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Old 08-27-2005, 09:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Werewolf: XIV Spawn (GAME OVER! Please give feedback)

Below are the rules for this game of Werewolf. It was originally carafted by Kakaris Maelstrom at the Board Game Geeks website. It is more complex than other games we've had here but I think it is balanced and is not really harder to play, but rather simply gives many more options for pursuing victory. I have tried to make things as clear as possible (which is part of the reason for the length), but if you have questions please don't hesitate to ask them.

Sign-ups will go through Friday, or until we're filled (HA HA HA). Roles will be sent out either Friday or Saturday, so that if people have questions they may get clarification before the game and Day 1 will be Tuesday September 6 (there will be no night 0, in other words).

Basic Game Concepts
There are two sides to this game, the spawn, and the survivors. Unlike a normal werewolf game the victory conditions are a little different.

In order for the survivors to win, they must kill all of the spawn.

However, the spawn may win in two ways. Either they kill, or successfully convert, all of the humans OR they deprive the survivors water for two days (as spawn do not need water to live).

Players may only communicate with each other in the game thread unless stated in their role.

The game will have day and night cycles. Each day cycle will start at 9 AM EDT Monday-Friday. Each night cycle will start at 9 PM EDT Monday-Thursday. The Friday day cycle will continue until 9 AM Sunday. The Sunday night cycle will continue until 9 AM Monday. The weekend timing may be changed (either slower or faster) based on an agreement of the players. Certain actions may only be performed in one of the cycles.

During the day cycle the crew may execute one person per cycle. In order to execute someone 1/3 or more of the remaining players must vote for a player to be executed (example: There are 18 people left. At least 6 people must vote for a person in order for them to be killed. If the final tally, for instance, is 5-4-3-2 with 5 people not voting then no one is executed.).

The Captain may only be executed by a Mutiny. No person may vote for the Captain to be executed until an Officer has done so and the First Officer must vote in favor of the mutiny (otherwise who would lead the ship?). If the Captain performs the override execution action (see Public Role: Captain below) a vote will take place at night. If a majority of the crew votes in favor of the mutiny the Captain “disappears” during the night (no officer needs to vote in favor of a night mutiny).

The crew has a limited amount of water at the start of the game. The crew may go on Away Team missions in order to find water (see Actions available to all for more information on Away Team missions). Each day each member of the crew needs .25 units of water per day. If a crew member does not receive water for one day they become dehydrated (see Status below). If a survivor does not receive water for two days they die. Spawn do not need water to survive.

There are several locations aboard the ship. The Spawn may attack these locations to damage them, while security officers may protect these locations. If the Spawn attempt to attack locations which are being protected, they will instead attack the person guarding them.

Engine Room The ship’s engines are housed here. The ship may not lift-off (see Lift-Off below) until these are repaired. Once the ship has lifted-off the engines may not be damaged. A successful spawn attack adds 2-6 man cycles of repair time to the engines.

Water Plant The water plant contains two devices relating to water. The water filter and the water tanks. No new water may be added to the water tanks if the water filter is damaged. If the water tanks are damaged, some, or all, water will leak each cycle. A successful spawn attack adds 1-2 man cycles of repair time. The water filter must be damaged before the water tanks may be damaged.

Security Headquarters The Security HQ houses the weapons locker and the brig. If the Security HQ is damaged neither place may be accessed. Any weapons not in the security locker will stay with whoever had them when the Security HQ became damaged. The brig is immune to outside attack, (a Spawnling Attack may occur but at a severe penalty), but those with-in the brig may still attack each other. A successful spawn attack requires 2-5 man cycles of repair time.

Lift-off is generally good new for the survivors. After lift-off no new survivors may become infected (although Spawn and Spawnlings may still evolve). Additionally, at the GM’s discretion, the water requirement may be lessened after lift-off.

In order to lift-off the engines must not be damaged and the Captain and one other officer, or a majority of the officers, must perform the action Vote for Lift-Off (see Officer’s actions below). Once both conditions are met lift-off takes place immediately.

Away Teams
Each day the First Officer may lead an away team. Generally, this away team will be to find water. A crew member, if asked, must go on away team if they have the action points to do so. An away team may go on a short mission (no action points) or a long mission (1 action point). Long missions increase the chance of success of an away team.

The success of an away team is dependent on:
*The length of the Away Team mission/The amount of planning by the First Officer
*The number of survivor crew present (non scientists)
*The number of scientists present
*The number of spawn on an away team(more spawn equals less success)

There is a 10% chance that each member of the Away Team will become a Spawnling when on Away Team.

Public Roles and actions

Each person based on their public roles has a certain number of action points (AP) each cycle to spend on actions available to their roles. AP expire at the end of each cycle if unused. Actions may be performed more than once, assuming a person has the AP to do so, unless specified otherwise. Many actions may only be performed during one of the two cycles. Actions from a public role are always revealed to the entire crew, although some actions (such as Protect) are not revealed until after they have happened and they may also be faked (see Faking Duties below).

Actions available to all

Sleep: Night Only Prevents exhaustion (see Status Exhaustion below). Requires all of a person’s action points.

Away Team: Day Only Causes a crew member to join an away team (see Away Teams above) 0 AP (short mission) or 1 AP (long mission)

Vote for Execution: Day Only Vote, or unvote, for a crew member to be executed. This does not need to be sent to GM and may just be posted in the thread. See Executions above. 0 AP

If an officer dies, the officer below him moves up in rank, with rank 1 being the highest.

Captain (Rank 1) (3 AP per cycle)
The Captain is the leader of the ship and may not be executed (except by a Mutiny; see Executions Above).

Give Order: Day Only The captain may give a simple one step order to any crew member to perform a certain action that is with-in their ability to perform and they have the available action points (example: The Captain may order an engineer to repair the engine room during the next night cycle). The captain may also rescind, or modify, the orders of any other officer. The captain may not order anyone to vote in a particular way. 1 AP

Vote for Lift-Off Day Only May vote to lift-off (see Lift-off above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

Change Execution Day Only The Captain may change the person to be executed, regardless of the vote (and even if no one was scheduled to be executed). This triggers a night vote for Mutiny (see Executions – Mutiny above). This order must be sent to the GM at least 30 minutes before the voting deadline and may be conditional (example: If Pete, change execution to Bob, otherwise do not change). 1 point

First Officer (Rank 2) (2 AP per cycle)
The First Officer leads all Away Team missions and does not ever have to spend any AP to be part of the mission (beyond points spent planning the mission. See Plan Away Team Mission below)

Give Order: Day Only Same as Captain above EXCEPT that the First Officer may not rescind, or modify, orders of the Captain 1 AP

Plan Away Team Mission: Day or Night The First Officer must plan what the away team will do on their mission. This may be done in advance (may be planned in one cycle but not carried out until a future cycle). 1 AP for a short mission. 2 AP for a long mission

Lead Mutiny: Day Only The Second Officer may lead a mutiny against the Captain (see Executions – Mutiny above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. (NOTE: This action may be rescinded by the Second Officer any time prior to the end of voting, but he will not regain any AP spent) 0 AP the first time it is performed, 1 AP when performed at any time after that

Vote for Lift-Off Day Only May vote to lift-off (see Lift-off above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

Second Officer (Rank 3) (1 AP per cycle)
The Second Officer is in-charge of personnel.

Give Order: Day Only Same as Captain and First Officer above EXCEPT that he may not modify or change anyone other person’s order. 1 AP

Promote Private: Day Only He may promote a private to the position of: Galley Master, Security Crewmen, Sergeant at Arms, Medic or Warden. 1 AP

Vote for Lift-Off Day Only May vote to lift-off (see Lift-off above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

Security Chief (Rank 4) (2 AP per cycle)

Interrogate Suspected Spawn Day OnlyThis allows the Security Chief to privately communicate with any other crew member for the remainder of that particular day’s cycle. 1 AP

Give Order to Security Personnel: Day Only Same as Captain above EXCEPT that the Security Chief may issue orders only to Galley Master, Security Crewmen, Sergeant at Arms, or Warden. 1 AP

Protect Night Only May choose to protect a person or location against attack. If there is an attack on that person/place the attack will occur between the Security Chief and the attacker(s). The Security Chief is armed with a three shot phaser, whether or not the Security Headquarters is damaged, providing an additional bonus if the phaser has any shots left. Protect has a smaller positive effect against a Spawn Attack. What/who was protected will not be revealed until the next day cycle. 2 AP

Spy Night Only May designate a person to follow around at night and receive a report of that person’s actions. If the person launches an attack (but not a spawn attack) there is a chance that the Security Chief may perform the Protect action (with no AP cost). It will not be posted who the Security Chief spied upon, only that he spied upon someone 2 AP

Vote for Lift-Off Day Only May vote to lift-off (see Lift-off above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

Ensign (Rank 5) (1 AP per cycle)
The ensign is there to learn from the other officers and to step into the line of duty should any officers be killed.

Vote for Lift-Off Day Only May vote to lift-off (see Lift-off above). This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

Enlisted Crew

Engineer (1 AP per cycle)
Repair Day or Night The Engineer may choose a room to repair reducing the damage by one man cycle. An Engineer cannot fix a system they believe will be attacked before it has been attacked. 1 AP

Doctor (2 AP per cycle)
Short examination Day Only The Doctor may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the doctor will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn (in other words a spawnling), the doctor will learn this, and have a good chance of curing the crew member. In this case there is a small chance the doctor will become infected or that either or both the doctor and crew member will die. If the crew member is a spawn the doctor and crew member will die. 1 AP

Long examination Day Only The doctor may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the doctor will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn, the doctor will learn this, and will cure the crew member. If the crew member is a spawn the doctor will have a chance to cure the crew member. There is also a chance that the doctor and/or crew member will die or that the doctor will become infected. 2 AP

Cure Wound Day Only This changes a person’s status from Wounded to normal (see Status below). 1 AP

Nurse (1 AP per cycle)
There is a small chance that if the Doctor dies that the Nurse will become the doctor.

Cure Wound Day Only This will most likely change a person’s status from Wounded to normal (see Status below). 1 AP

Short examination Day Only The Nurse may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the nurse will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn (in other words is a spawnling), the nurse will learn this, and have a small chance of curing the crew member. In this case there is a chance the nurse will become infected or that either or both the nurse and crew member will die. If the crew member is a spawn the nurse and crew member will die. 1 AP

Medic (1 AP per cycle)
There is a very good chance that if the Nurse dies that the medic will become the nurse. This will take one day (but the Medic will still be able to perform medic duty during that day).

Cure Wound Day Only This will likely change a person’s status from Wounded to normal (see Status below). 1 AP

Galley master (1 AP per cycle)

Protect Water Night Only The Galley master may guard the Water Plant at night. If there is an attack he will receive a bonus, if armed (see Sergeant at Arms below). This is slightly less effective than regular Protect. If the Galley master protects the water, this will not be revealed until the following day cycle. 1 AP

Ration Water Day Only The Galley master may choose which members of the crew receive water if there is not enough water for all of the crew. Whenever possible this action should be submitted to the GM during the night cycle. 1 AP

Security Crewman (1 AP per cycle)
Protect Night Only May choose to protect a person or location against attack. If there is an attack on that person/place the attack will occur between the Security Crewman and the attacker(s). If the Security Crewman is armed with a phaser he will receive an additional bonus. Protect has a much smaller positive effect against a Spawn Attack. What/who was protected will not be revealed until the next day cycle. 1 AP

Spy Night Only May designate a person to follow around at night and receive a report of that person’s actions. It will not be posted who the Security Crewman spied upon, only that he spied upon someone 1 AP

Warden (1 AP per cycle)

Place in Protective Custody Day Only May compile a list of up to four people to place in the Brig during the night. The Security Headquarters must be undamaged during the day in order to do this. 1 AP

Sergeant at Arms (1 AP per cycle)

Arm Crew Day Only If the Security Headquarters is undamaged during the day he may distribute phasers to the Security Chief, Security Crewman, or Galley Master. These phasers give a defender a bonus if they have to defend. Phasers have one charge and must be discarded after they are used. 1 AP

Scientist (1 AP per cycle)
If brought along on an Away Team, they are far more likely to succeed.

Privates (1 AP per cycle)
Privates are red-shirted crewmen. Careful observers note that there seems to be something special about the red-shirt (which only Privates wear as it is terribly uncomfortable), but most think they're expendable. Privates may be promoted to a new role by the Second Officer.

Performing Actions
Except where noted, in order to perform an Action you must PM the GM. Actions will be processed in the order they are received and then posted by the GM (in other words there will be multiple game updates during the day cycle).

Faking Duties
A person may pretend to perform one of their actions but not actually complete the task. For instance, a spawn engineer may pretend to be repairing the Security Room but really do nothing. This is undetectable to anyone else, but will not result in any changes (so in the example the damage would not go down by one man cycle).

Secret Roles
There are three ways a crewmember will learn their secret role:
*They will be told at the start
*It’ll be revealed when triggered
*It will be revealed after a predetermined round

Survivor Secret Roles
Except when noted below if a person becomes a Spawn they lose their Secret Role.

Absolute Trust If anyone in an Absolute Trust group has left the group (by becoming Spawnling or Spawn), the other group members will be informed of it.

Duplicant May take on the public role of any (living) crewman, except Captain, First Officer or Second Officer, once per game for a single Day or Night cycle. This person will gain the additional AP associated with that role, but the AP may only be spent on the abilities associated with that role (example: If a Warden becomes an Engineer they may not use the Place in Protective Custody power twice). Unless it is necessary to mention publicly (such as taking on the Chief of Security role), no one will know who the Duplicant is or what they did.

Empathic May PM the GM to verify truth of one complete sentence said by another person in the public thread. The GM will respond with either "True, False, or Unknown" based on the GM's understanding of the statement. This may be used twice per game. There is a 50-50 chance that a person will keep this ability if they become Spawn.

Gut Feeling If you received 2-4 (predetermined before the start of the game) votes throughout the day, the GM will inform you of the secret role of one of those players, however, you won't know which player it belongs to.

Incorruptible Cannot become a Spawnling on an Away Team. Receives the status Resistant if attacked and three instances if Spawn Attacked (See Status Resistant below).

Light Sleeper If attacked by Spawn, the character gains the status "Resistant". If used, may cause exhaustion. (See Status Resistant below).

Miracle Worker Once per game may activate for one of the following:
- If included on an "Action (Day): Away Team", will protect the team from taint.
- May replenish 3 units of water.

Slayer May protect any person, overnight, including himself, during the night cycle. He gains the status "Resistant" and "Brutal" when protecting and is considered the Attacker. He will not become exhausted using this ability.

Vigilante May attack one player during the night cycle once per game (see Attack below) with a 10% increased chance of success over a normal attack. The chance of success is increased if the Vigilante has a phaser.

Spawn Secret Roles

Spawn Council
The Spawn Council is made up of the three longest surviving Spawn. These three may freely PM each other.

Spawn Queen
May launch or join a regular or Spawn attack (see Attack below) once per night cycle. If the Spawn Queen dies, the Spawn Council may designate a new Spawn Queen by forgoing all attacks and secret role actions for one night. The new Spawn Queen may not keep any previous role they had.

Hive Mind
May launch or join a regular attack and may join a Spawn attack (see Attack below) once per night cycle. The Hive Mind knows the identities of all Spawn, and what roles they have, and Spawnlings, but may only communicate with Spawn on the Spawn Council. If the Hive Mind dies a random member of the Spawn Council will receive the power (in addition to any other they may possess).

Other Spawn
May launch a regular attack (see Attack below). These Spawn know the identity only of the Hive mind.

Unevloved Spawn
Has no specific powers but has a chance to mutate into one of the Spawn below. This chance increases over time.

Lurker Instead of an attack, he may spy on other players overnight and gain a synopsis of what that player did.

Mind Leech Instead of an attack, if the Mind Leech is not exhausted (see Status Exhausted below) at night, he may rob a player of their ability to use abilities and actions. Passive abilities (like Resistant) are automatically negated. If the player tries to use an Active ability there is a 40% chance that the ability will be negated. Both involved players become "Exhausted" in any case.

Psionic Connection May one time trigger a power which allows all spawns to know the identities of all other spawns.

Shellback Has the status "Unwoundable".

Swarm Lord If a Swarm Lord is in play and is not exhausted or wounded, the Swarm Lord, along with one other Spawn, may release a Swarm Attack. A Swarm is released against a living target. Swarm attacks are unlike regular attacks. If sent against someone who is healthy, they will be made Wounded. If sent against someone who is wounded or exhausted, they will be killed.

These are crew members who are not quite Spawn. If they are not cured in the next day cycle they will become Spawn and be randomly assigned a role from the Other Spawn list (see above). Crew members might or might not know they are spawnlings, but the Hive Mind knows the identities of all spawnlings.

Regular Attacks

An attack starts with a 65% chance of success. For each additional person who joins in the attack there is an additional 40% chance of success. There is a maximum of three people in one attack (for a maximum base chance of 145%). If two (or more) Spawn (or Spawn groups) both attack the same target the additional chance of success is increased, but at a lesser rate, unless instructions have been given that person A will attack followed by person B (see Multiple Attacks below). The chance of success may be further increased if the target is exhausted or wounded. The chance of success may be decreased based on whether there is a person defending, and if so who that person is and further decreased if they are Resistant or have a phaser.

So in summary:
Modifiers which increase the chance of the Attack succeeding
*More than one person attacking
*Target is exhausted or wounded
*Attack of a room and not a person

Modifiers which decrease the chance of the Attack succeeding
*Security personnel is defending
*Security personnel has a phaser
*The person being attacked is resistant

The level of damage done to either a person or a room is based on how successful the attack is. An attack where the number rolled is above the chance of success is a failure, and there is a small chance that the attacker will be wounded. An attack where the number rolled is from 0-19 of the chance of success then a person is wounded. Any other result causes the person to die. If the target of an attack is a room, is protected, and the only protector dies, there is a chance damage will be done to the room.


One Spawn attacks a private. This private is not exhausted, wounded, or resistant so the target number is 65.

If the number rolled is 66, the attack fails.
If the number rolled is 65, the private is wounded.
If the number rolled is 45 the private is killed.

If Spawn attack each other there is a 60% possibility that nothing will happen (Spawn will simply know the attack was unsuccessful) a 10% chance that the attacking Spawn will recognize the defender as a Spawn and a 30% chance the attack will be rolled.

Multiple Attacks and Protectors
Spawn may decide instead of combining an attack to launch more than one attack (but many only attack a person or room twice in one night). When PM’ing the GM with the attack information it should also include the order of attack. The first attack will be resolved followed by the second.

If there is more than one protector, the protector with the most bonuses will fight the atack EXCEPT if the target is a person while the protector is protecting a room (Example: Joe and Sam are guarding the engine room. Sam has more bonuses. If the Spawn attack Joe, Joe will be the one attacked, not Sam)

Spawnling Attack

A successful spawnling attack causes a person to become infected and (surprise) become a spawnling. A spawnling attack starts with a 40% chance of success. Up to two other people may join the attack for a 40% increased chance of success (in other words up to 120% base chance of success). A spawnling attack increases the chance that all spawns will become exhausted, especially those spawns who participate in a Spawnling Attack. Otherwise Spawnling attacks follow the rules for General Attacks.

Status (aka Traits)

Status – Brutal

If a character has the status "Brutal", he ignores the status "Resistant" in his target.

Status – Dehydrated

If a character has the status "Dehydrated" they suffer the same penalties as a character with Status - Exhausted (see below). Further if this status is not cured at the start of the next day cycle (by the person recieving water) then they die.

Status – Exhausted

Exhausted places a person at a disadvantage for all attacks. Further some actions may have a slight chance of failure if you are exhausted. You may only have one status Exhausted at a time. If you continue to push yourself, you simply remain exhausted.

Anytime you take an action at night, you may be become exhausted and certain things, like performing the Repair action, guarantee exhaustion.

A player may choose to "Stay Awake" by PM’ing the GM. That night he will also gain a trait of "Resistant" since he'll see any Spawn coming. Someone who is already exhausted may not take advantage of "Stay Awake". Spawns may also chose to Stay Awake, but will receive no trait.

Exhaustion can be healed after one night of undisturbed rest. Undisturbed rest is defined as not taking an action. Spawn who attack have a small chance of becoming exhausted (which is increased any time there is a Spawnling attack, especially for those who performed the attack).

Status – Resistant

For each instance of "Resistant" a character has, he has an additional resistance to defeat in an attack.

Status – Unwoundable

A character bearing this trait ignores results making him "Wounded". He may be killed normally, however.

Status – Wounded

When an attack occurs, you never really know for sure who is going to win. Either party involved in an attack may end up WOUNDED.

It is impossible to tell with certainty if a wound was caused by Human or Spawn.

Someone who is wounded will have only a minor chance to know what attacked them.

A WOUNDED player is at a sever disadvantage against future attacks.

A player may choose to injure himself by PM’ing the GM. All wounds and healing of wounds will be announced publicly by the GM. A wound can be healed after two nights of undisturbed rest or by the doctor, nurse, or medic. Undisturbed rest is defined as not taking an action (aside from the Spawn’s regular attack).

Player List
1. Lathum
2. RealDeal
3. Passacaglia
4. Saldana
5. Vince
6. Bek
7. Kingfc22
8. dubb93
9. MrBug78
10. hoopsguy
11. sndlvs
12. Mr.Wednesday
13. ArdentEnthusast
14. Blade6119
15. Raiders Army
16. Fouts
17. pennywiseb
18. Schmidty
19. jeff061
20. KWhit
21. MarcVaughn

Alternate (The Alternate will have a small, non voting role and will step in should any player need to be replaced)

Please don't hesitate to ask questions or give suggestions.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 09-15-2005 at 03:20 PM.
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Old 08-27-2005, 09:56 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
im always in..even if you are killing me tonight wrongfully
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 08-27-2005, 09:57 PM   #3
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im interested
Chicago Eagles
2 time ZFL champions
We're "rebuilding"
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Old 08-27-2005, 09:58 PM   #4
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Werewolf? I'm in.
Quis custodiets ipsos custodes?
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Old 08-27-2005, 09:59 PM   #5
Raiders Army
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I would be interested depending on the complexity. Me stupid person.
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Old 08-27-2005, 10:00 PM   #6
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I'm always in.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 08-27-2005, 11:16 PM   #7
Favored Bitch #1
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i[m always in. and blade desrves it
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Old 08-27-2005, 11:27 PM   #8
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i would love to play again, count me in
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Old 08-27-2005, 11:31 PM   #9
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WW game? Oh yea!!!
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal
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Old 08-28-2005, 12:11 AM   #10
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Yeah, I would be up for a more complex game.
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Old 08-28-2005, 12:12 AM   #11
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I'd be in provided it starts after Labor Day
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Old 08-28-2005, 12:47 AM   #12
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Ok thanks for the responses everybody. Rules and sign-up will be forth coming later this week, with an intended start date of Sept 5.
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Old 08-28-2005, 01:02 AM   #13
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While I'd be interested, I'm still new enough to the game that I'd probably sit it out.
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Old 08-28-2005, 09:25 AM   #14
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Sounds interesting. I'd like to play!
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Old 08-28-2005, 11:16 AM   #15
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im in
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Old 08-28-2005, 12:15 PM   #16
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Sounds interesting.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 08-28-2005, 11:43 PM   #17
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Ok I have finished typing out the rules. It will be a 16-24 person game with hopefully 1 alternate (who will have a role of sorts). I am going to do a proofread in the morning and make a few last decisions (such as whether or not to include coffee and how much to tell about the percentages of certain events happening). I will change this into a sign-up thread at that point.
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Old 08-28-2005, 11:44 PM   #18
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I'd be in. I've taken a long enough break.
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 08-29-2005, 12:19 AM   #19
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IF it starts the 5th, I'll be backaround town in the evening so I'm in.
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:06 AM   #20
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I would also be interested
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:46 AM   #21
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Barkeep, if you're interested I can point you towards a game like you're talking about on BGG, might give you some ideas of the logistics, etc.
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Old 08-29-2005, 09:26 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Peregrine
Barkeep, if you're interested I can point you towards a game like you're talking about on BGG, might give you some ideas of the logistics, etc.
Thanks, but I think as you'll see I had already seen those games (it was my inpsiration). Since you've played if you have any balance suggestions please tell me.

Also rules have been posted, and sign-up is now open. Please don't hesitate to ask questions or give suggestions.
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Old 08-29-2005, 09:51 AM   #23
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Old 08-29-2005, 10:16 AM   #24
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im in
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:01 AM   #25
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I dunno if I need to sign up again or what, but count me in!

Last edited by Passacaglia : 08-29-2005 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:05 AM   #26
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During the day cycle the crew may execute one person per cycle. In order to execute someone more than 1/3 of the remaining players must vote for a player to be executed (example: There are 18 people left. At least 6 people must vote for a person in order for them to be killed. If the final tally, for instance, is 5-4-3-2 with 5 people not voting then no one is executed.).

So is it more than 1/3, or at least 1/3?
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:07 AM   #27
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holy complex game, batman! i know i put it up earlier, but count me in
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:19 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Passacaglia
So is it more than 1/3, or at least 1/3?
Excuse me. It is at least 1/3. I will make the edit.

Also even if you expressed interest before please confirm now that the rules are up.
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:40 AM   #29
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I would like to join!
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 08-29-2005, 11:54 AM   #30
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Count me in for this one
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Old 08-29-2005, 12:02 PM   #31
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So, does this
Originally Posted by Rules
A spawnling attack starts with a 70% chance of success. For each person who joins the attack, up to three, there is an additional 25% chance of success.
mean that the attack starts with one roll for a 70 or lower, and then gets an additional roll (trying to get 25 or lower) for each additional attacker? Or does it add a modifier to the one roll?
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 08-29-2005, 12:15 PM   #32
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I've read the rules. Too complex for itty bitty old me. I'll watch, though. It should be a fun game, Barkeep!
Come and see.
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Old 08-29-2005, 12:18 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Vince
So, does this mean that the attack starts with one roll for a 70 or lower, and then gets an additional roll (trying to get 25 or lower) for each additional attacker? Or does it add a modifier to the one roll?
No there is only one roll. The 25% is added to the 70% meaning any roll 95 or under (assuming no defensive bonuses) succeeds. This number of 70 might get changed to 65 before the game begins.

Thanks for the kind words Neon!
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Old 08-29-2005, 12:57 PM   #34
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WOW those are a lot of rules, but I'll play.
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:08 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Barkeep49
No there is only one roll. The 25% is added to the 70% meaning any roll 95 or under (assuming no defensive bonuses) succeeds. This number of 70 might get changed to 65 before the game begins.

Thanks for the kind words Neon!

So would having 2 attackers be any different than having 3?
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:08 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by kingfc22
WOW those are a lot of rules, but I'll play.
I think after the first day people will get the hang of things just fine. Afterall there is a limited amount of things each individual can do, but it should allow for tactics on both the human and spawn sides. Or at least that's the hope
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:10 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Vince
So would having 2 attackers be any different than having 3?
The second attacker adds a 25% additon and the 3rd attacker adds another 25%. Obviously if the chance of success is about 100 then it's an automatic success. In this way even against humans who have some advantages, such as phasers, the Swarm can still gain a good chance of victory.
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:28 PM   #38
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screw it, if there is still room i'll play.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:42 PM   #39
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Im in if it starts on Monday, Labor Day...
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Old 08-29-2005, 02:26 PM   #40
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I'll play. Work is starting to pick up a little bit, which may limit daytime activity level, but I'm up for a game and this looks like it could be fun.
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Old 08-29-2005, 02:36 PM   #41
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I'll join
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Old 08-29-2005, 02:53 PM   #42
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Old 08-30-2005, 10:20 PM   #43
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I'll sit out... little too involved for me.
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Old 08-30-2005, 11:31 PM   #44
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Barkeep I would definitely suggest giving credit to Kakaris Maelstrom at BGG since these are basically his rules for the CSW series with some minor changes.
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Old 08-30-2005, 11:32 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Peregrine
Barkeep I would definitely suggest giving credit to Kakaris Maelstrom at BGG since these are basically his rules for the CSW series with some minor changes.
Excellent idea. When I rewrote the introduction I accidently forgot to add that back in.
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Old 08-31-2005, 03:01 PM   #46
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I'll play since this starts after labor day.
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Old 08-31-2005, 03:02 PM   #47
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im game, i told you by PM but you didnt add my name so ill reply here as well
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Old 08-31-2005, 03:04 PM   #48
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I'll do it...really complicated and I'll probably muck it up, but I'll give it a shot.
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Old 08-31-2005, 03:35 PM   #49
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I appreciate people taking the leap of faith. I promise to offer assitance at all times to confused people. Since we now have 16 we have enough for the game to run for sure. If you would like to request a certain public role please PM me your top three choices and I will be happy to try and fufill your request.
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Old 08-31-2005, 04:02 PM   #50
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Count me in. At first I was pretty intimidated, but I'm sure after the first day or so it will make sense.
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