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Old 01-19-2025, 02:51 PM   #201
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Dec 21, 3027 – We salvage and blow up the HQ. We find about 1.75 mill of stuff to sell!!!

I blast out and return on Jan 8, 3028.

Contract Stuff!!!

Obj. Raid for ComStar against Lyran world of Thorin
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.2
Command – Liaison
Transport – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Remuneration – N/A
Signing Bonus – 37%

Our salary monthly is 78,641.

What we Spent:

Salary – 157,282 – 2 months total
Transport – 600k
Support – 650k, 550k armor, they savaged our Banshee, but less so other stuff. 100k ammo

Total Spent:

What we were Paid:

Salary – 603,962
Signing Bonus - 223,466
Battle Loss – Banshee Arm – 450k
Transport – 300k
Salvage – 1.75 mill
Battle Damage – 325k

Total Paid and Salvaged
: 3,652,428

Total Made
- 2,245,146

War Chest - 83,245,484

Nice rise in mechs and cash too!!!!!

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Old 01-19-2025, 03:45 PM   #202
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Dec 13, 3027 – At Galatea, Flavia’s recruitment hits again. This is the month we captured the Leopard CV in the DC Attack, so we’ll need to recruit Fighters with folks for it. I wanted to finish our tanks company we were building or a Union, but that’s not going to happen.

Flavia’s Recruits:

Veteran, Shilone, (Medium), Elida Hasegawa
Veteran, Lucifer (Medium), Nathan Sommers
Veteran, Transit (Medium), Ioan Burtescu
Elite, Stuka, heavy, Anaghadru Junanker
Veteran, Walter Fafaiol, light, Seydlitz
Elite, Arsinee Perrier, Riever,m heavy


I also grabbed another Tank Guy:

Elite Dispossessed tank guy named Magnus Angell

Dec 14, 3027 – Alpha and Vee #2 arrive and their Fortress, Avenger and Leopard CV

Dec 23, 3027 – Stephen’s tank Company returned from his Cadre/Garrison work! He recruits some more tank guys:

Elite, Tank, Dispossessed:

Vedvalli Wadekar
Linda Berndsson
Bryan Barerra
Afraah Hanbal
Ealga Donaldson
Rosabella Carlos


Barbara Zaimukhes
Evangelia van Dam
Tonik Rabi
Ricardo Kodo
Paulie Dato

12 total! We make another Vee Company!!!

Vee Company #6:

Capt. Devastator, Vedvalli Wadekar, elite
Demolisher, Linda Berndsson, elite
Brutus, Magnus Angell, elite
Von Luckner, elite, Rosabella Carlos

Left. Schrek PPC Carrier, elite, Afraah Hanbal
Hunter, elite, Ealga Donaldson
Zhukov, Bryan Barerra, elite
Rhino, Barbara Zaimukhes, elite

Left. Evangelia van Dam, Drillson, elite
Maxim, Tonik Rabi, elite
Condor (Liao), elite, Ricardo Kodo
J. Edgar Hovertank, elite, Paulie Dato

I bought the Rhino for 4.5 mill and J. Edgar for 800k.
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Old 01-19-2025, 10:01 PM   #203
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Dec 30, 3027 – Contracts!!! We take contracts for Alpha, Vee #2, #6 and other tank stuff. Flavia and Stephen!!!

I toss and we’ve got…2


#1. The Combine wants us to O Raid the Fed Suns border world of Mara one jump from our Home World of Mallory’s World, we could be there on Feb 2.
#2. The Lyrans want us to O Raid the border FWL world of Uhuru, we could be there on Jan 30.

I’ve got tons of vees, but just one company of mechs. It looks like the Mara one could be done with vees since it’s a lance of mechs and 12 vees, so I could in Vee #1 or #5 or #6. Or two. Then I can do our battalion against the Uhuru which all have similar sizes of one company o’ mechs, vees and infantry each.

I do both!!!

Negotiate with DC: I start with 165 points! We pull 50 for Full Salvage, 115. They ask for 3, we pull to 1 month, 105. We pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support too. 80 left. They pull 25 for x4 salary 55 left, no transit, 65 left. They want Liaison, we do no remuneration, 75 left – signing bonus of 37%.

Contract #34:

Obj. Raid by Draconis Combine for Fed Suns world of Mara
Salvage – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Transit – None
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.2
Command - Liaison
Remuneration - None
Signing Bonus of 37%

I will send our Condor and Gazelle Drops with space for 35 vees and then both vees of #6 to give them a battle damage stuff and #5 too for similar reasons to bloody them. Although #1 has loads of non-elites, so I send in #1 and #6. Stephen won’t be going with them and stating here to recruit with Flavia and help their kid.

Negotiate with LC
: We start with 150 points. We do all of the same as the Combine, but a 30% signing bonus.

Contract #35:

Obj. Raid by Lyran Commonwealth for Free Worlds League world of Uhuru
Salvage – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Transit – None
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.4
Command - Liaison
Remuneration - None
Signing Bonus of 30%

We will take our battalion and Alpha Company, Vee Company #2, infantry and Leopard CV and Avenger to head out.

EVENT End of 3027 –
By the end of this year, the new vee called “Cellco Ranger UPU-3000” is widely available now. It’s a light vee with designed for law enforcement. Also super secretly this year the Black Box FTL communication device outside of ComStar use was developed by the alliance of the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth to use behind the scenes for off-grid communication.
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Old 01-19-2025, 10:38 PM   #204
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #34:

Feb 1, 3028 – We arrive in Mara at their Zenith JumpPoint with a charging station. There’s a ton of traffic here. There’s tons of traffic there but no one is coming at us. We head to the planet.

Feb 17 – We arrive at the planet!!! Mara is a big breadbasket world for the Suns and makes tons of food for exports and Industrial Mech. We are here to destroy a garrison around a company that makes ForestyMechs. We can raid and capture them and sell them and then destroy the HQ and leave. They have Chainsaws as weapons. We land very our foes with infantry and vees and unload and attack!!!

Here are our foes!!!!


Awesome – veteran
Crusader 3D
Wasp 1D

I’d love to capture that Crusader variant with the better heat sinks and maybe another Awesome.


Behemoth – veteran
Ontos - veteran
Schrek AC Carrier – veteran
Von Lucker – K100- variant with 2 AC20s, and then SRM 6 and less armor at 144 vs 176 for ours.
Condor (Davion) – 2 AC2s, and 2 MGs.

They are regular unless otherwise mentioned. I’d love that Von Luckner or Ontos.

We are on a city map with trees, light woods, concreate and rubble.

This is their and our Zhukov, it’s a 75 ton heavy tank with 2 AC10s, 1 SRM6, and 3/5 movement:

It looks like it was introduced in 3030, so we’ll stop using it, don’t know why it’s showing up in my MegaMek for this era.
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Old 01-20-2025, 11:20 PM   #205
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
They are setting up in the far right corner, but us around the center leftish with a few windows.

Turn 1 – We win init 9-4. I charge 5. Only their Awesome and Crusader on the left side. Their Maxim flanks us. I flank my Condors and Maxims to it. Their Crusader bases my Condor and Drillson. I fire at the Crusader which is +3 to hit in forest and around 3 to 5 hexes away. Ideally I can take it down without an ammo explosion. Should I split targets with the tanks here like their Condor and Maxim? The Maxim is +4 and the Condor +5 and they’ve got solid armor. Their Wasp is in the middle at +3 but further away. I target the Ontos and Schrek with long range stuff, since it’s one better than the Condor and lighter armor.

Our Drillson -1s their Maxim movement
They -1 movement our Patton
Our Rhino destroys their Ontos
Their Crusader fell and blacked out with two hits..

Turn 2 – We…win 7-6. I move up to the Crusader and try to shoot off it’s damaged RL with 6 left external and 15 internal. I’ll leave their H. I don’t want to annoy them if we kill it. I charge 5 elsewhere. They move up the Zhukov. Their Awesome charges, uh oh. I flank down the right side.

Our Von Luckner destroys their Crusader’s RA.
We hit the hip in it’s RL.
Our Maxim halves the speed of their Condor
We turret lock their Zhukov
Our Brutus #2 halves and -1 speeds their Zhukov.
Our Behemoth immobilizes their Maxim
Our Pegasus immobilizes their Schrek AC Carrier
They Destroy our Brutus #2’s front.
Our Rhino destroys the front of their Von Luckner!
We didn’t destroy the Crusader leg, but it’s at 2.
They broke my Devastator’s turret

Turn 3 – This is their turn to try and turn things around. We win init 10-7. They eject the Schrek and Maxim. I creep three. They ejected the Zhukov too. They turn their Awesome, I put tanks in it’s rear arc. Their Condor is -1 to be hit, so everyone will be firing at that Awesome and Condor.

Our Devastator hits their Vedette’s front, dead tank
It halves the movement of their Behemoth
Our Zhukov destroyed their Awesome CT, dead Mech!!!
Our Vedette destroyed the Crusader’s RL. Legged!!!
Our Maxim destroyed their Behemoth’s engine!!!
Their Wasp immobilizes our Devastator
Our Rhino destroys the left side of their Condor!! Dead tank!!!!
Their Wasp kicks and destroys our Devastator.

They have destroyed two of our tanks and we’ve taken out two of their Mechs, one Assault, and all assault and heavy vee and then also a Maxim, Vedette, Condor too. They flee. We capture the blacked out Crusader pilot.


Ontos – destroyed front, we…..can salvage it!
Maxim - immobile
Schrek – immobile
Von Luckner – destroyed front, we cannot salvage it
Zhukov – halved speed and -1, turret locked, ejected
Vedette – Destroyed front dead tank. I cannot salvage it had a 7.
Behemoth – Destroyed engine; current value is 2.4 mill; to fix 700k
Condor (Davion) – destroyed left side, we can salvage it.

We grabbed a new Ontos, Maxim, Schrek AC Carrier, Zhukov, Condor (Davion). I pay that 700k to fix up the Behemoth too, we cannot salvage the AC20 dual wielder Von Luckner or Vedette. I spend 300k to change that Condor to a Condor (Liao).

Awesome – LT, LL, RT, RL

Crusader 3D missing RL, RA; See below

Do I have Crusader RL and RA? Both!!! It’s added.


Patton speed
Brutus #2 from #6 company destroyed, I can salvage it, tossed an 8.
Devastator – unjam turret -1 speed, immobile, destroyed rear. I tossed a 7 and cannot salvage it.

We cannot salvage the Devastator. We replace it with one from storage.

Battle Loss Devastator
- 4,127,850
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Old 01-21-2025, 12:26 AM   #206
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Feb 20, 3028 - We salvage the battlefield and take apart the Vedette and Von Luckner. We find around 850k, and then captured a lance of ForestryMechs and sell them for 1 mill each (they are worth 1.1). 4 Mill made, we also destroyed the area as per our request.

We salvaged and sold 4.85 mill.

We blast out and will return on March 25, 3028

Is it time for a…Contract?!?!?

Obj. Raid by Draconis Combine for Fed Suns world of Mara
Salvage – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Transit – None
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.2
Command - Liaison
Remuneration - None
Signing Bonus of 37%

Our Salary for Vees 1 and 6 per month is 116,868

What we Spent:

Salary – 350,604, 3 months, Jan - Mar
Support – 650k – 550k armor and 100k ammo

Total Spent:

What we were Paid:

Salary -897,546
Signing Bonus – 332,092
Battle Loss of Devastator: 2,063,925
Support – 325k
Salvage and Sales – 4.85 mill

Total Paid and Salvaged: 8,468,563

Total Made
: 7,467,959

War Chest
: 85,213,443

END OF CONTRACT #34!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-21-2025, 01:05 AM   #207
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #35:

Jan 30, 3028 - Our Fortress, Leopard CV, Avenger, Invader and Alpha and Vee Company #2 arrive in the Uhuru system at their Nadir JumpPoint, no major stresses here.

Feb 05 - We land on the planet of Uhuru. We are here to raid an HQ by someone fun. This is their HQ of a mixed Battalion like ours. We scour and verify their numbers, here they are!!! All correct!

Marik Defenders at Uhuru!


Banshee 3M - veteran
Zeus 6T – veteran
Marauder 3M
Thunderbolt – yay!
Warhammer 6R
Vulcan 2T
Locust 1M


Partisan - veteran
SturmFeur – veteran
LRM Carrier
Von Luckner K70
Harasser Laser Platform

All regular unless otherwise stated. We are on the 2nd AeroBase map. I’d love me another TBolt!! Or Banshee 3M to turn to 3S which we adore or Vulcan 2T to 5T or another Spider one of my fav scout Mechs. I’d also love that Brutus and SturmFeur. Or even a Hunter.

This is our and their Banshee in Alpha Company. It’s an assault 95 ton mech! Their 3M aren’t has 2 PPC, 2 ML, 1 Sl, 4/6 movement and just 16 sinks. Our 3S drops the engine to 3/5, AC10, 2 PPCs, 21 sinks, 4 ML, 2 SL, and an SRm6 to find those holes. We started with one on our group and love it loads!!!

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Old 01-21-2025, 11:43 PM   #208
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I deploy my Atlas spear. No trees to hide in, but now my JagerMech has armor! They deploy their heavy stuff in the south and lighter stuff in the north.

Turn 1 – We lose init 7-4. I charge 5 in the southern flank. Our Archer on their Condor, our Awesome and Crusader base it in the northern flank. Their Banshee crosses to the northern flank and bases my Awesome’s right flank. They are moving the Thunderbolt and Warhammer north. Our Grasshopper to their Basnhee’s flank but I cannot kick it. I fire short range weapons at that Banshee and long range at the LRM Carrier and Partisan. Try to take out them both, and then extra fire at that Hunter.

Their Partisan halves our Behemoth’s movement; their Warhammer the other half reduced
Our Banshee destroys the Partisan’s front - dead tank! That’s Thebe Medupe’’s 4th kill!!!
Our Saracen destroys the LRM Carrier front, dead tank!! That’s her 4th kill she’ll level up!!!
Our Crusader destroys the front of their Hunter, dead tank!!!!
Our Javelin destroys their Banshee’s LL it falls and is legged!!!
Melee! If I can kick kill a Condor that would be awesome possum!!!
Their Condor survived four kicks, no minuses to speed or anything.

They lost a quartet of stuff and cannot keep this up long.

Turn 2 – We grab init 9-6! They eject the Banshee, yay!!! I eject our Behemoth. I charge our southern pointed flank 5 towards their Marauder, Von Luckner and SturmFeur. Saracen and Wolfhound to their Zeus’s rear. My Archer bases their Centurion and Brutus. Crusader too. Our Hunchback bases their bad Vulcan. Our Jenner bases their Condor and Cicada and Vedette and Scorpion. Their Spider bases our Awesome that could only move three since it was hot. I base it with our Grasshopper. Our Jav next to their Locust. On the south I focus on that Thunderbolt, north and such targets of opportunity but usually that TBolt too.

Our Demolisher’s AC 20 hits the TBolts head, dead mech!!! We also destroy it’s LA and CT, dead mech.
Our Wolfhound hit the gyro on their Zeus in the rear attack once. Our Saracen another gyro hit, dead mech!!!
Our Jav destroyed their Locust’s LL, LA, LT and hit the gyro once and engine once too.
Anti-Mech infantry hit it’s RA and another engine hit.
Our Saladin AC20 destroyed their Skulker’s side - That’s Morgan Tall’s 4thkill too.
Our Archer fell, no kicking the Brutus.
Their Locust fell and destroyed it’s CT.
Melee! Can we leg the Spider? Or destroy that lucky Condor?
Our Hunch kicks their Vulcan to the ground with a hip hit
Our Crusader -1s their Brutus’s movement
Our Awesome legs their Spider and destroyed it’s RL
Our Jenner immobilizes their Condor.

Normally, I feel that a group would want at least three turns to try this. The first turn they lost an Assault tank, heavy vee, light vee and their Banshee was legged and was ejected. Who are they rallying around this turn? The unwounded Thunderbolt and Zeus. Now we gyro killed the latter, destroyed the CT and H of the former and then also legged a Spider, destroyed a Locust and a Skulker and immobilized a Condor. Are they going to keep throwing in meat into that grinder?

We ejected the Behemoth but none of our units have been badly damaged and they just don’t see the rally point, a Warhammer’s 10 tons of armor or a Marauder? That Von Luckner or SturmFeur, not enough, so they fade.

We win this battle!!!


Partisan, destroyed front, we can salvage it, tossed a 10.
LRM Carrier destroyed front, we toss an 11 and can salvage it.
Hunter – destroyed front and I cannot savage tossed a 5.
Skulker – We can salvage it and tossed a 8.
Condor – immobile

We can salvage everything not the Hunter, insert sad face here.

Spider missing RL; current value of 2.452 mill, to fix 500k.
Banshee 3M missing LL; see below
Zeus 6T with two gyro hits

Thunderbolt RL, RA, RT, LT, LL
Locust 1M H, RL, RT

Can we fix the Spider’s RL? None of theirs, but it’s 30 tons any of them like Javelins or Urbies? None, Valkyries either. I spend that 500k to fix and get ready!!! Banshee LL? Yup! Got that part. I spend 1 mill to turn into a 3S. We fix the Zeus today.


Behemoth movement

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Old 01-22-2025, 12:44 AM   #209
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Level Up:

Racheal Alvarez in the Saracen. She was veteran, now she’s got +1 gunnery
Thebe Medupe in the Banshee fourth kill!!! They are regular, so +1 gunnery
Morgan Tall in the Saladin is elite, so she’s getting +1 piloting to 2/2

Feb 08 ,3028 – We spend three days taking apart the Hunter for parts and salvaging their HQ for parts. We grab 2.15 mil total from them all.

We blow up the HQ and head back to the JumpPoint here in Uhuru.

Feb 14 – We arrive at the JumpPoint and load up and head back to Galatea, we’ll be there on Mar 14.

Contract time??????????????????????????????

Obj. Raid by Lyran Commonwealth for Free Worlds League world of Uhuru
Salvage – 50%
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Transit – None
Salary – x4, x1.6, x1.4
Command - Liaison
Remuneration - None
Signing Bonus of 30%

Our salary monthly for these two are 129,945 total.

What we Spent:

Salary – 3 months - 389,835
Support – 400k total – 300k armor, barely touched save for the Behemoth and 100k ammo

Total Spent
- 789,835

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,164,307
Signing Bonus – 349,292
Support - 200k
Salvage – 2.15 mill

Total Paid and Salvaged
- 3,863,599

Total Made - 3,073,764

War Chest - 87,787,207

END OF CONTRACT #35!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-22-2025, 01:38 AM   #210
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Jan 08, 3028 – ‘Eono Company returns to Galatea! They had that raid.

Jan 13, 3028 – At Galatea, our monthly recruit is here with Flavia and Stephen. We can either get a Drop/JumpShip like a Union or Invader or 12 dispossessed enough for another company.

I do a Union, which we’ll name:

Jan 25, 3028 – The fleet from the big raid returns, Evan is back! He recruits 2 fighters for the Diamond Lion.

He also recruits three MWs

Agata Gilling, elite, to be assigned later
Kristina Moy, ditto
Sonja Moljevic, ditto

Jan 30 – Contracts!!!

We get…3!!

Here they are:

#1. ComStar wants us to O. Raid the Lyran World of Ellengurg, we could be there on Mar 11.
#2. The FWl wants us to O Raid the Lyran border world of Gacrux which is 3 jumps, we could be there on Feb 15.
#3. The FWL also want us for a very special contract to…a Riot and Garrison for three months to help out with some political stuff. It’s on the nearby world of Shiloh two jumps from Solaris VII. They are looking for our vees for that one. I could send Vee #3 and #5 to them. With a Command Circuit to help us get there now we could be there on Feb 3.

I negotiate all three!!!!

Negotiate with ComStar
– We start with 170 points. Full salvage drops us to 120. They grab 3 months, we drop to 1 for 110 left. We grab 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support for 25, 85 left, they pay us x4 for another 25 points, 60 left. We grab remuneration, none, 70, they go liaison and we finish with no transport 80, 40% singing bonus.

We are sending here the ‘Eono Company with a Union the “Diamond Lion” and a Leopard CV too. Since this isn’t on the border, they only have a mech company here to prevent issues.

Contract #36:

Objective Raid for ComStar against Lyran World of Ellengurg.
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.6, 1.25
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
40% Signing Bonus

Negotiate with FWL #1
: We start with 175 too. Everything the same.

Contract #37:

Objective Raid for FWL against Lyran World of Gacrux
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.6, 1.3
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
40% Signing Bonus

Since this is on the border we are sending our flotilla and Deux, Tres, and Vee #4 like normal against a Battalion of defenses. I normally send this against the DC or CC since they got closed border. Since this is just against us in the Lyran space, I am not taking our flotilla, just our Overlord, Condor, a Leopard CV on an Invader and leaving the rest of Achilles and Avengers and Leopards and such here.

Negotiate with FWL #2: We start with 175 here too. Here is a key difference, we are not spending 10 to drop length to 1 month. That increases our signing bonus by 5%.

Contract #37:

Riot/Garrion for FWL on the world of Shiloh
Salvage – Full
Length – 3 Months
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.6, 1.3
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
45% Signing Bonus

We will be sending in Vee #3 and #5. They will be sending us back with a Command Circuit on May 9.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-23-2025 at 12:34 AM.
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Old 01-22-2025, 02:11 AM   #211
Abe Sargent
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Beginning of Contract #36:

Mar 11, 3028 - ‘Eono Company arrives at the Zenith JumpPoint at Ellengurg! It’s so boring that we don’t know anything about it!!! No one attacks us. We are here to destroy a military complex of a politically connected but anti-ComStar local to send them a message.

Mar 16 – We land at the DropPort around a few hours from them. We scout with fighters to verify a company of mechs, yuppers puppers!!!

Here they are:

Atlas - veteran - CO
Zeus 6S – veteran, XO
Archer 2S
Warhammer 6D – the one with fewer weapons but better armor and sinks.
Locust 1E

They are all regular save for those noted above. I’d love another Atlas, love them much!!! We have one Archer 2S in storage just getting back now. It’s the one that’s more like a Crusader. That Hunch is sexy too, and they have two AC20s.

As a reminder, ‘Eono has a BattleMaster, Thunderbolt, Banshee 3S, Charger 1A5 for close in and then Crusader, Warhammer, Goliath and Catapult for range and then scouts are Dervish, Vulcan 5T, Javelin 10F and Locust 1E.

We are on a base with level 1 buildings that don’t block LOS, roads, concrete, but no woods or hills.

Since we both have Javelins, here they are! 30 ton lights with 6/9/6 movement. Theirs has two SRm6s for strong critical finder and murder on vees. Ours has max armor, 12 heat sinks and 4 MLs instead. It’s one of my favorite level 1 scout mechs since it cannot blow up or run outta ammo.

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Old 01-22-2025, 11:33 PM   #212
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I deploy a spear with my Banshee in the point. They set up their Atlas in the left corner, the Zeus in the center and the heavies in the right corner.

Turn 1 – We win init 10-4, good buddy. Their Atlas stayed in the corner, the Archer and Zeus didn’t move either. I fire long range at the Atlas which is like 12 or 13 hexes away and -1 to be hit. Short range at that +4 Locust. Our Thunderbolt’s LRm15 hit the Atlas’s head. Our Goliath’s PPC hits it too, dead mech!!! We also destroy it’s LA.

Turn 2 – We lost init 8-6. I charge 5 again. Our Warhammer bases their Clint. Our Jav to their Locust’s rear after it bases my Warhammer. Their Wolverine leaps in and bases my Catapult. Our Vulcan to it’s flank and next to the Locust too. Our Dervish bases their Jav. Our Locust next to their Valkyrie. I fire at their Hunchy. +1 to hit, short range. Our Crusader destroys its CT, dead mech! We also destroy it’s LT and LA. We took out both AC20s!!! Melee time!!! Our Vulcan destroys the RL of their Locust, it’s legged and falls. We kick down their Clint, Javelin and Wolverine!

Turn 3 – We grab back init 7-5. They tried to stand the Locust 1E failed and it blacks out. Our Charger bases their Rifleman. Our Banshee their Warhammer. Their Jav rises, I jump my Dervish to stay based with it and our Vulcan bases it too to try to leg it. They rose their Wolverine. Not their Clint. I move to it. Our BM to their Zeus’s rear, Our Crusader to it’s flank. They retreat their Archer. Our Catapult bases their Valkyrie. Jav to their Wolverine’s rear. I fire at that Zeus and Archer. Our Dervish legs their Javelin’s RL. Our BM in the Zeus rear armor hit ammo, boom, dead mech!! Their Archer and our BM fall. Melee! Our Catapult kicks their Valkyrie to the ground after destroys it’s LL. We kick their Rifleman to the ground.

With the head shot to their Atlas and the ammo death of their Zeus this round they know they need to turn this around next round or flee.

Turn 4 - They win init back 6-5. With my BM with 2 left on the H savaged I eject it and internal in two places. They actually rise that Javelin!!! Our Thunderbolt in front of their Archer not stood up. Our Charger next to it and the Catapult too. Our Locust moves next to it +4 as a sac play so it cannot flee. It rises and turns to face the Locust. Their Clint rises. Their Rifleman stays on the ground, I base it with our Banshee. Our Crusader bases their Hatchetman. Their Warhammer bases our Banshee’s flank, our Jav it’s flank. Their Wolverine bases our Crusader. I focus on that Archer. Our Charger destroys it’s RA. Our Crusader hit’s the ammo, boom, dead Archer!!!! Our Javelin destroys the LL of their Rifleman, I won’t kick it with the Banshee. Melee!!! We kick their Hatchetman to the ground

They rise it and flee with what they can and they eject the legged mechs. We capture the battlefield!!!


Atlas missing H and LA; Current value - 8,126,000 – to fix 1.5 mill.
Locust 1E missing RL, see below
Javelin 10N missing RL, current value – 2.15 to fix 350k
Valkyrie missing LL. See below.
Rifleman missing LL, see below.

Zeus 6S – H, RA, LA
Hunchback – H, RT, RA, RL, LL
Archer 2 S – LL, LA, H,

Do I have Atlas head and LA? Nope! I spend 1.5 mill to fix up. Locust RL? Yes, fixed. Javelin? Not them other 30 tonners? Nope. I spend 350k for it. I do have a Valkyrie LL. Rifleman LL too? Nope, other 60 tonners? Dragon or Quickdraws too. Got a QD one, fixed!!!
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Old 01-23-2025, 12:30 AM   #213
Abe Sargent
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Mar 18, 3028 – We spend two days clearing out their HQ and adding them to our stuff. We salvaged around 1.35 mill. We blow up their base and flee to the JumpPoint. No issues there either.

We’ll return on April 30, 3028.

Time for that Contract Stuff!!

Objective Raid for ComStar against Lyran World of Ellengurg.
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.6, 1.25
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
40% Signing Bonus

Our salary is 78,641

What we Spent:

Salary – 235,923
Support – 650k – 550k armor, 100k ammo

Total Spent
- 885,923

What we were Paid:

Salary - 629,128
Signing Bonus - 251,651
Support – 325k
Salvage – 1.35 mill

Total Paid and Salvaged - 2,555,779

Total Made - 1,669,856

War Chest
- 87,607,063

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Old 01-23-2025, 01:32 AM   #214
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Beginning of Contract #37:

Feb 15, 3028 – We arrive at Gacrux’s Nadir JumpPoint. We have the Deuz, Tres Company and Vee Company #4 for the Objective Raid by the FWL! Gacrux is on the border with the FWL in Lyran space and has loads of industry. We are hitting a local industrial plant and destroying it.

Feb 20, 3028 – We arrive at their planet. No major issues we land at their DropPort by the industrial plant. We are around 50 minutes from them, our scouts verify that this is a battalion of units yup!!! But, like us, they are a mixed company and we weren’t expecting that so they have 12 vees, 3 infantry and 24 mechs.

Here are our merc defenders!!!

Merc Mechs!


Awesome – veteran
Stalker – veteran
Striker 2S - veteran


Grasshopper - yayaya
Thunderbolt – yayya!!!


Phoenix Hawk 1D
Scorpion BattleMech
Shadow Hawk


Wasp 1K
Woflhound!! Yaya!!!

They are regular.


Devastator – veteran
Puma Assault – veteran
Condor (Flamer) – this variant has 2 flamers, 2 Mg and 3 Ml
Hunter – yayya!!
Pegasus - uh oh. Tank killer 2 SRM6s
Scorpion light vee

I’d love to grab a TBolt, Grasshopper, Wolfhound, Hunter and that Condor is sexy too. The Awesome is nice too.

Here is both Tres Company and their Striker, an 80 assault mech with 13.5 tons of armor, 4/6 movement, ours is a 2C with 15 sinks and AC5, 1 LL, 1 PPC and 3 ML. Theirs is a 2S with PPC, AC10, 3 Ml. It’s better on heat.

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Old 01-25-2025, 03:45 PM   #215
Abe Sargent
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We are on the CityTech map with light trees, light hills, concrete and small ponds of three hexes each as well as three wood hexes in the left middle area of the map and in front of the pond.

This is the map!

I don’t set up a spear, but put a top Assault mech in my top one of the south end. Many Assault here aren’t great closers with strong armor. I have here in Deux Company closers of Stalker, TBolt, Orion and Cataphract and then fire support of Awesome, Zeus, Marauder and Crusader. In Tres it’s a Victor 9B, BattleMaster and Centurion and Hatchetman and then fire support is Longbow9Q, Catapult, Striker and another Zeus, and then scouting are the Griffin 2N, Jenner, QD and PXH. They have their Awesome and Stalker on the far left, the Thunderbolt and Grassjhopper in the far right and the Cyclops in the middle.

Turn 1 – We lose init 8-7, Close!!! I charge 5 hexes. They have setup most in the top left corner. They charge their JagerMech on the left flank. Our Jenner next to their Condor Flamer and Pegasus. Our Griffin bases their JM. Our Vulcan bases their Maxim. Their Charger charges our right flank. Their Panther bases our Vulcan. Their QB bases my Vulcan. Their Awesome and Stalker didn’t move. I target their Stalker at -1 with long range fire, and then short range at local stuff.

Our Plainsman immobilizes a Pegasus. That’s Ursula Kolehmainen’s 4th KO.
Our Zeus 6T -1 movements their Pike
Our Vindicator immobilizes their Maxim!!!
Our Crusader hit the ammo in their Stalker, boom, dead mech!!!
Their Centurion halves the movement of our Brutus
Our Valkyrie hit the ammo on their JagerMech boom, dead mech!!!
No falls, hand to hand!!! Their QD Misses our Vulcan, our Griffin punches their Panther in the head, no falls.

We took out or immobilized four units!!!

Turn 2 – We grab that sweet init 12-7. They eject that Maxim and Pegasus. I eject that Brutus, no easy kills! I move 5. Our Striker and Cataphract bases their Enforcer. They emerge their TDR and Hopper. Their PXH bases my Cataphract. Their Condor to our Zeus’s rear, I want to it base it with my Jenner, but their Charger will base me, I’ll wait. I do jump my QD to their Striker’s flank. Actually, if I move my Jenner to the Condor I could jump over the Victor to base the Charger, that’s the 5 SL laser Charger and our good armor Victor. I bait them and run my Jenner 9. I really bait them and move my Hatchetman onto their Condor. His Charger doesn’t base us but the right flank of our good armored Longbow. Our Victor bases it. Our PXh next to the Condor but not Charger. Maxims and Plainsmans near the Condor too. Their QB bases my Marauder’s flank. Our Griffin to it’s rear and the basing their Commando and it too. Our Centurion to their Scorpion mech’s flank but cannot kick, wrong side. Their Awesome is up near trees, +2 and harder to hit. Many cannot see it at all, so instead I focus on that Thunderbolt, and then Devastator with long range fire that can see it, but it’s in woods so many cannot. Then the Condor and rear arcs like the QD by my Griffin and such. Ideally I can take out or immobilize a Condor, and then the Devastator and TBolt.

Our PXH -1 movements their Condor and our Jenner too and Plainsman each -1 too and then half movement
Our SturmFeur destroys the Devastator’s engine, quiet tank then the right side of the tank too.
Our Demolisher’s AC20 destroys the head of their Thunderbolt, dead mech walking. We also destroy it’s LA
Our Centurion hits the hip in their Scorpion RLL.
Our Zeus 6S destroys their Pike’s front side - dead tank!!!
Our Crusader -1s their Manticore
Their Scorpion mech falls, melee!
Our PXH destroys the engine on their Condor!!!
We kick their QD and Enforcer to the ground.

This turn? The Condor, Devastator, TBolt and Pike are gone, another four units, They need to turn this around fast.

Turn 3 – We keep init 11-9. They eject the Condor. They leave their Awesome there. Our Orion next to their Centurion. Our QD to their Striker’s rear who based our Centurion. Their QD rose and moved little. Our Victor to it’s rear, nasty with that AC20. Our Vindicator next to their Striker’s flank. Maxims to the rear of their QD too. Their Charger pulls out. Our PXH in the Striker’s rear but two back, our TBolt bases their Centurion’s front. Our Stalker bases their Vindicator. Our Vulcan to their Striker’s flank. They move their Cyclops from out of the words to the left flank. I charge it. Our BM bases their Vindicator. They retreat the Grasshopper. Our Zeus 6T bases their Centurion too. They rise the Enforcer and flee. Our Zeus6S and MAD bases their Blackjack. They rise their Scorpion fine. Griffin next to their BJ too, I focus fie on their Cyclops a bit on the wounded Manticore with little front side, and then that Quickdraw and Striker with nearby and rear stuff.

Our Victor destroys the QD’s RT; RA on the ground then it hit the ammo, boom, dead QD!!!
Their Wasp halves our Devastator’s movement.
Our Demolisher destroys the Manticore’s front!!! Dead tank!!!
Our Zhukov immobilizes their Galleon then destroys the front side too.
Their Cyclops hits our MAD’s hip
Our Orion hits the ammo on their Cyclops, boom, dead mech!!!
Our TBolt and MAD and BM fall. No kicks from them. Their Striker fell no kicks on our Centurion either. The BM broke two Mls in the fasll.
We kick, our PXH kicks the Scorpion it falls and the pilot blacks out…

They get up and flee! We took out 6 Mechs and 7 vees in three turns. We ejected a damaged Brutus and that’s it for units gone. We took out a lance a turn!


Pegasus – immobilized
Maxim – immobile too
Devastator – destroyed engine and right side. Can we salvage? Tossed an 11, yes!!! Current value – 3.32 mill – to fix 800k
Pike destroyed front, we toss a 6 and cannot salvage.
Condor (Flamer) – destroyed Engine – current value is 550k, to fix 500k
Manticore – destroyed front, we toss a 10 and can salvage!!!!
Galleon – immobile destroyed front side, We toss 11 it’s salvageable

We captured everything or can salvage it save a Pike! We captured that Pegasus, Maxim and Condor (Flamer) and salvaged a Devastator, Manticore and Galleon. I spend 1.3 mill to replace the engines.

Thunderbolt missing H and LA
Scorpion – blacked out pilot mech is fine.

Stalker – RA, H, LA, LL
JagerMech – RA, LA, H, RL
Quickdraw – RA, LA, H, LL
Cyclops – RA, LA, H, LT

We destroyed most of the mechs with booms. Do I have an LA and H for that TBolt? Not that chassis other 65 tonners? That’s Crusaders and JagerMechs too. I use those JM we salvaged and we’ve got a brand new Thunderbolt and Scorpion!!!


Brutus – half movement
Devastator - half movement.
Marauder - Hip
BM – 2 MLs hit in the wall

We fix the Brutus on the 3rd try in 5 days, the Devastator in 3, and the MAD hip today. The BM MLs. In a few days!!!

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-25-2025 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 01-25-2025, 04:05 PM   #216
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Level Up!

Plainsmen tanker in Vee #4 Ursula Kolehmainen got her 4th kill and is elite so I give her +1 piloting.

Feb 22, 3028 – We spend two days dissembling the Pike, scouring the battlefield for stuff and then rearming, armoring and repairing and grabbing stuff from the HQ prior to explosions. With a battalion here that’s 2.85 mill in stuff to keep it up and running as well as 500k from the tanks and 3.35 mill total.

We blast off and head to the Zenith JumpPoint see you at Galatea at Mar 12.

Contract Time!!!

Objective Raid for FWL against Lyran World of Gacrux
Salvage – Full
Length – 1 Month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.6, 1.3
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
40% Signing Bonus

Our salary/month is 222,165

What we Spent:

Salary - 444,330
Support – 700k – 600k armor in three salvos early little but late and falls much worse. 100k ammo

Total Spent
: 1,144,330

What we were Paid:

Salary – 1,848,412
Signing Bonus – 739,365
Support - 350k
Salvage – 3.35 mill

Total Paid and Salvaged:

Total Made
: 5,143,447

War Chest
: 91,450,510

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Old 01-25-2025, 04:41 PM   #217
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Beginning of Contract #38:

Feb 03, 3028 – All three Vee companies not doing stuff arrive at the FWL world of Shiloh with Command Circuits to help with Riot/Garrison. Here are Vee #1, 3, and 5, a battalion of vees. Our contract begins and will end on May 3.

We land in the capital of Randerville. The planet’s governor announces some rough fiscal measures ahead due to inflation and such, now that we’ve arrived. We also have with them all of the outstanding infantry from Alpha and Deux companies – 5 more infantry squad than normal

Here’s our plan. We have 9 infantry and 36 vees, we will always have patrolling a company of vees here in the captial to check against riots and garrison the ruler and Governor too. I also always have three infantry on guard at the HQ on duty with three on call.

I am going to roll for each month to see if we are needed. 8 the first month, yes, 9 the 2nd month year, 10 the last month yes. And then they will be a mixed company of vees, VTOLS and infantry that hit us.


Month One? ( I toss a 9)

Feb 18, 3028 – We are patrolling when signs of riot are growing we head out and advance to the area where the riots are and then see some unmarked tanks and civs that are clearly military trained. We radio them to step back and instead they attack us.

Who was out on patrol? Vee #3.

This is Us:


Rhino Support Tank
Schrek PPC Carrier
AC2 Carrier

Condor Hover Tank
Harasser Missile Platform

This is them:

Puma – veteran
Shrek PPC Carrier - veteran

3 infantry

This is both of ours Schrek PPC Carrier the Awesome of vee world! It rocks three of them, then no backup weapons and okay armor. 3/5 movement on an 80 ton frame!!!

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Old 01-25-2025, 10:06 PM   #218
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We are on a map with a building in the south level 1 and 2 high.

Turn 1 - We win init 7-6. I set up left of the building. I charge 5 and run 10 with my scouts. I focus on that Shrek and Brutus short range fire. Our Condor destroys it’s front, dead tank!!! Our Zhukov immobilizes that Brutus!!!

Turn 2 – We lose init 10-11. Close! I charge 5 again. They eject the Brutus. I charge their Bulldog with my AC20 stuff. I blast it with three and then the hovers to it’s flank. The rest their Puma. Our Demolisher destroys the Bulldog’s front! Dead tank! Their Pegasus stuns our Demolisher for 2 turns. Their infantry halves the movement of our Harasser. Our Rhino destroyed the right side of their Puma! Dead tank!!!

We killed one lance and both assaults and heavies! They flee and we defended successfully!!!


Brutus - Immobile
Bulldog – destroyed front, can we salvage? Yup!
Puma – Destroyed right side, we cannot salvage.
Schrek PPC Carrier – Destroyed side, can we salvage? Yup tossed an 11.

We captured a Brutus, Bulldog and Schrek.


Harasser Missile Platform – halved movement.

We fix the Missile Platform’s movement tomorrow!!
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Old 01-25-2025, 10:49 PM   #219
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Feb 19, 3028 – We take apart the Puma Assault tank, and then we have captured from the battlefield 450k.

Because we thumped them, I am ruling that a +1 is getting added to month 2 and 3 to make it harder. Month 2? I toss a 9, needed a 10, Month 3? Toss a 7. All quiet

May 03, 3028 we finish up and then blast off! See you at Galatea on May 8.

Contract Stuff!!!

Our total salary for Vee 1, 3 and 5 is 165,446 per month

Riot/Garrion for FWL on the world of Shiloh
Salvage – Full
Length – 3 Months
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Command – Liaison
Salary – x4, x1.5, 1.3
Transport – None
Remuneration – None
45% Signing Bonus

What we Spent:

Salary - 661,784
Battle Support – 300k – They barely touched us, 250k armor and 50k ammo.

Total Spent - 961,784

What we were Paid:

Salary – 3,871,436
Signing Bonus – 1,742,146
Support – 150k
Salvage - 450k

Total we were Paid and Salvaged
- 6,213,582

Total Made
- 5,251,798

War Chest – 96,702,308

END OF CONTRACT #38!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-25-2025, 11:32 PM   #220
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Feb 02, 3028 – Arba Company and captured stuff arrive back at Galatea with all of the naval captures and more like that extra Union we captured and Mule and more.

Feb 12, 3028 - Sieben Company returns.

Feb 13, 3028 – Recruiting Time! Flavia and Stephen have 12 recruits and do another 12 MWs that are dispossessed.

Here they are:

Ian Chester
Graeme Morris
Torra MacLeish
Sunand Joshi
Liam Kinkaid
Hoa-Xinh Liu
Laurent Cruz
Sweeney MacElfrish
Farhana Syeda
Mahdhoodha Nii
Aurelio Isted
Maggie Moreau

All elite.

Plus, these three from before:

Agata Gilling, elite, to be assigned later
Kristina Moy, ditto
Sonja Moljevic, ditto

I make our 8th Mech Company, named Oitavo Company (Portuguese for 8).

Capt. Graeme Morris, Atlas, AS7D, elite
Agata Gilling, BattleMaster, elite
Kristina Moy, Thunderbolt 5S, elite
Sonja Moljevic, Guillotine 4L, elite

Left. Sunand Joshi, Awesome, elite
Torra MacLeish, Archer 2S, elite
Ian Chester Crusader 3D, elite
Hoa-Xinh Liu, TBT5N Trebuchet, elite

Left. Liam Kinkaid, Vulcan 5T, elite
Laurent Cruz, Javelin 10F, elite
Sweeney MacElfrish, Spider, elite
Farhana Syeda, Griffin 1S, elite

They can head out in the new Union the Ruby Lion.
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Old 01-26-2025, 12:50 AM   #221
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Feb 28, 3028 – Contracts!!! We’ve got Arba, Oitavo and Sieben ready for deals!!!!

We get 3!!!

#1. From the Lyrans they want us to O Raid the nearby Drac World of Atria which is two jumps away we could be there on Mar 8. We could take our naval flotilla with us like Achilles and Avengers and such. They have one mech company defending.
#2. For the Lyrans again they want us to O Raid the FWL border world of Pollux we could be there on Mar 22. Just a company of mechs there defending too.
#3. The Suns want us for a deal to O Raid the Drac border world of Cylene which is one jump from our HW of Mallory’s World and we could be there on April 2. We would also need the flotilla since it’s a border world like Atria. They have a mixed battalion of one company each of mechs, vees and infantry, so two could be fine there.

We could reach out and do all three and just go from Atria to Cylene. The Lyrans and Fed Suns agree to combine Offers #1 and #3. We’ll send our entire flotilla and Arba and Stieben and then Oitavao at the FWL.

We are sent a message by our Fed Suns liaison to be done by July. Just as a heads up from them for the follow up from the Galtor III campaign.

Negotiation with LC and FS: We have 180 points. We spend 50 for Full Salvage (130) and then two month deal is offered, and then we pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Support and then they 25 for x4 salary, 80 left. We put up remuneration, none, 90 they do Liaison for Command, us no transport and then 100 left, so 50% signing bonus.

Contract #39 AND #40:

Objective Raid by LC and FS against the DC worlds of Atria and Cylene
Salvage: Full
Length – 2 months
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support
Salary, x4, x1.6, x1.5
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
Transport – None
50% Signing Bonus

Negotiation with LC: We have 165 points. We spend 50 on full salvage, 115 left they offer 3 months we drop to 1 with 10 points, 105 left. We pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support. They 25 too for x40 salary, 55 left. Then we pull 15 for transport we need to hire a Union which will cost us 900k there and back. 40 left. They grab Liaison, we grab no remuneration 50 left 25% signing bonus.

Contract #41:

Objective Raid by LC against the FWL world of Pollux
Salvage: Full
Length – 1 month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support
Salary, x4, x1.6, x1.5
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
Transport – None
25% Signing Bonus

We’re sending in Oitavo, see you in a few weeks!!!
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Old 01-26-2025, 01:44 AM   #222
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Beginning of Contract #39 AND #40:

March 8, 3028 – Our flotilla arrives at Atria’s Nadir JumpPoints, it’s defended by little, alto a border planet the planet here isn’t worth that much. An Invader here with a Leopard CV and Avenger at each JumpPoint. They unfurl at us, but we have 5 Achilles, and all of our extra Avengers and all extra Leopard CVs plus the fighters in our two Unions

We have total:

5 Achilles
2 Unions not launching with fighters,
2 Leopard CVs
2 Avenger
10 Aquarius
26 fighters

To their Avenger, Leopard and 6 fighters here and the same at the other Jump Point, they send them to the planet to meet us there. My goal is to capture them if possible. We destroy them both and all six fighters. Can we salvage them? I toss a 5 for the Avenger, nope, the Leopard? 10 yes! It’s 8 mil to fix up. Their JumpShip flees. I spend it now…

Battle Loss at JumpPoint
– We lost 1 fighters that we can recover for 1.1 mill, we took 2.5 mill in damage to fix up. We salvage 2 of their fighters for 900k.

We salvage 3.2 mill in lost stuff from the battle.

Mar 13 – We arrive at the planet, here are another Avenger, Union, Leopard CV with 8 fighters this time. We again blow through them, the Union retreats to the planet, the Avenger is destroyed, the Leopard CV flees to the Zenith JumpPoint and with 3 fighters.

Can we salvage that Avenger? I toss an 8, nope. Need a 9.

Battle Loss at the Planet
– We lost 2 fighters, one permanently with a value of 3.15 mill. The other can be repaired for 360k. We took 2.25 mill since they left earlier. We can salvage 2 fighters for another 750k.

We salvage 1.8 mill from the Avenger and dead fighters,

We land with total superiority

We follow their Union to the DropPort on the southern island at the poles of Aitrakops. They land and out emerge their 12 mechs form their HQ to meet it. We land, and one company will surround them and keep them from fleeing and act as support while the other attacks them. Atria is a warm island planet with beaches and stuff everywhere. We are on a coast with a base.

We’ll send out Arba, this is the first time you’ve seen them in a while here they are again.

Charger CGR-1A5
Guillotine GLT-4L
WHM-6L Warhammer
Wolverine 6K

CLPT-1C Catapult
STC-2C Striker
WTH-1 Whitworth
Longbow LGB-7Q

FS9-A Firestarter
Spider SDR-5V
Locust 1E
Hermes II 2M

Here are our defenders!!!

Atlas - veteran
Stalker – veteran
Shadow Hawk 2K
Wasp 1K

This is their beloved scout mech the Jenner a 35 ton 7/11/5 mech with 10 heat sinks, 4 ML and an SRM4, and 64 points of armor, pretty light. We have some Fire variants with more armor and pull the SRM4. This isn’t that. They are regular, love that Atlas and Hunch.

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Old 01-27-2025, 01:42 PM   #223
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In the island coast, there is a hill in the center around 3 hexes high which will block LOS, and then they have buildings on their north side and a bridge to us. I have trees here and there too. I deploy on the east of it near the flank, and I place my dorks as a spear with the Charger leading. I need to swap that Warhammer with a better one, that’s the 10 ton armor one not the 6D one with better armor. They deploy on the island and on the far side of the hill. Remind me to swap that Wolverine with a Hunchback a better mech in the closing role. It doesn’t have JJ.

Turn 1 – We lose init 7-6. I send my troops 5 hexes. They aren’t moving off the island, only their Jenner deployed off it. They run in the Jenner and hop over their Wasp. I cannot see the island mostly, short range at the Jenner, long range at their +0 to hit Atlas. Our Charger’s AC20 destroys heir Jenner’s LL, legged! Our Longbow gets a through hit on their CT Atlas for an engine hit. It’s barely touched.

Turn 2 – We gain init 8-3. They turn but don’t eject the Jenner. I charge 5. Their Shadow Hawk leaps into the water. Our FS next to their Wasp up a hex for a Head punt kick. Their Atlas backed up and is 10 away from our Charger. I fire at that -1 Rifleman for 7 hexes away instead. Our Charger hit the RL of their Rifleman and hit two fee actuators. It falls. It’s got 2 left. Just peppering of their Atlas more. Our FS kicks and destroys their Wasp’s LA.

Turn 3 – We keep init 7-3, all 7s tossed by someone. Their Rifleman fails to stand. I leap my Guillotine into the drink. Our FS to their Wasp’s rear. Our Spider by it too. I fire long range at that Atlas and SRMs at that Rifleman to finish off it’s RL. Their Atlas is +2 to be hit by being in woods and smoke. Many cannot see it with the Smoke now. Our Charger destroys their Rifleman’s RL. Their Atlas fell. Our Firestarter destroys the Wasp’s RL with a kick!!!

Turn 4 – We lose init 12-4, no more 7s tossed. They don’t eject the Rifleman. They turn the Wasp. Their Atlas rises. Their Hunchback charges. I focus on that Atlas long range and short range the Hunchy. Just an exchange of fire but they savage our Guillotine. Their Atlas standing in Fire and firing is at +18 heat.

Turn 5 – We get init back 10-7, another 7! Do I eject the Guillotine or sac play it? It’s got 1 left CT external and is internal in both Arms with 9 and 11 left. I cannot only leap it two, so I cannot leap it behind the mountain with a +4 since it’s in water and two of its JJ are in the legs. I eject it. They keep their Hunchback there in woods. Our Spider to it’s flank so no kicks back. I also run my Hermes II over the bridge with +3 to hit. I fire at that Atlas again. An SRM pops it in the Head and it blacks out and falls and takes more damage to it. That Hunchy falls. Their Atlas is at 14 heat

We offer them to surrender the Atlas and keep their pilot but they don’t respond.

Turn 6 – We keep init 11-10. Close. They hull down their Hunch. They savaged my Charger’s RT it’s got 7 left internal. I eject it. Our FS goes where the Spider was to kick the Hunchy. I fire at that Hunchy and Atlas’s LL. Our Striker hit the Atlas in the head with a LL dead mech! I was aiming at the LL but didn’t hit it. Our Whitworth hit the Ammo on their Hunchy, boom, dead mech. Our Striker fell.

We just took out both of their AC20s. With now three legged mechs and the destroyed Atlas and Hunchback and only that Stalker left to rally around, are they going to flee or try to change things around next turn? They are angry with the death of their CO last turn, and I’m giving them one more turn then they’ll get back their senses.

Turn 7 – We win init 12-9. They try to stand up their Rifleman, it falls and blacks out. Our Hermes II bases it. They stand their Stalker, it doesn’t move towards us or back. Our Striker rises. Our FS next to their Stalker’s flank. Our Spider next to their Cicada. I focus fire on that Stalker. If they can see it they are firing at it. Our Longbow gets a limb blown off the Stalker’s RA on the ground. That’s where most of it’s weapons are in the arms. It stays standing. We kick it and it stays standing. We kick their Cicada down though.

They stand the Cicada and flee with a savaged one-armed Stalker. We captured their base!!!


Jenner missing LL, current value – 2.78 mill, to fix 400k
Rifleman missing RL – pilot blacked out. Current value – 3.26 mill, to fix 500k.
Wasp 1K missing RL, LA see below
Atlas missing H, current value of 8,626,000 to fix 1 mill,

Hunchback LA, LL, LA, H,
Stalker RA

Do we have a LL for a Jenner? Nope, it’s 35 tons the same weight as a Panther and Firestarter. No parts. I pay 400k to fix and another 250k to turn into a JR7F. Rifleman RL? No parts, it weighs 60 tons the weight of Dragons, Quickdraw, Merlin, no parts. I don’t spend it. The Wasp RL and LA? I have an Arm, no RL though, Stinger? Nope, Locust? Yup! Atlas H? No parts for Atlases. I pay that 1 mill for a new Atlas and then 650k for our JR7F.

War Chest after that and 8 mill to fix up Drop is 87,052,308


None, we were savaged bad though armor wise
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Old 01-27-2025, 05:37 PM   #224
Abe Sargent
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Mar 13, 3058 - They try to load into the Union and then run the gauntlet. We destroy it can we salvage it? Yes, I tossed a 12. It’ll cost us 4 mill (I tossed 4 on a 2d6). I spend it now. 83,052,308 left.

March 15, 3028 – We spend 2 days fixing, repairing, and rearming. We salvaged from their HQ 1.6 mill since it was just a company support. We blow up their HQ and head back to the JumpPoint

Mar 19, 3028 – We arrive, load up and blast out!!! We head for the next Drac system of Cylene.

Apr 21 - We arrive in the border system of Cylene after jumping through Mallory’s World. We are at the Nadir JumpPoint, 11 days from planet. They have here an Invader with a pair of Avengers and a Leopard CV. They unfurl them and attack us. The Invader also has two Aquarius.

We destroy the two Avengers and their Leopard CV loads up the 3 surviving fighter and then returns and they jump away.

Can we salvage an Avenger? I toss 8 and 7, nope.

Battle Loss at JumpPoint
– We lost 3.5 mill to fix ( I tossed a 3 on 2d6). We lost 3 fighters, and can salvage 2 at 1.2 mill, the lost one was a light Sparrowhawk for just 1,684,222. We can salvage their 2 fighters for 1.4 mill.

From two destroyed Avengers and their fighters we can salvage 7 mill.

May 2, 3028 – We arrive at the planet of Cylene with another pair of Avengers, one Leopard CV from the Zenith JumpPoint and then another one from the planet. They have 12 fighters and 2 Aquarius.

We unfurl and plow into them!

We destroy one Avenger and Leopard CV the others flee back to the Zenith JumpPoint to load. Can we salvage either one? Not the Leopard CV, but yes the Avenger! We toss a 9 for it, but 5 for the CV. How much? 6 mill, spend it now (War Chest is 77,052,308).

Battle Loss at Cylene
– We lost 9 mill damage here, we lost 4 fighters, and then 2 permanently for 3.6 mill and then two to get up and running at 925k cash. We can salvage three of theirs for 1.8 mill. We also can salvage an Aquarius for 1.2 mill.

We salvage another 5 mill.

We land at the mixed battalion location with their 12 mechs and vees and 3 infantry. We do have aerial support for this battle. They come out and meet us at the DropPort, we are on that official map for today’s battle.

Here are the Drac Defenders!


Charger - veteran
Goliath - veteran
Orion 1K
Chameleon 4B
Shadow Hawk 2K
Firestarter FS9K
Javelin 10F!!!!!

All regular. Would love that Orion.


Devastator - veteran
Ontos - veteran
Schrek PPC Carrier - veteran
AC2 Carrier
LRM Carrier
Von Luckner K100 – the 2 AC20 lighter armor one.

I’d love that trio of assault vees, and Von Luckner too. They have FIVE AC20s in their tanks with that Saladin too. Love another Hunter too.

We have against them Arba and Stieben so 24 mechs. That’s not great for them BV or on the map wise.

We each have a Wolverine 6K – it’s a medium 55 ton with no JJ like the others, 5/8 movement, 14 heat sinks, max armor, a LL, 2 Mls, 1 SRM6 and SL.

Let me see if I can find the DropPort official map.

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Old 01-28-2025, 01:28 AM   #225
Abe Sargent
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I deploy on the west flank with our two Chargers in the center and then our BattleMaster and Banshee to their sides. They deploy their heavy mechs to the south and tanks to the north.

Turn 1 – We lose init 6-5. Close. I charge 5. Their Charger bases my Wolverines front. Our Pixie to it’s flank. Their Goliath bases our southern Charger. I fire long range at the Schrek and Ontos o the north flank and try to take them both out. Some can only see that Devastator like our Awesome. Short range fire at the Charger. Our Awesome destroys that Devastator’s front. Dead tank!!! Pour Longbow -3s the movement of their Ontos. Our Guillotine stunned their crew. Grasshopper destroys the Charger’s LA. Our Wolverine destroys the Charger’s Ct, dead mech, cannot salvage. Melee! Nothing major happens.

Turn 2 – We grab init from them 10-7. They eject the savaged and 1/2 Ontos. I charge 5. Our Charger bases their Von Luckner in the south. I cannot find their Schrek. Their Orion bases my Charger’s flank. Our Guillotine’s bases his flank. Their Panther bases my Guillotine’s flank. Our Warhammer 6D and Striker the Panther. Our Wolverine bases their Pegasus. Our Jenner leaps to the front of their Jav. Their Goliath bases our Charger in the south flank. Our Spider next to their hiding LRM Carrier and Hunter in the corner of the building. Their Chameleon bases our Catapult and Warhammer, our Locust to it’s rear and Hermes II to it’s flank. PXH by their Panther too. I focus fire on that Shrek, LRM Carrer if they can see it and then Von Luckner in the south. Short range in the north at their Scorpion.

Our Wolverine destroys the LRM Carrier’s left side, dead tank!
Our Banshee destroys the Schrek’s front, dead tankx2!!
Our BM destroys their Von Luckner’s left side, dead tankx3!
Our Warhammer 6L destroys their Scorpion’s RT, the RLF on the ground it falls and blacks out.
Our Charger in the south flanked by their Goliath and Orion falls, not great
Our Wolverine halves the speed on their Pegasus
Our Warhammer destroys the Panther’s RL, it falls
Our Jenner kicks their Jav to the ground.

We have taken out one mech blacked out another and legged a third, and destroyed 5 vees so that’s 8 kills or legs in 2 turns. I am giving them a turn to turn this around.

Turn 3 – We keep init 6-5. Just like our loss the 1st turn. I eject our savaged Charger to the ground that ate 2 AC20s from the Von Lockner. They don’t eject the Panther to keep it in front of me likely. Our Banshee bases their Urbie. Our Hopper next to their Hunter. Their Pegasus bases our Hunch’s rear. Our Wolverine bases it. Our BM bases their Goliath. Our Catapult and Warhammer next to their Maxim. Our Awesome next to their Pegasus. Guillotine by their Goliath. Our Hermes II to the rear of their Centurion. Our Striker and Warhammer 6D by it too. Our Locust in the Maxim’s rear, and the PXH next to it. Wolfhound by their Urbie. Their Jav fails to rise. Our Jenner and Firestarter next to it. I fire at the Goliath and then their Hunter in the north. Then targets of opportunity.

Our Banshee destroys their AC2 Carrier’s front side. Dead tank!!
Our Hunchback destroys their Hunter, dead tank!!
Our Firestarter destroys their Javelin’s LL, it’s legged!!!
Our PXH hits the UrbanMech’s ammo, it booms, dead mech!!!
Our Locust halves the speed of their Maxim.
Our Guillotine hit the ammo in their Goliath it lights up, boom dead mech!!!
Their Chameleon falls. Melee!!!
Our Warhammer destroys the Centurion’s LL and it falls. Legged mech!
Our Jenner kicks and destroys their Firestarter’s RL, legged mech!!!
Their Maxim and Pegasus survived kicks.

They eject from legged mechs and flee! We took out 7 vees and legged or destroyed 8 more for 15 total dead or legged!


Devastator – Destroyed front, We cannot salvage (tossed a 6)
Ontos – savaged movement, ejected
LRM Carrier – destroyed side we toss 10 and can salvage
Schrek destroyed front we toss a 8 and can salvage
Von Luckner V100, destroyed left, we toss a 5 and cannot salvage
AC2 Carrier front done we can salvage, tossed a 9
Hunter front, we toss an 8 and can salvage it

We captured a Devastator and Ontos, we fix it’s engine soon. The LRM Carrier and Schrek PPC Carrier and AC Carrier and Hunter all salvaged.

UrbanMech – RA, LL, LA, H
Charger – H, RL, RA, RT, LT, LL
Goliath – H, RT, RLR, LLR,

Centurion missing LL; see below
Scorpion missing RT, see below
Panther missing RL, current value 2.135 mill, to fix 350k
Javelin 10F missing LL; see below
Firestarter FS9K missing RL, current value is 2.55 mill, to fix 450k.

No Assaults or heavies captured this time though. Do we have that Centurion LL? We sure do, it’s fixed! Scorpion RT? It’s a quad so only that torso will do. We sure do, all done!!! Panther Rl? Nope! Not the other two either. Ditto our Firestarter RL. The same weight. That Javelin LL? Got it in stock!! I add it. I spend 450k for repairing the FS.

Our stuff was fine.
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Old 01-28-2025, 02:06 AM   #226
Abe Sargent
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They flee. They were in a Fortress. They load up with their Long Tom artillery helping to keep them secure. We blitz it with our fighters and Drops. They launch and….they break through, and we cannot catch them. They flee. I would have loved another Fortress they are awesome.

May 5, 3028 – We spend three days taking care of taking about that Von Luckner, scouring the battlefield for cash and then salving their base. We find here 2.7 mill total from the tank and supplies.

We destroy their base and head back to the JumpPoint!

May 16, 3028 – We leave and launch to Mallory’s World one jump away today we’ll arrive there. I am going to stay there unless our navy is needed. They’ll hang out here getting things ready until July 1 when our contract. It’s possible we might use them, but doubtful.

Contract Time!!!!!!!

Objective Raid by LC and FS against the DC worlds of Atria and Cylene
Salvage: Full
Length – 2 months
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support
Salary, x4, x1.6, x1.5
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
Transport – None
50% Signing Bonus

Our salary is: 158,144

What we Spent:

Salary - 474,432 – 3 months
Support - Ground – 1.65 mill – 1.15 mill first battle and 500k 2nd.
Support Air Battles – 17.25 mill
Battle Loss Fighter Repair - 6,375,000
To Salvage Fighters from them and Aquarius – 6.50 mill

Total Spent
- 31,799,432

What we were Paid

Salary - 3,036,364
Signing Bonus - 1,518,182
Support Ground - 825,000
Support Air - 8,625,000
Battle Loss Fighter Repair - 3,187,500
Battle Loss Fighters - 4,217,111
Salvage – Space - 18 mill
Salvage - Ground -4.3 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged
- 43,709,157

Total Made
- 11,909,725

War Chest - 88,512,033

END OF CONTRACTS #39 and #40!!!!!!

Meet the Droppsies we captured!!!

Leopard CV DropShip with 6 fighters not full, we renamed the “Panthera Pardus Orientalis” (The Amur Leopard). Captured from DC in Atria.

Union DropShip with 12 mechs and 2 fighters, not full, we renamed it the “Amber Lion.” Captured from the DC in Atria.

Avenger DropShip – Escort and attack DropShip, we captured from DC in Cylene, renamed “Turrets of Justice”
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Old 01-28-2025, 02:35 AM   #227
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #41:

This is the debut battle of the latest mech company named Oitavo.

March 17, 3028 – We arrive in the FWL system of Pollux which is just 2 Jumps from Galatea. We’re at the JumpPoinp at the Nadir spot. They have nothing contentious. We launch to the planet.

March 22 – We arrive at the planet. We unfurl at their DropPort and then defending here are the company of Marik Mechs we were expecting.

Here they are:

Cyclops, veteran
Victor 9B – veteran
Grasshopper – yay!!
Marauder 3M
Vulcan 2T
Locust 1M

Wow, TWO assaults with AC20….they are regular. Love another Grasshopper.

We hit them on flat grassland with some light trees. We both have Vulcans, ours is the 5T variant. Here is their Grasshopper, a heavy 70 ton mech with 4/6/4 movement good armor, 22 sinks, a LL and LRM5 for long range and then 4 ML for closer. It’s a fun mech!!!!

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-29-2025 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 01-29-2025, 12:15 AM   #228
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I make an Atlas spear. They deploy their assaults and MAD in the rear left corner.

Turn 1 - We lose init 12-11. Ouch! I charge 5. Our Griffin bases their Cicada. I fire on that +2 Cyclops if they can see it. Some like our Awesome are on that Quickdraw instead. Our Awesome hits the SRM ammo in the Quickdraw, boom, dead mech!!!!!! Their Cyclops didn’t fall. That’s our first kill from this company!!! I kick the Cicada. We hit a leg actuator in the LL. No falls.

Turn 2 – We win init 10-8. I charge 5 too. Their Victor bases our Atlas, our Tbolt bases it’s flank. Their Cicada bases my Guillotine. Spider to Cicada’s rear our Javelin to it’s flank. Our Vulcan to their Locust’s rear. I focus fire on their Cyclops and then rear attacks on their Locust and such, I also will send some at the Victor since their Cyclops was hit bad. Our Vulcan destroys the RT of their Locust. RA on the ground. Their Cyclops hit our Awesome’s PPc once. Our Jav hits its AC20 twice and destroys the RA. It falls and destroys it’s LL. Legged mech!!! Melee! Our Vulcan destroys the LL of their Locust on the ground. Our Guillotine destroys their Cicada’s LL, legged mech!!!

We have three legged mechs that turn and then the destroyed QD from last one. They need to turn this around fast! We took out a lance!

Turn 3 – We keep init 11-10. Close! They eject the Cyclops and Cicada and Locust. I eject our savaged Awesome from the rapid speed AC20. No cheap kills or rallies. Our Guillotine next to their Centurion. Their Wasp next to our Guillotine’s flank. Our Jav to it’s rear! Our Spider to the flank of their Hopper the mech I’d most love to snag. Their Victor hops away. Our Atlas bases it. Nope! Our BM bases their Marauder. Do I base the MAD and Victor with my Tbolt?I think I can destroy or drop the Victor, let’s do it. I’ll be in woods. I fire it all at the Victor. It should blow up to my mind. Our TDR does hit the ammo, boom, dead mech!!!!!!! Melee!!! Our BM and TBolt both kick their Marauder in the LL, one left, we hit two actuators there it falls. We also kick the Wasp and Grasshopper to the ground.

We took out a wounded Victor, now what? Keep on coming or flee? I toss an 11, they keep on coming one more round.

Turn 4 - We keep init 11-8. They won’t even win that!!! They rise and turn the Marauder. I’ll keep it based since then we can leg kill it. No attacks. Our Griffin bases it. Their Stinger bases our Griffin’s flank. Spider next to it. Their Wasp Hull Downs. Their Hopper rises. Our Atlas and Guillotine base it. Their Vulcan bases our Atlas’s flank. Do I move my Tbolt and base it and try to for a kick legged or move to the Marauder for a 3rd kick? I move to the Vulcan. I move our BM to woods where the TDR was and next to the MAD! I want to take out the Hopper salvageable this turn and leg that MAD. If they can see it they fire at it, but few can see it. Our BM, Archer, TBT and Crusader cannot see it. I fire at that Centurion instead. Our Vulcan 5T hits the Grasshopper’s gyro twice, immobile! Our Jav destroys their Wasp’s RA and RT. Our Spider it’s RL, legged Wasp! Their hopper hit it’s engine twice as it fell. Their Centurion fell. Melee! Our BM and Griffin destroy the LL of their Marauder! We salvaged with just kicks!!!

They eject from legged mechs and flee! We didn’t finish that Centurion. Durable little thing.


Quickdraw - LA, RA, H, LT, LL
Victor – RA, H, LL, LA,

Cyclops missing RA and LL; see below
Cicada missing LL; current value is 3.25 mill to fix 500k
Locust 1M missing RT and LL. See below, current value is 1.300 mill, to fix 200k
Grasshopper with 2 gyro and engine hits
Wasp 1A missing RL, RT, and RA; current value 946 – to fix 700k.
Marauder 3M – missing LL

We fix the Hoppers gyro on the first try and then the engine on the 5th. Yay Grasshopper! Welcome to the club!! The Cyclops RA and LL? It’s the only common 90 tonner, so just it’s parts. I do have it’s RA and LL too in storage, fixed! Cicada LL this time? Nope, other 40 tonners like Assassin, and Clint? Nope! Locust 1M? It’s missing a RT and LL. RT yes, LL of other 20s? Nope. Wasp missing it’s ride side? Nope. The LL of that Marauder? Nope! Other 75 tonners? An Orion! It’s up and going.


Awesome PPC
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Old 01-29-2025, 01:04 AM   #229
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Mar 24, 3028 – We finish salvaging and find in stuff 1.6 mill.

We blow up their building and head back to the JumpPoint!

We’ll be back at Galatea on Apr 11. See you then!

Contract stuff!!!

Objective Raid by LC against the FWL world of Pollux
Salvage: Full
Length – 1 month
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Strait Support
Salary, x4, x1.6, x1.5
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
Transport – None
25% Signing Bonus

Our salary for Oitavo is 78,641.

What we Spent:

Salary - 157,282
Support – 600k – 500k for armor, 100k for ammo

Total spent: 757,282

What we were Paid:

Salary - 754,953
Singing Bonus - 188,738
Support – 300k
Salvage- 1.6 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged:

Total we Made: 2,086,409

War Chest: 90,598,442

END OF CONTRACT #41!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-29-2025, 02:10 AM   #230
Abe Sargent
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Mar 8, 3028 – Khamésh Company and stuff arrives.

Mar 12, 3028 – Vee #4, and Deux and Tres Companies arrive at Galatea. This is from the assault with the Overlord and such. Evan is back!

Mar 13, 3028 – Another recruiting at Galatea with the three since Evan is here. We can grab a DropShip like another Union. Actually I’ve been misreading the Merc Handbook for transport, either they’ll pay for the minimum cost there fully for a cost 15 points or you’ll pay for +10. There isn’t a 50% either way. So I am swapping a bit, I am going to make full transport 25 points instead of 15 and keeping 15 for 50%. Instead with all 17 recruits this month, I am going to use 6 for fighters for our new captured Leopard CV and then 11 dispossessed MW to combine with the 3 left other to make a new company. Our 9th!!!

Our 6 new Fighters and pilots:

Elite, Riever (heavy), Vennie Chudy
Elite, Chippewa, (heavy), Dara Pannett
Elite, Lucifer (medium), Timuçin Berkes
Veteran, Shilone (Medium), Gjèrgji Rrustemi
Elite, Slayer, heavy, Azhar Abdul-Wadud
Elite, Sparrowhawk, light, Yamato Sakai

Our new 11 elite dispossessed MWs!

Yanis Lopez
Kazunari White
Martha Moore
Hakeem Pummy
Rhys Quinton
Alina van der Meijden
Mehwish More
Kifaaya Jabbar
Isibeal Toplady
Johanne Wittman
Luke Smith

These are the three others too not yet assigned:

Mahdhoodha Nii
Aurelio Isted
Maggie Moreau

Here’s our 9th Mech Company Named Nove Company (Italian for 9)

Capt. Yanis Lopez, elite, Atlas
Mahdhoodha Nii, Banshee 3S, elite
Kazunari White, Orion 1K, elite
Martha Moore, Hunchback, elite

Left. Aurelio Isted, Awesome 8T, elite – that’s the one with 2 LL and 2 LRM15s
Archer 2S, Hakeem Pummy, elite
Trebuchet, elite, Rhys Quinton
Warhammer 6D, elite, Alina van der Meijden

Left. Maggie Moreau, elite, Grasshopper
Jav 10F, elite, Mehwish More
Jenner 7F, elite, Kifaaya Jabbar
Phoenix Hawk 1D, (the one with two more heat sinks but no MGs). Elite, Isibeal Toplady

I bought that Warhammer for 6.2 mill and PXH for 4.5 mill.

War chest of 79,898,436 after purchases.
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Old 01-29-2025, 10:48 PM   #231
Abe Sargent
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Mar 14, 3028 – Alpha, vee Company #2 and their stuff arrives at Galatea

Mar 25, 3028 - Vee Company #1 and #6 return to Galatea

Mar 28, 3028 – We take contracts! Again, we’ll need to be done by early July to get into the retainer but that’s 90 days, more than enough time for faster O Raids that are near.

I get three offers!!!

#1. The Lyrans want us to O Raid the FWL border world of Amity, we could be there on April 26. We would need a mixed battalion since it’s a border world, so Alpha and Vee #2 would work.
#2. The Fed Suns want us to raid the CC border world of New Macao. We could be there on May 11 but we’d need just a company of mechs, since it’s not a major world and the Militia don’t have mechs, but our naval flotilla that arrive at Mallory’s World on May 16 would be needed. We could send their Nove for their shakedown mission.
#3. The FWL want us to O raid the Lyran border world of Arcadia, we could be there on May 1. We would need another mixed battalion of vees and mechs, or just two mechs. I could send there Evan’s two mechs of Deux and Tres and then also the Vee as backup in his Overlord or the vee and Khamésh Company too.

I do all three deals after the Fed Suns agree to delay our New Macao raid for adding in the naval flotilla from Mallory’s World. We’ll arrive at May 30.

Negotiation with the LC
: We begin with 160 points. We spend 50 points for full salvage, 110, they want three months, drop to one, 10 points, 100 left, we pull 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Strait support. 75 left, they pull 25 for their x4 salary, 50 left, we have no remuneration, they want liaison, no transport, 70 left: 35% bonus.

I am sending our Fortress and with it our stuff.

Contract #42:

O. Raid for the Lyrans on the FWL World of Amity
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.5
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
35% Signing Bonus

Negotiation with the FS
: We have 192 points. Same as their deal but with 50% signing bonus.

Contract #43:

O. Raid for the FS on the CC World of New Macao
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
50% Signing Bonus

I am sending in Nove with our captured Union the “Amber Lion”.

Negotiation with FWL: We have 176 points. We have the same deal, but with 43% signing bonus.

Contract #44:

O. Raid for the FWL on the LS World of Arcadia
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.4
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
43% Signing Bonus

I am sending in Vee #6 and Khamésh Company.
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Old 01-30-2025, 12:35 AM   #232
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #42:

April 26, 3028 – Our Fortress and Alpha and Vee #2 and infantry arrive at the FWL border world of Amity, we are at the Nadir JumpPoint where there is a Charging station, and no one challenges us and we head to the planet.

April 29 – We arrive at Amity’s surface, still no one is stopping us. We land at a DropPort by their HQ where are striking. Their base is with a local noble mansion.

We unload and get everything ready. We scout up, and find what was expected. They meet us on the way in a desert with few of anything to keep battle away from the mansion.

Here are the Marik Defenders!


Atlas – veteran – uh oh
Banshee 3M – veteran
Catapult - yay!
Marauder 3M
Hermes II 2M
Shadow Hawk
Vulcan 2T
Whitworth 1S
Locust – 1M
Spider – yay!

All regular, love that Atlas, Banshee, Catapult and Spider.


Ontos – veteran
Puma – veteran
Schrek PPC Carrier - veteran
Harasser Laser Platform
J. Edgar
Scorpion (LRM) - that’ s a variant with LRM10 and LRM 5 too in the turret.

Also love that Brutus!

Three Infantry regular.

We are on a desert map with light foliage, and nothing else.

This is it:

We have an Atlas too! This 100 ton machine of death rules the world with 3/5 speed max armor, AC20, SRM6, LRM20 and some Mls with 20 sinks. Here’s a pic:

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Old 01-31-2025, 01:02 AM   #233
Abe Sargent
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I deploy my Atlas flank four wide and then vees too. They deploy their Atlas and Banshee in the far left corner, the Ontos and Schrek there too.

Turn 1 – We lose init 9-8. Close! I charge 5. Their Harasser flanks us. We base it with our Jenner for kick kills, they don’t bring out the Atlas or Banshee. Their Hermes II bases our Jenner. I spit long range fire at the Shrek and Ontos to kill them, short range at the Hermes II +3 and Harasser +4. Their Catapult -1s our Behemoth’s movement. Our Archer destroys their Ontos’s front, dead tank! That’s his 12th kill! Level up time! Our Banshee destroys their Schrek’s left side. Dead tank! No falls, melee time! Their Hermes II was barely touched with FOUR AC20s fired his way. Our Jenner kicks and destroys their Harasser’s turret side, dead tank! That’s Mohammed Kunya’s green pilot’s 3rd kill, one more and his gunnery rises to regular!

Turn 2 – We thump them in init this time 10-5. Their Atlas backs up, I run 5 again. Our Jenner bases a SHD’s flank and their Scimitar. The Saracen joins it. Their Hermes II is on my Galleon. Our Wolfhound it’s flank. Their Spider bases my Jenner. I fire long range if they can see it at that Atlas in the far corner of the map and then short range at their Brutus on one side and the Banshee on the other. Their Goblin halves our Behemoth’s movement. Our Maxim halves the movement of their Saracen. Then it hits the ammo in it and it explodes, dead Saracen, not recoverable. Another Maxim halves the movement of their Brutus. Their Saracen also reduces the speed on my Behemoth pre-dying. Our Ontos destroys their Alas’s head, dead mech and CO. They’ll be not happy. Dead Atlas!!! No falls! Melee! No falls or bad stuff. Their Banshee has left just 6 LL external but is fine elsewhere.

Turn 3 – We keep init 11-6. Same gap. They eject the Brutus, we do the Behemoth. No cheap kills. I’ll give them this turn to get right, and then who knows? Their Banshee backs up to the Atlas’s far corner spot. I charge it. Our Atlas bases their Blackjack on the way. Oh uh! Jav to the rear of their Pike. Saracen too and Grasshopper too. Their WW bases my Hunch’s flank. Our Awesome and Crusader base it. Archer next to their Pike. Our Wolfhound by their Hermes II flank. I fire everything at that Banshee.

Their Pike halves my Ontos movement
Our Banshee destroys theirs RT, RA on the ground
Our Ontos hit’s a gyro and engine on it.
Our Archer another gyro hit and 2 more engine hits, shut down, another Archer kill!
Our Maxim destroys their Pike’s turret, dead tank!
Our Atlas fell so no felling the BJ.
Nothing major is lost.

They flee with both assault mechs and two tanks taken out. No issues there.


Ontos – destroyed front, and I cannot salvage, I tossed a 3.
Schrek PPC Carrier – destroyed left side and…I tossed a 7 and cannot salvage
Harasser Laser Carrier – Destroyed turret and I toss another 7 no salvage
Brutus – ½ movement. Ejected.
Pike – dead turret we can salvage tossed a 9

We salvaged a Brutus and Pike!

Atlas missing H; current value - 8,826,000 – to fix 800k
Banshee 3M missing RT, RL, LL, RL, two gyro and 3 engine hits. Current value - 5,824,327 – to fix 3 mill.

We fix the Banshee’s gyro in three days and engine in 7. I don’t have Atlas parts. The Banshee is a unique 95 tons. Any of those? No parts, sorry. I pay the costs to fix both and then 1 mil to make that Banshee a 3S. Total spent 4.8 mill.


Behemoth – 1 and halved movement
Ontos – halved movement

We fix the Behemoth on the 2nd try and the Ontos on the 1st easy.
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Old 01-31-2025, 01:18 AM   #234
Abe Sargent
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Level Up:

Alpha Company Archer elite pilot Mitch Raymond got his 13th kill, and gets edge.

April 30, 3028 – We take apart all of the tanks we couldn’t salvage and then convoy stuff to the cargo for their cash and then blow up the HQ! We salvaged from both 3.2 mill. We’ll be back on June 2. 3028.


Our salary is 129,945

O. Raid for the Lyrans on the FWL World of Amity
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.5
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
35% Signing Bonus

What we Spent:

Salary - 259,890
Support – 600k – 500k armor, 100k ammo

Total we Spent
: 859,890

What we were Paid:

Salary - 1,247,472
Signing Bonus – 436,615
Support - 300k
Salvage – 3.2 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged
: 5,184,087

Total we Made
: 4,324,197

War Chest: 79,422,633

END OF CONTRACT #42!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-31-2025, 11:18 AM   #235
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Beginning of Contract #43:

May 29, 3028 – Nove Company arrives in the CC System of New Macao with the O Raid by the FS on the world with no mechs. We are at the Zenith JumpPoint. This is a border world, so more defenses are needed, and then we have the flotilla here to drop them down, but the world isn’t that valuable, many CC border worlds we’ve arrived at with lesser value might only have minor stuff. We also have the repaired Avenger and Leopard CV with fighters here too. We are on the “Amber Lion.” Union.

We check and at the JumpPoint are a CC Military logo of the New Macao Militia Invader with an open DropRing and an Leopard CV and am escort Achilles. The nastier one to the Avenger. It carries two fighters, 2 small craft and the best weapons/armor of an assault/escort stuff. We have five.

Here’s what they have:

1 Achilles
1 Leopard CV
8 fighters
4 Aquarius

We own that easy with one Invader DropShip!! We have 30 fighters, 14 Aquarius, 3 Leopard CVs, an Avenger and five Achilles, We destroy them both, the Leopard CV as it flees. Can we salvage either? The Leopard CV no (tossed a 6) but the Achilles yes (tossed a 10). How much? 4 mill to fix. I spend it now.

Battle Loss at the JumpPoint
– We took 5 mill from a longer battle and had to fight better stuff. We lost just 2 fighters, and one is not salvageable, it’s a Shilone at 3.4 mill. We can spend 450k to fix our and they lost all 8 and we can salvage 3 for 1.35 mill. We salvage an Aquarius for 950k.

Their JumpShip jumps

We find here at the JumpPoint from the destroyed stuff salvaged 2.25 mill.

June 3, 3028 – We arrive at New Macao and the local ships from the Nadir JumpPoint and planet arrive. Here are another Achilles, Leopard CV, and a 2nd Leopard CV and a normal Leopard and Gazelle. They have 16 fighters, 3 total Leopards, an Achilles and 4 more Aquarius.

We beat, them, but this is harder and longer. We destroyed their pair of Leopard CVs their Achilles dies too and then the Leopard normal and Gazelle head to the planet. Their JumpShip flees.

We cannot salvage that other Achilles (tossed a 2) or one Leopard CV (3) but yes to the other one! (9 precisely). It costs to fix up 7 mill I also spend now.

Battle Loss at the Planet of New Macao – We took 7 mill in damage, and then we lost another 5 fighters, 2 permanently with costs of 10,605,553 (Riever and Slayer lost). The others repaired for 1.26 mill. We can salvage 5 of their fighters for 4.15 milk and another Aquarius for 1 mill.

We land at New Macao. The HQ of the local New Macao Militia is there the Drops fled too. We follow them, land and then head out. They have here a lance of mechs, and 12 vees, so it seems they have some mechs here, but that’s nothing. We do have air superiority here.

Here are the New Macao Militia!!!


Stalker – veteran
Thunderbolt – yay
Wasp 1L


Devastator – veteran
Ontos – veteran
LRM Carrier
Von Luckner K70
Condor (Liao)
Goblin (LRM) - variant with 2 LRM 10s instead of a LL.
Harasser Missile Platform

We are on the “Desert Runway” map. It’s here:

Here is their Thunderbolt an ugly but powerful punch your face in 65 tonner with 4/6 movement, LL, LRM 15, 2 MG, SRM2, 3 MLs I’d love to grab!!!!!

All regular!! I’d also be happy with a 2nd Stalker in our garrison or that Devastator. I need to take out that LRM Carrier and Ontos first and then either the TBolt or Devastator next.
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Old 02-01-2025, 01:32 PM   #236
Abe Sargent
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Turn 1 – We win init 7-6. We charge 5. They flank their Harasser and Condor to us. Most of my mechs cannot see the LRM Carrier and Ontos, I fire at the Brutus for those who can see it, and then short range at that Condor. My Archer, Trebuchet and Hopper can see and fire at their LRM Carrier. Our Atlas -1s the movement on their Brutus, Our Archer destroys the LRM Carrier’s left side. Dead tank!!! That’s Nove’s 1st kill!!!! Our Jav 10F destroys their Condor’s left side too, dead tank!!!z Good jorb scout!!!

Turn 2 – We annihilate them in init 12-2. Ouch, sorry. I feel bad. I charge 5. Where is their savaged Harasser? Did they eject it? Our Jav next to their Thunderbolt’s flank on their Hunter up a level for a head punt. Our PXH on the other side flank, and then rear of the Wasp 1L. I don’t base their Thunderbolt’s front with my Grasshopper since it has damaged legs. Jenner next to their Brutus. I fire on that Thunderbolt who can see it and otherwise that Devastator that moved in. Our Orion destroyed the Devastator’s front. Dead tank!!! Our Jenner hit the ammo on their Brutus, boom, dead tank! Their Von Luckner hit our Banshee in the head and destroyed it, dead mech uh oh! Their Thunderbolt made a 9 to stay standing, we rocked it. Melee! Our Archer kicks and destroyed the leg of their Wasp 1L’s RL, it’s down and blacked out too. Their Thunderbolt kicked in the head by our Javelin, it has 1 left external since it wasn’t damaged prior, it stands and doesn’t fall, sad.

We killed or legged three units that turn, an assault vee, a heavy vee and a light mech too. But that Assault mech of ours helps to even things a bit.

Turn 3 – We keep init 8-5. Our Atlas bases their Von Luckner. Our Orion too. Their Ontos in my Atlas’s space. Our Hunchback next to it. Their Thunderbolt moves and backs up and turns his back to us. Our Archer in his rear arc. Our Warhammer by their Hunter and our Hopper in its rear arc. Their Vindicator by our Warhammer’s flank. Our Jav to their Thunderbolt’s rear next to it. Our Jenner next to their Von Luckner. Our PXH remains by their Thunderbolt’s flank. I fire my north flank at their Von Luckner. Our Jenner destroys it’s turret, dead tank! Their TBolt again needed an 8 and stood, but an SRM hit the head and he’s got 2 left internal so in melee I’ll try to punch him dead. Our Awesome kicks and destroys their Ontos’s right side, dead tank! Our Jav punches their TBolt in the head, dead mech and MechWarrior.

We have taken out their Smashmouth TBolt, six tanks and the assaults of the Ontos and Devastator and Brutus and Von Luckner and LRM Carrier heavies. They should leave…will they? They took out our Banshee but that head shot on their closer this turn evens. We have 11 meches and units, but they have an untouched assault Stalker to build around. I toss dice. I toss a 9. They will fight for one more turn, angry at our head kill trying to even things, and then if they haven’t swung things around, they’ll flee.

Their Wasp wakes up.

Turn 4 – We lose init 9-5. That needs to be the only thing they win this turn. Their Wasp turns. Jenner next to their Striker’s rear. Our Hopper to the rear of their Hunter. Our PXh on top of it. Their Stalker bases our Atlas. I stay here and base it with our Awesome. Our Orion to it’s rear, our Hunchy to it’s flank. Our Jav by their Goblin. Our Warhammer to the rear and next to their Vindicator. I fire at the Stalker if they can see some can only see their Vindicator. Our Orion destroys it’s head, dead Stalker! No falls. I kick! Our Grasshopper destroys their Hunter’s rear, our Warhammer kicks their Vindicator in the wounded RL, and would drop leg it but it’s a glancing blow on a 4.

They flee and eject from the Wasp. It looks like they did eject the Harasser.


Condor (Liao) – destroyed left side, I can salvage it, tossed a9.
LRM Carrier – destroyed left side, I can…not salvage it tossed a 6.
Devastator – destroyed front, we toss a 7, cannot salvage
Von Luckner – destroyed turret – We can salvage, tossed a 9.
Ontos – destroyed right side, we tossed a 2 and cannot salvage.
Hunter – destroyed rear. We toss a 4 and cannot salvage.
Harasser Missile Platform – ejected.

We can salvage the Von Luckner, Condor and ejected Harasser.

Wasp 1L – lost RL; see below
Thunderbolt missing H, RA; see below
Stalker missing H; see below

Any spare Wasp right legs? Yup! It’s even a 1L model too fixed! Thunderbolt H and RA? Got the RA but not a H. It weighs 65 tons and I can use JagerMechs, Crusaders, Catapults and more. Got me a Catapult head, I toss a 9, it’ll work! Stalker H? Got it too!!!


Banshee lost Head. Battle Loss – 800k.

Any in storage? Yup got one! I’ll just make 400k from it.
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Old 02-01-2025, 02:49 PM   #237
Abe Sargent
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June 3, 3028 – They flee in their Leopard and Gazelle to the JumpPoint. We try to take them out on the way and…we take out Leopard and their Gazelle too, hard to slip past 5 Achilles and then escape the fighters fast too. Can we salvage the Leopard or Gazelle? I toss a 6 for the leopard, nope there. The Gazelle? 9 precisely, grabbed it!

We salvage 5 mill from the Leopard’s carcass, we can spend 6 mill to fix up our Gazelle, done now.

June 6, 3028 – We take apart the tanks we couldn’t salvage and grab that cash from their base, but no blowing it up, this was about testing them out.

We find and salvage 3.25 mill on the field and their HQ.

We head out from New Macao planet and head to the JumpPoint.

We will arrive at Mallory’s World on June 26, 3028.

Contract Stuff!!!!!!!!!(!!!)

O. Raid for the FS on the CC World of New Macao
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
50% Signing Bonus

The salary for Nove is 78,641

What we Spent:

Salary - 157,282
Support, Ground – 500k - 400k armor, very little done, 100k ammo
Support Space – 12 mill
Battle Loss – Fighters salvage - 1.650k
To salvage their Fighters – 5.5 mill

Total Spent: 19,807,282

What we were Paid:

Salary – 654,293
Singing Bonus –327,146
Support Ground – 250k
Battle Loss Banshee – 400k
Support Space – 6 mill
Battle Loss Fighters salvage - 825,000
Battle Loss Fighters Loss - 7,002,776
Salvage, ground – 3.25 mil
Salvage, space – 11.25 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged: 29,959,215

Total Made: 10,151,933

War Chest: 79,574,566

END OF CONTRACT #43!!!!!!!!!!

Meet our new Drops!

Achilles #6, escort/attack DropShip captured from CC at New Macao, named “The Majesty of War” carries 2 fighters and small craft, empty.

Leopard CV DropShip, fighter carrier with room for 6. Empty. Captured from CC at New Macao We renamed the “Panthera Pardus Delacouri” (The Indochinese Leopard)

Gazelle DropShip, tank carrier carries 15 vees; Captured from CC at New Macao. We renamed it “Joys of Tank”
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Old 02-01-2025, 03:44 PM   #238
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #44:

May 1, 3028 – Vee #6 and Khamésh Companies arrive at the Lyran Border world of Arcadia. Everything is clear, we are directed to land on planet.

May 6 – We arrive at the planet and unload. We check the defenders are what are expected a mixed battalion of one company each of mechs, tanks and infantry. Intel looks good.

We arrive at their base, here are the Lyran Defenders!!!


BattleMaster 1S – veteran – nasty, love to get it!
Charger – veteran
Archer 2S – It’s okay, I just ran one in the previous game. Not my favorite variant, not bad, needs better heat sinks though
Shadow Hawk 2D
Locust 1S


Demolisher - veteran
Puma – veteran
Von Luckner – K70
Harasser Laser Platform
J. Edgar

All regular. We are on the Second AeroBase map. No woods to hide around. It’s here:

We start on the south and they on the north.

This is each of our BattleMaster 1S on this battlefield. It’s an 85 ton mech with 4/6 movement and this variant is with 20 heat sinks, strong armor. And for weapons an LRM15 and 5, 4 front facing mediums and then an SRM2.

I’d love another BattleMaster even this weird variant. That’s the normal JagerMech not the good one. I’d love another Manticore and Demolisher. The Archer is fine too.
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Old 02-03-2025, 12:36 AM   #239
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I set up my Atlas flank on the south side. I lost set up 4-3, wow bad. This is the company with an Altas, BattleMaster, Stalker 3H variant with LRM20s, Banshee, Orion, Whitworth, Trebuchet and Warhammer 6R for long range and then scouts of Grasshopper, Jenner JR7F, Phoenix Hawk and Locust 1E. It’s weird and I really need that Warhammer 6R at the back with it’s lighter armor to swap to a 6D. Only their BattleMaster isn’t behind that building.

Turn 1 – We win init 11-8. I charge 5. They flank their Maxim. Our J. Edgar bases it. They flank down their Shadow Hawk too. Their Harasser Laser and J Edgar flanks me too. Their Locust flanks our Atlas. Our Locust to its rear. I focus fire on their BattleMaster. It’s 6-7 hexes away and +2 to be hit. Our Devastator hits their BattleMaster’s head with an AC20 dead mech and warrior. Sorry!!! Our Condor -1 movements their Manticore. Our Jenner stuns it’s crew for a few turns. Our Brutus destroys the BM’s RL too so we legged it this turn, and then the RA too. Our Atlas fell. Melee!!!

Turn 2 – They grab init 9-8. I charge 5 for everyone not an Atlas. I stand it up and move 3. They don’t move their Manticore. They charge their Puma from the building. Jenner to it’s rear. Condor too. Their Valkyrie jumps on their Puma. Our Maxim to it’s rear. Their Archer emerges. Our Hopper next to their Locust. Their Scorpion tank flanks us. Their Jav next to our Maxim. Our PXH next to their Scorpion. Our Locust next to their Harasser. Our Orion next to their Maxim and Harasser. Our J Edgar in their Archer’s rear. I fire everything at that +2 Archer around 4-6 hexes away. This time I am splitting my stuff at attacking the Puma on that flank and then targeting the Maxim on the other.

Our Jenner destroys the Puma’s rear armor. Dead tank!!
Our Locust destroys their Harasser Laser Carrier’s fuel tank and it blew up, dead tank!!
Their Hatchetman halves our Maxim’s speed
Our Zhukov hit their Archer’s ammo, boom, dead mech.
Our Hunter destroys their Hetzer’s front, dead tank!!!
4 units killed, melee time!!!
Our Orion -1s movement their Maxim
Our Grasshopper destroys their Locust’s RL, legged and falls

We haven’t lost a unit, just a half speed Maxim. They’ve lost an assault vee, mech, heavy mech and AC20 medium one and a light and a legged light mech. They have one round to turn this around next round.

Turn 3 – We steal init 11-3! Nasty! They turn but don’t eject their Locust. I Eject my Maxim. We charge in. I see their Demolisher. Our Pxh remains next to their Scorpion. Our BM bases their Bulldog and Centurion. Our Locust bases their Maxim. I target their Manticore and Scorpion on the south flank and Bulldog and Demolisher north one above the building.

Our Drillson halves the movement of their Von Luckner
It then destroys the left side of the Scorpion - dead tank!!!
Our Demolisher missed 2 7s on the Bulldog, it’s standing
Our Locust destroys their Maxim’s front side! Dead tank!
Our Stalker destroys their Demolisher’s side, dead tank!!!!
Our Brutus -1s their Bulldog’s movement
Our Orion halves the movement of their Manticore
Their Whitworth stuns our Demolisher crew and destroys its engine
Our Schrek destroys the front of their Manticore, dead tank!!
Our Rhino Support Tank hits the ammo in their Shadow Hawk, boom, dead mech!
We stand! Melee! Can our BM finish off the Bulldog with a kick? Nope, we stun them and -1s their movement.

With a savaged Von Luckner, and Bulldog they have left just three other vees , their Vedette, J. Edgar and Skulker, we killed 7. They lost an Assault and two other mechs and then a legged and immobile Locust, so that’s 11 dead of 24. It’s time to fade out. They eject the Locust and we capture it!!


BattleMaster 1S – missing H, RA and RL; see below
Locust 1S missing RL; current value - 1,343,600; to fix 200k

Archer 2S – RA, H, LA, LL
Shadow Hawk 2D – RA, LA, H, LL

Puma – Missing rear armor we cannot salvage tossed 7.
Hetzer – destroyed front, we tossed 7 again, no salvage
Scorpion -destroyed left side we tossed a 3 and no salvage
Maxim – destroyed front, we tossed a 4 and can’t salvage
Demolisher – missing side. We toss another 8 and can salvage
Manticore – destroys front, we toss a 9 and can salvage

We captured a Demolisher and Manticore. Not great rerolling. The BM head and missing Right limbs are needed. Any from that design? I do have a Head and arm, but not a BM RL. Any other 85 tonners? That’s the weight of Longbows and Stalkers too. Got a Stalker one! I toss a 9 and repair it, it works, new BM! The Locust RL too? None from those, Stingers or Wasps? None! I don’t repair it.


Maxim – half movement
Demolisher – destroyed engine, battle loss -

We fix the Maxim’s movement today. The Battle loss engine they destroyed on the Demolisher costs not that much since it’s an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) the entire tank costs 2.151 mill. Just 500k should get it back up and running.
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Old 02-03-2025, 12:55 AM   #240
Abe Sargent
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May 9, 3028 – We take apart the many vees we cannot salvage, and then transfer their stuff and then blow up their HQ after rearming, armoring, and repairing our stuff.

We salvaged from both around 2.5 mill.

We head back to the JumpPoint, no one bothers us, we get back June 27 at Mallory’s World.

Contract Time!!!!!!!(!!!)

O. Raid for the FWL on the LS World of Arcadia
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Support
Length – 1 month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.4
Transit – None
Command – Liaison
Remuneration – None
43% Signing Bonus

Our salary is 130,197

What we Spent:

Salary - 520,788 (2 months here and back and then just a few days blowing stuff up)
Battle Loss – Demolisher – 500k
Support – 700k – 550k armor, 150k ammo – they barely touched me

Total Spent
- 1,720,788

What we were Paid:

Salary – 1,166,565
Signing Bonus – 501,623
Support – 350k
Battle Loss – 250k
Salvage – 2.5 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged – 4,768,188

What we Made - 3,047,400

War Chest - 82,621,966

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Old 02-03-2025, 01:48 AM   #241
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April 11, 3028 – Oitavo Company returns.

EVENT April 12, 3028 – Founding member Alice Sanchez and Roger Sanchez has a 2nd child, a girl named Marybelle Sanchez.

Apr 13, 3028 - Recruiting time for us! Flavia, Evan, and Stephen are here at Galatea. I have enough salvage for another Mech or Vee company.

I grab 11 new MWs and then 6 new vee pilots, all elite and dispossessed:

11 New MWs:

Salimah Shivji, elite
Takashi Miike, elite,
Joe Wolf, elite
Cal Phoenix, elite
Gregory Gaye; elite
Errol Oliver; elite
Leslie LePorte; elite,
Ailin Morrison, elite
Yi-Sun Vázquez, elite
Nasimah Ragha, elite
Ken Sivakumar, elite

Plus these unassigned:

Johanne Wittman
Luke Smith


Khairiya Barre, elite
Anice Flowers, elite
Herb bin Gamali, elite
Vratislav Hilas, elite
Silvia Cho, elite
Labib Wemusa, elite

To be assigned later!

We create a 10th Vee Squad Mech Company named Deich!!! (Irish for 10)

Capt. Salimah Shivji, elite, AS7D Atlas
Takashi Miike, Banshee 3S, elite
Joe Wolf, BattleMaster 1S, elite
Cal Phoenix, Thunderbolt, elite

Left. Johanne Wittman, elite, Stalker
Gregory Gaye, Striker 2C, elite
Errol Oliver, elite, Archer 2R, 6.5 mill spent to grab it.
Leslie LePorte, Catapult C1, elite, 6 mill spent for it.

Left. Luke Smith, elite, Grasshopper 6.5 mill paid
Ailin Morrison, Wolverine 6R, elite
Yi-Sun Vázquez, Wolfhound, elite
Nasimah Ragha, Spider, elite, 3.5 mill paid for it.

I paid in total 22.5 mill for my 4 mechs to drop our War Chest to 60,121,966
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Old 02-03-2025, 02:30 AM   #242
Abe Sargent
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Here is our Fleet!!!


Merchant – 2 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, “Serendipitous Balance”, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”
Merchant - 2 Drop Rings, 2 Small craft that Drop Shuttles named the “Purse of Glory”

Invader – “Triad of Stars,” three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles, With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Invader – “Prophecy’s Doom” - three drop rings, 2 small craft, 2 Dropshuttles
Invader - Invader – 3 DropRings, 2 Small Craft, already DropShuttles, named “Invasion of Peace”, Auxiliary
Invader – “Jade Camel” 3 DropRings and two Small Craft which are Aquarius.

Star Lord JumpShip, “Starry Valley,” 6 DropRings, 4 Small Craft that are DropShuttles


Cargo Carriers:

Mule Cargo Carrier DropShop we captured from Pirates, we named the ”Profits of Merc Life” we captured from pirates will arrive on Nov 28, 3027 too.
Mule – “Salvage Holder” Cargo Spheroid; carries 3 bays of 2715 tons each; Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058


Avenger ”Black Panther” – Assault and escort DropShip, Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Hawkeye” – Assault and escort DropShip, with Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Avenger, “Marvelous” - Assault and escort DropShip,
Avenger DropShip – Escort and attack DropShip, we captured from DC in Cylene, renamed “Firebird” who is an Avenger.

Achilles – “Winged Justice”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles full
Achilles “Guns Amok”, Attack and escort has two Fighters and, 2 Small Craft that are DropShuttles. Full!
Achilles - Escort and assault DropShip named the “Ares Rules of War” named after the Ares Convention all major powers signed to keep battle away from civs and then not use Mass Destruction stuff like Nukes or chemical weapons. Captured from CC world of Tsinghai.
Achilles Named the “Frontier Escort!” It has two small craft and fighters,
Achilles – An escort and attack ship with 2 Small Craft and fighters. Named “Peacepact.” Captured from the DC in Alrakis, Captured from the DC in Alraki
Achilles #6, escort/attack DropShip captured from CC at New Macao, named “The Majesty of War” carries 2 fighters and small craft, empty.

Fighter Carriers:

Leopard CV “War’s Art”– 6 Fighters, captured from Caps!!! Full; With Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058
Leopard CV “Avenger’s Assistance” - Can hold 6 fighters full, captured by rented Avengers
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Melas” – Can hold six fighters, full
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Nimr” - Can hold six fighters, full, captured from the CC
Leopard CV “Panthera Pardus Fusca II” Captured from CC, full
Leopard CV – Fighter carrier DropShip with space for 6 fighters, full, we named “Panthera Pardus Tulliana” Captured from Pirates.
Leopard CV – Fighter Carrier with six spots, named “Panthera Pardus Pardus”. Captured from the DC in Alrakis.
Leopard CV DropShip with 6 fighters not full, we renamed the “Panthera Pardus Orientalis” (The Amur Leopard). Captured from DC in Atria
Leopard CV DropShip, fighter carrier with room for 6. Empty. Captured from CC at New Macao We renamed the “Panthera Pardus Delacouri”

Military Carriers:

Condor - “Flying Eagle” Aerodyne - 20 vees, 12 infantry, 2 open bays for infantry, 1651 tons free for cargo space, vees full
Condor – “Roger’s Rules of Delivery”, carries 20 vees and 12 infantry, 1651 tons of space free for cargo

Fortress - “Mason’s Bulwark” – Spheroid, 12 vees, 12 mechs, 3 platoons, has it’s own Long Tom artillery, the mechs full, Assault style craft.

Gazelle DropShip, named “Turrets of Diplomacy” vee carrier for 15 vees, Captured from Pirates
Gazelle DropShip, tank carrier carries 15 vees; Captured from CC at New Macao. We renamed it “Joys of Tanking”

Overlord – “Daimyo Master” – Spheroid, 36 mechs, 6 fighters, fighters full

Union, “Sapphire Lion”, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid, used by Khamésh Company returns Nov 28.
Union DropShip, “Ruby Lion” Captured from pirates, carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, spheroid – Captured by Arba Company, returns on Feb 02, 3058,
Union, DropShip – “Jade Lion” Captured from the CC carries 12 Mechs, 2 Fighters, full Fighters, spheroid
Union DropShip with 12 mechs and 2 fighters, not full, we renamed it the “Amber Lion.” Captured from the DC in Atria.
Union DropShip with 12 mechs and 2 fighters, full named “Diamond Lion.”

I have 6 companies of Vees which will fit one in the Fortress, 2 in Gazelles and 2 and a half in my Condors. I have 10 of mechs and 5 Union for half of them, an Overlord for 3 more then another in that Fortress just one empty. I could use more Jumps too. I only have 24 rings, and 32 DropShips. I’ll grab more next.
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Old 02-03-2025, 01:25 PM   #243
Abe Sargent
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April 28, 3028 – Contracts time at Galatea! Flavia, Stephen and Evan take them!!!

Now like last time we can only do stuff that gets us back by July 1st. This time we have just 60 days. I’m sure that any from the Fed Suns that need us by then would be fine, as might Lyran stuff.

I get 3!!

Here they are:

#1. The CC want us for a Cadre/Garrison for 3 months in the Davion Border world of Menkar. We decline, too much time. We ask if we could do a Lyran nearby O Raid instead, can our Well Connected Evan and famous Stephen and elite negotiator convince them? I toss a 10. They agree to have us raid the two jumps away system of Carsphairn. We are to destroy a small mining HQ for defending them of a company of merc mechs. We can be there May 10th.
#2. The FWL want us to security 4 months. No thanks, too long.
#3. The Lyran want us to O Raid the nearby border Marik world of Zosma, it’s 36 days to the JumpPoint and thus hard to attack and doesn’t need as much to defend, so a Pirate JumpPoint is opening 4 days away that gives us a chance to raid them and test their defense, like the CC raids we often do for the FS. It’s 2 jumps from Galatea, so we could be their on May 9, and land on the 13th. We will need one mech company.

I take the 1st and 3rd.

Negotiation with CC: We start with 198 points, 50 is spent for full salvage, 148, then 10 points to drop 3 months to 1. 138. 25 for 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support and they pull the same for x4 salary, so 88 left. We grab no remuneration, 98, they take Liaison Command and then no transport, so that’s 108. 54% Signing Bonus

Contract #45:

Obj. Raid for Cap. Confederation against the Lyran world of Menkar
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Renumeration – None
Transport – None
54% Signing Bonus

I will send Oitavo Company

Negotiation with LC: We start with 180 points, everything the same but the length starts at one month since they need us back fast. So, 50% signing bonus here.

Contract #46:

Obj. Raid for Lyrans against Free Worlds League world of Zosma
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Renumeration – None
Transport – None
54% Signing Bonus

We are sending ‘Eono Company who gets back on the 30th, and we’ll now arrive on May 11.
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Old 02-03-2025, 02:25 PM   #244
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #45:

May 10, 3028 - Oitavo Company arrives at the Nadir JumpPoint, no major traffic here is attacking us.

May 15 – We land on Carsphairn near their mining areas. We unload at a nearby DropPort around 5 hours away. We check out the defending merc mech company here and it’s as expected.

As a reminder, here is our Oitavo Company:

AS7D Atlas
BattleMaster 1G
Thunderbolt 5S
Guillotine 4L

Awesome 8Q
ARC2S Archer
Crusader 3D
Trebuchet 5N

Vulcan 5T
Javelin 10F

Nasty close lance, and Awesome, Archer and Crusader are great high armor long range stuff and then solid scout lance too.

Here are the Merc Mining HQ Defenders!

It’s totally random what we could be against!!!

Banshee 3S - Uh oh…veteran
Stalker - veteran
Marauder 3R
Thunderbolt – uh oh…
Vulcan 2T
Locust 1E

All other pilots are what are randomly assigned by the game. It looks like the Thunderbolt is veteran.

What map? There is the Arctic Base I could do again. It’s a bit slower paced since the buildings are real. I do it, they start in the center, and then us on the north or south…. Let’s try the north this time and mix it up.

Here is their Merlin, a 60 ton 4/6/4 jumper with 168 armor and then 18 heat sinks and then a PPC, LRm 5, 2 ML 1MG and Flamer. It debuted in 3010!

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Old 02-03-2025, 11:12 PM   #245
Abe Sargent
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We lose set up 9-8. I set up my Atlas Spear. I’d love to snag that Thunderbolt and Banshee! It starts on the other side of the building. Most of their stuff on the south side of the building.

Turn 1 – We lose init 11-8. I charge five. Their Banshee charges but TBolt withdraws. Our BM Bases their Banshee, their Stalker our BM, Our Guillotine (GLT) it’s rear. I fire at their Banshee with everything save the GLT and TBT and Griffin to it’s rear to try for a rear kill now. Our TBT hits the hip on their Stalker’s RL. Our BM hits the Banshee’s engine twice and gyro once. They both fall. Melee! Our GLT hits the Stalker’s RL another leg actuators and our BM destroyed the Banshee’s RA.

Turn 2 – We win init 9-5, they eject the Stalker and Banshee!!! I charge with the Atlas, their Tbolt moves in. Our BM bases it. And our GLT too. Our Griffin bases their Locust, and our Spider to its rear. Our Vulcan bases their Commando and then is to the rear of their Centurion. Our Jav next to the Commando too. I fire my main stuff at their T Bolt and some at the Locust and Centurion and Commando. Their Jenner next to my Awesome. Our BM destroys their TBolt’s H, dead mech! We also destroy it’s LT and LA. Our Archer hit it’s gyro once too. No falls, melee time! Our Archer kicks their Vulcan to the ground and it blacks out. Our Griffin destroys their Locust’s LL, legged mech it falls. We also drop their Commando.

They need to turn this around now. They are mad that we killed their TBolt vet pilot but after next turn heads will clear.

Turn 3 – We keep init 10-8. They try to stand up the Locust, it falls and blacks out. Our Griffin bases their Vindicator. Our BM bases their Merlin. Our GLT to it’s rear. Their Commando rises, our Jav bases it and our Spider it too and the Centurion’s rear. Their Mad emerges and bases my Jav. Our Atlas and Archer to it’s rear arc, but back a couple of spaces. I fire rear attacks on them, and then mostly at the Merlin. Both their Marauder and Merlin fall, the former blacks out. Melee!! Our Guillotine kicks and destroys their Merlin’s H, dead mech! Our BM destroys it’s LA. Our Archer destroys their Centurion’s LL, legged and fell. We double destroyed the Commando’s legs with our Jav and Spider.

They eject from the legged mechs and flee, and we captured tons.


Stalker with hip and leg hit
Banshee 3S – with 2 engine, 1 gyro hit, missing RA. Current value - 8,370,745 - to fix 500k.
Thunderbolt missing H, LT and LA, gyro hit. See below.
Locust 1E missing LL. Current value - 1,324,200 - To fix- 250k.
Marauder 3R – blacked out pilot
Merlin - missing H, LA; see below
Vulcan 2T _- blacked out pilot
Centurion – missing LL; see below.
Commando – missing RL and LL; see below

We fix the Stalker and got a new Vulcan 2T and Marauder 3R. We fix the Banshee engine in just hours and the gyro in 4 days. Do I have a RA for it? Nope – I spend 500k for it all up and down the block. We fix the TBolt’s gyro on the third try. Then we need an H, LT, or LA! Got them? None of them, but this is a 65 tonner that’s the weight of a Catapult, Crusader, and JagerMech. I do have a JM H and LA, they work. LT? Crusader got it. New TBolt!!! How about the Locust LL? Nope, ,and neither Wasp or Stinger either. I spend 250k to fix it. Merlin time!!! No parts, any 60 tonners? That’s Dragons, QDraws, and Rifleman. Got them both in QD form! They each work, got a Merlin! The Centurion LL too? Got it! Commando? Got them both! Added! We added 9 units!
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Old 02-03-2025, 11:27 PM   #246
Abe Sargent
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May 17, 3028 – We rearm, armor, repair and then salvage their Mining HQ.

We salvage from it 1.75 mill total

We destroy their HQ, blast out and then head home! We’ll arrive at Galatea on May 29.

Contract Time!!

Obj. Raid for Cap. Confederation against the Lyran world of Menkar
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Renumeration – None
Transport – None
54% Signing Bonus

What we Spent:

Salary - 78,641
Battle Loss – 400k - We were barely touched, rarely kicked and ended fast - 300k armor and 100k ammo.

Total Spent - 478,641

What we were Paid:

Salary - 654,293
Signing Bonus - 353,318
Support – 200k
Salvage - 1.75 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged
- 2,957,611

Total Made
- 2,478,970

War Chest after paying 750k to fix Banshee and Locu
st - 61,850,936

END OF CONTRACT #45!!!!!!!!

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Old 02-04-2025, 12:30 AM   #247
Abe Sargent
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Beginning of Contract #46:

May 11, 3028 – ‘Eono Company arrives at a Pirate Point at Zosma. We get little traffic. They are too far away and in the FWL too, so nothing will matter much. We launch for their planet.

May 15, 3028 - We land on Zosma! We are here to test their D not to too much damage to them.

We land at a DropPort right by them!

Here is ‘Eono Company, by the by:

BattleMaster 1G
Banshee 3S
Thunderbolt 5S
Charger 1A5

Crusader 3R
Catapult C1
Goliath 1N
Warhammer 6R

Dervish 5M
Vulcan 5T
Javelin 10F
Locust 1E

Here are the Marik Defenders!

Awesome – veteran – yay for Salvage!
Charger 1A5 - veteran ditto, although I have one left.
Crusader 3R – yeah!!!
Warhammer 6R
Whitworth 1S
Wolverine 6M
Javelin 10F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll have to snag that Charger the rough way! In battle! Ditto Jav 10F. All regular.

This is each of us Charger 1A5. It’s an 80 ton mech with 4/6 speed, 13 sinks, max armor, AC20, 2 SRM6s, ML and Sl. Here’s it’s picture:

We are on the south side and they the north.
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Old 02-04-2025, 10:49 PM   #248
Abe Sargent
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I make a BM spear. Their Awesome in the far left corner their Charger in woods on the other side.

Turn 1 – We lose init 4-3. Wow. We charge 5. Their Wasp flanks me. Their Fire Jav bases my Devish in woods, Their Charger stays in the heavy woods far away. Long range weapons at their Awesome, short range at the Wasp. We pepper their Awesome. Kicks! We kick they don’t drop.

Turn 2 - We win 10-7. I charge 5. Their Charger charges our flank. Our Vulcan bases their Centurions flank. Our Jav bases their’s flank, our Dervish and Locust to the Wasp’s rear. I fire at the Awesome and then the rear at their Wasp. Our Locust hit it’s ammo, boom, dead mech! Our Banshee destroys the Awesome’s RA; our Warhammer it’s RT. Our Catapult hit it’s engine once and gyro twice, immobile mech! No falls. Melee! Our Jav kicks their Jav in the RL and legs it!!! They savaged my BM and it’s internal in the LA.

Turn 3 – We keep init 9-3. Ouch! They eject their Awesome. I move around. They turn but don’t eject the Jav. They back up the Charger, behind their Warhammer. We charge it. Our Banshee bases it. Our Dervish bases their Centurion’s rear. Our TDR bases their Whitworth. Our BM too, I keep it out as a decoy. Our Vulcan does too. Our Jav to the Centurion’s flank. Our Crusader bases their Warhammer and our Catapult it’s flank. I focus on their Charger save for rear attacks by our Dervish and Jav. Our Charger hit it for two engine hits. Our Warhammer 2 gyros, down mech! Our Crusader added 2 more engine hits, so doubly shut down! It also destroyed it’s RA. Our Catapult it’s LA. Melee! Their Warhammer hit an actuator on our Banshee’s RL. Our Thunderbolt destroyed their Whitworth’s LL! It’s on the ground. Their Hammer and Centurion fall too.

They retreat and pull back! We have defeated them!!!


Awesome missing RT, RA, and 2 gyro 1 engine hit. See below.
Javelin 10F – missing Rl! See below;
Charger 1A5 – missing RA, LA with 2 gyro and 4 engines. See below.
Whitworth 1S – missing LL; current value 2,559,733 – to fix 300k.

Wasp – LA, RA, LL, H

We fix the Awesome gyro that day and engine in 2 days. Do we have those parts? Got them both!!! Our beloved Jav 10F leg? Nope, not that part of Javs. Other 30 tonners? Got an Urbie one, and…it works! I add it. We fix the Charger gyro on the 4th try and the engine on the 1st with a 12. Can we find it’s arm replacements? Got it’s LA, the RA from other 80s? Got a Striker one. It’ll work! Added! Whitworth 1S LL? Nope. Other 40s? Nope! I spend 300k to try it out. (61,550,936 – war chest).


Banshee – RL actuator
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Old 02-04-2025, 11:42 PM   #249
Abe Sargent
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May 17, 3028 – We finish rearming, armoring and fixing and salvaging it, but no exploding or destroying anything. We find here 1.8 mill.

We blast out, and then will arrive at Galatea on May 26.

Financial Stuff!!!!!

Obj. Raid for Lyrans against Free Worlds League world of Zosma
Salvage – Full
Support – 50% Battle Loss and Straight Support
Length – 1 Month
Salary - x4, x1.6, x1.3
Command – Liaison
Renumeration – None
Transport – None
50% Signing Bonus

Our salary was 78,461

What we Spent:

Salary – 78,461 - fast
Support - 600k – 500k for armor and 100k armor

Total Spent: 678,461

What we were Paid:

Salary - 753,225
Signing Bonus - 376,612
Support – 300k
Salvage 1.8 mill

Total we were Paid and Salvaged: 3,229,837

Total Made: 2,551,376

War Chest: 64,102,312

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Old 02-05-2025, 12:48 AM   #250
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
May 13, 3028 – At Galatea Flavia, Stephen and Evan we recruit 17! This is the month we grabbed that extra Leopard CV so we need to pick up 6 occupied fighters for it.

Fighters for Leopard CV:

Elite, heavy, Riever, Jeannie Bataille
Elite, heavy, Stuka, Fyfa MacFarlane
Elite, heavy, Stuka, Nana Prokhorov
Elite, heavy, Chippewa, Mitchell Botfield
Elite, medium, Shilone, Ulani Zharnov
Elite, medium, Transit, Arsen Park

11 left!

I snag 6 dispossessed tank crew and 5 MWs.


Elite, Cheung Shiu
Elite, Young-Nae Kim
Elite, Sylwester Dugas
Elite, Julita Ignis
Elite, Gheorghe Ganea
Elite, Nestor Ocaya


Khairiya Barre, elite
Anice Flowers, elite
Herb bin Gamali, elite
Vratislav Hilas, elite
Silvia Cho, elite
Labib Wemusa, elite


Elite, Mardea Minoru
Elite, Ophelia Løseth
Elite, Dawn Tavira
Elite, Neves Elaine
Elite, Kaumudi Narang

We make a 7th Vee Company!!!

Capt. Khairiya Barre, elite, Demolisher
Cheung Shiu, elite, Devastator
Anice Flowers, elite, Brutus
Young-Nae Kim, elite, Ontos

Left. Herb bin Gamali, elite, Schrek PPC Carrier
Sylwester Dugas, elite, Manticore
Julita Ignis, elite, Hunter
Vratislav Hilas, elite, Rhino (I spent 4.5 mill to buy this)

Left. Silvia Cho, elite, Condor (Liao)
Labib Wemusa, elite, Maxim
Gheorghe Ganea, elite, Pegasus
Nestor Ocaya , elite, Saracen

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