
Will There Ever Be Another NCAA Football (Written 1/15/15)

Posted 08-30-2015 at 12:49 PM by AdamJones113
With the end of the suit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), led by ex-NCAA athlete Ed O’Bannon (UCLA, basketball), Electronic Arts agreed to a $40 million settlement with over 100,000 ex-collegiate athletes. O’Bannon filed a suit against the NCAA for their exploitation, and in the video game industry for the improper use of their image:

“EA’s internal spreadsheets show that each avatar was matched to dozens of the real student-athlete’s identifying characteristics,”...
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That ReDraft #3: 2011 NBA Draft

Posted 04-28-2015 at 04:46 PM by AdamJones113
1. Cleveland Cavaliers
Actual Pick: Kyrie Irving, PG
ReDraft Pick: Kyrie Irving, PG

Irving's tenure with the Cavaliers hasn't been the most successful, or as more critics like to point out, the most efficient. However, Irving was the main buoy and life preserver for Cleveland between the LeBron James eras, and since the King's return Irving has maintained his role. He's still a dynamic player in his own right and the best this draft had to offer.

2. Minnesota...
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That ReDraft #2: 2012 NBA ReDraft

Posted 04-17-2015 at 08:27 AM by AdamJones113
1. New Orleans Hornets (Pelicans)
Actual Pick: Anthony Davis, PF/C
Re-Draft Pick: Anthony Davis, PF/C

The Hornets/Pelicans hit a home run with this Unibrow pick, and given the chance they'd reprise it immediately. It was a given then and it's a given now, especially given Davis' incredible stat line. New Orleans' franchise player is averaging 22 points, 9.1 rebounds, and a league-leading 2.4 blocks per game. More than worth a #1 pick.

2. Charlotte Bobcats (Hornets)...
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That ReDraft #1: 2010 NBA ReDraft

Posted 04-12-2015 at 05:02 PM by AdamJones113
It's commonly said that draft picks can't truly be assessed after one year, despite analysts persisting in grading the draft picks immediately after their selections. Plenty of undrafted players and late picks have gone on to be forces in the league, even becoming all-stars—an accolade that can't be allotted to that many top-5 picks.

1. Washington Wizards
Actual Pick: John Wall, PG
Re-Draft Pick: John Wall, PG

Wall has been the leader and face of Washington Wizards...
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A Few Ideas

Posted 06-18-2013 at 11:33 PM by AdamJones113
A couple of goals for both the offense and defense, now that spring training is done (I admit it, I ALWAYS sim it all...):
Offensive goals:
1. Work counts, getting progressively deeper in the game. I am terrible at walks, but I should be able to tire out this pitcher if I can take at least two pitches per at-bat. Working with a terrible offensive team (cleanup hitter- Lucas Duda...) this will be a great advantage at the end of a series, if my woeful squad can get into a bullpen quickly....
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