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Old 03-07-2009, 02:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
USPW. Molson inspires TEW

Hello all.

After loving Molson's WCCW dynasty, I finally took the plunge and got TEW.

Im by no means a wrestling buff, and dont really know much about any of it, so Im taking the established FOFC advice, and attempting to write a dynasty to get me more submerged in the game.

I havent really even tested the game, so Im sure Ill make loads of mistakes, but Ill be carrying on anyway and seeing what happens.

Good luck to me!

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Old 03-07-2009, 02:21 PM   #2
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Im taking over as head booker of the USPW (United States Pro Wrestling) in the Cornellverse (imagined present day universe devised for the game).

The USPW are a Cult federation built around family values. Were not massive, but not tiny, and will be looking to step up rather than tread water in the long term.

The owner is Sam Strong, onof the industries biggest names as a wrestler, but now 61 years old. The federation will take inspiration from Sam in all things. A quick look at our small roster:

Main eventers:

Bruce the Giant
The 7 foot+ Aussie is our biggest name and loved by crowds around the world. The big face is our current champ.

James Justice
Surf dude James, was our champ until very recently. Hes an all-round good guy and people will expect him to be involved heavily

Pete Valentine
Booo! 'The Heartbreaker' is one of our top heels and is known as a cheating scumbag. Sam loves him so we need to push him, but TBH, hes not one of our top guys.

Joss Thompson
recently arrived Golden Boy. the crowd love him and he will be a major part of things.

Another enormous guy at almost 7 foot, TRex is our main monster heel to terrorise people with.


Giant Redwood is another giant guy at over 7'. he mainly looks scary and hits little people. Good for being mean, bad for wrestling and interviews...

Freddie Datsun
Blue collar face chap. Currently out after being injured by Redwood, but a solid worker and will be back soon.

Jumbo Jackson
Old fashioned bad-guy tough guy. Jumbo looks to have some potential and is the driving force of the Sneer Corporation (our main heelk faction under one of our main personalities)

Nicky Champion
Young face with backing from Sam Strong and thus a ticket to the top. Nick is 23 and clearly on the up, but not the finished article yet. One to watch.

Rocking the bad-guy thing with his "Demon" persona, but getting on a nit and not as good as he thinks he is...

Des Davids
Des is another young guy with potenital. hes an ex-football star with a clean-cut thing going on, but needs momentum and experience.

Youngish new heel. Essentially a teenager, 'belly wanders around being insolent. One of a very few guys who can wrestle convinvingly here, so he will see some action.
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:38 PM   #3
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tag teams, groups and women

The Forces of America
Jim Force is a stunningly bad wrestler, but the crowd love him. He acts like a friendly Ultimate Warrior...
Captain USA (his partner) is a camp Captain America. At 49. With a beard.
These two arent a long-term prospect, but hold our tag titles at the moment.
Managed by Iraqi Sheik Mustafa. im sure you can see what he brings to the party...

The Towers of Power
Danny Rushmore is a huge, monster heel.
His partner, Mick Muscles is a huge monster heel.
Get the message yet? Again, they arent great wrestlers, just imposing people who frown a lot.

The Sneer Corporation.
Shane Sneer is our colour commentator and maintains a stable of nasty chaps.
His main guy is Jumbo Jackson (see earlier).
Tribal Warrior and Java are a couple of chaps rocking the 'savage islander' thing. For a midcard pair with a racist gimmick, they arent that bad. Java in particular is a scary chap with a giant, scary monstergimmick.
Eric the Bull is Shanes bodyguard. he is a 300lb+ manbeast with approximately zero talent.

The fireballs.
Masked thrillseekers. Theyre a gang of adrenaline junkies here to bring some action and acrobatics.
Burning Exile is by far the most talented and is pretty awesome. unfortunately, noone knows who he is in the US, he cant speak Enlgish and wont sing a long-term contract as he doesnt trust the wrestling industry.
Wild Spirit is a young guy who just looks cool.
Velocidad is a Mexican masked guy who shines as a high-flyin impact guy. Again, is unknown but has a future.

The Hillbillys
My golly, youcan see this one coming cant you? Al and Pete are big inbred streaks of piss in dungarees with some moonshin. They cant wrestle, but 7 fingers on each hand is a definite advantage. Space fillers.


Alicia Strong
Daughter of our owner Sam, Alicia can pretty much do what she wants. She has a loda of talent, and is our champ and will actually get some airtime. if only she was a boy...

Cherry Bomb
Ginger chick with an attitude. Everyone loves hot, angry gingers. Not too shabby and will be decent fodder for Alicia.

Steph Wade
Young, heel girl. She is purely a warm body to break up Alicia/Cherry and looks good.

Nadia Snow
See above entry.
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:44 PM   #4
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There are a few more people kicking around, but thats enough as an intro

My aims:

Try to shed the USA! USA! tone of the USPW. Nothing against our American chums, but it wouldnt be right coming from an Englishman.

Try to get past almost every heel in the company being a big, scary chap with a beard that couldnt wrestle with an idea.

Attempt to establish the girls as a decent, interesting part of the show rather than just hot chicks.

Turn this company into a MODERN entertainment biz.

Sams obectives:
Keep solvent economically. Duh.

Push Pete Valentine (our sneaky cheating main heel) and Nicky Champion (Sams protege). Valentine is a black-hole, but Champion can be done.

Avoid guys with no reputaion as decent workers. As a business vet himself, I can see why Sam is keen on this. Fair enough.
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:47 PM   #5
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Our titles:

World Title
Our only real star Bruce the Giant holds this. The crowd love our Aussie mate so this seems set.

TV Title
Young Nicky Champion has the belt. I love Molsons approach to the TV title so this may be a rip-off for now...

Tag titles
Forces of America (Ultimate Warrior Nice Jim Force and Captain USA) are the stopgaps. And I do mean stopgaps.

Womens title.
Alicia Strong is clearly the class and may have gold for some time. lets hope we can come up with something good here...
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:56 PM   #6
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Our schedule

We hold a weekly TV show on Wednesdays. Its a 90 minute bash which is a tad problematic for us.
Most of our guys cant wrestle for toffee and get tired quick, but our fans like lots of wrestling and not a lot of stories. The solution would be hold lots of short bouts, but with a smallish roster, this is difficult.
I freely admit I dont know what Im doing, so we'll see how we do..

We also hold a monthly PPV that is broadcast in the USA only. Our schedule looks like this for now:

March Behind Bars
April Freedom Fight
May The Brawl
June Mixed Doubles
July Summer Solsticve
August Apple Pie and Wrestling
Sept Tombola Night
Oct Born in the USA
Nov Men of Steel
Dec Made in America

Some of these are going to be chaned, some of them have already...
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Old 03-07-2009, 03:13 PM   #7
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Location: The State of Insanity
You're running TEW2008 right?

If so, get some more people quickly. TEW208 makes things more difficult in that if you match up the same people 3x or more in a six month period, you get apenalty to the match rating UNLESS it was better then the ones before it.
Check out Foz's New Video Game Site, An 8-bit Mind in an 8GB world!
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Old 03-07-2009, 03:24 PM   #8
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Good luck - I love being in the title of a dynasty! This will go straight to my head.
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Old 03-07-2009, 04:07 PM   #9
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Week 4 January 2008
USPW American Wrestling
Grissom Auditorium, Nevada

Fireballs Velocidad and Burning Exile take on Lex Appeal (resident squashee) and Eric the Bull in a tag match.
The fireballs lit this up, but it wasnt a great match. the managed a win with a two-man finisher. F+

Sam Strong came out to the ring alone. he says that the USPW needs a bit more direction, bit more attitude and a bit more zing. hes noticed the big guys have been having their own way recently and someone needs to stand up for the little guy. As a result, he will be taking over commisioner duties as of... NOW! B+

Sneaky Pete Valentine's music plays and he appears on the apron. Seeing as the big guys are in the doghouse, he asks for a titleshot against Bruce the Giant. The crowd are confused. Why would he want a kicking? Sam isnt convinced. hes seen every trick in the book and says no. Valentine needs to earn a title sht. valentine storms off. C+

Anger takes on Happy Elwood (opening face only retianed as he's mates with Nicky Champion). Anger demolishes Happy and applies his feard submission move, the Devils Claw. E

Shane Sneer gets up into the ring and says he has a new client. Again, Pete Valentine's music plays. After Strongs rebuttal, pete knew he needed some expertise so he went to the top. The Sneer corporation is looking tougher all the time. C

Cherry Bomb is taking on Steph Wade and Nadia Strong in a 3way match. Cherry is clearly the class, and dominates both girls with her power, winning the match by pinning Nadia after a Cherry Bomb. Cherry announces this was a warmup for Alicia. D-

Sam is seen arranging his new office backstage. Pictures of his fighting days cover the walls. A shadow falls over him and we see TRex has squeezed into the tiny room. TRex wants a match against new-boy Joss Thompson. Sam says he has shown respect and will think about it. C

Danny Rusmore from the Towers of Power comes to the ring with the Sheik to slag off the Forces of America. Mick muscles is nowhere to be seen. They say the Towers can beat them any time, anywhere. E-

Jim Force comes out of the crowd to say that Cap USA cant be here tonight, but he is the toughest guy around and will prove it. In a last man standing match! E+

Jim dominates Rushmore, but cant quite keep the big guy down whilst fending off interference from the Sheik. As he is gathering momentum and looks to prove his claim, Mick Muscles appears suddenly and clocks him in the head. This gives enough room for Rushmore to pull out his Atomic Boot and put Force down for the 10 count. D-

Nicky Champion is summoned to the ring by Sam Strong. Nicky will be forced to defend his title as per usual, and someone has asked for the chance to wrestle him. Its savage islander Java. C+

Nicky dances around to keep away from the 300lb savage, and Java tires before he can hit his big moves. Champion doesnt take advantage of this, but fights like a gent. Tribal Warrior comes out to assist Java, but Champion ducks, leaving Java in the firing line. This gives Champion enough room to land his Hawkeye Hammer and pick up his 5th title defence. D-

Pete valentine comes out to the ring and starts to wind up Bruce the Giant saying he deserves his title shot. The crowd are confused why he is so determined to get beat up. B

Bruces music starts and the Giant starts to stroll down to the ring. Its very apparent that Valentine is a foot shorter and looks scared. As Bruce nears the ring, another massive shape flies at him. Its Giant Redwood. Redwoods surprise attack puts Bruce down, and Valentine joins in as they beat him down. C+

Sneer steps up and asks why thew crowd are surprised. Now Valentine is a member of the Sneer Corp, he has access to influence and money. that money was used to hire Redwood and take Bruce down. D

A video plays bigging up the short history of Joss Thompson vs TRex. D-

Sam announces TRex will get his match with Joss. In a tag battle featuring the two of them backed up by James Justice an Leadbelly. C+

Joss and James struggled manfully, but TRex seemed on a mission. He used Leadbelly only sparingly, and handed out huge smacks galore. Eventually, it was too much and he locked Joss inthe Jurassic Crush. Joss is perfecyl aware hes only a normal guy whilst TRex is amonster and was forced to tap out. D

Final show rating D

Fairly disappointing here as some of our big names couldnt lift the crowd. Still, we're just starting out and we know there are big problems with this fed anyway. Sa went down great and Valentine gets the crowd going ok. A few things moved on so Im not totally distraught
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Old 03-07-2009, 04:08 PM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2007
Thanks guys.

Im actively looking for warm bodies, but I fully expect to fail miserably anyway. Im going to ride Sam and Bruce hard and try to find some diamonds in the rough.
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Old 03-07-2009, 04:11 PM   #11
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We get a 0.27 rating. Not great but par for our last couple of shows.

Apparently, our viewers think we're doing ok, but know we can do much better.

Me too loyal viewers!
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Old 03-07-2009, 04:41 PM   #12
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Apparently Gino Montero, an 18 year old Mexican wrestler has started his own fed. So far, he is the only employee, but looks awesome! We'd love to get someone like him in.

Thoughts at the moment:

We need new bllod at the top. We have 2 or 3 guys who can do well, but need wrestlers who can manage longer bouts at the top with better results.

I think were going to have to splash the cash, and see how that side of things works.
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Old 03-07-2009, 04:50 PM   #13
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We sing Madman Boone, a 31 year old with a bit more populaity than we areused to. he was unemployed, as he has a history of injries, but should do a decent job for us and can at least perform some basic moves.

Weve assigned him as a main-event heel and he will be presented as a bully
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Old 03-07-2009, 05:02 PM   #14
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We send out feelers to try and get our tiny TV show onto some more channels. We are desperate to get known over a larger area, so we are hoping that we can start putting together shows good enough to warrant it.

We sing Roderick Remus. Hes a kid without much upside, but he can turn up and fall downfor us. We assign him a thief gimmick and stick him in the lower card
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Old 03-07-2009, 06:03 PM   #15
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USPW American Wrestling TV
Week 1 Feb 2008
West Texas Coliseum

The Fireballs (Burning Exile, Velocidad and Wild Spirit) take on Sneer Corp (Eric the Bull, Java and Tribal Warrior)
Exile is his usual show-stealing self, but was let down by everyone and ultimately, Java dominated enough to pin Velocidad. E

A camera shows a figure in a hood rifling through Sams desk and taking a sheet from his contract stack earlier on tonight. A red hair drops onto the desk as the figure leaves. D-

Cherry Bomb approaches Steph Wade and says that seeing as they both want to beat Alicia, they should temporarily work together. Steph agrees D

The announcers tell everyone that Alicia will fight tonight. Against Cherry Bomb and Steph in ahandicap match. Apparently Sam knows nothing about it, but the contract is in black and white. E+

Even though Cherry and Steph fough really well together, Alicia picked up a fast rollup on Steph. Cherry was furious. D

Madman Boone strolls to the ring maing his debut. He says he wil dominate USPW as he comes from bigger companies, can kick anyone ass, and noone has the guts to stand up to him here. Because of this he will fight anyone that wants a beatdown. C

Pete the Hillbilly careers down to the ring to fight madman. he is clearly pissed, and doesnt cover himself in glory. Boone defeats him easily, but throws in some cheapshots to rub salt in his wounds. D-

Backstage, Nicky Champion and his PA Seduction are walking into the arena. Leadbelly bumps Nicky and they start shoving. Sam appears and tells them they can settle it in the ring. For the TV title. D+

Nicky beats Leadbelly fairly easily but they show zero chemistry. The crowd love Seduction in her new secretary gimmick. E+

The Forces of America and Joss Thompson take on The Towers of Power and TRex in an elimination match. it comes down to TRex and Rushmore vs Joss and as they close in, the Sheik clocks Joss in the back of the head with the ring. TRex then picks up the pin. E+

The announcers say Sam Strong is coming up B+
Sam says Pete valentine can have his title shot. IF he wins a match tonight of Sams choosing. it will be against... James Justice. B+
James Justice comes out with him and says beating Valentine will be easy. Justice is an ex-champion and will easily handle sneaky Pete. B

justice dominates Valenine and is clearly the best wrestler, but just as he is readying his finisher, Giant Redwood appears and attacks him. As Justice lies barely conscious, Valentine hits him with the Heartbreaker for the win. Disgusting. C-

Final show rating D+
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Old 03-07-2009, 06:09 PM   #16
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I clowned the order of some of this show and should have done better (1 of the Cherry segments came at the end).

Still, the crowd are lapping Sam up, and Pete Valentine is strong on the mic in our big storyline. unfortunately, we still need some more options, as TRex vs Joss is starting very slowly.

The girls are doing ok, and we should have some more options there soon.

Nice debut for Madman. hell pick up a few wins before getting really involved.
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Old 03-08-2009, 06:09 PM   #17
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USPW Red White And Blue
Feb Week 1 2008
West Texas Coliseum
2000 people Full House

Up and coming fooball star face Des Davids takes on fold specialist Eric the Bull.
These two are great together, and do some nice work. Des wins with a QB Sack E+

Jumbo Jackson hyoes the 4way match between him, Roderick Remus, Velocidad and Leadbelly E+

Jumbo won the match by pinning Velocidad with a Jumo Avalanche. Remus made his debut and looked ok. 'elly wrestled well as usual but has no x factor. E+

Alicia Strong bigged up her womesn title match featuring all 4 of our ladies tonight. C+

Steph Wade and Nadia Snow refused to let Cherry have her own way by standing doen, and fought hard. They weakened each other enough to force Cherry to go one-on-one with Alicia, and Alicia picks up the win. Alicia is a great wrestler. D-

Burning Exile and Wild Spirit hyped their upcoming match against the Savage Islanders. Noone understood what they were talking about, but they clearly couldnt wait. F+

The Fireballs beat the islanders when they busted out some top-rope skillz. E+

A video plays hyping Nicky Championms title defence against the demon Anger. D-
C'mon, D-? Hes a goddam DEMON!

Nicky beats Anger with a Hawkete Hammer for his 7th defence. Anger isnt the best worker anyway in the ring, and had a shocker tonight. youd think he would have practised as an immortal DEMON! E+

Joss Thompson is seen in his dressing room hyping himself up for the match against TRex. he seems well up for it. D+

Another dressing room door opens and slams Jim Force in the face. the big guy is floored and TRex storms out the door, smashing a TRex shaped hole around the frame where he doesnt fit. ROAR! D+

TRex dominates Joss, but somehow, the Everyman absorbs the punishment until Rex tires. It looks like being a countout after Joss is hurled from the top rope, but he manges to claw his way back inside, get back in the match and hit his Clean Cutter. TRex is exhausted and cant get out of the count. Joss and TRex showed good chemistry D

Sam tells the croiwd the next match is a special one he has cooked up and theyll love it... B+

Madman Boone takes on James Justice. Justice holds his own against Madman in a wild match, but eventually Madman loses his rag and hurls them both over the rope. the crash awkwardly and both are clearly hurt. Justice is crawling back to the ring, but Madman again hurls himself at him, and they both get counted out. C

Justice wont give in though, and like Derek redmond, limps back into the ring. Unfortunately Madman does too, and proceeds to beat the battered Justice further into a bloody mess. C

Commish Sam Strong appears on the screen. He is concerned about the underhand tactics shown recently by Pete Valentine and Sneer in bringing Giant Redwood as a wrecking ball for Bruce the Giant. Still, Sam wants this solved the only way he knows. Not by rules and fines, but in the ring. Tonights main event will be a 3way match for the belt between Bruce, Valentine and Redwood. B+

Pete Valentine, Sneer and Redwood all come down to the ring, they grab mcs and tell Bruce how they are going to act together and mess him up whatever Strong says. Valentine will then take the belt. Redwood looks unsure. C+

A short video plays detailing the history of these 3 including Redwood knocking Bruce out, and Bruce fighting hard. B-

Bruce comes down and the 3 men start to manouevre. Redwood seems unsure whether he should be fighting everyone or just Bruce. He starts to go after Bruce whilst valentine stays back, but Bruce takes the punishment. Eventually, rather than Valentine getting involved, Sneer tries to hit Bruce with the belt, but misses and clocks Redwood. With the big man off with the fairies, Bruce is free to fight properly and pins Redwood first, followed by Valentine to make his 1st title defence. D+
Overall rating D+
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Old 03-08-2009, 06:12 PM   #18
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Show thoughts:

Slow start, decent pick up with some nice angkes and Sam looking awesome. Unfortunately, the main event ws far too long at 15 minutes for two 7footers, and the crowd picked up on them being knackered. Another reason why we need to get away from just massive blokes trading punches like Rocky vs Ivan Drago.

Nice work from Alicia. If she ever gets worthy opponents or takes on the boys, this girl could go far.

Madman Boone did well here. He may have a decent shot at becoming one of our top heels when we can get away from TRex andRedwood looking awkward.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:44 PM   #19
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Top new! Freddie Datsun returns to fitness for the USPW!

Freddie is one one of our main guys, as he can actually put together a decent match without looking like an actor fighting. On top of this, hes quite well known around the US. fred will be playing a blue-collar underdog type very similar to Joss Thompson. Time will tell if they can both occupy the same sort of territory.

Other signings abound as we try to shake our oster up:

Geena he Warrior Princess. Not much explanation required. Big hair, scary makeup, skimpy fur bikini... She signs an exclusive deal with us and will provide relief to Alicia vs Cherry

Jaime Quine. Jaime is a hot little biscuit and actually has a few decent moves too. She will be used as eye candy with the occasional short match in her new girl-next-door persona.

Davis Wayne Newton. Shocking name, but we may change tat. Davis is a real talent but extrmely raw. Very strong technically for a 19 year old, and the camera loves him. Its a bonus hes in great shape too, but we dont think people want to see him go 20 minutes as an unknown. Still, with our international star champion Bruce the Giant knackered after about 7 minutes, its a nice change.

Our roster is filling out, so we should be able to rotate fighters a little more, but Im braced for people being unhappy a how little theyre used. That was always going to happen as we restructured, so suck it up beyotches.
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:02 PM   #20
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Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
Geena he Warrior Princess.

I'm pretty sure that's just a typo but it left me picturing some odd cross between Chyna & Adrian Street, wearing something from the Lucy Lawless collection.

And to be honest, that's an image I could have lived without.
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:33 PM   #21
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Wednesday week 2 Feb 2008
USPW TV Wrestling
Irvine Hall Kansas

Jaime Quinn debuts vs Cherry Bomb
Jaime looks ok for a first night, but cant compete with the power of Cherry who has been taking a kicking from Alicia recently. Cherry wins and looks strong. D

Backstage in the carpark, a pickup pulls up and the door opens to reveal... freddie Datsun back from injury. he looks ALL business. D+

Velocidad comes to the ring to give an interview hyping the Fireballs BASE jumping. Java and Tribal Warrior come out and shout insults then attack Velocidad. Wild Spirit comes out from the back, hits the ring, and cleans house with 2 backflip drop-kicks, saving Velocidad. E-

Wild Spiri stays in the ring to take on debutante Davis Wayne Newton (DoubleDown).
Spirit is in greta form and leaps around the ring with amazing energy. Doubledown tries to pull him in forsome technical holds, but cant get hold of Spirit. Spirit finishes with a 450 splash. E-

Alicia comes onto the big screen slating Cherry Bomb and bigging up the new female USPW recruits. She says she is facing an especially strong one tonight. C+

Alicia comes out from backstage whilst still on the mike saying she will face a new recruit tonight. none other than the fearsome Amazon Geena Warrior Princess. Alicia was off her game fighting, but still stood out as class. She carries geena to a nice rumble, and wins with class. D-

Sam comes out to make a match featuring Madman Boone whohas been on a great run so far against a showstopping fellow newboy. the Fireballs' Burning Exile! B+

madman struggles to grab hold of exile as he leaps about. madman looks strong and hits a few big punches, but eventually gets frustrated and brings a chair into the ring. One smack later and Exile goes down, but the ref rings the bell for a DQ. D-

Sam makes an announcement. The tag titles will be on the line tonight after the Towers of Power demonstrated good behaviour. So the Forces (Jim ultimate Force and Capt USA) will take on the Towers (hulking Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles). However, we have seen these two beat each other up so there will be an additional factor. The Hillbillies! C+

The Towers win the tiles back after Rushmore pins Force. A few of the guys were pretty tired out here, but the Forcs looked strong and the Sheik was factor at ringside. E

Nicky Champion retains his TV Title with a win over Tribal Warrior. Warrior was never in the match, but Champion continues to look strong and uses his feared Hawkeye Hammer to finish. D-

Joss Thompson/James Justice vs TRex and Jumbo Jackson
TRex is an angry man, and looks devestating but the Js conspire to focus on his ankle. Eventually he has to rest, and Joss shows his class against Jumbo winning with a Clean Cutter. TRex is furious that Joss has got one over on him. D

Sam announces that after last weeks title match shenanigans, Bruce will be given a chance to win fairly for once as he takes Redwood on one-on-one with Sneer and Valentine banned from ringside. B+

Bruce and redwood start slinging ginormous fistas a each other and some real power moves. they tire quickly but look strong. However, as the ref takes a flying foot in the head and is knocked out, Pete Valentine comes roraring down to the ring with a baseball bat. Just when it seems like the Heartbreaker and Giant will get the advantage, another figure runs down the apron. Its Freddy datsun! Datsun promptly takes out Valentine, and revives the ref. Invigorated by his letoff, Bruce pulls out an enormous powerbomb on the Redwood and pins him for the 3 to retain the title. D

Afte the match, Bruce and freddy shake hands, but Freddy warns him, as soon as he has finished his business with redwood (who injured him), all bets are off. B+

Overall show rating: D
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:40 PM   #22
Join Date: Jun 2007
A disappointing rating there. Again.

it seems that although Sam in particular, and a few others can throw up great segments, most of our big names either lack enough recognition or in-ring ability to hold solid bouts at the top end.

Im finding it hard to justufy Bruce continuing with the belt even though he is far and away our biggest name. After the current storyline ends, we may have to reevaluate.

Until then, im going to change direction slightly and ride Sam even harder. I see noreason why we cant get him to actually host events, and maybe his charisma can pull some entertainment out.

The best performing person apart from him is actually his daughter Alicia. She will be getting more opportunities.

Also, we would probably be more storyline-ventric if we could. Peole like Bruce, madman, Datsun and valentine are pretty good on the mic, but our fans expect very little setup. This is one o those things I expected to find out here rather than jsut coming up with something like that and starting a new game with a fed more suited to me.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:36 AM   #23
Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I'm pretty sure that's just a typo but it left me picturing some odd cross between Chyna & Adrian Street, wearing something from the Lucy Lawless collection.

And to be honest, that's an image I could have lived without.

Interesting thought there... I might run with it.

Thanks for the input, I need all the help I can get

Apologies for all the typos I make from my home PC. Old nasty keyboard, and Im too lazy to correct them all.
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Old 03-10-2009, 12:36 PM   #24
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Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
I'm reluctant to offer too much in the way of advice since
a) I'm not all that hot myself at times


b) I'm still playing with '07 and am not entirely sure what tricks of the trade with it may not work the same on '08
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 03-12-2009, 03:31 PM   #25
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Our last show hit a 0.27 TVR.

Par for the course.

Happy Elwood is unhappy about his push. Hes really on the roster as he's mates with our TV Nicky Champion, and doesnt have much oomph about him so its a bit silly of him. Hes cheap, so we dont have an issue with him, but Im not standing for toys out of this kids pram.
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Old 03-12-2009, 04:32 PM   #26
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Week 3 February 2008
Pennsylvania Park2000 attendees - sold out

Freddie Datsun vs Jacob Jett (debuting)
Freddie wins with a Patriot Press and continues his rehab. D

Dark match
Buning Exile vs Roderick Remus vs Eric the Bull vs Wild Spirit
Exile hits his Exile driver on Eric the Bull for the win. Exile is clearly the class here E

Sam Strong comes out to address the audience. he announces that he will be taking a closer hold of business from now on starting tonight. people will see a lot more of him. he takes the time to point out some of the guys here tonight (Bruce, Valentine, Champion, TRex, Joss) and mentions there will be some big moments. B+

Tag team championship bout - submission bout!
The Towers of Power (w/Sheik Mustafa) vs Des Davids and David Wayne Newton.
The Sheik was a great help as the towers defended their belts for the first time. Des and Dave worked ok together and we may see this team again. Danny Rushmore wins the match locking Dave into an ankle lock. E-

As the match is finished, the Sheik goads the Powers into continuing. Rushmore maintains the ankle lock and looks like he will break something on the hot young DNW. Muscles joins in as Des tries to help out, and the Towers leave the young team in a bloody heap. E

Alicia gives alengthy promo saying she is confident of keeping her title, but no overconfident. She is taking Nadia very seriously and is ready. C+

Womens championship
Alicia Strong vs Nadia Snow
Nadia tries desperatly not to lock up with Alicia, by kicking widly and running away, but eventually Alicia gets close enough to use her expertice. nadia doesnt stand a chance and is pinned by an Angle Driver. Alicia makes defence number 4 of her belt. D+

Sam comes out to introduce the next big match - Nicky Champion vs Leadbelly. He isvery pally with the audience, and lets them know he is there for them. B

Nicky Champion vs leadbelly for the USPW TV Title
Nicky retains his title in a tight, technical bout full of counters and holds. Unfortunately, Nickycant eep up with 'bellys skills and it showed. E+

Sam is sitting in his comfy chair in his office. A shadow falls across him, and Sam looks at the camera. "Th next match is a big one, featuring a very dangerous individual. Stay tuned for The Forces of America vs... Pete valentine and iant Redwood!" B+

Cap and Jim Force take on Redwood and the Heartbreaker, Pete Valentine.
Cap USA and Redwood are spared from too much exertion here, and Valentine actually wrestles a great match. hes not known for his ability in-ring, so thats a surprise. Eventually, redwood is unleashed and sets about the Forces with some big Boots. He kneels over them both and pins one with eac hand whilst roaring. E+

Agan Sam is wandering a corridor backstage. As he is speaking to the camera he looks up to see TRex. S"Youre looking good Rex. I know youve been having some tough matches, so heres another one. Tonight you take on Jumbo Jackson, and Joss Thompson in a triple threat match. Stay tuned everybody!" B+

Joss Thompson vs TRex vs Jumbo Jackson
Its a real back-and-forth match here, as all 3 guys tke the advantage. Joss is an excellent wrestler, TRex is a monster, and Jumbo has a point to prove. After TRex goes mental and launches Jumbo across the ring, Joss (who had been recovering quietly) jumps up and rolls umbo for the in. Opportunity only knocks once! E+

Sam again comes out to grant a match. He is very concerned that the audience get their moneys worth tonight, so he will be pitching a scary force of nature against one of USPWs top wrestlers. next up isMadman Boone vs James Justice. B+

Madman vs Justice
twi wrestlers with very different philosophies face up cagily. madman is more agressive, but Justice looks skillful and alert. The match goes back and forth until madman lands a vicious, cynical elbow to the nose, followed up by hurling Justice over the rope. the ref sees Justice limp and stops it. C-

Sam introduces the big final event of the evening. One of the worlds greatest wrestlers, and an absolutely bonza bloke. Bruce the Giant will tonight be fronting up against a supernatural fiend. the Demon Anger! B+

Anger and B the G can go after each hard for 5 minutes, but neither are inclined to sell any attacks. The crowd see this, and noones impressed apart from the fact its too big guys. Bruce wins with a Giant Chokeslam. D

Overall show: D
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Old 03-12-2009, 04:36 PM   #27
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Not disastrous by any means. It appears the crowd absolutely loved Sam taking conttrol of business, so we'll be pushing the Strong family more.

The problem is, our top guy should be fighting better. Noone will put Bruce over, and hes unwilling to work hard, so should he keep the belt? Im thinking of movng it on to someone who can fiht for 10 minutes or more, but he is th most famous fighter we have. Some of the other guys look promising (Madman, Datsun, Joss, Justice) so Im trying to work out whether to bring my new regime in sooner rather than later.

Any thoughts on Brucee being convincing as champ?

Madman vs Justice getting a C+ is a great result. Those two definitely surprised me.

Apparently, the crowd want some more hot storylines. Watch this space for some intrigue as we try to bring in more continuity...

Last edited by kislingbury : 03-13-2009 at 05:57 AM.
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Old 03-14-2009, 04:11 AM   #28
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Pete Valentine has been playing SBs again. Apparently he thought it was funny to pick on young Nicky Champion. Needless to say it all ended in tears.

Valentine is only around as Sam loveshim even if he did stand out last week, so he cant get away with too much. We fine him and he promises to shape up.

We request negotiations with 45 year old female worker Helen Bach for reasons that will hopefully become apparent...
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Old 03-14-2009, 04:22 AM   #29
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We form a new face tagteam putting Des Davids (our ex-football star prospect) and Davis Wayne Newton (the new bluechip Canadian prospect) togeher. They might give us a credible alternative...
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Old 03-14-2009, 04:28 AM   #30
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We sign Helen Bach to a 9 month PPA contract. Shes more expensive than I wanted at 700 bucks a pop, but she will be central to some of our planned upcoming activity
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Old 03-14-2009, 03:45 PM   #31
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USPW TV Wrestling
Week 4 February
NC Biker Museum

Dark match
Jumbo Jackson vs Velocidad
Velocidad was off his game, and Jumbo's quality and strength showed as he won with a Jumbo Avalanche. E

Dark match
Red Hot vs Savage Fury
Our new team of Des and Davis debut with a nice win over the savages. E

Sam comes out to introduce the show and what we can expect. Hes excited about Bruce, Madman and Freddie all being here tonight. He also announces a 6way battle royale fo the womens tle coming up. A

6 way womens battle royale
(Alicia, Cherry, Nadia, Steph, Geena the Warrior Princess, Jaime Quine)
This comes down to a last twoof Alicia vs Cherry. Theyve been rumbling recently, but Alicia has been very tough to beat. Alicia hurled Cherry from the ring and retains her title. D-

Afer thematch, Alicia seems strangely sad. She climbs out the ring and approaches Cherry who is recovering. Alicia helps her up and offers her a handshake, but Cherry refuses, slaps Alicia and storms off. D

In between matches, an older lady climbs into the ring fom the crowd with a megaphone. Security converge on her, but she struggles as she screams “Not until I’ve seen him! Where is he!” As the goons start to cart her off we hear someone else calling “Wait!” Everyone looks to the backstage door, and James Justice is there with a mic. “What are you doing here mum?”
The lady announces she is extremely disappointed in him and his choice of job. She always expected better. JJ is defensive and says he is a great example to kids as a beacon of authority and liberalness. Unfortunately his mum points out he is a fraud. He never finished his studies. In fact, that’s why she wanted to see him. She wants to see him finish his law degree. James blushes hard and storms backstage again. Mrs Justice is escorted from the building. B

Sam introduces th next match. Our long-running TV champ NickyChampion against the demon Anger. B

Nicky Champion is seen strolling to the ring with his belt. As he approaches the ring, Anger comes up behind him with a long black staff, and beats him savagely round the head. Champion is floored, but Anger drags him down to the ring and rolls him inside. E

Anger continues his savage attacks (without his weapon) and Nicky is clearly groggy and hurt. Nicky fights bravely, but Anger manages a pin whilst applying leveragefrom the ropes. Anger wins the TV title E+

James Justice comes to the ring with his mum and a mic. “I have a confession to make. My mum was right. I’m not a legal expert, so I cant decide what’s fair, and who’s wrong. But I’m going to change all that. Starting next week I’m going to finish my degree, and then Ill be back as the foremost expert round here on What Is Right.” C+

Freddie Datsun vs Madman Boone
This istheir first match and it shows. freddie is off his game, and Madman looks very strong. The ref stops it as Madman brings a weapon into the ring. D+

Sam starts to recap some of the nights matches, but is interrupted as TRex invades his personal space. The monster looks especially earsome next to Sams 60-year-old body. TRex says he is going to finish his problems with Joss once and or all tonight, and demands a match. Sam tells him he isnt going to be intimidated, but he likes a bit of aggression and initiative. hes got it, an to make sure their isues are sorted, it will be a last man standing match. B+

Joss strives to defend himself, but TRex is clearly a man on a mission tonight. He unleashes amazing power move after power move and eventually Joss s knocked out. TRex takes the opportunity to raise him over his head and slam Joss down. Unsurprisingly, he fails to make the 10 count and TRex wins. D-

James Justice is seen backstage on the phone with paperwork spread out.
“So I only need another 60 credits? … And I’ve got 3 modules to do? … Plus the exam? … I can do that. You owe me a gown and a hat.” He hangs up and turns to the camera. Starting next week Im back in school. Ive got 3 asignments to do and an exam, and then Ill be a qualified legal expert. Then we miht start seeing a little more Justice round here" B-

Sam comes back out to the ri to introdue the final match for the night. he has decided to put an end to Pete Valentines quest for the title, and is giving himone last chance to win against Bruce. If he fails tonight, he wont get another title shot for 1 year, or until Bruce loses the belt. B+

Bruce the Giant vs Peter Valentine
Bruce dominates the match, but a desperate and motivted Peter fights his heart out. After a few minutes, his mercenary Giant Redwood comes out, and enters the ring. Together theyassault Bruce with some fury and get the big bolke down on the canvas As Pete moves in to pin him, Redwoo is looing ncertain. valentne rolls up Bruces massive leg, but Redwood kicks Pete in the back! Pte is clearly amazed and furious, and Redwood kicks him again knocking him out. As the two combatants lie still, the show ends wth redwood standin tall and glaring at the ref. C-

Overall rating: C-

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Old 03-14-2009, 03:47 PM   #32
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Our best ever show even if its not an instant classic. Sm mangd our first ever A rated segmen introducing his daughter, JJs new storyline kicked off well, Nicky lost his title opening that up a bit and the Redwood/Valentine relationship reached boiling point. omething needed to change there, as Bruce cant fight with either of them. Maybe he has somethign new up his sleeve too?

Good result for USPW
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Old 03-14-2009, 03:59 PM   #33
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We hit a 0.29 TVR withthat show. Its or for the course but rising. We may well be looking at expanding our TV offering soonish if possible.

Quick update of titles:

World title Bruce the Giant, 3 defences, B+ prestige
TV Title Anger, no defence, prestige D
Womens title Alicia Strong, 5 defences, prestige E
Tag titles Towers of power, 1 defence, prestige D

Current size:
We are currently a Cult promotion. To reach the next stage (National) we need to reach C+ importance in 8 US regions, and D- throughout the whole country.

Great lakes D
Mid atlantic D
Midsouth D+
Midwest D
New England D
Northwest D
Southeast C-
Southwest D
Tristate D+
Puerto Rico D-
Hawaii E-

As is brutally obvious, we need to step up the quality of our TV output and preferably the TV show itself needs more penetration.

Hopefully, we will start doing that soon,as I'm starting to figure out my best workers and combinations, and the tactic of relying more on our best guys out of the rin seem to be profitable. Get ready for more work Justice, Sam, Alicia and Bruce!
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Old 03-14-2009, 06:27 PM   #34
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New team added:

Jacob Jett and Roderick Remus will be put together as a mid-card heel team. Jett is a cocky youth known to be sure of himself and fond of nights out taking advantage of hsi status. Remus is a scruffy, ratty guy who will be playing his attendant and dealer.
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Old 03-17-2009, 06:05 PM   #35
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Wednesday Week 1 March 2008
USPW TV Wrestling
Huntsville Fairgrounds
Attendance 3,571

Dark match
Jumbo Jackson defeated Pete the Hillbilly E+

Dark match
Danny Rushmore defeated Althe Hillbilly D

Sam introduces the show. he announces the start of a tournament to decide the number one contenders for the tag titles and says Bruce the Giant has a very important announcement later on... A

Anger taunts Nicky Champion over taking his TV title. C-

Alicia takes on Cherry Bomb in what is billed as Cherry's las title shot. Alicia wins D

After the match, Joss Thompson approaches Alicia and tells her how amazing her performance was. He asks her out for a date. Alicia coyly agrees. C1

Bruce the Giant come sout with gold on his arm. After he has defeated all of the main contenders, Bruce doesnt think anyone cn beat him so he's trying to play fair dinkum. He is proposing Bruces Aussie Challenge. every week, bruce will challenge all-comers to an Australian challenge, and the winner will get a title shot. Tonights challenge will be how many vegemite sandwiches can nyone eat in 5 minutes. B

First semifinal of the tag No1 contenders tournament. RedHot vs Jett & Remus.
Jett and Remus cheat their asses off, but Remus is clearly knackered (he is struggling to keep up with Jetts furious partying lifestyle andis barely awake) so Davies and Davis pure athletic skills win the day. E

TRex takes on Wild Spirit
TRex dominates the quick, exciting Wild SPirit and wins quickly. E

Anger makes his first defence of the TV title. Against happy Elwood. Unsurprisingly the (not so ) scary demon Anger wins convincingly. D-

Bruces vegemite sanger challenge.
Java, Capt USA, Madman Boone and Mick Muscles all try the challenge. The huge Java is the early favourite, but his stomach isnt helping himout and its obvious he cant stand the rancid stuff. The others are close, but the experience Capt USA manages to squeeze one extra one down. Vile. Capt USA is granted a title shot. C

2nd no 1 tag contender semifinal
Savage Fury vs the Fireballs (Velocidad and Burning Exile)
Java is ineffective as he keeps clutching his belly, but Tribal Warriors power shows against the inexperienced but passionate Fireballs and TW pins Velocidad. E

Leadbelly gives a promo about how mangry he is at James Justice and his elitist 'law degree'. For someone who claims to represent normal Americans, hes right up his own ass. And Leadbellys the man to take him down a peg or two... D-

Bruce defends his title against Capt USA
Cap s full of sarnies and Bruce is unstoppable again. Could it be a ploy to weaken challengers? Bruce wins with his Giant Chokeslam. D+

Overall rating: D
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:01 AM   #36
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Wednesday week 2 March 2008
Huntsville Fairgrounds
Expected attendance: 3,447
Actual attendance 3,324

Dark match
The Towers of Power take on Velocidad and Happy Elwood.
The towers win in 4:54 to regain some momentum. E+

Sam Strong introduces the show and bigs up Bruces ongoing challenge. he will be running another one tonight. Also present are freddie Datsun, ad some other big names. A

We see a film of Joss and Alicia out on their first date ina restaurant. Both behave impeccably and appear to be getting onvery well. C-

Madman Boone is seen slapping Happy Elwood around before Freddie Datsun appears to make the save. D-

Leadbelly confronts James Justice backstage and goes over his hatred for JJ, his priveleged upbringing and bleeding-hart liberal law-first stance. In very short words. In his pants. JJ is not impressed, and walks away from the spitting fool. C

The fireballs (Wild Spirit and Burning Exile) take on Jett and Remus
Again, Remus looks knackered after trying to keep up with Jetts partying and is a liability. The fireballs steal the show with their high-risk manouvres and grab the win as Exile hits his Flaming Comet. E

The Hillbillies are seen in the back of a pickup truck backstage plucking a banjo and swigging un unmarkd bottle. Suddenly, a huge roar is heard, the truck is tipped over and a giant throws stuff everywhere. For some reason, Redwood is enraged at the inbred streaks of piss, and is going ape. unsurprisingly, the Hillbillies leg it and barely escape the enraged Redwood who is seen sniffing the air and searching the debris... D-

Des Davids and DWN hype their forthcoming tag tournament final with Savage Fury for the no. 1 contenders spot. E+

Anger defends his TV title ina triple threat match against Nicky Champion and TRex.
TRex dominates and throws Champion from the ring. As he follows him, Anger clocks him on the back of the head, and waits in the ring as the others are counted out. D-

Sam introduces amatch for the peoples hero, Freddie Datsun. Tonight he will be fighting Eric the Bull, bodyguard of Shane Sneer. B+

Freddie defeats Eric in 7:35 with a patriot press. Freddie was on top of his game. E+

Bruce comes out to announce this week's Aussie challenge. he is wearing a think white jumper and white trousers. Bruce will be playing cricket tonight, a civilized game where endurance and guile is rewarded as well as bravery and power. He sets up bails along the apron, and announces that anyone who can bowl him out will get the title shot. Java, Wild Spirit, Mick Muscles, Pete Valentine, TRex and Nicky Champion all fail, but Jumbo Jackson manages to bowl a perfect leg-spinner that comes back in and skittles Bruce. C+

As Bruce goes back to prepare, Sam confirms that the title will be defendad against the dangerous Jumbo Jackson. Jumbo mentions he doesnt even understand cricket, and he wont be watching it anytime soon. Any game that takes 5 days to get to a draw is rubbish. A

Bruce defends his title against Jumbo. Jumbo held his own well, (albeit with interference from Sneer, Valentine and Eric) but cant match Bruces raw power after hes annoyed at getting bowled. bruce finally mnages to pin him down and lock on his Ginat Choke Slam. Game Over Man! D+

Overall rating: D+
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:04 AM   #37
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Mixed show there. Bruce needs headline opposition to hit decent matches (his best so farhave been with Pete Valentine who cant wrestle, but has status) but that doesnt fit the storylinejust yet. Things will happen there and in the meantime, the corwd are doing ok with the Aussie challenge.

Sara Silver did sterling work as an announcer. She also worked well with Danny Jillevski (our play-by-play guy) so we might get a nice uplift there.

We've got a few stories on the go now in theor early stages, so they dont give us many matches but the segments are doing ok.
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:07 AM   #38
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Storylines in terms of overness:

Bruce's Aussie challenge C+
James Justice goes back to school B+
Alicia and Joss's romance C-
3 way fight for the tv title (Anger, TRex and Nicky C) D-
Freddie stands up to people D-
Tag tournament for the No1 contender spot E+
Giant redwood smells... XXX? D-
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:10 AM   #39
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There is an incident backstage after the show. Apparently, Wild Spirit was spreading rumours about Sheik Mustafa. Quite how, e dont know as his English isnt that hot. And what an idiot! Doesnt he know hes getting much more push than he should as I like his look and the Fireball's potential?

I fine him and he takes it well. Silly boy.
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:15 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by kislingbury View Post
Quite how, e dont know as his English isnt that hot.

I'm going to guess that gestures were involved somehow.
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:38 AM   #41
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Behind Bars!
Wednesday Week 3 March 2008
Huntsville fairground
Expected attendance: 3,447
Actual attendance: 2,000 SOLD OUT

Dark match
Velocidad & Burning Exile vs Towers of Power (non-title match)
Velocidad and Danny Rushmore were both off their game. They have a game?
The Towers win when Rushmore pins Velocidad

Commissioner Sam introduces the show
He highlights Bruce being back with another Aussie challenge, Freddie Datsun being present and the final of the no. 1 contender tournament for the tag belts between Red Hot and Savage Fury.

Anger vs Captain USA for the TV title
Squashy squash. Anger hauls himself through the match to retain.

Happy Elwood gets a kicking from Madman Boone for no particular reason. He's just like that. Jacob Jett and Rod Remus who are walking by see the opportunity and also join in.

Freddie Datsun breaks it up by chasing the heels off.

Wild Spirit vs Eric the Bull
These two dont click making for an awkward bout. Spirit picks up the win with a trademark 450 splash

The Hillbillies are again relaxing with a bottle of unlabelled liquor. Redwood attacks and is clearly going for the bottle, but Al and Pete manage to get away with it.

Happy Elwood asks his close pal Nicky Champion to join him in a match against his attackers from earlier on (Madman, Jett and Remus). Nicky agrees to help out.

Jumbo Jackson vs Jim Force
Great commentary lifts this match, but its still stuck in the gutter. Jackson picks up the 3 count.

A video plays showing Joss Thompson and Alicia Strong's latest date (an evening at a funfair). This time they smooch!

A video plays hyping the no1 contenders match giving both teams equal props.

Red Hot (Des Davids & Davis Wayne Newton) vs Savage Fury
Java and Des are both of their game. The announcing quality was great. Slightly underwhelming match, but this is USPW. Des gets the win over Tribal Warrior.

Happy Elwood and Nicky Champion approach Freddie Datsun to complete their team to take on Madman, Jett and Remus. Freddie was upset by the bullying and agrees to take part.

Sam agrees to Happy's request for a match now he has a full team. The following match will be a 3-man tag team bout. Sam also bigs up big names Freddie and Madman coming together in the ring.

Happy Elwood, Nicky Champion & Freddie Datsun vs Madman Boone, Jacob Jett & Rod Remus
Datsun and Madman are kept apart after Madman tries to only pick on the littler guys. Madman is off his game anyway. Datsun is frustrated but takes it out on Remus whom he pins for the win. The commentary was great

Sam introduces a clash between two big names that dont have a match. James Justice is concentrating on his studies, but still has to work for him, so tonight he will face cheating, sneaky evil genius Peter Valentine.

James Justice vs Peter Valentine
Great announcing helps lift Valentine to respectability here. Just as Justice is looking good though, Leadbelly (who is annoyed at Justice's educational aspirations)attacks him from the crowd and Valentine grabs the win.

Bruce comes out to introduce this week's Aussie challenge. It will be a Castlemaine XXXX downing competition. TRex, Captain USA, Wild Spirit and Jumbo Jackson all enter. TRex shows his enormous capacity and wins the title shot for tonight.

Bruce the Giant vs TRex
The match suffers from a lack of selling, as both big men seem unaffected by the weak punches on show. Also, they just dont click. the announcing was great and helped somewhat. Bruce picks up the win after he forces TRex to submit.

Overall show rating: D

Last edited by kislingbury : 03-27-2009 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 03-26-2009, 11:19 AM   #42
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Thoughts on the current state of play:

Our offering sucks. A wrestling fed generally needs some decent wrestlers and most of our guys couldnt grapple an apple. In particular, some of our top chaps (Bruce, Pete Valentine, TRex, Giant Redwood) are absolutely terrible in the ring. We've picked up some decent guys recently (Joss, Madman, Wild Spirit, Jacob Jett, Burning Exile, DNW) but its going to take time to manoeuvre them into top slots.

Some established storylines being strung out better with more thought will go a long way rather than just throwing guys together. Our angles are generally better than our matches at the mo, but dont seem to be having much impact on show ratings even though Im trying to keep them at at least 6 minutes.

Alicia and Joss are going to be key. Their current storyline will bring them into the spotlight soon and maybe that will give us some decent matches.

James Justice looks our best guy in matches. Hes had a couple of decent matches and brought Valentine to a C- last week. For our guys, thats awesome.

Bruce needs to be downgraded and soon. His Aussie challenge is going ok, and it lets me try and find matchups for him, but its not a long-term headlining thing. he cant wrestle for long without compromising quality, and seeing as the overall rating is based on the headline match, I need to experiment with other guys headlining. Justice seems an obvious choice, so lets hope people keep loving his back-to-school thing.

Tag division pretty much sucks. The Fireballs will be our best team when theyre a bit more established, but thats taking a while (it was always going to)
Overall, I think my roster is in better shape than when I started, and we're going in the right direction but there's still a lot of work to do.

Thanks anybody paying attention. Keeping to a slow pace here definitely helps growing understanding this game in an orderly fashion...
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Old 03-27-2009, 11:57 AM   #43
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Week 3 March 2008
Centrepiece Bridge
Expected attendance: 2,462
Actual attendance: 2,402

Dark match
Red-hot vs Savage Fury
DWN beat Tribal Warrior for the win D-

Sam introduces the show. He concentrates on a surprise headline match between two big stars and his daughter Alicia making a big announcement. A

Leadbelly vs Wild Spirit
The two showed great chemistry. 'belly is a decent technician and managed to eke out the win over Spirit's high-impact tactics D

Nicky Champion vs TRex
Not much to this, just trying to get some more wrestling in... TRex loses this by being DQed. D-

Alicia and Joss come out to address the crowd. They confirm the news that they are now officially a couple, and Alicia also tells us she has taken the opportunity to move forward in her professional life. She is relinquishing the women's title and will now be wrestling in a different division. The tag-team division with Joss as her partner. C-

Jake Jett & Rod Remus vs the Hillbillies
The Hillbillies are holding their own by targeting the knackered Remus and avoiding the dangerous Jett, but disaster strikes as Giant Redwood assaults them in the ring. Redwood actually gets hold of Pete but cant find a bottle and moves on to Al. At this point, everyone runs away. E-

Madman Boone beats up Jim Force backstage. What a douchebag. D

Cherry Bomb vs Geena the Warrior Princess for the newly vacated Women's title
These two dont click at all and it shows. Not good news. Cherry is strong and regains the belt. E

Sam introduces a match between an old face, and someone who has been mentioned as a possible future contender. Anger vs Happy Elwood for the TV title.
Anger was off his game but the two have great chemistry. Anger forces a submission to retain the belt, E+

James Justice announces he will be attempting the first bit of coursework for his law degree. He will be attempting to defend an accused criminal. Madman Boone has been accused of assault tonight by Jim Force. without going into the details, Sam is the judge at a mock trial, and JJ presents enough evidence to have Madman 'convicted'. madman isn't happy and is dragged away by security... C

Bruce's Aussie challenge
Tonight's challenge is cooking the perfect barbie. Bruce unveils a line of BBQs and challenges anyone to cook a steak exactly how he likes it. Redwood enters and serves the meat raw, Anger enters and burns his to a crisp, Wild Spirit enters and loses interest before walking away, but the clear winners are Joss and Alicia who enter together and canoodle through the challenge before serving the perfect steak. C

Bruce vs Joss for the World Title
These two have pretty good chemistry, but we suffer for the face/face thing. Bruce stood out which is a first, especially against a decent performer. Bruce manages to win, and the two part with respect.

Sam comes out and mentions h promised a surprise headline match. After long thought, he has decided to sort an issue that arose tonight at the same time. Tonight's main event will be Madman Boone vs James Justice. A

James Justice vs Madman Boone
This is a fairly equal battle between Madman's brawn and JJs laid-back smarts. Madman's anger gets the best of him though, and JJ rolls him up opportunely for the win. D

Overall show grade: D+
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Old 06-24-2009, 01:49 PM   #44
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Right, after my wife bpught me a wrestling game for my birthday and my friend and I pounded it on holiday, Im going to give TEW another go.

Im fully aware I have no idea what Im doing, and updates may be a little sporadic, but what the hell right?
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Old 06-24-2009, 01:50 PM   #45
Join Date: Jun 2007
We line up our first talent trade with MAW whom we have a working agreement in place.

Mean Jean Cattley comes in who is a nasty heel and will wrestle as a mid-carder with us (hes top dog in MAW).

Danny Rushmore goes the other way

This fits as Ill be attempting some wholsesale changes.

Bruce, Valentine, TRex etc are old, tired and rubbish, so Im going to try and accelerate changes...

Last edited by kislingbury : 06-24-2009 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 06-24-2009, 01:58 PM   #46
Join Date: Jun 2007
Joss Thompson has injured his wrist, but will continue regardless for now. I dont know if this will hurt his ability.

The following productions have accepted our offer for working agreements:

This is important as it allows us to seek talent trades. If we can palm Bruce, Valentine etc off and get some decent fighters to help our future guys (Joss, Madman Boone, Exile etc) over Ill be made up.

Eric the Bull's contract is expiring soon. We wont be keeping him on.

Our latest TV show reached a 0.22 TVR. Thats bad even for us.
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Old 06-24-2009, 02:09 PM   #47
Join Date: Jun 2007
The companies we now have agreements with:

4C Canadian Charimsa Combat Championship
Smallish outfit with a couple of future possibilities.

CGC Canadian Golden Combat
10th biggest promo around. Some very nice prospects here.

NOTBPW North of the Border Pro Wrestling
Another Canuck lot. 9th top outfit with some bona fide superstars. Sean McFly stands out as a world class performer.

PGHW Pride Glory Honour Wreslting
Japanes promo that are 4th biggest in the world. Bruce is especially popular in Japan, so we should be able to bring in some actual real wrestlers!

TCW Total Championship Wrestling
The WCW of the world and 2nd biggest. Thier jobbers can actually last more than 10 minutes, so we might be able to actually get some decent matches.

USPW Surrey style is back. Tell your friends.
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Old 06-25-2009, 04:12 PM   #48
Join Date: Jun 2007
Drat! Wild Spirit has left us for a move back to Japan and a written contract. Humph
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Old 06-25-2009, 04:56 PM   #49
Join Date: Jun 2007
USPW Wrestling
March 2008 Week 4
Arkansas Coliseum
Expected attendance 2,791

Sam introduces the show and runs through who is in the building tonight A

Red Hot are seen backstage discussing the upcoming final of the tag-team tournament against Savage Fury. Suddenly, the Savages burst into their dressing room with a chair each and beat the young guys down. Red Hot are left in a pile of busted-up-ness. E

Roderick Remus vs Jim Force
In a suprisingly open match, Remus picks up his biggest win as a solo wrestler by forcing Force to submit. This is surprisingly as Forces 90 year old bones generally let him wriggle free from most holds. Nevertheless, Remus celebrates. E

Velocidad is seen on his mobile giving Wild Spirit directions to the Arkansas Coliseum where tonight's show is taking place. For no apparent reason, Madman Boone pushes him into the wall and stamps on his phone. As Boone stares down the slight Velocidad, his nemesis and defender of the people, Freddie Datsun gives him a swift slam himself whereupon Madman legs it. Freddie helps Velocidad up to his feet, but his phone is destroyed. D

The Towers of Power (w/Sheik Mustafa) vs Nicky Champion and Happy Elwood
The Towers try to isolate Elwood, whilst Champion treats him as an equal, Nicky gets annoyed as the Towers avoid him one-on-one though, and after one too many interferences from the Sheik to pick on Elwood, takes the law into his own hands whereupon the ref calls for the bell (maybe a little too quickly). Victory for the Towers. D-

James Justice is seen practising legal debate with his mum. He uses long words and appears clever and learned. C+

Leadbelly bursts in and tries to grab JJ's mum and the two enemies start to brawl. Luckily, Sam and Commissioner Doom hear the racket and arrive to haul them apart. Sam says he has had enough of these two and as the real problem, JJ will be fighting right now! Against TRex. D+

James Justice vs TRex
TRex uses his immense size and weight to toss JJ around, but he fights back gamely with encouragement from his mum. Just as he appears to be getting back into the match, Leadbelly runs out and adds a few swift kicks. JJ cant fight both of them off, and TRex hits him with the Jurassic Crush forcing JJ to submit. C

Sam announces that he has decided to come down hard on all the brawling and backstage shenanigans going on and will not tolerate people misbehaving backstage. As a punishment for their earlier altercation, Madman Boone and Freddie Datsun will both be fighting opponents of his choice tonight. First up, Madman Boone will take on Velocidads partner... Burning Exile B+

Madman Boone vs Burning Exile
Exile sets the ring alight with high impact moves whilst Madman struggles to build up his trademark "losing it" frenzy. After Exile hits a hurricanrana, Madman comes up all blood and vineagr and absolutely smashes Exile. He hits the Boone and Bust and its lights out Exile. D

Sam announces that for his part in the messing about earlier, Freddie Datsun will take on... Jacob Jett B+

Freddie Datsun vs Jacob Jett
Jett is a good performer and maneges to make this look half-decent, but the crowd are with Freddie after him being punished for doing good. Ebentually his momentum counts and he hits Jett with the Patriot Press. 123 for the win. D-

Overall rating: D
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Old 06-25-2009, 05:01 PM   #50
Join Date: Jun 2007
Not great, but I wanted to see if we could get a good match at the top of the show with some lesser names. Turns out not so much. Jett is a good wrestler but our crowd dont care about him, and the same goes for Exile. We did mange to hold a few longer matches though (12-15 mins) so Im pleased we have some guys who can do that finally.

We reached 0.23 TVRs. Better than last week, but still awful.

JJ may well be a guy to build around

Justice vs TRex was a good matchup and both are quite over.

We are a bit short of quality heels. Maybe we can turn someone...

Our announcing team are brilliant. They consistently lift our matches.

Last edited by kislingbury : 06-25-2009 at 05:06 PM.
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