOLD in the main thread.
2. Post your action IN BOLD in your faction thread.
3. PM me with your action/choice.

If an action/choice is done in a thread (be it the main thread or a faction thread), this MUST be bolded or it will not count. Although I will always try to read every post, if I am in a hurry to get results out, the last thing I need is to parse through lengthy posts looking for actions. So you must BOLD any action or choice in a thread. This also makes it official, more or less.

Some actions MUST be done in the main thread. The primary action here is VOTING. All Enemy of the Realm Voting (and Unvoting) must be done in the main thread for everyone to see. Any votes outside of this (such as in faction threads) will not be counted.

Some actions, maybe posted in either thread. An example of this would be a King’s decision on a player selected as an Enemy of the Realm. If he chooses to Kill the player in question, he may post that in the faction thread or the main thread. Either way, it will end up in the main thread for all to see.

Many actions will be done through PMs. There will be a lot of PMs in this game, from many players. So please clear and explicit in both the message subject line and in the post as to what you want to do.

Where a decision must be made will be made clear in each section. If it is unclear, please PM me and I will attempt to clarify.


Most of the voting rules are covered in the “How to Make Me Aware of Decisions” section and in the Basic Game rules post in Post #4.

But just in case, here is a recap.

You are expected to vote for an Enemy of the Realm every day. The player with the most votes at the deadline will be declared an Enemy of the Realm (see “Enemy of the Realm” section).

The mechanic for handling ties is unknown. As I stated above, a tie would be an immense pleasure for me, but not for the players in the game, so do take care to be sure it doesn’t happen.

Kings votes count twice. Bannermen votes count once. And neutral characters count for one half of a vote.

NO LYNCH votes are allowed, but they have an appositive value in the count. That means, while they count as that player’s vote, they do not count as a vote for a decision to not declare a player an Enemy of the Realm. A single vote for one player as Enemy of the Realm would defeat 20 No Lynch votes.

Because of the wealth of decision making in this game and all of the moving parts, NIGHTFALL votes will not be accepted.

No self-vote will be accepted. The Game of Thrones is not for cowards, so since you’re all playing it, none of you are cowards, but instead survivors.

Votes will be accepted up to 10 p.m. EST (7 p.m. PDT) for each daily deadline. Votes posted at 10:00 p.m. will count. Votes posted at 10:01 p.m. will not.

Kings have the option of voting for their bannermen. This option can only be exercised if the bannermen themselves have not voted or have given over their vote that day to their King. Neither an existing vote nor a No Lynch vote can be gainsayed by the King, and the bannerman can still post a vote after a King votes for him, so long as that vote is prior to the deadline. The prior King vote would then be considered null and void.

Even if the King is voting for the bannerman, the bannerman’s vote still counts just once, rather than twice as the King’s does.

For the King to vote for the bannerman, the King must post in the game thread ”VOTE FOR . The King must unvote in the same manner, if the vote is still his to control, and he wishes to change that vote.


General werewolf rules apply.

No editing of posts is allowed, either in the main thread or in the faction threads. No quoting of PMs is allowed unless you have a game mechanic or some allowed requirement to do so.

Posting is not allowed in faction threads in which you are not a member. It is understood that it is sometimes easy to mistake the thread you are in and go to the wrong thread. The occasional transgression will be ignored, but if you make it a habit, punishment will follow.

Game character acting is encouraged (and you all are already doing a wonderful job of it). In the show, there is much evil, arguing, bickering and what not. As such, there is every possibility this will spill into the game here. Please always to try to remain respectful of the player in the thread even if you’re insulting his character’s honor in the game.

No discussion of the game is allowed outside of the threads or PM discussions allowed. See the “PM Communication” section for the various PM communications which may be allowed.

If you die, please do not post anymore in the game except one time to perhaps offer your farewells to your faction members or your King.


Most decisions in the game will remain private in this game. For instance, if a King sends a bannerman out on a raid, that information may be uncovered by someone and posted, but it won’t be announced as a Public Event by me. Result of actions in PMs will remain in private unless the events resulting from that PM are big enough to constitute a Public Event.

Public Events are major events, like the naming of Hands, factions going to war, a King’s Enemy of the Realm decision, etc.

Any decision below which will or could result in a Public Event will be detailed as such. If you are uncertain, though, of the potential consequences of a coming decision and whether it will be kept private or if it will be blasted out by town criers and ravens across Westeros, please contact me by PM and I will attempt to be more clear.


There are a number of assets in the game, primarily titles, land, gold, men and ships. Some of these may be moved to other players.


There are few actual titles available in the game, but the primary one is the Hand title, given to each King’ second in command. Each King has a Hand, which is a very prestigious position, and the King has PM rights with his Hand which cannot be read by spies.

The only other titles available are the Warden and Lord titles.

The three Warden titles available are the Warden of the North, the Warden of the West and the Warden of the South. The Warden of the East title is currently held by House Arryn, which is not in this game and are effectively neutral, so that title is not available.

The two Lord titles available are the Lord of the Riverlands and Lord of the Iron Islands titles. The third Lord title, Lord of Dorne is held by House Dorne, which is, like the Arryns, neutral and not in this game, so this title is not available.

There are three titles which may be bequeathed currently. King Joffrey Baratheon has control of the Warden of the West and may bequeath to his bannermen, and King Robb Stark has control of the Lord of the Riverlands and may bequeath it to his bannermen. King Renly Baratheon has control of the Warden of the South and may bequeath it to his bannermen.

Traditionally, the Warden of the West also has Casterly Rock, the Lord of the Riverlands has Riverrun and the Warden of the South has Highgarden.

These titles do not defer anything but honor and rank on their bannermen, but may come into play at the end of the game.

The Warden of the North title is only available to the holder of Winterfell if House Stark is eliminated. The Lord of the Iron Islands title is in the game, but is not currently available to any kings to give out.

Awarding a title is a PUBLIC EVENT.


At any time, a King may bequeath land directly under his control to another player. To do this, he must post in the faction thread or in the main thread, in bold, “GIVE {LAND} TO {PLAYER}”.

Awarding land to a player is a PUBLIC EVENT.

If a player is awarded land, he is entitled to receive that land’s gold, man and ships directly, short a 10% tithing to his liege lord. He will continue to hold this land until his death, or he leaves the faction or the King strips him of title to the land for some reason.

Outside of the family homes in the game, land is held by bannerman FOR the King. So just because they receive land from the King does not mean they own it permanently. If they leave the faction, through a release of service or disavowal, the land is presumed to return to their liege King and does not move with them. Family homes do remain with the characters in question, as even though they too are holding their keeps for their liege King, those homes have been in their family’s hands for so long that for it to pass to another noble would be considered a great disservice to that house and to its King.

Only Kings can bequeath title to land. Bannermen may bequeath title to land if they have approval from their King to do so.

The available Land will be listed in the main thread at the start of Day One.


Gold can be transferred from anyone to anyone in the game, either publically or privately. Gold will be the primary currency used to purchase services.

To give gold, post or PM in bold the amount you are giving and in what amount. Of course, if it is for a service, state theservice.

Giving gold is not a PUBLIC EVENT.


Men and ships can be lent between bannermen and between Kings and their bannermen, but these cannot be officially transferred. Once men or ships are generated by land holdings, they are the “property” of the lord who held the land.

Giving men and ships is not a PUBLIC EVENT.


If a bannerman is voted an Enemy of the Realm, as stated in the Basic Game rules, he and is King are both faced with a choice. The bannerman may flee camp or throw himself on his King’s mercy. The King may choose to have the bannerman killed, can disavow him or can ignore the vote, leaving the bannerman in his current status with the faction. Both decisions can be made at any time after the deadline for the vote, but decisions will be final at 1 p.m. EST (10 a.m. PDT) the following day.

Once a decision is made, it is final, on both sides. To post a decision, the King or the bannerman most post it either in the thread faction or in the main thread. Either way, it is a Public Event.

Neither King nor bannerman have to wait for the other to make a decision. Here are the scenarios and what happens.

If the Bannerman Flees first, it doesn’t matter what the King decides. The Bannerman is essentially Disavowed, and leaves the faction. Half of his gold, men and ships remain with his King, as well as any Land or Titles he holds (except for if he owns a family home).

If the Bannerman throws himself on the mercy of his King, the King will decide his fate. If the King chooses to kill him, the bannerman will be beheaded and be out of the game. All of his assets will go to the King (including any family land). If the King chooses to disavow him, the effect will be the same as above. If the King chooses to have mercy on him and keep him in his faction, everything remains the same, except the King will take an honor hit, which remain for as long as that bannerman is a member of the faction.

If the King decides first, the decision will still remain with the Bannerman. For instance, should the King post first that he intends to kill the bannerman, then the bannerman must flee or he will be beheaded.

Disavowed bannermen or bannermen released from service do not have a faction at that point. They are only allowed to post in the main thread. And they may be captured.


Disavowed bannermen or bannermen released from service do not have a faction at that point. They are only allowed to post in the main thread. And they may be captured.

After one day, they have the option to Bend The Knee to a different King. That King would need to accept the offer of fealty for that bannerman to join their faction. The bannerman remains in dishonor, and the only way to “clear his name” will be for his new liege lord to donate whatever gold the new bannerman has to the poor, plus a matching total of his own from his treasury.

As long as the bannerman remains outside of a faction, he may be targeted to be captured by any faction.


Every player may communicate with any other player in the game, with limitations. All PMs must include me.

The PMs between a King and his Hand are already detailed. Additionally, Tyrion and Cersei have full PM rights, and so do Varys and Littlefinger.

Outside of that or or a role-specific exception or making use of a service (see below), every player is limited to just ONE PM PER DAY to any other player in the game. If you receive a PM, you are likely granted the option to respond to that PM.

So if every player (21 of you) sends a PM to one other player, then there can be up to 21 responses in reply.

This is across faction lines and neutral characters may receive PMs as well. The content is up to you. Tell someone Hi, tell them you love them, offer them money to betray their King, you know that sorta thing.

Keep in mind, these PMs MAY be intercepted by spies, although the more PMs that are sent, the better your odds are that they are missed.

A day will be judged from one deadline to the next, and new PM rights are available after each deadline.


Every King has several options for his bannermen. Only one action can be taken with a bannerman per day. Some actions last longer than a day.

A King may send a bannerman to (1) CAPTURE an Enemy of the Realm; (2) RAID Land or (3) SERVE AS EMMISSARY to another King. He may also (A) ARREST a bannerman, (B) DISAVOW a bannerman or (C) RELEASE A BANNERMAN from service.


This is pretty self explanatory. The King names a target and send his bannerman to attempt to capture him. If the bannerman succeeds, he may take the prisoner back to his King for punishment. The bannerman has the option to “fake” the capture attempt—if he does not desire to capture the individual question, he can PM me his request to not seriously pursue a capture. The capture will fail automatically, but the faction will only be told that the capture attempt failed.

It should be noted that capturing an Enemy of the Realm is not easy. You should not make the assumption that a failed capture attempt automatically means you have a disloyal bannerman.

The capture will automatically fail if that captive to be has more men with him than the bannerman sent after him.

Some bannermen are better than others at capturing.


The King names a land and the bannerman will take his men and attempt to raid the land. If the bannerman is successful, he will take half of the land’s income of gold and the land will produce only half as much men and no ships. Half of the captured income will go to the raider and the rest will go to his King.

Enemies of the Realm may raid on their own if they like and keep all of the gold. Of course, this will make it easier to capture them.

The odds of raiding increase significantly if the land in question is coastal and the raider has ships. The more ships, the more likely to succeed. The same applies to men, for both coastal and land-locked lands.

The larger lands will produce more men and will be more difficult to raid.

As with capturing, the bannerman may choose to fake the raid, and this will be handled similarly to faking a capture attempt.


If the King chooses to send a bannerman as an emissary to another King, that bannerman will take a message (such as a prisoner exchange or an offer of alliance or of peace) and deliver it to the other King. This will take place in a PM from the bannerman to the other King.

For that day only, the bannerman has left camp and is unable to enter his own faction thread. But he has full PM rights with the target King with which he may negotiate. At the end of the day, he may return to the faction and his own King with the results of the negotiation.

Although the PM contents are silent, it is a PUBLIC EVENT that an emissary has gone from one faction to another.


At any time, you may choose to arrest a bannerman. However, the arrest is a matter of public record and a reason must be given why the arrest is made. The arrest and the reason for the arrest are PUBLIC EVENTS.

If the reason for the arrest is not sound (bannerman has betrayed you or is communicating with another faction, he is accused of a grievous crime, etc.), the King could suffer a hit to his honor.

The bannerman can only be held for the rest of that day and the next day, after which the King must decide what to do with him or must free him. See the Captured/Arrested section for more information.


This is just like with the Enemy of the Realm. You’re a King. You don’t have to wait for the kingdom to approve before you disavow a bannerman.

As with arresting him, though, a reason must be given or you could suffer an honor hit.


This is like disavowing him, without the prejudice. Instead of sullying his honor in release, you may simply release from service. He is free to go and join whatever faction he likes.

He can still be targeted for capture, though.

If you simply release him from service, you do not receive half his gold, men and ships (but non-family home land and titles do remain with you).


At any point from Day Four forward, you the King may declare war on another faction and move to meet that faction in battle.

A war will pit you and all of your bannermen and their assets (men, ships) against the other king, and all of his bannermen and their assets.

You choose the land on which you wish to attack (it must be land held by the faction you are going to war with). The opposing faction can choose to meet you at that land, and the war will happen at the deadline that day. Or they can hold off for a day, and delay the war for a day.


If the targeted faction chooses to immediately meet the attacker on the field of battle, no other factions may join in the battle. It will be mano-y-mano between the two factions. While the mechanics for winning a war are not revealed, generally the more men and ships you have, the better off you are.

Guaranteed, in every war, a bannerman will die. The bannerman could come from the winning side or the losing side. It’s possible two bannermen will die.

The winning side will also capture a bannerman, if one is available to be captured and will occupy the land the battle took place on.

The King for the losing side will not be captured.

This land will remain with the occupying faction until it is negotiated back to the other faction or the land is ceded to the winning faction. The land will not generate income for any faction until it is ceded from or returned to the original faction, or the faction has died.


If the attacked faction delays for a day, they can choose the land on which the battle will take place. The attacking faction will not be able to switch the land, but they will occupy the first land targeted, much as if they won a battle right away. The attacking faction can still choose to go forward with the attack. If they abandon the attack, they give up the first land as well and the King takes an honor hit.

Also, other factions may declare their intention to join on either side if the war is delayed for a day.

A delayed war will be fought in the same manner as the war right away, with the same possible results.

Only one war can be conducted at a time, and it’s first come, first serve.


If you have a bannerman in your custody, from arrest or capture, you can only hold him for a day before you must decide what to do with him.

You can KILL him, SEND him to another faction, RELEASE him or offer him the chance to BEND THE KNEE to you.

You can only kill an imprisoned bannerman if he is accused of crimes, captured in war against your faction or if he is an Enemy of the Realm. If you have arrested him without good cause or captured a released bannerman, you may not kill him. Kings get an honor bonus if they choose to be merciful and do not kill a bannerman in their custody.

You can send him to another faction, and he is then their problem.

You can release him, and it will be like you have released a bannerman.

Or you can offer him the choice to Bend the Knee. If you accept, he will join your faction. If he is an Enemy of the Realm, he will still be subject to the same requirements as Bending the Knee in the Disavowed section above.


There are services available for all players.

If the service is performed by a neutral character, the character must be PMd with a request for that service, along with any gold which may be required.

If the service is a general service (not performed by a neutral character), simply send the PM to me.


ASK BARRISTAN SELMY FOR PROTECTION Free, but he must choose to protect you for a night

APPROACH VARYS (ask him for information; it’s up to him how he wants to respond—for most players, this will be their PM for the day, but any King can send one PM per day to Varys, on top of his normal one PM.

HIRE LITTLEFINGER’S SPIES You name the target to follow or information to track down and you make Littlefinger an offer. His spies are more reliable and won’t be caught. But he learns whatever you learn. And he might lie to you.

HIRE MERCENARIES (5000 gold) (you may hire one group of mercenaries per day, and send them to raid, capture or to fight for you in war. They are the equivalent of 5000 men in war.

HIRE YOUR OWN SPIES (2500) Sure, they’re your spies, but they are less likely to get you the information you want and they could be caught by your target. But if they come back with something, you will be able to trust it.

HIRE A MAESTER TO DO A LAND OR PLAYER PROFILE (4000) You may target a player or land. If you target a player, you will learn what is in his treasury, how many men and ships he has and what his daily income is. If you target land, you will learn how much income, men and ships it generates.

GIVE TO THE POOR (10000) Sure, it’s lost money. But it provides you with honor bonuses and can help you overcome a bad reputation.

INVEST IN A LAND (10000) Choose this option and whether to invest in gold or men or ships, and you will see an increase in income from this land. This can only be done two times per land.

HIRE AN ASSASSIN (50000) Assassins don’t come cheap. You can target another player with this assassin, but he may not succeed and he may be caught.

BORROW MONEY FROM THE BANK OF BRAAVOS You may borrow up to 100000 gold from the powerful Bank of Braavos. But if you don’t pay them back in two days, they will give that same amount to every other faction to defeat you.

HIRE A FACELESS MAN (250000) This is the mother of all services. It can only be used once in the entire game, first come, first serve. This assassin will succeed, guaranteed. And he can be used on anyone.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-20-2013 at 11:27 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:32 PM   #8
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Murfreesboro, TN
In first. I'm on season two of the I will be all right I think.
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:43 PM   #9
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Havent watched the show yet. I read the first 16 pages of book 1 and got sidetrakced and havent come back to it yet. Really want to do both though, especially watch the show.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:09 PM   #10
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A man is in.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:20 PM   #11
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
Havent watched the show yet. I read the first 16 pages of book 1 and got sidetrakced and havent come back to it yet. Really want to do both though, especially watch the show.

Both are terrific. I'll warn you, given the start up point for this game, you'll probably be spoilered some for Season One and the first book of the series. Heck, I already threw out some big spoilers in the game set up.

I know you are concerned about your ability to participate. I set it up as a single deadline game, with a night time deadline to make it easier for those with limited time.

Not sure if your post is indicating you want in, so I haven't added you to the player list yet.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 05-10-2013 at 04:21 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:29 PM   #12
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by JAG View Post
A man is in.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:30 PM   #13
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Hadn't read the part about volunteers, but you can put me down as one. I'd be happy to yield to others if you get enough, but I'm available if you want or need.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:33 PM   #14
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Hadn't read the part about volunteers, but you can put me down as one. I'd be happy to yield to others if you get enough, but I'm available if you want or need.

Great, thanks JAG, I'll put you on the list.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:36 PM   #15
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Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.

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Old 05-10-2013, 04:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JAG View Post
A man is in.

Shit, I was all ready to use that!


This one is in. And volunteers.

EDIT: Re the volunteering, the only day I will have availability issues will be next Thursday. Other than that my schedule is good for the next couple weeks.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Last edited by path12 : 05-10-2013 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 05-10-2013, 04:59 PM   #17
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I'm in but not sure about volunteer status. Will pass on that unless it's needed.
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Old 05-10-2013, 05:00 PM   #18
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by path12 View Post
Shit, I was all ready to use that!


This one is in. And volunteers.

EDIT: Re the volunteering, the only day I will have availability issues will be next Thursday. Other than that my schedule is good for the next couple weeks.

You should be okay. The good news is that I am probably making more of the volunteering than it will actually be. Once the factions get going, someone in your faction (if you end up a king) will probably be able to do things for you for that day. That will go with pretty much everyone.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-10-2013, 05:23 PM   #19
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I'll volunteer.
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Old 05-10-2013, 05:46 PM   #20
Join Date: Apr 2013
This sounds interesting. I'm in. Not sure about volunteering, though.. I'll do it if you need me, I guess.
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Old 05-10-2013, 07:53 PM   #21
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Yeah - I'll have day of issue with availability I guess, while I'm up in Montreal, that might be spotty. But that's out on the 21st-22nd, so for all I know I may be dead by then.
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Old 05-10-2013, 08:28 PM   #22
The Jackal
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So bummed.
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Old 05-10-2013, 08:29 PM   #23
The Jackal
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If there's anyone that can't play next week but can starting the week of the 20th and wants to split with me should I still be alive, let me know.
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Old 05-10-2013, 08:30 PM   #24
The Jackal
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If another player is needed/wanted and that's ok with CR, of course.
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Old 05-10-2013, 08:44 PM   #25
The Jackal
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Guess it depends on when the game starts. Look at me padding my post count.
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Old 05-10-2013, 09:54 PM   #26
Coffee Warlord
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Yeah sure. I'm in.

And if whatever you need volunteer work for is more suitable for daytime than evenings, I'm in. Evenings are tougher to predict with the kid.
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Old 05-10-2013, 10:45 PM   #27
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I'm in.

I can volunteer. I'm always here unfortunately.
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Old 05-11-2013, 01:43 AM   #28
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RICHEST LANDS (Blue coastal, Green landbound)

Casterly Rock (Free), Highgarden (Renly Baratheon), King's Landing (Joffrey Baratheon), Riverrun (Free), Storm's End (Renly Baratheon), Winterfell (Free)


Brightwater Keep (Stannis Baratheon), Dragonstone (Stannis Baratheon), The Dreadfort (Free), Harrenhal (Joffrey Baratheon)


Blackhaven (Renly Baratheon), Duskendale (Stannis Baratheon), The Karhold (Free), Maidenpool (Renly Baratheon)


The Arbor (Renly Baratheon), Crakehall (Joffrey Baratheon), Summerhall (Free), The Twins (Free)


Clegane's Keep (Joffrey Baratheon), Deepwood Motte (Free), Fairhaven (Joffrey Baratheon), Parchments (Renly Baratheon), Cape Wrath (Davos Seaworthy)

Last edited by Narcizo : 06-17-2013 at 04:06 AM. Reason: Duh!
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Old 05-11-2013, 01:47 AM   #29
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Very interested in seeing what the rules are with five factions.
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Old 05-11-2013, 05:25 AM   #30
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You know nothing Chief Rum!
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Old 05-11-2013, 05:25 AM   #31
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Old 05-11-2013, 02:27 PM   #32
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I'll play.
Why choose failure when success is an option?
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Old 05-11-2013, 07:30 PM   #33
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I'm like Natalie umbruglia, I can play but I really hate spoilers, so not sure
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Old 05-11-2013, 07:59 PM   #34
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Way to keep it hip and relevant, Danny.
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Old 05-11-2013, 09:55 PM   #35
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How about that Ace of Base?
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 05-11-2013, 11:34 PM   #36
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I am in and finally out of being extremely busy. Hooray for classes being out!
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Old 05-11-2013, 11:35 PM   #37
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And I can volunteer if need be.
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Old 05-12-2013, 11:31 AM   #38
Head Coach
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When is the game going to start? If we have a few days then I have a possible solution of buying season 1 and watching it before the game. Nothing from season 2 is spoiled correct?
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Old 05-12-2013, 11:42 AM   #39
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
When is the game going to start? If we have a few days then I have a possible solution of buying season 1 and watching it before the game. Nothing from season 2 is spoiled correct?

Yes, nothing from Season 2 is spoilered. If you didn't look too closely at my opening post, font do it now. That's probably about ad spoilerific as I get. There aren't any game events that are tied to any in book or show events, although you will probably get a pretty good idea about who or what some characters are based on how they're set up here. My roles.for each character will somewhat conform to their characters in the show.

As for when I start, not sure. I'm still seven short of where I be. Certainly not before Tuesday. Wednesday is conceivable.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-12-2013, 02:58 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by spleen1015 View Post
I'll play.

I need to withdraw. I have a busy week coming and I won't be available much and I don't want to be a ghost participants.
Why choose failure when success is an option?
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Old 05-12-2013, 03:03 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by spleen1015 View Post
I need to withdraw. I have a busy week coming and I won't be available much and I don't want to be a ghost participants.

Sure thing, spleen, sorry to hear it. If it starts late enough, or you want to come back in, let me know.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-12-2013, 03:06 PM   #42
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by spleen1015 View Post
I need to withdraw. I have a busy week coming and I won't be available much and I don't want to be a ghost participants.

Although, maybe talk with The Jackal? He wants to pair up with someone who can play for him next week. He could play this week, and after next week, too, I think (if it lasts that long).

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-12-2013, 06:23 PM   #43
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i wont be around at deadline... but i have not much on my plate for a while....

this was an awful book, but i made it through, because render made me!

but im in, and ill volunteer.
Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 05-12-2013, 09:01 PM   #44
The Jackal
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Originally Posted by claphamsa View Post
i wont be around at deadline... but i have not much on my plate for a while....

this was an awful book, but i made it through, because render made me!

but im in, and ill volunteer.

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Old 05-12-2013, 09:06 PM   #45
The Jackal
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Clap is too innocent for the graphic language
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Old 05-12-2013, 09:31 PM   #46
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So don't vote me
Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 05-12-2013, 10:27 PM   #47
The Jackal
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vote clap
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Old 05-13-2013, 07:16 AM   #48
Chief Rum
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Still hoping for a few more signups. I'll probably be sending out some invites, see if I can get some more players.

To play the game as designed, I think I can do it with 18 players. I could do it all the way down at 14, but that would require dropping another faction, and I just don't want to do that.

Push comes to shove, I'll switch to a more generic WW game with a GOT theme and maybe go for an actual GOT game down the line.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 05-13-2013, 07:52 AM   #49
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Time to discuss the BGG solution again?
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Old 05-13-2013, 08:52 AM   #50
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Narcizo View Post
Time to discuss the BGG solution again?

I was wonderiong about that the last time, and knowing this was coming up, but I figured to at least give it a shot here first before we decided to en masse move over there.

Might be a good idea to try to get this game going here, but also start a side discussion about moving future WW game activities over there.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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