Just mostly random rants from me, more than likely late at night when I need to get stuff off my mind.


Posted 02-12-2009 at 03:05 AM by bjf1377
Disclaimer: I am fine, I have no plans to hurt myself now or ever...

I hate depression with a burning passion. Its been about 2 years now since its been full blown and I couldn't be anymore ready to be rid of it. Unfortunately, its genetic and I'm screwed. I wouldn't mind it if I was just sad all the time; that'd be bearable to me. Its the fact that I sit here every night after everyone has gone to bed, and the only thoughts running through the depressed part of my mind are those...
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The same actors in my favorite shows

Posted 12-04-2008 at 05:48 PM by bjf1377
Updated 12-04-2008 at 05:50 PM by bjf1377
So I started thinking about this today. I only occasionally watch TV and I rarely get involved in shows. But I noticed that of the shows I have gotten interested in (The Black Donnellys, The Wire, Generation Kill, and Fringe are 4 of the 6 shows I regularly watch) share a lot of the same actors. So I just wanted to use this to plot it all out in my head:

Lance Reddick: Fringe & The Wire

Kirk Acevedo: Fringe & The Black Donnellys

Billy Lush: The...
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Stream of Consciousness for 12/1/08

Posted 12-01-2008 at 04:40 AM by bjf1377
- Just got done watching The Incredible Hulk. I really made me realize that I'm not a huge fan of movies that try to combine absurd, unrealistic premises with real life. Its not to say that they aren't decent movies, but I'm just not a fan cause I get taken out of the story too easily. Same thing happened with Iron Man. It was just too far out for me to possibly believe it could happen. And you may ask "How can you like Batman then?" Well, because its at least mildly plausible. The new...
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Good day

Posted 11-18-2008 at 04:37 AM by bjf1377
Got the Pizza Hut lunch buffet with my buddies early in the day. I paid off the water bill on time which is always a positive. Then I came home we played some system link Horde on Gears of War 2.

Went to work for 3 hours. It wasn't bad, a little busy, but not bad. There's a cute new trainer working there now so I look forward to working with her for sure. The only downside was the heavy snow showers that suddenly came as I was collecting carts. The parking lot went from clear to...
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First blog

Posted 11-14-2008 at 05:03 AM by bjf1377
Well, I'll probably use this to rant about stuff from now on. Especially when I don't feel like bothering my friends with it. I figure I have a music blog that I have to keep personal stuff out of, so I have to have somewhere to vent at.
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