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Old 09-20-2011, 11:40 AM   #1
Abe Sargent
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The Battletech Dynasty: Chapt. 5 - The Invasion, 3050-3056 - Completed

Hello folks and welcome to the 5th chapter of an ongoing dynasty I began in 2009 and I will now be picking up. I have envisioned a huge sprawling epic that goes from the creation of a mercenary unit in the forges of the Fourth Succession War until seizing destiny and then eventually changing the Inner Sphere of the better and avoiding the worst disaster to ever hit it.

This is chapter 5 of that story. This is, in part, the greatest era of BattleTech, when certain things happen that have been spoken of for a long time, but have not seen fruition. This is the end of the Exodus and the beginning of Revelation.

Welcome, to the next chapter of the BattleTech dynasty

You can find the first four here:

Chapter 1 - The Beginning, 3030-3038 - The Battletech Dynasty, Chapter 1 - 3030-38 - Front Office Football Central

Chapter 2 - War of 3039, 3039 - The BattleTech Dynasty: Chapt 2, 3039 - Front Office Football Central

Chapter 3 - Solaris VII, 3040-3042 - The BattleTech Dynasty: Chapt 3, Solaris VII, 3040-3042 - Front Office Football Central

Chapter 4 - The Explorer Corps, 3042-3049 - The BattleTech Dynasty: Chapt 4, Explorer Corps - 3042-49 - Front Office Football Central
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:41 AM   #2
Abe Sargent
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How does this thing work?

This is a dynasty I started in 3030. That year began with a small mixed mercenary company of mechs, infantry and vehicles. During the past 20 years, we have won salvages, money in contracts, and more. We now have 1 full regiment of mechs and warriors stationed on the planet of Thule(one regiment is nine companies, or three battalions). We have one full battalion of mechs on the system Last Frontier. One company of elite mechs with high technology is currently on Outreach and another four companies are on our home planet- Epsilon Eridani. We went from one mixed company to 17 full companies of mechs, plus 21 mechs in our garrison. In addition, we have four companies of tanks, hovercraft and other military vehicles. We also have 12 platoons of infantry, and various support vehicles, like ordinance trucks, unmanned spy planes, VTOLs and more.

Twice before, I have gotten into the mood to play some more BattleTech and continue this storyline, to see where it goes. The first time, I did the 3030’s through 3038. I ended at the big year of 3039. Then I came back in 2010 and I did the War of 3039 and the moved through the 3040s and ended at the end of 3049. Four chapters of this story have been written, and I already know where it will go. I have completed chapter four – The Explorer Corps Years. Next up is the 5th of 8 chapters. Now the battles will come fast and fierce, and campaigns will start to be impressive.

It is not necessary that you have read the first four chapters, but if you like this one, you might as well check them out.

In order to run this dynasty, I am using four major sources:

1). The sourcebooks of various sorts. I have used a variety of books in the BattleTech and MechWarrior lines. In particular, Mercenary Handbooks, Maximum Tech and the Field Manual, plus the various Technical Readouts are the primary sources, although many others have been used heavily in the past (such as Brush Wars, Explorer Corps, War of 3039 and others).
2). MegaMek and HeavyMetal Plus. I use HMP as my software for editing and making mechs, and I can save in a format that MegaMek reads. MegaMek is freeware allows me to play against the computer under the actual rules of the game. The AI is adequate, but not greats – the main issue is that sometimes it makes odd moves and it doesn’t concentrate its fire as much as it should. That will be less of a problem in about three months…
3). The Internet. There are a lot of BattleTech sources out there. As much as possible, I like to look at a few – Sarna wiki, Inner Sphere Atlas, and Solaris 7 are the major sites I use.
4). My own made up rules. I regularly find that BattleTech has great and amazingly detailed rules for a lot of stuff, but not even close to everything. For example, when I’ve gotten a contract from someone, what are the chances that the intel received from the buyer is accurate? I have no way of knowing. So I roll dice. I roll 2d6, and if I get an 8 or higher, the info was off. The higher the number, the more off it was. Twice I’ve gotten 12s and I was unable to finish the mission. In both cases, the amount of mechs we were facing jumped massively. Once, we were asked to get a mech the Draconis Combine was working on, and they told us there were a couple of prototypes on this planet, so we land, and then run into a whole bunch of them on patrol – and they were way to powerful to take on! The other time, the info was completely wrong because it was fed to the Lyrans from a separatist movement in order to catch them doing something illegal when they hired us to take out a group of separatist. We ran into an entire regiment with our company of mechs 12vs 108 – not good odds. You’ve gotta make up charts and such. Chapter 6, or 7 we will have to make up a massive amount of rules for doing something there’s no handbook for.

I would like to at least get through Chapter 5 this go around. I expect it to take a while, but you never know!
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:42 AM   #3
Abe Sargent
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A Brief History of the Clans

At the beginning of this dynasty, I gave those who were unfamiliar with the background of the Battletech universe a few posts of information that brought them up to speed. I am beginning this section of the dynasty with a quick history of clans, up until 3050. If you want more, check out chapter 1 for a lot of good detail.

Alexandr Kerensky was the noble general who defended the Star League successfully against the Amaris Coup, but saw the League fall anyway as the house lords seceded and stripped away his titles and Generalship.

Rather than continue the bloody civil war against the house lords, he instead took those troops loyal to him from the Star league Defense Force (SLDF) and fled. By some estimates, upwards of 80% of the SLDF left with him. He vowed to return someday. In his absence began the bloody Succession Wars, which would destroy planets, systems, and technology. Over the course of the next few hundred years, humanity would fall into a virtual Dark Age.

But what happened to Kerensky and his forces? What came of them?

After wandering the deep periphery for more than a year without finding a home, a small number of people mutinied and tried to go back home. Kerensky issues General Order 137, and then kills the rebels. Kerensky’s orders regularly read as more than a quick “Do this” and were full documents distributed and read by his followers. This one included what the clans refer to as the Hidden Hope Doctrine. This is the passage from 137 that is the HHD:

"Return to the Inner Sphere is impossible for us. Our heritage and our convictions are different from those we left behind. The greed of the five Great Houses and the Council Lords is a disease that can only be burned away by the passing of decades, even centuries. And though the fighting may seem to slow, or even cease, it will erupt again as long as there are powerful men to covet one another's wealth. We shall live apart, conserving all the good of the Star League and ridding ourselves of the bad, so that when we return, and return we shall, our shining moral character will be as much our shield as our BattleMechs and fighters."

The morale of his people was strengthened and after another year, in 2786, they arrived at a quintet of systems in an almost perfect pentagon, and hidden from the Inner Sphere by a nearby nebula. They were barely habitable, but the massive flotilla of Star League forces began to settle and colonize the Pentagon Worlds of Arcadia, Babylon, Circe, Dagda and Eden. (ABCDE in order – not very clever is the military mind)

The problems were two. The old cultural divides of the Inner Sphere began to manifest on the worlds as racial, ethnic, and house loyalties were found hard to die. The largest issue was the very large military class Kerensky had. Those that had followed him were almost exclusively warriors, and now many of them were farming, logging, building, mining, and doing the work of laborers. The combination of these people feeling unappreciated by Kerensky, pushed them further into their own pre-Exodus groupings.

The people who hailed from systems that belonged to the five Great Houses began to migrate as each of the five worlds became a mini-house for its own people.

At the age of 100, Alexandr Kerensky died in June of 2801. He left his eldest son, Nicholas Kerensky as his heir. The death of the legendary general that they had all followed, coupled with the previously mentioned struggles going on, led to a general rebellion among the Pentagon Worlds.

Determined not to let his father’s vision die, Nicholas began to move among the worlds and gathered those troops still loyal to him. Once again, a Kerensky left the current strife with only those loyal. The remaining five worlds warred for supremacy.

Nicholas found a wealthy planet much farther away and named it Strana Mechty. Learning the lessons of the first Exodus, here he created a brand new society, with warriors at the top. It was an ideal society for warriors. Gone were old loyalties and old divisions. He created 20 clans, named after various animals (one, Blood Spirit, was named after the esprit de corps among warriors) that he though suitable totems to demonstrate various aspects of being a warrior. There were five castes – warrior, scientist, merchant, laborer and technician.

He pushed for changes to the very way that people waged war. He moved the clans towards a system of fighting that put honor and cleverness at its forefront. His system minimized bloodshed and ancillary damages.

In July of 2821, with a full base of operations on Strana Mechty, his forces landed on the Pentagon Worlds. His warriors were better, since they were the ones who had won matches and had never been demoted to lower ranks. The Pentagon worlds had less materiel, and had been at constant war for years, and were ripe for conquering.

After taking the worlds, Kerensky’s clans began to settle nearby worlds of their own. He would join Clan Wolf, which would have the Kerensky bloodname as its own.

Over time, the clans would be reduced in number as a couple lost Trials of Absorption by others clans, and one, Clan Wolverine, was destroyed in a Trial of Annihilation. Remnants of Clan Wolverine would arrive back at the Inner Sphere, strike a base in the Combine to free prisoners and materiel, and then encounter ComStar. After encountering ComStar, they would join forces, and move to a few planets in the Inner Sphere but not on the star charts. ComStar made sure they stayed off. ComStar and Wolverine would become intertwined, with the best of both rising in the others. The best manipulators in ComStar’s history were Wolverine (but most in ComStar never knew it was Wolverine they were involved with)

Their society now has genetic breeding programs from their greatest warriors, competitions for bloodnames which are the names of the warriors who founded the clan, and more. In many clans, being trueborn means you have a much higher level of respect from everyone over the freeborn.

Over time, the clans have formed two philosophies around Kerensky’s words. One group calls themselves the wardens. They believe their task is to protect the Inner Sphere from disaster and from outside influence. The other group are the crusaders. They believe their role is to attack the Inner Sphere, reclaim Terra, and create a new Star league.

Each clan has at least a few wardens and crusaders, but the clans themselves lean one side or the other. At the time of 3050, the invading four clans count exactly one warden clan in their number – Clan Wolf. The next wave has one more warden among it – Steel Viper (but they are barely warden, viciously antagonistic towards the Inner Sphere).

With the crusaders rattling the sabers to attack the Inner Sphere, the wardens, led by Clan Wolf, suggested a compromise to send a few troops in as mercenaries to work for the various houses, and to be spies. These troops took the name Wolf’s Dragoons and became the Inner Sphere’s finest mercenaries, bar none

When an Explorer Corps vessel from ComStar accidentally arrives in a world run by Smoke Jaguar, the clan captures, interrogates, and pushes for a renewed invasion. Smoke Jaguar sells the ship as perhaps the first ship in an invasion fleet, and with that threat over their head, every clan save Wolf votes for the invasion. Operation Revival begins. The clans fight to see who will be in the invasion. The crusader clans, wanting to force this through, put Wolf clan in the invading forces automatically, because of Kerensky’s bloodname. The others fight, and at the end, several Trials of Refusal occur, and eventually the invasion corridors are drawn up.

Clan Jade Falcon will be invading the corridor deep into Lyran space. Clan Wolf will be invading space in Lyran and Rasalhague space. Clan Ghost Bear will be invading Rasalhague and Draconis space. And Clan Smoke Jaguar will be on the end, in exclusively the Draconis Combine.
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:43 AM   #4
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
For those interested:

Here are the books used so far in this dynasty:

BattleTech Compendium: The Rules of Warfare
Invading Clans
Wolf Clan Sourcebook
The Chaos March
The Periphery
The Explorer Corps
Solaris VII Boxed Set
Brush Wars
War of 3039
Maximum Tech
Tactical Handbook
Field Manual: Mercenaries
Mercenaries Supplemental
Mercenaries Supplemental II
Technical Readout: 2750
Technical Readout: 3025
Technical Readout: 3026
Technical Readout: 3050
Technical Readout: 3055
Technical Readout: 3058
Technical Readout: 3060
Technical Readout: 3067
Technical Readout: 3075
Technical Readout: 3085
Technical Readout: Vehicle Annex

(Later technical readouts often include specs on earlier mechs, such as the Merlin and Mackie)
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Old 09-20-2011, 12:40 PM   #5
Abe Sargent
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Dramatis Personae (3050):

Colonel Braham Essex, 46, is a MechWarrior. Born the son of a military adjutant to the Capellan Forces on Acamar. His mother passed away in childbirth. Quite rare these days but not unheard of. Raised on his parent’s homeworld of Epsilon Eridani, Braham was raised a bit by his adopted family in the Capellan barracks. Although he spent some time on Acamar with his father, both his father and himself considered EE their home. Like many children, Braham wanted to be a MechWarrior from an early age, and despite the lack of family resources to purchase one, he was determined. When his father died in a raid on Acamar by the Dracs when he was 11, he continued to train and push harder and harder. After testing well enough to gain entry to the Martial Training Academy on Tikonov, he continue to push himself until he graduated as the best MechWarrior in his class of 23. With a high set of credentials and references, Braham was a recruit for the Northwind Highlanders, a house mercenary unit for the Capellan Confederation. During the Second Succession War, the Federated Suns captured the planet of Northwind, and House Liao used the atrocities committed by House Davion to cement the loyalty of the Highlanders, and pledged to them full independence should Liao recapture Northwind. Over the centuries, Capella failed again and again to capture Northwind, and the Highlanders continued to be among the elite units serving House Liao. Then, in 3028, Hanse Davion secretly contacted the Highlanders prior to launching the Fourth Succession War. He offered to give them Northwind in return to fealty to him. After discussing it for a long time, the Highlanders decided to leave their many years of service to Capella and pledged loyalty as a house unit of the Federated Suns (not even a mercenary unit any more). In return, Davion gave them an amount of freedom. A small minority of Highlanders chose to defect from the unit, believing that their contract with Capella should be honored. Among those defectors was Braham Essex. He defected and was assigned by the Capellan Confederation to fight with the veteran Blackwind Lancers.

The Fourth Succession War had begun. When Candace Liao falls in love with a Davion spy, she decides to use the war to declare the St. Ives Commonality now independent of the Capellan Confederation. This succession brings many military units from the CCAF with her, including the Blackwind Lancers.

Once again faced with choosing to defect from his unit or defect from his state, Braham Essex chooses to leave the Lancers. By now, the Tikonov Free Republic has been created, with one of the highest and most trusted military leaders, Pavel Ridzik, choosing to also vacate the realm he had served all of his life in order to create a new state. The planet of Epsilon Eridani joined the Tikonov Free Republic. In the wake of these dissidents, and two elite units Braham was serving leaving to join others, he realized that the Confederation was falling apart. With his own homeworld no longer a part of the Confederation, he felt his loyalty waning. Braham also felt no love for the St. Ives Compact, Tikonov Free Republic, or Federated Suns. Choosing instead to form his own mercenary company, the Kilts and Commandos, he left for Outreach, making some contacts with other disaffected MechWarriors from the Northwind Highlanders and the Blackwind Lancers.

At the age of 16, Braham Essex arrived at the Martial Training Academy on Tikonov. While there, he distinguished himself enough to warrant placement with the Highlanders, and he met Ted Izumo, an instructor. Essex has won the Liao Sunburst of Gallantry during battle with the Highlanders for the destruction of several enemy Battlemechs after his lance mates all fell, and completing the objective by himself. It is the most minor of Liao decorations and regularly given out.

After graduating from the Tikonov Academy, Essex served a full tour of duty with the Highlanders and had begun his second term with them when they left. He then served with the Lancers for most of his remaining term before they too defected.

In January of 3031, he took his first contract as the commander of the Kilts and Commandos, a new mercenary unit built from the disaffected from the old Capellan Confederation. Over time, he won various contracts, battles and campaigns, and built his unit to almost two regiments of troops.

He began by piloting his own a medium fire support mech he took with him when everything fell apart, a Dervish, but upgraded to a heavier Orion, which was lost in combat. Then he purchased a heavy and iconic Warhammer before moving to a Cataphract, a Liao design that had been used by the Governor of a planet that Braham killed while doing a contract for the St. Ives Compact.

The first high profile action the unit saw was in 3034, when the unit was contracted to fight alongside the Rasalhague Rebellion as they formed the Free Rasalhague Republic. As many elements in the Draconis Combine fought against this in the Ronin Wars, the battle pitted some Combine elements against themselves, the new Rasalhague units, fighting, and mercenaries. At the end of the War, most of the mercenary units had used minor clauses in their contracts to not help out the Republic, but Braham forced his unit to assist, and was rewarded with the Rasalhague Star. At the end, the FRR developed a dislike for mercenaries, and hired them rarely, but Kilts and Commandos is treated with respect and will eventually become one of the main FRR military forces in the mid to late 3040s.

After taking a contract in 3037 on the planet of Somerset, Braham’s Cataphract was destroyed in an ammo explosion. The ejection seat failed to function properly and Braham was flung from the wreckage. His body was broken, burned, bruised and bloody. After a long recovery, Braham lost his left leg and left arm, and they were replaced by myomer limbs. His skills degraded and he had the skills of a regular pilot again.

On Feb 3, 3038, Braham Essex emerged from almost a year’s convalescence and had been training and retraining with his troops on Epsilon Eridani. He began training with his unit again. While most of Kilts and Commandos joined the combined assault on the Draconis Combine in the War of 3039, Braham took one company and fought in the final year of the Andurien War and served at the Fall of Andurien, the bloodiest campaign in the first half of the 31st century. While there, he won the Andurien Epaulet.

After Andurien fell, Braham moved to Solaris VII and began a campaign as a gladiator MechWarrior. After showing some flash, Braham allied himself with Starlight Stables and worked his way up the system. He won a Grand Melee, placed in another, and climbed up the rankings to #8. His only duel he lost was to the #1 ranked MechWarrior. He is elite status again as a MechWarrior.

Receiving an interesting contract from ComStar, Braham chose to leave his Solaris VII career behind and led a company of mechs in a 5 year mission for the ComStar Explorer Corps, exploring beyond the periphery in the unknown. He came back recently, and has been organizing the unit, and moving most to contracts with the Free Rasalhague Republic.

After piloting mechs like Orion, Atlas, Hunchback, Jenner in the Solaris arenas, and an Awesome for the Explorer Corps, plus the Exterminator in a stealth mission, he is continuing in a modified Orion as the CO of a new Shadow Company, a powerful elite company with all LosTech mechs that operates independent of the command structure of his mercenary unit.

Braham Essex
State Academy, State University, Two Terms of Service.
Piloting Skill - 2
Gunnery Skill - 2
Influence - 3
Member Modifiers - -2 family, +3 friends, +6 unit

Age: 46
Decorated: Liao Sunburst of Gallantry; Rasalhague Star; Andurien Epaulet


Edge: 5
Tactical Genius
Gunnery: Ballistic
Ace Maneuvering

Myomer Left Arm, Left Leg

The edge skill allows a reroll of any d6 roll in combat for each point I put into edge, and I have five points in it, allowing me to reroll a critical piloting skill roll or other game roll. The Tactical Genius ability allows me to reroll initiative at the beginning of each turn if I want.
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Old 09-20-2011, 02:38 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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Captain Ted Izumo, 72, XO of the Kilts and Commandos unit, Headmaster of the Essex Training Academy, and in charge of the garrison force on Epsilon Eridani. Although initially an academy dropout, Ted’s three tours of duty as a MechWarrior gave him some influence and experience. He was later offered a job as an academy trainer, despite never graduating himself, allowing his experience to be a teacher. As a trainer, he met Braham Essex and became one of his closest mentors. When his planet of Tikonov declared independence from Liao, the academy fired many of its trainers, including Ted. When he got a call from Braham Essex, he gladly chose to join the fledgling Kilts and Commandos as Braham’s main advisor.

Later in the 3030s, after the Essex Training Academy was formed, Ted semi-retired to run it, and build up the Headquarters for the unit, supervise and train the garrison force, and more. After Essex was defeated on Somerset, Izumo brought everyone back home to train, and regroup. He ran the unit for a year and a half until Essex was ready to take back over.

During the War of 3039, Izumo led the Kilts and Commandos against the Draconic Combine. He planned and won the siege of Fort Ea, and then fought against the Ghost Regiment counter-attack. He led and organized the defense of Breed on behalf of the Federated Commonwealth despite a local general who tried to reel him in. For his success in the Breed Campaign, Izumo was personally awarded the Robinson Medal of Valor by Field Marshal Sandoval. He also won the Dragon Slayer’s Ribbon as part of the campaign against the Draconis Combine.

After the War of 3039, he came out of retirement to lead an assault against the Lyran world of Westerstede after a company of ours was captured and subsequently abandoned by our employer. He continues to pilot the same Stalker he had when he came into our unit. He has also piloted the Exterminator in combat and the BattleMaster 2C in training recruits.

Ted Izumo

Piloting - 2
Gunnery - 2
Influence - 2
Member Modifiers - -3 family/+3 friends/+3 unit


Edge: 4
Tactical Genius
Decorations: Dragon Slayer’s Ribbon, Robinson Medal of Valor
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Old 09-20-2011, 02:42 PM   #7
Abe Sargent
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Sergeant Adele Thompson, 50, was born of a minor, but politically connected, noble on Epsilon Eridani. She was family-trained and then sent off to a private academy on Sarna. As a child, she met Braham Essex and the two were boyfriend and girlfriend for seven months while he was 12 and she was 15. Even then, she saw a mature and intelligent person behind the boyish exterior. After graduation, she was assigned to a garrison unit on Acamar, but met action when the Federated Suns attacked and decimated her unit. Her Crusader mech was destroyed and only her personal money prevented her from being one of the dispossessed as she found and purchased a Firestarter. With her unit destroyed and her homeworld no longer Capellan, she drifted to Outreach to find a new life as a mercenary before a chance meeting brought her and Braham Essex together again, this time as one of his new recruits to the Kilts and Commandos mercenary unit.

She is still a sergeant of the same lance she had when she started with Kilts and Commandoes 19 years ago. She had not excelled nor demonstrated a desire or ability to take full command. In 19 years she has destroyed 8 targets (mechs. tanks, VTOLS) total.

She married a local noble, again with contacts and of a minor nature.

She had a child with Braham Essex out of wedlock, and she is raised on Episilon Eridani largely by her step-mother and Ted.

Piloting - 4
Gunnery - 2
Influence - 1
Member Modifiers - +2 family/+2 friends/+2 unit

Adele, Ted, and Braham are the founding members of the Kilts and Commandoes unit.
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Old 09-20-2011, 04:54 PM   #8
Abe Sargent
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Colonel Matthew Humphries, 40, is in charge of one of the regiments currently in service in the Free Rasalhague Republic. Operationally, he is third in command of K&C. He was in charge of a battalion of troops for the First Andurien Defenders and fought for ten years in the Andurien Wars. After his planet and duchy fell, he chose to defect, along with many other mechwarriors, to our unit. Over the past decade, he has risen in our ranks to run a regiment.

He is a distant nephew of Dame Catherine Humphries, the late Duchess of Andurien, and is something like 12th in line to the throne. He has seen the worst of war, and although still a warrior, he has no tolerance for endangering civilians from his men, or the enemy.

Elizabeth Walters-Essex, 44, CEO of Kressly Warworks. She is the granddaughter of Steve Walters, who bought the factory from the Kressly family years ago. She was the only child of her father, and has been the CEO of Kressly for most of her adult life, after her father died when she was a child and her grandfather died when she was 23 in 3029. She is a native of the planet and quite loyal to it. Ten years ago, she married Braham Essex after they spend a year and a half together while he was on planet recovering.

After spending a couple of years on Solaris VII to, in part, be near her, he took a contract and left the Inner Sphere for almost 6 years before returning for almost a year. Elizabeth has raised both her son with Braham and her step-daughter.

Under her watch, Kressly has become a leading seller of several tanks, with the Brutus Assault Tank their banner product. She has regularly discussed the possibility of opening up a mech line with her techs and K&C. K&C could field test designs and give comments. K&C have created a few field made mechs for their own use, and Kressly likes several of their designs, particularly the Attila.

Kilts and Commandos have been the garrison force at Kressly Warworks for more than a decade, and continue to do it. They get a 20% discount on any purchases from it.

Thoma Marie Essex, 13. The daughter of Braham Essex and Adele Thompson is being raised on Epsilon Eridani and by her step mother Elizabeth Walters-Essex and in part by Ted Izumo. 16 months ago, she began training on industrial mechs after expressing an interest in continuing in her parents’ shoes. She is already a good pilot of mechs, and will soon transition to learning weapons.

James Roderick Essex, 9. The son of Elizabeth and Braham is being raised on Epsilon Eridani by his mother and again, in part, by Ted. He has not, so far, expressed an interest in BattleMechs, but instead in Kressly Warworks and the tanks and components made there. .
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:54 PM   #9
Abe Sargent
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Allies and Friends:

Leftenant General Pierre Benton – This local MechWarrior rose through the ranks of the Federated Suns military and then took an assignment in 3049 on his home world of Epsilon Eridani as the commander of the forces on planet. As a local, he has regular communication with his world’s favorite son, Braham Essex, and his unit. They coordinate defense of the local area, and run around in some similar circles.

Duke James Sandoval – After taking over the Draconis March in 3048 after his father died, former Field Marshal James Sandoval becomes the ruler of the systems that are next to the Draconis Combine. Our unit fought directly under James on Marduk in the War of 3039, and then got permission from Sandoval to attack the enemy on Breed rather than keep following the mewling orders of the on planet general. Since then, we’ve done contracts for Sandoval or his father several times in the 3040s. We also sold them a new Wolverine 7K variant with LosTech for them to analyze after we captured it.

Baron Jorgennson – A baron in the Free Rasalhague Republic whose family’s wealth is significant. We came across one of his deep periphery extraction teams on a LosTech rich planet. Later, Braham Essex would trade the location of a very old, and thence very valuable, JumpShip for a modern merchant class JumpShip for us. Recently, our troops have been sent to garrison several planets under his rulership in the corner of Rasalhague space.


Pada Vinson, CO of Vinson’s Vigilantes, we’ve had several run-ins with this mercenary group. We have fought them on Galatea and in the periphery. Each time, they’ve been a bit unprofessional. We were both working for the Free Rasalhague Republic during the Ronin Wars, but they broke their contracts and left. They have also sued a half a dozen people because they didn’t get the prime salvage they wanted in the War of 3039. They give mercenaries a bad name. Worst of all, while Essex was fighting in the Solaris VII arenas, he killed a young and rising mechwarrior piloting a mech when his attack destroyed an Atlas’s head. The cockpit went with it, and the pilot – Jason Vinson, was Pada’s son. Pada swore a death oath on killing Braham Essex.
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Old 09-20-2011, 07:40 PM   #10
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Military Assets:

The Robin Hood, a Union class DropShip – auxiliary
The Star River, a Union class DropShip
The Scots Flotilla, a Merchant class JumpShip

After the local troops are rotated off for refit and repair once several raids by Periphery pirates reduced their number, we send a regiment of troops to garrison Thule. This regiment of mechs is under the control of Col. Humphries. Because we have an emphasis on company tactics and strategy, our components are interchangeable, and we regularly move companies in an out of regiments as needed. Here are the companies currently on Thule.


We also have a battalion on Last Frontier, helping to garrison against Drac attacks.


As of January 1, 3050, Epsilon Eridani has these

Rebel, Boxer, Styx and Typhon mech companies
Tank Battalion and Vehicle Delta Company
14 platoons of infantry
21 mechs in our garrison
BattleMaster 2C in the academy, 13 students in the Academy
Ted Izumo and his Stalker
The Robin Hood Union DropShip
12 tanks
14 graduates of the Essex Academy in various mechs as needed. 12 are green, two are regular.

Other assets like Boomerang Spotter Planes, ordinance trucks, etc

Shadow Company is an elite strike company led by Braham Essex and is currently on Outreach.
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Old 09-20-2011, 09:19 PM   #11
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Oman it's back!
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Old 09-20-2011, 10:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by law90026 View Post
Oman it's back!

Oh yes!
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Old 09-20-2011, 10:26 PM   #13
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Thule, 3050. The Free Rasalhague Republic enjoyed fairly calm borders with the Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Combine. Both long-term enemies gained something by having a buffer state between them. The Republic features roughly 80 inhabited systems but only 15 mech regiments to hold it (plus tanks, infantry, fighters, etc). Because of this one full regiment and a battalion of our mechs have been placed on retainer contracts with the Republic. The major border issue is with the periphery that hold bandits, pirates, and rogues. Raids on the border worlds result in many damages.

Due to Thule’s proximity to both the Periphery and the Combine, and its isolation, in the far corner, it needs a full regiment for garrisoning. It is one jump away from just four inhabited systems, two Dracs, the pirate planet of Porthos, and one FRR system – Damian. With losses sustained by the 1st Hussars, one of those 15 FRR regiments, to several pirate raids, they have been rotated out and we have been moved to Thule to garrison it until they are able to return. Colonel Matthew Humphries is the CO of this regiment. Thule is one of several systems that fall under Baron Jorgensson’s purview.

(If you want a detailed map, go here: - top center, zoom in much. For a less detailed map that just shows diplomatic lines, this will suffice: - we are in the top right corner of the top purple blob.)

Thule has three major continents, and has a rich water economy. Spring water from Thule is considered to have medicinal properties and a great taste, and it is bottled and sold as a luxury item. One of the continents is a great northern waste – Husavik. The next is Akranes, near the equator and the major agricultural center. The final one is Vik. Vik has the capital city, Thule City, a wide and very hot desert, and several large cities along the coasts.

Thule will become very important very soon.
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:04 PM   #14
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EVENT - January 1, 3050 – The C3 computer has been completed by the Draconis Combine, and will be seen in the field this year. Due to the stigma it has for not being honorable, it will not take root for a years. It’s a great system for mech lances and very expensive.

Additionally, field refit kits with LosTech like double heat sinks, pulse lasers, and more have become wide enough that they are able to be purchased on the market by any buyer who has the C-Bills. They come with an additional 10% cost to mercenary units to represent the difficulty of getting them.
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:04 AM   #15
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With this, since Braham Essex is still not undergoing a contract with Shadow Company, he uses some of the time on Outreach to look over the T&O of the mercenaries, and pick up some refit kits. Shadow Company already has 12 mechs with LosTech. These are one jump away at Epsilon Eridani. Rebel, Boxer, Styx and Typhon mech companies. Braham begins by reviewing these and seeing if there are refit kits out there, and if so, does he want them, and for how much.

The first thing Essex does is pick up a Gauss Rifle and ammo (400k) for the Cyclops in Styx Company. Swapping the AC20 for the Gauss is a common field replacement many are doing.

The only other mech in Styx Company to receive a field refit kit will be the Wolfhound, which will be getting an ER Large Laser and double heat sinks. To replace the 2x HS requires opening up the engine and pulling out the old ones. It will take a lot longer than the Cyclops. The refit kit for the WLF-2 will cost 300k.

That will take 2 weeks to do to Styx.

We are unable to find a refit for a Stalker in Typhon. I want to do a simple change to our Centurion, and I may come back, but it won’t be a simple kit. Boxer already has a LosTech BattleMaster – the 3M.

We make no changes to Boxer.

For Rebel company, we manage to purchase a 5N refit. This includes double heat sinks only. The normal 5M change drops a ton of ammo for the AC20 for CASE and to upgrade a Small Laser to a Small Pulse Laser. That gives you just 5 shots of the AC20, so we will keep the old configuration for 120k. IT will take two weeks. It could use some more modification, because it can drop three doubles to still have 10/20 heat, which is perfectly fine

We will not be making any additional changes:

820k for upgrades to three mechs, total time, two weeks. By the end of the month, they should arrive and have been upgrades.

What about those in the garrison?

Nothing other than a normal Cataphract appeals to me. I want to start pulling off AC10s for LB10Xs.

Time to modify the Cataphract and Centurion. This requires some die rolls. A BattleMech is a balanced and tested creature. To undue this is not guaranteed.


Remove the AC10 – RA, weighs 12 tons, uses 7 criticals
Replace with LB10X – RA, weighs 11 tons, 6 criticals

By being off in both weight and internal space used, this is not an easy task. I bring in my best techs. We succeed. This part can be done. We write the technical specs down. From now on, we can make this change automatically with Centurions.


I want to add another medium laser Right Torso. It already has two tons of ammo. This will add a critical section and a ton to that area. After several tries, we succeed. We may now make these adjustments to all of the Centurions we have. While I am here, I flip the rear facing Medium Laser in the Center Torso to the front. This succeeds easily. I have ammo in both the left torso (LRM) and right (LB 10X- AC). I try to move the LRM ammo to the right, plus a Heat Sink from the Left Torso. This is three tons and three crits. Very hard. I manage to roll a 10 with my elite tech, and he able ot do the work. This adds a lot of time.

Cost for LB 10-X and ammo and laser, move ML(R) to front, move ammo. – 475k

In documents, we will referring to this version of the Centurion as the CN9-FR for Field Refit. We will normally be using one ton each of regular ammo and it’s special shot. When using the buckshot version, it is easier to hit, and locations hit are rolled for. We roll on the LRM 10 chart to see how many of them it. It’s a great way to find a section of an opponent hat has been opened.

This will take my techs 4 weeks to refit.

Now for Cataphracts:

We were just barely able to make the same adjustments to a Cataphract, swapping in an extra ton of ammo for the LB 10-X. I also swap two rear facing medium lasers to the front. Again, a refit takes 3 weeks and 475k for everything. We will be calling this one the CTF-3FR. While working, I try to move the Medium Laser from the Left Arm to the Left Torso, where the ammo is. Success. I try to do the same with the Right Arm’s Medium Laser. Success as well. The LT now has three medium lasers, a heat sink, and two tons of ammo. The RA has a PPC and the RT the LB 10-X and a medium laser.

We pay the money and refit the Centurion in Typhon company and the Cataphract in Garrison.
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:39 AM   #16
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Braham begins recruiting for some new people. I want to recruit an Aerospace Company. Our two regiment+ sized group has enough of a reputation to start recruiting. Braham gets three rolls a months and Ted has arrived for two more.

Green, medium, fighter and pilot
Regular, medium, fighter and pilot
Veteran, heavy, fighter and pilot

We’ll figure out fighters and names and such later, when the entire unit is assembled.

Now let’s see what contracts come in for my people. I have 5 companies not currently doing contracts, plus four companies of vehicles.

The Capellan Confederation is looking for assistance with a garrison somewhere
They are also looking for an Extraction Raid.

Braham contacts them about the second one. Extraction Raids are smash and grabs. Go get this and bring it back. The target could be an object, technology, a mech, or even a person. These are usually done behind someone’s back. They are often asked for by corporations, who want their stuff back. (or want secrets from a competitor).

The target is their own system of Bithinia. It’s on the border with both the Free Worlds League and the FedComs. It’s a major resort and tourist destination. They also mine iron and make steel, and have a small mech factory – Bithinian Ballistics. The CC has had a delivery of its supplies to the factory go missing, and intel suggests that it has been procured by a private company, which has stored it in an old iron mine, pending shipment off planet. The company is a joint Capellan and Marik effort, and the CC doesn’t want to ruffle political feathers by going in guns blazing to retake the supplies. So, they want to hire a mercenary unit to do it and keep them with a level of deniability.

Bithinia is 10 days from the jump point, and it’s 6 jumps away. It would take a company from Epsilon Eridani 2 months to get there. That’s not bad at all, so Braham takes the contract.

This will be Rebel Company’s shakedown mission.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.6, x1.4
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Command: Indy
Remuneration: Yes, x1.05
Length: 3 months
Transport: 25% paid(1.2 mill total paid, so 250k received)

They gave us generous things in command, salvage, remuneration and salary so that they could drop support and transport costs and increase length.

With EE just one just from Outreach, communication by Hyper Pulse Generator is the same day easily, and that leads to Rebel loading up. They should arrive in the system on March 3rd, and at the planet on the 13th.

The garrison contract is for 3 years, and Braham is not interested.

In order to determine what my many units are doing, I have an updated roster of my units. It looks like this:

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company -
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR
Styx Company -
Boxer Company –
Rebel Company – Arrive at Bithinia on March 16th.

Shadow Company - Outreach
Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion –
Delta Company -

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR
Scots Flotilla - With Shadow Company

I will regularly update this roster with movements and such.
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Old 09-21-2011, 02:01 AM   #17
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February 1, 3050 – Braham and Ted begin another round of recruiting on Outreach, and grab:

Elite, dispossessed, pilot
Regular, light, pilot
Regular, medium, pilot

New contracts?

St. Ives Compact, garrison
Magistracy of Canopus, Pirate Hunting
Outworlds Alliance, Guerilla and Planetary Assault
Magistracy of Canopus, Cadre/ Garrison

So, this month is Mr. Periphery month at Outreach, eh? Just for fun, I contact the Magistracy’s representative about the Pirate Hunting contract. They have been experiencing some raids by pirates from their anti-spinward direction, which they believe have been agitated and funded in part by the Marian Hegemony. It would take a company from EE 18 jumps to get to the border of the Magistracy, and then another 6 to get to the destination. That’s a total of 24 jumps there and back again. This would take, roughly, seven months each way. It would cost 3.45 million to pay for the jump there and back. For a contract that would only pay for a few months of hunting, we would be paying for the unit’s upkeep for probably a year without any compensation. To send a company away for roughly 16 months is just not something I feel comfortable doing.

So, no thanks periphery.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:55 AM   #18
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March 1, 3050 – Another month has arrived. What do the contracts look like now?

Capellan Confederation wants a Diversionary Raid. Very unusual. The goal is to hit someone or something while another thing is going on, and pull all of their attention away. Their target is the FedCom system of Lesalles, which is 5 jumps away and on the border with the Caps, and is actually one jump from Bithinia.

The others:

ComStar wants a security contract

Free Rasalhague Republic wants an Objective Raid. Target? Lyran system of Laurent, which is 12 jumps away. It would take three months to get there, and then an additional 8 days. We could have a
company there by June 27, 3050,.

Let’s do both raids:

Capellan Confederation, Diversionary Raid

They want us to hit Lesalles in full Capellan colors and the nation’s symbols on our mechs. They want the defenders to think we are Caps, and hitting them. Then they will move forces to hit us, while the Death Commandos will slip in and do whatever they need to so. We aren’t given that information.

Interesting. Let’s do it.

We will be sending Boxer Company on this mission, since they haven’t done one either.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.8, x1.4
Support: 25% Battle Loss
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: Yes, x1.05
Length: 2 months
Transport: 60% paid(900k total paid, so 540kreceived)

We will arrive at Lasalles on May 12, 3050.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:56 AM   #19
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Typhon will be sent to do the FRR contract. They want us to destroy a listening post on the fourth moon of Laurent.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.1
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Command: Indy
Remuneration: Yes, x1.05
Length: 2 months
Transport: 50% paid(1.8 mill paid, so 900kreceived)
10% Bonus

They will arrive at Laurent on June 27th

Here is the updated roster:

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company – Arrive at Laurent, June 27th
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR
Styx Company -
Boxer Company – Arrive at Lasalles on May 12th
Rebel Company – Arrive at Bithinia on March 16th.

Shadow Company - Outreach
Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion –
Delta Company -

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR
Scots Flotilla - With Shadow Company

More recruiting rolls:

Regular, medium, pilot
Elite, medium, pilot
Elite, heavy, pilot
Green, light, pilot

What I like to do is jump ahead and do a contract, and then roll back and keep going overall. This month, Rebel company arrives at Bithinia, so I want to do that, figure out everything, play it out, resolve issues, and send them back. Then I’ll rewind if necessary and keep going.
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Old 09-21-2011, 10:01 AM   #20
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March 16 – Rebel Company has arrived on Bithinia. The Capellans made sure that we could lands on planet. After getting our bearings, we meet a local contact who informs us that recent intel suggest that a mercenary company called Ambition’s Grave is guarding it for the company.

Mar 17 – After unloading, we move our unit to the cave system. The intel is right on, and we are facing a regular company of MWs. Here are the mechs of Ambition’s Grave:

2 lights
4 mediums
2 heavies
4 assaults

Javelin 10N
Commando 2D
Vindicator 3L *
Quickdraw 5M *
Bombardier, vet pilot
Phoenix Hawk, green pilot
Banshee 3E
Cyclops, Vet pilot

*- These mechs are equipped with LosTech.

As a reminder, here is our unit:

ATA-1A Atilla
TDR-5S Thunderbolt
VTR-9A Victor
HBK-5N Hunchback
WHM-6R Warhammer
CRD-3R Crusader
RFL-3N Rifleman
WTH-1 Whitworth
JVN-10F Javelin
FS9-M Firestarter
CDA-2A Cicada
HER-1A Hermes

This is a weaker company mech wise. 8 of the pilots are elite, 2 veteran and 2 regular.

Here is our special field made mech, the Atilla:

85 tons
3/5 movement
22 heat sinks
263/263 armor

2xPPC, one in each torso
2xSRM6, one in each torso
7x Medium Laser, in torsos and head
2xtons of ammo, one in each torso.

It’s designed to punch holes from far away (that makes 22 heat if I’m running) and then when up close you can slide into all seven medium lasers (21 heat made) or use the SRM6s and 4 mediums (20 heat made) or even 1 PPC and two SRM6s and a medium laser (21 heat made). In a pinch, you can blow through more to go over heat.

This is the Whitworth, a mech that will see a lot of action today, since there are three on the field.

The Whitworth is a 40 ton fire support mech, with 4/6/4 movement, two LRM 10s and a few medium lasers for close combat if someone get too close or after the ammo runs out. It the lightest mech that I actually like for fire support roles.
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Old 09-21-2011, 10:32 AM   #21
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I missed the first 4 chapters. Definitely gonna play catch-up now.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:38 PM   #22
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My strategy will be to take out the Vindicator for salvage and the Quickdraw. The Quickdraw is a poorly designed mech, especially the updated one. It has just 8 tons of armor and is armament is poor – just two front facing medium lasers, and LRM10 and a one-shot of SRM4, plus two rear facing Medium lasers. They usually jump right up to your guys and you can blow their 60 ton mech right off the field. After that, attacks of opportunity, but I always want good mechs over bad ones (Battle Master over Cyclops, Charger or Banshee; Bombardier, etc).

Here we go:

We are fighting near the caves that supposedly have the crates. There are a few small hills and trees, with a minor pond near the middle of the battle. We are coming in from the north and they from the south.

We lose initiative

Turn 1 - We deploy several of our assets on top of a small hill and into some forests. I find decent positions for a few of my snipers. After moving in and around stuff, we have several mechs in position into attack them, and vice versa. Their Bombardier nails my Attila and gets a through armor critical on the right torso and knocks out a PPC. Their BattleMaster’s PPC nails the head of my Thunderbolt and goes internal, but does not take out the head. We aren’t close enough for physical attacks and everybody is still standing.

Turn 2 – We win initiative. After cracking open their Charger with the Atilla, our Warhammer destroy its hip an lower leg actuators on the right leg and a shoulder actuator on the left arm. Srms from the Crusader hits two more leg actuators on the right leg. Later, our Whitworth hits the head of their Vindicator with some missiles, but everything is alright. The Charger falls and destroys its right leg.

Turn 3 – We lose init. I hop my Javelin next to one of their Whitworths and they do the same to mine. We pepper each other, but nobody takes that much damage this round. Everybody misses kicks.

T4 – We lose again. Lots of mechs base each other – heir Cyclops and Javelin to my whiteworth an Hunchback. My Cicada to their Commando. Our Cicada destroys the RL of the Commando. Their Cicada opens up my Attila’s RT and nails a medium laser. We focus some fire on their Cyclops when it move sup to use it’s AC20. Both my Victor and Hunchy hit it with teir own big guns. After opening up its CT, our Rifleman follows by nailing a gyro and SRM4. Their Commando and Cyclops both fall, as does my Whitworth after taking an AC20 and several Bombardier missiles. Our Hunch kicks the Jav and goes internal on a leg and nails a jump jet. Their Jav falls from the kick.

T5 – We win init. The Cyclops tries to get up, falls down, and blows off the left arm, its on the ground. Their Jav fails to stand. I get a Firestarter behind their Vindicator, a Jav in front of their Vindicator and I run a couple of mehcs to the downed ones. I run my Attila up to their Quickdraw. If I push it, it will fall into the water. Lt, Medini Sengupta in our Atilla completely destroys their Commando. Nothing survived from it. Our Rifleman tears into their grounded Jav and destroys is RA, LA and RT, and hits a gyro and an engine. It’s down. Our Hunchback hits the engine twice on their Cyclops after nailing it in the CT again with an AC20. Their Vindicator falls from all of the damage it took. Our own Javelin;s LL is destroyed by their Bombardier. We push their QD intro the water with the Attilla.

T6 – We win init again. Their Cyclops guy ejects. Our Jav pilot ejects after being surrounded by three of their mechs. We run a Victor next to one of their Whitworths. Their QD does not get up. We focus fire on their exposed P Hawk. Our Rifleman goes internal with a large laser there, but nothing happens. Their P Hawk falls.

T7 – We lose init. We all move a lot of mechs close together. The QD doesn’t even try to stand, but their P Hawk is up. Their Vindicator destroys the RA of my Firestarter. One of their Whitworths falls to a AC20 from a Hunchy after it blows out the RL. Our Firestarter takes out the RA of their Vindicator. No ER PPC – sad. A Medium Laser from the Attilla lances into the P Hawk’s head and shears it off. Dead mech. Our Victor blows into the gyro of their Vindicator. Our Crusader also destroys the LA and LT of the P Hawk. Our Warhammer gets an ammo explosion on the P Hawk, so it is completely destroyed. Their damaged Whitworth loses an LRM10 and a jump jet from our Whit-y. Their Vindicator pilot blacks out.

And with that, Ambition’s Grave signals their retreat. The QD stands and emerges from the water. We do not allow them to keep the mechs that were savaged, because we won the field of battle. Afterwords, we break into the mining complex. We hit a few mines, but nothing major, and we procure the shipment, bring it out on our rented DropShip, and then head back up to a commercial JumpShip, where the cargo transfers to another attached DropShip for the Caps, and we settle up. We sta in the area for a while, because we are on a 3 month deal. Nothing happens.

We leave and will arrive back at Epsilon Eridani on September 28, 3050
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:39 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by AnalBumCover View Post
I missed the first 4 chapters. Definitely gonna play catch-up now.

Welcome, welcome!
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Old 09-21-2011, 05:36 PM   #24
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Cyclops, 2xengine,1xgyro, SRM4, reattach LA
Vindicator, 3L, missing RA, gyro hit 1x,
Charger, missing RL, hit two actuators on left
Javelin – Missing RA, LA, RT engine nad gyro each once

Our Jav – missing LL
Our Firestarter – missing RA

Armor – replacement at 15 tons
To fix – 10 tons for these downed mechs

Ammo – 170k – this was a pretty beam and AC heavy group, and the only expensive ammo is missiles. LRM10 ammo for the Whitworth and LRM15 for the Crusader and some SRM6 for various mechs was it.

To fix:

Cyclops: We fail to fix the engine, and will have to get a replacement (suck). We fixed the gyro, SRM4 and reattached the arm. Total time involved – 6 days. To fix it completely, including a new engine, would cost 2.5 mill (the engine on the Cyclops is one of the most expensive out there and clocks in at 2.16 mill).

Vindicator 3L, gyro is fixed, have to purchase a new arm plus ER PPC, which will cost, total, 520k and take just 3 days to fix and replace.

The Charger’s actuators are fixed easily. As a reminder, we are on a full salvage contract. Instead of replacing it, if we were to sell it, we could get the money we need for repairs, ammo, getting these others running, and to make money from the contract, instead of losing it. We could get 6.25 million C Bills after a missing leg, damaged armor, and a reduced price for purchasing it on the market (you can never sell for asking price for things, and this price is 300k less than it would actually cost to buy it). Let’s do it. Our contacts easily manage to sell it.

We fix the gyro and engine on their Jav. We remove its LL and move it to our own to fix ours.

We purchase a RA for our Firestarter. It costs 85k including weapons and armor and the arm itself.

In order to fix their Jav, now missing a LL, RA, LA, RT – it will take 405k – that includes weapons, ammo, materials, and armor.

Total cost to refit and fix everything I have, including missing armor, repaired parts, getting new mechs up and running and more:

3.93 mill
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Old 09-21-2011, 06:23 PM   #25
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We sold the Charger and made: 2.32 mill

Here was our contract

Salvage: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.6, x1.4
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Command: Indy
Remuneration: Yes, x1.05
Length: 3 months
Transport: 25% paid(1.2 mill total paid, so 250k received)

We get this from the contract:

250k travel
163k Battle Loss (Armor and replacement limbs)
1,235,840 salary
+5% Remuneration

Total Made – 1,731,282

We spent:

1.2 mill transport
502,101 – Expenses and Salary for 9 months

Total received after expenses: 29,131

Including expenses and refits and sales: 3,959,131

We now have:

Vindicator 3L
Javelin 10N
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Old 09-21-2011, 08:40 PM   #26
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How do you know if a mech is out of action? Excellent question:

1). If its ammo or engine explodes and the mech does too – a new piece of equipment called CASE will localize any explosion to the left or right torso. A mech that has an ammo explosion in the RT will not lose anything besides the RT and RA and can still fight (except for #3 below). Otherwise, ammo explosions = dead mechs. A mech with enough engine hits in one round can have that explode.
2). If its gyro is hit twice. The gyro stabilizes the mech, and two critical hits mean that the mech is unable to move.
3). If it has three engine hits. There are several internal spaces in the center torso for engine, and hitting it three times shuts it down. Each engine hit produces 5 heat per round. Extra Light engines also use three spaces in each torso (two for clans). If a torso section is destroyed, the engine shuts down. An ammo explosion in a mech with CASE and an XL engine will save he mech, but shut down the engine and it’s done for in the fight.
4). If the head is destroyed. The pilot likely died, the cockpit is gone, as is life support and sensors.
5). If the pilot passes out. This happened with the Vindicator above. Each time a pilot takes damage (from falling, damage to the head, shocks) they roll to stay conscious. A failed roll means they have to try and wake up at the end of each round. If they are passed out when the battle ends, you get the mech.
6). If the pilot dies. This is rare, but it is possible to deal enough damage to a pilot to kill them - usually through falls.
7). Very rare, but if you hit both sensors in the head, it’s blind. The mech can move, fire, etc – but does do purely on looking out the cockpit window. Most of the time, that’s the end.
8). If it’s knocked down, and cannot get back up – examples are blowing off both legs, or both arms and one leg. Mechs that are legged can stand up. They can barely move.
9). In the very rare occasion that one leg is destroyed and the other has all four leg actuators hit, the mech is immobile. Mechs that are on the ground and can’t get up can still fire their weapons, sometimes. (armless mechs can’t. for example).
10). The mech can shutdown from overheating. This happens in the old tech world, but now that double heat sinks are becoming more and more common, this happens less and less.
11). Mechs can be breached by water or vacuum. An area of the mech is breached and can’t work. If the center torso or head is breached, the mech is destroyed.
12). Destroyed the Center Torso of a mech destroys the mech.

The mech is recoverable in every situation but the first. However, overheating can lead to ammo explosions. Sometimes, enough engine hits can cause the engine to explode.

When ammo explodes here is what happens:

If the arm is still around, it is blown off and survives. Damage transfers to the CT and it is destroyed. (based on how much ammo is left, obviously). Mech pieces on the other side of the explosion may survive – Head, legs, torso and arm. I roll for each piece and I need a 9 for it to survive.

Although not too common, it is possible to survive ammo explosions. Suppose my Attila’s SRM6 ammo in the RT was hit late in the match, with only two shot remaining, and 18 points o’ internal damage left in that section. SRM6 ammo does 12 damage per round. It would deal 24 damage to the Attila, blowing off the RT completely, and only carrying over 6 to the CT< which it likely could survive. I’d say maybe 29 in 30 explosions in mechs without CASE take in out.
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:09 PM   #27
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Now, what I want to do is fast forward and run the Boxer and Typhon contracts. Then I’ll rewind back to March and continue the story. I find it easier to do things like this, all at once, then to do a campaign, and stop midway to do a company with a quick contract somewhere else.

Boxer Company and Lasalles

May 11 - we arrive on planet late on the day of the 11th, one day ahead of schedule. The Caps want us to attack the local Federated Commonwealth in Cap regalia to drive them off. Normally I have been asked to not do missions against the FedCom, since EE is in FedCom space. However, we are just a diversionary raid.

May 28 – We were able to land in a small industrial dropport away from everything else, and then prepare an exit. We are going to move in and attack the local militia here, which is just tanks and infantry, and then do enough damage to bring the mechs down to the area.

We move in with Boxer:

BLR-3M BattleMaster
WHM-6D Warhammer
TDR-5S Thunderbolt
ZEU-6T Zeus
ARC-2R Archer
RLF-3N Rifleman
GRF-1N Griffin
CLPT-C1 Catapult
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk
CMT-1 Comet
JVN-10F Javelin
HER-2M Hermes II

This is also a company with 7 elite, 1 vet, and 4 regulars. The Comet is another of our field made mechs. We often find scraps of 20 ton mechc after battles, so we used them to make some 20 ton scout mechs by hand.

20 tons

4 tons of armor – the max

2x Medium Lasers
5x Small Lasers

This is our Javelin, a pretty solid light mech with good movement and good weapons

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Old 09-22-2011, 12:03 AM   #28
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Here are the tanks and vehicles and infantry we’ll be fighting.

Partisan – elite
2x Goblin Medium Tank
3x Scorpion Light Tank
2x Pegasus Scout Hover Tank
J. Edgar
Brutas Assault Tank
6x squads of infantry., all veterans.

This is a cake walk. They will leave easily.

We’ll be fighting on open concrete with only a few buildings for cover. The goal is to tear into them, and destroy them as quickly as possible, so that they’ll flee and we can reload before the mechs arrive a few hours later, and the real battle begins.

Turn 1 – We lose initiative. The combination of the speed of their scout elements and our forces running forward means we are in close combat already. Our Battle Master destroys the front of a Scorpion. Their Partisan hits a LL on a Rifleman after going internal on a through armor critical. Our Warhammer immobilizes a Pegasus by taking out the movement system. Their Patton gets a glancing blow against the head of our BattleMaster. Our Zeus immobilizes another Pegasus with an LRM15. The Zeus kicks and destroys one of the immobilized Pegasus rear armors. It’s gone.

Turn 2 – W lose init. Their Drillson charges my Griffin. All of the piloting skills were made by us and them. You can sometimes skid on granite when running or flanking speed with vehicles. Our Rifleman immobilizes their Vedette. Thunderbolt’s RA is opened up and its LL hit once. Our W-Hammer hits the fuel on a Goblin and blows it up. Our Catapult immobilizes their Drillson. Their Jump Platoon, Flamer hits both an engine and gyro on the Thunderbolt. The T Bolt falls. The W Hammer kicks and blows up the Vedette’s machine gun ammo – boom! The Griffin kicks and destroys the front of a Drillson.

Drillson, repair front, movement
Scorpion, front
Pegasus, rear, movement
Pegasus, movement

To fix:

Engine, gyro, large laser on T Bolt
Large Laser on R Man
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Old 09-22-2011, 02:01 AM   #29
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We cannot repair the Thunderbolt, so we wheel it off along with the tanks. We rearm, rearmor and get the other mechs into working order. We move them, not to the DS we landed on, but to another on the other nearby DropPort 25 klicks away.

5 hours later, three DropShips arrive, and each has a company of mechs on board. They unload and flank us in and keep us from our original DS, which they think we were planning on leaving. We begin to run as if caught in a trap. As they unload, they try to harass us. Several light mechs manage to catch up, but they don’t have the power so they snipe from long distance just to keep us honest. Eventually, they fall back as their slower mechs are unable to keep up. We make it to the DS and blast off. We were expecting them to cover the exit, but they didn’t think to do it (I roll these things just to see, but nothing happened on their behalf)

We covered a full battalion fir a half day, and our liaison thanks us.

We blasted off, and will arrive back at the JumpShip and return quickly. We have to return to Cap space first, and then jump back.

We can’t fix the second Pegasus. We manage to take a Medium Laser and two SRM6s. We fix everything else for 710k.

We have to buy a new gyro for the T Bolt, and everything else is fixed:900k

Total cost for fixing and rearming and rearmoring and gyro:

1.905 mill


879,877 Salary
275k battle loss
540k transport

1,800,000 Total


900k transport
478,287 salaries and upkeep
1.905 refitting, reammo, gyro, and armor

Total lost: 1.483 mill

Equipment acquired:


They will arrive back on September 5, 3050.
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Old 09-22-2011, 11:59 AM   #30
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Typhon Company, Laurent

June 19 – We arrive in system, Here’s our elite company, in case you forgot since the last time we played:

Typhon Company:

WHM-6D Warhammer
HBK-4G Hunchback
STK-3F Stalker
AWS-8Q Awesome
MAD-3D Marauder
CLPT-A1 Catapult
CN9-FR Centurion
OTL-4D Ostsol
PXH-1K Phoenix Hawk
GHR-5N Grasshopper
JR7-F Jenner
OTT-7J Ostscout

The pilots are 11 elites and 1 veteran.

We made like we were landing on the planet, move to the moon a the last minute, land, drop out, and fight in the vacuum. We move quickly to the base around the post, and out comes…our intel is wrong…it’s too high. When intel misses, I check to see if it underestimated or overestimated. I rolled a 10, so that’s a serious miss, but it’s an under miss (2-6 in undermiss, 7+ is over miss). It’s not a company of mechs, but a reinforced lance of mechs (that’s five).

Our foes:

Rifleman 5M, veteran, LosTech mech
Griffin 1E (variant with 5 MLs and PPC)

One of the iconic mechs of all time is a Marauder, and this is ours:

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Old 09-23-2011, 04:57 AM   #31
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With these forces so overwhelmed, I lowered the requirement to retreat. They won’t leave with 25 or 30 or 40%, but 10%.

Turn 1 – We lose init, and in 0.6 gravity and a vacuum, things are a little weird. Several mechs fall during movement – our Ostscout, their Scorpion and Rifleman. Our Jenner hopped behind their Rifleman and destroys its rear CT armor and the vacuum breaches and it is destroyed. It’s RA is breached by our Awesome as well. They immediately hope out and retreat. We destroy the listening post within an hour, reboard the drop ship with the Rifleman and head back before they can respond from the planet.

Rifleman 5M, breached

We fix the breaches, and get the mech for free.

We keep the Rifleman 5M because we made need it soon

Money Made:

775k salary
900k transport
25k armor and ammo

Money Spent:

50k armor and ammo
1.8 mill transport
430k salary and upkeep

Lost 455k

We will not be tracking back home just yet. I may need to go somewhere else instead.

Updated Roster:

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company – Finished contract Laurent on June 28th
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR
Styx Company -
Boxer Company – Return to EE on September 5, 3050
Rebel Company – Return to EE on September 28, 3050

Shadow Company - Outreach
Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion –
Delta Company -

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR
Scots Flotilla - With Shadow Company

Okay, here we go.

The reason I ran those three contracts was, in addition to being a merc, I wanted preambles to what is about to happen. I also wanted no interference as we move to the meat of the dynasty. It’s about to all happen now. Starting now, we aren’t doing minor little contracts for the powers across the inner sphere. Starting now, wars will begin, and despite a few pauses here and there, they will continue for the rest of the story.

We are about to be forged in war or blasted in war.

End of the Prelude for The Invasion
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Old 09-23-2011, 10:12 AM   #32
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Mar 2, 3050 – An unusual trio of JumpShips arrives at the Nadir Point in the Thule system. The locals are quite worried because they don’t match any known configuration, and they are bigger than normal. JumpShips aren’t like BattleMechs. You could, theoretically, hide a BattleMech factory or come across a new mech in some cache from the Star Legaue that has fallen off the face of the map, there are hundreds of models out there. Jump Ships are largely beyond the technology of today. You can’t just design a new one, and there were never that many designs to begin with. Whoever has these configurations has a massive amount of wealth and military or mercantile power. Many DropShips have left the JumpShips and are heading to Thule. Thule is not your normal system, and it takes more than 20 days to arrive at the planet.

Mar 24 – The many DropShips have arrived at the planet and are in orbit. They have not landed. As the last arrive, a hail is received at the military base of that Colonel Matthews runs. The following conversation is held:

“I am Khan Theresa DelVillar, of the Ghost Bear Clan. Who defends this world, and with what forces?”

Several FRR people tell the Colonel not to answer, but he points out that these are hardly pirates and hardly any other IS group – he suspects the Minnesota Tribe. Matthew Humphries moves to the screen, and orders communication back. “I am Colonel Matthew Humphries of the Kilts and Commandos. I hold this world. Who is attacking?”

“I am the Kahn of the great clan, the controller of three galaxies of the finest troops in all the Clans. What forces will you use to defend this world, and where will you fight?”

Matthew ponders for a moment. “You’ll let us choose the location, so there will no fighting near cities or people?”

“Of course!” snaps Khan DelVillar angrily.

The Rasalhague liaison pulls Matthews aside and “recommends” not giving the information. Humphries points out that this is a new group, we know nothing of them. Brand new JumpShips? Roughly 30 or 40 DropShips in orbit, also many with new configurations? There have been rumors of something strange happening in the periphery? He doesn’t know what is going on, but he knows one thing - any chance to avoid civilian casualties will be ones he takes.

He orders the file of the regiment he has sent to the Khan and her many DropShips. After a moment, she looks down and quickly reviews them.

“Your mercenary unit appears to specialize in small group combat. While I would like to honor that, all three galaxies want to fight for Thule.”

Matthew ponders for four seconds, and then responds, “We could fight one galaxy per continent. I will send out three separate companies of mechs to each location we choose, far away from any population center or infrastructure. Whoever wins the best two out of three wins.”

“That is satisfactory. Where would you like to fight, and what companies will you choose?”

After looking over the rosters, Matthew selects three companies. He’s been on Thule long enough to know exactly where to fight for each of them. He sends the information on. While thinking about it, he pushes it.

“Now, what happens if we win? It hardly seems fair that you can attack us without us winning anything.”

“In addition to keeping whatever you can salvage, you have the right to name an equal prize if you win.”

“What would be equal to a planet?” Matthew thinks. “How about one of those ships you jumped in here with?”

“We value our WarShips too highly. They are worth a lot more than a planet. I could give you a DropShip if you are interested.”

“How about two DropShips, since you seem to have so many.”

“I believe a DropShip is sufficient. Our ships are much better than your own. ”

“Alright, that seems fine by me.”

“Bargained well and done.”

“Um…bargained well and done to you too.”
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Old 09-23-2011, 10:50 AM   #33
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The plan:

Each company will face a bid of clan mechs. The people in each galaxy will bid, until the lowest bid wins. The warrior who bids the lowest amount of materiel will lands and face off against one of our companies. As the battle progresses, should the winning bidder feel it necessary, they may add to the battle whatever forces take them back up to the previous low bid without a loss of honor (although if they do that, they also won’t win honor). Suppose, for example, that one person wins with a bid of 5 mechs and 25 elementals. The next lowest bid might be 5 mechs and 30 elementals. During the battle, if they need the extra firepower they could grab those 5 elementals. Losing is always a loss of honor, and it is better to take the extra forces you have in reserve than to lose honor by being beaten. There is a lot of strategy and politics in the bidding process.

Each battle will be fought, and then an hour delay will take place while sides recalibrate, and then the next will happen. If one side wins the first two, the Trial of Possession is over.

Here are the places and companies Matthews has chosen:

The continent of Akranes, light forested area, Defender Company, led by Colonel Humphries himself. All elite, and the company has 13 mechs normally, but he will be leaving the Comet behind. He wants to see if they can start out right, and he will be doing that personally. Defender Company are the ex-Defenders of Andurien that joined our unit.

The continent of Husavik, snow, cold, Delta Company, 8 elites 3 vets, 1 regular. This is our next best mix of mechs and man.

The continent of Vik, desert, very hot. Trinity Company, 9 elites, 2 vets and a regular. It’s a bit lighter than we would like for what is clearly going to be a brawl.
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Old 09-23-2011, 10:55 AM   #34
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What I need to do is figure out what the bids will be. Here is what I know:

1). The Ghost Bears are the second cockiest clan at the expense of common sense, (at this stage of their Inner Sphere experience).
2). They have a very low opinion of all things mercenary
3). They believe that the forces and opposition in the Periphery represents the Inner Sphere as well.
4). This is the first planetary assault against an Inner Sphere target for Clan Ghost Bear, they might bid low to be involved.

The combination of these four factors leads me to believe that the Ghost Bears will not be cautious with their bid, but instead very aggressive.

Going down to two stars is easy to see (one star is five points. A mech is one point, and 5 elementals are one point, so a star has five mechs or 25 elementals). That is an easy bid against 12 Inner Sphere mechs, mercenaries, and so forth. Someone will bid that down to one mech star and one elemental star. Will that win? We’re going to say yes. Normally, I’d suspect that it would go lower, but the Defender Company includes Colonel Matthews himself. He is the only person so far to actually bid for the planet, so that comes with respect for the title and the bid.

The bid for Delta Company is quick. It goes to 7 mechs. The same bid wins against Trinity Company. Each of those can bring in an addition mech, but the first bid cannot bring in anything more, because the highest bid was a tie (two stars to two stars, with the elementals being considering the lower bid due to their nature).

Defender Company will be facing 25 elementals and 5 front line OmniMechs. Delta and Trinity will each be facing 7 frontline OmniMechs. The battles are staggered and everybody will be watching.
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Old 09-23-2011, 01:44 PM   #35
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Defender Company, without the Comet:

AS7-K Atlas (LosTech Mech)
HBK-4G Hunchback
ON1-V Orion
GHR-5H Grasshopper
BLR-1G BattleMaster
WTH-1 Whitworth
WHR-6R Warhammer
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk
JNV-10N Javelin
GRF-1N Griffin
HER-2M Hermes II
FS9-M Firestarter

This is a fairly balanced roster, Inner Sphere wise, with two assaults, three heavies, five mediums, and two lights. We removed the 20 ton light Comet.

We will be entering the woods from the west, and they from the east. We have arranged to begin battle in a fairly confined space, so that the fighting will be fast and furious.

How clan battles differ:

1). The clans will push these battles to the max. There will be no surrender or leaving after losing a few mechs. In fact, I am ordering no end to the battle, and I will end it when I honestly believe one side or the other has actually won. Because they push hard, expect mechs to fall. This isn’t a campaign with tactical retreats. We can surrender at any time, of course

2). The clans will not engage in physical attacks - they deem them dirty. This may come to a head with Trinity Company, which has a Hatchetman.

3). Clanners want to fire one on one engagements in the field of battle. It is dishonorable for more than one foe to attack the same foe, unless that foe already attacked more than one themself. In fact, you will often see a side where one person fires at multiple foes, and then gets fired on by multiple enemies, but everybody else still engages in one:one combat. If a side violates this, everybody will. Because of this, scout mechs don’t have the same function to clans as they do to the IS, and stars do not fight as a coherent unit. (However, we can’t get MegaMek to abide by these rules of Zellbrigen, so they’ll just concentrate their fire like everyone else).

4). The clan mechs are massively better than anything the Inner Sphere has ever seen. They have longer ranges, weigh less, deal more damage, etc. Equipment, armor, XL engines, CASE, everything is better.

5). Elementals are highly trained and capable warriors in battle armor. They are a real threat.

6). Due to training and genetics, clan pilots are always one better at gunnery and piloting than the equivalent rank of IS pilot. Thus, an elite IS pilot is as good as a clan vet. The cap on skills by IS MechWarriors is 2/2, but the cap on clanners is 1/1.

For these contests, no pushing off the map is allowed.

These are the mechs that Defender Company has drawn: (The OmniMech each has two names, an IS name for it and the clan for it, the clan is first) – we’ll be using their Inner Sphere names.

Fire Moth aka Dasher, Primary Config, 20 tons
Viper aka Dragonfly, Alternate A, 40 tons
Mad Dog aka Vulture, Primary Config, 60 tons
Hellbringer aka Loki, Alternate B, 65 tons
Executioner aka Gladiator, Primary Config, 95 tons

Each of these pilots is elite 1/2

Each of the five points of Elemental Armor is veteran 2/3 save one is 1/2.

This is their Vulture, a 60 ton OmniMech with a lot of space for weapons, but not a lot of other stuff.

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Old 09-23-2011, 03:25 PM   #36
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Just wanted to let you know I am enjoying this...I had to go back and read from the 1st to now, but it's definitely a good read.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 09-23-2011, 04:25 PM   #37
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The Battle Value is 26998 us and 26301 them. This should be very close.


Turn 1 – We win initiative. Matthews isn’t sure what these toad like looking things are, but his best guess is battle armor – although they are bigger than any battle armor he’s ever heard of. Their Mad Dog Prime goes critical on my Orion and hits three actuators on the leg. Their Fire Moth Prime gets a through armor critical and nails the hip on my grasshopper. The head on the Grasshopper is hit three times with missiles from Elementals and the pilot blacks out. My Atlas destroys the LT, LA and LL of their Fire Moth/Dasher. The LL was blown off. It survives if we win. My Orion and Grasshopper fall. SO does their Dasher.

T2 – I lose init. I stand the Orion and spin it. Our Warhammer destroys the RT of their Dasher and blows off the RA and destroys the engine. Their Hellbringer focuses on e immobile Grasshopper and hits the gyro and engine each once. Their Executioner Prime destroys the CT of it, and our Grasshopper is gone. They out maneuvered me that turn.

T3 – We lose init. Our Firestarter hits the engine once on their Mad Dog Prime. The AC20 is hit twice on my Hunchy by their Mad Dog. My Atlas hits the engine on their Hellbringer. We miss some easy shots – 6 on AC 20, 5 on Gauss, etc. We kick elementals and the MD Prime.

T4 – We finally win init. Our BM destroys the LT of their Mad Dog, Our Atlas destroys its RT. Our Orion takes out the engine of the Mad Dog. An Elemental hits the LRM 10 on our Griffin.

T5 – We win init again. We kill a few Elementals this round, and my Whitworth falls after taking damage.

T6 – We lose init. I stand up the WW. Their Hellbringer blows off the LA of my Griffin. Their clan elemental hits the LRM10 in my WW. Our Warhammer ignites the LB5X ammo on their Hellbringer but CASE keeps it alive. Col. Humphries in his Atlas destroys the LT and CT of their Viper. We destroy four more troops in various squads.

T7 – We lose init again. Our BM hits the Gyro once and Engine twice of their Hellbringer. That’s three engine hits and it is destroyed. Elementals destroy the LA of my Javelin. Our jav destroys one of the elemental units. An Elemental hits the engine on our Orion.

T8 - We lose initiative. Our Atlas hits the machine gun ammo on the Gladiator and blows up the LT. We kill two more troops as well, one with a big ol’ Atlas kick.

T9 – We win init. The only weapon the E Prime has left is a Gauss. We kill seven troopers and the Firestarter takes out a squad. An Atlas kick kills an 8th trooper. With one mech with only a Gauss Rifle in one hand, and a handful of elementals left, they call it.

Dasher RA, LL
Vulture missing RT, LT, enginex1, LA, RA
Dragonfly, LA, H, LL, RL, RT, RA
Loki, missing LA, enginex4, gyrox1
Gladiator LA

Grasshopper H, RL, LL
Missing Jav LA

To fix – AC20x2, Hunchy; Orion three actuators, 1 e ngine; LRM 10 Griffin, reattach LA of Griffin, WW LRm10,

Well, we lost a Grasshopper and are down to 12 mechs (The Comet didn’t fight) – the pilot lived though.

We’ll come back later and look at replacemnts, weapons, fixing things and so forth.

Oh, and MechWarrior Michael Henry of the BattleMaster will now have Edge: 1
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Old 09-23-2011, 04:25 PM   #38
Abe Sargent
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Originally Posted by MacroGuru View Post
Just wanted to let you know I am enjoying this...I had to go back and read from the 1st to now, but it's definitely a good read.

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Old 09-23-2011, 06:00 PM   #39
Abe Sargent
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Delta, Husavik, the cold

Delta’s Company:

BNC-3E Banshee
AWS-8Q Awesome
WHM-6D Warhammer
DRG-1N Dragon
CRD-3R Crusader
BLR-1G BattleMaster
CLPT-C1 Catapult
BL-7-KGT Black Knight
SDR-5V Spider
PSH-1 Phoenix Hawk
HER-2S Hermes II
WSP-1A Wasp

Let’s see what mechs the Ghost Bears will be using:

Koshi, Prime
Dragonfly, D
Black Hawk, Prime
Vulture, Prime
Thor, C
Man o’ War, B
Masakari, Prime

It’s -10 degrees outside. The place we are fighting Is not snowed in, it’s a taiga with a small number of conifers and a gentle hill.

All of their pilots are elite 1/2.

This is their Masakari, a power 85 ton OmniMech

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Old 09-23-2011, 10:57 PM   #40
Abe Sargent
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The Battle Values are 32925 us and 33779 them.

Their mech sizes are 25 tons, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 85.

T1 – We lose initiative. Our Awesome destroys the LA of their Koshi. Their Thor hits a shoulder actuator on our Black Knight’s LA. Their Man o’ War destroys our Wasp’s LA. Our Phoenix Hawk has its RA blown off.

T2 – We win init. I stand up the Phoenix Hawk and run into heavy woods. We destroy the Koshi’s CT with the blast of a BattleMaster’s PPC. It’s RL was also destroyed by LRMs from a Crusader. Our Wasp’s H is sheared off by an ER PPC that deals 15 damage – Gauss Rifle level of damage. Samir Azif died. A through armor critical from a Catapult’s LRMs hits the Ultra AC20 on their Thor – nice!

T3 - We win init. The RA of our Banshee is destroyed in a blast of fire from several mechs on it. Our Black Knight hits a hip actuator on their Dragonfly. Both our Banshee and their Dragonfly fall.

T4 – They win init. We exchange more fire. The only major damage is their Dragonfly, which is internal isn both legs. We kicked it with a Spider and hit two more actuators. It fell again.

T5 – We win init. Our Dragon ignites the srm ammo in the LA of the Man o’ War. Boom! No more left arm, CASE prevents the mech from going too. The LRM 10 was also there, so all it has left is a Gauss Rifle. Their Black Hawk manages to destroy the RT and RA of my Hermes II. A massive BattleMaster kick destroys the left leg of their Thor.

T6 – The Thor tries to stand and fails. We pour fire into it and the BattleMaster kills it after hitting the gyro twice and engine twice on critical. Their Dragonfly is also taken down after missiles from our Crusader destroy both legs. An LRM 15 on our Catapult is hit twice and a foot actuator on the RL is hit. It remains standing.

T7 – A pair of ERPPCs from the Masakari lance into the Hermes II and hit the AC5 ammo. It explodes. Our Dragon’s AC nails the Masakari back and gets a through armor critical, nailing the targeting computer. The Awesome’s triple PPCs tear off the Black Hawk’s RT. A kick from a Phoenix Hawk takes down their Black Hawk.

With the Dragonfly, Koshi and Thor dead, and a one weapon Man o’ War, and no more ammo left for the LRM20s of the Mad Dog and now with a savaged Black Hawk and Masakari, they are reeling. They surrender and we call it.

We have on two of the three battle and won a DropShip. Let’s look at scraps.
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Old 09-24-2011, 12:45 AM   #41
Abe Sargent
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Koshi, RT, RA, LT, H, LL
Thor, gyrox2, nginex2, 2xAc20 Ultra, missing LL.
Dragonfly, missing both legs
Black Hawk RA

Hermes II - LA, H

Phoenix Hawk – reattach RA
Wasp – missing LA, H
Black Knight – repair shoulder act
Banshee - RA
Catapult, LRM15, actuator

Winning stuff from the Clans is not like Inner Sphher estuff. We don’t have ammo for their weapons, their ferro fib armor is better than ours, so we can’t take their Dragonfly, and suddenly replace it with Inner Sphere legs. It has advanced Endo Steel beyond the endo we have in the Inner Sphere, so I can’t replace it. I can’t replace ferro fib armor and so forth.

We lost three mechs in the two matches, and one is recoverable. Let’s look overall at our salvage and discoveries and such:

We fix – Hunchy’s AC 20, Orion’s engine and actuators, Griffin LRM 10 and reattached arm, Whitworth’s LRM10, reattached P Hawk’s arm, fixed Black Knights actuator, and fixed both issues in Catapult.

We need to acquire Banshee RA, Wasp LA and H, and Javelin LA. Total cost:

1.84 mill

For armor, we’ll need 35 tons for the first match and 25 for the second. 600k. We blew through a lot of missile boats, and need 1.25 mill in ammo replacements (missiles are expensive).

Total for armor, ammo and replacements:3.69 mill This fixes our mechs and gets them back in order, but it does not replace the Grasshopper or Hermes II that are gone.

For reference, here is our contract with the FRR.

Salvage: Full
Command: House
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Length:5 years
Remuneration: Nope
Transport: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.3, x1.2 with a 25% bonus for long campaigns
12.5% bonus

We keep everything we find, and that looks really good now. It ends May 1, 3051. Twelve companies have this contract.

I get half of my battle loss, so I only lose 1.845 mill. Plus I get half the value of the two mechs I lost, minus their items. I make 3.55 mill as my 50% loss. Thus, I actually gain 1.705 mill.

We manage to fix everything in the Thor. We find an extra leg of the right size which will work (no endo steel) and we strip scraps of ferro fib armor from the pieces to shore it up. In two weeks, we will have a working Thor C for 450k.

We fix the Vulture engine.

I attach the RL and LL Dragonfly parts I took in the first battle with the damaged one. Both fit. In 5 days, I’ll have a working Dragonfly D.

We fix the gyro on the Loki, but not the engine. It will need replaced. Since it is a clan XL engine, we will be unable to replace it on the market.

My techs strips off Clan weapons and equipment from salvaged arms and legs. We get:

Clan Tech:

SRM 6x2
Artemis IV FCS
ER Medium Laserx9
ER Large Laserx2
1 double Heat Sink
Beagle Active Probe
Streak SRM 4 – half ton of ammo
Machine Gun

The OmniMechs that we just faced, and that we have two of now, are different sort of BattleMechs. They have built in pods and modules with universal adapters and circuits for various weapons and equipment. They can quickly and effortlessly switch configurations based on mission, pilot choice, and environment. Nobody owns things in the warrior caste, so a Vulture that one MechWarrior might take out would be very different than another Vulture being taken for a spin. This modular-ness makes clan weapons and equipment easy to take off various sections. It’s also easy to put things on, if I have clan tech items. Inner Sphere items like C3 Computers would have to be adapted to fix in these pods and work with these electronics.
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:55 AM   #42
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We won a Union-C, a recently built Union with clan technology, clan weapons, and a bigger size to accommodate 15 mechs instead of 12 in the old Unions. We rechristen it the Serendipitous Victory. We’ll need to find a crew for it, which will take some time adjusting to new controls and such. It features 6 Gauss Rifles, 3 ER Large Lasers, 5 Large Pulse Lasers, 12 Medium Pulse Lasers and 3 LRM20s with Artemis.

Khan DelVillar makes sure that the Union-C is delivered promptly. She meets with Col. Humphries later that day. She tells him that she is impressed. No one else has answered the clan’s batchall in their invasion of the periphery or inner sphere, let alone actually manage to beat them. She advises him that other groups might do a Trial of Possession for Thule, but there is a history in the Clan of not going after the same thing over and over again I hopes of being lucky – so her three galaxies will leave Thule alone for a while.

Several of the Clanners are despondent. Humphries allows the Ghost Clan Galaxies to stay on planet for a few days, stretching their legs, fixing machines, and regrouping their plans. They are proud to tell him that they are Clan Ghost Bear, one of the 20 clans of Nicholas Kerensky, and his father Alexandr Kerensky. They aren’t interesting in giving history lessons, but it’s clear that one of the greatest mysteries of history, what happened to Kerensky’s fleet, has been solved. While it is clear that they have an odd culture, Humphries respects their restriction of war and combat to keep infrastructure and civilians safe. Both the Clan and Col. Matthew Humphries havea new respect for each other,.

Before they blast off, they let him know that they have taken systems in the periphery and there are no pirates left back there. They also have their spirits lifted when messages come in that they have taken three other Rasalhague targets – Holmsbu, Damien and Pinnacle. An assault on a Draconis system will occur in a couple of weeks.
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Old 09-24-2011, 01:40 PM   #43
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Very nice, Abe! Back on board for more of the show!

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Old 09-24-2011, 02:59 PM   #44
Abe Sargent
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I admit, that this is the first time the history of the Inner Sphere has changed as a result of the existence of Kilts and Commandos. Every other mission, assault, invasion or planetary defense has not seen the results change. Breed ended a month or two early because of Ted Izumo. Other than that, everything has been on the fringes of history. This is a change.

In real history, Thule was very tough to take, but the Bears managed it, but then lost it and had to retake it, and other world they left paltry garrisons on. You have to understand that having the clans coming from the great beyond is one of the great storylines of the entire BattleTech universe. In order to make the clans a serious juggernaut and threat, they had to portray them as virtually unbeatable. No assaults would lose for some time. The handful of victories would require guile, severe wars, and massive engagements. Those systems will become clarion calls for the Inner Sphere – Remember Wolcott and Luthien.

This is a war game. The universe is constantly at war, and the storyline is always pushing something forward as the next conflict. Even though it would make perfect sense for the cocky clans (everybody but Wolf) who are early on severely underestimating the Inner Sphere opponents to lose a battle here and there. You can bet that future battle with Col. Humphries will be rougher.

Also, most COs would not have trusted his enemies like Matthew did. I placed the one person in the Inner Sphere who would most want to trust them in order to avoid civilian casualties right in their way. Thule has emerged from a planetary assault with no damages and no deaths other than a few warriors. Figuring out what the clans wanted and working with it is just a bit off the cuff, but not that unreasonable. All of the evidence suggested that these were not pirates or an IS state, and only some unknown was possible. For his trust in the enemy, Col. Humphries was rewarded. He has sent a message to the battalion garrisoning Last Frontier.
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Old 09-24-2011, 02:59 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Tellistto View Post
Very nice, Abe! Back on board for more of the show!


Glad you are ready and happy!
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Old 09-24-2011, 05:01 PM   #46
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EVENT - Apr 1 – Due to the current upheaval in the Inner Sphere, no mercenary contracts are available for the next three months.
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Old 09-24-2011, 05:01 PM   #47
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April 2, 3050 – Ghost Bear forces blast off Thule and head to continue their invasion against the Inner Sphere.

April 4 – A message arrives from Baron Jorgensson. After losses to the clans on his other systems, the Clans have taken control and are changing government and systems and laws. It’s a radical shift of power. Of his systems he controls, only Thule remains free, so the Baron will be arriving in the system soon and on planet by the end of the month.

Apr 7 – It appears that ComStar has decided to assist the Ghost Bears in running their new systems.

Apr 11 – The invasion is worst than originally thought. Information has begun t pour in from the news networks. Other systems have been falling with speed. Seven more Rasalhague systems have fallen to Clan Wolf already. Rumors are that at least five systems have fallen in the Combine and the FedComs have lost at least five as well. New reports from Thule and victories here against the clans are making major news.

Apr 15 – Several major news networks have serious news programs about the ComStar collaboration with the invaders.

Apr 16 – A major biography of Col. Braham Essex and his Kilts and Commandos unit was a leading documentary story today. The only unit to actually defeat the clans is a mercenary unit from Epsilon Eridani.

Apr 23 – The Ghost Bears have jumped out of the system.

Apr 26 - A message has arrived at system commending Humphries and his people from Braham.

April recruited from Outreach by Braham and Ted.

Medium, regular, pilot
Elite, light, pilot
Elite, dispossessed
Assault, green, pilot

Here is the new AeroSpace company, with 14 fighters:

Lt. Larry Rowe, elite, Transgressor
Sgt. Charlene Marshall, elite, CHP-W5 Chippewa *
Sgt. Steve Harrison, elite, SL-17 Shilone *
Elite, Meghan Gomez, CSR-12 Corsair
Elite, Sparrowhawk, SPR-H5, Anatoly Shevchenko
Green, Gustav Rivaldi, CHP-W5 Chippewa
Green, James Ovango, LTN-G15 Lightning
Green, Barbara Fleischauer, F-10 Cheetah
Veteran, LCF-R15 Lucifer, Cao Biyu
Regular, Sparrowhawk, SPR-H5, Gita Sharma
Regular, CSR-12 Corsair, Irene Gaines
Regular, CSR-12 Corsair, Ryan Fletcher
Regular, THK33-Tomahawk, Salva Mestina
Regular, F-90 Stingray, Molly Ensworth

I bought the ones in asterisks for the two dispossessed pilots. I spent 8.8 mill for them both.

Ted and Braham and Shadow Company will head back to EE for a rest of April with our AeroSpace company. They need to regroup and come up with a new plan

April 26 - Several other systems have fallen to the clans. As of right now, the best guess is that 25-30 (The real number is 33) systems have fallen, with news of another system that is taken appearing to come out every day.
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Old 09-24-2011, 06:59 PM   #48
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April 27 – Baron Jorennson lands at Thule by using a pirate jump point. The Baron gets a look at the clan OmnIMechs we have up and running, and spends a day to give out some awards, the Rasalhague Star to each member of Defender Company and Trinity Company. Col. Humphries is awarded the Tyr Cluster. Everybody is talking about Matthew Humphries and Kilts and Commandos this month. It’s the only positive news, and people need good news right now.

Now it is time to plan the next level.

Both the Baron and Matthew believe that the Trial of Possession can be enacted by the IS just as it was used in defense by Matthew. Most other planets haven’t even responded to the batchalls by the clans. The Baron wants Matthew to take a battalion of troops and try to retake planets already taken. Since Thule can be targeted, we have to leave behind the bulk of our forces. The Baron brought some extra transportation with him, and he wants Matthew to leave within three days.

Our first goal will be to hit Damian, the only FRR system within one jump. From there, targets will be at Humphries’s discretion.

May 2 – We blast off from Thule, and will jump to Damian on the 14th. after arriving at a pirate jump to jump out. We’ll arrive at the planet by May 20th. Col. Mathews has been given operational command of a JumpShip and two Drop Ships.

He will be taking Defender Company, Trinity and Delta, since they are experienced and his best. A field promotion to Captain is temporary given to Lt Martin Fitzgerald of Phaeton Company, and he will be running the defense. He gets a detailed instruction on batchall and more.

May 8 – Inner Sphere resistance against the weak garrison units left by the Clans is growing and a lot of people are getting upset at ComStar helping to run these planets.

May 9 – New information arrives that more systems are falling. Thule gets the info quicker because it is so close to the action. Many of these systems are two or three or four jumps away, so the news is fast. Two months ago, the Free Rasalhague Republic had more than 80 systems. Today, it has around 65, and falling quickly.

May 10 – In order to push against the invasion, our battalion on Last Frontier is ordered to Trondheim and another force will be rotated in.

May 14 – We arrived at the Damian system at the nadir point. A message comes in from the planet. A mercenary company named Black Omen. They hid when the normal assault occurred and then came out and surprised and took out the clan garrison. Humphries decides to skip Damian for now and move to Holmsbu.
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Old 09-24-2011, 10:24 PM   #49
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May 17 – A Ghost Bear WarShip jumps in at the Nadir Point, but is a bit off from this area, and in a few minutes, an asteroid hits it. Humphries gets to the command center and orders the captain to give him info. The WarShip was damaged, and it looks like a large DropShip was totally destroyed. Matthew Humphries orders communications established with the nearby ship and the DropShips readied for zero g. The captain refuses at first but Humphries reminds her that he is operational control, and that supersedes her rank. She continues to refuse, and Humphries has her relieved and puts a lieutenant in charge temporary. The lieutenant contacts the clan and Humphries introduces himself and offers his assistance. They recognize him, and accept.

Within 15 minutes, all three DropShips lift off from the JumpShip and head to the WarShip. Crew get out in zero g suits and help bring in people and open up material and seal holes. After a few hours, everybody realizes that the destroyed DropShip is a total write off. A full cluster of MechWarriors and mechs was in there, and that’s about equivalent to 40-50 MechWarriors. It’s a major hit to the Clan.

After Beta Galaxy recovers, in part due to Humphries’s aid, they tell him that they are here to recapture Damien. Humphries contacts the Black Omens and tells them to receive the Batchall and not to avoid it. They refuse too, and the lieutenant refuses to listen to Humphries’s operational command or higher rank. Humphries considers about possibilities. The Ghost Bears wouldn’t agree to a Trial of Possession for their other two DropShips. You couldn’t do one out here, because he doesn’t have command over the planet right now. The Black Omen is about to get hammered. Without the ability to catch the clans off guard, Humphries will move on.

May 22 – They jump to Holmsbu.

May 26 – After arriving at Trondheim, our battalion from Last Frontier discover that is was captured by Ghost Bear two days ago. They are being redirected to Radlje, just past Last Frontier. The Wolves are driving deep into Rasalhague space, and the news from the Draconis Combine and then the Federated Commonwealth is not encouraging.

May 28 – The Ghost Bears order a gathering at Damian to honor their lost cluster
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:11 PM   #50
Abe Sargent
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May 29 – We arrive at Holmsbu and Humphries offers a batchall like he learned. He uses the exact same language, word for word. There is a trinary left on the planet as a garrison (10 mechs, 25 elementals). They will all be defending the planet. They want Col. Matthews to return their DropShip if he loses, and he agrees. It’s a black eye they’d like to erase. They will be defending a set of open land with a small number of hills and trees. Humphries decides to land Trinity and Defender companies one side of their trinary and Delta on the other side. He wants to separate their forces because three stars of their forces are too tough for one of our companies and yet they are used to fighting in groups of 5 as Stars, and not necessarily in 15, and we are used to 12 and not necessarily 24 or 36.

Humphries tries to push his troops toward each other, and expects that they’ll spin and attack the Delta, rather than face the two other companies. Once they begin to do exactly that, he orders the light and super fast elements of all three companies to speed out and around the clan mechs, drawing lines with fire and speed to keep them corralled. They easily manage to break out – they are just faster overall. Delta is able to keep a distance so they turn and move towards Defender and Trinity. Despite his attempts to split them, he is unable to do so.

It will be Defender and Trinity companies combined vs 10 OmniMechs and 25 elementals. This will be a major battle.


AS7-D Atlas
TDR-5S Thunderbolt
HCT-3F Hatchetman
ZEU-6S Zeus
OTL-4D Ostsol
TBT-5N Trebuchet
GOL -1H Goliath
RFL-3N Rifleman
OTT-7J Ostscout
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk
SDR-5V Spider
CDA-2A Cicada


AS7-K Atlas
HBK-4G Hunchback
ON1-V Orion
Thor C
BLR-1G BattleMaster
WTH-1 Whitworth
WHR-6R Warhammer
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk
CMT-1 Comet
JNV-10N Javelin
GRF-1N Griffin
HER-2M Hermes II
FS9-M Firestarter

The elite Grasshopper pilot was given the Thor, with its Ultra AC 20

What will they have?
Dasher, Primary
Uller, Primary
Dragonfly, B
Dragonfly, Primary
Ryoken, Primary
Vulture, Primary
Vulture, C
Mad Cat, Primary
Masakari, A
Gladiator, D

Being on the garrison means you are among the worst MechWarriors, so these are all veterans, which is equal to our elite.

We will be on the east and they on the west

Here is their Dragonfly, a 40 ton fast mech that Ghost Bears love:

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