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Old 07-19-2007, 10:23 PM   #1
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Location: Huntington, WV
The Diary of Fritz Brady REDUX (NCAA 08)

I have this posted on Operation Sports and Sports Gamer, and got a fairly good reaction from both places so far. It's a retry from an earlier failed dynasty with a different state of origin.


--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 11, 2006 ---

I've read that there are some things, some moments in a person's life where everything changes: your first bike ride, your first day away from home and your parents, your first kiss. For me, next Friday will be one of those days.

We made the playoffs. Not a big deal to a lot of kids playing sports, but it is for me. This year, I think we actually have a shot of doing something, and more importantly for me and my parents, there's gonna be scouts at the first game. For me. This means I might actually be able to go to a college and not bankrupt my parents in doing so.

Obviously, my dad wants me to go to West Virginia, but I'm not sure being a quarterback that doesn't have 4.4 speed will do well in that offense. I'm more of a pocket passer, and I've never run an option play in my life. So, as much as I'd like to wear the blue and gold, being from West Virginia and all, I doubt if they'd be much interested in someone like me.

Marshall, though, might be a different story. I had a scout from Marshall come to one of my games against Poca, but they didn't say anything, and my coach says they didn't speak much aside from the normal introductions. We'll see.

My dad's watching some highlights from the Sugar Bowl a few years back. He keeps looking at the game, and smiling at me. He finally points to the TV screen and says "It's gonna be nice seeing you in Morgantown.

I'd hate to disapoint him. I just don't think West Virginia is in my future, as much as my dad wants it. My mom tells me I need to do what is best for myself, and that we (and I guess she means Dad too when she said "we") will support you no matter what. Very strange to feel you have to live your life based on what your parents want. I just know that anything outside of starting quarterback for the West Virginia Mountaineers will be unacceptable.

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Old 07-19-2007, 10:24 PM   #2
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Entry 2: November 12, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady - November 12. 2006 ---

Practice today sucked. We won't know who we're gonna play in the first round until tomorrow, so it either going to be Huntington High or Capital, so we don't know the best way to gameplan, since both teams are so unlike each other. Not looking forward to playing either team, as Capital had destroyed us earlier in the season, and that bastard little creepy corner they have, #22, picked me off 3 times. He's so damn short I can't even see him in coverage half the time. Or, we have Huntington, with Johnny Rogers, that halfback that's going to Georgia Tech. He's fast, and our defense look like snails chasing after him.

No, I'm getting too negative. Gotta look at the positive, and do what you can to help your team win, Fritz. It's hard to stay positive when it feels like the world's on your shoulders -- college recruits looking at your every move, your entire county looking to you to bring home a championship. Everyone from my pothead best friend to the cashier at the Krogers are staring at me like I was some sort of superhero that will somehow save the day for the entire town.

My dad said I should get used to that kind of pressure, because quarterbacks at WVU are under a microscope at all times. So, my dad's talking about quarterback reads, when the phone rings. I reach over and grab the phone, and I honest think this was the worst time to get the best news I've heard all day:

"Is this Fritz"
"Yes. Who's this?"
"My name is Jim Cavanaugh, from the Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University. I'd like to talk to you about coming to play for us."
"Virginia whatehoochis?"

I heard Coach Cavanaugh chuckle from the other end, then he said simply, "Virginia Tech, son. Have you heard of us?"

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Old 07-19-2007, 10:26 PM   #3
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Entry 3: November 13, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady --- November 13, 2006

My family and I sat down and had a talk about my future. Dad seems to think I would be miserable in Virginia Tech, and that Blacksburg and the program there is not a good fit for an upstanding young man such as myself.

Translation of Dad Speak: I don't want you to go to Virginia Tech because I hate them.

My mom reiterated that no matter what I do, they're behind me, which is nice, although Dad then said "We just want what's best for you, and the Hokies aren't what's best for you.", and that pretty much negated everything Mom had just said.

Then the phone rang again. This time it was another Cavanaugh -- Matt Cavanaugh, the offensive coordinator for the Pittsburgh Panthers.

Yeah. When it rains, it pours. He wanted to let us know he would PERSONALLY be at the first round playoff game against Capital. He was the quarterbacks coach for the Panthers, and he wanted to see me under pressure in a playoff situation. He said that the Panthers had a system in place that my style of play fit in perfectly with, but there was more to being a quarterback than just the ability to pass, and he needed me to know that how I acted on the field and how I commanded the offense was just as important to him than my arm strength.

He ended the call by saying stress and tough situations happen to everyone, but the best rise about and allow the stress to feed him on the field. He wanted to see that from me. My dad's face was beet red when I told him it was the Panthers.

I told him that I wasn't really considering the Panthers, because no self-respecting West Virginian would ever go to that school, but I lied. What the coach had said really appealed to me, because he wasn't just blowing smoke and talking about how great the school was and how good they thought I was. He wanted me to know he was gonna be there because he knew I would stress out over it. He wanted to see how I acted under duress, in pressure. I have to respect that kind of honesty from a recruiter, and it made me all the more curious as to what it would be like to play under him. That, and Coach Wahnstadt used to coach in the NFL, and the Miami Dolphins are my favorite football team. Dan Marino is who I aspire to be like as a football player, although I do want to win some titles.

And Marino went to Pitt. Could be destiny.

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Old 07-19-2007, 10:28 PM   #4
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Entry 4: November 14, 2006

The Diary of Fritz Brady --- November 14, 2006 ---

So, we're preparing for Capital in just a few days, and I've been spending more rep time than normal because of the cornerback that Capital has. He picked me off a few times when we lost to Capital earlier in the year. So, my mind is a little frazzled when my coach called me into his office after practice.

He wanted to know if my mind is on straight, that I'm focused on Capital and not on Pitt or Virginia Tech. I already knew Marshall would have someone at the game, because they're gonna be scouting a few people, like #23 from Capital and me. The coach specifically told me NOT to go onto or any recruiting page until after the Capital game.

So, obviously, I'm gonna check out and see what he didn't want me to see.

I'm a blue chip recruit. The #3 rated quarterback in the nation.


What ... what the hell? When did this happen? I knew that teams would be interested in me, but the last time I checked I was barely a 4 star on Holy God. I better get 400 yards passing against Capital or I'm gonna disapoint people.

Then I realized why he told me not to look (although he should have never said anything because I haven't checked this site since last year). This adds a whole new angle to this game. I just can't win it. I have to be dominant.

Oh, yeah ... Dad told me the offensive coordinator from West Virginia called. They're interested. Dad said he had a good 20 minute talk and that he KNEW WVU would be the place for me. Dad acts like I've already signed my letter to the Mountaineers.

I don't have the heart to tell him that if I had to sign today, I would sign with Pittsburgh. Maybe the Hokies. But not WVU.

God, now I don't wanna play on Friday. I just want to be a normal kid for one minute. If this is what it feels like to be a quarterback for a college, I'm not sure I want to do it.

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Old 07-19-2007, 10:48 PM   #5
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Entry 5: November 16, 2006

The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 16, 2006

I'm sitting in the visitor's locker room in Charleston, West Virginia. It's an hour or so before the game starts, and I'm suited up already ... have been since 5 pm about a half hour after we got here. I do that alot. Even
though I'm used to the pads in the years I've been playing, I feel like this is the first time I've ever wore them. They feel wierd, as if they're the wrong size or that something is out of place. I know this isn't true, because for the first half hour to hour, I always feel this way. I guess it's just my mind's way of getting ready for the game.

So I always suit up early, get the wierd feeling out of my system. That way I can be ready for the game. Coach Richmond comes in and let's me know #22 isn't playing tonight. He got suspended late Thursday for doing something or the other, and he's ineligible for this game. I know he's telling me this to settle me down, but it actually made me worse, as if the coach thinks I couldn't win the game if the corner was in it. Not the best way to boost my self-confidence.

That's another thing -- I'm the quarterback of the Winfield Generals -- I should be BMOC. I'm one of the most "sought after" quarterbacks on the east coast. One would think I would be more confident in my abilities, since everyone else seems to be confident in me, but for every accolate I get feels like more weight on my shoulders.

Roddy Parsons, the halfback, comes over and wants to know what I'm writing. I tell him it's notes on defense. It's not the most manly of things to be keeping a diary, but there's really no one that I can confide in like this without it making me out to be whiny. Who else would listen as the star quarterback, Kennedy Award winning guy bitches about how much his life sucks? I know I wouldn't if I was someone else. Kids dream of having lives like mine. Girls fall over themselves to be near me (I never understood that, by the way. What is it about tossing a football 30 yards that women find attractive?). Times like this, when everyone is looking at you to be some sort of leader that I wish I could give away this life.

Yeah, I'm whining again.


My dad just came in to wish me luck. He told me there was 6 major college scouts in the stands tonight just for me, and 3 more for me and Roddy. I tell Roddy about the scouts for him, and he looks pumped. Roddy's dad was a laid off State Road worker, and things haven't been as easy for him as it has for me. Money in the southern part of West Virginia isn't easy to come by, and Roddy really needs a scholarship, where my parents could probably pay for my education if it comes to that. It really helps to see Roddy happy and pumped. This guy has been through some rough times, and he still seems to be as excited to play today as he has since we started playing football together in pee-wee leagues.

Y'know, I really don't have any right to be pissed off. My life is pretty good, and I hold my future in the palm of my hands. Just go out and play like I know I can, and I can go to whatever school I want to. Play well there, and there's millions of dollars waiting for someone like me in the NFL. I'll betcha that would make my dad proud.

Let's get to it.

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Old 07-21-2007, 04:37 PM   #6
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 17, 2006 --

At first, things didn't look good. First snap and I got sacked because I held the ball too long. Then there was a fumble, and Capital recovered. They scored, I threw 2 more incomplete, poorly thrown balls, and we're down 10-0 at the end of the first. I didn't complete a single pass.

With about 3 minutes left in the second quarter, I was doing my snap count when I looked over towards our sideline, and at Jimmy Mayfield, the wideout on that side. There was no one covering him. I then looked over to the other sideline, and the coach there was scrambling to get a guy onto the field. I quick counted and snapped the ball. The safety was confused, and covered the slot receiver instead of Mayfield, so I tossed a pretty bad pass, which he caught, and ran untouched 67 yards for a touchdown. We were still down, but I began to see the coverages better, and the game seems to slow down for me.

As I started to complete a few passes, the defense began to pull into a nickel defense, and that's when Roddy came into play. Roddy ended up with 80 yards and a touchdown, and pretty much all of it came in the 4th quarter, when we had a lead, and Capital's defense was wore down. We won, 34-14, and I finished 10 for 18, 274 yards passing and 3 touchdowns. Dad says the scouts were impressed.

Capital has good linebackers. They hit very hard, and I got sacked 3 times, once from behind. For what it's worth, as much as it hurts to know you're gonna get hit, you can prepare for it. When you get nailed from behind, you can't brace for any impact. It rattles you to the very core, and after some linebacker attacked me (I fumbled the ball on it, by the way), I felt something pop in my back. I'm writing this from bed, and I can feel the muscle relaxers starting to work, so it's not as bad as it was earlier, when I was thinking the linebacker hid a shiv in his uniform and stabbed me in the small of the back with it when he sacked me. I think it feels something like that.

The doc at the game says it's just a strain, that with rest, I should be ready for next week against Poca. I'll be reaaaaaallly ok if the muschle relaxers feels as good as they are now.


Donald Duck is funny.


I think im in love with amber bensen. she waas teh chik from buffy the vampire slayer. She's hot. And a lesbain. that's hot. my back doesnt hurt anymore.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 07-21-2007 at 04:37 PM.
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Old 07-21-2007, 11:37 PM   #7
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Entry 8

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 18, 2006

Today I received my very first full scholarship offer from a Division I-A school. Two, in fact, in the same day. Earlier in the day I got a full ride offer from Marshall University, which isn't that far away from here. Marshall's got some amazing players who have recently been there, and are currently in the NFL, including two quarterbacks in Byron Leftwich and Chad Pennington. They're in Conference USA, but with the right material, Marshall could be a school I could excel in. Plus it's close to home, which is nice.

Later in the day, I get a pretty big surprise when the Tennessee Volunteers call me out of the blue and offer me a full scholarship. They had evidently been at the game, but didn't inform either the coach or my parent they were there. After my game and the "way I conducted myself on the field", they believed I could be the next big Tennessee quarterback.

Wow, playing in the SEC would be a huge challenge, and one I would be very fearful of, and very excited to be a part of. They say that the kind of pressure that's involved in being a starting quarterback in the SEC prepares you the best for the pressure of the NFL. I would consider it an honor to be even considered by a school like that, but I dunno if I want to play for them. My dad sure as hell wouldn't approve of it.

I was getting up for school this morning, and my dad was hurting pretty badly. I didn't take any pills for it, because they make me loopy. My dad said I can't hold my back or act like it's hurting when I'm in public. "You don't want the scouts to see you hurt ... they might back off thinking you're really injured."

Well, I think I AM really injured. It sure as hell isn't just a pulled muscle.

"Just suck it up and act like everything is fine. You can't back out of practices, either. That's when the scouts will REALLY be watching. You can take some pain meds so it doesn't hurt as bad when you throw."


I couldn't concentrate. It feels like my hips and my lower back are being stabbed over and over with a hot poker. Every time I move, it shoots pain, and I don't like pills, but I had to take a few painkillers my dad had given me early in the day just to make it through. I was a trooper and didn't show pain, even when Matt, one of my linemen, slapped me in the back to "congratulate" me. I think I would have preferred him to punch me square in the face than touch my back.

Denise wanted to know what was wrong with me. I grimaced when she hugged me. I told her I was soar. I don't want her fawning over me if she knew I was hurt. Sometimes I think the only reason she goes out with me is because she sees a million dollar contract in 5 years. Like a long term investment.


Practice was PURE. HELL. I popped two Percosets before practice, had the red jersey on and I still felt pain when I threw. The throwing motion is ... I can't describe how much it hurts to throw the ball. But I can't show pain. I can't let anyone know that my back is hurting. There's too much on the line, both this week and for my future.

My dad is right. I have to suck it up. These Percosets will help.

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Old 07-30-2007, 06:58 PM   #8
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The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 24, 2006

"Highly touted quarterback Brady looked tired and lethargic" -- Herald-Dispatch

"Brady often threw into double coverage and looked confused" -- Winfield Explorer

"This is the top recruit in the east? It doesn't look good for college football." -- Charleston Ledger


I'll be honest, and maybe this'll change as the days go on, but I don't remember a whole lot about the last game. We won, 22-16, and I
know I didn't do well -- 8-24, 1 touchdown, 2 interceptions, and I know that our field goal kicker and Roddy Parsons won the game for us, and I certainly didn't help. Best to forget it and move on to Barboursville next week.


I saw Denise talking to Jimmy Mayfield. She had her hand on his shoulder.
Bitch. Doesn't Mayfield know who the HELL IS GETTING HIM INTO COLLEGE? If it wasn't for me, his ass would be going to the coal mines after school. No, he's going to Cincinnati because I have a goddamned golden arm. A little loyalty isn't too much to ask.

I need to get my Percoset perscription refilled. Dad says he'll take care of it. He says I need to get my head on straight, throw the ball right and that him and the coach will take care of the rest.

Barboursville has a good secondary. I need to have my A-Game on. Just my A-Game without Mayfield. I'll be damned if I throw him the ball. Bastard's don't get the ball if they don't show respect.

I wonder where my dad is with the refill. My back is hurting.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 07-31-2007 at 12:12 AM.
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Old 07-30-2007, 07:26 PM   #9
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Wow, great stuff so far!
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Old 07-31-2007, 12:15 AM   #10
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 26, 2006 ---

I've decided to move away from the old notebook and transfer everything into my handy-dandy computer. My dad bought me a flash drive, which I can carry around with me, so I can put my diary in, save it the hard drive, and no one but me can see it. Plus I can put pictures and videos in too.

Like me, standing all tough-looking and everything, complete with the wrapped up right ankle (I hurt it in practice the other day). A good friend of mine, Kristy, took this picture last week during the fuzzy bad game I had against Poca. She says it makes me look at noble and heroic. Pretty cool.

Virginia Tech offered a full ride today. I grabbed the envelope when the mail came so Dad didn't see it. That makes the Hokies, Tennessee and Marshall.

I keep getting told that Denise is screwing around behind my back with my wideout, Jimmy Mayfield. He's going to Cincinnati on a scholarship, and I meant what I said before -- there's a rule that says you don't screw the quarterback's chick if you're A GODDAMNED WIDEOUT, who don't get the ball if the quarterback is pissed.

And I'm pissed. He doesn't get within 10 yards of the ball. I don't care if I was thinking of dumping Denise, you don't do that to a teammate.

I thought about confronting him, but Roddy told me not to, that it'd mess with the team chemistry and divide the team between me and him. We don't need that before we play the semi-finals in the state tournament. That's fine, but he still ain't getting the ball.

I don't care if we lose.

If my Dad would read that, he would have a heart attack. Luckily he bought me this flash drive, so he'll never know.

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Old 07-31-2007, 01:27 AM   #11
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Entry: November 28, 2006

-- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- November 28, 2006 ---

There's something happening that I'm not happy with, beside the whole Denise/Jimmy thing.

I was watching film of the last game against Poca ... y'know, the one I'm not really remembering much of, and I begin to notice something funny.

Firstly, I sucked. I don't know what happened or where I was, but I sure as heck wasn't really on the field mentally. I threw into coverage, didn't read for nothing, and held the ball too long. In any case, it's the 3rd quarter, and we're behind. I go back to pass, and throw about 25 yards in a floating pass to Neil Jones, the tight end. He reached up and caught it in stride. Nice gain, which gave us a much needed 3rd down conversion and led to the go-ahead score.

Trouble is, I overthrew the pass the he caught it I SWEAR a good two-three feet past the white line. The ref was right there, and called it a legit catch. Y'know, that's fine; bad calls happen -- I should be glad, since it helped us out. But this is the same ref who called two pass interferences calls on Poca, and neither one was a good call. And both happened when we were losing.

My friend Kristy says she's gonna get me copies of the game videos for the next game against Barboursville since we can't take home the originals. She can do it too, since she is the one who shoots the videos.

I bring this up to Coach Richmond, but he dismisses it. I then tell my dad, who changes the subject, but not before he insinuates that my pain killers might be affecting my judgement, both on this and the Denise thing. He's the one who got 'em for me to begin with, and wouldn't let me to go to the doctor. He's got no room to blame them for anything, since they are the only reason I can make it through the day in one piece.

I dunno, I just feel very uneasy about the whole thing.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 07-31-2007 at 01:29 AM.
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Old 07-31-2007, 04:48 PM   #12
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Entry: December 1, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 1, 2007 ---

The picture above is of Roddy Parsons as he scores the winning touchdown in double overtime. Aside from being the hero on the field, he was a hero off it too.

Kristy told me she wasn't taking film of the game, but she'd be on the sideline taking some video and pictures from there. She said she'd still get me the video, though, in case there's more wierd stuff going on in the game.

Anyway, when my dad a few days ago said it could be the pain meds that were affecting me, I decided to cut down the pills I took before the game, but I took them with me in case the pain got too bad. So, I started the game out ok, but I threw a pick when I tried to force it to Jones, the tight end. Mayfield was wide open, but I'm not throwing it to him.

Anyway, the coach gave me an earfull when I got to the sideline, and Mayfield then came up and said he was open. I ignored him.

Next drive ended pretty quick. Barboursville was pretty good, and they were laying back for me, getting into a nickel, sometimes a dime. Their front line was good enough to stop Roddy in the beginning, so we couldn't move the ball.

Our defense stopped them pretty good too. First quarter ended with 0-0 tie. Then the flood gates open.

I throw another pick -- this one got returned to the 20, and they drove it in the next play. 7-0 Barboursville.

Next drive, the corner on Mayfield slips, and he jaunts wide open down the field. I ALMOST instinctively toss it to him, and it would have been a easy touchdown too; had I thrown it to him. Instead I get sacked because I held the ball too long. We punt the ball, and it gets returned to the 10 yard line. Our defense hold, and it's 10-0.

Coach Richmond is so mad that he won't even look at me. Mayfield grabs me by the shoulder and twists me around and asked me what's going on. I say a single word. "Denise", and the look on his face tells the rest of the story.

In any case, we do nothing on the last drive. Three and Out. They get the ball back, and a 25 yard TD pass later, and the half ends with us down 17-0.

End of the game, right?

So we get to the locker room, and Coach Richmond starts throwing trash cans. He starts on the line, who have played for crap (I've been sacked 3 times so far), and then he goes to the wideouts, and that's when it starts.

"Coach, he won't throw to me because of a girl."
I stand right up and start to walk towards him. "You're messing around with my girlfriend! Why should I throw to you?"
"Hey, man, if she's not getting what she needs from you ..."

That did it. I lunge for him, and he for me, and we get pulled apart by the players. Coach Richmond begins to say something, but gets interrupted by Roddy. He looks at Jimmy, walks up to him and says "that's f'd up. If this wasn't a playoff game, I'd lay you out myself. You end it with her. Tomorrow. If you don't, me and you are gonna have issues."

He then looks at me. "Fritz, what the hell's wrong with you? You're losing this game for a girl you don't even want to begin with. We've been friends since we were 4, and if you don't wake the hell up and start playing right, we're done. I mean it. This game is bigger than your stupid feud.".

He continues. "This is my last year, and maybe my last game here. I ain't going out this way because of some bitch.".

I was still mad, but I knew I had already changed my mind, and was gonna get Jimmy the ball the second half. Before I could say something, Jimmy looks at me and apologizes, sorta. He said it was f'd up that I didn't come to him about this, but he was wrong with messing with Denise. I nodded, and told him I'm gonna get him the ball and that he'd better be ready for it. Blah, blah macho stuff about beating asses tonight start, and we're ready for the second half.

Well, most of us are. My back is hurting, so I reach for my pills, and they're missing.

Someone took my pain pills.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 07-31-2007 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 07-31-2007, 07:27 PM   #13
College Starter
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Location: Huntington, WV
(Continuing the last entry)

I'm scrambling around, looking for the pill bottle. Maybe I forgot it, or dropped it on the way to the field, but I knew ... I KNEW someone had taken it. The only people who know about it is my Dad, Roddy and Kristy. Dad's in the stands, so there's no way he could have taken it. No reason why Kristy would, and that leaves Roddy.

He never was in favor of me taking the pills to begin with. In his words they lead to "Bad things.", but he wouldn't go any further, and didn't really push it. See, I NEED THEM to be able to function. I can't rotate my arm worth anything without it. But right after the big showdown with Jimmy, if I had another one with the guy who just got done defending me, it would make me look like a jackass.

"When we lose this game, Roddy," I thought to myself, it's on your head. I go back on the field.

So, evidently the coach isn't too happy with me or Jimmy, so we start with some runs, and after 5 straight run plays, Roddy needs to get a breather, and this sophomore called Leonard Day comes on the field. He doesn't get alot of playing time because Roddy's pretty hardy (almost a rhyme there), but what he does with the ball ...

So, it's a nice run, but we're still down 17-7. This is the perfect time for our defense to step it up too, and they shut them down cold for the remainder of the quarter. We don't move the ball much then either. But the pain is starting to get really bad, and I can't throw the ball for nothing. We go into the 4th quarter down by 10, 17-7.

Fairly early in the 4th, we're still down by 10, and the coach calls an all-streak play, basically our equivalent to a hail mary, in the hopes to catching the defense off-guard. So I take the snap, and I see, just for a second, Jimmy wide open, as the secondary doesn't have enough back to cover the set. I see him late, and I throw the ball as hard as I can. Tears are pouring down my face because of the pain. He makes a pretty great catch on a ball throw, and suddenly we're only down by 3.

I dunno if it was the adrenaline, but my back pain went away ...

So, we're down by 3. We stop them again, and then we start a nice, methodical drive, that ends with Roddy going into the endzone with 2 minutes left in the game, up 21-17. We're riding high!!!

That is, until, they score on a 21 yard pass with 29 seconds left in the game. 24-21 Barboursville. We -- I have 29 seconds to drive down the field starting from the 32 yard line to get in field goal position. The coach looks at me and tells me this is my defining moment; this is where I show all the scouts in the stands that I am the best quarterback in the nation.

First pass, 19 yard gain to Jimmy to the 49 yard line. 21 seconds. Time Out.

Second pass, 6 yard pissy gain because everyone was covered. Wasted play. Time out from the 44 yard line. I need a good 20 yards still. 16 seconds left.

Third pass is incomplete. 11 second.

So, there's 11 seconds left, with 1 time out. I pretty much need to get into field goal position on this play because we have the save the time out to get the field goal team in.

So I snap the ball, and go back to pass, and I see Jimmy Mayfield on an out route and try to get the ball over his shoulder. He catches it just inside the 10 yard line, the ref signals it a catch, and the Barboursville sideline goes BALLISTIC. They say it wasn't a catch. They say he was out of bounds. Just like last week.

And he's the kicker (not literally, it's a figure of speech) -- IT'S THE SAME REF AS LAST WEEK who makes the call.

You be the judge.

In any case, we kick the field goal with 3 seconds left, and we head to overtime. We get the ball first, and go right down for a score, caught by Jimmy again ...

They turn around and score again, and it's tied again, 31-31, going into a second overtime.

And our defense holds them to a field goal. Holy Hell we could actually win this game ...

In the second overtime, on a play designed to get us into a field goal position, since we can't move the ball well, Roddy Parsons becomes my personal hero ...

We win. I'm tired, and NOW my back begins to hurt. And I need to find out who has my pills.

Later. Tonight, I want to celebrate. The drama can wait. We're going to the frickin' FINALS!


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Old 08-03-2007, 04:18 PM   #14
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Entry: December 5, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 4, 2007 ---

I called Roddy and talked to him today. He claims to not have taken the pills, but that he's glad someone did. He noted that my on the field performance improved dramaticaly when they wore off. I told him I couldn't do a whole game like that, that the only reason why I could do that last week is because of the comeback.

He said I was fooling myself. I said to him "I just need them for this last week, and that after that, my back could heal on it's own.". He told me he didn't know where my pills were.

I called Dad and told him I had lost the pills on the field, and he lit up. After yelling for a few minutes, he told me he'd take care of it. A few hours later, I had a new bottle full of relief. Still doesn't answer the question of who took my pills, though.

On the Jimmy/Denise front, I heard that Jimmy ended it with Denise in front of a whole bunch of people, and blamed her for us almost losing the game last week. He said and I quote "I can get any woman to do what you do, you're not worth me not getting my catches.". Nice to hear he has loyalty after all.

I looked at the tape of the catch that lead to the tying score, and the angle is bad, so I'm still not sure, although I'm leaning towards it not being a catch. Something is not right, and so I again go to Coach Richmond, who sits down and watches the play again.

He tells me that he's not sure if it was a catch or not, and that's telling. If he or I didn't know after watching a slow-motion replay after the fact, it's not surprising that the ref on the field might not know. He has a point, and if this was an isolated incident, I might let it drop, but this same ref, Percy Simmons, had done some other wierd calls before in my favor.

Kristy's a wanna-be journalist. I'll ask her to look into this for me.

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Old 08-04-2007, 02:06 PM   #15
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Entry: December 7, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 7, 2006 ---

I just got off the field in Morgantown. The stadium is HUGE, I cannot imagine the feeling of what it would be like to be running onto the field with 60,000 screaming people dressed in Mountaineer colors.

We're in Morgantown because the state championship game is being played tomorrow, here, against Weston. I get to play a football game on Mountaineer Field. Both my coach and my dad have told me that there will be a good number of scouts there to watch me.

Speaking of college, I got yet another offer before I left. This one was both in a letter and a phone call from Dave Wahnstadt, the head coach of Pitt (and formerly of the Miami Dolphins, the same teams my hero Dan Marino played for), telling me my style of play is perfect for what he is trying to set up for the Panthers. He told me flatly that I would redshirt the first year (something the other schools haven't, although I'm sure I'd redshirt on every team except maybe Marshall), because he wants a full 5 years from me. We talked for a good 45 minutes. He told me some of his philosphies on football and on how a person with the talents I have should act. He told me he thought I had the chance, under the right system, to be successful not only in college, but in the NFL as well.

I have to say, even though he's not the most flashiest of coaches on television, he has quite a lot of knowledge, and he made me rethink some of my preconceived notions about Pittsburgh. Certainly made me think about my options.

So, running talley of schools offering scholarships: Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Marshall, Virginia Tech. Four amazing schools. This is gonna be a touch choice.

Kristy is telling me she's still looking into the whole referee thing, but so far, she hasn't found anything.


Coach Upshaw, one of the coaches from WVU, invited me to the athletic facility while everyone else on the team was relaxing. They took me around the facility and then I met Coach Rich Rodriguez. He talked to me about playing for WVU, how they want good players from the state to come to WVU, and how they're developing an atmosphere of winning here in Morgantown. He then offered me a scholarship on the spot. I told him I would heavily consider it.

I walked out of my meeting with a strange feeling -- something told I was am supposed to go here, that this school is my destiny, BUT I have to be honest -- I didn't feel entirely comfortable. I can't explain it. Something felt ... wrong. Maybe it's some sort of internal rebellion in me, since everyone expects me to go to West Virginia. One thing's for certain -- I don't want to sign anywhere without thinking long and hard about my decision.

If I don't sign with WVU, at least I'll get to play on their field tomorrow, Which is awesome.


Virginia Tech

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Old 08-04-2007, 03:05 PM   #16
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--- Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 9, 2006 ---


Roddy is THE MAN! Nice little run (with a nice picture by Kristy) to set up the winning score in the fourth quarter, giving us a nice cushion and a win, 21-14. I was 14-16, 200 yards, 1 touchdown and a pick. Roddy rushed for over 100 yards and 2 scores, and probably earned him a Division I scholarship with a big game in front of all the scouts. Our kicker missed 3 field goals. He's entitled to a bad game, he's pulled our butts out of the fire more times than I can count.

Anyway, we score quickly in the first quarter with a nice pass to Bob McKinney for an early score, and the kicker misses a field goal late in the quarter, and we go ahead at the end of the first, 7-0.

Early in the second, we move right down the field, then I do something dumb.

SG Video Player

They move it right down the field and tie up the game. The last play of the first half ends like with me sacked, the 4th of the half, and we go into halftime tied.

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I go back out in the second half determine to be more aggressive in my passing and more agile in the pocket, which isn't easy for me since I'm slow. But, ultimately, I didn't have to do either, because Roddy Parsons had over 70 yards rushing in the second half. We slowed down, and used up an inordinate amount of time on the field. The first drive ended with Roddy coming in from a yard out, carrying people into the end zone, and no one can score for the rest of the quarter, even though we had a couple good drives than ended in missed field goals. Finally, in the early part of the 4th quarter, we get the ball on the 30, then proceed to have a 13 play, 70 yard drive that takes up nearly the entire quarter and ends like this:

SG Video Player

We go up 21-7, and with only a minute and change on the clock, Weston doesn't have time to score twice. They get a last second touchdown (3 seconds left on the clock), and we recover the onside kick to seal the victory.

I gotta tell you, it's nice to win the state championship, but after our game against Barboursville, this is a little anti-climatic. It's nice to bring a title home to Winfield though.

Now I have to decide the rest of my life in the next few days.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 08-04-2007 at 03:07 PM.
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Old 08-04-2007, 04:57 PM   #17
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Entry: December 10, 2006

-- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 10, 2006 ---

I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Today I got a 6th school invite, this one from the University of Maryland. I had visited the campus earlier in the year, and I thought the campus and the people of the school were fantastic. I met more than a few interesting people with so many differing viewpoints. I know that I'd learn alot being in that school, and have the opportunity to play against some great schools being a part of the ACC. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Kristy pulled me aside today and told me that her dad, who owns a car dealership in town, had told her that Percy Simmons, the ref that I had asked her about, came in a few days ago and plunked down a thousand dollars for a down payment on a car. Just a few weeks earlier, he had came in but didn't have the money for the down payment. He said Percy had to the salesmen he had "done some work for a friend" and had gotten some extra money.

So that wasn't a big deal, but I got curious. I just knew it couldn't be the Coach, since they don't make that kind of money teaching in West Virginia, but a few months ago my dad had gotten lucky and won $1500 in a scratch off ticket, but I never knew what he had done with the money. So I asked Mom. She kinda ... paused for a sec, and looked up and to the left, and then said they had paid some extra on some bills.

Now, I watch CSI. I know from that show that if someone looks up and to the left (or is it right) they're thinking of something to say. In other words, they're lying. I asked her again, and she said that it wasn't my concern. Then I out and out accused her, and told her that the ref had admitted it to me himself. She looked down, than at me and said "We were just trying to ensure your future.".

In a flash, my whole world came down. Did I EARN those scholarship offers, or was it this ref who made it happen? I know if I say something, the offers go away, and my future is sunk. I also know that if I don't say anything, I'll never been able to look at myself in the face. I turned away from mom and went to find Dad.

I found Dad outside on the porch talking on the phone. He saw me, then the look on my face, and told the person on the other line he'd call him back. I started to say something, then he looked at me and told me he had overheard, and that I should be grateful that I had parents that were willing to do what they did to make sure I got to a good school. And twice in as less than a week, we had a screaming match. I accused him to destroying any sort of self-confidence I had, that I now knew none of my accolades I actually earned, and I certainly didn't earn any championship.

He told me the ref had messed with a single solitary call, and that call didn't make the difference in the game, and that he had told Dad that it was the "easiest thousand dollars he had ever gotten" since he didn't have to do anything. I called him a liar. That if he was willing to do this, what else had he done to fix games -- did he pay the coach to start playing me all those years ago -- did he pay off refs earlier in my high school career. How could I believe ANYTHING he had told me? All those years of "be honest, and don't cheat" when talking about school work was hypocritical, when he had done the same thing. I told him I was gonna go and admit this, set things right.

He told me I couldn't do that, that not only would it destroy my career, as no college would touch me, it would hurt the town, since we would certainly be stripped of the state championship, and that he's pretty sure him bribing the ref was illegal in some way. So I could either shut the hell up and take the opportunities given me, and earn it from this point on, or ruin my life, ruin my teammates life, since they'll lose scholarships too probably, and probably send my own father to jail. Certainly ruin his reputation too. But I'd have a clean conscience.

DAMN HIM. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here.

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Old 08-04-2007, 07:47 PM   #18
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Entry: December 14, 2006

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- December 14, 2006 ---

I thought about talking to Roddy, but I know him. He would be obliged to tell someone, regardless of the consequences. He's pretty black and white in terms of ethics.

I wish I could be like him.

So, I sat down and had a talk with Kristy. I have to say that I always just looked at her as a friend, and someone to help with homework, but the more time I spend with her, the better I felt about myself. She said she had went through old games, and that it looked like my dad with right -- that one bad throw and catch out of bounds was the only really questionable thing the ref had done. I told her it didn't matter, it was the principle, but she touched my arm and said I earned what scholarships I had been offered.

She then suggested a solution that allows me to get what I want and show everyone involved what I think of what they did. She smiles as I pick up the phone and dial a number.

I had been given his home number in case I had any questions, so when he answered, I just blurted out. "Sir, I want to go to your school. I want to be a Hokie."

A day later, surrounded by my brother, (who will be a great player too, mark my words), my mother, Coach Richmond, my friend Roddy Parsons (who is going to West Virginia) and Kristy Mason (who is also going to Virginia Tech), I signed my letter of intent and became a Virginia Tech Hokie.

My father did not attend the ceremony. He knew why I was going there. I hope I do get to play West Virginia someday. When I throw the winning touchdown and beat the Mountaineers, he'll be responsible for them losing.

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Old 08-04-2007, 08:48 PM   #19
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Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 08-04-2007, 10:55 PM   #20
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Awesome Dynasty!
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 08-09-2007, 02:58 PM   #21
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady --- January 11, 2007 ---

I know it's supposed to be the opposite -- that a potential recruit is supposed to visit the campus of a school BEFORE he makes a decision, but I visited the campus today for the first time, a month after I signed with Virginia Tech.

Blacksburg is absolutely beautiful. The people are friendly, the way the campus is set up is gorgeous. I think I'll like it here.

Me and my mom drove up here, and Kristy came along for the ride. She had toured the campus before, so she could take me around to some of the more important places. She's become a good friend over the course of the last few months.

So, I'm with Kristy looking around the library, called the Newman Library, and it's very well put together. It looks like a half-circle on one side of it, and it's MASSIVE. I walk through the doors and there's a student worker at the front of the building, blonde hair about mid-shoulder -- looks like a model, only not as skinny (and that's a good thing, by the way). She looks at me and smiles. She says "Hi, Fritzy".


I ask her if we'd met before, and she says she's a big supporter of the football team, and she's glad someone of my (and she paused here) stature is coming to school. That's very cool, and then Kristy took my arm and pulled me into the school, saying we had a lot to look at and not a lot of time.

I think I'm gonna like Blacksburg. Never did get that woman's name, though ...

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Old 08-09-2007, 06:05 PM   #22
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Didn't know you were thet same guy at sportsgamer / operationsports, i'm following your dynasty and posted there, keep up the good job!

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Old 08-09-2007, 08:05 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Icy View Post
Didn't know you were thet same guy at sportsgamer / operationsports, i'm following your dynasty and posted there, keep up the good job!

Thanks, Icy!

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Old 08-17-2007, 12:39 AM   #24
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- March 14, 2007 ---

So, I've been redshirted. They've already told me, weeks before spring practice even begins. I can't say I'm surprised, but it's still a little disapointing that I won't even get the chance to move up the depth chart. Sean Glennon will obviously get the nod to start, but I wanted to have a chance, maybe getting put in when we run up the score on some poor team, to get behind the center in a Hokie uniform. Coach Beamer told me my time will come, and that he's redshirting me so he can get the most use. He also says he doesn't want to put me on the field unready to the speed of the college game.

So, I can learn from Glennon, whom I haven't met yet. Cool with me.

I called home today, and talked to mom. She's doing fine, as is my little brother (he starts freshmen footbal this year), and I promised I'd try to get home for one of his games, maybe on an off-week. It's not so much of a trip back home from Blacksburg that I thought. I still have not spoken to my father since the day I signed with the Hokies. I have my doubts we will ever have a decent relationship again. I just can't trust him anymore. It makes me sad, because I got into football because of my dad, and I want more than anything to have him watch me play, but I know no matter what I tell myself, it won't be the same watching him in the stands. He's been tainted by what he did to me, by what he made me do.

Her name is Vicky. I saw her again at the student center, and I recognized her from my visit a few months back with Kristy. We had a few (non-alcoholic) drinks, and one thing led to another ...

Let's just say she REALLY likes quarterbacks. Better not say anything to Kristy ... for some reason she gets all pissed off when I mention other women.

I'm gonna like college.

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Old 08-17-2007, 12:39 AM   #25
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- March 31, 2007 ---

Spring Training sucks.

Winfield never prepared me for anything CLOSE to the hell this is. I swear to God the place decided to go from 70 degrees yesterday to 135 degrees today, just because this is the first day of training, because I have never been so tired in all my life.

I threw up 3 times. THREE TIMES. What kind of madness is this? What kind of drill seargent/Nazi commandant makes his players run until they puke three times?

Why did I come here again? Why couldn't I have picked ALASKA or someplace nice and cool? Maybe UConn. I'll betcha UConn doesn't make their players run until they puke.

I met the "big starting quarterback" Sean Glennon today, and I hate him. I go to introduce myself, and he called me "Meat", which is what he was calling all the freshmen, and he made me carry his "shoulder pads", which are 20 pound weights they (they being him and running back Brandon Ore) made me carry around all day today.

He also said I need to carry weights on my right arm, since I "throw like a little baby". Screw him. I have a strong arm. Stronger than his. Moron.

This team sucks. I never treated freshmen like this when we were in high school.

Well ... not EXACTLY like this.

But, still. I'M FITZGERALD BRADY, the #3 ranked quarterback on the east coast! I should be treated with a little more respect. I asked the quarterback's coach what's going on, and he told me, "for the first part of training, you're meat. Don't matter who you are. Everyone's Meat.".

Sooo, I turn down Tennessee and West Virginia to be treated like meat?

After practice, Vicky gave me a nice massage, which was nice. She's not the most talkative type, but that's fine with me. Vicky doesn't treat me like meat. Well ... she kinda does, but I don't mind that so much.

After Vicky leaves, I get a call from Kristy, who asked me how practice went. Now she listens. She's a good friend, so I pour my heart out, and she stops me about halfway through, and tells me to "suck it up and play football." She seemed angry, and when I asked, she flatly said that I've been given an opportunity most men would kill for, and I have talent most men would love to have. I had no right to -----. This is a speech that Roddy used to tell me when I got down back in Winfield, and it always worked then. And it works again. It's good to have someone to ground you.

So, then I told her about Vicki, and she said to watch out for women like that, since they'll "use you up and toss you away". I told her that if what she does to me is called "using", I need more of it. She didn't like that very much and quickly got off the phone.

Women. Can't understand them sometimes.

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Old 08-21-2007, 08:08 PM   #26
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--- The Diary of Fritz Brady --- April 3, 2007 ---

When I played for Winfield, during the summer we had two-a-days. For the most part, I enjoyed them. These are the days when a team really starts to bond for the first time, when players start to get accustomed to one another and they begin the "team first" attitude that you like so much in a sport like football.

The more I participate in these drills here in Blacksburg, the more I realize that college is worlds different than high school. Two-a-Days here are much more about position and earning spots on the roster than team-building exercises. They want to know what we're made of, get up our conditioning than building rapport. This is what I imagine army basic training is like. They break you down before building you up.

Glennon and the other upperclassmen are still calling me Meat. Hazing new guys is one thing, but I'm beginning to think this guy really doesn't like me. He seems to take a lot of pleasure out of making me suffer. I keep telling myself that my time will come, but it doesn't look like it's coming any time soon.

I wonder how Roddy is doing at WVU. I'll betcha he didn't get redshirted.

Vicky is waiting in my room, wearing a little teddy. Dear Lord, I love this school. After a very long, tiring day on the field, it's good to come home. I hate it for my roommate, since he's gonna have to be somewhere else for the time being.

You wanna know the worst possible thing that can happen when you're spending ... quality time with your girl? If your mom calls in the middle of it. The second worst thing is stupidly leaving the door unlocked and having your best friend walk in in the middle of it. So, Kristy walks in casually, talking about her day as she normally does, and doesn't understand what the sock on the door handle means. The look on her face is priceless. Vicky starts laughing as she stammers and studders before rushing out the door apologizing. It was pretty funny.

Well, it was funny until a few minutes later. We're done, and my roommate walks in and wants to know why Kristy is crying in the lounge in my dorm room. I go out there and try and find out what's going on, but she's already gone, and she's not answering her cell phone.

God, I hope nothing's happened at home. I call Mom back, and she says she'll call Kristy's mom and make sure everything's ok.

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Old 08-24-2007, 05:35 PM   #27
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Entry: Being a Quarterback

--- The Diary of Fritz Brady -- April 10, 2007

Ok, I know there's nothing wrong at home because Mom called back. She's mad at me for some reason, and I figure it's because she walked in on me and Vicky. She won't talk to me, and I don't know why. She knew we were an item, so it's shouldn't be a big shock to realize we're involved in that way. My roommate says she's jealous, but if that was the case, she would have made a bigger deal in the dozen or so times I've talked to her about Vicky. So, that can't be it.

I have no clue what's going on.

This stupid situation made me all unfocused at practice, and I heard about it plenty from the quarterback's coach. This week's the worst time for this to happen, since this is the first week we're in pads. This is the "go time" in the words of Coach Beamer.

I know this has been said before, but the speed of the game is so much higher in this stage than anything I've ever experienced. Secondaries are smarter, and they're so good at "reading eyes", so not only do I have to be aware of the pocket, and the pressure, but also that my eyes don't lock on any one receiver for any period of time. I have a feeling in the pocket of impending doom more than I have ever felt before.

I now know why they made me work so much of speed and footwork, because you need it in this level.

A friend of mine asked me one time how hard the quarterback position is. He says quarterbacks are always elevated above and beyond what the other positions are, and it seems to him to be not as hard. I tried to explain to him what it means to be a quarterback, but you really can't explain it.

Firstly, the ball is always in your hands. Every play begins with the center getting the ball to you, and you have the control and more importantly the responsibility to run the play in the fashion it was intended. If you fumble, it's your fault. If your running back fumbles, it's your fault. If your wide receiver catches and fumbles or tips and it's picked off, it's all your fault. The game rests entirely on your shoulders, regardless of who else is on the team.

In passing plays, it's much, much more than simply a toss and catch. You have to be completely cognisant of everything around you. You have to read the defense pre-snap, adjusting to what they're showing you and what you know they do post-snap. After the snap, You have to keep your eyes downfield, all the while know what's happening with your protection, and adjusting to it as your line adjusts to where you are. You have to read the secondary, and know where your players are, oftentimes WITHOUT looking at them, because when you do, the secondary will adjust to what you are looking at. You have to often times look at a receiver to pull the secondary over there, then pass to another wideout. You have to read 2, 3 sometimes more wideouts before making a decision to throw. YOu have to throw not to where the wideout is, but where he WILL be, and ensure that no defensive back will be there. You have to throw it in such a way as to ensure that ONLY your back or receiver will catch it. You have to do this knowing that as soon as you do, you will probably be hit, very hard by a 300+ pound lineman or a 250 pound linebacker who wants nothing more than to hit you so hard that you will not get back up. You will get him with your arm outstretched, but you can't pull back and brace for the hit because that will affect your release.

And you have 3 to 5 seconds to do all of that. Then pick yourself back up, and do it again. And you have to love doing this EVERY SINGLE GAME because if you don't, you will never succeed.

You have to know that when your team wins, you have to give the credit to everyone else on the team but yourself, and if you lose, you have to accept all the blame.

And I have to do it all without my best friend.

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Old 09-11-2007, 01:00 PM   #28
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Any updates?
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