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Old 03-25-2015, 10:02 AM   #1
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The Spice Island Trade Company: An EU4 AAR

The Spice Island Trade Company

It is late 1444 and the death of Sultan Muhammad Shah has left his son, Ibrahim as the new Sultan of Malacca. This bustling international trade port has seen peaceful times in recent years, the stability of Muhammad bringing calm to the kingdom and region as a whole. The new Sultan, Ibrahim is just 19 years old and has the legacy of his family to protect. Is Ibrahim ready to take the reins of a proud Sunni Muslim Sultanate and lead them to glory?

Winds whisper from the west of trading nations great and small are looking to reach the Malacca and Johor Straits. There, the spice trade is king of the hundreds of islands throughout Southeast Asia. Ships bearing the flags of kingdoms from the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East have begun to arrive in our ports. The days of Venice’s grip on the spice trade flowing west along the Silk Road are slowly coming to a halt. It is only a matter of time before these unknown western nations will find their way to our shores. We must be prepared for their arrival.

Locally, there are enemies all around Malacca. Directly to the north, just beyond the one province minor kingdoms of Pattani and Kedah lies Malacca’s most bitter rival, Ayutthaya. They are a large kingdom, with Sukhotai and Ligor as vassals. They could be considered the true power of Southeast Asia. Ming is, of course, the sole superpower of Asia at the moment, but it is possible that Ayutthaya could become a very large force as well.

South of Malacca are three more kingdoms, separated by the Straits of Johor. They are Siak, Pasai and Pagarryung. Siak and Pasai are immediate threats to the Malaccan Sultanate and are also considered fierce rivals. They will likely need to be dealt with sooner than Ayutthaya. All three of these kingdoms control the island better known as Sumatra.

East of that island is Java, which is currently occupied by the kingdoms of Majapahit, a major player in Southeast Asia that is now on more of a decline than an upswing. Their kingdom may have already hit their peak. West of Majapahit on Java is Sunda. Sunda will make an easy target for Malacca 30 years from now, or for Majapahit in the immediate future.

The last of our direct maritime neighbors are Brunei and Kutai, sharing the Indonesian island together. Brunei certainly has the potential to become a power, but being trapped on a single island with Kutai may hurt their early progress.

Long-Term Goals for Malacca:
* To conquer, core and colonize the provinces that will allow Malacca to become the kingdom of Malaya. This goal immediately puts Siak, Pasai and Pagarryung into our crosshairs as early targets for subjugation.

*To colonize the Philippines and greater Pacific Islands. Once we have created Malaya, work must be achieved to colonize and control the Philippines. There is excellent trade value and resources through these islands. We must control them all. This includes eventually moving into New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand.

*To colonize west to Africa. This is a bit of an odd, goal, but as a Chinese tech kingdom, it takes up 60% longer than a Western tech kingdom to earn Administrative, Diplomatic and Military levels. By reaching Africa, we can hope to border a European country that has settled there to begin the process of Westernization.

*Make inroads to greater Asia. The main war goal for this campaign is to obliterate and eliminate or subjugate Ayutthaya. This is certainly a longer-term goal and the conquest likely won’t even begin until we’re lucky enough to form Malaya. Our more direct rivals such as Siak, Pasai and Brunei will be prioritized over our greatest rival of Ayutthaya.

*Dominate trade. The Malacca trade point is a choke point for trade to Asia. All trade from the western world will flow directly through our capital trade node. This is merely the start. By dominating trade in the Malaccan node, we can then push to dominate the Philippines node and even into Canton, or west to Bengal or Goa.

Malacca is a proud kingdom in Southeast Maritime Asia, the principal upholder of the Sunni Muslim faith in the region. Among Malacca are many Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms. Heathens and heretics! The entire lot of them. While Malacca is not only looking for domination of land and trade in the region, the Sultanate will also happily push their religious agenda on any kingdom or peoples who do not wish to follow the true path to Allah.

Finally, before I begin this journey through history and Asia later today, I want readers to know that I want to make this the most accessible and in-depth After Action Report I’ve done yet. I’ll provide explanations for mechanics when necessary. If you’ve never played a Europa Universalis title or a Paradox Grand Strategy game at all, these explanations will make this dossier on Malacca’s history much easier and cleaner to follow. I am considering showing more maps than previous iterations of my AARs, as well as trying to fill in more history with the kingdoms around Malacca. Maps will certainly be used to show the greater scope of how the trade system works, since that will be the primary source of income in this playthrough.

With all of that said and out of the way, welcome to The Spice Island Trade Company: An EU4 AAR. I appreciate your readership and hope you enjoy this alternate tale of history!

A map of current day Malacca and all of our neighbors.
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Last edited by Grover : 03-25-2015 at 12:12 PM.
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Old 03-25-2015, 06:33 PM   #2
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Location: Lisboa, ME
About Malacca
Raja Ibrahim Srivijaya (1/2/1)
Heir: Muzaffar Shah Srivijaya (3/5/3)
Religion: Sunni Muslim
Government: Despotic Monarchy (-1.00 National Unrest, -10% Unjustified Demands)
Culture: Malayan
Culture Group: Malayan
Technology Group: Chinese (Technologies cost 60.00% extra monarch points.)
Malayan Sultanate Traditions: -10% Ship Costs, +10% Steering. When we have gained all of the ideas we also gain +20% Morale of Navy
Military Force Limit: 15 (11)
Naval Force Limit: 27 (10)
Rivals: Ayutthaya, Pasai, Siak

Notes: The numbers in parentheses after a ruler are their Monarch Points, corresponding as Administrative, Diplomatic and Military. These are the points you will see added or deducted from various events and actions taken through gameplay. A leader can have a number between 0-6 on all three categories.

Malaccan Nation Focus is on Administrative Power.

November 1444
Current Mission
Form alliance with Pattani.

A diplomat travels to Pattani to hold talks.

Heir to the Throne, Muzaffar Shah has been named General to the 1st Army.

Pattani has accepted our offer of a military alliance.

Mission Complete!
Form alliance with Pattani!

Gain 10 Prestige (14)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

Current Mission
Conquer Kedah

The Malaccan Conquest of Kedah
Raja Ibrahim has seen how weak Kedah is. With no friends or allies. One province, just asking to be taken. So he will. Malacca has declared war on Kedah with a 'Conquest' Casus Belli.

Merchants Suffering
Our focus on mercantilism is making life hard for our merchants who trade in foreign places.

Raja Ibrahim decides to give his merchants support.
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power

December 1444
Our diplomat heads to Siak's 'Lingga' province to fabricate a claim.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Pattani. Relations have greatly improved.

February 1445
Piracy in the Malayan Sea
Keeping the seaways clear is an important priority for a state as dependent on trade as ours. Lately pirate activity has been on the rise again. Traditionally this is the kind of task that would be delegated to the trader communities in our city.

Raja Ibrahim decides to use Malacca's own resources to sort these pirates out.
Lose 11.27 ducats (-5.91)
Malacca gets 'Piracy Under Control' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: +2.0%

April 1445
The Plot Against Raja Ibrahim
The religious balance in an as cosmopolitan state as Malacca can be a very fragile thing. In our state traders of many religions and cultures live side by side, yet still keep apart to a certain extent. The biggest communities, those of the Gujaratis, Tamils, Javanese and Chinese all have their own respective obligations to the state and keeping the influence of these groups in balance is one of the most important tasks of any Malaccan monarch.

The ascension of Raja Ibrahim in 1444 has therefore ruffled quite a few feathers. Ibrahim was a practicing Hindu and came to be seen by many as a traditionalist aiming to roll back the influence of Islam in Malacca. It still came as a big surprise when the young king was found dead in his palace today. Many suspect that his prime minister, the royal Bendahara, must've had a hand in this, but little can be proven.

Raja Ibrahim will not be forgtten.
Lose 1 Stability (-1)

Ibrahim has died.
Lose 1 Stability (-2)

A New Sultan!
Muzaffar Shah Srivijaya (3/5/3) will now rule our glorious nation!

An Heir to the Throne!
'Abd-Jalil Shah (4/5/5) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.

National Decisions
Denouncement of Sect Practices is in effect until the death of Sultan Muzaffar Shah, giving the following effects:
National Unrest: -1.00
Gain 10.00 Piety

Establish Sheikh ul-Islam Office is in effect until the death of the Sultan, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength: +1.0%
Gain 10.00 Piety

Adopt the title of Khalifa is in effect until the death of the Sultan, giving the following effects:
Yearly Prestige: +0.50
Gain 10.00 Piety

December 1445
Siege Victory!
After 374 days we have won the siege of Kedah!

End of the Malaccan Conquest of Kedah (November 1444 – December 1445)
Commanding the effort in Kedah and winning the city has entitled Sultan Muzaffar Shah to it and all its riches. He has demanded nothing but this in any truce between Malacca and Kedah.

We demand their full annexation.
With the Conquest Casus Belli, Malacca gains 2 prestige (19) and suffers 4.3 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Mission Complete!
Conquer Kedah!

Gain 10 Prestige (29)
Gain 15 Administrative Power

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Grain

41 Administrative Power is being spent to turn Kedah into a core province.

You can see the 1st Army leaving Kedah in the north of our kingdom.
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Old 03-25-2015, 07:26 PM   #3
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December 1445
Current Mission: Royal Marriage with Pattani

Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Pattani. The previous one ended with Raja Ibrahim's murder.

Mission Complete!
Royal Marriage with Pattani!

Gain 5 prestige (34)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

Current Mission
Create a Proper Fleet
Objective: Totaly navy size at least 75% of the Force Limit

January 1446
A diplomat has been sent to Pasai to fabricate a claim on Rokan province.

The Malaccan Subjugation of Siak
Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared war on Siak with the pretense of taking the province of Lingga. However, the Sultan's real plan is to subjugate Siak and vassalize them. This makes them the perfect outpost for wars with Pasai and eventually Pagarruyung.

February 1446
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah is not his dead brother. He will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

March 1446
All of Siak's provinces are currently under siege from Malaccan forces.

April 1446
We have spent 108 administrative power to gain back 1 stability (-1).

June 1446
A diplomat has been sent to Pattani to improve relations.

November 1446
Peasants Getting Uppity
At times when peasants experienced harsh subjugation, some of them would turn against their landlords demanding better treatment and conditions.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah merely shrugs his shoulders. He is at war, these things happen.
Lose 10 Legitimacy (81)

Siege Victory!
After 273 days we have won the siege of Lingga!

After 303 days we have won the siege of Siak!

December 1446
Core Gained
The province of Kedah is now considered a core and part of our patrimony.

January 1447
Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Pasai. They hold provinces that belong to us.

Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Jambi after 335 days!

End of the Malaccan Subjugation of Siak (January 1446 – January 1447)
The glorious Sultan Muzaffar Shah, conquerer of Kedah and mighty overlord of Siak has reached a peace agreement with the humble Emir Tsau-Lha of Siak.

Siak will become a vassal of Malacca.
Siak will pay 50 ducats.
With the Conquest Casus Belli Malacca gains 5.0 prestige (41) and suffers 10.7 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

February 1447
Royal Marriage
We have entered a marriage with our vassal of Siak.

The Malaccan Subjugation of Pasai
Now that Siak is his springboard, the land hungry Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared war on Pasai, once again using a claim on a province as a pretext for vassalization of the entire country.

July 1447
Pagarruyung have declared war on Pasai. Getting in on the fun.

September 1447
We have spent 100 administrative power to bring our stability to even. (0)

February 1448
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Rokan after 331 days!

June 1448
We have used 100 administrative power to boost our stability by one. (+1)

August 1448
Mission Complete!
Create a Proper Fleet!

Gain 5.0 navy tradition
Gain 5 Prestige (43)

Current Mission
Accumulate Money!

October 1448
Pagarruyung has won their siege on Pasai's Batak province.

Meanwhile, we are holding Deli and Peureulak under siege, while Siak sieges Pasai province.

November 1448
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Deli!

Naive Relative
A close member of the family of our ruler has proven utterly naive, and keeps telling foreigners vital information publicly. This is technically treason, but executing a member of the royalty might cause unrest.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah feels no pity for family who play treason. Execute him!
Lose 25 Administrative Points

February 1449
A Donation
We have been approached by several imams who have asked for our financial support. Their own coffers are nearly empty, and they need more gold to aid their continuing efforts in providing spiritual guidance and charity to those in need.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah is not a heartless Khalifa. This is a worthy and laudable goal. The imams shall have their charity!
Gain 25 Piety
Lose 16.74 ducats (40.48)

March 1449
Siege Victory!
After 391 days we have won the siege of Peureulak!

December 1449
Mission Complete!
Accumulate Money!

Gain 10 Prestige (51)

January 1450
Siege Victory!
After 281 days we have won the siege of Gayo!

November 1450
Bendahara Tun Perak
Unlike the late Ibrahim (by now known as Abu Syahid Shah, the martyred king) our new ruler is a Muslim and the trader communities in our city seem to be more accepting of his rule. Nonetheless a royal Bendahara that would plot against his liege Is a frightening thing and we would be wise to replace this minister or risk meeting the same fate as his last master. Our trusted advisors all point to a young and successful general as a suitable replacement. Tun Perak is said to be wise for his years, but above all he is also said to be extremely loyal.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah has no trust for the Bendahara. He appoints a puppet to the position in order to marginalize it.
Gain 15 Prestige (64)
Gain 1 Stability (+2)

Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah believes that a solution will present itself.
Lose 1 stability. (+1)

February 1451
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Pasai after 384 days!

End of the Malaccan Conquest of Pasai (February 1447 - February 1451)
The wise and venerable Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared a peace between his unflappable people and the wilting, shrinking violets of lowly Pasai.

Pasai will cede Rokan to Malacca.
Pasai will become a vassal of Malacca.
This peace will cost Malacca 45 diplomatic power. With the Conquest Casus Belli, Malacca gains 9.5 Prestige (73) and suffers 19.5 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 36 administrative power to turn Rokan into a core.

Red and green, our vassals be.
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Old 03-26-2015, 05:45 PM   #4
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February 1451
Current Mission
Protect our Brethren in Batak!

Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Pagarruyung. They hold the province of Batak, which we have claims on.

March 1451
New Rivalry
Ayutthaya has announced Malacca as their new rival.

April 1451
A diplomat has been sent to Pattani to improve relations.

May 1451
Herald from Pattani
Pattani has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassals. We now get half of their monthly tax incomes.

Our vassals count is up to three: Siak, Pasai and now Pattani.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with our vassal Pasai.

August 1451
Customs and Duties
Trade is the sole occupation for our kingdom and to the surprise of many visitors we have little in the way of agriculture and have to import even basic foodstuffs. Despite this, our kingdom is flourishing and ships from all over Asia come to our docks to sell, buy and resell all kinds of goods.

In order to further encourage trade, the royal Bendahara has suggested that we lower customs and duties to almost nothing. This bold policy would set us apart even from other trade oriented kingdoms and would in his opinion secure our place as the greatest emporium of the East.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah agrees with the Bendahara. “Malacca has nothing of its own, and has everything of the world.”
Lose 7.98 ducats (113.35)
Malacca gets 'Economic Boom' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: +15.0%

September 1451
A diplomat has been sent to Pasai to improve relations.

February 1452
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah is not his dead brother. He will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

April 1452
Core Gained
The province of Rokan is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

November 1452
Good Harvest
1452 was considered a particularly good year for Malacca due to good harvest generating higher incomes than ever before.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah decides to invest the money.
Gain 50 Administrative Power

August 1453
The Malaccan Subjugation of Pagarruyung
Manpower is especially low, but Sultan Muzaffar Shah, the Great Conquerer of Sumatra, Supreme Trader or Asia is an impatient man. He wishes to take back Batak, while also subjugating Pagarruyung. His will be done.

November 1453
In Siak, armies from Malacca and Siak defeated the Pagarruyung army. Now Malacca holds Batak, Muko-Muko and Pagarruyung province under siege.

Rise of Sulu
The islands in the Sea of Sulu have been inhabited for centuries, divided into smaller kingdoms. These lands are now united under their first Sultan. Known as a respected scholar of Islam, the Sultan has strengthened both the political and religious institutions in the islands, which hold one of the oldest mosques in the region. Through inter-marriage, charisma and innovative diplomacy, they are now united by a common code of laws. The world has seen the rise of the Sultanate of Sulu.

October 1454
A small brigade of our army has been pushed back and defeated in Batak.

November 1454
Agricultural Revolution
We have managed to increase our agricultural production by implementing new farming techniques for plantations, irrigation and land properties organizations and thereby bring higher tax income to our state.

Gain 1 base tax in Kedah (5.0)

March 1455
Heretical Research
One of the realm's most accomplished men of science recently entered a heated debate with a prominent imam at a banquet in Malacca, and now concerns have been raised that our state is pursuing heretical research. The imam has been joined by several others, and together they are demanding restrictions on the pursuit of any knowledge that threatens the people's way of life.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah orders the fools away from his court.
Lose 25 Piety (75)

June 1455
Siege Victory!
After 602 exhaustive days we have won the siege of Pagarruyung.

July 1455
Ayutthaya has entered a military alliance with Pagarruyung.

October 1455
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
The Early Carrack (3)

The first true ocean-going ship. Unlike galleys and cogs, Carracks can serve the role of proper ocean-going warships.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range: 100
Trade Efficiency Increased by +10%
Naval Morale Incresed by 0.10
Naval Maintenance Increased by +10%
Settler Growth Increased by +15
Enables Early Carrack

September 1456
Siege Victory
After 451 days we have won the siege of Pariaman!

Pattani has also won the siege of Batak!

October 1456
End of the Malaccan Subjugation of Pagarruyung (August 1453 – October 1456)
Sultan Muzaffar Shah has reached a peace agreement with the backwards Pagarruyung people.

Pagarruyung will cede Batak to Malacca.
Pagarruyung will become a vassal of Malacca.
The peace will cost Malacca 45 diplomatic power.
With the Conquest Casus Belli, Malacca gains 4.5 Prestige (64) and suffers 9.3 aggressive expansion penalty.

Mission Complete!
Protect our Brethren in Batak!
Gain 5 Prestige (69)

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Grain

We have spent 22 Administrative Power to turn Batak into a core province. This will take one year to complete.

Malacca in the darker shade of green. Its vassals in the teal.
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Old 03-26-2015, 06:52 PM   #5
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Sultan Muzaffar Shah has now made all of his closest neighbors his vassals. In the not-so-distant future Ligor and Ayutthaya will be targets for expansion, but right now the Sultane of Malacca must rest and strengthen. It is time for some good old fashioned nation building.

October 1456
Current Mission
Incorporate Pasai into our country

Herald from Ayutthaya
Ayutthaya has entered into a treaty of Support of Independence with our disloyal subject Pagarruyung.

November 1456
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Pagarruyung.

Unhappiness Among the Clergy
Conflict of opinion and interest over religious and secular matters between our government and our nation's religious authorities has upset the clergy.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah has ignored their demands.
Lose 10.00 Piety (65)
Gain 10 Prestige (79)

August 1457
We have begun the annexation of Siak.

October 1457
Core Gained
The province of Batak is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

February 1458
Military Technology Advance!
Earth Rampart (3)

In 1500, during the siege of Pisa the walls started to crumble under the barrage of the French siege artillery. Local residents started to pile up the rubble outside, in form of a sloping rampart. This proved to be less vulnerable to artillery fire, while at the same time still able to resist an escalade.

Bonus Effect:
Land Morale Increased by +0.50
Can now build Earth Rampart

May 1458
Administrative Technology Advance!
Medieval Administration (3)

With a military elite to govern our society, the next stage of development is to have a literate class of administrators. Usually these will be drawn from the ranks of the clergy.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
May support rebels.

December 1458
Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quietened down a bit.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah bribes an advisor to take the blame.
Lose 35.52 ducats (432.67)

February 1459
The Integration of Siak
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (77)

A Culture Accepted!
Our subjects who embrace Sumatran have finally been able to prove their loyalty. We are now accepting the Sumatran culture as an integral part of our nation. Their language and culture are a part of our national heritage.

Base Tax: 1.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Bronze

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Chinaware

Diplomats are in Pattani and Pasai to improve relations.

March 1459
Rumors say that sailors came back from a trip sick like hell, and the ones who didn't die onboard infested the whole city with their disease. It is time to act before the whole country dies from coughing and cold sweat.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah demands the port be quarantined. Let them die!
Batak gets 'Quarantined Influenza' for 1 years, giving the following effects:
Local Trade Power: -100.0%
Goods Produced: -50.0%
Local Tax Modifier: -50.0%
Local Manpower Modifier: -50.0%

November 1459
A Herald from Pagarruyung
Sad news, the great statesman Inyat Mauli has died. Our royal marriage with Pagarruyung has ended.

December 1460
Smugglers Running Rampant
People are finding lots of ways of getting around paying taxes and fees on moving goods. This is cutting into our income, but stopping it would cost quite a lot in the short-term.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah demands these pirates be stopped!
Lose 1 Stability (0)
Lose 30.28 ducats (399.34)

We have spent 100 Administrative Power to raise our Stability to +1.

March 1461
Men of Science
Word continues to trickle into our realm of new innovative discoveries being made in Western Europe. In an effort not to fall behind, some of our officials have suggested using gold to lure a few of their learned men here. This would be a boon to our research, but the clergy would not look kindly on infidels wielding such inflfuence in our academic circles.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah believes Malacca is better off without those infidels.
Gain 25.00 Piety (85)

May 1461
The annexation of Pattani and Pasai have begun.

November 1462
The Integration of Pattani
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (70)

Base Tax: 5.0
Production: Tropical Wood

December 1462
This year looks to be such a prosperous year that Muzaffar Shah as a gesture of good will has decided to celebrate by arranging various festivities for the locals.
Gain 1 Stability (+2)

Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Pagarruyung.

January 1463
A diplomat heads to Pagarruyung to improve relations.

Hang Tuah
While putting down some disturbances related to a man running amok in the countryside our Bendahara received unexpected aid from a local warrior today. When all the Bendahara's own guards had fled, this man and his friends acted quickly and valiantly to save our minister. Moved by this deep loyalty to the state, the Bendahara immediately appointed the young warrior, Hang Tuah, to the post of royal commander. Our kingdom has now gained the service of one of its greatest champions.

March 1464
The Zeal of our Army
The morale of our great army is the envy of all, and the zeal of our soldiers alone is enough to overcome adversaries that would send other armies into a mad rout.. The army's renown has attracted new recruits, many of whom are lacking in faith. If we admit them, it would hurt the morale of those of our warriors who conduct themselves as proper Muslims...

Sultan Muzaffar Shah believes that his warriors don't need their helpr.
Gain 10.00 Piety (95)
Gain 10 Prestige (76)

December 1464
Large Revolt
Although we are well aware that no one likes paying taxes, you would think that people would have the sense to realize that glorious victories on the battlefield require a little more taxation. It seems we will have to explain to them.

5 Pesant regiments rise up in revolt in Bintan.

The revolt was easily defeated.

December 1465
The Integration of Pasai
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (76)

Mission Complete!
Incorporate Pasai Into Our Country!

Gain 5 Prestige (81)
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 5.0
Production: Spices

Glorious Malacca
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Old 03-27-2015, 04:55 PM   #6
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With all but Pagarruyung annexed, Sultan Muzaffar Shah has been very proactive and adding tracts of land to his rapidly expanding kingdom. The promise of colonization and new land, new opportunities is just five years away.

Current Mission
The Rival of our Rival
The rival of our rival is Khmer, so they should be our friend.
Objective: Khmer's opinion of Malacca is at least 125.

December 1465
A diplomat heads to Khmer to improve relations.

February 1466
Piracy in the Malayan Sea
Keeping the seaways clear is an important priority for a state as dependent on trade as ours. Lately pirate activity has been on the rise again. Traditionally this is the kind of task that would be delegated to the trader communities in our city.

Sultan Ibrahim decides to use Malacca's own resources to sort these pirates out.
Lose 24.29 ducats (569.07)
Malacca gets 'Piracy Under Control' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: +2.0%

May 1466
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against Ayutthaya. They are threatening our trade!

December 1466
Noble Family Requests Aid
The most powerful of the noble families of the state often had vast wealth, but that did not stop them, like their monarchs, from getting into financial troubles. They too could accumulate debts that escaped their ability to pay. They could, at those times, come to the monarch to request aid. The monarchs were often receptive since they would usually be related by blood or marriage.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah decides to grant the aid.
Lose 85.14 ducats (539.72)

National Epic
Our subjects have taken to telling tales and legends about Parameswara Srivijaya. The legend says that in Malacca's darkest hour, he will return to our nation, and deliver it from evil. Regardless of the truth in that statement, we could use this in our propaganda.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah loves a good story.
Malacca gets 'National Epic' for 20 years, giving the following effects:
Yearly Prestige: +1.00
Lose 10 Administrative Power
Lose 17.03 ducats (522.69)

March 1467
Military Alliance
We have forged a military alliance with Khmer in an agreement that will benefit both countries.

April 1467
We have begun the annexation of Pagarruyung.

May 1467
Royal Marriage
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Khmer.

Mission Complete!
The Rival of our Rival!

Gain 5 Prestige (81)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

June 1567
Death of the Sultan!
The Immortal Khalifa, True and Glorious, Conquerer of Siak, Pasai, Pattani, Kedah and Pagarruyung and all Sumatran Societies, the Great Trader of Asia, Sultan Muzaffar Shah has died!
Lose 1 Stability (+1)

A New Sultan!
Abd al-Jalil Shah I Sriviaya (4/5/5) will now rule our glorious kingdom!

National Decisions
Denouncement of Sect Practices is in effect until the death of Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah, giving the following effects:
National Unrest: -1.00
Gain 10.00 Piety

Establish Sheikh ul-Islam Office is in effect until the death of the Sultan, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength: +1.0%
Gain 10.00 Piety

Adopt the title of Khalifa is in effect until the death of the Sultan, giving the following effects:
Yearly Prestige: +0.50
Gain 10.00 Piety

Current Mission
Save the Malayan People in Nakhon Si Thammarat!

Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Ayutthaya. They hold provinces that we have claims on!

Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Pagarruyung.

A diplomat has been sent to Lan Xang to improve relations.

August 1467
An Heir to the Throne!
Muzaffar Shah (0/4/2) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.

June 1468
Administrative Technology Advance!
National Ideas (4)

Choosing a direction a country is going to take is perhaps the toughest choice a ruler will ever face. National ideas are the concepts that will shape our country for years to come.

Bonus Effect:
Allows Another Group of Ideas – We have selected Exploration Ideas

Exploration Ideas Advance!
Colonial Ventures

Enables us to send more Colonists to uncharted lands.

Bonus Effect:
Colonists +1

A colonist has been sent to Palembang, just east of Jambi on Sumatra.

September 1468
Colony Damaged!
The savages of Palembang have damaged our Colony! All 62 colonists were killed and a number of buildings were razed.

November 1468
A Colonist has been sent to Palembang.

December 1468
Complaints about Bailiff
A Bailiff in one of our provinces has earned a reputation as a greedy and cruel person. The local populace have gathered a petition to have him removed.

Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah demands the Bailiff be executed!
Lose 33 Prestige (44)

July 1469
Herald from Lan Xang
Our diplomats have stopped trying to improve relations with Lan Xang, due to reaching a maximum improve relations value.

August 1469
A diplomat has been sent to Delhi to improve relations.

February 1470
Exploration Ideas Advance!
Quest for the New World

Allows us to join the number of nations set to explore the world outside of their borders or strive to be the first nation to circumnavigate the world by commencing a quest for the new world.

Bonus Effect:
Allows recruitment of explorers and conquistadors.

April 1470
Integrating Pagarruyung
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (48)

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Grain

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Gold

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Gold

All the vassals have been eaten.
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Old 03-27-2015, 06:03 PM   #7
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April 1470
National Decision
Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah has decided to introduce Jizya, which will be in effect until his death and gives the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: +5.0%
Lose 15.00 Piety (38)

A Missionary has been sent to Pagarruyung province.

October 1470
Native Assimilation in Palembang
Some of the locals natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Palembang.

A diplomat heads for Jaunpur in northern India to improve relations.

December 1470
Accommodation with Natives in Palembang
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.

Natives in Palembang lose 1 ferocity.

There Should be a Stable Government
Several of the leading members of the government are deeply worried about some changes proposed to how the realm should be ruled. They demand a stop to such outrageous reforms, based on our tried and proved traditions (naturally avoiding mentioning how the changes would impact their own power base.)

Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah decides to ignore the lobbyists.
Lose 10 Prestige (38)

June 1471
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Palembang that the land is very fertile and would be highly suitable for agricultural production of anything from cereals and vegetable foodstuffs to more exotic crops.

Grain will now be produced in Palembang.

June 1472
Military Technology Advance!
Pike Square

Throughout the middle ages cavalry's dominance was being challenged by disciplined pikemen. In battles such as Bannockburn or the Golden Spurs, cavalry was defeated by pikes. A combination of improved training and discipline, and the addition of swordsmen to provide close combat support has raised this formation to the peak of its efficiency.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Land Moral Increased by +0.50
Can now build Armory

July 1472
An Armory is under construction in Melaka.

September 1472
We have maxed relations with Delhi.

November 1472
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Pagarruyung to the one and only true faith!

A missionary is now heading for Pariaman.

Armories are under construction in Perak, Selangor and Johor.

A diplomat has been sent to Sunda to fabricate a claim on Banten province.

June 1473
Colonist Rush
Rumors of our Quest for the New World have led to more people readying themselves for a new life as a colonial settler.

Malacca gets 'Colonial Enthusiasm' for five years, giving the following effects:
Settler Chance: +5.0%
Global Settler Increase: +25.00

August 1473
We have maxed relations with Jaunpur.

September 1473
A diplomat has been sent to Majapahit to fabricate a claim on Kendal province.

November 1473
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Sunda. They hold provinces that we have claims on!

January 1474
The Malaccan Subjugation of Sunda
Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah is much like his father when it comes to occupying and crushing. He is impatient and furious. Sunda, on the island of Java is the next target. The pretext is the province of Banten. The purpose is to turn Sunda into a vassal and launching pad to Majapahit.

March 1474
Armories are now under construction in Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan and Bintan.

May 1474
Battle of Kalapa
The bulk of the 1st Army finally arrives in Kalapa, met by the full force of Sunda's army. The Malaccan army holds out to begin their siege.

August 1474
Accommodation with Natives in Palembang
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.

Natives in Palembang lose 1 ferocity.

September 1474
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Majapahit. They hold provinces we have claims on.

A diplomat has been sent to Majapahit to fabricate a claim on Demak.

November 1474
Native Assimilation in Palembang
Some of the locals natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Palembang.

Gain 100 population in Palembang (935)

Exploration Ideas Advance!
Overseas Exploration

Setting up colonies in distant lands is pretty much a one way trip. If strange new diseases don't get you, the amount of time it takes to sail back means you won't be coming home. If we remind people of the potential riches, we can encourage them to seek lands further afield.

Bonus Effect:
Colonial Range: +50.0%

Malayan Sultanate Ideas Advance!
Indian Ocean Trade

The lucrative trade takes our merchants as far as China, Hindustan, Arabia and even Swahili coasts. The riches to be had attract more and more of our children to the mercantile life.

Bonus effect:
Merchants: +1

Our new merchant has been sent to The Moluccas to transfer trade power back to Malacca.

December 1474
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Pariaman to the one and only true faith!

The missionary now travels for Muko-Muko.

Improvements in Production Technology
There are reports of farmers and miners being more productive than local bailiffs expect them to be. We should investigate if there is something that the entire nation of Malacca can benefit from.

Sultan Abd al-Jalil Shah wants no expenses spared.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Administrative Power

February 1475
Siege Victory!
After 320 days we have won the siege of Kalapa!

The 1st Army marches for Pakuan, the Sunda capital.

August 1475
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Palembang has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 4.0 Prestige (42)
Base Tax 4.0
Production: Grain

10 Administrative Power has been spent to turn Palembang into a core. It will take 6 months.

The colonist has been sent to Tulangbewang

September 1475
After 211 days we have won the siege of Pakuan!

November 1475
The Sunda army has been chased through the provinces and eventually routed in Kawali. Banten, Cirebon and Kawali are now under Malaccan siege.

February 1476
Core Gained
The province of Palembang is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

We have sent a diplomat to Sulu to improve relations.

March 1476
A Donation
We have been approached by several imams who have asked for our financial support. Their own coffers are nearly empty, and they need more gold to aid their continuing efforts in providing spiritual guidance and charity to those in need.

Abd al-Jalil Shah is not a heartless Khalifa. This is a worthy and laudable goal. The imams shall have their charity!
Gain 25 Piety
Lose 41.09 ducats (579.87)

September 1476
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Muko-Muko to the one and only true faith!

Siege Victory!
After 331 days we have won the Siege of Kawali!

December 1476
Siege Victory!
After 391 days we have won the siege of Cirebon!

End of the Malaccan Subjugation of Sunda (January 1474 – December 1476)
Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah and his counterpart from Sunda have reached a fitting peace agreement for all sides.

Sunda will become a vassal of Malacca.
This peace will cost Malacca 45 diplomatic power.
With the Conquest Casus Belli, Malacca gains 8.0 prestige (55) and suffers 16.8 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Malacca: Now with all new Sunda-vassal!
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Last edited by Grover : 03-27-2015 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 03-27-2015, 06:49 PM   #8
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December 1476
Noble Family Requests Aid
The most powerful of the noble families of the state often had vast wealth, but that did not stop them, like their monarchs, from getting into financial troubles. They too could accumulate debts that escaped their ability to pay. They could, at those times, come to the monarch to request aid. The monarchs were often receptive since they would usually be related by blood or marriage.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah decides to grant the aid.
Lose 102.36 ducats (460.32)

January 1477
Administrative Technology Advance
Constables & Temples

Housing the machinery of government is as important as the machiner itself and one should never forget the importance of religion when doing so.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Temple.
Can now build Constable.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with our vassal Sunda.

February 1477
A Temple is under construction in Melaka.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Palembang.

July 1477
A Constable is under construction in Pagarruyung.

Temples are under construction in Perak, Pahang, Selingor and Johor

Armories are under construction in Kedah and Rokan.

August 1477
A diplomat has been sent to Sunda to improve relations.

January 1478
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Tulangbewang that the land is very fertile and would be highly suitable for agricultural production of anything from cereals and vegetable foodstuffs to more exotic crops.

Grain will now be produced in Tulangbewang.

June 1478
Encourage the Encomienda System
The matter of the native population is of key concern to us. We need to ensure that natives under our care are protected from hostile neighbors, properly civilized and practice the true faith. Our plan is to give our colonists this duty, each will be given a number of natives to tutor and protect. This is obviously not something people will do for free, so in return natives will provide a number of days of labor to our colonists.

Natives in Tulangbewang lose 5 aggressiveness
Tulangbewang gets 'Encomendia System' for five years, giving the following effect:
Goods Produced: +100.0%

Piracy in the Malayan Sea
Keeping the seaways clear is an important priority for a state as dependent on trade as ours. Lately pirate activity has been on the rise again. Traditionally this is the kind of task that would be delegated to the trader communities in our city.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah decides to use Malacca's own resources to sort these pirates out.
Lose 36.25 (105.39)
Malacca gets 'Piracy Under Control' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: +2.0%

Decemeber 1478
Merchant Fractures
Every so often merchants of different ideas in regards to trade would class and small factions supporting either cause would emerge causing ruptures.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah supports the mercantilist faction.
Gain 2.5 Mercantilism.

January 1479
The Malaccan Conquest of Demak
We currently believe that Majapahit is too large to swallow as a vassal at the moment. So we will pick them apart, province by province until we can make them our vassal. The wise Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah has spoken. War has been declared.

March 1479
Battle of Kendal
Sunda and Malaccan forces rout the Majapahit army into oblivion. Three provinces are now under siege.

A Call to Arms!
The nation of Khmer, our faithful ally is requesting that we come to their aid in the Cambodian Reconquest of Battambang against Ayutthaya.

As much as we would love to, our army is massively tied up at the moment.
Lose 25 prestige (22)

Lack of Recruits
The soldiers of our pious army are prepared to lay down their lives without hesitation in defense of our great realm, but it has become increasingly difficult to find new recruits matching their zeal. Some generals have suggested that we lower our standards and open our ranks to dhimmis and the faithless.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah would not dilute our great army!
Gain 10.00 Piety (100)

December 1479
Heir Falls Ill
Your heir, Muzaffar Shah, breathes heavily. He has been lying in bed for three days now, and reflected in the beads of sweet on his forehead is the fear in your eyes for his life. He might not make it through the night unless something is done.

The Sultan prays for his life.

Muzaffar Shah has passed away tragically.

March 1480
Exploration Ideas Advance!
Land of Opportunity

By portraying colonial lands and new virgin territory where any man can make his fortune, possibly some women too, people will emigrate quicker to the colonies. Meaning the nation will have spent less money encouraging people to go there.

Bonus Effect: Global Settler Increase: +20.00

May 1480
Siege Victory!
After 421 days we have won the siege of Kendal!

August 1480
Armories are under construction in Batak and Palembang

Temples are under construction in Kelantan, Terengganu and Bintan.

September 1480
An Heir to the Throne!
Ibrahim Shah (6/6/3) is the new heir to the throne! The succession is safe!

December 1480
Production Research Flawed
The new techniques in our production are rumored to be flawed, and several leading nobles argue that we should discard them and go back to the old and tried methods instead.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah ignores these rumors.
Lose 10 Prestige (21)

January 1481
Siege Victory!
After 673 days we have won the siege of Karta!

March 1481
Siege Victory!
After 299 days we have won the siege of Pajang!

July 1481
End of the Malaccan Conquest of Demak (January 1479 – July 1481)
Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah has enforced peace on Majapahit.

Majapahit will cede Demak, Kendal, Karta and Pajang to Malacca.
Majapahit will pay 20 ducats.
The peace will cost Malacca 90 diplomatic power.
Malacca gains 6.0 Prestige (29)
Malacca suffers 15.2 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Cotton

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Naval Supplies

Karta and Pajang are being gifted to Sunda.

A look at us relative to Asia.
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Old 03-28-2015, 02:48 PM   #9
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December 1481
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Thalang.

February 1482
Islam and the Malaccan State
Malacca has in many ways been the center of the Islamization of the Malay archipelago. Our state itself has however always avoided any stern or overly orthodox varieties of Islamic law in favor of keeping it an attractive spot for traders of all nationalities. Instead tradition is relied upon to be the law of the land while orthodox Islamic laws have been reserved for special cases, often related to keeping the public order. While this has upset some of those with more delicate religious sensibilities over the years, it has been good for trade and therefore been supported the Malaccan communities.

Over time, however, Muslims have become more and more dominant in our state and due to its importance for spread of Islam among the islands some have even begun to consider Malacca a pilgrimage site. Perhaps the time has come to introduce a bit more orthodoxy in the laws and customs of our state?

Sultan 'Abd al-Jilal Shah bows his head. Yes, in the name of Allah.
Gain 10.00 Piety
Malacca gets 'Harsher Enforcement of Religious Law', giving the following effects:
National Unrest: +1.00
Yearly Prestige: +0.50
Tolerance of Heathens: -1.00
Yearly Legitimacy: +0.50

March 1482
Temples are under construction in Palembang, Rokan and Kedah.

July 1482
Cores Gained
The provinces of Demak and Kendal are now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend them to the last drops of peasant blood.

A missionary has been sent to Demak.

September 1482
Native Assimilation in Tulangbewang
Some of the local natives have assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Tulangbewang.

Gain 100 population in Tulangbewang (1,033)

Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Tulangbewang has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.6 Prestige (33)
Base Tax: 3.6
Production: Grain

9 Administrative Power has been spent to turn the province into a core. It will take six months.

A colonist has been sent to Bengkulu.

December 1482
Lack of Protection
Our determination to embrace free trade has led to domestic merchants losing out to the rivals from other countries.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah believes that the locals need to adapt.
Lose 15 diplomatic power

March 1483
Gained Core
The province of Tulangbewang is now considered part of our patrimony.

June 1483
Colonist Rush
Rumors of our Quest for the New World have led to more people readying themselves for a new life as a colonial settler.

Malacca gets 'Colonial Enthusiasm' for five years, giving the following effects:
Settler Chance: +5.0%
Global Settler Increase: +25.00

November 1483
An Earth Rampart is under production in Tulangbewang

April 1484
Temples are under construction in Batak, Siak and Pattani.

May 1484
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Demak to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Kendal

October 1484
Military Alliance
We have entered an alliance with Ayutthaya rival Lan Xang.

We have maxed relations with Sunda.

November 1484
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Lan Xang.

A Revolt!
Javaneze Patriots have risen up in Demak and Kendal!

April 1485
A diplomat has been sent to Lan Xang to improve relations.

May 1485
A diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

September 1485
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Bengkulu that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.

Tropical Wood will not be produced in Bengkulu.

December 1485
The revolters in Demak and Kendal have been beaten back.

A Temple is under construction in Tulangbewang.

May 1486
Exploration Ideas Advance!

Makes it possible for us to establish Viceroys and thereby improve the administration of our Colonies and increase the amount of money they generate.

Bonus Effect:
Global Tariffs: +20.0%

A Temple is under construction in Jambi.

June 1486
Military Technology Advance
Standardized Pikes

A pike is a remarkably simple weapon to make, but to get the full benefit from the use of pikes, it's required for the whole formation to be wielding weapons of similar length and blade.

Bonus Effect:
Combat width increased by 2.
Infantry Shock: +0.15
Enables Offensive Asian Foot Soldier
Enables Defensive Asian Foot Soldier.

All infantry have been upgraded to Offensive Asian Foot Soldiers.

August 1486
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Kendal to the one and only true faith!

September 1486
A Temple is under construction in Indragiri.

January 1487
Poor Government Policies
Changes of policies, when poorly times and made, were often wrongly perceived by the people of the time beyond their actually efficiency, as a proof of the government's ill will and lack of interest in the welfare of the realm.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah believes that Malacca is on the right path.
Lose 1 Stability (0)

We have spent 100 Administrative Power to bring our Stability back to +1.

March 1487
We have maxed relations with Lan Xang.

A diplomat has been sent to Ming to improve relations.

April 1487
We have begun the integration of Sunda.

July 1487
An Armory is under construction in Tulangbewang.

June 1488
Encourage the Encomienda System
The matter of the native population is of key concern to us. We need to ensure that natives under our care are protected from hostile neighbors, properly civilized and practice the true faith. Our plan is to give our colonists this duty, each will be given a number of natives to tutor and protect. This is obviously not something people will do for free, so in return natives will provide a number of days of labor to our colonists.

Natives in Bengkulu lose 5 aggressiveness
Bengkulu gets 'Encomendia System' for five years, giving the following effect:
Goods Produced: +100.0%

August 1488
New Rivalry
Ming has announced Malacca as their new rival.

October 1488
The Malaccan Conquest of Nakhon Si Thammarat
Ayutthaya has been growing too powerful to our north. Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah believes it is time to behead the threat before it can grow too large and challenge our own power. We have declared war on these vile dogs.

December 1488
Hardy Seamen
Our traditional fisheries are proving excellent grounds for the recruiting of sailors for our fleet. This has filtered through into better leadership in our navy.
Gain 10.0 navy tradition.

March 1489
An Army of 23,000 troops of Ayutthaya and their friends descends on Nakhon Si Thammarat. The 1st Army marches from Thalang to aid their brethren and the Ayutthaya army is beaten back handily by our forces.

June 1489
Administrative Technology Advance
Three Field Rotation

Since the time of Charlemagne, people have been experimenting with switching from classic two field rotation systems to a three field system. It is time to promote this, as it will increase the amount of land devoted to growing food crops.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
Can now build Farm Estate

Armories are under construction in Siak and Indragiri.

November 1489
An Armory is under construction in Jambi.

February 1490
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Bengkulu has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.4 Prestige (40)
Base Tax: 2.4
Production: Tropical Wood

7 Administrative Power has been used to turn Bengkulu into a core. It will take 7 months.

A colonist heads for Bangka, the last provinces connected to the mainland or Sumatra.

April 1490
Siege Victory!
After numerous days and battles we have finally won the siege of Nakhon Si Thammarat.

May 1490
We have called Lan Xang into the war via the call to arms!

August 1490
Sunni Defectors
The wise and spiritually enlightened people of Nakhon Si Thammarat have found, after we occupied their land, that they might benefit from joining us. After all, Ayutthaya is a Buddhist country, with little understanding of their ways. If the war goes well, this will certainly help.

Malacca gains a core on Nakhon Si Thammarat.

September 1490
Core Gained
The province of Bengkulu is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

December 1490
Merchants Leaving
With the relaxation of restrictions on foreign merchants, some of our own traders feel that they are not getting enough support, and have decided to switch careers.
Malacca gets 'No restrictions on foreign merchants' for two years, giving the following effects:
Domestic Trade Power: -33.0%

January 1491
Integrating Sunda
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (44)

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Spices

A Culture Accepted!
Our subjects who embrace Javanese have finally been able to prove their loyalty. So we are now accepting Javanese a s an integral part of our nation. Their language and culture are part of our national heritage.

A missionary has been sent to Pajang.

A diplomat has been sent to Majapahit to fabricate a claim on Kediri.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Bengkulu.

A Temple is under construction in Demak.

April 1491
Heretical Research
One of the realm's most accomplished men of science recently entered a heated debate with a prominent imam at a banquet in Malacca, and now concerns have been raised that our state is pursuing heretical research. The imam has been joined by several others, and together they are demanding restrictions on the pursuit of any knowledge that threatens the people's way of life.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah orders the fools away from his court.
Lose 25 Piety (75)

June 1491
End of the Malaccan Conquest of Nakhon Si Thammarat (October 1488 – June 1491)
Peace has been agreed upon following talks with Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah and his counterpart from Ayutthaya.

Ayutthaya will cede Nakhon Si Thammarat and Thalang to Malacca.
Ayutthaya will pay 38 ducats
Malacca gains 4.0 Prestige 48)
Malacca suffers 10.2 aggressive relations expansion.

Negara Sri Dharmaraja (formerly Nakhon Si Thammarat)
Base Tax: 5.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Tanjung Salang (former Thalang)
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Fish

National Decision
Form Malaya has been enacted. Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah has been able to unify all the Malayan provinces in the region under one ruler and one banner.

Malacca ceases to be Malacca and shall henceforth be known as Malaya.

Such a pretty shade of purple.
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Old 03-28-2015, 05:18 PM   #10
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We have spent 34 Administrative Power to turn Tanjung Salang into a core. It will take 13 months.

June 1491
Mission Complete!
Save the Malayan People in Negara Sri Dharamraja!

Gain 5 Prestige (78)

Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Brunei. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

A Temple is under construction in Negara Sri Dharmaraja and Pasai.

July 1491
Current Mission
Claim our rival's province, Chaiya

A diplomat heads to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Chaiya.

September 1491
A Temple is under construction in Kendal.

January 1492
Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Majapahit. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

The Malayan Subjugation of Majapahit
Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah had been waiting for the peace treaty with Majapahit to end. It finally has and so too have their days as a sovereign kingdom.

February 1492
The Majapahit Army is smashed in the capital of Surabaya. The Malayan army splits from Surabya to also siege Kedir.

May 1492
Our miners have hit a massive deposit of gold. Massive amounts of money are flowing into the treasury.
Gain 299.71 ducats (397.92)
Gain 1.00 inflation

July 1492
Mission Complete!
Claim our rival's province, Chaiya!
Gain 5 Prestige (82)
Gain 25 military power

We have sent a diplomat to Bengal to improve relations.

Current Mission
Colonize Manila

Core Gained
The province of Tanjung Salang is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

August 1492
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Pajang to the one and only true faith!

The missionary has been dispatched to Cirebon.

June 1493
Siege Victory!
After 481 days we have won the siege of Kediri!

July 1493
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Bangka that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.

Tropical Wood will now be produced in Bangka.

October 1493
Exploration Ideas Advance!
Free Colonies

Only so many people are willing to move abroad to expand our great colonial empire. However, the promise of a plot of land to farm, in free hold, will encourage many more people to seek their fortunes abroad. The nice thing about it is that there is plenty of and for everyone.

Bonus Effect:
Colonists: +1

Malayan Sultanate Ideas Advance!
Sufi Legacy

In our lands, Islam spread peacefully through emulation of the noble examples of Sufi saints. Let the unbeliever worship what he will, we are more concerned about developing the best personal relationship with Allah that we can.

Bonus Effect:
Tolerance of Heathens: +2.00

March 1494
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Cirebon to the one and only true faith!

The missionary has been sent to Pakuan.

April 1494
Armories are under construction in Tanjung Salang, Negara Sri Dharmaraja,Lamuri, Pasai, Gayo, Peureulak, Deli, Pariamaan, Pagarruyung and Bengkulu

May 1494
Excellent Minister
We have been lucky enough to appoint an excellent minister whose actions will most likely greatly benefit our realm.

Gain 1 Stability (+2)
Gain 25 Prestige (100)
Gain 40 Administrative Power

July 1494
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Blambangan!

August 1494
Book Burning
Reports have come in of a book burning taking place in Melaka. It seems that several local religious leaders have rallied the populace, and together they are burning all 'heretical' literature they can get their hands on. Their definition of what is heretical seems to be very broad, and looters are even now approaching several public libraries.

Sultan 'Abd al-Jalil Shah orders the city guard to intervene.
Lose 25.00 Piety

January 1495
End of the Malayan Subjugation of Majaphit (January 1492 – January 1495)
This was not a successful war in the means in which we had become accustomed to. It was still a victory, but it leaves a sour taste in our mouths.

Majapahit will cede Kediri to Malaya.
Majapahit will release Bali as a sovereign state.
This peace will cost Malaya 22 diplomatic power.
Malaya gains 1 prestige (98)
Malaya gains 1.9 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 21 Administrative Power to core the province. It will take around 15 months to complete.

A colonist has been sent to Manila.

April 1495
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Bali.

May 1495
We have entered a military alliance with Bali.

June 1495
Mission Complete!
Colonize Manila!

Malaya gets 'Colonial Enthusiasm' for five years, giving the following effects:
Settler Chance: +5.0%
Global Settler Increase: +25.00

Current Mission
Turn Manila into a city

July 1495
Temples are under construction in Bengkulu, Muko-Muko, Lingga and Pagarruyung.

August 1495
We have maxed relations with Bengal.

A diplomat has been sent to Bali to improve relations.

October 1495
A Temple is under construction in Peureulak.

A diplomat has been sent to Majapahit to fabricate a claim on Bambangan.

Native Assimilation in Bangka
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Bangka.

Gain 100 population in Bankga (866)

Bring in Marriageable Women
A pioneer colony is very much a man's place, but as a colony develops we look to switch growth from emigration to new births. The colonial company responsible for one of our colonies has arranged a number of marriageable women, mostly widows, to travel to the colony to see that families are started
Gain 200 population in Bangka (1,066)
Gain 31 manpower in Bangka.

Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Bangka has grown enough to become a city.
Gain 2.1 Prestige (97)
Base Tax: 2.1
Production: Tropical Wood.

A Colonist has been sent to Pontianak, which borders Brunei.

November 1495
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Pakuan to the one and only true faith!

The missionary heads to Kalapa.

January 1496
We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn Bangka into a core. It will take 6 months.

An Armory is under construction in Demak.

April 1496
Core Gained
The province of Kediri is now considered a part of our patrimony.

May 1496
Trade Expansion
Our policy of free trade is allowing our merchants to expand our trade.

Malaya gets 'Increased Free Trade' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
National Spy Defense: -10.0%
National Trade Income Modifier: +10.0%

July 1496
Core Gained
The province of Bangka is now considered part of our patrimony.

August 1496
Herald from Bali
Bali has accepted our once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassal. We now get half of their monthly income.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Bangka.

A Temple is under construction in Kediri.

October 1496
A diplomat has been sent to Majapahit to fabricate a claim on Madura.

December 1496
Native Assimilation in Pontianak
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Pontianak.

Gain 100 population in Pontianak (244)

A Temple is under construction in Deli.

A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Marit.

July 1497
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Pontianak that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available, but it's nonetheless an important resource.

Fish will now be produced in Pontianak.

August 1497
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Kalapa to the one and only true faith!

The missionary has been sent to Kawali.

October 1497
Royal Marriage
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Sulu.

January 1498
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Manila that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.

Tropical Wood will now be produced in Manila

A Temple is under construction in Bangka.

Our influence in the South Asian seas grows by the year.
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Old 03-29-2015, 08:21 AM   #11
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February 1498
Exploration Ideas Advance!
Global Empire

Our commitment to our colonial empire has changed the attitude of people to jobs in the colonial administration. No longer a place for freebooters who seek to maximize their fortune, instead it is seen as a career for the brightest and the best. This is reflected in our taxes.

Bonus Effect:
Naval Force Limit Modifier: +25.0%

May 1498
Noble Families Feud
Violence among leading families within a state was never far from the surface. Often, this instability would boil over into open conflict. The result is less than a full-blown civil war, but could immensely disturb the stability of a state.
Gain +25.00% Local Autonomy in Kelantan

A Temple is under construction in Tanjung Salang.

We have sent diplomats to Khmer and Lan Xang to improve relations.

June 1498
Death of the Sultan!
'Abd al-Jalil Shah has passed away far too soon!
Lose 1 Stability (+1)

A New Sultan!
Ibrahim Shah (6/6/3) will now rule our glorious nation!

September 1498
Military Technology Advance!

Although hand cannons has been developed in China in the 12th century and had spread to Europe by the 14th, the weakness of these weapons reduced their battlefield utility. Light and reliable, Arquebus was able to displace bow due to three main factors. It had better armor penetration, it was easier to train men to use it, and it did not rely on the strength of the user.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Combat width increased by 2.
Infantry Shock: +0.30
Enables Asian Steppe Cavalry
Enables Samurai Cavalry

All Cavalry units have been upgraded to Asian Steppe Cavalry.

November 1498
An Heir to the Throne!
Kamal ad-Din (4/4/1) is the new heir to the throne! The succession is safe.

Accommodation with Natives in Pontianak
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Pontianak lose 1 ferocity.

December 1498
The Families Left Behind
The recent war took a heavy toll on our people. Many were called, few returned. The families of nobles and commoners alike toiled as they waited for soldiers to return home, but the war ended and they never did. Now the toiling continues, many being so preoccupied with the work to make up for the lost part of hands that they barely have time to grieve. Of the ones who have time to think, many are increasingly thinking that we have been throwing away lives too carelessly.

Malaya gets 'Suffering Bereaved' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

March 1499
Accommodation of Natives in Manila
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Manila lose 1 ferocity.

August 1499
Colony Damaged!
Pontianak has been damaged by savages! The population has dropped all the way to 250.

November 1499
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Kawali to the one and only true faith!

The missionary heads for Kediri next.

A Temple is under construction in Lamuri.

February 1500
We have sent diplomats to Pegu and Koch.

May 1500
Great Economic Policy
With the great administrative leadership of Ibrahim Shah I, we've been able to reduce the accumulated inflation of our country quite drastically this last year.

Lose 1.00 inflation.

August 1500
Men of Science
Word continues to trickle into our realm of new innovative discoveries being made in Western Europe. In an effort not to fall behind, some of our officials have suggested using gold to lure a few of their learned men here. This would be a boon to our research, but the clergy would not look kindly on infidels wielding such influence in our academic circles.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah is much more forgiving toward infidels than his father was. We need their help.
Lose 25.00 Piety

A Temple is under construction in Gayo.

October 1500
A Temple is under construction in Pariaman.

Colonial Company Goes Bankrupt
One of our colonial ventures has run into serious financial trouble, if no action is taken the colonists could suffer.
Lose 50.00 ducats.

May 1501
Administrative Technology Advance!
Noble Republic

The notion of a noble oligarchy ruling the society has existed, since well, at least the Roman times, and remained popular in some parts of the world. Now this idea is once more gaining popularity amongst those who matter.

Bonus Effect:
Allows Another Group of Ideas
Allows Noble Republic.

We have unlocked the Expansion Ideas group.

February 1502
Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Sulu.

March 1502
Royal Marriage
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Sulu.

April 1502
We have maxed relations with Pegu.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a Royal Marriage with Khmer.

May 1502
We have maxed relations with Khmer.

Our truce with Majapahit has ended.

The Conquest of Majapahit
Sultan Ibrahim knows he must finish the conquest of his father. War has been declared on Majapahit.

Nobles Demand Privileges
The privileges of the nobility have been under continuous assault as Ibrahim Shah I has attempted to centralize more and more control. The nobles have finally lost their patience and are demanding that they are given back what they believe is rightfully theirs.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah ignores the nobles' demands.
Malaya gets 'Disorder' for 1 years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

June 1502
All three remaining provinces under Majapahit rule are now under Malayan siege.

July 1502
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Manila has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 6.4 Prestige (82)
Base Tax: 7.4
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 18 administrative power to turn Manila into a core. It will take 16 months.

Mission Complete!
Turn Manila into a city!

Gain 1 base tax in Manila.
Gain 16 manpower in Manila.

Current Mission
Achieve Religious Unity.

A colonist heads north of Manila, to Tondo province.

Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Kediri to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Karta.

A diplomat has been sent to Sulu to improve relations.

January 1503
Core Gained
The province of Manila is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Temple is under construction in Manila.

June 1503
Siege Victory!
After 352 days we have finally won the siege of Surabaya!

July 1503
Siege Victory!
After 378 days we have won the siege of Madura!

September 1503
Siege Victory!
After 460 days we have won the siege of Blambangan!

End of the Malayan Conquest of Majapahit (May 1502 – September 1503)
The Raja of Majapahit has agreed to a peace accord with Sultan Ibrahim Shah.

Malaya demands Majapahit's full annexation.
This peace will cost Malaya 135 diplomatic power.
Malaya gains 4 prestige (83)
Malaya suffers 10.4 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Cotton

Base Tax: 1.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Cotton

We have spent 110 Administrative Power to turn all three provinces into cores.

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Old 03-29-2015, 05:35 PM   #12
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September 1503
A Temple is under construction in Kalapa.

We have sent a diplomat to Bali to improve relations.

May 1504
Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah believes that reputation isn't everything.
Lose 25 Legitimacy (68)

August 1504
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Pontianak has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 5.2 Prestige (86)
Base Tax: 5.2
Production: Fish

5 Administrative Power has been used to turn Pontianak into a core.

A Colonist has been sent to Nias, a small group of island adjacent to Batak and Gayo.

September 1504
Cores Gained
We have gained cores on Blambangan and Madura provinces. We shall defend them until the last drop of peasant blood.

October 1504
The Malayan Conquest of Kuching
Sultan Ibrahim Shah feels the nation is growing nicely, but another of the islands must be claimed. It must be Malayan. We have declared war on Brunei.

Core Gained
Surabaya is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

February 1505
Core Gained
The province of Pontianak is now considered part of our patrimony.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Pontianak.

May 1505
A Revolt!
Sundanese Nationalists have risen up in Surabaya and Blambangan!

June 1505
The nationalists in Surabaya have been defeated.

November 1505
People Flee to the Colonies
Our Quest for the New World has opened up opportunities for people in our colonies. The continuing war has convinced many of the best and brightest that the time to take these opportunities is now.

Sultan Ibraham Shah is prepared to let them go.
Gain 300 population in Nias (370)
Lose 25 Diplomatic Power

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Nias that the climate in combination with the fertile land makes the province a highly sustainable area for tea production.

Tea will now be produced in Nias.

December 1505
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics to Karta to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Surabaya.

Siege Victory!
After 435 days we have won the siege of Kuching!

The Army marches on Sibu where 8,000 Brunei troops wait.

January 1506
The Nationalists in Blambangan have been defeated.

Battle of Sibu
Our army of 17,000 easily dispatched Brunei's 8,000 men. 4,000 of which have retreated.

We leave 2,000 men in Sibu to siege the province. The other 15,000 head for Brunei province, the capital.

February 1506
We now have Sibu, Brunei and Jeselton under siege.

May 1506
Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quietened down a bit.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah bribes an advisor to take the blame.
Lose 138.45 ducats (134.70)

July 1506
Expansion Ideas Advance!
Additional Colonists

The new world is many things, most important of all, empty. Well no one important lives there at any rate. By letting people know of the boundless opportunities we have in the new world, we will encourage more people to go forth and settle there.

Bonus Effect:
Colonists: +1

September 1506
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Tondo that the area has perfect conditions for cloth production.

Cloth will now be produced in Tondo.

Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Marketplace & Dock

Creation of legal and regional infrastructure in order to promote trade will not only encourage commerce, but also allow us to better tax it.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 10
Can now build Dock.
Can now build Marketplace.

A Marketplace is now under construction in Melaka.

Decmeber 1506
Accommodation with Natives in Tondo
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.

Natives in Tondo lose 1 ferocity.

Marketplaces are under construction in Manila and Kalapa.

February 1507
Religious Tensions
The situation in Sarabaya is getting close to unbearable. The citizens are refusing to accept the preaching of the missionary we sent there a short while ago and now he fears for his life. A revolt seems imminent unless we do something soon.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah decides to take his chances.

June 1507
The Families Left Behind
The recent war took a heavy toll on our people. Many were called, few returned. The families of nobles and commoners alike toiled as they waited for soldiers to return home, but the war ended and they never did. Now the toiling continues, many being so preoccupied with the work to make up for the lost part of hands that they barely have time to grieve. Of the ones who have time to think, many are increasingly thinking that we have been throwing away lives too carelessly.

Malaya gets 'Suffering Bereaved' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

October 1507
Siege Victory!
After 601 days we have won the siege of Jesselton!

November 1507
Siege Victory!
After 675 days we have won the siege of Sibu!

February 1508
End of the Malayan Conquest of Kuching (October 1504 – February 1508)
This was was absolutely devastating to our armies. The attrition we took in the jungles of Brunei was incredible. We need 23,000 more men to fill out our ranks and our manpower is at zero. We've had to call for a peace treaty before our army is further weakened by the jungles.

Brunei will cede Kuching and Sibu to Malaya.
Brunei will pay 42 ducats.
Malaya gains 2.5 prestige (83)
Malaya suffers 7.9 aggressive expansions relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Spices

70 Administrative Power has been spent to turn the two provinces into cores. It will take one year.

Docks are under construction in Manila, Kelapa and Melaka.

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Old 03-30-2015, 12:18 PM   #13
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Cool. I have always enjoyed your threads.
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Old 03-30-2015, 02:14 PM   #14
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Thanks man!
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Old 04-01-2015, 08:30 PM   #15
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February 1508
A Colonist has been sent to Katapang, which is south of the Pontianak province on Borneo.

March 1508
We have begun the annexation of Bali.

May 1508
No One Wants to Work
With the generous liberties we have granted our merchants, we have ended up with a situation where people simply don't want to do honest work anymore.
Lose 12.30 ducats (76.63)

October 1508
Native Assimilation in Tondo
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Tondo.
Gain 100 population in Tondo (675)

November 1508
Integrating Bali
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (86)
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Cloth

Armories are under construction in Muko-Muko, Bangka and Pontianak.

February 1509
Cores Gained
The provinces of Sibu and Kuching are now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

An Armory is under construction in Manila.

June 1509
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Nias has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 1.1 prestige (85)
Base Tax: 1.1
Production: Tea

We have spent 2 Administrative Power to turn Nias into a core. It will take six months.

Our Colonist heads for Mentawi, an island southeast of Nias.

November 1509
A diplomat has been sent to Korea to improve relations.

Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Surabaya to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary has been dispatched to Banten.

Armories are under construction in Blambangan and Lingga.

December 1509
Core Gained
The province of Nias is now considered part of our patrimony.

January 1510
We have sent a diplomat to Madurai to improve relations.

An Armory is under construction in Kendal.

April 1510
An Armory is under construction in Kediri.

May 1510
Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah believes that reputation isn't everything.
Lose 25 Legitimacy (54)

September 1510
An Armory is under construction in Nias.

November 1510
Bring in Marriageable Women
A pioneer colony is very much a man's place, but as a colony develops we look to switch growth from emigration to new births. The colonial company responsible for one of our colonies has arranged a number of marriageable women, mostly widows, to travel to the colony to see that families are started.
Gain 200 population in Katapang (431)
Gain 32 manpower in Katapang.

Expansion Ideas Advance!
Additional Merchants

Colonies are no good unless we get the produce home to the mother country. We must expand our merchant class to ensure that this will happen.

Bonus Effect:
Merchants: +1

We have sent our newest merchant to the Philippines.

Malayan Sultanate Ideas Advance!
Spice Islands
Nutmeg, clover, humble black pepper... every grain is worth its weight in gold in the eyes of those cursed with less spicy national cuisines. Our spices' desirability abroad has increased their value at home, as well.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency: +10.0%

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Katapang that the area has perfect conditions for cloth production.
Cloth will now be produced in Katapang

December 1510
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Tondo has grown enough to become a city.
Gain 5.4 Prestige (85)
Base Tax: 5.4
Production: Cloth

We have spent 13 administrative power to turn Tondo into a core. It will take 6 months.

A Colonist has been sent directly north of Tondo to Pangasinan.

March 1511
Armories are under construction in Madura and Surabaya.

June 1511
Core Gained
The province of Tondo is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

A Temple is under construction in Pontianak.

A Herald from Lan Xang
The great statesman Theng Kham I Khun Lo of Lan Xang has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

August 1511
Royal Marriage
Lan Xang ask us for a Royal Marriage and we happily accept.

October 1511
A diplomat has been sent to Hejaz to improve relations.

February 1512
We have maxed relations with Korea.

April 1512
Temples are under construction in Nias, Tondo and Blambangan

May 1512
Sale of Titles
My lord, one of your advisors has suggested selling off titles of nobility to anyone we can afford to pay. It would bring in lots of money if we do, but it would devalue the idea of nobility and perhaps upset the existing aristocratic families. Should we do this?

Sultan Ibrahim Shah believes that nobility cannot be bought.
Gain 1 Stability (+2)

August 1512
Men of Science
One of the realm's most accomplished men of science recently entered a heated debate with a prominent imam at a banquet in Malacca, and now concerns have been raised that our state is pursuing heretical research. The imam has been joined by several others, and together they are demanding restrictions on the pursuit of any knowledge that threatens the people's way of life.

Sultan Ibrahim Shah believes we are better off without them.
Gain 25.00 Piety (42.00%)

September 1512
Armories are under construction in Kuching and Sibu.

October 1512
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Mentawi that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Mentawi.

April 1513
We have sent a diplomat to Sind to improve relations.

May 1513
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Banten to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary has been sent to Blambangan.

An Armory is under construction in Tondo.

October 1513
Native Assimilation in Pangasinan
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Pangasinan.
Gain 100 Colonists in Pangasinan (353)

November 1513
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Pangasinan that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Pangasinan.

May 1514
The Death of Ibrahim Shah!
The Sultan has died. He helped lead conquests over Brunei and Majapahit.
Lose 1 Stability (+1)

A New Sultan!
Kamal ad-Din I Srivijaya (4/4/1) will now rule our nation!

Hassan (3/1/5) is the new heir.

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Old 04-04-2015, 12:37 PM   #16
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May 1514
Lack of Protection
Our determination to embrace free trade has led to domestic merchants losing out to the rivals from other countries.
Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes that they need to learn to adapt.
Lose 15 diplomatic power.

June 1514
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Katapang has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (78)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Cloth

We have spent 2 Administrative Power to turn Katapang into a core. This will take six months.

Our Colonist now heads for Sampit, which is east of Katapang.

September 1514
We have maxed our relations with Hejaz.

November 1514
Military Technology Advance!
The Limber

Artillery had been documented in Europe since the thirteenth century, but due to its lack of mobility, it had very limited battlefield use. The development of the Limber in the 1470s allowed guns to become more mobile and thus useful.

December 1514
Core Gained
The province of Katapang is now considered part of our patrimony. We will defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

An Earth Rampart is under construction there.

January 1515
Diplomatic Technology Advance
Basic Financial Instruments

Overseas trade is very risky but also highly profitable. The development of financial instruments like letters of credit will help reduce the risk, increasing our profits.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 20
Trade Efficiency Increased by +10%

March 1515
Expansion Ideas Advance!
Faster Colonists

You cannot simply send colonists out and expect them to build a colony. There is a time consuming process of preparing the expedition with all the items they will need to survive in their new home. Using passed experience we can speed this process up.

Bonus Effect:
Global Settler Increase: +10.00

July 1515
Current Mission
Take Chaiya!

Military Alliance
We have entered a Military Alliance with Sulu.

August 1515
Brigands Strike at Pilgrims
Faithful Muslims undertaking their pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca have recently come under attack by roving bands of brigands. The scum have now become bold enough to attack even the larger caravans, and many lives have been lost. The people are crying out for justice, and our most pious warriors have asked for permission to escort these pilgrims safely through the realm.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din promises protection.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Gain 10 Prestige (40)

November 1515
Ship Building Boom
Our ship building industry had experiences a boom in orders for merchant ships. This boom has ended and now there is surplus yard capacity. This will not last long but our navy could profit from it.

Malaya gets 'Ship Building Boom' for five years, giving the following effects:
Shipbuilding Time: -20.0%

A diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

March 1516
We have maxed relations with Sind.

April 1516
We have maxed relations with Khmer.

The Malayan Conquest of Chaiya
Sultan Kamal ad-Din has not yet made a name for himself through cunning warfare. He is known as more passive than his predecessors. At the behest of his advisors, he has targeted Chaiya, an Ayutthaya province that is north of Negara Sri Dharmaraja and Tanjung Ssalang.

May 1516
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Mentawi has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 1.1 Prestige (83)
Base Tax: 1.1
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 2 Administrative Power on Mentawi to turn the province into a core.

We have both Chaiya and Marit under siege.

Benign Neglect
It seems that the government that governs the least governs the best as far as those outside the capital are concerned. Our non-involvement has proved beneficial and the local economy of Surabaya is booming.
Surabaya gets 'Benign Neglect' for five years, giving the following effect:
Local Trade Power: +100.0%

June 1516
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Blambangan to the one and only true faith!

Our missionary heads for Bali.

July 1516
Native Assimilation in Sampit
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Sampit.
Gain 100 population in Sampit (393)

September 1516
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Sampit that the land is very fertile and would be highly suitable for agricultural production of anything from cereals and vegetable foodstuffs to more exotic crops.
Grain will now be produced in Sampit.

November 1516
Core Gained
The province of Mentawi is now considered a part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

January 1517
Siege Victory!
After 253 days we have won the siege of Marit!

February 1517
Siege Victory!
After 309 days we have won the siege of Chaiya!

December 1517
Siege Victory!
After 253 days we have won the siege of Ayutthaya province!

February 1518
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Pangasinan has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.4 prestige (80)
Base Tax: 3.4
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 8 Administrative Power to turn Pangasinan into a core.

A colonist heads for Cagayan province.

March 1518
A Colonist heads for The Andamans

April 1518
After 449 days we have won the siege of Phetchaburi!

May 1518
Exceptional Year
Excellent business environment combined with good harvests were once in a while a blessing for the nation's tax base, generating higher income for the realm.
Malaya gets 'Exceptional Year' for one year, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: +50.0%

July 1518
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Bali to the one and only true faith!

Our Missionary heads for Madura.

August 1518
Core Gained
Our province of Pangasinan is now considered part of our patrimony.

September 1518
A prominent and outspoken government official recently transferred home from the diplomatic corps seems to have spent a little too much of his time abroad. He has returned to Malaya with some controversial ideas of how to interpret the words of the Prophet, and needless to say, this has provoked a lot of ire among the clergy. Several imams have declared the official a blasphemer and demand immediate action from the government.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to burn him at the stake!
Gain 25.00 Piety (73.00)
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power

January 1519
Siege Victory!
After 253 days we have won the siege of Khorat!

End of the Malayan Conquest of Chaiya (April 1516 – January 1519
Without a fighting a single battle with our armies, we have ended the war against Ayutthaya.

Ayutthaya will cede Chaiya to Malaya.
Ayutthaya will pay 51 ducats.
Malaya gains 1.0 Prestige (78)
Malaya suffers 2.0 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Mission Complete
Take Chaiya!

Gain 10 Prestige (88)
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 20 Administrative Power to make Chaiya a core. This will take two years.

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Last edited by Grover : 04-04-2015 at 12:38 PM.
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Old 04-04-2015, 01:16 PM   #17
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Location: Lisboa, ME

January 1519
A diplomat has been sent to Arakan.

March 1519
A Temple is under construction in Mentawi.

June 1519
Expansion Ideas Advance!
Organized Recruitment
In days of yore when a captain sought to recruit men to fill his regiment, the process was time-consuming as not many people wished to embrace certain death in our armies. However, by applying the principals of reason to this problem we will be able to come up with a system that will get men into uniform much quicker.

Bonus Effect:
Recruitment Time: -10.0%

July 1519
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Sampit has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.6 Prestige (89)
Base Tax: 2.6
Production: Grain

We have spent 2 Administrative Power to turn Sampit into a core.

The colonist heads east to Barito.

Current Mission
Claim our rival's province, Phetchaburi.

A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Phetchaburi.

A Marketplace is under construction in Johor.

September 1519
A Marketplace is under construction in Bintan.

November 1519
Native Assimilation in Cagayan
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Cagayan.
Gain 100 population in Cagayan (306)

December 1519
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Cagayan that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Cagayan.

January 1520
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Madura to the one and only true faith!

Core Gained
The province of Sampit is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Temple is under construction in Katapang.

June 1520
Merchant Fractures
Every so often merchants of different ideas in regards to trade would clash and small factions supporting either cause would emerge causing ruptures.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din supports the mercantile faction.
Gain 2.50 Mercantilism.

July 1520
Mission Complete!
Claim our rival's province, Phetchaburi!

Gain 5 prestige (90)
Gain 25 military power

August 1520
Current Mission
Our manpower reserves need to recover

Central Thai Revolt
The ongoing oppression and exploitation of the Central Thai minority has finally reached its boiling point. The citizens of Chaiya have decided to take up arms against the opressors!
13 Patriot regiments rise up in revolt in Chaiya.
Chaiya gets 'Suppress Minority' for six months, giving the following effects:
Local Unrest: +10.00
Local Manpower Modifier: -10.0%

September 1520
The revolt in Chaiya has been defeated.

An Armory is under construction in Sampit.

November 1520
Ship Building Boom
Our ship building industry had experiences a boom in orders for merchant ships. This boom has ended and now there is surplus yard capacity. This will not last long but our navy could profit from it.

Malaya gets 'Ship Building Boom' for five years, giving the following effects:
Shipbuilding Time: -20.0%

January 1521
We have maxed relations with Arakan.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Arakan.

Core Gained
The province of Caiya is now considered part of our patrimony.

A missionary has been sent to Chaiya.

An Armory is under construction in Katapang.

The Families Left Behind
The recent war took a heavy toll on our people. Many were called, few returned. The families of nobles and commoners alike toiled as they waited for soldiers to return home, but the war ended and they never did. Now the toiling continues, many being so preoccupied with the work to make up for the lost part of hands that they barely have time to grieve. Of the ones who have time to think, many are increasingly thinking that we have been throwing away lives too carelessly.

Malaya gets 'Suffering Bereaved' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Unrest: +2.00

March 1521
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage we Khmer.

April 1521
A Temple is under construction in Madura.

September 1521
Charity for the Poor
Providing charity to those in need is one of the cornerstones of the Islamic faith, and many have called for us to better provide for the poor in Malaya. For a small sum, we can have bread delivered and handed out to those who are starving.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din is strongly for feeding the poor.
Gain 25.00 Piety (100)
Lose 121.18 ducats.

November 1521
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Barito that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chilli or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in Barito.

December 1521
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in The Andamans that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chilli or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in The Andamans

Military Alliance
We have entered a Military Alliance with Arakan.

We have sent a diplomat to Haixi to improve relations.

January 1522
Accommodation with Natives in Barito
The local native population now seems accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Barito lose 1 ferocity.

June 1522
No One Wants to Work
With the generous liberties we have granted our merchants, we have ended up with a situation where people simply don't want to do honest work anymore.
Lose 14.52 ducats (0.34)

August 1522
A diplomat has been sent to Dai Viet.

March 1523
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Sampit.

April 1523
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Cagayan has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.0 Prestige (82)
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Cagayan into a core.

Our Colonist heads west to Ilocos.

May 19
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Chaiya to the one and only true faith!

Rivalry Ended!
Ayutthaya no longer considers Malaya a rival!

June 1523
We have named Ming as our new rival

August 1523
A Temple is under construction in Pangasinan.

October 1523
Core Gained
The province of Cagayan is now considered part of our patrimony.

December 1523
A Marketplace is under construction in Selangor.

January 1524
Expansion Ideas Advance!
Additional Diplomats

The drive to expand our country means we must also expand our diplomatic reach! We must rnsure that our diplomatic service is properly staffed.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomatic Relations: +1

Malayan Sultanate Ideas Advance!
Classical Malay

We have created a rich literary and cultural tradition in a sophisticated language feeaturing loan words and phrases from languages from Arabic and Persian to Chinese that is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of the region, allowing easier communication of foreign ideas to our land.

Bonus Effect:
Idea Cost: -5.0%

April 1524
We have maxed relations with Dai Viet.

A diplomat has been sent to Delhi to improve relations.

June 1524
A Temple is under construction in Cagayan.

Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes that reputation isn't everything
Lose 25 Legitimacy (75)

September 1524
A Donation
We have been approached by several imams who have asked for our financial support. Their own coffers are nearly empty, and they need more gold to aid their continuing efforts in providing spiritual guidance and charity to those in need.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes their faith alone can sustain them.
Lose 25.00 Piety (75)
Lose 20 Prestige (57)

A Temple is under construction in Sampit.

December 1524
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in The Andamans has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 1.1 Prestige (58)
Base Tax: 1.1
Production: Spices

We have spent 2 Administrative Power to turn The Andamans into a core. It will take six months.

January 1525
We have sent a Colonist to the Maldives.

March 1525
A Temple is under construction in Surabaya.

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Old 04-04-2015, 02:57 PM   #18
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June 1525
Core Gained
The Andamans is now considered part of our patrimony.

July 1525
Diplomatic Technology Advance

We can develop better relations with neighboring countries by establishing embassies in their capitals, allowing our ambassadors to maintain permanent presence in their courts.

Bonus Efffect:
Can now build Embassy

August 1525
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Barito has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (58)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Spices

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Barito into a core province. It will take six months.

A Colonist heads for Banjar.

A Temple is under construction in the Andamans.

November 1525
Trade Success
Our merchant class is enjoying uncanny success around the world. Some say it is just random luck, but we care not, wealth is wealth regardless of how we come by it.
Malaya gets 'Trade Success' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Trade Income Modifer: +5.0%

Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Delhi.

December 1525
A Temple is under construction in Karta.

January 1526
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Delhi.

Core Gained
Our province of Barito is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

May 1526
A Temple is under construction in Barito.

June 1526
Improvements in Trade Technology
Our merchants have picked up a few new concepts when it comes to handling trade, when they encoutered some foreign merchants. They think that with some investment to try it out, it will be very beneficial for Malaya in the long run.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din wants to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 diplomatic power

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Ilocos that the climate in combination with the fertile land makes the province a highly suitable area for tea production.
Tea will now be produced in Ilocos.

We have sent a diplomat to fabricate a claim on Ayutthaya's Marit province.

October 1526
A Temple is under construction in Cirebon.

June 1527
A Temple is under construction in Kawali.

July 1527
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Kakhon Thung Yai province.

November 1527
A diplomat has been sent to Brunei to fabricate a claim on Kutai province.

February 1528
A Temple is under construction in Pajang

April 1528
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Maldives that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chili or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in Maldives.

May 1528
Native Assimilation in Ilocos
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Ilocos.
Gain 100 population in Ilocos (781)

June 1528
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Banjar that the deense forests of the province are full of a rare an exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Banjar.

Hardy Seamen
Our traditional fisheries are proving excellent grounds for recruiting sailors for our fleet. This has filtered through into better leadership in our navy.
Gain 10.0 navy tradition.

July 1528
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Barito.

November 1528
A diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

February 1529
Expansion Ideas Advance
Improved Shipyards

To defend our interests around the globe we will require a strong fleet. We must ensure our shipyards can produce ships as quickly as possible to replace any losses we may suffer.

Bonus Effect:
Shipbuilding Time: -10.0%

May 1529
A diplomat has been sent to Baluchistan to improve relations.

June 1529
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Ilocos has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (53)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Tea

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Ilocos into a core province. It will take six months.

A Colonist heads for Bikol.

October 1529
We have maxed relations with Khmer.

We have sent a diplomat to Golden Horde to improve relations.

December 1529
Core Gained
Ilocos is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

April 1530
A Herald from Lan Xang
The great statesman Kham Tam Sa I Khun Lo of Lan Xang has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

June 1530
Unhappiness Among the Merchants
Conflict and protests over taxes, corporations, port duties, navy requisitions, trade and customs policies were quite frequent and often had counterproductive effects.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din gets rid of the troublemakers,
Lose 2.50 Mercantilism.

A Herald from Sulu
Sad news, the great statesman Azimuddin I Batara of Sulu has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

July 1530
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Sulu.

September 1530
Men of Science
Word continues to trickle into our realm of new innovative discoveries being made in Western Europe. In an effort not to fall behind, some of our officials have suggested using gold to lure a few of their learned men here. This would be a boon to our research, but the clergy would not look kindly on infidels wielding such inflfuence in our academic circles.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes Malacca is better off without those infidels.
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)

A Temple is under construction in Chaiya.

November 1530
A Temple is under construction in Bali.

Oh hai, India!
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Old 04-04-2015, 03:38 PM   #19
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November 1530
Colonial Company Goes Bankrupt
One of our colonial ventures has run into serious financial trouble, if no action is taken the colonists could suffer.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to step in.
Lose -50.00 ducats (-40.02)

December 1530
Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Lan Xang.

April 1531
Mission Complete!
Our manpower reserves need to recover.

Gain 5 Prestige (54)
Gain 10.0 Army Tradition.

Current Mission
Turn Banjar into a city

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Tondo and Manila.

May 1531
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Pangasinan.

June 1531
The Malyan Subjugation of Brunei
Sultan Kamal ad-Din, always under pressure to prove himself as a military strategist has gone to finish his predecessor's work. Bring Brunei under Malaya's benevolent thumb.

July 1531
By mid-month Brunei's main army had been sent scattering from the province of Brunei, now held under siege by Malayan forces.

December 1531
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Maldives has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.2 Prestige (56)
Base Tax: 2.2
Production: Spices

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn Maldives into a core.

March 1532
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Banjar has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 4.2 Prestige (59)
Base Tax 4.2
Production: Tropical Wood.

We have spent 13 Administrative Power to turn Banjar into a core. It will take 7 months.

Mission Complete!
Turn Banjar into a city

Gain 1 Base Tax in Banjar
Gain 16 manpower in Banjar.

A Colonist has been sent to Belitung.

April 1532
Siege Victory!
After 281 days we have won the siege of Brunei!

May 1532
Native Assimilation in Bikol
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Bikol.
Gain 100 population in Bikol (383)

June 1532
Core Gained
The province of Maldives is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Bikol that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available but its nonetheless an important resource.
Fish will be produced in Bikol.

Merchants Worried About Lack of Protection
With our focus on free trade our merchants are concerned that they are not getting the support that they would get under a more mercantilist policy.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes there is something he can do.
Gain 1.00 Mercantilism
Lose 25 Diplomatic Power

Siege Victory!
After 365 days we have won the siege of Samarinda!

July 1532
We have maxed relations with Golden Horde.

August 1532
We have sent a diplomat to Yue to improve relations.

September 1532
A Colonist has been sent to Lombok.

Core Gained
The province of Banjar is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

November 1532
Siege Victory!
After 169 days we have won the siege of Jesselton!

May 1533
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Lehad Datu after 338 days!

September 1533
Siege Victory!
After 486 days we have won the siege of Kutai!

A prominent and outspoken government official recently transferred home from the diplomatic corps seems to have spent a little too much of his time abroad. He has returned to Malaya with some controversial ideas of how to interpret the words of the Prophet, and needless to say, this has provoked a lot of ire among the clergy. Several imams have declared the official a blasphemer and demand immediate action from the government.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to burn him at the stake!
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power

October 1533
Accommodation of Natives in Lombok
The local native population seems more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Lombok lose 1 ferocity.

Siege Victory!
After 323 days we have won the siege of Bulungan!

November 1533
A Temple is under construction in Banjar, Ilocos and Maldives.

January 1534
Siege Victory
After 247 days we have won the siege of Tarakan!

End of the Malayan Subjugation of Brunei (June 1531 – January 1534)
Brunei has finally accepted peace with Sultan Kamal ad-Din. Putting an end to 2 ½ years of fighting.

Brunei will cede Samarinda, Kutai, Berau, Bulungan, Tarakan, Lehad Datu and Jesselton to Malaya.
Brunei wll annul all treaties with Sulu.
Brunei will pay 43 ducats.
This peace will cost Malaya 225 diplomatic power.
Malaya gains 12.5 prestige (45)
Malaya suffers 24.7 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

Lehad Datu
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

We have spent 250 Administrative Power to turn these provinces into cores. They will take anywhere from 13 months onward.

We are the Asian Pacific Superpower
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Old 04-04-2015, 04:25 PM   #20
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January 1534
Current Mission
Reduce Overextension!

March 1534
We have entered a military alliance with Yue.

June 1534
Comet Sighted
Peasants are always superstitious and the appearance of a comet in the sky has caused panic among them. They are convinced that this is a sign that the end of times is near or that something bad is going to happen in the near future.

I wish I lived in more enlightened times...
Lose 1 Stability (0)

November 1534
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Lombok that the area has perfect conditions for cloth production.
Cloth will now be produced in Lombok.

Core Gained
The provinces of Kutai and Samarinda are now considered part of our patrimony.

February 1535
Core Gained
The provinces of Jeselton, Lehad Datu, Tarakan, Berau, and Blungan have all become part of our patrimony.

Mission Complete!
Reduce Overextension!

Gain the skill 3 Diplomat in Melaka.

Current Mission
Fortify Banjar

April 1535
A diplomat has been sent to Brunei to fabricate a claim on Brunei province.

Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Sulu.

June 1535
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Belitung that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chili or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in Belitung.

August 1535
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Banjar.

December 1535
Diplomatic Moves
Our diplomatic corps has been working hard to ensure that our interests are represented in foreign courts. Their efforts have allowed us to spread the net of our influence yet further.
Malaya gets 'Diplomatic Moves' for five years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Relations: +1

A diplomat has been sent to Sulu to improve relations.

April 1536
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Bikol has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.4 Prestige (44)
Base Tax 3.4
Production: Fish

We have spent 8 Administrative Power to turn Bikol into a core. It will take six months.

The Colonist heads for Panay.

May 1536
Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Khmer.

June 1536
Excellent Year
Some of our farms are having an excellent year, allowing us to feed more troops and so increasing our manpower.
Gain 2,593 manpower.

August 1536
Mission Complete!
Fortify Banjar!

Gain 33 manpower in Banjar
Gain 1.0 Army Tradition

Current Mission
Prove Legitimacy

Military Technology Advance
Pike and Shot

The Arquebus was easy to use as a weapon, but was also inaccurate and slow to fire, leaving its user vulnerable to cavalry charges. Blending with Pikemen allowed Arquebusiers to fire and then fall back to be shielded by Pikemen when enemy cavalry or infantry appeared.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics: +0.25
Combat width increased by 1
Infantry Fire: +0.25
Cavalry Shock: +1.00
Can bow build Training Fields and March

September 1536
Men of Science
Word continues to trickle into our realm of new innovative discoveries being made in Western Europe. In an effort not to fall behind, some of our officials have suggested using gold to lure a few of their learned men here. This would be a boon to our research, but the clergy would not look kindly on infidels wielding such inflfuence in our academic circles.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes Malacca is better off without those infidels.
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)

October 1536
Core Gained
The province of Bikol is now considered part of our patrimony.

January 1537
A Diplomat has been sent to Dai Viet to improve relations.

February 1537
Expansion Ideas Advance!
Competitive Merchants

To bring trade home we must be able to beat the competition from other countries. We need to ensure that our legal system gives them every possible edge.

Bonus Effect:
Global Trade Power: +20.0%

By finishing Expansion Ideas we now have a permanent Casus Belli against less advanced non-Pagan nations in Asia and Africa.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Samarinda.

March 1537
Diplomatic Technology Advance
Naval Ambitions

With an extra boost to naval morale, our sailors will conquer the waves and rule the seas. While our colonists will be able to brave the dark corners of the world, founding new settlements farther from home than ever before.

July 1537
The Malayan Conquest of Marit
Sultan Kamal ad-Din has appointed his military minded brother as General of the 1st Army and a new assault on Ayutthaya is about to begin.

February 1538
Siege Victory!
After 141 days we have won the siege of Phetchaburi!

April 1538
Siege Victory!
After 253 days we have won the siege of Marit!

June 1538
Merchants Leaving
With the relaxtion of restrictions on foreign merchants, some of our own traders feel that they are not getting enough state support, and have decided to switch careers.
Malaya gets 'No restrictions on foreign merchants' for two years, giving the following effect:
Domestic Trade Power: -33.0%

July 1538
Siege Victory!
After 141 days we have won the siege of Ayutthaya!

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Panay that the area has perfect conditions for production of high value luxuries like chinaware.
Chinaware will be produced in Panay.

November 1538
We have entered a royal marriage with Yue.

February 1539
Native Assimilation in Lombok
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Lombok.
Gain 100 population in Lombok (1,045)

Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Lombok has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.0 Prestige (43)
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Cloth

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to make Lombok a core province. It will take six months.

A Colonist has been sent to Boina. Somewhere off the eastern coast of Africa...

Siege Victory!
After 225 days we have won the siege of Nakhon Thung Yai!

End of the Malayan Conquest of Marit (July 1537 – February 1539)
A quick and decisive battle leads to spoils for the Malayan Sultanate.

Ayutthaya will cede Phetchaburi and Marit to Malaya.
Malaya gains 3.5 Prestige (47)
Malaya suffers 7.4 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Mergui (formerly Marit)
Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Chinaware

Base Tax: 3.0
Prduction: Tropical Wood

We have spent 70 Administrative Power to turn these provinces into cores.

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Old 04-04-2015, 08:45 PM   #21
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April 1539
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Belitung has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.1 Prestige (49)
Base Tax: 2.1
Production: Spices

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn Belitung into a core. It will take six months.

May 1539
A Colonist has been sent to Sumbawa.

August 1539
We have maxed relations with Sulu.

We have sent a gift of 25 ducats to Sulu.

Core Gained
The province of Lombok is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

Native Assimilation in Panay
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Panay.
Gain 100 population in Panay (502)

September 1539
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din is not his dead brother. He will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

October 1539
Core Gained
The province of Belitung is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

January 1540
We have sent a diplomat to Brunei to improve relations.

Herald from Sulu
Sulu has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassal. We now get half of their monthly tax income.

February 1540
A diplomat has been sent to Lan Xang to improve relations.

June 1540
A Temple is being constructed in Lombok and Bikol.

Improvements in Government Technology
A few local workers in the administration have discovered what they claim is a more efficient way to handle documents. Obviously they do not know what they are talking about, but can it hurt to let them try their new ideas?

Sultan Kamal ad-Din wishes to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Administrative Power

October 1540
A Temple is under construction in Beltiung.

December 1540
Native Assimilation in Sumbawa
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Sumbawa.
Gain 100 population in Sumbawa (277)

Trade Success
Our merchant class is enjoying uncanny success around the world. Some say it is just random luck, but we care not, wealth is wealth regardless of how we come by it.
Malaya gets 'Trade Success' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Trade Income Modifier: +5.0%

March 1541
Cores Gained
The provinces of Phetchaburi and Mergui are now considered part of our patrimony.

A Missionary has been set to Mergui.

A Marketplace is under construction in Pahang.

April 1541
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Sumbawa that the area has perfect conditions for production of high value luxuries like chinaware.
Chinaware will now be produced in Sumbawa.

September 1541
Marriage Policies Pay Off
Sire! Sire! The herald doesn't even attempt to hide his excitement. 'Great news!' 'A son of our family is next in line to a foreign throne!'

A new legal Heir (3/4/1) with a strong claim to the Khmer throne appears.

November 1541
We have maxed relations with Brunei and Lan Xang.

A diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

April 1542
Establish Penal Colony in Boina
Our colony in Boina has not been progressing as quickly as we would like. One of your advisors has however come up with a plan to speed up growth. They are proposing that we send thieves, debtors and other criminals to Boina and have them pay their debts to society by working to develop the colony and eventually become settlers once their sentence is done. While this plan might seem good on paper, there is a chance a rebellion may occur due to having all these dangerous individuals in a single location.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din thinks this is a great idea!
Boina gets 'Penal Colony' for 25 years, giving the following effects:
Local Unrest: +3.00
Local Settler Increase: +10.00

A Marketplace is under construction in Bajar and Bikol.

June 1542
In periods of prosperity and peace, while people were happy and secure, there was a tendency for them to gradually become less productive and lazier over time.
Lose 1 Stability (-1)

July 1542
We have spent 206 Administrative Power to increase Stability by 2 (+1)

September 1542
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din is not his dead brother. He will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

October 1542
A diplomat has been sent to Arakan to improve relations.

February 1543
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Panay has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.4 Prestige (45)
Base Tax: 3.4
Production: Chinaware

We have spent 8 Administrative Power to turn Panay into a core. It will take 6 months.

A Colonist heads for Visayas.

April 1543
We have maxed relations with Khmer.

Slaves have been a trading commodity since Antiquity but lately the demand has increased rather drastically in part due to the large amount of plantations established in colonies like Boina and similar provinces.
Slaves will now be produced in Boina.

August 1543
Core Gained
The province of Panay is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Temple is under construction in Panay.

September 1543
Herald from Lan Xang
The great statesman Leu Xay I Khun Lo of Lan Xang has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Brunei.

October 1543
Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Brunei.

April 1544
Native Assimilation in Visayas
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Visayas.
Gain 100 population in Visayas (205)

June 1544
Land Technology Research Useless
Several prominent men in our country our pointing out that the path we are going when it comes to army research is utterly foolish and will amount to nothing. They demand that we stop the current approach and stick with what was good enough for our fathers.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din ignores the,
Lose 10 Prestige (33)

August 1544
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Mergui to the one and only true faith!

The Missionary heads to Phetchaburi.

February 1545
We have sent a diplomat to fabricate a claim on Palopo.

March 1545
We have maxed relations with Arakan.

April 1545
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Visayas that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Visayas.

May 1545
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Sumbawa has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.1 Prestige (35)
Base Tax: 3.1
Production: Chinaware

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Sumbawa into a core province. It will take six months.

A diplomat has been sent to Buton to fabricate a claim.

September 1545
A Colonist has been sent to Flores.

Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

Our humble place in the world.
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Old 04-04-2015, 09:29 PM   #22
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November 1545
Core Gained
The province of Sumbawa is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

December 1545
Trade Failure
Our merchants have been performing poorly as of late, our great emporiums are empty of the goods o the world and more importantly our revenue is down.
Malaya gets 'Trade Failure' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Trade Income Modifier: -10.0%

February 1546
Casus Belli
We have gained the conquest Casus Belli against Makassar. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

May 1546
The Malayan Conquest of Makassar
Sultan Kamal ad-Din sees a new island full of possibility where Makassar sit and he wants to claim the virgin lands for himself.

June 1546
The House of Srivijaya is Shaken
There seems to have been a misunderstanding regarding the heritage of the great grandmother of Kamal ad-Din. It seems that she was the daughter of a lowly farmer from outside Melaka.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din acknowledges the fact.
Lose 5 Prestige (29)

August 1546
A diplomat has been sent to Mamluks to improve relations.

September 1546
A diplomat has been sent to Yue to improve relations.

December 1546
A Temple is under construction in Sumbawa.

March 1547
Diplomatic Technology Advance
Trade depots will offer central locations for trade goods to be accumulated and distributed for higher trade efficiency. Dry docks will allow us to maintain a fleet to protect our trade.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 10
Can now build Drydock
Can now build Trade Depot

April 1547
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Phetchaburi to the one and only true faith!

June 1547
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Boina has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.8 Prestige (32)
Base Tax: 3.8
Production: Slaves

September 1547
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Flores that the area has the perfect conditions for cloth production.
Cloth will now be produced in Flores.

October 1547
Siege Victory!
After 456 days we have won the siege of Palopo!

A Colonist has been sent to Menabe.

November 1547
A Trade Depot is under construction in Melaka.

January 1548
We have maxed relations with Yue.

Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Makassar after 300 days!

End of the Malayan Conquest of Makassar (May 1546 – January 1548)
Sultan Kamala ad-Din works quickly again in snuffing out local competition.

Makassar will cede Palopo to Malaya.
Makassar will become a vassal of Malaya.
Malaya gains 5.5 Prestige (37)
Malaya suffers 11.8 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

We have spent 30 Administrative Power to turn Palopo into a core province. It will take one year.

February 1548
Royal Marriage
We have entered royal marriage with Makassar.

The Malayan Conquest of Buton
Buton is weak and the trade center for the Moluccas node. We most possess this province.

June 1548
An Armory is under construction in Banjar.

August 1548
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Visayas has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.2 Prestige (39)
Base Tax: 2.2
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn Visayas into a core. It will take six months.

A Colonist heads for Lanao.

October 1548
Siege Victory!
After 204 days we have won the siege of Buton.

End of the Malayan Conquest of Buton (February 1548 – October 1548)
We have reached peace with the backwards people of Buton.

We demand their full annexation.
Malaya gains 1.5 Prestige (40)
Malaya suffers 3.2 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

We have spent 30 Administrative Power to turn this province into a core. It will take one year.

December 1548
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Thawi.

Moving into new islands, new horizons.
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Old 04-04-2015, 10:38 PM   #23
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Location: Lisboa, ME

January 1549
Core Gained
The province of Palopo is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Marketplace is under construction in Perak.

A Missionary is headed for Palopo.

February 1549
Core Gained
The province of Visayas is now considered part of our patrimony.

June 1549
We have maxed relations with Mamluks.

August 1549
A diplomat has been sent to Ottomans to improve relations.

September 1549
A Marketplace is under construction in Terenagganu.

November 1549
Core Gained
The province of Buton is now considered a part of our patrimony.

January 1550
A diplomat has been sent to Sulu to improve relations.

February 1550
Native Assimilation in Menabe
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Menabe.
Gain 100 population in Menabe (367)

Administrative Technology Advance!
Workshop & Courthouse

The problem with a hereditary local nobility is that they tend to value their local interests over those of the rest of the nation. We need to steadily expand the reach of government, which begins with two of the most important areas of administration, justice and taxation.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Courthouse
Can now build Workshop.

April 1550
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Palopo to the one and only true faith!

The missionary has been sent to Buton.

A Temple is under construction in Visayas.

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Menabe that the area is very rich in various metals, but gold in particular. Gold and silver being the basis of all formal currencies, this is a truly valuable find.
Gold will now be produced in Menabe.

July 1550
Foreign Trade Competition Rises
Trade was heavily regulated during this era, but despite this the markets were not fixed. At times merchants would try to enter new markets or sell new goods. Merchants facing these conditions would usually demand new or higher tariffs to stop their competitors.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din imposes the new tariff.
Gain 2.50 Mercantilism.

Colonial Migration
Some of our colonists have decided that the current colony isn't very good and have moved elsewhere.
Lose 200 population in Menabe (211)
Gain 200 population in Flores (970)

September 1550
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Flores has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 4.2 Prestige (17)
Base Tax: 4.2
Production: Cloth

We have spent 10 Administrative Power to turn Flores into a core. It will take 6 months.

November 1550
Herald from Deli
Sad news, the great statesman Bahlul I Lodi of Delhi has died. Our royal marriage with Delhi has ended.

December 1550
A Colonist has been sent to East Timor.

Colonial Disaster
A disaster has struck one of our colonies, many settlers have died and yet more have returned home. This is a disaster and we may even lose our colonial.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din has spared no effort.
Lose 50 Diplomatic Power.

January 1551
We have begun the annexation of Sulu.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Delhi.

March 1551
Core Gained
The province of Flores is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Trade Depot is under construction in Kalapa and Manila.

June 1551
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Buton to the one and only true faith!

September 1551
We have maxed relations with Ottomans.

Border Friction
“Our rightfoul provinces are held by other nations and our governments seems to be making no effort to recover them! What use are they anyway!?' proclaims the broadsheet. Widespread dissatisfaction with our failture to recover our claimed provinces is sweeping the nation.

Ayutthaya's opinion of Malaya changed by -50.

December 1551
Integrating Sulu
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (22)

Base Tax: 6.4
Production: Fish

January 1552
Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Khmer.

A diplomat has been sent to Lan Xang to improve relations.

March 1552
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Ratchaburi.

June 1552
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Lanao that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chili or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in Lanao.

July 1552
Trade Expansion
Our policy of free trade is allowing our merchants to expand our trade.
Malaya gets Increased Free Trade for 10 years, giving the following effect:
National Spy Defense: -10.0%
National Trade Income Modifier: +10.0%

September 1552
We have maxed relations with Lan Xang.

October 1552
Our diplomat has been sent to Brunei to improve relations.

Military Technology Advance!
Star Fort

In 1509 a monk and engineer tore down the medieval walls of Padua and replaced them with a rampart and a ditch which could be swept by flanking fire from the walls, adding an additional level of protection.

Bonus Effect:
Enables Asian Arquebusier
Can now build Star Fort

All infantry have been upgraded to Asian Arquebusier

January 1553
A New Settlement
Our efforts to develop Lanao go on, but now some of the settlers have rejected our capital city and begun establishing a new settlement quite far from the original one. Now people flock to that second settlement, and we are left to split our efforts.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din says more people means more taxes.
Gain 1 base tax in Lanao.

May 1553
A Temple is under construction in Flores and Boina.

June 1553
The Malayan Conquest of Thawai
Sultan Kamal ad-Din seeks to continue his forays into Ayutthaya lands while moving up the coast.

July 1553
We have sent the Ayutthaya army to a retreat in Pegu territory.

August 1553
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in East Timor that the dense forests of the province are full of a rare and exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in East Timor

November 1553
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Thawai after just 151 days!

February 1554
We have maxed relations with Brunei.

April 1554
Siege Victory
After 211 days we have won the siege of Ratchaburi!

May 1554
Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Ayutthaya!

June 1445
Native Assimilation in Menabe
Some of the local natives have assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we havbe a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Menabe.
Gain 100 population in Menabe (912)

July 1554
Tea Party
Local residents, upset at seeing their high quality tea shipped abroad have attacked a tea ship and thrown the cargo into the harbor. Although the over all the quantity was negligible, the province does have a little discontent
Gain 10.00 unrest in Ilocos.

Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Phra Bang!

September 1554
We have sent a gift of 50 ducats to Brunei.

A Diplomat has been sent to Kilwa to improve relations.

October 1554
Herald from Makassar
Sad news, the great statesman Karaeng Tunibatta I Kalopid of Makassar has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

Heretical Research
One of the realm's most accomplished men of science recently entered a heated debate with a prominent imam at a banquet in Malacca, and now concerns have been raised that our state is pursuing heretical research. The imam has been joined by several others, and together they are demanding restrictions on the pursuit of any knowledge that threatens the people's way of life.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din orders the fools away from his court.
Lose 25 Piety (75)

November 1554
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Menabe has grown enough to become a city.
Gain 2.8 Prestige (24)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Gold

A Colonist has been sent to Antananarivo.

March 1555
Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Martaban!

A Constable is under construction in Menabe.

April 1555
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Nakhon Thung Yai!

June 1555
Siege Victory!
After 301 days we have won the siege of Khorat!

End of the Malayan Conquest of Thawai (June 1553 - June 1555)
The wise masters of Ayutthaya have decided to make peace with Sultan Kamal ad-Din.

Ayutthaya will cede Thawai and Ratchaburi to Malaya.
Ayutthaya will annul all treaties with Pegu.
Ayutthaya will pay 36 ducats.
Malaya gains 6.5 Prestige (32)
Malaya gets 7.6 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Tavoy (Thawai)
Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Grain

We have spent 72 Administrative power to turn these provinces into cores.

Continuing to snake upward into the mainland of Southeast Asia.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:06 AM   #24
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November 1555
A Herald from Brunei
Brunei has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassal. We now get half of their monthly income.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Makassar.

December 1555
Bring in Marriageable Women
A pioneer colony is very much a man's place, but as a colony develops we look to switch growth from emigration to new births. The colonial company responsible for one of our colonies has arranged a number of marriageable women, mostly widows, to travel to the colony to see that families are started.
Gain 200 population in Lanao (1,086)
Gain 36 manpower in Lanao.

Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Lanao has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 4.6 Prestige (36)
Base Tax: 4.6
Production: Spices

We have spent 11 Administrative Power to turn Lanao into a core. It will take six months.

A Colonist has been sent to Maguindanao

A diplomat has been sent to Makassar to improve relations.

June 1556
Core Gained
Our province of Lanao is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Temple is under construction in Lanao.

July 1556
New Trade Research is Heretical
We have had complaints from several dignitaries in our country that the new practices of our merchants are clearly heretical, and that we should put a stop to them.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din ignores them.
Lose 10 Prestige (25)

February 1557
Native Assimilation in Maguindanao
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Maguindanao.
Gain 100 population in Maguindanao (201)

June 1557
Core Provinces
The provinces of Ratchaburi and Tavoy are now considered part of our patrimony.

A Missionary has been sent to Tavoy.

A Star Fort is under construction in Ratchaburi.

August 1557
Mission Complete!
Prove Legitimacy!

Gain 10 Prestige (34)
Gain 25 Administrative Power

Current Mission
Improve defenses in Palopo

September 1557
We have maxed relations with Kilwa.

October 1557
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

November 1557
A Star Fort is under construction in Palopo.

March 1558
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in East Timor has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.2 Prestige (36)
Base Tax: 2.2
Production: Tropical Wood

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn East Timor into a core. It will take six months.

Accommodation with Natives in Antananarivo
The local native population seems to be more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Antananarivo lose 1 ferocity.

April 1558
A Colonist has been sent to West Timor.

June 1558
Tragedy Strikes!
Hasan, the heir to the throne has tragically died!

An Heir to the Throne!
Muhammad Jamal ad-Din (2/6/4) is the new heir to the throne. The succession is safe.

July 1558
Foreign Trade Competition Rises
Trade was heavily regulated during this era, but despite this the markets were not fixed. At times merchants would try to enter new markets or sell new goods. Merchants facing these conditions would usually demand new or higher tariffs to stop their competitors.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din imposes the new tariff.
Gain 2.50 Mercantilism.

September 1558
Core Gained
Our province in East Timor is now considered part of Malayan patrimony.

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Maguindanao that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available but it's nonetheless an important resource.
Fish will now be produced in Maguindanao.

Temples are under construction in East Timor and Menabe.

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Ilocos.

November 1558
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Cagayan.

Mission Complete!
Improve defenses in Palopo!

Gain 5.0 Army Tradition

Current Mission
Turn Maguindanao into a city

December 1558
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Phra Bang.

February 1559
Slaves have been a trading commodity since Antiquity but lately the demand has increased rather drastically in part due to the large amount of plantations established in colonies like Antananarivo and similar provinces.
Slaves will now be produced in Antananarivo

Central Thai Revolts
The ongoing oppression and exploitation of the Central Thai minority has finally reached its boiling point. The citizens of Ratchaburi have decided to take up arms against the oppressors!
15 Patriot regiments rise up in revolt in Ratchaburi
Ratchaburi gets 'Suppress Minority' for six months, giving the following effects:
Local Unrest: +10.00
Local Manpower Modifier: -10.0%

The Patriots have been defeated

January 1560
A diplomat has been sent to Pegu to fabricate a claim on Martaban.

March 1560
Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Carracks & Caravel

Development of the lateen sail allowed Carracks to sail much closer to the wind than earlier vessels. Enhanced maneuverability made them superior to other ships.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range: 50
Naval Morale Increased by +0.20
Naval Maintenance Increased by +20%
Enables Carrack
Enables Caravel

July 1560
Poor Uniforms
One of our cloth suppliers has been found to be supplying substandard cloth for our army uniforms. We understand the troops are not impressed.
Malaya gets 'Poor Uniforms' for two years, giving the following effects:
Morale of Armies: -5.0%

September 1560
Naval Supplies
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in West Timor that the area would be very well suited for production of naval supplies, everything from basic wood to tar, ropes, linen and sails.
Naval Supplies will now be produced in West Timor.

October 1560
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Tavoy to the one and only true faith.

A Missionary heads for Ratchaburi.

Heretical Research
One of the realm's most accomplished men of science recently entered a heated debate with a prominent imam at a banquet in Malacca, and now concerns have been raised that our state is pursuing heretical research. The imam has been joined by several others, and together they are demanding restrictions on the pursuit of any knowledge that threatens the people's way of life.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din orders the fools away from his court.
Lose 25 Piety (75)

December 1560
Trade Failure
Our merchants have been performing poorly as of late, our great emporiums are empty of the goods of the world and more importantly our revenues are down.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din attempts to avert crisis.
Lose 50 Diplomatic Power

January 1561
A diplomat has been sent to Pegu to fabricate a claim on Moulmein.

April 1561
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Bikol.

May 1561
We have begun the annexation of Makassar.

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Old 04-06-2015, 05:42 PM   #25
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Location: Lisboa, ME

January 1562
Administrative Technology Advance!
The Scythe

Although it has been in existence for a long time, the scythe somehow still isn't the most popular tool for harvesting crops. By encouraging peasants to use a scythe instead of a sickle, we will improve the efficiency of our harvests.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
Allows armies Forced March orders, allowing them to march faster for military power.

June 1562
Earth Ramparts are under construction in Visayas, Panay and Lanao.

July 1562
Poor Quality Copper
Some of our copper mines have hit some below standard ores, this has pushed up the cost of artillery units in our nation.
Malaya gets 'Poor Copper' for two years, giving the following effects:
Artillery Cost: +20.0%

September 1562
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Maguindanao has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 5.2 Prestige
Base Tax: 5.2
Production: Fish
We have spent 15 Administrative Power to turn Maguindanao into a core.

Mission Complete!
Turn Maguindanao into a city!

Gain 1 base tax in Maguindanao (6.2)
Gain 18 manpower in Maguindanao.

The Colonist heads for Butuan.

Current Mission

Improve Defenses in Phetchaburi.

January 1563
A New Settlement
Our efforts to develop West Timor go on, but now some of the settlers have rejected our capital city and begun establishing a new settlement quite far from the original one. Now people flock to that second settlement, and we are left to split our efforts.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din says more people means more taxes.
Gain 1 base tax in West Timor

February 1563
Integrating Makassar
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (40)

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Lombok.

March 1563
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Antananarivo has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (43)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Slaves

Core Gained
The province of Maguindanao is now considered part of our patrimony.

August 1563
A Colonist has been set to Diego Garcia, which is south of Maldives.

October 1563
A prominent and outspoken government official recently transferred home from the diplomatic corps seems to have spent a little too much of his time abroad. He has returned to Malaya with some controversial ideas of how to interpret the words of the Prophet, and needless to say, this has provoked a lot of ire among the clergy. Several imams have declared the official a blasphemer and demand immediate action from the government.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to burn him at the stake!
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power

December 1563
The Malayan Subjugation of Pegu
As Sultan Kamal ad-Din nears his 50th Anniversary as Sultan of glorious Malaya, he wishes to seek a final impact on his realm for the annals of history. Martaban, Pegu's province that shares a border with Malayan lands is ripe for the picking. A former ally of Khmer, Pegu now ally themselves with Ava and Dai Viet.

January 1564
Martaban and Moulmein have quickly been put under siege by Malayan forces.

February 1564
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Ratchaburi to the one and only true faith!

A Missionary heads for Makassar.

A Star Fort is under construction in Phetchaburi.

April 1564
Herald from Delhi
The great statesman Saikander I of Delhi has died. Our Royal Marriage has ended.

Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Delhi.

July 1564
Growth of Cities Attracts Serfs
It seems as if serfs are moving out of the provinces and aim to earn a living in the capital. This is creating turmoil in the country, but our capital may benefit in the long run.
Lose 1 Base Tax in Tulangbewang
Gain +25.00% Local Autonomy in Tulangbewang
Gain 1 Base Tax in Melaka.

August 1564
Siege Victory!
After 223 days we have won the siege of Moulmein.

Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Martaban.

November 1564
Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Pegu!

January 1565
A Diplomat has been sent to Nakhon Thung Yai to fabricate a claim on the Ayutthaya province.

February 1563
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in West Timor has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.2 Prestige (43)
Base Tax: 3.2
Production: Naval Supplies

We have spent 8 Administrative Power to turn West Timor into a core. It will take six months.

Mission Complete!
Improve defenses in Phetchaburi!

Gain 5.0 Army Tradition

Current Mission
Accumulate Money

Siege Victory!
After 180 days we have won the siege of Pathein!

End of the Malayan Subjugation of Pegu (December 1563 – February 1565)
Sultan Kamal ad-Din has his final great victory.

Pegu will cede Martaban to Malaya.
Pegu will become a vassal of Malaya.
Malaya will lose 45 diplomatic power
Malaya gains 7.5 prestige (51)
Malaya gains 15.9 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Naval Supplies

We have spent 30 Administrative Power to turn Martaban into a core. It will take two years.

Pegu is northwest of us, bordering Arakan and Ayutthaya. An excellent add, it allows us to further make claims on Ayutthaya.
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Old 04-08-2015, 06:00 PM   #26
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Location: Lisboa, ME

May 1565
A Colonist has been sent to Sumba. The last island in the Java grouping.

July 1565
A Diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

August 1565
Core Gained
The province of West Timor is now considered part of our patrimony.

November 1565
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Makassar to the one and only true faith!

January 1566
Ship Building Problems
A surge of requests for ships by various people has led to a surge in demand for shipping from various sources increasing the time and cost of ships. Although no one would dare charge us more for ships, it is taking longer to build them.
Malaya gets 'Shipbuilding Problems' for five years, giving the following effects:
Shipbuilding Time: +50.0%

July 1566
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Butuan that the climate in combination with the fertile land makes the province a highly suitable area for tea production.
Tea will now be produced in Butuan.

Merchant Bankrupt!
One of our merchants abroad has returned home as a pauper after losing every single ducat. He has gone bankrupt, and we will not receive benefits of his trade anymore.

The kind and wise old Sultan Kamal ad-Din has decided to donate to the poor merchants.
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power
Lose 17.26 ducats (301.91)

August 1566
We have begun the annexation of Brunei.

October 1566
Brigands Strike at Pilgrims
Faithful Muslims undertaking their pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca have recently come under attack by roving bands of brigands. The scum have now become bold enough to attack even the larger caravans, and many lives have been lost. The people are crying out for justice, and our most pious warriors have asked for permission to escort these pilgrims safely through the realm.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din promises protection.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Gain 10 Prestige (58)

December 1566
A Diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Sukhothai.

January 1567
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Diego Garcia that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available, but it's nonetheless an important resource.
Fish will now be produced in Diego Garcia.

March 1567
Core Gained
The province of Martaban is now considered part of our patrimony.

A Missionary has been sent to Martaban.

July 1567
Native Assimilation in Sumba
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Sumba.
Gain 100 population in Sumba (314)

August 1567
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Sumba that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available, but it's nonetheless an important resource.
Fish will now be produced in Sumba.

December 1567
Heir Falls Ill
Your heir, Muhammad Jamal ad-Din, breathes heavily. He has been lying in bed for three days now, and reflected in the beads of sweat on his forehead is the fear in your eyes for his life. He might not make it through the night.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din prays for Muhammad's life.

Muhammad has shown great resolve, pulling through from his illness.

January 1568
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Arakan has called us to battle against Assam!

We accept.

April 1568
Integrating Brunei
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some other parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Malacca gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effects:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5 Prestige (61)

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Spices

July 1568
Diplomatic Move
Diplomacy between nations was often affected by random factors from both sides involved. Most of the time, these factors were beyond the control of the foreign ministers involved.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din appoints new diplomats.
Gain 30 Diplomatic Power

August 1568
After 339 days we have won the siege of Cachar in Assam.

September 1568
We have also begun a siege on Madurai's Kotte province on the island of Ceylon.

May 1569
Siege Victory!
After 241 days we have won the siege of Kotte!

June 1569
Siege Victory!
After 281 days, we have won the siege of Assam!

August 1569
Assam and Arakan Make Peace
Assam will cede Silhet to Arakan.

October 1569
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

November 1569
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Martaban to the one and only true faith!

The Malayan Subjugation of Ayutthaya
Times have become difficult for Ayutthaya. Having lost a massive war in recent years to Khmer and Lan Na, the former power of Southeast Asia is now a shell of her once great glory. Now the 70 year-old Sultan Kamal ad-Din I Srivijaya wishes to see the longtime rival of his empire to bow at his feet.

January 1570
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Butuan has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 3.0 Prestige (62)
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Tea

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Butuan into a core. It will take six months.

A Colonist has been sent to Tagloc. The final province on the Philippines to be colonized by us.

Colonist Rush
Rumors of our Quest for the New World have led to more people readying themselves for a new life as a colonial settler.

Malaya gets 'Colonial Enthusiasm' for five years, giving the following effects:
Settler Chance: +5.0%
Global Settler Increase: +25.00

June 1570
Death of a Sultan!
Sultan Kamal ad-Din I has died! After 54 years of prosperity, expansion and reverence.

Lose 1 Stability (0)

A New Sultan!
Muhammad Jamal ad-Din I Srivijaya (2/6/2) will now rule our glorious empire!

Inayat (2/2/4) is the new heir to the throne.

Rise of a Pretender!
The disputed succession of Muhammad Jamal ad-Din has caused a Pretender to rise and march for the capital!

7 Pretender regiments rise in Chaiya!

July 1570
Core Gained
The province of Butuan is now considered part of our patrimony.

Siege Victory!
After 233 days we have won the siege of Phra Bang!

Improvements in Production Technology
There are reports of farmers and miners being more productive than local bailiffs expect them to be. We should investigate if there is something that the entire nation of Malaya can benefit from.

Sultan Muhammad Jamal ad-Din wishes to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 Administrative Power

August 1570
Mission Complete!
Accumulate Money!

Gain 10 Prestige (71)

The Battle of Chaiya
Facing down the Pretender Army himself, newly crowned Sultan Muhammad Jamal ad-Din marches an army of 20,000 men into Chaiya to face Ahmad Natzar, the Pretender and his 7,000 men. It was a bloody, ruthless rout. No one head of the Pretender's Army remained connected to its body.

October 1570
Siege Victory!
After 320 days we have won the siege of Phitsanulok!

November 1570
Siege Victory!
After 320 days we have won the siege of Ayutthaya!

January 1571
Colonies Self-Sustaining
Our colonies in Sumba and Diego Garcia have grown enough to become cities!
Gain 3.1 Prestige (73)

Base Tax: 2.1
Production: Fish

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn it into a core. It will take 6 months.

Diego Garcia
Base Tax: 1.0
Production: Fish

A Colonist has been sent to Kendari

April 1571
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Nakhon Thung Yai after 465 days!

End of the Malayan Subjugation of Ayutthaya (November 1569 – April 1571)
Taking his brother's place, Sultan Muhammad Jamal ad-Din gets to see Ayutthaya bow to the great Malaya.

Ayutthaya will become a vassal of Malaya.
Malaya gains 8.5 Prestige (81)
Malaya gains 17.2 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Our main grouping of islands.

Madagascar, Maldives and Diego Garcia

Our first look at the religion map mode.
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