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Old 07-17-2008, 08:26 PM   #1
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

Hello everyone and welcome to the first WW game (to my knowledge) based around the political spectrum of our national government. If you have wanted to get your hands dirty with the politicians, this is the game for you. And that's just the villagers (the wolves are even nastier).

Three sides. The Democrats, of course, and the Republicans, and for once, they're both the good guys. Okay, the "not so bad" guys. The bad guys is the controversial new Wolf Party. They are former Dems and Repubs who are tired of the direction the country is going, and they are ready to force a change. The party has been banned, much less the Communist Party. But it's out there, in the Underground. And some of current Congressional members have secretly joined up.

But who? That is the task before the two "good" factions, the Democrats and the Republicans. Can you find the Wolf Party, both on the other side and in your own ranks? And can you get your man in the White House? And can you steer the country toward your party's platform? Can you even get yourself elected or avoid getting caught with a dead girl or a live boy?

The game will start on Monday, in this thread.

In signing up, you have a choice to make. You can choose to be a Democrat or a Republican. Or you can choose to be Open, and I will place you on one side or the other. It is up to you. If you are a real life Dem and want to play one here, go for it. Or if you think the better team is on one side of the aisle instead of the other go that way.

Whatever you choose to do, though, please make that decision upon signing up, as I am sure it will impact the choices of those who follow. For that reason, editing is not allowed from this point forward (sometimes the rules are lax for that in other WW threads before the game starts, but not here).

Good luck to the Donkeys, Elephants and Wolves. May the greediest, sneakiest, most underhanded team win.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 07-30-2008 at 07:50 PM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:27 PM   #2
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Final Player List and Party Affiliation




2. Tyrith

8. Passacaglia

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 07-30-2008 at 09:39 PM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:27 PM   #3
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives

Note One: I have posted an abbreviated rules and responsibilities list in Post #90 of this thread, if you want a snapshot of what the game will require. Obviously, from below, there is much more to it, but that post will probably help make things clearer, if needed.

(note two: for simplicity's sake, I have used male pronouns throughout these rule posts, but that is not meant to denigrate any women playing the game, or to suggest women should not be in Congress. Well, except for Dianne Feinstein, she sucks.)


As a politician in this game, you are responsible not only as a player for finding the Wolf Party members (or avoiding being found), but also working the wheels of government to get your bills passed and, oh yeah, make sure you get re-elected.

Each player will have a Congressional District he represents which is completely his own, and unique in and of itself. It will have its own political leanings, and every player will be responsible for keeping his own constituents in mind as he plays the game--they're the ones that could ultimately decide if he is still in the game!

Every bill that goes to vote, every public decision made with respect to roles, every vote in the search for Wolves, and a number of other factors will be viewed to a degree either positively or negatively by your constituents and affect your popularity and whether or not, come November in an election year, if you will still be in Congress.

You will be told how your district leans politically at the start of the game, and at that point, you are perceived to be a mirror of those leanings. Whatever they state you are, you are, up to that point. But where you take it from there--and if they allow it--is up to you.


Every Day in the game is a Year in real life. Every two Years (two Days) is a Congressional term. You can view each cycle as a half-year.

Every two years (two Days), there will be a Congressional election. So at the end of the Day cycle of every even-numbered Day (2, 4, 6, etc.), election results will be announced. And either you will be in or you will be out. Every player is up for re-election every two years unless you become the President.

Every four years (starting on Day Two), there will be a Presidential election. Each party will, in the days prior, submit a candidate for election, and a general election will be held to name the new President. The role of the President will be a powerful one, both individually and for the player's party.

The Presidential election results will be announced at the same time as Congressional election results (in those years where they double up).

The Political Schedule (each Year corresponding to Day of the game; all political actions here are finalized at the end of that Day's day cycle):

Year 1--Presidential candidates are selected
Year 2--Congressional and Presidential elections held
Year 3--No actions
Year 4--Midterm Congressional elections held
Year 5--Presidential candidates are selected
Year 6--Congressional and Presidential elections held
Year 7--No actions
Year 8--Midterm Congressional elections held
Year 9--Presidential candidates are selected
Year 10--Congressional and Presidential elections held

and so forth.


The two public parties are the Democrats and the Republicans, and these represent the two "good" factions in the game. Every player, including members of the Wolf Party, will publically be a member of one or the other.

Each party will have its own Political Headquarters Thread.

Only members of that political party are allowed to go into the thread, either to read or post, until the end of the game!

I will strictly punish anyone I find who violates this, including possibly removing you from the game.

Every term each party will select two roles (following), which will be made public in the thread. These role selections will be made public as soon as they are announced (with all powers available to them), but they do not become official until the end of the night cycle following the start of the new term.

How you choose these roles within your own party is up to you, and I suggest you do it in your own party thread, rather than in the public thread.

The roles:

The Leader (and the Whip)-- You are the essentially the top political power in the party. You, or your designee, the Whip (for times when you cannot be around), are the only player who may submit a bill for vote from your party. This role also brings prestigeous and political benefits both within your own district and nationally. The same player can remain the Whip throughout the game, but the party may change the Leader every new term, or whenever the player in that role is removed from the game. Actually, the Leader can be changed at any time by the party, but leep in mind, such is the fickleness of the public, a perception of wishy-washiness or indecisiveness will not aid the impressions of members of the party.

If your party has the majority, you will be known as the Majority Leader, and if not, the Minority Leader.

As the Leader, you choose your Whip (Majority Whip or Minority Whip), but that is a role with no powers in this game except to act in your stead when you're not around. Note: This is a role which would only be used if you are the Leader and you know you will not be around for an extended period of time. You can change this role at any time with impunity. No Whip naming survives the Leader.

The Leader can be removed at any time by a 3/4 vote of the party membership, outside of the Leader himself.

The Party Liaison

Each party will have a Party Liaison. The responsibility of this role is to act as the go-between with the other party for when PM communication is needed between the parties, or when bill deals need to be arranged.

The Liaison cannot be the Leader, although should something befall the Liaison within the game), the Leader will take over the role on a temporary basis. As with the Leader, the Liaison may be removed at any point in the game by the Leader and announced by the Leader, and a replacement selected by the party. This role is chosen again every new term, in whatever manner the party sees fit.

The Liaisons will have PM rights with each other. All Liaison PMs must include me, the moderator, and oliegirl (backup moderator). If I find that PM communication between the Liaisons is intentionally done to not include me and oliegirl, those Liaisons will be permanently removed from those roles, and possibly subject to further punishment.

The PM rights are so the Liaisons may carry out their jobs as communicators with the other parties. Otherwise, no "good" faction members will have PM rights with any other members. Wolves, of course, will have PM abilities (detailed later).

Party Powers

Each day cycle, each party has three Slurry powers, and three Support powers.

A Slurry power is the ability to throw money at a particular player to hurt their image within their own constituency and nationally, or to hurt the popularity of a bill.

A Support power is the ability to support a person or bill to raise their profile or increase their popularity.

These must be PM'd to me by the Leader or someone from the party prior to the Day Cycle deadline. If they are not elected to be used, they are not saved for the next cycle. The effects are cumulative. There are no political ramifications, as the efforts of the party in this regard is covert in nature.


The primary political tool of Congress is the bill, which can be voted into law. Laws are rules. WW games have rules. Guess what? Your bills become laws which affect the rules in this game. There are few limitations on what you may propose in a bill, but as in real life, any proposed bill must pass a vote of the seated Congress, and be signed into law by the President. And even then, the Supreme Court--i.e. ME--may strike it down as being too powerful for the good of the game. So keep that in mind.

I will be the sole judge on the political ramifications of any bill. If you have any concerns or questions about where a bill lies on the political spectrum or of its likelihood to be struck down by the Supreme Court, you may ask me. No bill becomes law until I say so.

One of the primary purposes of the bill will be to introduce roles into the game. No roles will exist in this game outside of the political ones, to start this game. If you want a Seer or a Bodyguard, you must create one with a bill and get it passed. You determine the rules for that Seer and Bodyguard or any other role as part of the bill.

The life of a bill is as follows:

1) A Leader proposes a Bill in the public thread. The Leader can also name up to two people within his own party to link the Bill to. These will be the main proponents/writers of the Bill and will see more political benefit to its passage (but could have negative ramificiations if it does not pass or is an unpopular bill).

2) The Bill is voted on by Congress in the public thread. The Vote may be called at any time by the Speaker (see public roles below), subject to the conditions of that role. If the Speaker does not call the Vote, the voting will go on until the end of that cycle.

3) If the Vote passes, the Bill goes to the President in the following cycle. The President may choose to sign the Bill into law or to veto the Bill. If he makes no decision by the end of the next cycle, the bill will go into law automatically at the end of the next cycle (subject to my approval).

4) If a Bill is signed into Law and I do not strike it down as the Supreme Court, it becomes a rule in the game and anything attached to it becomes part of the game. Anything not put in the bill that needs to be implemented will be done so by me at my discretion and in the fairest manner I can make.

5) A Vetoed bill may be overriden by a two-thirds vote of Congress in the next cycle.

REMEMBER: Every vote, every official action, has political consequence. Keep your constituents in mind if you want to keep your job.

Each party may submit one bill per day, and the Speaker may submit a bill.


What's the public thinking? That will be key.

The following polls will be released in the public thread, in the cycles which apply:

The public popularity of any bills introduced in the previous cycle
The Most Powerful Players in Washington List (start of every day cycle)
The Most Popular Politicians in Washington List (start of every day cycle)
The Political Leaning of the Public (start of every day cycle)

These should be self-explanatory. The last one will show whether the Democrat or Republican party is gaining more sway.

The following polls will be released in the individual party threads, in the cycles which apply:

The Most Popular Politicians Among Party Members (start of every day cycle)
Constituency Polling (start of day cycle prior to congressional elections)

The last will show whether a player is in danger of losing an election in his own district.


Congress does not vote for the President. The public does, and their perceptions will be governed by the political actions of the candidates, and of the party that supports them.

The chosen Presidential candidates are assured of re-election in their districts, by virtue of the notoriety of their choice as their party's candidate.

Any player may, one time per Presidential election, choose to ENDORSE a candidate. This, of course, has political ramifications.

Congressional elections may be played straight (as with the Presidential election) and allowed to go the way of popular vote. Or they can be bought, by those who have the ability.

Important: if you lose a congressional election, you are not out of the game. You may still post in both your political thread and participate in the public thread. However, if you are voted out, you cannot vote for bills, nor can you serve as the Leader or the Liaison or the Whip or the Speaker. You can still hold onto any roles you may acquire through bills.

Any Congressman voted out has one chance, and only one, to get back into Congress, in the next election. He may try again in his own constrituency, or at a penalty, go for election in a political similar constituency if it is open. If he succeeds, he is back in, with all rights thereto. If he fails or chooses not to run, he is OUT OF THE GAME.

Important: Districts that are "open" become attached to the remaining Congress member who is still in power. So if your district is politically similar to a Congressman who has been removed, you may gain control of the district's vote while the seat is open. Meaning, every vote you place will have double the vote with respect to bills. This does not apply to the Wolf Voite (below). District control will be posted at the start of every cycle.


As noted, WW roles, if you choose to create them, will be handled through bills.

There are two political roles outside of Congress: The President and the Speaker.

The President: Most of his powers have already been stated. A President can't be elected out in congressional elections. He must choose whether to sign or veto any bills which come to his desk. His party will gain political benefits from his presidency. Plus, he is still technically a voting member of Congress (consider this to be his handpicked successor), able to vote on bills and thus the bill would gain the official approval/disapproval of the Presidency.

Amendment: The President can only veto two bills in per Presidential term. This does not "refresh" if the President is removed from office prior to the end of his term.

The President cannot run for re-election at the end of his term. The President cannot be the Speaker or a Leader or Liaison.

A 2/3 vote of Congress can impeach the President, and a 3/4 vote remove him from office, and he will be OUT OF THE GAME if this happens (politically ruined).

The Speaker: This role is selected by the seated Congress at the start of every new term. The Speaker has two powers. They may "call" a bill vote at any time, subject to the following conditions:

1. A majority of Congress must have voted.
2. At least half of the members of the opposing party to the Speaker have voted.
3. No one from the Speaker's own party has voted within the past hour, by forum time.

The second power is passive--they are next in line should something happen to the President. They would then serve out the rest of his term (and they CAN run for re-election), and a new Speaker would be selected by Congress.


Starting the day cycle of Day Two and every day cycle following, Congress will vote in the public thread to censure a member as a Wolf Party member.

Presidential candidates cannot be voted on as wolves during their candidacy. Votes for them during the presidential election day cycle will be ignored.

The President can be voted for as a Wolf while seated, but it only works if he actually is a Wolf, and receives a 2/3 vote. Any removal will be treated like an impeachment and subsequent removal from office, with similar effect. If he is voted as a Wolf and is not a Wolf, he will not be removed from office, regardless of the vote results, and votes for him will be ignored.

No one receiving just one vote will be censured (only really a possibility where votes are ignored).

To remove a President otherwise, see the Impeachment rules above.

Votes for actual Wolf Party members are politically huge, but only apply once that player is out of the game and his allegiance is revealed. Votes for non-Wolf Party members also hurt, but the hit isn't as big politically as the gain from voting for a Wolf Party member.

Wolf votes can be changed at any time during the day cycle. But every vote has political consequence. Change a second time and nab a wolf and people may forget you first voted for someone else. But change a couple times and don't nab a wolf, and you might be viewed as indecisive, or even worse.

Votes in the last ten minutes before a deadline, regardless of the vote result, will have a negative consequence in the perception of you by the public.

The player with the most votes at the end of the day cycle will be censured and REMOVED FROM THE GAME PERMANENTLY.


Even if you are covertly a Wolf Party member, you are also publically a member of one of the other parties and have the same rights and responsibilities they have, including access to that party's political thread and voting rights as a member of Congress. You can even run for President.

You have the right to PM the other Wolf members. You do not have to include me and olie on those PMs.

You have the right to submit a rider clause to one bill per day, any bill proposed, but you must submit it before the vote is called (to me in PM). The bill must be signed into law for the rider to take effect. The rider will be announced once the bill is passed, but before the President signs it.

You have the choice of the following rider clauses:

1. Brutal clause--you gain the ability for one of your members to take another player down with him politically.
2. Cunning clause--you gain protection from any information roles (but you will still be revelaed as a Wolf Party member upon political death).
3. Anti-seer clause--you gain a role in which you may once per night cycle search for an information role.
4. Anti-bodyguard clause--you gain a role in which you may once per night cycle search for a protective/attack role.
5. Sneak clause--you gain the ability to avoid being discovered by the bodyguard if you're the wolf "killing"
6. Anti-duke clause--if a Duke role is empowered and uses that power, the Duke will be killed, and the person you name will be "revealed" as the Duke

Each night cycle, starting Night Two, you may choose to "politically kill" any member of Congress except the President. This is like any normal wolf kill, and the player so targeted, and if successful, is REMOVED FROM THE GAME.


Democrats and Republicans-- Eliminate the wolves. That is the ultimate condition. If you eliminate the wolves AND end the game as the more powerful party, you win a MAJOR WIN. If you end the game as the lesser powerful party, you still win a MINOR WIN.

You also have the individual achievement award of finishing the game as the most influential politician in Washington. This will be a combination of the final Popular and Political polls. It's a title award only, an individual win that is good to get, but not the ultimate win that comes with the political party.

Wolves-- Get to the point where you can control a Congressional vote to put the Wolf Party back in power. You do this by controlling open districts. No action is necessary to make this happen. Once the Wolves control as many districts as a combination of the other two political parties, the game will end in a WOLF victory.


Lastly, everyone will have a choice for what kind of politician they will be. There is a five point scale.

5-- Most honest and not in the pockets of special interests (popularity bonus, power negative, some role protection/action)
4-- Generally well-regarded and only slightly influenced by lobbyists (slight popular bonus and power negative, no role protection/action)
3-- Middle of the road politician--not honest, not dishonest, subject to normal special interests (no bonuses, no role protection/action)
2-- Generally regarded as somewhat dishonest and influenced by lobbyists (slight popular negative and power bonus, no role protection/action)
1-- Regarded as conniving and throughly in the pockets of special interests (popularity negative and power bonus, some role protection/action)

You will submit your choice to me by PM at the end of the first day cycle. This choice is permanent but private. Wolves also will make this selection.


Until a President is elected on Day Two, the Speaker will serve as the President with respect to passing bills only.

The Congressional Districts and the political ideologies of the two parties and how they relate to common WW roles will be posted in the next post. That post will be the primary post by which you can tell where a bill lies politically. I will also include a rundown of all bill actions going forward within that post.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 07-24-2008 at 12:48 AM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:27 PM   #4
Chief Rum
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
The Political Spectrum and Werewolf

Ideologies and Potential Roles For Bills

The Democrats and Republicans, of course, have different ideologies. I have taken the liberty of equating them to traditional WW roles to give everyone a neighborhood with which to measure their bills within the political spectrum.

Republicans-- The Republicans favor a more attacking and aggressive stance. Therefore, their pinnacle role is the Seer and the Spy.

Democrats-- The Democrats favor a more defensive and truth-seeking stance. Therefore, their pinnacle role is the Bodyguard and the Soothsayer.

Here are some traditional roles, ranked from most Republican to most Democrat. My definition for them follows in parentheses.

Seer (standard seer)
Spy/Witness (follows a target)
Psychic (sees what target sees at night)
Examiner (can review the files of a dead player to learn what he knew)
Vigilante (can one time per game kill another player, at usual cost of self)
Hunter (can take one other player with him when he is lynched)

***Roles above lean toward Repeblican

Brothers/Lovers (two players can PM each other, usually die together) ***Centrist

***Roles below lean toward Democrat

Duke (standard duke)
Soothsayer (can pick a post to determine if what the poster is bring truthful)
Thief (can block another player's actions)
Impervious (can protect himself from any special role action taken against him)
Healer/Herbalist (can heal a person attacked by the wolves)
Bodyguard (standard bodyguard)

This is far from an inclusive role list. Creativity is encouraged and other roles can be used, so long as Congress passes them and the President signs them into law. Keep in mind, as the Supreme Court, I will--LIBERALLY--eliminate any laws I deem to be too powerful or too unbalancing.

The above is role based, but the bills aren't necessarily limited to roles. If you want to change a game rule or add a new game rule or do something completely off the charts, you're free to introduce a bill for it. I will measure it politically wherever I judge it has the most effect against the above ideologies and whichever party it would seem to aid more.

Congressional Districts (Current Players 17)

Congressional Districts:

1st: Most conservative, most Republican district--token--controlled by PASSACAGLIA
2nd: 2nd most "" ""--Passacaglia
3rd: 3rd most "" ""--Tyrith
4th: Moderately conservative, republican district--token--controlled by TYRITH
5th: Middle ground republican, leaning conservative--token--controlled by TYRITH
6th: Middle ground republican--token--controlled by TYRITH
7th: Slightly centrist republican--token--controlled by JEHEINZ72
8th: Moderately centrist republican--token--controlled by JEHEINZ72
9th: Strongly centrist, slight republican lean--jeheinz72

10th: Strongly centrist, slight democrat lean--token--controlled by CHUBBY
11th: Moderately centrist democrat--Chubby
12th: Slightly centrist democrat--token--controlled by CHUBBY
13th: Middle ground democrat--token--controlled by MCCOLLINS
14th: Middle ground democrat, leaning liberal--token--controlled by MCCOLLINS
15th: Moderately liberal, democrat district--mccollins
16th: 3rd most liberal, most democrat district--token--controlled by MCCOLLINS
17th: 2nd most "" ""--token--controlled by KWHIT
18th: Most "" ""--KWhit

The above is color-coded in their usual red for Republican, blue for Democrat hues. Once the game starts, I will place people by their respective districts.




None currently.


Election, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE (1st Term)

Last edited by Chief Rum : 07-30-2008 at 06:28 AM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:27 PM   #5
Chief Rum
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Reserved 3

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:29 PM   #6
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Location: Not too far away
I voted for this one not thinking it through. I will likely have to pass due to my trip to Vegas.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:30 PM   #7
Chief Rum
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Location: Where Hip Hop lives
I will post more on the game in the next day or so, BTW, but this will be a two cycle game, with a day cycle and night cycle, as in the old days. Deadlines will be 6 p.m. PDT and 4 a.m. PDT. That's 9 p.m. EST and 7 a.m. EST.

BTW, each day will correspond with a Year. And every two days will be a "Congress" (two years). Year Two is a Presidential Election year. And will follow every four years (duh).

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:31 PM   #8
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Barkeep49 View Post
I voted for this one not thinking it through. I will likely have to pass due to my trip to Vegas.

When is your trip? Sorry to hear that, BK.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:31 PM   #9
Chief Rum
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Well, sorry for not having you in the game. Not sorry you're going to Vegas; you should have fun.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:44 PM   #10
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In - democrat all the way.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:47 PM   #11
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republican here.....
Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 07-17-2008, 08:52 PM   #12
Head Coach
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Hmmm, debating if I'm going to play. I feel like I might need a werewolf break, but the game sounds fun.

I might just retire from werewolf with an undefeated 5-0 record.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:53 PM   #13
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:02 PM   #14
Chief Rum
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I should state here that if I don't receive a clear indication of a side from a prospective player, the default will be Open.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:11 PM   #15
Favored Bitch #1
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Location: homeless in NJ
Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
I should state here that if I don't receive a clear indication of a side from a prospective player, the default will be Open.

i guess I should read the rules.

I usualy don't do that until I get my role
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:42 PM   #16
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
i guess I should read the rules.

I usualy don't do that until I get my role

Neither do I actually.

When I saw your post, I figured you were the same way as me and didn't read that part yet. I think I will bold it.

But as I say above, there's no need to pick a side if you don't want, and you can still pick a side right now, if you want, too.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:43 PM   #17
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Location: Big Ten Country
I was just thinking that CR's Cubicle game was probably the most fun I had as a wolf. Home-buying is keeping me busy, but I have to be in. Open.
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:44 PM   #18
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
Hmmm, debating if I'm going to play. I feel like I might need a werewolf break, but the game sounds fun.

I might just retire from werewolf with an undefeated 5-0 record.

I hope you'll join up, I definetiyl hear ya on a WW break. I needed this last one from Spawn (unfortunately), not only to prepare for this game but to take a break myself.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:02 PM   #19
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:07 PM   #20
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Despite my comment in the other thread, I definitely would like to be involved, but I'm not going to have much internet access for most of it so I think I have to sit this one out.
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:25 PM   #21
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In, republican but would go dem if needed.
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:40 PM   #22
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Elephant signing up.

knives out
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:44 PM   #23
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Democrat here.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:03 PM   #24
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if im allowed, i would like in
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:10 PM   #25
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Independent/Centrist/Libertarian ... aka Open, I guess.
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:42 PM   #26
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Sounds like a very cool game. I'll be watching intently.
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:44 PM   #27
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I'd like to be an African elephant please. By that, a republican with big ears please.
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:00 AM   #28
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by laxjunkie62 View Post
if im allowed, i would like in

lax, I want to take a moment to separate my own opinion and my opinion as it pertains to this game. It probably won't help you, but I feel I should say it.

Personally, I think you're a different person than Blade, and I think you made a mistake. I am not sure if it was intentional, but either way, I feel people deserve second chances. If everyone who signed up were fine with you playing, I would allow you to play.

But fact is, there are people in this community who do not feel this way and would pull out of the game, or not join because you're playing. This is where I need to separate my personal opinion of the importance of second chances with the what I need to do as a moderator of game where my primary responsibility is to run a fair game that everyone has the equal opportunity to enjoy. The impact of you being part of this game, IMO, is detrimental to the experience of some others in our community, and they have that right to feel that way, no matter how I feel. I cannot ask several people to leave the game for the sake of one player, at the detriment of the entire game and its remaining players.

So, no, I am afraid I will have to turn down your offer to play, and please accept my apologies that I am in a position where I must do so.

If it makes you feel any better (likely not), it is my intent to sign up for a small game, where numbers aren't as important, and specifically aim it to include you, so you can start to try to rebuild your reputation with those who have issues with you (I'll even call it the Bel/Lax game). But I can't do that for this game, I am afraid, at the size it will need to be to run effectively.

I hope you read along, but understand if you wouldn't want to do that.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:04 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
lax, I want to take a moment to separate my own opinion and my opinion as it pertains to this game. It probably won't help you, but I feel I should say it.

Personally, I think you're a different person than Blade, and I think you made a mistake. I am not sure if it was intentional, but either way, I feel people deserve second chances. If everyone who signed up were fine with you playing, I would allow you to play.

But fact is, there are people in this community who do not feel this way and would pull out of the game, or not join because you're playing. This is where I need to separate my personal opinion of the importance of second chances with the what I need to do as a moderator of game where my primary responsibility is to run a fair game that everyone has the equal opportunity to enjoy. The impact of you being part of this game, IMO, is detrimental to the experience of some others in our community, and they have that right to feel that way, no matter how I feel. I cannot ask several people to leave the game for the sake of one player, at the detriment of the entire game and its remaining players.

So, no, I am afraid I will have to turn down your offer to play, and please accept my apologies that I am in a position where I must do so.

If it makes you feel any better (likely not), it is my intent to sign up for a small game, where numbers aren't as important, and specifically aim it to include you, so you can start to try to rebuild your reputation with those who have issues with you (I'll even call it the Bel/Lax game). But I can't do that for this game, I am afraid, at the size it will need to be to run effectively.

I hope you read along, but understand if you wouldn't want to do that.

I completely understand, and I kinda figured that I would have to play a couple of small games first. I will be reading along, will be interesting to see how this one ends and how the real one ends,
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:18 AM   #30
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I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm game for whatever party you want to throw me into. Since the dems have small numbers I'll jump in there if it's okay, even though I don't actually lean that way.

Hmm, a WW politcal game, maybe I also need to add this:

In before the lock...
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:33 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by EagleFan View Post
In before the lock... this thread is official!

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:27 AM   #32
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the lock?
Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 07-18-2008, 07:44 AM   #33
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by claphamsa View Post
the lock?

It's a FOFC General Discussion/Off Topic specialty. We have always had people at FOFC who take their politics seriously, and when their beliefs clash, sometimes flame wars and back-and-forth arguing would take place, and eventually a moderator comes in and locks the thread, not allowing any more posts (as the discussion inside said thread has become pointless and repetitive or too personal).

This most commonly happens when someone with a somewhat fringe political belief and a passion for that belief starts a thread with what some would call an inflammatory post about that belief, particularly if said someone is a new/newer poster. Also, happens a lot with the questioning of moderator decisions, so as a result, a lot of us see the lock as a symbol of the Man controlling us.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:45 AM   #34
Chief Rum
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So "in before the lock" has become a tagline for someone jumping in for fun into a thread they believe is a candidate to be "locked".

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:57 AM   #35
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Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 07-18-2008, 08:08 AM   #36
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That is the most non-geek explanation for forum lingo I have ever heard. Well done, CR

Since it looks like the dems are a little short-stacked right now (and I guess if I were to choose my real affiliation, it would likely be dem), I will join the dem side.

This one sounds fun
Commissioner of the RNFL
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Old 07-18-2008, 08:54 AM   #37
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CR - any idea how many players you want / how long the game would run? I would play, but I will be leaving town on Thursday (could post at the start of my trip still), and would likely be basically unavailable starting on Tues 7/29.

Speaking of that - I need to post a thread in GD - I'm headed left-coast-ways.
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Old 07-18-2008, 09:18 AM   #38
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CR, what's the plan for weekend play? Also, conditionals ok for the night actions?
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Old 07-18-2008, 09:20 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post

Speaking of that - I need to post a thread in GD - I'm headed left-coast-ways.

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Old 07-18-2008, 09:21 AM   #40
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dola- I really hope people leave their political beliefs out of this game
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:06 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
dola- I really hope people leave their political beliefs out of this game

Libertarian and proud baby!
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:33 AM   #42
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I believe online poker should be legal.

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Old 07-18-2008, 10:40 AM   #43
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Can I vote PB yet?

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Old 07-18-2008, 11:13 AM   #44
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I realize now that CR likely won't be back online before I leave, so I'll just put myself in. OPEN is cool by me.
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Old 07-18-2008, 11:16 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by jeheinz72 View Post
CR, what's the plan for weekend play? Also, conditionals ok for the night actions?

if there is no weekend play and conditionals are ok I might be in...gotta look at the schedule and all first.
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Old 07-18-2008, 11:19 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
if there is no weekend play and conditionals are ok I might be in...gotta look at the schedule and all first.

Maybe me, you, Path and Pass can just be a team like CR's last game.
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:08 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
I believe online poker should be legal.

it is legal
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:19 PM   #48
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I think it should be illegal!

Wahat about the morals of our children!
Dominating Warewolf for 0 games!

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Old 07-18-2008, 12:34 PM   #49
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*awaiting the rules*

can we have interns
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:45 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by claphamsa View Post
I think it should be illegal!

Wahat about the morals of our children!

Good parents will teach morals (that they deem appropriate) to their children and not rely on the government to do their job for them.
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