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Old 12-28-2024, 12:59 PM   #101
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Sept 31, 3026 – We ferry out some supplies and grab around 725k mill in stuff. We blast off for the DropShip after armoring and rearming our stuff and gathering salvage. The HQ is destroyed, with the idea of making Marik increase border here on the boring border world complete.

Oct 3, 3026 – We arrive at the JumpPoint and blast back to Galatea! See you on the 8th of November!

Contract Stuff!!!

This was just for Deux Company. Their salary is 81,265

What we Spent:

Salary – 162,530 – two months worth
Support – 330k - 150k for armor, 180k for ammo
Transit – 1.8 mill for Achilles rental

Total Spent – 2,292,530

What we were Paid:

Salary – 673,524
Transit – 900k
Support - 115k

Total Paid –

Total Loss – 604,005

War Chest – 32,988,900

END OF CONTRACT #13!!! And it wasn’t unlucky!
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Old 12-28-2024, 03:05 PM   #102
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Begin of Contract #14:

Our O. Raid against Gan Singh in the Caps is next! This massively mineral wealthy world supplies the goods for the Confederation. It’s defended by the Gan Singh Militia which are mostly infantry with some vee and mech support. We are going to strike at an HQ with a company of mechs, and vees. We’ll send out all three of my companies since Tres Company in mechs is light in armor other than the BattleMaster with it’s heavier units lacking true armor like the Victor and Quickdraw. It also has the lighter armored Longbow and five Assaults, but he Zeus, Victor, Longbow and Striker aren’t heavily armored punch you in the face ones.

Sept 29, 3026 – We arrive at the Gan Singh system hot! We are at the Nadir point. We scan and unfurl, and have two Achilles, a Leopard CV with 6 fighters, the Overlord with 6 too and the Achilles’s two each, 4 so 16 fighters. We also have my secret…

At the JumpPoint are an Invader JumpShip with two Leopard CVs and then and then an Overlord – 18 total, plus a Merchant with an Avenger and an open DropRing, and coming from the planet is a Union. They challenge us. I get go my secret! I have moved from Drop Shuttles in my JumpShips to Aquarius Escort Small Craft. They are basically 200 ton Aerospace Fighters. They have 2 LL, 2 LRM 10, 2 SRM6, and 4 Ml, with 4/6 movement and 608 points of armor! They do nasty work to people and can absorb loads.

We add them to the battle already ours with our two Achilles to their one Avenger. All they had was a +2 fighter, and now we are up in Small Craft too. We blow them out and force them to retreat. We lost 6 fighters, three are salvageable for a cost of 1.8 mill. We capture four Liao fighters, two Transgressors, one each Thrush and Transit. We can fix for 2.5 mill total

We destroy their Overlord and a Leopard CV and the other two join the Merchant and it jumps out. We can salvage the Leopard CV for 8.25 mill total. It’ll take around 4.25 mil to fix our stuff

Battle Loss – 3 fighters,; 1.8 mill to fix ours; 4.25 to fix
8.25 mill to fix their Leopard CV and 2.5 mill their fighters
We salvaged 1.3 mil in stuff

Oct 13, 3026 – We delayed a day for the battle and repairs and salvaging. We are smashing one of their HQs with more than just infantry guarding it. We scout with the Boomerangs and rent trucks to get us stuff. Our goal is to check defenses too, not to destroy the HQ but their stuff. Since the Gan Singh are supposed to be infantry with some vees, why are there mechs here?

We scout and agree that their key HQ here is with mechs and vees, one company each. But the mechs have a weird symbol, not the militia…mercs? We also have infantry at the base too, not on record, that are not the normal company of 3, but a battalion of 9 squads.

We arrive and attack!

Here are our foes!


Longbow LGB-OW – The light armor one we have vet here
Stalker 3F – veteran
Zeus ZEU-6T, veteran, we’ve got one.
Guillotine GLT-4L – 192 armor, 4/6/4 movement, 22 sinks, 1 LL,4 ML, 1 SRM6,
JagerMech – JM6-A -The one with LRms and good armor
Vulcan 2T

That Guillotine would be a great punchy addition to us as well as the good JagerMech.


Ontos – Veteran
Puma - veteran
LRM Carrier
Sabaku Kaze Hovertank- 9/14 movement, 136 armor, 2 SRM 4, 2 SL, 4 ML in turret
Skulker Wheeled Scout

Uh oh, Ontos… That hover tank is nasty again vees with that SRM coverage, ditto the Javelin above.

9 platoons of random infantry. All regular save for those noted above. 3 each jump, motored and foot

We‘re on the city map!

This is their smash mech called the Guillotine which is down tech from the Star League era mech:

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Old 12-29-2024, 01:34 AM   #103
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We lose init 5-3. Their Kanga, Sabutu Kaze, Scimitar and Maxim flank us on the left. Our PXH and Griffin by them. They move up their Vulcan to protect and Cicada too. Do I try a vulnerable Vulcan or the strong better armored tank? I focus on the Kanga with the lightest armor. Short range fire at it, long range on their Longbow. Our PXH immobilizes their Kanga. Our Von Luckner hit the ammo in their Longbow – boom, dead mech! None fall! -1 movement to my Behemoth

Turn 2 – We win 12-9 init. They eject the Kanga. I am flanking hover craft on the right flank to take out that LRM Carrier. They keep flanking our west by our Hunter I send over lights and jumps to help. Jenner next to their Maxim and Scimitar. Our PXH next to their Vulcan. I fire hovers at the LRM Carriei, the far right south corner at the Vulcan, the rest at the central mech of their Zhukov or Zeus…Zhukov, I’d love to bring in another. Their Infantry immobilizes a Condor of ours. Our Plainsman destroy their engine on the LRM Carrier. Our Condor it’s side! Our Hetzer immobilizes a Zhukov. Our Brutus destroys the front, dead tank. No falls. Our PXH kicks their Vulcan and damaged a leg actuator. It stands!

Turn 3 -They take back init 6-5. I eject the Condor. They charge in their Stalker and base our Demolisher, Zeus 6T to it’s rear and adjacent. Bulldog too. Hatchetman next to their Vulcan. PXh too. Quickdraw next to Maxim and Scimitar. PXh and Hatchetman try to finish that Vulcan, Quick draw on the Scimitar. Everyone else fires on the Stalker.

Their Infantry jam our Von Lucker’s turret
Our Hatchetman destroys the Vulcan’s LL, legged mech
Their Scimitar -1 movement to Hunter.
Their Jav stuns our Puma crew for a turn
Our Griffin hits the engine on their Stalker 2; Our Condor destroys it’s LL; our Catapult it’s RA
Their Stalker hit’s our Puma for -1 movement
Our Schrek hits the engine 3rd and destroys the LT, dead mech!
Our Behemoth takes out the CT not salvageable
Our Brutus -1 movement’s their Ontos.
They destroy our Puma’s front side.
Our BattleMaster fell needing a 4.
Their Vulcan pilot blacked out. Do I try and kick it with the Hatchetman and Pixie? We’ll probably destroy it. I don’t really need a horrible Vulcan 2T, but I could try for the 5T upgrade. I don’t
Our Quickdraw destroys the side of their Scimitar, dead tank!

We took out an assault mech, legged a medium one and then a tank too. But we just lost a Puma. They push forward.

Turn 4 – They keep initiative. Our BattleMaster rises and turns his right side to everyone and backs up. They hop their Guillotine over some trees. Can I get a shot at it? I base it with the Zeus and Striker. Centurion by their Ontos and Puma. Griffin too. Sabatu Kaze to my Centurion. Cicada on our Schrek and AC2 Carrier. Our infantry attack the wounded Striker.

Our Hetzer destroys an UrbanMech’s RT.
Our Patton hits the Guillotine’s H
Our Centurion destroys it’s LT.
Their Ontos immobilizes our Brutus
Our Plainsman hits the Guillotine gyro twice, engine four times. And Cockpit on the head, dead mech THREE ways!!!
Our Rhino destroys it’s RL and H fully.
No falls
Our Griffin kicks an immobilizes the Ontos!

They flee! Their Vulcan pilot didn’t wakey.


LRM Carrier – destroyed engine, side cannot be salvaged.
Kanga – immobile
Zhukov -immobile and destroyed side. Can be recovered.
Scimitar – destroyed side, cannot recover, tossed 7
Ontos – Immobile

We grabbed an Ontos, Zhukov and Kanga! We’ll fix up the first in hours, the middle in a pair of ay and the latter in 6 days.

Longbow RA, LA, H, LL
Stalker H, RL, RT, LA
UrbanMech RA
Guillotine GLT-4L missing H, RT LL, LT, -four engine and 2 gyro hits – current value is 3.5 mill, to fix 2.35 mill – see below
Vulcan 2T – Missing LL, RA – current value 2.8 mill to fix 650k – see below.

We salvaged two mechs!!! We fix the engine in 3 days and the gyro in 4.


Behemoth fix engine
Condor – immobile
Von Lucker – unjam turret, -1 movement
Hunter - -1 movement
Puma --1 movement, destroyed side. Cannot salvage. Value 5.9 mill
Brutus - immobile

We fixed all immobile tanks in 6 days for the Condor and Brutus 2. The movements of those savaged are done and fixed. We also unjammed the turret in a few hours.

Can I find Guillotine sized H, RT, LT, and RL? It’s 70 tons, those are also Archer, Cataphract, Grasshopper and Warhammer – common stuff. I do have an Archer K H and LL, I just need the Ts. I attach them and that drops our cost to 1.15 mill. Do I have parts for the Vulcan? It’s 40 tons. I got a Clint LL, that works and drops replacement to 325k. Nothing else.

I spend the 1.15 mill for the 4L Guillotine.
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Old 12-29-2024, 02:42 PM   #104
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Oct 15, 3026 – We spend two days repairing our stuff, salvaging and moving things here from their HQ into our Condor’s two holds of 1651 tons each! Good stuff. It’s mostly things for infantry like mobile rifles and MG and SRM/Inferno packs such like that. The mercs left behind some stuff to and vees too, but less so, so it’s around 1.4 mill overall, not that much.

With that information, we know that the defending mechs were part of a Merc company called “Robert’s Regulators”. Our liaison gets all of that intel from the HQ and then we head out and leave everything undestroyed.. We are not destroying anything our target was them, not the stuff around them or the base or planet.


We captured a 4th Leopard CV. I was hoping for that Avenger…nope. We rechristen it the “Panthera Pardus Nimr”. We spend 8.25 mill to fix it back up.

Battle Loss – 3 fighters,; 1.8 mill to fix ours; 4.25 to fix; Puma, 5.9 mill, our fighters cost 12.2 mill

8.25 mill to fix their Leopard CV and 2.5 mill their fighters done and spent.

We salvaged 1.3 mil in stuff from the space battle

Our one month salary for these three companies is 192,352

What We Spent:

Salary – 595,056
Support – 525k - 250k armor and 275 ammo
Battle Loss: 1.8 mill to fix our fighters
Damage in Fight - 4.25 mill to fix space flight

Total Spent:

What we were Paid:

Salary -1,594,213
Support – 262,500
Battle Loss – 900k for fighters
Damage in Space Flight: 2,125,000
Loss of Puma – 2.95 Mill
Loss of 3 Fighters – 6.1 mill

Total Paid: 13,931,713

We Made
: 6,761,657

War Chest: 27,900,557

30,600,557 after adding in 2.7 mill salvage from space and HQ

I replace the Puma in our ranks with their salvaged Zhukov.

We’ll get back on Dec 2, 3026.

I replace the Puma in our ranks with their salvaged Zhukov.

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Old 12-29-2024, 03:44 PM   #105
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
EVENT, Aug 31, 3026 – Operation Galahad ends.

Sept 19, 3026 – Flavia’s Fortress and Leopard CV arrive at Galatea! She unpacks and needs to hire 6 fighters for the Pantera Pardus melas (The Javan Leopard) sent with Evan’s group. She has 7 rolls, so she’ll have one low roll for a displaced MW.


Elite, Seydlitz, light, Roger Stephens
Elite, Thrush, light, Marguerite Stephens
Elite, Reiver, heavy, Heather Rachel
Elite, Corsair, medium, Dave Drake
Veteran, Corsair, medium, Mike Drake
Elite, Chippewa, heavy, Elia Cogswell

Mike Drake is Dave Drake’s son, and Roger and Marguerite are married.

Dispossessed MW:

Elite, the other Charger CGR-1A5, Frank Cignetti

Time for Contracts!!!

This is for our contract with Alpha Mechs and 2nd Vee and then some infantry too.

We roll 2! They are:

1. The Lyrans want us to Recon Raid the Marik world of Wasat, which is on the border with the Suns. It’s two jumps from Lyran space of New Earth and then about 4 from us. We could be there on Oct 11.
2. The Suns want us to O Raid and test the defenses of the CC world of New Canton which is 2 jumps from Wasat. 11 days to the JumpPoint, we could be there on Oct 15 In system and the 26th on the planet.

We like heading out and knocking out the O Raid in CC or Recon Raid two jumps away. We ask if we can combine them and then add in the AeroSpace Units of the 2 Achilles and have them join us in Wasat on October 6th when we arrive in the system, and then stay until the O Raid next door, and then get them up and done. If we do that, we can combine and such each side paying the bill, but they want all of Tres Mech Company and both Vee Companies 1 and 3 to join.


: We start with 110 base points, 120 for our elite negotiator. Full Salvage – 50, 70 left. They want 1 month recon raid and then one month O Raid on New Canton. We want 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support – 25 points, 45 left. They pull 25 for x3.7 salary. 20 left. They’ll liaison. We’ll say no to rumination, +10 points, 15% signing bonus!

Contract #15 AND #16:

Recon Raid by LC against FWL World of Wasat; O Raid by FS against CC World of New Canton,
Salvage: Full
Length: 1 month each
Support: 50% Battle Loss AND Support
Travel: None
Remuneration: No
Salary: x3.7, x1.6, x1.4,
Signing Bonus – 15%

They are each covering their halves, so for example, on the Recon Raid, the Lyrans will pay battle loss and on the New Canton the Feds.
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Old 12-30-2024, 10:44 AM   #106
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Begin of Contract #15:

Oct 7, 3026 – We arrive at the Nadir JumpPoint at the boring world of Wasat for our Recon Raid on the defenses here! We grabbed the Boomerang and Scout Cars. We arrive and no one questions our arrival.

Oct 11, 3026 – We land at the capital where the 15th Marik Militia are HQd! Easy landing, we launch out and use our men and scouts to verify the number and type of each one has like one in a Banshee 3M. The 15th are a reliable unit but I cannot find what their expertise is online like veteran or regular ditto this planet. I don’t even know if there are continents here!

Oct 18 – We arrive in other places and start scouting.

Oct 20 – The full flotilla arrives and the units arrive to join scouting and then the O. Raid

Oct 25 – Another week passes and more scouting at a new locations happens!!

Oct 22 – We spent another week at a new place and checking things out.

Oct 29 – Another week finished, we spend some time moving to a new one and unloading and scouting around.

Nov 7 - We finish scouting the units hand over our report to the Lyran liaison, and then leave this world.

Nov 11 – We blast out of Wasat and finish the Recon Raid with no battle. That’s what you want!

EVENT - Nov 12, 3026 – Flavia is pregnant again with another child. Her and Stephen’s third child should arrive June-July 3027.

! (We’ll settle up the finances again for this after the next one finishes!!!)
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Old 12-30-2024, 11:28 AM   #107
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #16:

I assign the Charger 1A5 guy with recruited, Frank Cignetti to the dead Javelin 10F in Alpha Company.

Nov 21, 3026 – We arrive at the New Canton Zenith JumpPoint and start to unload our stuff and scan. At this are a few JumpShips, several jump out in a few minutes with no DropShips on them to risk capture by us. One unfurls a Leopard CV and then jumps. There are ships left one an Invader left one a Merchant with the local forces of 4th Confederation Reserve Cavalry on one and Trimaldi's Secutors on the other. The Trimaldi's Secutors has a Battalion of troops on world, and then the 4th also has a Battalion on planet too. The one with the 4th logo has a Leopard CV and an Avenger and an open DropRing, likely for the Overlord of troops. The Merchant also has an Avenger and a Leopard CV, and they can load the wounded Leopard CV left behind and jump in the open ring.

We have:

2 Achilles – 2 fighters each
3 Leopard CVs – 6 fighters each, everyone but Evan’s one is here.
1 Overlord – 6 fighters
Our Jumps have 2 Small Craft Aquarius each.
1 Fortress with an assault style of weapons and armor
2 Condors

They Have:

3 Leopard CV - 6 fighters each
2 Avengers – A worse Achilles

But, here’s the thing…one of our Leopard’s we captured from the CC’s recently, and it wasn’t stocked, since we sent the 6 for Evan’s Leopard instead. That means we have 22 to their 18, lesser numbers, plus the Aquarius Small Craft which are basically 200 ton fighters. They are in for a battle!

We order our fighters to push them away from the fighting since it’s close and then let our DropShips engage theirs since that’s the battle there for us. Our Aquarius are keeping them from flanking us. We focus fire on the Avenger since it’s a problem. We take it out, and then the other one too, and then one Leopard CV is savaged and retreats but dies fleeing, the other link up with the Merchant and jump out after loading some fighters, we let them.

We start salvaging the battlefield. We destroyed 9 of their fighters, and can fix up 5 for 4.5 mill. We lost 7, four permanently, and then 3 can be fixed for 2.25 mil. We need 5.5 mil to fix up our Achilles that they were attacking and to fix our flying Aerospace Fighters. Can we salvage the Avengers or CV? Yes to the first Avenger, nope to the other two. It’ll cost around 8.5 mill to fix it up.

We can salvage 1.25 mill from the armor, weapons and parts.

We secured the Zenith JumpPoint!!!
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Old 12-30-2024, 12:28 PM   #108
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
December 2, 3026 – We spent a day securing the JumpPoint and have arrived at the temperate planet of New Canton with most of its population in urban cities. Its two continents big, with a huge island chain here and 85% is water. This has a bunch of nicer places, and on each continent are the 4th and the Secutors. We are to launch separate attacks on each one, and then to test their defense, not to destroy them or anything else. We unload near the HQ of the Trimaldi's Secutors and they have one battalion of mechs garrisoning in. We have fighter coverage since we sandblasted them off world with a bunch of stuff and then they fled with their fighters and Leopards. We use it to scout them out all up and down the block to ensure the intel is correct. It is! We have here on planet these forces:

Alpha Mech Company
Tres Mech Company

All three vee Companies

I’ll send out to the assault on the Trimaldi's Secutors the two Mech companies and then our 1st Company led by Stephen Marsh with the heavy armored Patton, Von Luckner, Manticore, Behemoth, and Brutus. The other two vee companies are arrayed as reserve and guarding the flanks. I’ve got our fighters overhead, but no bombing since I want to keep the base intact. We’ll also be taking in our 7 infantry in these companies.

Here are our foes:


Atlas – veteran
Charger 1L
Cyclops CP-10-Z
Stalker - veteran

THREE Assaults with AC20s…


Marauder 3L
Warhammer 6L

Two nasty face punchers in the Cataphract and Orion.


Phoenix Hawk
Shadow Hawk
Vindicator x3

Another AC20 with the Hunch.


2 Commando
2 Javelin
3 Locust
2 Stinger 3G
3 UrbanMech
3 Wasp 1L

They are on the north, us on the south of a city map. They are regular.

This is their and our Locust a pacey 8/12 20 ton mech with 2 MGs and a ML. Light armor.

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Old 12-30-2024, 10:59 PM   #109
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
There are some level 2 buildings in the map. I deploy the Atlas and heavy stuff on the right and another on the left of those buildings. They have most of their big stuff on the left and the light stuff right.

Turn 1 – We win init 10-3. They charge a bunch of lights and mediums to the front of the flanks to distract us. Their Locust bases my 1st of two BattleMasters and Manticore. Everyone who can see their Atlas fires. Short range fire on the left flank to huh, looks like that Shadow Hawk I added was a low lech Sentinel STN-3K. So that’s out there. The Javelin is good there on that’s flank short range, and on the right short range it’s the Dervish I suppose, not that many slower speed targets. Actually, UrbanMech instead. Our Manticore blows off the RA of the Atlas it’s on the ground. Our BattleMaster hits it’s AC20 twice. It falls and destroys it’s RT. No other falls. Our BM kicks and destroys their Locust’ RL. It falls. None other fall.

Turn 2 – We lose init 12-6. They DON’T eject the Locust. Weird. Their Atlas rises. They charge with their Goliath our BattleMaster and Hetzer and Striker. They are charging us HARD down the center between the building and the left. Our Hopper next to their Shadow Hawk. Our Pixie next to their Commando’s flank. Jenner to the rear of their Dervish. Plainsman too. Their Jav on my Behemoth. Our Grif next to their Commando. The other Jenner two back from the Dervish and net to their Damaged Urbie. Pegasus too. Both Maxims rear arc of the Sentinel. Their Wasp bases them, my Jav 10F bases their Sentinels’’ side. I focus on finishing that Atlas and then stuff on that Commando, Sentinel and Dervish from rear arcs, and then short range stuff on the Shadow Hawk.

Our Jav hits the hip of their Sentinel.
Our Jenner hit the gyro on their Dervish twice and engine once, dead mech!
Our Banshee hits the gyro and engine once each on their Atlas.
Our Brutus tacks that gyro again, dead Atlas! Our Archer destroys the CT, so it cannot be recovered.
The engine EXPLODES, only their team took damage from it’s death.
Our Atlas and their Shadow Hawk fall.
Melee attacks!
Our Hopper destroys the LA of their Shadow Hawk
Our Hunch punches their Wasp in the head, it’s alive.
Their PXH drops our Behemoth’s movement -1.
Our Griffin legs their Commando’s RL. Our Pxh 1K it’s RT after it also hit the RL.
Only their Commando fell.

Turn 3 – We get init back 10-9. They eject the Commando but still not the Locust. They probably just want it as a border for us to go around, but not them. I’d love to bring down that Orion or Cataphract, but we’ll just do targets of opportunity likely. Jenner to the rear of their MAD-3l and next to their wounded Urbie. Their Vindy next to our Awesome in kick range. Their Shadow Hawk rises, Hatchetman next to it rear. Hopper stays next to it too. Plainsman and Jenner rear of their wounded Wasp. PXH next to their Sentinel still. Our Victor too. Our Griffin to the rear of their Jav and next. Our Jav 10F behind that. I want to bring down that Cyclops, but only one half can see it, not the heavy right half. I fire at the Cyclops with the lighter armor. Let’s see what happens. If they cannot hit the Cyclops, the Cataphract is next.

Our Victor destroys the Sentinels’ RL.
Our Foot Platoon Laser hit the ammo on it and it explodes!!
They hit our Longbow LRM20
Our Centurion hits their Cyclops’ hip
Our Pegasus destroys the LA on their Wasp.
Our Awesome destroys their Cataphract’s LA too
Their Centurion destroys our Atlas’s LT.
Our Atlas destroys the LT of their Cataphract
Our Archer destroys the LA of their Cyclops and the engine hit 2 times
Our Longbow destroys the Cataphract’s CT – dead mech!
They destroy our Atlas’s ammo, dead mech!
Their Cyclops fell and the pilot blacked out. They hit their hip and leg on the way down
Melee time!
Our Jenner kicks and destroys the RL on their Urbie. No one else fell

We radio their XO in the Stalker and will let them keep the Cyclops pilot if they let us get it, and they agree. They eject the Urbie and Locust and then take the pilots off the field. In three turns we destroyed an Atlas, Cataphract, Cyclops, Dervish, and savaged and legged an Urbie and Locust and the Commando they ejected too.


Atlas RA, H,LT, LL, RL
Sentinel RA, H, LA, LL
Cataphract H, RT, RA, RL, LL

Dervish with 2 gyro hits, 1 engine,
Commando missing RL, RT – see below.
Locust 1V missing RL - see below
UrbanMech missing RL – see below
Cyclops CP-10-Z with destroyed LA, 2 engine hits, hip hit, internal everywhere. Current value 8.6 mill to fix 600k

We fix the Dervish for a few days for the gyro and 2 for the engine. We’ve got a Commando RL in storage to fix it and then that’s now 350k to fix. We’ve got a Locust RL and fix it too in a few days. I’ll spend 250k to swap it to an 1E. I fix the UrbanMech with a leg for free. We fix the engine on the Cyclops in 5 days. The hip and legs are fixed by then too. It’s a rare 90 ton mech, so we cannot fit in in our reserve.


Behemoth -1 engine
Longbow – LRM 20

Atlas LA, H, RA, RT,

We lost an Atlas, book value 9.626 mill. We fix the Longbow in hours and the Behemoth in that too. After that, we launch our attack on the other continent.

I replace it with the unmanned Charger 1A5 for the next battle.
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Old 12-30-2024, 11:26 PM   #110
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We arrive at the HQ of the 4th Confederation Reserve Cavalry. They are also a battalion strong. They have a preponderance for lights and mediums.

Here are their 36 units:


Charger 1L
Victor – Veteran their CO is here.


Crusader 3L


Clint 3T
Phoenix Hawk
Shadow Hawk
3 Vindicator
Vulcan 2T


2 Commando
2 Javelin
2 Locust
2 Stinger
2 UrbanMech

This is their and our Crusader – they weigh 65 tons, typically have two LRM racks, in this case 2 Lrms 10s, ours have LRM15, and then sRMs for short range they have two SRM 4s, we have 6s. They have 2 ML and MG too. They also have Jump Jets and can move 4/6/4, and 192 armor and 12 sinks.

I deploy the same units and keep Vee 2nd and 3rd company as reserve and flanks. Our fighters are buzzing overhead!
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Old 12-31-2024, 01:18 PM   #111
Abe Sargent
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We are on the city map here too with tons of concrete and such, but few roads. No major course correcting buildings, I set up my smashes four hexes wide inside of behind the Atlas Spear since it’s got so much more armor.

Turn 1 – I lose init 7-5. Their Scorpion next to my Vedette. Their Locust next to my two Maxims. Condor in its rear arc. On the right flank, I fire at the short range Scorpion or long range Hunchback. Our Center flank the Hunchback too and then short range can still reach the Scorpion. On the left flank the long range Urbie is my short range target at 77 to 9 hexes away, the long range one is the Whitworth. Our Behemoth hits the H and sensors and life support on the Hunchback. Our Archer blows off the RL on the ground. Then hits the gyro twice, and engine twice too. Dead mech!!! Our Manticore destroys the CT, it’s not salvageable. Their Whitworth needs an 8 to keep standing, makes it. No falls from melee

Turn 2 – We win 5-4. They jump the WW hops into the corner. I flank my hover stuff down the right flank to their BJ. Condor behind their Commando. Our PXH bases it too. Wolfhound behind the Scorpion and next to it. Jenner by their Commando, and the other in the Scorpion’s rear arc. Our Griffin next to their Shadow Hawk. Left flank their Whitty targeted. Right flank and hover at the BJ. Central push on their Victor.

Our Hatchetman destroys their Whitworth’s LL; our Catapult it’s LT, LA on the ground
Our Crusader cracks its gyro and engine once each.
Our Maxim gets a limb blown off the Bj’s RA
Our Archer destroys it’s CT, dead Mech!!!
Our Striker hits the Victor’s gyro three times, dead mech!!
Our Brutus destroys it’s CT,< not salvageable
Their Whitworth fell and hit it’s engine once more.
They stunned our Behemoth for a round
Melee time! No falls

Turn 3 – We lose init again 8-6, They eject their Whitworth! Do I back up or base with my center flank? They haven’t really touched me. My two BattleMasters and Atlas were savaged by two rounds in last game, but they are fast with better medium and short range stuff, so I back up to force them out and to stop them surrounding me with back attacks. Their Stinger bases our Vedette. They hop their Firestarter next to our Maxims. Do I leap my Hatchetman next to their 2 Urbies and Wasp? But it's close to everyone else, nope. I back it out. Jenner next to their wounded slightly Commando. Our PXH next to their Stinger on the Vedette. I fire right flank at the Charger in the woods, the center flank at the Quickdraw for long range and Firestarter close, and left flank the UrbanMech and FS too. I’d love to leg and destroy three of the Charger, FS, Urbie and QD. Their Spider behind our Centurion.

Our PXh hit the foot actuator on their Charger 1L
Our Archer hits the ammo on their Quickdraw, dead mech.
Their Centurion hits our PPC and shoulder on our BattleMaster.
Our BattleMaster destroys the LL on their Firestarter.
Their Charger 1L fell and the pilot blacked out
Their Urbie barely touched despite it being +1 to hit to the FSs +3.
We kick their Stinger with our PXH and destroy its RL
Nothing else happens.

We agree to give them the Charger pilot and then they us the mech. They eject the FSsr and Stinger.


Whitworth missing LL, LT, and 1 gyro and 2 engine hit each – current value, 2.4 mill - to repair 500k – see below
Charger 1L – foot hit
Stinger 3G destroyed RL
Firestarter FS9-A destroyed LL – current value 2.65 mill, to fix 350k

Blackjack RA, H, LT, LL, LA
Hunchback RL, LL, H
Victor – RT, LT, H, Rl, LL, LA
Quickdraw – RA, LL, H

We fix the Whitworth gyro on the 3rd try in 6 days and then the engine in 2 days. The Charger 1L is back and running today. I have in salvage a WW LL and fix in and then it’s a 40 ton, so do I have a 40 ton LT? That’s Vulcan, Assassin, Clint and Cicada and Sentinel weight, too. Nope, none in storage. That’s 500k after. Do I have the RL for the Stinger and LL for the Firestarter? I do have the Stinger and fix it. Nope to the FS. It weighs 35 tons, the same as a Jenner, Panther, Wolfhound and Raven. None stored.


BattleMaster – PPc, shoulder actuator

Fixed today!

Levels Up:

Mitch Raymond, Archer pilot, he’s now elite!
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Old 12-31-2024, 01:49 PM   #112
Abe Sargent
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Dec 4, 3026 – We spend two repairing, rearming and rearmoring our stuff! We raid 2.6 mill in stuff from the two HQs.

We blast off, and head to the JumpPoint before we become persona non grata here.

Dec 15, 3026 – We meet up with our flotilla and blast home! No issues leaving. We’ll arrive on Galatea on January 8, 3027.

Contract Stuff!!

Contract #15 AND #16:

Recon Raid by LC against FWL World of Wasat; O Raid by FS against CC World of New Canton,
Salvage: Full
Length: 1 month each
Support: 50% Battle Loss AND Support
Travel: None
Remuneration: No
Salary: x3.7, x1.6, x1.4,
Signing Bonus – 15%

One month salary for all of this is 335,169

What we spent:

Salary – 1,005,507; 3 months salary
To Repair Fighters: 2.25 mill
To Repair Achilles - 5.5 mill
Support – 900k total- 500k armor and 400k ammo 0 faster, the first battle nailed us but the latter didn’t go internal anywhere.

Total Spent: 8,655,507

What we were Paid:

Salvage – 3.85 mill total - 1.25 mill from space battle; 2.6 mill from HQs.
Salary – 5,555,761
Repair of Fighters and Achilles – 1.125 mill and 2.75 mill
Signing Bonus: 833,364
Support – 450k
Battle Loss – Atlas - 4,813,000
Battle Loss Fighters – 7.5 mill

Total Paid:

Total Made: 18,221,618

To Fix an Avenger:

8.5 mill; their 5 fighters 4.5 mill

I spend that 13 mill.

Total Made after fixing their Avenger and fighters: 5,221,618

I pull 500k for the Whitworth WTH-1 and 350k for the FS. It’s now 4,371,618

War Chest
- 34,722,175

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Old 12-31-2024, 02:34 PM   #113
Abe Sargent
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We rename the Avenger the “Hawkeye” since that’s an Avenger.

8 November, 3026 – Evan Marsh’s Deux Company, and Leopard CV, and Union arrive back at Galatea! We had it filled when Flavia was here, and they are here waiting and they join us. We still have a salvaged CV not full at all. Evan only has 5 recruits but we could grab up to 5 and send them to New Canton, or do normal recruits instead. Or I could try to bring in another JumpShip, those are harder. New Jump or 5 new MW/pilots? I try to bring in an Invader and toss a 10, it’s ours!


Invader - JumpShip with 3 rings and two Small Craft, we rename it the “Jade Camel” since it’s carrying our “Jade Lion” Union.


We head to contracts, and are offered 2:

1. ComStar wants us again, this time for another Objective Raid on the Suns Capellan Marsh World of Smolensk which is about 12 jumps away and we could be there on Feb 17, 3027 pretty far away.
2. The Suns want us for another Objective Raid this time on the FWL world of Castor which is very close by just 3 jumps away, we could be there in system at 22 Nov and on planet on the 30th.

I take it!

Negotiation: I have 105 points for Deux company plus 21 for stuff for 126 points total. I pull 50 for Full, 76, left, they offer 3 months I spend 10 to drop to one. 66. I pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support. 41 they pull 25 points for x3.7. 16 left. I pull Command, liaison they give us remuneration, and pull 10, we don’t take transit and add 16 left.

Contract #17:

FS Objective Raid on FWL World of Castor
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Salary, x3.7, x1.6, x1.3
Remuneration – Yes
Length – One Month
Command – Liaison
Transport - None
8% Signing Bonus

We’ll see you on the 22nd!
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Old 12-31-2024, 03:00 PM   #114
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #17:

Nov 22, 3026 – We arrive at Castor’s Zenith JumpPoint!!! No people caring since Castor is a huge trade planet with tons of bazaars and such.

Nov 30, 3026 – We land at a DropPort – our target is a one company of Mechs and vees big to smash and bash. It’s supposed to be one lance of mechs and then a company of vees. We scout with our infantry and verify the numbers, that’s who we are up against!!! We are allowed to raid and such but they want all infrastructure kept in line.

We unload and move in to strike.

Here are our foes:


Banshee 3M – veteran, CO
Marauder 3M
Hermes II 2M
Locust 1M


Demolisher – 2 AC20s ouch
SturmFuer – Veteran, XO
Hetzer – another, ouch
Vedette with AC10

We are in the Military Base map, they the center, us the flanks.

This is their and our Marauder we have a MAD 3D that removes the AC5 ammo for a LL they have pulled the PPCs for LL but left in the AC5. Theirs also adds +4 sinks and 2 ML.

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Old 12-31-2024, 10:53 PM   #115
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We lose init 5-4. Our Awesome bases their Demolisher and Scorpion. Our Stalker too. Our Vindicator by their Rommel and Banshee. Vulcan and Enforcer above their Banshee to try and punt the head. Our Crusader destroys the Demolisher’s front. Our Orion fell. We kick their Banshee to the ground!

Turn 2 – We win init 6-4, yay! Their Banshee rises. Vindicator to its rear and Enforcer and Vulcan too. Rear attack on Banshee, the rest on their MAD! Our Crusader halves the movement of their Plainsman. Their MAD fell. We double kick their Manticore. They drop our internal H armor to our Orion to 1 so I’ll eject it.

Turn 3 – We keep init 11-6. Yay! Our Thunderbolt next to their Plainsman. Their MAD hulls down. Our Awesome next to its rear. Zeus by Plainsman too. Our Stalker bases their MAD front. Our Cataphract on thier Patton and SturmFuer. Our Vulcan to their Banshee’s rear and behind hit for kicks. Our Zeus hits the AC ammo on their MAD boom! Dead mech! Their Goblin’s LL hits our Stalker’s Head and takes out the H, dead Stalker and pilot. Our Crusader stuns the Manticore crew. No one falls. Our Vulcan get’s a limb blown off LA of their Banshee. We missed the 4 kick on the Plainsman to finish it. No falls.

Turn 4 – We lose init 11-7. Zeus next to their Hermes II. Vulcan in the flank of their Banshee next to it again. Our Vulcan hits a leg actuator on their Banshee and blows of the RL on the ground like the LA. Our Jump Platoon SRms gets limb blown off for the RA too. Our Thunderbolt immobilizes their Hetzer and our Cataphract destroys the side, dead tank!!! Their Banshee hits our gyro once and engine twice on our MAD3D. Our Crusader destroy the left side of that Manticore, dead tank!!! That’s her 4th kill for us! We immobilize their Plainsman. Their Banshee falls and hits the other leg and a hip actuator and our Zeus falls, no kicks on the Hermes II. Kick time! I skip the Vulcan on the legged and hipped Banshee. It’s the Co and I’d like to not annoy everyone by further damaging their units. Nothing destroyed or immobile or falls.

They jettison the Banshee and Plainsman and then they head out!


Demolisher - Missing front, we can salvage it!
Hetzer – immobile, destroyed side. We…cannot salvage it.
Manticore – destroyed left, we cannot salvage, sad.
Plainsman – immobile

We fix the immobile tank in a day. We salvaged a Demolisher and Plainsman!

Marauder MAD3M – H, LA, RA,
Banshee 3M – hit hip

It’s fixed in a few hours.


Stalker – missing H.
MAD3D – 2 engine, 1 gyro hit

We repair our engine in 2 days and gyro in 5. To repair we have a Stalker H in our storage. We’ll just need to replace the pilot!

Level Up:

Michelle Guegan in the Crusader gets Edge 1

Battle Loss Stalker H, 1.1 mill
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Old 12-31-2024, 11:12 PM   #116
Abe Sargent
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Dec 1, 3026 – We load up around 1.2 million of stuff and finish rearming and armoring and reloading. We get no contention, and then blast out from the planet.

Dec 9, 3026 – We arrive back at the JumpPoint and launch and will return to Galatea on Dec 28, 3026.

Contract Stuff!!

FS Objective Raid on FWL World of Castor
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Salary, x3.7, x1.6, x1.3
Remuneration – Yes
Length – One Month
Command – Liaison
Transport - None
8% Signing Bonus

What We Spent:

Salary – 81,265
Support – 750k total - 600K armor and 150k ammo rough armor bot not strong ammo needs

Total Spent
: 831,265

What We Were Paid:

Salary - 673,524
Remuneration – 33,676
Signing Bonus – 53,881
Battle Loss – 550,000
Support – 375k
Raided – 1.2 mill

Total Paid
: 2,886,081

Total Made: 2,054,816

War Chest: 36,776,991

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Old 01-01-2025, 01:03 AM   #117
Abe Sargent
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This year the Rifleman 3C variant introduced,

December 28, 3026 - We arrive back at Galatea is Evan and his Union, Leopard CV and both Jumps. He has just Deux Mech Company and then their 2 infantry squads. We need to replace our dead Stalker Pilot Kenny Chase! Then I’ll try and snag fighters with my other stuff for the salvaged CV with 6 open spots for his other four grabs!!!


Elite, Lucifer, medium, Raven Hallstead
Elite, Stingray, medium, Holly Michaels


Elite, Alessandro Gollunucci, Stalker
Elite, Jorg Svensson, assigned later.
Elite, Roger Morton, assigned later

Contract Times!!!

We get 2 offer, we are now at 110 points

#1. ComStar wants us to Cadre/Garrison for 3 months at LC world of just a few jumps away in Eilenburg. 5 jumps away.
#2. The FWL wants us to Garrison for a year,

ComStar or wait for raids next month? I can be there on February 1, 3027 in 33 days. Then three months later on May 1st, and then back on June 1st. Even if we got hit there, it’s unlikely we’ll get more than one raid in just 3 months. I’ll wait.

Jan 1, 3027 – I get 5 more recruits!

I recruit:

Juan Dumont
Lubomir Gautsh
Uni Yi
Kerwin Fleetwood
Roy Hernández

All are elite dispossessed MWs.

I make this new 4th Mech Company named Arba Company (Arabic for 4)

Elite, Capt. Javier Salazar; Charger 1A5,
Elite, Jorg Svensson, Guillotine GLT-4L
Elite, Warhammer 6L, Amalia Ricci
Elite, Wolverine 6K, Uni Yi

Elite, Catapult C1, Left. Sammy MacOmish
Elite, Brenda Harrington, Striker 2C,
Elite, Juan Dumont, WTH-1 Whitworth, Juan Dumont
Elite, Kerwin Fleetwood, Longbow LGB-7Q

Elite, Firestarter FS9-A, Left. Toan Wattu
Elite, Lubomir Gautsh, Spider
Elite, Locust 1E, Roger Morton
Elite, Roy Hernández, Hermes II 2M

We have an elite and Jumps, so our score is 90 B rating.
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Old 01-01-2025, 01:28 AM   #118
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I get offered 3!

#1. Fed Suns want us to Cadre for 3 months
#2. The Suns also want us to Cadre/Garrison 3 months
#3. The Taurian’s want us for pirate hunting. They have three pirates each with around a company we need to take out on three separate worlds. This would take me 6 months to get to and back from. I would be committing a unit for a year long deal, but at least three fights. I could send Arba Company with our Union and Leopard CV and then Invader Jumps and then this would be a shake down mission.

I need combat, so I take it.

Negotiation: We’ve got 99 point, 50 for full salvage, 49 left, three months is next, then we can pull 25 for Battle Loss and Support at 24 points. They want Liaison Command, we want no remuneration, 10 points 34. They pull 25 for x3.7 and 9 points, no transport, 19, 10% signing bonus.

Contract #18

Pirate Hunting for the Taurian Concordat
Salvage: Full
Transport: None
Remuneration: None
Support: 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command: Liaison
Salary: x3.7, x1.2, x1.5
Length: 3 months

We’ll arrive and land on May 25 at the system of the Pirates Haven Cluster on a planet to wage war.

I am taking our salvaged Avenger as an escort too. I’ll leave Evan here until Flavia and Stephen get here on January 8.
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Old 01-01-2025, 02:03 AM   #119
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #18:

May 3, 3026 – We arrive in the system of the pirate company we are hunting. At the Zenith JumpPoint, we spent 250k on jump charging stations to get us here earlier. Here there is an Invader JumpShip with northing on it. We launch and move to take it out and then they jump out. No capture here! We head to the planet on the 6th.

May 6, 3026 – We land on this abandoned planet that looks like a Moon with craters and such. It’s being run as a pirate haven and our 8 fighters are in the air with our Leopard’s, and Unions 2 plus the Avenger and two Aquarius. They contest our landing with their own 8 fighters and a Leopard CV to and a Union and Mule on the ground to keep save. We are up an Avenger and 2 Aquarius. We destroy their Leopard CV with our Avenger, but it took 4 mill damage from it and the fighters too. Then we lost 4 fighters and can recover 2, and three of theirs for 2.5 the flee into the atmosphere and have no landing harbor like a CV or others.

Battle Loss
– 4 mill, which I spend now, to ensure our ship is ready, and then 2 fighters, 2 recovered and three of theirs for 1.5 mill ours and 2.5 mil theirs I do that now to ensure they are ready when we leave.

We land at their HQ, and then they have their Union and Mule here, and we forced their Invader JumpShip away too.

We use our fighter control to verify that they have a company of mechs. They do!

Here they are:

Goliath - veteran
Clint 2-3T
Griffin 1S – 5/8/5, 152 armor, 16 sinks, 1 LL, 2 ML, LRM5
Wolverine 6M

Fast for raids like you’d expect. I am on roads and concrete.

This is their Wolverine 6M, and we have a 6K in our force too: it normally goes 5/8/5 although ours swaps JJ for armor and sinks. Thiers has a LL, SRM6, 2 more sinks and ML too.

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Old 01-01-2025, 01:37 PM   #120
Abe Sargent
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There are some level 1 buildings here and there, all clear no woods. Roads too, I deploy a spear movement around the Charger 1A5 with the Guillotine and Striker to either side. Luckily this is the Longbow with good armor.

Turn 1 – I win initiative 7-6, close! I charge down the middle. Their Charger comes down the left flank with buildings between but I think we can shoot it with level 1. I move the Locust 1E behind the Charger and one away. Their Locust bases me, the Longbow. I fire long range at the Grasshopper +0 to hit around 10-14 hexes away. I’d love to grab it. Short range at the Locust +4 but right next to us. Our Charger destroys the LA of their Locust. It falls. None else do. Our Longbow kicks and destroys its CT, dead mech!

Turn 2 – We keep init 9-4, not close that time. They hop their Grasshopper back outta the way. My GLT bases their Panther. Our Catapult bases their Griffin. Our Warhammer bases their Dervish. Spider to the rear of their Charger. Locust to their Clint’s rear. Their Goliath bases our Striker. I concentrate on that Hopper save for back attacks. Our Wolverine destroys the LT of it, LA on the ground. It fell and destroyed it’s CT, dead mech! Kicks! Our Guillotine hits the Panther’s hip, it and their Griffin fell, none of ours did.

Turn 3 – We lose init 8 – 6. They turn the Panther but don’t get up. Their Dervish to the rear of my Guillotine. Hermes II to it’s rear, but I cannot kick I am flanking it. Whitworth jumps behind the Hermes II and can see it too. Warhammer next to their Dervish’s flank. Catapult next to and behind their Panther. Locust behind it. Their Griffin cannot rise it failed and it’s pilot blacked out. Striker behind the Locust and Panther rear arc too. Firestarter to their Commando’s rear. I am focusing rear fire on the Panther and Commando and Dervish, the rest of my fire on the Griffin’s H, if I can take it out I can add a great mech.

Our Catapult hits the Panther’s engine once,
Our Locust destroys it’s CT, dead mech!!!
Our Whitworth’s ML ignites the Dervish ammo, dead mech!!!
Our Charger’s AC20? Destroys the H of their Griffin!
Melee time! Can they claw back?
Their Charger kicks our Guillotine in the leg and hits a Hip and foot, it falls.

They lost three mechs that turn plus the Locust and Grasshopper so 5 of 12 mechs. They flee towards the Union and lifts off but our Avenger and fighters are there’s stopping fleeing, and start attacking it, and knock it down, and it’s destroyed.


Locust 1V – H, RT, RL, RA, LT,
Grasshopper – LA, RT, RL, H, RA, LL
Panther – H, LT, LL, LA, RT
Dervish – RA, H, LL

Griffin 1S missing Head and LL current value 3.75 mill, to fix 1 mill. The Dreshivh and Griffin are both 55 tons, so we use it’s H and LL for our damaged Griffin. They both work in 4 days time it’ll be ready to go!!


Guillotine – hit hip and leg.

We fix the Guillotine today.
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Old 01-01-2025, 03:06 PM   #121
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May 6, 3037 - We captured their cargo vessel a Mule that can carry 2715 tons x in each of three bays. We rename it “Salvage Holder”. We spend a few days salvaging their base with 2 mill and then the crashed stuff, 2.5 mil and the JumpPoint 450k. They Taurians send a JumpShip here to grab it and come with us.

May 10 – We blast off from the planet and destroy the HQ to remove their chance of returning and using it again.

May 13 -We leave the system and arrive at our next JumpPoint’s a Zenith one at another system. Here there are no Jump/Drop ships at the point waiting. We are 5 days from the planet!

May 18 – We arrive at the planet’s orbit, and here there are nothing here, but as we approach the base of the pirates on planet, a group of 6 fighters and a Leopard CV move in to take us out. They try to distract us and we send them elsewhere on the planet and land our Avenger and Union. They have no official DropPort here, so we are just at their base with a bit of road for the Avenger where their Leopard CV was parked, and then our Union just sits down anywhere since it’s not aerodyne but a globe style.

This area is cold.

We send out our company to take out their unit but no scouting first to very of numbers since our fighters are dancing in the air away from here.

Here they are:

Longbow LBG-0W – the light armored one, veteran
Cyclops 10-z – veteran
Warhammer 6R
Wolverine 6M
Wasp 1k

Three Infantry one each jump, motorized and foot.

2 Warrior VTOLs

They are on an Artic Map base, with a few buildings level 1 and then roads and such too, won’t block LOS for mechs. They are in the center and us in the edges.

This is their and our Wolfhound a Fed Suns light mech that’s 35 tons, 1 LL, 3 ML all energy weapons so no blows ups or leaving early to get reloaded, and then 6/9 movement and 11 heat sinks and max armor. I‘d love to grab another!!!

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Old 01-01-2025, 11:56 PM   #122
Abe Sargent
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These buildings are level 5 and 3, sort, not 1. There are woods here and there.

Turn 1 – We blow them out in init 11-5. They backed up what I wanted to fire at that Longbow or Cyclops. Can’t see them. I fire at the Warhammer instead. If I cannot see it, their Assassin instead. Nothing major, just sprinkling of paint.

Turn 2 – We win 11-8. Closer for them. Locust to their Warhammer’s rear. And Hermes II to it’s’ flank. Thire Assassin flees our FS chases it. I focus on their Warhammer with who can see it and their Assassin who cannot. Their Warhammer fell, another sprinkling of armor. Our Whitworth kicks and destroys their RL on their Assassin. We also hit the hip and leg on the Warhammer’s leg with kicks. The Assassin fells and hit the LL and the lower leg too.

Turn 3 – We win init 10-8. Yay!!! They eject the Warhammer and Assassin, their Cyclops withdraw after I charged it. Our Locust by their Wasp. I doubt many have LOS to where their Cyclops fled to. We target their +3 movement Quickdraw, not what I’d like. I fire at their Wolfhound in the south too not the Wasp. A Through armor crit on my Striker hit a ML and gyro, it’s got 33 armor left. Their Wolf fell.

Turn 4 – We keep init 11-6, we’ve gotten 10+ in them all!!! They back up their Cyclops first. Our Hermes II to it’s rear. Locust too. Our Warhammer next to their Enforcer. Their Quickdraw by my Longbow, our Spider to it’s rear. I fire everything I can on the Cyclops. Our Guillotine destroys the Cyclops’s LA. Our Locust hits the engine 3 times, dead mech!!! We then destroy the CT so it’s not salvageable. Our Warhammer kicks their Enforcer to the ground.

I believe they’ll come at us for one last ditch effort since we just took out their CO.

Turn 5 – We keep init 10-3…weird…Spider to their Quickdraw’s rear. Warhammer next to their Wasp. Their Enforcer turns after falling. Our Spider by their Enforcer’s flank, FS by their Longbow. Our Spider hits the foot actuator on their Enforcer. Our Charger hits the upper leg actuator on their Longbow then our Catapult it’s foot one and 2 engines; one gyro hit. Our Hermes II hits the lower leg one. They fall and hit another foot one on the other leg. Our Warhammer kicks and destroys the RL of their Wasp.

They eject the savaged Longbow and legged Wasp, rise the Enforcer and leave. Sorry Wolfhound….next dance!


Cyclops H, RA, RT, RL, LL

Warhammer 6R – with hip and leg actuator
Assassin 21 – with missing RL and lower leg actuator – current value 3.25 mill, 450k to fix
Wasp 1k missing RL – current value 1.3 mill, to fix 350k
Longbow 0W With all of the actuators hit, two engine 1 gyro hit

We fix the Warhammer 6R in two days, the Assassin 21 actuator in moments, the Longbow engine in 5 days, gyro in 6 more, and then the actuators in a few days total. The Longbow and Warhammer need no parts.


Striker – hit gyro and ML

We fix the gyro in 7 days and the ML in hours.
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Old 01-02-2025, 01:08 AM   #123
Abe Sargent
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There is no DropShip on planet for their unit, and this HQ is the only one here, so after the space battle, our fighters chase them and force them to surrender to our liaison and they’ll take the mechs too.

Battle Loss - We destroyed their CV, and fighters. It’s crashed and unrecoverable. We lost 2 fighters and can salvage 1 of their but not ours. It’ll cost 650k to fix ours, we can use the extra one we captured and then lost 4.5 mill for this fighters, We lost around 2 mill in battle damage to our stuff. I fix it now.

May 22, 3027 - We find in the HQ around 2.15 mill stuff and then destroy it. We load up after a few and fixing, salvaging, rearming and armoring inspecting the planet to ensure none more and we call it, we head to the JumpPoint!

May 27 - We blast out of this system to our next one!

We arrive at the Nadir JumpPoint, unfurl and look around. We have at the Zenith one here an Invader JumpShip with a Leopard CV and then empty rings. We begin to make for the planet, 11 days away, and they do too.

June 6 - We both arrive at the planet at around the same time. They attack us with 2 fighters form the planet too from a Union to our 8 plus Avenger and Leopard CV and two Aquarius Small Craft. We then attack them and destroy them in space around the planet. Their Leopard CV flees back to the Zenith one. We destroy the fighters, salvage 2 of theirs for 1.2 mil and lost just one we cannot salvage at a cost of 4.8 mill, we are back to one more salvaged and spend 1.75 mill to fix our stuff like Droppies and more.

Battle Loss –
another fighter at 4.8 mill

We arrive at their home. We find here a Leopard normal protecting the Drop zone and that’s the extra two fighters, figured it was a Union since this was supposed to be a company. Also here is a Gazelle DropShip for 15 vees.

They come out to protest our landing. This is a lance of meches and a company of vees.

Here they are!


Goliath – veteran
Thunderbolt 5D – 14 sinks, 4/6, max armor, AC20 and LRM10.
Wolverine 6M


Devastator – veteran…uh oh…
Laser Carrier – light armor but 8 MLs
J. Edgar

That’s three AC20s in two heavily armored units…uh oh…

This is our Firestarter FS9-A with 4 flamers one rear facing, 6/9/6 movement, two ML, 2 SL 35 tons, one more ton of armor than the base one with 2 MGs.

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Old 01-02-2025, 11:54 AM   #124
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We lose init 7-5. Our Hermes II next to their Saracen. Their TDR is behind woods and didn’t emerge. Our Long Range fire on their Laser Carrier now to shut that down, and then some at the Brutus and others at the Kanga. Our Catapult destroys it’s front side, dead tank! Our Wolverine reduces their Saracen’s movement and our Locust it twice. Our Charger stuns their Striker’s crew for a few turns and then -1 movement. Our Longbow stuns the Brutus crew for two turns too. No firing.

Turn 2 – We win init 9-8. They move their Devastator out on the first move. Their Kanga flanks my long range support stuff. Our Spider bases it’s rear. Their Saracen flees our Hermes II chases it into our corner behind some hills. Our FS Leaps next to their Striker and Vedette. Their Jav next to and in the flank of our Guillotine, Locust in its rear next to it. I fire everything that can target that Devastator to do so. Our Hermes II another -1 movement for the Saracen. Our Warhammer destroyed the Devastator’s front side. Dead tank! Their Kanga destroys our Whitworth’s LA. Our FS halves their Striker’s movement. Kick time! Our Spider halves the movement of their Kanga, our Locust kicks their Jav to the ground after hitting two feet actuators, and our Hermes II destroys the side of their Harasser, dead tank!

Turn 3 – They come at us hard to turn this around. We keep init 7-4. I eject the Whitworth. They still haven’t moved their Goliath or TDR against us from the woods and back rank, maybe they will now. Should I tempt them by charging their Partisan with our Guillotine or Wolverine? Our Charger bases their Brutus instead, near the Goliath. They leave their Thunderbolt in woods, Striker next to the Brutus. Guillotine by their Partisan, Spider to rear of their fleeing Kanga but cannot kick since it’s up a level and Hermes II in it’s left flank. Wolverine next to their Partisan. Warhammer next to Striker. Their Goliath finally leaves and bases our Striker’s flank, no kicks. Their Jav doesn’t rise. Longbow bases it. Our Locust runs and bases it again. Can I finish off a savaged Kanga and Striker and lighter damaged Brutus sand then a fresh Partisan while Locust fires at the downed Javelin and it and the Longbow kick?

Our Spider destroys the Kanga’s rear!
Our Locust hit two more leg actuators on their Jav.
Our first shot at the Brutus, the Charger’s AC20 destroyed it, everything else was wasted attacks.
Our Longbow fell, no kicksies. Our Warhammer kick doesn’t destroy their savaged Striker.
Our Locust kicked and destroyed their Jav’s RA

They call it and their Jav ejects and their other mechs head to the Leopard and then the 7 tanks left head to their Gazelle under their guns. They are going to fly out to the JumpPoint we aren’t at and join their CV. They both flee successfully to space although seriously damaged and then leave. I tossed snake eyes.


Laser Carrier – destroyed front, can salvage
Devastator – destroyed front, can salvage
Harasser – destroyed side, can’t salvage tossed a 7
Kanga – destroyed rear, ½ movement, also a 7, sorry
Brutus – destroyed side, can’t salvage, insert sad face here.

Javelin 10N – 5 hit actuators, missing RA. Current value 2 mill, to fix is 400k.

We added a Devastator and Laser Carrier but not that awesome Brutus. Do I have that 30 ton mech RA part in our captured storage? That’s also Spiders and Urbies. Nope!


Whitworth – destroyed LA – 550k to fix since it’s got weapons.

No LAs in storage of 40 tonners either. Or any mediums for that matter. I’ll move Juan to our Griffin 1S until it’s fixed.

Battle Loss – Whitworth arm - 550k
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Old 01-02-2025, 01:02 PM   #125
Abe Sargent
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June 9, 3027 – We finish rearmoring, rearming and scouring the HQ of 1.7 mill stuff, and then it explodes. Our liaison has a lead on a 4th place but it’s two jumps away we’ll head out there now!

June 20 – We leave this system

June 27 - We arrive in the system with the 4th group of pirates from Taurian intel. We are at the Nadir JumpPoint. Here is a Merchant JumpShip with a Leopard CV. They see us coming and launch all fighters and then they also have two Aquarius against our two, plus a Leopard CV and six fighters to ours and 8 fighters and then our Avenger too.

We destroy their Leopard CV and it can’t be salvaged, but also their fighters and the Aquarius pair too, but it was costly. We lost one of our Aquarius and then 4 fighter, we can salvage two for 1.25 mill I pay now and then 4.5 mill damage. We can salvage 3 of theirs for 4.15 mill

Battle Loss – 1 Aquarius – 14.221 mill; two fighters at 5.5 mill

We capture their Merchant JumpShip! We rename it the “Serendipitous Balance.”

We head to the planet.

July 4 – We arrive at the planet with our fleet, and airspace superiority. They have two fighters meet us to put up a front, but nothing happen, they flee to low orbit.

Their HQ has s Union DropShip here with nothing else according to our captured crew on the Merchant. Just 12 mechs between us and victory! Their HQ has an Aerobase, we land there and they meet us at the Aerobase. This is a premade map with one building on the north, west and south each on the border and loads of empty space on concrete.

Here they are:

Awesome – veteran
Stalker 3H – Variant with 2 LRM20s, 2 SRM6, 4 ML, 216 armor and 20 sinks, nasty change up, with a veteran
Archer 2S – Variant has 2 LRM15s, 2 SRm4, 4 ML, 2 rear facing,
Phoenix Hawk
Wolverine 6D
Locust 1V
Wasp 1L

That Archer is more like a Crusader. It and the Stalker are awesome to capture, or that…Awesome…would be awesome possum as well! We could capture another Whiteworth or salvage an arm for our damaged one!!!

This is their and our Whitworth, a 40 ton medium fire support mech with two racks of LRM10s and 3 ML. 10 sinks, 4/6/4 movement and okay armor.

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Old 01-02-2025, 03:43 PM   #126
Abe Sargent
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The buildings here are height 4 at the top and bottom but different ones in the middle since it’s a courtyard with a 2 level height building around it and 1, 5, and 3 at various places. 1 doesn’t block LOS. No woods here, just buildings blocking LOS.

Turn 1 – They win init 9-7. I charge down the middle. Their Stalker didn’t move, and is on the back wall. Their Dragon flanks the east. Long range at the Stalker, short at the Dragon. Our Charger’s AC20 in the Stalker’s H, but it’s a glancing blow, so just 10 taken. The pilot took damage and blacked out and then fell and took more damage. It’s RL is destroyed.

Turn 2 – We steal init 4-3. Take it! They bring up the Archer. Their Dragon flees behind a building, our FS bases its flank. Griffin and Wolverine base their Archer. I aim at the Stalker’s head. It has just 2 so I also fire SRMs at it too. The rest at that Archer. Our Hermes II destroys the H! Also one engine hit and two gyro ones. Their Centurion’s AC10 hits our Wolverine in the H and hits the cockpit, dead mech and MW. We each have one. Their Archer falls. Kicks! Our Longbow kicks and legs their Locust 1V and destroys it’s LL, we hit two actuators and a hip in the Archer. No other falls

Turn 3 – We keep init 10-6. They ejected Archer. Their Locust didn’t rise or eject. I chase that Awesome, I got my two variations. Our Catapult next to their Wolverine next to our Guillotine. Our Griffin by the Jenner’s rear, our Locust and Hermes II in the Awesome’s rear arc but not next to it. Their Centurion bases our Longbow. Our Spider is next to their Dragon. Everything not named Spider/Firestarter on their Dragon and Griffin in the Jenner’s rear fire at that Awesome. But it’s 6 or 7 away, so it might not be dropped this turn. Their Awesome cracks our Longbow’s H with a PPC and hits the sensors. Close to losing back to back mechs to head shots. Our Longbow hit’s its engine once. Their Dragon and Awesome fall. Kicks time! No one falls.

Turn 4 – We win init 7-4. They turn the Locust but still don’t rise it. I chare, their Awesome rises and bases my Guillotine. Our Striker bases it’s flank. Their Centurion to our Charger’s rear; Warhammer next to their Centurion. Locust to Awesome’s rear adjacent. Their Dragon rises. Spider next to their Whitworth. FS bases their Urbie. Our Griffin bases their Whitworth. I back up the Longbow and want to do so with the Catapult since they are savaged, but that Whitworth has one more space I base it. Do I split with the Dragon or just on this damaged one for an overkill? If I didn’t kill it weapons phase, the kick one with Striker, Guillotine and Locust would. I just send LRMs at the Dragon from the Longbow.

Our Charger destroys the LT and LA.
Then hit SRM6 missile hits the H, and gets a 12 head blown off, they survive. Dead mech!
Our Guillotine a LL limb blown off too
Then it fell and destroyed it’ CT, it’s not salvageable.
Their Dragon fell again.
Our Warhammer legs their Centurion’s Rl, it falls
Our Spider kicks the Whitworth and get’s a limb blown off on the LL its on the ground and falls.
Their Urbie and our Warhammer fall.

We grab the XO in the blown off H, and they agree to surrender and eject from legged mechs of the Locust, Whitworth and Centurion, but they get the savaged Dragon and the rest.


Stalker 3H missing H and RL 1 engine and 2 gyro hits too – see below
Archer 2S – hit hip and legs
Locust 1V missing Rl – see below
Whitworth 1 – reattach LL
Centurion with destroyed RL. See below

Awesome H, LL, RT, RL, RA

We have the salvaged RL for the Locust, it’s fixed. We fix the hip of the Archer in 4 days and the legs in a few hours. It’s up and running. Our Stalker engine done fast and the gyro in 7 days. I do have an RL in storage back home from a Stalker and an 85 ton Longbow H in storage I’ll do when I get back, but the Awesome is an 80 tonner so it cannot be used. Or the 90 tons Cyclops parts. I do have a Centurion RL at home so we’ll fix that upon arrival.


Wolverine with hit cockpit
Longbow – hit sensors

We lost a mech warrior! I fix the cockpit today, the Longbow’s sensors in a few hours too.

They offer us to keep on going and try to find a fifth Pirate company or head home.
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Old 01-02-2025, 04:51 PM   #127
Abe Sargent
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Because we are down a MechWarrior I am unsure, although it’s just a Wolverine I could give the Whitworth pilot that Archer 2S to give us heft or the Warhammer 6R we salvaged previously. I decide to give it a go with the Archer 2S for our Whitworth as a bit of a closer and ranger with strong armor.

July 8, 3027 – We finish destroying their HQ and raiding it’s stuff. We turn the surrendered Union over to the Taurians since we don’t get surrendered stuff. We scout around to ensure that everything is back to order and nothing is left on planet. We salvage 1.65 mill from the base and 2.3 mill from the fight in space,

July 15 – We arrive back at the JumpPoint. We are hunting for another Pirate Company, they have intel on a few places.

We blast in at the Nadir JumpPoint and find nothing there o r at the other one or sign of recent activity.

July 19 – We land on the only planet here in the life ring and find nothing in the planet.

July 23 – We blast out of the system! We arrive at the Zenith JumpPoint of the next system on their radar… ping.

We have at the Zenith point with us an Invader JumpShip with on it and a Leopard CV. We unload our Aquarius left, 8 fighters to their 6. We each have a Leopard CV and Avenger but we have two more fighters and an Aquarius. This is a longer battle, we destroy their Leopard CV and Avenger, and the JumpShip jumps away. We salvaged their Avenger with a cost of 12.5 mill. But not their Leopard CV. We lost 4 of our fighters and 2 permanently, and can salvage the two for 1.25 mill, and then just one of their fighters is salvageable for 850k cash. We took around 7 mill damage to our ships and we salvaged 2.3 mill from the ships and DropShip.

Battle Loss –
2 fighters for 3.75 mill;

We captured an Avenger we call the “Black Panther”.

We secured the Zenith JumpPoint!

July 29 – We arrive on the planet with all of our stuff. We have fighter security and they send out two to threaten us but they are destroyed fast.

We verify their location and catch them fleeing from their HQ. Not smart since you won’t have air cover to keep you clean.

They’re on a grasslands plains with light trees and hills.

Here they are:

Banshee 3S - veteran
BattleMaster 1G – veteran
JagerMech JM6-A – the good one with LRMs
Warhammer 6D
Shadow Hawk 2K
Vulcan 2T
Panther PNt-8Z – Variant with LL instead of PPC and 14 sinks, 4/6/4 movement and max armor
Wasp 1W with 6 SL

That BattleMaster would be a sexy keen addition to our unit. We have Juan Dumont in the Archer 2S.

This is their JagerMech variant we have the base one with 2 AC2s, AC5s and 2 Mls on 10 sinks and 96 armor, but theirs swaps in two LRM 15s for those AC5s and keeps the two AC2s and Mls. It adds 128 armor, better, but not amazing, still 10 sinks. I’d pull off an AC2 for more armor and sinks:

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Old 01-02-2025, 11:21 PM   #128
Abe Sargent
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I set up in the middle, they have woods to hire far left corner most of them are behind. I cannot see most.

Turn 1 – I win init 8-4. I charge at them. Their Jav and Wasp come at the west flank where they are. Their Cicada bases my Archer and Catapult, Spider to it’s rear. Long range at the Hatchetman if they can see it. Our Archer blows off their Cicada’s LA on the ground. No one took 20+ damage to fall. Our Spider kicks their Cicada to the ground.

Turn 2 – We win init 7-5 we each went closer by one. We charge at them!!!! Locust behind their Wasp next door, Hermes II behind their Vulcan. Their Cicada rises and runs, our Spider bases it. They keep hiding behind their woods, I target the JagerMech. Our Guillotine hits the JagerMech’s ammo- boom!!! Dead mech.

Turn 3 – We win 10-8. Our Charger bases their Banshee. Their Cicada backs up. Their BattleMaster finally emerges from the corner and bases our Charger. Our FS by their Cicada. Spider to the rear of their Banshee right behind it. Do I fire at the BattleMaster +3 to be hit in the woods or the Banshee +0 outside them? Banshee. Our Catapult hits the hip on their Cicada and destroys the LL and RL, legless! It’s immobile. Our Locust destroys the Wasp’s LA. Our Charger hit the gyro on their Banshee once. Our Hermes II again, 2 gyro hit, shut down mech!!! I don’t kick the Banshee or Cicada they are mine, I kick others. The Charger and BM kick each other both hit, no falls.

They come forward for vengeance for their XO.

Turn 4 – We lose init 10-9. They eject the Banshee and Cicada. Their Panther bases my Catapult’s flank and our FS bases it. Their Hatchetman my Spider. Because they had initiative, they waited to move the BM last and then based my Archer’s flank behind our lines. Their BM and Panther fall. Their Hatchetman missed a kick and fell. No one else does.

Turn 5 – They keep init 10-4. Not great for us. Their Hatchetman rises. I charge the downed BattleMaster. Their Jav and Vulcan base my Catapult. FS behind their Jav. Their BM rises and bases our Archer. Our Guillotines in it’s back arc back two. Spider by their Wasp. Our Locust destroys the RA of their Jav. Our Catapult hits the Jav’s ammo…boom!!! Dead Jav. Our Charger destroys the LL on the BattleMaster. Our Guillotine hits it’s engine 2x. Our Catapult took an ML to the head and blacked out. It fell just like their BM. I don’t kick it with the Archer since it may kill the CT. Our Spider kicks the Wasp with a lower leg hit and the Vulcan tries to take out our Catapult but cannot.

They concede. They eject the savaged and legged BM and flee. Their JumpShip fled, so they surrender and we turn them over to the Taurians and they also get the mechs. They give us the Union as a thanks since we took down four pirates and sandblasted a 5th but it fled. They also got other Unions and surrendered Drops.


Cicada missing RL, LL – see below – current value 3.35 and to fix is 400k
Banshee 3S with 2 gyro hits,
BattleMaster 3S with 2 engines, one LL destroyed and the leg actuator on RL hit; see below

JagerMech – RA, H, LA, LL
Javelin – LA, H, LL

We fix the 3S Banshee in a pair of days, the BM engine and leg in 4 days. We have a Sentinel RL in storage but no 40 ton LL. I have a Longbow LL in storage back home we’ll fix that BM up with!!!


We escaped!!! Loads of armor lost, but nothing major

We name their captured Union the “Ruby Lion” like our “Jade Lion” one
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Old 01-03-2025, 01:44 AM   #129
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
29 July, 3027 – We finish the final battle, scour around, and load things up. We find here another 2.2 mill cash.

2 Aug, 3027 – We blast off the planet and blow up that HQ all night and day!!!

We’ll get back on Feb 02, 3028 and then that’s with spend 300k on charging stations.

Contract Stuff!!!

Our salary for Arba Company is 79,487 monthly

Pirate Hunting for the Taurian Concordat
Salvage: Full
Transport: None
Remuneration: None
Support: 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command: Liaison
Salary: x3.7, x1.2, x1.5
Length: 3 months

What we Spent:

Salary - 1,033,331 - 13 months
Charging Stations here and back – 550k
Support in 5 Battles – 3.75 mil total - 3 mil armor, 750k ammo – very big hits armor and savaged in three battles but two were barely touched.
Battle Loss - To Repair/Salvage Our Damaged Fighters – 1.5 mill; 650k; 1.25 mill; 1.25
To Salvage Theirs: 2.5 mill; 4.15 mill;
Space Battle Damage Repairs – 4 mill; 2 mill; 4.5 mill; 7 mill;
To Fix Salvaged Avenger – 12.5 mill

Total Spent - 46,633,331

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,588,150
Salvage – Total -17,200,000 - 4.95 mill; 1.7 mill; 2.15 mill; 2.3; 1.6; 2.3 mill again; 2.2 mill
Battle Loss – Fighters Lost 3.6 mill, 4.5 mill; 4.8 mill; 3.75 mill - 7,825,000 50%
Battle Loss of WW Arm – 550k – 225k
Battle Loss – Aquarius – 14.221 mill; 7,110,500

Total Paid
- 33,948,650

Total Lost
- 12,684,681

I sell some body parts for 6 mill like the Marauder, 3 dead Victor parts, Banshee, Thunderbolt and Goliath.

War Chest - 28,037,494

But that’s all the Avenger salvage cost. Without it broke even.


Our Current Drop/Jump Ship Fleet:


Merchant – 2 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, “Serendipitous Balance”
Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”

Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary
Invader – “Jade Camel” 3 DropRings and two Small Craft which are Aquarius.



Avenger ”Black Panther” – Assault and escort DropShip
Avenger, “Hawkeye” – Assault and escort DropShip

Achilles – “Winged Justice”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full
Achilles “Guns Amok”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles. Full!


Mule – “Salvage Holder” Cargo Spheroid; carries 3 bays of 2715 tons each

Fighter Transport:

Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full
Leopard CV “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Melas” – Can hold six fighters, full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Nimr” - Can hold six fighters, full, captured from the CC

Military Transport:

Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo

Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, Assault style craft.

Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters free
Union DropShip, “Ruby Lion” Captured from pirates, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid
Union, DropShip – “Jade Lion” Captured from the CC carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, full Fighters, spheroid
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-03-2025 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 01-03-2025, 02:06 PM   #130
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Jan 8, 3057 – Flavia and Stephen arrive in Galatea where Evan didn’t do the contract. They have 12 recruits. As a reminder, they have just finished recruiting for and sending out Arba Company that was all salvage. Evan recruited 2 fighters for the Panthera Pardus Nimr and then we had four spots open, and then recruited for the 4th Company. We need 4 more fighters, then we have 9 tanks that we didn’t capture on that campaign the Lasser Carrier and Devastator, those are a Demolisher, 2 Maxims, another Devastator, Brutus, Schrek, Saracen, Ontos, Plainsman and we could round that out with a group of people not dispossessed to make another tank company or we could just try to get a new DropShip like another Union for Evan’s company, since the Jade Lion is with them and the Ruby Lion won’t be back soon. But he can travel in the Overlord with Tres Company if everyone is needed.

Or I could just do the Cadre/Garrison deal for three months and then recruit a DropShip when he gets back. Where? Cassias, way too far away edge of Draconis March space on the other side, close I might have done it.

Let’s pull contracts first


I pull 2:

1. The Lyrans want us for an O Raid against the FWL world in the Silver Hawk’s Coalition of Uhuru just one jump from Rochelle we already hit and also one from Solaris VII. 4 jumps away - we could be there on Feb 7.
2. The Fed Suns want us to O Raid the CC World of Menkib. Its on the border 2 jumps from Gan Singh we hit before and around Mar 2nd.

We’ll take both!!

We have 125 points and are now rated A!!!

Negotiations with the Lyrans:
We have 125 points to spend! 50 for full salvage, 75 left. They grab length, 3 months, we drop to 1 for 10 points 65, 25 pulled for both Straight Support and Battle Loss at 50%. 40 left. They pull 25 for x4.0 salary. 15. We grab no remuneration, 25. They offer liaison, us not transit, 35 points. 17% signing bonus

Contract #19:

Objective Raid for Lyrans against FWL World of Uhuru
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% for Battle Loss and Support
Salary – x4.0, x.1.4, x1.6
Remuneration – None
Transit – None
17% Signing Bonus

We are striking a company of mechs and tanks, and will take Flavia’s Fortress and Leopard CV the “War’s Art”.

Negotiations with the Federated Suns: We have 150 points to spend! We pull 50% for Full salvage, they do three months, down to one, 90 left. Then we grab 25 for our typical Battle Loss and Support at 50%. 65 left, they grab 25 for x4.0. 40 left. They add liaison, we add remuneration none – 50 points, and transit none 60points, 30% Signing bonus!

Contract #20:

Objective Raid for FS against CC world of Menkib
Salvage: Full
Command: Liaison
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Salary – x4.0, x1.2, x1.6
Remuneration – None
Transit- None
30% Signing Bonus

We’ll take everything else from the fleet like our two Achilles to our 2 other Mech companies and vee stuff too.

Now that I don’t need a Union, we’ll just do those recruits:


Elite, Stuka (heavy), Steve Marist
Elite, Chippewa (heavy), David MacAlister
Elite, Transgressor (heavy), Caroline Dahl
Elite, Riever (heavy), Heather Stevens

All heavies!

Dispossessed Tanks:

Elite, Christopher bin Mika'il, Devastator
Elite, Yannick Salazar, Brutus
Elite, Adrian Laishevtsev, Ontos
Elite, Wu See-to, Schrek PPC Carrier
Elite, Aila MacAlister, Demolisher
Elite, Connor Copestake, Plainsman
Elite, Fatima Vonguru, Maxim

Alia is David’s wife.


Elite, SturmFuer SRM Tank - Zarqaa Edo-Khel – this variant has LRM20 in front with 4 SRM 4 and 3 MGs in a turret, with 312 armor, the most on a standard tank. Welcome to the unit!!

I could add these 8 vees and then the extra Hunter, Maxim, Plainsman and Hetzer into a new tank unit. Let’s do it!

Vee Company #4:

Major Elite, Christopher bin Mika'il, Devastator
Elite, Aila MacAlister, Demolisher
Elite, Adrian Laishevtsev, Ontos
Elite, Jasmine Acharya, Hetzer

Left. SturmFuer SRM Tank - Zarqaa Edo-Khel
Elite, Wu See-to, Schrek PPC Carrier
Elite, Yannick Salazar, Brutus
Regular, Hunter, Ujjal Singh

Left. Ursula Kolehmainen, Plainsman, Elite
Elite, Connor Copestake, Plainsman
Elite, Fatima Vonguru, Maxim
Elite, Ghaaliya bin Nadhir, Maxim

That works!!!
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Old 01-03-2025, 03:41 PM   #131
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #19:

February 2, 3027 – We arrive in the Uhuru System’s Zenith JumpPoint and get no major traffic issues. This is a more boring world than the trading one we hit before , buts still, there is a few JumpShips with military assets attached or on the way at both JumpPoints. Not much chatter comes our way, the typical stuff, we head to the planet.

Feb 7 - We arrive at the DropPort closest to our target. We use our scout tanks and infantry to verify they are there. As expected, one company each of tanks and mechs.

We head out and take them out and hit them around 45 minutes after we arrive. They have no Aerospace Fighters, but some conventional ones arrive for a dogfight in the air.

Here are our Marik-y foes guarding this small city HQ outside the city proper though. I thought the Artic Base was fair for them, so they are there again.

As a reminder, this is our Alpha Mech Company with Flavia and Tank Company #2. Both starters, so they tend to be a bit uneven in mech/vee ability and skill.


Striker 2C – we’ve got one, veteran
Victor – veteran, we’ve got one too
Zeus 6S – We’ve got one, veteran
Crusader 3R
Warhammer 6R
Griffin 1S
Vulcan 5T – Love it, yay, we have this variant we love.
Wolverine 6M
Stinger 3G


Behemoth – veteran, we have them
Partisan – veteran
Von Luckner

They have some tanks I’d love to grab, hat’s Manticore, Zhukov and Von Luckner is okay too. They rolled three assault mechs, none nasty closers like Atlas or BattleMasters.

This is their and our Behemoth, a 100 ton 2/3 sloooow moving powerhouse with 208 armor, 4 LRM5s,4 MG, 3 SRR2 and then in turret - 2 AC10s, 2 SRm6s , It’s got great armor but since it’s slow it’s easy to hit and reduce the speed even further.

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Old 01-04-2025, 12:55 AM   #132
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We win init 8-7. Our Atlas next to their Von Luckner. Our BM next to their Warhammer. Our Awesome too. Their Striker near our Behemoth. Our Jav bases their Striker’s flank with no kicks back. I focus on that Striker. I fire right flank on that Wasp. Our Atlas falls and they savage my Behemoth and stun our crew. Our Saladin destroys the LA of their Wasp. Our Hunter it’s LL. Our Atlas immobilizes their Von Luckner. Our Demolisher destroys it’s side, dead tank!!! That’s that person’s 4th kill! Their Striker and Wasp fell and the Wasp blacked out. Kicks! We kick their Warhammer to the ground!

Turn 2 – We win init 11-8. Their Striker Rises. It bases my unmoved mechs and exposes the back. Our BM to it’s rear. I rise our Atlas and back up to a wall. Our Banshee bases a Partisan. Saracen to Victor’s rear. Saladin’s AC20 too! Their Warhammer rose and bases our Schrek. Hunchback to their Warhammer’s rear. Jenner in the Victor’s. Crusader next to the Warhammer. Jav by it too. Our BM destroys the Striker’s RA, our Hunch the gyro and engine once each on the Warhammer. Their Behemoth immobilizes our Von Luckner. Our Anti-Mech infantry destroy the Striker CT, dead mech! Our Demolisher destroys the Partisan’s front, dead tank!!! Our Atlas destroys their Zhukov’s side with an AC20 shot. Dead tank! The Hammer and Victor fall, the latter hits a foot actuator. Kicks time! Our Crusader legs their Hammer and our Jav kicks it’s H hit the cockpit and that’s a kill. Literally. Their Victor lost it’s RA.

They come after us trying to turn it around.

Turn 3 – Well they don’t win init 11-5. I eject our Von Luckner, no moral victories. Ditto our Behemoth. Their Victor couldn’t rise. Our Atlas next to their Condor. Awesome next to it. Grasshopper too. Our Banshee next to their Manticore, but they are up one, no kicks. Also next to their Hunter and Commando on that level. Our Wolfhound next to their Vulcan. Saracen too. Jenner next to it too. Both Maxims too.

Our Galleon destroyed Victor’s LA
Our Archer destroyed the Condor’s LS! Dead tank!
Our Saladin destroyed a Manticore side! Dead tankx2!
Their Crusader halved my Ontos’s speed.
Our BM hit the AC20 ammo with his MG on their Victor, boom dead mech!
Our Warrior -1s their Behemoth, the other half movements it
Sadly, their Vulcan fell, no easy chance to leg it.
Our Banshee destroys the Hunter my Ontos fired at.

They head out and flee. We took out half of their tanks and a third of their mechs, with no losses.


Wasp – with a destroyed LL and LA -
Warhammer 6R with a destroyed LL and hit cockpit

Striker H, RA, LL, RL
Victor – H, LL

We fix the Warhammer cockpit in a couple of days. We have no Warhammer parts, but it’s 70, the same weight as an Archer, Cataphract, and Grasshopper. I use my Archer LL to fix it. I have both Wasp leg and LA and use them both to fix it up.

Partisan – destroyed front, salvageable,
Von Luckner – immobile, destroyed front. Not salvageable
Zhukov – destroyed side, salvageable
Condor – destroyed side, not salvageable
Manticore – destroyed side, tossed a 7, not salvageable
Hunter – destroyed front, not salvageable

We salvaged a Partisan and Zhukov! Hoping for that Manticore, Von Luckner or Hunter, not to be sadly.


Von Luckner – Immobile
Ontos – halved speed

We fix the immobile mega fast and the Ontos one today!
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Old 01-04-2025, 01:14 AM   #133
Abe Sargent
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Feb 8, 3027 – We fix up our stuff and rearm, and stuff. We find around 1.45 mill in the base and salvaged 450k from the fighter battles.

Feb 10 - We blow up the base and head out!

Feb 15 – We hit the JumpPoint and head out, we’ll be in Galatea on March 10.

Contract Stuff!!!

Objective Raid for Lyrans against FWL World of Uhuru
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% for Battle Loss and Support
Salary – x4.0, x.1.4, x1.6
Remuneration – None
Transit – None
17% Signing Bonus

Our salary for both is 129,945 for a month!

What We Spent:

Salary - 389,835 for three months
Support – 350k, - 250 for armor, 100 for weapons.

Total Spent - 739,835

What We Were Paid:

Salary - 1,164,307
Support – 175k

Total Paid - 1,339,307

Total Made – 599,472

Salvage – 1.9 mill – 2,499,472 total

War Chest
- 30,536,966

Level Up:

Charlie Okere in the Demolisher. He got 5 kills, and is a veteran, so his gunnery improved one.

END OF CONTRACT #19!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-04-2025, 11:34 AM   #134
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Beginning of Contract #20!

Feb 27, 3027 – We arrive in the Nadir JumpPoint at the Menkib system. This planet is protected by the Menkib Militia. We are here to check things out and test their defense with an O Raid! At the Nadir point here are just a few JumpShips, but one with the Menkib Regulars, another at the Zenith point. They are both Invaders with an Avenger, Leopard CV and open drop ring. The Avenger and Leopard CV here unfurl and approach us. The other pair release from the JumpPoint and begin to make for the world.

We have two Leopards, 2 Achilles, an Overlord with 6 fighters, and then 22 total fighters, the Achilles better than an Avenger and then two of them, to their 6 fighters. We head to the first battle!

We finish off the Avenger and tossed a 12 it’s salvageable, and then the 6 fighters and then the Fighter Carrier CV, and it flees and the JumpShip jumps, and it’s gone. We have secured the JumpPoint!!

Battle Loss – We lost 2 fighters at a cost of 4.2 mill we cannot salvage. 1.35 to salvage lost ones on our team, and 2.4 to salvage their. Our battle damage was lighter, just 3.5 mill total.

To fix their Avenger is 7.9 mill

We spend a day gathering salvage and such and repairing and rearming. We found here 2.25 mill in stuff.

Mar 3, 3027 – We arrive at the planet’s orbit and have our presence protested by an Avenger, Leopard CV, two Overlord of fighters so 18 total and then we have 18 fighters too, plus a pair of Achilles, two CVs to their one and a few Aquarius Small Craft. The Overlords aren’t here though. We take out the Avenger fast, it can’t be salvaged, tossed a 7, and then our Achilles turn to their Leopard CV and destroy it a few turns later. It is salvageable (tossed a 9, that’s what I need). Our fighters had been even, but with our Leopard CV and Achilles smashing them after finishing off them, that even odds change fast. We destroy 11 fighters and the last 7 flee to the planet.

Battle Loss
– We lost 6 fighters; three are gone with a value of 6.2 mil, and then the others are salvaged for 2.85 mill, we can salvage three of theirs for 2.72 mill, another 2 for 2.1. Our damage here is much more with their bigger numbers, and the Drop that didn’t flee at us destroying it’s escort and fighters. 8 mill easy

We have secured the planet, and their fleeing 7 fighters won’t matter against us. With the destroyed stuff we salvage more here at 3.4 mill. We spend a couple of days gathering it with our stuff.

We can salvage their Leopard CV for just 6 mill, not bad.

March 5, 3027 – We arrive at the HQ we need to raid.

They have here a battalion of defenders, all meches, with some infantry support. We arrive and unload our Overlord with two companies of mechs, not the three it has space for and the two Condors with space for 15 vees each totally full with Vee companies 1, 3 and 4, and realize that we aren’t matched with them Mech wise, but their higher mech numbers won’t work against us with the Vees if they just stayed in one place defending as a mass, so they split off into companies on each of three flanks leaving the base at the Airbase, and we’ll have to move against them with a company each of Mechs and then one of Vees to give them numbers on one flank.

We’ll be keeping Vee Company #3 and #4 in reserve to attack if we lose on one.

Here is the first of three flanks with Evan’s Duez Company with much better stuff like the Orion, Stalker, Thunderbolt and Cataphract for smashing in face stuff and Awesome in the fire support one.

Here’s the first (of three) flanks:

Cyclops – CP-10-Q - this is a variant with 2 LRM10s, SRM4, 3 ML, max armor, 14 sinks, veteran, 4/6
Zeus 6A = PPc, 3 SRM6s, 1 LL, 2 ML, one rear facing, 184 armor – veteran; 17 sinks
Crusader CRD-3L
Wasp 1L

That’s a nice Cyclops variant, but still not the best, nice Zeus too. We’re on the Aerobase map again since they met us here. This is the Cyclops:

It normally has an AC20, 10 tons of armor, so that’s not great, and then 12 sinks and 2 ML and an LRm 10 and SRM4. The weapons are good for it, but that armor? Ungood for a closer mentality, just like the Victor, but this one actually has armor, but a less distinct personality. It’s not all about closing, but 2 LRM 10s seem like range since they have a minimum range and then 3 Ml and SRM4 for closing. Weird…it should have better range or better closer with that armor increase.
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Old 01-04-2025, 01:42 PM   #135
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – No trees to hide in, just smash and dash. I won init 10-7. I charge 5 hexes each, and then fire at their Zeus with everything. It’s +2 to hit. Our Awesome’s PPC hits it’s Head, no crit, We blew off it’s RA on the ground. Our TBolt hit a leg actuator; it stood in TWO 9s. Nasty.

Turn 2 – We lose init 8-9. Our TDR bases their Cataphract as does our Cataphract. Their Crusader our TDR. Our Orion bases their Stinger and Vindicator. Our MAD bases their Wasp which bases our Orion. Our Vindicator bases their Griffin that bases my Cataphract. Their Zeus doesn’t move, I base it with our Awesome. I split attacks with their Cataphract on that end that cannot draw LOS to their Zeus. Our Jump Platoon hits the LL weapon on their Zeus. Our Valkyrie destroys it’s LT, La on the ground. Our Marauder hits it’s engine and gyro once each. Our Crusader destroys the LT On the Cataphract, LA on the ground. Their Zeus falls and hits the gyro and engine once each, dead mech!!! Their Cataphract falls, the mech’s pilot blacks out. Melee attack time! Do I kick the Cataphract that’s blacked out but maybe ruin salvage with my TDR and own Cat? If it were standing I’d want to take out a leg but on the ground? Nope. Our MAD legs their Wasp’s LL, it falls and blacks out. Our Vindicator fell to kicks, we kicked their Locust to the ground with our Zeus, but glancing blow so it’s leg made it.

We offer them to leave and take the pilots and we’ll take the mechs, but they don’t wanna.

Turn 3 – We lose init again 6-5. They eject the Zeus, Our Vindicator rises and backs up two. They stood up the Locust it failed and blacked out. Our TDR behind their UrbanMech. They move their Cyclops. Can I draw LOS to it? Our Cat bases it’s flank. Their Crusader bases my TDR. Our Orion to it’s flank to kick. Our Zeus bases their Cyclops. Our Crusader bases their Centurion. Our Valkyrie hit an engine on their Wasp trying to decapitate it. Their Cyclops needed a TEN to stand and got it, no fall on the Urbie either. Our MAD Falls! Melee attack!!! Our TDR kicks their Urbie to the ground, hit a hip, it fell and destroyed it’s ammo boom dead mech! We kick their Cyclops to the ground with a pair of LL actuators hit.

They slowly stand their Cyclops, and agree, and then all three blacked out pilots leave.


Zeus 6A missing LT, with two gyro and engine hits
Wasp 1L missing LL, 1 engine hit.
Locust 1V with damaged RL with a leg actuator hit
Cataphract missing LT - current value 5.38 mill, to fix 600k

UrbanMech – LA, RA, H

We fix the gyro on the Zeus in two days, the engine in 5. I use an Awesome LT to fix in in a few more days. The Wasp is fixed with a Wasp 1l leg ironically. The Locust fixed today. I don’t have any 70 to LTs in storage. I spend 600k to fix it up.

We won the first flank!

The 2nd Flank will be our hardest since this has meches sure but lighter armored stuff like a Quickdraw, Longbow and Victor. Only the BattleMaster slugs and punches.

Here they are:

Awesome - veteran
Goliath – veteran
Archer -
Quickdraw 4H
Clint 3T
Shadow Hawk 2H
Wasp 1L

That Archer/Awesome fire support is rough since they have amazing armor so you cannot easily exploit that.

Here’s each of our Quickdraw: 60tons, 5/8/5 movement, 4 Ml, LRM 10, SRM4, 128 armor and 13 sinks, one Qucikdraw has rear facing SRM4 the other a rear facing 2 ML. Neither are great at opening holes with a big gun, want to close and don’t have the armor for it.

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Old 01-04-2025, 09:36 PM   #136
Abe Sargent
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We are on the Aerobase map again!

Turn 1 - They win init 8-2. I charge 5 hexes down. I target the +1 to hit Archer with long range stuff. The +3 Clint short range stuff. Their Archer falls!

Turn 2 – We win init 12-8. They move their Awesome out. We walk back three since I can’t over expose our armor. They charge and expose the Vindicator. Their Archer rises but moves behind a building. Their Goliath too. Jenner to Clint’s rear. If they can see the Archer they are firing at it. Otherwise that Goliath. Our Striker hits the Archer’s ammo, boom!!! That’s their fourth kill!!! Our Jenner kicks their Clint to the ground with a hit on the Foot actuator of their LL. It hit its engine once in the fall. They savaged my BM that turn and last.

Turn 3 – We keep init 12-6. We’ve gotten 2 or 12 in every init roll! I want to move 5 btu we’d hit their stuff before they moved. They keep their Awesome out. I charge five. Their Jav bases our BM our Hatchetman it. Our Catapult too. Their VND to our Zeus’s flank, in order to move 5 our Longbow bases it. Smart by them. Their Goliath next to my Catapult, Their Clint stands and moves. Our Griffin to it’s rear. Jenner to their Shadow Hawk’s rear next to our Longbow. Victor by their Vindicator. I want to give it two Assault low armor targets. I fire everything at the Goliath save rear attacks and LRMs at the Commando.

Our Hatchetman gets a limb blown off of their Goliath’s RFL on the ground.
Our Zeus hits the Commando’s ammo – boom, dead mech!
Without a leg, their Goliath falls!
Melee attacks!
Our Longbow legs their Vindicator’s Rl.
No one else is missing any body parts.

They eject the legged Vindicator and Goliath and head back.

We killed or legged four in three rounds and savaged that Clint.


Archer RA, LA, H, LL
Commando – RA, H, LL

Goliath reattach RFL
Vindicator Missing RL.

We attach the leg for the Goliath! I don’t have an RL for Vindicators’ but it’s 45 tons like Blackjack and Hatchetman and PXhs. I use a Blackjack RL to fix it in a few days

Level’s Up:

Avantika Sekariapuram in Tres Company’s Striker gets their 4th kill and now has edge 1

We’ve won the 2nd flank! The third one is with our first Vee Company.

They have:

Banshee 3E – Veteran
Striker 2S – Veteran
Hermes II
Wasp 1L

This is their 20 ton mega-common Wasp variant with a single SR4. Plus basic 6/9/6 movement.

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Old 01-04-2025, 11:28 PM   #137
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Back to the Aerobase map!

With the extra four tanks given away to the 4th Company this could use some more armor power. Only the Brutus, Behemoth, Patton, Von Luckner and Manticore have strong armor.

Turn 1 – We win init 7-6. Close. I drive 5, they hop and move but don’t come out. Their Cicada on my Pegasus and next to our Brutus and Bulldog, Condor and Maxim to it’s rear. Long Range fire at the Archer, close to the Cicada. Nothing major, light peppering of their Archer, Cicada fell.

Turn 2 – We win init 8-5, each increased by one. Will next be 9-4? Their Dervish comes out. Condor behind their Wasp 1L. Maxim too. Their Cicada fails to stand and passes out. More fire at the Archer!

Our Hetzer hits the Wasp’s CT, dead mech! That’s her 4th kill!!!
Their Cataphract -1s Movement of our Maxim
Our Patton hits the ammo on their Archer, boom, dead mech! That’s Stephen Marsh’s FIRST kill with us!
Two kills, can they return the favor with Dervish kicks? Nope, just 5 damage

We took out three mechs in two turns, can they fix it next turn?

Turn 3 – We win 9-5, close! Their Banshee moves up. I move my stuff up to their Cataphract. I fire at it. Our Brutus hits the Cataphract’s engine once and gyro twice, dead mech! Our Maxim destroys it’s LA. Melee time, can their kicks even things? Nope

We’ve killed four and only have a damaged Behemoth with full speed. They leave.


Cicada with a destroyed LA
Cataphract with 3 gyro and 3 engine hits; missing LA;

Wasp 1L – H, LL, RA; RT, LT, RL
Archer - H, RL, RA, LA

I don’t have a Cicada LA, any other 40 tonners? I use a Sentinel one. It takes a week. We fix the gyro on the Cat in 11 days, the engine in 3. I have no Cataphract LA, any other? I use the Archer LA we just salvaged and it’ll be ready in a few days.


Maxim s-1 movement

Fixed today!!

We took them out and won on all flanks!!
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Old 01-05-2025, 12:52 AM   #138
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March 5, 3027 – We get through the battles and raid the HQ here on Menkib! We no blow them up, just raid and then head out. This was about the testing their defenses. We raid around 3.75 mill since this is a Battalion of Mechs HQ they are worth more.

Mar 8 – We blast off the world after the typical post-combat fun thangs!

Mar 13 - We leave the Menkib system behind! We’ll get back to Galatea on May 6, 3026.

Money Stuff!!!

Objective Raid for FS against CC world of Menkib
Salvage: Full
Command: Liaison
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Salary – x4.0, x1.2, x1.6
Remuneration – None
Transit- None
30% Signing Bonus

Our salary for them for one month is 330,993

What we Spent:

Salary - 1,323,972– 4 months
Support in Land Battles – 900k - 650k armor and 250k ammo. The first battle light armor the last two loads of damage.
Support in Space Battles – 11.5 mill to fix us
Support for Our Fighters – 4,200,000 : 1.35 mill and 2.85 mill
Salvage Their Fighters - 7,220,000
Salvage their Leopard CV – 6 mill
Salvage their Avenger – 7.9 mill

Total Spent - 38,828,972

What We Were Paid:

Salary - 2,753,861
Signing Bonus – 826,158
Battle Loss Fighters – 5.2 mill
Battle Loss to Fix Them – 2.1 mill
Support land battle – 450k
Support Space Battle Damage – 5.75 mill
Salvage – 3.75 mill; 2.25 mill; 3.4 mill

Total Paid w/ Salvage - 26,480,019

Total Loss - 12,348,953

I sell some assault body parts like Longbow, two dead Atlas parts, Stalker, two Awesome bodies and then get around 6 mill to drop that that to -6,348,953

Without us salvaging the fighters of them or their two Drops, that would be okay.

War Chest
: 23,717,958

END OF CONTRACT #20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-05-2025, 01:50 AM   #139
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We captured and fixed another Avenger and Leopard CV!

Meet them:

Leopard CV - We change it’s name to “Panthera pardus fusca” (Indian Leopard). It’s a fighter carrier with 6 fighters, none right now.

Avenger - Assault and Escort DropShip – We change its name to “Marvelous” a play on Captain and Ms. Marvel, avengers.

March 9, 3027 – Flavia and her Fortress and Leopard CV and battalion of mechs, infantry and vees one company each arrive at Galatea! She’s got 7 recruits. Or we could try for a DropShip/JumpShip instead. Since she arrives around when we are leaving Menkib, she knows we captured another Leopard CV so she’ll try to grab fighters for it right now.


Veteran, Megan Stowers, Riever (heavy)
Elite, Elyse Ghani, Stuka (heavy)
Veteran, Eloisa Bracciolini, Lucifer (medium)
Veteran, Ivan Nikezic, Sparrowhawk, (light)
Elite, Mike Stowers, Riever (heavy)
Elite, Finley Murdoch, Shilone (medium)

Mike and Megan are married.

Dispossessed MW:

Elite, Mortimer Kyle, to be assigned later.


We get…3:

#1. The Fed Suns want us to O Raid the CC world of Sakhalin, one jump from Menkib, to test their defenses too. There is a recharge station at both points.
#2. The CC wants us to O Raid the Lyran world of Alioth one jumps away.
#3. The Draconis Combine wants us for a Recon Raid on the Lyran world of Tomans around 7 jumps away.

I call up the FS offer, we’ll send the group from Menkib over now to help out since they are a jump away. We agree.

We’ll also take the Cap Raid on Alioth since we do so many against them, it’s only fair to do others.

We have 130 points!

Negotiation with FS:
We start with 156 points. Full Salvage 1st, 106. 3 months dropped to 1, 96, Support like we want it, 25 points used, 71 left. They pull 25 for x4 salary 46 left. We grab no transit, They grab liaison, we take no remuneration 66 points, 33% Bonus

Contract #21:

Objective Raid by FS to CC World of Sakhalin
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss 50% and Support
Length: One Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit: None
33% Signing Bonus

We’ll be there in system on Mar 13.

Negotiation for CC: We also have 156 points. Everything the same.

Contract #22:

Objective Raid by CC to LC World of Alioth
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss 50% and Support
Length: One Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit: None
33% Signing Bonus

We’ll be there in system Mar 14.

See you soon!!!
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Old 01-05-2025, 02:30 PM   #140
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Just as ahead up, storm right now might be power outagges later.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:58 PM   #141
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Beginning of Contract #21:

March 13, 3027 – We arrive in the CC system of Sakhalin! We are here to raid and check on Defense! We are 4 days from planet. We arrive at the Zenith recharging station. Since we are NOT on the border the defenses ehre are minor, just a pair of Leopard CV with 12 fighters against our 22. We blow them out of the water and defeat 7 fighters, 5 fighters and the Leopard’ jump out of the system

Battle Loss
– We lost 2 fighters, can salvaged one for 600 k and hten lost the other for 3.2 mill. We took 2 mill damage to secure the point! We can salvage 3 of theirs for 1.35 mill.

We found 600k in salvage here.

March 17 – We arrive at the planet. The CC doesn’t care about this place to have Mechs defending it, just the Sakhalin Militia that are tanks and infantry. We don’t expect real resistance landing at their HQ. However there is an Achilles, and Leopard CV and 14 fighters here. Huh….

We blow through them with our 2 Achilles, Avenger 2 Leopards and more. We destroy them both I’d love a 3rd Achilles can we salvage it? I need a 9. Got a 6, how about the Leopard? Got a 3 ,nope not salvageable.

Battle Loss at the Planet –
We lost 4 more fighters, two full at a cost of 5.25 and then salvaging for 1.25 mill. We can salvage their three fighters for 2.25 mill and took 5 mill in damage .

We found here 3.4 mil in salvage with two dead Droppies.

We land on the planet at their HQ and there are a BATTALION of Mechs here…we don’t recognize their logo but our FS liaison tells us that they are the Kamakura's Hussars with a rep for crazy and lethal maneuvers. They have an entire battalion of mechs here guarding this planet, Sakhalin does have good mining so it makes sense

I send out our two mech companies and Vee Company #1 with the other two reserves and holding the flanks and line.

Here they are!


Charger 1L
Longbow LGB-7Q - the good one with armor

All Vets


Crusader 3L
Marauder 3L
Orion 1K

I’d love to grab another Orion!


Phoenix Hawk
Shadow Hawk
3 Vindicator

Ditto another Hunchy!


2 Locust
2 Stinger
3 UrbanMech
2 Wasp 1L

This is ours and their Orion. A heavy mech designed to close with 10 sinks, 4/6 movement, 1 AC 10, LRM 15, 2 Ml and an SRM4. Max armor! Love it loads, you probably do too!

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Old 01-06-2025, 04:58 PM   #142
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We set up on a map with small woods and hills on the corners of each map and concrete and streets in the middle, I thought about a bigger map like 20x20, but felt that could add an hour or two to these resolutions since the longer this goes on for an hour or so per turn for a 36 vs 36 battle like this is rough, and we have our infantry in Vee Squad #1 and Deux Company.

I set up a wave of heavies not my normal spear maneuver.

Turn 1 – We lose init 6-5. Close. I move all of my heavies 5 hexes and faster stuff 7. They are mostly not coming for me out of their pods early. They flank their Wolverine and Scorpion down our left flank. Pixie too. Their Commando on the right flank. Wasp on the left too. Spider too. I hop over the Vulcan and Vindicator to help out as well as our Griffin, Hatchetman, PXK1K and Valkyrie to hold them. Long range weapons at the -1 Orion, and then short range to the Trebuchet center flank, Commando east and Wolverine on the west flank at +4, rough.

Their Commando gets a limb blown off crit on our Jenner ‘s LA on the ground
Their Crusader immobilizes our Behemoth.
Our Orion hits theirs Gyro once
Our Zeus 6T hits it a 2nd time, dead mech! That’s Zedorik Kusmierz’s 4th kill!
Their Trebuchet fell, hit It; s leg in the LL and blacked out
Their Wolverine fell and hit it’s hip and leg too in the RL.
None of ours fell.

Turn 2 – We win init 7-5 this time. They eject the Orion. I eject the Behemoth, no free kills. They bring out the Banshee. Stalker next to their Archer. Their MAD next to us. Our Awesome next to it. Our MAD next to their Commando. Maxim to the rear of their Commando. Pegasus too. Their Wolverine hulls down. They flank back on the left. I surround it with kicks like the Hatchetman, Valkyrie, Vulcan and our PXH 1k . Vindicator to the rear of their Spider. Griffin 2N too. Jenner next to their Locust. I fire everything at that Banshee which is +1 to hit. Save for short range fire at stuff at the flanks. I aim at the Trebuchet’s LL in case the pilot wakes up to eject next turn.

Our Jump Platoon SRMs got a limb blown off RL on their down Wolverine, it’s on the ground.
Our Maxim hit the ammo on their Commando, boom, dead mech!!! That’s Roger Sanchez, Allice’s husband’s 4th kill, level up time!!!
Their Hunch destroys our Brutus.
Our Von Luckner blows off the Banshee’s LL on the ground
Their Vindicator’s PPC hit the head of my marauder, it services but almost died.
Our Thunderbolt destroys their Trebuchet’s LL, it’s legless.
Our Crusader hits the Banshee’s AC10 ammo – boom, dead mech!!!
Our Marauder falls. I don’t kick the legged Wolverine since that’s already salvage.
Our Griffin kicks and destroys the RL in their Spider legged mech.
Our Jenner kicks their Locust to the ground, no other falls.

We have legged or destroyed six mechs in two turns. I’ll give them another turn of fury.

They savaged my Stalker and BattleMaster. We need to pull them back.

Turn 3 – We keep init 10-9. Close. They eject the Wolverine and Trebuchet. They leave the Spider rice it’s next to my Catapult. Our Striker bases their Vindicator. Our Orion bases their Urban and Hunchy. Pegasus behind our based Vindicator. They back up the Marauder. Our Thunderbolt bases their Longbow, our Awesome their based Vindicator, our Zeus 6T bases their Scorpion, our Cataphract base their Vindicator, our Zeus 6S their Scorpion. Their Locust didn’t get up. I fire on that Longbow, It’s the good one with better HS and armor.

Our Goblin Medium Tank’s LL hits the grounded Locust in the H and knocks out their pilot.
Our Awesome PPC destroys the Longbow’s H. Dead mech!!!
Our Hetzer’s AC20 hits the AC20 ammo on their Hunch, boom, dead mech.
Their Victor destroyed our Von Luckner’s front side.
Our Centurion gets a limb blown off their Urbie’s RA
We destroy the Longbow’s CT, dead mech. Not salvageable.
Our Stalker fell. Nothing else did. Kicks!
Does my Awesome kick the Vindicator like our Cat and Striker did or try to leg the adjacent Stinger? We could leg in in one hit. It’s 6 to hit vs the 5 for the Vindicator, both pretty likely. I do the Vindicator.
Our Orion legs the armless Urbie and we’ve destroyed it’s RL.
Our Cat legs the Vindicator Rl.
We could have legged the Stinger too. Ah well.

They eject from the legged mechs and flee. We captured the Locust blacked out pilot.


Orion 1K – 2 gyro hits.
Wolverine 6R – reattach RL,
Trebuchet – destroyed LL – see below
Spider with a destroyed RL – see below
Locust 1V with a few leg actuators hit.
UrbanMech with a destroyed RL; current value of 1.27 to fix 210k
Vindicator with a destroyed Rl. Current value 2.7 mill, to fix 400k

Hunchback – RA, H, LA, LL
Commando – RA, LA, H
Banshee – LL, RA, LA, H
Longbow – RT, LT, LL, RL, RA, LA

We fix the Orion’s gyro in 13 days. We reattach the leg to the Wolverine and then the actuators fixed in the Locust. That Trebuchet is an idea long range missile bucket, I’d love to get up and running. Any LLs in our queue? Nope, it’s 50 tons, the same as the captured LL of the Hunchy, we fit it on in a duo of days. Next is the legged Spider one of my favorite scout with 8/12/8 movement and 2 MLs. Do I have any RL? Not for them, it’s 30 tons, any RLs there? Javelin or Urbie there at that weight. We find a Jav RL that works, it’s done today. What about that Vindicator’s RL? Nope, how about other 45 tonners? Nope! What about that Urbie’s RL? None at that weight class or that mech either.


Jenner – reattach LA
Behemoth - immobile

Brutus – destroyed front, cannot be salvaged. Value – 3.69 mill
Von Luckner – we can salvage it for 775k

We fix the Behemoth in three days.

Level Up:

Zedorik Kusmierz in Tres Company’s Zeus 6T notched his fourth kill and is already elite so he’ll get edge: 1.
Roger Sanchez – Maxim pilot in the Vee Company #1 grabbed his 4th kill and we give him edge too since he’s elite.
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Old 01-06-2025, 09:24 PM   #143
Abe Sargent
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March 20, 3027 – We finish scouring the battlefield for salvage (450k) and the HQ for supplies (3.1 mil) and them load them up into our two Condors’ storage bays. We blast off of Sakhalin with the information about new mech defenders for our payers

We blast off planet!

March 24 – We arrive at the JumpPoint and leave Sakhalin! We’ll arrive at Galatea on May 16, 3027.

Contract stuff!!!

Objective Raid by FS to CC World of Sakhalin
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss 50% and Support
Length: One Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit: None
33% Signing Bonus

Our salary for everything is 330,993

What we Spent:

Salary - 661,986 - 2 months getting back.
Battle Loss and Support for Ground Battle – 725k - 600k armor and 125k ammo. They savaged us armor wise. Our Behemoth alone lost like 200 points of armor on it’s front and side.
Replacement for Brutus – 3.69 mill
Space Damage – 7 mill
To Repair Fighters, Ours – 1.85 mill
To Repair Fighters, Thiers - 3,600,000

Total Spent
- 17,526,986

What we were Paid:

Salary – 2,753,861
Signing Bonus - 908,774
Support for Ground Battle - 362,500
Battle Loss – Brutus - 1,845,000
Space Battle Damage – 3.5 mill
Fighter Repair - 925,000
Battle Loss - Fighters - 4,225,000
Salvage: - 7.55 mill

Total Paid
- 22,070,135

Total Made - 4,543,149

War Chest - 28,261,107

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Old 01-06-2025, 09:53 PM   #144
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #22:

March 14, 3027 – Flavia arrives in the system called Alioth near Galatea in LC space against the Lyrans for a raid by the CC. We are at the Zenith JumpPoint. This won’t have any defenses in space against us since we are coming from inside the LC space and then we have our stuff.

Mar 24 – We land on the planet! We are supposed to hit a HQ with a mixed company of tanks, mechs and infantry one each, one battalion total, right here at the DropPoint. Our infantry scout out and find that there is a battalion here, but no mechs, just 24 vees and 3 infantry.

Here’s our foes:

Behemoth - veteran
Demolisher – veteran
Ontos - veteran
Puma – veteran
Von Luckner
2 Goblin
Sabaku Kaze
2 Vedette
Harasser Laser Platform
Harasser Missile Platform
Striker x2

I’d love to bring in another Demolisher or Ontos, or Manticore too.

We are fighting on a DropPort map.

This is their and our Ontos, a 95 ton vee with 8 ML, 2LRM5 in turret, and powerful in medium range tank.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-06-2025 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 01-06-2025, 11:37 PM   #145
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We have buildings on the west flank of size 2. With a road in between, I’ll just have my stuff on the center and right flank. We win init 8-7. Close!!! They deploy behind the buildings, I charge 5 down the center. They charge with their Maxim. Our Awesome next to their Sabaku Kaze. Wolfhound too. Long range at that Ontos if I can see it, +0, and then the near stuff at their Pegasus or Sabaku Kaze.

They got a through armor cirt on our Atlas and hit the gyro engine one each.
Our Atlas fell.
Our Ontos immobilizes their Maxim.
Our Archer destroyed their Ontos’s front, dead tank!!!
Our Saladin destroyed their Maxims’ front! Dead tank!
Our Demolisher immobilizes their Sabaku Kaze!
Our Archer kicks and destroys he left side of the Harasser Missile Platform! Two kills in one turn by him! 4 Kos!!! Our Awesome falls after missing a kick on the Harasser.

Turn 2 – We thump them 10-2 in init. They eject their Sabatu Kaze. Their Vedette bases our Jav. I hop our Grasshopper by it. I fire at that Demolisher with long range weapons.

Our Maxim slows their Pegasus by one movement.
Our Wolfhound destroys the front of their Harasser Laser Platform. Dead tank!!!
They half our Behemoth’s speed
Our Demolisher destroys the Condor’s front, dead tank!!
Our Behemoth immobilizes their Demolisher; then our Behemoth destroyed it’s right side. Dead tank!! Don’t half my speed!!!
Our Grasshopper kicks the front dead of their Vedette, dead tank!!!

Normally after a powerful wiping of their units early I’d let them get another turn or two of attacks to try to swing, but we destroyed TWO lances of tanks in two turns, only our Behemoth is badly damaged seems like discretion is the better part of valor. They retreat.


Maxim – immobile and destroyed front side. We cannot salvage
Ontos – destroyed front, salvageable
Sabaku Kaze – immobile
Harasser Missile – destroyed side, not salvageable
Harasser Laser – destroyed side, not salvageable
Condor- destroyed side, I can recover and salvage it.
Demolisher – destroyed right side, I can salvage it!
Vedette – dead front side, I cannot salvage

We salvage a Sabaku Kaze, Ontos, Condor and Demolisher, nice!!!


Atlas – repair gyro and engine.
Behemoth - engine fixed

I fix the Atlas’s gyro in a day and the engine in hours. I fix the Behemoth’s engine too!!!
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Old 01-07-2025, 12:15 AM   #146
Abe Sargent
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March 24, 3027 – We finish taking them out and they scatter. We grabbed from the battlefield and dead tanks 1.3 mill and their HQ around 1.7mill since they are tanks cheaper stuff to support.

We spend three days grabbing, fixing, rearming and armoring our stuff. And then we destroy their HQ and blast out to the planet’s JumpPoint 12 days away.

April 8 – We load up and blast out!!!

We’ll get back today!!!

Contract Stuff!!!

Objective Raid by CC to LC World of Alioth
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss 50% and Support
Length: One Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit: None
33% Signing Bonus

Our salary is 130,125 for a month

What we Spent:

Salary - 260,250 - Mar and April’s salary
Support: 450k – 350k Armor and 100k ammo – fast they barely touched me.

Total Spent: 710,250

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,082,640
Signing Bonus – 357,271
Salvage – 3 mill
Support – 225k

Total Paid - 4,664,911

Total Made - 3,954,661

War Chest - 32,215,768

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Old 01-07-2025, 01:03 AM   #147
Abe Sargent
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April 8, 3027 - Flavia arrives at Galatea! The rest minus Arba Company are here next month on May 16, next month. Let’s do some recruiting while here, I am going to just snag up six more MechWarriors, should they have Mechs or dispossessed and then I can give them ours?

I’ll do dispossessed, they are:

Kazi Mashwanis
Roz Pitowski
May-Yin Kichikawa
Paula Gooderham
Fernando Franco
Kristie Sabola
Sofia Gonzalez

All elite! To be assigned later.

Contracts! We get 4!

1. The Fed Suns want us to Objective Raid the CC World of Tsinghai. It’s on the Marik border and around 4 jumps from Outreach and 7 jumps away, we can be there on June 10, but we’d need more than just our Leopard CV for a battle there on the border.
2. The Lyrans want us to Cadre/Garrison 3 months.
3. Comstar wants us to O Raid the FWL world of Bernardo which is three jumps from Outreach and we could be there on June 1st.
4. A company wants us for an O Raid on the Lyran world of Caledonia about three jumps away and we could be there on April 20, and on planet 4 days later on the 24th. Done!

We have 130 points, with 143 with +10% for Elite negotiator.

Negotiation with Company
: We pay 50 for full salvage, 93 left. We pay 10 to drop length to a month. 83 left. We pay 25 for Battle Loss and Support. They drop 25 points for x4. 33 left. We don’t do transit 43 left, they give us liaison, no remuneration, 53 left, 26% Bonus.

Contract #23:

Objective Raid for Company against LC World of Caledonia
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss and Support at 50%
Transit: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.1
Length: 1 Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Signing Bonus: - 26%

We head out to Caledonia!!!
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Old 01-07-2025, 01:26 AM   #148
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #23:

April 20, 3027 – We arrive at the Caledonia Zenith JumpPoint all quiet here on the Southern Front. We launch to the world. We are expected to take out a lance of mechs and a company of vees guarding a rival agri-company here.

April 24 – We land at the DropPort! It’s about an hour to their garrison! We scout with our VTOLS and it’s expected, battle begins! They have some more than 16 units though

Here they are!


Atlas - veteran
Banshee 3S - veteran

Uh oh Atlas…


Puma - vet
Shrek – vet
Von Luckner
J. Edgar Hovertank

This is their and our Atlas! It’s max armor 100 mech with 3/5 movement, AC20, LRm20 SRM6, 20 heat sinks, a quartet of MLs. It’s a nasty beast!!! I’d love to grab it!!!

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Old 01-07-2025, 02:40 PM   #149
Abe Sargent
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We are on a treeless base with buildings and concrete! We have a few buildings here and there. Not blocking our LOS. No rubble for my infantry to hide in or mechs like our JagerMech to hide. I deploy my normal arrow with the Atlas center. Their PPC Carrier and Hunter are on the east flank by a building, the Banshee behind the building to the north.

Turn 1 - We lose init 6-7. Close!!! I charge 5 hexes. Their Maxim flanks us on the right. Our Jenner next to it! Their Assassin and J. Edgar arrive to flank us too. If I can target their Atlas I do so. Otherwise that Assassin. Our Jav halves their Skulker’s movement, our Warrier hit the Atlas’s engine twice and get’s a limb blown off crit of their RA on the ground. Our Saladin destroys the Maxim’s turret – dead tank! Their Atlas falls.

Turn 2 – We lose init 12-10. Uh oh. That means their Atlas can move last. They ejected their Atlas!!! Jenner by their Schrek. Their Assassin by our Behemoth. Our Jav to it’s rear and Wolfhound next to it. Our Hopper next to their Skulker. I target their Banshee that came out. I also fire at that Shrek with my hover assets and Jenner. Our Saracen destroys the front on their Schrek, dead tank! Our Demolisher destroys their Banshee’s RA. Our Archer hit the Banshee’s gyro once and then our Behemoth it’s gyro twice more, dead mech! That’s Robin Ling’s 4th kill! Our Ontos halves and then -1s their movement on the Zhukov. Melee attacks!!! Our Wolfhound hits the Assassin’s RL leg actuator and it falls. Our Hopper destroys the Skulker’s side, dead tank!!!

Turn 3 – We win init 9-7. Their Banshee ejects. We’ve taken both Assaults and the Shrek too. I’d love to snag that Grasshopper and Hunter too. I eject our badly damaged Behemoth, no cheap kills for them. Their Hunter in the far corner. They eject the Zhukov looks like. They hop their Grasshopper into the far away corner by their building, I move in towards it. Our Banshee bases their Pike. Our BM too, our Awesome next to their Bulldog. Jenner next to Hunter. Atlas by their Hetzer and Goblin. Their Assassin rises, Grasshopper by it. Jav to its rear. Crusader on their Goblin next to their Von Luckner. I fire at the Hunter with the right flank.

Our Maxim destroyed the LS of their Hunter! Dead tank!
Our Jav10F hit the engine on their Assassin 1 time
Their Von Luckner hit our Atlas’s LRM 20 and engine once
Our Von Luckner destroys the side of their Bulldog dead tank!!!
Their Hopper fell and broke its’ H and it’s dead!
Their Assassin fell and destroyed it’s RL.
Their Vedette made immobile by our JagerMech,
Their Pike survived our kicks

They flee all up and down the coast!!! We capture their HQ!!!


Maxim – Destroyed turret. We cannot salvage
Shreck – Destroyed front, we cannot salvage
Skulker – destroyed side we cannot salvage.
Zhukov – savaged engine
Hunter – destroyed LS. We can salvage
Bulldog – Destroyed side, and we can salvage
Vedette - immobile

We captured their Vedette, which we fix tomorrow, Zhukov in three days, Hunter and Bulldog too.

Grasshopper with a missing H
Atlas – Hit engine 2x.
Banshee 3S – missing LA, LT and 3 hit gyros, engine once; current value 8.1 mill, to fix 700k, see below
Assassin with a destroyed RL, engine one hit; current value 3.25 mill, 450k to fix

We fix their Atlas in 7 days. The Banshee’s gyro in two, and engine in three. Assassin engine that day. Can we find parts for the Grasshopper? It’s a 70 ton mech. We have a H in storage, fixed. The Banshee’s LA and LT? I do have a LA from it, LT no. It’s the only commonly run 95 ton mech. Assassin? Nope, 40 tons? Nope! I spend the 700k for Banshee now.


Atlas hit LRM20 and engine

Fixed today!
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Old 01-07-2025, 03:44 PM   #150
Abe Sargent
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April 24, 3027 – They flee, we salvage the battle with many tanks not coming with us we found 2.5 mill, and then in their HQ since it’s just mainly tanks, around 625k.

April 26, 3027 _ We load up our salvage, destroy the HQ and blast for the JumpPoint

May 8 – We leave Alioth, see you at Galatea on May 13!

Contract Stuff!!!

Objective Raid for Company against LC World of Caledonia
Salvage: Full
Support: Battle Loss and Support at 50%
Transit: None
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.1
Length: 1 Month
Command: Liaison
Remuneration: None
Signing Bonus: - 26%

What we Spent:

Salary - 129,945 – just one month
Support – 450k total – 300k armor 150k ammo my Atlas and Behemoth hit, that’s it though.

Total Spent
- 579,945

What we were Paid:

Salary - 914,812
Signing Bonus - 237,851
Support – 225k
Salvage – 3.125 mill

Total Paid - 4,502,663

What we Made
- 3,922,718

I spent 700k for getting Banshee up and running

War Chest - 35,438,486

Levels Up:

Robin Ling in Vee Company #2 Behemoth got her fourth kill and gets +1 gunnery!

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