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Old 12-22-2012, 12:13 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2009
WW CLII Gorey Stories - Ground Floor - GAME OVER!!! FIENDS of LORD STOUT WIN!!!!!

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-23-2013 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:13 AM   #2
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BEWARE THE RULES THAT APPEAR HERE...this is a variant game of werewolf that's part adventure game/ part werewolf. There will be excitement and intrigue and spookiness and oh yeah rules.
Rules will scare your pants off!

Pants<------> You

Basic Game Rules:
1. No editing posts.
2. No discussing game with outside people. Check with me if you are confused about being out of the game before posting in other outside threads.
3. Don't die.
4. Protect your blood. Make sure it stays inside you.
5. Conditional orders are allowed to make sure you don't perform an action on someone who has died so give multiple names just in case.
6. Do not direct quote anyone from PM or another thread. You may say things from the other thread but the source must be gone. NEVER direct quote a PM.

Voting is a basic game concept. There will be times of voting. To vote for someone, say VOTE in boldface followed by their name. Like:

To change your vote you must first unvote the person you voted for, then revote:

There may be days where you aren't voting. Unless the game tells you you are voting, there is no need to vote.


Day action deadline is 7 PM PST/10 PM EST
Night action deadline is 8 PM PST/11 PM EST

Individual Victory:
Find more money(jewels, cash, gold, gems, goods etc) than anyone else.

Team Victory:
Party Guests (Villagers): Find all the "friends of Lord Snout" and eliminate them.

Friend of Lord Snout (Werewolves): Kill villagers until you have a 1:1 ratio.


Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-17-2013 at 02:02 AM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:13 AM   #3
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There are various locations in this game. In the description, you will find location names precisely noted and in CAPS. These locations may be a room name, or a direction. To go to another location, use the word GO in the same style as voting in boldface.

You do this in thread.

Locations and threads:

When you go to a location, you might actually move to a different thread. There are multiple threads in the game, each with a name. You will be told which thread to go to based on your movements. (You will be told in thread. Do not move to a different thread until you are told). If you are told to move to a new thread, you must leave the current thread and go to the new one. When you arrive at the new thread, you may not go back and read any other thread. When you go to a new thread, you may read the entire thread all the way back to the beginning. (The rooms are weird and project past occurrences like movies on the wall). You may quote things from the thread you are in but you may never QUOTE something from another thread, although you may talk about something you remember or you may go physically GO back to another thread to get information you forgot.


There are various items in this game. These are ALSO noted in CAPS but not in the description of a room. You may interact with items. Some items may confer upon you certain powers and abilities. Likewise if there is anything inside or under the item, like treasure, you will get it. YOu may keep track of what specifically you have but its importance is for monetary purposes only and the total is all that matters. There is no inventory so you will never be "carrying an item" or passing it or anything. Some items may be furniture or other non-carryable things (like a SIDEWALK). Sometimes it may be confusing whether something is an item or a location. (such as a closet). A location will be located in the locations section at the end of the description.

To interact with an item, use the format INSPECT


Buttons and levers:

When you encounter one, is will be a particular color. You may press or pull a lever in thread. You do so by saying the precise type of button.


will suffice too.

Levers and buttons may be pulled or pushed at any time. Doing so does not prevent you from looking at items as the levers are their own thing. The effects are varied and unknown and the results (and/or consequences) of a lever may happen at various times (immediately, at random, at one of the deadlines, etc)


If you find something of worth it will go into your treasure total. You may keep track of what you find, but the value is what is important.


Moves are due by night action. If you move to a different room, state in thread GO location . Then that night you will move there.
If you wish to INSPECT an item, you must do so by vote deadline/day action deadline. INSPECT item You may only inspect one thing. You may UNINSPECT and UNGO similar to UNVOTE and change your mind. If you and another are inspecting the same item, you may not both the benefit for it. In some cases the reward may be split, in others only one would receive it. It depends on what the reward/consequence is.
INSPECTs are resolved during day action deadline and GOs at night action deadline.


If you have ever played a game run by me before, you should be aware that write-ups are sometimes late. This game will probably be no different. That doesn't change the day action deadline. Thank you for your patience. I understand that sometimes night depends on day. If your action involves a target, then include a backup choice as well or light contingency plans. If I am really late with day action, I am likely to give a break on night action as far as getting it in/changing it but don't expect it because I can't hold out all night especially if I don't know you're going to change. Get night actions in by deadline so that you have something in. If nothing is in I will assume you are doing nothing.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-03-2013 at 03:36 PM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:14 AM   #4
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still more stuff (with pictures)

Roles and concepts common to WW which you may or may not see:

Brutal- When you kill the Brutal, the Brutal kills someone else automatically on the way down
Hunter - The Hunter may kill one person as a night action, one time only.
Seer - The seer may choose one person per night to see if they are bad or good.
Bodyguard - The bodyguard guards another player every night, but it can be same person on back to back nights. If that player is chosen as a kill victim, the bodyguard saves them. If that person is the hunter's target,the bodyguard is killed instead.
Lovers - Two characters that have a link
and can sense when their loved one is near. When one dies, the other dies too.

There may be other roles and rules not listed that come into play.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-11-2013 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:14 AM   #5
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D is for Dubb, who perished of fits...

Dubb became Lord Waldorf Tubshank, the Hunter!
The spirit inside dubb...
was Lord Waldorf Tubshank, the hunter from the villager side. He carried his trusty blunderbuss around in case a foxhunt breaks out. He shoots pheasant, he kicks bunnies and he wrestles bears. He even wears a large bearskin coat so that all know who they are messing with. He remembed where he hid his trusty blunderbuss and now have retrieved it.

Whenever Lord Waldorf would visit he would spend endless amounts of time on the commode. In fact when he was out hunting, half the time he could be seen squatting behind a tree, using leaves for toilet paper. When dubb touched the commode and the remnants inside, it bought him back and rekindled that relationship with La Toilet and now he is Lord Tubshank.

D if for Darth Vilus, who was swept out to sea...

Darth Vilus became Madame Von Stuttervane, a villager!

The tale of Madame Zorah Von Stuttervane – A sight to see was she. In her covered do. She wore a large turbin and what appears to be a misguided throw of patterns most Arabianlike. People think she may have powers but she I fear does not. She cannot conduct a seance but perhaps a symphony of three blind mice.

Madame Zorah once had a cat. But it wasn't real it was just a figurine. But even so, she would take it with her wherever she would go. People would whisper about her and her cat. And What did Madame Zorah do to it that put it that way. But the answer nothing. She just liked it and bought it one day. And accidently left it behind at Lord Stout's. But now when DV touched it, she had returned.

B is for Britrock assaulted by bears...

Britrock became Lady Gloria Fairweather, a lover! A Coquettish and feminine knockout. Petite and lovely and a classy dresser. All eyes go to her when she enters a room, but she only has eyes for one man, Lord Montague Boxley whom she has pledged your eternal love. Her only wish was to be entwined in his arms again.

When britrock touched the tub he summoned her back. Years before, Lady Fairweather would soak for hours in the tub, letting the creamy bubbles soften her skin and she would sip champagne for hours getting ready for her dates with Lord Boxley. Apparently a habit she wanted to continue as she has come back.

S is for Spleen who fell down the stairs...

Spleen became Lord Montague Boxley, the lover, was a stalwart army man and dashingly handsome. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him. He saved his affections for the fair Lady Fairweather who is his lover. He always knew when Lady Fairweather passed by. He'd know that perfume anywhere. How he longed to entwine her in his arms for another kiss.

When spleen touched the bottle of Shiraz, a bottle that Lord Boxley was saving for a special night between himself and Miss Fairweather. But that special night never came. And so the bottle stayed in the cellar to this day...until spleen touched it and brought him back. Now he are he.

D is for Danny, consumed by a fire...

Danny became the Wuggly Ump, the Brutal!
A vicious and horrible beast. It smells its prey for miles around and runs far to eat it. And when it does it’s a horrible sight indeed. Its appetite can never be satisfied. It is Brutal. When it are killed it is still eating when it dies and takes someone with it.

Danny touched the pillow of the Wuggly Ump. It was his favorite pillow. He slept on it every night. Then he ate it. Then he pooped it out. And then its droppings were used to stuff it. And now IT has been summoned inside of Danny.

S is for Saldana, who died of ennui...

Saldana became the Bahhum Bug, the seer! It is a very good bug. Is it benevolent and somewhat silly being who wants to show others the folly of their ways by showing them the past present and future. No one really pays much attention to it as they are too busy laughing at the fact that it is a bug dancing in funny positions. Still it tries to show them the what’s what and who is who and who is good and who is bad.

Saldana touched the carving. The favorite carving of the Bahhum Bug who would visit every day and carve his spirit friends into the billiard table. And now it has been summoned inside Sal.

C is for Chief Rum, who sank in the mire...

Chief Rum was Herbert Wainscotting, a villager – An ordinary man with an ordinary coat. And one day his coat decided that it wanted a more exciting life. SO it beat Herbert unconscious and wrestled itself free and went away and now lives on another man. A man of action and good looks. So Herbert got a new coat. One that likes a good book and a stroll through the park.

When Chief touched the robe, he summoned Herbert. For the robe was a robe Herbert had been looking for for years. A simple robe that let him walk to the bath and it covered him well. And it was so comfy yet was a simple earthy color that Herbert loved that robe almost as much as the robe loved him. For the robe had been seeking just sort a man for years. But one day Herbert left the robe behind. And here it has stayed, waiting to bring Herbert back. And now it has...

That is Herbert on the right with the coat that had long since left him.

Z is for Zinto squashed under a train...

Zinto was the Beelphazor the devil
He has been summoned many a time in a very disrespectful way and it is always the same for him. He simply must have their soul. He loves dancing with humans and then dancing away with their soul. leaving them as a mindless corpse. Then reappearing at inopportune moments to drag them away and throw them in a pit. People fear him most of all for their souls will leave them to stay with Beelphazor. Oh he are so misunderstood.

Funny one would not not think a devil would drink wine but they do. Beelphazor's favorite was a Pinot Grigio and a most cursed Pinot Grigio it was. For the grapes were squeezed not in pits of hell but the pits of France. And no one ever comes back from that. This was the devil's last bottle. And it wants it... oh yes it wants it. And Zinto touching it has brought the devil have a nice drinky-poo.

P is for Passacaglia, who blew into bits...

Passacaglia was the Reverend Lochlan Wearsome Bland, a villager
He was the revered of the devastating sermon. One day he gave the most devastating sermon ever. And all who listened were put into a deep sleep. And there they stay, to this day, unable to wake from that sleep. Even though Reverend Bland's sermon ended some 15 years before. They still sit and snore.

Passacaglia touched the painting with the woman in the red dress. It was the favorite painting of Rev Bland who had never had an exciting painting in his life until he comfiscated it from an altar boy in his service. He hung it on his wall and looked at it. All of his other dull paintings in his house all thinned and melted away. And now with Pass's touch of the painting he brought him back.

G is for Goldeneagle embedded in ice...

Goldeneagle became Gertrude Hopewell, a villager – A fair maiden she is. With fine fine clothes. Like trophies she wears long gowns and long robes and dresses. And keeps her hair long and flowing. And every she you brushed it for an hour each side and then another hour down the other. And she hopes for a life outside of these walls. But then by the time she's picked out her finest clothes and brushed her fine fine hair, it is time for bed. And...well, she hopes for more.

Because Goldeneagle touched the stag head, he has summoned Gertrude back. For one day out on the grounds of the manor, Gertrude encountered the great stag. With its coat so fine and flowing it was instantly attracted to the fair maiden in her flowing gown of sienna and cream. And it bade her ride off with it into the woods. And for the day she went. And at night she returned. And each night she pined for it but it never returned. Now the stag's head is above the fireplace. And touching it summoned her back.

N is for Ntndeacon, trampled under a brawl

Ntndeacon was The Undoubtful Guest, The Bodyguard – He is are not sure where he came from, nor is anyone aware of who, even what he is, but he is always there, staring at the wall or sitting in the parlor or perched on the urn. He came unexpecedly even univitedly yet he is there and he will never go away. He is always there watching someone. If he had not prevented the accidental costastrophe of someone’s life on occasion, he would surely be unwelcome for sure. For now he is simply undoubtful.

Ntndeacon touched the statue of the Dancing Couple. And that statue was owned by the Undoubtful Guest. One day he appeared and brought it and just left it here. People would admire it and praised him for bringing it so he stayed. And stayed... and stayed... and never went away...

J is for Jackal-Lathum who slipped down the drain...

Jackal-Lathum was Beatrice Waxweed, a villager – A quaint older lady who likes keeping order and likes her clothes. She likes to tell other ladies what they're wearing is foolish or isn’t ironed enough and to that end she never has friends. Yet she forces her way into parties and just pretends. She pretends to know everyone there. Yet she doen’t say a word. For if they all heard her opinions they’d think her absurd.

During the treasurehunt, Jackal stood and stared and touched nothing just like Beatrice touched all that nothing all those years ago. And from that nothing she materialized and now she is Jackal-Lathum, returning to touch more nothing.

Ms. Waxweed on the left being fussy with a child.

D is for Daddy Torgo, poisoned by gin

Daddy Torgo was Dracula, the mover,
the vicious vampire who lures pretty maidens to their death. (although its been told he isn't too picky nowadays when he is hungry and can go both ways). A dashing dresser, he can change into a bat. He is an expert traveller and can go anywhere and everywhere very quickly. His evil knows no bounds and frequently is found sipping a glass of someone's blood or hypnotizing them to do his bidding.

And Daddy Torgo touching the Sofa first made it clear that this was going to be. You see everyone knows that Dracula seeks his coffin during the day. But no one knows that he seeks his comfy sofa at twilight and just before daybreak. A chance to just sit back and read a nice book and enjoy a nice glass of blood. It really is quite stimulating. And since DaddyTorgo touched the sofa, the VAMPIRE'S SOFA, he have brought him back.

A is for Autumn who swallowed some tacks

Autumn was Miss Adele Batter, the maid, a villager
– Never better a maid, a regular maid, a cumbersome maid was she. You clean things here and eavesdrop there and sneak a bit of tea. Never married, helping others, that’s the life for ye.

Autumn touched the black drapes. The drapes that needed cleaning every single day. For the dust it was grey and white and all other colors and showed so easily that the maid Miss adele would have to wash them every single day. And now that Autumn touched them they've summoned her back and oh those drapes look awful now. They need a good washing.

bhlloy was Lord Smedley Mowbrey, a villager – He was simply known as Mowbrey to most. The man named Mowbrey. The man in the top hat. There goes the man in the top hat as some don’t even know your name. The man who comes in, and people shout his name. Hey Mowbrey! or Hey Top Hat! Yes that would be him. One day he will be famous. He is already rich. But he is now merely the man whose hat is more famous than him.

He touched the towels, oh yes you did. And those towels, those towels were the very towels that polished Mowbrey's hat, every day. For he could not go out with a dirty hat. Or a tophat that didn't shine. So polish he did. And now that bhlloy touched the towels, they have summoned the hat back (oh yes and Lord Mowbrey too...)

B is for booradley run through with an awl...

You are Mistress Brunella Weepworth, a villager
– She cries crocodile tears and lies on train tracks. Ever hoping someone will hear her call. She cries and she weeps and she throws her handkerchief. Won’t someone come answer her call? Her gallant knight has not shown up but he will come soon as long as she swoons. And so swoon she must.

And because booradley touched the One Large Chandelier she summoned Mistress Weepworth here, for she used to come every day and say that the unfortunate chandelier was much too big for this room. And too big for the bed chamber and did not match the other chandeliers and was too bright. And she would weep and weep and try to get it down but she could not. And so she would cry every night. And boo's touching this light brings her back.

Zinto..................8750 pounds
Mauchow...........8750 pounds
Booradley..........8375 pounds
Goldeneagle......7500 pounds
Bhlloy................6450 pounds
Ntndeacon.........6250 pounds
Danny................5625 pounds
Autumn..............5250 pounds
Jackal-Lathum..4500 pounds
Britrock.............3750 pounds
Jag.....................3450 pounds
Saldana.............3450 pounds
Chief Rum......... 3250 pounds
Spleen...............3250 pounds
Darth Vilus........3000 pounds
Dubb..................1000 pounds (including 2 butler favors)
Daddy Torgo......0 pounds
Passacaglia.......0 pounds

The INDIVIDUAL WINNERS: Zinto and mauchow!

And now witness the marriage of Beelphzaor the devil to Thomasina Buttersby the ballerina...

The survivors:


Jag was Death, THE CUNNING He is often misunderstood but he must kill people. It’s what he does. He is mostly obsessed with killing all the people of the village he can, especially their children. But children turn into adults so he has no problem killing those too. Death comes in many forms. In many guises. Sometimes we unknowingly follow him.

touched the Golden Mirror of the Bath. This mirror belonged to death itself. But as Death could not see his reflection, he would weep. Mainly because it could not see whether its hair was nice or not. So then Death would go out with messy hair...every day. And eventually it left the mirror here...until Jag touched it and summoned him back...inside him.

and his new servant:

mauchow was
Lady Thomasina Buttersby – So thin and almost fair. She is Lady Thomasina the ballerina. Light on your toes she plods through your dance and through life waiting to be caught. She teaches the children well to dance. She teaches and she teaches well. Some day she hopes. It is her grand hope that someone will one day teach her.

And when mauchow touched the stool she did not realize that very stool was used every day by Thomasina to stretch her legs. For it was just the right height for her. Not too tall, not too short and not too hard and not too soft for her to flex her legs on before each ballet. And she would hum a sad little version of Peter and the Wolf each time she stretched. And now mauchow touched it and brought her back.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-17-2013 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:14 AM   #6
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Signups......SIGN UP!

1. J is for JAG, who was strick with an axe

2. A is for Autumn, who swallowed some tacks, a villager

3. B is for Britrock, assaulted by bears, a lover

4. S is for Spleen, who was pushed down the stairs, a lover

5. C is for Chief Rum, who sank in the mire
, a villager

6. D is for Danny, consumed by a fire, The Wuggly Ump, The Brutal

7. G's for Goldeneagle, embedded in ice, a villager

8. M is for Mauchow, devoured by mice

9. B is for Bholly, whose head got knocked in, a villager

10. D is for DaddyTargo, poisoned by gin, Dracula, the mover

11. J is for Jackal-Lathum, who slipped down the drain, a villager

12. Z is for Zinto squashed under a train, Beelphazor the devil

13. D is for Dubb who perished of fits
, The Hunter

14. P is for Passacaglia who blew into bits, a villager

15. D's for Darth Vilus who was swept out to sea, Madame Zorah Von Stuttervane, a villager

16. S is for Saldana who died of ennui, The Seer

17. B is for Booradley run through with an awl, a villager

18. N is for Ntndeacon, trampled under a brawl, the Undoubtful Guest, The Bodyguard



Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-16-2013 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:15 AM   #7
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Start date undecided. Do we think we can start after christmas? or do we save this jazz for January 2? speak up about it. (as it is undetermined yet go ahead and sign up regardless)

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 12-22-2012 at 12:16 AM.
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Old 12-22-2012, 07:52 AM   #8
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In. I am fine starting whenever as I'm in town.

Question: Will there be wolves in this game?
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Old 12-22-2012, 08:42 AM   #9
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I'm in. I would be able to participate starting probably Wednesday or Thursday after Christmas, and after that I'm available, New Years is no biggie.
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Old 12-22-2012, 09:22 AM   #10
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In. I'll go with the flow on timing.
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Old 12-22-2012, 02:13 PM   #11
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I'm in. I can start whenever.
Why choose failure when success is an option?
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Old 12-22-2012, 03:08 PM   #12
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JABS! We need everybody to continue to sign up in an order that will help us spell a secret code, thank you.
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Old 12-22-2012, 03:33 PM   #13
Chief Rum
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I'm good for right after Christmas, but others have to wait, I can too.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 12-22-2012, 04:03 PM   #14
Abe Sargent
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I can't commit to WW - my ex's grandfather passed yesterday and I've offered to fly out to CHicago to be with her and her family if she wants.
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent
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Old 12-22-2012, 04:22 PM   #15
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Kind of you, Abe, but...

Originally Posted by Abe Sargent View Post
my ex
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Old 12-22-2012, 06:32 PM   #16
Abe Sargent
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ex girlfriend, not ex wife
Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent
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Old 12-23-2012, 10:53 AM   #17
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In. Anytime is fine for me.
Xbox 360 Gamer Tag: GoldenEagle014
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Old 12-23-2012, 11:51 AM   #18
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Wait! We need a vowel or an H, L, or R first!
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Old 12-24-2012, 03:32 AM   #19
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I will play
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Old 12-24-2012, 09:34 PM   #20
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I'll play.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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Old 12-24-2012, 10:48 PM   #21
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Don't forget GE who signed up
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Old 12-25-2012, 08:38 AM   #22
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In so I can see how I die
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Old 12-25-2012, 12:31 PM   #23
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Alright, I promised CF, so I'm in. I'd rather start as soon as possible
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Old 12-25-2012, 09:41 PM   #24
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Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 12-25-2012, 11:01 PM   #25
The Jackal
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I'll give it a shot
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Old 12-25-2012, 11:37 PM   #26
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Old 12-26-2012, 12:34 AM   #27
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Vote Zinto
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Old 12-26-2012, 04:34 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by bhlloy View Post
Vote Zinto

ahahahahahaha! Alright the comedy team is back!
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Old 12-26-2012, 01:03 PM   #29
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Don't forget dubb, CF.
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Old 12-26-2012, 02:00 PM   #30
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Old 12-26-2012, 11:24 PM   #31
Darth Vilus
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I'll play
"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it."
―Darth Bane

"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…"
―Darth Plagueis the Wise
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Old 12-27-2012, 03:18 PM   #32
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We won't start the music til next week.
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Old 12-27-2012, 03:54 PM   #33
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P is for Passacaglia who lived happily ever after

I think that means I win.
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Old 12-28-2012, 07:31 AM   #34
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put me in
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:21 AM   #35
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Has there been a game like this before?
Why choose failure when success is an option?
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:59 AM   #36
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I'll play. Badly, of course!
I hate you evil!
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Old 12-28-2012, 01:46 PM   #37
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Evil dead?
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:28 PM   #38
Chief Rum
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I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 12-28-2012, 03:18 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by spleen1015 View Post
Has there been a game like this before?

yeah. evil dead that I ran last year. But taking out parts that didn't work and adding in some other stuff.
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Old 12-28-2012, 07:16 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post

oh it's mauboy! heh
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:55 AM   #41
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I'll play
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Old 12-29-2012, 06:51 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by ntndeacon View Post
I'll play

Get bent whoever hacked my pw and changed my signature.
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:47 PM   #43
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The powers that be are now down to 39 PMs in their PMbox. OOOOoOooOOooOOooOOoooOooOOOOOO
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Old 12-30-2012, 07:15 AM   #44
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Yes! ntn gets the first vote! as per usual
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Old 12-30-2012, 09:12 AM   #45
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when do we start when do we start when do we start when do we start when do we start when do we start?
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Old 12-30-2012, 09:12 AM   #46
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And I did that the old fashioned way, not with copy and paste.
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Old 12-30-2012, 11:13 AM   #47
The Jackal
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The title and the images make me think tangentially about the game Limbo
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Old 12-31-2012, 03:45 AM   #48
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We will start when we are sober again.

Most likely Jan. 2.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:42 AM   #49
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Bunch of lushes.
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Old 01-01-2013, 06:50 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by CrimsonFox View Post

Looks like Grandma's house. How did you get a picture of this?
I hate you evil!
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