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Old 01-07-2025, 05:03 PM   #151
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
May 13, 3027 – Flavia and her Fortress, Leopard CV and Alpha Mech Company and Vee Company #2 arrive at Galatea! Her family are here from Mallory’s World, and her kids Sean and Roger. Everyone else will be back on the 16th in three days. She has 7 recruits:

Dispossessed MWs:

Corazon Parinas
Melek Matacena
Shmavon Meghrian
Dilgassa Muthemba

All elite, to be assigned later

Dispossessed Tank Crew:

Elite, Juana Bruncevici, Demolisher
Elite, Carolina Laws, Ontos
Elite, Rachel Soylu, Sabaku Kaze

May 16 – Everyone else save for their Arba Company Pirate Hunting in the Periphery for the Taurian Concordant.

Our Current Drop/Jump Ship Fleet:


Merchant – 2 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, “Serendipitous Balance”, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”

Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles, With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary
Invader – “Jade Camel” 3 DropRings and two Small Craft which are Aquarius.



Avenger ”Black Panther” – Assault and escort DropShip, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Hawkeye” – Assault and escort DropShip, with Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Marvelous” - Assault and escort DropShip,

Achilles – “Winged Justice”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full
Achilles “Guns Amok”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles. Full!


Mule – “Salvage Holder” Cargo Spheroid; carries 3 bays of 2715 tons each; Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058

Fighter Transport:

Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full; With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Leopard CV “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Melas” – Can hold six fighters, full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Nimr” - Can hold six fighters, full, captured from the CC
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Fusca” Captured from CC, full

Military Transport:

Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo

Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, Assault style craft.

Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters free

Union DropShip, “Ruby Lion” Captured from pirates, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid – Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058,
Union, DropShip – “Jade Lion” Captured from the CC carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, full Fighters, spheroid

I normally send the Fortress and Leopard CV with Alpha and Vee 2 and an Invader. I normally send the Overlord and Condors with three Leopards and two Achilles and now one Avenger. But I could send an Avenger with Flavia and then the rest with our main, but Evan has a company and does stuff in another Union. We could grab another Union, or a JumpShip since right now I’ve got full Invader with Flavia now with the Avenger, and the two with Arba either there or captured leaves us one Merchant and two Invaders with 8 DropRings. We’ve got 8 DropShips with 3 Leopard, 2 Condors, 2 Achilles and 1 Overlord after loaning Flavia our extra Avenger we just grabbed. Another union or Jump? Another JumpShip:

We bring in a:

Star Lord JumpShip, “Starry Valley,” 6 DropRings, 4 Small Craft that are DropShuttles

I tossed a 9, which would have given us an 8 DropRing Monolith!

I create a new company with our 12 new MechWarriors, called “Khamésh Company” which is Hebrew for 5.

The Vee Squad Mech Khamésh Company:

Captain Mortimer Kyle, AS7-D Atlas
Corazon Parinas, Orion 1K
Melek Matacena, BattleMaster 3S
Shmavon Meghrian, Banshee 3S

Left. Dilgassa Muthemba, Stalker 3H- variant with 2 LRM20s
Kazi Mashwanis, Trebuchet, TBT5N
Roz Pitowski, Whitworth
May-Yin Kichikawa, Warhammer 6R

Left. Paula Gooderham, Grasshopper
Fernando Franco, Jenner JR7-F
Kristie Sabola, Locust 1E
Sofia Gonzalez, Phoenix Hawk 1

I bought the PIXIE for 4 mill. All Elite!

They have 90 points and B rating!!!
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-07-2025 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 01-07-2025, 05:28 PM   #152
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
With a full 5 company of Mechs and 4 of Vees, we have a Regiment Stephen Marsh is now a Leftenant Colonel.

June 13, 3027 – Flavia recruits another 7 dispossessed Tanks:

Elite, Condor, Shyanne Louter
Elite, Zhukov, Elizabeth Qing
Elite, Maxim, Bryan Ramadani
Elite, Hunter, Vera Sasaki
Elite, Bulldog, Kathlene O'Flannery
Elite, Saracen, Brian Frey
Elite, Brutus, Lars Hess, bought it.

10 assigned, 2 away from another company!

June 16, 3027 – We do another round of recruiting, I want a Union DropShip for Evan’s or Khamesh Company.

We: Grab it! Meet:

Union, “Sapphire Lion”, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid

EVENT - June 19, 3027 – Flavia and Stephen Marsh give birth to twins! They are boys and named Michael and Julian! Sean and Roger were here for the birth.

Birth Order:

1st Born – Sir Sean Marsh, Age 6
2nd Born – Sir Roger Marsh, Age 1
3rd Born – Sir Michael Marsh
4th Born – Sir Julian Marsh

Flavia will miss the next mission!!!
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Old 01-07-2025, 09:20 PM   #153
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
We’ll give everyone until the end of the month to spend together.

July 1, 3027 – Contracts!!!

We have 4!

1. The Fed Suns still want us to raid the CC World of Tsinghai. We could be there on Sept 3.
2. The CC want us to Pirate Hunt for Pirates raiding their Periphery Border World of Rollis, like the one with Arba Company there are a few different pirate bands they want us to hit. We’ll be there on August 7th with some recharge station and some command circuit help since they are about to be attacked again. Since the Tauran’s really have been bragging about our success on that border they can help us get there fast.
3. A company wants us to O Raid the FWL world of Hamilton which is about 2 jumps from Menkalinan we hit earlier for ComStar. 2 jumps from Outreach and Elgin we O Raided before. We could be there on August 11th
4. The Suns also want us to Cadre/Garrison for three months at Rio, on the border with CC, and it’s the homebase for raids against the CC and they tried to take it in 2980 and failed and often hit it back.. With our great success records against House Liao we are going to train up the locals into a better fighting force and then also garrison the world for three months in case of raids. It’s 2 jumps from Mallory’s World our home base, and then we could take it and then drop off everyone on the way there. We’d be there on Aug 12,

I like all of them!

I could send our new Khamésh Company Pirate Hunting like Arba to get it’s feet wet, I’d want to send the spare Avenger and Leopard CV and spare Union. We could raid Tsinghai for the FedSuns with the Overlord and a Condor and Deux, Tres Mechs and Vee Company #1 since they have a battalion. Then we could either send the Fortress and raid the FWL world of Hamilton and hten the other Condor could drop off Vee Company at Rio, although they’d probably want someone better. Maybe I could send in Vee Company #1 with Stephen Marsh and then with the raid Vee Squad #4 Company with the 2nd and 3rd Mech ones since it doesn’t have the AC2 Carrier although the rest is fine.

We have 135 base points!

Negotiation with FS for Raid
: We start with 162. We grab full salvage, 112 they grab length, we spend ten to drop to one month, 102, we spend 25 for our Support, they spend 25 of salary of x.4; 52 points left. We grab transit, none, 62, liaison command, and then no remuneration, 72, 36% signing bonus,

Contract #24:

Objective Raid for FS against CC world of Tsinghai.
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – One Month
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.6, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

I send all fighting and stuff mentioned above.

Negotiations with CC for Pirate Hunting
: Everything the same with 162 points, but with three month deal so +10 points and 41% Signing Bonus

Contract #25:

Pirate Hunting for CC against Raiders of Rochelle
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – Three Months
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.5, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

We are taking the free Avenger, Union we just grabbed and then the Leopard CV. We transfer two Fighters from the one heading to the FWL to their Union to be full.

Negotiation for Company Raid:
We have 148 points. Full Salvage? 98. Length one month? 88. 50% Battle Loss and Support? 63. X4 Salary? 38. Command Liaison? No Transit, no remuneration? 58. 27% Signing Bonus.

Contract #26:

Objective Raid for Company against FWL world of Hamiliton.
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – One Month
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.6, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 27%

We are taking Fortress and Leopard CV

Negotiation for FS For Cadre/Garrison on Rio: We have 162 points, same deal as CC Pirate Hunting since three months old.

Contract #27:

FS Cadre/Garrison for World of Rio
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – Three Months
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.5, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

We are taking the Condor and Stephen’s Vee Company #1.
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Old 01-07-2025, 10:11 PM   #154
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
July 13, 3027 – Flavia’s recruiting of 7:


Elite, Jose Moga, Stuka, heavy
Elite, Riever, heavy, Ulla Pleijt

These are for the new Union we grabbed we swapped fighters too for Pirate Hunting.

New Tanks:

Elite, Assault, Daniel Fudail, Ontos
Elite, Assault, Barnabá Brendl, Rhino Fire Support Tank
Elite, Heavy, Wilber bin Ghassan, Manticore

We’ve used up my last great tanks and we could use some with armor. We only have the Brutus and Demolisher with great armor, maybe you’d consider the Zhukov too. I am looking for two occupied high quality level tanks. Daniel is another Ontos one, great closer, but just 128 armor, a bit light for 95 ton closer. The Rhino has great armor at 272 with three LRM stuff, great Fire Support, but not the closer I was hoping for. That Manticore is what I was hoping for.

Dispossessed MWs

Elite, Michele Ho, unassigned
Elite, Pat Sutherland, unassigned

We create a new Vee Company #5:

Captain Elite, Juana Bruncevici, Demolisher
Elite, Heavy, Wilber bin Ghassan, Manticore
Elite, Carolina Laws, Ontos
Elite, Brutus, Lars Hess,

Left. Elite, Assault, Barnabá Brendl, Rhino Fire Support Tank
Elite, Zhukov, Elizabeth Qing
Elite, Hunter, Vera Sasaki
Elite, Bulldog, Kathlene O'Flannery

Left. Elite, Rachel Soylu, Sabaku Kaze
Elite, Condor, Shyanne Louter
Elite, Maxim, Bryan Ramadani
Elite, Saracen, Brian Frey

EVENT: August 1st, 3027
– Operation Galahad II starts with the Suns learning different preps and moving inner military units to the borders for exercises but leaving some behind and annexing Jump and Drop ships for the maneuvers but will keep some in their pocket super secretly.

The Lyrans start their own version called Operation Thor to teach them things, vassalize Drop/Jump ships, move things to the border and then leave them back while also doing exercises.
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Old 01-07-2025, 11:32 PM   #155
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #24:

August 29, 3027 – We arrive in the Tsinghai Zenith JumpPoint where a Charging Station is! This is a border planet next to the FWL who are allies right now, but still closed border. This is a strong mining world with uranium and such here. We are here to test the defenses, not destroy stuff. A regiment of Sian Reserve Troops are garrisoning the world against Marik Raids. Also here are a Battalion of the 5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry and a battalion of the Preston’s First, both strong and frontline foes. We are raiding the 5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry.

They have here at the charging station JumpPoint a pair of Leopard CVs and Achilles on a pair of Invaders. They unfurl them and head to us. As a reminder, an Achilles has two fighters

Here are them:

2 Achilles – The nastiest commonly available assault and escort Drop
2 Leopard Cv – Solid Fighter carrier with 6 fighters each
20 Fighters – Their Invaders have converted their Small Craft to fighters

We have:

3 Leopard CV
2 Achilles
1 Overlord with 6 Fighters
28 Fighters
6 Aquarius

We don’t bring out the Overlord and Condor for battle they could kill with that nasty double Achilles.

I need some dice!

Battle Loss
- We defeated one of their Achilles and then one Leopard Cv, the others fled and their JumpShip jumped. However we lost a Leopard CV. Can we recover it? Nope. We lost 8 fighters and 2 Aquarius, we can recover half of each for 2.14 mill and 950k each. We destroyed 12 of theirs, and then can salvage 5 for 2.25 mill. We CAN Salvage that Achilles for just 5 mill (I tossed a 10 to get it, and then 3 for cost), we can also salvage that Leopard CV (12 then 6 5) 7 mill. I do so now to send our fighters after salvage from this battle.

Battle Loss
– Leopard CV - 168,084,000

Get ready for the cash from 50% Battle Loss.

Sept 5, 3027 – We spent two days fixing up stuff salvaging the space battle for 3.5 mill for loads of destroyed stuff, and arrived at the planet. No additional forces are here, we scared them away.

We land. Our DropPort is around 10 klicks from the base. We use our fighters to scout, and verify that this is the right place, and it is. We are also facing a battalion of mechs here with 24 Mechs and 12 vees like normal. We arrive and they unfurl and get ready to fight us!

Here they are!!!


BattleMaster – BLR-1G – elite – nasty if I get that mech I earned it! This is their CO.
Cyclops, 10Z - elite
Stalker – elite – this is their XO
Striker - elite
Victor – elite
Zeus ZEU6A elite

Very strong elite with Cyclops and Victors AC20s each in an elite pilot


Marauder MAD3L
Thunderbolt 5S
Warhammer 6L

I’d love that TDR! It’s a heavy armored closer.


Assassin 21
Shadow Hawk
3 Vindicator
Wolverine 6R


2 Locust 1V
Raven 1X
2 Stinger
3 UrbanMech
2 Wasp 1L

They are all veteran unless otherwise stated.

This is their Raven 1X an experimental mech with new ECM suites and such. It’s 35 tons, 4 tons of armor, SRm 6, 2 ML, and 7.5 tons of ECW experimental equipment.

We are fighting on the city map with buildings, concrete, and streets, minor woods and light hills too.
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Old 01-09-2025, 01:45 AM   #156
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – We lose init 6-5. Close! I formed a flank four hexes distance. I charge 5. They have submitted heavily in the corners and far front on the center side at the far rear. They flank their Hunchback on the left flank. Their Raven and Trebuchet follows. I took the three nearby woods with Victor, Quickdraw and Hatchetman jumping. Their Shadow Hawk follows. Their Scorpion bases by QD. Our Vulcan, Valkyrie and Enforcer hop over to help. They flank their Commando on our right side. Their Assassin bases our Maxim. Their BM stayed in it’s far left corner, but’s -1 to hit, do I target it with long range weapons and then short range like that’s closest? I do it, like that Hunchback.

Their Marauder’s PPC smashed the Head of our BattleMaster, hit nothing
Our Maxim destroys the LA on their Hunchy
Our Hunter hit the BMs gyro twice, dead mech!!
It and their Hunchy fell and destoryed it’s savaged RA; none of ours did

Turn 2 – We lose init 7-6, still close! They eject the BM! Their Hunchy rises and charges us. I base it with the Griffin now before they build a wall around it. Then our PXH1K. I backup my BM to prevent SRMs from head hitting, but move forward with everyone else. Their Warhammer bases my Stalker’s flank, no kicks, I base it with my Orion. Their Cat bases my Stalker’s front, kicks. They are moving out from the walls. Like their Whiteworth and MAD3L. Maxim and Plasiman behind their MAD. Their Jav on my Ontos. Striker and Zeus next to it. Jenner by their Wasp’s rear. Maxim too. Locust by us. Vulcan behind their Hunchback. Our Hatchetman by their Scorpion. Quickdraw by their Stinger. Our central flank attacks their Stalker, their west flank the MAD3L with weapons, the Hunch and Scorpion with physical attacks.

Our Jenner blows off the Wasp’s Arm on the ground
Their Locust hits our Maxim’s movement twice.
Our Maxim hit’s their MAD’s lower leg actuator
Our Ontos destroys the Stalker’s RL, our Zeus it’s RT, RA on the ground
Our Crusader hits the engine and gyro on it once each
Their Trebuchet destroys our PXh’s H. Dead mech and warrior.
Our Orion hits the Stalker’s engine twice more, dead Mech!!!
Their MAD falls and the pilot blacks out.
Melee attacks!!!
Our Victor kicks and legs their Scorpion, damage travels to the torso, this the ammo, boom, dead mech
We kick their Hunch to the ground; Our Enforcer falls

Turn 3 - We win 8-7. Still close! Our TDR bases their Cyclops. Our Striker bases their Catapult and Urbie. Our Awesome too! Our ENF rises and moves into woods. Their Hunch rises. Vulcan behind their Rifleman. Our Vindicator by their Hunchy. Our Crusader by their Griffin, our Zeus to their Cat’s rear which is next to our Striker and Crusader. Our Griffin by their MAD and Trebuchet. Centurion by the MAD. Our Hatchetman by their Hunchy. Orion by their Warhammer, Jenner by their Locust’s rear. Zeus to rear of their ‘Hammer. Our Cataphract by theirs and Wolverine too. I fire at the MAD’s damaged RL with 10 points left. After that I like the Catapult and Warhammer I divide my attacks there.

Our Centurion legs the Maraduer’s RL
Our Enforcer it’s RT. RA on the ground
Our Griffin hit’s the gyro twice, engine one, dead mech!
We also destroy it’s LA
Their Shadow Hawk destroys our Stalkers LL
Their Wasp hit’s our Devastator -1 movement; Their Warhammer halves it’s speed
Their Rifleman destroys our Stalker’s LT, LA on the ground.
Their Striker -1’s our Brutus.
Our Orion cracks their Warhammer’s H, hits the cockpit dead mech and pilot
Their Cyclops destroys our Brutus’s front.
Thire Thunderbolt get’s a limb blown off on our Jenner’s RA
Our Ontos destroys their Warhammer’s LL and hits the engine and gyro once each
Our Zeus hits the engine and gyro once each too.
Our SturmFeur ignites the ammo on their Catapult, dead mech.
Our Stalker destroys the RL of their Rifleman.
Our TBolt hits their Cyclops RA actuators
Legged mechs fall, our Stalker and their Rifleman none others fall our Stalker destroys it’s LA.
Our Striker legs their Urbie’s LL, it falls.
Our Hatchetman kicks and destroys the RL on their Armless Hunchback.
We kick their Trebuchet to the ground and our Tbolt hits a hip on their Cyclops but it’s standing.
They kick and immobilize our Devastator.

They keep pushing forward, they have taken out our medium mech Phoenix Hawk and Brutus heavy, we are about to eject that Stalker. But they have lost a BattleMaster, Stalker of their own, a Marauder and Warhammer heavies, and have legged a Rifleman, UrbanMech, and Hunch. They are the worst for wear, but they feel they can rally around the untouched Thunderbolt, Victor and Striker.

Turn 4 – We win init 7-6, still one point. I eject the Stalker. They eject the Hunchy. I eject our rear saved Maxim with 2 points left. Their Rifleman stays, probably to be in our way ditto their UrbanMech. I eject the Devastator with immobile. Their TBT didn’t rise. Our Griffin next to their Whitworths flank, Enforcer bases that TBT, and Vindicator too. QD too. Many of their Mechs stand like their Cataphract and Cyclops and Victors and TBolt. Valkyrie behind their wounded Locust. Our Awesome bases the Cataphract. I back up our TBolt from their Cyclops. I base it with our Zeus 6S. Our Orion bases their Cataphract too. I fire on their Cyclops and Striker too. Raven too.

Our Maxim hits the engine in their Locust
-1 Movement to our Ontos
Our Enforcer destroys their RT in their Raven RA on the ground
Their Cataphract got a through armor crit on my Zeus’s CT and hit the gyro twice.
Our Catapult hits the gyro on their Raven once
Their Cyclops destroys our Zeus’s LA
Our Striker hits the ammo in the Cyclops, boom, dead mech!!!
Their Centurion immobilized our Ontos
Their Striker fell, hit it’s head and knocked itself out.
Our Orion legged their Cataphract’s RL

They eject the legged stuff and flee. We finished them off but that was a rough battle. Vets and elites are no joke.


Wasp 1L - LA
Scorpion – H, RLL, RT,
Catapult – LA, RA, H, LL
Cyclops – LA, RA, H,

BattleMaster 1G – hit gyro x2
Stalker with enginex3, gyro x1,missing RL and RT, see below
Marauder 3L - missing RT, RL, and LA with two gyro and one engine hit; current value is 4.46, to fix 2 mill
Warhammer 6L with hit cockpit, destroyed LL, and LT. Engine and gyro hit twice each. See below – current value 5.27 mill, to fix 800k
Rifleman 3N missing it’s RL; current value – 4.48 mill; too fix 400k
UrbanMech missing LL; current value is 1.25 mil, to fix 300k
Hunchback missing RL, RA and LA; see below
Cataphract missing RL; see below
Striker 2C, blacked out pilot

We fix the BattleMaster gyro tomorrow. We fix the Stalker’s in two days, its engine in 6. The MAD gyro in 8 days and engine in 3. The Warhammer cockpit repaired and engine and gyro in 7 days total. Do I have that Stalker RL and RT? Nope. How about another 85 ton one? Longbow one, yes! It’s fixed. What about that MAD 3ls; right side? None from Marauder what about 75 ton ones? That’s just Orion’s. Nope! Warhammer 6L’s LL and LT? No parts, 70 tonners? That’s Grasshopper, Archer and Cataphract. LL from Cataphract and no LT. Rifleman is 60 tons like QD and Dragon for it’s RL. None. Hunch? Got both arms. RL? Yup. Fixed. Cat RL? Yup! Fixed!

I spend 800k to get Warhammer up and running.


Phoenix Hawk 1K missing head – to fix 750k,
Maxim -2 movement
Devastator – engine speed, immobile,
Stalker missing LL; LT, LA; to fix 2.25 mill
Brutus – movement, front, We can salvage it, tossed an 8
Jenner reattach RA
Ontos - immobile
Zeus 6S – 2 gyro hit; LA destroyed; to fix 650k

Battle Loss – 750k from PXH H; 2.25 mill Stalker; 650k Zeus.

Can I find a head for the PXH? It’s 45 tons like Blackjack, Vindicator and Hatchetman. Vindy yes. Stalker’s Left side? Longbow parts, yup! We fix the Zeus’ gyro in 5 days. No Zeus. It weighs 80 tons like their Victor, Awesome and Charger. I find a Victor replacement. We reattach the Jenner’s arm, the immobile Ontos and Devastator, and Brutus movement.
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Old 01-09-2025, 10:41 AM   #157
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Sept 5, 3027 - We find in their HQ around 3.15 mill in stuff and then no destroys, we are here to test their defense. We spend two days repairing, rearming, rearmoring and salvaging as much as possible then we blast off to the JumpPoint.

Sept 9 – We arrive, blast off, and head back home!! We’ll be at Galatea on Nov 11, 3027.

Money Stuff!!!

Objective Raid for FS against CC world of Tsinghai.
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – One Month
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.6, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

Our Salary for this mission is 222,195

What we Spent:

Salary - 1,110,975 – July through November.
Support in Land Battle – 1.15 mil total - 1 mill armor and 150k ammo – they savaged us armor wise and we’ll need a lot of armor to fix it. Vets and elites will do that.
Support in Space Battle – 6 mill
Battle Loss - Lost Fighter, Aquarius Salvage - 3,090,000
To Salvage their Fighters – 2.25 mill
To Salvage their Achilles and Leopard CV – 12 mill

Total Spent - 25,600,975

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,848,662
Signing Bonus - 665,518
Support in Land Battle - 575,000
Battle Loss in Land Battle - 1,825,000
Battle Loss from Aquarius and 4 Fighters - 11,185,750
Support Space Battle – 3 Mill
Battle Loss – Leopard CV - 84,042,000
Salvage – 3.15 mill

Total Paid
- 106,291,930

Total Made - 80,690,955

War Chest - 115,329,441

Since I am flush with cash I spend a million to fix up our Vulcan 2T chassis into Vulcan 5T, 626k to fix our salvaged Panther, 400k to fix a Vindicator, and 400k for a Cicada. 2,426,000 total spent, War Chest moves to 112,903,441

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Old 01-09-2025, 11:56 AM   #158
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
We have gained:

A 3rd Achilles escort and assault DropShip named the “Ares Rules of War” named after the Ares Convention all major powers signed to keep battle away from civs and then not use Mass Destruction stuff like Nukes or chemical weapons. We move two fighters here from the salvaged stuff, since we have a few more.

We replaced the damaged Leopard CV we named “II”

Beginning of Contract #25:

July 30, 3027 - We arrive at the Rollis System with some charge stations and some Command Circuit – we spent 450k to get here and back again. They will help us back too for the same cost. We have arrived at their Nadir JumpPoint. No recharge station here. We are 9 days from planet. Our 3 month contract begins.

Here there is a JumpShip with pirate logos of a Merchant style ship. They have nothing here, but heading to the planet 2 days away are a Union and Leopard CV; we charge their JumpShip with our fighters and it’s been here for two days, 50 hours, is that long enough to charge? Nope it takes 174 here, we captured it.

Meet our:

Merchant JumpShip 2 DropRings, 2 Small Craft which are DropShuttles not here, named “Pirate’s Pouch” we renamed “The Star Carrier.”

We unleash our stuff to chase them to the planet. We communicate with the locals and are here to stop the Pirates and we need them slowed down.

We have 8 fighters and 2 Aquarius, and an Avenger, Union, and Leopard CV to their Union, Leopard CV and 8 fighters too. That Avenger should help tons.

August 5, 3027 – They land at a DropPort near their target.

August 6 – They arrive at their raid target at a local industrial target warehouse near the capital of New Harmon. They win and spend the day raiding supplies and then…

August 7– We arrive there with our fleet and battle begins! Save for our Avenger and Aquarii this is close. With no JumpShip to return too, they’ll be here until battle finishes. We destroyed their Leopard CV and then took a ton of damage from the even battling, 8 mill total, we cannot salvage their ship.

Battle Loss – 8 mill from battle damage, we lost 3 fighters and can salvage 2 for 1.25 mill. One lost at 2.6 mill. We can salvage three of their fighters for 1.85 mill.

We salvage here in the space fight 3.15 mill of salvage.

We land at the warehouse where they just finished raiding. With our fighters keeping them from fleeing and unleashing a guerrilla campaign. They are retreating to their Union and 2 DropShuttles with the stuff they took, and we hit them.

Here they are:

Victor 9B – This has better armor at 184 point, 15 sinks, 4/6/4 movement still, AC20, 2 ML, SRM. It’s a veteran
Zeus 6T - veteran
Thunderbolt – nice!
Hunchback – nice
Shadow Hawk 2D
Wolverine 6R
Javelin 10F – NICE!!! My favorite scout mech from this era!
Stinger 3G

Remember fighting them is Khamésh Company with it’s Atlas, Orion, BattleMaster, Banshee, Warhammer, Stalker, Whitworth, Trebuchet, PXH, Locust 1E, Grasshopper and Jenner JR7F. Pretty solid stuff, all elite. I’d love to capture that TBolt and Javelin and Hunchy.

One of their Mechs was destroyed in the raid, so just 11. That number is correct.

This is their and ours too in our debut company Valkyrie – a 30 ton light mech with LRM10, ML, 5/8/5 movement, and 11 sinks.

We are at a road intersection map with light woods and hills. No hill higher than 1 level, so no blocking LOS.
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Old 01-09-2025, 02:31 PM   #159
Abe Sargent
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I deploy my Spear with the Atlas leading.

Turn 1 – We lose init 11-6. Uh oh, hopefully that’s the only thing we are losing that badly!!! I charge five. Their TDR charges our right flank. I target it if they can see it, but behind hills and woods many cannot. Those target the Jav. Their TDR’s LRm15 hits our Trebuchet’s head. It’s barely touched, their Jav falls over, no lost body parts, but our BM hit it’s engine once.

Turn 2 – We win 10-8 init. We base their downed Jav in case it fails to rise with our Banshee and BM that moved 5, their Victor emerges. Their TDR moves to our center flank too. Our PXH Jumps to the rear of their Shadow Hawk. Our Locust to it’s flank, no kicks back, Our Hammer next to their Stinger. Their Jav rises and moves next to our Pixie. Our Jenner bases it and their Valkyrie. Our Atlas their Victor. I focus fire on their barely touched TBolt. I fire at the Shadow Hawk on the left side. My TBT Cannot see much I need to bring it up next turn. Our Jenner blows off the Shadow Hawk’s LL on the ground. Our BM hits the cockpit in their TBolt’s H, dead mech!!! Our Grasshopper destroys it’s RA. Our Atlas falls. Melee! Our Banshee punches their Stingers H, dead mech! We also destroyed it's RA and LL. Our Pixie kicks and destroys their Javelin 10F’s RL. The legged Javelin falls and hits it’s engine. Their Stinger kicked over our Banshee.

Turn 3 – We win init 10-6. They eject the Shadow Hawk. But not the Jav. Hopper to their Zeus’s rear and BJ’s side. Our Jenner by their Wolverine’s flank. Their Hunch bases our Hopper but it’s back is exposed. Our Pixie in their Wolverine’s rear. Their Victor bases our Stalker that hasn’t moved. Our BM bases it. Locust by their Wolverine’s other flank. Our Orion bases their Victor. Our Banshee bases their Victor and Stalker moves too up a level to try and kick it’s head off. I fire my left flank at their Wolverine, the center at the Victor. Our Stalker hits their Victor’s ammo and it goes boom! Dead mech! Our Altas tearing into the fragile Hunch’s rear armor hits the AC20 ammo, boom dead mech!! Their Wolverine falls. Melee attacks! No more falls their Wolverine is fine

We killed their unwounded Hunchback and Victor this turn and lost those rally points. They eject the legged Jav, and surrender. We turn them over to the Caps. They also got their Union.


Shadow Hawk 2D reattach LL
Thunderbolt H hit cockpit, missing RA, see below
Javelin 10F missing RL hit engine 1 time, see below
Stinger 3G with missing H and RA and LL, see below

Victor – RA, LL, LA
Hunchback – H, LL, RA, LA

We reattach the Shadow Hawk 2D. We fix the Jav engine today. And the TBolt cockpit in a couple of days. Do I have a TBolt RA? No parts by them, it’s 65 tons the weight of Catapults and JM and Crusaders. Crusader yup! Javelin 10F RL? No Jav, any other 30 tons? Valkyrie one though! Stinger? All Stinger parts though from it!


Nothing, quiet day!!!
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Old 01-09-2025, 03:07 PM   #160
Abe Sargent
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August 9, 3027 – We spent two days fixing, scouring the battlefield for salvage and found 420k.

August 10, 3027 -While on planet, a Raid from the Fed Suns happens they arrive at a Pirate Point, this is their unit called the “5th Syrtis Fusiliers” that are here to raid and bloody their new folks. Since we are closest they ask us to help out. Now we aren’t on a garrison or retainer deal. So we agree to help them out if they’ll still cover our stuff, they agree and we will meet them in Vidalia Bay! (This actually happens in 3027, but they just sent a lance, so I’m upgrading it to a company)

August 11, they arrive!

Here they are:

BattleMaster 2D - veteran CO – 24 sinks, PPC,4 ML, 2 Mg, 248 armor, 4/6 move
Stalker – veteran XO
Crusader 3D
Marauder 3D
Phoenix Hawk
Commando 2D
Wolfhound – love it!!!

They are regular since they are new recruits save their CO and XO.

I’d love another Wolfhound and their Crusaders and BMs are good too.

We are on a Coast map with roads, trees and coast and hills too.

This is each of our Wolfhounds, a 35 ton Davion exclusive scout mech with 6/9 movement 10 sinks, 4 Ml 1 LL, max armor, and great scouting ability.

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Old 01-10-2025, 12:56 AM   #161
Abe Sargent
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This map has hills at level 2 on their side to hide behind. They deploy behind the hill mostly.

Turn 1 – We win init 12-11. SORRY!!! I charge 5. Their Locust charges our right flank. If I can see it, I fire at it. That Marauder is +3 with woods and 9 away, I cannot see their better stuff. Many can only see their Commando and Locust. I split their fire. Our Banshee hits the Commandos ammo, boom, dead mech, just peppering of Mechs, none fall

Turn 2 – We win init 11-10. Sorry again!!!!!! I focus fire on that Marauder again if they can see it. No internal damage or things hit, and the Marauder stands. Just peppering.

Turn 3 – We lost init 4-7. I move the Atlas into woods. I charge and they pull back behind the hill more. They pulled their MAD back, this turn I focus on it from the Missile Boats and some can only see and fire on the Wolfhound and Crusader. Our PXH bases their Crusader up a level to try for a head punt. We hit a bunch of hand weapons, it falls and then blacks out, it only needed a 5 it won’t be out for long. No missing parts. It’s lived a blessed life. We kick the Crusader, it stands.

Turn 4 – We get init back 12-4. They move their Stalker forward out of the back corner. Our Atlas bases it. Our Hopper bases their MAD. Our Banshee behind the Atlas bases their Enforcer. Our Pixie bases their Wolfhound. Our BM bases their Enforcer. Our Stalker their BM’s flank after he leaves too. I fire at the MAD’s RL. With 14 points left internal. Our Hopper destroys the Marauder’s RL, RT RA on the ground. Our PXh hits it’s gyro and engine each three times, shut down mech. Our Whitworth destroys the Lt on their Wolfhound. Our BM hits the ammo in the Enforcer, boom, dead mech!!! Our Atlas falls. No falls from kicks

Turn 5 – We keep init 9-7. I rise and move back our Atlas and move our Banshee to it’s spot next to their Stalker and Crusader. Hopper by their Wolfhound. Their BM bases our Atlas, our Stalker and Orion base it. Our Jenner by their Locust. We hit their Crusader’s leg actuator and SRM4 there. They hit our Atlas’s AC20. Our Banshee hits the Crusader’s hip too. It falls, nothing else does. Their Bm needed a TEN to stand and made it. Our Banshee kicks and destroys the Crusader’s ammo, boom, dead mech! Our Hopper legs their Wolfhound! We destroyed it’s LL! We kick their BM and Locust to the ground, our Banshee falls too.

Turn 6 – They have an unwounded Stalker, and our Atlas is savaged, with no Ac20 our Banshee is on the ground and our Orion’s armor is gone, so they keep on. We win init 11-7. They fail to stand their BM. They eject the Wolfhound! Their PXH by our Whitworth. They back up the Stalker. Our Banshee rises and bases it. Their TBT sac plays next to my Atlas preventing it from moving in to support them. Our BM bases theirs on the ground, Stalker moves it’s rear arc. They knock out the Locust trying to rise it. Our Pixie bases their Stalker’s flank – no kicks. Our BM destroys the LL of theirs! No falls. Kicks time, I don’t kick their BM. No falls, we kicked their Trebuchet and hit the leg not damaged.

They eject the legged BM and hobble back to their AeroSpace Union and head out.


Marauder 3D, missing RT, RL, with 3 hits each gyro and engine; current value 5.057 mill, to fix 1.5 mill.
Wolfhound missing LL, and LT. Current value – 4.7 mill, to repair, 1 mill
Locust 1V with a blacked out pilot
BattleMaster 1D missing LL. Current value – 7.346 mill, to fix 800k

Commando – RA, LL, H, LT
Enforcer – RA, H, LL
Crusader – RL, LA, RA

We capture that Locust 1Vs pilot and such. The Marauder’s gyro and engine are repaired as fast as possible and in a week respectively. That Wolfhound is key, it’s a strong scouter. No parts of it, but it’s a 35 ton mech the weight class of Panthers, Jenners and Firestarter’s. No parts. I pay the mill. BattleMaster? 85 tons for it’s LL, the weight of a Stalker, Longbow, no parts. I pay the 800k for it. Do I have a Marauder RT and L in storage? Nope, Orion weight parts, those? Nope. I pay the1.5 mill for it.


Atlas AC20 hit, 1 ML too.
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Old 01-10-2025, 01:48 AM   #162
Abe Sargent
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Aug 13, 3027 – We spend two days fixing, repairing, rearming and scouring for battlefield salvage, we found 625k.

We blast to the JumpPoint to hit the Pirates home base,

Aug 21, we leave Rollis!

Aug 28 – We arrive in a system two jumps away the homes of a company of Pirates according to CC intel. We arrive here at the Zenith JumpPoint and then begin scanning. Here there is an Invader JumpShip at the Nadir JumpPoint with nothing attached. We head to the planet

Sept 2 - At the planet are a Union and Leopard CV with 8 fighters and that’s against our 8 fighters, Leopard CV and Avenger and 2 Aquairii too. We…savage their Union, it flees to their JumpShip, we destroy their Leopard CV and… I tossed a 7 not salvageable. We destroy all of their fighters save two that fled to the Union.

Battle Loss - We lost three fighters, one permanently at a value of 3.2 mil and then the other two for a cost of 1.2 mil. We spend 2.2 mil to recover 3 of theirs to be up two. Battle Damage of 4.5 mill.

We found 2.6 mill in battle damage salvage.

We land at their HQ, and here is a cargo Mule. We use our fighters to confirm their numbers, done. A company! But…they are a bit unusual…

Here they are:

Crockett – CRK-5003-0 – Star League era mech with down tech of 3/5/3, 263 armor, AC10, 2 SRM6s, 2 LL, 2 SL, 15 sinks
Highlander 732 – vet Star League era mech with Gauss Rifle, 2 ML, SRM6,LRM20, 3/5/3 movement, max armor with ferro fib
Bombardier – BMB12D – Star League era mech with 2 LRM20, SRM4 ,and Anti-Missile system, 10/20 sinks, 200 armor
Guillotine 4L – We’ve fought this and have one
Crab CRB 20 – Medium Mech from Star League down tech, 2 LL, 1 ML and SL, 16 sinks, 5/8 movement and 148 armor.
Kintaro KTO-18 - Medium down tech Star League with mech with 5/8 movement, 3 SRM6 , LRM 5, and 2 ML, 176 armor, 10 sinks
Starslayer STY2C – Star League era mech, NOT Downtech, 5/8/5, 125 ferro fib armor, 11/22 heat, 2 LL, 2 ML, 1 SL, SRM4
Wyvern WVY6N – Star League low tech, 4/6/4 12 sinks, 136 armor, with LRm10, LL, SRM6 and two SL
Hermes 1S _- Star league scout mech, actually that, with endo, ferro, 9/14 movement, 2 ML, 1 flamer, 89 armor.
Mercury MCY98 – Star league down tech 8/12 basically a Locust IE.
Ostscout – 8/12/8 scout with a ML
Thorn THE-F – Star league light mech with down tech of 2 ML, LRM5, 64 armor, 6/9 and 10 sinks

It looks like someone found a Star League storage depot here!

Bold are Star League era stuff.

This is their Highlander – a classic of that bygone era!!!

I’d love that Highlander, Kintaro, Crockett, Starslayer and even that Bombardier
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-10-2025 at 01:49 AM.
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Old 01-10-2025, 04:04 PM   #163
Abe Sargent
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We are on a map with a base for them and buildings on the sides. No trees.

Turn 1 - I lose init 9-7. I charge 5. Their Highlander is in the far left corner. Their Kintaro emerges. Their Thorn and Mercery charge us too. I base their Mercury with our PXH. Their Ostscout bases my Stalker. Our Locust their Mercury too. I target the +3 Kintaro with mid—range stuff and that Highlander -1 to hit with long range stuff. Our Locust and PXH at that Mercury though. Our Jenner destroys it’s LL. It and their Highlander fall. I don’t kick it since we already legged it. Our Stalker kicks and legs their Ostscout’s LL too!!! It falls.

Turn 2 – We grab init 11-8. They turn the Ostscout no ejects. Their Mercury tries to rise, fails, and gets knocked out. Their Highlander rises successfully. Their Guillotine bases our Stalker’s flank. Their Starslayer bases and jumps to our Stalker and Banshee, my Hopper bases it. but their Guillotine to,o so they placed that well. Our Jenner bases it’s flank. Their Kintaro bases our Warhammer’s Flank, our PXh it’s rear. I focus fire on the +0 Highlander. Our PXH hits the gyro on their Highlander; our Jenner hit it’s engine once. It falls and hits the cockpit and dies. Dead mech!!! Melee! Our Banshee punches their Starslayer in the head and hit the life support and sensors. No falls.

Turn 3 – We keep init 9-5. They turn the Ostscout. I base their Crockett with our Atlas, Orion and Banshee. Our BM bases their Kintaro. Our Pxh to it rear and basing their SS. Our Jenner in their SS rear. Their Guillotine to our BM’ s rear and next to our PXH. Our Stalker and Hopper next to it. I fire at the Crockett. It’s +2 to hit. It ate a turn of damage and still stands. Melee! We kick their Guillotine down. But not that Crockett.

Turn 4 – We keep init 8-6. Their Bombardier bases my Orion. I back it up for a kick angle on it. Their Guillotine rises and bases my savaged BM. Our Stalker bases it. Our PXH by their Starslayer’s right flank with the savaged leg. Grasshopper by it. They jump the Crockett away from us with a +2 to hit. Our Banshee and Atlas base it. Now, do I fire at the Crockett with just 8 left internal or fire at the Guillotine and then kick it twice and hope one hits? I do the latter and force my fire on their Guillotine and then my PXHs on the SS’s right arc to destroy that leg. We savage the Guillotine’s RA Actuators and weapons, it falls and destroys it’s RL. Melee attacks! Can we leg their Crockett and Starslayer? Our Banshee destroyed the RL of their Crockett!!! Our Pixie leg their Starslayer’s RL and the Grasshopper it’s LL.

We’ve taken out or legged six mechs, and then they eject the legged ones and flee with the others. Our fighters follow and they cannot flee off world with their Union gone, so they surrender and we turn over the other six to the CC.


Mercury 98 missing it’s LL. Current value – 1.35; to fix 250k
Ostscout missing it’s LL; current value 3.14 mill, to fix 350k
Guillotine 4L missing RL and hit actuators and weapons; current value 5.5 mil, to fix 500k
Crockett – CRK-5003-0 missing RL, current value 7.1 mill, to fix 500k
Starslayer STY2C with a missing RL and LL- current value – 3.9 – to fix 800k – see below
Highlander 732 with gyro, engine and cockpit hit

We fix the Highlander in three days. The Guillotine savaged arm too. We spend the cash to refit all Mercury, Crockett and Guillotine here now, so they’ll be ready and we can fix them now away from home. 1.25 mil total. I’d love that Starslayer, but we don’t have the Endo Steel parts or on the market either. We’ll hold onto it and the Ostscout too.
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Old 01-10-2025, 09:38 PM   #164
Abe Sargent
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Sept 6, 3027 – We spend the last four days scouring for salvage since Lost Level 2 tech from the Star League is pretty valuable for us and the market, we find 5.1 mill of stuff like ferro fib armor and such. We also scour their HQ for stuff and find around 1.45 mill of stuff, and we captured another Mule! We blow up their base!

Meet our new Mule cargo carrier Droppy!

It’s named the “Profits of Piracy” we change it to the “Profits of Merc Life”

We blast off the world.

Sept 11 - We arrive with our new Drops on the new Merchant we grabbed. We leave the system, our next target is two drops away.

Sept 22 – We arrive in the new system at the Nadir JumpPoint which Liao intel has as the place their Jump is in system. It has another Invader with nothing. We begin to approach them and they breakoff and jump outta the system. Then we head to the planet.

Sept 29 - We arrive at the quiet periphery pirate home, with a Leopard, Gazelle and Leopard CV approaching us from the world with 8 fighters. We dispatch our normal stuff, and intercede. We take out all of their defenses and two fighters fled. Can we salvage their Leopards CV or Gazelle? ion? Yes the Leopard CV, no to the regular Leopard and the Gazelle a tank carrier? Yes!

Battle Loss
– We lost an Aquarius, and 4 fighters, 2 permanently at a value of 3.5 mill, we salvaged 2 of ours for 1.6 mill and their 3 for 2 mill even.

To salvage the Gazelle is 4 mill (I toss a 12,) which carries 15 tanks and the CV is 9 mill. 13 mill total, I spend it now.

We spend two days clearing out the space battle salvage from the destroyed Drops and such and found 3.25 mill

Oct 1, 3027 - We use fighters to verify their numbers. They have 4 Mechs, 12 tanks. We land and face the forces. Here they are:


Victor – veteran


Demolisher - veteran
Schrek PPC Carrier – veteran
Pike – AC5 variant
J. Edgar,

They meet us on their Aerobase and are on that map,

This is their Dragon:

It’s 60 tons, 5/8 movement, 10 sinks, LRm10, AC5, 2 ML, it an iconic BattleMech of the Draconis Combine.
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Old 01-10-2025, 11:16 PM   #165
Abe Sargent
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They are deploying in the far corner. I create a 5 hex wide flank, no spear. We need to get to the right fire lanes here against the vees.

Turn 1 - We win init 8-5. Our Jenner bases their Vedette. Our Locust too. I target it with them, the others long range stuff at their Demolisher +1 and short at the Dragon +3 who is medium or long range for things like ML. Their J. Edgar flanks us. Our BM immobilizes the Demolisher. Our Grasshopper immobile their Maxim, we stun the crew on the Vedette a few turns. Melee! We kicked the Vedette, it survived

Turn 2 – We win 9-8. They eject the Maxim. They cannot eject the Demolisher since we killed the crew. We charge 5. Our PXH bases their Schrek. Their Victor bases my Orion. Our Jenner and Locust bases their Schrek too. I target the Victor and Shrek with the based stuff…Our Jenner destroys the engine on their Schrek. Our Stalker hit the ammo on their Victor boom! No falls. Kicks! No kick on the Schrek. We kick the Hetzer instead.

They need to rally, they have another shot this turn having lost their three AC20 carriers in the first two turns.

Turn 3 – We keep init 12-3, Ouch! They eject the Schrek! Our Pxh bases their Manticore and AC5 Pike. Our Locust by their Vedette’s wounded left side. Jenner by the Manticore and Pike too. Our Orion bases their Zhukov. Atlas too. Our Hopper in their Dragon’s rear arc. I fire at the Manticore long range and short range at the Dragon and Zhukov with the Atlas and Orion. Our Locust immobilizes their Vedette, then destroys it too…Our Banshee hits the AC 20 in their Hetzer with a Small laser. Our Warhammer hits the Head of their Dragon twice with SRMs, the pilot blacked out. Our Stalker hits ammo in the Manticore boom, dead tank, no change of recovery. It hit the AC20 on my Atlas before it died. Our Atlas immobilizes the Zhukov, then the side dead tank. Our Atlas fell and destroyed it’s LT, LA on the ground. Kicks!!! I don’t kick the Dragon it’s salvage pristine. All kickson vees landed, no major damage done

We have taken out in three turns all three Assault stuff, both good heavy vees, and the Dragon is down. They flee, and our fighters chase them, they surrender and we turn them over to the CC.


Demolisher – immobile
Maxim - immobile
Schrek – Destroyed engine, current value – 2.85 mill, to fix 1 mill.
Vedette - immobile, destroyed side, we cannot salvage tossed a 7
Zhukov – immobile and destroyed side. We can salvage with a 12 tossed.

We captured a Demolisher, Maxim, Schrek and Zhukov!!! We fix them in a few days. But we’ll need to fix the engine on the Schrek and replace it. I spend that mill to fix it up.

Dragon 1N – blacked out pilot.

Victor – H, LL, RA, LA

Yay we captured a Dragon!


Atlas - They destroyed our LT – current value 8.4 mill, to fix 1.2 mill. I spend it.

Battle Loss
- 1.2 mill for Atlas.
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Old 01-11-2025, 12:23 AM   #166
Abe Sargent
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Oct 4, 3027 – We finish scouring the battlefield and HQ for salvage (975k total). We blow up the HQ and double check all of the pirates are off this rock.

We blast off to the JumpPoint.

Oct 11, 3027 – We reattach to our JumpShps including one brought for our Salvaged Leopard CV and Gazelle and then we jump out to Rollis!

Oct 26, 3027 – We arrive in the Rollis system JumpPoint. We finish up, and get that Command Circuit sorta and recharging stations. We’ll be back on November 28.

The Money Stuff!!!

Contract #25:

Pirate Hunting for CC against Raiders of Rochelle
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – Three Months
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.5, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

78,521 is our monthly salary.

What we Spent:

Salary - 392,605 – one month on the way, one back, three here.
Battle Loss – Atlas – 1.2 mill
Support – Ground Battles - 5 mill, 4 mill armor and 1 mil ammo for five battles
Support – Space Battles - 18,500,000
Battle Loss – Fighters I salvaged - 4,050,000
Salvage – Enemy Fighters - 6,050,000
Salvage Enemy DropShips – 13 mill

Total we Spent
- 2,588,004

What we were Paid:
Salary – 1,837,391
Signing Bonus – 661,460
Battle Loss – Fighters - 4,650,000
Battle Loss – Aquarius – 7,110,750
Support – Space – 9.25 mill
Support Our Fighters Salvage - 2,025,000
Support – Ground – 2.5 mill
Salvage – 17,570,000

Total we were Paid - 45,604,601

What we Lost
- 2,588,004

War Chest - 105,515,437

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Old 01-11-2025, 01:26 AM   #167
Abe Sargent
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Ships we grabbed:

Merchant JumpShip named “The Star Carrier.” With 2 DropRings and Small Craft. We captured in Rollis from Pirates, Returns on Nov 28, 3027 to Galatea.

Mule Cargo Carrier DropShop we captured from Pirates, we named the ”Profits of Merc Life” we captured from pirates will arrive on Nov 28, 3027 too.

Leopard CV – Fighter carrier DropShip with space for 6 fighters, empty, we renamed “Panthera Pardus Tulliana” (The name of the Persian Leopard). Captured from Pirates, arrives Nov 28, too.

Gazelle DropShip, named “Turrets of Diplomacy” vee carrier for 15 vees, Captured from Pirates, arrives Nov 28, too.

Beginning of Contract #26:

August 11, 3027 – Our Fortress, and Leopard CV arrives in the FWL world of Hamilton (there are two, the other is in Lyrsn space) Zenith JumpPoint with Alpha Regiment and Vee Squad #2. This is the O Raid for that company. They are supposed to have a Battalion of Vees, Infantry and Mechs and we’ve taken that to hit them with. No one protests our arriving.

We head to the planet.

August 17 - We land at their medium city DropPort near a large theater complex since that is what this world is known for. The performance arts. We land and are going to attack mercs guarding a nearby city HQ and then send them packing and destroy the HQ and leave.

We verify with scouts and VTOLS that they are what we are supposed to be fighting – correct!

Here are the Mercs!!!


Awesome - Veteran
Zeus 6S – Veteran
Trebuchet 5S – This swaps the 2 LRM15s for 2 SRM6s, and then 18 sinks vs 10.
Stinger 3R

I’d love to grab that Awesome or TBolt.


Ontos - vet
SturmFeur Heavy Tank - vet
Brutus – Yay!
LRM Carrier – Uh oh
Vedette (Liao version with 2 ML and 1 MG)

Ditto that Brutus and Ontos baby. We got to take out that LRM Carrier and Ontos fast with that massive power.

Three infantry. All regular unless otherwise stated.

Let’s use the City Park Map again.

This is their Awesome! Its an Assault mech with 80 tons 3/5 movement, three PPCs, one backup Small laser 28 sinks for heat dispersals and tons of armor to make them earn the kill without ammo explosions.

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Old 01-11-2025, 10:45 PM   #168
Abe Sargent
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I set up at the top.

Turn 1 – We win init 7-3. I move five where possible, some have +1 to hit like our Banshee. Many don’t have LOS to their stuff, so I am just taking targets of opportunity. Our Crusader -1s their SturmFeur. Our Shrek destroyed the front of their Ontos. Our BM destroyed their LRM Carrier’s side too. No falls or melee attacks, we took out an assault and heavy tank!

Turn 2 – We keep 7-4 this time. They backup their Awesome in the north, I move towards it. Our Hopper next to their Scimitar but it’s one level below, so no kicks, just punches. Our scouts at their Stinger! The rest the Awesome. Our Archer destroys their Awesome’s RT, RA on the ground. Our Saracen destroys it’s CT, dead mech! That was faster than I thought, I was hoping salvage. Their Stinger fell and destroyed it’s RA. Melee! Our Hopper punches the Scimitar and halves its movement

They push forward but this is their final turn to change things around with losing an Awesome in one turn.

Turn 3 – We thump init 12-3. Our BM bases their Urbie, Zeus and Brutus. I flee with a savaged VTOl. Their Dervish bases our Behemoth. Our Hopper bases their Scimitar again. Their Stinger rises. I chase and base it with the Wolfhound and Jenner. Our Jav hops and bases a Condor. Their Rifleman by my Von Luckner. Do I target their Zeus or Brutus? The Zeus. It’s in a far corner I’m not sure everyone can see it.

Our Warrior -1s their SturmFeur movement
Our Schrek destroys the Dervish’s RA
Our Hunchback destroys the Rifleman’s RA
Our Demolisher destroys the Zeus’s LT, the LA on the ground.
Our Banshee hits the gyro twice, dead mech!
Our Maxim hits the Stinger’s H and hits the sensor and life support. The pilot blacks out and falls.
Our other Maxim hits AC ammo in UrbanMech, boom, dead mech! That’s Mary Okere’s 4th kill! They also destroy the Stinger’s LL.
Their Brutus destroys our Atlas’s Rt by hitting ammo, but just the one with one shot left, so the torso is destroyed, RA on the ground, the pilot takes 3 damage.
Our Behemoth hit on their Dervish a foot.
We finish off the Zeus’s CT.
Falling – their Rifleman, Dervish but NOT our Atlas. Their Dervish pilot passes out.
We kick the Brutus with the BM since the mechs died.
Our BM destroys the Brutus’s turret! Dead tank!!! That’s her 8th kill, time for levels up!!!
Our Grasshopper punches their Scimitar’ side all dead, and stuff, dead tank! That’s Rakesh Venkatachala’s 4th kill for us, level up time!!!

With us taking out TWO Assault mechs, two heavies and an assault Tank and three more mechs, and a scout tank, they call it and flee. We capture the base!!!


Ontos – destroyed front. Not salvageable
LRM Carrier – destroyed side, this is not salvageable, tossed a 7.
Brutus – destroyed turret, we can salvage
Scimitar – destroyed front, we cannot salvage

We captured a Brutus!

Zeus LA, H, RT, RL,RA
Awesome – RA, H, LL, RL, LT, LA
UrbanMech – H, LA, RA, LL

Stinger 3R – Hit sensors, life support, destroyed LL and RA. See below
Dervish with destroyed RA, hit leg. Blacked out pilot. See below.

We restore the Stinger’s sensors and life support in a few days each. Can we grab those parts? Not in Stinger form, but Wasps, sure, those work and it’ll be ready in a few days. The Dervish’s RA? Done we’ve got that part in storage.


Atlas – missing RT; current value is 7.2 mill, to fix 850k

Do I have an RT in storage? Nope!
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Old 01-11-2025, 11:26 PM   #169
Abe Sargent
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August 20, 3027 – We spend a few days transferring their stuff, scouring the battlefield for salvage (1.25 mill since most tanks aren’t coming with us), their HQ for stuff (1.1 mill). 2.35 mill total.

We blast out after blowing up their HQ and then will arrive back home on Sept 30.

Levels Up:

Alpha BattleMaster – Meghan Morton – already elite, another edge.
Vee Company #2 - Maxim - Mary Okere - vet so +1 gunnery
Alpha Company - Grasshopper - Rakesh Venkatachala – he’s a vet, so +1 gunnery

Money Stuff!!!!!!

Contract #26:

Objective Raid for Company against FWL world of Hamiliton.
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – One Month
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.6, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 27%

Salary for them is 134,215

What we Spent:

Salary - 402,645 – 1 month here, one here and back
Battle Loss - Atlas – 850k
Support – 450k – 350k armor – they barely touched us and hit the Atlas on a through armor crit. 100k ammo for just three turns of fire.

Total we Spent: 1,702,645

What we were Paid:

Salary - 858,977
Signing Bonus – 231,923
Battle Loss – Atlas – 425k
Support – 225k

Total we were Paid
: 1,740,900

What we Made: 38,255

Basically even!!

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Old 01-12-2025, 08:38 PM   #170
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Beginning of Contract #27:

August 12,, 3027 – We arrive in Rio for the three month long Cadre/Garrison mission after dropping off the kids at Mallory’s World. I’ll roll a 2d6 for each month we are here, on a 9 or more, raids happen. We are to teach them anti-CC methods for fighting since we’ve never lost to them.

August 19, (I toss a 10) – They arrive at a Pirate Point that’s not the typical 12 days to the planet that we used. They’ll be here in three days.

August 22 – They attack us and basically want see what we are made of. Attacking our garrison point are a company of Vees unloaded from a Gazelle. Defending is Vee Company #1 with CO Stephen Marsh. They must have known we were here.

Here they are:

Demolisher - veteran
Shreck PPC Carrier – veteran
Condor (Liao) 4 ML
Vedette (Liao)
Harasser – uh oh, 2 SRM6s

This is each of ours Manticore a heavy tank weighing 60 tons and 1 PPC, SRm6, LRM 10 and Ml.

We are on a map with buildings, concrete and just open space, nowhere to hide.
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Old 01-13-2025, 01:21 AM   #171
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Turn 1 - We lose init 6-7, I charge 5, their Harasser bases my Vedette, I fire at that Shrek with long range stuff and close range at the Condor. Our Brutus -1 speed the Schrek and stuns the crew for a few turns.

Turn 2 – We win init 9-6. They eject the savaged PPC Carrier. They bring out the Demolisher from the building it was hiding in. But it’s still behind the building, so many of my tanks cannot draw a LOS, but those that can fire at it. Otherwise targets of opportunity. Our Brutus destroys the Demolisher’s front dead tank!! That’s her 8th Kill! Our Pegasus destroyed the engine on their Condor (Liao).

They’ve lost both assaults, and a random scout, they’ll try to turn it around this turn.

Turn 3 - They get init back 9-4. They eject the immobile Condor. I charge the Zhukov and Manticore they have left good tanks. Do I target the higher armored Zhukov or the better weapons lighter Manticore? I do the Zhukov with everything. It’s -1 to hit. Their Zhukov -1 movements our Patton. Our Brutus destroys the Zhukov’s turret, dead tank!!! Two kills this battle for her!!! Our Maxim destroyed their Scorpion’s turret too!!

With three exchanges of fire, they lose more than a quarter of their forces and they flee.


Schrek PPC Carrier – ejected, -1 movement.
Demolisher – front destroyed. Salvaged! I tossed an 11.
Condor (Liao) – Destroyed engine; current value 788k, to fix 400k
Zhukov – destroyed turret. Not salvageable I tossed a 7.
Scorpion – destroyed turret we toss a 10, salvageable

We salvaged a Scorpion, Schrek, Condor Liao and Demolisher! I spend the money for that fixed Condor!


Patton – fix engine speed.

We fix it!

Level Up:

Sorenella Capecci – Brutus,1st Vee Company – she’s veteran, now she’ elite!!!
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Old 01-13-2025, 02:59 PM   #172
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Aug 22, 3027 – We interview and it looks like this was sent here to see if we were as good on defense as on offense!

We spend a couple of days scouring the battlefield since tanks, and we did grab that unsalvageable Zhukov we took apart. We find 845k of salvage.

EVENT Aug 28, 3027 - Alice and Roger Sanchez have their 2nd kid, a girl. They name her Maria Sanchez.

Nov 12, 3027 - They don’t hit us again, probably because of how efficiently we handled them! We finish up!

We’ll arrive on Galatea on Dec 23.

That Money Stuff!

FS Cadre/Garrison for World of Rio
Salvage – Full
Command – Liaison
Length – Three Months
Support - 50% Battle loss and Support
Transport – None
Remuneration - None
Salary – x4.0, x.1.5, x1.3
Signing Bonus – 36%

Our salary is 65,622/month

What we Spent:

Salary - 393,732 - July until December
Battle Loss – 450k – 350k armor, 100k ammo - not long or any major armor losses.

Total Spent: 843,732

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,535,554
Signing Bonus - 552,799
Battle Loss - 225k

Total we were Paid: 2,313,353

Total Made:

War Chest: 1

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Old 01-13-2025, 03:36 PM   #173
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August 1st, 3027 – At Galatea, we look for missions for 3rd and 5th Tank Company!

We get…1

It’s from a company that wants us to do an O Raid in the Periphery, too far away, otherwise yuppers!

August 13, 3027 – Flavia Obed-Marsh uses her 7 recruits!

They are all dispossessed MWs! Elite too.

They are:

Robert Suydam
Albert Du Monde
Angela Stobert
Tobias Hoset
Ghaaliba Sadaqat
Robin Applebaum
Leilani Taylor

None in anything!!!

Sept 1st, 3027 – Missions?

I get 1!

#1. The Fed Suns want us to O Raid the FWL border world of Wasat one just from Outreach and we could be there on Sept 26.

I take it for our newly formed 5th Vee Company!

We have 135 base points, for this 162 total!

Negotiations with the FS: We spend 50 for full salvage. 112 left! We spend 10 for one month, 102! They spend 25 for x4 salary, us 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support 52. 37 for 50% Transit, no remuneration, 47, lisison.27% signing bonus.

Contract #28:

O. Raid by FS targeting FWL World of Wasat.
Salvage: Full
Support: 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length: 1 month
Command: Liaison
Salary: x4,x.1.6, x1.2
Transport - 50%
Remuneration – None
27% Signing Bonus.

They’ll have just a vee company defending!.
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Old 01-13-2025, 04:22 PM   #174
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Sept 13, 3027 – Recruits by Flavia: All elite , dispossessed MWs with unassigned thang!

Here they are:

Pavla Laman
Hidehira Tanaka
Omako Kichikawa
Eiric Begley
Lyubov Amiranashvili
Sára Kondziolka
Lavinia Guzmán

I need to create my 6th Mech company!

‘Eono Company – This is Hawaiian for 6.

Capt. Robert Suydam, elite, BattleMaster 1G
Banshee 3S, elite, Pavla Laman
Thunderbolt 5S, elite, Hidehira Tanaka
Charger 1A5, elite, Omako Kichikawa

Left. Albert Du Monde, elite, Crusader 3R (I bought it)
Warhammer 6R, elite, Eiric Begley
Catapult C1, elite, Lyubov Amiranashvili (I bought it)
Goliath, Sára Kondziolka, elite

Left. Dervish, Lavinia Guzmán, elite
Vulcan 5T, Angela Stobert, elite
Javelin 10F, Tobias Hoset , elite
Locust 1E, elite, Ghaaliba Sadaqat

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Old 01-13-2025, 09:31 PM   #175
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Beginning of Contract #28:

We rent a Gazelle with us to Wasat! It costs 500k there and back again.

Sept 26, 3027 - We arrive at the Wasat Zenith Jumppoint! No major issues with arrival. We head to the planet.

Oct 2 – We arrive at the planet, no major contestation of our arrival here too! We are raiding a company of vees on the garrison duty at a minor industrial complex. We land and unfurls our stuff too at a nearby DropPort, they head out to meet us!

Here they are:

Devastator - vet
Schrek AC Carrier - vet
Shrek PPC Carrier – vet
Von Luckner
Galleon Light Tank

FOUR AC20s rolled!!! Nasty…they are all regular save for the three assaults.

Here is their Devastator, an 80 ton 3/5 movement, with 2 AC20s, 1 SRM 6, 1 Flamer, 3 Sl and 144 armor. It’s nasty!

We are on the DropPort where they met us.
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Old 01-13-2025, 10:48 PM   #176
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Turn 1 – We win init 10-7 good buddy. I focus short range fire on that AC Carrier Shrek that closed and long range fire on their Devastator. Our Rhino halves that Devastator’s movement. So does our Manticore. Our Demolisher’s AC20 hits and destroys their Hutner’s side. Our Bulldog’s their AC Carrier’s front, dead tank!

Turn 2 – We win 9-3! They back up their Devastator. Their Hetzer charges us. Maxim next, their Saladin moves up, Saracen to it’s rear. It’s in front of my Brutus and Zhukov and is a sac play to save their Devastator. I stay north near the Hetzer and Saladin and try to take them out this turn with short range fire. Our Rhino destroys their Devastator’s front side. Dead tank! Our Bulldog destroys their Hetzer’s side! Dead tankx2! Our Ontos destroys the Saladin’s front, dead tankx3!!!!

And in one turn we destroy ALL FOUR AC20 units. They have one turn to try and turn this around, they still have the PPC Carrier, Von Luckner and Manticore against us to try and spin this around. I did do some damage to that Shrek last turn.

Turn 3 – They grab init 11-5. Hopefully that’ll be the one thing they win this turn!!! They charge with the Von Luckner, their Manticore is in a street we find. Their Shrek advances. Our Sabakuto Kaze basses their Manticore. Our Condor too. Their Galleon on the other side. Saracen and Maxim two away. I target their Von Luncker with long range stuff, Shrek short range and Manticore the stuff that can see it. Our Demolisher destroys their Von Luckner’s left side! Our Saracen’s destroyed the right on their Manticore!

Their Schrek PPC Carrier survives and leads a retreat, we won!!!


Hunter – destroyed side, we tossed an 9 yes we can salvage, happy!
Schrek AC Carrier – destroyed front, not salvageable, tossed a 5
Devastator – Destroyed front tossed an 8, salvageable!
Hetzer – destroyed side! Tossed a 12, salvageable!
Saladin – destroyed front! Tossed a 3, nope!
Von Luckner – Destroyed left side, we toss a 10, yuppers puppers!!!
Manticore – destroyed right, we tossed a 6, not salvageable.

We captured a Von Luckner, Devastator, Hetzer and Hunter!!!
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Old 01-13-2025, 11:05 PM   #177
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Oct 6, 3027 – We spend some time scouring the battlefield and taking apart the Shrek AC Carrier, Saladin and Manticore into parts. We found 2.65 mill there. We salvage the stuff from their HQ, lower value since it’s tanks, just 750k there.

We destroy their HQ and blast off!

Oct 12, 3027 – We settle and head back to Galatea! We’ll arrive on Nov 19.

Is it….Contract Time???????

O. Raid by FS targeting FWL World of Wasat.
Salvage: Full
Support: 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length: 1 month
Command: Liaison
Salary: x4,x.1.6, x1.2
Transport - 50%
Remuneration – None
27% Signing Bonus.

Our salary is 49,702 per month.

What we Spent:

Salary – 149,106 – Sept to Nov.
Rental of Gazelle – 40k per jump – 320k total
Battle Loss – 400k – 300k armor, 100k ammo short battle, but a bunch of missile vees.

Total Spent: 869,106

What we were Paid:

Salary - 381,711
Signing Bonus - 103,062
Battle Loss – 200k
Transit – 160k

Total Paid: 844,773

We basically broke even but then add in that 3,400,000 from salvage, yay cash!

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Old 01-14-2025, 12:23 AM   #178
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Sept 30, 3027 – Back at Galatea, the Company Raid on the FWL World of Hamilton! This is Alpha Company Mech Squad and Vee Squad Company #2 with their Fortress and Leopard CV and infantry too. Flavia, normally the head of it, would normally recruit, and would now rejoin them after taking time off, but earlier this month we heard of the capture of another Leopard CV with 6 fighters we need to fill. We’ll wait until Oct 13 to do that.

Contracts for now though, since we could get something for ‘Eono Company or this stuff too or Vee #3.

We get 3!

#1. ComStar wants us for an O Raid on the Draconis Combine border world of Scheat which is on the Fed Suns border and around 4 from our HW of Malloy’s World, and then we could be there on Nov 18th.
#2. The Lyrans want us for a O Raid too on the Drac border world, too, of Alrakis, which is just three jumps away, we could be there on Oct 16.
#3. The Combine wants us for an Extract Raid on the Lyran border world of Ryde which is also three jumps away. We could be there on Oct 16 too since I’d jump to the same place

I’d love the 2nd and 3rd. I just need a company of mechs for the Ryde one and then a battalion for Alrakis. But I don’t have the powerful aerial stuff since that needs a fleet just like we encounters with the CC raids. They get back on Nov 11, and we ask if we can push the Drac raid for the LS until then and we’ve done a round of recruiting, and they agree. This was Vee Company #4 and Deux and Tres Company in the raid on the CC world of Tsingtai. With Evan Marsh and our Overlord, captured Achilles, two others, three Leopard CVs and a Condor for the vees

I go ahead and negotiate both #2 and #3.

Negotiate with Lyrans for O. Raid:
We start with 135 points. We pull 50 for Full Salvage, then 10 for a one month deal and then 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support and then they 25 points for x4 salary. Total left 25. They give us liaison, no remuneration and no transit, 45 total for 22% signing bonus

Contract #29:

O. Raid for LS against Drac world of Alrakis
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6. x1.4
Remuneration – None
Command – Liaison
Transport - None
22% Signing Bonus

Negotiate with Draconis Combine
: We start with 148 points. I pull 50 for Full salvage, 98 left! They want 3 months, we drop to one 10 points – 88 left. We pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support they 25 for salary,48 left. We pull 15 for 50% transit since we’ll need to rent a Union for the trip for ‘Eono Company. 33 left. They give us liaison, us no remuneration 43 left, 21% signing bonus.

Contract #30:

Extract Raid for DC against LS world of Ryde
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6. x1.3
Remuneration – None
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
21% Signing Bonus

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Old 01-14-2025, 01:39 AM   #179
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Beginning of Contract #29:

Nov 11, 3027 – Evan arrives at Galatea with his group which is hitting Alrakis. We can do a round of recruiting first. He can recruit 5 or for a DropShip instead. We could grab a 4th Achilles, a Union to carry a company of Mechs, or another Leopard CV Fighter carrier. I really like the Achilles and Union.

I do a 4th Achilles

Meet our newest Assault/Escort powerhouse!

Named the “Frontier Escort!” It has two small craft and fighters, I transfer over two we snagged and salved and paid for but are looking for space.

We jump to Alrakis and will be there in system on Nov 27.

Nov 27, 3027 – We arrive at the Nadir JumpPoint where there is traffic according to Lyran intel. Defending this mineral rich and industrial border world are a veteran unit. Here at the Nadir JumpPoint are two Invader Jumps with DropRings on them of two Achilles, two Leopard CV and two empty spots and the defender’s logo on it. They unfurl as they send them to us.

They have:

2 Leopard CVs, two Achilles, 16 fighters, 4 Aquarii’s in the Achilles

We have:

Three Leopard CVs, 4 Achilles, 1 Overlord, 1 Condor, 30 fighters, 4 Aquarii from our JumpShips

We have everything save Aquarii.

We win! We destroy their two Achilles and one Leopard CV the other fled in a JumpShip and then two Aquarii and 10 fighters, the rest tucked into the Leopard. Can we salvage an Achilles? One, and then the Leopard CV? A 7, nope. It’ll cost us 4.5 mill to salvage their the Achilles.

Battle Loss at the JumpPoint – We took 9.75 mill in a longer battle damage. We lose an Aquarius permanently, we lost 6 fighters, 3 full at a cost of 5.25 mill. We can salvage the others for 1.25 mill of ours. We can salvage four of their fighters for 2.7 mill.

Since it’ll take us 20 days to get to the planet, we’ll do repairs on the way, and we found 4.5 mill in stuff.

Dec 15 - We arrive at the planet. They have another defensive cordon of another 2 Achilles, 2 Leopard CV and this time an Overlord from the surface’s fighters too.

They add 6 more fighters to the mix. 22 total fighters for them to our 30. And we are down an Aquarius.

We win, it takes longer, but one Achilles and Leopard CV are defeated, and the others flee. Can I salvage either? The Leopard CV, yes! But for a pricier 12 mill.

Battle Loss at the Planet:
We took another 10 mill in damage, we lost 8 fighters, 5 permanently for a cost of 7.25 mill and then can salvage 3 of ours for 925k, and then we can salvage 5 of theirs for 4.2 mill.

Dec 15, 3027 We land and we have air support so we use it to verify that they are who they are supposed to be. Yuppers, the exact numbers

We land, unload, and headout!

Here are our foes! Remember, they are veteran unless otherwise stated. You know how nasty they were in the past. Also remember we have a Vee squad and in our numbers. Also remember Tres Mech Company has lighter armored stuff…


Awesome - elite
Charger 1A5 - elite
Cyclops 10-Z - elite
Stalker – elite
Striker 2C - elite
Zeus 6T – elite


Archer 2k
Crusader 3K
Orion 1K
Warhammer 6K


Hermes II 4K
2 Phoenix Hawk 1K
Shadow Hawk 2K
Trebuchet 7K
2 Wolverine 6K


3 Jenner
2 Panther
2 Wasp 1K

I’d love to snag that Awesome, Spider, Charger and Orion!

This is both of ours Stalker, an 85 ton assault Mech with 20 heat sinks, 2 LL, 2 LRm10, 2 SRM6,and 4 ML.

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Old 01-15-2025, 02:13 AM   #180
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We lose init 4-3. Close. They set up in an arc around us. I charge 5! I jump and take the woods on the left flank. They flank the Trebuchet and Griffin on the east flank. Our Vulcan bases their Stinger. Their Jenner flanks on that side too. Their PXh bases our Jenner too east flank. Our Maxims to it’s rear. Plainsman’s next to it. Their Spider and Locust on the west flank. Long range fire on the Charger at +0 to hit, and then short range on targets of opportunity,

Our Maxim hit the PXh’s gyro twice dead mech!
Our Hunter blows off their Cyclops LA on the ground
Our Longbow does the same with the RL. On the ground.
They hit our Stalker’s engine through a through armor crit.
Our Brutus hits the engine and gyro twice on their Cyclops – dead mech!!
Our Ontos destroys the RL of their Hunchback.
They hit our SRM ammo in our Bm, boom, it dies uh oh…
Our Vulcan kicks and legs their Stinger’s LL destroyed! It kicked me over too.
We hit their Hunchs AC20 too, so it’s not working either.

Turn 2 – We grab init 10-4. We took too AC20s off the board! The eject the Cyclops. They also ejected the PXH and Hunch!!! They turn but don’t eject the Stinger. They move out their Stalker! I stand up our Vulcan and move it back. Our Striker bases their Griffin basing our SturmFeur. Our Jenner to their Trebuchet’s rear. Ditto our scout hover lance of Plainsman and Maxims. Their Wasp jumps next to my Zeus. Our Hatchetman bases it. Their Spider next to my Catapult’s flank. Our Griffin bases it’s rear. Vindicator too it’s flank. Their Awesome advances the left flank and their savaged Jenner pulls back by him. Our Enforcer by their Spider. Our Valkyrie bases their Wasp. I split fire from their Archer 2K and Cyclops, to take out the last AC20 unit to rally behind. Each are +0 to hit.

Our Devastator hits their Cyclops and destroys it’s LA
Their Awesome hit our Stalker’s gyro twic,e dead mech
They’ll also hit the engine twice more.
Their Dragon destroys it’s RA.
They -1 movement on our Ontos
Our Marauder hits the ammo on their Archer, boom, dead mech!
Their Cyclops blacked out and falls. They’ve taken 5 damage, likely not to wake up. Their Spider fell.
Our Griffin destroys the LL on their Spider! The rest the Left side.
Our Hatchetman hatchets their Wasp in the head dead mech! Kill!!!
We kick their Griffin to the ground, it reduced our speed on our SturmFuer by -1.

We blacked out the Cyclops, blew up the Archer legged a Spider and head killed a Wasp, four more mechs blacked out, killed or legged, but they took out a 2nd mech on our side, so they’ll keep on coming.

Turn 3 – We keep init 10-9. Close!!! I eject the Stalker. They don’t eject the Spider since it’s next to our Catapult and can fire at it. They still don’t eject the Stinger. I move away from the Spider. Our Orion bases theirs. Devastator too. Our Griffin bases their savaged Jenner, Vulcan too. They back up their Stalker. I go after the Stalker, instead of the harder to hit Orion. Both Zeuses base it. Our Crusader and TBolt too. They hull down the Griffin. Our Cataphract is based by their Hatchetman. I attack their Stalker with everything save minor fire at their Hermes II, Wasp and Trebuchet. Our Cat punches their Hatchetman in the head but he’s fine.

Our Plainsmen gets a limb blown off crit for their TBT’s RL it’s on the ground.
Our Demolisher destroys their Stalker’s LT, the LA on the ground.
Our Schrek destroys it’s CT, dead mech!!!
Their Wolverine destroys our Hetzer,
They hit our MAD’s hip, It falls.
Their Hermes II fell and the pilot blacked out.
Our Griffin destroys the LL of their Jenner!

They eject from the legged mechs and we captured the blacked out Cyclops and Hermes II.


Charger 1A5 missing LT, LA, RT, and with 2 hits each gyro and engine; see below.
PXH1K – 2 gyro hits
Hunchback missing RL hit AC20; see below
Stinger missing LL; see below
Cyclops 10-Z missing LA, blacked out pilot. See below
Spider missing it’s LL, LT and LA; see below
Jenner missing LL; see below
Wasp 1K, missing H; see below
Trebuchet 7K reattach leg
Hermes II 4K, blacked out pilot.

Archer 2K – RA, LA, H, LL
Stalker LA, H, RL, LL

We fix the gyro on their Charger today and then it’s engine in 4 days. We fix the Phoenix Hawk’s gyro in 4 days, it’s ready to go. We also have the reattached leg for the TBT and Hermes II 4K ready to go. We fix the Hunchy’s AC20. Fixes! I cannot find the Charger parts, any other 80 tonners like Awesome or Victor or Zeus or Striker?? All the Victor parts, they all work. Hunchy missing RL? Yup, with that model too! It’s ready. Stinger LL? Wasp, yes. Cyclops? We’ve got it’s LA in storage! Spider’s left side? I have a Spider LL and LA. Not LT though, any other Javelin weights? Yup! It’s working in a few days. Jenner LL? Nope! That weight? Panther! I spend 500k to convert it to a JR7F. How about the Wasp head? Got hit!!!


BattleMaster 1G RA, LA, H, – battle loss is 8,501,243
Stalker hit engine x3 and gyro x3, destroyed RA; battle loss is 750k
SturmFeur - -2 movement.
Ontos – -1 movement
Hetzer – destroyed side and I cannot salvage it. Tossed a 7. Battle Loss - 664,000
Marauder – hip and savaged leg.

They savaged us good. We fix the Stalker’s engine and gyro in 7 and 2 days respectively. I need a Stalker RA to replace ours. I don’t have any of it…I use a Longbow RA, that’s the same weight. We fi the tanks. We fix the Marauder. I could replace the Hetzer with one in storage, but this company has a Demolisher and Devastator already, is a 5th one needed? I add the Zhukov from storage!!!
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Old 01-15-2025, 02:50 AM   #181
Abe Sargent
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While I am thinking about it, I send 750k per Trebuchet 7K I have to convert them to normal ones. That’s 1.5 mil for both of them.

Dec 18, 3027 – We spend three days rearming, armoring, taking apart the Hetzer, scouring the field and then raiding them too. We grabbed 5.5 mill from all three. Then we destroy their HQ and head to the JumpPoint!

January 8th, 2028 – We arrive at the JumpPoint and jump out! We’ll be in Galatea on Jan the 25th.

See you then!!!

Money Stuff!

O. Raid for LS against Drac world of Alrakis
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6. x1.4
Remuneration – None
Command – Liaison
Transport - None
22% Signing Bonus

Our salary for a month is 222,565

What we Spent:

Salary - 667,695 – Nov – Jan.
To Replace the BM - 8,501,243
Ground Battle Support – 850k total – 700k armor and 150k ammo
Battle Support – To fix aerospace stuff. 19.75 mill space stuff
Battle Loss - To Repair Our Fighters - 2,175,000
Salvage Their Fighters – 6.9 mill
To Salvage the Achilles and Leopard CV – 16.5 mill

Total we Spent: 55,343,938

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,994,182
Singing Bonus: 438,720
Battle Loss Atlas and Stalker - 4,625,621
Battle Loss – Aquarius - 7,110,750
Battle Loss – Fighters - 6,250,000
Support – Ground – 425k
Support Air – 9,875,000

Total we were Paid
: 30,719,273

Salvage - 12,250,000

42,969,273 off of that spending, so we are down 12,374,665!

War Chest: 87,233,397

END OF CONTRACT #29!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-15-2025, 01:29 PM   #182
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Meet our newest DropShips!!!

Achilles #5 – An escort and attack ship with 2 Small Craft and fighters. Named “Peacepact.” Captured from the DC in Alrakis, Captured from the DC in Alrakis, will be available at Galatea on Jan 25, 3058.

Leopard CV – Fighter Carrier with six spots, named “Panthera Pardus Pardus” (African Leopard genus name). Captured from the DC in Alrakis, will be available at Galatea on Jan 25, 3058.

Here are all of them right now!


Merchant JumpShip named “The Star Carrier.” With 2 DropRings and Small Craft. We captured in Rollis from Pirates, Returns on Nov 28, 3027 to Galatea.
Merchant – 2 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, “Serendipitous Balance”, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”

Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles, With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary
Invader – “Jade Camel” 3 DropRings and two Small Craft which are Aquarius.

Star Lord JumpShip, “Starry Valley,” 6 DropRings, 4 Small Craft that are DropShuttles


Cargo Carriers:

Mule Cargo Carrier DropShop we captured from Pirates, we named the ”Profits of Merc Life” we captured from pirates will arrive on Nov 28, 3027 too.
Mule – “Salvage Holder” Cargo Spheroid; carries 3 bays of 2715 tons each; Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058

Assault Drops:

Achilles #3 - Escort and assault DropShip named the “Ares Rules of War” named after the Ares Convention all major powers signed to keep battle away from civs and then not use Mass Destruction stuff like Nukes or chemical weapons. Captured from CC world of Tsinghai.
Achilles #4 - Named the “Frontier Escort!” It has two small craft and fighters,
Achilles #5 – An escort and attack ship with 2 Small Craft and fighters. Named “Peacepact.” Captured from the DC in Alrakis, Captured from the DC in Alrakis, will be available at Galatea on Jan 25, 3058.

Avenger ”Black Panther” – Assault and escort DropShip, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Hawkeye” – Assault and escort DropShip, with Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Marvelous” - Assault and escort DropShip, with Khamésh Company returns Nov 28 too.

Fighter Carriers:

Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full; With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Leopard CV “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Melas” – Can hold six fighters, full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Nimr” - Can hold six fighters, full, captured from the CC
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Fusca II” Captured from CC, full
Leopard CV – Fighter carrier DropShip with space for 6 fighters, empty, we renamed “Panthera Pardus Tulliana” (The name of the Persian Leopard). Captured from Pirates, arrives Nov 28, too.
Leopard CV – Fighter Carrier with six spots, named “Panthera Pardus Pardus” (African Leopard genus name). Captured from the DC in Alrakis, will be available at Galatea on Jan 25, 3058.

Military Carriers:

Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo

Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, Assault style craft.

Gazelle DropShip, named “Turrets of Diplomacy” vee carrier for 15 vees, Captured from Pirates, arrives Nov 28, too.

Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters full

Union, “Sapphire Lion”, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid, used by Khamésh Company returns Nov 28.
Union DropShip, “Ruby Lion” Captured from pirates, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid – Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058,
Union, DropShip – “Jade Lion” Captured from the CC carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, full Fighters, spheroid
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Old 01-15-2025, 02:11 PM   #183
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #30:

We rent a Union for ῾Eono Company’s recon raid three drops away in Ryde right here in Lyran space. We will be spending 600k there and back again total. This planet is rich in Chemical industries, like making pharmaceuticals and industrial explosives and fuel.

Oct 16, 3027 – We arrive at the Zenith JumpPoint where there is a recharge station. No major issues or resistance.

Oct 27 – We arrive at the planet! We are raiding a warehouse for a new type of pharmaceutical and bringing it back to the Combine’s liaison. They have infantry and a liaison and such to secure and bring it back and ensure it’s the correct thing. No blowing it up though.

We land and secure the DropPort at a city on the Kade Continent. We use scouts to secure the garrison at the warehouse is as expecting since I don’t have fighters or the Boomerang. They’re there and a company of mechs!

We arrive an hour later and smash them all up down the block.

Here they are!

Awesome 8T – the one with 2 LRM15s and 2 LL instead of 3 PPCs. veteran
Zeus 6S – veteran
Orion 1K

This is ῾Eono Company’s shakedown mission, with all elite against them as regulars. Should be easy. We are on a map with buildings, roads. trees and concrete. I‘d love to add that Grasshopper, Orion and Awesome and Hunchy to my stables. Wolfhound too!!!

This is both of ours medium mech Dervish: 55 tons, 5/8/5 movement, 10 sinks, 2 LRM10s for long range and 2 SRM2s and MLs each to give inner range bite. 7.5 tons of armor, it should be more and more sinks as well for a jumper. If you jump 5, that 5 heat and you can only fire a ML and SRM2.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-15-2025 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 01-15-2025, 11:32 PM   #184
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I create a spear formation led by our Charger. They set up on the right flank mostly,

Turn 1 – I lose init 8-7 we charge 5. Their Dervish bases our Javelin. I target that Awesome!!! We barely hurt it, it stands.

Turn 2 – We gain init 12-6. They backup their Awesome. Their Wolverine bases my Goliath’s flank. Our Vulcan to it’s rear. Their Dervish to our Catapult’s rear. I base it’s rear with our Javelin. Their asp to our BMs; rear, their Zeus bases us in the front. I target that Awesome again. Our Jav hit the engine in their Dervish. Their Awesome hits our hip in our BM which falls. Our Warhammer destroys the LL in their Awesome, which also falls. Do I kick the Dervish again or punch and try for the open CT and hit a gyro or engine again? Punch. We do punch it’s gyro once, but it stands…nasty. We also punched it’s head once…wow. Good punches!!

Turn 3 – We keep init 10-9. They don’t eject the Awesome since it’s still got weaps. Their Dervish spins and reveals it’s back to me…my BM has 7 armor left internal on it’s LL and 3 left internal on the LT so I eject it. Our Locust 1E to the rear of their Dervish. They back up their Hunch. Our Banshee bases their Grasshopper. Our Charger too. TBolt too. It’s +2 to hit I target it with everything not in a rear arc like the Locust 1E. Our Locust hits the ammo and boom, dead Dervish. Our first kill!!! It explodes and smashes our nearby stuff like the Locust that killed it badly. We hit a Hip in their Grasshopper and it falls. It’s only got 8 armor in that leg. I am going to kick it with all three adjunct and hope we finish it off but be salvageable. Our Banshee kicks off it’s head, dead mech and MW, they aren’t going to like that!!! We also destroyed it’s LA. Their Wasp fell funnily after missing a kick,

They come hot.

Turn 4 – We win init 9-6. They savaged our Banshee that turn and then we had our Locust get a rough hit. They turn the Awesome. Our Charger bases their Orion. Our Vulcan bases their Wolfhound’s rear. Ditto our Javelin and Warhammer. Our TBolt bases their Orion. Their Wolverine bases our Hammer. Their Wasp rises and moves. I back up the savaged Banshee. Other than the based Wolfhounds, ever thing at the Orion. Our Warhammer destroys the LA of their Wolfhound. Our Crusader hits a foot in the leg of their Orion. Our Banshee’s AC10 hits the H of their Orion, but no cockpit and nothing else hit it. Their Orion fell. Kicks on the Orion and Wolfhound!!! Our Charger kicks and hit the LRM ammo on the Orion, boom, dead mech!!! Our Warhammer destroys their LL on the Wolfhound and then the LT destroyed too legged!

They call it with those additional kills/legs. They eject the Awesome and Wolfhound and pull out!!!


Awesome 8T – with a missing LL. See below!
Grasshopper missing H and LA. See below
Wolfhound missing LL, LA and LT. See below – current value is 5,422,893 – 400k to fix

Dervish RA, H, LA, LL
Orion, H, LL, LA, RA

The Awesome is an 80 tonner. Can we get ether it’s or another’s LL? We have an Awesome part proper. The Grasshopper? No head, but yes to LA. It weighs 70 the same as an Archer, Warhammer and Cataphract. We have a Cataphract head that works!!! The Wolfhound’s left side? None, it weighs 35 tons, the same as Jenner, Panther, and the Firestarter too. I have a Panther LT and LL . no LAs by anyone else. I pay the 400k to get it operable. Yay for a new Grasshopper, Wolfhound and Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BattleMaster – hip, more legs stuff hit.
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Old 01-16-2025, 12:22 AM   #185
Abe Sargent
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Oct 27, 3027 – We secure the warehouse, the infantry from the Combine got the new pharmaceutical and we head back.

Nov 7, 3037 – We blast out!

We’ll arrive back at Galatea on Nov 24!


Extract Raid for DC against LS world of Ryde
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6. x1.3
Remuneration – None
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
21% Signing Bonus

Our company costs 78,641 / month.

What we Spent:

Salary – 2 months - 157,282
Support - 850k - 700k armor they savaged us, 150k ammo
Union Rental – 600k

Total Spent -

What we were Paid:

Salary - 654,293
Signing Bonus – 137,401
Support - 425k
Transit – 300k

Total we were Paid -

We lost 90,587 not much

END OF CONTRACT #30!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-16-2025, 01:11 AM   #186
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Oct 13, 3027 – Flavia at Galatea has her 7 recruits! Or I could try to recruit another Union for 12 MechWarriors more MechWarriors for another company, since we could probably do another. Hmmm….transport or another 7 recruits??

I recruit 7 more!

Here they are:

Erich Zann
Crystal Good
Doris Rockmeier
Aythe Zaganos
Nelle Poldermans
Yvette Coleman
Aidan Boyle

All elite.

Is that enough for another company with our previous ones?

I also have:

Robin Applebaum
Leilani Taylor
Michele Ho
Pat Sutherland

So that’s 11, I could go ahead and do an 11 unit one, but I hold off.

EVENT: October, 22, 3027
– Hanse Davion announces his marriage to Katrina Steiner’s first born daughter Melissa Steiner. Since Hanse isn’t married and has no kids, their heir will inherit both realms. They will be married on August 20th of next year. They’ll be married on Terra.

October 30 – Contracts for the Fortress, Alpha Company and Vee #2 and Leopard CV!!!!

I toss three!!!

They are:

#1. A company wants us for an Extract Raid on the Drac world of Yorii, we could be there on Nov 13. But I’d need help since it’s not open border.
#2. The Fed Suns want us for an Objective Raid against the FWL border world of Concord, two jumps from Rochelle we hit before and we could be there on Dec 12.
#3. ComStar wants us to O. Raid the Lyran world of Eaton, three jumps from Skye and we could be there on Nov 14. It’s a boring world away from everything poorly defended.

The FS or CS Raid? I’ll do the one closest on Nov 14. The ComStar one!!!!

We negotiate with CS:
We’ve got 154 points. Full salvage is -50. They offer three, we counter with 1 month, 60 points used. We grab 50% Battle Loss and Support, another 25 is used, they pull 25 for x4 salary. 44 left. We do no remuneration, no transit and Liaison command. 64 left, 32% signing bonus!!!

Contract #31:

Objective Raid by ComStar on LS World of Eaton
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight
Length - 1 month
Command – Liaison
Transmit – None
Remuneration – None
Salary – x4. x1.6.,x1.25
Signing Bonus – 32%

See you at Eaton!!!!
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Old 01-16-2025, 01:44 AM   #187
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Beginning of Contract #31:

Nov 14, 3027 – We arrive in Eaton! We are at the Nadir JumpPoint with no traffic of a military nature at either side. We head to the planet!!!

Nov 21 – We arrive at the planet. We land and unload at a DropPort near our target. This is supposed to be a battalion like us of 12 vees, mechs, and 3 infantry. Then we can raid and destroy the target for ComStar which is a local military HQ, This world is so boring that the defenders are minor and not well done.

Our scouts and infantry arrive and verify their numbers. They are as expected!!!

They are below!


Awesome - vet
Victor 9B – vet
Archer 2S
Warhammer 6D
Scorpion Mech -
Locust 1S


Partisan - vet
SturmFeur - vet
SRM Carrier - nasty vee killer
Von Luckner
AC10 Vedette variant
Scorpion Light vee

All regular unless stated otherwise. Weird both Scorpions are here!

Here is their and our Von Lucker, a heavy vee with 75 tons, 3/5 movement, an AC10, PPC, SRm4, rear facing LRM10, flamer and MG.

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Old 01-16-2025, 04:58 PM   #188
Abe Sargent
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We are on a map with concrete, pools, woods, hills and light rubble. I set up my spear with my Atlas prong leading!!! They set up mostly on the left corner away from us.

Turn 1 – We win init closely 10-9. I plunge 5 hexes with the spear. They flank their Warhammer down the left flank. Their Drillson flanks that side too. Their Scorpion flanks the east side and bases my Warrior VTOl hex. They kept the Victor in hills on the right side, none can see him. Can I hit that Awesome? It’s not in medium range of anything, and +0 to hit. Their SturmFuer and SRM are in the back woods I cannot easily make them out. Their Locust bases my Hopper. The Awesome can see the SRM Carrier. It’s +1 to hit. I fire at it with a few, the rest long range stuff at the Awesome, and then short range stuff at the nearest target of opportunity.

Their Scorpion tank halves our movement on the Behemoth
Our Wolfhound halves their Drillson’s movement
Our BM hits their Awesome’s gyro once
Our Warrior destroys their Hunter’s engine!!!
Our Behemoth destroyed the SRM Carrier’s front. Dead tank!!
Their Scorpion mech and Awesome fall.
Melee! No falls

Turn 2 - We lose init 9-8. I charge 5 again. They ejected the Hunter. I eject the Behemoth with savaged armor and halved speed. Their Awesome Hull Downs. Their Scorpion rises. Warrior VTols to it’s rear and Saracen and Jenner too and Maxims too. Grasshopper next to their Warhammer’s rear. Our Jav and Wolfhound next to their halved movement’s Drillson. Our Crusader to the rear of their Stinger. I target the Drillson with my Jav and Hound, the rear arc stuff to the Stinger from Crusader and their Scorpion mech. Their Awesome only has 18 left in CT, so I don’t want to overkill, I only fire at it things like SRMs with hitting that CT again for another gyro hit kill. I still can’t see their Victor, so long range at that +2 Archer in woods.

Their Vedette -1s our Von Luckner’s movement ditto their Awesome
Our Wolfhound immobilizes a Drillson!!!
Our Maxim hit the ammo in their Scorpion, mech, boom, kill!
Their Warhammer’s PPC hit our Crusader’s H, nothing internal hit.
Our Anti-Mech infantry blow the LL off the Stinger on the ground.
An SRM hits their Awesome in the head and the pilot blacks out
Their Warhammer and our Crusader fall

Turn 3 – We get back init 10-5. They eject the Drillson and Stinger. Their Urbie jumps in front of the Awesome on a sac play to save it. I hull down my Crusader. I eject the savaged Von Luckner. Our Atlas bases their Griffin. They jump in their Victor from the hidden corner, focus on it? I base it with the BattleMaster and Banshee. Their Hetzer in front of my Awesome and turns its rear to it. Our Hunch also bases their Griffin. Our Archer by the Hetzer’s rear. Our Jenner to the Victor’s rear. Saracen and VTols too. Their Warhammer rises, Jav to it’s rear again. Our Wolfhound next to their Paristain and Von Luckner,s I focus everything on that Victor i need to bring it down.

Our Demolisher destroys their Victor’s LL
Our Atlas gets a limb blown off on it to, LA.
Our Javelin hits their Warhammer’s gyro once.
Our Wolfhound immobilizes their Partisan.
Our Grasshopper destroys it’s side.
Our BM hits the ammo in their Victor – it explodes!!
Their Warhammer falls and blacked out.
No major drops from melee

They flee and we get their blacked out pilots.


Hunter - missing engine
SRM Carrier – We can salvage it!!! Tossed a 9.
Drillson – immobile
Partisan – immobile, destroyed side, cannot salvage tossed a 7

We capture three vees!!!

Stinger – reattach LL
Warhammer 6D with 1 gyro hit, blacked out pilot.
Awesome blacked out pilot

Victor LA, RA, H, RT
Scorpion – H, LLR, LLL, RT

We fixed the Warhammer 6D all up and down!!! The Awesome is free. We reattach the Stinger leg.


Behemoth – half movement
Von Luckner -2 movement

All done.
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Old 01-16-2025, 09:37 PM   #189
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Nov 23, 3027 – We finish rearming, armoring, and taking apart that unsalvageable Partisan (1.5 mill). Then we salvage the local HQ for 2.8 Mill too (4.3 total). Love it loads. Then we blow up the HQ!

We head back to the JumpPoint

Nov 30 – We arrive back here, and then we jump back to Galatea, see you there on Dec 14!!!

Financial Fun Times!!!

Objective Raid by ComStar on LS World of Eaton
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight
Length - 1 month
Command – Liaison
Transmit – None
Remuneration – None
Salary – x4. x1.6.,x1.25
Signing Bonus – 32%

Our salary for both is monthly? 129,945!!

What we Spent:

Salary - 259,890 – 2 months
Support – 1.15 Mill – 1 mil armor, 150k ammo – We were savaged armor wise as well as our Behemoth and Von Luckner and loads more.

Total Spent - 1,409,890

What we were Paid:

Salary – 1,039,560
Signing Bonus – 332,659
Support – 612,500
Salvage – 4.3 mill.

Total Paid and Salvaged
- 6,284,719

What we Made
– 4,874,829

War Chest –

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Old 01-16-2025, 10:49 PM   #190
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Nov 13, 3027 – At Galatea, I can grab 7 new recruits with Flavia!

Here they are:

Nieve Nierpont
Seamus Kilkenny

Mechwarriors! Elite!!!


Barbara Zaimukhes
Evangelia van Dam
Tonik Rabi
Ricardo Kodo
Paulie Dato

All elite to be assigned later!!!

I make a new Mech Company!!!

This is our 7th Mech Company, and it’s named Sieben Company (German for 7).

Here they are:

Capt. Nieve Nierpont, Charger 1A5, elite
BattleMaster 1D, Pat Sutherland, elite,
Michele Ho, elite, Banshee 3S
Hunchback, elite, Leilani Taylor

Left. Seamus Kilkenny, elite, Awesome
Robin Applebaum, elite, Trebuchet
Aidan Boyle, Warhammer 6D, elite,
Yvette Coleman, elite, Catapult

Left. Erich Zann, elite, Grasshopper
Nelle Poldermans, elite, Wolfhound
Aythe Zaganos, elite, Jenner JR7F
Doris Rockmeier, elite, Phoenix Hawk 1

I bought the Catapult on the 2ndry market for 6 mill.
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Old 01-16-2025, 11:08 PM   #191
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Contracts for them? I could send them out to the 2 we didn’t take! We negotiate the Fed Suns O Raid on the FWL world of Concord.

Negotiate with FS: We have 174 points for the negotiation stuff. We pull 50 for Full Salvage. 124 left. We pull 10 for countering three month length to one, 114 points left. They pull 25 for a x4 salary. 89 left. We pull 25 too for both 50% Battle Loss and Support, 64 left. They do Liaison, we add 50% Transit to hire a Union. 49 left. They don’t do Remuneration, we do 59 left. 29% Signing bonus.

Contract #32:

Objective Raid for Fed Suns for FWL of Concord
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 29%

We will arrive on Dec 25. Happy Christmas!!!
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Old 01-16-2025, 11:38 PM   #192
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #32:

December 25, 3027 - We arrive at Concord! We are in the FWL with open borders and such. No issues arriving or landing.

Our rental of the Union costs 1.2 mill total.

Dec 29 – We land on the planet uncontested by our foes. We have here on Concord nothing known like industrial, mining or agriculture or anything else. So this is a military op! We land at a DropPort around an hour and a half from their HQ Base we are heading to knock them out and smash and dash. We use scouts to verify their numbers. They are a Mech Company!

Here they are:

Stalker - veteran
Victor 9B – veteran
Marauder 3M
Orion 1K
Hermes II 2M
Shadow Hawk
Wolverine 6M
Locust 1M

We are on a Base map on the east side and they in the center. They are regular unless otherwise stated.

This is their beloved scout mech medium size Hermes II 2M!!!! It’s 40 tons, has a fast 8/12 movement, has 3 Mls, a Flamer and 2 MGs. We have one in Arba Company and it works well too.

This is a nice debut battle for our latest Company!!!
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Old 01-17-2025, 10:30 PM   #193
Abe Sargent
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I set up a pincer in the middle, since there is no forest or anything to block LOS here, it’s all big stuff.

Turn 1 – We lose init 9-6. Our Charger bases their Stalker. Banshee too. Our BM and Awesome their Orion. They leap that Victor back. Our Hopper bases their Hunch. Our Hunch too. Our Warhammer to their SHD’s rear. I fire at that Stalker save for the rear attack on the SHD. Our BM hit the ammo on their Stalker, boom, it explodes, dead mech!!!!! The mech’s engine also explodes and savages us. That’s our first KO in our new company!!! Melee stuff! Their Shadow Hawk fell. Our Banshee punches the Orion in the Head and it has 2 left, hit’s nothing internal. It and their Hunch fall, none of ours do though.

Turn 2 – We grab init 10-9. Our Banshee and Charger base their Victor. Their Hunch rises and bases our Charger. Our Grasshopper to its rear. Our Hunch to it’s side. Their Shadow Hawk rises, our Wolfhound in it’s rear. Our PXH to the Cicada’s rear. Their Orion tried to stand, failed, and blacked out!!!! I move my Warhammer to it to destroy the Head with two damage left. Our Charger hit the RL lower leg on their Victor. Our Warhammer took out the head of their Orion, dead mech!!! Then it’s PPc hit their Victor in the H, again, no crit, but just 2 armor left. Our Hunch hit a engine on their Victor. Our Hopper this the AC20 ammo on it’s rear attack on their Hunch boom, dead mech!!! Their Victor hit our Banshee’s head in a through armor crit but hit nothing. Our Awesome destroys it’s RL. Our Banshee annoyed at the head hit from it hit their Victor in the head too, and it’s down. Dead mech!!! Our Hopper fell. Melee!!! Their Shadow Hawk fell again, our PXh it the Hip in their Cicada, but it’s standing

Normally, after savaging them like that I feel most units would try to turn it around, but with both Assaults and both AC20s and their Orion gone and three units in one turn, all they have left with any size is that Marauder, and it cannot stand up to punishment, a Thunderbolt or another Assault sure, but we’ve lost nothing. They flee.


Stalker – RA, LT, H, LL
Hunchback – RA, LA, LL, H

Orion 1K – Missing H; see below.
Victor 9B – Missing H, RL, with hit engine; see below,

We repair the engine on the Victor 9B in 2 days. Do we have its H and RL? Yes to both! This is the more durable 9B with AC20,15 sinks, 2 Ml and an SRM4 with 184 armor to the 9As’ 136 armor, and MG and 2 Flamers. The 9B is actually the default base version over the 9A, weirdly enough. The Orion mech? Got it’s Head, it’s fixed too. Love that Orion as you can tell.


We had armor savaged in explosion and kicks and two AC20s and close range. Nothing major though elsewise.
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Old 01-17-2025, 10:47 PM   #194
Abe Sargent
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Dec 31, 3027 – We finish spending two days salvaging their HQ and blowing it up. We grabbed 1.65 mill

We head back to the JumpPoint, find nothing and will be back on Feb 12, 3028.

Money Stuff!!

Objective Raid for Fed Suns for FWL of Concord
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 29%
Our salary is 78,461 per month

What we Spent:

Salary - 156,922 – 2 months
Support – 800k total 750k armor and 50k ammo
Renting Union – 1.2 mill

Total we Spent:

Total we were Paid:

Salary - 652,795
Signing Bonus – 189,310
Support - 400k
Transport – 600,000
Salvage – 1.65 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged: 3,492,105

Total Made: 1,335,183

War Chest: 84,543,409

Good job!!!

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Old 01-17-2025, 11:31 PM   #195
Abe Sargent
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Nov 24, 3027 – ‘Eono Company returns. They are coming back from their initial contract!!!

Nov 28, 3027 - Khamésh Company and their captured stuff arrives. This was their initial contract against the Pirates and all of that stuff is now back and free to use like that Highlander or Guillotine 4L. Plus our captured Drops/Jumps, like that Vee Carrier Gazelle we hand them out. They had their own Union we had not rented called the “Sapphire Lion” plus a Leopard CV and Avenger we sent with them.

Nov 30 – Flavia takes contracts for ‘Eono and Khamésh!

We get…3!!!

#1. The Fed Suns wants us to Extract Raid a FWL world of Savannah which is the home of Shipyards to land and extract info. We could be there on Dec 27
#2. ComStar wants us to O Raid the Lyran world of Thorin which is 3 jumps we could be there on Dec 13.
#3. The Lyrans want us to O Raid the FWL border with them world of Megrez. It’s pretty far away, we could be there on Jan 12, 3028.

Let’s do the first two!!!

Negotiate with FS
: We have 174 points. We negotiate full salvage, 124 left. They want 3 months, we talk them to1, 114 left. We do 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support, they do x4 salary 64 left. We are sending our Union here, we add 10 74 left. Then they do Liaison, us no remuneration. 74, 37% signing bonus

Contract #33:

Extract Raid for Fed Suns for FWL of world of Savannah
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Transport – NA
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 37%

I’ll send everything from Khamésh Company‘s fleet.

Negotiate with ComStar: We start with 156. We do full salvage for 50, one month for 10 (96), 25 for Battle Loss and Support (71), x4 salary 25 points, (46), Liaison, we grab 15 points for 50% to rent a Union for three jumps. (31) no remuneration (41) 20% signing bonus

Contract #34:

Obj. Raid for ComStar against Lyran world of Thorin
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.2
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 37%

I’ll send ‘Eono with a rented Union for a three jumps (300k there and another 300k back).
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Old 01-18-2025, 01:05 AM   #196
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #33:

Dec 26, 3027 - Khamésh Company and their Invader JumpShip, Leopard CV, Avenger and Union with 2 fighters and 12 mechs arrive in Savannah. Since it’s not on the border it’s less patrolled. Our goal is to land on the planet, raid a HQ with plans and stuff for their latest ship yards and then leave. Also on planet is a factory of Technicron Engineering that makes QuickDraws and Awesome, but we are extracting that info on it instead. No one attacks us but since we aren’t aimed at the Technicron Engineering factory or the Shipyards.

Jan 4, 3028 – We land at the DropPort HQ with the plans and such. We don’t want to be too obvious so no scouting with fighters here. We scout with our mechs and find out that this is as expected. One company of mechs here defending.

Here they are:

Awesome – elite
Goliath – elite

All vets since this place is pretty valuable. I didn’t roll the Quickdraw or Awesome, I just included them.

This is our Whitworth and theirs too, a 40 ton Medium mech with 4/6/4 movement, 2 LRM10s, 10 heat sinks, strong 128 armor, and three backup MLs. Love them.

We are using the same base map as the one in the Pirates first base, with craters and such. All buildings are level 1 and don’t block LOS. There are roads and such though.
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Old 01-18-2025, 11:24 PM   #197
Abe Sargent
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Since I don’t have much space, I do add my folks into a Trident with my Atlas and BM on the edges and the Banshee in the middle.

Turn 1 – We win init 10-5. Wowzer Bowzer!!!! I move five for my stuff. Their Dervish flanks our right flank fast. Their Assassin bases my Trebuchet. I focus fire on that Awesome. It falls.

Turn 2 - We keep init 6-5. Huh. I move five here too. Our Orion bases their Hatchetman. Their Hopper bases my Stalker. Their Assassin bases my Warhammer’s flank. Our Hopper bases it. Our PXH too. Their Jav to our Atlas’s rear. Our Jenner bases it. Their Wasp bases our Orion’s rear flank, our Locust it. Their Awesome stood. I focus all fire on the Awesome save for rear arcs on it that can see it. It moved next our BM. Our Stalker destroys it’s LA. Our Warhammer hits it’s gyro and engine once each. Our Stalker two more times, immobile mech!!! That’s his 4th kill!!! It falls and destroys the RT, RA on the ground. Melee!!! We kick and get a LL destroyed on the Assassin, damaged rises to the LT, hits the ammo, boom!!! Kill by PXH!!! No falls.

Turn 3 – We keep init 9-3. No 5!!! They eject the Awesome. My Atlas bases their Whitworth. Our BM on the other side bases it. Their QD bases my Atlas, our Banshee bases it. Their Dervish bases the Banshee’s rear, our PXH to its rear. Their Hopper our Banshee’s flank, our Stalker it and the Dervish, their Jav our Stalker and PXH, our Orion the Hopper’s rear. Their Hatchetman us still. Our Jenner in the Jav’s rear. Their Wasp to our Orion’s flank. Our Locust near their Jav too. Our Hopper bases their’s flank. If I can leg a Hopper, Jav and Whitworth this turn that’d be great. I focus fire on that +3 QD. My range mechs on their Rifleman, like Warhammer, and such.

Our PXH hit the Dervish’s ammo from rear attacks, boom, dead mech!!!
Our BM hit the QD’s ammo, boom dead mech! That’s his 4th kill!!!
Our Orion fell, we’ll need to leg the Hopper with just the Stalker and Hopper.
Melee kick time!!!
Good news and bad news! Their Hopper fell but wasn’t legged, because we only had two kicks a they hit a different leg. Our Locust did leg their Jav though’s LL and that’s nice. Their Whitworth survived both assault kicks, wasn’t legged and didn’t even fall!!!

They flee and eject the legged Jav and hit the hay. We capture the field with 5 mechs killed or legged!!!


Assassin 21 LA, RA, H, RT,
Dervish – RA, H, LL, LA,
Quickdraw – H, LL, LA, RA

Awesome missing LA, RT, three gyros, two engine. See below.
Javelin 10N – missing LL. See below.

We fix that Awesome’s gyro in 4 days and the engine in 2. Do we have Awesome parts? None of them, other 80s? I have both on a Victor’s body. They work!!! We’ve got a Javelin LL in storage. I spend 250k to convert it to Jav 10F.
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Old 01-19-2025, 12:21 AM   #198
Abe Sargent
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Level Up:

Dilgassa Muthemba in the Stalker 3H killed his 4th kill, is elite, and will get edge: 1
Melek Matacena in the BattleMaster 1S killed his fourth with the QD, is elite and will get edge: 1 too.

While I am thinking about it, I update Tres Company’s Victor 9A to a 9B and Longbow OW to 7Q. This costs 2 mill. Then for 750k I update Alpha’s bad base JagerMech JM6-S to the one with armor and LRM15s called JM6-A. I also spend 805k to fix the Trebuchet K and then 500k to convert it to the normal one and upgrade a Longbow in storage too for 1 mill. Total spent – 5,055,000. War Chest - 79,248,409

Jan 6, 3028 – We spent a couple of days salvaging their HQ for stuff and found 1.95 mill we can take that aren’t part of what they need. We blow it up and then leave for the JumpPoint!!!

Jan 15 – We leave Savannah!!! We’ll return on Mar 8 on Galatea!!!

Contract Stuff???

Extract Raid for Fed Suns for FWL of world of Savannah
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Transport – NA
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 37%

What we Spent:

Salary - 314,084 – two months here and back but fast here.
Support – 750k total – 650k armor, 100k ammo

Total Spent - 1,064,084

What we were Paid:

Salary - 653,294
Signing Bonus - 241,719
Support – 375k
Salvage – 1.95 mill

Total Paid and Salvaged
- 3,220,013

Total Made - 2,155,929

War Chest – 81,404,338

END OF CONTRACT #33!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-19-2025, 12:53 AM   #199
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #34:

Dec 13, 3027 – We arrive in Thorin with our rented Union and ‘Eono Company!!! It’s Lyran so nothing major here to face us.

Dec 19 – We arrive at the planet and begin to scout out stuff to verify that they have stuff. Thorin was a very great early colony due to it’s closeness to Terra, the University of Thorin and much more. Our scouts confirm they have the company for us to take out and then we’ll smash them.

Here they are!

BattleMaster - veteran
Stalker - veteran
Archer 2S
Shadow Hawk
Vulcan 5T – yay!!!

This is their and our Vulcan 5T a medium mech with 40 weight, 5/8/5 movement, variant close range with 4 ML, 12 sinks, 1 flamer and MG and 2 more tons than then 2T.

We are on a base with no trees and such.
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Old 01-19-2025, 01:01 PM   #200
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 - I set up on the west side, they on the east. I have my Banshee in the center position flanked by BM and Charger 1A5. Their mass stuff on the south flank, just the Stalker and a few lights and mediums in the north. They win init 11-7. I charge 5. Their BM doesn’t charge me on the south flank but heads south. I fire at that BM with a +2 to hit. An SRM Missile hits the head of it, it falls, and gets knocked out. Chance for killing it with head shots

Turn 2 – We win init this time, 8-7. I get near their grounded BM to shoot it’s head in. Our Charger BM and Thunderbolt base it. Our Banshee bases their Stalker. I need to keep it distracted. Their Archer bases my Charger’s flank. Our Goliath to it’s rear our CRD to it’s flank, no kicks. Their Vulcan and Wolverine in the top base our Banshee. Our Dervish to the Wolverine’s flank. Our Vulcan in their Archer’s flank with jumps. Our Catapult to their Wasp’s rear. Our Locust to their Wasp and flank of Wolverine, their Shadow Hawk bases our Catapult. Our Jav to their Vulcan’s rear. I focus fire in the south on the BM if it’s aimed like lasers or ballistic. Everything else into that Archer there. Weapons fire on the north on that Stalker or rear arcs they’ll always win. Our BattleMaster destroys it’s head. Our Warhammer blows off the RA of the Stalker on the ground. Their Stalker stood and needed a 9. We kick their Stalker, Vulcan and Archer to the ground, they kick our Catapult to it. No legs lost. They destroy our Banshee’s RA.

Turn 3 – This is their turn of vengeance. We keep init 11-9. Our BM bases their Marauder. Their Archer rises. I base it with my Thunderbolt in it’s left where it’s savaged LL is left with 15 internal armor, for kicks and such too. I get up and back up my Catapult. Their Stalker hulls down. Our Crusader to their Archer’s rear. Our Charger bases their Marauder our Vulcan it’s rear. Their Vulcan rises. For my Banshee I have just 3 internal left on the LL and the destroyed RA. I eject it. Our Locust next to their Vulcan’s left flank with the bad LL. Their Wasp hops on a building, with the savaged Legs, our Jav leaps up after. I split fire with the Archer, Marauder on the south and at the Stalker on the north save for the Locust at their Vulcan.

Our Tbolt hit the hip on the LL of their Archer. It stands
Our Goliath hit their Stalker’s H, dead mech!!!
Our Warhammer hit the ammo and it explodes and isn’t salvageable
Their Valkyrie hit a foot on our Warhammer’s leg.
We dropped their Archer to 2 internal on the LL. Their Marauder stands.
Melee time!!!
Our TBolt kicked and legged their Archer’s LL.
Our BM kicked, destroyed their Marauder’s LL, it went to the Lt, hit the ammo and explodes, dead mech!!
Our Javelin legged their Wasp’s LL on the ground.
Our Locust kicks their Vulcan to ground, on the way it hits the savaged LL and breaks it, legged mech.

With two Assaults dead, one heavy dead and the other on the ground and a pair of legged scouts, they call it. They eject the Vulcan, Wasp, and Archer and leave. We have won the field of battle with half of them savaged, or missing legs.


Marauder RA, H, LA, RT
Stalker RA, LA, RL

BattleMaster 1G – Missing H, see below
Archer 2S missing LL; see below
Wasp 1A missing LL; see below
Vulcan 5T missing LL; current value – 3.108 – to fix 450k

Lots of LLs taken out!!! Do we have a BM head in storage? Nope! Any other 85 tonners? That’s Longbows and also other Stalkers, but that didn’t have a head salvaged. We have another Stalker Head, yup! Archer leg? Yeah we have one in Archer2K style, it’s ready. Wasp left leg? Nope, other 20 tonners like Stinger? Nope but Locust yes. It’s ready. Vulcan 5T’s LL? Nope other 40 tonners? Nope! I spend 450k to fix it. We grabbed a BM, Archer and Vulcan!!!


Banshee missing RA; Battle Loss cost – to fix 900k.
Warhammer foot actuator

Do I have a spare RA for our Banshee? Got it! Fixed!!!
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